#( Harry already had a willingness to get things done and get his hands dirty but FEAST helped a lot with it )
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inhcritance · 8 months ago
I need to find the meta I already have posted on Harry and FEAST, but now that I'm mentioning it on several threads...
While Harry is no longer a usual presence at FEAST, he's one of their constant top donors and also someone who works with them for charity galas and similar events. It's not unusual for him to reach out to FEAST if he thinks one of the initiatives for the Research Stations or from the EMF might benefit them, and it's also a reasonably guarded secret that some people at FEAST have his personal number and he's been known to help out, especially as a biochemist, when asked to.
And while nowadays Harry mostly keeps to Oscorp and, depending on the timeline, the EMF, Harry did volunteer at FEAST for several years at the suggestion of May Parker, after Harry's mother passed, and he's been very attached to FEAST ever since, for giving him a chance to help others when he felt at his most helpless. To this day, he believes he wouldn't be the person he is if he hadn't spent those years so out of his element, learning to get things done himself instead of throwing money at the problem, and while nowadays he does help more by offering funding, a part of him misses being able to make a difference directly.
One point of note is that Harry made arrangements so that his donations wouldn't stop when he went to "Europe", but the moment his father found out about them, they were stopped... and only reactivated once Harry was back in New York.
Some other fun tidbits related to the topic are that Harry learned how to cook in bulk and for many people during his years volunteering at FEAST, and it's a skill he hasn't forgotten. Enough so that when he ends up in another universe, one of his first options to try and support himself while he figures out how to get back home is to reach out to FEAST and see if they need a cook, and if he doesn't need the money, he'll likely volunteer instead.
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queenofthyme · 7 years ago
November Third (part eight (a))
@o0o-chibaken-o0o this is getting long so I had to split up the year into TWO PARTS (but I’m sure you won’t mind since it just means +++content). 
bingo l part one l part two l part three l part four l part five l part six l part seven l part eight (a) l updates to come...
Draco didn’t want to play. But it was an hour until November third. And he knew something was bound to happen with Potter anyway. Better it be under the disguise of a game than something with more weight. They’d never addressed their unconventional conversation the previous year. Understandably, it had been lost amongst greater concerns, what with Harry Potter saving the world and all, not to mention Draco’s life.
It was a game of truth or dare, but, somebody (bloody Pansy) had brought enough veritaserum for everyone. So the stakes were raised.
Draco had already decided there was no way he was choosing truth. That no matter how awful a dare, there could be nothing more awful than being forced to reveal the truth of his feelings. Because that was the only question anyone ever asked in these stupid games. And Draco wasn’t a fool.
But before he was given the spotlight, the content of the dares made the choice a little bit harder. Draco wasn’t fussed that Weasley had been dared to take off his pants or that Pansy had already kissed Luna twice - once on her turn when she dared Luna to kiss her, and then once on Luna’s turn when Luna did the same thing back. (It was technically against the rules to dare someone who had already had their turn - but with Pansy in charge, no one was going to question it.)
What Draco was fussed by, was the dare Potter received from Seamus just after midnight. (The traitor - Draco had thought they’d become good friends this year.) 
“I dare you,” Seamus said without even asking Potter his preference - no one was picking truth anyway, “to give Draco a hickey.”
Draco’s head darted over to see Potter’s reaction so fast, he thought he might have given himself whiplash. Potter was already staring back at him too.
The room was silent - for once - as everyone waited to see how Potter would respond. He could always say no. Pansy had made it clear at the start of the game that anyone could, and should feel free to leave at any time without any repercussions. The veritaserum had been optional too, but no one wanted to be the only one who refused - not drinking it would be telling in itself. 
Draco waited impatiently, scanning Potter’s face for any tell of how he might choose. Potter was still staring back - not giving away anything. Until he raised an eyebrow - as if asking Draco: Is this okay?
Draco shifted his head in the slightest nod - that he hoped no one else would notice - to confirm his consent. He kept his face impassive so Potter wouldn’t mistake his willingness for eagerness, despite the fact that it totally was.
“Okay,” Potter said quietly to Seamus. “I’ll do it.”
Immediately, the room buzzed up again, with chatter and wolf whistles, courtesy of Blaise - and did that one come from Granger? Potter stood up, and the buzz softened.
Everyone watched as Potter walked across the circle to Draco, wiping his hands on his jeans. Draco didn’t move. Perhaps it would have been proper to meet Potter in the middle of the circle, but he was frozen. All he could do was let Potter come to him.
Potter had to drop to his knees to meet Draco where he sat cross-legged on the floor. Potter hadn’t even touched him yet, and Draco’s heart was already pounding against his chest. How was he suppose to sit through the whole process of a hickey without giving himself away? Acting disinterested required concentrated effort. And it was hard to concentrate on anything other than Potter’s lips which would soon be -
“Where?” Potter asked, turning away from Draco to address Seamus.
“I’m sure my neck will suffice, Potter.” Draco responded quickly, worried Seamus might decide on a location far too mortifying for an audience. He was a dirty bastard.
Potter turned back to Draco and fixed him with a look of determination. It was the same face he wore when duelling and the fact he was wearing it now, to give Draco a hickey, was a little arousing. No, who was Draco kidding? It was incredibly arousing. And still, Potter hadn’t touched him.
Potter leant forward, and placed his arms on the floor either side of Draco, trapping him in place - which was not unwelcome. And then his head ducked down to Draco’s neck and hovered there - his breath against Draco’s skin already causing goosebumps. Potter still hadn’t touched him.
And that was the problem. Potter just hovered there, unmoving, certainly not producing a hickey, but causing Draco’s body to spark to attention all the same. It was unbearable.
“Get on with it, then,” Draco tried to snap, but his voice came out much more breathy than he intended and ending up just sounding desperate. Which he was, of course.
At least it prompted Potter to finally do something. And that something was…shit…one hell of a something. Draco didn’t consider himself a sensitive person, at least not physically. He’d experienced enough pain to render his skin considerably tough for an 18 year old. But, shit, pleasure. That, apparently, was completely different if the heat - no, that wasn’t right, he knew what it was to be burned - the warmth that spread through his body was any indication.
It didn’t make sense that Potter could press his lips against Draco’s neck in one small area, but somehow make it feel as if those same lips were everywhere, leaving behind pure ecstasy in their wake. Which may have sounded rather dramatic. But these were Harry Potter’s lips on Draco Malfoy’s neck. So dramatic was a given.
And then those lips actually started sucking. And Draco lost control of all his motor functions. At least that was the only explanation for the excruciatingly humiliating sound that came out of his mouth. And there was no denying Potter heard it because, one - it was LOUD, and the room dissolved into giggles immediately, and two - Potter paused what he was doing, only for a second (thank Merlin), but it was enough. Enough to confirm that Draco had been terribly terribly exposed.
Although, he was being given a hickey. Was he expected not to enjoy it? It didn’t matter that it was Potter. Even though Potter’s presence alone was enough to make Draco shiver. Even though Potter was very talented at it - how did he even know how to do that with his tongue? And oh merlin, yes, this had everything to do with Potter. Everything. 
But no-one else had to know that.
When Potter brought his teeth into the mix as well - grazing them lightly against Draco’s neck like he knew exactly what he was doing - Draco had to close his eyes. He couldn’t look at their audience anymore. This was mortifying. And yet, literally the best thing Draco had ever experienced.
How long did it take to leave a hickey anyway? There should have been a mark by now. Except Potter was moving his mouth around quite a bit, not committing to a single area, and clearly dragging out the process. It had to mean he was enjoying it too. It had to. Or perhaps he just liked to make Draco squirm.
Either way, Draco wasn’t complaining. The longer he got to have Potter’s lips on his neck, the better. He would surely never live this moment down - since the entire eighth year was witnessing it - but even so, each second of pleasure was worth it.
All too soon, Potter was pulling back, leaving a cold spot on Draco’s neck. Draco opened his eyes to Seamus approaching - inspecting his hickey far more closely than necessary. Potter was already walking away, back to his spot on the far side of the circle, which was probably for the best. What were they going to say to each other after that?
“Nicely done, Potter,” Seamus announced loudly to the room, “but I did only ask for one hickey.”
Draco jerked a hand up to cover his neck as everyone laughed. He didn’t dare make eye contact with Potter.
“Over to you, Potter,” Seamus said, winking at Draco before returning to his seat. He really was a bastard.
Draco kept his eyes on his knees which he had propped up and crossed over in front of him. He was curious as to who or what Potter would dare, but he knew if he caught Potter’s eye, he’d just start blushing, and that was not something he wanted anyone to see. Not something he wanted Potter to see.
“Harry,” Pansy said in her sickly sweet voice - nothing good ever came from that. “Why don’t you dare Draco? He hasn’t had a turn yet. I’m sure he feels very left out.”
Draco lifted his head to fix Pansy with the dirtiest glare he could manage. She was a loyal friend, but merlin, she could be cruel.
“Right,” Potter said, voice a little breathless, as if he’d just spent most of his energy on giving someone multiple hickeys (!!!), “Malfoy, I dare - “
“Truth!” Draco yelled out quickly, turning to Potter. ‘I choose truth.” Whatever dare Potter was planning - however tame - Draco couldn’t do it. Not right now.
Potter blinked back at Draco for a moment. Everyone else was staring at Draco too. He was the first to choose truth. And he knew why. The risk of revealing something humiliating under veritaserum was too high. Truth was awful. You were completely at the whim of the asker. Anything they wanted to know, anything Potter wanted to know, Draco would expose as easily as if he’d just been asked about the weather.
But Draco held out hope that Potter was merciful, that he’d go easy on Draco. And he was right. Well, at least, Potter tried to. “Why did you pick truth?”
Draco froze. A much less pleasurable warmth filled his body, bringing colour to his pale skin.
“Boring!” Pansy called out, irritated that her plan hadn’t been successful. She didn’t know that Potter had asked exactly the right question to expose Draco, and render his choosing truth absolutely pointless.
All eyes were on Draco. He could feel the veritaserum clawing at his throat, encouraging him to say all the things that could ruin him. “I - I didn’t want to have to move,” Draco managed to say, rather reservedly at first, although he knew the veritaserum wouldn’t allow it for long. He fought against the rest of the explanation, holding it back with everything he could, but it was fruitless.
“Because - “ Oh merlin, this was it - “Because I’m hard, okay? And I didn’t want anyone to see.”
Someone gasped obnoxiously - probably that Ernie Macmillan kid - and Pansy clapped her hands together. Draco, still watching Potter, witnessed his mouth fall open in a way that did not help Draco with the particular problem he’d just told his entire year about in the slightest. Draco crossed his legs tighter.
“Is it because -“
“One question, Potter. One,” Draco interrupted quickly. People could put two and two together on their own - there was no need to explain why -
“Did Harry get you all hot and bothered?” Pansy teased, such vindictive glee in her voice that Draco wondered what the hell he had ever done to her to deserve such torture.
It didn’t matter that the rules stipulated one question, because the veritaserum was in effect all the same, and Pansy had asked him a question. So Draco had no choice but to say: “Yes.”
“Of course he did,” Draco continued, trying to play it cool - at least, as much as possible under the circumstances. “He was giving me a bloody hickey for merlin’s sake!” He wanted to add that Potter could have been a goblin and the outcome would still be the same, but the veritaserum wouldn’t let him exaggerate quite that far.
Draco didn’t even know if all the eyes on him were satisfied with his defence - it wasn’t exactly a denial. He couldn’t lie. But he could hardly bear it if people actually thought, well, knew, that he had the hots for Potter. And they just kept on staring, like Draco would reveal something else, or that they might catch a glimpse of the evidence between his legs - evidence that he was keeping securely hidden.
“I am rather good at giving hickeys,” Potter announced in a loud voice, drawing some of the attention away from Draco. “And blowjobs too,” he added staring right at Draco. Oh fuck.
Potter was making Draco’s erection situation worse - if that was possible. But at least his words had drawn all the attention of the room now. No one seemed interested in witnessing Draco’s erection when they could hear about Harry Potter’s blowjobs. Typical.
And then Potter mouthed a word at Draco that took a second to interpret. Run. Oh. Potter was saving Draco. Again. Draco wasted no more time reading into it further, and took his opportunity, jumping to his feet and turning around in the same motion to hide his crotch from the room.
And then he ran. Which was a little awkward with the hardness in-between his legs. But he had no choice. He had to go into hiding forever. Or at the very least, until his erection died down. Which could be a while. He could still feel the way Potter’s lips, his tongue, had felt on his neck. Merlin. If he wanted to get rid of his erection fast, he was going to have to take matters into his own hands, literally. It was the most practical thing to do. 
Draco darted into an empty classroom and locked the door. 
Bingo progress...
@o0o-chibaken-o0o so I’ll hold off on confirming if you were right or not since this is only part a, but you’re 2 for 3, so it’s looking pretty good...hmmm...
I hope you enjoyed this tame introduction to the adult things™ that I know you are impatiently waiting for. And hint hint, I am sure part b will be right up your alley. 
I feel like we’re getting close to bingo...you have to shout when btw. 
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