⟨ naomi scott. cis female. she/her. ⟩ though the mist might prevent some from seeing it, maddy desai is actually a descendent of hestia. it’s still a question of whether or not the twenty-four year old psychology major from bangalore, karnataka, india has taken after their godly parent completely, but the demigod is still known to be quite thoughtful & conflict-averse.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
it has been an honor and a privilege, definitely a wild ride, to have been part of eonia, and i’m definitely sure at least anton will be joining again once it reopens/returns, but just in case the worse come to worse, as merriam-webster likes to say, here are the trio’s endings (mentions of death tw, unplanned pregnancy, jail time, and the plot of charlie’s angels):
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STATUS: open. LOCATION: outside of the hermes house.
fitting his shades back over his eyes, minsoo heaves out a dramatic ( and obnoxiously long ) sigh, hoping anyone passing by might pick up on the noise. he wanted attention, that much was obvious. after months and months of staying cooped up in his childhood home back in korea, he had found himself to be suddenly deficient in anything social. it had gotten so bad that he even briefly got BORED of playing minecraft ( the horror ). his twitch viewers were definitely a bit shocked, to say the least, when he started exclusively streaming the sims for an entire week straight. apparently, attempting to vlog your encounter with a deadly monster leaves you with a few unsavory consequences. also the whole ‘nearly dying’ thing, but… whatever. he heaves out another hefty sigh, hands folded behind his head and legs stretched out across his fortnite beach towel, his eyes subtly peaking around from beneath his shades for any potential onlookers. no luck.
luckily for minsoo, and as if on cue, a daughter of hestia appears right behind him, a dessert box in her hands. maddy had earlier in the week traded recipes with another son of hermes, not willing to lose in a strange battle of pies barely connected by their shared heritage. there was no way, not even in the underworld, that he’d let some salt and honey pie best her grandmother’s gulab jamun pudding pie. hearing someone’s sigh, however, not just once but twice, stops her dead in her tracks, curious and concerned.
���hello? are you all right? you sound...sad.” she frowns, as if already trying to carry the weight of his world for him. oh, maddy. never change.
#c#euminsoo#heo minsoo#(maddy's like beetlejuice but with someone sighing instead of speaking her name three times)
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are you happy with yourself?
“I am! Things have been great! I love myself!” Maddy nods, a warm smile on her face. Then she does a double-take, squinting and staring around her. “Why, did you hear something? What did you hear? Who did you hear it from?”
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how do you act during horror movies?
“Oh, I don’t like horror movies. I mean, I don’t hate them. It’s just that, they’re really not for me...”
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“thank you,” allegra replied, smiling at the other. ever since she was a little girl, she had always wished she had pyrokinetic abilities and she’d be lying if she had said she wasn’t upset when she found out that her mother hadn’t been who she had been hoping it’d be when she was young. “i’ll be sure to keep you up on that offer the next time something like that happens.”
maddy gave her a little tilt of her head, a gesture that borrows from an actual curtsy, a shortened version for the lack of a better term, the same warm smile still on her lips. “you’re very much welcome! it’s always great to make new friends and especially be of help to them!” she chirped, like an excited little bird, as if her entire purpose was to be everyone’s personal food delivery app. then again, maddy would actually love that. “what’s your favorite food?”
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she looks between the bottle and maddy, a second of confusion twisting her features before gasping in understanding. “i’m totally fine!! i just get a headache sometimes when i talk about things like this. i dunno if it’s common or not, but i’ve had it a few times, so i came prepared!!” a giggle to emphasize the light tone in her voice in an attempt to easy maddy’s worry. june takes another small bite, nodding in reassurance. “do you need more?? you can take some of mine!! i’m the only one who cooks anything at the zeus house. i think they’d make a lasagna into a brownie if i wasn’t playing a helicopter mom with them and food doesn’t keep long here.” a grin mirroring maddy’s paints her face, moving to sit on top of one of her legs. “these are fantastic, truly!! i can’t bake to save my life.”
the daughter of hestia immediately heaves a sigh of relief when june assures her that she’s fine. still, she couldn’t refrain from expressing more concern even as her friend already attests to being all right. “have you seen a doctor about it? or at least an apollo child?” while medical science would be the first option to maddy herself, she cannot deny that children of apollo were just as well-versed in the art of healing, maybe more so when it came to demigods and their more unnatural maladies. a light chuckle soon escapes her lips and a grinning maddy shakes her head, this time to assure the daughter of zeus that all is well back at her own house. at least in terms of containers. “oh, no, it’s fine!! it’s just that, the other containers were being used by my sisters, so this was all that i could find at the moment.” maddy finds comfort and a similar soul in june when she reveals the status of the zeus house kitchens. of course, the hestia kitchens were more than sufficient, as most of her sibings if not all were well-versed in the art of cooking, but as the current ra, she could relate to june playing helicopter mom. then a thought comes to her and her eyes widen in excitement. she grabs one of june’s free hands and holds it tightly. “oooh, i’ve got an idea!! why don’t you come visit hestia house sometime and i can teach you how to bake?!”
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THE WAY SHE LOOKS AT HIM when he mentions winning her something already answers the question of just what they would be doing. determination bubbles inside of his chest, though a brief wave of confusion washes over him at the small admittance, “ for you ?? of course i wouldn’t mind. —really, though ?? well, i’m more than happy to change that, m !! least i could do, honestly. come on, then. stick close, would you ?? ” levi tells her, not wanting to lose her in the crowd of carnival goers. they make their way to game alley, not without him glancing back every few moments to make sure she was with him, satisfied to spot her keeping up with him, “ any special requests or prizes catching your eye there, madds ?? babe, name it and it’s yours. ”
THE WAY HE SPEAKS TO HER makes her knees buckle, goosebumps run up her spine, her heart beat faster. she simply nods, with as much enthusiasm as she can rein in, quickly sticking as close to him as she can without actually touching his skin, pressing hers against his, the thought of which sending her tumbling into makeshift scenarios of romance, everything in her head, all that her heart can and will desire. if she could thank each and every other soul in the carnival, she would, if only because they were around, swarming, making him think her disappearance, loss, actually mattered, like a momentary distance between them could be so dangerous. grinning from ear to ear, her cheeks as red as a ripe tomato, she steals glances of him and awkwardly looks away long after their eyes meet, as if catching herself in a trance in the middle of one, while following his lead like a lost puppy. when he calls her babe, she almost loses it, but fortunately, she manages to keep her wits about her, managing not to answer with his name, though it takes her some time to come up with a more coherent and less lovesick answer, distracted with another flighty fantasy of their probable romance. “ oh, uhm, i don't know... maybe something big and cuddly ?? ” she brushes a stray strand of her own hair behind her ear, attempting to hide the fact that she was describing him, more or less, more than anything else.
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MADDY’S BLUSHING AGAIN, AND it takes everything in him not to egg her on. it doesn’t occur to him that this dynamic is anything other than good fun, and two friends harmlessly flirting with one another. that might be a problem for another time. “ something safe, i think we can manage that, sure. ” levi repeats aloud, letting out a light chuckle at that. he’s not quite sure how safe any of the pop up attractions really were, but he’ll humor her for the time being. “ could try out the house of mirrors, the ferris wheel, or— ” he looks over her shoulder, towards game alley, “ how about i try to win you a stuffed animal, or something !! can’t promise that it’ll be the grand prize, but it’s the thought that counts, yeah ?? ”
ONE LEVI SHOULD BE MORE than enough, but an entire house of him? there was no more alluring idea in her head than that thought. the ferris wheel was an enticing option as well, especially if by some divine intervention, they’d end up trapped at the highest point for at least an hour or two, just him and her watching the sunset with no other interruption, no distractions. and then there was the third and final suggestion. would he be her knight in shining armor, triumphantly beating one of the obviously rigged games the carnival has to offer, all to present her, his princess, with a most admirable trophy, even though she herself would be his greatest prize? for a second, she briefly winced, the idea of being a trophy or a prize a little unsettling, before she turned to him with wide eyes, shining, shimmering... “ splendid !! i mean, that sounds absolutely splendid, levi. if you don’t mind ?? no one has ever won anything for me before. ”
#c#eulevis#levi harris#levi 002#(can't believe maddy made me reference aladdin but here we are)#eucarnival
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HE’S THANKFUL FOR TIMES LIKE these, especially with friends so supportive of him and his band. maddy’s easily one of the few where he takes there words to heart, finding her bubbliness and optimism admirable. she was a good friend to have, and he wasn’t one to take that for granted ( despite the teasing and his underlying want to always make her flustered ). “ i’m holding you to it. if i look down and i don’t see you ?? i’ll simply be heartbroken. ” his hand clutches his chest dramatically, before taking a sip of his own drink. for a moment, levi manages to look away from maddy, taking a glance around the carnival and it’s alluring atmosphere. “ enough about me, though. we’ve got a few hours until my ego’ll be bursting at the seams. —let’s do something you wanna do. any rides or games you’ve been itching to try ?? ”
THE IDEA OF A HEARTBROKEN LEVI was not appetizing to the daughter of hestia, not one bit, but when the thought crossed her mind that he’d have his heart broken if he could not see her? well, that was an entirely different story. a giddy giggle effortlessly escaped her lips, as she decides to look away yet again, one hand brushing strands of stray hair behind her ear, tucking them away, her cheeks growing hotter and redder by the minute. “ well, you won’t have to worry about that, levi. i’ll never break your heart. ” maddy has never experienced this kind of attention from any guy, or at least nothing of the sort that she could’ve ever noticed. levi was a friend, but more than that, he was someone she looked up to, idolized, and perhaps even felt things for, things she could not admit or even explain to herself. “ oh, uhm, i don’t know, actually... something safe ?? ” she offers him an apologetic smile. all things considered, this was technically her first time at a carnival with someone who wasn’t related to her. yikes.
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closed for @eumadd
skye looked at the few food trucks shaped in a u shape that were closest to the two of them right now and scrunched up her nose. “i definitely heard there’s a falafel truck around here somewhere – if we don’t find it soon, i might starve,” they said dramatically. “at least cotton candy is vegan… right?”
“if it’s natural and organic, i think so,” maddy tried her best to rummage her brain for the correct answer to the question, though she wasn’t that sure herself. she’s never really been a cotton candy enthusiast and therefore has zero knowledge about making it or what goes into its creation, but she’s seen a few videos on youtube while bored out of her mind. or sleepless at nights. “i don’t think traditional or artificial cotton candy is, though, but you’re with a daughter of hestia, so starving wouldn’t be that much of a problem,” she gave her a wink and a warm smile, proud of that fact right there, before trying to help her find that falafel truck.
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THE SUN SHONE HIGH ENOUGH in the sky to let levi know that he had plenty of time before joypill’s show taking place that evening. he approaches maddy with an easy grin, two frozen lemonades in his grasp. holding out one to his friend, the man takes a brief glance to the sky. “ fuck, hope it’ll cool down by this evening, yeah ?? don’t want to get heatstroke on stage. that wouldn’t be very rock n’ roll. ” levi jokes before taking a sip of his own drink.
EYES NEVER LEAVING LEVI, maddy was filled with glee from head to toe. although she had kept repeating to herself earlier that this was not a date, rather just two friends hanging out at the carnival, with her one and only purpose to keep him from losing his nerve, if that was even a thing for him, like a good fan and supporter of his band, not to mention a very close friend, that last thought making her smile wider than before, the widest that it has ever been, a part of her just could not contain her excitement at the idea that she was here alone with him. brushing a stray strand of her own hair behind her ear, she takes the offered grin with as much grace as she could muster, shining, shimmering dark brown eyes still on him, chuckling uncontrollably at his joke. “ i'm sure you’ll do great, levi! no doubt about that. i’ll be front and center, cheering you and the boys on. ” cheeks red as if her face was a ripe tomato, she giddily looks away from his gaze, taking a sip of the refreshing lemonade. as refreshing as that smile on his face.
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“Ah” Amelia lets out, a smile curling her lips just the tiniest bit. The girl was blessed by having grown up an only child and the thought of it alone made her lighten up a little– until the reminder of that sweet sweet life taken away from her crushed down her spirits as usual. At least the children of Demeter knew to stay away from her door and to now get on her nerves intentionally. Amelia glances at the book one more time… considering and then deciding and then looking up to find Maddy pushing herself off the ground. Amelia was a little taken a back by it all– one thing was to agree to maybe do some yoga some other day, a whole different thing was for the other to join her on her walk back to that sacred place. She doesn’t voice her discomfort though, unsure of how to even voice it. It must be a Hestia thing, she thinks to herself as her mouth opens to say something she hasn’t quite been able to arrange into words, for them to easily make Amelia yield in her bitterness just enough for them to be able to latch on. Her mouth closes, in defeat, and she gives a somewhat unconvincing nod. A second passes as she lingers about, waiting for the other to gather her things and then: “You know I could lend it to you– it’s really not that scary when you realize they’re just words”.
Maddy tries her best to respond with a warm smile at the offer, but her lips can only muster an awkward one, half of a grin and half of a wince. She had nothing against the book, especially nothing against the story. It was just…even just thinking about it, a long-forgotten memory creeps back in to the front of her mind and she can do nothing else but shudder. Shaking her head as if to shake the nightmare away as well, she turns to Amelia, dark brown eyes apologetic, a little slow in finding the most respectful words to decline the offer, a course she rarely takes. “O-oh, that’s…fine. I’m not really into that genre of literature.” She takes her place, standing beside the daughter of Demeter with her things readied and stowed, turning towards the direction of the library, a veiled gesture for the other girl to take the lead so Maddy can follow. “I’ve never been really that good when it comes to, uhm, deep stories, I guess? I usually only read the more, uhh, casual ones, inspirational stuff by authors who’ve survived bad things and then decided to share their enlightenment with the rest of us. You know, those kinds of books.” They were all that could catch her attention for hours on end. At least that’s what she believes.
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shiloh: once again, THERE ARE NO BAD ONES!!!!
shiloh: plus we can sit together during the meetings, you can keep anton a good chairs distance....
shiloh: he's cute and all bad he's distracting.
maddy: aww, shiloh! you're so sweet!
maddy: anton? oh, the hermes ra?
maddy: i think he still owes me some euros but honestly that's water under the bridge
maddy: mmhm is there something going on between you two? 🧐
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june could feel the headache coming on from talking about a subject like this, they usually happened right when june happens to touch on something within herself that she’s actively pushing away. reaching into her bag, she pulls out a headache medicine and takes some, placing it on the table between them in case maddy needs them. the smell of brownies instantly brings a smile to her face, taking one and holding it close. “oh my gods, why would i mind at all?? every time we get sweet stuff at the zeus house, i feel like it’s gone INSTANTLY. this means the world, thank you.” she takes a small bite before settling back into her seat, nodding a little. “did you make these??”
dark brown eyes wandering towards the headache medicine, maddy’s face instantly turns into that of concern. “oh, are you okay?” she has no idea what they were but a part of her had a feeling they could be a medicine of sort, and maddy wasn’t quite sure if she’s capable enough to handle any emergency of the sort, a little apprehensive about her own skills in terms of first aid. she has the basics, yes, but she always dreads the application part of it all. but then june’s reaction to the baked goods instantly whisk maddy away from any and all negative feelings. she always did love getting appreciated, even through her pastries. “you’re welcome! i’m glad i could help. i should’ve brought more but we didn’t have enough containers at hestia house. probably need to get on that soon.” she gave her a sweet little grin before feeling her own cheeks flush. “oh, yes, i did... do you like them?”
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closed starter for @eumadd !!
“i have a question for you!” allegra reassured the younger female as she rushed over to her after their one class together had ended. “you probably get asked this all the time, but let’s say i’m in a crisis where i need to heat something up but there’s no microwave, would you be able to cook my food for me, yes or no?” she asked, most of the meals she had gotten for herself being microwavable as she never really taught herself how to cook. “you don’t have to answer now if you don’t want to, just something to think about.”
“ask away!” maddy instinctively chirped, the same thing she’s said over and over to respond to the very same query, as if it was already programmed in her. the daughter of hestia wasn’t known to ever say no, thus it was safe to say that the reply was almost ingrained in her very system. chuckling when she realized what she had been asked, maddy couldn’t help but shake her head, a warm smile on her lips as she brushed a stray strand of her own hair behind an ear, tucking it there, while the other arm wrapped her books against her chest. “oh, of course! just let me know when and what you need! you can always count on me!”
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At the sight of terror, Amelia presses lips together into a thin line– an attempt not to show amusement despite the other’s emotions. The girl might be a lot of things, but she wasn’t cruel…. at least not when she wasn’t provoked. Eyes follow hers to the book on her hands and with ease she flips it around, take a quick look at the comical but apparently also horrific illustration and she presses it against her chest so at to keep it concealed. “You haven’t read it, have you?” The question escapes her– curiosity overriding. Amelia’s eyes meet the others’s in a curious cat like gaze, the way she did when something in her surroundings piqued her interest, but only for a second as she tones it down with a light shake of her head. “But yes– pardon, I don’t want to keep you from your yoga either”.
Maddy heaves a sigh of relief, unintentionally making her dislike of the imagery and the familial memories associated with them apparent. Most people take to hiding any hint of vulnerability from others with serious precision, not unlike a second defensive skin of sorts, but not Maddy. This was the same girl who once ran crying away from Vincent. Loudly. Most often than not, what you see with her is what you get, which isn't always a good thing, especially considering how her 24/7 positivity, or at least great effort for, reveals her naivete, her too much unnecessary faith on others including strangers. “N-no, not really. But I did grow up with...that, my older brother's favorite scare tactic.” She grimaces at the memory once again resurfacing, needlessly, unwanted. “It's all right– I'm actually, uhh, done, I guess. Maybe I can join you back inside?” The daughter of Hestia muses as she pushes herself off the ground, back on two feet, before already rolling her mat. “Gods know I could do with some warmth right about now.”
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status : closed starter for @eumadd setting : glaukopis library.
“ This should be it, ” he says as he returns from the backroom, handing off the study guide he’d helped put together for the previous semester. While Charlie focused on helping students in their math classes or history, he often found himself helping with courses h e hadn’t even taken. He really had no one to blame but himself, since he went out of his way to go through the course content e n o u g h to help put together a good study guide. At this point, he was just glad it was enough to help. “ Do whatever you want with it, honestly. It helped the students who took it last semester though, so s t r i p p i n g it down to give them an outline to make it their own might be a good study tool for ‘em, ” Charlie pauses before adding, “ If you want to use it at all. Just an idea. But obviously you’re the TA so. ”
“ oh, my gods, charlie! ” maddy could almost scream in glee. she only ever became ta to help her fellow psychology majors but the workload only served to add to her heaps and piles and mountains of already existing backlog. the daughter of hestia consistently found herself envious of athena kids, charlie of course being one of them, confused as to how they seemed to be able to do all these and more without even breaking a sweat. “ thank you so much! ”
with big dark brown eyes, not unlike that of a sad but grateful puppy, maddy heaved a sigh of relief. it was one thing to do all the work on her own. a son of athena like him giving her a much-needed hand? if it wasn’t divine intervention, she wouldn’t know what is. “ i owe you. big time. really, charlie! this is so going to be helpful. listen, if you ever need anything, anything at all, i can be your girl. ”
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