#( Thank you for sending x3 )
obsessed with the oblivious chat noir art because adrien agreste is one of the most recognizable faces in paris and so by chat claiming he's never seen anyone blonde with green eyes ladybug is probably just like "is he *not* from within the city does he come here every day for patrols?"
Shdjsjsjjsk Absolutely- if Ladybug thinks about it for like an extra five seconds, she'd immediately be over-thinking everything about Chat Noir and his living situation!! She would definitely assume he just doesn't live around there 😭
Actually someone reblogged that post and said colorblind Adrien real, and I honestly like that possibility a lot too! I think that even if he wasn't colorblind, Ladybug would definitely be the one to question if he was after his response.
Ladybug: "If Chat Noir has blond hair and green eyes, but he's never seen someone like that.... Does he not know the he has blond hair and green eyes?? Colorblind chat noir??" Like, oh sweetie. You're connecting all the wrong dots again
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spookythesillyfella · 20 days
What are Sketch and Tracey's favourite activities to do with each other?
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this is their favourite – and frankly only – activity
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peemil · 3 months
4, 14, 32 :3
4 (Which cryptid being do you believe in?)- So I never really got into this kind of thing! It doesn't really make much difference to me tbh. I think aliens are real but at this point who doesn't.
14 (Do you love the smell of earth after it rains?)- "Love" is a strong word, but yes! Well, that is, where I'm originally from, yes. The soil and the asphalt and the concrete all smell different in different places. So I like it where I'm from (it's got strong notes of petroleum here) but in Illinois it smelled very different and honestly somewhat unpleasant.
32 (Do you have a favorite towel?)- OHOHO, YES, I have an old one that I accidentally took with me when I moved out a few years ago, it was super thick and HUGE, practically blanket-sized. Not the softest as far as towels go but it was super high quality and had more than stood the test of time.
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le-velo-pour-dru · 6 months
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merry-andrews · 4 months
"Hey there, beautiful. What are you doing so alone there? Turn that frown upside-down, sweetie pie!" (From Firecracker for Homelander hehe!)
thank you dear for this sweet ask X3
he sighs "you have no idea how it is to be surrounded by idiots! that stupid Ashley.. ugh!" he groans, holding up his phone to show a clip playing on it, it's Homelander, landing with his superheroic style and lazers the 'supposed to be enemy' man with a gun right where he's standing then takes off into the sky again. the camera moves toward the dead man and behind him there was standing another man, a father of a family, an innocent man that lazer hit him accidently
"I...I didn't.. didn't know he was fucking standing there!!" his blue eyes are frustrated and sad, he leans close to kiss the side of Firecracker "you're the only reason I'm still standing here and not out there, lazering all crowds in front of the tower.. ugh! can't they see this?! I was saving them!"
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sexynetra · 11 months
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losing my marbles over this look like holy SHIT she looks so !! good !!!!!!
GI ENTERING THEIR MARCIA STAN ERA????? one can only hope <3 anyways this look is SO good? Marcia Elphaba era?? God damn???? She really is the prettiest little princess, j’adore
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tailoringtay · 7 months
📧 Funky Fella in the Inbox Hours
Quietly - or as quietly as one could - a giant Burmecian who may or may not ring familiar to the tailor and his crew enters the shop. He also may or may not have ducked to avoid any manner of contact with the door frame on the way in.
He glanced over the shop's selection, donning what one may call a "thousand yard stare." His mind seemed adrift; languid, yet, somehow discernibly ill at ease. Eventually, he turned to the counter.
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"... Do you have any hats available?"
The shopkeeper offered little more than a cheerful “welcome!” before allowing the burmecian to browse in silence, turning to her books so as to leave him in peace.
It wasn’t until he spoke that her attention returned. Her mouth quirked up at the corners into a pleasant smile, eyes twinkling with quiet mirth.
“Let me check the back,” she hummed. She paused briefly to assess his head before turning in a swirl of skirts to head down a rightward door, leaving the other to his own devices in the front room.
Several moments passed before she returned. When she did reappear, though, she brought with her a small stack of boxes - three, to be precise.
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“See if any of these suit you,” she smiled, beginning to lay them out on the worn wooden counter.
The first had a wide brim, grey in color with black accents. The second was a soft pink, less wide but a bit taller along the top. Last came a flat, tapered hat, formed of brown leather and metal buttons.
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myshredda · 2 years
Hello! ✨
It's like, a year until Halloween but my creativity regarding the holidays is always on delayed action :c
Here she is, dressed as a Knight for Halloween! And Scrunty is the Princess ofc.
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I image that Yellow and Pink like to match costumes (Green doesn't, he thinks is for babies and he is NOT a baby) and one Halloween Pink decides she wants to match Scrunty instead and Yellow Is DEVASTATED.
Also my art is not arting today, so imagine a sleep deprived Duck in the background looking proudly at the costumes he made all week nonstop :D
Literally every time you pop up in my askbox with art that makes me weep like happy tears it makes my night like. Everything about your Pink design is so perfect, her little piggytails, her buck teeth, PRINCESS SCRUNTY, her being a knight. Perfect, absolutely 100% perfect oh my god
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countlessrealities · 10 months
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Send my Muse(s) secret admirer Anons || Accepting!
Anonymous sent: secret admirer for SR: "I read that the Gladiolus is known for its hardiness and resilience, making it an excellent representation of hard work. It is a striking and elegant flower that made me think of you right away. I... am not certain how much you like flowers, but, I preserved one for you in this showcase I built for it, so you can put it somewhere. Oh don't worry, it won't wither, needs no water, and won't make any of your papers dirty."
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Upon finding the hi-tech case and the note on the coffee table of his flat, the first emotion Rick had experienced had been confusion. It didn't seem like the kind of stuff AR would leave him, unless the very much Earthen-looking flower had turned out to be some sort of drug, but no one else had free access to his place aside from his best friend.
That reasoning had led his puzzlement to turn into suspiciousness and pushed him to carefully pick up the note, while keeping an eye on the show case. It looked harmless, but for all he knew it could have been a trick to lull him into a false sense of security. As unlikely as it was, he couldn't take the risk.
And, while he was different from most of his alternates under several points of view, he was still a Rick. Paranoia was a deeply rooted trait of his personality.
However, every sort of hostile scenario quickly disappeared from his mind once he started to read the note. And so did his every other thought.
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For a good minute, all SR could do was look at the small letter and at the gift that had come with him in stunned silence. His mind was having a hard time processing the fact that he had gotten what could be rightfully labelled as a present from a secret admirer. It felt so absurd that, if he hadn't been touching them with his own hands, he wouldn't have believed his eyes.
Instead there they were, tangible and real. The gladiolus was as beautiful as the words that had accompanied it in its bright shades and he felt more speechless every time he looked at it.
Against his will, heat rose to his cheeks, colouring them with a warm blush. He didn't have the faintest idea of who might have sent them, but he would have lied if he had said that he wasn't deeply flattered by the whole ordeal.
His fingers brushed the transparent case, feeling how cool it was to the touch. He would definitely set it up in his office, somewhere he could look at it...but not too often, because he couldn't afford to be too distracted while on duty.
As for the note, he would seal it away in his personal secret safe. He couldn't have AR discovering where the flower truly came from, because he would have never heard the end of it.
{ @technodromes - Saby, I know this was Bishop...But SR doesn't xD }
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It's force of habit, but can Albedo really be blamed when Kaeya wanders Dragonspine dressed like that? Even he, chalk creature that he is, feels cold just taking a look at the other. So he rummages through the chest where he keeps pairs upon pairs of gloves and scarves, pulling out three mismatched pieces and walking back to the Cavalry Captain; gloves pushed into his hands before he carefully wraps the scarf around his neck. "How about you tell me what brings you here while I make tea? I'm all ears."
Answered! || @drolliic || ((Thanks so much for sending this! (^ ω ^)/ Kaeya had to stop by to get some backup 👀👌))
Kaeya had a thick skin for tolerating the cold.
Whether that was due to his Vision or his iced-over heart was anyone's guess, but either way, it almost always meant that he was the lucky soul selected to carry out any Knights of Favonius business on the towering peak of Dragonspine.
With frigid hazards and ruthless monsters to be found with every other step, at least no expedition to the mountain could ever be called boring. The distraction helped drown out the way that something about the mountain seemed to call to him.
After a full day's climb, Kaeya found himself in the hidden workshop of Mondstadt's resident alchemist. He'd barely voiced a greeting before Albedo thrust a bundle of cold-weather garments into his arms. "My goodness, such hospitality," he couldn't resist teasing. "I'd ask if you're so quick to cater to everyone who comes here to see you, but I doubt you get many visitors up here." A starlit iris studied Albedo as he tucked a scarf around the Captain's neck. He was silently grateful for both the gesture, and the fact that any rosiness dusting his pallor could be blamed on the cold.
Tolerance for the cold aside, the gloves and scarf immediately dispelled a bit of the chill that clung to him. The corners of his grin softened with appreciation. "Tea would be lovely; I'll admit I could use a rest after such a climb." But soon enough Albedo questioned the purpose of his presence—just as Kaeya had hoped.
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"The Adventurer's Guild had a commission posted to investigate strange noises coming from Dragonspine. Unsurprisingly, though, most common adventurers aren't willing to risk a perilous mountain trek just for a bit of Mora, so it fell to the Knights to handle," he explained with a shrug.
"I hoped to find you here. There's no better expert on Dragonspine; I thought I'd recruit you to join me."
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starscrxssed · 10 months
✪ Rubbing their back after a stressful day or disappointment. || Maybe after a rough commission? ^^; ||
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"Ugh.. thank you.." The exorcist groaned in reply, leaning closer to the other's touches with a soft hiss between his teeth. He hadn't felt this sore in a long, long while, so the feeling of hands rubbing into tense muscles felt wonderful..
He would be fine to stay like this for a short while, it's not like his affliction could get worse just by being touched, right?
"I was so close.. Bad luck that it turned into such a nightmare with all those Hilichurls. I should have paid closer attention to the area before going in.."
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umbrellamedic · 1 year
☆ Put this star into the inbox of your favorite blogs. It's time to spread positivity!
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crayolacolor · 2 years
I imagine Grace played some of the tabletop games with Simon, even though she personally wasn't crazy for them.
She probably would, yeah. I imagine he'd also talk some of the other Apex members into playing. As many of them as there are, there's probably some of them that actually share his interest in them.
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le-velo-pour-dru · 5 months
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i present to you a really good screenshot i took of william beckett in the mv for the phrase that pays (youre welcome)
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the-haunted-office · 2 years
♡ + ruins
On Post-Apocalyptic Fictional Earth, there are ruins of modern civilization scattered all over the planet. You can find heaps of artifacts of products and objects that never broke down over the thousands of years since the downfall of humanity. Tons of Legos, McDonald's Happy Meal toys, K-Cups, water bottles. All kinds of things.
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sexynetra · 1 year
1 16 19 and 29 for rawnsyf, please
1. What’s their love languages?
Okay so Anetra (like me) is CLEARLY gift giving she loves giving gifts it’s a way for her to show how much she cares about someone without having to actually verbally express her emotions. Marcia on the other hand I think is a combination of quality time and physical touch. Obviously everyone has some aspects of all 5 as far as I’m concerned but I think Marcia is really grounded by just being together and having that security that the tangible reminder of physical touch can provide.
16. What’s their favorite “domestic bliss” moment? Do they cook/clean together? Do they like to go out shopping together?
Marcia is a terrible cook, but when they eventually live in a place with a kitchen, Anetra starts teaching her, since Anetra grew up as an eldest daughter in a religious home and has a ton of cooking experience. Marcia really enjoys baking together especially but she loves to be a kind of sous chef for Anetra. They do (obviously) shop together, although it’s mostly Marcia dragging Anetra along and asking her opinion on everything she tries on even though Anetra says she looks amazing in everything (because she does)
19. How do they silently/subtly express their love for each other?
I think a lot of Anetra’s expression of love comes in the quieter more subtle ways. I think she’s a really good listener and she lets Marcia vent and rant and express herself as much as she needs and holds her hand through it and is there to comfort her or whatever she needs. I also just think showing up to every performance Marcia has, bringing her flowers, being the one cheering loudest for her. Marcia likewise goes to any performance where Anetra is dancing, or anywhere she’s showing her art. Marcia also shows her love by not so much toning herself down but being patient with Anetra, and allowing Anetra to have the quiet solitude she needs in order to open up and be comfortable. But likewise she brags to every single person she meets about Anetra’s accomplishments
29. What is something they can never agree on? How do they meet in the middle?
Uh. Is everything an answer 😅 they are very very different people with very very different personalities and opinions. Honestly I’m not sure they really meet in the middle ever they just bicker until it turns into making out
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