#( Q & A // jet rothschild . )
plctitude · 4 years
[ defend ] jet / rosie
[ defend ]  your muse defending mine’s reputation , dignity , or safety for them . // @mocnliights
                    IT’S NOT AN UNCOMMON SITUATION to find herself in .  in fact , it’s probably happened more often than either of them would probably like , but hell , what can you do ?  so now here jet was , fists at the ready , brow raised and whisper of a smile in challenge as if she wasn’t rattling around her brain to figure out how to take on two six-foot dudes . not that this would be the first time .  a couple steps behind her stands rosie , clearly displeased with the situation but unsurprisingly jet is choosing not to listen to her pleas for the girl to stand down .  no one gets to mess with rosie , and certainly not two chads who looked like they should be playing bouncer in front of their overpriced frat house .  she’s just about ready to swing when they come at her first .  luckily with her reflexes , she ducks just enough for the boy to miss and she immediately goes for his solarplexus , followed by an instep , a whack to the nose , and finally , a knee to his groin .  just like miss congeniality taught her .
          she’s grinning in victory , even turning around to give rosie a proud smile , but it’s only seconds later that she feels a shove from behind .  right .  so she kind of forgot about the other guy .  against her better judgment , she shoves him back and this time she’s a little too slow to escape his fist making contact with her stomach .  doubling over , she starts coughing – the boy’s too busy laughing to notice that way her jaw tightens in anger – but she gestures for rosie to stay back .  she’s got this .  without even giving him a chance to blink , her right hook’s connecting with his cheekbone and the sickening crunch is enough to tell her she’s won .  it’s not even five seconds later when the manager of whatever bar they’re in finally makes his way to the impromptu boxing match and gets the bouncer to remove the two boys .  perhaps he’s a little too used to jet judging by the way he only gives her a stern look before departing from the scene .
          jet’s still clutching at her stomach  ( her aunt was definitely not going to be happy about the possibility of bruised ribs , but she doesn’t care )  , but she moves towards rosie anyway .  despite the mess she’d left behind her , she stares at the other with a concerned gaze , looking her over for any evidence of hurt .   ❝  are you okay ?  ❞   the question is genuine , as if she’s not the one who just had to fend off a couple of douchebags .  but it’s worth it .  as long as rosie is safe , it’s worth it .
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nickyschneiderus · 6 years
QAnon finally makes contact. What’s next for his rowdy followers?
Until the weekend, the supposed government insider known as “Q,” who has spent over a year dispensing cryptic clues and nuggets of information regarding an upcoming violent purge of the deep state, had gone almost entirely dark.
After a flurry of posts in early January, many that advanced a conspiracy theory that Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was secretly on life support, Q had only posted twice from Jan. 13 to Feb. 9 —and one post was a stock photo of jet fighters. But Q returned with another dozen posts this weekend, cranking up the mythology once again and making references to secret reports, “blockades,” “placeholders,” controlled media, and what appears to be a disturbing call for believers to turn against their families.
Just a new #QAnon post trying to get believers to turn against their families. But it's nothing like a cult, no sir. pic.twitter.com/rfgIGekmS8
— Mike Rothschild (@rothschildmd) February 11, 2019
Q has gone silent before, sometimes for several weeks at a time, only to return with a slew of new posts and new riddles to decode.
But this latest lapse and return comes at a time when the movement that has built up around Q is on the verge of losing faith or walking away. Without consistent guidance from Q, believers in the conspiracy theory are desperately picking through past posts looking for clues, while dissecting the minutiae of President Donald Trump’s tweets, speeches, and statements for hidden meaning.
17 sailors. Tie tilted 17 degrees. Stopping human trafficking to cut off demoRATS supply of adrenachrome #qanon #wwg1wga
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State of the Q
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(@SOTQ5) February 6, 2019
2/5/19 Whitaker takes pic of someone handing Trump a watch after #SOTU⁠
Drop 558 1/18/18 Timing is everything. STATE_OF_THE_UNION
Drop 648 1/31/18 Timing is everything. Did you miss the most important line of the entire speech? Activation code.
Activation code=D Day?#QAnon pic.twitter.com/dlZuwZaQi5
— Ayala Chen (@lightof1000suns) February 6, 2019
1. Q clock update. Re-read crumbs!! Anon notable!! #QAnon #QClock #SOTU @realDonaldTrump pic.twitter.com/19pYBwKo23
— RunningTheRace
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(@2runtherace) February 6, 2019
But the movement is also becoming more violent in its rhetoric and desperate in the theories it’s putting out. There are even splits between members who believe that arrests are imminent, and those who think the entire point of the movement isn’t about scooping up deep state cabalists, but merely about being aware of the existence of the deep state and its cabalists.
What conspiracy theorists old and new say is in store in 2019
Who is Q Anon, the internet’s most mysterious poster?
All the conspiracy theories about incoming House Democratic leadership
So where is QAnon going? Is it reaching a crescendo of violence, or fizzling out like so many conspiracy theories and scams before it? It’s difficult to tell, because every time Q vanishes, he seems to return. But there are several troubling developments that demonstrate that while the mass arrests aren’t coming, the movement’s believers haven’t gotten that message.
QAnon believers are turning violent
QAnon social media has always been full of demands that deep staters be hanged, put in front of firing squads, etc. But since Q has mostly gone silent, there’s been a noticeable uptick in QAnon acolytes either advocating for perceived enemies to be eliminated, or threatening to do it themselves.
Hmm. Utah is allowing capital punishment via firing squad. Who is our favorite US Attorney who is from Utah? What is he investigating? How many sealed indictments again? #Huber #QAnon https://t.co/X7S8Hbno3U
— Joe M (@StormIsUponUs) August 3, 2018
Prominent QAnon “decoder” Liz Crokin recently posted on a livestream that if mass arrests don’t happen soon, “we are going to start seeing vigilante justice,” which she believes “could cause a civil war in this country.”
Crokin’s warning of QAnon believers taking to the streets made mainstream headlines, but she’s far from the only person who has either warned of or advocated some kind of vigilante uprising to root out the (non-existent) deep state pedophiles in the government and media.
The biggest QAnon forum on Reddit clone Voat is full of anonymous users declaring that they are “locked and loaded” and ready to fight, with believers fantasizing about Q unleashing the collapse of society, shooting and burying “looters,” going on a “million rifle march,” and “taking the situation into our own hands.” No effort is made to police any of these posts, and with the users entirely anonymous, it’s impossible to report them to relevant authorities.
More #QAnon-ers letting months of rage and hope vent at Trump caving on the wall. Talk of grabbing guns, locking and loading, etc. Don't claim you didn't know. pic.twitter.com/OX10pueg1j
— Mike Rothschild (@rothschildmd) January 25, 2019
Most of this rhetoric stays electronic. But it’s beginning to spill into the real world, with a QAnon believer named Buckey Wolfe allegedly murdering his brother with a sword, and another QAnon believer, who posts on Twitter as “TheLightReports,” arrested for trespassing on the grounds of the Virginia governor’s mansion.
There’s also the fire set at Comet Ping Pong Pizza, the hub of Pizzagate conspiracy theories. The arsonist hasn’t been caught, but since QAnon and Pizzagate are so closely linked, it won’t be surprising if whoever set the fire is also a Q believer.
QAnon hive is splintering
A deep dive into prominent QAnon social media shows a movement flailing for purpose and direction. When Q posted regularly, he kept his followers busy with an endless stream of riddles, rhetorical questions, fragmented clues leading nowhere, and out-of-context pictures.
But without Q, the movement is simply following prominent conservative news stories, whether they’re about the supposed migrant caravans heading north toward the U.S. and Mexico border, the new late-term abortion laws in New York and Virginia, or Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s health. They’re also focusing more on generic targets of conservative anger like Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff, rather than on the targets of Q drops.
So much for “strong, independent women”. AOC and white sheep acted like mere puppets on a string. #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder #qanon @RepAOC #MAGA https://t.co/wr6YCij2M0
— Princess pbj (@PrincessPbj) February 7, 2019
And despite the movement holding up Trump as some kind of divine emperor, there was considerable anger at the president caving on his demand for a border wall and ending the government shutdown. Should Trump cave again and fail to deliver the wall after the three-week continuing resolution expires, Q believers will likely move even further away from their Trump worship, and toward general conspiracy crankery.
QAnon believers are falling for more outlandish rumors
While the movement is flailing for a purpose, many members are so desperate for Q’s long-promised “something big” to happen that they’re biting on truly dumb hoaxes.
One of the most prominent was a rumor that QAnon nemesis George Soros had been arrested in Switzerland after being ratted out by Barack Obama, who himself had been charged with treason by a nebulous “Alliance” of white hats. Needless to say, it was a hoax.
BREAKING: George Soros has been arrested at 13:23 GMT on 03/02/2019 (in Switzerland). https://t.co/B9XwFahFKV
— ConspiracyDailyUpdat (@conspiracydup) February 4, 2019
There was also a surge of excitement among QAnon followers about a cryptic post on 4Chan that used similar syntax and language to Trump’s speaking style— with many believing Trump himself wrote the post as a way to let his followers know everything was OK. Trump is thought to post as part of the QAnon network of insiders, delineating his posts by signing them
“Q+.” And because QAnon originated with anonymous posts on racist imageboard 4chan, later moving to even more racist imageboard 8chan, the idea of Trump “returning” to 4chan for an update seemed appealing to believers.
Except it wasn’t, because the post turned out to be a hoax.
Someone on 4chan /pol/ answered a question as if they were actually Trump. And so of course some in QAnon community actually believe that Trump made a 4chan post.
(The post was on 4chan, not 8chan, as some in the QAnon community are claiming.) pic.twitter.com/mYKTrlkqXW
— Travis View (@travis_view) February 2, 2019
And there was the ever-growing conspiracy theory that Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s true health status is being obscured by the deep state, with the liberal hero either being kept alive through secret drugs or already dead and “on ice.”
Such a conspiracy has no evidence to support it and would entail the entire Supreme Court being in on a massive plot to fool the American public and the president alike—a president who could, in theory, just pick up the phone and call the Supreme Court to ask if RBG is still alive.
Mainstream social media sites continue to struggle to keep up with this movement, though Twitter has recently banned several prominent QAnon accounts for threats of violence. And all of this could change if QAnon returns with a flurry of new riddles and rhetorical questions. But for now, this is a movement that’s riled up and thirsty for some next steps.
The worst, biggest, most inaccurate conspiracy theories of 2018
Mike Pence tweeted—and deleted—a photo of him with a QAnon supporter
Why QAnon believers think ‘the Storm’ has tripled in size
from Ricky Schneiderus Curation https://www.dailydot.com/layer8/qanon-returns/
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plctitude · 4 years
01 pockets & 15 bookcase
pockets :  keys , wallet , vape , gum/mints , and a pen .  usually there’s a stray guitar pick and some cash .
bookcase :  jet’s not much of a reader , but she’s got a couple random classics on there like the outsiders , fahrenheit 451 , tale of two cities , and the road ( all from high school english ) and then there’s a bunch of production equipment manuals , biographies of music artists like bon jovi , amy winehouse , etc.  along with books , jet uses her bookcase to store random toys and trinkets she’s acquired over the years .  basically her bookcase is incredibly full of stuff , most of which she doesn’t use anymore .
pockets :  keys , wallet , some type of candy ( because working with kids made this a habit ) , and usually a couple of those little alcohol wipes .  he’s a little bit of a germaphobe .
bookcase :  probably a ton of medicine related books , a couple of random novels here and there ( he most likely doesn’t know what their titles were so i don’t either haha ) .  there’s definitely framed photos of him and his family , him and avery , etc.  probably a fake plant or two , no real plants because no way he could take care of those .
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plctitude · 4 years
🎆 Is my muse into monogamy?
once upon a time , she was .  now ?  not really .  it’s kind of hard to want to commit to one person when you’re constantly running away from your feelings .
👎 Would my muse ever cheat on their partner?
no .  she might be a bit of a heartbreaker , but she always tries to be as clear as humanly possible that it’s not a relationship , it’s not exclusive , etc.  she might unwittingly break hearts , but that’s certainly not the way she ever wants to hurt someone .
💍 Has my muse ever had a one-night stand?
yes , that’s more of her m.o. than relationships .
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🎆 Is my muse into monogamy?
yes .  once he’s on someone , then that’s it .  he’s fully committed to them and only has eyes for them .  if he was dating more , he’d definitely be a serial monogamist .
👎 Would my muse ever cheat on their partner?
no .  he respects his partner way too much to ever put them through that ( especially considering his parents’ divorce ) .  in high school , he was a bit of a player but even then , it was made pretty clear he wasn’t looking for anything serious .  and now , since he’s been married , he really respects the commitment required of him in a relationship .
💍 Has my muse ever had a one-night stand?
yes , but it’s not something that really happens anymore .
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plctitude · 4 years
20, 25, 40 for jet!!!
20. what do they hate being teased about? are they teased often?
probably her obsession with making music .  being teased about her taking it more seriously than anything else in her life . . .  that doesn’t really bug her as much .  what bugs her is when people make comments about her always being on her phone ( usually typing up lyrics or figuring out melodies )  and / or  always having her headphones on ( because she likes to listen to tracks she’s working on a lot ) .  it doesn’t happen often with people that know her well enough , but when it does , it upsets her because it feels like they don’t respect her work ethic when it comes to her dream ?  does that make sense ??
25. do they get scared easily? does loud noises, shouting, etc, scare them?
it depends , really .  loud noises don’t really scare them , but shouting makes her flinch usually .  she’s not been on the receiving end of shouting very much , so when it does happen , she can kind of turn in on herself a bit .
40. do they have a big family or a small family? no family?
quite a small family .  at least in terms of blood relatives , she’s only really got her aunt , her aunt’s wife , and her nephew .  her parents probably have some cousins somewhere , but she’s never exactly kept in touch with them .
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plctitude · 4 years
😊💑💘for jet
😊 Would my muse ever ask someone on a date?
yes , but it’d probably take her weeks to actually do it ( and probably a little bit of liquid courage ) because it would mean she really likes the girl if she’s the one asking .
💑 What are my muse’s requirements for a potential partner?
someone who’s easygoing , has a good sense of humor ,  and loves music .  basically just someone who she can really have fun with and not have to worry 
💘 What are the ways my muse says ‘I love you’ without actually saying it?
jet’s the kind of gal who is very protective and certainly more actions than words .  she’s very much a ‘text me when you get home’ and *always waits for you to get inside the building before driving away* kind of person .  she’ll give a jacket when someone’s cold and always offer to buy people food .  generally being a source of comfort for the people she cares about is really her biggest way of saying ‘i love you’.
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plctitude · 4 years
😘 + 💯 !
😘 Would my muse have sex on the first date?
yes , but that would mean she doesn’t really consider it much of an actual date .  she only really considers it a date when it’s something that she knows can lead to a relationship .  so if they hook up after the first date , that probably means it’s definitely not going to be anything more than a hookup .
💯 What is my muse’s ideal date?
see here .
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��� Would my muse have sex on the first date?
no , that’s not really his thing .  he can barely muster up the emotional energy to go on a date sometimes , much less have sex with another woman .
💯 What is my muse’s ideal date?
see here .
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plctitude · 4 years
8, 21, 27
8. what do they sleep in? pj’s, normal clothes, nothing?
an overside t-shirt and underwear .  she gets warm really easily but loves a thicc comforter so she doesn’t sleep in much .
21. did they have any fears growing up that they’ve since conquered?
a fear of the dark , but specifically shadows .  now she still notices them and sometimes she gets a little uneasy , but she’s gotten used to them through the years .
27. what do they never, ever want to speak of, ever?
the reason she moved to irving .  you can try and ask her about it , but she usually won’t say anything about it aside form the fact that she moved in with her aunt .
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8. what do they sleep in? pj’s, normal clothes, nothing?
usually just boxers.
21. did they have any fears growing up that they’ve since conquered?
he had a small fear of rodents , but he’s since gotten over that after making friends with someone who had pet mice .
27. what do they never, ever want to speak of, ever?
he doesn’t really have anything he doesn’t ever want to talk about .  he’s a bit reserved about some things in his past ,  but for the most part , he’s willing to talk to about anything and everything .
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plctitude · 4 years
💯 👮
💯 What is my muse’s ideal date?
something different from all the dinner and a movie cliches .  just like a stretch of time where they can hang out and have fun and see if they actually vibe .  never against something like an arcade date or something as mundane as taking a walk around town .  if jet is committed to going on an actual date with someone, she doesn’t want to waste their time having to pay attention to something that isn’t the other person .  so concerts , movies , etc. are just out of the question . if jet wants to get to know someone , she’ll want to actually get the chance to do that .
👮 Has my muse ever had sex in public?
knowing jet ?  most definitely .
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💯 What is my muse’s ideal date?
something simple .  t.c.’s not exactly a ‘grand gesture’ kind of guy , so he’s pretty laid back when it comes to dates . a dinner and a walk is really enough for him .  he just wants to be able to develop a real connection without all the frills .
👮 Has my muse ever had sex in public?
no , no .
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