#( ethan winters — character study )
thepunkranger · 3 months
So I was thinking about Claire Redfield (as you do) and how much of an insane badass she is for not only holding her own in Raccoon City, but also protecting a child throughout the entire nightmare, and specifically how, for all intents and purposes, Claire in Resident Evil 2 during Raccoon City and Ashley in Resident Evil 4 are the closest thing to peers that they have.
Both of them are college-aged girls with zero combat/survival experience who've been dropped into a zombie-infested hellhole and have to find their way out, but Ashley is so starkly different of a character to Claire.
From a writing standpoint, Ashley is a very literal damsel in distress character. She's young, she's inexperienced, and she does, in fact, need a man to save her (no shade, I'd probably need Leon and his rippling abs to save me too). Now, she does grow significantly as a character throughout the events of the fourth game, and even gets to save Leon a couple of times, but she's still very much a young girl in need of help
Now, in comparison, Claire Redfield is a damsel in distress in the same way Meg from Hercules is
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Claire is actually canonically younger in Resident Evil 2 than Ashley is in 4, being only 19, but goddamn is this girl not going to let that stop her. And while Claire does have a bit more skill with self-defense, all that really adds up to is forcing Chris to teach her knife fighting and probably going to the shooting range with him a couple of times. Claire is very confident in herself, but she doesn't have much real world experience to back that up. Girl rode her motorcycle into a zombie-infested city with nothing but a gun (where did she get this gun? We don't know) to do a welfare check on her brother and came out less scathed than the literal cop she made friends with.
And then, there's Sherry. Claire finds a random child hiding in the police station, saying that she's looking for her mom, and makes it her personal mission to protect her at all costs. And when said girl gets taken by the literal chief of police? Claire grabs her grenade launcher and decides that's gonna be his problem because by god is she taking care of that little girl.
By the time they make it out of the city Sherry might as well be Claire's biological daughter, and she is not about to let anything happen to her (forthcoming events out of her control notwithstanding)
Which, in a way, honestly I think makes 19-year-old Claire Redfield actually a closer peer to Ethan Winters.
Ethan is a nearly 30-year-old man who works an office job (I think he's IT?) and whose wife went missing a few years ago. When he finds out she's actually alive he grabs a flashlight and hops in his car to drive to Louisiana to bring her home.
This man finds out that his wife has been possessed, and he doesn't give a shit. He loves her. He made a vow to care for and protect her, and by god is he going to test the limits of 'til death do us part. He takes on an entire family of fucked up hillbillies and literal mold demons to bring her home. And when he does? They have a daughter, and Ethan is ready to sacrifice the world for her too.
All of Resident Evil 8 is just him fighting a pantheon of demons to save his baby girl armed with nothing but a gun he grabbed off a dead guy (he's from Texas, so I'm not gonna question it) and his innate knowledge of how to make life-saving elixirs. And yes, he does save both his wife and his daughter
Idk, I just think it's interesting that Claire and Ashley are so similar in age and life experience, but Claire winds up having the most in common with the Awkward Suburban Dad in the end
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coffeebrownn · 1 year
Will you ever do any headcanons for Leon?! I'm very curious about your take on him! because I see him as a man who needs lots and lots of therapy...
AHHH HELLO ZARCSART!!! 😭😭 AHHH ok,, after a few weeks of thinking aboht it, i don't have a lot of headcanon for him,, but this is my version at least!!
- did't have relationship with chris(?) but they did date and meet a lot, did a lot of one night stand between each other as well. Confessed towards each other and at the same spotlight they also acknowledge that this is as far ad they can go in term of domesticity snd relationship since they're both still working to fight B.O.W. Of course, they both appreciate and care for each other's company, however it's mostly bad timing.
- leon did that (relationship/confession) a lot towards other people since he's stressed, his job clearly eating him alive snd he (and others) doesn't have a great midnset to follow through
- so, in my version, he's practically single and shown no interest on getting into relarionship. him, luis and ashley are very platonic, he did have interest towards ada and chris, but from the mention above, just bad timing. and with that, he just adapt to his own thoughts and doesn't mind being alone.
- he's an extrovert! easily he can strike any conversation, but also he doesn't mind spending time with himself, he's very chill and the type of person who you can just sit down with (as a stranger) and you wouls find his presence to be soothing (unlike chris (intimidating) and ethan (awkward))
- sarcasm is a part of his vocabulary now, if you have a device to translate his intonation, he would have a lot of sarcastic comments. so a lot of flirting, lying jokes and death threats as jokes, chris (of course) sometimes confused this with him being serious.
- really big on "fake it 'till you make it", made a mistake? improvise it and present it as it's a bettr version than before, after working as an agent his whole life he practically crack the code of the art of charisma/persuasion, and for the most part it's just him bullshitting through anything
- he uses hair straightners every morning
- i remember him liking egg benedict, so he's really intk brunch, that includes hashbrown as well, he might find mcdonalds hasbrown to be the best one of the kind.
- he doesn't smoke like chris but use nicotine patch, he doesn't mind the cigarette smoke as well, there's some longing feeling when he smells it
- he (in default) drinks his coffee with a spoonful of sugar and splash of milk (he can drink black, it's up to his mood and what time it is)
- he is as parhetic as chris, but people let him go because of his charisma/rizz, (chris has none)
- prefer dog than to have a kid, and it checks out, if he had a dog, not matter the size is, he would use those baby carrier/stroller to carry them around. (ethan loves both pets and children, and as for chris, he express disdain of both of them before getting to the actual activity, and he'll grow to love them (children and pets))
- with that in mind, leon LOVES his Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Dog, and pampers her around, calls her his "little princess", it was a gift from ashley.
- he feels the type of person who prefer savory kinds of meals same with claire and luis, unlike ethan (and chris (secretly) who have a sweethtooth...
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messier-47 · 1 year
A study on Ethan Winters because Resident Evil's got me in a chokehold and bruh he's so fucked? I love him?
But also this is MAJOR "taking liberty" of a fictional character cause no chill. Warning: this is....long post, a character study
RE7, RE8
So admittingly I was tempted to write RE fanfic cause brain go brrrrrr at thought of spookiness but ultimately didn't however if I don't bleed out these thoughts and feelings about RE and Ethan Winters it's gonna fester.
First off, does anyone else think RE7 and RE8 have two different versions of Ethan? Which...could be excusable seeing as how there's a three year time gap and emotional stage difference, or it could be just "Ethan was always a [blank-slate] character and thus prime for storyline manipulation". RE8 we're given the desperate father ripping apart the world to get to his daughter, scrambling for a handhold against monsters and completely out of his league of bullshit. Whereas RE7 Ethan is so much more fascinating.
RE7 Ethan is my favorite.
Okay, so I watched RE7 gameplay with the intention of taking notes about his character and personality traits and HOOBOY is he an interesting character! So in the beginning we get so much context if you really stop to think about it. First, Mia's ID is a Texas one which means by the time she went missing 3 years ago, she was registered as a Texas resident and probably alongside her husband Ethan. (which i know about the "he's a systems engineer from LA" databook thing but he could both be a systems engineer from LA and be a Texas resident)
Now this bit i think is a little more...take with a grain of salt cause it's not verified but also; Ethan has always been "the ordinary man". so what would an ordinary man do when his wife goes missing around the same time there's a fucking HURRICANE in the gulf of mexico? He'd report it! Missing person's report! cause he's not a psycho with something to hide! His wife is missing! she was babysitting some rich brat along the coastline and he'd lost all contact after the Hurricane hit Louisiana! if her body were to wash up, the boat she was found, anything having to do with her disappearance, there'd already be a papertrail of proper protocol without the question "Why didn't you report her missing?"
So Texas may be different? idk, I think I heard something somewhere "after two years, a missing person's case is closed and legally declared dead" or something. maybe that's why ETHAN WINTERS GOES TO LOUISIANA ALONE TO FIND HIS PRESUMINGLY DEAD WIFE.
the "maybe this is all a prank" comment I'm willfully ignoring cause wtf Ethan what about the relationship with your wife made it okay to disappear for three years all for an elaborate ruse? Except somehow the "it's just a prank" is probably what pushed him beyond the limits of rationality. Abandoned van outside the house with "accept her gift"? obvious a mystery treasure hunt. Weird carcass effigy? gross and wow this prank is getting fancy. dilapidated house full of rot and rank? nice movie set bro, where are the cameras? especially with all the "fabricated" evidence of twenty people having gone missing around here and oh wow a convenient VHS about "paranormal investigators" to show where the secret chambers are. but goddamn his mental fortitude is strong to be able to jump in putrid basement water to go find his wife. dead corpse rising out of the waters and he just presses on, probably thinking it was fake or something.
Okay so then we meet Mia and Ethan's slow realization that this is totally NOT A PRANK cause of evil possession or whatever (honestly RE7 in Ethan's POV is hilarious cause he probably isn't thinking how this all ties in with bioweapons, legit thinking demons are the answer) but Ethan gets more talkative in a very interesting way; upon finding Mia, he is immediately interrogative. He's not the overly worried dad friend trying to make sure Mia is fine and that they should escape, no it's Mia who takes the lead in trying to escape cause Ethan is already "you've been missing for three years what the hell is going on?"
And...when Mia claims that she doesn't remember shit (telling the truth) Ethan doesn't believe her. He pulls away to investigate the next room over. and honestly it's understandable in his POV, even if he stops believing this is all a prank; his wife has been missing for 3 years and claims to not remember why she'd ended up here (also there's a history of Mia having lied about some pretty important details in the past?)
As we go on through the story, Ethan...personal opinion here, but he reads as pretty calloused. I know the fandom jokes/remarks about Ethan's "fuck this especially" meter throughout the games but goddamn in the beginning of RE7 his meter was already damn high. He's...bitter? prickly? i don't have the word for it, but he's definitely a man who'd gone to Louisiana to finally get some fucking answers from his wife.
You know what I found super interesting? His interaction with the sheriff. So policeman shows up in front of house Ethan is trapped in and like a regular person he goes "hey there's some crazy people here you gotta help me" and sheriff is understandably wary of the whole situation. But Ethan Winters takes a risk in manipulating the policeman to get what he wants "do you want to read about me in tomorrow's obituary or do you want to be the hero?" which is so interesting to me. Why would he use this tactic? and this is something Ethan decided to do, there's no game mechanic where the player chooses his response, this is Ethan Winters using the cop's ego to try to get immediate help.
Throughout the game, Ethan is shown to be...honestly he's damn quiet. Yeah, sure he talks and shows his personality but he keeps his cards close to the chest. All his talks with Zoe make it pretty clear that he is motivated on a singular goal and he isn't persuaded by this "we" talk Zoe keeps bringing up. Looking at fandom, I honestly thought Ethan was going to be a little more chatty and while he does have some one-liners and quips, they are not at the same level as...let's say Leon Kennedy. Also, his humor is different from Leon's. I watched RE2 and 4 and whereas Leon has a love for ironic+witty humor (also can't shut up), Ethan has more of a dry wit.
Watches older woman crawling down tunnel on four legs like a bug, "That's special."
Figures out shadow operated puzzle doors "Who builds this shit?"
manages to clear out bioweapon cesspit by himself and the professionals arrive "What took you so long?"
Hmmm, and I know fandom loves to rib about his IT guy attire throughout RE7 but have y'all noticed his fucking shoes? ankle cowboy boots. Understated, completely speaks about where he's coming from, but also fits with the "i'm modern and know software engineering" typecast. And his car? A 1971 Dodge Challenger (could be a Vanishing Point reference but honestly if it's not ment to be-) it's a retro muscle car. A classic. Our boy loves his cars and did you see how nice it was in the beginning? spic-and-span paint job with the nice interior finish, it looks like it was well taken care of and Ethan was confident enough to actually drive it out to cross-state roadtrip.
Another interesting thing that only adds to what we've already seen of him was when Zoe makes two serums, she offers both probably just to show Ethan that they were made and he takes both. Why? ...I'm not sure. If he was only grabbing for Mia, he'd just taken one and let Zoe have her own syringe. But he took both. thoughtlessness? or was it an added show of his character in COMBINATION of whatever the fuck was going on during his interaction with the sheriff? In actuality, it was probably just the videogame needing Ethan to have the two so that he can use one on Jack and he'd have the "hard" choice of choosing between Mia and Zoe. It's still a pretty interesting detail if someone would want to further look into it.
then there's the "Thanks Ethan for choosing me" "Who the hell else could I choose?" "Ethan!" which only solidifies Ethan's character for me; He's a jaded man in a desperate search of answers, not really doing all this for the heroics. makes me wonder if there had been a 3rd choice, would he have made a different one. (but i digress because that's stepping into potential shipping territory)
Ethan once again tries to get answers from Mia and when she isn't able to give anything more concrete, he just lets the silence hang. Admittingly, the silence could've been the videogame setting up for the epic reveal of the boat and mold tentacles but this is also repeated behavior. Ethan asks Mia questions twice, once in the beginning and the second time right now and when Mia claims to not remember anything/have told him everything, he distances himself. No, wait, I'm dumb, Ethan pushes for Mia to try to start remembering. Which...idk maybe I'm reading too far into this, was kinda sardonic? "I honestly don't remember." "Try." and then the silence happens...before the boat comes into view.
Sardonic isn't the right word. In my opinion, Ethan is a "quiet" man, not as outspoken as the rest of the RE cast, so it's really hard to read tone when i ain't given much to compare/contrast to. All his dialogue have a different weight because he talks so little. Compare his dialogue with Chris, Leon, Jill, anyone else within the franchise and his character is immediately drowned out by the titans of other personalities. But get him by himself? reflect on his circumstances, context, and what he does say? He's a deeply complex character, alot of his reasoning and background is hidden and left to be inferred.
He's not a "heroic" character. He's not doing all of this to defeat evil or get justice or make the world a better place. Of course he's a survivor but...he's got a "get 'er done" personality. Ethan goes to Louisiana for answers. The truth as he told Mia multiple times. If he has to go fight a family with a bad case of swamp fever to get those answers then so be it.
Headcanon time: I honestly think Ethan is a born and bred Texan. He might have gone to LA to get his degree and a job as a systems engineer (which may explain how he knew how to build a flamethrower) but there is something about Ethan that is more than just "he now lives in Texas so he wears cowboy ankle boots and drives a muscle car". it's the "get 'er done" attitude. Maybe part of the reason why he's so mentally resilient when faced with horror is because of this cultural mental state of "get 'er done". Also explains how he's so adept with a wide range of guns.
And...wow this has grown awefully long and I haven't even gotten started on RE8 Ethan Winters character study yet so lemme make a second post.
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bitbugbites-re · 1 year
𝙵𝚒𝚛𝚜𝚝 𝙺𝚒𝚜𝚜 | 𝔥𝔢𝔞𝔡𝔠𝔞𝔫𝔬𝔫𝔰
Headcanons on how your first kiss would go with different RE men
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characters: Carlos Oliveira, Chris Redfield, Leon S. Kennedy
gender: gn! reader
cw: FLUFF // first kiss :3 // ktober
a/n: guys this is my first non-nsfw post can you believe it
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𝕮𝖆𝖗𝖑𝖔𝖘 𝕺𝖑𝖎𝖛𝖊𝖎𝖗𝖆 (re3r)
Who initiates?
Either one of you. Although, in most scenarios, it's probably going to be Carlos who initiates your first kiss -- he's a very forward guy
His breath isn't awful, although it's not minty either. Very neutral?
I feel like if it was planned beforehand, and he knew he was going to kiss you, he might have chewed some gum? Or at the very least used mouthwash, flossed, scraped his tongue, etc.
He also strikes me as very spur-of-the-moment though, so I feel like in most situations there would be no planning and he'd just go for it. (fuck it, we ball!)
Is there tongue?
No, yeah, this dude would try using tongue on the first kiss LMAO
He'd ease into it though! It wouldn't be straight away.
I don't think it'd be bad if he did, either??? I feel like he'd know what he was doing and it wouldn't be like. AWFUL.
Are they touchy?
You got boobs? They're gonna get squeezed. You got an ass? It's being rubbed. You got arms? They're getting grabbed. You got legs? Already around his hips--
ahem. Conclusion? Yes.
Is it good?
I'd say a first kiss with Carlos, or any kiss with the man at all, would be like an 8 or 9/10. He'd give you the best first kiss out of the other RE men on this list (although, if Ethan Winters were included, he'd easily take that spot. bro's got that supernatural mold-man rizz, or something?)
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𝕮𝖍𝖗𝖎𝖘 𝕽𝖊𝖉𝖋𝖎𝖊𝖑𝖉 (re: death island)
Who initiates?
Probably you, if it's the movie renditions of Chris. I feel like he'd be waaay more reluctant to suck face as compared to his given re5/re6 personality. Although if there were a bit of teasing and build-up, I could see him getting frustrated and kissing you first.
Most likely pretty average breath. I don't think he would really prepare for the kiss if he did know it was coming, though
Not because he doesn't care, but because it just isn't on his mind. I don't think he would think things that far out tbh
He might realize afterward though that his breath could've been STANK. I feel like he would ask and be briefly apologetic over the matter before moving on, and that'd be that
Is there tongue?
No. In fact, I think that if you were to use tongue, he'd probably be shocked and say something about it afterward
Chris probably wouldn't really know how to use his tongue well, either. I feel like he'd just get confused and overwhelmed and go back to kissing you in a regular fashion
Are they touchy?
Semi. I don't think he'd be grabby or overly passionate, but I can see him placing his hands somewhere, like on your hips or arms
Is it good?
Yeah, it'd be a good kiss. Maybe like a 7 or 8/10. Not anything to write home about, but it'd be nice. Just a very regular, low-key interaction
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𝕷𝖊𝖔𝖓 𝕾. 𝕶𝖊𝖓𝖓𝖊𝖉𝖞 (re2r)
Who initiates?
Either one of you, honestly. If he's the one to initiate the kiss, I can see him planning it beforehand -- it wouldn't be a spur-of-the-moment type deal
I'd also like to note, that he'd probably study up on how to kiss you, LOL. Maybe through Google searches or by watching action movies with romance in them?
If he's the initiator and it's been planned -- he's probably going to have a slightly minty taste. Bro is gonna come prepared
HOWEVER. If you're the initiator, you're getting what you get, pal. I feel like he's the type of dude to eat really pungent meals too, like onion-y, garlic-y stuff. Therefore, if this is the case -- good luck, brother
Is there tongue?
No tongue. He'd prefer to share a more gentle, slow kiss for your first.
Again, if you slipped him some tongue, I think he'd be a little taken aback. I don't think he'd say anything, though -- he'd probably just try his best to follow along (although I don't think he'd be very good at it -- I'M SO SORRY FELLOW LEON STANS PLS DON'T COME FOR ME)
Are they touchy?
Not unless you got touchy with him first. And even then, I think he'd be a little hesitant and/or clumsy about it.
You'd probably send him into a mini-panic, tbh. He'd pull through, though.
Is it good?
Depends. On. The. Breath.
If you caught him off guard and he ate some kinda garlic-y pasta or chicken recipe earlier in the day, well...I'm praying for you, buddy. Hard 5/10.
If he's got good breath, then I'd say a solid 7/10. I feel like your first few kisses would be pretty normal, and then as time goes on, he'd work his way up to like an 8 or 9/10 on average -- he'd learn quickly what you like and don't like :P
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For the official and original Kinktober 23 prompts, check here. Credits to @kinktober2023 for the ideas!
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RE8 | Wintersberg | Romance, Slow Burn | Action, Sci-Fi
Sequel of Winters and the Beast, a Resident Evil: Village Story
Table Of Contents
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Ethan’s eyes opened and he was surprised to see the bedroom, washed in shades of grey.  Dawn would come soon; but hadn’t he just been gone briefly?  He’d already cried out as he reappeared in the room.  Karl awoke with a start, his eyes wild and glinting in the dim light as he grabbed Ethan rather brutishly.  
Either he saw the dark stain pooling or he smelled the spilled blood, because he located the wound in seconds, and cursed.  Ethan tried to sit up, and then immediately fell back in pain.  What the hell had that asshole stabbed him with?  It felt as if it had broken off inside.  Every movement was torture.  And he’d hit one of the larger vessels that nestled underneath Ethan’s ribs; blood was still pouring from behind the slender fingers.  
That Karl had the mental capacity to reach under the bed where Ethan kept stacks of clean linen, and hastily slide one of the folded pillowcases over the wound, swiping Ethan’s hand away and holding pressure himself, all while completely nude, spoke to his character and experience with emergency trauma.  He didn’t ask what happened, and instead continued to study the blond for other wounds as Ethan hissed, “Not the bamboo sheets! Do you have any idea how expens–”
“Shut up,” Karl said, tilting his head as if listening to something.  One hand hovered over the wound as the other applied crushing pressure-the pillowcase was already getting saturated in almost-black blood.  As if to the wound instead of Ethan, Karl muttered, “Why aren’t you healin’?”
Rosemary began to cry from the adjacent room, and Ethan cringed, having tried to instinctively rise.  He felt the scrape of metal inside and cried out again as he was forced to lower his torso.  Any muscle activation from his abdominals was agony. .  There was definitely something inside of him.  
He hissed through his teeth, wanting to explain this.  While he tried to form words, both men heard running footsteps and a door upstairs slammed.  Karl was still practicing his strange hover-hand maneuver over Ethan while the excruciatingly-painful stab wound was somewhat dulled by the brunette’s overwhelmingly strong applied pressure.   
Running footsteps on the stairs, then the hall.  Eva appeared, blinking into focus, in the middle of the room.  Her blond strands were tied up in braids piled on her head, and she wore a billowing gown.  But one milky-white hand was raised to her face, covering her eyes.  
“Are you both decent?” 
“Yes,” from Karl. 
“No,” from Ethan. 
They’d spoken at the same time.  Eva rolled her eyes behind her hand, and Donna entered the room the old fashioned way–through the door–seconds later.  She made a strange choking noise at seeing Karl on the bed unclothed, and mimicked Eva’s hand gesture.  Heisenberg spoke without turning around.  “Eva, can you get Rosemary outta there.  Donna.  Take the door to the basement, it’s past the dining room.  Brown bag on the counter, bring it up.” 
“I should be healing,” Ethan stuttered as the two women moved in opposite directions, following orders.  
“You sure did when I stabbed you,” Heisenberg said thoughtfully, and Ethan’s lips drooped into a frown as he realized the other had probably examined him while he was unconscious, after their first meeting.  In fact, knowing Karl, he’d probably stabbed Ethan a few more times just for science and then went and cheerfully wrote in his diary about it.  
“But you healed after I pulled the debris out.”  
“Oh, great.”  Ethan was still trying not to move, and flinching continually from the pain.  It felt like even breathing caused the thing to nick more of his nerves, or guts, or something.  Eva hurried past them, Rose in arms, and she shot a worried look at Ethan as she passed.  
“I’ll start…food,” she issued apologetically as she exited the room, Rose’s cries continuing as she was carried away from her father.  
Finally satisfied that there were no other wounds to attend to, Karl raised a sardonic eyebrow at Ethan. 
“What the hell happened, exactly?” 
“You’re not going to like this,” Ethan said, trying to roll onto his left side to assist the pain, and failing.  He curled into a ball, Karl’s pressure on the wound still gnawing at his nerves.  “But I was in your factory, and it was…it looked like…you.” 
Ethan mashed his face onto a pillow.  “You didn’t have scars or a beard.  And…a different accent.” 
Karl stroked his beard with his free hand, and seemed to make a decision on his own.  He pulled the mostly-saturated dressing slowly away, and watched the blood ooze out for only a second before his hovering right hand returned to the area.  He’d created a small magnetic field under his palm.  Both Karl and Ethan could feel the tug of metal underneath the skin, feel it twitch in response to being magnetized.  Ethan cried out in pain as a white-hot slashing sensation cut through more of his tissue, but then felt immediate, intense relief.  
A broken shard of blade shot into Karl’s hand, and the engineer clasped it, returning pressure to the wound immediately. 
Donna entered the room, still averting her eyes as she approached with the bag.  Karl didn’t move to acknowledge her, but he said in a too-easygoing tone, “Feel like stitchin’ him up if he can’t heal it?” 
“Of course,” she exhaled, equally unbothered by the idea, and Ethan’s eyes almost fell out of his head.  No way.  No thanks.  Donna with needles was the combination of every nightmare in the world.  
But his pain had lessened greatly with the Heisenberg-flavored extraction, and Ethan successfully sat up, panting.  He tugged at the pillowcase makeshift bandage.  “I think…I can.  Let me see.” 
Hesitantly, Karl pulled the bandage away again and the trio stared at the wound.  Ethan at one time would have found the idea of Karl Heisenberg and Donna Beneviento curiously bending forward to look at his bloody abdomen together, waiting for it to magically heal, an absolutely insane occurrence.  Nothing felt insane in his life anymore.  
At first, blood still seeped from the wound and Karl shook his head, as if to say “Time’s up,” but just as he motioned for the leather bag and whatever lay within it, Ethan’s peachy skin became tinged with black around the jagged hole in his body.  The black areas burned, the same way his finger stumps had before the fingers reappeared.  In several moments, the abdominal wound closed up, and Ethan fell back against the bed, covered in sweat.  Not only the skin healed; he could feel the inflamed, torn tissue inside settle down into a tolerable throb of pain.  
“How incredible,” Donna commented, and her wide brown eyes turned up toward Ethan.  “Is this something that…my body…Could also do now?” 
“Probably,” Ethan said, exhaling loudly again as Karl took another clean pillowcase and tossed it at Donna.  She moved to the bathroom, wetting the fabric, and Ethan made an annoyed noise when it was brought back to Karl and promptly put onto his wound, mopping up the bloodied skin around it.  
“You’re buying a whole new set,” Ethan frowned, but Karl didn’t seem to be in a mood to make a snide comment back.  He cleaned Ethan’s skin and then turned his attention to the blade in his own palm.  Donna, after ensuring her sewing skills weren’t needed, excused herself to go assist Eva, leaving the two men alone.  
“You were in the consciousness, I’m guessin’,” Karl began cautiously.  
“That’s not all you brought back,” the other said, and Ethan stared quizzically.  Karl thumbed toward the bottom of the bed where, amid the kicked-off blankets, lay a familiar golden bowl.  
“Oh!” It was a welcome sight, Ethan realized.  He stretched toward it gingerly, testing out the ache in his body.  Ethan was able to grab the bowl, and with a slight blush he placed it on the nightstand.  He knew Godric had nothing to do with what had happened; how did he know that?  Didn’t matter, he just…knew.  In fact, Ethan surmised that Godric would have falcon-punched Not-Karl through every available stratum of Mold and into the void had he been aware of the situation.  
And though Ethan should probably have felt some confusion or mistrust at Karl, he knew better.  This Heisenberg had done nothing but work to save him; there was nothing to mistrust.  Karl turned the shard of blade over; there was a particularly bothered look across his usually amiable features.  
“I know this knife,” Karl said simply, and he tossed the fragment in his hand, magnetizing it again and allowing it to float several inches above his palm.  “Your wound is on your right side,” he added in an even stranger tone of voice.
Karl was staring at him directly now, intently.  Ethan met his eyes, and raised his own eyebrows, questioning. The brunette’s next question was clipped. 
“He left handed?”
Ethan’s brows lowered into a frown as he fought to remember, and then he scratched his fluffy, messy–thanks to Godric–hair.  “The knife.  It was in his left hand, yeah.” 
Karl’s angry head-shake was never a good thing, even less of a good thing when it was after a comment made by Ethan.  The blond didn’t dare speak, so he stared expectantly at the older man.  
While shaking his head, Karl’s eyes were on the blood-soaked sheet past Ethan, and he kept his gaze there when he spoke again. 
“It’s my brother.”   
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strawbebemilk · 2 months
Ethan Winters is such a likable character. He's an IT guy. He's a wife guy. He is subjected to unimaginable horrors. He rescues his wife and esacpes. He never really escapes. He's made of mold. He's a dad. He has a PhD in gender studies. He tries to put his hand in a pot of hot soup. He reassembles his daughter piece by piece. He keeps losing his hand. He dies and comes back. He dies and comes back. He dies one more time and stays dead. He has good handwriting.
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g-kat423 · 1 year
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New fic just dropped. It’s a character study I’ve been wanting to write. Super narration heavy. Chapter one spans from Alcina’s birth to age 19
“Before the castle of blood and death, Alcina Dimitrescu was merely the sickly child of a fallen noble with few prospects.
A character study spanning from the day of her birth until that fateful encounter with Ethan Winters.”
This fic will have a much darker tone and different style than everything else I’ve written so far(not an x reader) Hope you enjoy the angst and trauma as much as I do.
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euryalex · 2 years
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Hi and welcome to my blog! I'm Emily, an artist who studies cross media design. I'm a 20+yo, autistic, NB, freyromantic lesbian from Belgium. My url refers to Euryale, one of Medusa's sisters. My icon, as of now, is Wyll Ravengard from Baldur's Gate 3. My header is an edit of Ada Wong from the Resident Evil 4 Remake, made by me.
Current hyperfixation: Baldur's Gate 3 Tracking: #usereuryalex
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1.) As an LGBT+ person, I stand by my trans & aspec siblings. 2.) Racism of any kind is not tolerated. I am white but won't reblog anything that even looks suspicious. If I speak out against something, it will be tagged accordingly. 3.) I post a lot of fan content, i.e.: fanart, graphics, edits etc. As of writing this, I have 68+ OCs for various media and love reblogging content from my friends and their OCs. Feel free to hit me up to tell me about your OCs! 4.) That being said, this a very OC-heavy blog! 5.) Some of the things I post/reblog will be NSFW including, but not limited to: nudity, blood, horror ... Those posts will be tagged accordingly and, if you are a minor or those things make you uncomfortable, I recommend you block them. 6.) Please don't follow if you add your creepy fantasies to innocent people's fan creations. Please. 7.) Don't follow me if you're into dark stuff. This blog is not for you as I am both an abuse and stalker survivor who is critical of AO3.
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Games like: Dragon Age (May be Cullen and Aveline critical. Pro blowing up chantries.); The Elder Scrolls; The Witcher (May be Triss critical); Baldur's Gate 3; Resident Evil; Fallout; Cyberpunk 2077; Dead by Daylight; Red Dead Redemption (Anti Micah, pro Mary, Molly and Abigail); Assassin's Creed (Syndicate in particular); Undertale; Telltale's The Walking Dead; Overwatch; Little Nightmares
Books like: The Witcher (May be Triss critical); A Song of Ice and Fire (May be critical of non-Stark characters); Carmilla
Movies/TV Shows like: Lost; The Walking Dead; Glee (Anti Rachel Berry, Finn Hudson and Will Shuester, pro pretty much everyone else); BBC Ghosts; Derry Girls; Ring (1998); V for Vendetta; The Mummy & The Mummy Returns; Pacific Rim; Saw; Grave Encounters 1 & 2; Friday the 13th; Scream; Halloween; Texas Chainsaw Massacre; Yellowjackets; Renfield
Misc. like: Greek mythology; Space; Sunflowers; Art; Poetry; Zombies; Ghost Files (Watcher); Welcome to Night Vale; Choices; Booktok critical; Lesbian content
Ships like: Geralt x Yennefer (The Witcher); Lena Oxton x Emily (Overwatch); Cole Cassidy x Genji Shimada (Overwatch); Grillby x Muffet (Undertale); Jill Valentine x Carlos Oliveira (Resident Evil 3); Leon x Ada (Resident Evil); Leon x Claire (Resident Evil); Claire x Ada (Resident Evil); Ethan Winters x Mia Winters (Resident Evil); Sherry x Jake (Resident Evil 6)
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• Neocities • My OCs • My art • My character templates (Photoshop) • Mods I use • CoHost • Instagram • Deviantart • Artstation • Artfol • Ko-Fi • YouTube
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friendshipgun · 1 year
💖-specifically, when did you start writing, what kind of things did you write, what inspired you, how has your writing journey looked?
and uh i fuckin forget the emoji but character headcanon(s) for mia winters and/or jesse evilwest (and his twin??)
hope these are fun to answer!
Has there been a point in a story where you did something just to be playfully mean to your readers?
i think maybe you asked this one the last time i reblogged this ask meme but there has also been Fic Progression so i also understand lol. but no, not really. a lot of the time i don't even clock something that might read like that until i get comments about it. i am however mean to Karl and Ethan on purpose and so there is probably splash damage from that lol.
(and i'm gonna have to readmore the rest bc it gets long, apologies) What made you start writing?
i don't know when exactly i started, just that i remember putting little books of "stories" together in elementary school. i wrote what i think technically counts as LOTR fanfic and MLP oc fic lmao. but what i mostly wrote was original fiction. a cousin i was close to as a kid was also big into writing and we ended up attending a summer camp for the arts together in middle school, so i was writing mostly poetry there, but prose too. i also started writing fic with another friend in middle/high school (stuff like pokemon crack fic lmao), but i was still mostly writing original fiction. in high school in particular i got BIG into writing poetry (idk if anyone else knows about allpoetry.com but i sure was spending a heck of a lot of time there), was editor of the high school literary magazine, etc etc. basically i was never not writing. i was also posting way more fic in high school, writing primarily angst at that point and largely for Final Fantasy.
then i went to college and stopped writing for a few years barring academic papers. started taking writing seminars the last few semesters i was there which got me writing again. again mostly original fiction. a lot of supernatural stuff, not really poetry anymore though, which is kind of a shame bc of how much i had liked it. started writing fic again too, a lot of Naruto stuff that i never posted anywhere. then my dad of all people got me into Supernatural and i wrote a bunch of fic for that that i also never posted anywhere. then i went to grad school and the "not writing anything except academic papers" thing started up again rip. really didn't pick it up again as a regular practice until after my dad died a few years back. wrote a bunch of stuff about grief that was uhhhhhhhhh pretty clearly me trying to process shit.
and then it was covid and i lost my job and i was watching playthroughs of re7 and re8 almost concurrently going "but what if you put Heisenberg in the swamp WHAT THEN." as for what inspires me, i guess just about everything? like the number of stories i wrote set in Japan after i'd studied abroad there...is a lot. and with fic it's just like "i just think it would be neat if character i like was in a Situation." when i was writing poetry a lot of it was teenage angst bc i was in high school but i'd also write about cities or people or fantasy epics. anyway this is already really long but yeah basically if i think about it for long enough that it becomes "I Just Think They're Neat" territory i'll want to write something about it.
Mia Winters Headcanon:
she doesn't trust easily and has for a long time kept things about herself secret, or lied outright, as a way to protect herself. she'd been doing this long before she met Ethan and then after...it was habit. and it was easy to keep things about her work secret because it did feel like she was protecting him. and it wasn't like it was going to be forever, she was planning on getting out. she was working on it. she hadn't even thought of something like that--a normal life--until she'd met Ethan, and then it had seemed like...like something attainable. there wouldn't be the need for secrets then, when it was just the two of them. (or so she told herself: it's like pulling off her skin, being that exposed, having nothing between herself and someone else. being seen. completely seen.) anyway this got away from me a bit lmao. but basically i like to try to reconcile her going back to lying post-re7 as a defensive move to protect herself, especially when the BSAA knows everything about her past. i don't think she was intentionally trying to hurt Ethan or anything, just that after Dulvey she'd feel ever more the need to have those secrets as a buffer, combined with a deep, deep fear that Ethan would hate her if he knew. (this is how i am personally smoothing down Mr. Capcom's writing decisions.) Jesse Evil West Headcanon: he has had a crush on Edgar since he was a kid and is outright tormented by it. i imagine him taking issue with how his dad treated Edgar. or feeling jealous of Edgar's loyalty to his dad. just let's give Jesse more issues regarding his dad lmao. the little joke he makes in the game about Edgar kissing him is a ""joke"" but like he is internally yelling UNLESS?????? as vehemently as he can.
thinking also about post-game events, how Bloom was joking around with Edgar and Jesse can absolutely get jealous about that too, like just he's a mess and i don't know if it's better (worse) if he has actually confessed to Edgar and was shot down or has just never confessed to Edgar for fear of getting shot down.
and if you want to bring in Jesse's twin (who is also named Jessie i guess we can just give him an extra vowel) i think it's very funny if both of them alternately fight over and tag team Edgar. co-op, as it were.
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access--granted · 1 year
I'm bad at thinking on the spot, but I have some firm faves, lol. (Disclaimer, I accidentally wrote you an encyclopaedia, sorry!)
1. Jill. REmake was my first game early this year and I played as her. It's what sucked me into fullblown brainrot lmfao. I've played most of the series now and for the most part, Jill has remained one of the most consistent and realistic female characters throughout the series (imo). I mean, I've never looked at my screen an thought "has the director ever seen her character before? What the hell is this?" Which in RE is a rare occurrence lmfao! She isn't super, overly sexualised and I honestly just thoroughly enjoy her personality and story. She knows who she is and what her goals are. Death Island absolutely solidified this for me. It made me feral, I stg. Her arc was phenomenal. I want a brand new Jill campaign. I need her as a main game character again soon. She's one of the best. SHE SHOULD HAVE BEEN THERE WITH CHRIS KILLING WESKER INSTEAD OF SHEVA SOMEBODY HAS TO SAY IT. An original that holds her own. Just... *chefs kiss*.
2. Claire. Similar reasons to Jill. She has clear motivations and a good arc. Her campagin is my favourite part of RE2make and I think it's shamefully underrated. I found her realtionship with Sherry a lot more significant than Leons and honestly, her A playthrough was just... better? That's perisnal opinion though. I wish they'd let this woman buy a new outfit. She's worn the same jacket since '98. Recycling queen I guess, lmfao. I don't think people really give her enough attention or credit. She's incredibly kind and patient but could also beat me to a pulp. Phenomenal.
3. Chris. Okay, a few iffy portrayals but he's overall a very solid character. I like him so much because he's a "terrifying but actually very soft and huggable" trope in my mind, lmao. I can't shake the Awkward Father vibe, no matter how many 400lbs machine guns he plays around with. I just think he's very tired and wants to watch a football game with friends. Give him a break.
4. Ethan Winters. It's fucking Ethan Winters. Ethan and Rose were excellent new additions to the cast. I adored them. They were something different, refreshing, realistic (minus the lego man hands... dude's made of mold tho so...) and just very likeable. Dude just chills in the background at functions wanting to go home.
5. Leon. Leon's equally one of the most interesting but frustrating protagonists. I think his OG progression is a complete mess. There's some parts I love, some parts I think make zero sense. I always got the sense that they wanted to be ambitious with Leon, but didn't know what the audience would and wouldn't accept. Does this man have a personality? Yes, we'll hint at one, but we absolutely must adhere to naughts cringe hero stereotype just incase. He often leaves me perplexed, but I enjoy him. He's fun to nitpick and study (and make fun of!!!) and he arguably has one of the most interesting long-term stories. I think remakes are going harder to bring this to light. At it's core, the Leon story is about his relationship with corruption, the government and how he deals with it and who to trust. It could be... SOMETHING. I think we're getting there. The changes in remakes are making it more and more possible. They're taking risks and it greatly benefits him as a character overall. He makes sense. He's understandable.
(PS a lot of this sounds like nonsensical jumbled ass, I'm so sorry lmao. I did not sleep and I need pain meds today bc hashtag chronic pain. If this message is total dumbassery jibberish you have my deepest apologies!)
Ahhh, hi! I absolutely love a good old encyclopedia ask, don't you worry. (And you're probably gonna get a long ass answer too, lmao).
REmake Jill is my favourite Jill. Her kick ass determination and personality are just so good. She was my first ever example of a strong female character as a kid, and she's always been my absolute fave. Totally agree with you that DI sold her to me even more. She desperately needs a new campaign in a mainline game ASAP, I've missed her too damn much.
I feel like Claire has had most hate in the franchise (in my personal experience, at least), and honestly, I don't get the whole "Claire is so annoying" crap I've seen people say in the past. She has good motivation. A college student going to search for her S.T.A.R.S member brother when she doesn't hear from him, only to survive a hellish night amidst a viral outbreak and cure a child? So badass.
Chris is 100% awkward dad vibes despite his badassery and boulder punching skills, no doubt about it. He's more sensitive than people understand him to be. (Which literally makes no sense, considering how broken he is whenever someone he cares about doesn't make it, lol). Let this man live, put his feet up and relax.
Ethan, my guy. I fucking love him so much. I remember how so many people hated him, back when RE7 first came out. "Oh, but he's just some random guy who is looking for his missing wife. How boring." Uh, isn't that what makes him so much more interesting? He's not an agent, or a S.T.A.R.S member, or whatever like the others are. He's a man willing to go above and beyond to save someone he loves. He gets put through so much shit and still selflessly sacrifices himself. What a guy.
Leon is a hot mess (affectionately). Capcom wanted to do things with OG Leon, and they just didn't know how to go about it. He's definitely a fun one to pick apart and analyse. You're right, though. I definitely think they could really polish what kind of character they want him to be with future installments since they've already gotten him to a pretty decent place already. I've always loved him, but he sure has been a roller coaster ride, hahaha.
Honestly, I always love getting long asks like this, especially from mutuals I wanna talk more to. It's just a shame I'm such a socially awkward coward and can't initiate conversation myself. 😂 I had a lot of fun answering this, so thank you, and I really hope you can rest up soon!
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messier-47 · 1 year
RE7, RE8
A study of Ethan Winters cause I love him as a character and he's so fucking weird? definetely interesting.
I've taken a few liberties about his character
RE8 is so fucked up.
I hate it.
Okay, so Resident Evil games have this entire set up/scheme that they religously follow. If it ain't broke, don't try to fix it, right? RE7 was different because it was a FPS with a very intimate horror setting. It relied solely on horror and not just the adventure side of most Resident Evil games. RE8 was crafted exactly like a typical Resident Evil videogame which isn't bad but Ethan made the difference.
Ethan is "a regular dude" given the motive "save my daughter" with the added emotional turmoil of "my wife is dead". Kinda sounds familiar right? it's almost in parallel with RE7.
"My wife's been missing for 3 years" -> "i just my wife get murdered"
"I must find my wife" -> "i must find my daughter."
So now we have Ethan's entire emotional state and motive to go forth into dangerous scenario to base videogame off of. However...all too quickly everything gets way out of hand. In RE7, the presented story is something understanble and maybe even relateable to Ethan's understanding of the world. He went into the deep swamps of Louisiana and there's a crazy murder family who'd been snatching victims (this is without the explanation of mold which is later revealed to him). Now he walks into a european village and there suddenly werewolves? steampunk man with metal powers? marionette witchcraft? hunchback of putrid mutant? evil seraphim? this is way out of his league of understanding!
And yes, he had some form of military training and was in some form of witness protection program? However there's a BIG difference between "yeah I survived Louisiana madhouse that just happened to be a mold hot spot, afterwards getting military training" and then Leon Kennedy level of bullshit bumfuckery. speaking of Leon, RE8 was odd because it kept treating Ethan as if he was Leon!
I don't mean the "Ethan Winters your reputation proceeds you" or how RE8 was just a reordered version of RE4 with some diverse bossfights, it was the "let's treat Ethan like the heroic character" when...he isn't. RE8 would have been so much better if Miranda and the Lords weren't so concerned over Ethan's appearance. What if Miranda and the Lords were going about their business getting ready for the ceremony when suddenly there was "some guy" who starts culling their army reserve?
Ethan's character in RE8...is pretty bland in comparison to RE7. Again, it's probably because he's a "quiet" man who doesn't really talk to the camera about what he knows, what he's thinking or feeling. RE8 is so big and momentous that it sorta drowns him out as a character with agency. His dialogue isn't as rich, his choices are very guided towards an endpoint, and...even the shit we do see makes Ethan out to be more heroic than what we've seen in RE7.
It's...odd? and maybe this is just bais and opinion at this point but Ethan Winters is a character ill-fitted into the protagonist role of RE8. Whereas Chris Redfeild, Leon Kennedy, and Jill Valentine could all be fitted into heroic roles and imagery like King George and the Dragon, David and Goliath, and Joan of Arc, Ethan was never a character to lead an epic journey. He's more of a "silent hunter"? idk, keep having the image of a slow and steady persistence hunter, verses...whatever the hell the other heroes got going for them.
Really, the storyline of RE8 is ill-suited for Ethan. Can't say I don't understand, a videogame is often just a videogame so the story is compromised to better fit the gameplay. and because it's so bad, I'm really tempted to do a RE8 rewrite fanfic out of pure spite but lmao ain't got enough braincells to spread across two fandoms when i'm already invested in one.
So we go up against the 4 Lords before we have a face-off against Miranda. The segment in Lady D's castle...was awkward in a character development sense. Ethan heads into the castle over and over against cause it's the biggest building around and thus the most likely to have his daughter, except even with the Duke's hints and encouragement, Ethan's motive was really shaky. Why? Because was he in the castle to save his daughter or to kill vampire ladies? would've been better if that part of the game was more dedicated to "run, hide, and investigate" with the sisters trying to hunt for him just like later Lady D would do. Instead we have multiple mini-boss fight scenes before we see the cradle and remember why we're in the castle in the first place. then we fight+defeat Lady D. Which is weird? Okay, so game mechanics Lady D just happens to find you after you kill her 3 daughters and start tomb-robbing. However...story wise it's weird because your PRIME motive is "find my daughter" so why go on killing spree? why the heroics?
we go to Duke and finally get our mission to find/build master key and also collect daughter parts from the 4 Lords.
We go to Beneviento's house which was a WASTED OPPORTUNITY for some character exposition. CURSE YOU ETHAN FOR BEING A QUIET MAN!!! We got to hear Mia talking to herself throughout her pregnaucy and honestly without the added context of "Mia was confronting the truth about both Ethan and her baby being mold people" ...i would have thought all her dialogue was due to a hard pregnaucy. This could have been prime real estate to expose Ethan and Mia's relationship, how they healed after RE7, their thoughts about building back their marriage, their fears and even the doubts about having a child. but we get NOTHING from Ethan! Was the monster baby a representation of Mia's fear? Ethan's fear? or was it just a monster? IDK! this part was so good horror wise but storytelling it SUCKED!
the Monreau segment was so lackluster. It was just a RE4 reference except more gross with acid and boogers everywhere. Ethan is able to get ahold of his daughter piece and for some reason he found pity for Monreau's weeping? He definitely stopped to listen to whiny fish baby's tantrum which I find really odd because...why??? He never showed much sympathy so why now would he stop to listen to "Miranda wants her baby back" speech? unless it was only meant for a game mechanic which i'm getting sick and tired of because it's just shit writing at this point.
We go get to reunite with Chris and get some answers as to what's going on but really Chris? you're gonna look the same man who UNTRAINED and COMPLETELY IGNORANT managed to clear an entire bioweapon's mold infestation BY HIMSELF and try to say "stand down" and expect obediance? yeah, your brainwashing military training ain't that strong.
Then we get to Karl's segment and... honestly why? why was Karl even interested in Ethan? Ethan doesn't have extraordinary abilities other than "fuck you" levels of adrenaline and perseverance. So why did he want Ethan on his team as he reblled against Miranda? Heh, almost understanable why Karl/Ethan is a thing because i can't think or anything other than pure lust probing Karl to make his offer. Karl is a bioweapon engineer, having built an army of cyborgs and is probably the only person in the village who know how cellphones actually work. Oh, as he had magnet powers so why does he want/need Ethan? In order for Rose to be reliably handled and managed? she's a 6 month baby, not even potty trained, wtf?
then chris comes clean about everything and Ethan uses tank to defeat mutant Karl with some moves pretty sure Leon Kennedy would be proud of cause they were pure bullshit.
Ethan finds out about his own mold problem and ugh you can't convince me the whole "Ethan knew he was going to die so might as well sacrifice himself" was just add to trigger the fuck out of Chris who'd seen his friend in RE5 die in an incredibly simular way. Very dramatic, heroic scene. Very "i face god and walk backwards into hell"
All in all...RE8 was a videogame. Forgiveable? Yeah, cause it was never meant to be a story. the problem here is that whilst all Resident Evil games are literally video games and makes compromises about characters, their development arcs, their stories so that it's more about the game than an actual narrative, RE8...was just a game with a cobbled together story with no care to the actual characters.
And it wasn't just Ethan who got the short end of the stick. Chris Redfield was casted into an anti-hero role and Mia was a forgotten SUPER SKETCHY character throughout. Uuuuuuggggghhhh at this point i'm just raging against a video game instead of doing an indepth character study. sorry gang
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zannolin · 2 years
Hi zanna! You've been posting a lot about RE7 so I was wondering your thoughts on Eveline? I've always thought her story was really intriguing and fucked up in a tragic sort of way
eveline is so interesting to me because like. okay. what she did to the bakers, to the winterses, the crew of the tanker, and to everyone who ended up in that farmhouse is undeniably incredibly fucked up. she killed and/or traumatized so many people yes.
but also like. she's a kid. i can't stop thinking about how she was just a kid who was made to be a weapon. all she wanted was a family, something they didn't even program into her (thinking about "programming" things into a kid makes me shudder actually) like that was just her base urge as a living being was to have a family. (in many ways the winters duology's core theme is family and love and how far you're willing to go in what ways for your family, and i think that's so so interesting to see the differences between ethan and the villains he faces who are also fighting for family in their own deeply fucked up ways). like. she did horrible things but she was literally made to be a weapon and never taught how or allowed to be a kid. arguably she might not even have known right vs wrong—how could she when she was manufactured to kill? like. her whole purpose was to invade, infect, control, and kill. that's what she did in dulvey in a lot of ways. what she was made to do.
it's interesting bc like damn girl that's fucked up but also is it her fault if she was made like that? can you really hate her? did she have control over it? what was it like to be eveline? what would it be like if she were given a chance to be human you know?
she's really quite tragic despite the atrocities and i think about it a lot. re7 did not do the greatest job of writing her. shadows of rose did a little better but not by much. would definitely be interested in reading character studies or fixits involving her though i think i've combed through a good deal of the ones that exist (they're usually village fixits funnily enough). she's a very interesting fucked-up conundrum of a character tbh.
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It's Fictional Throwdown Friday!
This Week's Fighters....
Ethan Winters vs Gordon Freeman!
Speed Equalized. Both characters have their entire arsenals.
The G-Man wishes to obtain a biological weapon for his employers and sends Gordon Freeman out to capture Ethan Winters so he may reverse engineer one from Ethan's biology. The G-Man makes a point of stressing that Ethan need not necessarily be alive, he just requires some part of his body to study.
Place your bets, Folks, because this Throwdown will be settled by Friday!
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unprocione · 1 year
hello, dear!
your study on leon is so well thought i am always left speechless as i read your posts. i am in love with how you portray him and how aesthetically pleasing your blog and writing is, making my little neurodivergent brain stick around and focus more easily.
i wish you a great day.
please, never stop writing.
thank you so much!! i've been seriously enjoying writing and thinking about leon & his point of view lately and i've been having a ton of fun with it behind the scenes, hopefully that post is one of many more to come because i have alot of ideas in store! i'm so glad that you're enjoying my portrayal and find my blog & writing aesthetically pleasing, because i put alot of time and thought into what i want on this blog these days, and what's helped me significantly is cutting down on what i reblog here and just setting up a separate spam sideblog for all of my fanart and etc. posts if they aren't related to specific character bonds, and i potentially have an aesthetic sideblog in the works too to streamline things more. i feel like i have a more concise place to write leon when i have everything organized, when i look back on my archives and recent posts now, i have like.. a sense of consistency? and it makes it so much easier to keep going when i feel concrete like that.
my friend over at blitzkriegers, ty, has been like... the tumblr version of marie kondo for me lmao, this 'does this spark joy' figure helping me sort out alot of my anxieties around being on this blog and tumblr in general, and writing overall, and has been a massive help in identifying all the little ways i procrastinate to put off writing because of some internal confidence issues. alot of that came across in constantly remaking graphics (ty actually made alot of material for this blog so i could focus on writing - if you like my icon borders i use for leon, those are all his work), alot of that was doomscrolling on pinterest, alot of it was just generally a bad mindset i had gotten into with the way the rpc in general, not just resident evil, functions - lately feeling very draining at times, learning how to navigate all of that w/ his support as a friend has been really positive for me.
so if you like what i put out on my blog here, i can't recommend enough that you check out his blog at blitzkriegers, where he writes karl heisenberg, as well as my other friend cj, who writes a splendid ethan winters on wintersdecay & a stunning ada wong, amongst other muses, over at greenherb. she does alot of study posts that are in significantly more detail than mine but far more legible, and her and ty's mutual worldbuilding is so easy to fall in love with. both of their blogs are more than great in my opinion if you're like me and have issues with focus but become super invested in roleplay and how people individually portray their muses, their blogs are very aesthetically pleasing to the eyes and their writing styles even more so. they're a joy to discuss headcanons and dynamics with, and alot of what i have on this blog i have built either with them directly, via their suggestion, or with them in mind! if you follow one i bet very soon you will be following the other lmao.
i hope i never do stop writing. it was tough going there for a while, but i feel like at least for right now i can reach that source of joy that i was out of reach from for a long time that inherently drives my writing. thank you for sending in such a sweet message!! it seriously made my evening to read it, and it really makes me proud to know that i'm putting time into one of my favorite hobbies and it's paying off not only for myself, but that someone else besides me is getting alot of enjoyment out of it too, and the reminder, the validation of that, is just always a wonderful gift to receive.
have a lovely day yourself! :) rian!
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qiallosa · 16 days
I WOULD SHUN THE LIGHT , an independent , highly selective , private multimuse writing blog as curated by cody ( she / her , twenty4 , est ) featuring both canon and original muses based in various media. highly divergent and headcanon based / influenced , very rarely fandom based. DO NOT FOLLOW FIRST. muse list below the cut.
⁰⁰¹ˑ RULES ⁰⁰²ˑ SPOTIFY ⁰⁰³ˑ PINTEREST ⁰⁰⁴ˑ INTEREST TRACKER ⁰⁰⁵ˑ INTERACTION CALLS ᴮᴸᴼᴳᴿᴼᴸᴸ @c4mblls ( kripke era based supernatural original character ), @stabfranchise ( scream based multimuse ), @4muck ( seasonal multimuse ).
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ALARIC SALTZMAN. supernatural hunter & college occult studies professor , the vampire diaries universe. michiel huisman. request only. anti j plec. DUMON SOYLEMEZ. vampire bad boy , the vampire diaries universe. alperen duymaz. always active. anti j plec. ETHAN CHANDLER. bloodthirsty werewolf & gunslinger extraordinaire , penny dreadful. josh hartnett & jensen ackles. request only. FINN MIKAELSØN. the daggered original , the vampire diaries universe. matthew czuchry. always active. anti j plec. HENRIK MIKAELSØN. the fallen but never forgotten , the vampire diaries universe. louis partridge. semi active. anti j plec. MIECZYSLAW ' STILES ' STILINSKI. the nogitsune host , teen wolf. thomas weatherall. semi active. anti j davis. PUGSLEY ADDAMS. the mortal at nevermore , the addams family & wednesday. xolo mariduena. always active. SALEM SABERHAGEN. familiar to the anti christ , the chilling adventures of sabrina. emilien vekemans & joshua colley. request only. SEFA SOYLEMEZ. the heroic vampire , the vampire diaries universe. deniz can aktas. always active. anti j plec. ZIYA SOYLEMEZ. the mysterious ' uncle ' , the vampire diaries universe. sukru ozyildiz. always active. anti j plec.
ASHLEY ' ASH ' WILLIAMS. the reluctant hero , the evil dead. bruce campbell. always active. SAMUEL ' SAM ' MCDONALD. the werewolf expert , ginger snaps. kris lemche & logan shroyer. semi active. THOMAS ' TOMMY ' SLATER. boring virgin boyfriend , fear street. mccabe slye. semi active.
DORIAN GRAY. immortal playboy , penny dreadful & the picture of dorian gray. jonathan bailey & reeve carney. always active. JONTHAN HARKER. the reluctant vampire hunter , dracula & penny dreadful. ben barnes. always active.
ADAM ' THE BEAST ' DUBOIS. the narcissistic prince , descendants & beauty and the beast. louis partridge & michiel huisman. request only. EUGENE ' FLYNN RIDER ' FITZHERBERT. the isle thief , descendants & tangled. jacob elordi & milo ventimiglia. request only.
ETHAN WINTERS. the father , resident evil. milo ventimiglia. always active.
BRUCE WAYNE. the batman , dc comics. jensen ackles. semi active. JASON TODD. the red hood , dc comics. drew starkey. semi active. JOHN CONSTANTINE. the hellblazer , dc & vertigo comics. ebon moss bachrach. always active.
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melpcmene · 21 days
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melpcmene. ( a muse of tragedy, and all have tragedies at the end. ) a multi-muse featuring many characters from various things. the study of love && lost. bloodshed && horror. but with the sweet things like affection && adoration in others including those who may take longer to show it. ( do not interact if you're under twenty. ) do read my rules before interacting/following. curated by emmett ( 28 ) memes. promo. carrd.
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blog roll. @korinthiakos | @bhaalswn | @diabelskoga
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( ctrl + f to search for a specific fandom! )
kalecgos / warcraft / genderless / he him it / bisexual / 10,000+ henry oak / dungeons & daddies / cis-male / he him / bisexual / 30+ percival de rolo / critical role / cis-male / he him / bisexual / 20+ vex'ahlia / critical role / cis-female / she her / pansexual / 28 jay walker / ninjago / cis-male / he him / pansexual / 24 vash the stampede / trigun / transmasc enby / he they / pansexual / 100+ milly thompson / trigun / cis-female / she her / pansexual / 20+ the corinthian / sandman / agender / he them / homosexual / 8000+ scott summers / x-men 97 / cis-male / he him / bisexual *
*I am considering roleplaying Scott in his Earth-616 verse and Earth-101001 verse and I am slowly going through various media ( aka comics, etc )
uther hawke / dragon age 2 / cis-male / he him / bisexual / 26 blake langermann / outlast 2 / cis-male / he him / bisexual / 28 joseph oda / the evil within / cis-male / he him / bisexual / 33 connor rk800 / dbh / genderless / he him they it / bisexual / ?? dr neil watts / finding paradise / cis-male / he him / bisexual / 25 sally fisher / sally face / genderfluid / she he they / bisexual / 15-20 the eleventh doctor / doctor who / enby / he they / pansexual / old as time chief executive / doctor who / enby / he they / demisexual / old as time time lord victorious / doctor who / enby / he they / pansexual / old as time jaskier / the witcher / cis-male / he him / pansexual / 30+ evan buckley / nine-one-one / cis-male / he him / bisexual / 29 makoto tachibana / free / cis-male / he him / bisexual / 18-20 shen wei / guardian / cis-male / he him / homosexual / 1000+ ianto jones / torchwood / cis-male / he him / bisexual / 26 cho hakkai / saiyuki / cis-male / he him / bisexual / 27 tenpou gensui / saiyuki gaiden / cis-male / he him / bisexual / old opal lynch / the raven cycle / genderless / she they / 9 adam parrish / the raven cycle / cis-male / he him / bisexual / 19-20
king magnifico / wish / cis-male / he him / bisexual / 50+ leander / touchstarved / cis-male / he him / omnisexual / 27 mhin / touchstarved / enby / they them / bisexual / 25 albert wesker / resident evil / cis-male / he him /bisexual / 40+ alex wesker / resident evil / cis-female / she her / bisexual / 40+ ethan winters / resident evil / cis-male / he him / bisexual / 30+ john marston / red dead redemption / cis-male / he him / bisexual / 30+ bonnie macfarlane / red dead redemptions / cis-female / she her / bisexual / 25+ parvati holcomb / the outer worlds / enby / she they / asexual / 28 eric king / house of ashes / cis-male / he him / closeted bisexual / 28 karlach cliffgate / baldur's gate 3 / cis-female / she her / pansexual / 100+ death of the endless / sandman / agender / they it she / pansexual / 10,000+ dream of the endless / sandman / agender / they it he / bisexual / 10,000+ johanna constance / sandman / cis-female / she her / bisexual / 29 thomas 10k / z-nation / cis-male / he him / bisexual / 22 cassandra / z-nation / cis-female / she her it / bisexual / 25 lucien crown / morbius / cis-male / he him / homosexual / 30+ ambrosius goldenloin / nimona / cis-male / he him / homosexual / 25+ nimona / nimona / genderfluid / she xem they / homosexual / 1000+ derek / what we do in the shadows / cis-male / he him / bisexual / 20+ guillermo de la cruz / what we do in the shadows / cis-male / he him / homosexual / 30 the guide / what we do in the shadows / cis-female / she her / pansexual / 544+ ruin / sandman comics / transmasc enby / he they / homosexual / ?? aziraphale / good omens / agender / he they / homosexual / 6000+ phoenix wright / ace attorney / cis-male / he him / bisexual / 24-35 miles edgeworth / ace attorney / cis-male / he him / homosexual / 24-35 franziska von karma / ace attorney / cis-female / she her / homosexual / 19 yoi forger / spy x family / cis-female / she her / bisexual / 27 loid forger / spy x family / cis-male / he him / bisexual / 28 red-haired shanks / one piece / cis-male / he him / pansexual / 39 nico robin / one piece / cis-female / she her / bisexual / 28-30 boa hancock / one piece / cis-female / she her / bisexual / 29-31 kaku / one piece / cis-male / he him / bisexual / 23-25 smoker / one piece / cis-male / he him / bisexual / 34-36 bartolomeo / one piece / enby / he they / pansexual / 24 donquixote corazon rosinante / one piece / cis-male / he him / bisexual / 26-39 silvers rayleigh / one piece / cis-male / he him / bisexual / 78
*i'm currently on episode 969 for one piece, and haven't started the manga so bear with me if I get things wrong! ( but i'll likely eventually start the manga soon. ) *corazon will have a survive verse, hence the 26-39
courier six "gamble" / fallout new vegas / cis-male / he him / pansexual / 27 arcade gannon / fallout new vegas / cis-male / he him / homosexual / 35 francis mosses / that's not my neighbour / cis-male / he him / bisexual / 20+ edwin paine / dead boy detectives / cis-male / he him / homosexual / 16 dr zero / fallout new vegas / cis-male / he him / bisexual / ?? barry oak / dungeons & daddies / cis-male / he him / bisexual / old normal oak / dungeons & daddies / transmasc enby / he they / bisexual / 14 sparrow oak / dungeons & daddies / cis-male / he him / pansexual / 30+ trudy trout / dungeons & daddies / cis-female / she her / bisexual / 25+ abigail blyg / the quarry / cis-female / she her / bisexual / 19 emma mounterbank / the quarry / she her / bisexual / 19 dylan lenivy / the quarry / cis-male / he him / bisexual / 19 sam trapani / mafia trilogy / cis-male / he him / bisexual / 30+ travis hackett / the quarry / cis-male / he him / demisexual / 56 henry tomasino / mafia trilogy / cis-male / he him / bisexual / 40 jamie tartt / ted lasso / cis-male / he him / bisexual / 25
original characters.
ava bates / fallout 4 / cis-female / she her / bisexual/ 230+ nightmare of drowning ( deirdre ) / sandman / cis-female / she her / bisexual / 1000+ dream of songs ( robin ) / sandman / genderfluid / they she him / asexual / 1000+ daisey o'malley / fandomless supernatural hunter / cis-female / she her / bisexual / 32 jude o'malley / fandomless supernatural hunter / cis-male / he him / bisexual / 28 samson small / fandomless fbi agent / cis-male / he him /bisexual / 29 sarah small / fandomless nurse / cis-female / she her / pansexual / 29 cleo wright / dragon age ( templar ) / cis-female / she her / homosexual / 26 kathryn cousland / dragon age / cis-female / she her / homosexual / 22
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