#( ch ) rogue
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felicitykings · 10 months ago
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Then you should have researched this era a little more because we are scandalous.
TORCHWOOD: "Captain Jack Harkness" (2007) | DOCTOR WHO: "Rogue" (2024)
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xmenuniverse · 10 months ago
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Rogue in X-Men - The Wedding Special #1 (2024), art by Jenn St-Onge.
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lordcaptains · 3 months ago
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commissioning @roorenart is always the right choice.
heinrix and orica enjoying a rare lazy morning in bed together.
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6thofapril1917 · 1 month ago
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hi all! meet chiara cammarata, my entry for this year's @blind-dates-fest. i thought alessia biondi from sas:rh deserved a girlfriend (or at least a girl so devoted to her it blurs the lines between platonic and romantic), so here we are!
“I’m sorry, I must be hearing things,” Chiara exclaimed. The wooden floor creaked loudly under her hobnailed boots as she paced back and forth. “The soldiers who just landed here have decided to meet with Cavalli? They’re meeting with the Cosa Nostra, but not with us? Are they simple-headed, or what?”
“No, Chiara,” Alessia reassured her, though she couldn’t fully mask the disappointment in her tone. “They’re just English.”
“I can’t believe this,” Chiara muttered with a shake of her head. “Cavalli’s a snake, and everyone knows it.” 
“And how were they supposed to know that?” Alfredo interjected. “They only landed last night.”
Chiara scoffed in disbelief. “That hardly matters. We don’t have any more time for these kinds of mistakes.”
She stopped pacing and walked over to where Alessia was sitting on the windowsill, placing a hand on the other woman’s shoulder. She took a deep breath in, trying to calm herself. It wasn’t entirely working.
“You know what will happen, Alessia,” she said softly. “Those men aren’t from here, the mafiosi have no reason to honor their promises to them. The moment they do something Cavalli doesn’t approve of, he’ll turn them in, and then where will we be?”
Alessia sighed, leaning back against the window jamb with perhaps more force than necessary. Her long, slim hand reached up to cover Chiara’s shorter, wider one, her thumb brushing over the blistered knuckles absentmindedly. 
“I know,” she muttered. “I don’t like this situation any more than you do. But what choice do we have?” she asked. “They’ve made their decision, and now we have to live with it.”
Chiara smothered the urge to reach out and smooth out the furrow between Alessia’s brows. She settled for a nod, instead.
“So, what’s the plan?” Alfredo asked. He sat at the wooden kitchen table, cleaning under his nails with a butter knife. “Sit here and wait for them to get killed?”
“Don’t be an ass, Alfredo,” Chiara scolded. Beneath her hand, she felt Alessia’s shoulder tense. 
“We’ll be meeting with them,” Alessia muttered.
Chiara’s heart jumped.
“What did you say?”
“I said, we’ll be meeting with them. According to the British, we’ve been invited to sit at the long table.”
Chiara’s heart dropped like a stone. Absolutely not. Not after what they did to my family. She ripped her hand away from Alessia’s shoulder as though she’d been burned, stumbling back from the windowsill.”
“Tell me you said no, Alessia,” she begged. “Tell me you didn’t agree to this.”
Alessia’s mouth was pressed into a thin, white line, but her eyes were soft, apologetic.
“I wouldn’t have done it if I didn’t think it would help,” she said.
“What do you mean, help?” Chiara demanded. “We agreed, Alessia. We said we would work with the Cosa Nostra for as long as this war lasted, but we wouldn’t sit at their table. That was the line we said we wouldn’t cross—that you said we wouldn’t cross.”
“I know that, Chiara!” Alessia exclaimed, rising to her feet. “I tried to tell the man in charge—Stirling—the same. He wouldn’t listen.” She sighed wearily. “What’s done is done. The best we can hope for is that we meet these British soldiers before the mafiosi do. Let them know they need to be on their guard.”
Chiara closed her eyes. She didn’t feel at all ready for this – for them – but she supposed that there was no other choice. She’d sacrificed so many things for the partisans already. What was one more?
Chiara opened her eyes to see Alessia staring it her with a look that, to an outside observer, differed little from her usual “let’s-get-down-to-business” expression of gritty determination. Chiara wasn’t an outsider, though. It was Alessia who had first brought her to the partisans. It was Alessia who had taught her to fight. It was Alessia who told her what the capo’s men had done to her father. And in Alessia’s eyes, Chiara could see the faint glimmer of an apology. 
“Fine,” Chiara stated coolly. “Before Cavalli can put any more ideas into their heads.”
When the first Stuka droned over the long, elegant table, she felt bitter vindication.
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rellanas · 3 months ago
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616rogue · 2 years ago
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rogue layouts.
source: x-men: legacy (2008) #234, by mike carey and yanick paquette.
like or reblog if you’re going to use or save any of these resources. explicit credit is not necessary, but appreciated.
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dragonagecinema · 1 month ago
Happy Valentine's Day! 💞
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I had a difficult time choosing who to romance. At first, I wanted to go for Fenris, but he was too angsty for my taste. Then I moved on to Anders who was a huge disappointment to me. Finally, I ended up with Isabela and I think she works very well with my humorous rogue Hawke ❤️
Dragon Age Origins Poll:
Dragon Age Inquisition Poll:
Dragon Age The Veilguard Poll:
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arendaes · 9 days ago
How does Jae feel about Imogen? Has Ari ever made Daeran cry?
Hehe, thank you again Mathlann! These are for this ask game.
How does Jae feel about Imogen?
At first, Jae saw Imogen as someone with a lot of power who was also a lot of fun. Of course that led to her wanting to see how far she could take thing, delighted with each antic she got away with. Then things got complicated, because Imogen genuinely fell in love with her. Even though Imogen assured her she didn't care that Jae lied about her past, it took a while for Jae to get over the shame and guilt she felt, not to mention the ever-present fear that Imogen would change her mind.
When it didn't? I think Jae realized she loves Imogen back. In her own way, of course. The fact this powerful, beautiful woman genuinely loves her for who she is gives Jae an unexpected confidence boost, and maybe just a little bit more incorrigibility.
Has Ari ever made Daeran cry?
In the strictest sense of the word, no. No tears rolled down his cheeks, therefore he did not cry 😊
(In all seriousness - yeah, she was rough when she was trying to get the Other to come out. She played into his worst fears and even though her intentions were good, it took a while for the trust between them to be completely rebuilt.)
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galedekarios · 2 years ago
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felicitykings · 3 months ago
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DARK (2017-2020)
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cydrag0n · 10 months ago
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sometimes your dnd characters are just glitchy glowy lizards who are slowly figuring out how this friendship thing works. when he's not being The Local Cryptid around Carmiña's farm. Carmiña- @xofre
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lordcaptains · 3 days ago
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i finally filled out @fenlirias' rogue trader character template for orica and had a lot of fun with it - thanks so much for making it! orica's portrait is by the marvelous @arcandoria
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hanalghilan · 11 months ago
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The Force moves darkly near a creature that's about to kill.
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6thofapril1917 · 3 months ago
merry crisis and happy honka have some sarie facts as a gift
she fractured her left arm in a motorbike accident when she was 15 and while it healed, the bones never reset quite the same. while it doesn't impair her movement at all, the arm looks a little crooked nonetheless
has the sweetness tolerance of a small child whose taste buds haven't developed yet. if it were socially acceptable to eat sugar cubes as a snack she would
she was actually a fairly ok student before getting expelled, the only subject she consistently got bad grades in was english literature
shortest person in her family (5'4") :(
would never admit this to anybody but she reaaaaaalllllllly wanted to be on the field hockey team in high school
knows how to spin wool
has quite a few road rash scars, mostly on her arms and legs
she, louis, and hanna used to try to catch lizards and make them race
could have easily enlisted in Beaufort West or even Bloemfontein but went to Cape Town instead because she wanted to see the ocean
carved her name on the wall under every bed she slept in at the school hostel. when she got to the WAAS she did it in the barracks, too
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616rogue · 2 years ago
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source: rogue & gambit (2023) #2, written by stephanie phillips and illustrated by carlos gómez.
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dragonagecinema · 6 months ago
Today we have another love story ❤️ In Dragon Age 2, I wanted to romance the elf boy 🧝🏽‍♂️ again (Fenris), but I couldn't deal with his angst, so my Hawke ended up with Anders 🧙‍♂️ That didn't go well at all, Anders being executed and all.
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So in my last canon playthrough, my humorous rogue Hawke is in love with the unpredictable Isabela 😍 Who did you romance in Dragon Age 2?
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