#( and dislikes the snobby noble types )
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melpcmene-arch · 2 years ago
I do not know if this was eventually mentioned—— as I have so much to go through in the campaign. ( Though I've re-watched Vox Machina three times ) But the idea of Percival just spending nights working and tinkering; manufacturing something of use. To work rather than dream is a luxury that he could technically afford if it costs him a nights worth of sleep. And I think Percival would prefer to work and sweat. ( With him working with metal - you got to have that fire going. ) Than to dream and allow the nightmares to begin again. Plus I think after the mention of the Briarwoods. Percy's nightmares just reignited. Like repressed memories rushing to the surface. So he'll probably work more to avoid screaming in his own bed.
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allur1ngs · 1 year ago
could you give more information on hyo? we all know bada + bebe because they’re of course real but since hyo is an oc, we don’t know a lot about her. like her hair color/style, height and age, hobbies and personal things like that <3
okay, here's an official deep dive on Hyo!!
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this is her official face claim, kim hieora's appearance in bad and crazy!! (i actually haven't seen the show...lmfao)
full name: kim hyo
she's 5'8, making her slightly shorter than bada and lusher, has dark brown (black in low lighting) hair, fair skin, and is 25/26 years old (i haven't decided yet hehe).
style: she loves a super laid-back and casual style when she's not wearing her normal suit, which is basically almost never...
hobbies: ...she doesn't really have time for any... but if on the off chance she takes a day off (literally once in a blue moon) she enjoys reading!! she's an avid reader and loves history!! she did very well in her studies, but history was always hyo's strong suit!!
likes: she LOVESSSS chocolate. that might be her only weakness. she likes sweets in general but not to the extent that she likes chocolate. she also likes cold showers and cold weather.
dislikes: disappointing bada. i feel like i've beat this point into the ground but it's such an important part of hyo's character!!
i'm going to go into a small rant so you've been warned but...
i'm not sure if anyone picked up on it from AWOOL, but hyo is the daughter of chung-hee, bada's bodyguard when bada was younger. hyo always looked up to her father because he was so dedicated to his work and she thought that the idea of protecting another person is such a noble cause/job to choose in life. so when she grew up she idolized her father greatly, and the few times she met bada while she was young, she also grew to idolize her too. bada has always been strong and independent, even before the death of her mother, so when hyo got to see how she took charge in her life without being arrogant and using the influence of her parents, hyo was like "yeah, i want to be just like her."
adding onto that, the lees basically kept hyo's family afloat. they paid her father an incredible sum of money for his work, and before that hyo grew up very poor, so she was basically taken out of poverty by the lee family.
(let's also not forget that chung-hee and mr. lee were also best friends since like childhood, so naturally hyo appreciated him a lot)
so after her father retired, bada--still recovering from the lingering affects of her mother's death and having no trust in almost anyone, somehow managed to trust hyo (because she was chung-hee's daughter)--who was now much older, to become a part of bebe.
hyo wasn't bada's bodyguard although she wanted to be--lusher got that privilege--but the second you stepped into bada's life she was assigned to protect you, and after that hyo felt like that was her calling. to protect the person most precious to bada like ji-ah (the man who killed bada's mother) didn't do. because of all that, she greatly respects you and thinks of you as a little sister she has to protect with her life.
okay rant over🤗
other things hyo dislikes includes, traitors--i'm sure you can guess why--snobby rich people, which in her line of work are literally everywhere so..., and people who disrespect those who have given them so much. in bloody knuckles, you'll see a bit of hyo's frustration with reader come out when she realizes that she lied to bada. she does, to an extent, understand and sympathize with reader's reasoning, but she sort of grows cold with her after that.
and before anyone starts to get any ideas, because i'm sure they will...hyo would never NEVER date reader or bada!! she thinks of reader as a little sister (not to mention bada is in LOVE LOVE with her and hyo would never betray bada like that), and bada is hyo's boss and someone she idolizes, she would never be in a relationship with either of them in the canon. and even out of canon bada is NOT hyo's type at all
okay that's all i can think of for now so let me know if you'd like to know more :D 🩷
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ryttu3k · 11 months ago
Thoughts on tiefling!Astarion, inspired by this art by @poofroom , this art by @nebelimlim , and the knowledge that he actually was a tiefling in concept stages. CW for canon-typical mentions of Astarion's backstory, plus discrimination.
I imagine him still being a former magistrate, upper city snobby type. Tiefling Astarion, I think, would have had to fight like hell to be respected, potentially to the point of using more underhanded techniques. He wouldn't have the inherent high elf snobbery, but has a much more… at the risk of using a kind of classist phrase, but a much more 'new money' attitude, up until he's turned. He's looked down upon by so many just by virtue of his origins that he's holding on to whatever power and status he can get with his teeth; he may well have set aside any more humble origins in favour of climbing the ladder to success. It's fine! He's not like those other tieflings, he's a magistrate, he's upper city now, he can fit in fine!
Maybe he was turned a bit younger than 39, maybe mid-20s - still an adult, yes, but also still a fairly young one by the standards of his people. Either way, he is turned, and spends nearly two hundred years going through pure shit at Cazador's hand; if Cazador remains a high elf, and Aurelia remains a tiefling as well, there's another layer of power issues in there, potentially a closer bond to his older sister (or, alternatively, a stronger sense of competition, the need to be the 'better' sibling), and potentially an element of fetishisation as 'the other'.
By the time he gets captured and tadpoled, he's got this iron-clad mask in place - a flirty, confident upper-class noble, but now with a sense that he's worked hard for everything he's got instead of just that typically high elven entitlement. Look at all he's done! Imagine what else he could do for the group! He'd have a bit of a rude shock meeting the Elturian tieflings - they're desperate, he wants to put them aside, he's nothing like them, they reinforce a lot of his, "This is why people look down on us" attitude - but at the same time, these are his people, and the first time he's really spent any amount of time with other tieflings. He might actually find some common ground with them, especially the clearly ambitious Rolan, and I can see him developing a genuine soft spot for the thieflings, teaching them new sleight-of-hand tricks and encouraging them to rob anyone they see blind.
(Tiefling!Astarion holding up Mol: "Is anyone going to adopt this child, or should I go ahead?")
Still, overall, there's some resentment that the only other tieflings he meets are desperate refugees. That is not the image he wants to project. That is not an image that will keep him safe and protected. Helping the refugees means being inevitably lumped in with them, and he wants to be seen as better than that. He wants to belong to the upper class he pretends to be a part of, not… them.
Karlach would be fascinating, too. She's a heroic figure to a lot of the Elturians, who had actually witnessed her fighting firsthand in Avernus. To Astarion, she's brash, crude, and loud - and worse still, good-natured. Ugh, how annoying! And then because it's scientifically impossible to dislike Karlach, and because she gets protective over people but that includes him too and that's… quite nice, actually, and because her good-naturedness and kindness is balanced with an absolute willingness to hit things with a battle axe bigger than he is, he just… ends up bonding with her. Two tieflings, displaced from anywhere they've called home for the past ten years / two centuries, either physically (in Karlach's case) or emotionally (Astarion feeling distanced from other tieflings by dint of climbing the ladder of success and in the process alienating his community, and from his mortal life by dint of being a spawn), starting to find a sense of home and connection with each other.
Another potential plus side where my hellspawn tendencies start to show - tieflings have innate fire resistence. It might not be enough for him to actually seduce her, forcing him, like in canon, to actually get to know her and develop more of a relationship first before any intimacy ends up on the table at all, but - it might be enough for a hug I think both of them desperately need. Just casual, non-sexual contact, linking their tails together as they walk side by side, little brushes of hands. Just this brash outer city punk who became a conscripted warrior in the Hells, and this nu-upper-city snob who became a vampire spawn, slowly working out what freedom looks like with each other.
For Astarion's main storyline, the temptation to Ascend, I think, would be even stronger. People look down on tieflings? Well, they're not looking down on him now, are they? If Aurelia and Astarion both have infernal scars, they could potentially read them to each other; Astarion may even start the game knowing it's a contract of some kind, even if he doesn't know the details. The drive to learn what exactly he's scarred with would be even stronger, even if dealing with a devil as a 'devilspawn' is a lot more fraught than dealing with a devil as a high elf (especially given that the deal is with Mephistopheles - imagine if he was a Mephistopheles tief? Same sort of power issues that Karlach deals with, being a Zariel tief). He would see Ascending as more than just overpowering his abuser - he would see it almost as his birthright. And that's a hell of a thing to try to turn down…
Also, there's some possibly fascinating interactions with Gortash, who's gone from 'child of a pair of cobblers' to 'devil's slave' to 'Archduke and architect of the Absolute plot'. Gortash personally betrayed Karlach - would Astarion be more tempted to ally with Gortash, given that Gortash may be an aspirational figure with how he's gained power from nothing? Or would any relationship with Karlach put the kibosh on that permanently? Lots of fascinating options!
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visionmarred-archive · 3 years ago
Shepherds of Haven Recruit Form
thinking about my boy lately and everybody else did this so why not me :^) template by @shepherds-of-haven​​! one should read it if they haven’t! it’s great!
minor spoilers for the alpha demo
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(face claim: Ruba Wilson)
Biographical Info
Name, Nicknames: Tysinno Maratis, sometimes called “Tysi” by friends
Callsign: Cure
Gender: cis man
Sexuality: biromantic demisexual
Pronouns: he/him
Age: 28 years old
Background Info
Weapon: guns
Magic Specialization: Elae (Healer)
Racial Heritage, Birthplace: Hunter heritage, presumed born in Maj (but who knows?)
Education: Circle taught
Miscellaneous Info
Past Jobs: bodyguard for hire, sailor, farm hand, shop hand, accountant (is that a thing a medieval-esque dude can be when he doesn’t stay in one city for too long? we’ll roll with it), various odd jobs
Likes: art, both creating and discussing. literature. learning things. cats of any kind. clothes shopping. he’s a goth mage with an interest in the morbid and bizarre of the world.
Dislikes: friggin snobby nobles and the Autarchy. gossip for the sake of being hurtful (which he can be hypocritical about, because he’ll definitely engage in that if he dislikes somebody enough.)
Strengths: usually composed and calm in most situations, with exceptions of course. compassionate and caring, and good at making people feel calm and safe. good at thinking things through in a logical way. gifted with his magic. knows how to heal people without magic, and how to mix up potions for the occasion.
Weaknesses: incredibly self-loathing and blames himself for what happened to Maj, and has a hard time not seeing himself as bad luck for people that he cares about and who care about him. depending on the situation, that self-loathing or his frustration with the world can influence his decisions, and not necessarily for the better. physically a limp noodle and definitely won’t be winning any strength contests anytime soon.
Hobbies/Special Skills: painting and sketching, writing (prefers poetry that he will never let another living soul read tysm), letting cats into his room even though Blade said that’s against the rules. enjoys gardening when he gets the chance. Tysinno also possesses one heck of a poker face and composure in most situations, which translates well to gambling.
DnD Morality Alignment: chaotic-good
Meyers-Briggs Personality Type: INFJ-T
(Bold which way your recruit leans.)
Heart of Gold/Will of Iron
Witty/Sincere (depends ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
One-God/Atheist/Old Faith
Best Friend(s):
Shery - calm and loving soul who deserves good things. somebody to have chill discussions with while they gush over cats and drink tea together. romance novel reading friends.
Chase - Tysinno’s kinda surprised about this one because he keeps to himself and Chase is Chase LOL but their friendship is surprisingly solid! Chase brings him out of his shell and helps him to have fun. may or may not have thought Chase was cute for a bit there, but their relationship is firmly platonic.
Briony - see above but with less surprise lol. they bonded in the arena and they’ve been close ever since.
Preferred Mission Partner(s):
he’s generally chill with working with anybody if they’re right for the job, but probably feels most at ease around Ayla and his closest friends.
Friendly Rival(s):
Halek - if anybody fits the bill then prooobably Halek? but idk if I’d even call them rivals, it’s more just that their relationship is complicated lol. Tysinno longs to be involved with Hunter culture and to be a part of that community again, and he can’t help but be just a little bit jealous of Halek coming from that world but being so ready to walk away from their people when being a part of it is what Tysinno wants. but he also recognizes that it’s irrational on his end and that Halek has absolutely valid reasons to want to get away from the Reach, so it’s just. complicated. lol.
Love Interest(s):
Ayla - local healer man crushes on this amazing and tough wind mage who is?? pretty much perfect as far as he’s concerned like have you looked at Ayla Aescar?? I Have Eyes Only For You.mp3 as he thinks about this kinda smooch
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Ship Name(s): Tysayla? Aysinno? Marscar? idk their tag is “OTP: Windswept”
First Kiss Scenario: 👀
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Lavinet - they can work together and be civil and polite, but that’s probably the best it’s ever gonna be. she hasn’t forgotten Prihine’s death, and even if that hadn’t been a thing, their personalities and views on the aristocracy would likely clash too much for them to ever be friends.
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pretend that this picrew let him have a streak of white hair bc Hunter heritage <3
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bae-leth · 6 years ago
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Oh wow that’s a really detailed dream? I enjoyed reading about it! I’m thinking that Lorenz has more of a playful rivalry with Claude than an actual hatred, since FE Facebook talks of him, Dedue and Hubert all being loyal to their lords, but it’d be interesting if he turned on him later on in the story.
(I had only one 3H dream since that last anon, and in mine all that happened was that Claude and Dimitri had a shouting match. I don’t even remember what it was about. le sigh.)
About headcanons - I think I’ll expand a bit on the students we already know, more than the students we don’t. As much as I want to talk about Lysithea, Marianne etc, there’s literally nothing to glean tidbits from, so I’ll hold off from headcanons until we learn something, at least.
…I predict that most of these will end up being friendship-related anyway, haha. Headcanons under the read more:
- A perfectionist, excelling in all her studies/training/etc from a young age.
- However this led to other people looking up to her, rather than seeing her as an equal - this led to some loneliness growing up.
- She wanted proper friends, not just people who saw her solely as a prospective ruler, but eh. What can you do when you have an certain image to cultivate?
- (spoilers: friendships attained at the monastery later on, and this secretly makes her very happy)
- Edel always looked like a hard person to approach, but really she was just a kind soul underneath
- Siblings: I keep thinking that she might have a half-sibling who tries to usurp her position as heir apparent midway through the game lmao. Other than that though, she seems like the only-child type to me.
- Kids want to BE her, because she’s super cool. This makes Edelgard super mushy inside (she’ll try to deny it), so she has a soft spot for the kids that run up to her in excitement whenever she travels around the Empire
- I wonder what his tinge of darkness is? Intsys might go for the standard ‘he is forced to follow his bloodthirsty father in committing atrocities in the name of the Church’
- Or perhaps he witnesses something horrific as a child, and is powerless to stop it, leading to immense guilt up to adulthood?
- Or maybe it’s an inherent character trait. Maybe Dimitri was the villain all along 😔 and childhood circumstances exacerbated this villainy.
- Apart from theorising about his darkness, I headcanon that he was a bit of a wild child who mellowed out when he got older and attained more responsibilities. A bit like BotW Link, but more outwardly cheerful/expressive. Chivalrous from the very beginning. A good boi
- I still reeeeally want him and Ingrid to be siblings… If this is the case, then you can bet all your money that Ingrid had the best puppy face as a kid, and got away with everything. Dimitri was blamed for eeeeverything, and Ingrid still teases him about it now
- (they’re the ultimate power-siblings tho. Could kill you easily)
- Has a few little sisters - THAT’S how he became so sneaky, lmao
- Actually listened in on the council meetings when he was younger, while pretending that he found them boring. He gained a good grasp of the politics of Fodlan from a young age as a result, and used this to his advantage to gain the upper hand in Alliance discussions (to the chagrin of his fellow nobles). He was always very sharp
- Always enjoyed winding up Dimitri as a kid, since the young prince got comically mad very easily. However, this became more difficult once Dimitri mellowed out and grew into a far milder young man. (Difficult, but not impossible…)
- Tried winding up Edelgard as a kid, too, before very quickly giving up. The heir to the Adrestian Empire knew how to use an axe VERY well from a VERY young age, and she wasn’t afraid to use it.
-Pulled a lot of pranks as a youngster, and still does now. Got away with it before because he was cute, gets away with it now because he’s charismatic (and HOt). Lorenz cries everytime, because he can’t get away with anything, apparently…
- Oh gosh, this man. He’s probably the first student at the monastery to go grey, he worries over Edelgard and the future of her position so much
- Has had the loyal retainer trope down to a T since, well, forever.
- He was always the best at giving Edelgard advice, making her tea, cheering her up etc, so much so that castle maids would ask him for pointers when they wanted to do the same.
- We know that she’s looked up to Manuela for ages, but consider this: she has Manuela merch.
- And she isn’t afraid to show it.
- A painting of Manuela, beautiful and absolutely massive, hangs in her dorm room, and she refuses to take it down. (To be fair, it’s a beautiful painting)
- AHAHAH but honestly? We already know he accepting she is of everyone, no matter their class, so I’m certain she was the same with her fans at the opera house.
- She always treated them kindly, despite how tired she might have been after that particular performance.
- She managed to attain a stellar reputation as a result - people loooooooved her.
- So it’s a bit of a shock when she goes from the eccentric, lovable people who adore her and who she has connections with at the opera house to the snobby noble NPCs at the monastery, but she does what she’s always done, and kills them with kindness.
- And sass, accordingly.
- And her voice. (She probably has Chords of Steel ✊)
- His pride in his family's status has landed him a lot of dislike amongst the other noble families.
- Not that he ever cared, though; as long as his family were thriving, he could care less about what others say
- Diligent in his training since a young age. He has to be, in order to keep up with Edelgard
- ... even if she doesn't notice that he's trying to form a rivalry with her
- (oops)
- Spent all social occasions in her room, making no noise and pretending she didn’t exist.
- Depending on her parents’ attitudes, her shy nature either landed her sympathy or scorn. If they scorned her, this would explain why she prefers to practise her hobbies in the comfort of her own room.
- (It would also mean that I would leap into my switch to punch her parents herself)
- Felt much pressure to be conform to the typical self-assured noble role, which was a constant blow to her self esteem - especially because the ‘perfect’ noble, Edelgard, was right there, and easily comparable to her
- I’m pretty sure that she grows into her own throughout the course of the game, but since we’re talking about her past only, I can’t imagine that all the pressures of nobility would be good for her :(
- Why did she leave the Empire as a noble to settle as a commoner in the Kingdom?
- Methinks her family angered the nobles at court, and were forced to flee as a result. They didn’t agree with their methods/ideologies/etc, dared to speak out about it, and were threatened as a result
- It meant that Mercedes lost a lot of privilege and status as a result, but she didn’t mind. She could still heal others, and that was enough.
- She was initially lonely at the mage school before meeting Annette, although she was rather reluctant to admit it. However, the two of them soon became fast friends, and the rest is history
- (I headcanon that she only vaguely remembers Lorenz, which is a sucker punch to his ego lmao)
- Well-liked at court before her family’s fall to disgrace.
- Holds little ill-will towards those noble families that turned on her own - was only disturbed that they were that corrupt in the first place
- He and Dimitri had a bit of a personality swap through the years.
- As children, Dimitri was the wild, reckless hooligan, while Felix was the one desperately trying to reign him in, for fear of losing the prince of Faerghus to some tragic accident (i.e. he tried taming a bear) under his watch
- As they grew older, Dimitri became more responsible. Felix, on the other hand, went 'fuck it’ and went absolutely ham. By this I mean that he starts his little challenging rituals
- which lands him in a lot of trouble, sometimes, because as it turns out, challenging a fifty year old senior knight at the tender age of fifteen doesn’t tend to turn out very well
- Dimitri ends up being the one to exasperatedly chase after him.
- Despite his 'lone wolf’ proclamations, the main reason Felix fights alone because he wants to look cool.
- The others (except Ashe) don’t buy this for a second. They haven’t done so in YEARS.
- Dimitri earned Dedue's respect ever since the prince defended one of his younger siblings from a drunkard in the marketplace
- As repayment, he offered to serve as a retainer for a period of time. Ended up being permanent, because his respect for Dimitri grew exponentially the more he spent time with him
- Green fingered. Probably worked wonders with the plants in his hometown.
- Dimitri once asked if he could tend to the palace gardens. Once Dedue realised that it was either him or Felix armed with a scythe, he quickly took up the offer.
- Since then, as well as being a retainer, Dedue often oversees the upkeep of the gardens. It's hard work, but he enjoys it. He makes sure to leave the plants in capable hands before the Blue Lions set off for the monastery
- Ok yes I know that we technically know nothing about Ashe either, but... my boy. I must headcanon him
- Ever since he joined the Blue Lions, Ashe had always been seen as the 'baby' of the group. The little brother. The one to look out for.
- It's just his face, y'know? Gotta protect that smile. Even Felix has a soft spot for him
- It exasperated Ashe to no end, because he KNEW he was capable enough to hold his own. He was just... short, okay??
- (His protests don't stop the rest of the Blue Lions affectionately doting on him. Currently, it's become a bit of a running gag between the members)
- Ashe, fists clenched: fight me!
- The rest of the Blue Lions, shaking their heads, drawing lances and mouthing softly: do not
- They all know he's capable, really, but it's always been funny to wind him up like this, so they all continue to do so.
- Everyone else knows that fighting Ashe is futile. You try and duel him, and suddenly there's a gang of 8 absolute b e a s t s tearing you to shreds. It's not fun
- Seeing as he doesn't have a crest, Ashe is probably a commoner.
- How did he end up with the Blue Lions? Either his own skill at the time, or him having a lot of potential, or both. I'm leaning towards the latter
- Has horribly embarrassing anecdotes from his time at the mage school, which is why he is half thankful that Mercedes doesn't remember most of his blunders
- Annette remembers all of them, however.
- All of them.
- She uses these stories as blackmail material.
- Has always had a playful rivalry with Claude, but ultimately respects him. They play up their rivalry sometimes around the other nobles in the Alliance, just to create confusion
- Has an older sister who is infinitely more stylish and romantically successful than him. It pains him to even think about her success compared to his
- (doesn't stop him from knocking on her door for advice, though)
- Canonically spoilt by her father and older brother, yes. However, if you touch her family, and she will k i l l you
- s l o w l y
- so don't even think about it.
- Goes shopping and uses her poor brother as a shopping basket. The boy's groaning after five minutes. She smiles and adds more clothes onto his arm
- Her family can't resist her pleas... which caused quite a few petty squabbles. Imagine being Hilda's brother and getting a mug for Christmas, while you watch her get the cutest lil puppy, or something
- Despite this, she genuinely would do anything for her family. (even poison for them, if it came down to it...)
- His parents were killed in an accident, but for a long time Raphael felt guilty for not being able to do anything to save them, especially since he was so strong in the first place.
- What's the use of all his strength if he can't even protect his loved ones properly?
- Eventually, he pulls himself out of his slump. It takes a long time, but he realises that there's nothing he can do now except move forward and use his strength to protect those still living
- which is what he does! He gets Stronger, and uses his strength to protect his house.
- the others all admire how optimistic he is. His energy has always been infectious, and always draws out laughter from even the most despondent of people
- however, his constant training has always brought about shortages of training dummies for the Deer. Sometimes they go out to train, but there's just ... straw, in a heap on the floor.
- Raphael's optimism can't save him then 😤
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kazes-characters · 4 years ago
Aiden and Barrett
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Name: Aiden Christopher Summerville (he/she/they)
Height: 5'9"
Gender: Genderfluid
Sexuality: Likes men
Age: 35
Birthday: Feb 17th
Appearance: Medium length wispy blonde hair. Blue eyes.
Preferred Clothing: Anything that makes a statement.
Job(s): Fashion designer, diva
Relationships Past/Present: Has probably dated/had relationships with a dozen men including fellow designer Nathaniel Marc. Married to Barrett Chase.
Character and Lifestyle: Extrovert. Stylish, brash, outgoing, a bit overbearing at times. A diva to the core. Loves to showboat and show off. Loves crappy talk shows, social media and gossip.
General health: Normally pretty healthy, allergy to certain types of flowers
Strengths and Likes: Confident. Can work a room easily, talkative and friendly. Likes fine food and wine, fashion shows and socializing
Weaknesses and Dislikes: Hates showing weakness, gets grumpy when sick, lashes out. Doesn't like being told what to do. Has a tendency to act like they're better than others. Hates cheap wine and anything he finds unfashionable.
Family Background: Older brother Preston (who’s ace), older sister Camilla (who’s divorced and has two kids who are twins). Mother Fiona, father Thomas
Name: Barrett Sterling Chase (he/him)
Height: 6'0"
Gender: M
Sexuality: Gay
Age: 38
Birthday: Oct 25th
Appearance: Short but wavy black hair, hazel eyes.
Preferred Clothing: For work it’s always a suit. When not a work he normally still dresses formal, hardly wears jeans. Sports the business casual look.
Job(s): Lawyer for Williams, Noble and Oswald
Relationships Past/Present: Married to Aiden Summerville
Character and Lifestyle: Bit of a work-a-holic, doesn’t like being sick interfere with his job. Quiet bit of a recluse, may come off as snobby but he’s not.
General health: Usually pretty healthy unless he starts to overwork himself.  Allergic to cats.
Strengths and Likes: Loves to ski and sail, he has a boating license. Goal oriented. He's a great bartender as he worked as one while he was in school. Also loves to read, LOTR being his favorite.
Weaknesses and Dislikes: Doesn't take care of himself when he's sick (see work-a-holic), will push through stuff.
Family Background: Twin sister Cordelia
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Stories: The Diva and The Lawyer Drabbles | Give Em The Old Razzle Dazzle | Wedding Bell Blues
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theguildedtypewriter · 7 years ago
Planning It Out Part Two: Electric Boogaloo
So, you’ve now all seen the basic facts and run down about Arrow. Well, next was of course creating her foil character, and eventually love interest, Grey. He was quite loud during the process and simply would not let me finish fleshing out Arrow’s backstory before I got started on him, so this is actually from half way between starting Arrow’s basic characteristics and taking her personality tests. 
God damn Grey, just chill.
Any who, here are Grey’s basic characteristics. Again thanks to @thewritershelpers for the character sheet.
Full Name: Grey Mercenary of Ebora, was Garyth Nickname(s): None Age: 32 Date of Birth: July 26th Hometown: Ebora, a harbor town to the west Current Location: Céth
Ethnicity/ Nationality: Human, mercenary for theft, battle, guide, general mischief, from the same Northern Britain, Welsh, Celtic, Gaul area Gender: Male Pronouns: he/him Orientation: (romantic and sexual) Bisexual, demiromantic Religion: Mother believed in the Old Gods, but his father’s treatment made him believe that the world is simply a dark and cruel place. No religious beliefs. Sees there could be a plan once he starts seeing things with Arrow. Political Affiliation: Hates people who stand in the way of him making money, believes all politicians or lords/kings are corrupt and just want the most land. Occupation: Learned on the street, had a mentor of sorts in Cadman, the man who got him into mercenary work, they have a guild of sorts. He is quite smart, especially street smart, and is a crafty negotiator, very persuasive, has fought for quite a few armies, sometimes opposing sides during the same war. Mercenary, dislikes new leader of the guild, doesn’t mind most of his coworkers except for Iden(wealthy) the fence. He believes he takes too large a cut. Language(s) Spoken: speaks common, celtic, gaulish, ancient chinese, some african Accent: muddled, similar to ancient british
Physical appearance; how the character feels about their physical appearance: Grey is taller, fair but not overly pale skin, dark hair with long bangs that are side swept, green eyes, he is proud of his appearance, and works to maintain it, he comes off as a bit snobby but it is a defense mechanism because he grew up poor. Thinks looks are important and being charismatic is a crucial life skill.
Height: 6’0” Weight: 170 lbs. Build: Lean, but very muscular from battle, thinner Tattoos: can include links to images no Piercings: can include links to images no Clothing Style: Fine cloth shirt, leather pants, tall leather boots, all very fine, wears a few baubles on fingers, long chain around neck Usual Expression: proud smirk, one eyebrow raised Distinguishing Characteristics: nimble fingers and sharp tongue Health- Physical Ailments: google the proper medical terminology- just has old wound that aches on occasion Neurological Conditions: google the proper medical terminology- none Allergies: dogs Sleeping Habits: describe frequency, time spent, goes to sleep early/late, wakes up early/late- Stays up late and rises late, often at the brothel sleeping with people in his bed, rarely  falls asleep sober, when out on a gig, falls asleep by fire, dagger in hand as well as his money pouch, says it's an old mercenary habit but is concerned he’ll have his money stolen, heavier sleeper but still has training to protect himself. Eating Habits: describe if they have a special diet, healthiness, frequency, amount- loves food, eats at brothels and on the road a lot. He is willing to try anything. Will spend a pretty penny on wine and other alcohol. Exercise Habits: describe the type, frequency, exertion- sporadically exercises, loves to practice throwing his dagger at stumps, regularly climbing and runs as a part of position but doesn’t “exercise.” Emotional Stability: rate from 1-10 or describe/give reasons- 6, he is very cut off from his fears and true desires, he is reckless, a bit snobby, has several defense mechanisms to keep people at a distance. Sociability: do they prefer to be alone or with other people, do they require alone time, how do they feel when alone/being social?- Enjoys being with whores, doesn’t really like to get serious with anyone, not even friendship, doesn’t like being alone however, then he is too much in his head and haunted by the past.
Family Father: can include the name/age/occupation of birth, step, sperm donor, adoptive, figure, etc. See above and Bricriu (the poison tongued) he was always a right bastard and abusive. Arrested frequently, when he still had a job he was a merchant who sold furs, fur trapper, didn’t want a family and kids but got mother pregnant and was just noble enough to stay with her and help, sort of. Mother: can include the name/age/occupation of birth, step, egg donor, adoptive, figure, etc. See above and Deirdre (sorrowful), was a naive girl who fell for a jerk and wound up pregnant, not very smart but sweet, gets stepped on by her husband, sees he doesn’t love her eventually and resents having gone with him. Sibling(s): can include name/age of blood, half, step, adoptive, etc. Two brothers, full Family’s Financial Status: Poor
Hogwarts House: Slytherin Moral Alignment: Neutral/Chaotic Good Primary Vice: Lust, Gluttony/Greed, Pride, Envy Primary Virtue: Temperance and Prudence will be needed, as well as a bit of Justice, has fortitude Element: Fire
And of course, he has his own Enneagram and personality test results. I even figured out zodiac signs for my two main OCs things time! Crazy! 
Next time on planning it out: Look for exploration of Enneagrams, zodiac signs, and more! Or maybe just lions, and tigers, and bears. Oh my!
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sys-aurastella · 7 years ago
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Tagging : @lordfluffyvoice , @floating-head , @thefrozenpyro, @negevsthebear.  Also pretty much anyone else in the FC/Raid Static or just who else wants in on the fun. 
What is your full name? “Like it say on the paper, Olympia Bhulrn”
What do your friends call you? She muses over the question as she begins listing them off “ Often times people just call me “Boss” since I’m the leader of my Free Company, Shuffle Alliance. Whether it’s formal or they say it in jest, I can’t tell sometimes. It’s the same when they jest over my title of Warrior of Light saying things “Oh look at the savior of Eorzea! Oh great savior, please pass the pepper!” The miqo’te chuckles as she continues to list -  “ Rolanberry Cat, Red, and well.. then there’s always Olly.”   Olympia looks a bit conflicted as she answers, “ I only let my old friends call me that one. It’s got a special meaning to it I don’t like to easily hand out.”
What is your favorite animal? “I’m not sure actually!  Growing up in Gridania and with my conjurer background, I always felt close to nature. That includes all manner of animals and- oh okay fine fine, Dogs and Foxes are just absolutely adorable but I suppose..The lesser panda would have to take the cake. My mother was a merchant and used to travel all across the land. Growing up we had a lesser panda that I adored named Miss Retsuko.”
Where were you born?
“ Like I kinda mentioned, Gridania. Grew up in the twelveswoods and all! Funny how a miqo’te of Sun Seeker origin wound up there of all places.”
Do you have children?
She begins to stutter and become visibly flustered, ‘What!? Oh no-no! I mean, I’d love to settle down..have kids and retire from this line of work but..well.. One doesn’t exactly QUIT being the Warrior of Light.”
“Maybe one day, I’ll have my own kits. Now that’ll be something, a humble ol’ miqo’te living a quiet life..”
Is there a person/people you love? Without hesitation she bluntly states “ Makise Tera.  She’s been by my side for about three..four years now? I couldn’t ask for a more faithful and strong partner. We’ve saved each other’s hides more time than I bother to count!” Olympia crosses her arms and pinches the bridge of her nose “ .. And she also flusters me to no end sometimes with her incessant teasing and jests when we’re alone. I’ve fought against all manner of beasts, voidsent and warriors but she’s one woman I just can’t beat.”
What is your favorite color? “ White and Red. Those are the colors of the robe I received back when I first became a White Mage. I couldn’t of been prouder to wear those garments.” she says with a warm smile.
What is your full occupation? “ Okay come on now-  I’m pretty sure I have a reputation by now! After all, everyone comes asking for my attention every other second! I guess if you have to get a proper reply”, she clears her throat, and crosses her arms.
“ Free Company leader of the Shuffle Alliance. We’re a peacekeeping company that tries to resolve conflicts. Preferably before things break out into utter hells. If they do though, we can handle it. We were recently tasked in helping the Ala Mhigan and Doman liberation.” “...Oh right, I guess the Warrior of Light counts as a full time occupation too.”
Are you good at physical fighting? “ I..suppose I am now. In the very least, I’m somewhat competent. Until this past year, I was a White Mage and embraced my support role. With our most recent job in assisting in liberation I’ve um.. changed from that.”  
Olympia touches the long scar on the right side of her face. It starts from her cheek and ends nearly at her nose
Which form are you best at? “I’ve picked up the sword and shield. I’ve been training tirelessly to strengthen my body and skills with it. I’ve really needed to become stronger and push my limits.”
What about magic?
“ Oh magic? That’s probably still my forte. I mean, it’s what I’m mostly known for as a healer!”
Which type are you best at? There’s an annoyed tone in her voice as having to repeat herself again “.White Magic and Conjuration are my tried and true specialties. I know some basic thaumaturgy.”
Craftsmanship? “Growing up in Gridania, I naturally picked up a couple skills. I’m pretty decent with a Carpenter’s saw!”
Any other skills? "Hells if I know proper. Does writing count? I’ve been writing off and on accounts of my journies as memoirs.”
Are you an only child? " That I am. I’m half lalafell and half miqo’te. My parents had a rather difficult time just to get me.”
Where do you see yourself in five years?
“ Whenever I’m needed I suppose. I’m kind of a slave to destiny and the title I bear. I gotta go where trouble is brewing.”  
Have you ever almost died? " Too many times to count. Way too many times.”
Do you have a secret, not just a secret, but like a really big secret hardly anyone knows? " Now if I did, Why would I bring it up? Kind of defeats the purpose of what a secret is, huh?”
Salty or sweet? " Sweet! um..No Salty! Um.. Look both are REALLY good! You can’t just make me decide like that!”
Do you like yourself? ‘ “I..suppose”  “ That’s a hard question. I wanna say that I guess I do?  It’s not like I DISLIKE myself but I could always be better.”
Do you believe in the Twelve? " It’s hard not for me to believe with everything I’ve seen.”
Are you religious?
Olympia begins to laugh at the question , “ I mean, I’m not especially pious. I believe in the twelve and what not but that doesn’t stop me from having ill feelings about the subject. 
Do you carry prejudice with you?
I’m at odds with my relationship with the Mother cr-”  Olympia stops for a second to reconsider her thoughts. “You know, this is a really complicated and touchy subject. I guess something that really grinded on me were how haughty some Ishgardian nobles were. Lineage this, family achievements that, they put so much laurels into the past they didn’t work for themselves.”
What do you consider entertainment?
“Books! Books and reading! I grew up reading stories of adventurers and their tales!  If I could own a library, I could just read on end!” 
Favorite drink?
“ mmn....Frozen Spirits are always good to unwind to.”
Do you have any family traditions?
“ I can’t think of any of the top of my head to be quite honest. I had a pretty typical upbringing, nothing too terribly unique.” “I do make time to celebrate my Free Company members. They risk life and limb for their services. The Shuffle Alliance and company always celebrates after a job well done.”
Are you a good person?
“ I wanna say I am but how presumptuous would that be to say outright, eh? I’m a person that’s always wanting to strive for betterment.”  “..Guess that still sounds kinda snobby, haha”
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chrissyrants · 8 years ago
Pretty sure you’ve been here before. On my page that is. I’ve never claimed to hate or dislike ALL of her fans. In fact, in my most recent actual rant I’m pretty sure I specified my dislike to twitter fans. And on top of that, I’m pretty sure I’ve said somewhere else (I’d have to look to be sure) that it isn’t all of them but majority of them. And no offense, but you seemed to have taken offense to that statement which leads me to believe that you probably say things and act like the type of fan that I hate. Cause if you’re not then it wouldn’t affect you much. No fandom is perfect, that’s obvious, but if I identify myself as part of a fandom and someone says that they hate that specific fandom, I’m not gonna feel offended over it because I don’t do anything to make myself specifically be hated. It’s a generalized statement that pointed out nobody specifically. I do not like her fans. At all. They’re snobby and stuck up and just overall annoying and hypocritical. They preach ‘love only’ because it’s Camila’s mantra then they practice hatred towards the girls or their fans or anyone that dislikes Camila or her voice/music/endorsements. They have this superiority complex that makes them believe that they are better than everyone else and that Camila is also better than everyone else. And it’s annoying. And yeah, there are harmonizers and other fandoms that do the same. But Camilizers will NEVER point out if Camila has done something wrong or if she didn’t sound good in a performance but will jump at the chance to do that to 5H. They’re quick to tear down 5H to build Camila up and that’s not at all what she stands for. She’s perfect and can do no wrong. She could be robbing a man right in front of them and they’ll spin it to be something noble. And that’s again, annoying and a huge reason why I don’t like her fanbase.
And, since you felt the need to come at me in the post about people latching on to hate, I’ll tell you this. That post was made based on tweets that I had personally seen. It was based on responses to Dan’s tweet about how 5H was shady and rude and how they’re ‘divas’ because they didn’t want to answer his bullshit questions about their personal lives & Camila. That post was BEFORE that interview came out and before he released a snippet of it so he can capitalize off of them in order to boost his probably poor podcast numbers. It was based on the “we been knew” tweets and the tweets calling 5H names and saying that they were hiding something or just outright tearing them down in the name of Camila because they didn’t want to answer questions about her 9 months after her departure when they have an album coming out next week. So, I take back the “no offense”, you absolutely are the type of fan that I hate because you just jump to conclusions about something before actually getting the facts first. You can look at the date that that specific post was made. It wasn’t yesterday or today. It wasn’t condemning the fans she has that pointed out that 5H was treated unfairly in that interview. It wasn’t condemning those who mind their own business when it comes to things like that. It was condemning those who immediately latch onto something negative about them just because they feel like Camila is superior to them in every way. Just because Camila answered the questions that SHE should’ve answered about her departure and they didn’t want to. That’s who it was referring to. And since you’re calling me a hate fueling person, kiss my ass and block me. Cause once again, you’re absolutely the person I was referring to when I said I hate Camilizers. Next time, just ask me what I meant before resorting to conclusions of false information.
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