#( ahhh. i tried to get her to say 'she's a friend' but she's so stubborn until the very end )
inkybinkyboink · 1 year
better call saul knitting headcanons >:)
k i did this for breaking bad but like im cooler now so im gonna do it for bcs
jimmy: i think his mom tried teaching him but he never took to it. the only time he’s used yarn is for pranks on friends, tripping over a chord, that kind of thing.
kim: hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i wanna say yes but i know the answer is no she just...idk man. it doesnt seem like her thing. i could maybe see her quilting???
chuck: pfft. yeah. loser. 
howard: no but he watches chuck with amour and adoration. 
nacho: i said this last time and i’ll say it again. this bitch sews in canon so YEAH he would knit. big intimidating man knitting? fucking 1000% yes.
lalo: for some reason his brain cant function with two needles, but he can wrap his head around crochet, so i think he crochet’s. but only exclusively blankets because he’s insanely patient like that.
werner: ok i have this headcanon that werner knits, and it just like. it works so well ok. like. knitting can get really mathy really quick and i feel like he’s the kind of person to make formulas for hats and socks and stuff and like ahhh it just :,)
rich schweikart: yeah! yknow how cliff main has his whole guitar thing? i think rich knits! that would be funny and cute ok lowkey i fucking stan rich schweikart.
bill oakley: bill oakley thinks he’s the best fibre artist in the world but then wonders how he added 5 extra stitches and why his project is completely lopsided (it’s awful, there’s holes, his tension isnt consistent, but he’s too stubborn to ask for help)
paige novick: she knits and crochets baby clothes :)
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itzpris15634 · 21 days
Another ask about French Pepzi (if that's the ship name we're going with)
Pepper loooooves to fluster her partners at any chance she gets. She just thinks it's really funny to see their faces get all red with just a couple of words. And she won't admit it, she finds it pretty cute too.
But whenever Mitzi and Clement try to fluster Pepper, it ends up backfiring somehow. It just doesn't work on her no matter how hard they try. They both have no idea how to fluster her until her friends make some offhand comments
"Fluster her? Oh, that's easy, just complement her looks!"
"No... I think they're going with seeing her visibly flustered, she's too good at hiding it if you just complement how she looks."
"Oh! Oh! Just make her complement herself! She can't stand it!"
So basically what her friends tell the two is that whenever Pepper tells a self deprecating joke, they won't leave Pepper alone until she says something nice about herself. And since it takes awhile for her to do that (she's very stubborn) they decide to speed up the process. Yeah, they kind of just tickle her until she finally says something
Mitzi and Clement just look at each other and shrug. Yeah there's probably many other ways, but they're desperate okay??? Leave them alone >:(
So next time Pepper says something like "I'm telling you, Clement. I can't learn another language to save my life, I'm just too dumb for any of it to stick!" All it takes is a poke to the stomach that she knows what's gonna happen, she's been through this many times before with her friends. So yeah, they do that while Clement and Mitzi are just like "just say you're smart, and we'll stop."
Pepper ends up finally going "OKAY, OKAY, I'M SMART!" And those two let her go, letting her catch her breath. And sure enough, Pepper's face is bright red, about damn time. (They know there were easier ways but they did it! And that's what matters)
Once Pepper can talk again she says "You guys are jerks..." Clement and Mitzi give her a kiss on each cheek and says that she had it coming.
(Pepper is definitely plotting against her friends once she learns that they exposed her)
“Oh! Oh! Just get her to compliment herself! She can’t stand that!” I read in Minka’s voice.
Iiiiiiii guess French Pepzi is the ship name now!
Ahhh yes this is exactly how to get through to Pepper. Forcing her to make the compliments herself ^^ But at the same time that’s kinda said cuz- yeah, yknow.
It works for Clement and Mitz though. Getting Pepper to appreciate herself (though who knows how long that will take) And they get a cute reaction out of her.
The thing is, Pepper makes those jokes a lot anyway, it’s kind of a habitual thing. So she gets “attacked” like that quite frequently. She tries to amp it cause she secretly likes the attention cause she hopes it gets to the point her partners will eventually get tired of their techniques, but she’s surprised by how determined they are at it.
Betcha that learning language thing is her being jealous of how ambitious Zoe is to want to learn a new language just for the fun of it.
What if Clement and Pomela started teaching Mitz and Pepper French too??? Idk, I think it’d be cute. But then it might expand into a whole class or something lol.
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dauntlessdiva · 3 months
i wish my stranger things Huge hyperfix was still around :( i miss having brainrot over steddie and such yk? but it’s still lovely to see it on my dash depsite not participating as much anymore. and the fic idea is so good??? i think i’ll go and add some of your fics on ao3 to my read later list! :]
i have tried to watch d20 and specifically fantasy high… i think i got to, like, episode 2 or 3 of season 1. my brain can’t comprehend all of the talking and trying to keep up with story. i love dnd so much and i’d love to delve into d20 more and also critical roll. feel free to talk to me about it anytime! who’s your favorite fantasy high characters??
i also have never watched bridgerton! i’ve seen posts on here about it but i really have no clue what it’s about! i’m guessing it’s british but i’m not even sure about that lol. it’s lovely to watch something with your family like that, it’s really sweet
OH SAME!! i love minecraft and i love baking and i love watching crochet stuff but i don’t participate in the hobby. tell me some of your favorite things about minecraft, your favorite things to bake, your favorite crochet project possibly?
i love music so much AHHH!!! who’s your top 3 artists? or what are some of your favorite songs right now? personally, there’s a new album coming out soon that i’m really excited for! and new music actually released tonight for me as well, just has been a great music month for me ^w^
(hope this is okay, i mean, to send multiple asks as conversation!)
I love this, it's like getting letters but online.
(This is what email wishes it could be)
I also have a hard time concentrating on the words with d20, but also woth podcasts and audiobooks too, so I typically find another task to do to keep my ears engaged. Like I'll listen to Dimension 20 while I bake! Or I'll draw in my sketchbook while listening to an audiobook.
In terms of my favourite character from Fantasy High, it's a tie between Fig and Gorgug. My angry little sweethearts.
Bridgerton IS British! And if you like regency era romance vibes but don't care so much about the historical accuracy, then you'd probably like it. There's a lot of sex scenes though so do with that what you will.
My favourite Bridgerton character is Anthony Bridgerton. He's the eldest and he's so stubborn that I wanna box his ears sometimes, but he is also a sweetheart.
My dad likes to hog the tv for the majority of the week, and we have family movie nights all together on Saturday nights. But on Friday nights, my dad invites his buddies/our neighbours over to hang out in the garage for some beers and good conversation, and me, my mom, and my sister will all go watch something on Netflix together.
We've been doing it since Stranger Things season 4 part 2 came out, and we will just sit and binge entire shows a few episodes at a time.
I may be aging myself with this one, (and that feels so odd to say as someone who just turned 25 last month) but my favourite minceracft youtuber has got to be Vintagebeef. I started watching him when he was in his second season playing on the Mindcrack server (it was their 3rd season I believe), back when I was 12.
I love watching him on the Hermitcraft server these days, and it's nice to see him interacting and having fun with minecraft legends of old and new. I also love any Team Canada (Vintagebeef, Ethoslab, and PauseUnpause) videos. It's as fun as it is chaotic, and it's always very chaotic.
I found a recipe online to turn cake mix into cookies by modifying the wet ingredients, and I have been having so much fun getting creative with those on my days off work since I discovered it sometime last fall.
(My favourite ones so far would have to be the marbled cookies. They are to die for)
My favourite crochet projects, to date, are the baby blanket I made for my best friend's little boy, and the dice bags I recently made for my friend and I (she invited me to join my first ever dnd campaign with her)
My top three music artists right now would be Noah Kahan, Chappell Roan, and Hozier (with a shout out to Benson Boone)
But my all time faves? Marianas Trench, Fall Out Boy, and AC/DC
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kankuroplease · 1 year
Momma senju sacrificing herself for itama is so tragic yet bittersweet ahhh 😭 I really wonder how that traumatic experience influenced his development, personality and how he copes with it. Also, does that it have any influence on how he approaches his relationship with gou/ how he behaves in terms of romance?
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He blames himself for her death. Maybe if he didn’t hesitate from fear and fought beside her, things would have ended differently.
Before he was timid but still tried to have a more positive outlook on life and followed his brothers about all the time
Afterwards he became a reclusive member of their clan. Only emerging for missions, the occasional bro outing, and to train when most people are done with their own training
He still has the same reoccurring nightmare of that night and wakes up in cold sweat, so he never has good rest.
His disassociation when being yelled at came from this traumatic event because his father let him know it was his fault. He also tends to isolate himself from the others because it’s hard to face his clan now.
His main coping mechanism is meditation with Hashirama, but he also skips joining him when he’s not doing mentally well. He also talks to himself to calm himself down and gets really embarrassed if someone catches him.
As for romance, he has a hard time getting close to others romantically because the whole concept of telling this hypothetical person he loves about his mother makes him feel sick.
So falling for Gou was hard on him. Not only did she view him as a cute friend, she’s also more optimistic and open than himself. Which made it difficult to express his feelings for her
and also why this piece is a big deal for him in this au. He never touches others hands for fear they’ll see the odd scars on his hands. So by taking her hand it’s him showing willingness to let her get to know him/his fears
he also couldn’t stand the thought of her gentle smile towards him disappeared because of his actions in the past.. but she hugged him and told him he’s done well and his mother still lives on through him and his brothers. She did what any good soldier would do so she wouldn’t have to bury her child.
Gou helps him through his rare panic attacks without any hesitation and always seems to have the right thing to say to make him feel secure
He doesn’t always like teaming up with Gou for missions, it’s really sweet that she’s so protective of him. And he loves that about her but..
Sometimes he needs her to fall back for his sanity regarding her safety but she’s stubborn and it stress him out
Once she challenges him on his reasoning, that’s when he’d finally express how he feels and why. Which of course Gou gets, but she doesn’t want to leave him to fight alone. They’re a team after all 🥲
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detectiveneve · 1 year
for the OC ask thing: 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48 :-)
questions here.
Sorry for the late response! and thank you so much for the questions ahhh
48. Do they enjoy any parties? If so what kind? Do they organise the party or just turn up? How do they act? What if they didn’t want to go but were dragged along by a friend?
I think. that emrys at a party would be the funniest thing ever. for everyone except her. and by that I mean she generally does not have the social skills to even TRY to blend into any sort of society; never tried, doesn't see the point, will never see the point. she would show up to 1. protect someone else, or 2. if dared, perhaps, or bullied into it by someone she cares for. she will stand awkwardly at one of the doors or windows, pet your dog, outline the most likely places one could be attacked from and the flimsy security of your home. eat the food. grunt at anyone trying to mingle with her. then leave.
24. What is their sleeping pattern like? Do they snore? What do they like to sleep on? A soft or hard mattress?
very light sleeper. she was wandering around prior to getting kidnapped by the mindflayers, either living on the road or in peoples barns if they would let her stay, or when she was in baldurs gate, at the temple there, staying in the city literally only to look for trouble & if she cannot find it she will probably accidentally create it (too stubborn for her own good here). anyways, because of that plushy beds make her uncomfortable. slight noises wake her up. she can fall asleep in 2 seconds and take a ten minute nap and be ready to go for the next several hours running on 3 hours of sleep type beat. someone needs to hit her over the head really hard so she can have her full 8 hours.
32. What do they dress like? What sorta shops do they buy clothes from? Do they wear the fashion that they like? What do they wear to sleep? Do they wear makeup? What’s their hair like?
She does not shop.............. at all. She mends everything she owns until it's obsolete, buys only what is necessary. She keeps exactly what she needs on her and nothing more, nothing less. so she's got two outfits on rotation and they look extremely similar to each other; plain garb, leaning toward "masculine" technically although I dont know how much faerun clocks that. the default camp clothes are pretty close to what she would wear anyways, so. she doesn't think about fashion at all I have to say, and if anyone asked her about it she'd make a 404 error bluescreen face. no indulgences no finesse no panache. she's plain and simple and has never worn makeup a day in her life. doesn't want to, either. if someone tried to doll her up she'd be weirded out. her hair is a little bit past her shoulders and she keeps it in a gay little princely ponytail, but if she let it loose it would be all poofy and curly and the kind of hair that would look 10/10 being shaken out of a helmet.
8. Did they have pets as a child? Do they have pets as an adult? Do they like animals?
Emrys was brought up in a temple, she made friends with mouser cats and local farm dogs in the her village below. so, no actual pets for her, but she was much beloved by said half feral mouser cats. and she was a bit of a horrendous child that would sneak in rodents and such into the temple to feed & care for & maybe also sneak into other children’s beds if they were mean to her. so…. if that counts.
16. Do they collect anything? What do they do with it? Where do they keep it?
Hmmm…. at the beginning of the game, no, she doesn’t collect anything. too austere and “if I have any personal items or desires I will literally die” for that. after the game she collects weird weapons and esoteric books. jocknerd to the end.
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benefits1986 · 1 month
Good Grief
Is there such a thing as good grief, really?
Apart from Hello Kitty and Archie Comics, my nonchalant mother dragon loved Charlie Brown. She even got me a cassette tape that's an audiobook in today's world about the adventures of Charlie Brown and his friends. I find it funny because she really has her way of getting into me. I asked her why she didn't get me a "real" toy. In her true fashion, she looked at me and dropped her mic. She said that toys are flashy things and that books are the way to go. She proceeded with reminding me to tune in and observe how the conversations between Charlie Brown and his buddies pan out.
I guess I was five years old, then? I'm shaking my head in real life, right now. Ahhh. Mom. You. Are. Adamantium. Side Note: Palakpak tenga na naman nanay kong OG ng mga OG sa kabilang ibayo neto. LEKAT. Her RBF is smirking and her beady eyes are glimmering. LUHHH.
"Good grief" is Charlie Brown's favorite line. I didn't get it then and stumbling upon it in this era is very curious. Bots shared that the first time "Good grief" was mentioned in print dates back to 1952. Mom's birth year is 1953. Damn. This makes this "stumbled upon" bit even more interesting.
When is grief good?
As I try to come in peace amidst the chaos in the name of my probinsiyana lifegoals, let's get deep and dark.
Grief is something I shut down for 12 years. Crazy, I know. Grief is not something I was prepared for. As I shared previously, my stress language is delulu solulu fixer mode. I thought that when I gave into grieving, I actually flushed myself down the drain. Why so? For eight years, I also shut down my emotions, 99.9% of the time. I felt that it's easier and less risky to appear strong since my family is pretty much in shambles. It's not even about ego, looking back. It's all about choosing the higher and mightier ground doused with very immature choices. This boils down to a lived experience that I didn't see coming at all.
Case in point ng .9% ng emotional shitshow ko: Iiyak ako 'pag naglilinis ng banyo. Why? Malakas 'yung tunog ng tubig sa gripo 'di ba? Tapos syempre, ako lang mag-isa sa banyo. O kaya naman, my go-to Eiga Sai or Cinemalaya or whatever movie na talaga namang may "excuse" umiyak kasi 'di talaga ako makaiyak. Tapos 'yung iyak ko pa, madalas walang tunog pero 'pag meron na, taccaaa. 4D siya, mhie. Sobrang rare niyan kasi nga we the the bitches on the bus mode ako e. Parang mas gusto ko na lang mamatay kesa umiyak at tumawa. Ang lala na naman ng red flag na 'to. But, yeah. Shitshow 10000000x tayo diyan. Tabi. Side Note: Akala ng mga tao, independent XX ako or queer person saka cultured kunong kulugo. Nakakatawa talaga kasi ang totoo, bobo ako sa emotional eme. 'Yun lang talaga siya. 'Pag may gusto akong i-unlock na emotion, either linis 'yan (e 'di naman ako mahilig maglinis bilang mess is best) or film na akala mo kung anong gusto patunayan sa mundo.
I don't know if it's about being the firstborn. Heck. I don't even know if it's about being mom's go-to child when she has an SOS. I don't even see it as being the protector of my vulnerable home, then.
What I see today is that I'm but stubborn. I like resolving conflicts especially when my connections and my relationship are at stake. That's it. And I also like getting things my way, be it a highway to hell or a stairway to heaven. I just want to do it because not doing it will mean that I'm useless. Perhaps it has to do with my love language which are time and service. Not even sure if those are accurate, but hey, this is my space.
What I see today is that I'm but this kid who tried her best to choose the road less taken. It wasn't easy. It wasn't ideal. But it sure is very real, and very life-changing. It might have been fucked up to the point that I had to be in the darkroom for 12 years. But hey, we're here now. EEEEEE, 2ne1. CHOZ.
Good grief is here and now. My intuition tells me that it's time for me and dad to really heal together. Honestly, the only reason I've been looking after my dad is because mom made sure I get this shit done. There's no benefit for me... then. There's no sentimental vibe that goes with it, let alone an emotional one. See? I'm super transactional. Funny how a number of people think that I'm a daddy's girl. YUCK. I still feel like barfing when I hear this. However, when I saw my dad fucked up when we had to help my ina get her well-deserved final bow back in Q1 2023, the paradigm shift took over. It wasn't easy to go beyond transactions because I had the upper hand. I experienced how to bring a mom to the other side seamlessly. And, remember? I shared that I had this thing when I know that dad will go through this and that I don't wish this grief to engulf him a la Dementor's Kiss. Though I am transactional, I am but semi-heartless.
These days, dad and I are evolving into a duo. OPAK. Para kaming Tatay Kong Pakitong-kitong pero hindi masyadong misogynist na on track pagiging progressive and wait for it... pumo-postmodern and kinda queer appreciation classes for him. Pero syempre, as a dad, gusto pa rin niya talaga ng apo sa ngalan ng pagiging only daughter niya. TACCCAAA. Ibang usapan na 'yan because my time is up soon. Manifesting menopause era this 2024 talaga para tapos na. Walang ng mintis sa gusto ko. Hahahahaha. Para super sure just in case, alam mo naman... Abangan!
Grief and losing a mom.
That pain? It's super out of this world. It seeps inside and wreaks havoc silently. It kills you even when you know you're still breathing and waking up. That pain? It's super unfathomable even when you have a penchant for knitting words creatively. It's numbing and piercing at the same time. It's like breathing without living. It's like having a tabula rasa even when all you want to do is hang onto to all the non-tabula rasa in the universe you shared with your loved one. It's a surrender that you know should be done, but you are human. You are but human, after all.
It's probably my first time to have this "prime" lens out and about. OPAK. Sino ka diyan? True ba? Or baka mood swing lang na naman 'to? LOL. Abangan.
Where's the good in grief?
It's when you allow that grief to take over your very flawed existence. it's when you share your horrible and very graphic stories to people who matter. It's when you choose to let people in no matter how fucked up your trust issues are. It's when you choose hope amidst all the hurt and the voices inside your head. It's when you cut the noise inside you not because you are shutting down your emotions. It's pretty much about allowing the darkroom to take its course and process your lights and shadows. LUH.
I can go on and on, but, let this be a reminder that good grief is about moving forward, and choosing to live especially when choosing to die is super inviting. Hahahaha. Eto na naman po. Ang aga. Choosing to live when you've had grief from losing the best connection in your existence is an avalanche. Choosing not to die is a small win and a constant struggle. Always. Sometimes. Never never, too. Ahhhh. But, yeah! Let's see. Let it be. PS1: Siguro kaka-AI shizzzummzzzz lang 'to sa ngalan ng overactive imagination ko na feel na feel ko na eto na nga ang HER era. Tapos 'yung color grading sa utak ko, as in mala Joaquin Phoenix tapos ano... hahahaha. Tapos sana voice ko malapit man lang kay Scarlett to the tune of... probinsiyana goals super on track. Simple lang ang buhay, sabi nga ng ina ko. Pati ng nanay kong dragon, so try nating simplehan.
Naluha talaga ako nung may progress na-share sa akin in line with this 2024 probinsiyana paganaps. Iba talaga 'pag pangarap mo talaga na 'di bound ng mga shitshow ng social constructs. Iba 'pag natupad 'yung mga nasa journal mo or ano mang alternative nito like 'yung OSY (out of school youth) delulu era ko. 'Yung galak tumatagos. The why and why not are fucking aligned, finallllyyyy, babyyyy!
Dad said nga na H1 2024 happened to fucking push me out my status quo and para sa lifegoal ko. Galing noh? It's graphic, horrific, and fantastic. One for the books din naman. Iba rin.
PS2: Eto 'yung post na ang gaan ng kaibuturan ko after ma-ire. It's above beyond my buttery keyboard, which is super rare. Siguro, eto na nga 'yun. Sana. And for whatever it's worth, just in case may ma-stumble upon 'to, maka-help din kahit unti lang kasi grief ain't a topic that's talked about talaga. And sana, magkaroon din ng discourses about this na outside peer-reviewed journals. Brene Brown, pray for us. Santa Ajumma Beyonce and Blessed Chapell, pray for us. Saints 2ne1 in JP, ilapag mo na me. Hahahahahaha.
PS3: Super looooveeee talaga kasi may not 1 but 2 chances of winning the lottery na meeee sa JP concert ng 2ne1. How? Sobrang love ko travel buddy ko na one of the connections niya right inside JP, nag-offer sa akin. Hahahaahah. Plus scalper mode is on since hustlers naman sa mga concerts 'tong hood na 'to. Hay. Alssssssooo, I scored a legit vintage shirt na first concert nila online. OWEEEEM. So, talagang hahanapin ko 'yung last lightstick nila sa JP na lang bilang sobrang taas na lalo at agawang-buko na dito sa Pinas. Let's grind, bibiiiiiii.
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mijiplays · 2 years
【[Funkuro Valentine’s Day 2022] Matilda [Sweet Temptation] special story translations (All parts)】
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Keep in mind that these translations are not official since I’ve relied on various translation machines and tried my bestest to make it understandable as possible. If there are any concerns or mistakes anyone would like for me to go back and correct/edit, please kindly let me know so I can fix them!
Part 1 
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The 1st turn Sweet temptation
Valentine's Day, after school
After a hectic day, Matilda and her friends are on their way home
Walking along the shopping streets filled with Valentine's Day decorations
Matilda: "Valentine's Day will soon be over..."
Matilda: "Truffles, Ganache, Gateau chocolates..."
Matilda: "Just looking at the showcases makes me excited"
Matilda: "Ahhh- Matchi wants chocolates too"
Kanna: "If you wanted to eat them so badly"
Kanna: "Wouldn't it have been better if you had prepared your own portion along with Hao-sama's portion?"
Marion: "Mari thinks so too"
Matilda: "But it's Valentine's day right?"
Matilda: "I'd rather have someone's else valentine's chocolates than prepare it for myself!"
Kanna: "Hmm... Is that so?"
Matilda: "That's how it should be!"
Matilda: "Kanna-chan, you wouldn't know because you received them"
Marion: "...Then, did you want to get the same matches like Kanna-chan?"
Matilda: "I don't know, it just... It looked amazing to be chased around"
Marion: "Kanna-chan was very popular"
Kanna: "Ha...Don't bring that story back up"
Kanna: "In general, if you get it from someone you don't usually get involved with, you'll just get confused"
Matilda: "That might be true but... Oh, right!"
Matilda: "Kanna-chan, Mari-can, give me some chocolates!"
Kanna: "Huh?"
Kanna: "Why should I give them to you?"
Marion: "There is no reason to give away Hao's-sama special chocolates to Matchi"
Matilda: "Don't say that! We're friends!"
Kanna: "Yes, yes don't be silly. I'm going"
Marion: "Mhm"
Matilda: "W-wait a minute"
Matilda: "Hm?"
Jeanne: "............"
Matilda: 'The student council president? What's she's doing here in a place like this?'
Matilda: 'That noisy vice president is not here either...... It's rare to see her without him'
Matilda: 'She acts like a decent person but she's sneaking around afterschool'
Matilda: "............"
Matilda: 'Kanna-chan and Mari-chan are gone...'
Matilda: 'Well, I guess it won't hurt to kill some time'
Part 2 
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The Second turn Tailgating, GO
After school, Matilda saw Jeanne walking in the shopping district
Out of curiosity, she secretly followed her
Jeanne: "............"
Matilda: "............"
Matilda: 'What business does she have here?'
Matilda: 'It doesn't look like she's meeting anyone...'
Jeanne: "I think I heard it was around in this area but--"
Jeanne: "...? Oh? It looks like this is the store"
Matilda: 'eh'
Shopkeeper: "Welcome!"
Matilda: 'Hey, that store...'
Matilda: 'Hmm'
Matilda: 'In the end, the stubborn student council president is after all a human child'
Matilda: 'I can't believe she came to buy chocolates without telling the vice president!'
Jeanne: "Haa..."
Matilda: 'Oh crap, she's out already!?'
Jeanne: "Oh?"
Jeanne: "Hello Matilda-san, how are you?"
Jeanne: "Hehe, it's a coincidence to see you here"
Matilda: "Ah, Ah... Uhm..."
Jeanne: "Is Matilda-san shopping too?"
Matilda: "Yes...Well something like that. The president of the student council is shopping for chocolate..."
Matilda: "...I mean, you didn't buy anything"
Jeanne: "Yes..."
Jeanne: "To tell you the truth, I came here to buy some chocolates to show my gratitude..."
Jeanne: "I'm not used to this kind of thing..."
Matilda: "Huh?"
Matilda: 'So that's what it is, what a bore'
Matilda: '...Well, I thought it would be something like that'
Jeanne: "Uhm, if you don't mind"
Jeanne: "Could you please help me look for some chocolates?"
Matilda: "Huh? Why should I help you?"
Jeanne: "I know how you feel"
Jeanne: "But, I have no one else to rely on... So please"
Matilda: "uu..."
Jeanne: "............"
Matilda: "Ah ok fine! It can't be helped, just this one time ok!?"
Jeanne: "Well...! You are finally going to take it on!"
Jeanne: "Thank you so much"
Part 3
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The third turn Trick or Chocolate?
Matilda: "Oh that's right, didn't you said you wanted to show your appreciation"
Matilda: "The student council president wants to give chocolates to whom..."
Jeanne: "Everyone in the student council"
Matilda: "Well, if that's the case then simple chocolates would be fine"
Jeanne: "Oh my! You can buy it at such a low price!"
Jeanne: "But, I wonder if this will convey my daily gratitude..."
Matilda: "What? Quality over quantity? You don't seem to understand don't you"
Matilda: "What's important is that they know how you feel about them, don't you think?
Jeanne: "!"
Jeanne: "Matilda-san is absolutely right..."
Matilda: "Even though it's usually boring, I think it's good to have a big impact..."
Jeanne: "Then, how about this chocolate?"
Matilda: "No, no, that's just plain boring."
Matilda: "But well, I'd recommend something more like this---"
30 minutes later
Jeanne: "Thanks to you Matilda, I've got a good selection"
Jeanne: "From the bottom of my heart, I would like to give my thanks to you back in return..."
Matilda: "You don't have to thank me"
Matilda: "But... Well, if you insist, chocolates is fine"
Jeanne: "Ufufu"
Matilda: "W, What?"
Jeanne: "In that case, this is for you"
Matilda: "Ah, thank you"
Jeanne: "Well then, if you'll excuse me"
Jeanne: "Thank you so much, Matilda-san"
Matilda: "Hmm, I guess I'll just have to say it"
Matilda: "Now that I've achieved my goal, I think I'll go home too"
Matilda: "Hmm?"
Matilda: "Ah, Kanna-chan and Mari-chan!"
Matilda: "Look, look, I got chocolates from the student council president!"
Kanna: "Hmm... Then I guess you won't need this then"
Matilda: "Eh!? What, what!?"
Marion: "Chocolates, I brought it because Matchi wanted it..."
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Matilda: "EH! CHOCOLATE!?"
Matilda: "Thank you Kanna-chan and Mari-chan!"
Marion: "Matchi, you're too happy..."
Kanna: "Jeez"
Marion: "You're going to open it here?"
Matilda: "Because I want to eat them right now! Let's start with the student council president's chocolates!"
Matilda: "Ahh!? This is Russian roulette chocolate!?"
Kanna: "What? Russian Roulette?"
Matilda: "Y-Yeah, I suggested it to her earlier because I thought it would be interesting..."
Matilda: "Oh, that's right! Kanna-chan, Mari-chan!"
Kanna and Marion: "............"
Matilda: "Hey, hey, let's all eat this together!"
Matilda:" There's no point in playing Russian roulette alone, and if you eat with three people, it's one-third, one third and one third--"
Kanna: "..... Let's go, Mari"
Marion: "Yeah"
Matilda: "W-wait a minute..."
0 notes
sketchguk · 2 years
hey hey I reread your answer and realized there is much more i want to say uoyipuouop sorry for the spam!
what you said about the cold hand things .... i cannot deal with how adorable they are ahhh !!!!! I want to protect these two so much LOLL soonyoung immediately reaching for her hands please thats is SO CUTE !!!! And about mc spreading herself too thin .. that makes sense !! Soonyoung just wants her to let go a little bit. But it could be reverse too! Maybe soonyoung takes lots of stress about being the best at quidditch , just like how he is stressed to perform the best as performance leader! and he can be scary too the members say right??? so maybe he gets snappy and annoyed when he's in the zone, and if mc tries to joke around at that time, he may react badly .... Then one more thing i thought of was , you mentioned soonyooung is insecure before. especially since there was so much push and pull form mc before! If the smallest thing happens , he might need reassurance from mc! but he may not say it out loud , and that an lead to misunderstandings too. Like you said , maybe she brings up mingyu in passing and he would react way too serioulsy ... or she may say no to hanging out with him and his friends a couple times , and he would get worried thinking HOW she can stay away like that? if she liked him she wouldnt spend time apart right???? this goes with what you about soonyoung being more clingy and mc wanting more space ! ahhh okay i think this is all i wanted to say! ehhheee sorry for spamming again !
I think I love gryffindor soonyoung and ravenclaw mc so much because they don't fit together whatsoever, but they're also one another's drive at the same time 😭 She can't decide if she wants to k*ll him or f*ck him (she's so real for that). Every relationship has a learning curve,, and once they figure out how to love one another in the way they need to be loved, they fit together like a puzzle ✨
When these two fight, they fight hard. They're both incredibly stubborn and passionate. To add, Soonyoung is sensitive as hell LOL. He overthinks, and he tends to spiral like crazy. There's no doubt that Mingyu occupies more of S oonyoung's brain space than he cares to admit.
Soonyoung is no stranger to having fiery emotions, and he'll definitely express them in any way he can. He doesn't really have a hold on himself because he's so impulsive, and it ticks off mc lol. Meanwhile, mc tends to keep to herself. It's very difficult to get a read on her true thoughts and feelings T_T
The slowburn is real because they're idiots to lovers <3
0 notes
Ronance drabble, pre-relationship, fluff
Rated: general audience
"You're totally lost, aren't you."
"No, no, I've got this, we've got this. It's just baking, how hard could it be."
"I didn't know you baked." Mike says flatly from the doorway. The Wheeler's kitchen has been taken over, Mrs. Wheeler shooed away with reassurances that it would remain intact, leaving the two of them standing in front of the open cookbook like they're facing another doorway to hell.
"I… can." Nancy says, chin jutted out in stubbornness and pride. "I just don't do it often."
Mike scoffs and laughs once in that mean sibling way and leaves.
"Seriously, we got this. How hard can it be, I've got a C-plus in home-ec, I'm sure your grade is much higher, we're gonna crush this cake thing-" Robin tries to reassure Nancy who only looks slightly pained at the word vomit Robin is spewing everywhere.
Pencil in hand and scratch paper at the ready like the A+ student she is, Nancy is dissecting the recipe book carefully propped up on the counter.
"I'll bet baking is just like languages-" Nancy finally looks up in bewilderment. Delighted at getting the reaction she wanted, Robin keeps the quickly forming and very shaky theory flowing, "it's mostly about confidence, you just gotta-" She punches her palm with her other fist for emphasis, "go for it."
Nancy laughs and Robin could cheer, she counts each begrudging smile, each startled laugh towards her own secret tally of success. With one last laugh of defeat Nancy backs away from the counter, gesturing to the book and the scattered ingredients before putting her hands on her hips to watch with a smile still lingering on her lips. "Okay, okay! We'll do it your way. It was your idea, if it turns into a total disaster I'm telling Steve I had no part in this."
"Ahhh, but he knows you'd never let me near a hot stove by myself." Nancy sighs and makes a noise of agreement, leaning back on the counter to watch.
"Which is why I'm assuming we're doing this here then? Your parents won't let you use the oven?"
"Maybe. Not the point. The point is it's our dear friend's birthday."
"Why do you…" Nancy bites her lip, her fingers tightening their grip on her folded arms watching Robin trying to fish out eggshells with first one then both hands, the urge to take over and fix things clearly becoming harder and harder to fight. "Why do you care so much about this?"
"Well," Robin's big secret is out, though Nancy had never had a direct conversation with her about it. Just nodded slowly and assured Robin it was okay and that she wasn't uncomfortable. "It's not to get him to like-like me." Robin jokes.
"But, you know, he's kind of my first real friend, or at least the first friend that mattered. And I thought, hey, birthdays are a big thing! But turns out his parents just skip town and leave him money to throw a party or leave some huge gift he doesn't even want. So birthdays kind of suck for him, but I was thinking maybe something from us wouldn't suck so bad."
Robin finishes her sentence and her breath and holds up the rogue eggshell in triumph. Nancy nods like she can follow the train of logic well enough, wincing as Robin wipes her fingertips on her jeans. She keeps quiet while watching the human hurricane that is Robin multitasking while she measures and pours and talks. Nancy doesn't seem to really mind her rambling this time, letting her do her thing without interruption.
Only when the mixing bowl makes its way precariously to the edge with Robin's wild elbows and self-admitted poor coordination spelling imminent disaster does Nancy step in. Catching Robin by the waist to pull her aside and grab the prized kitchenware with the other, Nancy sets things to right in her quick and efficient way.
"Wow, a real hero and a baking hero? Nancy Wheeler, me and this cake and maybe Steve thank you." Robin's voice is very high and she laughs once to herself about how aware she is that Nancy's arm is still firm around her waist. It's hard not to have a crush on Nancy, almost everyone who knows her does, and since Robin would very much like to still be friends with this very cool girl she's doing her damn best to keep that crush to herself.
Nancy smiles her tight-lipped smile, pushing the bowl far away from danger, then seems to notice how close she still is and pulls away with a quiet "sorry", clearing her throat and Robin swears to any god that there might be a faint tinge of pink in her cheeks.
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f1nalboys · 3 years
Okay, okay! So I love your poly!Ghostface dark/angst, but I wanna see you do some poly!Ghostface dark/fluff too(if that's a thing?)! Still unhealthy/toxic relationship, but one where their feelings are at least actually true and genuine. Trio vs the World shit. Best Friends to Lovers blah blah blah cause you know Im a slut for that lmao. NSFW too if you're willing 👀
AHH so glad I finally got to this request I'm sorry it took me so long :(( HOWEVER i had fun writing it!! i really hope you enjoy (ps, no smut unfortunately i tried to add it and it was coming out wrong ahhh) flashbacks are italicized! 
WARNINGS: toxic relationship, kinda cute moments between the three of you, cursing, little bit of stalking, threats of violence, no nsfw because i was a little lazy sorry :,(
Had someone told you five years ago that you'd be dating not only Billy Loomis but Stu Macher as well, you’d have laughed straight in their face. And yet here you were, curled up on the couch between the two, your legs thrown over Billys and your head resting on Stu’s shoulder, watching a horror movie. You smile softly as you feel Billy’s hand grip your thigh slightly. He never seemed to realize he was doing it which made it even cuter.
“Remember the day I met you guys?” You question, head moving off of Stu’s shoulder when he turns to look at you. He gives you a goofy grin and nods, kissing the tip of your nose. “Sure, baby. Why?”
“Did you think we would have gotten together? Like, back then?”
“Definitely,” Billy says, poking his finger into your side. You raise an eyebrow at him, catching his hand and holding it in your lap. He sighs, grinning slightly. “Alright, maybe not the day we met, but I knew pretty soon. Why? What’s got you thinking about it?”
You shrug, not really sure yourself. Something about the situation you three were in at the moment made your mind drift to those few awful god damn weeks. “You two really sucked then, you know? Honestly, I’m surprised I didn't kill you both.”
Stu gasps, throwing himself back with a hand on his heart. You roll your eyes; ever the dramatic. “You would have hurt us? I can’t believe this… the betrayal!” You elbow him and he sits back up, laughing, and wraps his arms around you, planting a few sloppy kisses onto your neck.
“We weren’t even that bad, babe.” Billy says, eyes widening as you glare at him.
“Not that bad? Do I need to remind you of the first thing you said to me when we met?” You shoot back, sitting up closer to Stu. You had already forgiven the two for how they acted then, but that doesn’t mean you can’t give them a hard time.
The first day you met Billy and Stu, it had started out good. You still didn’t have many friends but that was perfectly okay with you. You were sat in the grass outside one of the buildings where your next class was held, waiting. Thirty more minutes and you got to go to math; yay. You were leaned up against a tree, headphones in, trying to relax, when two men stood in front of you. They were pretty cute. One was tall, wearing a thin sweater and a goofy grin, while the other was shorter with dark hair and a smirk. The tall one's mouth moves and you pull your earbuds out, about to apologize for not hearing him, when the shorter one speaks.
“Pretty stupid to wait for someone to talk to you before taking your headphones out.” His smile was still there but it was clearly masking his annoyance. Your eyebrows raise in surprise at the gall of this dude. You don’t even know him and he thinks he’s owed a conversation?
“Excuse me?”
“What? You’re deaf and a bitch?” The taller one slaps the back of his head immediately and he grumbles, rubbing the soreness. You scoff, shaking your head, fuming. Was it just this dude or were most people here dicks? You didn't want to find out.
You stand, grabbing your bag and pushing past the two, heading towards the building. Your eyes instantly roll into the back of your head when you hear the sound of footsteps behind you. “Hey, I’m sorry about him, really. That’s how he jokes and sometimes it comes across as mean. I’m Stu and he’s Billy.”
Stopping in your tracks you turn to face Stu, the taller one, and take a second to think of a response. Glancing over at Billy, who had finally caught up with you, you can see what resembles regret on his features. “Well, he didn’t come across as mean, he came across as an asshole.”
Stu laughs, nodding. Billy shrugs, giving you that same weak smile he had shown when he approached. You shrug your backpack up higher onto your shoulder, the weight of it starting to get to you, when Billy grabs ahold of it and yanks it off of you. “What the hell? Give me my shit back!”
“Least I can do is to carry it for you. You going to class?” He asks. It’s like he wasn’t taking no for an answer. You give a large sigh and nod, silently thankful for the weight off your shoulders. “Which building?”
“Sycamore.” He nods and begins to walk there, you and Stu trailing behind him. “Is he always so...?” You ask Stu under your breath, trailing off, unsure of a word that could describe the man. He grins and nods. “Annoying? Mean? Stubborn? Yes, yes, and yes.”
Billy groans at the memory, annoyed. He hated when you brought that up. “I told you I was just having an off day! Come on, you’re acting like Stu didn’t offend you too! Do you not remember when you got food with us, like, that night?” Stu punches Billy in the shoulder hard, pissed that he had brought it up.
“Oh yeah! I kinda forgot about how much of a dickhead Stu was,” You say, leaning back against the couch. It really was a shock your relationship with the boys got to where it was now.
Billy and Stu followed you around all day. It seemed they were trying to apologize for Billy’s attitude earlier but, if you were being honest, it was kind of unnerving. After your math class, where they had walked you inside the building and only left when the professor came in, you saw them waiting outside under the tree you had been at.
“Can you guys stop following me?” You had told them the third time you noticed them, this time at the small diner you stopped by after your last class. Stu’s face turned red and he looked behind him as if there was someone else you could be talking about. “Yeah, you two.”
“We wanted to apologize for earlier,” Billy said, motioning for you to join them at their table. You had to choose which one to sit next too and, after your not-so-pleasant meeting with Billy that morning, you sat next to Stu. He sticks his tongue out at Billy who rolls his eyes.
“You already apologized. It’s getting kind of creepy.” You say, placing your elbow on the table. Before the boys could respond, the waitress walks over, placing down their drinks. She flashes you a smile and takes your order, walking off with a sway in her hips, much to the boy's enjoyment.
Stu throws an arm over your shoulder and you shrug him off, ignoring the pained look he gives you. “We just wanted to make sure you really knew we were sorry! Billy here never acts right around a hottie,”
“Stu you fucking idiot.” Billy spits, throwing something at him. Stu laughs, holding his hands up in mock surrender. Billy looks at you and gives you what looks like a real, genuine smile. “Sorry about him; he can’t seem to think with his upstairs brain.”
“Don’t need to when my downstairs one leads me to be sitting next to a smoke show,” Stu says, holding his hand out to you for a high five. Your face flushes and you ignore him, scooting away from him slightly. He was cute, sure, but way too forward. “What? Can’t compliment people anymore?”
“Not when your compliments are preceded by stalking.” You mutter, a part of you hoping he doesn’t hear it. Unfortunately, he does. You see his face change in your peripheral vision and your eyes flick over to Billy. He grins at you, sitting back in the booth, and taking a sip from his drink. He was enjoying this.
“Stalking? You’re fucking with me, right?” His rant is cut short by the return of the waitress who hands you your drink and places the food the boys had ordered onto the table, completely oblivious to your discomfort. She leaves and Stu grabs a fry from his plate, chewing loudly. “We’re not fucking stalking you - trust me, there are better ways to spend our time.”
Billy throws his balled up straw wrapper at Stu, catching his attention, and you let out a soft sigh of relief when Stu’s demeanor changes. He was back to smiling and laughing as if he hadn’t just been attempting to tear you to shreds. “Sorry about that… I’m pretty tired, that’s all.” Stu says, playing with his fingers.
“S’okay, I guess.”
“Why don’t you let us take you on a date? You know, as an apology?” Billy chimes in and Stu grins, nodding. A large part of yourself was screaming no. There was something off about these boys, something dark just under the surface, but you were intrigued. And so you smile.
“Yeah, I guess you two can do that.”
Billy had his arms wrapped around you, laughing at the excuses Stu was stammering out. He was obviously getting frustrated at the memory and you opened your arms to let him join in on the cuddling.
“You know, I really am glad we stuck together. I don’t know what I’d do if it were for our nightly cuddle sessions,” You say, your words muffled by Stu’s sweater. He pulls back and gives you a kiss, Billy swooping in to take one from him as well.
“Yeah, I don’t know what I’d do without our fuck sessions,” Stu hums and you groan, punching him in the shoulder. What a way to ruin the moment. “Wait, let’s not act like you were a saint in all of this! I remember you being pretty awful at one point.”
“What?! No way!”
Billy nods, tickling your sides for a second. “Sure were, babe.”
Two months into the relationship was your breaking point. You really did like, if not love, the boys and yet you were still an outsider. Walking into the shared apartment just for their whispered conversations to stop. Late nights spent in the living room with hushed voices while you tried to sleep. You felt as though you only knew a portion of the two people you had come to like; no, love.
You admit it was petty. It wasn’t the right thing to do in any circumstance, but you did it because you knew it would get a reaction. You had packed a bag and sat in the living room. You wanted them to see you leave. Wanted them to see how much their secrecy had taken. You had been together only a short while and yet you felt so at home with them that the idea of actually leaving, of breaking it off, nearly tore you apart.
The door opens and in enters Billy and Stu, wrapped up in their own conversation. Stu waves at you, carrying on before realizing what he had just seen. “Babe? What are you doing?”
“I’m leaving.” Your voice was confident, not a waver in sight, and you knew it was because you weren’t planning on leaving. Some would call it manipulation, sure, but you were backed into a corner. Stu’s mouth drops open and Billy stares at you, his eyes narrowed.
“What? What do you mean you’re leaving? What’s wrong? Did something happen?” Stu rushes to sit down next to you on the couch, not wanting to accept the idea that you were leaving them on your own volition. His arms wrap around yours and you shove him off. “Babe?”
You shake your head, standing from your spot on the couch, grabbing ahold of the bag. Billy was still standing near the door, his arms crossed, watching you. “Don’t call me that. The two of you… It’s like I’m not even in this relationship. I’m an outsider with the two people I love and there’s not a damn thing I can do about it.”
“Where the hell is this coming from?” Billy questions, grabbing ahold of your arm when you try to walk past him. His voice is thick and you could see the vein in his forehead throbbing. He was angry and you hate to admit it but that’s exactly what you were hoping for.
For the next two hours the three of you talk about your relationship and the future of it. Stu cried, you cried, Billy sniffled a few times, and then you came to an agreement. No more secrets. They told you things that they hadn't told anyone before that they hid behind a vague threat of ‘once you hear this you’re stuck with us,’ and you told them things you had planned on taking to your grave. To say you weren’t shocked at what they told you would be a lie.
Murder wasn’t what you thought they were capable of and especially not murder so gruesome. But, oddly, you felt better about being with them. They trusted you, loved you, enough to let you know their biggest and darkest secret. And you loved it.
Knowing they wouldn’t hesitate to kill for you was a major turn on, which they soon found out.
“Wow, I really was kind of horrible, wasn’t I.” You mutter as Billy recounts the memory with a few interruptions by Stu. You didn’t remember it that way but the more they talked the more you could tell they were being honest. “Well, good thing we stuck together, hm? Would have been pretty bad if we hadn’t.”
“Yeah because we would have killed you,” Billy whispers into your ear and you shiver. He’s telling the truth and that’s what makes the relationship the way it is; they choose to be with you, to keep you around, to love you. “Yeah, we would have given you a call a while ago,” Stu says, his finger making a slicing motion across your neck.
You roll your eyes not because you don’t believe them but because you do. And you wouldn’t have it any other way.
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crankityart · 3 years
Viktor's parents headcanons
So ... one of the writers of Arcane stated on Twitter, how Viktor was supposed to become a student at Piltover Academy. Apparently, his parents, who were poor artificers saved some money to buy him a uniform and he just started going there, without actually being enrolled. Heimerdinger was so impressed by this that instead of kicking Viktor out, he made him his assistant. Unfortunately, that idea never made it into the story canon.
Sooooo ... first of all: That’s a bold power move, Viktor, hats off! 
And second of all ... something I never even considered ... Viki-boi has parents?! Like?!
They never appear in the series but I think it’s never said, that he’s an orphan. I just kinda assumed it?? 
But can you imagine ... my heart ;____; ... so here are a few headcanons:
Viktors' parents have always been very supportive of him but had little to no resources to actually support their son and his dreams. They saw how passionate he was about inventing and building little gadgets and they gave him all the materials they could find.  _________________________________________________________________
His mother is especially protective of him. She would always see him playing alone as a child and knew that the other kids wouldn’t interact with him because of his disability. But she also knew how resourceful and stubborn her son is. That would always make her very proud. Secretly she wished for Viktor to at least find a few friends and make some connections. She never wanted her son to be alone all the time. _________________________________________________________________
But that also meant: Loooots of reassuring words and hugs for our inventor boy. Whenever he would go to sleep, she would snuggle up and talk to him for a bit. She would sometimes tell him a bedtime story or give him some good-night-tickles to cheer him up after a particularly bad day. _________________________________________________________________
His father never wanted Viktor to take over their little workshop, he knew that his son's intellect was far too great for it. He would always take some time off to show Viktor how to build different things, even though his schedule was tight and stressful. At least in the beginning, at a certain point, his son was very capable of teaching himself more complex stuff. Once Viktor grew older and got to understand how demanding his father's job was, he decided to stop bothering him. His father still misses it though. _________________________________________________________________
Even though Viktor grew up with some loving parents, he had to fend for himself most of the time because his parents were so busy working to provide food and shelter.  _________________________________________________________________
Viktor's parents speak with him in their native language. Viktor will reply in English most of the time though. (a lil relatable tidbit for all my fellow bilingual pals :D)  _________________________________________________________________
Okay, but can you imagine Viktors mom cupping his face with her hands and saying stuff like “My handsome young son!” and giving him little kisses on his cheeks AHHH! _________________________________________________________________
Viktor is always very embarrassed by this and tries to emphasize that he’s an adult and that she should stop worrying too much. _________________________________________________________________
He doesn’t really like to bring anyone home with him though. He knows his parents would love to meet his colleagues and friends, but he gets very insecure because a.) going to the undercity is a little risky, to begin with, and b.) his family home harbors a lot of things he feels vulnerable about. He doesn’t want anyone to see that side of him. _________________________________________________________________
His parents still have a lot of his childhood inventions displayed at home. Viktor has asked them to put them away a couple of times (”Haven’t I told you to put these things away? All they do is collect dust.”) but nooope, they are too proud of their son! :< _________________________________________________________________
When Viktor was 8 years old he found an old photo camera and brought it home to fix it with his parents. So yes; Viktor has pictures of himself when he was little. And they sure are very cute. >:) _________________________________________________________________ 
His head will turn beet-red if anyone besides his parents get to see them, though. And if you comment on how cute he was as a child he will probably die of embarrassment. 
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wandaromanova · 3 years
“And I... Am...” [2]
A Natasha Romanoff x Gn!Avenger!Reader story
warnings: fighting, little bit of violence, angst, death (let me know if i should add any!)
A/N: Ahhh, here’s the final part of this very brief series. i hope you all enjoy and if anyone would like me to write something else my asks are open. thank you for reading! <3
tagging: @username23345
summary: 5 years ago, the avengers lost. half the world may have been taken away, but Y/N’s entire world faded to nothing in their arms. they would do anything to bring everyone back, most especially the love of their life. whatever it takes.
Part 1
Word Count: 3.7K words
(gif is not mine)
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5 years. 5 years without seeing her bright, pearly white smile. 5 years without her sarcastic comments and snarky remarks. 5 years without her messy red hair sprawled across her pillow as she sleeps peacefully beside you. 5 years without her warm hugs as her lavender scented perfume invades your senses. 5 years without long nights of cuddling in each other’s arms as you watched the cheesy romcoms of your choice. 5 years without waking up to her playfully kissing your face. 5 years without her standing by your side during missions. 5 years without your little dinner dates that you both decided to go on whenever you both had the time. 5 years without her teasing kisses against your neck that made you laugh as hard as ever before. 5 long, long years without Natasha Romanoff.
Everyday without her was agonizingly slow. Every part of your shared apartment a constant reminder of your failure. Your failure to protect the world, the failure of protecting your world. Natasha always ensured your safety and protection when you needed her most, and the time she needed you; you astronomically failed her. Your heart ached every night as you fell asleep, even more so in the mornings. The mornings were the worst as you would reach over to her side of the bed, expecting to feel her peaceful form breathing steadily next to you, but you are only met with the cold white sheets of your once shared bed. The cold sheets a heartbreaking contrast to her warm body.
You didn’t get a single night of uninterrupted rest, as the memory of Natasha fading to nothing in your arms would replay over and over like a song stuck in your head. You cried the first time you returned home on that fateful day. The walls of your apartment holding the memories of happier times, when she was still alive. Her coffee cup that she never washed and left on the counter every morning still sitting where she left it that very day. You didn’t have the heart to move it. You didn’t dare to move any of her things, leaving them where she had placed them. You wore all of her hoodies though, as they still held her scent. However, you went through all of her hoodies quickly, her scent fading away just like she had. You considered not staying in the apartment, the memory of her making it hard to breathe within the confines of your shared space. But, you didn’t have the heart to leave it either. Leaving your home felt like leaving her, although your true home was her.
You tried to hold out hope though. Every single day you would go to the Avengers Compound and oversee any occurrences. You would communicate with any avengers that were not in New York or simply not on earth such as Captain Marvel, Rocket, Rhodes, and Okoye. You got consumed by your need to compensate for the failure that changed your life and absolutely wrecked your self-esteem. Although you were stuck in the past, some of the other avengers tried to move past it. Tony and Pepper brought a beautiful daughter named Morgan into the world, you were so happy for them, albeit a bit envious. Steve joined a support group, Clint was.... somewhere doing lord knows what. But you remained in the compound, constantly ignoring your own well-being, unable to stomach the failure and desperately trying to find something to hold out hope. However, your stubbornness was not for naught, as one day, while Steve visited you at the Compound, Scott Lang appeared at the front of the Compound. As he explained about Quantum Physics and the possibility of time travel, hope made its way back to you full force. You could all quite possibly make things right again. This spark of hope didn’t ignite within you only, but it also coursed through the remaining avengers when they were informed of the insane, but good idea of time travel.
Time travel. That’s our only hope of restoring what used to be. It sounds absolutely insane, but it’s the only option we have. Just the fact that there even is an option, is a miracle. Tony took a little bit of time to be on board with the idea, but he came around and now all the avengers stand together on the platform. Clint and Rhodey were set to go to Vormir. You, Tony, Banner, and Steve were to go to New York. Nebula went to Morag, Thor and Rocket went to Asgard while Scott stayed behind. What felt like hours for the team, was only a minute in real time. As you all made it back to the present, you looked around at the entire team. “Did we get them all?” You turn to your right and look at Banner. “You mean to tell me this actually worked?” You asked with a wide smile. Suddenly, a thud is heard to your left.
The entire team looks at Rhodes, he is soaked and it is then you notice Clint’s absence. “Rhodey? Where’s Clint?” You ask nervously. Rhodes just looks up at the team with sorrow evident in his eyes. The whole room knew what that meant as it fell silent, you dropped to your knees. You were as close to Clint as Nat was, given he was your girlfriend’s best friend. Your soul was absolutely crushed by the news, and the fact that someone would have to tell his family about his sacrifice to bring everyone back was heart crushing. However, Clint’s death only fueled the motivation to get this over with once and for all. No one had time to truly mourn as now that the team retrieved the stones, the stones just needed to be placed into the gauntlet.
However, this was not the hardest part, no. The hardest part was figuring out who should actually snap their fingers. Thor, Tony, and yourself offered to do the snap, but Banner immediately intervened. “It’s gotta be me. You saw what those stones did to Thanos. It almost killed him. None of you could survive.” He said solemnly. “How do we know you will?” You asked him seriously. “We don’t, but the radiation is mostly gamma. It’s like, I was made for this.” He finished off, and everyone in the room begrudgingly agreed. Unfortunately, before Banner could even put his hands on the gauntlet, the compound was attacked by a huge explosion, sending everyone flying in different directions, some knocked out by the impact and buried beneath rubble.
You wake up with a groan, you entire body is aching. You slowly open your eyes and take in your surrounds. You are buried beneath the concrete of the compound. The once magnificent architectural building, now a destroyed foundation. You look to your right and notice that water is flooding into the area where you, Rhodes, and Rocket are trapped. You noticed that Rocket and Rhodes are both trapped under a piece of cement and you use your powers to lift it off of them before dropping it back onto the ground with a grunt.
You speak into comms, “Is anyone there? We’re trapped and are unable to get out of here. I can hold off the water, but I can’t get us back to the surface.” Your powers are strong, but it will take a great deal of energy to get yourself, Rhodes, and Rocket out of here. You have no clue how deep you guys are below the surface. But you could at least hold off the water until someone is able to save you all. Scott replies and says “I’m on my way, I’ll get you guys.” And you mumble a “thanks” before asking another question, “How on earth did this happen?” you ask this as you use your powers to form some sort of blockade to keep the water from drowning you all. Scott suddenly appears, going back to his regular size and says “Nebula was compromised. You guys better hang onto something,” as he turns into a giant and breaks you all out of the concrete cage you were held in.
As you all return to the surface, Scott places the three of you on the ground. You take notice of the state of Steve, Tony, and Thor. They are badly beaten as Thanos cowers over them. Your eyes widen as you notice the ships approaching behind Thanos, along with his army of thousands. You, Rocket, Rhodey, (and Gamora??) together, ready to attack. You have no time to question Gamora’s sudden seeming resurrection as you notice Banner is the only one missing from the bunch, nowhere to be seen. You turn to everyone as you point at the gauntlet in Gamora’s arms and speak “Protect that gauntlet at all costs, don’t let him get to it. As soon as Banner is spotted, give it to him so he can do the snap and end this, once and for all. Understand?” Everyone nods in acknowledgement at your words.
A sense of deja vu hits you as you turn to face the impending battle. Once again you all are drastically outnumbered, you all must stand and fight against Thanos once more. The only differences being that you all are 5 years older, half of the universe’s population is gone, and Natasha is not by your side. The entire team is angered that this happened in the first place and the desire and will to defeat the mad titan is as strong as its ever been. You all failed to protect the world and your loved ones once, you all refused to lose this battle again. You all have something to fight for. You all attack and after what felt like hours of fighting Thanos’ army, you notice Scott running with the gauntlet, and your eyes widen as Thanos makes his way towards Scott. You quickly throw the enemies you were dealing with, with the flick of your hand and rush for the titan head-on.
Using your vibrant blue powers, you strike Thanos with a powerful beam of energy. Thanos tries to block himself but is a little too late as he’s sent flying back. “You took everything from me.” You say angrily and with a vengeful conviction as your eyes turn blue and your blue powers waver across your hands, levitating you a few feet off the ground. The titan stares at you as he stands and says “I don’t even know who you are.” You look at him and tilt your head, and reply with a dangerous calmness, “You will.” You then end up encasing Thanos, holding him up high in the air, your powers acting as blue hands. You squeeze him with all the strength you can conjure up and start to rip off his armor without laying a finger on him. “Rain fire!” The titan exclaimed to his servant. “But sire, our troops.” “Just do it!” Thanos screams. Unfortunately, you were so caught up in your rage that you failed to notice what Thanos was saying. You were soon knocked out with a powerful blast from a ship above you. Your grip on Thanos no more as you flew across the field and were knocked unconscious.
You wake up and groggily try to take in your surroundings. Your entire team beat to the ground. Banner, Scott, and Clint are unconscious, and the rest of the team are too weakened to move. Captain Marvel was also here, when she got here? You have no idea, but that doesn’t matter as she was knocked out as well. However, at least the giant ships and Thanos’ army had been taken out. You guys did impressively well considering how outnumbered you all were. You look away from your battered teammates beside you and you feel panic wash over you. Above you, the massive titan stands, placing the gauntlet on his hand. No. He CANNOT get that gauntlet, you think in a panic. However, your body is too weak to get up, you still try to stand with every ounce of strength that’s left in your body, but to no avail. All of a sudden, you feel a tingling sensation from your hands that you have never felt before.
You look at your hands and notice little sparks of electricity forming. This has never ever happened before, your powers are a dark blue and are more like laser beams than sparks. What is happening? As you stared at your hands, you failed to notice Mjölnir rising beside Thor. Mjölnir abruptly launches itself into your hand, and you suddenly feel a surge of electricity flow through your veins, giving you a spark of energy. The people who are still conscious are shell-shocked as they had all tried and failed to wield the mighty hammer. You yourself had even failed to lift Mjölnir all those years ago before the Ultron situation, but now here you were, worthy and determined to win this battle. As you attempt to stand once more, Thor joyfully exclaims “I knew it!” At Thor’s words, Thanos stomps on Thor, successfully knocking the Asgardian God out cold.
You rise to your feet, the only thing on your mind being that you need to bring Natasha back. You charge at Thanos, rising off the ground as your dark blue powers mixed with the lightning of mjölnir radiate off of you. You struck the titan with a powerful, concentrated hit with Mjölnir before using up the most power you ever have. You manage to do damage to Thanos, but with the gauntlet on he manages to use the stones to fight against your own powers. As he hits you, he fails to notice you exchange the gauntlet with the stones, with another gauntlet that he failed to notice lying on the ground. As your body is flung like a ragdoll across the floor, you look up as Thanos says “I... am inevitable.” And he snaps his fingers, but nothing happens. He, along with everyone else looks confused as he does this. All of them were puzzled, except for you.
You get on your knees and place the real gauntlet on. The energy so powerful as it courses through your veins, it’s an intense burn as if your blood was made of fire, pumping through every part of your body. You look around at the team, the people you have grown to love and call a family. You know that this will be the end of you, but you are content with that. What better way to go than saving the world and bringing the love of your life back? The team seems aware of your fate as well, the sadness evident on the faces of the broken down avengers. It hurt them, but they knew it had to be done. They couldn’t stop you, even if they tried. You already had the gauntlet on and you had made up your mind. After one last glance at your family, you focus back on Thanos, who stares at you in shock. A human wielding the stones, that was a sight for sore eyes. The snap almost killed Thanos the first time, imagine now? You have powers of your own, yes, but you’re still a human. You take a deep breath, your mind is racing as it is taken over by thoughts of Natasha. How you’ll never get to see her red hair and green eyes sparkle again, how you’ll never hear her raspy laugh that warms you up inside, and how you’ll never have the future you both had always wanted together. But you remind yourself that this is all for her, and that was the final push you needed to follow through with this plan.
You stare Thanos dead in the eye again as you shakily say “I... Am...” you envision Natasha and her big bright smile as you finally say “an Avenger.” And with the snap of your fingers, a bright light consumes your body and radiates across the field. All you hear is the ringing in your ears and all you can focus on is the burning of your charred body. The conscious team members gather around you, they are all speaking to you but you can’t fully hear what they’re saying. They sound far away even though they’re right in front of you. You watch as Thanos and his little servants disappear into dust, just like half of the population did 5 years ago. You release a heavy sigh of relief at the sight.
You look back to Steve who’s directly in front of you. He reaches into his pocket and dials a number, and when he turns the phone towards you, you notice the contact name; Natasha. Steve’s eyes widen as the redhead actually answers her phone, it worked. He however, tried to swallow his shock as he let’s her know that you’ll be put on the line. He doesn’t have the heart to inform her of your condition. You use every muscle in your body just to reach out for the phone and grasp it in your hand. “Hello? Y/N, baby?? Where are you?? What happened??” You smile widely at the sound of her deep, raspy voice as your eyes slowly start to close. The team panics as they try to convince you to keep your eyes open just a little longer, Natasha’s voice sounding more concerned and alarmed at the coaxing of the team. We did it, we really did it... she’s okay... it’s okay... is your final thought as your eyes close even further. The darkness is so tempting and you find yourself falling deeper and deeper into it, until you’re consumed by it. Never to see the light again.
2 weeks later
At your funeral, Nat was suspiciously devoid of emotion as the ceremony commenced. It was so weird for the team to see and they were genuinely worried. Natasha was always sure to not make her emotions known, it’s how she was trained as an assassin, but to show no emotion after losing the love of her life? Definite cause for concern. After the beautiful ceremony and burial, the team all returned to Tony’s cabin, he let the team know that there was something he needed to share with them. Tony stands before the team in his living room and places his iron man helmet on the mantle. He clears his throat before he begins, “Before the time heist, Y/N approached me and asked me a favor. They borrowed my iron man helmet and asked me to play this recording if things went south. So, this is me fulfilling their final wish.”
You appear as a hologram, sitting on a chair in your time heist suit. “So, if you’re watching this.. that means that I’m... yanno” and you make a throat slicing motion with a little laugh. You then realize that the people watching this will most likely not find humor in your little joke and immediately stop laughing. “I hope that in watching this, that means that we succeeded in bringing everyone back. It’s all we have been hoping and praying for, for the past 5 years. And I pray to God... or to Thor... that it worked out.” You actually laugh at your terrible attempt at a joke. Everyone in the room laughs at your corniness with tears in their eyes.
“If we did win, that must mean that you’re here Natasha.” You pause and take a deep breath. At the mention of the redhead, the room falls silent as Nat watches intensely, desperate to hear what you have to say to her. You proceed, your voice wavering as you were overcome with emotion, “I’m so sorry that I had to leave you so soon. I’m so sorry that we’ll never have the chance to get married and have little rascals of our own running around a little farmhouse of our own in the middle of nowhere like we always dreamt of. But, the day you left me, those 5 long years ago, a part of me left with you. And I would do anything to get you back, and I’m sure I’ve proven that to be true if you’re seeing this.” You take another break as your voice starts cracking, as Natasha finally let a tear escape.
You suddenly stand up, and move over to the camera, staring directly into it with an intense gaze. “But Nat, baby, you have to listen to me when i say that this is not the end of the world. It may feel like it, but I promise you it’s not. Those 5 years without you, I felt as though I was drowning in grief and despair, but then hope made its way into my life when Scott suddenly appeared on the steps of the compound. And I promise you that you will have hope again, not for my return, but for happiness in your life again, without me.” At your words, Natasha shakes her head furiously as silent tears steadily fall across her pale cheeks.
You giggle “I know you won’t believe me right now, but you will one day my love. You were wrong that day in Wakanda. You WILL survive this. You must move on eventually, as impossible as it sounds and as much as it kills me to say. Please do not give up on the world, don’t push everyone away, but let them in. I gave my life up so you could live yours, and I know you wouldn’t let my life go to waste.” You stop and look down at your watch. “I have to go now, if this time heist thing goes to plan, then everyone who vanished will return. God, I hope so.... I love you Natalia Alianovna Romanova.” You look down at your hands, and back up at the camera and say your final words.
“Remember...” you begin while moving closer to the helmet, “You could never lose me moya lyubov... I’m yours forever.” You smile tearily and the recording ends. Those last words were what finally did it for Natasha. All the emotion she was keeping bottled up broke loose and she had no control of the wheel of her emotions as she slammed head first into a breakdown. Natasha cried in sorrow as she mourned the possibilities that are no longer possible and screamed out in anguish for the unfulfilled promises of a happy, long life with you by her side.
The world had won, but Natasha had lost her world.
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lumos-solemn · 3 years
Birth Of Rose Weasley
Summary : Hermione goes in early labour and Ron is not home. Harmione Brotp
Harry stood up adjusting his coat and with a wave of his wand, the files spread before him started stacking itself and locked themselves in the drawer under his desks. He pocketed his wand and looked at the clock which showed half past 3 in the evening. He's early. He thought he would go home early considering both his wife and best friend is pregnant and is alone at home. Hermione and Ginny were pregnant and Ron is not home. He went for a mission a few days before. Harry asked him to stay and offered to go himself considering it's thier first child and he knew Hermione needed Ron at the time. But Ron was stubborn saying Ginny's also pregnant and with James still young, Harry needs to be at home. It wasn't a big mission and he would be back within a week. Harry couldn't win the argument when Hermione also supported Ron with his decision saying James is not an easy baby and Harry had to give in.
With Ron gone, Harry and Ginny along with James, moved into Ron's apartment so she will have company. Molly also joined them considering Harry has to leave for work and someone needs to look after James.
Harry took out his wand and apparated to Ron and Hermione's house. He opened the door and got in to see the two ladies watching Television (which Ron got as a surprise to Hermione) with what seemed like a packet of chips between them. They turned their heads to look at him and he smiled walking towards them.
"You're early!", Hermione pointed out with a smile.
"Yeah! There wasn't much work.", He replied kissing her temple and then moved to peck Ginny's lips.
"Any info about Ron?", Hermione asked.
"He'll be back within a week. They're almost there."
"Where's James? And Molly?"
"James was a bit cranky today. So Mum took him for a walk.", Ginny replied.
Harry nodded and went to freshen himself.
Hermione was shifting uncomfortably on the couch, Ginny noticed. Its been a while. "Hermione? You okay?", She asked.
"Don't know. Guess the baby is moving a little too much today. Its kind of paining.", She replied.
"Do you want painkillers? It might help!"
"No. Its okay!", She replied but squeezed he eyes shut in pain.
"Hermione, You don't look okay.", Ginny said nervously. "Do you think you' re in labour?", She asked rubbing her belly hoping it will help the pain.
"No! It can't be. I still have almost 2 weeks left!", She said biting her lips.
"Ahhh", She let out a shriek.
"I'll get Harry now.", And Ginny went to get Harry who came after a minute. Hermione was gripping the side of the couch so hard and her eyes were shut trying to suppress the pain.
"Hermione?", Harry asked moving towards her. "Ginny! Call Molly."
Ginny nodded and got her phone (Harry and Hermione made sure every member of the Weasley-Potter household had a mobile phone considering it is far more useful and faster. Arthur still can't get enough off it.)
But then suddenly, Hermione opened her eyes wide and looked at Harry in horror. "My Water broke!", She almost yelled making them jump.
"Oh dear Merlin, Harry! Get her to St Mungos. She's in labour.", Ginny shrieked still dialling her phone furiously.
Harry immediately held Hermione by her hand and helped her stand up. "You can apparate?", He asked her nervously to which she nodded, her eyes filling up. "Ginny, we are leaving. Inform Molly and others. Don't worry. We'll be fine.", He said and apparated with Hermione.
They reached St Mungos and a middle aged witch took them to their room. They laid Hermione on the bed who was biting her lip trying to suppress the pain. Harry rubbed her hands hastily remembering how it worked on Ginny. "Harry..Ron..!!!?", Hermione asked in between.
"He'll come!", He said and then took out his wand, producing a patronus asking it to go to Robards, their head and inform Ron that Hermione's in labour. Harry knew Ron might not make it in time but he still hoped.
"HARRY....RONNN!!! WHERE IS HE???", Hermione shouted, her eyes welling up.
"He'll come. I'm trying!", He said hastily dialling Percy's number so that he can make the process faster. But today was the day the whole weasleyes decided not to pick Harry's call. "Fuck!", He cursed frustrated.
"WATCH YOUR MOUTH, HARRY!", Hermione yelled.
He looked at her in disbelief, "You're in freakin' labour Hermione!"
"I don't want the first words my child hears to be her uncle cursing!", She said looking at him with furious eyes.
The doctor came in and examined immediately. He then turned to Harry, "You are her?"
"Brother.", Harry said quickly.
"Her husband?"
"He's not here at the moment. He'll be coming soon."
"I don't think we can wait any longer. We need to deliver the baby soon. Or it might lead to further complications.", He said and Harry looked at Hermione helplessly.
"Hermione?", He called her softly. "You'll have to do it. Ron will be here soon."
"NO...!Let him come..! I will manage. Its okay!", She replied but another pain shot through her veins as she almost broke Harry's hands squeezing it.
"Ow!!", Harry let out a squeal and she shot him a furious glare followed by the doctor who was shaking his head at him.
"Hermione, I don't think you can. And also, It might not be good for the baby. Ron'll understand."
Hermione tried to deny but the pain was unbearable as she gave up at last and nodded.
"Okay! We're going to deliver the baby. Try to push as much as you can!", The doctor informed and Hermione nodded biting her lip before turning to Harry.
"DON'T YOU EVER LEAVE MY HAND OR I WILL KILL YOU!!!!!!!AND DON'T YOU DARE LOOK DOWN THERE!!!!!", She yelled at Harry who nodded quickly holding her hand.
Harry sat on the small chair nearby the bed on which Hermione was lying with a small bundle on her chest. Harry looked at the baby and couldn't help but adore. She was a mixture of both his best friends though the Weasley genes seemed prominent. Her hair was neither the red hair of Ron nor the dark brown curls of Hermione. Her face was freckled and so rose making him recall Ginny fondly.
"I am Sorry for yelling like that, Harry!", Hermione said and Harry smiled at her. "That's alright. I had worse.", He grinned recalling Ginny's delivery making Hermione chuckle. "And also, its not like its the first time you're yelling at me?", He smirked remembering how she used to scold him and Ron for their stupid actions.
"Don't you wanna hold her?", She asked.
Harry smiled, "Yes! But let Ron come first."
Hermione's smile faltered, "Where's he? Why he's not here yet?"
"He will be here soon. Robards informed me."
"Hermione?", The door swung open revealing a worn out looking Ron. His hair was messy and clothes didn't look the best. Of course, he came right from his hideout. He looked at Hermione and the baby on her and his smile faltered, "I missed it. Didn't I? I-", He looked down.
"Ohh..Stop being a git and come see your baby!", Harry called him out grinning and Ron looked up at him. He looked at Hermione who was smiling at him, almost tearing up due to happiness. He took long strides and took Hermione in his arms. He kissed her temples softly and looked at the small bundle in her arms.
"She's so tiny!", He whispered looking awe at their daughter. And Harry was quick to capture the moment as he smiled at his best friends. It felt surreal to him that his two best friends whom he met almost 15 years ago in the Hogwarts express and who never stopped bickering and eating his brain out, just had their own baby. He smiled at the memory.
"I am sorry you had to go through this without me. I feel so bad!", Ron said looking guilty.
Hermione smiled, "Its okay. I knew you had work and I was the one who asked you to go in the first place. Besides, Harry was with me and he didn't even say a thing when I kept screaming at him the whole while.", She grinned looking at him who shrugged.
"You screamed at him?", Ron asked grinning and Hermione looked at him offended, "I was freakin' pushing a human out of me Ron. I have the right to scream!", She spoke making them chuckle.
"I was okay with the yelling but now I can't even feel my hands. You are surprisingly strong!", Harry said rubbing his hands and Ron let out a laugh.
Ron then turned to look at Hermione with such a tender expression that Harry decided to leave them alone and get Ginny.
"Harry, wait?", Hermione stopped him and then looked at Ron as if silently conversing.
"You'll be the Godfather. Right?", Ron asked smiling and Harry grinned.
"Of course I am! Why shouldn't I? Besides, With parents like you two, She will definitely need a cool god father so that she can come to me whenever you start your weird foreplay."
They laughed at him as Harry grinned handsomely, "I am gonna get Ginny and the rest of the Weasleyes. She's gonna kill me if I don't take her here!", He said and with a final smile at the duo and walked forward to kiss the small baby before disapparating.
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silvia7272 · 4 years
ML Salt ~ The Cardigan Story
This is based on a true story.
Honestly, I always remembered this story because it constantly made my Sister and Mum laugh when I told them I outed a liar at school by wearing a cardigan, they were so proud of me because what I did wasn’t mean and I wasn’t even doing it out maliciousness so I thought, hey why not put it in the ML universe?
This isn’t canon to my main series so no Rosina since there isn’t any need for her, sorry sweetie.
And since I doubt Mlle Bustier would never out Lila, I’m changing the teacher to someone who actually has a backbone.
Word Count: 2303
Tags: @queenmj10, @fangirl39, @animegirlweeb, @northernbluetongue, @maribat-is-lifeblood, @raisuke06, @indecisive-mess-named-me, @luleck, @themotherofhogwarts, @more-or-less-human-i-guess, if you wish to be tagged all you have to do is say. Also, if you change your name please tell me, I don’t want to leave you out since you’ve asked to be tagged.
I know you may not wish to be tagged for one-shots, but I thought you might enjoy some salt I was able to come up with.
Also, I wrote this in one day so I’m extremely proud of myself.
If you told Marinette that Lila’s reign over the school would end over a cardigan, she would tell you you’re as crazy as she was about Adrien.
A lot.
But, she did just that.
She had to thank Adrien really, the ‘advice’ he gave her was what really pushed her.
She wouldn’t outright expose her, no, she had tried that before and look where that got her, near expulsion that’s what. And not one of her friends tried to stick up for her. She always remembered that glare Alix gave her, and since then she had been ignored, turned away by them.
Even after Lila came out with ‘the truth’ she was still seen as an overly jealous girl.
“Lila’s promised she hasn’t lied about anything else she’s said to us, it only acts up around people she doesn’t know as well, maybe next time, instead of being jealous you should give her a chance and stop being a baby. Girl this all could’ve easily been avoided if you weren’t so Adrien crazy”
Really? They actually believed that load of crap?
Whatever, Marinette was done, done with everyone.
If they wanted to show her how wrong she was then she’d let them wait until hell would frost over, because fat chance that would ever happen.
If Marinette was proud of one thing about her then it would have to be her stubbornness to get to the truth.
And she could be extremely patient.
It was just an average day at Collège Françoise Dupont. There weren’t any Akuma’s caused by anyone the previous day so Marinette was finally able to have a good night’s rest, something the exhausted teenager really missed.
She felt so re-energised she danced in the kitchen as she made breakfast without a care in the world.
Before she fell over that was.
“Careful dear, you wouldn’t want to be hurt before school hours, now just sit tight and I’ll get you something to eat,” Her Maman said. Marinette felt grateful. After breakfast, she gave her Parents a kiss before leaving.
She had loving parents that supported her every beck and call.
…Well most of the time, but that didn’t matter, she would never let Lila manipulate them ever, her Parents were off-limits.
By the time she arrived at school she was one of the first ones there, Nathaniel in the back drawing his comics, texting Marc as well, it seemed like he was in his own ‘do not disturb’ bubble. Max was talking to Markov about some new type of game, and Rose and Juleka were just cuddling.
She made her way to the back feeling a positive emotion before exhaling.
Because it was about to be ruined.
Lila walked in with Alya, Nino and Adrien by her side.
She was telling a story about her ‘one of a kind cardigan-
“My Grandmother made this cardigan especially for me carving her signature on as well, it’s the only one in existence because shortly after she made this, she ended up being in a terrible accident that left her bedridden.” They pandered to her of course. But for once she wasn’t focusing on the lie but the cardigan.
Oh, Lila’s only gone and done it now.
“I’ve always wanted to wear it, but I didn’t want it to end up ruined by someone” Her gaze casually went up to a lone bluenette, but she really wasn’t bothered.
“Don’t worry girl, I’ll keep a watchful eye on your cardigan for you. Ain't nothing gonna come between me and my besties property” They hugged before sitting down in their spaces.
‘Oh my god, I have a plan’ Marinette had that thought circled around her head until break. It was all she thought of.
Mind you, she wasn’t trying to expose everything she’d done, just that one lie. And that would be enough.
As soon as the bell rang, she was ready, she gathered her stuff and rushed home.
And thank god as well, Lila would not shut up about that cardigan, through Literature, Science and PE, it was constantly my Grandmother made it for me this, it’s the only one of its kind that.
Ugh, she wanted to rip her ears out at some point but had to endure it. No one else was bothered since they all believed her, even the teachers!
Yeah, you don’t really need any proof if it was handmade, some of Marinette’s earlier stuff didn’t have her signature on, but still, it was the principle of the matter!
And she could right that wrong.
In her room she was frantically searching for that item as Tikki dodged different articles of clothing, one hit her as she wasn’t looking, and she was down for the count.
“Marinette what are you looking for?” Marinette paused to look back at Tikki before continuing a bit calmer.
“Lila’s been lying about that cardigan and this time I can prove it.” Her eyes lit up as she lifted a cardigan up from her cupboard.
“One of Maman’s friends gave this to me a few years back, it was one of the reasons I got into fashion because of how soft it is and I wanted to replicate that. Don’t you think it looks familiar?” As Tikki looked over it her eyes widened, she knew Lila was lying anyway but she had no idea Marinette had definitive proof of it.
“That’s the same cardigan Lila has!” Marinette nodded before wearing it.
At least it still fit.
“But Marinette I thought we were gonna take the high ground?”
“Tikki it's tiring having to listen to them being lied too. I may not want them to be my friends anymore, but I just want the lying to stop. If I go and tell them that she’s lying with this as evidence they’ll clearly see she’s lying”
“But outing her like that won’t make it better!” Marinette wished she could respond with ‘are you sure’ but didn’t want to piss the mini-god off.
“Fine, what if I just wear it until someone notices, that way I’m not actively looking to publicly shame her? Better?” Tikki gave a reluctant nod, she knew her chosen wouldn’t let up about the situation, besides this whole thing was really just pettiness, nothing too serious. If no one noticed nothing bad would happen.
“Bye Maman, bye Papa” As she began walking back, she grew a bit nervous with her plan.
What if Lila made a whole other lie about her cardigan? What if she lied that Marinette had stolen it out of jealousy and everyone would try to take hers? She’d have to run away and live with a secret identity, all before getting caught and going to prison, and she’d never have her three kids and her hamster named-
“Ahem Marinette, is thou there?” A hand brought her out of her trance
“Ahhh!” She waved her arms before composing herself and seeing D’Argencourt in front of her.
“Ah, yes Monsieur?” How long had he been standing there? How long had she been rambling in her head?
“As I was saying, these new garments of yours, where did they originate from?” It took her a while before realising he was talking about her cardigan, she was so used to wearing her jacket it felt strange she had changed.
“Ohh this, well it was a present from Maman’s friend. They were on sale a few years back, so I thought I’d wear it again” He furrowed his brow before telling her to carry on with whatever she was doing.
“Well, that was weird. Do you think he liked the jacket?” Tikki ponded as her head ever so slightly popped out the small handbag.
“He’s always been weird Tikki. But whatever, let's just get back to the classroom.” All she had to do was wait.
‘How the hell hasn’t anyone noticed yet?’ Marinette was secretly fuming in her mind right now. None of her classmates noticed the change in her outfit.
Not one.
Bustier did however, the bluenette was sure because she’d see her teacher quickly glance from Marinette to Lila but never said a word. Probably thinking of that whole, ‘be the bigger person’ crap.
And not even the excuse of maybe Bustier didn’t know, bs. By the time break happened everyone in the school knew about that damn cardigan so don’t get her started.
‘Oh well, looks like that’s it. My petty revenge came flat… At least Lila didn’t pull a Marinette ruined my belongings stunt’ That would’ve been the last thing she needed.
Knock Knock Knock
The door opened before Bustier could reply, a teacher would reprimand a student for this type of rudeness, but it wasn’t a student.
It was a teacher.
And it was Monsieur D’Argencourt.
‘What the-’ Marinette didn’t remember this part of the plan.
“Excuse me Caline, but I need to interrupt the class for an announcement.” Bustier was about to deny but D’Argencourt the stubborn teacher as he was, walked straight on through ignoring whatever Bustier would’ve said.
“Lila Rossi, may you please step in front of the classroom?” Lila looking completely confused let go off Adrien, much to the relief of the boy, and walked in front of her desk.
“Marinette Dupain-Cheng?” He didn’t need to repeat the command.
Yes, command not a request.
“Can I ask you where you got your cardigans from?”
“Armand, I don’t think this is appropriate-” He shot a glare back at the teacher.
“I can assure you this won’t take long if I’m not interrupted”
Lila looked over to Marinette and realised with a sinking feeling what was happening. But she would win this time. Just like all the others.
“My Grandmother made this specifically, you see-”
He held a hand up to silence her.
“Yes, that’s quite alright, and Marinette would you like to repeat what you said before?” As Marinette did just that Lila was seething, he cut her off. How dare that simpleton cut off Lila Rossi!
He would pay.
“Well, it appears one of you is lying, and I expect that person to own up to it now” The class gasped as they all looked expectedly at Marinette, they knew she was petty but to do this was so low.
Lila looked at her smugly, she had tried to play with fire but got burned in the process. How could she even think she’d get away with this?
“I was talking about you, Lila Rossi”
“Eh, what?” The class gasped as they tried to say of course Lila was innocent, Marinette was the one lying. Or that Marinette must’ve tricked him.
He shot a glare towards all the class members as they instantly shut up.
“I don’t remember this being a class discussion, if I want your opinion, I will ask for it. Understood?” They nodded before giving sympathetic glances towards the brunette, D’Argencourt almost had the urge to shout at their incompetence but alas they were kids.
“I can tell you why you are lying Lila, with a photo. But as I’m feeling generous, I will give you one more chance to reveal yourself.” The class was silent as they all looked on in anticipation.
But Lila stood her ground defiantly, as if he actually had proof-
Oh no she’s doomed…
“Then I don’t suppose this looks familiar? Hmm?” On his phone was a picture. Lila immediately lowered her head, too ashamed to look him in the eye.
3 guesses of what it is?
No one?
Too easy?
Ok, it was the cardigan.
And at a fairly cheap price. No wonder she had it in brand new condition.
“I first knew you were lying once I saw Marinette wear the exact same one, however, hers was clearly worn out, evidently she has worn it for several amount of years. You had already messed up when you said it was the only one made. So please…” Lila looked up to see D’Argencourt giving one of the most frightening glares of the century.
“Don’t ever lie about anything to my face or anyone ever again, you will be court out and I will be keeping an eye on you. Is that final?” She meekly nodded her head, trying to give a frightened appearance to make him have sympathy but he was immune.
“That will be all. I hope your class has learned a valuable lesson of not taking things at face value” And with that, he left. Leaving Marinette with a different impression of her PE teacher, it seemed he didn’t like liars all that much.
Marinette smiled, her plan worked, and she didn’t even out her herself. Tikki surely can’t be mad at her now.
Bustier tried to get the class to go back to normal but she couldn’t. The class erupted into a screaming fit, asking how Lila could lie about that sort of thing?
It wasn’t until someone unexpected said the next few words she wondered if this was a dream.
“Hey if Lila lied about this what else did she lie about? She even said herself she doesn’t lie to her friends but that was a lie” That made the class tick as they soon realised and soon torn into her about it.
Leaving Lila, a ‘sobbing mess’ on the floor. All before she stopped that fake display and arguing back.
But the one who said that…
Was Adrien.
He was able to slip by the crowd and stand next to Marinette.
No words were said, she knew what he would’ve said even without the noise.
‘I’m sorry’
It was a start, and maybe through time, she could start trusting again.
But for now, she just wanted to enjoy this chaos…
Before there was an Akuma alert.
I want more D’Argencourt I want more D’Argencourt I want more D’Argencourt. I probably screwed his speech but oh well this is salt, doesn’t have to be accurate.
Phew, hope you enjoyed it, sorry its shorter than the others but this happened when I was in Year 5 and I was 9/10 years old. Woo 10 years ago, god that makes me feel old. Also, not everything was exactly this way, the teacher did out the person in front of the whole class, but she admitted it and went back to her class, we had two classes for maths. Anyway, I actually have to give Lila credit compared to the liar we had at our school, this person actually knew I had that cardigan and actually complimented me on it like months earlier and still had the audacity to say that. I think that’s the reason why I think if I was in their world I wouldn’t believe Lila because I already had a Lila at my school who would always say they’ve done the exact same thing as we had (They even said they had the same Aunt as me living on the same street, crazy right). Mind you they never said anything to me, I think they were too embarrassed plus, I was a goody little two-shoes there.
Anyway I really hope you enjoy it and if you like real-life stories so much I can always try to ask my friends for more ideas, I did have like some slightly toxic friends there that I may be able to tell you about but I’ll try to think how later.
Cya next time.
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flowerpowell · 4 years
The Royal Holiday Romance (Liam x MC)
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A/N: Ahhh the last chapter and the last peek into Victoria’s and Liam’s lives! I was supposed to finish this series before Christmas but... better late than never, huh? I hope you’ll enjoy the epilogue!
Rating: G
Tagging: @gardeningourmet @delightfullypinkglitter @twinkleallnight @lodberg @sfb123 @queen-arabella-of-cordonia @iaminlovewithtrr​ @kingliam-rys​ @kingliam2019​ @texaskitten30​ @gkittylove99​ @shanzay44​ @sweatyrysconnoisseur​ ❣
“Li, you sure you don’t wanna come?”
Liam nodded, assuring his friends once again that he made up his mind and wasn’t going to change it.
Maxwell sighed. “As you wish. You’re gonna regret it though. I even wore my squid suit! The one that made Hana fall for me.”
“Hana never fell for you, Maxwell.” Drake rolled his eyes. “She just said it was a nice suit.”
“Whatever. She invited us to that party after all!”
Liam looked absentmindedly at his friends. Hana and the rest of the crew finished filming a week ago and they celebrated it with a big wrap-up party. She invited him and his friends but Liam didn’t feel like coming. Mostly because he still felt bad for almost firing Victoria from said movie. But also because she wasn’t going to be there. There was no point for him to go.
When Drake and Maxwell left, Liam went into his bedroom and opened his laptop.
It was almost four months since he saw and talked to Victoria. She went home right before Christmas and it was already March. To say he missed her every day, was an understatement.
Not much changed for him; Liam kept himself busy with work and all his duties. He knew Maxwell and Drake were worried about him but he kept telling them he was okay.
He allowed himself moments of weakness only in the night. He would google Victoria’s name and read what she had been up to. After leaving Cordonia, she set up her own blog and started her film critic career online. Maybe because of the scandal but mostly because she was very talented, she soon found a big audience and started being invited to different events, premieres and interviews. Liam was very proud of her and very happy for her. But reading all of that, made him miss her even more. The fact that she didn’t want to come to the wrap-up party, as well as the Cordonian premiere in a few months, was a clear proof she wasn’t thinking about him the way he thought about her.
Liam sighed as he saw an article titled: Victoria Brooks refuses to attend the premiere of ‘Cordonian Christmas’ in the light of the scandal.
Even though he explained everything what happened, he still was guilty of causing the scandal. He wasn’t surprised she didn’t want to come to Cordonia after all that happened. And he wasn’t surprised she didn’t want to keep in touch with him.
It was all his fault.
“Greetings from the wrap-up partyyyyy”
Victoria looked at the picture Hana just sent her. She and Maxwell seemed to have a lot of fun. Victoria even spotted Drake sipping on his drink. No sight of Liam, though.
Not like she would expect him to be there. Hana had told her that Liam avoided leaving the palace since… she left Cordonia.
Victoria blamed the scandal and all that negative attention that Liam got afterwards for his antisocial behavior but Hana straightforwardly told her that it was because he tried to get over her.
She wasn’t sure what to think about it. Were his feeling actually genuine? It wasn’t just a game? Was a King really… into her?
“Don’t go there,” Victoria warned herself. What happened, happened. It’d been almost four months since they spoke last. High time to move on.
So why did Victoria feel like there was something missing?
Liam was playing with his phone after checking his emails. He looked at his drafts folder and sighed seeing at lest fifty different emails he wrote to Victoria. Wrote but never sent.
He wondered if she thought about him. Even if just for a second.
“If she did, it would be pretty negative thoughts, I’m sure.” He thought to himself and put his phone away. It was pointless. No matter how bad he wanted to forget about Victoria, he couldn’t.
He still felt just as in love with her as he was four months ago.
Victoria was playing with her phone after reading comments under her newest blog post. She checked her emails but nothing new came.
What was she waiting for, though? For an email from Liam?
“He closed that chapter. You should, too,” she thought to herself as she put her phone away. It was pointless. No matter how bad she wanted to move on, she couldn’t.
For some reason, the butterflies she felt when thinking about Liam didn’t die even after those four months.
“It’s so nice to see you, Liam.” Hana smiled and greeted the King. He nodded and shook her hand.
“Likewise. I’ve heard the wrap-up party was a success.”
“It was… nice. We missed you,” she said and Liam could almost hear that silent and Victoria too but he didn’t say anything. It was his fault she couldn’t even come here.
“Maybe you could talk to him, Hana. He said he won’t come to the premiere!” Maxwell chipped in and Liam rolled his eyes. Hana’s face softened.
“You really should. I mean, I’ll understand if you don’t but it’d be nice to see you there.”
“I’ll think about it,” he promised. When Maxwell and Drake entered the throne room, Liam followed suit but Hana stopped him, gently grabbing his arm.
“Can we talk? Alone?” She added.
“Is something wrong?” His mind immediately wandered to Victoria. Did something happen to her?
“No… No. But… I wanted talk to you about Tori, if I may.” She started and Liam’s heart began to race. He nodded.
“I don’t approve of how you treated her with your lies and dishonesty. And I don’t blame Victoria for being upset with you and wanting to leave. But… I also know you regret it. And I know that you didn’t want to deceive her. Listen, Liam. I’ve known you for many years now and I know you’re a good person. We all make mistakes. And you… already redeemed yours. And I think Tori would agree.”
“I am really sorry for what I have done. Truly. If I could turn back time—” Liam started. Why was Hana bringing it up now?
“I wasn’t trying to make you apologize for something you’ve already apologized for. I’m just trying to ask… why did you give up on Victoria?”
Liam was taken aback. He gave up on her?
“I don’t think I understand… I didn’t give up on her… She left!”
“Yes, but that was four months ago. Even very stubborn people like Tori soften in that time.”
“What… are you getting at?” He was confused and Hana shook her head.
“I’m saying… if you really like her, which I see you do, you should’ve fought for her. She forgave you a long time ago and she misses you just as much.”
“She told you that?”
“She didn’t have to. I hear it in her voice and see it in her eyes every time we talk. Just like I see you still love her in yours.”
Liam stared at Hana. “You… think… I should—”
Hana chuckled. “When Cinderella left Prince Charming in the palace after the ball, he didn’t just accepted his fate and tried to move on. He started looking for her and fought for their future. Because he truly loved her.”
“And Cinderella’s two sisters lost their feet in the process,” he added absentmindedly.
“I see Tori educated you too on original fairytales?”
“Yes.” he smiled. Victoria had a bigger impact on his life than he even thought.
“Then why don’t you just go for her, huh? She doesn’t have any sisters so don’t worry about that part. Call her, message her. Fight for her! I’m sure she’s waiting for it, too…”
Liam stared at the ceiling, rewinding the conversation he had with Hana earlier that day. If Victoria really forgave him and was waiting for his sign…
Hana told him he should call or message her but Liam wasn’t sure it was a good idea. When it came to Victoria Brooks, he wanted to make it right.
And he could only hope it wasn’t too late.
Victoria hit enter and her newest post appeared at the top of the blog. She quickly turned off her computer and decided to go for a walk. It was her routine. After posting something, she was too scared to wait for people’s reactions so she always went for a walk.
“What you’re up to?”
Victoria marveled at the message Hana sent her. It wasn’t the fact that Hana messaged her because the two women kept in touch, but it was four in the morning in Cordonia and Tori wondered why Hana was up.
“Just went for a walk. Wbu?” She typed and the answer came right away.
Victoria frowned. What was going on with Hana?
“That little forest a few minutes away from my apartment. Why are you asking?”
“Nevermind, enjoy your walk!”
Now Victoria was concerned. She tried to call Hana but her phone was turned off. Or she simply didn’t want to answer her calls.
She was walking in the forest, trying to call Hana from time to time but without success.
“Fine! Be mysterious!” She yelled at her phone after tenth time Hana didn’t pick up.
“Is that what actresses do? Talk to themselves?”
Victoria turned so abruptly that Liam had to catch her. Her eyes widened at the sight of Liam, King Liam, in a little forest in her hometown.
“What—what are you doing?” she asked, still in shock.
“You visited Cordonian forests and I wanted to visit American,” he replied calmly.
“Ha ha. No one ever comes here. And how did you—” she narrowed her eyes. “Hana.”
“Don’t be angry with her. I wanted to make sure I’d meet you. Poor Hana, I had to wake her up in the middle of the night.”
“Why are you here?” She asked, her heart and mind racing. She couldn’t believe he was here. Here in America. Here, for her.
“To see you. To talk to you. To tell you how much I miss you. Victoria, I—I missed you so much. I never felt this way for anyone else. And I am so sorry it took me months before I finally came here to tell you that. I wanted to call you every single day. I’m still…” he paused for a moment. “I’m still very much in love with you.”
“Liam…” she felt her eyes started to water. “I missed you, too. And I’m sorry for what I said to you before I left.”
“No, you were right. I made a mistake. And I promise to never lie to you again. What was between us… was real. And I want that. If you’re still interested.”
Victoria swallowed hard and felt tears running down her cheeks. “I’m still interested.”
Liam smiled and extended his hand. “Hello. My name is Liam and I am the King of a small European country, Cordonia. I love Baklava and I’ve recently started reading Grimm’s fairytales. I still think they’re actually thrillers. In my free time, I like to go for walks. Four months ago, I fell deeply in love with the most amazing woman. And you?”
She laughed. “I’m Victoria and I’m a movie critic. I have my own blog. I used to be an actress but it wasn’t for me. I’ve never had Baklava but it sounds delicious. I consider Grimm’s fairytales better than their Disney’s adaptations. I once traveled to Cordonia and fell in love with their King. Nice to meet you.”
Liam’s face lit up and she threw her hands around his neck. She didn’t know how they would make it work, what it would look like dating a King, what the people would say but she didn’t care.
For the first time in her life, she felt like the main character in her own fairytale.
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ya-girl-mc · 4 years
Sweet Indulgence
Character: Kuroo Tetsurou × Fem Reader
Concept: Y/N and Kuroo spend their Valentine's evening with a homecooked date night dinner; then came "dessert" 😏
⚠️ Warning: Sexual content (also contains a minor spoiler from the Haikyuu!! manga since I referred to a lil detail there for Kuroo's character in this fic)
A/N: Happy Valentine's Day ya'll esp to those who'll be spending it alone (me lol 😔✊). This fic was requested by a dear irl friend of mine who's one of the biggest Kuroo trash I know so here ya go 😉
☆☆ A Haikyuu!! Fanfiction ☆☆
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"Damn it."
Kuroo's disgruntled voice caused Y/N to look up from her morning coffee as she gazed at him inquisitively. "What's up?"
A deep frown etched on his face, he sighed and set his phone down on the table, his attention once again on his half-eaten breakfast. "The Chief. He needs me to work overtime tonight, of all times. I swear that old man is giving me way too much load for how much I'm getting paid-"
Y/N brought up her coffee mug to her lips, gazing at her boyfriend sympathetically as she listened to him rant about his rather unfortunate office life. While Kuroo loves and is adept at his new job at the Sports Promotion Division of the Japan Volleyball Association, his overbearing boss made matters far from pleasing.
Ah yes, the toil of the working class.
"-and we even made those dinner reservations tonight for Valentine's Day."
Oh, right. Like any typical run-of-the-mill working class couple, Y/N and Kuroo were looking forward to a classy dinner to celebrate the 14th, yet the unforeseen circumstances seemed to have derailed their evening plans. Huffing in annoyance, he set his utensils down and shot her a guilty look. She was quite disappointed of course, but it couldn't be helped; it's all part of the game, as they say. "It's fine, we could always go at a different time. You do what you gotta do."
"You know, when you act all level-headed like that, I can't help but feel even worse," Kuroo sighed, thoroughly frustrated at how his boss managed to ruin their dinner plans.
She grinned at him as an idea occurred to her. "What time do you get off work today?"
"Probably 8 or 9, at the latest. Why?"
"Great!" Y/N chimed, chuckling sheepishly as soon as she noticed the impassive expression on Kuroo's face. "Well...not because you have to work overtime since that definitely sucks. I mean, I'd have enough time to prepare us a fancy dinner for date night." Her eyes lit up in excitement, her mind already racing with ideas as she began to ponder on what dishes to prepare.
Kuroo grinned at her in amusement, feeling himself gradually get over his workplace woes. Glancing at his phone, he briskly cleaned up after himself and proceeded to grab his belongings. "Thanks for the meal, but I'd better go on ahead. The earlier I can get there, the sooner I can get everything done."
Y/N followed suit and ushered him to the entrance of their shared apartment. It was pretty rare to see Kuroo invigorated on a weekday morning as he usually lazed around with her for a bit before they both headed off to their respective offices; the idea of a scrumptious date night dinner prepared by his lover definitely served as extra motivation to get through the day.
After adjusting his tie, she proceeded to ruffle his hair to try and straighten his stubborn bed head, but to no avail. "I don't know how you can seem to pull off going to work with bed hair, but anyway, do your best today, Kuroo-san!" She teased and saw him off with a salute.
Damn it, how adorable.
In one swift motion, he wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her close, his lips pecking hers ever so slightly as he pulled away, chuckling at the dazed expression on her face. "I'll make it up to you later, I promise. Then, I'll be off." He waved at her as Y/N watched his retreating figure, her heart still pounding from their prior interaction.
As I thought, cohabitation really is the best.
It was just about past 7 in the evening when Y/N arrived at their apartment with an armful of groceries. Despite getting off from work as early as 5:30, she lost track of time in the supermarket, completely engulfed with the multitude of ideas that raced through her mind. Cooking was a passion of hers, and there's nothing she enjoys more other than spoiling her significant other with her culinary prowess.
Unloading the bags on the kitchen's countertop, Y/N's eyes scanned over the ingredients, thoroughly pleased with her purchase.
Seared rib eye steak paired with a classic red wine jus, a creamy and delectable potato au gratin as a side dish, and a decadent chocolate mousse dessert for that extra indulgence...ahhh it's perfect! I'll make sure that every penny spent on these ridiculously expensive ingredients will be worth it!
Y/N threw an apron on and proceeded to undertake the necessary preparations for each of the dishes, determined to salvage what's left of her and Kuroo's Valentine's Day plans with probably the best dinner she'll be preparing by far. She recounted on the recipes she had sneakily studied in-between working hours, finding herself completely engrossed with the tasks at hand.
Okay, the gratin's baking in the oven...once there's 30 minutes left to its cooking time that's when I'll start preparing the red wine jus. Then I'll be searing the steak, let it rest, then prepare the mousse in the process. Yep, I got this in the bag!
Once more immersing herself in her culinary escapades, Y/N was finally down to the last task of whipping up the chocolate mousse when the front door opened, signaling Kuroo's arrival from work as the wonderful aromas that wafted from the kitchen uplifted him from his weariness. With her back turned towards him, he shut the door and sauntered towards the kitchen, a scheming grin on his face as he crept towards his oblivious girlfriend.
"Y/N," he breathed teasingly into her ear, causing her to yelp in surprise.
"Goddammit, Tetsurou!" She hastily switched off the hand mixer to avoid splattering chocolate mousse everywhere, shooting him a dirty look in the process. "You're lucky I only had a mixer in my hand! What if it was something else, like a-"
The sight of her handsome lover, still clad in his office attire with a bouquet of flowers in his hand, rendered her speechless. He chuckled as Y/N continued to gawk at him, stepping closer to wrap his free arm around her shoulders. "Happy Valentine's Day." Kuroo tenderly pressed his lips on her temples as he handed her the bouquet.
Ahh, great. Now I feel like crap for yelling at him like that. Unable to suppress the smile that made its way to her face, she sheepishly accepted his gift, standing on her toes to plant an appreciative kiss on his cheek. "T-thank you...and Happy Valentine's Day, too."
The warmth that adorned her cheeks just made her even more irresistible, yet Kuroo tried to reel in his urges as he allotted a reasonable distance between them. "So, what did my cute lover prepare for date night?"
As if on cue at his inquiry, her eyes immediately lit up. "Well, I started off by preparing the potato au gratin since that takes the longest to cook. I infused the cream with a little thyme, rosemary, and a dash of lemon zest to cut back on the heaviness. Then, for the rib eye steak, I-" Kuroo simply listened on as she rambled, the corners of his mouth turning upwards as she explained the entirety of the cooking process of each of the dishes she had prepared. While he didn't understand a majority of it, it was utterly endearing for him to see her so engrossed in the fervor of her culinary passion.
So basically, she prepared a fancy potato dish, a steak dish, and chocolate mousse for dessert. Damn it, she's just too adorable when she goes all out.
"-so anyway," Y/N continued, grasping Kuroo's attention once more. "Can you check if the mousse tastes fine? I'm a bit concerned that I may have fallen short on the sweetness." With a spoon in hand, she scooped a generous amount and held it out for him to taste.
Taking it into his mouth, Kuroo's eyes widened as the dessert's decadence flooded his taste buds. The mousse was not overbearingly sweet due to the dark chocolate she used, yet it still delivered the right amount of indulgence for a dessert; the perfect balance of flavor was definitely to his liking. "Wow, that's delicious!" He exclaimed and was tempted to beg for another spoonful.
Y/N grinned, her pride swelling up at his positive feedback. "Yay, glad to hear! I'll be popping this in the fridge to chill while we have dinner."
Setting down the bouquet of flowers on the countertop, she proceeded to take the bowl; however, Kuroo had something else in mind as he held her arm and leaned closer, peering at her inquisitive expression. "Why don't you give it a taste as well?"
"Uhm...okay." As she reached for another spoon, Kuroo snatched it away from her and shook his head dismissively. Scooping a spoonful of the mixture, he applied a dollop of mousse on his fingers and held it out, a mischievous smirk on his face.
The atmosphere between them suddenly shifted, and with Kuroo eyeing her so earnestly, she couldn't help her cheeks from flaming up at his promiscuous gesture. Amid Y/N's brief contemplation, he brushed his fingers across her lips and gently pushed them into her mouth.
Her heart thumping at how unbelievably alluring Kuroo was at their proximity, she locked her eyes with his, her tongue slowly lapping up the remnants of chocolate mousse. It was long gone, yet she continued to suck fervently on his fingers, earning a shudder from him. She slowly took it out of her mouth, keeping her gaze trained on his. "You're right, it is delicious."
Kuroo's eyes darkened with lust as he took a step closer, running his thumb across her lip to collect all remaining traces of the mousse. His tongue slowly darted out of his mouth and licked his thumb clean, grinning as Y/N simply stared at him, her mouth slightly agape. "I know that you just prepared us a delicious dinner, but there's something else I'd rather eat right now."
Unable to hold himself back any longer, Kuroo slipped his hand behind her head, pulling her close as his lips urgently met hers. The force nearly made Y/N stumble, but his arm immediately went around her waist, stabilizing her position as she met his kiss with fervor. As their tongues intertwined, both of them could detect a hint of sweetness from the remnants of the chocolate mousse which only intensified their thirst for the other.
Y/N struggled to breathe as Kuroo's tongue relentlessly explored her mouth, the hands that held his blazer beginning to tremble. He took her bottom lip into his teeth, the sharp sensation causing her knees to buckle as he backed her up into the countertop, pressing himself even closer to her. Her head was beginning to spin, and if it weren't for Kuroo's lean stature holding her in place, she would have collapsed then and there.
"T-tetsurou," Y/N gasped out as Kuroo trailed his lips across her jaw and down to her neck, wincing as she felt his teeth graze the skin. His hands wandered down to her waist as he hoisted her up on the countertop, his tongue darting out to soothe the love bites he left along her neck. Pulling away momentarily, he eyed her with raw passion and need as he loosened up his neck tie, the seemingly mundane gesture igniting Y/N's desire.
"Strip for me." His voice was low, commanding, yet she could sense the desperation it conveyed. Her heart pounding wildly, Y/N proceeded to remove her apron and unbutton her blouse, her face burning at how Kuroo's eyes scrutinized her every move; however, her current position hindered her as she struggled to discard her skirt. Leaning back on her forearm, she slightly lifted her hips and slipped off her skirt with her free hand, causing Kuroo to grit his teeth at how unbelievably erotic the entire scene was.
Now down to her underwear, Y/N attempted to pull him towards her yet he shook his head defiantly, his finger trailing from her lips down to the swell of her breasts. "I meant all of it."
"You should've clarified it earlier," she huffed, completely flustered at how Kuroo enjoyed making her squirm.
He then responded to her quip with his own. "I didn't think that needed to be clarified, Y/N."
Completely at a loss on how to respond, she sighed in defeat and conceded as her hands moved to discard the last few pieces of clothing, eventually swallowing hard as she noticed how aroused Kuroo had gotten through his slacks. He wanted to take her then and there, but as his eyes wandered to the bowl of chocolate mousse atop the counter, he decided to have a little bit more fun; it was Valentine's Day after all.
Y/N followed his gaze and immediately caught on on what he was planning to do, sighing internally as the dessert she painstakingly made will be used for a completely different purpose. Yet, she fidgeted in anticipation, unable to deny how much the prospect turned her on. Kuroo chuckled, the gestures she displayed serving as all the confirmation he needed to proceed.
Reaching for the bowl and a ladle, Kuroo scooped a generous amount of mousse and poured it on her body, his own breathing picking up as he watched the slightly viscous mixture cascade down her bare chest. "That kind of tickles," Y/N remarked shyly, keeping her eyes trained downwards as she couldn't bring herself to look at him.
As I thought...this is kind of embarrassing after all.
Kuroo sensed her apprehension. He leaned towards her and pressed a reassuring kiss on her cheek, a gentle smile adorning his face. "I'll be cleaning this off of you in no time."
Before Y/N could process the implications of his words, she flinched in surprise as Kuroo's tongue boldly lapped up the mousse on her chest, her hands immediately moving towards his hair as she trembled in pleasure. His hands on her thighs, he abruptly pulled her closer towards him, her legs wrapping around his waist in the process. The sweetness of the mousse and the lustful moans Y/N released overwhelmed his senses as he ran his tongue over her nipple, her hands tightening its grip on his hair in response. It was starting to hurt a bit as she pulled at the strands, completely lost in her own passion as he stimulated her, yet Kuroo didn't mind; rather, it only encouraged him further as he began to take her nipples into his teeth, causing her to cry out at the sensations he induced.
"T-tetsurou...enough, please," she begged in-between gasps as she lifted Kuroo's head from her chest, her eyes dazed and completely overcome with desire.
"All right, all right. I'll stop," he rescinded, pulling away from Y/N slightly as he grinned at the panicked expression on her face.
"N-no, that's not what I-"
"You want me to touch you elsewhere, right?" Kuroo once more reached for the ladle and poured a generous amount of mousse along her thighs. In an instant, he was down on his knees as he positioned her legs atop his shoulders, the new angle allowing him an enticing view of her soaked core. Glancing up momentarily at her, he shuddered in pleasure as he noticed the lustful way she was looking at him.
Licking his fingers clean, he kissed hungrily down her thigh, his tongue darting out to lap up the sweet mixture. Y/N moaned uncontrollably, twining her fingers with the strands of his hair in an attempt to keep him in place. Kuroo's mouth eventually reached her inner thigh, the warm breaths he let out teasing her entrance. He looked up once more to seek out her permission as the single nod she managed was all the confirmation he needed.
His lips and tongue began to stimulate her most sensitive parts, Y/N's grip on his hair tightening as she gasped out in pleasure. She was intoxicating, the high-pitched noises and gestures she made guiding him in his ministrations. As soon as his lips touched her sweet spot, she jerked in surprise, causing Kuroo to cease his actions. "What's wrong? Did that feel good for you?"
Y/N nodded earnestly as she looked down at him; the sight of Kuroo on his knees with his head in-between her legs was just too much to take. Taking her silence as a signal to continue, he resumed his earlier actions, her every response, no matter how miniscule, fueling his own arousal. He decided to take it even further as the deliberate moans he let out caused Y/N to whimper at how pleasurable the vibrations felt.
"T-tetsurou...!" She gasped, her insides tightening which signaled her fast-approaching release. Kuroo made no attempt to stop as the movement of his lips and tongue intensified, pushing her on the verge of coming. Her entire body began to tremble and it wasn't long before she finally climaxed, her upper body slumping forward as she struggled to regain her breathing.
Wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, Kuroo swiftly stood and allowed Y/N to lean into his embrace, his hands stroking her hair as her breathing eventually evened. "You okay?"
"Y-yeah, thanks for that," she mumbled in embarrassment, her head pressed against his chest as she listened to his heartbeat, her eyelids gradually becoming heavier.
However, Kuroo was far from being done. He tipped up her chin, all traces of his earlier composure long gone from his face. "Sorry Y/N. We're not done yet. Not when you got me all worked up from that." He drew back and gently pulled her arm, his hands moving to provide support as she hopped down from the counter, her legs slightly wobbling. Her entire body still felt quite sensitive from the remnants of her earlier passion, yet she was eager for more.
His hands moved frantically as he turned Y/N around and pushed her down, her front pressing against the cool surface of the granite countertop. She heard Kuroo curse under his breath as he took in her new position, her face burning at how much more exposed she felt; yet, she couldn't deny the anticipation she felt for what's to come. "Hurry..."
"Shit, hold on...let me just-" Kuroo was frantic now, completely engulfed in his own desire as he reached for his pocket for a condom; he always kept one in hand for "emergency purposes", as he claimed. Holding the packet momentarily between his teeth, his fingers fumbled as he unbuckled and unbuttoned his slacks. Ripping the wrapper off with his teeth, he proceeded to put the condom on, positioning himself behind Y/N. He wrapped his arm around her waist to pull her close as his other hand held his throbbing length. "I'm going in."
He plunged himself deep, both of them moaning uncontrollably at the sensation of their joined bodies. Her insides were unbearably warm and tight, yet she still managed to take in the entirety of his shaft so easily. Snapping his hips forward, Kuroo let out a throaty groan as their position allowed him to reach even deeper parts inside of her. Completely overcome with his overwhelming need, he began thrusting wildly, his grip on her waist tightening.
Y/N grasped the edges of the countertop at the sheer force of his thrusts, her entire being staggering at how relentlessly Kuroo made love to her; but, she was not one to complain as she eventually moved her hips along with his, taking him even deeper than before.
"Shit...Y/N, you feel so good," Kuroo moaned, his teeth nibbling along her earlobe. It was during times like these when she and him indulged in each other that Kuroo strays from his usual composed and laid-back demeanor; she took pride in being able to witness and experience this completely different side of him.
Their lustful moans echoed throughout the apartment, yet despite her current state-of-mind, Y/N managed to recollect herself, well-aware of their neighbors risking on hearing them. She brought up her hand to her mouth to silence herself; however, Kuroo withheld her attempt to do so, too far gone to care about such matters.
"It's too late for that now. Don't hold yourself back, let me hear you." The unbearably seductive manner he had whispered those words fueled Y/N's desire ten-fold, and it wasn't long before she felt her incoming release as her insides tightened, eliciting a throaty groan from Kuroo.
"I-I'm close...Tetsurou...!" She began calling for him even louder then before. Gritting his teeth, Kuroo wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her to a standing position, the new angle allowing him to plunge himself even deeper. His release was fast-approaching as well, his mouth falling atop her shoulder to stifle the lewd noises he was making. Y/N reached up and grasped his hair to keep him in place, her hips moving urgently against his as he showered her neck and shoulders with kisses.
It was just too much to bear, the lustful noises she made intensifying at the sensations he invoked. Moaning out her name, Kuroo lifted her leg and increased his pace, the pleasure of their love-making pushing them on the verge of insanity as they eventually climaxed, Y/N's entire body slumping against his body. Their chests heaving, Kuroo brushed his lips against her cheek, carefully pulling out of her as he collected her languid form into his arms, both of them gradually coming down from their high.
"I love you," he murmured tenderly, his lips brushing against the top of her head.
"I love you, too." Y/N's hands grasped his blazer, glancing upwards to return his smile with her own, both of them in a state of euphoria. It was short-lived, however, as she immediately recollected herself, her panicked eyes darting around the kitchen. "Oh my god, the gratin! And the steak, it's probably oxidized by now...and the chocolate mousse! Only you got to eat it, Tetsurou, you idiot!"
Kuroo couldn't hold back his laughter as she scrambled around the kitchen to collect her discarded clothes, abruptly switching the oven off before moving to check on the remaining dishes of their long-forgotten date night dinner. However, he stopped her in her tracks as he gathered her once more into his embrace. "Before that, I think we should clean up the counter - and more importantly - ourselves first. Besides, even if you feed me burnt crap, I'd still be happy to eat anything you make."
He'd expect her to swoon over his words, yet she only shot him a narrowed look, her hands pushing against his chest. "Butter me up all you want, you're not escaping dish duty tonight."
Kuroo chuckled and watched in amusement as Y/N marched to their bathroom to take a shower, his hands reaching for a rag and disinfectant. He proceeded to wipe the countertop clean, the grin on his face widening as he did. "It was still worth a shot."
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