#( break her heart & i’ll break your face ; harry & amelia )
showmeaheroarchive · 6 years
Amelia and Harry sibling brotp ;)
send me a ship and I can only reply with a face [ x ]@progenyofprongs
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the muggleborn Slytherin
Draco Malfoy x Female!Reader
disclaimer; English is not my first language, I am sorry for any mistakes!
summary: as a muggleborn, it should be impossible to be sorted into Slytherin, right?! Well, it wasn’t, at least for you, you were sorted in Slytherin House and that’s when your nightmare started. Because of your origins, some of your housemates were bullying you, until one day, none other than Draco Malfoy rescued you. (set during the Half-Blood Prince)
warning: strong language, sensitive content (such as panic attacks, violence), graphic sexual scenes.
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“Watch where you going, mudblood!”, Gregory Goyle made a disgusting face, as he bumped into me in the hallway.
“You should watch where you’re going, Goyle”, I said back and had been about to move past him when he grasped me by my wrist, making me face him, “Let me go, Gregory”, I demanded and he only chuckled.
“I have a way to shut that pretty mouth of yours”, he whispered to my ear and I tried to get out of his grip but he had been too strong.
“Goyle”, I turned my head to watch two-thirds of the Golden Trio marching towards us, Hermione Granger and Ronald Weasley, “Let her go, this instance!”, the redhead growled and Goyle sneered.
“You want to go the Headmaster’s office?”, Hermione inquired, “Prefects, remember?!”
Gregory released my hand.
“This ain’t over, Heywood”, he said glaring at me and walked away.
“You alright?!”, Weasley asked and I nodded, my eyes on Gregory’s retreating form.
“Amelia?”, I glanced at the Gryffindor Princess who had been offering a smile, “You sure, you’re okay?”
“Yeah”, I sighed, and then my eyes noticed a familiar presence behind them, blond hair and piercing gray eyes looking at me. “You heading to the Great Hall?”
They nodded at me and we walked together till there.
After lunch, we had Transfiguration Class, I had been sitting next to Blaise, one part of the Silver Trio, I had been extremely close with him, he had been my best friend. He had not cared about my heritage, probably the only Slytherin that hadn’t. Suddenly a paper flew in front of me, I opened it under the desk.
"I’ll soon have your lips around my dick, that would be a better use for that filthy mouth of yours. G.G."
I sighed deeply, I couldn’t even turn and look at him. I asked to be excused by Professor McGonagall and as I could, I rushed out of the classroom.
I had reached the Astronomy Tower without realizing it. I kneeled to the ground and buried my face on my knees, trying to calm myself.
A while later, I heard footsteps approaching me and I quickly withdrew my wand pointing it at the entrance of the tower.
“Heywood, it’s me”, he had his hands on the air and I sighed.
“What are you doing here?”
“What did he tell you?”, he asked back and I gave him a look, “Goyle”, he knew? How could he have known?
“Nothing”, I uttered and sat back in the ground. “It’s none of your concern anyway”
“Blaise told me that he has been harassing you”
“It isn’t only Gregory”, I exhaled, glancing at his eyes, “Since the beginning of the year, he and Crabbe have been saying what they plan to do to me once the war breaks loose”
Malfoy kneeled down beside me and leaned his head against the wall.
“You should leave England”, he let out and I looked at him, he had been staring at me. “Once the war starts there wouldn’t be a place that you’ll be safe here”
“Yes, there is”, I answered him, “Draco”, his eyes had been burrowing onto mine. “I plan to join the Order”
“You shouldn’t have told me that”
“Please, you must talk to the others and make them join as well”, I turned my body facing him completely, “We may be Slytherins but not even Salazar himself would approve of this”
“They won’t listen to me and even if they did, I’m not the one I should speak to them”
My hand shot to his left sleeve but he had faster and caught my hand before I could reach him, cursing his Seeker reflexes, pulling me into his lap in the process.
“Amelia”, he warned but I ignored him and took hold of his hand and pushed his sleeve down and saw the Dark Mark.
“I’m not shocked”, I traced my fingers over the blank ink, “I’ve suspected since you stopped writing to me”
“I don’t want to drag you along with me”
“Too late”, I muttered and crashed my lips on his, he replied immediately, fastening his arms around me.
I had shoved my tongue deep into his mouth and he moaned, sending vibrations to my entire body. Then his large hands slid under my skirt, gripping my hips harshly and I started to rock my hips against his, we let out a joined moan. He launched his mouth on my neck, I bent my head backwards, granting him more access. He placed his teeth on the sensitive spot on my collarbone, making me arch my back for him. He quickly unbuttoned my shirt, let warm kisses all over my chest while my hands had been gripping his soft hair. His fingertips had been close to my center and I attached our lips again, kissing hungrier than before.
“Amelia”, he moaned against our mouths and I stared into his gorgeous silvery eyes, “I’ve missed you, love”
“And I you”, he smirked and pecked my lips gently.
“I promise you that they shall not touch you”, Draco whispered to me, I grinned before kissing him again.
A week passed and they hadn’t approached me, I felt thankful. I have been spending most of my time with Blaise and Theodore, or Hermione, with whom I have been partnered for our Potions project.
Sunday. I had been heading to Hogsmeade alongside Theo and as we had been walking together down the snowy path, I saw Goyle and Crabbe approaching us.
“Nott. Heywood.”, Gregory greeted us with a smirk.
“Move it”, Theo warned as I stepped closer to him.
“Isn’t that sweet?”, Goyle sneered, “I wondered what Draco would have to say about it”
And before I could answer, Crabbe had already hexed Theodore, throwing him to the side while pointing his wand on Theodore’s throat. I’ve been standing alone with him. I’ve already been clenching my wand in my hand, Gregory smiled at me and approached slowly. I stood my ground, wanting to show him that I wasn’t fearing him. He brushed a curl of my hair away from my eyes, I shivered when his cold finger touched my cheek.
“So beautiful, yet a filth”, I glared at him and before I could react he snatched my wand and broke it, I felt the cracking in my heart.
“You’ll pay for this”, I swore and he just laughed, then he slapped me so hard across the face that I lost my balance and fell to the ground. I had been tearing, he and Crabbe had been laughing at me.
Gregory had been standing over me, I had wanted to move, to push him away, but I had been too afraid to do so. I had lost any hope until I heard voices.
“GET AWAY FROM HER!”, Gregory Goyle flew in the air and landed on the snow a few meters away from me, I opened my eyes to see none other than Draco, along with Hermione Granger and Harry Potter next to him, Hermione’s wand drawn.
Harry stupefied Crabbe, both of them now had been away from me and Theo.
“Draco”, he immediately wrapped his arms around me, holding me close to his chest as I sobbed hard.
“It’s alright, I’m here, love”, he muttered against my ear and pressed soft kisses on my cheek. “Let’s get you back in the castle”
“Amelia, here”, I turned to Hermione who had been holding my wand, brand new, I took it from her and thanked her. “Go get some rest”
Hermione exchanged a look with Draco like they had an unspoken conversation, which I found extremely odd, Harry nodded at us and we headed back to the castle.
Reaching in the Slytherin common room, Draco led me to his dorms, thankfully, everybody had been in Hogsmeade. Once I seated on his bed, I realized how much dizzy I had been and how much my head hurt.
“I swear I’ll fucking kill him”, Draco removed his coat and stared at me. “Wanna take you to the infirmary?”
“No”, I shook my head, “I just need to lay down”, he nodded and helped me settled on his bed. He took off my coat and my shoes and covered me with the blankets. “Could you lay down with me?”
He laid down next to me, spooning me, the curtains of the bed had been drawn closed, and I sighed as I felt him relax against me and his breath on the back of my neck. He had been a very possessive sleeper, I had learned that.
A couple hours later, I woke up, it had been late noon and none seemed to have returned from Hogsmeade yet. I turned around, Draco already had his silver eyes on me and had been smiling.
“I’m sorry”, I noticed the tears on his eyes, I cupped his face and brushed my hands over his rosy cheeks.
“It wasn’t your fault”
“Lia”, he sighed and sat, his head resting against the headboard. “I should have kept Gregory and Vincent under control but because of my task, I”, he exhaled again, you shouldn’t have told me that, and he must have realized it too late.
“I don’t care”, he glanced at me, “I don’t care about your task and about your business with Voldemort”, he flinched at his name. “I only want you to survive”
“If one of us has to survive, it has to be you”, he said and grabbed the back of my neck, before I could say anything, and kissed me hard.
I sat on him, our bodies pressed against each other’s. He yanked my sweater over my head and I ripped his shirt open, while his hands wrapped around my back, I let my hands roam all over his build chest, and then moved to his pants, unzipping them and slipping my hand into his underwear. He moaned when my hand grabbed him roughly, I nibbled his lower lip, his eyes gleamed at me, and as our eyes had been locked, he flipped us over. Draco pulled my jeans down my legs, dragging my soaked panties along with them. I then worked on my bra, the moment I had removed it, he dropped his lips around my erected nipple, while his other hand pinched my other one. I arched my back for him, my head thrown against the pillow because of the pleasure he had been bringing me. I had been too distracted by his mouth on my breasts to notice that he had already removed his pants and boxers. I gasped for air, as he thrust into me forcefully, it had felt so satisfying, so fulfilling. He picked up his pace, pounding like a hungry animal, shoving his member deeper and deeper until he had been fully inside me. He had missed me as much I had. It had been a year since we had sex, since we had been in each other’s arms. I welcomed my orgasm by screaming his name loudly enough that I had been sure the whole school heard us. Draco followed soon after, resting his head on my shoulder, while placing soft kisses on my neck.
“Amelia”, he muttered and I looked at him, “Whatever happens to me, I promise you that I won’t forget you”
“I have faith in you, Draco”, I kissed him passionately, “You’ll get through it”
Later the same night, after I had a refreshing shower with Draco, and changed clothes, I wanted to take a walk. Even though it had been far after curfew, I had learnt my way around school, we had been sneaking with Draco a lot the past year.
I unconsciously reached the Gryffindor Tower, I took a seat at one of the windows seats, gazing at the sky outside. I always loved how quiet Hogwarts became at night, and I have been thinking how much I would miss it.
“Amelia”, I nearly screamed if I hadn’t been familiar with the voice.
“Hermione”, I noticed movements behind her and I had been about to touch my wand when I saw Ron, Harry and Draco behind her.
“What’s going on?”, I asked and stood up.
“In order to protect you, I asked for their help”, Draco uttered.
“What are you talking about”
“You and your family would be sent into a safe-house of the Order out of England”, Harry explained, “You’ll remain there until the war is over and in exchange for that, Malfoy has already informed us about the plans of the Death Eaters”, I stared at him.
“How are you okay with this?”, I asked and Harry just stared back at me.
“I’m not”, he responded, “But I would have done the same thing if I had been in his place. Everyone has a role to play in the war, and yours is out of here”
“We should really get on with it”, Ron mumbled as he had been to the side, watching over the corridor.
Draco drew his wand and I instantly took a step back.
“Lia”, he said and approached me, he held my face in both hands and he kissed me deeply. “Remember, I’ll never forget you”
“Draco, I lov-”
“Obliviate”, he said, tears streaming down his eyes.
It had been the last thing I saw, his handsome face before everything blurred, and I completely passed out.
My name is Amelia Zoe Heywood. I’m a muggleborn witch and I have fallen in love with Draco Malfoy. He obliviated me in order to protect me, but I have been remembering everything and I have been waiting for the war to be over so I could be with him again. I had stayed in Spain with my family waiting for the war to end.
Until the Battle of Hogwarts came. I had to return to England. I fought against the Dark Side while Draco had to fight with them. I had been rushing down the halls, spells, curses passing over my head. A sudden explosion threw me off my feet and onto the ground, I instantly covered my head with my arms. Once the dust had cleared, I stood up again.
“Heywood!”, I heard somebody screaming behind me and I turned my head to find him. His blonde hair had been dirty, his face bruised, and his black suit ruined.
“Draco”, he hurried towards me and draped his arms around my waist, burying his face on the crook of my neck. “You remember”
I hugged him back, holding him tightly, he had been alright. He had survived. I cried, sobbed so hard out of relief, that he had been alive.
“I never forgot”, I whispered, “I was scared for you”
“I’m sorry”, Draco smashed his lips against mine and held me closely.
The war soon ended. We had survived. And we could finally start our life together.
Nineteen years later; we accompanied our daughter to platform 9 and ¾. Lyra Narcissa Malfoy had been sorted into Gryffindor, we had been surprised, to say the least, Draco nearly had a heart attack. And a few years later, Ara announced that she had been dating Harry Potter’s eldest son. Oddly enough, both Harry and Draco survived the news. In the end, all was well.
Sincerely, Amelia Malfoy.
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heyheshi · 4 years
"Baby, we're going to have our own family!"
2.9k words
written and uploaded: July 13, 2020
🦋 - fluff
🌙 - angst...?
Please like and reblog! Also please don’t post my writings anywhere!
Also this was supposed to be really short, like just about 700 words but I couldn’t help it!
Part 1
Part 2
"H, are you sure you want to go to the doctors with me?", you asked your husband for the third time in the last 30 minutes.
"Baby stop doing that!", furrowing his eyebrows as he looks at you accusingly - talking about how you're asking him that question again and about your food as you toy it around your plate using your fork.
Earlier after he woke up, Harry made sure that your day starts off as great as possible. He's so giddy. He knows that this day is going to be wonderful. He can just feel it - and so he made sure to wake you up with his kisses and a huge variety of healthy breakfast.
By "huge variety of healthy breakfast", that meant different slices of fresh fruits and organic vegetables, whole-wheat bread, cereals, yogurt, scrambled eggs, bacon (your absolute favorite and he cannot forget to add that), freshly squeezed orange juice, fresh cow milk, and mixed nuts.
He really went all the way with your meal and you're really thankful for that. 2 months ago, you would think that the two of you can't finish all of this food in just one sitting but how wrong could you be? Harry ate a lot but you're kind of having almost the same portion as him, not that he minds, he wants to keep you as healthy as possible for the baby on the way even though you told him that you're not certain about it just yet.
He made sure to talk to the hotel's head chef just to prepare your breakfast and strictly said "just the best and freshest once for my wife and make sure not to add any preservatives, just all-natural", and that's how you got here.
He even insisted on not ordering a coffee for you. You LOVE your morning coffee but H said that it's not good for your heart - which is true. You think he's being kind of dramatic and overprotective but you like it a lot.
It seems like everything he does is way too great; hormones. But it's not like you're gonna admit it to him anyway, it'll boost his ego more, your husband is narcissistic.
"Babe, babeeee, baby??!", you came back into reality. You didn't even notice that Harry has been snapping his fingers in front of your eyes.
"Sorry, just got ca-"
"Too caught up in my handsome looks, huh?", your husband winks at you, he always teases you!
You just rolled your eyes at his antics, "course not!", you said defensively. "Was just thinking! Plus, I wasn't even staring at you!"
"Yeah sure lovie. What's on that pretty little head of yours, hmm?", he leaned his elbows on the table and put his head on his hand.
"Just thinking 'bout how you took my morning coffee away and thinking 'bout what my lunch's gonna be."
"Stop bein' grumpy", he just chuckled at your answer, knowing your sarcasm really well, "just finish your breakfast so we can leave. Already called the clinic for our appointment. It's at 10 a.m., I don't wanna be late.", he just continued eating his part but you're the exact opposite - you froze.
"You what?"
"What? Said finish your food... and that I booked our appointment...?", he asked uncertainty. He's really confused right now and you are too! You're not even sure why you're confused, you just are. Maybe over the fact that H is so excited about this and you might not even be pregnant.
Of course, you're happy with how he's acting. You're just worried that this might just be a false alarm and it will crush him so much.
"Why did you?", you looked down at your plate then quickly stuffing your mouth with the rest of your food while Harry answered.
"Just wanna be the best dad and husband you could ever ask for", he sounds sad, he really thought that you would be happy, you already talked about going to the doctors last night anyways!
"Okay.", you shortly replied and stood up to your seat rounding the table. Harry felt his chest tightening - too much - he thought, until he felt your arms around his neck from behind and tucking your face on his neck. He quickly interlaced your fingers with his.
"I love you", you quietly whispered to his right ear. "You don't know how much this means to me, you're already the best, gunna be the best dad.", you pressed a kiss on his neck. "I just don't want you to get hurt if I'm not pregnant.", your voice seemed to get quieter with each word.
Harry just stood up from his seat and faced you, "whatever happens, we're going to be okay, alright? If we're not pregnant then it's fine, I'm not going to lie and say that I won't be affected by it because I know I will be, but let's always keep in mind that God already has better plans for us, okay?", he leaned in to kiss your forehead.
You just squeezed your face in his shirt, "I'm scared of another heartbreak. I really want this with you.", you said and Harry felt his shirt getting damp.
"Nothing's going to change. I'll still love you more than ever and will always be here to take care of you", he's now whispering while wiping your tears. Everything about this is so intimate. "I love you too, so much Y/N", with that, more tears fall as you kissed him like your life depends on it.
"Patient 104, the doctor is ready to see you.", you heard the nurse called your number.
With shaking limbs, you managed to stand up and walk to the doctor's office while Harry assisted you.
"Mister and missus Styles! It's so nice to meet you in person! I'm Doctor Amelia Welsh, just Doc Amy", your doctor looks friendly and it eased you a bit.
"Harry", your husband shook the doctor's hand then slowly turned to you, "and this is my wife, Y/N.", you smiled as you shook her hand.
"Such a lovely couple! Anyway, you called last night, right Harry?", Doctor Amy asked as she sat on her spinning chair while you and Harry take a seat on the opposite side of her table.
"I did, yes. We wanted to have a check-up on my wife", your husband did all the talking, you know he can sense your nervousness.
You're eyes slowly observed the clinic. It almost looked identical to yours, with the office table on the middle and a medical bed on the far left side of the office and a rack full of different medical supplies, the only difference is that your clinic has so many baby pictures and toys for your patients to play around with.
"Okay, so what seems to be the problem? I already got a hold of your medical records, Mrs. Styles, or should I call you Doctor Styles too?", Doctor Amy joked and it made you chuckle a bit.
"I'm a patient right now so I'll just stick with Mrs. Styles", you felt Harry squeezed your hand that he's holding and you smiled to yourself. He always loves it when you claim your self as "Mrs. Styles". He said it makes him all warm and fuzzy and makes him just wanna love on you all day, every day.
"Why don't you tell me what's wrong."
"Ummm okay, so I've been eating a lot - more than usual, it can be because of stress since I'm a stress - eater...", you took a deep breath and look at Harry then back at her, "also I've been feeling nauseated and often having sickness, but in the afternoon not morning so I thought it might be my eyesight."
"Hmm okay please continue", the Doctor continues jotting down on her note pad at a fast pace, you understand it tho, you do the same stuff every day.
"I'm more often bloated than not but this one's different, my abdomen looks bigger than usual..."
"When was the last time you had your period? I know your period is irregular but I still need to know", the doctor pulled her glasses down on the bridge of her nose.
"I think it was November...", you're really not sure, you gave up on tracking your period when it downed to you that your period is never gonna be regular at all.
"Last time you had sexual intercourse?", your face feels hot but you know that these kind of questions are relevant, on your side you can see Harry's ears become reddish.
As if your husband can sense that you're not going to answer that question, he stepped up even though he's shy about it, "last night."
It's not that the two of you are embarrassed about your sex life, it's the opposite actually, you just want to keep it private.
Doctor Welsh just smiled at both of your embarrassment, "well how long had you been feeling this? Did you took a pregnancy test?", she looked back down and continued scribbling.
"Just this January, I never really paid much attention, and I did, a couple of weeks ago, 12 positives and 3 negatives."
"Okay well, why don't we take a look? You can change into this gown and lay in there", she said giving you the gown and pointing at the bed on her clinic, "I'll be back in a few."
You looked at Harry and as if he can hear the voices inside your head, he pulled you into him and kissed your cheek, "we'll be alright", he smiled at you but you can tell that he's really nervous too.
You both are, this is the break it or make it time of your lives. You're not sure if you're ready for it but you shook your thoughts out of your mind and changed into the gown and went to the bed, Harry hot on your heels, quickly took a seat beside the bed and held your right hand.
"I love you", he whispered, he thinks he's as nervous as the first time he auditioned on the X-Factor, when he asked you to become his girlfriend, or when he asked you to become his wife, all combined.
"I love you too", you kissed his knuckles as he smiled at you.
It didn't take long for the doctor to come back.
"Ready?", she asked and you nodded. She set the machine up and made sure you're comfortable before putting the gel on your tummy.
Nobody dared to make a sound and you never dare to look anywhere besides Harry's eyes as he presses his lips on your palm.
"Okay...", you hear the doctor mumbled that made you whip your head up to her.
You looked at the monitor and saw it, there's a heartbeat. You knew what exactly it was but your husband doesn't since he never accompanied someone to an ultrasound appointment before.
And then the silent room heard it, the heartbeat.
"Wa- was that...", Harry slowly looked at you with red eyes.
"Yes", you whispered while nodding your head.
This is it.
"Oh wait", the doctor said suddenly, you froze, this can't be happening! There's nothing wrong with anything! Everything is fine!
You never dared to look at the monitor and Harry too, much too scared of hearing the next words that will come out of the doctor's mouth.
You're finally pregnant and you're going to love your child with everything you have and you just hope there's nothing wrong with your baby.
"What was it?", Harry asked in a croaked voice, still not looking up.
"Well, I'm seeing... not one, but two heartbeats!"
Both of your heads snapped back at the monitor and there you see it! From a different angle are two little heartbeats, two blips, two fetuses, two babies in the future!
You almost felt your heart stop from so much happiness!
"Congrats you're having twins! You're about 8 weeks pregnant!", Doctor Amy rejoiced but you still cannot move, neither can Harry until...
"I- oh my God! Is this real?! Is this really happening?! Oh God Oh God Oh God!", Harry jumped from his seat covering his face with his hands.
"Baby, we're going to have our own family!", H crouched down next to your bed while slowly kissing your nose and that's when it finally sunk in! You're pregnant! And with twins! This is more than you could ever ask for!
You're nodding your head repeatedly with tears running to your cheeks rapidly while Harry tried to catch everything.
"Happy, I'm so so happy, H."
"Me too my love, me too... twins?! I- thank you so much baby, you're so wonderful to me and I-", you didn't let him finish talking as you kissed him, not caring if the doctor is still in the room.
After you pulled away, you only smiled at him and pecked his lips once again. Harry helped you clean up the gel on your tummy and go back to your seat earlier, the doctor is already there typing on her computer.
"Congratulations again! Twins are hefty but I'm sure you can both handle it!", you thanked her and proceeded to talk about the pregnancy.
"I'm assuming you already know what to expect, what to do, and not to do, and what to eat mostly, yes? Hopefully, you didn't consume any alcoholic drinks during the last at least 10 weeks and no birth control at all", Amy asked.
"We do know, yes. And no, I didn't drink, and no, none at all.", you're smiling so big, mirroring H.
"Well then, there's really not much to discuss other than your next ultrasound. You two would be great parents! Do you have any questions?"
"Not for now, I think...", and Harry agrees with you.
"If you do then don't think twice of calling me. I'll print the pictures and have my assistant help you with the next appointment if you need to be transferred to another country then let her know, I'll have her recommend you on my pals", the doctor smiled and almost left the room but...
"Can you make it 5 copies?", H asked suddenly.
The doctor looked back and laughed, "of course, you'll just gonna need to pay extra on your way out", she replied.
"That's won't be a problem, just make it 5 please!", Harry looks and sounds like a child asking for another cookie.
"It's settled!", with that, the doctor finally left the room.
The silence is really comfortable as you change back into your normal clothes.
"H, why 5 copies? We don't need that much!", you laughed as you slowly approached your husband to leave the room.
He only smiled and simply answered, "one for you, one for me, one for your parents, one for mines, then one for their album - I'm getting it enlarged and framed."
You just melted as his answer so you just hugged him tight, “I’m having your baby, and it is your business”, you joked and he laughed, exchanging "I love you's".
You're back at the car now, looking at the ultrasound pictures. You can see on your peripheral vision how big Harry is grinning.
He faced you and lifted up your shirt, the car still in the parking lot of the hospital. Thank God you managed to be discreet as possible, not seeing any paps insight.
"Hello bundles!", he greeted your tummy with a kiss.
"See, I know you're both there, daddy can sense it. Can't wait to hold you both and protect you from the world", he looked up at you. "Please don't give mummy a hard time, especially now that there's two of you and daddy's gonna be away a lot, but I promise to be there while you two bake in there as much as possible!", he kissed your tummy once more and pulled down your shirt.
You can't help but grin at him, "bundles? And bake?", you asked your husband while laughing, your shoulders shaking from how many laughs you're producing.
"Bundles, they're two, that's what you call it baby! Like the buy one take one thing on the store, bundles! And bake cause they're a bun in the oven, your tummy's the oven and they're the buns! Bundle buns!", he looks so excited while explaining his shenanigans to you.
You face palmed yourself but can't help but to fall in love with him more, if that's possible.
"Know what baby? Let's just get lunch, yeah?", he only nod but he didn't find your response offensive.
You secretly loved his terms "bundles" and "bake", it makes your heart warm.
"What're you all craving, tell daddy!", you slapped his arms at his double meaning!
You answered either way, "we want pasta, daddy!", then winked at him.
"If pasta is what my babies want then pasta is what we'll get!", his hands found your lap to hold your hand but yours isn't there.
He then looked at you holding your tummy with a fond smile on your face and he joined your hands with his, both of you caressing your babies.
"32 weeks baby, 32 weeks.", you said to H and he smiled at you, looking back on the road.
"I'm already thinking of getting us a customized Gucci family clothes for when they arrive!", H cheekily said to you but you know he's not kidding so you just agreed along with him.
You know you're gonna love this pregnancy already. Not only you got one, but two babies! You're more blessed than ever! Plus, you're sure that Harry's going to be giving you everything you crave for! Midnight ice cream sessions, here we come!
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Field of Poppies Part 13
Summary: After being apart for six years, childhood friends Tommy and Amelia reunite under odd circumstances. Tommy is an outspoken young man and Amelia is pregnant and out on the streets. The bond of family can be unbreakable but it is tested often. Especially when Europe descends into war.
Part 13: War.
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          England and Germany At War.
         Your King and Country Need You.
          Tommy was downstairs in the kitchen, sat at the table, chewing on his nail anxiously. The newspaper hadn’t left his hand even though he’d already read the headlines. His brothers were near, they’d shown up to Tommy’s flat with the newspaper in hand. John in the doorway of the kitchen, unsure of where else to stand. Everything felt uprooted. Arthur was leaning against the kitchen counter his face in his hand.
            To interrupt the somber mood was the sound of small footsteps skittering down the stairs.
            “Daddy!” Max launched into Tommy’s lap.
            The toddler seemed to snap him out of his daze. “Hello, hello.” Tommy kissed his cheek and hugged him close.
            Amelia came down a few moments later, having been the first-person Max woke up. “Morning.” She greeted as if it were any other day. But there was a tell that things weren’t right. All three of the Shelby boys were in the kitchen. At that time of the morning, they were usually off doing work. Unless there was a family meeting, it was rare for the three to just come over and lounge around the flat. Then she noticed the looks on their faces. “What’s wrong? Did something happen?”
            Tommy cleared his throat and handed her the paper.
            It didn’t take too long before the news sank in. But she still read the headline a few times just to make sure she was reading it correctly and not just making the words up in her head. “What? But…what does this mean?”
            “Means we’ll be shipped off to God knows where.” Arthur lifted his head with an agitated look. He didn’t take kindly to others telling him what to do, even if it was the government. “Fighting for God knows what for God knows how long!”
            Tommy didn’t have the heart to tell him to calm down in front of Max. “It won’t be that long.” He muttered.
            “How could you possibly know?” The sense of dread and panic settled in fairly quickly for Amelia. "How do you know what they're planning on doing?" 
            “It’ll be alright.” He assured her without any facts to really base it on. “It might be over before anything happens.”
            “But, I-”
            “C’mon, nothing we can do right now.” He took the paper from her hands and tossed it onto the table.
            “Tom.” Arthur gave him a stern look. “You know-”
            “Look,” Tommy spoke over his older brother. “the military will be mobilizing the Rifles. That’s inevitable. But since it’s a volunteer basis, I don’t think they would ship us overseas.”
            “Tom, you don’t know that!” Arthur urged.
            “Daddy…” Max started to pick up on the worrying atmosphere. “Are you leaving us?”
            “No, Max.”
            “Tommy, please.” Amelia didn’t want him saying anything that wasn’t true that might break their son’s heart later on.
            The room was starting to get a little too loud and crowded for his taste. Tommy got up, set Max down, and walked out of the kitchen without saying anything else.
            “Tommy!” Amelia called after him but he simply shut the door behind him.
            “It’ll be alright, Thomas.” Charlie was sat in the Yard, mending a bridle.
            Tommy was standing near the canal, trying to keep his breathing steady. He shook his head. “What if they ship us overseas?” He asked. “They’re right, how are we supposed to know how long this goes on for? Should’ve bloody seen this coming.” Like other people who read the news every morning, Tommy wasn’t blind to the growing tensions in Europe. Hostilities between countries were growing and treaties were being signed. Just a precaution, everyone said. Just a precaution.
            Charlie noticed Amelia before he could say anything else.
            “Tommy.” She walked over to him, nodding a curt greeting to his uncle.
            “Mel, go back home please.” Tommy ran a hand over his face.
            “We need to talk about this.” She urged, not willing to leave him.
            “I don’t know what to tell you.”
            “You seemed confident enough back there!” She exclaimed. “You seemed like you knew what you were talking about!”
            “I don’t. I don’t know what’s happening. I’m not confident, I’m not confident about anything, how am I supposed to know what they’re going to do?”
            When the strongest support beam started to crack, the house would soon fall down. Amelia realized they were utterly helpless to the rest of the world. Small Heath had been a little kingdom, of sorts. Allowing the Shelbys to bend the rules and always come out on top. But when it came to an international dispute, they were nothing. No one considered their opinions, their feelings. They were suddenly lumped into a group of healthy, able men who would be drafted whether they liked it or not. No one cared about the families they had, the lives they led. Nothing. Only the powerful were making decisions that mattered. Tommy and the rest of them were back to where they began. Stuck under the thumb of someone else. It was suffocating.
            Amelia hugged him close so he wouldn’t see the tears streaming down her cheeks. She was so frightened and it didn’t help that he was just as scared as she was. 
            There was an odd atmosphere over the Garrison that night. No one seemed to be in a jovial mood though the alcohol was alleviating everyone’s burden at least for a while. There wasn’t any news about the Small Heath rifles yet, there was only speculation. But it seemed inevitable that they would be put to use. Armed and set up like little toy soldiers. Puppets.
            Tommy got up from the table he was sitting at with his brothers and went to the bar. There, he saw Jeremiah walk in.
            “Thomas.” The man gave him a half-hearted smile.
            “I’m glad to see you.”
            “Eh?” He chuckled as he sat down at the bar. “Why’s that, then? Want to turn to God before we’re shipped off?”
            The joke made Tommy’s insides turn but he forced a smile. “I was wondering if you’d marry Amelia and me?”
            Jeremiah’s face softened. “Of course. Name a day and I’ll be there.”
            “Tomorrow, if you’re not busy.”
            “Tomorrow? Well…I suppose that’ll work.”
            “Thank you. I’ll come to find you tomorrow.” Tommy said and took his leave from the bar without telling his brothers. He walked down the dark streets which were quieter than usual. Maybe everyone was still trying to process the news.
            After unlocking the front door, Tommy found all the downstairs lights were off, the only light left on came from beneath the master bedroom.
            He and Amelia hadn’t spoken much more the rest of the day. Tommy didn’t have much else to say and Amelia was so overwhelmed with worry that she couldn’t find any words. But he wasn’t going to let the news put a wedge in their relationship.
            After climbing the stairs, Tommy went into the bedroom to find Amelia just getting ready for bed.
            “Hey, I thought you were going to stay out with the boys for a bit.”
            He didn’t respond, instead, walking over to her to embrace her tightly. He buried his face in the crook of her shoulder.
            She didn’t resist and wrapped her arms around him and kissing his jaw. “Tom…”
            “Will you marry me tomorrow?” He asked quietly.
            “Tomorrow? Why so sudden?”
            His hand pressed to the small of her back, holding her closer. “Because I don’t want to wait any longer.” The war suddenly put a lot of things into perspective for Tommy. What if he had gone all this time, and one day he dropped dead? All the time wasted where he could’ve been married to Amelia. Sure, what was a marriage license and a ring in the grand scheme of things? They lived together and were raising a child together. But it was the principle. If he was going to die in this war, he was going to die knowing that he had been married to the love of his life.
            “Okay.” She agreed softly. Because she too didn’t want to wait another minute.
            Harry allowed them to get married in the Garrison. Tommy offered to find a better location. Maybe somewhere a bit more romantic than a pub. But Amelia didn’t want to waste time. Plus, she added, they could get married and celebrate with everyone all in one place.
            So, there they were wed. Tommy in his nicest suit and Amelia in a blush pink dress, one of the nicest she’d worn since she lived in London. Ada held Max as they all watched the two sweethearts get married.
            After quick vows, the wedding erupted into a small celebration of friends and family. Tommy popped a bottle of champagne, probably the most expensive thing they paid for that day, and everyone toasted to the newlyweds.
            Outside of the Garrison, far from Birmingham, men were marching to arms. But the windows of the pub kept out the worry over the war. Inside, Tommy and Amelia had a festive time with their loved ones and each other. It was a happy memory. It might not have lasted long, but it was something no one could take away from them. Even if they were separated by the war. At least they had that one night.
Permanent Tag: @papa-geralt-of-cirilla​ @biba3434​ @kimmietea​ @karmezii​ @enrapturedbythemoon​ @vampgirl1997​ @tarafaithe​ @evelynshelby​
Tag list: @shelbyblinded​
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dollfaceeeeee · 4 years
sweet creature..
The rain hammers into the top of my thin, cloudy blue raincoat, leaving puddles of water in the sharp crevices of my hood as I move throughout the city.
It’s dark, and overcast, as it normally is in the quiet streets of England in September, but I move with precision to Emily’s Cafe a meager block away.
It always made me highly uneasy, traveling along by myself, but I try to keep to myself as I walk, typing out a long reply to my boyfriend, Edmund.
He told me he had something to tell me, something urgent, and the nerves in my body come erupting back to the surface as I make sure to let him know I’m almost there, and his response is quick and short.
It’s been strange with him, for some time now, and I’ve noticed it; him coming home late from work, smelling of cheap wine and perfume, or going out of his way to hide his phone and things from me.
It’s almost like a straight shot to where I expect he will go.
Edmund and I have been together for quite some time, finding common interests and passions, but he and I could never seem so far apart lately as I start on my way toward becoming a successful business owner.
I mean, Emily’s Cafe is our favorite place to have a cup of tea because it’s a cafe I own.
If it wasn’t obvious, I’m Emily.
Coming upon the cafe, I let myself inside, met with the shocking abundance of people spread apart across the room, and my favorite worker Amelia gives me a warm look from behind the counter.
“Hello, Amelia. Have you seen Ed?”
Glancing around the room, I can’t seem to spot him, but my eyes do connect with the strange, striking eyes of a man I’ve never seen before; bright emerald green under the overhead lights, eyeing me from his empty table as he sips at a steaming cup of tea.
“No, ma’am, I haven’t. He should be here soon, I’m sure.”
Smiling, I nod toward her before stripping off my coat and finding a place at a table not too far from the handsome stranger, trying to occupy myself while I wait for Edmund.
It doesn’t do much good, because I can feel his eyes almost burning into the side of my face, and although it should make me uncomfortable, it doesn’t.
“If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you had a staring problem,” I say curtly, looking up at him sharply, and he stops sipping his tea abruptly before grinning.
“Well, you are staring back, aren’t you?”
My mouth goes dry at his response, and I knead my hands together on top of the table just as Amelia moves toward me with a steaming cup of my favorite tea, with just the right amount of sugar and a pinch of honey, just like I like it.
“Here you go, Emily. I’ll inform you if I do see Ed anywhere.”
“Thank you,” I say, and I watch as she wiggles her eyebrows at me slightly before moving back toward the counter.
Leaning in, I inhale the scent of the tea, willing it to calm my insane nerves, before I hear a rustling noise and the handsome man takes a seat next to me.
Opening my mouth, I attempt to speak, but nothing comes out, and I feel the state of shock setting in as I smell the hints of cinnamon and apple wafting off of him.
It’s a warm smell, something inviting and genuine, and normally in this situation I would feel appalled, or afraid, but I feel neither of those emotions.
I almost feel..relieved.
“Pardon my manners, I know this may be strange, but you are the most striking human being I have ever seen.”
Blinking fast, I try to think of something to respond with, but I can’t muster up a single thing, before I hear the approaching footsteps of none other than Edmund...
And some girl.
My chest tightens, and I forget to breathe as I take in her face, her figure, hating how she’s the complete opposite of me; long blonde hair, almond eyes, gorgeous olive skin, plump pink lips, and sporting a short floral dress that clings to her curves in a way that they would never cling to mine.
The handsome stranger looks up at their approach, before glancing back at me, and I must look like I’m about to be sick because his eyes narrow darkly.
“I guess I wasn’t the only one with secrets,” Edmund spits, before he takes a seat across from me, with the girl on my left.
Her perfume is overwhelming, and I’m almost afraid I really might throw up, right here, across my perfect cup of tea, but I swallow the feeling down before locking eyes with Ed.
“You’re mistaken,” the strange, handsome man says, “but, truthfully, she could do much better than a lad like you. Did you bring your latest achievement to the table to rub it in her face, or do you have, at least, some small amount of respect for her? That seems doubtful, though.”
“Who the hell is this ass,” Edmund asks me sharply, almost like a growl, and I almost break under the pressure; I almost shatter across the floor.
But he comes to my rescue, yet again.
“Harry,” he says, “it’s Harry.”
The scents that come and waft off of him calm my wretched nerves, even though I don’t know much about him, besides his name and the fact he enjoys a good cup of tea, just like I do.
I don’t think I’ve seen Edmund drink tea in his entire life; much more interested in a good cup of coffee with nothing in it but his spit and regret.
“Who is this?”
Gesturing to the girl sitting next to me, I realize I’ve found my way to my voice, and it comes out as almost a hiss as the girl almost sinks down into the floor.
I watch as Edmund reaches over to grab her hand over the table, and it makes my stomach twist and churn painfully.
“This is Alice. She and I have been..honestly, do you want this bugger here to listen to all of this?”
Looking over at Harry, I’m not sure I want him to go anywhere, even with the clear knowledge that I don’t know anything about him, but I find myself relying in him.
I find that, I want to get to know him; him and his striking, intense personality that erupts from him like a beacon, drenching the room in a brilliant light that I’ve never seen before.
“He’s fine, right where he is, unless he’d like to go somewhere else,” I say, looking over at him, and he only shakes his head before leaning back in his seat, bringing his cup of tea to his lips.
“Oh, don’t let me interrupt you,” Harry says, and it makes Edmund grimace at him before he continues on.
“Alice and I have been seeing each other, Emily. Frequently. And I would like to be with her over you, so I will be moving out of the apartment and moving in with her tomorrow. And I just wanted to convey that to you.”
There’s no apology, nothing that makes me believe he’s even sorry for going behind my back and creating something with someone else, and it makes my stomach sink as a bitter feeling settles in.
“Are you even sorry?”
Edmund looks at me incredulously, his mouth falling open slightly, before Alice leans toward me dangerously.
“Sorry for what? Finding something better than some plain girl from Holmes Chapel?”
Harry sets his cup of tea down, and as I lean back from Alice, he seems to lean in toward her.
“Anyone’s better than you, love.”
I try to keep the tears at bay as I watch Edmund rise to his feet, Alice following right behind, and I feel so out of place and uncomfortable under his gaze that I want to scream.
“It was a pleasure, being with you, Emily.”
“Leave,” Harry growls, and I can feel the tears unleash onto my cheeks as I watch Edmund and Alice leave my small, elegant cafe, leaving nothing behind but a small glance from Ed.
It’s enough to make me fall apart.
Amelia rushes toward the table after the commotion is over, taking a seat across from me before sliding a fresh piece of cinnamon bread toward me, shooting me a concerned look.
Harry eyes me quietly, reaching toward me tentatively to rub my shoulder, and it leaves that quaint smell of apple behind on my shirt.
“He didn’t deserve you, love. Just try and eat something and I’ll come back and check on you in a moment.”
Amelia is called to another table, and she jumps out of her seat before going back to work, leaving me alone with Harry.
“I know we don’t quite know each other,” he says gently, “but I could treat you better than that lad. Any decent man in this room could.”
“How..how do you know that,” I sniffle, my lip quivering as he cracks a small smile.
“Let me show you. Do you have plans for dinner tonight?”
I shake my head, thinking of the intimate dinner I would have had with Edmund at the cuisine place inside the city, and it makes my heart hammer painfully.
Harry sighs, breaking off a piece of bread before handing it to me, his emerald eyes sparkling.
“Well, it looks like you do now.”
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coffeefairy · 4 years
Writer’s Month August 2020 - Day 9
Day eight of the challenge, still late, because I am a still a helpless procrastinator
Day 9, Prompt: Illness
Fandom: Star Trek: Voyager
Ship: Tom/Harry
Rating: Teen and up
Summary: Tom visits Harry in Sick Bay when he has a cold. Harry has some pretty interesting things to say under the influence of a high fever and Tom decides visiting hours should be extended.
Even after seeing Harry every day for the last three years, it still chased a thrill through him when he entered his field of vision. It always had, from the first time he’d seen him, at a bar on Deep Space 9. He’d looked younger then, shiny and untouched like his brand new comm badge. Dark hair, dark eyes, wide shoulders and handsome features had ensured he’d had Tom’s attention from the moment he entered the bar. It had felt like everything inside him had stood to attention, listening and waiting with bated breath. A creature in his chest had tilted his head, scented the air in trepidation. Something was changing.
Tags: love confessions, terrible title, because I am on a roll with those
Cold Calling
Tom Paris strolled into the MedBay, a box under his arm and a PADD in his hand. 
“Mr Paris? You’re not on shift again until tomorrow,” the EMH stated, looking up from his conn. “I will assume, based on previous experience, you are not here to volunteer extra hours.”
“‘Fraid not, Doc. I’m just here to cheer Harry up.”
“Mr Paris, visiting hours are over, as you are well aware. Please return between the hours of-”
“I misspoke. I’m here to volunteer. I am volunteering to keep Ensign Kim company.”
The Doctor looked as if he might argue but just sighed instead. “Very well. I am retiring for the night. Turn down the lights when you leave. Computer, deactivate the EMH.”
He blinked out of view. Tom grinned, the Doctor as always amusing him at the times he wasn’t driving him up the wall. With a shake of his head, he steered for the bio beds to the right. Harry was out of the examination one, recuperating alone. Luckily Tom’s “volunteering” would only include passing the time with his friend, no other patients occupying the other beds.
Harry looked uneasy, even in sleep, his hair damp and sticking to his forehead. He was pale and a small frown came and went like clouds over his brow. Tom wished this would take away from his normal reaction but it was just as always upon seeing Harry. Faster heartbeat, a quick drop of his stomach, like he’d just hit 0G, a tickle in his throat like a laugh that had gotten caught. You’d think he’d be used to it by now, but no. Even after seeing Harry every day for the last three years, it still chased a thrill through him when he entered his field of vision. 
It always had, from the first time he’d seen him, at a bar on Deep Space 9. He’d looked younger then, shiny and untouched like his brand new comm badge. Dark hair, dark eyes, wide shoulders and handsome features had ensured he’d had Tom’s attention from the moment he entered the bar. It had felt like everything inside him had stood to attention, listening and waiting with bated breath. A creature in his chest had tilted his head, scented the air in trepidation. Something was changing. 
He hadn’t known it then but it hadn’t just been something, it had been everything. Harry had changed everything Tom had thought to be true. About Starfleet, about its officers, about life, about people in general. He didn’t relish thinking about where he’d be right now if it hadn’t been for Voyager but more importantly, who he’d be now if it weren’t for Harry. 
Tearing his eyes from the familiar face, he plopped down on a chair next to the bio bed. Kicking his feet up, he settled with his PADD. Every once in a while he’d look up, let his gaze travel over Harry’s face, listen for his breath. Once or twice he got up to raise the bed slightly, to adjust the blanket, to give him a hypo for breathing easier. 
He wasn’t sure how long it had been since he arrived when Harry stirred but the lights in the Sick Bay had dimmed themselves according to the ship’s internal time. 
On the bed, the Ensign moved, sighed. Blinking, he looked around groggily. Dark gaze landing on Tom, he got to his feet.
“Tom?” he croaked.
“Hey, Har. How’re you feeling?”
“Like I was put through the recycler. What time is it?” His voice sounded like it had been sanded down to its bare components.
“After midnight. Want some water?”
Harry nodded and Tom got a glass from the pitcher. Sliding his hand under Harry’s neck to help him he tilted the glass. Harry managed a few small sips. 
“What...what are you doing here so late? You’re on shift tomorrow.”
“Thought I’d check in. I brought you something but I didn’t want to wake you.”
“Tom, you shouldn’t-” Whatever the admonishment was going to be was cut off as Harry started coughing.
“I’m old enough to decide my own bed time, thanks.” He reached behind him for the box he’d brought. “Here you are.”
Harry blinked the tears from coughing out of his eyes and eyed the box. “Nothing’s going to jump out of there, right? Or make a noise or something?”
“It’s not a joke box, I promise. Geez, you scare a guy once.”
“Twice.” But Harry pulled the box close, opening it gently. Inside were a cylindrical container, and a bag of something.
“Hot honey water with ginger and a side of cough drops. Grandmother Paris’ cold treatment.”
“Grandmother Paris, huh?” Harry looked up with a smile. It made Tom’s heart trip and miss a beat. 
“Can’t argue with it.”
Obligingly, Harry twisted the top of the bottle and drank. “It tastes nice. For medicine.”
“It’s no hypospray but sometimes old tricks are the best.”
“Thanks. You know you really don’t have to stay, Tom. I’m probably just going to go back to sleep in a minute.”
“I’ll just stick around and make sure the medicine is working. Besides, I brought a book on my PADD I think you’ll really enjoy.”
“I shudder to think what you’ve brought, Paris.”
Tom grinned and sank back down on the chair. “Oh, it’s a classic. “Desert Passion” by Lavinia DeLautre.”
“No, no, don’t thank me yet. Now, be quiet. Chapter one. The day was hot. The sweltering heat made Amelia’s light, gauzy dress stick to her, almost transparent in places. She could tell from the darkened gazes directed at her the men of the village were transfixed by her unveiled beauty. She straightened her proud posture and ignored them, her heart beating hard in her well-endowed chest. Not bad, huh? Those twentieth century authors knew what they were on about.”
“I will pay you to stop reading it right now.”
“It’s an antique! A literary classic, published in 1993, Harry. 1993.”
“A week’s rations if you shut up.”
“No way. I flicked through it earlier and there are quivering loins and grabbing of sweat-dewed flesh coming up. Can’t live with the suspense.”
“Two weeks.”
“Amelia knew her father had come this way two weeks ago but her search so far had come up with nothing. She was a stranger in a strange land and…”
Tom read, enjoying the poor writing, the ludicrous metaphors and the far-fetched plot. He enjoyed Harry’s exclamations of disgust and chuckles more. After chapter four, Harry fell asleep again and settling into the chair, Tom put the PADD down. Trying to settle as well as he could, he felt the sleep edge in.
He had no idea what the time was when a noise woke him. 
Sitting straight up, he turned to Harry who was tangled in the blanket, his hair plastered to his forehead. 
“I’m here, Harry, what is it? Do you want some water?”
Getting to his feet to lean over the younger man in the half-light, he saw Harry’s eyes were hazy.
“What do you need?”
A giggle escaped Harry and Tom frowned. He’d never heard Harry giggle.
“I’m right here, Har.”
“No, closer. I always want you closer,” he sighed.
Heat chased down Tom’s spine and his throat grew as dry as the sand in Amelia’s non-geographically-existent desert.
“But I like this. This is good.” Harry’s hands travelled from Tom’s hands where they rested on the bed, up his arms, his shoulders to cradle his face.
Harry didn’t seem entirely aware Tom was speaking. He was mumbling, voice a murmur. “So pretty.” His voice cleared a bit. “You’re always so pretty. I could stare at you all day and not get tired of it.”
His fingers wound in Tom’s hair and his brain cells all mutineed at once.
“When I don’t see you, I miss your face. I miss the rest of you too.”
“Harry, what...what is this? Are you making fun of me?”
“You’re funny.” He laughed. “Always so funny. You make me laugh even when I don’t think I want to. I love that.”
He sighed lightly. “I love you.”
Tom froze in place, everything inside him lighting up and burning. The words he’d longed so long to hear were falling out of Harry like water, a current sweeping him along, pulling him under. 
Below him, Harry’s eyes fluttered shut, the hold on his hair tightening as Harry leaned up, lips searching. Helpless to move even if he’d wanted to, he could only watch it happen as if in a dream. When Harry’s lips met his, the emotions crashing through him was the current cresting. Like a towering wave it razed everything from around it, suspending it weightlessly, before racing down, the weight of the moment splintering under its own momentum. It roared in his ears, swept his feet out from under him, pulled the breath from his lungs. 
Then reality picked up again, the light graze of lips against his returning him to the present. He pulled back, disappointment freezing the heat that had been there and instant ago. 
“Harry, you’re burning up.”
Moving around the bed he found the chart, checked the last time the Doctor had administered anything. Long enough ago he could have another dose. 
Harry fell back on the bed, grumbling under his breath. 
Tom loaded the spray with shaking hands. Taking a steadying breath, he administered it. Putting a hand to Harry’s forehead, he felt some of the heat slowly fade. The fever was breaking.
Sitting down again, he sighed, rubbed his face. 
“I’m sorry.” Harry spoke from the bed. 
“It’s okay, Harry. You didn’t know what you were saying.”
It was quiet for a moment. “I did. I mean, I didn’t mean to say it, but I knew what I was saying.”
Shock left him silent as he turned his wide eyes on Harry. He was sitting in the bed, pulling at the blanket, staring down at his lap. “I didn’t want you to find out, and especially not this way. I’m sorry.”
“You...you meant it?”
“It doesn’t have to make anything weird! We can just...pretend it didn’t happen.”
The laughter was sudden and surprising as he got to his feet. “Oh, I don’t think so. Harry, I love you too.” “I...You...You do?”
“More than Amelia loves the Sheik,” Tom smiled. 
Harry laughed, and quickly it turned into a cough.
Leaning down, Harry turned away. “Don’t, you’ll get sick.”
Tom turned his face by his jaw. “You know, I really, really don’t care right now. I’d take worse than a cold to kiss you, Harry Kim.”
The EMH returned to duty at eight am sharp. The first thing he saw was that Mr Paris and Mr Kim were in the same bio bed, squeezed in like sardines in a box. The next was that the display over their heads - smart enough to recognise two bodies - showed both occupants were running light fevers.
“Really. There is a reason we have visiting hours.”
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harryxmac · 5 years
Small City Girl - Part Three
Harry immediately felt his cheeks blush red, and not from the cold.
“What! Is this like a thing now?” Glenne smiled.
Harry and Y/N turned to look at one another, they didn’t know, they hadn’t even spoken, so how can they even say yes?
Harry felt like it was his duty to say something.
“J’thought I’d help her warm up, lips looked a little cold” the end of Harry’s lips tipped up a little nearly breaking a smile.
Harry felt Y/N giggle against him.
“C’mon, wanna ride the Rockin Roller Coaster” Harry encouraged.
With side eye looks being thrown at Y/N and Harry, Harry just smiled softly, took Y/N’s hand and led her towards the ride.
For some reason, Harry felt just that little bad. Bad that he didn’t just say something nice about what he had been feeling towards her, despite his efforts.
Y/N smiled taking his hand in her’s, she leant up whilst walking and pressed a chaste kiss to his cheek.
Upon lining up for the Rockin Roller Coaster, Glenne had insisted Y/N had sat with her this time. Harry, found this extremely frustrating, and by the look of ‘I’m sorry’, Y/N did to.
However, within saying this, it gave Harry a chance to chat with Jeff.
“What’s going on mate?” Jeff questioned.
Harry, who wasn’t looking at Jeff, but rather, Y/N, smiled. She looked so beautiful with her hair draped over her coat, her nose red and lips slightly chapped despite applying her vanilla Burt’s Bees balm every five minutes.
“Dunno man, I’m so confused, half of me is still anti-love. Cringey as it may sound, but I can’t risk feeling the way I felt about Amelia with Y/N” Harry sighed leaning against the railing before apologising to woman he accidentally nudged slightly with his shoulder.
“But, there’s something, I’ll give you that Jeff. She’s wonderful”
Y/N, who was still absolutely freezing scrunched her hands inside her coat and was still laughing at something Glenne had said.
Harry was resisting the urge just to go hold her hand to try and make her warm, why was he so infatuated?
The gang gathered around the castle after many rides during the day and found a place to perch.
A few people around took photos with Harry and Niall, no one once questioning the other lot. Sarah, Mitch and Y/N had wandered off because they were the only one that fancied a waffle.
Meanwhile, this gave everyone else a gap to ask Harry about today’s events.
“It was just a kiss! Wasn’t even a full snog!” Harry defended, saying it wasn’t a big deal as everyone had made it to be.
“Harry, you cannot even see the chemistry radiating off the pair of you” Adam insisted.
Harry rolled his eyes and conversation began to die down once everyone had noticed Y/N walking over.
She pooped herself next to Harry, ensuring to turn her head and shoot him a smile, which he returned. Harry shuffled closer trying to preserve some warmth, that's what he told himself anyway.
“Hey, can I get a bit of your waffle?” Harry asked.
Y/N who was tucking in already and had chocolate filled lips smiled and raised an eyebrow.
“I asked you if you wanted one, you said no”
“Yeah, but yours looks good” Harry smiled, opening his mouth like a little hungry bird waiting for his Mum to feed him.
Y/N shook her head, cutting a bit for Harry and feeding him so. Harry hummed in delight.
“You have chocolate on your lips” Harry mentioned.
“So do you”
Harry lent in ever so slowly, almost painfully for Y/N and slowly pressed his lips against hers. Harry’s tongue probs between his lips and gently touches the rim of Y/N’s lips where chocolate had accumulated.
Kitten licks swipe the chocolate off Y/N’s mouth and and he presses a soft kiss against her, fully taking his time.
Harry doesn’t even know where the small cardboard container that holds the waffle is, but he reaches his hand out and pull’s Y/N just that little closer.
Y/N breaks the kiss they share and politely reminds him that he is in public and that any fan could easily take a photo and share it within seconds.
Harry’s dying to say that he doesn’t care, that he’s too wrapped up in the moment and that he just wants to kiss her that little longer, but he knows the truth in her words and understands how things like this work, he knows from experience.
So rather, he pulls back and sighs, and Y/N can feel the pain he’s feeling too, she doesn’t know when he next might want to kiss her and yet she’s denying what she’s had?
Y/N thinks of herself as a fool.
“I know,” Harry sighs “I didn’t want that to end either.”
Y/N shuffles back into her spot and catches a quick glance and Emi who shows a sympathetic look to the pair, she understands.
The fireworks begin and the pair can’t even find it within themselves to enjoy the show.
Harry places his hand in hers and squeezes, Y/N squeezes back.
“Tonight” Harry confirms.
After the long walk back to the hotel, everyone is safely in their rooms.
Jeff offers Harry a beer down at the bar, and in all honesty, Harry wants to go and just talk about how he feels, without feeling like a total arse.
“Hey, Jeff’s asked me for a drink down the bar with the lads, I’ll be ten minutes or so, then I’ll come join you” Harry smiled turning to Y/N who was getting ready for bed.
She nods and tells him that she's going to be reading her book anyway.
Harry walks towards the door and turns just before he heads out to shoot Y/N a smile. Returning the toothy grin, Y/N cuddles into the sheets and Harry almost doesn’t leave.
Seeing Jeff with a whiskey in his hand already at the bar, Harry walks over and pats Jeff on the back before sitting down.
“Aight mate” Jeff greets.
Harry asks for a whiskey too before greeting Jeff back.
“So, what’s going on?”
“Dunno man, I’m really liking her you know, she’s just the sweetest”
“Well, why don’t you ask her out! C’mon, she's not all that bad, you’re just being scared” Jeff rolls his eyes.
Harry thanks the barman and takes a sip of his drink.
“It’s complicated, not even taken he on a date or nuffin’”
“Then take her on a date Harry! It’s not rocket science, I know you know how to do that’ Jeff laughed.
“A’lright A’lright” Harry laughed.
He’d been gone for long over an hour, and Y/N definitely wasn’t going to wait up for him.
But an hour and a half later she hears a thud against the door, and for a moment, it startles Y/N but she knows the reality is probably Harry trying to get in just a little tipsy.
She can hear the card being ran up and down the door with Harry’s attempt to unlock it and get in, he does, eventually.
Y/N stay cuddled up in bed in her sleeping position. She doesn’t really want to deal with a drunk person right now. Let alone talk about her feelings for him when he probably won’t remember in the morning.
“‘Allo love, sorry, had a few” He says as he throws his phone, room key and wallet on the desk.
“S’okay” She answers softly.
Harry thinks about getting in bed but can feel the tightness on his legs from his jeans.
“I’m gonna sleep in me skivvies, that okay?” He asks, not really giving her much opinion when he’s already pulling down his jeans and ripping off his shirt.
Regardless, she answers yes.
“I don’t wanna sleep in me bed, don’t look comfy” Harry slurs.
“You aven’t even sat on it?” Y/N says, still laying down.
Harry purches himself on the edge of her bed.
“Think your bed looks comfier.” He implies.
Y/N turns over to face him. He looks unbelievably cute. His face looks all soft and clear and he looks totally out of it, but totally into her. He leans down a little to make himself comfy and leans on her leg a little.
“Sorry love” He answers.
Y/N rolls her eyes and looks at Harry.
“Get in here” She giggles.
Harry peels the covers back and the warmth from under hit him immediately. He lets out a small sigh and shuffles in close to Y/N.
“Can I have a cuddle?” He asks so sweetly, Y/N heart almost melts.
“Course you can” Harry immediately wraps his arm around Y/N and pulls her closer to him and pulls Y/N closer, pressing a light kiss upon her shoulder.
Y/N could get used to this.
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mrs-hollandstan · 5 years
can you write blurbs for all the boys (sam, tom, haz, harry) where they're single dads and he's tired after a long day and snap at their kid and he/she gets upset and runs off to their bedroom. he takes a breather for a minute because he feels awful before going to follow after them. when they walk in, their baby is on their bed crying under a blanket and snuggling with their teddy. then the kid asks "are you gonna leave me like mummy did?" and he feels worse and apologizes and cuddles w them
It's a long boi
Sam: Little Liam was SO upset when his daddy snapped at him. Sam had given him the world, but work kicked his ass on the daily and his patience was wearing thin. Ever since the three year old was dropped on his doorstep with a strong word from his mother and Sam took the curious, wandering eyed one year old into his home, he had been Sam's everything. But the nagging of why he was home so late after he'd already been frustrated about every little thing during and after work had him yelling at the little one, not meaning to. When he heard the quiet cries, he had no choice but to go and check on him. He felt terrible and the cries of Sam's most prized posession had his own heart breaking.
He taps at the door, but he opens it before hearing an answer, walking to the bed where Liam had curled himself up. Sam kneels by the bed, rubbing long locks of brown hair from Liam's face which is faced away from him. He purses his lips,
"I'm sorry L. I didn't mean to snap at you, I've just been on edge with work." Liam sniffles before he starts to turn to lay on his back,
"You don't love me anymore do you? You're gonna leave me like mumma did." He says softly. It breaks Sam's heart and he swears his heart stops as he stares into the soft green eyes of his little boy that he remembers rocking to sleep at the hospital just after his birth. And now here he is, thinking that he's unloved. Sam let's out an uneasy breath before he pulls Liam from the bed, cradling him against his chest as he lays on the small bed in the room. Liam clutches to him,
"No, no, L. I'm not going anywhere... you're not going anywhere. You know what I promised you the day you were born?" Liam shakes his head as he looks up at Sam who runs his fingers through Liam's hair. Sam swallows,
"I promised you, the day you were born that no matter what happened, no matter who tried to take you from me or whatever happened to our arrangement with your mumma that I would love you, protect you until the day I died. And I'm still doing that, trying to at least. I go to work, trying to provide for you and giving you all I can until I can get something better." Liam plays with his daddy's tie, nodding along. Sam leans in to kiss his forehead,
"But... I'm gonna start looking around for another job okay? No more yelling at you." He gives a soft smile before kissing Liam's cheek. His smile is more sad when he pulls back. He sighs,
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for yelling at you okay?" Liam nods after a moment,
"'S okay daddy." Liam replies softly. Sam nods, letting Liam climb over him, laying on his chest. Sam strokes up his back,
"I love you." Liam sighs as he snuggles into his father,
"Love you too daddy."
Harry: Caroline, Harry's now four tear old daughter meant more than anything to him. So much so that the day of her fourth birthday, he's attempting to make her her favorite meal that her mother perfected and he can't get it right. Once he's officially ruined it and Caroline us standing at his feet, pestering him, he just snaps, scaring his baby girl to no end who instantly rushes off with tears in her big brown eyes. He's devestated he's done something like this and he's afraid of chasing her down because she's probably afraid of him now. So he let's it go a little while before he can sort out her favorite takeout and then he heads to her room,
"Hey princess." He coos softly after opening her door. But she nuzzles down further into her stuffed bear that's bigger than her, whimpering as her father comes into view. He creeps closer, sitting at the foot of the bed to face her. He holds his hand out and she doesn't take it, tear streaks across her cheeks. He clicks his tongue, reaching out to run his thumb across them,
"I'm sorry little love. I didn't mean to do that. I just messed up your birthday dinner and I felt bad enough. It's been a long day my angel." She whimpers again and the noise breaks Harry's heart. She raises herself just the smallest bit,
"I'm sorry I was so annoying. Please don't leave me like mummy did." She says, Harry's eyes widening before she crawls forward to his own body, Harry standing and pulling her close,
"Oh angel... oh baby no, I'm sorry. It's not like that. No one's going anywhere." Holding her against his chest, her head against his shoulder, he finds the beanbag chair in the corner, sitting in it with her cradled to him,
"Never again love. You're not losing another parent, I promise." She nods, holding Harry tight as if she'd lose him. He kisses the top of her her head,
"Its alright love. Do you... do you forgive me for yelling at you? You know I never mean it." She looks up, letting Harry brush hair aside. She nods, her lashes fluttering like Harry thinks is adorable. Resting her chin on his sternum he smiles,
"Good. Now... I ordered your favorite takeout. Chow mein and sweet and sour pork. Then I got your some wontons and egg rolls." Her eyes light up at the mention of her favorite foods and she gasps at the wontons. Harry chuckles,
"Is that exciting? And you know what... just cause it's your birthday and I yelled at you, you can have my fortune cookie." Caroline squeals at Harry's offer, giggling along with him when he tickles her. Once they settle, ye sighs, pulling her hair off to one side,
"Happy birthday to you my best blessing." She smiles, relaxing against him again,
"Thank you daddy."
"You're welcome love."
Harrison: Amelia has seen zero outbursts from her daddy. And she never mentioned her mother because she favored Harrison because he was one of the most down to earth, loving, giving man a daughter could ask for. Sure the custody thing was hard on everyone, but he made sure that for Amelia it was as calm as possible.
The day he snapped at her it was new and scared Amelia. She wasn't upset he'd done it, she was scared that he did. So with her running off to her room and slamming it, much to Harrison's surprise, he was left to stew in his emotions until he'd calmed enough to approach her with no anger left over. So he makes her favorite little snack, heading to her exquisite room and setting the tray of goodies on the tiny tea party table. Pulling a chair out, he sits in it, keeping his distance, but he can see those same crystal blue eyes he has staring back at him from the three and a half year old's bed,
"Daddy's sorry for yelling at your Ms. Osterfield." He says softly. She blinks at him and he can see that her eyelashes are damp and dark in tears which hurts him more than anyone will know. She raises her head, dirty blinders hair falling in her face,
"Are you gonna leave me like mommy did?" The question has Harrison's breath hitching in his throat. He shakes his head as he stands again, walking to the bed and holding his arms out. Without hesitation, seeing that he's calm, Amelia stands on her bed and throws herself into his arms, letting him hold her against his torso, her head against his shoulder. He walks to the large window in her room, feeling tears burn his own eyes as the question plays over and over in his head. They stand in the light for a minute before he sighs, kisses her forehead and speaks up with the same soft voice,
"I will never, ever leave you. You're my whole life and I would do anything to make you happy. I snapped because it's been a long day. I had so much lube learning to do and I just... I'm sorry okay? I didn't mean to and I want to focus more on learning lines so I can give you more, but I'm gonna get you some more distracting stuff to do so we can avoid this, yeah?" Amelia nods, reaching up to tuck her thumb in her mouth sleepily. Harrison smiles and reaches up to brush her bangs from her eyes,
"So... I made your favorite, strawberry mice and peanut butter snails. We can have a little tea party. You want to?" Amelia nods again, letting Haz set her down, but latching to his fingers that dangle at his sides, smiling across the table from him when he sits. He sighs and smiles the same bright smile,
"Would you luke to pour some tea for us Queen Osterfield." His smile widens when that little giggle he loves to hear echoes off the walls and she lifts her little teapot to pour fake tea into the small cups.
Tom: Micah, Tom's now four and a half year old little boy isn't used to his daddy working so much. Now that he is, with all the new movies he's signed onto to get them out of the apartment and into a house, he's pushy for attention. And Tom isn't thinking when he just looks up and screams at the little one in the kitchen doorway who gasps and instantly pouts, turning and running with tears in his eyes.
Tom, being the father he is, instantly feels terrible and chases after Micah who tries to close Tom out, a stubbornness he inherited from Tom. He watches Micah bolt to his little tent in the corner of the room, thinking he can escape his father, who's currently the hulk. Tom clicks his tongue at the sniffles from the tiny gray tent, crouching to his knees and crawling to the opening, not opening as he lays just outside, playing with the carpet,
"I'm here... I'm sorry little man." Tom says when there's silence. He looks around the room, laying flat on his stomach. Creeping the smallest bit forward, Tom peeks inside the tent finding Micah in the corner. The little brunette looks up, tear tracks across his cheeks,
"You don't love me... you're gonna leave me like mumma. For work. Where do I go?" Tom coos sadly, features softening,
"Oh Micahbear, no. No, I'm not goin anywhere. You stay here. I'll never choose work over you. Look at you. You're the cutest." He lays in the entrance of the tent for a moment more before speaking again,
"I wouldn't do what I do, I wouldn't have taken all these new roles if I didn't want the best for you, didn't want to raise you to be a successful man that does everything right like I couldn't be. I want you to be a strong little guy through and through and I'm trying to show you you can do that with hard work." Tom watches Micah's movements before holding a hand out,
"Come here." Micah shakes his head but Tom keeps pushing, a habit of that shared stubbornness. Creeping forward, Micah only let's yo when Tom tickets him, giggling and throwing his body forward enough for Tom to draw him out. He pulls him into his lap, crossing his own legs for Micah to sit on,
"I love you. You're my whole life and I would never hurt you on purpose. You know that." Leaning in with his arms wrapped around Micah, he kisses the little boy's cheek, leaving his cheek against Micah's after. He sighs,
"I didn't mean to yell at you. I promise I won't again, okay?" Micah nods after another minute, playing with his father's fingers. Tom smiles, ruffling the long brown hair,
"And I promise to take you on a plane when I finish the films I'm working on. I'll take you to all the press tours okay?" Micah is excited then, nodding more firmly,
"Okay daddy." Tom nods and stands, Micah dangling from his arms with a giggle. Tom smiles,
"Alright then... how bout you help me figure out how to remember these lines, yeah?" Micah nods once more. And just like his stubbornness inherited from Tom, he also inherited the quick forgiveness that Tom is seeing in the moment.
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The Call
From a young age, Oliver vowed to protect his little sister.   One day, Amelia’s distressed call bring Oliver back home to visit Harry and Y/N while helping his sister through a hard confession.  Hope you all enjoy.  Feedback and Requests are welcomed.  Lots of Love!
           Oliver never forgot the moment when Harry and Y/N announced the new baby.  Oliver’s chubby hands dunked the misshaped dinosaur nugget into the ketchup pool.  His tiny sneakers kicked against the white chair while he hummed along with the song stuck in his head.  Y/N giggled, wiping the coconut scented cloth across the messy marble counters.  Harry shuffled into the kitchen, scratching at his stomach.   “Hi Oli, how was school?” Harry asked, wrapping a sturdy arm around his son’s small body. Oliver grinned, showing his missing teeth, “Good.  Ms. Watson taught us another song about llamas wearing pajamas down by the bay.” Harry and Y/N chuckled, “Daddy and I need to tell you something.” Oliver glanced up from his plate, swallowing his mouthful of nuggets, “Okay.  Am I in trouble?” Harry smiled, shaking his head, “Do you remember when Mommy got sick the other morning?” Oliver nodded, watching Harry rub Y/N’s small bump, “Well, I visited the doctor, and in eight months you will have a baby brother or sister.” Oliver nodded, his eyebrows furrowed with thought, “Will they play with me?” Y/N chuckled, hugging Oliver, “Yes.  They will play with you and love you.  Daddy and I wanted you to know that nothing will change.  We will love you and the new baby the same way.” Oliver nodded, “Okay, can I have more juice?” Harry laughed, ruffling his son’s curly brown locks.  Oliver hid the excitement bubbling deep inside.  He couldn’t wait to teach his new sibling new songs he learned at school. *  *  *  *  *              Amelia’s shrill screams echoed throughout the small house.  Oliver whined, pressing his hands against his tiny ears.  Nobody told him the baby would cry all day and night.  Harry shushed the screaming pink bundle while Oliver returned his attention toward his drawing.  The blue crayon lit up the paper sky.  Y/N rushed into the room, grabbing Amelia from Harry’s sore arms.  Amelia’s screams started again, causing Oliver’s crayon to snap in half onto the crinkled paper.  Harry darted past Oliver’s frustrated figure, searching for Amelia’s favorite pacifier. Oliver sighed, dropping the ruined picture into the nearby bin.  Oliver wished Amelia never came home from the hospital.   *  *  *  *  *             Oliver couldn’t remember the exact moment when he decided he should love his sister.  One late night, Amelia’s desperate cries startled Oliver’s exhausted six-year-old body from his warm dinosaur sheets.  Oliver huffed, knuckling at his eyes while his socked feet shuffled across the cold hardwood floor toward his sister’s bedroom.  Harry and Y/N’s tired from staying up all day snores filtered through their bedroom door.  Oliver’s chubby hand twisted the golden knob, allowing the blue nightlight to illuminate the pitch black hallway.  Oliver gripped the white crib bars as he watched his sister’s red face scrunch up with anger.  Oliver panicked, searching around the room packed with Amelia’s necessities.  He couldn’t warm a bottle for his sister. He couldn’t hold his sister without his parent’s supervision.  Luckily, Oliver’s wide eyes landed on the green pacifier a few inches from Amelia’s squirming figure.  He slipped the pacifier between Amelia’s rosy lips. “It’s okay.  I can’t help you eat, but I can sing to you,” Oliver smiled. Oliver inhaled, recalling the song he heard Y/N sing when she rocked Amelia to sleep, “Hush, baby, don’t say a word.  Mama’s gonna buy you a Mockingbird.” The baby quieted, staring up into her brother’s drooping eyes.  Amelia sighed around the pacifier, wrapping her tiny fist around Oliver’s pinky. Oliver grabbed a nearby pink quilt and pillow and made a bed near the crib.   *  *  *  *  *              The next morning, Harry stretched his tense limbs as he opened his son’s bedroom door.  Harry expected to find Oliver asleep in the small bed, but the sunlight shined on Oliver’s stuffed giraffe rather than the little boy.  Harry’s eyes widened while he gripped his sinking heart.  Where did Oliver go?  Harry frantically searched the house for his missing son.  Should he wake up Y/N?  Did someone break in and steal his son?  Did Oliver run away from the lack of attention?  Harry’s stomach twisted from the possible scenarios. Harry entered Amelia’s room, sighing with relief once he found Oliver snuggled up beside Amelia’s crib.  A heart-warming sensation replaced the worry coursing through Harry’s veins.  He slipped the phone from his pocket, snapping a picture of Oliver and Amelia. He couldn’t wait to show Y/N the image of their son protecting his little sister.  Harry exited the room, deciding to surprise his family with a new batch of chocolate chip pancakes.   *  *  *  *  *              The sizzling bacon nipped at Kassie’s hands.  Kassie hissed, yanking the melted spatula from the red pan. Oliver chuckled, wrapping his arms around his girlfriend’s waist. “Do you need help?” Oliver asked, kissing Kassie’s warm neck.   Kassie giggled, “Do you mind cooking the bacon? I can cook the eggs.” Kassie spun around, cupping Oliver’s sturdy chest, “Your eyes are beautiful.” “Thanks, I got them from my mom,” Oliver smiled, pressing his rosy lips to Kassie’s plump lips. Kassie giggled, “I don’t want to think about your parents when I’m trying to make a move on you.” “Oh, are you trying to woo me?  We can start over,” Oliver chuckled, swaying Kassie back and forth in his arms. “Yeah, did I ever tell you how much I love your big—” Oliver’s thin phone interrupted Kassie’s compliment. The squawking duck ringtone forced a frown upon Oliver’s face.  Amelia never called her brother, so Oliver’s mind conjured up the worst thoughts.  Was she hurt?  Were their parents okay?  Did Grandma Anne pass away?  Oliver’s hands slipped from Kassie’s waist as he hurried toward the ringing phone. Kassie nibbled on her bottom lip, sensing Oliver’s change from flirtatious to panicked. “Hello?” Amelia’s muffled sniffles sent chills down Oliver’s spine.  He gripped his chest, finding it harder to breathe, “Amelia?  Are you okay?” “No, I need you to come home,” Amelia mumbled. Oliver nodded, glancing up at Kassie’s questioning eyes, “I’ll leave after breakfast.  Are mom and dad okay?” Amelia nodded, “Yeah, we’re okay.  I need your help.” Oliver nodded, stumbling over his words, “Okay. I’ll be there.” “You can’t tell mom and dad about this call,” Amelia rushed out. Why couldn’t he tell his parents about Amelia’s sorrowful call?  Was Amelia in trouble with the law?  Oliver agreed, ignoring the nagging voice inside his mind that told him to confess everything to his parents.  Amelia ended the call, leaving Oliver in a state of confusion. “What happened?” Kassie asked, plating the burnt bacon slices. Oliver shrugged, “She wouldn’t tell me what happened.  She doesn’t want me to call mom or dad, but I think I should call them.” Kassie shook her head, “No, you can’t break her trust.  We can leave in a few hours.” Oliver nodded, smiling at his beautiful girlfriend, “How did I get lucky with you?” Kassie giggled, handing Oliver a plate filled with greasy breakfast, “I wonder the same thing.  I’m excited to see your mom.  We can talk about those recipes I sent her last week.” Oliver regained his breathing after breakfast, but his heart still wasted away with worry.  What did Amelia get herself into? *  *  *  *  *              The sunshine warmed Harry’s tan skin as he knelt onto the luscious green grass.  Y/N tugged the pink gloves higher up her wrist.  The wilted red roses piled up beside Harry’s figure.   “Should we plant begonias?” Harry wondered, dusting the black dirt from his knees. Y/N shook her head, “I hate begonias.  I love roses.” Harry rolled his eyes, “We plant roses every year.  Can we plant some daisies?” “Fine, but I want some roses in the front yard,” Y/N mumbled, pouting up at her handsome husband. Harry huffed, dropping his hands from his hips, “You know that pout always works on me.  Fine, we can plant roses in the front yard.  Do you want to come with me to the store?” Harry asked, wiping the sweat glowing on his forehead. Y/N nodded, standing up from the rich dirt bed, “Sure.” Harry smiled, tugging his wife’s body closer to his, “I love you.” “I love you,” Y/N giggled, pecking Harry’s thin, rosy lips. A familiar car honk halted Harry’s hand from pinching Y/N’s butt.  Y/N pulled away from Harry’s hold, rushing toward the garden gate.  Harry checked his messages in case his son warned him about their unexpected arrival.   “Oli, what are you doing here?” Y/N gasped, dropping the filthy garden gloves onto the grass. Oliver spun around from his car, beaming once his eyes landed on his mother, “Hi mom, Kassie and I decided to visit you. I hope we aren’t intruding.” Y/N shook her head, kissing her son’s blushing cheeks, “Of course not, your father and I were about to visit the store. Kassie, you look beautiful.” “Thank you,” Kassie smiled, hugging her boyfriend’s mother. Harry squeezed Oliver’s thin figure, “Why didn’t you call?” Oliver shrugged, hoping his parents didn’t notice the anxiety bubbling inside, “We wanted to surprise you.  Where’s Amelia?” “Her friends picked her up about an hour ago,” Harry mumbled, checking the time on his phone. Oliver nodded, “Well, let’s get inside before we burn up out here.” Oliver and Harry carried in the suitcases while Y/N and Kassie discussed the new cookie recipe Y/N found online.  Oliver hoped Amelia returned home soon.  He didn’t know how long he could keep her call a secret.   *  *  *  *  *              Amelia flung the small black backpack onto her back. She waved goodbye to the rusted car. She caught a glimpse of her Maisie’s raven black curls through the open window before the car sped off down the narrow streets.  Amelia ignored her fluttering heart as she stumbled toward the front door.  Savory garlic greeted Amelia’s grumbling stomach before Oliver and Kassie popped out from the kitchen.  “Hey Em, how are you?” Kassie asked, hugging her brother’s sister.  Amelia smiled, “I’m well, how’s work?”  Kassie shrugged, eyeing Oliver’s scowl, “It’s okay.”  Oliver hugged his sister, rubbing her back, “Are you okay?”  “I’m fine,” Amelia mumbled, hiding her glossy green eyes.  “How’s Maisie?” Y/N asked, turning her head from the sautéing garlic.   Amelia nodded, plopping down beside Harry, “Maisie is well.  Do you need help, dad?”  Harry shook his head, chopping up the spinach leaves, “Did you know your brother and Kassie were visiting?”  Amelia shook her head, “Is everything okay?”  “Yeah, do you want to go sit outside with us? Kassie and I want to look at mom and dad’s garden,” Oliver faked a smiled.  Amelia nodded, “Sure.”  Oliver, Kassie, and Amelia exited the kitchen, leaving Y/N and Harry alone in the kitchen.  Y/N waited until the door clicked shut before she spun around to look at her husband’s furrowed brows.  “They are hiding something,” Y/N mumbled.  Harry nodded, “Should we investigate?”  Y/N shook her head, returning her attention toward the garlic and onions, “No, they’ll tell us sooner or later.  How’s the spinach?”  “Leafy,” Harry grumbled.  Y/N giggled, blowing a kiss toward her husband’s dimpled grin.  The couple continued cooking dinner while their kids discussed serious topics outside.  *  *  *  *  *
           “Did you know that mom and dad plan on planting begonias?” Amelia asked, gathering a handful of soft soil in her hands. Oliver rolled his eyes, “Em, why did you call me?” Amelia sighed, keeping her green eyes locked on the rotted green sprouts, “I’m in love.” “What?  Why did that require a call?” Oliver asked, recalling the two boyfriends Amelia dated during high school. Amelia glanced up, swallowing the lump in her throat, “I’m in love with Maisie.  Mom and dad don’t know how I feel about her.  I don’t know to tell them.  I didn’t even admit it to myself.” Oliver nodded, failing to cover the shocked expression from his face, “Do you feel bad for being bisexual?” Amelia sniffled, dragging a hand under her red nose, “I don’t feel normal.  What if mom and dad don’t accept me?  What if you don’t accept it?” Oliver frowned, kneeling beside his sister’s fragile figure.  He wrapped his arm across her shoulders while his lips pressed against her forehead, “I love you.  I would never disown you because of whom you love.  I vowed as a kid to protect my annoying little sister, and I plan on keeping that vow until I die.  I also know that mom and dad would never disown.  I like Maisie.” Amelia smiled, wiping the tears from her eyes, “What do you mean annoying?  You were the one that never shut up about learning new things in school.” “You never shut up.  You cried nonstop as a baby.  I wore earmuffs every day when I returned from school,” Oliver chuckled. Amelia shoved her brother into the dirt, “You’re an asshole.” Oliver guffawed, “I know.  Does Maisie know that you love her?” Amelia shook her head, “I can’t tell her. I’d rather die than tell her.” “If you love her, then you should tell her before something happens,” Oliver confessed, watching Kassie wait patiently for Oliver to finish his conversation with Amelia. “I don’t know.  I’ll think about it.  Will you help me tell mom and dad?” Oliver nodded, “Should we build a presentation? Hey mom and dad, I’m bisexual.” Amelia snorted, “Yeah, I don’t know why I called you.  You’re such a nerd.” “Dinner’s ready,” Harry called out from the door. Amelia and Oliver raced into the kitchen, piling noodles and chicken onto their plates.  Amelia felt better after confessing her secret to her brother. *  *  *  *  *            Harry rubbed his bulging stomach while Y/N cuddled against Harry’s warm body.  Kassie flipped through television channels, keeping her eyes on Oliver and Amelia’s secret signals.   “Mom and dad, I need to tell you something,” Amelia rushed out. Kassie muted the television show, shooting Amelia an encouraging smile.  Oliver rubbed Kassie’s arms as if the action calmed his racing heart.  He knew his parents wouldn’t disown his sister, but he panicked that something might go wrong. “Okay, what is it?” Y/N asked, sitting up straighter. Amelia took a deep breathe, keeping her eyes locked on her torn sneakers, “I am bisexual.  I am in love with Maisie.” Harry and Y/N nodded, “Does she not love you?” Amelia furrowed her brows in confusion, “You aren’t shocked?  Aren’t you supposed to act mad?” Harry chuckled, sitting beside Amelia to hug her trembling figure, “Do you want us to act mad?” Y/N plopped down on the opposite side of Amelia, “Love, we’d never stop loving you because you love someone of the same sex. We loved you from the minute we found out about you, and something so small would not stop that love.  Have you told Maisie?” Amelia frowned, “No, I’m scared.” Harry cupped Amelia’s cheeks, pressing a kiss to her nose, “We love you.  If you aren’t ready to tell her, then you should wait.  If you aren’t telling her because you fear her judging you, then fear shouldn’t stop you.  We are going to protect you from anyone who reacts with cruel comments.” Amelia smiled, “Thank you, dad and mom. Thank you, Oliver and Kassie.” Kassie smiled, “No problem.  We can stay until you tell her.” Amelia giggled, “You are free to leave. I know you two have lives.” Oliver shook his head, “You, mom, and dad are the most important part of our lives.” Amelia rolled her eyes, “Can you not be all mushy?  Who turned this into a Nicholas Sparks movie?” Harry laughed, squeezing his daughter once more before returning to his spot on the couch.  The family ended their night with a romantic comedy chosen by Harry.   *  *  *  *  *  *             The cotton candy clouds cast a pink glow among the grassy field. Children darted around the colorful playground while parents discussed tips and complaints.  Maisie tugged the red and white blanket further away from her ankle.  Amelia scribbled down new song lyrics inside her leather journal.  Maisie snapped photos of nearby waddling ducks and happy couples.   “Can I tell you something?” Amelia asked, dropping the glitter pen against the notebook paper. Maisie nodded, looking through the camera lens, “What is it?” Amelia frowned, placing a hand on top of the camera so she could stare into Maisie’s beautiful brown eyes, “I think I have feelings for you.” Maisie’s smile dropped, “Romantic feelings?” Amelia nodded, gulping down the fear rising in her throat, “I don’t know when it started.” Maisie nodded, setting the camera down beside her, “I don’t know how I feel.” “I understand.” Maisie frowned, eyeing the untied leather shoelaces on her black boots, “I need to head home.  Can you find a way home?” Amelia nodded, choking back sobs, “Maisie, I never wanted to ruin our friendship.” “Well, you should have thought of that before you confessed you had feelings for me.  Amelia, I think it’s best if you start finding a new ride to school,” Maisie mumbled, folding the blanket. Amelia nodded, “Okay.” Amelia watched Maisie walk out of her life. Tears blurred her vision as she dialed Oliver’s number.   “Hey, how did it go?” Oliver asked. Amelia chuckled bitterly, “She doesn’t want to be my friend.” “I’m sorry, but this does not mean that there is something wrong with you,” Oliver reminded Amelia. “I know.” “One day, a man or woman will love you enough to stick around.  Some people may not accept you, but you are better off without them.  Do you need a ride home?” “Yeah, thanks,” Amelia mumbled, wiping the tears from her eyes. Oliver pressed his palm firmly against the horn.  Amelia’s head shot up, noticing her brother’s car near the park entrance.  Oliver never left Amelia alone in case of things with Maisie not working out.  Amelia smiled, running toward her brother’s car with tears streaming down her face. Oliver knew that this would be the first of many heartbreaks for his sister, but he also knew that he would help her get through every single one until she found the love of her life.
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showmeaheroarchive · 6 years
relationships tag drop, #1
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tinyfelthat · 6 years
Up to Bat: 1
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Story page // My ask box
Author’s note: I can’t wait for you guys to read this! I’ve been working really hard on it for a while. Without further ado, here it is:
Chapter 1: Top of the First
Mia is running late. Today is her first day working at her dream job, and she’s running six minutes behind schedule. Six minutes isn’t a lot, but for Mia, it feels like six hours, because she’s wanted a job like this for as long as she can remember. She’s been a numbers geek since she learned to count. She fell in love with baseball as a kid, watching it on television and going to games with her dad, and she fell in love with statistics in college. Putting everything together seemed completely natural, and when she landed this job, she was, in a word, ecstatic.
Somehow, the traffic is light on her route to the stadium, and she makes it there nine minutes ahead of schedule. But she gets lost on her way to the statisticians’ office, and arrives there at 8:33am. She feels a pang of guilt for being three minutes late on her first day, but there’s nothing she can do at this point, so she shrugs it off as best she can. She’s supposed to be there thirty minutes before the official work day begins in order to be shown around the office and for some administrative stuff, anyway. The man who interviewed her for the position is waiting for her. He’s middle-aged, with thinning brown hair and a wide, friendly smile. She can’t remember his name, but she hopes that it won’t be an issue.
“Amelia Simon?” he asks.
“Yes, that’s me,” she replies.
“I don’t know if you remember my name from your interview. You seemed a little overwhelmed by the idea of working here. In any case, I’m Andrew Green, and I’m your new boss. Let me show you around the office.”
“Nice to meet you again, Mr. Green,” Mia smiles at him.
“Please call me Andrew. We’re all friends around here, Amelia.”
“Well, then, please call me Mia. It’s what I prefer.”
“I’ll remember that,” he pauses for a moment for dramatic effect, “Mia.”
Andrew first shows Mia her cubicle, then the break room, followed by the location of the bathrooms, and finally the conference room, where she’ll be for major meetings, including those with players. She fills out some paperwork at her new desk, and brings them to Andrew in his office.
“You seem eager to get started,” Andrew says. “I can already tell you’ll fit in quite well. You’re our newest, fresh out of graduate school. I can’t wait to see what you can do for our statistics team and for the players themselves.”
Mia grins. “I really can’t wait. It’s been my dream to work for a baseball team, any baseball team, for as long as I can remember, and you’re my hometown team. I’d hoped I’d be able to work for this team, but I wasn’t sure there’d be a position for me to take here. And I can be close to my family too! I can’t believe this is real.”
“Well, it is. Take a moment to soak it in, and then we’ll head to your first stat team meeting.”
Mia takes a deep breath in, and holds it. She releases it slowly. “I’m ready,” she tells Andrew.
They walk together to the meeting room, where the rest of the team’s statisticians have gathered.
“This is Mia Simon, everybody. She’s the newest member of our little operation here,” Andrew introduces her, and she waves awkwardly at them.
They go around the room, introducing themselves to Mia. She doesn’t remember any names because she’s nervous meeting so many new people at once, but she tells herself that it’ll be okay and that she’ll learn their names quickly enough.
“Today is a big day!” Andrew announces, once they’ve finished the introductions. “Pitchers and catchers report for their first official Spring Training workouts on Wednesday, and we have lots to do before they get there, because the rest of the team will be arriving on the following Monday.”
Mia puts her hand up, and Andrew points at her to speak. “Will we be meeting with the players during Spring Training at all?”
“Only the senior members of our stat team will travel to Florida to meet with the team during preseason workouts. However, our junior statisticians -- and, yes, that includes you Mia! -- will remain here. You will be meeting with some of the players throughout the regular season, though, again, you will not be traveling with the team at all. You’ll each be looking at and analyzing the stats for several players who are on the roster, or some minor leaguers and non-roster players invited to Spring Training, or a combination of the two. That’ll be all of you, junior and senior statisticians.”
“Okay,” Mia nods her understanding. Another hand goes up, that of a young man who looks to be around her age.
“Yes, Niall?”
“Which cubicle did you give to Mia? The one next to mine?” Andrew nods. “Okay, good.” Niall seems pleased.
The meeting wraps up with instructions on what each statistician should be doing for the next week to prep for the preseason, and they are all given player assignments. Mia is assigned to look at the stats for a couple of non-roster minor leaguers who were invited to Major League Spring Training to compete for a spot on the team, along with Harry Styles, the face of the franchise and star slugger of the team. She thinks this must be wrong, and she goes to approach Andrew, but he is preoccupied with one of the senior statisticians, so she goes back to her cubicle and asks her new cubicle neighbor, Niall.
“It seems like Andrew gave me the wrong instructions,” she tells him, and passes over her papers.
“Nah,” Niall says. “Someone else is ‘actually’ assigned to him. This is just a test to see what you’re made of.”
“Really?” Mia says, relieved. “Thanks for the heads up. I was really worried. I mean, Harry Styles? He’s amazing and I couldn’t help him get better if I tried.”
Niall laughs. “That’s what you think, but even the best players benefit from our help. That’s why we have a job at all. By the way, I’m Niall Horan. I’m the second-newest member of the stat team. I asked if you were in the cubicle next to mine because I wanted to make sure you had somebody young to help navigate you through the first few days.”
“Thanks, Niall. I really appreciate that. I’m Mia Simon, but you already knew that.” She extends her hand, and they shake hands, an unspoken agreement to be friends.
One week later, on Mia’s second Monday at the job, she and Niall are sitting in the break room, chatting and finishing their lunches, when Andrew walks in.
“Ah, good. Just the two people I wanted to see,” he says, and clears his throat importantly. “Two of our senior statisticians are really sick. They both have strep throat and are very contagious, and they’ll be out for at least a week. In any case, I need two more people to fly to Florida tomorrow with the group to help explain some stuff to the players and coaches. I was hoping you two youngsters would like to come along to see what Spring Training is all about. In addition, I was hoping some young faces would help the players pay more attention to what we’re saying.”
There is a silence, while the two process what Andrew told them. Then, once it hits them, their mouths drop open. The two look at each other like little kids who were just told by their parents that they’re on their way to Walt Disney World.
“This has to be a mistake,” Mia says after her heart rate slows a little. “Why us?”
“Because you are the only two junior statisticians on the team who haven’t been through any part of the preseason or regular season yet. Niall was hired in October, right after the season ended, since we didn’t make the playoffs. And you were obviously just hired. We wanted to give you an opportunity to see what it would be like, if and when you become senior statisticians. Besides, you two are our best and brightest new additions anyway. I saw what you did with Styles’ stats, Mia. You’ll do great. Don’t worry too much.”
Andrew smiles encouragingly at them. “I’ll let you two go home when you’re done eating and pack. I’ll see you bright and early at the airport, all right? Eight o’clock sharp. We’ll be there for four days, including tomorrow, so keep that in mind.”
Back at her apartment, Mia is riddled with anxiety. She doesn’t know what to pack, because she’s never been on a trip quite like this one, so she calls Niall. He picks up on the second ring.
“Hey! What’s up?”
“Hi Niall. I have no idea what to pack for this trip. Do I pack business casual? Or do I pack team apparel? Or do I just pack regular clothes? Help me!”
She knows she sounds a little crazy and desperate, but she doesn’t care. She’s too wrapped up in her own anxiety about meeting members of the team she’s been rooting for as long as she can remember.
“Whoa,” Niall says, a little taken aback. “Calm down a little. It’s just a business trip. I would say pack business casual and maybe put a jersey or two in there as well if you really want to. We’re meeting the team as statisticians, not as fans, you gotta remember that.”
“Right,” Mia grounds herself. “Of course. I’m so dumb. I’m just so excited that I let my emotions get ahead of my logical self. Okay.”
“You gonna be okay now?”
“Yeah, Niall. I think I’ll be fine. Thanks. Bye. See you tomorrow at the airport, eight o’clock sharp.” Mia smiles into the phone, despite her nerves.
“Bye Mia,” Niall says, and hangs up.
Mia tosses a couple of her favorite jerseys into her bag, including one that reads STYLES with a number 10 on the back. He has been her favorite player since he was called up to the majors a few years back. She’s a little overly anxious to meet him, she thinks. She tells herself to calm down. He’s just another person. They’re all just people. Why is this so intimidating?
Bright and early the following morning, or rather, dark and early at 6am, Mia rolls out of bed, exhausted, but with a big smile on her face. She’s going to fly down to Florida! She’s going to meet some of her favorite players! And best of all, she’s doing it in an official capacity as a statistician for the team,so they have to listen to her. Admittedly, this makes her a little more nervous, because she has no idea what she’s supposed to say, but she’s too excited to let it bother her.
After showering and getting dressed, she tries to eat a light breakfast, but she’s too nervous to eat. She only manages a few bites of food, so she grabs a banana and a couple of granola bars to take with her. She calls Niall on her way out the door, and gets his voicemail. When she arrives at the terminal at 7:40,  she’s greeted by Andrew and two other senior statisticians from the office, Daniel and James. Niall arrives at the gate five minutes before their boarding call, super out of breath, but with a wide smile on his face.
“My alarm didn’t go off,” he says by way of explanation for his sweaty, disheveled self. “In all the excitement yesterday, I must’ve set it for 6:30pm somehow. If it hadn’t been for Mia calling me when she was leaving her apartment, I don’t think I would’ve made it. I’m lucky I live relatively close to the airport.”
“Well, Niall,” Daniel clears his throat and smirks at him. “We’re, um, glad you’re here.” He glances at Mia, who narrows her eyes at him.
“Me too!” Niall agrees, oblivious to the clear venom in Daniel’s voice.
Luckily, their boarding number is called then, before Mia can say anything to Daniel that might damage her career. They are sitting in business class, which is a first for both Mia and Niall. They’re assigned seats are next to each other, which they appreciate. The looks that they’re getting from Daniel and James are unpleasant, to say the least. Mia is a bit uncomfortable when she realizes that she’s the only woman in their group, but then she remembers that it was supposed to be Andrew, James, Daniel, George, and Sue. There aren’t that many women in the office, she realizes, and somehow that calms her enough that she falls right into a deep sleep that carries her all the way to Florida.
“Wake up, Mia!” Niall whisper-shouts into her ear.
She sits bolt upright, obviously startled, and then slouches a bit and swats at him. “You scared me!”
“Sorry. I guess I had too much coffee. We’re about to land in Florida, by the way. That’s why I was waking you.”
“Oh, okay, cool.” Mia says, and turns to snuggle back into her comfy seat. But then his words register. “What?! We’re here?!” she squeals, and then, realizing that she’s in public, quiets herself. She’s still bouncing in her seat a little when the pilot announces the time, the weather, and that they’ve arrived.
Mia and Niall catch up with the rest of the group at baggage claim, as they’d rushed off the plane as soon as they could. The two friends get stuck behind a family of six who were blocking the end of the gangway to the plane by taking a selfie with the “Welcome to Orlando” sign. The family is clearly headed to Disney World, but Niall and Mia still think they have the better end of the stick. Once everyone has their luggage, the group gets into a set of two waiting cars. Daniel and James get into the first one, and Andrew insists on getting into the second with Mia and Niall to prepare them for their first full-team meeting.
When they get to the sports complex, the driver tells them that their bags will be brought to their hotel rooms and will be there when they arrive there in the evening. They all nod, and step out of the car. Mia is on autopilot and silent, taking everything in, when they arrive at the fancy boardroom where they’ll be having the meeting. Mia is the last of the group to enter, and when she does, she loses her breath for a moment out of shock. Her eyes sweep the room, looking at all the players, and she locks eyes with Harry Styles.
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smrwine · 6 years
Yes pleaseeeee 😍 I’m dying to read something from you
This is as unbeta’d as they come. I really would just appreciate feedback on characterization and the small amount of abo tropes I have written. 
1950s, London
Autumn had withered under the frigid hands of winter, the morning sky of London now a reflection of warmth’s slow, painful death. Sandalwood wafted through the air with a pungent kick of lavender. The fragrant, springtime scent coming from the intoxicating slick of his omega. His unslept-in sheets wet with it. Her unmoving thighs covered in it.
The sight of it only made Harry ill.
He left her in her slumber, opting to slip away before she woke with the plea of alpha on her lips.
The sheets would have to be donated. Not a detergent in the world would rid the linen of a scent that only ever made him sick. It was a bitter shame to Harry. He stitched his favourite lullaby into the lining of that fabric.
Harry found solace in his ensuite and the golden lock of his door. His dressing gown slid from his shoulders, just barely missing the marbled floors before properly hanging it prim. He took a glance in the mirror, finally able to breathe in deeply without inhaling the scent of his omega. His body looked well kempt. Chest hair grown in a dusting, pubic hair still dark and trim. He didn’t much appreciate the scattered bruises and bites of his chiseled torso. The battered purple shades were too reminiscent of the exhaustion that made a home under his eyes.
The muse had run its course, and he could no longer create with this omega in his space.
Amelia. Her name once sweet on the tip of his tongue, now sour, and an ever present burden in his life. She was too invested in love and the constant yearning for his distinguished knot.
His Nobel brand was built with his own pin pricked hands, brought from its mocked beginnings, to becoming the youngest to ever dress the Royals. Every second of his time was owed to his company, every second of the day was consumed by designs and fittings, and selecting the appropriate fabrics for Nobel’s alike—and it was only a day job to her. She fucked him like a prop and hung off his arm for the merit. He was no longer charmed by being pulled from his work to knot on her time. He was only ever annoyed.
Harry ran a hand through his tousled hair, deciding he would need a trim and a shave to keep his look clean.
“Harry?” he cringed as Amelia’s tired voice came muffled through the door.
He moved towards the shower, holding his breath and ignoring his body’s natural instinct to tend to her. It wasn’t as overwhelming as it was in the beginning, and by this point in his endless string of relationships, it never really was.
Harry switched on the water, stepping right into the ice of it, willing his body to calm down and hoping she would go away. She knocked once and knocked twice, and finally tried for the locked golden knob.
Harry sighed in relief when not a sound followed and the thick scent of her slick dwindled further and further away.
He would have to get rid of her somehow. Steadily ignoring them usually worked.
“Good morning, Gemma.”
Harry stepped into the dining room, kissing his sister on the forehead, and taking his seat at the head of the table. Amelia sat to his left, pouring his tea for him the way she assumed he liked it. Always it bit too milky.
“Morning, Harry.” Gemma answered, looking up from her day’s itinerary. “Sleep well?”
“No.” Harry answered, refusing the cup of tea pushed close to him. “I was kept up, tending to needs that were not my own.”
Amelia’s cheeks burned as the energy in the room quickly became tense. Harry gave her a hard stare, his outright disdain visible. He couldn’t figure out where the resentment rooted. He couldn’t pin the exact moment where he began to waste time loathing her presence and every sound from her mouth. Gemma cleared her throat beside them, not entirely breaking the tension, but reeling Harry back into his morning routine.
“Those needs are extended to you.” Amelia spoke up, nerves colouring her tone. “As my alpha, you have responsibility to me—“
“I am not your alpha,” Harry clanked a hand against the table, butter knives clattering against it. “We are not mated, you are not my bride to be, and you will never carry any pups of mine. Is that understood? You are of no responsibility to me.”
Harry inwardly flinched at the cruelty of his own words and the angered tone of his voice, but it was nothing short of the truth, and it was about time she heard it.  
Gemma kept her eyes on the tea she cooled with her lips, shoulders rigid.
“There isn’t a thing I can do, is there?” Amelia sought, voice thick. “You’ve been distancing yourself from me for weeks. You’ve fallen out of love, haven’t you?”
Harry kept his fists balled, instincts threatening to reach out and soothe her.
“Amelia, I simply cannot begin my day with conflict. You know how difficult it is for me to recover if my day begins with a conflict.” Harry deflected, knowing he didn’t have the grit to admit he has never been properly in love, and doesn’t wish to be. “I’m delivering a collection to the dutchess today, I cannot begin my work with your squabbling.”
“Perhaps, you should take your breakfast in the other room.” Gemma suggested in defense of her brother.
She normally wouldn’t dare dabble in the fits of Harry’s love woes, but the moment he happened to mention the heavy task placed on his shoulders for that afternoon, her eyes went wide and he could practically see the angry red blotches forming on her neck. Nothing would ever threaten the harmony of their business, or their fashion house. Not as long as Gemma was alive and breathing.
When Amelia kept herself seated, face painted the utter picture of shock, Gemma set down her tea and flicked her wrist in a pointed direction.
“Go on. You’re excused.”
The hairs on the back of Harry’s neck stood up.
Gemma, a beta presenting omega, was often so stern it seemed there was alpha trapped inside of her. Likely, somewhere in the labyrinth of her vocal chords.
Amelia glanced over at Harry one last time, hoping that he would rise to her honour, but was inevitably left hopeless. She stood from the table in silence, bruises of her nape nearly as vivid as gloom mingling with cloud of her scent. Harry felt the tie, foolishly knotting her just the night before. His inner alpha instinctually wished to soothe and scent the curve of her neck, but his heart wasn’t in it, and he was still repulsed by the stench of her - feeling nothing as she stepped dejectedly out of the room with her shoulders hung low.
“You sure know how to pick them.” Gemma uttered with a sigh. “Truly, the finest taste. Would you like me to ask her to leave?”
Harry remained silent, stomach knotted in guilt and throat thick with sentiment. Although he didn’t quite believe it, he knew he wasn’t heartless. Intentions with his omegas always began honorable, courting each one properly and melting their hearts just to swallow them whole. Though, It never seemed to end quite as sweet. 
Harry was undoubtedly and indefinitely cursed to bachelorism.
“I’ll send her off with the September dress, yeah?” Gemma offered. She was only attempting to soften the blow. 
If it were up to Gemma, not a single omega would walk these extravagant halls, daring to seduce her brother, and surely wouldn’t be gifted with one of his gowns on their way out. 
Harry thought back to the dress. A pale, silk, gown adorned in ruffles at the hips, and intricate lace. Harry stitched two lines from his mother’s favourite poem in the inseam, Among the flowers you left, among the flowers I stay. September would come and go with the anniversary of her death, Harry would mourn in silence, and overload himself with work as usual. 
It was a beautiful design, the dress. Surely, it would fit elegantly against Amelia’s flanks and rounded waist, and without a doubt she would flaunt owning a Harry Styles gown and the fables of the night they designed the piece together. She quite literally only stood there, useless. The measurements and shapes were hers, and that was about blubbering it.
“Yeah, alright.”
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lostinreality014 · 7 years
Part II - Bad Dreams & Bedtime Stories
Author’s Notes: Hello lovelies! Here’s Part II of this mini series. And I hope you liked/enjoyed the first part. All the likes, reblogs, comments in tags, etc mean so much and I appreciate the feedback so much.
“Le do thoil mama” is Irish for “please mama” - I really hope Google translate didn’t fail me 
Thank you @imagine-that-one-thing​ and @stylishmuser​ for being betas to this series and for your suggestions and words of encouragement.
All rights reserved. I do not give permission for this piece to be reposted on any platform.
[Catch Up Here]
Part II
“So that’s how daddy and I met. It wasn’t like Cinderella meeting Prince Charming at the ball, but it was still a special moment for us.” I said with a smile. To my surprise, Mia was still wide awake and responsive to every word I’d been saying. So much for getting her back to bed quickly so I could enjoy my cup of tea and apple.
“Did you and daddy sing togever after you gots called back?”
“No. Daddy went to sing in Spain with your uncles and I went to Berkshire. Daddy and I didn’t see each other for nearly two weeks after we got called back.”
“Dats a long time not see daddy.”
“It is a long time.”
“But you did gets to see him again?” she asked, seemingly not convinced that I’d seen Harry again after finding out we’d not been cut from the show.
“Yes I did. We both made it through the judge’s house round and we saw each other when we got back to London.”
“Were you happy to sees him?”
“I was very happy.”
“Were you in wuv wif him then?” I smiled and chuckled softly.
“No, not then. Daddy and I were just friends when we were on the show.”
“Did you and daddy win?”
“No. But daddy and your uncles came in third place. They were really close to winning.”
“Were you sad when you not win?”
“I was for a little bit. But I was so happy to have made it to the live tv shows that I was okay with not winning. I was more sad that I wouldn’t get to see daddy any more. At least for a little while.”
“What happened after you not win?”
“Well, I left the show about six weeks before your daddy did. I stayed here in London with some friends and got back into my dance classes and auditioning for shows.”
“What kinds of shows?”
“Musicals. Those are shows where I get to sing and dance, and dress up in lots of pretty costumes.” Her eyes widened in curiosity.
“Did you get to be on stage any more?”
“I did, but not for a little while. It was about a year after being on telly that I got cast in my first big stage show.”
“What’s about Daddy and Unca Niall, and Unca Liam, and Unca Louis?”
“After the winner had been chosen, Daddy, your uncles, and some of the other singers from the show went on a tour around England.”
“Did you go wif daddy?”
“No. I had to stay here in London because I had to work and go to auditions. But I did get to see them on stage a few times when they were on tour.”
“You did?”
“Mhm.” I nodded with a smile.
“How come you not on stage like daddy no more?”
“Because someone has to be home to take care of you.” I said with a smile and poking her tummy, earning a squealing giggle from her.
“Do you miss being on stage?”
“I do. But I love being at home with you just as much as I love being on stage. Maybe when you’re a bit older I’ll go back to being on stage again.”
“I miss you singing, mumma.”
“We just sang together after dinner before you went to bed.”
“I know. Buts I still miss you singing.” I shook my head and smiled fondly at her.
“Maybe we can sing together before Auntie Gem picks you up if you do as you’re asked in the morning.”
“Alright, I promised you one story. It’s time to go back to sleep.”
“But I wants ta know more.” She protested, sitting up and looking at me with wide eyes.
“Mia, it is past your bedtime.” I said firmly. She retaliated and slid off her bed, running over to the small fort that she and Gemma had built a few days ago while I’d been out running some errands. I got up and followed her, standing in front of the fort.
“It’s time for bed, Mia.” I said softly, but firmly.
“No mumma. I not seepy.” She whined.
“Amelia Grace.” I took a step back and looked at her sternly. My hands on my hips. Rather than retreating back, Mia launched herself at me, wrapping her tiny arms around one of my legs.
“Le do thoil mama. I wants ta hear more.” If there was one thing besides the puppy eyes that got me to cave, it was when she spoke in tidbits of Irish. It was a tactic I knew she’d learned from Niall, and I made a mental note to smack him upside the head the next time I saw him.
“I’ve really got to learn to say no.” I muttered under my breath before bending down to pick her up off the floor. “Okay, fine. I’ll keeping telling you about me and daddy. But the second I see sleepy eyes or a yawn, it’s bedtime. Understood?” I asked firmly.
“Yes, mumma. Wuv you.” She said giving me her most innocent grin. I narrowed my eyes at her for a moment before kissing her on the cheek and turning to walk back over to her bed.
“I love you too, munchkin.” I said as I set her back down on her bed. She crawled under the covers and I tucked her back in. I was really hoping she’d fall asleep during the next story I told her. Even though my original cup of tea downstairs was no doubt completely cold, I still wanted a cup of mint tea with my apple before going to bed.
“What else would you like to hear?”
“When did you and daddy has your first date? Cause Auntie Gem says you has ta go on a first date before you get married.” Her tone was matter of fact and it made me chuckle again.
“Auntie Gem is right. You do have to have a first date, and lots more dates before you get married. Daddy and I went on lots of dates before we got married. But our first date wasn’t until about two years after we’d become friends.”
“I wants ta hear that story, pease.” she said excitedly.
***Flashback*** I was standing in my bathroom, putting the finishing touches on my make up. It was nearly half six and I knew Harry would be here at any moment. We were finally going on our first official date and I’d been nothing but a bundle of nerves all day. I wasn’t sure why though because this was Harry. This was my best friend; someone who had become my rock, someone I could call at any given time if I needed to. Someone who knew me better than I knew myself. Now that I think about it, maybe that’s why I was nervous. Because taking this step in our relationship was new and uncharted territory.
It wasn’t until he’d gone home to Cheshire to visit his family between the UK and European legs of their current tour that he’d called and asked if he could take me out before he left for the States. But with my current show schedule nothing was lining up in our schedules. However, as fate would have it, things lined up for us in August. My show contract required me to take two, one-week long vacations during my run in the show. This was standard for all performers in Phantom and it was to allow us the chance to give our bodies and voices a break from an eight show week schedule. And it just so happened that my second week long vacation was scheduled during the time Harry was home between the States and Oceanic legs of the tour. The moment we’d made that discovery, it took us all of two seconds to decide we were going to spend the whole week together.
Glancing at my watch, I hurried to apply a thin coat of lip gloss to my lips before giving myself a last once over in the full length mirror on the back of my door. I was wearing a pair of dark wash fitted jeans, a pair of Grecian style sandals, and a light cowl neck sweater. Happy with my outfit, I ran my fingers through my hair to loosen a few of the curls and told myself to stop fussing. After making sure my lip gloss was in hand, I shut off the lights and scurried across the hall to grab my jacket and purse.
My doorbell sounded as I was making my way down the stairs and I let out a squeak of surprise, nearly sliding down the last few steps. After righting myself, I giggled and walked over to the end table next to my sofa to turn on the small lamp so I wouldn’t walk into a dark flat once I returned home since Aubrey was staying at her boyfriend’s tonight. I grabbed my keys off our entry table and unlocked the door, unable to stop the smile or calm my racing heart when I saw him standing on my front landing looking devastatingly handsome.
“Hi.” I said softly, giving him a shy smile before stepping out and pulling the door closed behind me.
“Hi, love. How are you?’ he asked before kissing me sweetly on the cheek.
“I’m good.” I felt my cheeks flush. “You alright?” I asked, peeking over my shoulder at him as I locked my door.
“I am now.” He said with a wink, holding out his hand. I felt my knees go a bit wobbly as I laced my fingers through his, following him down the front walk to his car. He walked me around to the passenger side, opening for the door for me.
“Thank you.” I said with a shy smile as he helped me up into the passenger seat. By the time I’d buckled my seat belt, he’d made it round to the driver’s side and climbed in.
“All set?” he asked as he started the car and buckled his seatbelt.
“All set. Where are we off to?” I inquired as he pulled out onto the main roadway in front of my building.
“You’ll have to wait and see, Miss Nosey.” He smirked. My eyes narrowed as I made a face at him.
“You’re a knob. You know I hate surprises.” He barked out a laugh and I couldn’t help but giggle. This was our friendship in a nutshell. Teasing and bantering with each other constantly. It had been that way since we’d reunited at the contestants house on the show. It was as if we’d been friends since we were kids, not for just a few days. I wouldn’t trade our friendship for the world. Nor would I trade the friendships I had with others as well.
“You’d better get used to them.” He quipped, placing his hand palm up on the center console between the two seats. I laced my fingers with his again and gave his hand a gentle squeeze.
“You know that won’t happen.” I smirked. He chuckled and shook his head, knowing I was right. “Have you had a chance to go visit your family yet?”
“I have. Just spent the last week at home. It was nice to unwind and just be with everyone. But I have to be honest.”
“Oh yeah? What about?”
“As nice as it was to be back home and getting to spend time with everyone, I was counting down the days until I got to see you.” My cheeks flushed as he gave my hand a gentle squeeze.
“Making me blush, Styles.”
“You’re cute when you blush.”
“Oh god.” I whined, my cheeks turning a darker shade of red. He laughed again. “But I’ll admit, I was counting down the days until I got to see you too. I’ve missed you quite a lot.” He lifted my hand and kissed the back of it and I could have sworn I felt electricity zip through every vein in my arm.
“Have you had a chance to see your mum and step-dad since they’ve been back?”
“Not yet. But they’re coming down for a long weekend right after you jet off to Australia so we can catch up and they can see me in the show before my run is up.”
“Good. I know how much you’ve missed them these last couple years.”
“It hasn’t been easy.” I admitted, not wanting to bring the mood down. But I knew he wouldn’t see it that way. If I needed to talk about it, he was going to be the amazing best friend he’d been from day one and let me talk it out.
“It was the worst when we were on the show and couldn’t talk about anything until the live shows started. I don’t think I would have got through those couple of weeks, or the couple of weeks after being eliminated from the live shows, if not for you.”
“Sure you would have. You’re a lot stronger than you give yourself credit for. You went out and booked your first West End show. You didn’t let being eliminated get you down.”
“It took nearly two years to book this show. And you only witnessed the meltdowns after failed auditions and rejection phone calls via phone. You’d probably think differently if you’d been with me when I got those rejections.”
“First of all, those parts weren’t right for you at the time because this role you’re in now, you were meant for it. And it’s going to open more doors for you. That I’m sure of. Secondly, casting directors would be daft not to cast you in their shows. You could smash any role you’re cast in.” I blushed at his compliment, wishing I felt as confident in my career as he did in his. It’s not to say that I had no confidence in myself, or in my singing and performing capabilities. But in the musical theatre world, it’s so much more competitive and there’s always someone that’s just that much better than you that will always edge you out. I’ve grown some thick skin over the last few years; you have to being in the musical theatre world. But it doesn’t make it any easier when nine times out of ten, you get a rejection phone call or e-mail.
“How are you so confident all the time?”
“Who are you and what have you done with Blake McKinley?” he asked, a teasing but gentle smirk forming on his lips.
“What are you on about?” I asked, looking out the window and trying to figure out where we were. Sure I’d been in London for the last two years, but with my eight show a week performance schedule, it didn’t leave me much time for exploring the city. And prior to xFactor, I’d only been down to visit the city from Northwich a handful of times to attend auditions.
“Since when did you start doubting yourself?” I felt his gaze on me for a few moments as he began to slow down. I shrugged in response as I didn’t have an answer for him. I suppose now that I had a chance to actually think and process everything, thoughts I’d buried for so long were starting to surface. He lifted my hand again to kiss my knuckles softly before unlacing our fingers from mine so he could pull into a small, somewhat deserted car park.
After paying the attendant our parking fee, he found an empty spot in the back corner of the lot. We climbed out of the car and I couldn’t help but take in the beautiful weather we were currently experiencing as I walked around to the front of the car to wait for him. For being mid-August, it was unusually warm and there were no clouds in the sky. Hearing the back hatch close, I looked up and had to refrain from letting out an ‘aww’ when I saw he was holding a picnic basket in one hand and a couple of blankets in the other.
“Can I ask where we are now that we’re here?” I asked as I took the blankets from him and dropped them over my arm. “Or is it still a secret?”
“You’re so subtle,” he smirked and I stuck my tongue out at him. “We’re at Battersea Park.” He said, lacing his fingers with mine again.
“I’m no superstar like you, but what are our chances of getting mobbed?”
“You’re a West End super star thank you very much.” He countered, something flashing in his eyes I wasn’t sure I’d been before. “And I don’t think we’ll be mobbed. Where we’re headed is not a crowded part of the park.” His smile was soft as he gave my hand a gentle, reassuring squeeze.
As I walked along side him to wherever it was we were going, I looked around taking in more of our surroundings. I hoped to do some more exploring around London in the future when my schedule allowed as this part of London in particular was gorgeous. After a few minutes more, Harry gently tugged on my hand to let me know we were headed in a new direction. My eyes narrowed when he lead me off the walking path toward a small clump of trees before releasing my hand and ducking through a narrow opening that was camouflaged by some surrounding flower bushes.
Once I stepped through the opening I understood why we wouldn’t be bothered here. Most people probably assumed there wasn’t anything on the other side of this grouping of trees and just kept on walking. Whether or not he knew about this spot or scoped it out in the small amount of downtime he had, I did not know. But I didn’t much care at this point. I was just excited to spend an evening alone with him, hopefully uninterrupted.
“This seem like an okay spot?” he asked, stopping on a flat patch of ground in front of a sturdy looking tree.
“Looks good to me.” I smiled. We were quiet as we laid out the blankets and unpacked the picnic basket before sitting down and tucking into dinner. While we ate, we caught each other up on what had been going on with our current projects before easily transitioning to non work related topics. It felt just like it did all the times we found ourselves alone and talking while living in the contestant house before I was eliminated from the show.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” I asked softly a while later, my face flushing as I packed the last bit of trash into the basket before setting it off to the side.
“How am I looking at you?” he replied, a sly smirk forming on his lips.
“I don’t know. You’re just…” my voice trailed off. “I don’t know.”
“Hey.” spoke softly, scooting closer to me, sliding an arm around my waist. “What’s going on with you? You’re usually not this jumpy.”
“Nothing. I’m just… I don’t know. Nervous I guess. And I shouldn’t be cause it’s you and it’s us, and I…” My voice trailed off again because I didn’t know how to explain what I was feeling.
“I’m nervous too.” he admitted, a shy smile on his lips. “And a little bit scared.”
“Yeah. But this feels right. You and me feels right. Don’t you think?”
“Yes, I do.”
“So let’s just be us and see how things go, yeah?” He asked, with a warm smile, giving my waist a gentle squeeze. I nodded in response again. “And what was up with you doubting yourself in the car earlier?”
“I was what now?” he rolled his eyes fondly and poked me in the ribs, making me squirm and smack his hand away.
“Now that’s more like you.” I stuck my tongue out at him again. “You seemed a bit down when you mentioned the meltdown phone calls. Everything going okay with the show?”
“Oh. Yeah. Everything is going really well. Just got down for a minute thinking about my mum and step dad. And knowing I’m coming up on my final two months of the show.”
“Promise that’s all? You’d tell me if it was more?”
“Of course I would.” I smiled, leaning in and kissing his cheek softly. “You read me as easily as an open book.”
“That is true.” that earned him a slap to the chest. “Oi! Be nice. Ya menace.” he said as he laid back on the blankets, tucking his hands under his head. I leaned back on my hands, still sitting close to him and taking in the view in front of me. It was absolutely stunning and I could only imagine what the sunset was going to look like once the sun really started to drop in the sky.
Jumping slightly when I felt his hand slide down my arm gently, I looked over my shoulder at him, smiling shyly. When his hand slid back up my arm to my shoulder blade, it wasn’t difficult to figure out that he was asking me to lay down next to him. It didn’t take much convincing on his part. Cuddling with him was one of the best things on this earth. And there was no chance in hell I’d pass up an opportunity to cuddle with him when our cuddle opportunities were currently so few and far between.
“Did I ever tell you that you were three people ahead of me the day I auditioned for the show?” his voice was soft as his fingers trailed light patterns up and down my back.
“No, you didn’t. Was I really?”
“You were. I saw your audition while I was waiting backstage.” I felt my face flush hot. While my audition hadn’t been a disaster, it hadn’t been my best. Well, to me anyway. Then again, I’m my toughest critic.
“That was not my best performance.” I half groaned.
“Are you joking? The two people who sang after you weren’t nearly as intimidating.”
“come again?” My tone was incredulous.
“I was properly intimidated by you.” I propped myself up on my elbow and looked down at him, shock evident on my face.
“You? Were intimidated by me?”
“You heard me. Bloody menace I tell ya.” I rolled my eyes and smacked his chest. “You sang Don’t Rain On My Parade and sang it a cappella at that. You were the first person I saw that day sing a cappella. They put you through straight away.”
“Making me blush again, Styles.” He smirked up at me and lifted my hand to kiss the back of it.
“Can I tell you a secret?” I asked softly.
“I’m all about secrets.” his smirk grew and I rolled my eyes. “You know you can tell me anything.” He said, his smirk softening into an encouraging smile.
“You were the reason I didn’t pass out on my way back to the stage the day we thought we’d been eliminated. I know we didn’t say anything before I finally managed to get my feet to move, but the smile you gave me, and the way you squeezed my hands, it grounded me. I’ll never forget that. And even though we’d only known each other for less than an hour when we left that night and exchanged numbers, there was still a part of me that was scared I’d never see you again. I was so relieved when I walked into the contestants’ house and saw you.”
“So was I. Not that you could forget since I lost my shit when I saw you walk through the doors. Still haven’t lived that down. Probably never will.”
“No, probably not. Not if Niall can help it.” I giggled.
“Now there’s a menace if I ever saw one.”
“You wouldn’t have him any other way.” He chuckled and shook his head slightly.
“No, I wouldn’t.” I leaned down and kissed him on the cheek again and when our eyes met after I’d leaned back, the breath was knocked right out of me. I could feel his heart hammering in his chest underneath my palm and it made me smile that he was just as nervous as I was.
His hand released mine and reached up to gently brace against my neck, his thumb stroking over my cheek gently. I found my eyes skipping back and forth between his eyes and lips while I tried to decide if I was brave enough to kiss him.
But there wasn’t much of a chance for me to continue my internal debate before he made the move, lifting his head pressing his lips to mine in a short, chaste kiss. The air between us stilled for a few moments as we looked at each other before I dipped my head and kissed him. I couldn’t tell you whether or not I blacked out or if time stood still because nothing existed in this world except for the two of us in this moment. My head swam as his fingers tangled into my hair, and where the boldness came from, I have no idea. But I rolled onto my back as my hands snaked around his neck.
His left arm supported my neck as he stretched out across my chest. When his tongue lightly traced my bottom lip, no doubt his way of asking for permission to further deepen our kiss, I more than willingly obliged and didn’t bother trying to stop the soft moan that bubbled up from my throat. When he finally released my lips, I fought to get oxygen back into my lungs. Never once had I been left completely breathless and light headed from a kiss. And after that kiss, I knew I wouldn’t be kissing anyone else for the rest of my life (stage kisses obviously don’t count).
“Wow…” I breathed, my chest heaving slightly.
“Understatement.” he muttered, kissing the tip of my nose sweetly and brushing a few stray strands of hair away from my face. “Can I go ahead and call you my girlfriend? Or do I have to take you out on a few more dates first?” he smirked.
“You can call me your girlfriend on one condition.”
“I’m listening.”
“You still have to take me out on dates when our schedules allow it.”
“I think I can make some arrangements.” he winked.
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mrs-hollandstan · 5 years
How about Toms our with his friends and their all complaining about their girlfriends being over protective, cry a lot, being to clingy, and all that while Toms just smiling cause the reader doesn’t do any of that? She lets him do what he wants and their just like “why are you so quiet tom” and he goes “cause I love my girlfriend, and she doesn’t do any of that”
Short but sweet. Hopefully I won't be like this as a girlfriend. 😂 like... I'll be clingy but hopefully cute?? Idk man.
Its just bullshit. Like straight up... cried when I said I was coming out with you guys. She says I spend no time with her and she doesn't feel loved."
"How did you get out?"
"I kissed her and reassured I'd be back by ten to cuddle and watch Netflix but damn... she's just always wondering where I'm going and when I'll get back and it's annoying cause its like... when I get back, I'll be back." Sam huffs, finishing up his statement. Tuwaine and Harrison agree, Harry sipping his beer,
"See s'why I don't have a girlfriend. I'm a free man." When Tom listened to his friends talk about their girlfriends and how clingy they were and how they cried and all, he was proud because he had nothing to contribute to the conversation.
"'Right mate... what does Y/N do?" Harrison asks, taking a break from his rant. Tom shrugs, running his finger over the rim of his glass,
"She's clingy... but not like that. She uhh... she's cute clingy. But when I told her I was coming out, she just kissed me and told me to say hi to you guys. I think she likes me rollin into bed so she can cuddle me. Like... the longer I'm gone, the more she's gonna want it." The four other boys at the table sat there, either staring at Tom or down at the table. Harrison sighs,
"You think a proper talk would change anything?" Tom shrugs,
"Ya know... the other day I tripped and stubbed my toe on the corner of the couch, and Amelia treated it like I was gonna die." Sam spoke up. Tom smiled,
"Yeah... that's not Y/N. She'd laugh at me." The corner of Harrison's lips quirk as he watches his best friend think of you. He could see every time Tom looked at you that he loved you more than anything. Tom sighed,
"Now I wanna call her. She's so perfect." Harrison clicked his tongue,
"Maybe we should get goin. If I'm not home at or before ten, Kelly's gonna lose it." Each of the boys agreed before walking out into the night, getting in their respective goodbyes before heading their separate ways. Tom thanked the gods above for the short drive back to your flat and when he pushed the door to your shared bedroom open, his heart fluttered at the sight of you, remembering all that his brother and friends had said about their girlfriends.
He could imagine Amelia, Kelly and Heather all waiting up for the boys, asking where they'd been and crying over not feeling loved. But not you. You were in bed, in his sweatshirt and necklace he always wore, fast asleep with your knees to your chest. He stripped to his boxers and climbed in behind you, hands skirting up your sides. You roused slowly, turning to see him and blinking away sleep. You smiled when he was clear in your eyes,
"Hi handsome. How was it?" He nodded,
"Good... we had a lot to say about our girlfriends. I just want you to know I appreciate you so much." Your smile widened and you squirmed to face him,
"Yeah... why's that?" He kissed you softly, stroking your hair,
"They were talking about how clingy and over emotional and over protective their girls are and you aren't like that. You worry about me and you're comfortably clingy and cute and you love me unconditionally but... you're not overwhelming ya know?" He shrugs and you nod, placing your hand over his cheek. You run your thumb over his lip,
"Its because I know... I know that it's me you'll come home to. At the end of the night you'll be in my bed and I love you and you love me and I think I'd know if you were cheating. That's what they're all afraid of. They're afraid of the uncertainty, knowing if they're with other women but... I trust you to be mature and you're your own person. If you're stupid enough to cheat or whatever... that's on you. Not me." He smiles, kissing your thumb,
"I'm not that dumb. You're a blessing pretty girl." You smile again, leaning in to kiss him. You sigh,
"How bout you go take a shower and when you come back we'll cuddle." He chuckles,
"Yeah... I'll be right back cutie."
"I'm counting down the seconds."
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