#(     einuken .     )     ▸     ፧     ⁻  ̀    TOHMA   ⋱   IF YOU CAME TO ME AS A STRANGER I WOULD STILL KNOW YOU ❣     ☄
mizuban · 3 years
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          ❛     you know , i’ve wondered for quite some time , but . . . do you miss mondstadt ?     ❜
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mizuban · 3 years
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          ❛     tohma . i have something very urgent for you .     ❜     it’s not , in truth     —     not even a little bit . he just wants to offer his gift for his favorite housekeeper’s birthday . still , it wouldn’t be ayato if he wasn’t actively teasing tohma , this time with a solemn expression ‘pon his face . he wonders if tohma can see through it , can see his mischief coming a mile away .     (     if he only pretends to fall for his antics , in order to humor him .     )
          ❛     you made me wait all day , so that you could spend the day with the traveler .     ❜     in truth , he doesn’t mind at all . he’s happy to have been able to let tohma enjoy his birthday with whomever & wherever he so chose , but he loves to mess with tohma , to make him sweat . he feigns disappointment .      ❛     are you HAPPY with yourself ?     ❜
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mizuban · 3 years
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          eyes flutter as he feels himself being lowered onto soft surface , almost involuntarily . he’s so expertly hidden that he is sleeping , but tohma’s soft breaths have tempted him to give himself away the whole time . he knows how this goes     —     he falls asleep , hard at work , & his doting housekeeper , as always , carries him gently into bed , careful not to wake him . but this time , ayato isn’t asleep at all . this time , he has a trick up his sleeve     —     but then , doesn’t he always ?
          as he feels tohma begin to shift the blankets to cover him , he tugs him suddenly with all of his strength to pull him into the bed with him . a smirk plays over soft lips .
          ❛     i think you’re forgetting something .     ❜     he gives a kiss .
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mizuban · 3 years
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          ❛     i’ve been thinking about you all day , you know . & yet , you kept me waiting .     ❜     the smirk ‘pon his face is mischievous , playful .     ❛     i have a surprise for you .     ❜
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mizuban · 3 years
@einuken​ asked     /     [ STOP ] : sender takes receiver's hand to stop them from walking away from them. >:3c
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          the air is bitterly cold . it feels like winter already , ayato thinks , though it hasn’t quite reached the plummeting temperatures of inazuma’s snowiest days . he’s trying to be quiet , to keep his stirring from rousing the sleeping man beside him . he watches him a moment , only to verify that he hasn’t woken him . the lack of reaction tells him that he has been successful , & he moves to slip on the clothes he’d discarded only hours ago , as the sun went down .     (     it’s peeking out from behind the ocean through the window , now . he has little time left before the estate begins the daily motions , before the yashiro commissioner has business to which he must attend . . . before those in his employ begin to question why he is sneaking off from tohma’s room in the early hours of the morning , wrapped in so little clothing .     )
          ayato’s thoughts are elsewhere , as they always seem to be . he has so much on his mind at all times , so many duties to fulfill each & every day in service of the raiden shogun , in service of the people of inazuma . it’s so rare that he gets the chance to enjoy the moments in which he lives . eyes glance back , again , at tohma , who has not yet changed his position . he wishes it were easier to tell whether or not he was sleeping     -     the only sign that he’s even alive is the slow rise & fall of his chest . he abandons his endeavor of fastening his shirt for a moment to brush tohma’s bangs from where they lay before his eyes .     (     o’ archon , he has never loved like this before . never has he held someone so dearly in his heart . never will he again .     )
          when he finally has managed to dress himself , ayato stands , moves to leave     /     is stopped , held in place by the gripping of a hand . he looks back again , sees tohma’s face , & although no words are spoken , a long , mutual stare is held . he feels breathless in his gaze , feels as though he’s going to die if he doesn’t kiss him right this second . ayato sits back down , leans over to offer one over tohma’s eye .
          ❛     i’m sorry . i didn’t mean to wake you .     ❜     he pushes the hair back , behind lover’s ear .     ❛     okay . five more minutes .     ❜
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mizuban · 3 years
tag dump btw
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