#( dorian like hello I’m a freak actually)
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reddie-truther · 2 months ago
hello!! i’m august!!
i go by he/it and i’m ftm
i’m asexual (possibly demi, sex js freaks me out a bit), nwlnw, lithromantic and t4t i am almost 16! (16.01.09)
i have aphantasia (inability to imagine) so reading takes me forever!!
main obsessions:
i’m mostly interested in the goldfinch, if we were villains, voltron, marauders, i am not okay with this and i believe in unicorns.
more minor interests:
i also really like stranger things, the secret history, spider-man (specifically parksborn), tma, percy jackson, hannibal, sk8, dorian gray, as you are and the end of the f###ing world.
i used to be really into IT by stephen king but the fandom really overwhelms me and makes me pretty uncomfortable so that’s why my username is reddie-truther but i never post IT
DNI list
pro shippers, pedofiles, over 19, under 14, people who are overly capitalist, people who vent too much, people who buy fast fashion, homophobes/transphobes/racists/ableists/people who have issues with furries/therians, neopronoun haters, zionists and antisemetics
please interact
goths/punks (actually following morals not js music/aesthetic), james potter and lance mcclain kins, people im already friends with (ily), 15-19 year olds, voltron fans, goldfinch fans, socialists, classics nerds, artists, trans people, mothman fans.
music i like
cigarettes after sex, alex g, the aubrey’s, car seat headrest, velvet underground, mitski, the cure, the bauhaus, siouxsie and the banshees, nirvana, dazey and the scouts, mommy long legs, destroy boys, chappell roan and will wood
i really like that whole whimsy twee style but i don’t own many clothes like it, i also really like goth, 80s and hyper fem davina i believe in unicorns style clothing but i usually dress like remus lupin, grunge or scene.
nico di angelo, regulus black, keith kogane, pidge holt, phoebe spengler, eddie kaspbrak, alexander vass, boris pavlikovsky, pippa blackwell, francis abernathy, jonathan byers, jack from as you are, syd novak, davina, robin buckley, nancy wheeler, miles fairchild, basil, allison reynolds, reki, ziggy katz and lydia deetz
random facts
my main goal at the moment is to get much better at photography. i cosplay occasionally. i’m single. i’m learning french and i want to learn russian. i collect sylvanian families/calico critters. i’m OBSESSED with blythe dolls. i say oh my bones in stead of oh my god. i’m a twin. i write.
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meowsgirldrawing · 1 year ago
Grandpa Halward Pavus
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Word Count- 1,821
Masterlist- Link
AO3- Link
Brivia laughs and screams playfully as Ms.Alarith, a younger servant girl, chases her around their extravagant garden, arms wide as her smile. 
They fly by the gardeners, one or two giving the girls a fond glance as they dig into the hearty soil and blooming flowers.
Alarith calls back a sorry but keeps her gaze on the girl ahead.
While the girls laugh and play freely in the sun filled area, everyone around them in high spirits, if not- then rather content ones. 
Dorian’s half surprised at this observation, honestly. 
Even his mother seems content this day, relaxed in her cooling spot on the patio, a long wineglass held high as she daintily sips. 
As long as she’s quieter. A sigh in his mind as his face remains neutral. His own glass gets pulled up, taking a tasty sip.
The neutral expression doesn’t last long,
“Hi, Papa!” Brivia calls out.
A smile quirks on his face, “Hello, darling.” 
She darts pass with the 12 year old on her trail, both filled with giggles-galore.
For the first time on the trip, his shoulders loosen their tenseness and replace them with relief at his daughter’s happy showing. A trip? Whatever for? Simple enough to explain actually. 
Sadly, his parents recently discovered news of his adopted daughter and so they sent on an eager invitation to find out more of this child. Like vultures, he hates so.
Evident of this-
“Where was she found, exactly?” His father.
He’s been getting questions nonstop upon their arrival. Thankfully- and extremely baffling- his father and mother heeded his warning on not speaking of this in front of Brivia. It may not be a big difference to them, but to Dorian- he’d rather speak without the possibility of his daughter turning upset at such confusing questions about her.
Nevertheless, he obliges as agreed upon. 
“In the half-destroyed house of an over-run village. She was the youngest survivor it seemed.” Dorian keeps the bites out of his lips. Ignorant to the cursing urge to do otherwise. “Fuliz found her with his little mercenary scouting party. He brought her ‘home’ and we ended up signing adoption papers 2 months after.” He shrugs, as if it was no big deal. No big deal of his little freak out to the possibility of having a child of his (technically-) own. No big deal that he had to have a big talk about children with his bestest friend, Bellatrix, while ignoring the urge to stare at her pregnant belly. 
Halward hums, “Does she know?”
“Of what?”
“Of her origins?”
His son turns a good brain nozzle, Halward drinks from his glass as he waits in the chair beside him.
“No. Of the village or where we found her? No. And while we haven’t had the actual talk with her, I’m very sure she already knows.” 
“Because she is an elf?”
I didn’t want to be that blunt. “Of course.” sighs Dorian. 
Brivia has never been truly disconnected from her culture. He knew very well the additional things when it came to adopting her. He let her stay with her aunts, Estel and Bellatrix at times, bought as many books as he could find on her elven culture. 
However, he’s seen the looks. He’s noticed the touching of his ear more than usual when held in his grasp. How she stares at herself in the mirror, trailing the tip of her ears before dragging her hand down at his noticed presence. She’s curious, and she’ll be asking soon, he’s sure of it.
His father pauses. Dorian watches him watch his daughter. He’s not sure what to make of the look, to be honest. 
Brivia giggles, side-stepping Alarith then booking it the opposite way. A gape pulls on Alarith’s face before a laugh, soon going after the child again. 
Halward’s brow deepens. “People might not enjoy the idea, Dorian.”
Dorian offers a light shrug instead, reaching over and grasping up his drink again. His wedding ring clinks softly on the side as he lifts it to his lips.
“I know.” Answers Dorian.
“It doesn’t concern you.” Years before, it might have been a question. A stare in dis-belief. But now, it’s a statement with a light sigh. Quite honestly near amused. Nearly. “Not even in the slightest.”
“And why should it? As long as that little one is happy, “ He flicks his hands, a quiet moment passing as Brivia finally gets caught by the older girl; her little body getting pulled up and into a giddy embrace. “Then no closed-minded noble can dare damage my own decision making.”
“Now, I’m not saying I agree with them, but, you understand how the Magisterium will treat her, yes?” 
“I’m working on that.” Sips Dorian, swallowing thickly.
Halward’s brow tilts, “And that’s just going to change in say, 13 years? When she’s legally old enough to be the Heir to anything?”
This is a conversion he’s had with himself numerous times, more so when Brivia was just months old. So it’s only that grace that reels the more challenging tone Dorian wanted for at first, “ Well, what do you want me to say? The papers have been signed, Brivia is too engrossed here to leave willingly, and even then, Fuliz’s is near constantly on the move. The best place to keep Brivia safe and happy is here, with me.” 
Halward needs to send him just one glance, pure in discontentment and Dorian is rubbing the space in between his brows, “Apologies,” He sighs heavily, “I just..I can’t-”
“Dorian.” He looks up, ready for a ‘calm’ tone of his father telling him to calm down, when Halward is noticeably looking at something else. 
Brivia comes up, keeping something behind her back as a peachy grin beams at both men. Alarith stays on the lines, a few feet behind with an equally gentle grin and hands folded in front of her, waiting. 
Brivia’s day dress sways with her as she announces proudly, “I got a gift for you!”
Dorian’s smile breaks out in seconds. Not that it was hidden much before. “Oh?” 
He inquires, “And what might that be? Hm?”
She giggles, in seconds pulling out a shiny, clearly previously dirt surrounded, rock. And at closer inspection, getting safely handed to him when leaned forward, it’s not an ordinary rock.
Knowing his father too long, Halward is hiding his grimace, so as to not upset Brivia, but Dorian can still feel his stare as he dusts away the dirt and grime. Years of fighting in swamps and dust filled areas overrode the absolute need noble need for cleanliness. 
As the color becomes clear, both his and Brivia’s grin widen. Brivia’s more because of his than the gem. 
“What’s this, Brivia?”
“It’s a…a..” Her face turns knotted, burning a hole into the gem, “I can’t remember the name.”
“It’s a sapphire.” Dorian doesn’t spin his head around, he simply eyes Halward in the corner of his peripheral. 
Brivia’s eyes light aflame, “Oh yeah! A saphie!”
Dorian’s chuckle has her bouncing in excitement. “It’s beautiful, my dear.” He comments as he slides the stone onto the side table and offers him her palm. “Thank you!” 
She takes his hand, letting him pull her into a hug, “Of course, papa!” 
As she places a tiny peck to his cheek, him doing the same to her head as he lets go, she’s off with Alarith once more. By the older child’s nods and small comments returned, he can see Brivia’s excitement. All for giving him a pretty gem. 
The two skip off as children do, hand in hand with laughter filling the air like it never left. 
He settles back in his chair, staring at the stone with a gentle smile in place. 
“It must’ve fallen from some jewelry.” Halward sips idly. He’s inclined to agree. Odd place but given the expensive appeal, could be. Doesn’t make the gift any less valuable in his opinion. Gems are still beautiful gems, no matter where they end up.
“She likes them and rocks. She likes their colors.” His finger taces the edge before hooking together with the drink. “It must be her Aunt Estel and Vivienne’s doing. The two are very big on giving her outfits every time they see her.”
Halward hums thoughtfully. 
Then he surprises him more than he has in this trip.
“I apologize in my comment earlier, I see how much you care for this girl, no matter the outside’s opinion it seems.” Both look at each other. It took years for them to properly talk again without the need for politics or his position as heir involved. Their relationship is still rocky, as is his with his mother. But it’s getting better, if his and his daughter’s presence at their manor has anything to say about it.
Which must be the reason Halward continues with his next words. “I know..I know I’ve never been the best father. There's nothing I can truly say to fix that.” He sees his son opening his mouth and raises a low palm, asking for a moment. Dorian, with an unfamiliar feeling, does so reluctantly. “But..I hope I can still be considered a grandfather to Brivia if nothing else.”
He can feel his eyes widening, his mouth parts. Nothing comes out. 
He looks to the girl getting spooked by a spider, which Alarith is laughing at, and back to his father. 
“What makes you think I’d rob that choice from Brivia?”
Shrugging, Halward looks at his glass, swirling it. “I wouldn’t blame you if you told her to call us otherwise.”
“Father.” It takes a second but Halward does look at him, head still a tad low, “Brivia..” He clears his throat. “I don’t plan to tell Brivia of our past. That is between you, mother, and I and that’s it. If she were to find out, it would be from some blabbering noble who can’t keep their nose out of other’s nonsense. Even then, it’s only her choice.” He scoffs but it’s light. No real malice. 
“Besides, Brivia isn’t that way. I believe she would be hurt to some degree, but I don’t think she’ll act without reason.” His last words are said while looking Halward straight through the eye, “If she calls you and mother her grandparents, I’ll do nothing on it.”
Halward is silent, then nods. Dorian looks away before anything else.
Funny thing he did, he hears through the idea of comedic timing, “GRANDMA!”
His mother seems surprised, abruptly stopping herself mid-sip to turn at Brivia’s call. The girl runs up and Dorian can see what’s in her hands.
“She has another stone.” Halward comments.
“It’s an actual stone this time.” Dorian’s eyes squint.
“Your mother is going to be so confused.”
“Brivia does that to people.”
Halward sighs, “Like father, like daughter then.” Wine nearly drips as Dorian has to stop himself from bursting out in laughter at that.
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acourtofquestions · 9 months ago
Empire of Storms Chapter 11 spoilers via reaction / vent:
*spoiler preface for myself; please do not tell me what happens next* this is a reacting vent😅😂
— please excuse me while I scream in Wivern for a moment — no one I know reads these books, I’m an insomniac who tends to read before I go to sleep & now I am wide awake & losing it😂🤣 hence HI TUMBLR! … now—
“Your Second, Asterin Blackbeak, shall pay the blood debt between our clans. She dies at sunrise tomorrow.”
Of all of them WHY — WHY SARAH — would you pick ASTERIN?! (What makes you think I can handle that!?) NOT ASTERIN; not WILD, TRUE, FIERCE, LOVING, BEAUTIFUL, BRAVE, HILARIOUS, RESILIENT, (ONE OF MY FAVORITES — ON MY DO NOT KILL LIST — ASTERIN?!?) SHE IS THE HEART OF THE BLACKBEAKS!🖤… If Manon is the hope Asterin is the heart (that’s what I’ve been going by)!!! Even just from a practical level; yall Manon was a MESS without her second (& that was literally a book ago… just last week😅) & this was when Asterin was still her third!! None of us are equipped for this; NOT EVEN MANON; if Manon Blackbeak can’t handle it there is no way I can! — Why can’t the old Blackbeak bitch just die already🤦‍♀️ ; let Petrah & Manon take over, & be done with this madness already! Bye bye Iskrah! Hello, semi-humane not psychopaths w cute dragons!😊😅😅🙃
… Oh, this better not happen… why would you even make me think it’s possible (she’s supposed to be immortal😫), why would anyone even consider scaring me like that?? Like okay, I know “it’s a book” and “characters are gonna die” but NOT ASTERIN OKAY?! I have a list of things I need from this book & this is not on there! … it’s gonna be a 13 revolt then right👊?- -RIGHT?!? … yeah, it’ll be fine🤪 cause um there’s just no way. I refuse. Nope! 13 bb’s r off limits!!
CHARACTERS THAT ARE NOT ALLOWED TO DIE: Aelin, Rowan, Lysandra, Fleetfoot (I legit googled that one during CoM to make sure she lives forever & ever—thankfully it appears I am right!) Evangeline (the 2nd time I broke my spoiler google rule; thankfully she’s also safe) Aedion, Dorian, Manon, ASTERIN, Abraxos, Yrene (I know we haven’t technically met her but I read TAB & already love her okay?), Sam (YEAH I KNOW—from day 1 I knew that he dies but GUESS WHAT— HES STILL ON THE LIST OF CHARACTERS YOU CAN’T KILL; I get it for plot & ships… but also I’m still in denial… I still miss him too😭) even Chaol (sweet idiot Chaol is NOT allowed to die, not after he’s done better, not after EVERHTHING!) Not after Sorscha, Not after Sam, DONT YOU DARE DO Empire of Storms!!!!!!!!!! Not my 13! Not the kickass group of besties! No, how about we pull an ACOTAR & none of the main characters “actually” die? Huh, how’s that sound?! JUST NOT LIKE THIS OKAY OKAY!!!
Goodness… How am I supposed to sleep tonight??? Waiting to see if Asterin survives the morning?!? …
I need to find a better pre-bed book😂😅🤣… & maybe another therapist if characters start dropping like flies😅😂 … OH GODS SHE BETTER NOT!!! …
And now we’re switching perspectives? — Most books I get annoyed & only like a few “the most” so I don’t wanna switch perspectives when I’m worried about my character… the good “problem” with these books are I LIKE EVERY CHARACTER thus enjoy every chapter & also AM CONSTANTLY ON CLIFFHANGERS! I’m at my wits end between; Rowan going on his “I’m not a worthy prince blah blah blah” bullshit, Aelin just slowly collapsing inside because of stupid old men politics, Elide teaming up with Lorcan (& whatever the hell is hunting them freaking me out), bb Evangeline & Fleetfoot having to say a TEMPORARY goodbye (still broke my heart💔), not knowing wtf Chaol & Nesryn are, Dorian almost dying every .5 seconds, & Manon 99% of the time but NOW ASTERIN… how is this chapter 11??? This feels like chapter 70 shit… HOW BAD IS CHAPTER 70 GONNA BE FOR IT TO ALREADY BE LIKE THIS… I miss the days of Rowaelin reuniting in Rifthold🥹… Remember when Dorian used to bring Celaena puppies & candy & the biggest issue was sneaking into a ball🥺
Well on that note time to go binge read or be responsible & sleep… hopefully Asterin DOES NOT DIE!!! But I’m sure I’ll be cliffhanger ramped spamming anyways😂🤣
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frostywulf90 · 2 years ago
Dorian: *pacing back and forth along the keep wall looking obviously distressed*
Cullen: *spotting him as he steps out of his office for some air and immediately trying to quietly back back into the room*
Dorian: *spotting him* Cullen! Perfect!
Cullen: Uh…hello?
Dorian: Come here would you, I need some advice.
Cullen: I’m actually…*Dorian walks over and grabs him, pulling him outside* And now I’m going this way…okay.
Dorian: I’m freaking out a little. *starts pacing again*
Cullen: About? *watching him go back and forth*
Dorian: The Inquisitor…he wants to marry me.
Cullen: Oh? What did you say?
Dorian: I made a joke. What’s wrong with me?
Cullen: Nothing?
Dorian: Who doesn’t just say “YES”?
Cullen: Maybe you should talk to Cole or Varric…I’m not really…
Dorian: *stopping* What if he hates me? What if he realizes I’m not worth it?! What have I done?!
Cullen: *sighing* Okay…okay…listen. I’m not good at this whole romantic advice thing. I Can yell at soldiers all day, but express how I’m feeling in a clear and concise manner…no. That being said…the Inquisitor is incredibly understanding so…I think you should just talk to him.
Dorian: You’re right…just talk…he’s probably just giving me space. Right?
Cullen: Yes…I mean…that’s a matter of what you mean by space.
Dorian: What?
Cullen: He’s in my office.
Dorian: ….
Cullen: We we’re talking about Templars.
Dorian: So he…he heard all of that?
Cullen: Likely.
Dorian: ….
The Inquisitor: *coming out of Cullen’s office with an arched eyebrow*
Cullen: Well, I’m going to go now…to the War Room…bye.
The Inquisitor: Meet you there.
Cullen: Yep.
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nyxreads · 3 years ago
Elain… the shapeshifter. Mmm…. I’m seeing a lot of theories on Elain being shift to owl. She does have owl mannerism, (blinking, cocking head, stealthy, and whatnots.) Now i think about it, in TOG- shapeshifter is rare and most people are wary of them. It was mentioned that many shapeshifters were spies. Now, Elain with the shapeshifting ability can make a great spy. (Remember Dorian’s mission on finding the key in Morath?) She is closed to her two friends who are spies and her dream guy is of course a spy master. This is no doubt that Elain’s book will be about her being a spy. In TOG, owl represents healing. It’s is a common knowledge that Owl has strong intuition, observation, and wisdom, seer. I’m pretty sure like Lysandra’s favorite form is Ghost Leopard, Elain may favor Owl. But she can still turn into a fanged beast (like a freaking dragon?). What do you think of this theory? Regardless, I’m surprised to see many thought Elain is boring. Spying isn’t boring, it keeps you on edge! The possible of her shape-shifting is thrilling, why can they get excited about this idea? Sorry about my English, it isn’t my first language.
Hello anon,
Okay, I have a semi-crazy take about this one. So, I think the moment Elain became a Fae was the moment she became an "owl" tho not in the way she can shapeshift.
As I was reading Blodeuwedd's story, I got curious on owls and here are some of the ones I gathered about it:
These mysterious creatures are known far and wide as symbols of wisdom, omens of death, and bringers of prophecy. Here's the link for this one.
And we know that after being Made, Elain became a Seer. A bringer of prophecy.
Its cry is said to signal approaching death and misfortune. Link here.
And most of Elain's visions were about deaths or dangers. Like an owl.
With death there comes new beginnings and so the Owl is also a symbol of renewal, moon magick, and reincarnation. Link here.
And this line here makes so much sense for this theory about Elriel here's the link. And owls are associated to witches and magics iykyk.
So I don't think Elain will shapeshift into an owl because she's already one haha. I think there's a high chance for the "fanged beast". Or maybe, she can shapeshift into an owl too haha I'm open for both.
And omg, Elain is actually one of the most interesting character in the series! I cannot wait to read what's inside her head and how she feels about her visions. There's also hintS of her training as a spy, and being friends with spies. And being linked to the spymaster himself. Her story would be wild and crazy! A seer and a spy in one person is so enough for her own book to be one of the best and entertaining to read.
Don't worry anon, when her book comes out some of them will eventually love her. It's so hard to resist our Sweet Elain. Azriel cannot even stop himself on fallikg for her, maybe her antis would eventually like if not love her character too.
And don't worry! Don't be sorry, it's all good ❤
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memento-morri-writes · 2 years ago
happy blorbo blusday morri! today i’m curious about how each of the mcs of one of your stories approach leadership? do they thrive under pressure or do they flounder? what is their particular style of leadership? how would they cope w being suddenly thrust into that position?
Hello, and thanks for the ask!!! Happy Blorbo Blursday!
This is a really, really good question, because my stories are both either directly or indirectly centered around leadership. So, this is perfect.
Fallon takes leadership as her job. It's her connection to her mother, it's what she was raised to do, it's all she's ever known or thought she wanted. She's good at it, and has a good balance of confidence and command, but also genuinely caring for the people she's leading.
Most of the time she can cope with the stress just fine, but when she's under additional emotional or personal stress (such as after her mother's death, or after Lavinia's attack), she tends to backslide a bit. She doesn't have the healthiest coping mechanisms, and the downside of Fallon being so passionate about leadership being her job is that when things go bad for her, she throws herself into the work of being Queen, neglecting herself in the process.
And she already was suddenly thrust into the position. Yes, she had been raised to be Queen, but she was expecting for her mother to step down and still be around to offer advice, at least for a while. So, she reacted just like I said above. Threw herself in head-first, and neglected her own health, mental and physical.
Kristopher's stuff under the cut, along with Dorian.
Kristopher is not a leader, and never wants to be. Quite honestly, being King is the one thing he never ever wants to do, for several reasons. Firstly, he doesn't have the temperament. He gets angry far too quickly, and doesn't have the patience to deal with people's subtle remarks and posturing. He also hates being stuck inside, so long policy meetings and diplomatic affairs would be hell for him.
And then there's the whole thing about his father. Pierre is an awful King, and he's used his power for his own benefit at the expense of the wellbeing of his people. Kris never wants to be put in a situation where the power can go to his head.
Plus there's the fact that no one in Oryn would ever take him seriously. The vast majority of his own people hate him, and he doesn't find it worth his time to fight the losing battle to convince them otherwise.
So, if he was thrust into a position of leadership, he would probably get inside his head a lot and convince himself that he would do a horrible job and everyone already hates him, and he'd just kind of let the whole thing blow up in his face so he could get out of it.
Well, maybe. If he were to, through some absurd series of events, become King of Oryn, at first he would kind of spiral and freak out, but also, he really wants things to be better for the people of Oryn. So, I think that at some point, he would hopefully realize he has a chance to make a difference and try his best. But it would be hard, not just politically, but also emotionally, because a lot of people would be saying a lot of very cruel things about him.
Dorian has a complicated relationship with leadership. He's honestly somewhere between Fallon and Kristopher on the scale. On one hand, he was raised to be King, but on the other, it's never been a burden he wanted. He doesn't want the stress, doesn't want the pressure to make everything right, and if he screws up it could ruin thousands of lives.
He was honestly a little relieved when Lenora stepped in, and he was much more angry about being imprisoned than he was about getting his throne stolen. He never wanted it in the first place.
I've been trying to think about how I want his arc to end. Does he remove Lenora from the throne and take it back? Does he replace her with a new system of government? Or does he just let her keep it, given that she hasn't actually done anything wrong to the citizens of the kingdom? I'm still not sure.
Another part of Dorian's battle is that he doesn't want to disappoint his parents. They wanted him to be King, and he worries that if he lets that pass him by, he'll be letting them down. But at the same time, he'll probably be making himself miserable.
Also, there's the fact that as King, he would be expected to marry and have kids. He's aroace, so that's not something he even remotely cares about, and he doesn't want to be in a loveless marriage with anyone because it's not fair to them. Also, there would be the matter of his child/children would then potentially be subjected to the same thing he is. They don't want the throne, but they have to take it.
So, I'm not sure what I want to do about that, because ye old "depose evil monarch and replace with democracy" plot is often used, and it doesn't really make much sense for this series, since the focus is on one person, not a whole kingdom. And like I said, Lenora is actually a mediocre ruler. She's less attentive than Dorian's parents, yes, but she's not actually bad. But also, I feel like just leaving her on the throne feels kinda weird?? But I also like the idea of Dorian grappling with his parents' approval throughout the book, and coming to the conclusion that they would want him to be happy. So... idk.
Sorry, this got really, really long. But given that both of my books revolve around leadership at least in part, this question was actually really good for me to answer!! So, thank you!!
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cadaceus · 4 years ago
EXU 03: “A Glorious Return”
Okay, so hello everyone! Possibly an unexpected post for you all to see today, but I finally watched Episode 3 of Exandria Unlimited: “A Glorious Return!” Although I had seen Episodes 1, 2, 4, and 5, I had skipped over Episode 3 and boy am I glad that I went back to it. There were so many funny moments, and it was so great to meet Gilmore for the very first time!! Full liveblogs down below!
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- It feels so strange to me now that Fy’ra Rai isn’t there! Like something is missing from this fabulous group
- Dariax’s Tharla Starr distraction is so good dfghjkl I love that for him
- Fearne rolling a 5 on her Stealth check and being caught in everyone’s gaze reminds me of when I was people watching the other day and the person I was looking at made direct eye contact with me, embarrassing ��
- All of Ashley’s characters love music so much :(( I’m manifesting her playing a bard for Campaign 3!
- Orym saying “Mother!” in his grown man voice SOMEBODY HELP THEM ALL
- A ZERO AND A NATURAL 1 FOR PERCEPTION CHECKS... “I hope an 11 saves this scenario”
- I’ve never met Gilmore before but I’ve heard so much about him, I’m excited to meet him!!
- “Flattery will get you literally everywhere, thank you” I love him already LMAO
- Oh, just realized how painful that is going to be for Dariax “I hate liars” Zaveon oh no the angst potential is through the roof
- Dariax [to Dorian]: “If you want to keep it, I want to keep it” PLEASE he’s so willing to go along with whatever his friends want, somebody keep him safe pls
- “So the box only goes one way... it does not go both ways?” I love Opal so much asdfkl
- I love how Fearne is 112 and yet she truly does know her exact age, compared to Essek being the living embodiment of the shrug emoji when asked for a number
- Liams little “ 😊 “ expression when Gilmore says “I could never resist a pretty face” is making me both soft and emo despite not yet having watching Campaign 1
- I wonder what sentimental value Orym’s shield has for him, I’m actually so curious about his backstory as well although I’m worried it will be sad because of that Liam tweet :((
- I don’t know what Liam said to Matt at 2:28:28 but the little looks they exchanged were cute so I’m timestamping it
- STONKY’S RING??? I don’t know what that is but it sounds hilarious PLEASE buy it, Fearne
- Awwww, Inanna has a crush on Dariax, doesn’t she?? That’s literally so adorable omg 🥰
- Liam saying “Ja, amber is good” in Caleb’s voice at 2:49:10, do you want me to cry today sir :((
- Ooooh, Poska is the one driving the cart now!
- Fearne casting Charm Person on Poska is so freaking clutch oh my goodness
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i-writing-is-hard-i · 6 years ago
Spencer Reid-Meeting (pt1)
Spencer Reid - Criminal Minds part one - 
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The sound of the world rushed by, while you happily sat by the window of a cafe’ a book in front of you, that you swear you were going to read, enjoying a cup of coffee, the place was pretty crowded all the seats were taken, aside from the one in front of you and the queue was reaching the door.  You felt sorry for the barista, who seemed to be the only one working.  You took another sip, watching the people, coming up with outrages and straight-up impossible scenarios and backstories for them.  
One guy, in particular, caught your interest, you had seen him most mornings grabbing a coffee before rushing off you assumed to work.  He was tall, pretty skinny, messy hair and very cute.  He nearly always wore some sort of woollen clothing over his shirt, either a vest or cardigan, adding to his charm.  And you had never seen him without his old, rather used looking satchel.  You had come up with a few stories for him, all are as crazy as the next, and most likely as far away from the truth as possible.  Today you decided he was Dorian Gray, his painting that was done in the 1800s was locked away in his basement.  He would pack up and leave, every time people begin to get suspicious of his lack of ageing.  You chuckled to yourself as your story became more and more extravagant, drifting away from the story by Oscar Wilde.  
It was only when someone cleared their throat beside you did you take notice of your surroundings again.  
“Is this yours?” a hand was held out in front of you, holding your book.  It had dropped on the floor with you noticing, you looked up to the face it belonged to only to freeze, your cheeks flushed red.  It was none other than the guy you were thinking about. 
“Oh, yes, thank you” you smiled, taking it from him. 
“Sherlock Holmes?” the guy asked. 
“Yeah, I’m not the best reader, but I love stories” you noted, trying to start a conversation with the guy, though you assumed he would have to leave for work anyway.  
“My mum always said the best way was to be read to” The guy noted, reminiscing.  
“Oh, that sounds nice, that would be much better,” you thought wistfully.  
“My mum read to me all the time, that Sherlock Holmes is one of the best ones”
“I’m Y/N Y/L/N” you introduced.  The guy looked a little flustered, but he finally introduced himself. 
“I’m Doctor Spencer Reid” he spoke
“Doctor?” you asked curious, he looked pretty young, but who knows these days  Spencer absentmindedly sat down facing you.
“I have a PhD in mathematics, Chemistry, Engineering and...” he stopped as though he was embarrassed
“And?, there's more?” you asked with interest
“And Ba’s in Psychology and Sociology” Spencer continued. 
“Dorian Gray” you spoke out loud.  “Oh, I’m sorry, my mind, uh, well that is an impressive resume” 
“Dorian Gray?” Spencer asked, he had heard you loud and clear and was curious. 
“Well, I sit here every morning drinking my coffee and people watch before work, to pass the time I kind of well, come up with crazy stories about the people around me, I decided you were Dorian Gray, then you told me about all those PhDs you have and it just made me think about it and that is really embarrassing actually now that I have said it out loud, sorry” you rambled. 
Spencer was smiling gently. You were expecting him to be weirded out, but he didn’t seem it.
“Dorian was from England” Spencer pointed out, 
“Yeah, but there’s no way you could stay there, people would notice you not ageing you know” you joked, Spencer smiled again, 
“and I suppose I have a painting of myself in the attic?” Spencer continued
“Basement this time, you wanted to shake things up” 
Spencer played along a little, but then he suddenly looked at his watch.  He had to go. 
“It was lovely meeting you Doctor Reid” you smiled warmly, Spencer stuttered out a ‘you too’ before leaving.  You had believed this would probably be the last time you ever saw him, or at least interacted with him, certain you had freaked him out with your vivid imagination, but to your surprise, the next day like always you were sitting at the table with your coffee and book, you still hadn’t gotten past the first chapter, but you tried. As you watched people go by, a familiar voice filled your ears, 
“Dr Reid, please join me” you cheered.  Spencer took the seat in front of you again, 
“Have you gotten any further in your book?” he asked as though he was trying to strike up a conversation, he seemed more nervous today than yesterday, and you felt a little flustered too.  You had spent most of the previous day thinking about your conversations, and him.  
“No, I’m still on the first chapter, it’s not that it’s a bad book mind you, I just like to close my eyes and envision it you know”  You sighed. “Are you a big reader Doctor Reid?” 
“Well, I can read 20,000 words a minute so yeah” Spencer replied.   You stared at him, mouth a gap, 
“20,000 words?, well that’s my Dorian Gray out the window” You joked, Spencer, chuckled 
“I’ve eidetic memory” Spencer clarified. 
“Eidetic memory, I suppose that would be pretty useful, and a bit of a curse too, but that is pretty amazing” you smiled.  Spencer, in turn, wore a pleased smile himself.  Once again Spencer had to rush off to work, leaving you alone.  
Months had passed by Spencer would often sit with you for coffee before work, however, you had noticed that he started arriving a little bit early, you had hoped it was to spend more time with you, but you wouldn’t ever presume that was the case. Today you felt bold, you decided to give Spencer your number, he had mentioned he didn’t have a phone, but you thought it would be handy anyway. So when he sat down in front of you, you slid him a little piece of paper,  you had also written down your email address.  \
“I know you don’t use it, but I just thought it would be handy just in case” You smiled.  Spencer smiled back,  happily taking it and slipping in your pocket. 
“So I never did ask, but what is it you do for work?” you asked after a moment of comfortable silence,
“I work for the BAU, uh, the behavioural analysis unit for the FBI,” he replied.  
“BAU, huh, that is definitely more interesting than my job” you were pretty impressed,
“I doubt that” Spencer noted.  “I work for Y/W” 
The rest of the conversation, was mostly you asking questions about Spencer’s job, and him telling you some stories that he knew wouldn’t scare you.  All the while you listened with interest, even when he rambled off about his exceptionally large knowledge on almost everything that was mentioned.  Spencer was pretty taken back at the fact you were listening with genuine interest and even asking questions related to what he was saying, he more used to people telling him to stop talking.  He could have gone on forever and you would have happily listened, had he not had to go to work, after saying goodbyes he left.
The last thing you would have expected to happen today was receiving a text from none other than Spencer Reid, ‘Y/N, this is Doctor Spencer Reid’ It was simple and brief, but it made you smile, knowing he was still thinking about you hours after your morning chat.  You decided to text back, keeping it brief yourself. 
‘Hello, Doctor Spencer Reid, hope your day is going well’  you weren’t really expecting a reply, you had assumed his initial text was to give you his number, however, he did reply. 
‘We have a case in Florida, we’ve just landed’  he said simply,  
‘Oh dear, I heard on the news that there were a few murders, I hope you catch the person before they strike again’  You replied. E
‘Me too’  That was all you got from him for the rest of the day.  You didn’t want to text him, you knew he didn’t like it, and no doubt he was busy.  
The next morning, you sat in your usual cafe, you knew Spencer wouldn’t show up, he was surely still in Florida, but you still found yourself looking around for him.  Missing your morning chats, you decided to text him, you kept it simple. 
‘I hope everything is going well in Florida and your hot on the tail of the villain’ as soon as you hit ‘send’ you regretted your wording why did you have to use the term Villain?.  It wasn’t until Lunchtime that you got a reply from Spencer.  
‘Hello Y/N, we’ve been very busy, I can’t say too much now, but I hope your day is going well too’
You were smiling ear to ear, 
‘I rather missed our chat this morning, but it’s been a good day’ Is that too forward? you thought, hesitating to hit send. 
“Be bold” you whispered to yourself.  You closed your eyes and hit send.  Ten minutes passed, you could feel your heart thumping hard in your chest. ‘Had you messed up? was it too bold?’.  When your phone finally did beep you had never moved so quickly to read it.  
‘I missed our chat too, have you read any more of Sherlock?’  
‘Oh my God, he missed our chat too’ you cheered in your head.  You felt like a giddy child talking to their crush.  Taking a deep breath you started typing.
‘Nope, still trying though, maybe you could read it to me sometime, after all you did say it was the best way’  
“Why did you say that?” you cursed yourself, you were getting a bit carried away. Once again, it took a while for Spencer to reply.  
‘I would like that’  
‘Then it’s a date’  ‘A date?, really Y/N’. 
‘It’s a date’ Spencer replied. 
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thefandomhighqueen · 6 years ago
fight me, tall boy: rowaelin au
Aelin Galathynius was ready to cry
And by cry, she meant sob
The book had no right to end that way
A cliffhanger had never left her more upset in her life
The main character was literally about to kill the love of her life for the rebellion, and the author ended with the gun being pointed at his head!
What in the ever living fuck?
With a glance at the clock, she realized she had only an hour before the nearest bookstore closed
Throwing on a pair of black sweats and pulling her hair into a messy bun, Aelin grabbed her wallet and keys and ran to her car
She called her friend Dorian on the way to the store while she was speeding like a maniac
He answered on the second ring, “Hello.”
She could hear the smug grin through the phone. “Asshole!”
Dorian chuckled. “Some ending huh?”
“You could’ve at least warned me!”
“Where would the fun in that be?”
Aelin was tempted to smile, she would do the same thing
However, she was still pissed, so she stuck with the yelling
“Dorian I am going eighty down the highway, stop being so damn smug!”
Another laugh from the dumb bastard. “Aelin, for the love of the gods slow down.”
“Tell me the second book doesn’t begin with her killing him,” she pleaded
Dorian snorted. “How about no?”
“Then I’ll keep speeding all I want, you prick.”
He sighed. “Fine, be arrested before you finish the next book for all I care.”
Aelin’s foot finally eased up on the gas, but she still didn’t respond
“Alright Aelin, I’m going to bed. It is ten o’clock you know.”
“Sleep is for the weak, Dorian!”
Laughing, he said, “Goodnight Aelin!”
The call disconnected as she swerved into the parking lot of her nearest bookstore
After she parked her car, she all but ran into the store, eyes probably crazed, looking for the book that will save her life
She probably gave a scare to the older looking gentleman at the counter, but she couldn’t find it in herself to care
Running to the back of the store, Aelin’s eyes scanned the shelves for the epic sequel 
Her eyes narrowed in on the dark cover as she found her salvation on the end cap of one of the shelves
It was marked “new release” instead of “sequel to the best book ever” but Aelin could think about that later
She noticed the first book right next to it and started to pick up her pace
What she didn’t notice, however, was another hand reaching and grabbing for it
The two of them collided in a way that made Aelin’s bones rattle, but he still held steadfast on the book
Her eyes darted to the shelf once before talking to him, only to realize that he had gotten the last copy of the novel
“Hey, sorry to run into you,” she started, looking down at her feet. “But I was wondering if I could have that book?”
He almost looked amused as he looked down at her
She should really stomp on his foot
“And why should I give it to you when you just body checked me?” His smirk drove her insane
Blunt truth was probably the best way to go. “Because I apologized and if I don’t read it in the next ten minutes I’ll die.”
His silver hair shined under the fluorescent lighting as he raised an eyebrow
“Well in that case,” he started. Aelin shot him her most hopeful look. “No.”
Aelin fought the urge to stomp on his foot and run away with the book. She was more civilized than that.
At least, she hoped she was more civilized than that. 
“It’s the sequel, you need to read the first book in order to understand it,” she explained.
He plucked the first book right off the shelf. “Then I’ll just marathon the books.”
Once again, he stared straight down at her, moving closer to her body with each heated word from her.
“You’re a tiny little thing aren’t you?” His voice was more sarcastic than anything, but in his deep green eyes, Aelin saw a bit of mischief and intrigue
Before she could get too lost in his eyes, she took a step back and squared her shoulders. “You want to go? Fight me, tall boy.”
A deep laugh caused Aelin’s shoulders to ease up slightly. The stranger said, “Not many people have the guts to come after me like that.”
She snorted. “You’re not intimidating in the slightest.”
It was only then she realized how intimidating he actually was. He was tall with short silver hair, a tattoo crawling up his neck, and muscles that could only be built by way too many hours at the gym.
Another eyebrow raise. “Want to bet?”
Aelin rolled her eyes. “What can I do to get that book? Because I will fight you in this store.”
He seemed to ponder it for a moment. “I’ll give it to you, on one condition.”
“Anything!” she said a bit too quickly. 
“Meet me here at the cafe on Friday so we can talk about the series.”
That was totally not what she had expected come out of his mouth
She started tentatively, “Like a date?”
He flashed her a smile. “We’ll see how we feel at the end of it.”
Her eyes met his once again. “I don’t even know your name, tall boy.”
Instead of holding out his hand, he held out the book. “Rowan Whitethorn.”
From her point of view, Aelin had two choices
Either leave without the book and never see Rowan Whitethorn again
Or get the book and land a date with one of the hottest boys she’d ever met
The choice was pretty clear
She grabbed the book from his outstretched hand and said, “Aelin Galathynius.”
Rowan tilted his head and gave her a tiny smile. “Meet at seven on Friday in the cafe?”
Aelin nodded. “I’m looking forward to it.” She gave the book he held in his hands a pointed look. “Be prepared, too.”
Another smile. “I always am.”
It was safe to say that the book wasn’t the only thing Aelin was freaking out about that night. 
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dimsumandchill · 6 years ago
Hey guys I'm ready to write!
On the market for RP partners again! For real this time! (If you guys messaged me earlier about it and I ended up ghosting you I am so sorry, I suddenly got just utterly destroyed by work and then my tumblr freaked out and it deleted a bunch of chats so yeah feel free to message me again)
Anyhow, a couple of things:
Please be over 18. Im an old lady and I really feel uncomfortable writing with a minor.
I also work full time and DM a D&D campaign every week, so sometimes I cant reply right away. If its been a day or two give me a nudge or a quick hello, I probably just forgot. Please forgive me.
On to the writing part!
I am a sucker for horror/paranormal plots and whatnot. I actually have a paranormal detective noir plot in mind. Think Harry Dresden meets the Xfiles meets Buffy meets Constantine.
I also love anything high fantasy. Fuck me up with those dragons and shit. I also have a plot for this too if you're interested.
Sci-fi is also awesome. I like space and aliens and shit!
Westerns. My god lets do an old west thing. If we can mix genres thatd be dope. Western fantasy? Sign me the fuck up.
I dont do many fandoms, but Dragon Age I certainly do. I have many OCs and Inquisitors that I would love to write. Especially to be paired with Dorian/Bull/Cullen.
Im also up for ideas! I would love to plot with you and what not. :)
Places I write:
Skype: stopthatdoor
Line: (preferred) kindakawaii
Right here on tumblr.
I cant stand discord, my phone hates it so I dont use it. So please dont ask me to get it, I will just ignore you. I dont have a laptop either so im only going to be on my phone. That being said please forgive my typos and what not.
So dont be afraid and please message me! :)
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thetygre · 6 years ago
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30 Day Monster Challenge - Day #20: Favorite Song/Musical Monster
1.       The Phantom of the Paradise
Phantom of the Opera has spawned plenty of spin-offs and parodies, but none are weirder and cooler than The Phantom of the Paradise. Born in that stage-musical wasteland between the sinking of Hello Dolly and the rise of Lloyd Webber, Phantom of the Paradise was a bizarre rock-opera that was a mixture between the Phantom of the Opera, Faust, and The Picture of Dorian Gray.
Our Phantom this time around is named Winslow; he didn’t start off deformed, but got that way through prison experiments and a record press accident. Winslow just looks and sounds awesome; his teeth are made of iron, and he talks through a voicebox that sounds like a ghost screaming through a CB radio. The entire movie has a bird theme to its characters, so Winslow’s helmet winds up looking like a hawk. In fact, a lot of people probably only know about this musical through the comparison between Winslow and Griffith from Berserk. It doesn’t help that their stories are kind of similar; locked in prison, mutilated, deal with the forces of evil. It’s probably just a coincidence, but I’m not gonna’ lie and say it wouldn’t be a cool reference if it wasn’t. Still, people should give this movie a chance on its own merits, just because of what campy fun it is.
2.       Lilith Immaculate
Cradle of Filth is a symphonic black metal band with a distinct gothic horror bent to their albums. They’ve done several concept albums, including one based around Gille de Rais and another on Elizabeth Bathory, but Darkly Darkly Venus Aversa was an original story. At the center of the album’s story is the monstrous goddess Lilith, trapped by the Knights Templar during the crusades and now possessing a girl sent to a nunnery. It’s all so incredibly gothic; sins of the past, sexual frustration, religious oppression, graveyards, doomed love.
I might not be the best judge of character, but Lilith here hits the nail with the hammer as far as gothic monsters go, reminding me a little of The Great God Pan or Gormenghast. Part of Lilith’s appeal is that, for all intents and purposes, she wins; the album ends with her former lover realizing that he has unleashed something he could never control, and now the world is doomed. Lilith heralds the dawning of a darker age, the antithesis of everything Victorian values holds dear. You can’t help but cheer for her as she readies to make war on the world.
3.       Stanton Cree
Ghoultown is a gothabilly band, which means that it’s like rockabilly but with some Southern rock and it’s about ghosts and vampires and werewolves. Needless to say, they’re pretty great. Their best known song is probably Drink with the Living Dead, which tells the story of a cowboy forced into a drinking match with an undead gunslinger. The ghoul, Stanton Cree, shot a man for his beer and can’t rest until someone beats him in either drinks him under the table or beats him in a duel.
I love ‘Weird West’ songs, and Ghoultown is the epitome of that. Stanton Cree has gone insane from eternal life and is determined to find somebody to beat him, but he won’t go easy on his opponent. It’s the kind of story that belongs in Deadlands or some other cowboy horror setting. It lacks the morality tale aspect of Ghost Riders, but that’s a deliberate decision to emphasize just how bizarre the story is. It’s a perfect mood piece for a dark night out on the Wastes.
4.       The Erlking
Schubert’s Erlking is an old-fashioned fairy, the dangerous and wild kind that need to be feared. As a father rides through the forest at night, his son sees the Elf King trying to seduce him to come away with him. It’s always nice to be reminded that fairies and elves aren’t nice, that they can be as dangerous as any monster or demon. But it needs to be done with a certain degree of subtlety, at least for a while, a delicate touch before the other shoe drops.
The Erlking is of course also a metaphor for death, and the father believe his son is only hallucinating as he dies in his father’s arms. It reminds me of the old medieval stories about how Fairyland was sometimes just a trap made by Hell, or how fairies would appear in afterlife narratives for children. Whether death, fairy, hallucination, or all three, the Erlking is still a chilling figure.
5.       The Phantom of the Opera
I don’t claim to be in the Phandom, I only have a surface knowledge of it, but I feel like the Phantom is still an important monster/horror icon, even before becoming a musical star. The Phantom’s story, even from the beginning, has been about toxic people and learning to grow up. Born deformed, the Phantom embittered himself against the world, becoming a genius at music, engineering, and just about everything else, but a child socially. The lesson he learns is about putting another person’s wants and needs before your own, and that’s still a vital lesson that is incredibly painful to learn. Naturally, I don’t care about that; I just enjoy making fun of Love Never Dies and deciding which Phantom is the best based on grodiness of deformity. Obviously, that’s up to objective taste, but it’s Ramin Karimloo. Karimloo has the most extreme deformities, and is prone to fits of ACTING, so Karimloo takes top spot for musical Phantom. The best non-Musical Phantom is, of course, Lon Chaney, followed by Charles Dance, and I will fight anyone who says otherwise. Again I’m… I totally don’t care about this musical. I swear.
6.       Mefistofele
I would argue that Boito’s Mephistopheles is the definitive version of the character, even more than Goethe’s. If nothing else, Boito’s Mefistofele defined the look of Mephistopheles, casting him in his famous red cavalier’s outfit. Mephistopheles here is also much more analogous to the Devil than his own separate entity here, since the opera begins with Mephistopheles challenging God to a bet over Faust’s soul. While Mefistofele might not be where the devil started enjoying his work, it’s definitely a far cry from Marlowe’s Mephistopheles urging Faust not to give up Heaven.
Still, despite the loss of complexity, Boito’s Mephistopheles is more personable, more charming, even a bit more human. There are situations he can’t control, and his relationship with Heaven is more casual. In the end, when Faust repents, you get the feeling that Boito’s Mephistopheles was enjoying the ride, and is almost as upset about not being able to have fun anymore as he is about losing his bet with God.
7.       The Water God
Anything by Dethklok kind of feels like cheating, since they were explicitly made to be a parody band of death metal. At the same time, though, I’m not going to sit here and pretend that the entire underwater setting where sea monsters have race wars with mermaids isn’t the dopest shit. And then one of these sea monsters finds a deep sea oracle and they turn into some dark ocean god and it’s all so freaking cool. It is unnecessarily cool for a joke band meant to shill for an Adult Swim show. But the entire epic of the water god here is genuinely more compelling to me than a decent chunk of the fantasy characters I have read about. Maybe I need to read better fantasy stories, or maybe everyone else just needs to get with the program and starting writing Metal epics about killer tritons.
8.       Ghost Riders in the Sky
Now this is the original Weird West song. Demon bulls, undead cowboys, nightmare horses; this song has got it all. And of course, this all goes without saying about how the song is also the unofficial theme song for Ghost Rider, one of my favorite superheroes. The song has that same ‘weird tale’ feel that Drink with the Living Dead has, which is probably because it’s based on an actual Texas folk tale. The image of a special Hell for cowboys is interesting, but I’m more fascinated by the prospect that Satan has livestock. Are all the Devil’s farm animals Metal like his steer? What about his chickens? Does Satan live on a giant dude ranch? Now I want some kind of Western/dark fantasy story where the Devil is a cattle baron all dressed in black and red.
9.       Red
All Dogs Go to Heaven 2 was… God, I’m really putting this on the same list as Mefistofele good lord, but All Dogs Go to Heaven 2 was, well All Dogs go to Heaven 2. I mean it wasn’t the worst direct-to-video cartoon sequel of anything ever, it kind of just drifts there around the middle, but like many DTV cartoon sequels it has, unfortunately, a really great villain with a really great villain song. Designated antagonist Red is a demonic cat who’s after the angel Gabriel’s horn. His design is actually pretty good, and I appreciate the implication that if all dogs are heavenly, then all cats are therefore demonic minions. This is of course a known truth to anybody who has ever had to clean a litterbox, but it’s always nice to be reassured.
However, that alone would not let Red make the list; it takes more than being the redeeming feature of a DTV cartoon sequel to get here. What clenches it is Red’s pedigree; Red is voiced by Broadway musical veteran George Hearn, who has been in everything from Camelot to Wicked, but is most famous for being Sweeney Todd during the musical’s performance in 1970, and stayed with the production through its national tour and its Emmy-winning TV performance. In short, this man was the definitive Sweeney Todd, at least until Johnny Depp. All Dogs 2 even acknowledges it by having an entire sequence set in a demonic barber shop and theater. And I’m just a sucker for that kind of reference, so the evil red cat edges his way in.
10.   The Beast of Pirate’s Bay
There are plenty of Voltaire songs I could have picked, but it figures I would pick the one about a sea monster. A variety of leviathans are conjured up to describe the Beast, without any actual answers given. It figures that like any good tall tale, the Beast changes from teller to teller. The truth is, though, that I find this to be one of Voltaire’s more sympathetic songs, and I can’t help but identify with the ending. Once upon a time there was a little me who loved sea life more than anything else too. The song takes a lower spot because of the actual nature of the monster, but the feeling still shines through.
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tennyo-elf · 7 years ago
I’m a bit upset. I have both PTSD and CPTSD (which follow me every fucking day, tyvm, so I know the lasting effects), I have spent 2000+ hours playing DAI, I’ve exhausted all Cullen’s dialogue options in DAI, exhausted all his dialogue in other games, and read his profile in WOTv2, so it’s not like I don’t have the knowledge and understanding of Cullen’s character to form my opinion. I will always, always believe they didn’t do enough for Cullen’s character, that Cullen’s redemption arc was/is almost non-existent, and that no matter how well written his PTSD is, it doesn’t excuse him from his past actions or his “Yes, but...” attitude in DAI. I’m talking and referring to writing mechanics here, which reflect real life, and is used to show progression and forward motion, aka overcoming blocks and deadends. 
You literally can fill in any Cullen you want by Trespasser. His haters can say he hasn’t changed or isn’t remorseful and they can be right despite Cullen saying differently in a few scenes. Because he only said it passively, we didn’t get to see it. His breakdown is about his recovery and his PTSD, NOT his redemption. Yes, they go together (his PTSD will affect his recovery and his redemption), and that’s why I am upset at his writing because they wrote one side but, to me, forgot the other. It wasn’t enough for me. The writing doesn’t challenge that part of Cullen’s story.
In fact, his excuse by mid-game “Meredith’s methods were harsh but the kept people safe” only shows that he hasn’t truly reflected on all the damage he has dealt (”but his PTSD” you may say. That, to me, someone with PTSD/CPTSD, is an excuse. He should have done SOME reflecting by this point, especially since he acknowledges some of his failings/what happened. If you say he can’t because of his mental illness then there is no story, there is no forward motion, you write stories for the forward motion, not to be static). Yes, he says the Inquisition is his chance to atone, that people died is “a truth that haunts” him, but he says this between saying mages shouldn't be free (nor imprisoned) and Meredith’s methods kept people safe. At this point you can say due to his PTSD he is still recovering and won’t be at the point to say otherwise. Well, at what point will, a fictional character, who has been recovering for the last two years or so, start to say, “perhaps not all Templars weren’t innocent and that may have been part of the problem” (his respect for the Templars is one thing, but blind faith is another. I know he will always respect Templars and look up to them, but perhaps he can see that mages weren’t the only dangers in the Circles) or “perhaps we can give mages a chance to show themselves capable of being free” (if mages were allied and they’ve been free for some time)? Recovery is an individual thing, some people need more time than others. But I believe enough time has passed for Cullen to begin to show enough change that I shouldn’t even need to have this opinion. 
We have Blackwall literally turn himself in, an action you cannot refute. That is an action that leads to a true redemption. You can not say Blackwall hasn’t changed at that point. Now we have Cullen’s breakdown (which may, for some, be enough) but those two are actually completely different to me. Cullen’s breakdown is about his recovery from Lyrium and his trauma, wanting to get away from a life that wasn’t what he wanted for himself. His breakdown was not part of his redemption (yes, he worries about not doing enough for the Inquisition, but that one line seems more about his own abilities off lyrium than anything else). In fact it’s was only after this breakdown could his redemption arc truly begin. But I feel that afterwards we get nothing. We get a climax (his breakdown) but then no following resolution. He says, if you keep him off lyrium, that maybe he can put those events behind him now. So why not push him a little? Have him meet someone he wronged? Give him a smaller breakdown after Blackwall turns himself in, question himself just a little instead of asking “why” Blackwall would do such a thing? Give us bigger insight on Cullen’s own self reflection. 
Two steps forward, one step back. 
At the very least have him by the end of Inquisition state more about Meredith? Truly have him renounce her, to take back what he said mid-game and realize her methods were what drove the mages to fear? Fear that he saw in their eyes and recognized (hello WOTv2)? How much healing would that give Cullen to do that? Meredith straight up made his mental health worse, abused him and his vulnerability, and him finally stating that he can see just how much damage she did to him? How is that not a good step forward? (it’s adds to his beginning redemption, it’s a start not an end.) It may be words, but the writing could have backed them up by adding a line to his end game slide stating that his Templar clinic invited mages as healers perhaps? That his good works included helping mages?
I, personally, needed more. I needed more falling action, more resolution, more on Cullen’s changing opinions and thoughts near the end of the game (not just on mages either). Something, anything, that is clear for everyone. It may be clear for you, but it wasn’t for me and, I know, for others. And not because we don’t understand Cullen or PTSD. For you, the writing may have been enough, and that’s fine, I’m happy for you because you’re not frustrated like I am about it. It’s done, DAI is over, and Cullen’s story is told. To me, as someone who also knows Cullen and PTSD, Cullen’s story frustrates me because it wasn’t enough to satisfy me, it didn’t feel complete to me. 
I love Cullen, I know he wants to be a good person. But the dude has flaws. And he is not just his PTSD. He has done bad things (mostly, inaction) and those bad things were not properly addressed during DAI in my opinion. PTSD is a reason why, and a speed-bump to recovery, but not an excuse and not a reason to simply ignore a part of Cullen’s story. Him getting over his PTSD or him beginning to heal during DAI is not a redemption arc. It is part of a bigger story, Cullen’s story, which comprises of his lyrium recovery, his healing/his PTSD, and his redemption. Focusing on one does not take the place of the other. Focusing on one and ignoring the other is forgetting the other. I don’t want that! I want Cullen to have an amazing arc that I know he can have! I want this because I love the character. And I hate missed potential. 
Recognizing a character’s flaws is not a bad thing! How can you truly love a character without knowing all sides of them? Cullen is thick headed and an ass sometimes, but that’s okay, those are his flaws, love him or hate him. He can also be gentle and cares about others. I’m the Dorian of Cullen fans tbh, I may talk shit about Cullen, but it’s because I care and love him that I do. If I hated him or didn’t like him, I wouldn’t have taken my whole freaking morning writing this damn post. ...which I may delete, IDK. Like, the only hate you see on my blog is for Moffat, like, if I don’t like something, I just ignore it. But I care too much because: Potential, layers, dynamic, hey they did the mental illness thing good, hey his romance is good, hey this is good start, let’s do this...wait, where’s the rest of it?  :(
(Here is some views I want Cullen to have by the end of Trespasser, which seem reasonable to me, that I would have loved to see some clue in the game to him having:
He still views mages as very dangerous, but no longer thinks less of them for it (as he did in DA2 and some of DAI). He’ll come to respect most mages for their continued fight against demon temptation like he would an old warrior. (Occasionally his fear of mages will return as a knee jerk reaction but he will correct himself.)
He still supports Templars but does not want to see them within the Chantry. He will also accept the idea of mages within the Templar ranks, believing cooperation will be more efficient than not. He will also push for more Templar presence in all places, but mostly near the College of Enchanters. He will also help those who wish to shed their Lyrium addiction and call for ways the order can continue without such a crutch. In general, he’ll want the Order to reform for the better.
He accepts that mages can govern themselves but continues to believe in strong magical law enforcement, such as Templar presence in towns and cities, laws that restrict magical use, strong punishments for those who use magic to harm others, etc. He continues to follow Andraste’s words that magic is meant to serve.
He believes in strong magical education that should continue into adulthood or more.
He will always believe in no tolerance for blood magic, that those who practice it should be put to death. He will, however, be reasonable (after being talked to), that blood magic done with only the use of one’s own blood should not mean insta-death, but instead a (long) prison sentence.)
Also also, I never fucking said Cullen was a bad person, omg...
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gabriel-solares-blog · 6 years ago
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( he/him ) why the fuck would [ OSCAR ISAAC ] want to live in sunset court? oh – i guess that’s just [ GABRIEL SOLARES ], a [ THIRTY FIVE ] year old [ COMPUTER ENGINEERING MAJOR ] from [ CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA ]. i’m pretty sure he’s been in los angeles for [EIGHT YEARS ] and in [ 4D ] for [ TWO YEARS ]. i heard he’s in los angeles because [ HE WORKED TO PUT HIS LITTLE SISTER THROUGH SCHOOL BEFORE STARTING HIS OWN MAJOR ] and that he’s been [ WORKING MULTIPLE JOBS ] so he can pay his rent while he’s chasing his dreams. pretty wild, right? anyways, i heard that he’s [ HUMOUROUS ] and [ CHARMING ], but can also be [ SARCASTIC ] and [ NON CONFRONTATIONAL ], so watch out. ( Mouse, CST,  She/Her )
Hello all my name is Mouse, and yes that is my ACTUAL NAME not an alias because my mom is a weirdo- my siblings’ names are Carlton and Joyanna though, so I figure I got off easy. I’m 24. I was a homeschooled jungle freak (if… you could Kansas as the jungle… which… you shouldn’t….) and thus I have no social skills to speak of, which is honestly preferable to living out in this shit state as a gay raised by gay moms. I just started college because I’m a trash child with anxiety and am currently living in a shitty apartment near campus with my wonderful girlfriend and our three chihuahua mutts. I like to do lame things like cross stitch and write poetry. (And yes I totally did just copy/paste this from Kiara’s intro post ayyooo)
This goober is Gabe and he’s a sweet bun of a man, dare I say the only straight man who has never disappointed me??? Perhaps. 
Gabriel Solares was born to childhood sweethearts Matias Solares and Gloria Perez. Both children of immigrants, they grew up in the same neighborhood, started dating in high school, and had Gabe shortly after graduating college. They were very happy, if a little codependent, and soon (how soon depends on who fills my wanted connection wink wink nudge nudge) they had a little girl whose name is up to player.
When Gabe was ten, his mother had a sudden brain aneurysm after dropping him and his sister off at school- and his father absolutely fell apart. He stopped taking care of himself or his children, started drinking, disappeared for days- even weeks- at a time, and it was largely left up to Gabe to take care of his sister. He knew that if the school were to find out how his father was neglecting them they’d be taken away and more than likely separated, so he did all he could to attempt to make sure that no one knew. He learned through trial and error how to do laundry, scrounged for change to buy sandwich materials when his dad failed to buy groceries, and when there was no change to find, he stole food or went hungry in order to keep him and his sister fed. He has a vivid memory of feeding his little sister canned vegetables for dinner because there was nothing else to eat, ignoring the growling in his own stomach by reminding himself he would be able to eat breakfast at school. 
In the end, people started noticing little details that clued them in. Child Protective Services showed up on his father’s doorstep a year and a half after his mother died and and instead of getting his act together, Matias relinquished his parental rights to the state. Gabe and his sister were placed in foster care and over the next six years lived in over twenty foster and group homes- facing a variety of abuses. They stayed together most of the time once their case worker figured out that putting them in separate placements largely lead to both of them running away and living on the streets until local law enforcement managed to catch up with them, normally somewhere around a week or two later.
Anyone who had to deal with Gabe quickly realized that he wasn’t a bad kid. He was intelligent, witty, and generous- quick to crack a joke to diffuse a tense situation or offer a helping hand. His schoolwork was always beyond reproach, and while he resented being made to help with anything, if left to his own devices he would normally offer to take over household chores. However, he was extremely protective of his sister and his possessions and wasn’t afraid to become physical in defense of either. He ended up in a group home for troubled boys for fighting with other foster children, and at sixteen Gabe found himself in handcuffs after a foster father hit his sister hard enough to warrant stitches and he put himself in between both of them and punched the other man.
He finished school early a year later and applied for emancipation, filing for custody of his sister and working multiple jobs to pay their rent. To Gabe, it felt like the first time he was able to take a full breath since their parents died- finally he didn’t have to worry about where they’d be shipped off next, or if they were going to decide to separate them again tomorrow. He should have been able to relax, but found it wasn’t quite in his nature. He’d spent so much of his childhood worrying about him and his sister, it wasn’t something he could turn off- but now at least he had a little time to spend on himself and his own interests- starting several side businesses in addition to his multiple day jobs ranging from teaching guitar, computer repair, yard work, and dog walking and training. When his sister graduated high school, they moved to L.A in order to be close to her college choice, and he continued on as he had been, only now he gave all his spare money to her to help pay for school. I imagine they argued long and hard about her going to school before he did, but Gabe would have been insistent. 
After she graduated, they found Sunset Court- which was significantly cheaper and nicer than their current apartment and moved in a few weeks before Gabe’s classes started. He had a lot of misgivings going to school so late in the game, and I imagine that sometimes he’s very self conscious about being the ‘old man on campus’, but he wants to finally be able to relax and enjoy his life a little more- something he can’t do when he’s constantly scrounging for money. 
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THIS BOY IS A G O O F. I mean seriously, he’s like if Eric Foreman, John Dorian, and Jesse from Pitch Perfect had a love child. Awkward humor af, constant finger guns, being so charmingly annoying you can’t even deal with him. 
On the one side of things Gabe is a very intense, hardworking person. He truly gets antsy when there’s nothing for him to do, and he’s prone to finding something when that happens. (It’s normally something very nerdy and/or unneeded home improvement, tbh.) He has a lot of trauma from his childhood, and while he jokes about it often it’s only something he’s really just now starting to acknowledge. He’s SO INTENSE about money and finances, his monthly budget is something of legend and he’s the kind of person who will loan you money if he can, but don’t expect him to ever forget about it. His space is very much HIS and he cannot deal with anyone upsetting anything in his room, and he hates clutter in the main area- though he’s normally too tired or worn out to worry about it enough to clean it. 
On the other hand he’s very much a laid back boy next door type. He plays video games, collects guitars, sings ridiculous made up songs to himself while he works, and shakes his butt to Cardi B songs while he makes cereal. Just a goofy goober through and through honestly, and I can’t wait to see how he interacts with other characters here.
Your character hears Gabe singing and playing guitar on the balcony and either comes out to listen or tell him to quiet tf down
Your character was a foster kid around the same time Gabe and his sister was and they maybe lived in the same house for a little
Gabe repairs your character’s computer/walks their dog/teaches them guitar/etc and they become friends
Gabe falls asleep somewhere weird because he’s a little overworked narcoleptic and your character happens upon him like ???? (ngl every time I play Gabe I cruelly throw him in weird situations by having him fall asleep somewhere weird and wake up to something odd happening around him lmaooooooo)
Or if you have an idea, hit me up! I’m hype to get started!!!
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heyscience · 7 years ago
If I Were Inquisitor - Ask Meme.
@batsintheshadows @tea-me-and-smut @foxywolfmeerkat13 @howling-at-night OMG THIS IS SO FUN YOU GUYS HOLY SHIT!! Thanks so much for writing yours, and I’m so stoked to finally share mine!
If you are reading this and want to give it a shot, please reblog the original post and I’ll send you an ask! I LOVE THIS SO MUCH, I LOVE READING PEOPLE’S ANSWERS. THEY’RE ALL. SO GOOD!!!!
1. Race: I want to be a giant muscley mountain of a Qunari. I wanna be the very best, like no-one ever was, at smashing my enemies’ faces in and giving the best goddamn hugs there is. 
2. Class/Specialization: Two-handed Warrior/Champion. I like hitting things, and I love the idea of getting involved in all that pompous Orlesian chevalier bullshit and RUINING IT for ALL OF THEM.
3. Your homeland? It’s gotta be somewhere warm and by the sea (because I love the ocean and also I can’t deal with the cold cos I am WEAK), so I’m thinking Rivain. Ooh! And that would mean I’d have a bunch of sick tattoos and piercings! Rad.
4. Your family? (Ok so I’m basing this loosely off my irl family because they’re my best point of reference I guess????)
So, my family. I love them, but they’re a mess.
My Mum was the ideal Tamassran. A devout adherent to the Qun. She worked as a healer and was very well respected in her field.
That was until she met my Dad, who in short, looked at the Qun and was like ‘fuck this shit I’m out.’
Dad was a soldier and one day he was wounded in battle, ended up in the hospice where Mum worked, wooed her, and they ran away together to Rivain.
They had my brother and I and then realised that they’re actually polar opposites and it’s a wonder they were ever attracted to each other. They split up, re-partnered and had more kids. So I have a pile of siblings that I have varying degrees of blood relation with, but we all consider each other fully part of our extended, convoluted family (for serious - irl I have 9 siblings).
Mum taught me business sense and how to tend to battle wounds, Dad taught me how to fight. I’ve got a lot of family of various races all over Thedas, all related (not necessarily by blood) one way or another. People say lovely things about my Mum, and the craziest things about my Dad - the stories of his exploits are so outrageous it’s difficult to believe any of them are true (like irl my dad was involved in organised crime for a while but quit cos he got bored????).
I love my family but I’m really bad at keeping in contact with them, so I get the occasional letter from Mum being like ‘ARE YOU DEAD?!’
Leliana has taken to sending her reassuring updates preemptively.
5. Who were you before? I imagine I’d be part of something like a dnd adventuring party.
We started out as a ragtag group of misfits, travelling the land in search of gold and glory. It was mostly treasure hunting and mercenary gigs, and some of the work we did on the high seas was um, legal-adjacent (piracy). But occasionally we’d stop to lend a hand to those in need, pass ourselves off as bards to earn extra coin in small-town taverns, and we even involved ourselves in vigilante justice a couple of times.
We grew into our own little family, and eventually we found ourselves wanting to do the type of work that really mattered. That’s why we signed ourselves up to work security at the Conclave, with a plan to move into aiding refugees in Ferelden afterwards. It didn’t. Quite. Work out that way. Unfortunately.
6. Would you be religious? That’s a hard no.
7. Do you have a mabari? YES PUPPY! Who is also a fully fledged member of our adventuring troupe I might add.
8. Your opinion on other races? Elves = rad, dwarves = awesome, humans = eh, dragons?? = HELL YES
9. What would Varric’s nickname for you be? Stubby.
10. What would your tarot card look like? This one is hard! I’m thinking a lot of compass imagery (because the sea and travelling and finding your way etc.)...and I’d have to be facing at an angle that best accentuates my glorious biceps.
11. Where would you hang out in Skyhold? I like to be in the centre of the action, but I’m not sure where that would be?? Probably in the main Skyhold courtyard near the entrance, in amongst the merchants? It’d be a good spot to see the comings and goings, check in with recruits and workers for the Inquisition, and also play with any kids who might be around. 
It’s important to make sure the kids of the Inquisition are happy and healthy and, um, ok Josie I’ll admit it, they’re also way more fun to hang out with than that stuffy noble whoeverthefuck you just brought in from Orlais.
12. What would you do for fun? Knock back beers in the Herald’s Rest with my companions, come up with dirty drinking songs with Sera, get blackout drunk with Dorian (although I’ll eventually realise it’s a very unhealthy coping mechanism and encourage Dorian to join me in cutting down the booze), swap stories and quality bants with Varric, beg Vivienne for fashion advice, gush over romance novels with Cass, have tea and gossip sessions with Josie, poke fun at Cullen, spar with the Inquisition recruits (and scare the shit out of them), and, just anything to distract from the looming horror that is Corypheus.
13. What armour would you wear? Heavy, shiny, and bloodstone red.
14. What would your room look like? Organised chaos. I love playing host so my room would look mostly neat, but the writing desk would be an absolute mess. It would probably make poor Josie hyperventilate (which is why I’d always suggest we discuss things in her office, or at least give me plenty of notice before swinging by my chambers so I can tidy up). 
15. Who would be your friends at Skyhold? I’d wanna be friends with pretty much everyone, but I think I’d be closest with Dorian (BUT of course only after giving him a solid scolding for his views on slavery, and I’d only continue talking to him if he came to his senses).
We have a very similar sense of humour, and. Oh man. I have way more feelings about this than I thought I would. In short - I can imagine both laughing with him and collapsing on the floor together with a bottle of wine (each) and many tears.
16. Would you have any friends outside of the Inquisition? This makes me sad because my closest friends outside the Inquisition would be my adventuring party and they..would’ve...the Conclave...EVEN MY MABARI. MY POOR PUPPY. OH GOD WHY. TOO MANY FEELINGS.
17. Who wouldn’t you get along with? Cole. It’s not that I don’t like him, I’d just be super awkward around him, like ‘HELLO SPIRIT CHILD HOW ARE YOU TODAY. OH, IS THAT AN INSECURITY OF MINE YOU JUST POINTED OUT?! WELL COOL, GOOD TALK.’ 
18. Who would you romance? I know this isn’t possible in Inquisition but I would like to be in a polyamorous relationship with Isabela. SHE IS MY FICTIONAL SOULMATE OK.
(Also I’m more than a little bit in love with Cullen but I hate myself for it so)
19. Would you do pranks with Sera? AbsoLUTELY.
20. Would you sleep with the Iron Bull (casually if not romance)? 100% YES. It’d only be an occasional thing tho, cos while I’m a masochist and I like being tied up I’m not really a sub. I’d mostly go to him for bondage tips and um. Requests for. Demonstrations.
21. Would you keep Cole around? Yes. I’d still be weirded out by him, but I acknowledge that it’s completely not his fault. I’d take his word for it that he just wants to help people and let him have at it with that freaky mind-reading and vanishing shit he does.
22. Can you play the game (politics)? A little bit. I’d have to work the scandal angle. Being a Qunari I could never hope to assimilate into the realms of the nobility, but I could win their favour by being something of a novelty. Much like Casanova in this brilliant adaptation starring David Tennant - watch from 10:42.
You see, you don’t have to be liked by everybody, just the right people, and you can usually get them onside by just being very fucking entertaining.
23. What would be on your tombstone in the fade (What are you afraid of)? Ghosts. I’m not sure how well that translates to a Thedas setting but still, it’s my biggest fear so I’m sticking with it.
24. Who would you recruit to seal the breach? Mages.
25. Opinion on Mages versus Templars? Ok, so I have a proposal for how to fix this bullshit:  
1. The Chantry should relinquish any and all control over the affairs of mages. Separation of Church and State, simple as that.
2. The Templar Order should be disbanded, and the practice of indenturing soldiers by saddling them with a lyrium addiction should be banned.
3. All people in Thedas (and I mean ALL) should be taught about magic from a young age, both the gifts and dangers of its use. Everyone should learn about magical safety and how to resist demonic possession.
4. Mage children should attend the same schools as everyone else, but they can hone their skills in their late teens to early adulthood in mage colleges, with free tuition paid by the State (of wherever part of Thedas this is). They can research magic, learn a trade or train in combat, whatever they choose. Mages will be allowed to earn money, marry, have families, and have some actual freaking rights. None of this ‘hunt ‘em down and lock ‘em up’ bullshit.
5. Also the Rite of Tranquility WHAT THE FUCK. I can’t believe it’s a thing people actually agree to do. This rite should be downright fucking outlawed, and severe penalties levelled at the people who attempt it.
26. Who would be put in charge of Orlais and why? Briala. I wouldn’t suggest to Briala that she should get back together with Celene, because honestly their relationship was really fucked up and Celene abused the power imbalance between them. Briala deserves better (like for example me..maybe...but y’know, only if she wants to..)
So I would keep Celene on the throne but hand over all real power to Briala. Celene is a crafty one however, so we’d have to corner her with blackmail and keep a hidden killswitch on hand in case she tries to pull a fast one on us (just like the Voltron kids should be doing with Lotor, which sorry, I know that isn’t related but I HAVE A LOT OF FEELINGS ABOUT IT).
27. Would you sacrifice the Chargers? NEVER.
Seriously Fuck the Qun. The Qun actively promotes eugenics with how they selectively “breed” their people. ALSO the Qunari are gaslighted into believing that they will literally go insane if they don’t follow the Qun?!!!?!?!!??!??! FUCK THAT SHIT.
So yeah, I was never keen on the idea of allying with the Qunari, so when Gatt’s like ‘if you sacrifice the dreadnought there will be no alliance’ I’m like ‘I am ok with this.’ Also, of course, I love the Chargers with all my heart and couldn’t bear to lose them.
28. Would you go after Blackwall? Yeah. He should put all his moral posturing to good fucking use and try being an actual hero. I’d make him join the Wardens, cos it’s effectively a death sentence (or an early grave at least ) and I don’t 100% dislike him, so I know he’d be cool with it because he has a giant fucking hard-on for the Wardens (Jesus fuck). 
29. Would you drink from the well? Nnnnnoooooooooo..and it’s because I would fucking die for Morrigan. I wish I could say I have a well considered reason, but I’m just pathetic like that. She could say jump and I’d say ‘I’d rather not, but, counter offer - would you instead like to sit on my face?’ 
30. Where would you go if the Inquisition was disbanded? Minrathous. It’s warmer there (I love Skyhold but fucking hate the cold), and I would involve myself in the inevitable slave uprising - helping out in whatever way I can. Also I’d just be having a fucking great time terrorising the Magisters, rocking up at the Magisterium like ‘LOOKIT ME I’M A RAGING QUNARI HERE TO INVADE, RARRGHH!! oh hey Dorian, what’s up babe how’ve you been????’
31. How do you react to the egg telling you he is an elven god? The five stages of grief:
Denial - lol no ur not, you’re our painty pyjamas nerd! 
Bargaining - but you’re a god right? Does that mean you can bring them back? Can you undo all this somehow? You gotta have superpowers or some shit right??!?
Depression - After all we’ve been through...you never even saw us as people, did you? Did you ever think of me as a friend? Or anyone else? How could you be ok with murdering your friends? Solas, please, you don’t have to do this. I know that if we work together we can find a better way. You don’t have to destroy the world to save it.
Acceptance - ..................I fUCKING HATE YOU SOLAS.
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roseofithaca · 7 years ago
Mass Effect and Sexuality (or how Commander Shepard helped me find myself).
As I replay the Mass Effect trilogy, I’m only now realising how important it was in helping me come to know my own sexuality, living vicariously through my first Commander Shepard. 
First game there are only two LI options for FemShep; Kaiden and Liara. At the time I was sure I was straight, despite never having had a good relationship with a man in any way. It was just my ‘default’ position. It wasn’t something that ever really came up much for me because I have such a low sex drive anyway and prefer to be on my own. So Mass Effect being a sci-fi adventure with a side of dating sim, hey I get to try to experience a good relationship with a guy through Shepard.
And Kaiden is nice. He’s sweet, considerate, loyal. He has that vulnerable, slightly wounded, edge to him with his backstory without being too angsty. He’s the guy you want to take home to mom. I can see the appeal...but I don’t feel it. Shepard goes for it and doesn’t even consider Liara, as available as she is, because I’m trying to play as much of myself in this and I’m not gay - right? And while Liara is pretty, I don’t see her as attractive, we’re better as friends. Now Ashley, that’s a different story...
Then I hear someone say that, originally, both Ash and Kaiden were going to be available for both MShep and FShep. And I’m thinking, haha, that would’ve been interesting...flirting with Ash...because she’s brave and fun, has some problematic attitudes towards aliens but I could help her work on that...Oh well. Doesn’t matter. Why do I care? Also why does it bother me that FemShep has a male or “female” optional LI but MShep only has girls?
So I play Mass Effect 2 almost straight away after finishing 1. I wonder how my Shepard’s romance with Kaiden will develop and if any other characters will sway me to ditch him for another. And it seems like Kaiden won’t be around so who do we have now? Well once again there’s only one male human LI; Jacob. He’s serious, a lot more intense than Kaiden, but a bit more interesting to me. Oh and FemShep is ALWAYS flirting with Jacob, even before I touch on any option to start a romance...so the game must want me to go with him? The other LI options are all men; Garrus and Thane. Garrus has a voice that could charm a nun into bed...but he’s like a brother. It’s just wrong. And I’m probably one of the only ME players ever who doesn’t understand the attraction to Thane. So Jacob it is.
Except, oh, hello! Here’s this charming Yeoman, Kelly Chambers, flirting with Shepard...and Shepard is allowed to flirt back? The game never wants to make it explicit that there is an actual romance going on...even when you can invite her up to your cabin and afterwards she’ll agree to feed your fish...No, that’s not a euphemism. 
Then there’s also Tali, who was adorable enough in the first game, and is now even more sweet, and needing multiple cuddles throughout this story. And she tells me how she would love to ‘link her suit with me’...and this isn’t a come on! It’s ‘just good friends’! Why is that frustrating? And there’s also Jack, who I’m certain must be a lesbian...but no, apparently this was Bioware trying to ‘break new ground’ by having a typically-coded ‘butch’ character be completely straight. Just like Cassandra in DAI, the game purposefully teases your character getting close to her only to have her shut you down with a ‘no homo’. At least in DAI there are LGBT equivalents of that with Sera and Dorian. Not in ME2. All the ‘real’ LI’s are straight (except Liara who is DLC). 
So I’m romancing Jacob because Kaiden has told me to f*** off on Horizon...even though I’m in love with the female characters on the ship way more. I’m already planning a MShep playthrough so I can romance Tali.
It’s around this time how much I realise that the men are doing nothing for me. Not just in video games, but in real life.
So then we get to ME3, which I had to endure the hiatus like everyone else, this time giving me more time to think things over. My FemShep has the chance to reconcile with Kaiden...except neither she or I are interested anymore. And Jacob? He left while Shepard was in prison and is having a baby with someone else...after eight months. Dude. But again, my Shepard isn’t interested. And this sucks because I’ve put in so much time to this trilogy only to not have my Shepard have a love interest in the final act...
Oh. Except. Now we have New Kelly. New Kelly is freaking adorable. New Kelly has a fetish for EDI’s voice. New Kelly is called Samantha Traynor and she’s precious.
And she’s a lesbian! *sound of cheering and fireworks in background*
And now, after shower sex, my Shepard is able to admit to herself who she really is. What she really wants (other than killing Reapers). And so was I.
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lonely-little-lovely · 8 years ago
WHAT IF MAEVE HAS TAKEN AELIN TO ENDOVIER... freaking out... plz send help... in the form of an elorcan fic...
Hello love! I wanted to start out by saying I do NOT think Maeve will be taking Aelin to Endovier, as I don't believe she headed off in that direction (I could be wrong tho.) Also I'm pretty sure it's mentioned that Endovier is somewhere in Adarlan, and while Maeve COULD be allying with Erawan, she definitely knows Rowan will be coming for his wife and she'll want to be in her own country where she has more control, if that makes any sense. Secondly!!! Okay this isn't and elorcan fic as I have a quite a few fics in my inbox right now from like MONTHS ago that I haven't finished because I'm the worst, but I've been obsessed with the idea of Hellas and Annieth/ Hades and Persephone Elorcan, so here's some headcanons for that! -takes place after the fall of the titans Erawan and Maeve (and Vernon and Blackbeak Matron and Arobynn if you REALLY want to get into it) -the world is a mess™ from that whole disaster and during it, Elide, Goddess of Wisdom, was separated from her sister, Aelin Lightbringer-she was crippled and feels like a shame to the Gods because they're not? Supposed to be?? Able to get crippled???-she can't zap back up to Orynth (which I'm pretending is Mount Olympus) because her shithead Titan uncle Vernon like cursed her so she's about as vulnerable as a mortal and the only one who can fix it is Dorian, God of Magic who is OF COURSE UP IN ORYNTH-Lorcan (Hades/Hellas because duh) is trying to find a way back to his dark realm-he turned on Maeve at like the LAST SECOND but the other Gods and Goddesses still don't trust him -he of course finds Elide and knows who she is INSTANTLY-he also doesn't really care about her leg because anyone who isn't an idiot knows Elide is one of the most lethal Goddesses out there just because of her brain -Lorcan strikes a deal with her; physically she's weak, and he can protect her as long as she promises to send him back to his realm as soon as she figures out how to portal back home -Elide accepts, and cue going through the mortal lands pretending to be husband and wife -somewhere along the way Lorcan is like '!?!? Oh???!' Because Elide is so Smart™ and pretty™ and badass™ and he hates her sister with like a burning passion (Aelin would Lowkey be the Demeter of this story even tho that's not how it goes in the actual myth) but Elide is nothing like her-so they finally find a way to portal because duh Elide is a beautiful little genius -and the portals are opening and Elide nods goodbye but suddenly Lorcan can't stand the thought of being alone for the rest of his miserable existence and so, completely Hades style (tho fun fact: Hades got permission from Zeus to kidnap Persephone, Lorcan does no such thing) Lorcan grabs her just before her fingers touch the light of Orynth and sweeps her down into the darkness of his world instead. So AHHH here's this, voila, they were kinda rushed but I hope they satisfy your need, Nonny!
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