#(    FILTHY,FILTHY DOG   /  secco.   )
erotheatre-blog · 7 years
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The other world pt 5
You were just about to give in till another light swung down from the side and knocked into Squalo's head and threw him off of you, causing more blood to decorate the new clothes you wore.
You struggled to stand up but slowly you managed. You walked over to his body, your face screwed up in disgust as you saw that the impact had completely caved in his head, at this point you couldn't make out his face.
You then paced over to his boyfriends corpse which had several holes through it. With little hesitation you grabbed the ring and pocketed it before going over to the pile of your old clothes and picking up the handle before running out of the building as all the remaining lights blew up. You slammed the door shut and let out a huff. Just glad that you made it out alive.
You were wounded and tired. You really didn't want to have to jump through barbed wire hoops for a third time but if you didn't then you were better off as a dead failure. After all this was no longer just between you and the puppeteer, the souls of your parents and the three women were also at stake. You pulled yourself up the stairs with all the strength you could. Deep laboured breaths escaped your mouth as you felt your body wobble like jelly.
"Oh dear…" Abbaccio gasped as he saw your bloodied form come into view.
"What happened?" He asked as he rushed to your side but you refused to respond.
"(Y/n)?" His tone was that of horror. He could see that this was really getting to you.
"I need… to keep going" you wheezed as you took your last step before falling to the ground, you tried to get back up only to fall again.
"(Y/n) stop, you need to rest" he said.
"No!" You hissed as you clawed into the dirt, trying to drag yourself forward.
"Stop it! You are going to kill yourself!" He yelled.
"But the eyes" you retorted.
"I'll get the last pair" he replied.
"No I need to do this!" You argued.
"Listen to yourself (Y/n), you sound like a spoiled brat! I'm not just going to sit here and let another person I know die!" He yelled.
"But I need to do this… this is my job. If I lose then I'll be trapped here for an eternity with that monster" you explained as you got up on your knees and stood up.
"Besides how hard could the last trial be?" You said as you dusted yourself off before tearing up sections of your clothes to tie around your wounds.
You looked at your surroundings and noticed that the night was dimmer than usual. You looked to the sky and noticed that the moon was slowly eclipsing, the shadow already covering half the moon
"That's strange… I've never seen a lunar eclipse in this world, have you Abbaccio?" You said as you began to walk toward the long flight of stairs that wound around the house.
"No I've never seen one either, I don't think it's a good sign so we should hurry up before it's fully eclipsed" he replied as he followed you.
As you reached the stairs a shiver ran down your spine. The attic had always been such an ominous and mysterious place for you, both in the real world and this one. Abbaccio took a step onto the first of the stairs which worsened the panic attack you were having.
“Please stay down..” you wheezed.
“I really don’t want to feel these stairs rock more” you continued to explain to Abbaccio
The real owner was a man by the name of Mr Nero. You would often be sent to deliver his mail to him but he would never open the door or respond. However at night you would be woken up by the loud creak of the rusting staircase, by chance you had actually seen him but you wish you hadn't. That image of seeing the albino male glare at you with piercing red eyes through the window shook you to your very core.
You sighed as you took your first step, the rusty metal stairs threatening to collapse underneath you. You took another step and the steps made a loud screech. You took another breath before frantically running up the rest of the steps. Your heart raced with fear and dread. It seemed so childish to be afraid of the attic but you knew what ever lurked beyond those doors was a monster among monsters.
The faint sound of a vinyl stuck on repeat echoed from beyond the door. You swallowed your saliva and brought the sliver of courage you had remaining to open the door. As you entered the room you noticed how dusty the place was, like no one had been in the attic for a decade or so.
You saw the faulty record player in the corner and cautiously approached it. You took the needle off of the vinyl.
The door slammed shut and the scratching of thousands of little claws patterning across the room became president. You turned around frantically in search of the source but couldn't see anything. You turned back to bump straight into a tall male who had been standing behind you. Permanent smile sewn at the side of his lips only became more haunting the more you looked at him.
"Well well, you finally decided to visit us" his deep green dreadlocks swayed as he cackled but still he managed to emphasize us in such a way that made you even more scared then you already were. You could only assume this was the cioccolata you had heard about.
"My my (Y/n)" he spoke with false concern in his words as his green button eyes dangled along the loose black thread. He grabbed your arm and inspected the shark-like bites on your hand before you shook him off and began to pace away from the puppet of a man.
"Your injuries must hurt… why don't you let me take care of you?" he eerily lulled as he took methodically large steps towards you.
"No thank you, it's just a scratch" you declined before tripping over backwards and hitting your head on the edge of a tray carrier, the contents spilling around you.
Syringes, knives and various other pieces of surgical equipment falling around you. All of which were not sterile, covered in blood and rust.
"You know you should really be more careful with yourself… Diavolo wouldn't like you all torn up like an old rag doll, now would he?" he scolds as you turn away from Cioccolata's gaze. On the floor you saw a ball rolling on the floor, maybe that was the last eyes, you looked through your pendant and sure enough it was. You reached out to grab it but another hand snatched it from the shadows. A low growl echoed as the second figure emerged from their shadowy hiding from behind the green haired creep. He walked towards the maniac of a man and he gave his head a pat as he looked at the pendant you wore.
Like a dog he crawled across the floor, rags covered most of his body but what skin you could see was littered in bruises, burns, scars and stitches. Discoloration of his skin was prominent. His button eyes were a glossy lavender. He was more like a Frankensteinish monster than what was meant to seem human.
"Cheater" he snarled as he held the ball between his teeth which caught the attention of the man in white.
"Oh… is that right Secco?" He hummed before reaching out to you with his bony fingers and tugged at the necklace until the leather snapped off, with little care on how much it hurt you.
"You're absolutely correct Secco, she's cheating"  he hissed.
"How am I cheating, there was never such a rule against this?" You asked as you finally stood up.
"In Diavolo's world we are all at his mercy my dear" he chuckled as he poked your nose.
"That wasn't an answer" you stated but yet again he ignored you.
"How about you play a game with my rats?" He asked.
"I'd rather not… I hate rats, I find them absolutely terrifying" you replied, squirming underneath his scrutinizing gaze.
You quickly tried to snatch the ball out of Secco's mouth but failed. His skin began to literally crawl, like something was squirming inside of his body. Through his stitches creatures tried so desperately to escape this form. Sharp teeth began to eat through the disgusting disguise that Secco truly was until the fake puppet burst into a swarm of filthy rats.
Like a ripple in the water they scattered in all directions. You let out an ear piercing scream as you felt their wire like fur brush against your skin. You had lost complete sight of the ball until you saw it in Cioccolata's hand.
You quickly tried to snatch the ball out of his hand but you instead caught a strand of string attached to him without realizing, accidentally pulling all the fine stitching that held him together. Bony ringed tails wriggled like tendrils as more rats fell from his body. Loosening the fine stitching even more until the large rodents began to fall to the ground.
You saw one had caught the ball and began to scurry away. You tried to chase it however they all kept their distance, like you and all of them were like the same side of different magnets. Sick of their game you leaped to catch the blasted rat but  they all avoided your landing to the wooden floor. Splinters from the wooden planks that barely passed as an actual floor scraped against your skin. The filthy creatures crawled on top of you.
You cringed at the feeling of how their paws clung to your skin, the goosebumps on your skin only made the sensations feel all the worse by ten fold. You thrashed your body around to get them off of you. While some were thrown off others had a tight hold on you. 
Managing to get to your feet you stumbled around in a desperate attempt to free yourself from their filthy paws off of you. Some still managed to keep their grip and began to crawl up your face, using their revolting bodies to obscure your view.
You slam into every wall to try to get them off but it seems impossible. You keep trying to knock them off, only to hear your steps on metal and the floor shake under you. It was all a part of the devious rats plan. The sheer force of their colony tackling into you caused you to lose your balance and topple over the rails, only then your sight was restored to watch yourself fall to the ground far below.
You seemed to blackout just before you hit the ground. For only a second or two you experienced true nothingness. Numbness enveloping you, exposing you to the loneliness of nonexistence. However such loneliness felt almost like a luxury in comparison to then to live a life of constant torture, one that you would surely experience if you lost this game.
The light almost seemed blinding as you opened your eyes, your vision was fuzzy and blurred and you couldn’t understand the noises, even when your senses returned you just blankly stared at the starless night sky.
“(Y/n)” a familiar voice said with concern in their tone.
“(Y/n), are you ok?” they asked before you turned your head towards them to see Abbaccio with the ball in front of his paws.
“Thanks… I thought I’d lost it” you muttered, still partially out of reality.
“(Y/n) now’s not the time to be daydreaming, look” he scolded as he looked just a little bit to the right than you could see..
You sat up and turned a bit to see the last sliver of light become hidden behind the silhouette of a button upon the moon. The sky began to peel like the old paint on your house walls revealing only a blank white behind it. The ground began to shake, you jumped to your feet and scooped Abbacchio as well as the final eyes before bee-lining to the back patio and desperately trying to open the door as the world crumbled behind you at an alarming pace.
You finally opened the door and threw yourself in and slammed the door shut.
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wri0thesley · 5 years
I know he’s a feral dog but I love secco, can I get a scenario or headcanon (you can choose) secco bathing with his s/o? Since the boy needs a damn shower
It actually doesn’t take a lot for you to convince Secco to take a bath with you - for one thing, he’d follow you wherever you go, and for another - well. He’s not going to miss the chance to enjoy some intimate time with you. If there’s one thing that Secco is, it’s affectionate, and there are fewer places that affection is simpler than in the bath. Secco enjoys the quiet domesticity of running the bath and getting in it - if, perhaps, most places that Secco goes are not usually quiet. 
If you let him help choose what kind of lotions and potions are used within the bath, you might find you have an interesting range of scents. Secco favours earthy and herby smells like musk and patchouli, but he’s drawn to things that are bright and colourful - your bubble bath might be sandalwood, but the bath bomb he’s put in there has about seven different flowers in and is turning your bath bright orange. If they’re particularly brightly coloured, he might try and eat one, so watch out for that. 
Once in the water, though, he calms. Secco is smarter than he seems. He knows that you find him being a little feral charming - but he also knows when to calm down, and simply enjoy the feel of your body pressed against his in the bath and your hands working through his hair to get some of the grime out of it. He spends so much time underground, he’s bound to get filthy. 
And, of course, he enjoys the water. He finds it like a comforting embrace. You being there with him is the cherry on top of the cake - the feel of your hands rubbing a washcloth tenderly over his skin and the feel of the day’s worth of dirt coming off him is like no other. He relaxes and sighs and his eyes drift shut as you touch him. 
(Of course, when you flutter your eyelashes and ask him to help you get clean - though you perhaps don’t need the help so much - Secco’s eyes snap open and he’s eager to get his hands on you in return.)
Have a fluffy towel ready for after the bath so you two can wrap yourselves up together and drift to the bedroom. It’s a novelty, Secco being out of his stand and his skin being fresh and clean and pink - but it’s one that both of you get to enjoy, your bodies pressed against one another, the scent of the bubble bath in the air. He’ll no doubt get just as filthy next time he puts on Oasis - but that’s a problem that can be dealt with then.
After all, it’s not like he has any complaints about taking another bath with you. 
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darkpinkandbizarre · 5 years
Imagine Secco having wonderful, Kars-like hair...
Ooh yes, Anon!!!!!!!! 
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This except a tad less fabulous and no L’Oreal cuz Secco’s hair is absolutely filthy from Oasis mud and he refuses to wash. He’s like a dog that hates baths
Did I mention that Kars was the first jojo character I properly thirsted over? First watching that scene where he revealed his hair I was like holy shit…. and then I discovered the horny side of the fandom💗
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