#( Ruby x Jacob 001 )
bloodbovnd · 1 year
starter for Jacob ( @frvmedens​ )
There was an awkward long silence in her streaming room. She felt like she could practically hear her thoughts echoing through the room as more and more messages arrived with a loud pinging sound declaring its arrival. Her livestream had turned into a Q&A, apparently, and it had all begun with blood on a tree she’d discovered a few days ago and a silhouette, only visible for two frames before disappearing. She’d only ever acknowledged the silhouette while cutting the video and finding the two ominous frames, clearly portraying something. Ruby nodded at the screen while reading all the various messages. While adjusting her position, she simply answered with a smile before continuing, “yeah, no, no I’m fine. It’s not my blood. I’m being careful, don’t worry guys. Some deer probably just ran straight into the tree and hurt itself.” A lame excuse to divert the attention from her own hand and the cut she’d hidden behind a band-aid. And what about the silhouette? Ruby froze. Her viewers had asked for the past few days, though some claimed it to be just a joke she’d pulled for attention. As if she needed to pull dirty tricks. 
No, she couldn’t recall ever seeing the silhouette herself. Like a ghost they’d appeared only to disappear again. “I’ll check on you guys tomorrow, k? As much as I’d like to chit chat, I’m sadly on a mission this evening.” Closing the stream, Ruby quickly turned around to inhale deeply, trying to calm her nerves. For some reason she couldn’t get that (non) encounter out of her head, wanted to look behind the mystery, all while trying to find out, if somebody had just pranked her in some way. 
Leaving her home with hurried steps she made her way towards university. Ruby had agreed to interview a few students about the latest murders around and in Forks, also hoping to find out herself, to feed her own curiosity. Arriving at around 7 PM, most of the students were out of their dorms, playing games with one another and having a good time. There was one in particular she hadn’t really noticed before, but suddenly couldn’t look away from. “You seem to be new here or didn’t I just never notice you before? I have a few friends here, can’t believe I’ve passed you a couple of times and just didn’t notice.” He looked like nothing she’d ever seen before. To describe it in her terms: like a walking beauty filter. 
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“I’m actually here to ask students about the ongoing murders. Would you like to participate?” she held out her phone, peeling a bit of her band-aid off as it scraped over it. “Please?”
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casualtyfandom · 4 years
I saw your “send me a...” post so here’s some things 1- Casualty 2- Sam N x Dylan 3- Sam Nicholls
Thank you!! My answers change over time but this is how I feel right now...
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my:
Favorite character: Dylan Keogh
Least Favorite character: Ah probably Connie or Noel
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): Ruby x Will, Ethan x Alicia, Iain x Lily, I also really, really liked Rash and Gem but after that went to sh*t, I’m totally getting round the idea of Connie x Rash ngl
Character I find most attractive: Rash atm
Character I would marry: DYLAN
Character I would be best friends with: Robyn Miller ❤
a random thought: I didn’t think Fenisha would be allowed to wear her nose piercing at work
An unpopular opinion: I don’t like Connie that much
My Canon OTP: Er there’s not much that is canon atm so probably Duffy and Charlie because that was cute 
My Non-canon OTP: Why couldn’t Ruby and Will get together ?
Most Badass Character: I know I said I didn’t like Connie but I can’t deny her badassery
Most Epic Villain: Probably Scott who killed Cal 😢
Pairing I am not a fan of: Fenisha and Will/Ethan - (can we just let her be awesome without a man ??)
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): Obviously Sam Nicholls
Favourite Friendship: David and Dylan (before the show ruined it)
Character I most identify with: Alicia
Character I wish I could be: I know I said I didn’t like Connie but I can’t deny how much money she has
002 | Send me a ship and I will tell you:
When I started shipping them: When Sam told everyone she was his wife 😂
My thoughts: I did like them but after Sam married Tom I was pretty much over it. In the year before Sam died I generally didn’t like them together because I felt the writers weren’t doing their relationship justice and ruined the potential.
What makes me happy about them: The idea that they rushed into marriage like giddy children in love, and I like that Sam would have brought more adventure and excitement to Dylan’s routine.
What makes me sad about them: That the writers ruined them lol (and I guess more specifically that Dylan shut Sam out of his life for no reason)
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: I’ve actually never read a Sam x Dylan fanfic 😜
Things I look for in fanfic: I would look for married fluff or a first date type of thing
My wishlist: I mean, for Sam not to die and for Dylan to actually be nice to her and maybe a love triangle with Jacob before living happily ever after
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: I think I would have been okay with Sam and Jacob. Honestly, I think Dylan is a lone wolf who is better off alone sometimes haha
My happily ever after for them: Getting remarried somewhere quiet by themselves and living on Dylan’s boat and going on holidays all the time 
003 | Give me a character & I will tell you:
How I feel about this character: Generally I liked Sam when she was first on the show because she was confident and powerful but she was absolutely destroyed by the writers so the year before she died she became really soulless and confusing and I couldn’t really feel anything for her 🤷‍♀️
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: Just Dylan I think. I used to like her and Tom but looking back (and the fact they broke up) it looked like such a toxic relationship and a BIG NO to Iain.
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: Honestly, I don’t remember Sam having any friends haha so I guess just Iain  
My unpopular opinion about this character: Don’t know if this is unpopular but I thinks she was a b*tch to Ruby the whole time
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: For her to be a doctor like SHE ACTUALLY IS QUALIFIED AS and not a paramedic urgh
Favorite friendship for this character: She has no friends 😂
My crossover ship: I think Sam and Kian from Holby would have been A+ together
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