#( … ) // I could b Reading too deep into it but eeeee logging this away regardless!
grieverled-moved · 1 year
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➤ BEHAVIOUR HEADCANONS [ ; ] LAUGHTER ( 2 / ? ) © In this instance, it’s one of those cold, not quite hysterical but bordering close to it kind of laughs? More of an example of how Squall will occasionally laugh in a more cold, sudden manner when he’s under pressure or overwhelmed.
Makes sense after what happened. Their first SeeD mission had a rocky enough start, no clear direction or plan to follow, the contract details being so vague they’re essentially stuck until they accomplish said vague goal — & to top it all off, one of their own ; even if he was a bastard, is presumed to be dead via execution from the hijacking gone wrong. Garden was also accidentally named for being behind the whole thing & there’s nowhere exactly safe to go in that moment. It’s all a lot for him to deal with in that moment. With a second of calm to breathe before they have to hit the road to find their next destination, it makes sense he kind of collapses & closes off all at once under all the pressure & stress.
He doesn’t take loss well — especially when it’s someone who is close to him, ‘enemy’ or otherwise. I am struggling with words today but best I can chalk it up to is he associates it with the hollowed feeling of abandonment / loss, so it’s a wild scramble to approach things coldly with enough distance to stay logical & closed off for defensive / protective purposes, but it backfires cause he still reacts how he does.
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