The sound that escaped from Tighnari's throat as his chair was suddenly pulled from his desk may have been comical to some, hands gripping at the edges until the legs were set back down on the floor.
Cyno's barrage of questions that followed earned him an amused chortle from the botanist, who took his time to move instead to the cozier cushions with Cyno. After all, what sense would it make if only one of them got to get cozy while Tighnari rattled off about his short venture to a new place?
"Good to know you're as enthusiastic as I had hoped you'd be," he mused, leaning his full weight on his husband once they were both seated.
"I'll try to answer your questions in order.. The monsters themselves didn't seem too different. They still have the occasional Hilichurl camp or group of bandits, though I can't comment on 'strength' seeing as how I wished to avoid confrontation, when I was there for the sole purpose of my studies. The Tepetlisaurus I met was only as tall as my waist, but an adult is certainly taller than the both of us, even when seated. No teeth from what I recall, but their bodies are covered in hardened scales that resemble rocky spines and amber, which they use along with claws to dig down into the earth with ease. Unfortunately I have yet to have the pleasure to meet any other kind of Saurian, but I hope my next trip will bring me further into the nation.. I was thinking Collei, you, and myself could take a visit further south into Natlan, where I hear they are famous for their hot springs. It's exciting to think what sorts of different fauna would grow in such a place.."
"All right, all right. Sounds like I should make myself comfortable." Cyno huffed a little as the ramble ensued, but could not help himself but smile against his better judgment. Tighnari wouldn't be who he is without letting his passion bleed all over his stories.
Without permission asked, he started to drag the chair across the floor, like an improvised wheel-less wheelbarrow to transport its sorry and precariously balanced occupant across the room and into the next, where much more comfortable cushions and rugs awaited.
"In between your scientific observations, can you also tell me about some exciting things? What are monsters like, in Natlan? Are the bandits strong? How big was this dinosaur you've met, exactly? You said it was little, but did it have sharp teeth?"
If his husband wanted his company next time, it had better be worth it! And the more he knew beforehand, the best he'd be prepared.
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[OOC] - Not me sitting on the idea of bringing my old Pokemon OCs back, and dragging them over to this blog.
#| ooc#[This blog IS primarily for OCs.. but there's a list of them]#[I had SO many OCs and I love them all]
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"Was my trip that short? Maybe I should have stayed a few extra days.." There was some true thought to his tone, but quickly that idea was swatted away; the mention of Collei assisted in that, not wanting to leave his young student for too long, especially with Cyno's jokes.
"My trip was surprisingly uneventful. Taking note of what I'd heard from the traveler, I sort of knew beforehand what I was looking for.. but that didn't mean I wasn't caught unaware entirely. Natlan is certainly an interesting nation, rich in culture and history.. and fascinating plant life," Tighnari mused to himself, tilting his head back even further towards Cyno, appreciating the support given.
"I'd like to take both you and Collei sometime. I only made it as far as the first village close to the border and met a sweet little Tepetlisaurus who helped to show me the way around in my search for Candlecap mushrooms. There aren't as many I was hoping for in the area where we were, but I brought home enough specimens to start my paper.. They grow on cliff faces or at the foot of mountains, have a shine like little lamps, and feel almost warm to the touch thanks to a fascinating primordial energy source native only to Natlan known as phlogiston. That energy source as a whole was going to be the primary target for my studies into these types of fungi.."
It was only as he started rambling that Tighnari caught himself, and quietly cleared his throat. He could go on for hours when studying new plants, but he wasn't entirely sure how much time Cyno had to spare.
"Regardless, while I do think a longer trip next time would be in order so I can gather more specimens.. I think I would definitely prefer some company."
"I can see you and rest at the same time. This is my home too, after all." Cyno's hands remain on the edge of the backrest, supporting his partner's lean, even cradling his weight a little, without effort. "After all, someone had to help Collei keep the place in order while the Master was away."
His eyes went to all the homework on the desk. Of course Tighnari would start working on a new project as soon as home. No rest for the weary.
"How about you take a break as well, and tell me more about your trip to Natlan? I'm afraid you made it back before any letter from you made it to my desk."
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"You've missed you too? Where have you been?" That was the end of his teasing, before Tighnari leaned back in his chair in order to lean it slightly against Cyno, though not far enough it would fall if the other moved away.
"I did miss you.. I was disappointed when you didn't arrive to greet the caravan as we passed through the desert on our trip back from the Natlanese border," Curiosity had taken him far from his home in search of fascinating specimens, and if time had allowed him he would have certainly ventured further..
"I know you've been busy too.. Has everything settled down, or are you skipping precious moments of rest to come all the way out here to see me?"
"Hmmm~ It always makes me worry a bit when you joke back at me like that." Cyno huffs a sigh of relief through the nose. Teasing Tighnari is fun, but playing along can be entertaining too. And it speaks of something else that the researcher seems too reserved to admit.
"It must be a sign that you've missed me terribly. I have too, you know."
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"I've grilled a chicken earlier this morning." An ominously serious voice whispered right behind Tighnari's ears. "After hours, it still wouldn't tell me why it crossed the road."
"I presume this chicken must have committed some kind of crime, or great offence?" Tighnari wouldn't turn his focus right away, not until his note was finished, and he could close his bookmark in safely.
"After all, I haven't known that many who have managed to somehow ruffle the feathers of the great General Mahamatra."
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"Hmm.. tingling sensations, warm but not burning, an interesting flavor, earthy though not quite the same.." Tighnari mumbled, twirling his pen between the notes being scribbled down in his journal.
"Maybe I'll try grilling the next specimen.."
#ic | tighnari#[I LIVE!!]#[I'm no longer working two jobs QwQ I'm finally FREE..]#[No more 5am hospital shifts -sob-]
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"When you feels down, knows brightest comes nightest darkest after the nightest. Remember comebacks every setbacks for a set ups."
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"Klee!" The adeptus leapt up in excitement at the sound of his friend's voice, hurrying over to her side with one of the rocks in hand.
"I'm building a house to play in! You can help if you wanna!"
"What'cha making? Can Klee help?"
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A little wisp helps to nudge along some rocks for his inspection
"Hehe, thank you little spirit, that's a really good one!" The little dragon giggled, lifting up the rock to place it into the 'wall' he'd made.
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hand over a pretty blue rock that can be used as a flag of sort on top of this 'house' (steal the baby 馃槇)
"What kinda rock is that? It's suuuper pretty!" Xinfu held the rock in his hands, turning it over to watch the way the light reflected on it.
"It looks like the water!"
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More rocks appear that will help him make his house
"Hehe~" The little dragon doesn't seem to notice his baba is the one helping him, he's simply delighted to build his house even higher!
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He has a rock in his hands, and has become quite determined to build himself a little 'house' out of all the rocks he's gathered.
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Cyno leans over from behind to place a kiss on Tighnari's forehead, right atop the greenest tuft of hair.
"I'll stay up with you. It will be like the old days."
"The old days, hm?" Tighnari's lips twitched at the corners, greeting Cyno with a small and tired smile.
"No lecture, regardless of how late it gets?" He mused, reaching across his desk to close the book in front of him, with bookmark safely tucked away within, "Sounds good.. but this time, you're welcome to sit on my bed with me, instead of taking refuge on my floor."
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"Mmm.. another day," Tighnari groaned, leaning back in his chair with arms stretching above his head to rest behind his head.
#ic | tighnari#[me too nari - me too]#[hi i promise im not dead.. I'm just working two jobs now :'D]
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If he had it his way, Tighnari would have already been back in the sanctuary of his own room, surrounded by his plants and free to continue studying the book he'd picked up the previous night.
However the students around him had other plans, pulling him near this way and that, looking for help with papers or asking him question after question about their assignments.
Yet as frustrating as it was, Tighnari remained until the last question was addressed, and he was finally given time to himself - or so he thought, before dual-toned gaze met with burning reds staring back up at him from behind white locks, seated on the floor in front of his room.
"Waiting for me? Oh, did you need more medicine?"
Tighnari approached without further hesitation, holding his belongings in one arm, while the other extended forward to offer Cyno a hand back to his feet. Attention was temporarily grabbed by the sight of the bag he held onto, but he would save those questions for later, when they were away from prying eyes.
"Sorry if you were waiting for a while, I've been helping a few classmates with their assignments after class. I should have plenty of time now to help you with what you need."
A strange silence fell between them, during which Cyno kept his eyes uncomfortably fixated on the other. His expression was indecipherable. And when he finally moved, it was only certain to cause even more confusion.
"I'll be going." He said shortly. His eyes pointed on the book again, and back at Tighnari. Only a short nod, and a low mutter. "Thanks."
With the same silent and mysterious air that had surrounded him at his arrival in the library, he was gone, without giving Tighnari a chance to even say anything in return.
It would not be long however before they'd meet again.
The couple of days that followed were peaceful and quiet. If Tighnari ever took the time to look around in class, he would not catch a glimpse of the strange desert-dweller. Was he not going to attend any more Amurta courses, after all?
And then, there he was. Out of nowhere, Cyno would be sitting with legs crossed on the floor, camping right in front of Tighnari's dorm room like a guard dog. He earned a few confused looks by occasional passersby, but the boy did not seem to care.
Exhibiting a couple new bruises on his face, he held an old hemp bag in his lap, caging it with his arms like the most precious treasure. His eyes left it to meet Tighnari's only when the boy came into view on the way back to his room, and Cyno greeted him with that same quiet voice he'd left him with the other day.
"... Hi. I was waiting for you."
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[OOC] - I know I've been MIA for a bit, but I'm in a bit of a pickle all of a sudden, and am in mid-panic mode. I woke up today to my bank account being -$70, and I need to fix that by tonight or else my bank is going to start slamming me with fees that I just can't catch up with. I just started a second job yesterday, and my first one is only two days a week and pays me *bi weekly*, so I wouldn't see anything from either job until at least the 15th, and I am panicking-- I'd be willing to do some quick emergency commissions for anything anyone can spare. My mom just gave me my early birthday gift (my birthday is saturday the 9th ;w;) of a new tablet because the drivers on mine were no longer supported last month, so I can finally art again! However I do need to leave in a few hours to return to my second job for training, but I should be able to work on more art tonight when I come home. If anyone is interested please feel free to DM me here on tumblr, or you can poke my Ko-fi here, or if Paypal is your thing my email is [email protected]. Any and all help is appreciated, thank you..
#ooc | psa#[Im reblogging this here just in case]#[cuz man.. the anxiety is real o|-(]#[also i am currently at my job training so im sorry if i miss any DMs]#[thank you to anyone who helps out i really appreciate you ::]#[also even if you can only reblog i appreciate you too so very much]
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[OOC] - I know I've been MIA for a bit, but I'm in a bit of a pickle all of a sudden, and am in mid-panic mode. I woke up today to my bank account being -$70, and I need to fix that by tonight or else my bank is going to start slamming me with fees that I just can't catch up with. I just started a second job yesterday, and my first one is only two days a week and pays me *bi weekly*, so I wouldn't see anything from either job until at least the 15th, and I am panicking-- I'd be willing to do some quick emergency commissions for anything anyone can spare. My mom just gave me my early birthday gift (my birthday is saturday the 9th ;w;) of a new tablet because the drivers on mine were no longer supported last month, so I can finally art again! However I do need to leave in a few hours to return to my second job for training, but I should be able to work on more art tonight when I come home. If anyone is interested please feel free to DM me here on tumblr, or you can poke my Ko-fi here, or if Paypal is your thing my email is [email protected]. Any and all help is appreciated, thank you..
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