#( ch. scarlett blackwood. 饟個 )
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doctornilayxaksoy-esfahani 6 months ago
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There is nothing in the world that could make Nilay miss out one of Moshe's lectures. For as long as they have known each other, no matter what, they always ensured to be there and support the other. Every graduation, every lecture, every event, every signing, every premiere; Anything and everything, they've become each other's constant person for such experiences in their lives. The anthropologist had even made sure to be the first person to show up at the room, finding a spot in the middle with a good view of her best friend while still leaving other good spots for students and anyone else interested in his lecture. She noticed a redhead taking the seat next to her and gave her a smile, the room slowly building up with more people. It was a decent crowd and while she knew that Moshe's anxiety sometimes got to him, she knew that he could do this. And her smile grew the moment she saw her best friend enter and getting set-up for his lecture. A soft laugh soon leaving her lips as she noticed his tie. "I gave him that," she told the redhead, nodding towards Moshe's ancient Egyptian-themed tie. "We were in Luxor together for a few days before his doctorates graduation when we stopped by one of the museum's gift shops and I saw it. I swear, he always wears it when he wants to feel extra lucky."
饟個 饾殸饾殤饾殬: @scarlettrxse
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doctornilayxaksoy-esfahani 5 months ago
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"Indeed, he is," she mused lovingly. "He's always been like that, even when we were kids. Honestly, I remembering once complimenting him on a translation he did for a replica of Egyptian hieroglyphs when we were eleven and he just short-circuited completely." A beat. And soon, Nilay laughed while her cheeks pinkened. "Then again, I'm not one to talk. I'm the exact same way. He compliments me and suddenly, I'm ten years old again and trying to list of reasons why others deserve the praise or what I find wrong with what he's complimenting." With how anxious they both were and how they each carried gentle hearts, perhaps it wasn't too much of a surprise that they found each other in the end. And it certainly didn't hurt that their parents were good friends and the reason as to why they even met in the first place. Listening to the redhead, her brow quirked at the mention of Moshe's "current dilemma". Looking at the blonde she mentioned, though, she remembered what her best friend told her. And she couldn't hide the laugh that escaped from her, though she quickly covered her mouth. "Twenty鈥擨f she was a puppy, her tail would be wagging uncontrollably. G-d, he would not stop blushing when he told me all about her and the number she gave him. Then again, considering all the lovesick students I've seen in his lectures over the years, I'm amazed that it took this long for one of them to make a move. Can't say I blame them, though; He truly is wonderful and brilliant." Nilay has known for nearly three decades now that anyone would be lucky to be loved by Moshe. Even though she herself had an idea as to whom she thought would be perfect for him, she supported her best friend's happiness. No matter who it was with or what it looked like.
Scarlett nodded along to what the brunette was saying, brown hues scanned the crowd and found there was definitely more people filing in who did not look like typical college students. Suits were found along with well put together skirt and blazer sets鈥攄efinitely not to be worn by people who needed the class to get their degree but wanted to listen and learn from him. "From our conversation, I can definitely agree, and he very humble about what he knows," she nodded her head as she spike, remembering the coffee shop conversation and the originak subject of it. Curiosity now piqued, she scanned the room again, hoping to find some girl who was looking like a lovesick puppy over him鈥攕he was scanning the front row to find the woman when her attention was drawn back to her neighbor. "I guess you could say new student, we met over coffee and his current dilemma," eyes left the brunette once more before she found who she might have been looking for. "On a scale of one to ten, how head over heels do you think the blonde down in the front right is for him?"
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doctornilayxaksoy-esfahani 5 months ago
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"Thank you," she said, smiling warmly. After nearly three decades of knowing each other, there's been a large handful of knick-knacks and trinkets that have been given to each other. It'd become a comical yet central part of their friendship to exchange touristy souvenirs to each other, especially those from Egypt. While the woman couldn't exactly remember how or when this tradition started, it never stopped being so important to her. Every time she sees a trinket of such, she always makes sure to buy it for Moshe. It was ingrained in her being now to do so. Just like it was ingrained for her to go to each and every lecture and presentation her best friend held. To root him on and support him. Nilay nodded. While the archaeologist was rather humble and bashful concerning his work, she was ready to boast and sing his praises to the redhead before her. "Typically, yes. It's not surprising; He's absolutely brilliant. I'm happy that there are others who see that brilliance as well. I know that a good portion of the people here are students, but I recognize people from Chambers as well." After all, Nilay had made sure to promote Moshe's lecture to both her coworkers and to patrons of the museum. She couldn't stop feeling proud after seeing plenty of people that she recognized, knowing that this lecture was going to have an remarkable turn out. It was what Moshe deserves, after all. Her head tilted as she regarded Scarlett. "Are you a new student of his, or a prospective student?"
Scarlett had actually been looking forward to this day, learning could be a good way of keeping her mind off of Oliver, off of Damian....hell off of the entire reason why she was even in Blue Harbor in the first place. But, that wasn't the only reason why she chose to come in鈥擬oshe was nice and he was obviously very knowdledgable in a subject area she really enjoyed learning about. Leopard print notebook in hand, along with a her favorite pen, the redhead found herself fairly early to the class. Brown eyes searched the area for the best seat and found someone else in it's place...so she took the next best one. Settling into the seat next to the woman, she returned the smile given to her and began flipping through the notebook to find an open space. The scribbles and harsh cross outs she had on some of the other pages shook her a little, reminders of the fact that every lead she had so far on narrowing down on finding the loan shark were spinning her in circles. A blank space finally found, Scarlett placed her pen in her left hand and looked up to see Moshe coming in. A small smile formed on her features before her head turned in the direction of her neighbor. "Hmm?" she answered back first, before her eyes found what she was talking about. "It was a great choice," she added in, her mind wondering if this was some kind of girlfriend to him. It definitely couldn't be the student who had asked for his number. "It seems like it's a big class today, are his lectures always this full?"
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