#( briggs & open. )
ofmoonlitmagic · 7 months
( @exitiumstarters )
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You could shoot them.
This was his fault. His best friend was dead...because of him. No, not just his best friend. His soulmate.
Her smiling face overlaid the lifeless body he saw now. On display. She would have hated to be on display like that, he thought as his bottom lip began to wobble.
Then we only have one option left. For sufficient proof, this calls for a thumb war competition.
i think my future best man would be on his best behavior...
you deserve some happiness after everything.
"I'm going to kill you all!" He roared, losing all composure. Hunters were on him in an instant, ready to go full Hunger Games on their guests. Not on his watch. So he stilled. Fell eerily calm. His sadness, his grief had never been his power. There would be time for grieving, but tonight, tonight was about vengeance. "I loved her more than I will ever love anything in this life," he murmured, his eyes shut on the tears that threatened to weaken him and they poured down his cheeks instead. "And now, I will kill more than 5 of you."
With a burst from the earth through his body, he freed himself of those who had him. His eyes turned to find Asher in the crowd, all their talk of getting everyone out seemed so distant now, of thinking he had hope enough to talk sense into the humans, and all he could give his friend now was an empty shake of his head.
I won’t leave with my people still here. My entire family is here, my girls...
What happened now...what they brought upon themselves...well, he'd always said it, hadn't he? It was inevitable.
"Sir Lysander!" He called, "get her out." His tone firm, accepting no argument, body hollow, and gaze determined. He knew the fairy would know who he meant. "The OEA has taken enough from me."
Now they would know what Briggs Mikaelson was like with half a soul. His eyes took in the room, though he wasn't looking for escape routes. Nah, he didn't need to escape. That was hardly the point now. Then he saw it: the open bar. Raising his hand, it all exploded, covering the floor around it. After all, they did say their crime scene was missing an accelerant, so he'd fix that mistake.
From his feet to the bar, a fire spread, consuming. "Thank you for the hospitality!" He hollered, shrugging off the cake-covered jacket. "And as we're all having such a fucking good time, no one's gonna leave." At his words, his fire spread along the corners of the room until he'd fully enclosed it.
"So I think, what we're gonna do now," he explained, feeling almost out of body and somehow very in body...as if he were always born to be this. A smirk graced his lips but it reached none of his features, "is kill you all. Because what you have failed to realize...is we're stronger." Bringing his hands in, the blaze followed his will, wrapping around a couple of the hunters as their screams filled the air.
"And you just killed the only person who could have stopped me." He could feel it, he'd never realized he could feel it. Collapsing to the ground as the fires died down, he took a few deep breaths as his eyes fluttered closed.
And when they opened again, the hues were amber. Turning to another, he growled, "no one leaves alive."
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fmascreencaps · 1 month
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domnamewoman · 1 year
So ok can i request a reader getting into a fight and somehow that shit turned into a threesome with Baraka and Jax, also FTM reader if you can but i don't mind gender neutral or m reader either. Also the reader is a brat but besides that you're free to do anything with this request
Thanks and have fun
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Title: A Lesson On Patience
Summary: You, Baraka, and Jax are on a mission to gain information on a possible new threat to the Realms. You get impulsive and end up putting the mission in jeopardy so Baraka and Jax decide to give you a lesson in patience.
Warnings: GN!Reader x Baraka x Jax, Canon-Typical Violence, Smut, 18+
Word Count: 2,732
Requests Are Open
��Get down,” whispers Jax as you all approach the dirt road.
You, Jax, and Baraka crouch behind a large rock overlooking the supposed Merchant’s carriage that stopped along the road. You all had been trailing it for about thirty minutes. The sun was setting and the wind was getting chillier as evening transitioned into night.
Baraka had informed the Outerworld Investigation Agency that a new Merchant had moved to Edenia then shortly after people started disappearing. Surely they must have something to do with it.
“Why do you think they stopped?” You look around, the road is empty.
“I’m uncertain. Not many travelers take this road.” Baraka answers.
Just then you hear the sound of laughing coming from up the road. It sounds like two women. Looking back at the carriage, you see an old woman get out.
“Is that the Merchant?” asks Jax.
 Baraka shakes his head. “No, but I am certain this is their carriage.”
The laughing gets louder as two women make their way down the road chatting with each other. The old woman waves them over as they get close.
“Excuse me, can you ladies tell me how to return to Yodon. I made a delivery south of here but must have taken a wrong turn as it is getting dark and I am unfamiliar with this area.” The old woman pleads.
“You don’t think…” You trail off as you watch the two women explain the route.
Just then the old woman transforms into a middle-aged man. The two women scream but before they have time to run away the man waves his hand in front of their faces releasing some sort of powder and both women drop to the ground unconscious.
“That’s the Merchant,” Baraka informs.
You watch as the Merchant begins to pull the women into the carriage. “We have to stop him!”
Jax grabs your arm, stopping you from moving from behind the rock. “We will. But now we should follow him so we can know where his hideout is."
“That’s too dangerous! What if we lose track of him? We can’t let him take these women!” You once again try to stand but are stopped by Baraka this time.
“Jax is right. It would be useful to uncover his hideout. There may be others being held captive there.”
Your boyfriends can’t possibly be suggesting you let the Merchant take these women. Your blood boils as you watch the Merchant get back on the carriage preparing to leave.
“Don’t be impulsive, Y/N” Jax pleads, sensing your anger.
It’s not impulsive though! You can’t risk these women’s lives in the hope that you will be able to keep up with the Merchant. You guys are traveling on foot for goodness sake! You all can worry about finding his hideout later but right now these women needed saving.
You stand up ignoring the protests coming from Baraka and Jax and run out into the road in front of the horses.
“And who do we have here?” The Merchant slimily asks.
“Your worst nightmare.”
You unhook your collapsible bo staff from your hip holster and extend it. The Merchant jumps down from the carriage and faces you smirking. He won’t be for long.
Without wasting any time you run toward the Merchant, jumping in the air and swinging your bo staff down aiming for his head. The Merchant side-steps you right before you make contact and strikes your back with the palm of his hand, interrupting your landing and making you stumble a bit.
“Worst nightmare, you said?” taunts the Merchant.
You release a growl as you again charge at the merchant swinging your bo staff in unrelenting combos until finally you land a hit to the Merchant’s ribcage. You smile, knowing you at least fractured one of his ribs.
“Enough of this!” The Merchant snarls as he throws his arm toward you and a green ball of energy shoots out hitting you in the torso and forcing you a few feet into the air.
You land painfully on your back. So he isn’t just a Merchant but also a Sorcerer? You hear shuffling and grunts and look up to see Jax and Baraka tag-teaming the Merchant. You stand, dogging deflected energy balls as you make your way to the back of the carriage, opening the door. You climb in and maneuver the women out of the carriage and onto the side of the road as gently as you can.
You look up just in time to see Jax land a crushing blow to the Merchant successfully knocking him unconscious. Baraka takes some rope from the carriage and begins tying up the Merchant.
“Why did you do that?” Jax growls, turning to you.
You can’t believe he is asking you this right now. “To save these women! You may be okay with gambling with their lives but I’m not!”
“We were always going to save them, Y/N! Think of the bigger picture, we could have found his hideout and possibly saved more lives!”
“We don’t know if there even is anyone else to save! For all we know he could have killed them already. Why risk that happening to these women if we can stop it right now?”
“Now we may never know! All we can hope for is that we can get him to give up the location. You are so impatient and impulsive, never thinking about the future! Everything doesn’t have to happen right now when there could be greater benefits just for waiting a little longer.”
You are about to defend yourself when you hear a moan come from one of the women.
“Seems like whatever powder the Merchant used is wearing off. We will finish this later,” says Baraka. You didn’t even notice he had moved the Merchant’s bound body into the carriage. “We can take this back to my camp after taking the women home.”
You and Jax nod and help the awakening women stand up.
Once the women were escorted safely home and the Merchant locked securely away in a cell at Baraka’s camp, you retire to your tent.
After a while, you see the flap of your tent lift and Baraka and Jax enter.
“What do you guys want?” You snap.
“What a bratty mouth you have. We came to talk about what went on tonight.” Jax says as he crosses his muscular arms over his chest.
“What happened was I saved two women from being abducted.”
“No, what happened was you impulsively took action without thinking about all possible outcomes.” Jax corrects.
You stand up taking a step toward them. “There was only one outcome! The women being taken away and having who knows what done to them!”
“Wrong again, there was the outcome of us following the Merchant and being led to his hideout. The outcome of us saving move captives.” Baraka tries to reason.
You scoff, throwing your hands in the air. “What captives? We don’t know if he is keeping anyone at his hideout!”
“Exactly! That is why we were going to follow him there to find out! Even if there wasn’t anyone else, we would then attack him and save the two women. Either way, no harm would come to the women.” Jax snarls.
You remain quiet.
“You lack the patience to stop and think about the best action to take. You always rush into everything.” Baraka adds.
“Fine, whatever.”
“The brat can’t even admit when they’re wrong.” Jax shakes his head and walks toward you.
Jax grips your chin with his pointer finger and thumb and lifts it. "That’s okay though. We will make sure you learn why patience is important."
Before you can think, Jax dives down and smashes his lips into yours. You grip his shirt as your lips move in sync with his. You always melt whenever Jax kisses you. The way he sucks your tongue and nibbles at your lips never ceases to have you aching and throbbing, longing for more. You feel hands start to roam your body, unbuckling your holster then start pulling your clothes down.
You break away from Jax to notice Baraka attempting to undress you. You let out a whine as you anticipate what is to come as you allow him to remove your clothes. Having two strong and sexy boyfriends focusing all their attention on you is nothing short of paradise. You wonder how you got so lucky.
You feel Baraka grip your hips, his claws slightly digging into your skin, and pull you backward. Baraka sits down on a chest and places one of his hands on your back pushing your upper body down until you're at a right angle. You rest your hands on your knees to hold the position.
"Be good and stay here while I have a feast."
It's the only warning you receive before you feel Baraka's tongue swipe over your entrance. Your knees buckle but Baraka tightly grips your hips holding you in place. The wet warmth of Baraka’s tongue circles your entrance a couple of times before worming its way inside.
“Yes… please.” You moan out, back arching at Baraka’s ministrations.
You look up to see Jax with his pants around his knees, hand vehemently tugging his dick.
“I bet my bratty mouth would feel way better.” You taunt, licking your lips.
Jax chuckles, “Well, why don’t we find out.”
Jax walks up to you and you place one hand on his hip for balance and use the other to grip his length. After a few strokes of your fist, you stuff his tip into your mouth and relax your throat. You are only able to get about halfway down without choking despite all of your practicing. Both Jax and Baraka are larger than anyone you’ve deep-throated before.
You moan at the familiar taste of your lover, you could never get enough. Baraka works his tongue deeper into you, stretching you open on the thick muscle as Jax grips the back of your head with both hands and snaps his hips back and forth. Taking any part of your lovers from both ends is your favorite pastime. You have yet to find anything more enjoyable.
“Turns out your bratty mouth is good for something,” Jax grunts as he quickens his pace.
You moan around him as you feel drool dribble down your chin. Your jaw slackens, not being able to keep suction with Jax’s fast pace. Baraka stiffens his tongue and speeds up his drilling at your throbbing core.
“So good… taking me so well,” Jax moans, his head tilting back.
You know he’s close. You can feel your own orgasm rising as Baraka’s tongue goes deeper than before. You moan and swallow around Jax’s tip which pushes him over the edge. Before you can brace yourself you feel his hot cum hit the back of your throat.
“Yes! Baby…” Jax exclaims as he rides out his orgasm.
You can’t swallow fast enough so cum oozes out of your mouth as you swallow what you can. Jax pulls out and uses two fingers to wipe his cum from your chin and stuff it into your mouth. You greedily suck his fingers and lick them clean, ignoring the pain in your jaw as your orgasm is about to hit you in full force.
“Not so fast.” Jax pulls you forward and Baraka removes his tongue and releases you.
“What the… Why did you do that?” You pant out, straightening up in Jax’s hold.
“You haven’t learned your lesson in having patience.”
“Are you serious?”
“Very. Look at Baraka. He has been very patient not worrying about his own pleasure but instead focused on pleasuring you. He deserves a reward, don’t you think?”
“I’ve made you perfectly wet and loose enough to take my cock.” Baraka says as he pulls his pants down.
You swallow thickly as your gaze lands on Baraka’s full rock-hard length. It’s nothing short of appetizing. You feel yourself clench around nothing and suddenly have the need to be stuffed with it. You willingly move back as Jax pushes you toward Baraka’s lap.
Baraka guides your hips down and lines up his tip at your entrance.
“Aaaahhhhhh…” You moan out as gravity and Jax spear you open until you’re fully seated on Baraka’s cock.
You can feel Baraka throbbing and twitching inside of you. You have never felt as full as when Baraka or Jax are inside of you. Baraka’s arms wrap around your waist. His hands splay out over your abdomen and you relax back into his chest, head resting on his shoulder and eyes closing.
“So tight and warm… perfect.” Baraka groans, nuzzling his teeth into the junction of your neck and shoulder.
“Please…” You plead as you begin grinding your hips in Baraka’s lap, clenching around him.
Suddenly you feel both of your nipples being pinched. You squeak and snap your eyes open to find Jax staring back at you. He leans down to kiss you, shoving his tongue into your mouth. Your tongues rub against each other as he continues rolling your nipples between his fingers.
One of Baraka’s hands slides down your abdomen until it reaches your aching arousal and begins stimulating you from the front. You felt like you were losing your mind. Jax’s fingers tugging on your nipples, Baraka’s dick stuffing you almost painfully full, and his hand rubbing against your front; all of these sensations were too much. It didn’t take long before you were close again. You throw your head back on Baraka’s shoulders ready to reach your high when everything stops.
“No, please.” You whine as you try to grind on Baraka but he stills your hips with his grip.
“Not until you tell us what you did wrong,” Baraka demanded into your ear.
“I-I… rushed and took action”–you moan–”without thinking about all the outcomes.”
“Good.” Jax uses his thumbs to rub circles into your nipples. “Why is having patience important?”
You can’t think straight. How do they expect you to answer questions right now when your mind is cloudy with want?
“I-It’s…” You stutter.
“Don’t you want to cum, baby? Tell us why it’s good to be patient instead of rushing into things.” Jax cooed.
You muster up all your brain cells to focus on the answer. “Patience gives you time to think of the bigger picture and weigh all of your options. Sometimes you find that waiting to take action will yield greater benefits than if you act right away.”
“So smart and perfect for us.” Jax smiles as he grips your waist and pulls you up before pushing you back down.
“Oh my… Ooooohhhh!” You exclaim as Jax pounds you on Baraka’s dick like a hammer on a nail. Your head is dizzy from his display of strength.
“Yes! Just like that!” Baraka growls as he leans back on his hands and lets Jax spear you on him over and over.
Baraka’s dick drills in and out of you consistently hitting that special spot inside of you.
“I’m going to cum… please” You pant out, gripping Jax’s arms.
“Go ahead, baby.”
“Yeeeees!” You cry as your orgasm flows over you.
You clench around Baraka as you shake and ride the aftershocks of your release. Jax doesn’t stop or slow down.
“Sensitive…” You gasp out.
“Be good for us and help Baraka finish.”
Your brain clouds with oversensitivity but all you can do is hold on to Jax helplessly as he continues to pound you onto Baraka.
“So good for me, taking my cock so well. I’m going to fill you so full of my cum. Do you want it?” Baraka groans out.
High on the praise you nod as you feel another orgasm being forced up. Baraka twitches inside of you.
“Yes! Yes, I want it. Please give it to me… Fill me up, Baraka. Oh… Oooh!”
“That’s it, baby.” Jax encourages you as another orgasm washes over you.
You clench around Baraka as you feel his cum flood into you, milking him for every drop.
“Mmmm thank you… so full.”
Jax slows down to a stop and you fall back into Baraka’s chest as his arms wrap around you.
“I hope you remember to be patient on future missions,” Jax says as he caresses your cheek and pecks your lips.
You nod. This is definitely a lesson you won’t forget anytime soon.
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horrororman · 2 years
🎅🏽🩸#DontOpentillChristmas #thelastdrivein #mutantfam #Killmas #GhoultideGetTogether #horror #Shudder 🎄🔪
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rassilon-imprimatur · 2 years
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Detective Macklay: "Listen, I need all available backup at 2240 Sycamore, 2240 Sycamore!!"
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sincityszn · 9 months
open: f | mutuals and non-mutuals muse: kian briggs | 24-30 | nfl quaterback connection: assume anything!
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"tonight, i want you to take control."
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professorsta · 2 years
If you notice after Clint and Past coupled, Clint was already prepared to tell Past about his little figurine and all his childhood traumas. He just needed a good fuck to get his guard down and he was off to talk about himself all day Present Fucked it up when he slid in right after Clint had slid out
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protectxthem · 1 year
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"I know I just ate, but man am I starving." Spoke the little Spider Boy.
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vencifer · 2 years
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As an INTJ I desperately need an ENTJ friend
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alliebriggsart · 2 years
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Continuing to work on more portraits for my non-commercial use license for ttrpg: Patreon  Up next, Dragonborn.
I also plan to take on new commission work in late Feb/March for character portraits. Keep an eye out for slots!
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littlebear1537 · 1 year
Modern au headcanon?:Sam doing dance memes in bear form
YES. YES. YES. Anon coming in with this amazing hc/concept!!! I should animate this 0,0,,,,
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ofmoonlitmagic · 7 months
( @exitiumstarters )
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The full moon was fast approaching, and Briggs could feel it in his bones. He always felt it when untriggered, but there was something different about it now. A connection, a tether, a noose. His fuse was shorter these days, but he wasn't sure if that was the wolf's rising or the sheer terror of what was coming.
"Sorry no witty quips today," he growled as he took a drag from his wolfsbane-weed combination, hoping whoever approached would just leave him alone in this hell, "try again in 5-7 business days."
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tbh-entp · 2 years
tfw youve moved into a new apartment and your si is low so you trip on every ledge and clip all of the door entrances
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horrororman · 1 year
Joe Bob time! Let Sleeping Corpses Lie aka The Living Dead at Manchester Morgue aka Don't Open the Window
#TheLastDriveIn #mutantfam #DarcytheMailGirl #horror #Shudder
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shadowbrn · 2 years
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❝ we are definitely not supposed to be here. ❞
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open starter ! feel free to make it longer.
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sincityszn · 1 year
open to: f muse: kian briggs, twenty-four, nfl quarterback plot: your muse comes and visits kian after his game in the locker room.
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a white towel was draped loosely around kian's waist as he just finished his shower. a sigh of relief escaped his lips as he walked towards his locker. he was the only one in the locker room since all his teammates were quick to leave to go to the afterparty for their win tonight. hearing footsteps, the male's head snapped in the direction he heard them coming from. "what are you doing in here?" 
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