#( Like the thought of Josh
joshuamj · 3 months
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Okay, but what if EoW!Zelda had to impersonate Link
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riickgrimes · 5 months
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I know who you are. You're Fire and Ice, right? Which one's which?
CHALLENGERS (2024) dir. Luca Guadagnino
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I heart Until Dawn and it's collection of comically stupid characters. and I do mean all of them. and I do mean it affectionately. I just. god. the reason that anything can happen to these people At All is because, somehow, Every Single One Of Them decided that it was a good idea to accept an invite to the World's Most Suspicious Event at the World's Most Suspicious Place. "hmm!! I'm sure nothing strange or horrific is going to happen to us up on our rich friend's isolated mountain lodge; why would it?? I mean, sure, we Are going to be up there on the exact same date that we inadvertently triggered the events of his sisters' disappearance, but surely he's not upset with us about that or anything. let's go!!" seven separate people. nobody thought anything of it. it's incredible. impressive, even. I mean, I don't know. me personallyyyyy?? I probably would've received that invitation and thought, "oh, he's For Sure gonna do something to us up there, and he For Sure has the means to get away with it; I'm Not Gonna Go." but. hey. that's just me.
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velvetcake96 · 3 months
Probably far away from “canon” but I see Clancy as a sensitive bad ass. Like yeah he’ll beat the shit out of someone, but he also names any animal that finds their way into the Bandito camp, uses the ashes from their fires to make sure their plants thrive, and will refuse to step on any plants because he loves all kinds of life. He’s cynical, he can handle himself in a fight, but he has a love for simple things and mellowed out for the most part.
Clancy is the most friend shaped of all the Tyler-sonas and I like to believe he’s a little softer because he seems like his own person from his letters.
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fromwarmclimate · 2 months
how to come out in style, a tutorial by daniel ricciardo:
- dream big and get one of the biggest brands in the world to sponsor your homosexual wettest dream in the name of a short movie slash ads featuring your man crush
- in said ads, facetiming your man crush in the bathtub butt naked in bubbles
- goss (read: flirt) with him in the babygirlest voice you can utter
- claim you want to move in with him
- proceed to get him to buy a horse with you to live out the modern live action of brokeback mountain
- check him out with a sensational voice over inside your head narrating how you find him the hottest stallion out there
- name the horse you buy as the combination of his name and yours
- play out sequence after sequence of a gay cowboy porno (with a costume!) for 5 minutes
- make a lot of merch with him
- giggles with your knees IN before falling asleep next to him
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hawkp · 2 months
imagine this Sam Seaborn
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friends with this Josh Lyman
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sondheim-girly · 2 months
it’s so crazy to me when broadway actors from different shows know each other- like oh my god it really is a small community and oh my god the worlds are colliding and I LOVE ITTTT
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xcherryerim · 6 months
He is so annoying 😭
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xariarte · 6 months
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Jalen Brunson and Josh Hart as a text post meme duo
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joshuamj · 6 days
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Been enjoying EoW so far!!
Redraw of this:
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homicidal-slvt · 1 year
*Walks in wearing a pink stethoscope*
I'm your doctor for today- what happened to the old one? We don't talk about that.
*Scribbles on a sticky note and places it on your forehead*
I diagnose you with 'needs fictional dick REAL bad'
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fallen-lucifiel · 4 days
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Not exactly planned, just wanted to draw them fsr I swear this was funnier in my head ashsjsk 🤧
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not-your-bro · 3 months
as climbing class has waned in popularity i've seen (justifiable) criticism of certain fic setups & tropes, and to a extent i agree with a lot of them. but honestly i'll go to bat for josh allowing himself to be helped/cared for.
i've seen this disparagingly called "caretaker chris," and i guess if you think chris is such an asshole that he's incapable of being considerate or caring, then we are on different pages. but i feel like people think that these fics weaken or reduce josh's character. and i'm not saying individual fics aren't capable of mischaracterizing him (i don't even like my own josh characterizations, in my old fics), but i don't agree that this setup inherently does that.
it's different than canon josh, but to me it's an intentional progression. in canon, josh keeps his shit locked down. an obvious example is that he clearly loves and dotes on his sisters but does not want them to know what he's going thru, considering how long it is before hannah finds out. he's also harsh asf to sam if she says that his actions are a cry for help - like i know he's Going Thru It and all, but he just fucking mocks her lmao. at best he wants to shield the people he cares about from these parts of him, and at worst he's just going to bite the hand that reaches out.
........which is exactly why i enjoy allowing him to see that vulnerability isn't weakness, and that it's ok to accept help + care when you need it. this can happen in any universe, in any context, bc i think his desire to close off and/or bite the hand are core character traits that are not dependent on canon events. but my point is, this is growth. or it can be, when done well. bc josh's canon attitude isn't healthy lol. i obviously love an unhealthy guy as much as the next person, but sometimes its satisfying and cathartic to see your fucked up fav take a step forward.
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And that noise came from the ankles
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gramophoneturtle · 1 year
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Some photoshopped NEO Joshuas and some Composer versions cause I was feeling rusty. Plus some before and after gifs cause it was cool seeing the changes.
The Composer versions are actual redraws but for the human forms I just drew on top of the anime screenshots cause I was feeling lazy and wanted to try and keep the anime feel. I thought it might be easier but honestly I don't think it was because of the gradients they use on top.
Tagging @rainbow-nijisaki and @black-quadrant since apparently we were all thinking of anime NEO Joshua about the same time. I was doing Composer form redraws from anime screenshots when the redraws were first posted by rainbow-nijisaki, (so if you like these and you haven't seen those ones, please go check them out!) which inspired me to try some human NEO Joshuas. I guess we had anime related Joshuas on the mind!
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makorragal-312 · 6 months
-at the Bachelor mansion-
Contestant: If we can't get busy at the mansion, maybe we can get it at the station?😏
*turns to Buck*
Eddie: Buck, do you know that one line everybody says on this show?
Buck: Um, "they're not here for the right reasons?"
Eddie: Okay, thanks.
*turns back to contestants*
Eddie: Ladies. You're not here for the right reasons.
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