#( ☠ ) leon threads.
writtentragedies · 2 months
the forced-vacation aside— after she had taken an official vacation, ironically enough— they had been spending an excess amount of time together. so claire not being able to reach leon by phone for those few hours had started making her worried. he wasn’t chris, usually if he stopped responding there actually was a reason— and hopefully not one related to bio-terrorism.
but when he finally responded and said he’d come by, she exhaled in relief. the moment he knocked on her door, she opened it and nearly dragged him inside, closing and locking it behind him. “bedroom, now.” she says, not once thinking of the implications as she moves. once inside, she pushes him to sit on the edge of her bed, moving to her drawer and pulling a box out of it.
“‘kay, so, a couple things.” she’s talking with her hands more so than she would normally, though one hand holds the box firmly. “well, one thing, mainly, that i’m hoping you’ll be happy about— i, well.” she is happy, sure, but she’s also annoyed. mostly because terrasave is DEFINITELY going to force her on maternity leave, and she simply does NOT want that. she’s never really been at a loss for words before— sure, it took her years to finally admit her feelings for leon, but that was different! he was the one emotionally unavailable.
“actually.” she takes the lid off the box, and dumps the 10 different pregnancy tests only the bed next to leon. two of which being sheets of paper from the doctor detailing her blood test regarding it. she tosses the box behind the contents, and a hand rests on her hip. with a breath, she sighs, arms crossing over her chest as she gauges his reaction. “so… how do you feel?”
(claire @ leon -u-)
random asks - status: always accepting !! | @cautionsissued
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The five hundred text messages she'd sent him had been a good indication that there was some serious matter Claire wanted, needed to talk to him about-- So after typing his reply and promising her he would be knocking on her door within fifteen minutes, he'd rushed out of his own apartment and climbed onto his bike. So what if he broke a few traffic laws to get to her place? He was worried and had to get there as soon as possible, okay. Besides, no one got hurt, it was all good.
He didn't really have enough time to offer a proper greeting once the door opened and Claire came into view, with the way she practically dragged him inside. "Yes, ma'am." Was all he said, a smirk adorning his lips as he started making his way towards her bedroom, a territory he knew well by now-- But that couldn't be it, that couldn't be the reason why she had been so eager to talk to him, to get him to come here--
Yeah, they'd been spending a lot of time together with no clothes on but still. It was unlike Claire to act like that if there was nothing truly important happening. Nonetheless, he let her push him to sit on her bed, looking up at her and listening closely to every word she said.
Leon's eyes widened as what he assumed were pregnancy tests nearly covered the whole bed-- he picked one up and yep, a pregnancy test indeed. A positive one. "Did all of these turn out..." He dropped the test he'd been holding for the past few seconds and grabbed another one. There was a pink plus sign on this one. " --Positive? Jesus, guess you really wanted to be sure about this." He snorted, shaking his head as amusement took over his features. But soon said amusement was replaced by... Something else. Something warmer & his smile was so bright it lit up his whole face.
"How do I feel? Are you kidding me-- Claire, I haven't felt this happy in... God, I don't even know how long. Plus it's refreshing to get some real good news for once," he chuckled. He was aware it may not be ideal for someone with a job like his to start a family but he did not want to think about any potential complications now, he only wished to enjoy the moment.
" --But what about you? Are you happy too?"
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writtentragedies · 2 months
starter call. | @cautionsissued (for Helena!)
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" --Welcome to the DSO." Leon said as he handed her one of the cups of coffee he'd gotten on his way to work. She would need it for sure, as the days here were often ( if not always ) extremely long and tiring. "It's good to have you here, especially when we know for a fact you and me make such a good team, huh?"
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writtentragedies · 2 months
starter call. | @cautionsissued (for Carlos)
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" --For the hundredth and last time, Carlos, Claire and I are just friends. We've been friends for a very long time and we're perfectly happy like this, thank you very much." Happy was perhaps a strong word and not the most appropriate one to use here but yeah-- Leon supposed once upon a time, several years ago, he and Claire could have been a thing. But he'd made some bad decisions, taken way too long to realize some things and now it was just... Too late and he was trying to make Carlos understand that, but he was one stubborn bastard. "What are you even doing here? You can't have come all the way to Europe just to play cupid."
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writtentragedies · 2 months
❛  what took you so long? this is a total disaster!  ❜ Chris @ Leon
spirited away sentence starters - status: accepting! // @cautionsissued
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"Well, for starters, traffic was a little bit chaotic-- " Leon replied, the sarcasm dripping from his voice making it obvious it was more than just a little bit but whatever. He had gone and done what he had to and he was back now, wasn't he? And just in time to set everything up before Claire arrived-- So he didn't understand why Chris was freaking out so much. Maybe that was just how Chris was in any and all situations, yeah.
"Plus the store you claimed would be empty at this time was fucking packed-- Anyways, I got the cake you were supposed to get but forgot." Only Chris would come up with the idea to throw his sister a surprise birthday party only to later forget to get the most important item one needed for a party like that to happen-- the damn cake. Leon sighed.
"It won't be a disaster if you just shut up and help me, come on. Hang these balloons over there-- "
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writtentragedies · 4 months
🔄  +  🩹 chris (familiarache) @ leon
Send  🩹  to  patch  my  muse  up  after  a  fight.
(Send  🔄  +  🩹  to  reverse  the  outcome.)
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" --Can you just stay still for a goddamn second?" Leon questioned, an annoyed huff escaping him. If only Chris had waited for him instead of just running on ahead like a reckless fool, facing all threats on his own-- perhaps they wouldn't be in this situation now. Chris wouldn't have gotten hurt.
"You should've listened to me when I told you to wait," he sighed heavily, pressing down on the gash on the other's leg with a piece of cloth in an attempt to stop the bleeding. "But I guess stubbornness runs in the Redfield family, doesn't it?" Leon shook his head, ripping the sleeve of his own shirt off and wrapping it around his friend's injured leg. That would have to do until they got to a safer place where Chris would be able to get his wounds properly taken care of.
"And don't you dare start with the bullshit that you're gonna slow me down and I should leave you behind-- that's definitely not happening."
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writtentragedies · 5 months
🌧️  to  find  my  muse  in  the  rain  without  an  umbrella. (for Leon from Jill!)
Concerned roleplay starters.
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It was late at night but he couldn't sleep-- Unfortunately, that was no rare occurrence for him. Someone like Leon, someone who had witnessed far too much bloodshed, experienced so much loss and pain hardly ever could lay his head on the pillow and easily drift off to sleep. Sometimes, no matter how tired he was, he would still to toss and turn in bed, close his eyes only to be attacked by bad memories--
He did what he would often do when sleep would refuse to come to him, he got up, changed into clothes that were more appropriate for the chilly weather that would embrace him outside and went for a walk.
With his hands shoved into his pockets, head hung low, he walked the empty streets. He walked and walked, no destination in mind-- nothing on his mind but sorrow, anguish. Would there ever be a day where he wouldn't feel so miserable?
So lost he was in his thoughts, he didn't realize it had started raining until his clothes were completely drenched and he heard a familiar voice call out his name--
"Jill?" He hadn't expected to run into any acquaintances or anyone for that matter when it was so late... Now how would he explain what he was doing here, wandering around in the rain like a pathetic loser?
Damn it.
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writtentragedies · 5 months
🩹  claire @ leon
Send  🩹  to  patch  my  muse  up  after  a  fight.
(Send  🔄  +  🩹  to  reverse  the  outcome.)
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Leon hadn't exactly chosen this life-- more like it had chosen him. Sure, he had expected to face danger as a police officer, to have to risk his own life in order to save other people's every now and again. But nothing and no one in the world could have prepared him for the hell he had stepped into on his very first day on the job. Somehow, despite being just a rookie, he'd managed to walk out of that chaos alive and then he'd had to face harsh training to become a special agent.
& after that, life just had kept getting harder and harder. Difficult mission upon difficult mission.
The mission he had just completed however, was what could be called an "easy" one-- enemies weaker than what he was used to dealing with and since his injuries were mild, he'd dismissed the idea of going to a hospital, preferring to go straight to his apartment instead.
Claire had been there at his doorstep waiting for him, a pleasant surprise. They did talk on a regular basis ever since what happened in Raccoon City but mostly through messages or phone calls, as given how busy they both were, it was complicated to find the time to talk in person.
He wondered what had brought her all the way here, it must be a very important matter for sure-- before he could make any questions about it though, the bruises and cuts on his face and arms seemed to send Claire into a worried frenzy and she urged him to open the door so they could go inside and she could take a better look at him, patch him up.
"I'm just fine, I swear. You don't have to fuss over me like that." He shook his head fondly, a soft chuckle escaping him as he sat down at the kitchen counter. "Trust me, I'll survive-- but how are you? Did something happen, do you need help with something?"
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writtentragedies · 5 months
CONT. FROM HERE. | @familiarache
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Perhaps mentioning regrets hadn't been the best way to start this conversation, not the best way to get Chris to open up but-- Leon was the kind of guy to make jokes about his traumas and stuff rather than find an actual solution to overcome said traumas. So yeah he was no expert when it came to getting people to talk about things that had hurt them or comforting them, truly. But he was trying his best here, not only because Claire had asked him to but also because Chris was his friend.
"She's not trying to baby you... She's worried about you, you could at least reply to one of her messages-- just to let her know you're still alive." He stared at the drink that had just been poured for him and sighed. "How much have you had to drink?"
He sat down next to the other, sending a sympathetic look in his direction. Leon had a lot of thoughts he tried hard to ignore too. "Some things are just hard to ignore, trust me, I would know. But sometimes ignoring it isn't really what you need to do... Talking about it might be a better way to make you feel better. So how about you try that?"
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writtentragedies · 5 months
tag dump 2
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