#( fatedefyd: xing. )
newdleboy Β· 1 year
@fatedefyd picked:
Xing: [ unconsciously holds his hand ] 🀝
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β–¬β–¬β–¬ ☁ Β  Β  Β He has no choice but to just hold her hand && feel super duper giddy the whole time. But he's playing it cool.
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newdleboy Β· 1 year
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@fatedefyd said: "You know better than anyone about why I don't care for the Jade Emperor.. my mom became someone else's collateral damage thanks to him-- and it's ALSO thanks to him that I have the scars I do today. So excuse me if I'm not exactly a well of sympathy about him being replaced."
β–¬β–¬β–¬ ☁ Β  Β  Β MK let out a sigh. His intention wasn't to start an argument. It wasn't quite there yet, but he could feel it brewing. Hopefully he could diffuse it before they blew up. The monkie kid took a few moments of being quiet to think about what he really wanted to say. Of course he knew how Xingyin felt about the previous Jade Emperor. He didn't like the guy. But that wasn't what this was all about.
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                              ❝ It's not -- I don't really care that much about him being replaced. It's about who replaced him. Azure - he lied to me && used me! He trapped Monkey King in the scroll-- Look at the sky! The world is falling apart, Xingyin. ❞
Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Ugh, words were hard. He groaned in frustration, putting his head in his hands. Everything was so stressful right now && this was just adding to it.
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                              ❝ He still needs to be stopped. We're all going to do that. Starting with freeing Monkey King. ❞
Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  He hoped that she could understand that. He wasn't going to sit by && let all of this happen.
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newdleboy Β· 1 year
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@fatedefyd asked: ".. And YOU look... exhausted, if I'm being honest." A look of hesitation as she sits on her couch, covered in a throw blanket her mother had sent her, and an idea forms. Xingyin opens a side of her blanket with an arm, a -- hopefully -- inviting expression on her face. "Do you maybe want to.. take a nap with me?"
β–¬β–¬β–¬ ☁ Β  Β  Β MK smiled, trying his best to fight off a yawn at this exact moment. He didn't want to admit how tired he was. He wanted to spend time with Xingyin. Of course he did! Unfortunately, he had been up for so long at this point. Thankfully, Xing always had the answer. There was no hesitation as he took his jacket off && immediately joined her under the blanket, arms wrapping around her waist. Once he was comfortable, he sighed contently. It always felt good to be close to Xingyin.
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                              ❝ A nap, with you? That sounds like the best thing ever right now. I'm actually so tired; I can't even move again. Guess we're stuck here forever. ❞ He joked, nuzzling into her.
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newdleboy Β· 10 months
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specifically from k-xing bc OBVIOUSLY this is just for shits and giggles
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Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β   ❝  That’s my girl!  ❞
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newdleboy Β· 11 months
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@fatedefyd asked: "oh, these? it's okay, they're just scars- they're definitely not contagious or anything!" throws xing at him again
β–¬β–¬β–¬ ☁ Β  Β  Β MK hadn't meant to stare, he just noticed the scars along her body at that moment. When she asked what he was looking at, he'd just pointed; but her response got a laugh out of him. She was so funny, even without trying! That was one of the things he liked so much about her.
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                              ❝ No, no - I know they're not contagious. I was just looking... How'd you get them? ❞
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newdleboy Β· 1 year
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β™₯ xingyin [ whenever this ship is currently is up to u!! ]
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Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  ❝ Β Yeah I wasn’t even sweatin’ it with you, honey! I knew you had that one in the bag!  ❞
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newdleboy Β· 1 year
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@fatedefyd asked: ❛ where do you think you're going? ❜ / goldenarcher was getting too happy, let the perfect couple Fite
β–¬β–¬β–¬ ☁ Β  Β  Β MK had never really felt irritation toward Xingyin before now. It wasn't really a feeling he liked, but it was what it was. Throwing his jacket on && heading toward the door, he did hesitate when she called out. But wasn't this what she wanted?
Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  All of this actually started earlier in the day. He didn't have training with Monkey King && it was a day off! So he wanted to spend it with Xing. They'd been spending most days together by this point, settling into this new relationship. He thought he was just being sweet, all he wanted was to spend time with her. He still didn't know why she was upset with him; clearly there was something wrong, she'd snapped at him! So of course, MK snapped back && the argument went on from there. His hand balling up into a fist at his side, he finally answered her.
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                              ❝ URGH - I'm going home. Because you obviously don't want me here right now! That's how it sounds anyway! I'll talk to you later or something. ❞
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newdleboy Β· 1 year
just some rambles abt mk's relationships and how far he's willing to go for people he loves - but mostly xing/mk ( tw: mentions of death! )
so like this stems from @fatedefyd and i plotting a death for xingyin and mk just... he does not handle this well at all. literally he will break into the underworld to bring her back and in the midst of this, he's going to pull a wukong and cross his name, xingyin's and all of his friends out of the book of death without a second thought. now, he doesn't TALK to anybody about this before he does it, so he doesn't know what the consequences of this action is going to be. ( but honestly? even if he DID have an idea of the consequences... he'd still do it. )
literally all he's thinking about is bringing xingyin back because the idea of living without her is literally impossible to mk because she means so god damn much to him. and if i'm being totally honest here - this is something he'd do for pretty much any partner he has. because he loves so much and so hard, if he's not called on it, it can become unhealthy.
not necessarily in the way that he'll become manipulative and possessive ( he just wants his partner to be happy, whether they're together or not ) - but if left unchecked, mk will make his s/o his entire life. thankfully!!! he's surrounded by people who aren't going to let him get away with that kinda behavior, so most the time it's alright, he can be normal. as normal as mk can be, obviously.
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