#( c: thiago. )
chryzocyon · 3 months
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julianalvarez9 · 1 year
i might or might not do a whole series about y/n messi and pedri honestly they're so cute
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azulera · 1 year
got tickets for a dortmund v chelsea pre-season match today im soooooo excitedddddd
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dailyordem · 2 years
Reassitindo Ordem Paranormal pq sim, simplesmente, e falem o q vcs quiserem da primeira temporada mas é muito boa. Claro q n tá no msm nível de produção, história ou imersão das outras mas ainda assim consegue ser icônica. Realmente uma época de Ordem
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cinzanohq · 1 year
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NOME COMPLETO: Lucas da Silva Santos.
CODINOME: Cherrybomb.
IDENTIDADE DE GÊNERO E PRONOMES: Homem Cis-gênero, ele/dele.
DATA DE NASCIMENTO E IDADE: 27/08/2000 + 23.
NACIONALIDADE E ETNIA: Brasileiro, caucasiano.
FACECLAIM: Thiago Elias (Calango) - Youtuber.
OCUPAÇÃO: Estudante.
EXTRACURRICULARES: Gastronomia e Botânica.
MORADA: Easifatan.
PLOTS DESEJADOS: Fluff, romance, crack.
CONTA: Cherrybcnz
OOC: +18
Manipulação de Cerejas - É uma variação da Manipulação de Plantas e Manipulação de Alimentos. O usuário pode criar, dar forma e manipular a cereja. Ele pode fazer com que essa fruta cresça, mova-se ou ataque, além de poder reorganizar a estrutura genética para aprimorá-las.
Geração de Cerejas: Capacidade de gerar cerejas de forma espontânea. As cerejas são frágeis e podem se deteriorar rapidamente, tornando-se inutilizáveis em pouco tempo.
Geração de Cerejas Explosivas: Capacidade de gerar cerejas que explodem ao entrar em contato com algo. As explosões podem ser imprevisíveis e arriscadas para o mutante e seus aliados se não forem manuseadas com cuidado.
Manipulação da Polpa de Cereja: Capacidade de manipular a polpa das cerejas, moldando-a em diversas formas. A manipulação excessiva da polpa pode causar irritação ou danos na pele do mutante, tornando-se doloroso ou debilitante.
Manipulação do Sabor e Aroma: Capacidade de alterar o sabor e o aroma das cerejas, tornando-as doces, azedas, picantes, etc. A manipulação do sabor e aroma pode afetar negativamente o próprio paladar do mutante, tornando difícil desfrutar de alimentos comuns.
Manipulação de Pólen de Cerejeira: Capacidade de controlar o pólen das cerejeiras, criando nuvens que afetam a respiração e a visão dos oponentes. O controle do pólen pode afetar também a respiração e visão do mutante, tornando-o vulnerável aos próprios efeitos da habilidade.
Criação de Armas de Cereja: Capacidade de criar armas sólidas feitas de cerejas. As armas são efêmeras e se desintegram após um período curto de uso, exigindo uma constante recriação.
Criação de Golem de Cerejas: Capacidade de dar vida a um golem feito de cerejas para auxiliar em combate. O golem é instável e pode se desfazer rapidamente ou perder o controle, atacando aliados.
Camuflagem de Cerejas: Capacidade de se camuflar ou se esconder através de ilusões criadas com cerejas. A camuflagem é limitada a ambientes com cerejas disponíveis, tornando-se ineficaz em locais onde as cerejas são escassas.
Cura Acelerada com Cerejas: Capacidade de consumir cerejas para acelerar o processo de cura e regeneração do corpo. A cura acelerada pode ser limitada a ferimentos menores e pode deixar o mutante com fome ou sedento, exigindo um consumo constante de cerejas.
Camuflagem de Frutas: Capacidade de se transformar em uma cereja real, ficando indetectável aos sentidos dos outros. Durante a transformação, o mutante é vulnerável a danos e não pode se mover ou agir ativamente, limitando suas opções de defesa.
Projeção de Raios Antioxidantes: Capacidade de projetar raios com propriedades antioxidantes, capazes de neutralizar toxinas e radicais livres. A projeção de raios antioxidantes consome energia do mutante, deixando-o exausto e fisicamente enfraquecido após o uso prolongado.
Projeção de Cerejas de Energia: Capacidade de disparar projéteis energéticos em forma de cerejas. O uso excessivo dessa habilidade pode esgotar rapidamente a energia do mutante, deixando-o fisicamente enfraquecido.
Ilusões de Cerejas: Capacidade de criar ilusões sensoriais envolvendo cerejas. O uso excessivo dessa habilidade pode afetar a percepção e a mente do mutante, levando a confusão ou distorções da realidade.
Crescimento de Árvores de Cerejeira Instantaneamente: Capacidade de fazer crescer árvores de cerejeira em segundos, criando barreiras naturais ou armadilhas. O crescimento instantâneo das árvores consome muita energia do mutante, deixando-o enfraquecido e suscetível a ataques após o uso dessa habilidade.
Toque Venenoso da Cerejeira: O mutante possui a capacidade de secretar um veneno letal semelhante ao encontrado nas cerejas selvagens. Esse veneno pode ser liberado através do toque da pele ou até mesmo da respiração, afetando aqueles que entrarem em contato com o mutante. Ele precisa ter cuidado para não se envenenar ao liberar o veneno, controlando cuidadosamente a quantidade e a intensidade da liberação. Com o tempo, as pessoas expostas ao veneno podem desenvolver certa imunidade, tornando-se menos suscetíveis aos efeitos letais. Isso limita a eficácia da habilidade em confrontos repetidos. O veneno é extremamente potente e, às vezes, pode ser difícil de controlar completamente. Isso pode resultar em acidentes ou efeitos adversos em pessoas inocentes ou aliados. O mutante precisa aprender a regular a quantidade de veneno produzido, a fim de evitar a liberação excessiva e ações inadvertidas que possam causar danos irreparáveis. Além disso, pode ser temido ou evitado devido à natureza letal de sua habilidade, o que pode levar ao isolamento social e à dificuldade de estabelecer relacionamentos pessoais. Vale ressaltar que o veneno pode deixar um resíduo tóxico nas mãos do mutante ou nas áreas em que o veneno foi liberado. Isso pode ser perigoso para o mutante e para aqueles que entram em contato posteriormente.
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andromeda3116 · 1 year
in network effect... it's probably going to be a small moment... but when they're trying to escape the hostile planet with art's crew...
and thiago goes back for seth
these are total strangers. they barely even know art. they know nothing of its crew. they got dragged here entirely against their will. they have absolutely no emotional connection to these people whatsoever, except that they are also people, and they need help, and one of them has fallen behind.
and so thiago goes back to save someone he a) has never met before, b) probably doesn't even know the name of, c) has absolutely no emotional connection to, and d) was basically conscripted into coming into horrible danger to find, when he e) had every reason and excuse not to.
he could have kept running. he was leading the others to safety, he could have leaned on that excuse. he had nothing to gain from going back, and quite possibly very much to lose.
but he went back.
because humans, at our best, are the ones who go back for each other. even when it's objectively stupid. even when there's nothing in it for us.
not everyone will do it, but enough will. enough to be a defining trait of our species: we're the brilliant idiots who run into danger to save the wounded and bring each other out to safety. even if we don't know them. just because they can't get out on their own.
that's why it's such a Big Thing in stories when a character doesn't go back -- because this is ingrained into our dna. we have come this far because we build communities. because we build upon one another. because we go back for our wounded even when it's dangerous and we could have gotten out safely and we don't even know them. that's why it's a marker of an evil person or a horribly fraught ethical situation in stories. because that is not who we are. we are not the ones who leave someone behind.
i just. i love what these books say about the nature of personhood and intelligence and love, but i also love what they say about humanity. we're not all bad. we're not our worst impulses. we are the ones who care about a sentient robot because if it can think, it's not a thing, and it deserves to be treated like a person, even if it doesn't want to be a human.
we are the ones who care. that's what makes us human.
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sylaurin · 6 months
Kabniel Shinespark - Stats and Facts
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Name: Kabniel Shinespark
Nicknames: Kab, Sparks
Age: 22 as of the beginning of Dawntrail
Nameday: 7th Sun of the 4th Astral Moon
Race: Hyur Midlander
Gender: Female (mtf trans)
Orientation: Pansexual/polyamorous
Profession: Adventurer, small business owner
P H Y S I C A L   A S P E C T S
Hair: Black with orange highlights, kept long but worn up in braids/tails
Eyes: Green
Skin: tan
Tattoos/scars: none(yet)
Parents: Bio parents are Iskra (mother) and Thiago (father) who were part of a Garlean spy network in Ala Mhigo prio to the invasion but fled to Eorzea after becoming pregnant but we captured by XIVth legion recon teams shortly after the twins were born (ultimate fate unknown). Adoptive parents are Defiant Oak (dad) and Silver Allium (mom) a Roegadyn couple that took her in after her "grandfather" died.
Siblings: she has a twin brother (that I haven't named yet), separated as babies in the incident that took their parents. They've met each other in their adventures but have no clue they're related.
Grandparents: Rennir a hyur highlander Monk that found baby Kabniel in a wrecked chocobo cart
In-laws and Other: the Leveilleur family from her bond with Alisaie (which includes Thancred in this AU) and the Dotharl tribe (which includes the WoL Kal’istae Miurani) through her bond with Sadu
Pets: None
Abilities: Highly skilled martial artist, knows a little bit about magitek (enough to keep her bike on the road without having to rely on the Iron Works overmuch), learned to make various drinks (hard and soft) while working in Costa Del Sol.
Hobbies: Training, competitive fighting, traveling, mischief
Most Positive Trait: Determination, nothing short of hydaelyn herself can stop Kabniel once she is on her path.
Most Negative Trait: Rowdy, loud and proud. She's often rude and indelicate.
Colors: Orange, red, pink, gold, blue, purple
Smells: the ocean, mountain air, rain, sweat, citrus
Textures: Silk, smooth wood, smooth stone, soft petals, cold water
Drinks: Hot and Iced tea, water, sweet red wine, hot chocolate, mixed drinks
O T H E R    D E T A I L S
Smokes: Never
Drinks: socially on occasion
Drugs: Never
Mount Issuance: She generally didn't have the time or resources to own and maintain a chocobo of her own so she typically walked or rented a bird if she needed to move fast. Eventually though she managed to scrape up enough to commission Nero to build her her motorcycle.
Been Arrested: Yes
Tagged by @paintedscales
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Stars best dancer collection
2x Mini Female (Diana 2016, Kya 2021)
2x Junior Female (Kylee 2022, Zoe 2023)
2x Teen Female (Quinn 2017, Giselle 2024)
1x Senior Female (Vivian 2019)
4x Mini Male (Brady 2014, Micheal 2021, Dylan 2022, Isaiah 2024)
5x Junior Male (Parker 2016, Brady 2017, Nicholas 2020, Santiago 2023, Neo 2024)
4x Teen Male (Ricky 2011, Logan 2015, Brady 2021, Kylan 2024)
3x Senior Male (Ricky 2012, Sam 2023, Jackson 2024)
Mini Female 2019-2023 (Giselle G 19, Kya M 20&21, Zoe F 22, Anita R 23)
Junior Female 2022-2024 (Kylee C 22, Zoe F 23, Anita R 24)
Teen Female 2022-2024 (Sophie G 22&23, Giselle G 24)
Junior Male 2022-2024 (Santiago S 22&23, Neo Del C 23&24, Dylan 24)
Teen Male 2019-2024 (Thiago P 19, Brady 20&21, Sam F & Xander P 21, Colin 22, Nicholas 22&23, Kylan 24)
Senior Male 2021-2024 (Thiago P 21, Sam 22&23, Jackson R 23&24, Nicholas 24)
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football-and-fanfics · 11 months
GIF masterlist
Basically just what the title says: a masterlist of the GIF's / GIF sets I've made 😇. Clubs / players are listed in alphabetical order (players by first name).
A: Aaron Ramsdale Alisson Becker Andy Robertson Antoine Griezmann Arsenal FC
B: FC Barcelona Bart Verbruggen Ben Chilwell Bernd Leno
C: Caoimhin Kelleher César Azpilicueta Chelsea FC Christian Pulisic Cody Gakpo Conor Gallagher Curtis Jones
D: Darwin Nunez Declan Rice Dele Diogo Jota Dominik Szoboszlai
E: Ederson Moraes England NT Eric Dier Erling Haaland Euro 2024
F: Fabio Carvalho Frenkie de Jong
H: Harvey Elliott
J: Jack Grealish James Milner Joao Felix John Stones Jordan Henderson Jordan Pickford Jude Bellingham
K: Kai Havertz Kasper Schmeichel Kepa Arrizabalaga Kevin de Bruyne Kostas Tsimikas Kyle Walker
L: Liverpool FC
M: Manchester City Manuel Neuer Marc-Andre ter Stegen Marcel Sabitzer Martin Odegaard Mason Mount Mo Salah
N: Nathan Aké Netherlands NT
P: Phil Foden
R: Reece James Remko Pasveer Robert Lewandowski
S: Heung-min Son
T: Thiago Alcantara Timo Werner Tottenham Hotspur Trent Alexander-Arnold
V: Virgil van Dijk
W: Wout Weghorst
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black-arcana · 6 months
Ex-NIGHTWISH Members TARJA TURUNEN And MARKO HIETALA Announce September 2024 European Tour
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Following a triumphant series of performances in South America with several sold-out gigs where Marko Hietala joined Tarja Turunen as a special guest, the two former NIGHTWISH members are set to captivate European audiences with their enthralling collaboration.
The European trek, which will kick off in September in Germany, promises to be an unforgettable experience as these two familiar voices reunite on stage once again.
Tarja recently released her first greatest-hits album "Best Of Tarja - Living The Dream". Her live show will feature a selection of songs from her career, also found on "Best Of", including fan favorites and her own personal picks.
Adding to the excitement, Marko and Tarja recently collaborated on the duet single "Left On Mars", which received widespread acclaim.
Marko will perform his own songs with his band before joining Tarja on stage for a night that promises to be nothing short of memorable.
Expectations are high as the duo continues to delight fans with both old and new songs, building on the success of their South American tour.
Tarja and Marko's "Living The Dream Together Tour 2024" European dates:
Sep. 08 - DE Berlin - Huxleys Neue Welt Sep. 09 - DE Bremen - Aladin Music Hall Sep. 10 - DE Saarbrücken - Garage Sep. 12 - DE Leipzig - Hellraiser Sep. 13 - DE Hamburg - Grünspan Sep. 14 - DE Herford - Kulturwerk Sep. 16 - NL Groningen - De Oosterpoor Sep. 17 - NL Utrecht - Tivoli Vredenburg (Ronda) Sep. 18 - DE Bochum - Matrix Sep. 20 - DE Ulm - Roxy Sep. 21 - DE Obertraubling - Eventhall Airport Sep. 23 - DE Frankfurt - Batschkapp Sep. 24 - DE München - Backstage Sep. 25 - CH Pratteln - Z7
Earlier this month, Hietala was asked by El Planeta Del Rock if there is any chance of him and Turunen launching a new project together. He responded: "I won't close that option off. We haven't talked about it, putting up a group together or anything like that. But at the moment, it seems that we've got a different kind of connection than it was [in the] past. Because then the camps were really divided already when I stepped into [NIGHTWISH]. And it was hard to find the truth of things, because a lot of it was like a managerial turf war where we got told certain things by one side and told certain things by the other side and lots of confusion — blah, blah, blah — and in the end, yeah, what we already realized a few years back when we were all together there doing the Christmas shows in Finland that after all the hassle has died and the noise has died and everything, you still find out that you lost a friend. And that was the main [reason] why we are basically doing this together again."
In a recent interview with Thiago Rahal Mauro of Brazil's Metal Musikast, Tarja spoke about what it was like to team up with Marko to perform a cover of "The Phantom Of The Opera" during their special open-air concert in July 2023 at Z7 Summer Nights in Pratteln, Switzerland. Tarja and Marko both played individual sets at the event, with their rendition of the main theme from Andrew Lloyd Webber's musical coming during Turunen's portion of the show.
"I got a call from a promoter to take part in one festival in Switzerland last year in a European summertime in July," Tarja said. "And then I got to know, when I had accepted to be the artist of the evening, then I saw that they had also invited Marko and Marko's band to perform in the same festival. So I thought, 'Hmm.' And I was actually sending a message that I wished to reach Marko, because I didn't have his contact any longer, to ask him to perform with me 'The Phantom Of The Opera' in my show. And he responded 'yes.' So, after 18 years [laughs], we were about to sing the song together. And it was super exciting. It was really beautiful. The people got very emotional about this.
"We had met already before — we had been singing on a few occasions in Finland a few years before — so we kind of cleaned the table on that occasion already," she explained. "So we were in good terms, so to say, but now singing 'The Phantom Of The Opera' together after all these years was amazing."
Tarja also elaborated on her friendship with Marko, saying: "It's a new relationship with him, because he's not the same person anymore than he was in the band. He has changed a lot, and many years have passed by. I've changed myself. Life has changed us. So it is a new relationship, let's say. And it had made me very happy to get to know him better after all these years."
Last November, Tarja admitted to Chaoszine that she was "nervous" before performing "The Phantom Of The Opera" with Marko at Z7 Summer Nights. "I believe that he was nervous as well to meet up with me, but we were both very excited to go back to the stage and to sing the song," she said. "We sang 'Phantom Of The Opera' in Switzerland for the first time. Then we went over to Finland to perform it again, did a show together there — he with his band and me with my own. Wow. It was pure emotion. I think it was really beautiful, but it made me kind of… I was, like, 'I'm in peace,' sort of. The feeling was great. I think it was even more for Marko, because I saw him standing there after my concert, when I finished my set, and he came like almost in tears, saying that this was important. We reconnected, and it's great."
Turunen was fired from NIGHTWISH at the end of the band's 2005 tour by being presented with an open letter which was published on the NIGHTWISH web site at the same time. In the letter, the other members of NIGHTWISH wrote: "To you, unfortunately, business, money, and things that have nothing to do with emotions have become much more important."
NIGHTWISH keyboardist and main songwriter Tuomas Holopainen later called the decision to part ways with Turunen "the most difficult thing I ever had to do." For her part, Tarja said the way she was kicked out of the group proved that her former bandmates were not her friends. "Maybe one day I'll forgive, but I will never forget," she said.
In 2019, Turunen dismissed Internet chatter about her possible return to NIGHTWISH after her December 2017 onstage reunion with the band's then-bassist/vocalist Hietala during a "Raskasta Joulua" concert in Hämeenlinna, Finland.
"I know a lot of fans would love to see something happen, but it's a very long distance away," she told Kerrang! magazine. "Personally, I don't see anything happening with me and them, to be perfectly honest. Marko came a little later into the band; he wasn't there since the beginning. He was always a guy I was close to. Me and Tuomas Holopainen, however, haven't seen each other in a long time… but we have been in touch. It's not bad. The past is what it is; we can't change that. We can only change the future."
NIGHTWISH's authorized biography, "Once Upon a Nightwish: The Official Biography 1996-2006", was published in Finnish in 2006 and in English three years later.
Turunen's husband, Marcelo Cabuli, and his business partners later sued the parties behind the book for defamation. Named in the lawsuit were the publishing house Like Kustannus Oy and the author of the book, Marko "Mape" Ollila. Cabuli and his Brazilian business partners argued that the book includes false accusations and insinuations that have caused them suffering and financial problems.
The book blamed Cabuli for the events leading up to Turunen's dramatic expulsion from the band in late 2005.
In 2011, the Helsinki District Court dismissed Cabuli's lawsuit, ruling that the book — which criticized Cabuli on only a few of its 380 pages — did not detrimentally affect his work or reputation in South America. In addition, the court determined that Ollila did not maliciously portray Cabuli in a negative light.
Nearly two years ago, Tarja was asked in an interview with Top Link Music manager and concert promoter Paulo Baron and music critic Regis Tadeu if she would consider doing a tour with NIGHTWISH if all of her former bandmates apologized to her about how their split happened and invited her to share the stage with them again. She responded: "It is very, very hypothetical that all what you said will happen, first of all — it's very, very hypothetical.
"I'm living in a world, like we are all living in a world, that things happen without us noticing," she continued. "I mean, I can't really close any doors in that sense; I'm not that kind of person any longer. I learned so many things in this life already. I take them as they are.
"So I don't know. It would be very hypothetically possible," she added. "It would be unlikely to happen."
Hietala announced his departure from NIGHTWISH in January 2021, explaining in a statement that he hadn't "been able to feel validated by this life for a quite a few years now." He has since been replaced by session bassist Jukka Koskinen (WINTERSUN),who made his live debut with NIGHTWISH in May 2021 at the band's two interactive experiences.
In an August 2022 interview with Finland's Chaoszine, Hietala revealed that he went through a dark period in his life, which included depression, insomnia, anxiety and an eventual attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) diagnosis. Speaking about how he eventually came to the realization that exiting NIGHTWISH was the right thing to do, Marko said: "It was a long process. Of course, the COVID year that was there, where I had a lot of time for soul searching, it obviously gave me the last incentive that I need something else, that if I just continue with this I'm just gonna get sicker and sicker. But, of course, it's a process.
"I've been chronic depressive since 2010 [or] 2011, so I've been on a permanent medication ever since," he revealed. "Sometimes you get used to the meds [and] you will need more. We did raise [the dosage] during the years also, but it just didn't work. And now that I started to do… I had psychotherapy for over four years now, and then I also talked to psychiatrists and some doctors and did that also in Spain. Then my psychiatrist here in Finland said that I should do these ADHD neuropsychological tests, which I then did in Spain. And, okay, I got it."
Hietala reiterated that he "had been thinking about" leaving NIGHTWISH "for a while" before making the final decision. "Because I had a lot of weight. And I tend to… With the attention disorder, it tells me that when there are lots of trouble, then the disorder makes it into a real chaos," he explained. "There's a shitload of stuff coming and going and no peace anywhere. And for a year or two, I was already waking up every night at three o'clock to bad dreams and anxiety. So I'd say that the whole process probably started already with my former divorce [in 2016]. That was a very sad time when you think about your kids and your broken homes and all that. And then, when I started to get clear from that, then there were, well, all kinds of things. I don't really wanna go any deeper to what kind of things I'd gone through, but I'd gone through enough."
Acknowledging that making NIGHTWISH's latest studio album, 2020's "Human. :II: Nature.", was a "difficult" experience for him, Marko denied that his mental state at the time resulted in a diminished role for him on the final LP. "I think the original idea was to have that… we'll do a couple of [solo vocal appearances], or one solo for me and Troy [Donockley], and the rest Floor [Jansen], and then the harmonies; that was the idea originally for that," he said. "So I don't know if it affected. I think it was sort of as planned. But at that time I already had serious trouble with concentrating and serious trouble with a constant black cloud over my head."
In July 2022, Hietala told Finland's Iltalehti that he had not kept in touch with NIGHTWISH since his departure or followed the activities of his former band.
In May 2021, Holopainen said that Hietala's decision to leave NIGHTWISH "came as a bit of a surprise." He told Finland's Kaaos TV: "Marko informed us in December [of 2020 that he was leaving the band]. And even though he has been very open about his state and problems during the past years, it still came as a bit of a surprise for us. So it was a really tough pill to swallow. And for a few days, I was actually quite confident that there's no coming back, that this is it. I remember talking to Emppu [Vuorinen], the guitar player, and we were, like, 'You think this is it?' 'Yeah, I think this is it.' I mean, enough is enough. So much has happened in the past. Something that broke the camel's back, as they say. Then, after some time had passed — a few days — we started to think that it's been such a ride of 25 years, with so many ups also, that this is not the way to end it."
Tuomas elaborated on NIGHTWISH's reasons for carrying on, saying: "I think we still have something to give, and that's the main point. The music is still there. We felt that there's still so much music that needs to come out from this band that, 'Okay, let's give it one more shot.' And then finding the new bass player was really easy."
He added: "It's not like we do this just because we need to do it and there's nothing else to do. On a personal level, I feel that there's still so many stories and melodies that I want to share with the world with one lineup or another, so that's why you want to continue and keep on going.
"I've said this a million times, that a lineup change is the ultimate energy vampire, and that's how it really felt and still feels."
In June 2021, Jansen spoke about Hietala's exit from the band in an episode of her "Storytime" YouTube video series. She said: "That was a very sudden surprise that, of course, was not fun at all. But we understand — I understand — it was a necessary thing for him to do. And from there, we had to think of how to continue without him, and that also, in preparations towards the virtual show, that was a huge challenge."
In December 2020, Hietala was crowned the winner of the fall 2020 season of "Masked Singer Suomi" — the Finnish edition of the popular masked singing contest. He was disguised as Tohtori — the Doctor.
Photo courtesy of Nuclear Blast Records
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gingersp1ce547 · 3 months
Liz sniffs out pretty quickly what’s happening when she notices cellbit out investigating on his own. She joins him obviously after the two argue about how the other is also trying to protect the people they care about by keeping their investigations secret. Liz narrowly wins it in the end by pointing out her secret investigation isn’t completely alone because she always has cellbit with her.
So she joins him in his forced work for the federation, and when they learn about an egg that had starved to death in a dark hole, liz becomes consumed by the need to saved it, holding out hope that it still has one life left.
Its barely a week before liz is spending every moment she’s awake trying to save this egg. Investigating even without cellbit, who even though he would like to be right there beside her, has to a. Still do his work for the federation, b. Keep up with investigating everything else on the island, and c. Spend time with his family.
However, the worst liz’s mental state gets, the more her family notices.
It’s not like they hadn’t before. Thiago and joui both silently deciding to keep an eye on her from afar (though thiago also suspects joui is up to something secretive), where as arthur always offers an open ear and place to relax from everything, and cesar doesn’t think twice before helping her replenish her gear.
They know liz. They know there isnt a world where she doesn’t get caught up in an investigation, but they also don’t want to live in a world where she isn’t safe and when it gets to the point of her constantly being exhausted? They have no other choice but to step in.
Everyone else on the island refers to it as intervention with a mixture of affection and worry, but for equipe e it’s a tense day. Joui and thiago lead the discussion since both of them had to put together what she had been doing alone. When liz tries to tell them why, thiago cuts her off. He knew already why. There isn’t a world where he wouldn’t understand her decision. But there also isn’t a world where their family stands complacently as liz tears herself apart.
Liz relents surprisingly quickly. The parallels with the conversation they had about the wellsprings standing out in her mind as sharp as a knife.
She’s not quite sure when she started hating herself. Only that it became a fact as plain as all the others she dealt with on a day to day basis.
She also not quite sure when equipe e became her heart, just that she would burn the world down if it meant keeping them safe in happy.
But as it turns out, that was never what was needed to keep them that way. Instead, it could be achieved with something as simple as liz herself being safe and happy.
They all know safety isnt something they’ll ever really get, even here on the island. So all they can do is hope that they can keep her safe as much as they can.
Liz knew this, but to imagine that she also deserves that safety and happiness just as much as the rest of them feels wrong.
When she tells them this through tears and an aching throat, her boys all look like they’re about to argue otherwise. Before they can though, thiago cuts them off.
“I know my dear and i’m not asking you to. Just please, let us stay beside you till you can.”
There’s tears in his eyes, liz thinks, but she can’t see them very well through her own. Instead she nods her head and allows herself to be pulled into a group hug.
After that. The investigation to find this egg becomes equipe e’s in full (with occasional help from cellbit). It only makes sense that a team named after the same thing as this egg would be the ones to save them after all.
When they do eventually save hope it’s after a long, drawn out battle. The dungeon they went through seemed to have been made specifically to be difficult for them with large spiders, black wolves with bright red eyes, and even skeletons wrapped in black muscles. Though there were other creatures as well that were honestly more of a physical challenge, the psychological one of this made everyone uneasy.
It was further proof that what elquackity had said when they went to save dapper was true. The federation knew about their pasts somehow and were not afraid to use that information against them.
In the back of their heads, equipe e knew that they could ask for help and that so many people on the island would come running. However, the thought of doing so after gonzales, alex, the gas station attendant and the scoundrel vultures felt terrifying.
Thankfully for them, the conundrum was taken from their hands when etoiles showed up fully out of coincidence in the same dungeon. The team tried and failed to convince him to let them handle it themselves, their argument failing when they realized he literally did half the dungeon all by themselves. It wasn’t that they didn’t know etoiles was strong, just that they weren’t used to letting non-ordem members help them in combat.
Hope, is sitting trembling in a cage when they find her at the end of the dungeon. She’s weak from starvation, cold and barely aware of what’s happening. Still, the team whisper reassurances to her and hold her tight. They take turns shielding her from the rest of the world till they can take her back home, where she sleeps peacefully regaining her strength with an iv (set up by liz) giving her the nutrients she needs.
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slice-of-void · 1 month
meet the creator
hellooooooo! this post is a "meet the creator" post we'll explain a little about us and you can ask question to us (just be respectfull please (╥﹏╥) ) so! we are an undiagnosed DID system (we're working on getting one but those things take time) "what's DID?" you may ask, well dear viwer let's ask the internet god's mister chat gpt: "Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), previously known as Multiple Personality Disorder, is a complex psychological condition characterized by the presence of two or more distinct identities or personality states within a single individual. These identities, also called "alters," may have their own names, ages, genders, memories, and behaviors. They often control the person’s behavior at different times, leading to significant memory gaps and changes in behavior, thoughts, and emotions.
DID is typically a response to severe trauma, often during early childhood, where the person's mind dissociates, or splits, to cope with the intense stress or pain. This dissociation creates separate identities as a way to protect the individual from the trauma they experienced." so yeah, we are a pretty fictive heavy system (and yes we have some "cringe" alters IF YOU COMMENT SOMETHING DISRESPECTFULL WE'LL PERSONALY BITE YOUR ANKLES) anyway the one who's writing this pots is jane prentiss we are not gonna introduce every single alter cause liike we have almost 40 something but we'll introduce the ones that front the most we use "he/him" as general pronouns and "void/thiago" as a general name so if not sure just use those, we are bodly 17 so don't be a creep name: Jane Prentiss pronouns: It/her simply plural description: Worm zombie, itchiness is a vibe name: C! Johnathan sims
pronouns: He/they/it simply plural description: C! Johnathan sims from the Magnus archives quite enjoying being here to be honest
name: Elias Bouchard
pronouns:He/they simply plural description: Another TMA fictive, redeeming my sins for making everyone's life miserable by protecting the body 👁️
name: Gerard keay
pronouns: He/they/it simply plural description: Glad to not be a book anymore, either way I'm trapped in a AFAB body anyway so yeah, am a fictive of TMA (I swear we will have the whole podcast cast by the end of the year)
name: Sasha
pronouns: They/she simply plural description: Fictive of not Sasha from TMA (fuck another one
name: Boisvert
pronouns: It/he simply plural description:When was the last time you went outside?
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findingnemosworld · 10 months
on today's episode of things I will regret ( but also love because writing is my passion bay-bay )
requests are open ( for a limited time ) for the following players:
a) thiago alcantara
b) darwin nunez
c) mason mount ( mostly during his early chelsea days )
[ live footage of me expecting to see requests ]
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lfc-unbelievables · 1 year
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Thiago x C squared
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yashkonu · 2 years
How are you finding Stultifera Navis? It seems like it's got a lot of good stuff going on.
it's been a hell of a ride! i've finished what's currently available so this will necessarily have some spoilers. with that in mind:
stultifera navis has been doing one of my favorite things that arknights storytelling does: bringing in a wealth of different and (seemingly, at the start) unrelated story threads and weaving them all into a big thick rope they then gleefully beat you with. a light spark in darkness is a really good encapsulation of how they do this--lots of little stories that all wind together into a totality you couldn't have seen coming from any one perspective.
so in SN, we have lumen, trying to find an identity and a purpose that doesn't put him at odds with his love of his home, even as he learns how little the big overwhelming forces at play there care for him
there's the hunters, still trying to a) sort out what's going on with skadi, b) sort out what's going on with specter, c) not at all in any way address what's going on with gladiia, and d) go home
there's irene (and, behind her and symbolized by her, the whole of iberia), struggling through a crisis of faith that a future for them even exists anymore
and even beyond them, there's the Seaborn, the church of the deep, ulpianus (weirdo (affectionate(?))), AUS, thiago, kal'tsit's endless machinations, and so on. it's a complicated setup! and it's all brought together in a way that's really satisfying.
okay that's enough of big serious plot talk let's get to the core of what i'm here for: homoerotic fish behavior
EVERYTHING between kal'tsit and gladiia is so charged in these minute delicious ways that you really only notice by contrast to how they talk to and about other people. these are women who have lived a long time and NOT spent very much of that time happy and still they have a guiding respect for one another. i know they send each other outlook calendar invites for sex.
gladiia is cold, abrasive, often arrogant, and often right to be arrogant, but she's also been adrift without an anchor for a very long time now. strange things are happening to her body, the hunters she used to command are all but wiped out, she can't get in touch with aegir, and she's not even sure now if she should. someone like kal'tsit who just seems to Know What's Up at all times has to be VERY attractive to her right now. but also she does things like allowing mizuki to keep existing so she's infuriating too.
long story short i'm having a great time! whew this got long
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childishfirmino · 1 year
What are your favorite footy ships?
*smirks* I have been waiting for this day anon…
this isn’t in any particular order or ranking but here you go!
I miss these two so much. They’re relationship is so chaotic but wholesome and I need them in a very unhealthy way u don’t understand
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they’re husbands your honor
I don’t talk about these two a lot but trust me, I LOVE THEM. They’re my divorced parents and all I want is for them to get back together. That’s all I am asking Santa for this Christmas. Please and thank you.
now these two I DO talk a lot abt. If either of them ever left liverpool you would never see me again I would be crying in my room not interacting with anyone for three months straight they’re so so so cute and I am very lucky that these two have a decent amount of fics on ao3 that I can feast on at 2 AM in my room
we’re still working on the ship name guys-
but these two need way more love!! Seeing them together is so so wholesome and I love seeing kostas literally p o u n c i n g on thiago during all the lfc videos it’s so funny and cute asksjhdhsjsjdjsskskkss (just don’t injure him pls)
lmao I remember first being introduced to this and I literally hated it with all my heart I thought it was the worst thing ever lol
but I am a changed person. I literally cry because I have sucked all their fics on ao3 DRY and I am desperately waiting for a new one to come out. I NEED MORE OLD MEN YAOI 😭😭😭
these are probably the only ones that I REALLY love rn. I mean I like others such as neymessi and modramos but not enough to be on this list aksjhshshs 😭😭 (I’m sorry if u like either of those)
thanks for listening to me rant about gay ball kickers!!
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