#( ashara ― ryon martell. )
darkwinged · 2 years
closed starter / @encirclet​
despite being away from home, ashara could not help but interfere in matters large and small. all her life, she had ruled in some sort of way. after making sure nymeria was resting, she went to ryon’s quarters. she found them empty, but it did not stop her from entering. she went over to his wardrobe and picked out an outfit. she laid it out on his bed and was about to leave when her son returned. “oh good, there you are, dear.” ash gestured to the clothes on his bed. “i have laid out your clothes for the feast tonight, it is important you wear the burgundy tunic to honour the redwynes... and that you wear it with no complaints, please.”
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princessnysar · 4 years
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Princess Elia’s Nymeros Martell ladies in Waiting Part One before and during Robert’s rebellion
Princess Alysanne Nymeros Martell, Elia's cousin from an Aunt 
Princess Sarra Nymeros Martell, Elia's cousin from an Uncle 
Lady Ashara Dayne, the younger sister of Vorian, Davos, Nysterica and Arthur and her younger sister Allyria 
Lady Chandra Allyrion, the younger sister of Ryon
 Lady Dyanna Fowler, the sister of Lord Franklyn 
Lady Eliana Gargalen, daughter of Tremond 
Lady Emphyria Jordayne, the twin of Myria
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aalyrion · 6 years
I love how real Alina is. Can I ask for her thoughts on Arthur?
Thank you for your kind words - writing OCs is always difficult for me, as I often worry they don’t quite fit into the original word, so it means a lot to me that you are enjoying Alyna. 
Alyna has quite a bit of antipathy towards Arthur for three reasons: (1) he wronged people she cares about, (2) in her view, he betrayed their homeland, and (3) there is a bit of projection on Alyna’s behalf with regards to her relationship with her own brother. 
With regards to the first point, the three people that she cares about that Arthur wronged are Elia Martell (who in this fic is Alyna’s cousin - lady Delonne’s brother was Prince-Consort to Elia’s mother) and Arthur’s two siblings Ashara (Alyna’s good friend) and Alrick (Alyna’s husband in this fic).
 We all know the way in which Arthur had wronged Elia - through his involvement with the whole entire R+L/ToJ fiasco.
 Regarding Ashara, if you read the previous chapter you remember that there was the moment when Arthur was like “why does she need to learn anything about running a household, she is pretty, she’ll marry just fine.” Well, Alyna witnessed quite a few instances of just that, where Arthur essentially reduced Ashara to her looks. This conflict culminated in the incident at Tourney at Harrenhall actually (which I will talk about in later chapters), where Ashara & Ned became infatuated with each other and decided to marry, and Alrick, by then lord of Starfall allowed Ashara to marry Ned. Arthur was VERY unhappy with that decision, and his discontent centered mostly around the fact that he thought that marrying Ashara to lord Rickard’s second son would be essentially “selling her beauty at a bargain”. As I said, I will expand on the incident in the future chapters, but right now let’s just say it ended in a physical altercation in which Ashara also got hurt (even if not intentionally) and Alyna witnessed all of it. 
Regarding Arthur’s issues with Alrick, I won’t say much here, since it will be expended on in the fic, but basically Arthur believes that a lord and the head of the house needs to be more… martially inclined, and that Alrick is too soft to rule effectively as he does not enjoy fighting/conflict (he is a book over a sword kind of a guy, but he’ll take up a sword if necessary). This point ties into third point with regards to Alyna projecting, as this was the exact reason her own brother, Ryon did not want Alyna to marry Alrick (she was lucky though, as lady Delonne firmly disagreed with her firstborn). So Alyna definitely projects, at least in somewhat, other problems she has with Ryon onto Arthur. 
Sorry, this was a long and rambling post, but basically, Alyna dislikes Arhtur for betraying Dorne & Princess Elia and for the way he treats his siblings. Also, part of her dislike stems from her projecting her issues with her own brother onto him because there are certain similarities between them. 
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forme-iwrite · 6 years
Elia Martell: Ladies in waiting
part 1/2: Dorne
Because house Martell is the ruling house in Dorne Elia had more freedom in choosing the dornish ladies in her company because she did not have to worry if they would be loyal to her.  She also had the advantage of probably knowing these women and knew they would be good company on her journey to king’s landing. They most likely belonged to prominent houses in Dorne, to show Elias and Dornes strength. Besides having to belong to prominent houses Elia was probably able to choose who she wanted and would not have to worry about choosing someone for political gain.
Besides planning a pre-asoiaf fic I wanted to flesh out these characters and that is why I added personal headcanons for each of them.
Personal headcanon: When Elia was called to Aerys court after the Brandon Stark incident, Elia sent all of them back to Dorne before she left to King’s landing. They tried to refuse but Elia would not allow them to follow her, sensing the turmoil that was about to happen.
Ashara Dayne
Red mountains/Torentine: Starfall
In her Wikipedia page Ashara’s birth is placed around 260 and 269 A.C. I personally place her around 260 A.C. There is many hints in the books that Ashara had a baby and placing her birth in 269 would make her 13/14 years old during her pregnancy which is just a no for me. I also want her to be closer of age to Elia and 260 would give them only a three year difference.
Ashara Dayne is the only known lady in Elias’ company. The Daynes are a prominent house in Dorne, they are some of the lords who have fought marcher lords. During the betrothal trip the Martells took, Starfall was the only house in Dorne that they considered. Ashara’s brother was a kingsguard to king Aerys, Arthur was also the sword of the morning, making him a prominent figure. Though I believe Ashara was probably chosen because she was a close friend to Elia.
Personal headcanon: The first time she meets Elia is when she is five, her and her brothers go to the water gardens during a hot summer. The next time they meet is when Ashara is eight and she comes to Sunspear as a cupbearer to the Princess of Dorne. During that time she becomes Elias closest friend. She is very headstrong and it is hard for her to keep her feelings at bay. Ashara likes to say what's on her mind even though it might get her in trouble. She is very proud of her house and because of it she and Leyla Hightower always bicker with each other. Elia was afraid Aerys would find out about the parentage of Ashara’s child, so she sent her back to Dorne along with the rest of the ladies. She had always looked up to her brother Arthur but when she finds out where he was/who he was with she feels betrayed.
Myria Jordayne
Sea of Dorne/Scourge: Tor
I place Myria being born around 256 A.C. Not much is known about her besides her house and that she was one of Oberyn's companions in king’s landing. Since her age nor her father's age have been stated we can make her any age that would make her old enough to be able to represent her house by herself. Elia would have probably choose a couple of companions around her age.
Myria is the heir to House Jordayne a prominent house in Dorne. She was one of Oberyn's companions when he went to king's landing to claim Doran’s seat on the small council but most importantly get justice for Elia and her children. She could have gone with him because she also sought justice for her friend.
Personal headcanon: She loves the sea but prefers pleasure boats over swimming, though she does teach some of the other girls how to swim when they move the court to Dragonstone.Her father was a close friend to Elias’ mother and as a result her and Elia grew up together. She is Elias oldest friend along with Ryon Allyrion. She was fostered at HellHolt when she was eleven. She divided her time between the Tor and HellHolt and even though her and Elia wrote each other letters they were no longer as close as before. She is also great at poetry but she keeps it a secret from everyone but Elia and Ryon because she thinks it’s too much of a cliche due to her house words being “Let it be written”.
Larra Blackmont
Red mountains/Torentine: Blackmont
Larra has two children Jynessa and Perros. Perros is a squire and we can assume he is around ten or older. Jynessa is Larras’ heir so we know she is older than Perros. The latest Larra could have been born is around is 276 if Jynessa is only a year older than her brother because Larra would of had to be at least 13 to give birth. To not make Larra a teenage mother and to have her closer in age with Elia I will place her birth around 255 A.C.
House Blackmont is a main noble house in Dorne. She along with her kids were a part of Oberyn's’ retinue. They went to King's landing to see that the Martells got justice for Elia. She could have also been a friend of Elias. At the time of Elias engagement Larra was either the heir or the ruling lady of Blackmont. House Blackmont is also one of the main houses  who has fought the marcher lords which would represent Elia bringing house strength in her retinue.
Personal headcanon: She has freckles all over and chestnut hair. Unlike Myria and Ashara, Larra was not friends with Elia until she became her lady, though they had met before in balls and tourneys held in Dorne. She is betrothed to the second son of Lord Ashford though she had a brief relationship with a Manwoody knight in Elia’s service. Her betrothal is one of the many Elia had planned to help increase Dorne’s influence in the seven kingdoms. Larra loves wearing bright colored silks and wears them even in the winter. She loves spending time with Shyra because they both love working on their stitching. She is very good at politics being ruler of her house and helps Elia choose some of her northern ladies.
Nymella Tolland
Sea of Dorne/Broken Arm: Ghost Hill
We know Nymella has two daughters placing her birth before 287 A.C. Her daughters ages were also not stated but they help greet Arianne and her party meaning they are probably not too young. We can make Nymella any age significantly older than 13  since it is not stated. To fit my headcanon I will place her around 248 A.C.
House Tolland are a one of the principal bannerman to house Martell. Doran entrusted Lady Nymella to delay Balon Swann’s arrival. Nymella was alive during the time of Elia’s marriage and could have been chosen as one of her ladies. Ghost Hill is located near the broken arm, allowing them easy access to trade/information in Essos.
Personal headcanon: Nymella is the same age as Doran only a couple months younger than him. Doran and her used to have a relationship but it ended when Nymella told him she had decided to keep her own title as ruling lady of Ghost Hill. She wanted to rule in her own right and if she married Doran she would have to give up Ghost Hill even if it meant being the wife of the ruling Prince of Dorne. Sort of like Arianne preferring to rule just Dorne instead of being the queen of the seven kingdoms. Elia is fostered with Nymella during an extremely cold winter that lasted three years. Ghost Hill is the closest to the broken arm so they were able to get supplies from Essos before anyone else. Nymella likes to throw tourneys and balls and always tries to outdo every other house in Dorne. Elia has a great relationship with Nymella and she sees her as an older sister. “Melisa” Whent jokingly calls her mother when Nymella bosses her around because they both share red hair. She brings her two daughters to court with her and they become playmates with Shyra Errol’s son Sebastian.
These are ladies that could have existed during the time and could have been eligible to be Elia’s companions but are not actually characters in asoiaf. As of now no one from House Wyl is named and we know that there are other Martells besides the main branch because one of them serves as Dorans castellan in Sunspear.
“Wylla” Wyl
Sea of Dorne: Boneway: Wyl
To vary the ages of Elias ladies I placed “Wylla” around 242 A.C.
House Wyl is one of the main bannerman to house Martell. They are loyal to the Martells if Doran entrust them to delay Balon Swann from arriving at Sunspear. They are also a well known house in Westeros, being the ones to have killed King Daeron, imprisoned Aemon, and nearly killed Baelor during the Conquest of Dorne. Also during the first Dornish war  they defeated Orys and cut of his sword hand along with the rest of his men. They have also been fighting the lords of the dornish marches. Their history would be a reminder of the strength Dorne has even against the dragon lords. If “Wylla” is the ruling lady of Wyl bringing her to court would show the power Elia brings to her marriage with Rhaegar.
Person headcanon: “Wylla” loves to go hawking and owns a great collection of birds. She is named after the warrior maid who fought at the battle of the bloody pool. When she was small “Wylla” loved exploring the tunnels beneath her castle. She is still very curious and when she would get bored she would try to find the hidden passages in the Red keep, Dragonstone, and the winding walls in Sunspear. “Wylla” and Nymella are close friends even though they are six years apart. She has an immediate dislike for Tywin Lannister but does not deny his effectiveness as hand of the King.
“Deria” Martell
Southeastern coast/Broken Arm: Sunspear
Because of my personal headcanon I think “Deria” was born in 255 A.C. Also whoever her parents are they would have been born before or during the time of Elias mother, making “Deria” at least older than Arianne. Also if her brother is Manfrey, he is old enough to be left as castellan of Sunspear.
“Deria” belongs to the ruling house in Dorne. The  castellan at Sunspear is ser Manfrey Martell who is a cousin to the main Martells. It's possible he is a son to one of Elia’s great uncles/aunts because as far as we know Prince Lewyn had no children and no other siblings besides Elias mother. “Deria” could be Manfreys sister and a cousin to Elia. Like Myrcella, Elia could have brought a cousin that was around her age and had similar features as a safety precaution. Myrcella had her cousin as a precaution against Stanis and Elia could have had “Deria” as a precaution against the Kingswood brotherhood a group known for attacking highborns at the time.
Personal headcanon: “Deria” is the only dornish lady Elia did not choose. Elia though never truly close to her cousin was excited to find out “Deria” was going to be one of her ladies until she found out the reason why. When Elia found out her mother had chosen “Deria” to be her decoy Elia refused to have her as a companion until her mother demanded it and they came to a compromise. Elia would bring “Deria” if she would be allowed to choose the rest of her companions without interference from her mother, and even after her mother passed away Elia kept her promise. “Deria’s” mother is one of the orphans of the Greenblood and when she learns Doran is going on a trip to Essos she begs until she able to go with him because she wants to see the river Rhoyne. It was actually her that Ulmer of the brotherhood kissed.
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samwpmarleau · 8 years
some arthur dayne headcanons nobody asked for
he has his mother’s temper and sword training helps curb it but he’s a terrible liar so everyone can tell when he is Not Pleased
he squires for prince lewyn from whom he later gets his knighthood
he’s super awkward and short and not particularly handsome (things oberyn never fails to point out) until he’s like 14
he had mixed feelings about being named the sword of the morning because it was one of the only times he ever felt his father was proud of him but it had also been 80 years since the last sotm and he knows his father was antsy for house dayne to be notable again and arthur hates that it’s less to do with him as a son and more because he’s a convenient excuse
his mother is delonne allyrion’s younger sister and he thinks his cousin is kind of a tool but ryon does play a wicked game of cyvasse so that’s something
he’s never understood all the shit that’s said about elia. sure, maybe she’s not as curvaceous as other women and can’t always be as active as everyone else, but like?? she’s the strongest, smartest, cleverest, most beautiful person he’s ever met and how do other people not get that?
from the moment he gets to king’s landing he tries to lose his accent–like, pulls all-nighters with rhaegar trying to get pronunciations right and to stop rolling his r’s and all that–but it never works
he loathes “the dornishman’s wife”
he interferes without a second thought the first time he witnesses aerys hitting rhaella because king or not, that’s not okay, and she has to smooth things over. in private, she thanks him for wanting to protect her but knows firsthand what happens to dornish people who oppose targaryen kings, and so commands him to never interfere again. he obeys because he must, but as time goes on, he wonders more and more whether he would actually lay down his life for the king if the occasion arose
he knows they don’t mean it personally, but just like everyone north of the red mountains his fellow kingsguard are casually racist–more than casually, really, in jon darry’s case–and he’s never been ashamed to be dornish before but it takes less than a year before he makes himself mask his ethnicity markers (no more seasoning things with dragon peppers and snake venom sauce, no more non-diluted dornish strongwine, no more swearing in rhoynish, no more openly teaching the servant girls unladylike things like how best to incapacitate a man)
he loses track of the amount of times people say things to him like, “you don’t act dornish” or “what is that word you lot use? paramour? yeah, what do you care if i step out on my wife? i don’t have a mistress, i have a paramour” or “i’m not prejudiced, i had a drink with a dornishman once”
he absolutely destroys rhaegar in the 276 tourney honoring viserys’s birth, and crowns his mother the queen of love and beauty, in part because she deserves it, but also because his lighter skin makes people keep forgetting where he’s from and he wants to remind them and fuck you his mother’s dark skin is beautiful too
he’s really grateful once lewyn joins the kingsguard because most of that overt bigotry stops when he’s around. like, racism against regular dornishmen is one thing but lewyn is a prince, and all he really has to say is, “i remember that time my sister the Princess of Dorne heard someone say that very thing. you know, i never did figure out how he ended up in so many pieces,” even though arthur knows it’s a lie because loreza martell’s punishments are far more refined than that
when the report comes to king’s landing about the kingswood brotherhood attack on elia and her escort, barristan has to physically restrain him from riding out–not that barristan knows why–because if gerold hightower was injured then what state would elia be in and and and
(she’s all right, because of course she is. she’s always all right.)
rhaenys wasn’t intentional and he knows it’s wrong but it’s hard to think about that when she’s sleeping in his arms and has his mother’s eyes and it isn’t until ashara slaps him clear across the face that he truly realizes what he and elia had done and what could happen if anyone found out
he very much hates cold and he’s really happy ashara wasn’t romantically inclined towards ned because maybe they would have married and then she’d want him to visit winterfell which has snow and cold and then he’d have to say i don’t care if they have heated walls, ash, you can’t make me go (he’d go anyway)
hearing rhaenys call rhaegar “father” hurts. it doesn’t hurt half so bad as hearing rhaegar command, you’re to accompany me to the riverlands, arthur. come dawn, we shall make our way to the lady lyanna
it’s not in him to throw a fight but he thinks of all the destruction that rhaegar’s war caused and the part he was forced to play in it and when the time comes he just doesn’t…try quite as hard as he could have
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