#( ;; cried in the office and walked into the house crying LOL. )
redemn · 5 months
i am very tired today . this week is a bit hectic with a few work changes i'm not too keen on , and this after i found out the woman i credit as my whole reason for falling in love with writing and who made my high school years feel worth it passed away on saturday . i will be quietly on discord tonight playing my games as usual . if you'd like to plot things , i will be around @ wiedzmins .
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apomaro-mellow · 1 year
3 though idk how much it will help but I love drama😅
oh my god you instigator LOL I also tacked on @goodolefashionedloverboi's request too
First part
He should've known that telling Eddie to shut the hell up would yield the opposite result. The phone calls were so constant, that Steve stopped picking up. When he saw him coming down the sidewalk, he walked the other way. Eddie had even started to try and send messages via the kids and wasn't that pathetic?
What was more pathetic was how hard it was for Steve to do all of this. He wanted more than anything to hear Eddie out, to find out that maybe his feelings were real all along. But there was no such chance.
There was a panicked moment when Eddie came to his work and he saw him talking to Robin outside. But Robin, steadfast and loyal and just as bitchy as him, told him to step off.
"I knew there was a reason I kept you around", Steve said he pushed a mail cart around.
Robin dug her hand in and handed it off to the white collars of Hawkins in the office building they worked at now. "I felt like a bouncer at a club."
Steve thought he was doing a good job on the break up mend. He hadn't spoken to Eddie in days, he hadn't rebounded on some poor soul, and he only cried late at night when he was all alone with his thoughts.
The moment he thought he was up though, was of course, when the universe brought him back down. He knew Dustin's house was a danger zone, what with the odds of Eddie being there. But Dustin had invoked a Code Red on the walkie and Steve came barreling down the road, nail bat at the ready.
Once again, Dustin pointed him in the direction of his cellar. Steve vividly remembered what Dustin had been keeping down here before. He went down the stairs, heard a familiar voice cry out "No! Wait!" before the door shut above him.
Steve held his bat defensively. He was down here with someone. He was about to swing when a lightbulb turned on and he was face to face with Eddie. Honestly, Eddie might've been safer from his bat if he was a stray demodog.
"What the hell are you doing here?"
"I don't know", Eddie held his hands up in surrender. "But if I had to guess...I think Henderson wants us to talk."
"Did you put him up to this?!"
"Eddie didn't put me up to anything!", Dustin shouted from above. "You two need to get your shit together. I'll be back in an hour. Don't have make up sex in my cellar."
Steve tried opening it up but they were sealed shut until Dustin, or perhaps Mrs. Henderson let them out.
"The nerve of that kid", Eddie huffed.
"Right? Where the hell does he get it from?"
"Not from me. Us Munsons are humble. He must've gotten it from your side of the family."
Steve smiled as a traitorous breath of laughter came from him and he clamped it down immediately. It wasn't fair. Eddie couldn't do this. He glared at him, ready to blame the whole situation on him even though he was probably tricked as well.
"Don't look at me like that", Eddie said, his voice soft.
"I'd rather not look at you at all." Steve turned his back on him, hoping he could ignore him until they were let out. He came face to face with the mended part of the wall that Dart had dug out years ago. Such and odd series of events that led him here, that led him to Eddie. Just for it to end like this.
“I fucking hate you.”
“No you don’t. Take that back right now.”
"I won't."
"Then look me in the eye and tell me."
Steve turned and he wished he hadn't. All he saw in Eddie's eyes was heartbreak. He knew because it mirrored the look in his own eyes. But it couldn't be real. It just couldn't.
"You should be in the movies, you know that? Give Hollywood a run for its money."
"Steve just listen to me! I'm sorry for playing with your feelings. I really am! But I wasn't lying when I said I want to be with you. Steve I l-"
"Don't you fucking dare." Steve's grip on his bat tightened. "Don't say that if you don't mean it or I swear..."
"Steve..." Eddie took a breath and stepped closer to him, incredibly aware of the weapon in his hand. "I love you."
Steve dropped the bat and Eddie pulled him into his arms. Steve wanted to beg for so many things. For Eddie to always love him, to treat him gently, to make him believe that he wanted him forever. It all came out in the form of tears.
"If this is another joke-"
"The only joke here if that I had you and fucked it up like an idiot."
"You really want me?", Steve sniffled.
"Baby, baby, baby", Eddie cradled his face and wiped some of his tears away. “I’m not even gonna lie, I’m just so fucking obsessed with you.” He wondered how many of his messages got through to Steve in the end. "Did you listen to any of my voicemails?"
Steve allowed a small smile through. "I think if I did, I would've caved in too fast. I'm obsessed with you too. I love you, Eddie. Too much probably."
"I'll be the judge of what's too much. And you, Steven Malcolm Harrington, are not too much."
Eddie kissed him and Steve felt whole again. Then Eddie kissed him again and Steve felt more than whole. In between the kisses, Steve started to laugh.
"I can't believe we're making out where Dustin kept his pet demodog."
Eddie jumped up into his arms. "His pet WHAT!?!"
Send me a dialogue prompt
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sailor-aviator · 1 year
OMG WAIT ok so have you ever seen the office? Do you remember the episode where Pam is in labor and Jim is freaking out? There’s one scene where Jim noticed Pam changed clothes and asks her about it and she kind of laughs/shrugs it off and says “my water broke”. He doesn’t quite process it at first but after she walks away it sinks in. I can SO see Jake being freaked out when his wife goes into labor and driving himself crazy and begging to take her to the hospital. He steps outside of their house for a moment, but when he comes back inside he sees her still doing chores/busy work and realizes she changed. He asks her about it and she laughs/shrugs it off and tell him about her water breaking. For a second he’s like “oh yea ok” but then it sinks in after a second and he like chases after her like “wait WHAT” and “ANGEL, I THINK WE SHOULD REALLY GO NOW”.
He’d be the epitome of a nervous wreck first time dad during labor and delivery. Also I just KNOW that he is the most supportive and wonderful husband during labor- like, the gold standard.
Okay, full disclosure, but I've only seen the Office once all the way through and that was YEARS ago lol But I love this idea!!
Jake stopped in his tracks. You were standing at the kitchen counter cutting vegetables for supper, but something was off. Your hair was pulled into a messy bun and sweats covered your nine month baby bump, but he was sure you had been wearing shorts before he ran outside to check the mail.
"Did you change?" he asked quizzically. You looked up at him with wide eyes before looking down at your attire.
"Oh," you said. "Yeah, my water broke."
Jake hummed. "Hm. Okay."
He made it just past the archway into the living room before doubling back, eyes wide. "Did you just say your water broke?"
"Uh, yeah?" you replied cautiously. Jake stares at you.
"Well, don't you think we should be going to the hospital about now?"
"You think so?" you asked, looking down at your stomach with a thoughtful frown. Jake scrambled for the stairs.
"I'll grab the go bag! You wait in the car!"
Hours later, you're propped up in a hospital bed, Jake sat beside you as you groaned in pain.
"I know, mama, I know," he cooed, smoothing the stray strands of hair out of your face. "Can you breathe with me? Just like we learned in class."
"Jake," you cried, tears streaming down your face, "I can't do this. This-this is too much."
"Pretty girl," he cooed again, placing a soft kiss to your temple as you held his hand in a vice grip. "I know you're in so much pain, baby, but you can do this. You're the one person I know who can do anything. And just think about what's waiting on the other side of this."
"Jakey," you sobbed out, feeling the pressure build in your lower stomach.
"Alright, Mrs. Seresin. It's time to push now, okay?" your doctor said from the end of the bed.
"C'mon, mama, you can do it," Jake encouraged. Seconds later, a cry pierced through the room.
"It's a boy!" the doctor called out, holding up your son for the both of you to see.
And if you would like to see a continuation of this, you can head on over to this drabble right here!
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onevolon · 1 year
my love for you is infinite - part11
Santiago Garcia x F!reader(Darcy)
note: pride and prejudice (2005) but with triple frontier boys because why not lol
word count: 854
warnings: angsty... again...
you can also read it on ao3.
part10 - part12 - masterlist
Santiago is in the drawing room; he looks at a book on the table. He puts it down and walks to the mirror and stares at himself. The daylight moves and fades as seamlessly the scene turns to night. Santiago puts his face into his hands and rubs it wearily. When he looks up Darcy is reflected behind him. They stare at each other without speaking for a moment.
“I came to leave you this.”
She places a letter on the table behind him. Santiago does not turn but watches her through the mirror.
“I shall not renew the sentiments which were so disgusting to you, but if I may, I will address the two offences you have laid against me.”
Santiago cannot bring himself to look at Darcy. He stares at the little imperfections on the surface of the mirror.
As Santiago turns, he realizes Darcy has gone. He grabs the letter, tears open the envelope. His hands are shaking when he starts to read.
“My father provided for Mr. Wickham a valuable living. But upon his death, however, Mr. Wickham told me that he had no intention of taking orders and would I recompense him to the tune of 3000 pounds so he could go to town and study the law.
This I did, though by now I had some doubts about his character. These were confirmed by reports that he had sunk into a life of idleness, gambling and dissipation. The money was soon used up, whereupon he wrote demanding more money which I refused, after which he severed all acquaintance…But last summer he unwillingly obtruded on my notice when he connived a relationship with my sister whom he attempted to persuade to elope with him. His objective was her inheritance of thirty thousand pounds. She was fifteen… As to the other matter, that of your brother and Mr. Bingley. Though the motives which governed me may to you appear insufficient, they were in the service of a friend.”
Charlotte walks into the room.
“Santiago! Are you alright?”
“I hardly know.”
Santiago arrives back at Longbourn. He climbs down from his carriage and looks at the house from across the moat. He walks around the front of the house, through a window he sees Francisco sitting quietly alone at his needle work. He takes a deep breath and enters.
Mrs. Bennet takes Santiago's coat from him.
“How fortunate you have arrived, your aunt and uncle are here to deliver Francisco from London.”
“How is Francisco?”
“He’s in the drawing room.”
Santiago enters the room.
Santiago and Francisco sit together. Francisco is all smiles, but behind his eyes is a sadness unseen before. Santiago is equally unable to unburden himself.
“I am quite over him, Santiago. If he passed in the street I would hardly notice. London is so diverting.”
“It’s true. So much to entertain. What news from Kent?”
“Nothing. At least, not much to entertain.”
Santiago tries to smile. There is a crash as the younger brothers enter the house. William rushes into the drawing room crying his eyes out, he is followed by Ben and Mrs. Bennet.
“Santiago, tell mama, tell her!” Will cries.
“Mrs. Forster has invited me.” Ben says smugly.
“Why didn't she ask me as well?”
“William, what's happened?”
“- because I'm better company.”
“I’ve just as much right as Ben”
Santiago looks to Francisco.
“Ben has been invited to Brighton with the Foresters.”
“I shall dine with the officers every night!” Ben sighs with a dreamy look on his face.
An anguished wail is heard from William.
Santiago confronts her father.
“Please Papa, don't let him go!”
“Ben will never be easy till he has exposed himself in some public place or other, and we can never expect him to do it with so little inconvenience as under the present circumstances.”
“If you, dear father, will not take the trouble to check him, he will be fixed forever as the silliest and most determined flirt who ever made his family ridiculous. And William will follow, as he always does.”
“We shall have no peace until he goes.”
“Peace! Is that all you care about?”
“Colonel Forster is a sensible man and will keep him out of any real mischief, and he is far too poor to be an object of prey to anyone.”
“Father, it's dangerous!”
“I’m sure the officers will find people better worth their while. Let us hope, in fact, that his stay in Brighton will teach his own insignificance. At any rate he can hardly grow any worse, without authorizing us to lock him up for the rest of his life.”
Santiago gazes at his father - will nothing touch him? He gave up on Ben long ago. For this, just now, he hates him.
“No wonder our family is treated with contempt.”
She leaves while his father looks puzzled at his outburst.
Santiago and Francisco lie next to each other in the darkness.
“I saw Miss Darcy when I was in Rosings.”
“Why did you not tell me? Did she mention Mr. Bingley?”
“No. She did not.”
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m3zzamorphic · 2 years
Hi! I was incredibly moved by your last post on finding yourself in a good place after struggling with bipolar for so long what with finding medication that worked, keeping at it until you found a therapist you resonated with and it being about really healing and purging you soul of demons past. I'd love to hear more about all of that so I have given you a follow in case you share your journey. It's so validating and encouraging.
My question for now is what is the medication you found and how is it working for you? As in what is the difference between before it and after it if that makes sense? What is the most notable shift in your life whether the mental landscape, change habits or stability etc.? Trying to imagine a way out of the chaos. Sorry if this is a confusing ask!
🔆Long but bear with me🔆
I finally landed on something they actually use for seizure medication: lamotrigine. At first it gave me bad headaches for a few days, and I didn’t notice any shift till about a month in. My psychiatrist had me monitor my moods and adjusted my dosage from there. At about 50mg I noticed I was still having crying outbursts, but I wasn’t as flustered to the point of anger and tears as before. Over time I was bumped to 100mg. About 5-6 months after starting it I noticed I was completely cool and calm at work (I work healthcare so that’s a feat) and I hadn’t cried in awhile (something I did multiple times a day before). My anxiety and insomnia started to go away. I felt like I was walking against the current in chest deep water before and then suddenly 11 months in, it was just ankle deep. It was the strangest thing. I dove hardcore back into my art, I started singing around the house, teaching myself japanese, reading, talking to friends again, having laughing fits instead of crying… I even developed a bad medical condition (that I still have) from covid and STILL nothing was keeping me down. I was suspicious and thought it was just a manic high, but then it never went away lol. I felt like I had a bright sun in my chest, something I couldn’t put a name to at first because I’d never had it before, and I realized it was hope. I feel like I can tackle so much now. I want to fight back. Getting a team and medication to work together that actually HELPED me sounds so simple but I don’t even recognize who I was a year ago.
I cannot promote telehealth enough for this either. Having your sessions online in the comfort of your own home was such a game changer for me, I always had anxiety in offices on their stiff couches and bright lights. I was able to be in my bed in a blanket and able to be vulnerable in a way I needed to actually get better. Telehealth also allows you a greater reach beyond your immediate area so you have a better chance of finding people who are suited to you. Always do your research on behavioral health centers online, see reviews, look up the practitioners and therapists. It was so scary but it was the best thing I’ve ever done for myself.
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missmeinyourbones · 2 years
What do the AOT Dads do when the baby's crying and it's not for any basic needs or emergency reasons? And you're dog-tired, so they ain't getting any backup.
this was so fun to think about LOL thank u anon for the idea :)
dad!eren who uses the distraction method for any and all tears. baby is crying and he goes through the mental checklist: not hungry cause they just ate, no poopy diaper, not hurt. his go to is just doing whatever he can to distract his baby from being sad. he grabs the item closest to him and just shakes it in his baby’s face like oooooh look at this bag of almonds! listen to the sound cool sound it makes when you shake it! panic city: population eren
dad!armin who does his very best to talk your baby through their emotions even tho they are 1 and can’t speak LOL. ur baby cries because the blender makes a loud noise and he tries to explain it to them like see? it’s just helping daddy make a smoothie! it’s not so scary or when they cry because their sippy cup falls he picks it right up and is like it’s ok! it was just an accident! here you go! he’s so sweet i wanna eat him whole
dad!jean who talks to ur baby like a normal person LOL he just looks at them, maybe rubs their chubby lil legs a bit, and he’s like you don’t even know why you’re crying, do you? i’ve got you, quit whining, no baby voice, no engaging sensory tactics, he loves ur baby sm he just struggles to understand their dramatics. you overhear him from the other room like nothing’s wrong with you, i checked everything, you’re just being dramatic, like your mom (or whatever u preferred to be called)
dad!connie who shakes your baby every time they cry. he just picks them up and throws them around in his arms in hopes of getting them to laugh. he tickles them, bounces them on his hip, puts them on his shoulders. it’s a 50/50 method…when it works, it works seamlessly, but when it fails…ur baby cries harder than before. hit or miss honestly
dad!levi who is very in tune with your baby’s cries, so its not often for him to be confused or overwhelmed with the situation at hand. he knows the tiniest differences in ur baby’s cries, which ones mean they’re hungry, tired, stinky, or just bored. he’s great at differentiating the situations and having a plan for each one. usually just rocks your baby in his arms or walks them around the house, giving them a change of scenery or something to look at. he is the Best Father, offically. 
dad!reiner who sings to your baby every time their eyes begin to water or their lip begins to quiver. he’s not even good at singing LOL but its something about the vibration of his voice or the sudden change in situation that stops your baby from crying almost every single time. porco is over ur house one time and the three of them are hanging out and ur baby randomly starts to get fussy and the last thing porco expects is for reiner to fully break out into a personal rendition of shake it off by taylor swift. he secretly records a video of it and sends it in their friend gc every time reiner gets snippy with him 
dad!porco who fake cries right back in your baby’s face every time they cry for no reason. your baby whines and screams its little head off and porco is quick to mimic its cries right back to them....ur little baby is so confused and gives him a side eye that practically screams “dad, wtf are you doing....” and porco just smirks and is like “yeah, its not fun to listen to, is it?”
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iwadori · 3 years
Haikyu boys when they take a joke/prank too far (Iwaizumi,Daichi)
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Word count: 1.9K
AN: In the spirit of April Fools I tried to make my first work based on that I hope you enjoy!! (LOL I can’t actually believe this was the first thing I’ve ever written)
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“Okay so it’s April Fools Day who are we going to prank?” asked Makki “One of the first years?”
“Do we have to prank someone this year..” replied Iwaizumi “so childish”
“Iwa-Chan!” Oikawa said “Don’t be such a spoil sport.”
“Anyways, it can’t be a first year they’re boring to prank a first year coach will be mad at us, we need someone else.”
Just then, you enter the gym, catching their eye as you approach the group sitting on Iwaizumi’s lap “Hey babe, I can still come over to yours to study right?” you ask.
“Yeah of course, practice finishes early so I'll be there before you.” He said
“Alright, see you then bye babe, bye guys” you said, giving Iwaizumi a kiss on the cheek sauntering off and waving at Makki, Mattsun and Oikawa.
“bye Y/N!” They teasingly responded in unison making you laugh.
As they watched you leave, it seemed as if a lightbulb pinged off in all of their heads (besides Iwaizumi) realizing who would be a great person to prank.  
After a lot of convincing, they finally got Iwaizumi in on the ‘harmless’ plan, all they needed to do now is wait on your arrival.
You’re finally done with school after a long and tiring day of exams upon exams and wanting nothing more than to cuddle with your boyfriend (after he teaches you Pythagoras theorem of course.) You did think he was acting weird when you met him this morning in the gym and throughout break and lunch but you just concluded that it was because he was having an ‘off’ day.
You reached his house and used a copy of his key that he gave you to enter we just enter houses up in this bitch  calling out his name “Zumi-babe, I'm here...”  
“Lets get this shit over with” you said tiredly
Upon entering, you notice none of the lights being on or curtains drawn ‘odd’ you think. You go upstairs going straight to his room hopefully to find your boyfriend in his bed or on his Xbox or something. To your surprise his bedroom door was somehow locked shut (even though not having a lock on his door anyways.) Suddenly, you hear creaks slowly trailing up the stairs and an eerie feeling surrounds you... now you start to feel pretty panicked jiggling the door handle to Iwaizumi’s door as it’s practically the only place you can go.
AN: I hate what I’m writing rn but onwards we right
The footsteps on the stairs start to quicken, and you almost certain that you felt something brush pass your shoulder only adding onto the panic and anxiety that you already feel. Ok, the footsteps on the stairs are basically right near you, so doing the only logical thing you can do you body slam the ‘person’ on the stairs as you motherfuckin should  as tears fill your eyes and you pick up bag bolting through the front door, slamming it shut now in full tears and shakingly scared.
You look behind you and see Iwaizumi’s front door re-open and out comes the ‘iNFaMouS sEiJOh fOuR’ in tears... of laughter. It seems that the boys were in laughing fits that their prank ‘payed off’ getting a reaction out of you. You couldn’t see Iwaizumi’s reaction, but you didn’t care you were hurt, annoyed and wanting to get into your bed.
Once you get home, you decide to block your so called ‘friends’ who decided to make you scared shitless and ignored Iwaizumi’s messages asking “where were you today”.... the AUDACITY.  
The next day, the boy’s seemed to realize the consequences of their actions after spending the whole day trying to get your attention only to be straight up ignored. Iwaizumi is immensely regretful after all his efforts to try talking to you were denied, he decided after his practice he was going to get you to talk to him or at least get you to listen to his apologies on what happened yesterday evening.
You left your clubroom and made your way to the school gate to go home.
“Y/N!” shouted Iwaizumi touching your shoulder making you flinch ‘wow did we really scare her that bad?”  
“What do you want iwa?” You asked very agitated
“Y/N I just want to apologize for yesterday, since it was April fools day and all the boys really wanted to prank someone and I-it just happened to be-”
“It just happened to be me. Right?” you interrupted “Gosh Iwaizumi, I was really scared.. I already had a tiring day and all I wanted was my boyfriend to teach me the stupid Pythagoras Theorem and cuddle me afterwards, but no you and your friends just had to be dicks for a day” you turn around planning to walk away before he grabs you again  
“Wait! Just wait y/n, im sorry and I wont ever prank you like that again” he pleaded
“.. and i’ll help you study?” he added pulling the sweetest face of all time to try and convince you  
“ugh, fine stop pulling that face... and you better teach me Pythagoras Theorem” you said rolling your eyes
“yeah yeah whatever you say y/n” he said pulling you under his arm and walking in the direction of his house.
A/N: WOW I DID NOT like the way this turned out but its my first official thing that I wrote hopefully HOPEFULLY MY WORK IMPROVES (I THINK IT WILL) SO please join me on this ‘ride’ in improving my work  
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You decided this morning that you were NOT going to participate in your annual April Day Fool’s prank with Tanaka and Noya... only because of your not-so new boyfriend Daichi saying he didn’t need his teammates corrupting you any longer so you decided to not get involved. With that being said you wouldn’t even think of your boyfriend pulling a prank on you so you didn’t think you’re getting pranked today.
In the gym, the boys were doing the usual: Hinata and Kageyama running after eachother, Tanaka and Noya oogling Kiyoko, Tsukishima listening to music, Yama and Yachi going over club schedules whilst Daichi sat with Sugawara and Asahi.
“So are you pranking anyone today?” sugawara asked
“Pranking someone, isn’t that a bit too juvenile suga?” Asahi replied
“Not you silly, Daichi” said sugawara “With Y/N on his arm they always have to stay on eachothers toes right..she’s a ‘jokester’ right?”
“...right?” Daichi hadn’t thought of it that way, he did know of all your joking escapades before you even got together and how you still liked to joke around now as you date.. He didn’t want you to think that you thought he was too boring for you ?
“Ok. What type of prank should I pull on her..”
Daichi, Sugawara and Asahi (who didn’t really contribute to Suga’s scheming) made a plan for you to meet him at the gym locker with the claims that he had a ‘surprise’ for you .. oh how he was wrong.
Daichi: meet me at the gym locker I have something to show you  
Y/N: Ok!! I’ll be there in 5 minutes
Daichi was nervous, and that was an understatement he didn’t want things to go left and have you thinking he couldn’t even do a simple prank. Once you got there, he saw heard you talking to Sugawara and Asahi outside the door about him wondering where he was in which Suga told you inside the locker room.
“Hey babe” you greeted “what's the occasion in why we’re in here?”
“I...uh..um I need to get something one second” Daichi spoke quickly and rushed out the room closing the door leaving you confused. Minutes passed, and you were now impatient and kinda scared since the room was dusty, dark and cold definitely not your place to be in. You tried texting Daichi but just your luck you have no service ://  
As time went on you tried opening the door but it was jammed shut no hope opening at all you forgot you left your bag outside which of course had your inhaler which did not help the sudden shortness of breath you started to get because of your asthma and claustrophobia. All you wanted was to get out of this room and talk to … Daichi.
Daichi. How convenient that he manage to slip away before the door got closed hmm but he wouldn’t intentionally prank you after ALL the lectures he gave you about not doing pranks this year right?
You didn’t notice how you started to cry and whimper wanting to leave.
On the outside, Daichi heard your cries and ordered Sugawara and Asahi to find the key to immediately get you out which it seems to take a while because Daichi has now stopped hearing your tears making him gulp in fear thinking something bad has happened to you in there.
Sugawara comes to you handing Daichi the keys, his handing shaking as he tries to unlock the door when he eventually does he finds you passed out on the ground of the dusty storage room. Very cliché I know ://
You wake up in the Nurses Office a bit confused on how you got there until your eyes land upon Daichi, remembering how you locked you in the Storage room where you had an asthma attack and passed out. You turned your body away from Daichi not wanting to talk to him right now after the hypocrisy he did.
“Y/N.. Are you alright?” He asked
“Do I look alright?” You responded in a bored tone
“I am really sorry Y/N... I know what I said to you about not doing pranks this year but Sugawara roped me into this and I didn’t want you to think I was too boring for you so I thought doing this prank would make you see me in a different light” he said
“yeah i saw you in a different light alright” you sassed, you then realised what he said ‘too boring’ kind of feeling less mad and more sad that he feels this way “Dai, you’d never be to boring for me … you’re one of the most funness is that a word? guys I've ever met.”
“really?” he asked  
“Of course! I’m kind of still mad at you for letting this happen but I do sort of understand why” you said giving him a hug.
You were eventually cleared to go home and as you left the clinic you saw Asahi and Sugawara standing at the door.  
“Y/N WE’RE SORRY” they bowed to you waiting on your responses
You chuckled slightly at their cuteness and ruffled both of their hair “all is forgiven, just make sure there’s ‘pranks’ this year “
Which they agreed upon.  
A/N: WOW I DID NOT like the way these turned out but its my first official thing that I wrote hopefully HOPEFULLY MY WORK IMPROVES (I THINK IT WILL) SO please join me on this ‘ride’ in improving my work. Feedback is VERY MUCH APPRECIATED and request too since I will literally write whatever...
I may do a part 2 … any particular characters people want?
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ushisrever · 3 years
Take your kid to work Day
Members: the captains - Daichi Sawamura, Kuroo Tetsuro, Oikawa Tooru, Ushijima Wakatoshi, Bokuto Koutarou 
Genre: fluff
Content: cutee, baby, au office workers, take your kid to work, captains as fathers  
Summary: Since you are sick, they take their baby to work.
A/N:  I knew I just had to make a drabble of what it would look like.  Also this is undedited. Apologies for grammatical errors lol
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Usually when it's seven am, it's usually you who wakes up to tend to the baby; however, this time around, you couldn't take one step.  Daichi noticed way before you did that you were sick.  When you and your husband's baby is crying once more, he does not let you leave the bed anymore.  He was quick to tend to the baby and later went back with medicine and a towel to cool your fever. 
"I'll take him to work," 
"What?  You might not be able to-"
"It's fine.  You need to rest.  Don't worry about him," 
He did not let you protest anymore, but you didn't attempt to anymore considering how sick you are.  Without noticing, he managed to get himself and your one-year-old son ready as well.  
Daichi was supposed to give you a peck on the cheek, but you stopped him, scared that he might transfer whatever you have to the baby.  When Daichi got out of the house, that was the only time the nervousness sank in.  The baby is strapped to him with the baby carrier.  He didn't mind if his suit was getting wrinkled, but he knew it was for the best.  It can be a little bring-your-kid-to-work kind of thing.  
All seems well upon walking to work.  His son seems mesmerized by the place.  Luckily, he has his own office.  It wouldn't exactly disturb his other workers if his son cries. While Daichi works through some paperworks, his son just fiddles with his teddy bear that Daichi made sure to bring.  Daichi despite not hearing any cries, he makes sure to be ready for any tantrums that may come his way.  He checks the time whether it's time to feed him and checks the diaper as well from time to time.  However, as lucky as it seems, his son did not cry at all.  In fact, his son even fell asleep at the sound of the keyboard typing. Something Daichi would definitely tell you in case you and Daichi's son throws a tantrum at home.  
When his son woke up, he made sure to go to the pantry to possibly heat up some water to make milk.  As he did, a few of his coworkers came to him by carrying his son for a while.  He can't help but melt from his son's curious eyes as he simply watches his coworkers make funny faces at his son. After feeding your son, he plays with him by putting him on his lap and making a few funny faces and sounds to make him laugh.  His son's laughter is like a sunshine and a complete medicine to his stress.  Before he knows it, he and his son got home with no troubles at all and your husband tells you all about it.  
"No tantrums, huh.  That's unusual," you chuckle.  
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When you told Ushi that you're really sick, you asked if he could bring you and his son to work. Ushi seems reluctant at first considering it would be his first time taking your son out alone. He has done the taking-care-part at home when there is somewhere urgent you need to be, but going out alone with your son is a different thing.  You managed to see your husband's strapping suit and coat for work.  Even in your sick state, you managed to even take a picture of him in his work clothes and how much he gave a much different cool, handsome, dad like vibe the moment your son is strapped on him with the baby carrier.  It's like Ushi is carrying a baby mini Ushi.  You chuckle at them as your two boys leave the house with quite a much different vibe as father and son.  
Upon going to work, everyone is quite surprised that their boss who would often be as cold looking as ever would even look more menacing when he has his son strapped to him.  Everyone notices his son's same gaze that is similar to his father.  Everyone tries to make sure they wouldn't be the reason for their boss's baby to cry.  This became the whole goal during the meeting.  
During the meeting, Ushi removes the baby carrier and has his son sit on his lap and lets his son play with baby key toys.  Though, halfway to the meeting his son becomes bored of the keys.  Instead of whining, Ushi does not notice that his son has been curiously glancing at each of the employee.  However, it seems from the perspective of the employees it feels more like they are being screened.  
However, at the usual meeting silence, Ushi's son breaks the silence with a cry. 
"Mama," his son spoke up.  All turns frozen and flustered reflecting on their own actions if they did something wrong.  Ushi on the other hand immediately stands up and soothes his son.  He immediately dismisses the meeting and goes back to his own office.  His son kept on calling for his mama even if Ushi is trying to feed him.  He probably is becoming a bit more  frantic that he couldn't make his son stop crying.  However, it did not take long before he took out his phone and played the classical music with a recorded singing voice of you (you two found out that your son stops crying when you sing).  It did not take long before his son stopped crying and drank the milk. Seconds before the music ends, his son was fast asleep.  
Ushi made sure to finish everything and went back home with your son.  You were all set back on the couch still weak from the fever you had in the morning.  Ushi settled your baby down on the crib asleep, and began to tend to you.  
"He was calling for you today," he told you as he fed you with some soup. 
"Calling for me?  Wait, are you saying that he said his first words?" 
It only occured to Ushi that apparently it was your son's first words.  Shock draws on his face as well.  You on the other bitterly laugh at it. 
"So...a bunch of your employees heard my son's first words and I didn't?" 
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Bringing his son to work is never a big deal for him.  There are times he brings his son to work whenever you have a few appointments to attend to and vice versa.  Though, Tooru's schedule to bring his son to work became a bit more early when you are caught with a fever. 
Going to work with his son isn't as problematic as it could be.  He probably has set up his own office with a playpen where he puts his kid in while he does his work by the desk.  The playpen would have enough toys for his son to play.  Though, his son wouldn't always be inside the playpen.  When Tooru manages to finish half of his work, he'll pick up his son and usually visit Iwaizumi in his office.  He and his son would mostly bring lunch to Iwaizumi's office and barge in even if their beloved friend and uncle is still working.  Iwaizumi would always kick Tooru out of his office whenever he just barges with no importance, but ever since Tooru began bringing his son, it's not anymore the case.  Apparently, Tooru's son is the key to keep Iwaizumo's beating to himself.  Though, Iwaizumi probably didn't mind as well since everytime Tooru visits with his son, he subtly asks for a few tips in taking care of a baby.  Little did Tooru know that he was helping Iwaizumi to be a future dad.  However, that's another story.  
Before going home, it is only imperative for Tooru and his son to stop by the playground and hop on a swing and the slide.  Tooru would sit on the swing while he has his son on his lap.  As his kid would giggle and laugh, all his stress and worries in the world just vanishes for a moment. 
Finally, arriving home, they find you sleeping on the couch while the tv is on.  Tooru put his son to sleep and sat next to you.  
"Did you two go to the swing again?" You asked. 
"Of course...it wouldn't be complete without it,"  
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When you asked him to take your son with him, he's confident as ever that he'll do a good job.  He brings almost everything saying that it is for the sake of his son's well-being.  However, you had to stop him when he planned to bring a whole lot of toys for his son. 
"Just bring his favourite blanket and the book," you manage to say even in your weak state.  
Bokuto keeps on assuring you that there is nothing to worry about.  The confidence in his smile at least made you manage to go back to bed.  However, you did not realize that those words were for himself rather than for you.  The moment he stepped out of his apartment with his son strapped to him, the panic flooded in him.  He had to call Keiji to ask what to do.  Though, Keiji simply answered calmly and unbothered by it. 
"It's simple.  Take him to work.  Feed him. Change him," Keiji hangs up before Bokuto asks for more than the typical ones.  
He manages to cool it off and heads off to work.  Arriving at his own office, his co-worker immediately notices his baby and eventually comes over to him. They give his son for how handsome, smart, and cute.  His son would only curiously look at them or sometimes smile at them which only made some of coworkers melt.  
As for Bokuto on the other hand, the more his son is being praised the more his pride and confidence shows on his face.  He'll always comment on how it came with his genes and of course your beautiful genes as well.  For the whole hour or two, all he did was boast about his child.  When Keiji arrived in the office, Bokuto remembered that he did have some work to do. 
It was mostly Keiji to the rescue to avoid Bokuto from being told on by the boss.  Keiji bought an easily foldable baby playpen and helped put it up at Bokuto's office. 
"See, son? You have the best uncle ever," Bokuto said. Keiji acts with all unbothered leaves but with a small satisfied smile.  
Though, the playpen is supposed to be a big help for Bokuto to get to his work.  However, it seems he is also interested in the little playpen and what his son is doing.  He would be playing with his son from time to time.  When his son needs to be fed, he cradles him as he holds the bottle and looks through a few files on his table.  It didn't take long before his son fell asleep.  
Going home, they may have stopped by a claw machine that his son is pointing at as they were buying a few things in the convenience store.  It probably took them about thirty minutes before he got his son a volleyball shaped stuff toy.  He was supposed to get his son another toy, but it seems his son liked his new toy rather than getting another one.  
"Babe, we won a game!" Your husband said cheekily as they both got home.  
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You're quite adamant to let your husband take your son with him to work today, especially since he'll be doing a little important work today.  Before you could even say anything about it, your husband quickly went back from work and took your son and his son's bag while you were asleep for a moment.  It took you in panic when you came to check on your son in your weak state. 
"Jerk, you could have told me you picked him up!" You said through the phone.
"Sorry, sweetheart.  I didn't want to wake you up.  Go rest.  Do not worry about him.  He's in good hands," he said before hanging up.  
Kuroo wasn't as nervous about all this considering that he knows his son doesn't really cry too much.  With his son strapped to him with a baby carrier, he would be making business calls standing up.  His son would tend to fall asleep because of his father's voice.  Maybe speaking to your wife's pregnant belly before was indeed useful.  
 When it's time to eat, he would put the effort into finding fruits that his son could eat (since you two are introducing him to solid food already).  In the cafeteria, he would be eating his quick snack onigiri while he watches his son on the high chair grab on the watermelon and eat it.  He would smile as his son would sometimes struggle grabbing the watermelon. 
"You can do it, little one," he would say.  
After eating, instead of going back to work, he brings his son to a sort of amusement park for kids.  A safe playing area where kids could act like their dream jobs.  It'll be like a small village for kids.  With his son still not yet able to walk,  he'll carry him instead without the baby carrier.  He takes him to places such as the police department, little convenience store.  With his height, he may sometimes bump into the doorway, but he doesn't care as long as his son enjoys playing.  
Once the play date is over, his son is already passed out when they get home.  You managed to feel much better seeing your two boys home and safe.  
"It seems our son would want to be a detective, he never wants to leave the police department area," your husband tells all about their play date.  You on the other smiles and even felt better knowing how it seems they had the best father and son bonding.
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yourmidnightlover · 4 years
Summary - spencer wants to figure out what's wrong with you, only to be reminded what day it is and he remembers why you've been so distant.
TW: talk abt: rape, recovery, therapy, case stuff; mention of: drug addiction, rape, miscarriage, being shot, death lol
WC - 4,283
!DISCLAIMER! - i am in no way trying to romanticize recovery from a traumatic event or being upset/depressed/anxious. this is kinda my way of getting through my own issues, so please don't think that's what i'm trying to do in any way. i also don’t know how i feel abt this ending since i wrote it so long ago but oh well!
i just realized there are a few spoilers so i'll put *asterisks* around them. those parts are just explaining how the reader's always there for the team.
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you had always been the rock in spencer's life.
mentally, at least.
when he had nobody there for him when he was going through his addiction with dilaudid, there you were. you helped him through it when everybody else on the team acted as if they never noticed.
you were the one that encouraged him to get help, and pushed him to follow through. you made sure he ate and talked to someone when he had his urges again, even if it wasn't you.
you let him come over and cry about what had happened, and how unfair his life was. you consoled him and would tell him how nothing was his fault. how he didn't deserve anything bad in his life.
*and when emily 'died', he went to your house every day. you held him as he felt himself falling apart from losing her. you didn't even worry about yourself needing to be consoled, because spencer needed you to be there for him.
*when she came back you were the one to convince him to forgive her. you talked sense into him. you reminded him how much he pleaded to have her back, and then he did. so he managed to forgive her... because of you and your logic.
*and you weren't just there for spencer. while, yes, you made a special effort to be there for him, you were there for everyone on the team.
*when derek was arrested back in chicago and the team found out about his past, you were the one he leaned on for comfort. you and penelope. you let him cry on your shoulder and yell at you about how twisted a man would have to be to do something so cruel to a child.
*when jj was kidnapped and beaten to a miscarriage, you were the first she told. you didn't say anything. you knew there was nothing you could say that would relinquish the pain of losing a child. so you let her cry. you let her hug you for what felt like hours. you let her grief her unborn baby for as long as she needed.
*when penelope was shot, nobody cared to check up on her after the fact except you. you went to her apartment for weeks just to make sure she was okay. eventually, she was able to let loose all of her frustrations on you, and you took it like a champ. she ranted about how she just wanted to be loved by someone attractive and how unfair and cruel the world is, in spite of how much good she tries to bring into it.
*when hotch lost hailey, you took care of his files. you offered to watch henry and let hotch cry to you about losing her a few times once you broke past his tough exterior. you even cried with him and jack. you made them dinner whenever you could, and helped him look for good nannies to help care for jack.
*when rossi lost carolyn, you went to her grave with him on many occasions. you brought him his favorite scotch, which was very pricey, and his favorite cigars, also very pricey, and tried your best to recreate 'the rossi special' upon his directions. it helped him feel in control of something when he needed it.
*and when emily came back from the dead, you helped walk her through her own grief. she lost herself, and buried her emotions. you helped her dig up her old self, and grow into an even better woman. you even took care of her cat when penelope couldn't manage. you helped emily grieve her own death when she wanted to deny it ever happened, and she was forever grateful for you.*
you had become like the team's built-in therapist when something bad happened, and you loved it that way. you loved being the one the team went to when they needed it. it made you feel as though you had a purpose, which was something you desperately needed.
but when you went through your own trauma almost a year ago, you refused help from anyone. you knew you should've asked someone for help, or at least someone to cry or talk to when you needed to.
the team had been working on a case for longer than expected, 8 days now, and everyone was really frustrated. you had released the profile 7 days ago, and there was still no new information. it was as if the unsub had gone dormant, and you all couldn't bear that thought.
when the team released earlier than normal from the precinct and you all went to the hotel you had been staying at, you decided to get a drink from the bar quickly. you went alone, wanting to review a few of the case files during the process and not needing a distraction.
you ordered a jack and coke, and opened the case files to begin rereading them, seeing if you had missed anything.
victims were kept for 24 hours, filmed, raped, restrained, cut in pieces, and thrown in the trash like garbage. it was absolutely disgusting, and the worst you had seen in a while. the victims were low-risk and most of them had a place of authority.
the unsub had been profiled to be someone who was bossed around by a woman, narcissistic and egotistical, wanted to feel more power and authority.
the problem is, that profile was most people living in the area. even penelope couldn't dwindle down the suspects.
and alas, you had missed nothing. nothing new appeared or caught your eye. you gulped down the rest of your drink and paid for it before packing up your things to head upstairs. you tossed the file back into your bag and began the trek to the elevator.
you were interrupted by something hitting the top of your head, rendering you unconscious.
the team had woken up, and after waiting around for half an hour, spencer realized something was wrong. he had morgan bust into your room, only to find the bed unslept in. you were missing. and the worst part... you fit the unsubs type.
spencer felt his heart drop at the realization he had taken you. and it seemed as though there was no trail as to where you had gone. penelope checked the cameras, only to find that they were hacked right after you left the bar, and then they resumed after you were taken.
at least they had a time frame.
later that day, after everyone hasting to figure something, anything out, spencer had gotten an email. he opened it and expected it to be relentless spam, only to realize it was a live feed video. a video of you. he instantly called penelope in hopes that she could trace it.
she said she could, but it would take some time because the amount of routers it had been going through.
while they were waiting, you noticed you were alone. you knew who the unsub was too, thanks to his baffling stupidity and narcissism that lead him to believe he wouldn't get caught.
"officer johnson! it's officer johnson!" you looked around the camera for a second, noticing something moving. "he-he here," you cried out. "i love you," you said to the camera to nobody in particular, but someone in mind.
you were terrified. spencer could see it in your eyes. he could see the tears you tried not to shed. you didn't want to please him, but you couldn't help but feel the absolute horror and fear coursing through your body at a relentless pace.
"hi there, missus fbi," he teased, finally walking into the frame with a ski mask over his face, clearly not aware that we knew his identity.
spencer told garcia who he was, and she began her digging. officer johnson's great grandparents had owned a farm that was since then refurbished. it was an hour away.
officer johnson had known that you two had chemistry. that's why he sent the email to spencer. he saw the longing glares, the 'innocent' touches, the smiles you would give each other, the longing looks you shared. he wanted to torment him.
so when he began undressing you and you turned your face away from the camera in hopes of sparing some of your own dignity, spencer felt his heart breaking for you. it broke even more when he heard the yelps, and screams, and please, and "no!'s" you elicited during the act.
they caught him before he cut you, but not before he finished the first part of his plan. your skirt was ripped, and your shirt was practically in two pieces. spencer had given you his jacket to cover yourself as much as you could.
you stayed silent the ride back. you didn't even let spencer hold you like you normally would after a tough case. you were ashamed. embarrassed. you felt worthless. you felt pathetic. you felt stupid. you felt helpless. you felt like you were drowning. you felt like you were without a life raft.
you knew you could talk to the team about it, but you felt so disgusted by the thought of what happened to you that you only talked about it in your therapy sessions.
hotch had given you two months off. he wanted you to grieve, and go to therapy, and try to cope with everything that had happened.
and you did try to do that. you tried your hardest to get over it and move past it, but nothing helped. not the journaling. not the talking. not the crying. nothing was working.
spencer gave you a little space at first, but he then decided to try to help you as you had helped him. he went over to your house almost every day, and sat outside your door after you wouldn't let him in.
you knew he was there... you sat on the other side.
"i-i know that you probably don't want to see anyone right now. and i'm uh, i'm sure you feel alone right now, or like you can't talk to anyone," spencer sniffled. "but pl-please just uhm, just know that i'm here when you want to talk about it. i'm here to listen to you when you need me to. i-i don't want you to be alone during this time, y/n. please, just let me in," he begged.
that was normally what he would say almost every night he went to your house. he would sit outside for hours after he would ask you to let him in without fail. until one day you let him in.
spencer felt so much relief when you opened the door, only for it to be smashed when he noticed your eyes looked red and puffy, your cheeks were stained with the tears you had been crying for so long. your cheeks were sunken in, and there were dark circles underneath your eyes that were once full of life and happiness. your eyes no longer had that gorgeous sparkle in them.
spencer vowed he would get them back.
as much as spencer wanted to wrap his arms around you in that moment, to comfort you and tell you that he was there, he wanted you to make the first move. he wanted to tell you how strong you were and how proud of you he was for getting through that. he wanted to tell you how much he loved you.
he wanted you to make the first touch, because he didn't want to further upset you. he didn't want to trigger a repressed memory, or bring back the feelings of what had happened.
but spencer's touch was nothing like the officer's. spencer's touch was soft and gentle. spencer's touch was feather-light and endearing. spencer's touch was love and home. the officer's was brittle, and rough, and repulsive.
"hug me?" you sniffled as your eyes welled with tears again as they had been for the past three weeks.
"of course," spencer slowly wrapped his arms around your shoulders as yours found his torso.
he walked inside with you still in his arms and slowly shut the door. without breaking from the hug, you both walked to the couch and sat down.
you didn't say anything. you just needed spencer to keep hugging you, so he did. he did whatever you wanted, needed, from him. eventually, you fell asleep in his embrace on the couch.
when spencer looked down at you, now sleeping against his chest, he couldn't bring his heart to remove himself from you. so like any whipped man would do, he carefully picked you up bridal styled and carried you to your room. he took his shoes off as well as his sweater vest before cuddling back up next to you.
as if it was a reflex, you cuddled up into his chest when he neared you again and got underneath the covers. spencer slept the best he did in months with you. and you slept without officer johnson in your dreams for the first time since that day.
ever since then, spencer had been making sure you were eating and drinking. he took you to your therapy sessions and stayed over most nights you had asked and he was able to.
they had a few cases during the two months, so every moment he could, spencer was with you. he coaxed you back to your normal-ish self. he watched as that glimmer in your eye began to slowly grow brighter everyday. he watched as your smile came back, and your tears didn't come so frequently.
the first time he had heard you laugh again, spencer had thought he was dreaming. he wished he had recorded that moment. he was more grateful than he's ever been in his life that he had an eidetic memory, because that sound would forever be engraved in his brain.
when you returned to work, you clung to spencer. he had become your tether to reality, and hope. he had become your rock during the recovery.
over the months, everyone slowly began to forget what had even happened. things went on as usual, and the team forgot the traumatic experience you had gone through. even spencer might've let the experience get lost in his brain.
so when it became 11 months and 3 weeks since the abduction, you began to distance yourself once again.
you politely declined going out with the team a couple days before the anniversary, something you never did. you insisted that you were just especially worn out from the case you had just been on.
spencer had to finish files given to him by derek anyway, so he didn't get to witness the encounter.
once the day of the anniversary came upon you, you found yourself feeling sick to your stomach. you couldn't help the tears that would fall from your face every so often. you knew why you felt this way, but you wanted to push past it.
you had gone into the office wearing a pantsuit and blazer, wanting to avoid the normal office skirt you happened to be wearing the day it happened. you stayed at your desk and quietly did your case files. you didn't even greet spencer as you would every day. you gave him a kind smile, but you would normally give him a hug, or at the very least an eager wave upon his arrival.
spencer just assumed it was one of those days where you just woke up on the wrong side of the bed. it wasn't spencer's fault he thought this. he didn't even look at his calendar to check what day it was. he just knew they had paperwork.
but he did have this day marked in his calendar. he had it marked so he would remember to be extra kind to you, and do your files for you, and come to your place with your favorite wine and takeout. he wanted to help you through the one year anniversary, but he forgot to check his stupid calendar.
you thought he didn't care. you thought the man who you loved, and the man who helped you through everything that had happened had had enough of your complaining and grievances. so, you didn't tell him about it. you didn't bother him with the terrible thoughts clouding your mind because you thought it'd burden him.
so when you finished all of your case files early, you asked hotch if you could leave early, at 2:00, because you had things to tend to. he allowed you to do so, but this rose a flag for spencer.
he saw you exit without saying goodbye to him, something you hadn't done the entirety of knowing him. you had always told everyone to have a nice night and to be safe before leaving, but not today.
finally, he looked at his phone for the first time all day, only to feel like the worst person in the world to realize what day it was. spencer felt absolutely horrible at this revelation and ran into hotch's office as quick as he could after packing his things.
"hotch!" he exclaimed upon opening his office door.
"go. she was practically in tears," hotch informed him. "and reid," spencer stopped in his tracks to turn and look at the stern man, "please make sure she's okay." spencer gave him a soft grin and a nod before turning around and bolting out of the office.
you had gotten home and immediately burst into tears. you shut the door with your back, and slid down it. you had never understood why people had done that in movies until now. you just couldn't wait to break any longer, so you settled for your front door.
you held back no wail, or scream as you cried in front of your door, your knees pulled up to your chest as you held them tightly.
you wondered why you had to go through that. you wanted to know what kind of karma there was for someone who had always tried to do the right thing to be hurt... and for nobody to even care. nobody wanted to console you, or to make sure you were alright.
you had checked up on everyone on every anniversary of their struggles. whether it be a death, abduction, anything, you had been there for every single anniversary or reminder. and nobody was there for you.
nobody was there for you to hug, or to lean on, or to cry to, or to scream at, or to rant to. nobody was there. nobody loved you enough to care about that.
but then you had to remind yourself that they all had lives.
but the person who is your life didn't even care.
spencer didn't care.
and that's why you truly lost it.
he acted like it was just another day. he acted like it wasn't the anniversary of the day you thought you were going to die. the day you wanted to die. the day you felt your most low, and humiliated. the day you lost all hope. and he didn't remember.
if the man with an eidetic memory didn't remember, it must be extremely insignificant. so therefore, you must be extremely insignificant.
spencer raced to your house. he wanted to be there for you today, and he failed. he felt like a failure as a friend. he hated himself for not being there for you when he knew you would need him. he knew how you clung to him in your time of need. you thought he was worthy enough to hold onto when you needed someone, and spencer felt elated at that.
but now he wasn't there for you. and you needed him.
he had quickly stopped by the store and your favorite takeout place to get the things you'd want. he got your wine, chocolate, food, flowers, and a teddy bear that had a sweater vest on him - you've always loved his sweater vests.
when he got to the steps of your house, he felt his heart drop. as he walked closer he heard the wails of your crying right by the door. he could sense the heartache from the edge of your porch, and felt himself feel even worse, which he didn't think was possible.
he instantly ran to the door and knocked profusely. you sniffled one last time, feeling embarrassed that someone had heard you crying your heart out. you had figured one of your neighbors heard you and wanted to tell you to keep it down, so you wiped your tears and the stray mascara from underneath your eyes and opened the door, keeping your eyes lowered in embarrassment.
"y/n," spencer announced sadly, a tear falling down his face. you looked up in confusion from hearing his voice. you noticed his tear and reached up to wipe it away on instinct.
"why're you crying? are you okay?" you asked, forgetting all of your own problems at the sight of spencer crying. spencer let out a small chuckle at your concern.
"i'm alright, aside from the fact that i'm a terrible friend," he admitted as his smile quickly faded upon seeing your stained cheeks. "i brought your favorites," he offered, holding the bag of goodies in one hand and the takeout in another.
"y-you... why?" you asked, wanting to make sure you weren't misreading the situation for him trying to comfort you.
"why?" he asked in disbelief. "because it's the anniversary. i can't tell you how sorry i am, y/n. i swear i marked it on my calendar and planned for us to take off so i could take care of you. i-i just woke up late and never bothered to even check my phone. i kn-know it's no excuse... but i am so, so, so sorry," he rambled out, already tearing up.
you grabbed his arm gently and pulled him inside before you started crying in front of your neighbors. you took the bags from his hands and placed them on your coffee table.
"i thought you just didn't care," you shrugged as you took a seat on the couch, prompting him to sit beside you.
"y/n..." he sighed as he realized how terrible he screwed up. "i will always care about this. i will always care about you. don't ever think differently. i'm just incredibly... dumb sometimes. i can't believe i made you think that," he trailed on. "i will never not care about you, y/n. i swear it. i will always, always care about you. i will always love you," he froze as he realized what he just revealed. your eyes widened, and squinted, and roamed his face, trying to figure out if he meant the words he had just sped out. "i truly do, y/n. i i’m in love with you and i'm so sorry i made it seem otherwise."
it took you a second to absorb everything that he had said.
"you too," you solemnly admitted. "i’m in love with you too. and i could forgive you... for almost forgetting," you gave him a small smile.
"i'm glad you could forgive me. i don't know what i'd do if you didn't," he relished. "you actually love me?" you nodded with a small smile.
"i have for a while," you turned your head to the bags on the table.
"oh! right!" he said, reaching for the gifts. "i got your favorite takeout, your favorite wine, your favorite chocolates, flowers, and..." he trailed on as he revealed each item. "i saw this teddy, and i couldn't resist," he smiled.
you took the bear, taking in its appearance. it had a light blue, navy, and white diamond pattern sweater vest and brown shoes on. it looked like spencer, just teddy bear form. you smiled widely at the sentiment.
"it's you," you grinned as you took it in your arms, hugging it tightly as you saw spencer nodded with a smile mirroring that of your own. "i love it," you chuckled.
"i would understand, the fur is really soft," he relished in the thought.
"i don't think he'd be as good of a cuddler as the real thing, though," you grimaced. "but he'll do for when i don't have you here i guess," you shrugged with a smile.
"i plan on being here as long as you'll let me," he said softly.
"always," you grinned, setting down the teddy bear and trading him for the real spencer reid.
"always," he repeated, taking you in his arms and squeezing you tightly as if you'd float away at any moment. "now let's dig into this food while you talk about your feelings, if you want that is," he said after releasing you from the hug.
"i think i want to," you nodded. "and spence?" he turned from getting the food out of the bag to look at you for a second. "thank you for being my rock through all of this."
"i'll always be your rock, y/n."
@averyhotchner  @greenprisca  @muffin-cup
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lesbian-deadpool · 3 years
Happy Little Accidents
Part Two: Hope
Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Words: 2,317
Warnings: I don’t think there is any?? Crying/light angst, adoption process, stress??
Request: Yes
Summary: You work on getting you little girl back. And hope that it’s successful.
A/N: It’s been a long time coming, I haven’t proof read it or anything (but when do I ever? Lol), so bare that in mind.
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(Not My GIF)
Being a pair of Avengers and going through the adoption process was so very complicated.
On one hand, you were well known across the globe. Household names.
But on the other. You were dangerous people, with violent past's -and futures to come- with more enemies than you could count. Some of which you didn't even know existed. And who in their right minds would ever let a child into that environment? People have been turned down for much less.
You were basically celebrity's. And as everyone knows, that comes with a lot of special treatment. Even if you and Natasha -And most of, if not all of your team- denied to use any of it. But in this case? For little Hope? You would do whatever you had to.
So, it was thanks to that, that you were even allowed to be considered for adoption.
And there was so much work that had to be done.
Papers to sign, meetings to attend, visits and screenings every which way. And so much more.
It was a long and tedious journey. And you still had a long way to go.
Right now, you had to watch as someone picked apart your home -once again- to make sure it was okay for your little girl to come home. Where she belongs.
You had moved not too long ago, maybe a little over two months, and in that time, it had been looked at three times. Which really made it seem like you weren't doing anything, in their eyes, considering you were busy working and renovating the whole place out at the same time.
The day after you and Natasha had to say goodbye to Hope, you knew that you had to get a bigger place than the apartment you had both shared. And began looking for new homes the very same day.
Tony's help wasn't needed, you had plenty of money, but he insisted. So when you two found a townhouse that you absolutely adored, not too far from SHIELD HQ -where you both now worked most of the time. As when Fury found out that you were both to be adopting Hope- or trying to at least, the man lowered your hours and took you off missions altogether. Just until you were all settled-, the billionaire bought it for you, the moment he got wind of it.
You were moved in three days later. Deciding to work on the house while you lived there.
"So, where would the child be sleeping?" Your caseworker asked.
"Oh, right this way," you said, leading her down the hall to the newly decorated bedroom. Natasha following behind.
You gestured to the light pink, yet slightly sparse room. "This is it."
"We still have to pick up some of the furniture. But we've been waiting for the room to be decorated first," Natasha said, excusing the bare room.
"Yeah, Hope's not going to sleep on a stack of paint cans," you tried to joke. To which you barely got a smile from your caseworker, Stephany Halla.
"It look's decorated to me?"
"Oh." Natasha smiled. "We're having a friend of ours paint a mural or two on the walls."
"Yeah, Hope has a few favourite Avengers, so he's gonna paint them. And he's been learning how to draw cartoon characters for it, too."
"He's actually trying to adopt the two kids he took in with his fiance."
"Steve Rogers?" Stephany asked.
"That's the guy," you said, nodding along with Natasha.
"I've seen him around the office," She spoke again a few moments later. "So, when are you planning on getting the furniture for the room?"
"Hopefully, within a month," Natasha replied, "But with our and Steve's schedules, things are up in the air."
It was a difficult start to the adoption process, more so than it was now. Considering that the children legally didn't exist to the world. So, everything was so confusing and thrown up into the air while waiting for the kids to be registered.
Almost like you didn't know whether you were coming or going. Everything stuck in limbo as you waited to see what kind of adoption process you would have to take. And even with all of your connections in the world, you were still left in the dark.
There was the fact that the kids were found overseas in Romania, so they could be considered Romanian. And so, you would have to go through international adoption.
However, none of the children have birth parents and were brought to America because you had rescued them. So, some would say they could be considered immigrants.
Nothing like this had ever happened before.
Babies that had been grown in a lab and saved from a further torturous life, that now needed legalization in the world's eyes.
You and Natasha had to watch as Government's essentially fought over these children you saved. Over the same child, you clothed and fed. The one you played games with and bonded with the little girl you grew to love and consider your own.
So, as the world fought for the right of your child, your little Hope, you waited. Just wishing and wanting to bring your daughter home.
But, luckily for you, the children were now classed as American citizens. Which made it ten times easier for you to adopt than it would otherwise.
Which is honestly just crazy to you, considering just how intensely hard this is.
There were times you didn't believe you could ever adopt your child.
On more than one occasion, Natasha would come to you, saddened to her core, because she truly believed that you would never have Hope in your family.
It was so fucking hard.
Natasha had rolled over one night after you two had -once again- gone through the rules and regulations of adopting. Uttering how you were, "Never going to get her back" that there was "Juts no way, they will let us adopt", as she cried into your arms.
But still, the process continued.
"Well, your home seems to be in good standing. So for. But I advise you to get the furniture for the child's room as soon as possible," Stephane commented as she began packing up her belongings and paperwork.
"Oh, we know."
"Steve did say that he was going to start work on it in the next few days," Natasha added, nodding along with you.
"Well, that's is good news." Stephane smiled. "I'll see you at our next meeting with Hope."
Natasha sighed happily. "We can't wait."
"Well, goodbye then."
You whished the dirty-blonde woman farewell, closing the door behind her.
"We get to see our daughter in a couple of weeks," your red-headed girlfriend said excitedly, dancing from side to side out of pure happiness. Her bright smile filling your soul with warmth, that travelled all the way into your bones.
You matched her emotions, hands coming to curve around her shoulder blades and pulling her close to you.
"I know, Honey. It's been so long since we've seen her. And we're gonna bring her home one day."
That was all you could say before your mouth was covered, with the crushing feeling of Natasha's plump lips against yours.
Nerves rattled through you, but you hadn't the faintest idea why, considering this wasn't the first time you had seen Hope. However, it had been one of the first times you were able to see her since the day she was taken away from you.
If you thought you were bad.
Natasha was far worse.
She was practically shaking. From nerves or excitement, you didn't know. But you had a good inkling to think that it was both.
You had done so much for this child in the short span of time you had known her.
And yet, you couldn't imagine your life any other way. The thought of how your life had been that time last year.
No Hope. Surrounded by missions and work. Every free moment you had was spent with Natasha, and the rag-tag group of hero's you had grown to call your family.
It all seemed so foreign now.
Like a past life.
'Wow', you thought, 'Maybe I really am growing up'.
A part of you was afraid that the girl you thought of as your daughter wouldn't recognise you or your []. And would be scared of the two strangers that had just barged their way into her life. Breaking both of your heart's.
"Mommy! Mommy!"
Was the thing that greeted you, as soon as the door had swung open. Making you realise just how stupid your train of thought really was.
Natasha rushed forward, scooping the girl up into her arms, with a bright smile upon both of their faces.
"So, I still don't get a name, huh?" you joked, walking over to the reuniting girls.
Brushing a hand over Hope's short hair. Grinning when she reached her arms towards you, ready to give you a hug of your own, which you gratefully accepted.
"Don't worry," Natasha said, rubbing Hope's back as she hugged you, "You'll get a name soon."
"I better. Or else I'm gonna have ta tickle it out of her."
Hope's squeals reached your ears as you threateningly poked her side with your fingers.
"Here, baby. I'll save you," Natasha called, pulling the giggling girl from your arms. Both of them watching as you pulled your hand's in front of your face, wiggling the fingers almost spookily as them. The girls turned to each other, "They're silly."
Then they walked away.
With you calling after them.
"Hey! I may be silly, but-... I have no rebuttal!"
Natasha laughed at this, then greeted the care worker that was patiently waiting for you both. The one that you had only just noticed.
"Hello, Stephany," Natasha said in greeting, shaking the woman's hand. You following suit.
"Hey. How have you two been?"
"Missing this little one," Natasha replied, bouncing the girl on her waist. Receiving fun-filled giggles in return.
"I bet you have. And you, Y/N?"
"Exhausted," you told her honestly, "With moving house and everything, I just want to have Hope home, then sleep for a week."
The care worker laughed at that.
"Let's hope that that's sooner rather than later, then."
Your few hour's with Hope passed faster than you ever could have imagined. You played with blocks, ate lunch, "helped" Hope colour in her haphazardly filled colouring book. You absolutely adored the way her eyes lit up, and she started dancing and flailing her arms when she saw bubbles for the first time. You almost couldn't continue blowing them because of your bright smile.
And now you were watching as Natasha spoke gently to the little girl. Hope's hand's resting on the red-heads cheeks, watching her mother with such concentrating eyes.
You adored your little family.
You just wished you could have them all home.
'One day', you thought, 'one day'.
Saying goodbye was one of the hardest things you've ever had to do.
Just like the last time.
And the time before that.
And the time before that.
And the one before that.
It just got harder and harder each and every time you did this.
Hope was crying. And so was Natasha, albeit silently, as she tried to console the toddler.
"I know, my little love, I know-"
"Mommy!" Hope cried.
"I know, angel. We'll be back before you know it, I promise."
"I know."
Once in the car, you let your tears fall, Natasha sobbing in the seat beside you.
"I don't think I can keep on doing this anymore," you admitted. Deciding it was best you explained when Natasha turned to look at you, an incredulous look upon her face, "Keep on seeing her, and not being able to bring her home."
"We'll get there," your [] reached over the centre console to squeeze your hand, "We will. You're the one who's always saying that we've got to take after her namesake and have hope."
"But it almost seems endless, Nat."
"I know, honey." She wetly kissed your tear-stained cheek. Her lips, brushing against it as she continued, "We'll bring her home. I just know it."
"I hope you're right."
She was right.
Of course, she was right.
She was Natasha Romanoff, after all.
It was like she just had this inability to be wrong.
But in this case? You were so fucking happy about that.
Granted it had taken a while longer -a good eight months- but finally, you were here.
Exiting the courthouse with Hope in your arms, and Natasha by your side. Bright smiles upon all of your faces, about to take the little girl- Your daughter home.
You would never have to say goodbye to her, like that, ever again.
She was legally a part of your family now. And nothing would ever change that.
"Ready to go home, sweetpea?" Natasha asked the beaming girl.
"I don't know about you," you started, "But I think this deserves celebratory ice cream."
"I think you just want ice cream before dinner."
You gave an overdramatic gasp.
"Why I would never! How dare you accuse me of such a thing?"
Natasha laughed at your antics but nonetheless nodded her head.
"I agree. This does deserve celebratory ice cream."
"Yes!" you exclaimed happily to Hope, your free arm raising above your head in victory, making the girl copy you by raising both of her arms.
She was already taking after you.
Your red-headed girlfriend sighed dreamily after you, as you chanted, "Ice cream! Ice cream! Ice cream!" On your way to the car.
She couldn't remember a time where she was this happy.
It had been a long time since then.
And Natasha just couldn't wait to see what the rest of her life would bring with the two of you now by her side.
Permanent Tag List: 
@imnotasuperhero, @veteranwerewolf95, @natasha-danvers, @marvelfansince08love, @higherfurther-romanova, @lesbian-x-blackwidow, @sestra-inestro, @thelastavenger-3000, @mixed-fandom-mess,
SFW Tag list: 
@peggycarter-steverogers, @natalia-quinzel,
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heyyyharry · 3 years
Deep End - Chapter 9: Closer
...in which Ezi has her first kiss.
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Word count: 5.4k
AU: famous!harry, siren!mc, adult modern retelling of the little mermaid? lol, fake dating, enemies to lovers.
All chapters / Synopsis / Moodboard / Playlist
Wattpad link
A/N: Please tell me what you think about the chapter! Reblog if you could :)
“Do you know why there’s a true love’s kiss and not a true love’s hug?”
“What do you mean ‘why’? I was asking you.”
Harry sighed, his hands gripping the steering wheel. He had to keep his eyes on the road, but Ezi would keep distracting him with her shifting in her seat every two seconds and rambling on about silly topics he had no interest in. However, he’d promised to not be a dick whenever she talked to him, so he wouldn’t.
“Can’t you see that I’m driving?”
“So?” Ezi snorted. “Just answer the question.”
Harry sighed again. “I guess that’s because a kiss is more special than a hug...romantically.”
“Why not?”
“Why not not? You’re just exchanging saliva.”
“It’s special if you’re exchanging saliva with someone you care about.”
Ezi still wasn’t satisfied with that explanation. “Okay, but what if the person won’t let you kiss them? How will you know if it’s true love?”
“If they don’t want to kiss you, it means they’re not interested, and therefore, it’s not true love,” Harry said. He couldn’t believe he was actually giving this some thought, but oh well, it was a long drive to the manor anyway. “For me at least,” he added, “true love must come from both sides.” Then he stole a glance at her and did a double-take. “Are you taking notes on your phone?”
Ezi flinched and put her phone into her bag right when she made eye contact with him. “No.”
“Liar. You were.”
“I’m learning to be human.”
“Just say you wanna kiss me.” Harry smirked. “We’re the only people here. This is a safe space.”
“It’s never a safe space when you’re in it,” Ezi said.
Harry’s eyebrows went high. “Excuse me? Yesterday you almost attacked a child for cutting the line in the supermarket.”
Ezi gave a firm nod without showing any remorse. “And the child would have deserved it. You, on the other hand, are deadly with your words.”
“How?!” cried Harry. “I’ve been nothing but nice to you ever since we started fake dating.”
Ezi rolled her eyes and checked her watch. “Yeah, your new record of being nice to me is two hours. Congrats.”
Harry exhaled, his shoulders slumped. “Okay, I think we should go over what to do when we see my mum, because if we act like this in front of her--”
“Why are we seeing your mother again?”
“Didn’t Jeff tell you?”
Ezi shook her head. She seemed quite confused, so Harry guessed Jeff had forgotten. To be honest, Harry found it funny and a little concerning that she had no idea why she was in the car after having been in the car for two hours. Someone could just kidnap her one day, and she wouldn’t even realise until they told her it was a kidnap. Or, maybe she just trusted him not to drive her to a government lab and donate her organs to science.
“Well, Jeff wants some new PR content of you hanging out with my family,” he told her.
“Why?” she asked, face scrunched up.
He lifted his shoulders. “To humanise you.”
“Good luck with that,” Ezi scoffed, rested her elbow on the window on her side and twirled a strand of hair around her finger. “It takes a lot to humanise me.”
“Well, not literally. Just in the public eye, because a lot of people suspect that this is a PR relationship. We’ve only been seen together as friends or co-workers.”
“That’s not true. We’re not even friends.”
“Exactly!” Harry exclaimed. “So if we can convince my mother that we’re dating, we can convince the whole world. Trust me.”
Harry didn’t even exaggerate it; his mother could detect a lie from miles away. He could count the number of times he’d got away with a lie to her on one hand. However, he had never lied to her about being in a relationship. So hopefully, she’d be too happy with the thought of him not being a player like his dad to tell the whole thing was fake.
And so for the rest of the drive, he and Ezi tried acting out scenarios for when they met his mother again. They broke out laughing most of the time because Harry would say something too cheesy or Ezi would use some lines she’d learned from those Netflix originals that Harry had rated one star. Now that they were standing on the steps of the manor, they had to keep it together. Because no one would shout ‘cut!’ if they messed up their lines. This was almost like going in for a blind audition, and Harry knew his mother would be the toughest judge to impress.
“Niall?” Harry’s eyes went wide when his best friend shoved the butler aside and embraced Harry at the door. Mikasa, Niall’s girlfriend, was standing right behind him, wearing a dark green satin dress that fell loosely to her knees. She gave Harry a lopsided smile, her black curls bouncing on her shoulders as she approached.
Harry hadn’t talked to her for weeks, but he assumed she already knew about Ezi. Hopefully just as much as his mother did. Unless Niall had broken the bro code and told Mikasa everything.
“Mimi, long time no see!” Harry said as he went in for a hug.
Mikasa eyed him up and down with her big smokey eyes. He always imagined those eyes having a special power that enabled her to stare right into his soul and read him like an unsealed letter. She was a psychiatrist and always making her friends feel like they were having a regular session in her office.
“So this is your girlfriend?” Mikasa asked, smiling at Ezi.
Harry’s gaze jumped to Niall, who subtly locked his lips with an invisible key and tossed it over his shoulder. Niall knew about the PR relationship, but Harry could always trust Niall not to tell anyone, even Mikasa. Especially Mikasa.
“Darling, you made it!” exclaimed Harry’s mother as she descended the stairs. Harry was just going in for a hug when he saw who were following behind her. And he froze.
Dawson and evil Aunt Beatrice. Dawson was wearing a simple black suit, completely made invisible by his mother in the tackiest neon orange sundress Harry had ever seen. He could hear his stylish crying just from seeing this outfit.
“What are they doing here, Mum?” Harry quietly asked his mother as they hugged.
His mother kissed his cheek and whispered back, “Since you invited Niall and Mikasa, I thought I should invite Dawson and his mother.”
“How is that the same thing?”
“Harry!” Aunt Beatrice said in her glass-breaking voice as she pulled him in for a suffocating bear hug. “Ah, you grew up so fast! I hardly recognise you!”
“It’s only been a couple of weeks, Aunt Beatrice.”
“I know, right? Kids these days.”
“I’m twenty-four.”
“Harry,” Harry’s mother reminded him, so Harry took a deep breath and went to stand beside Ezi. She looked at him like a deer in front of headlights. This couldn’t be good. His family must be overwhelming for her.
“Hey, Ezili!” Dawson waved at her with a smile, and suddenly, her face brightened, and she enthusiastically waved back. Traitorous little fish, Harry thought as he watched the two greet one another.
“Congratulations, you two,” Dawson said.
Ezi opened her mouth to reply when Harry threw his arm around her shoulders and pulled her back to his side. He gave Dawson the best grin he could fake. “Thanks,” was all he said.
“Picture, everyone!” Niall interrupted the awkward interaction and pulled out his phone.
Everyone gathered together, and Niall winked at Harry. “Now, Mother Styles, could you stand closer to Ezili? Closer! Thanks. There we go. Looks like Ezili’s a part of the family.”
Once the picture was taken, he nudged Harry with his shoulder. “You’re welcome, asshole.”
Harry patted him on the back. “Send it to Jeff for me.”
“Boys, are you coming?” asked Mikasa, who was walking ahead, holding Ezi’s hand.
“Coming, lovebug!” Niall shouted at her and told Harry. “See? She likes Ezili.”
“So what do you do for a living?” was the first question Harry’s mother asked Ezili when they sat down at the lunch table. They were eating in a glass house in the flower garden by the lake. There were people dressed in uniforms serving them tea and appetizers, and Ezili felt like she was Alice having tea with the Queen of Hearts and her courtiers in Wonderland.
“I work at a bookstore,” she said when one of the maids filled her cup with Jasmine tea.
She didn’t understand Harry’s mother’s appalled reaction and why Harry had to add, “Ezi owns a bookstore.”
“Oh, that’s nice,” Harry’s mother said, sounding strangely relieved.
Irritated, Ezili leaned in and whispered to Harry, “Why did you lie?”
But he didn’t answer and only shushed her before smiling at his mother again.
“Can’t believe I get to live to see Harry bring home a young lady!” said Aunt Beatrice. Dawson opened his mouth to interject, but she didn’t give him a chance, “I always thought you were gay!”
At that, Niall choked on his tea, and Mikasa had to rub his back as he coughed violently into his fist. Ezili knew what gay meant, but why was it a bad thing?
“What if I were?” Harry asked his aunt. “I don’t see the problem with me being gay, which I’m not.”
“These biscuits are so nice, Aunt Annalise,” Dawson told Harry’s mother, probably trying to save the conversation from turning into a fight. But it seemed like Dawson’s mother was out for blood this morning.
“Harry,” Aunt Beatrice started again, and Ezili saw Mikasa and Niall sink into their chairs. “You’re a celebrity and the heir to this manor and your father's business. It’s so...unexpected of you to be dating some girl who works in a bookstore.”
Ezili wasn’t dumb. She might not understand a lot of things humans said, but she knew sarcasm like her mother tongue. It was her time to say something.
“What’s wrong with working in a bookstore?” she asked, making direct eye contact with Aunt Beatrice, who was shocked by the question. Everyone at the table seemed to be holding their breath.
“How much could you possibly do and make by owning a bookstore these days?” Aunt Beatrice laughed.
Ezili smirked and shook her head. “You could do and make a lot if you knew how to read.”
Harry kicked Ezili’s foot under the table, but she didn’t pay him a single glance. She believed she’d said nothing wrong at all. It was only the truth. Because why look down on people who worked at a bookstore unless you hated books because you couldn’t read?
Seeing his mother’s face turning red, Dawson burst out laughing. “Oh my God, she’s so funny!” Mikasa and Niall started laughing, too, and Harry’s mother awkwardly joined in.
“That’s what they call dark humour, Aunt Beatrice,” Niall told the angry giant lady. “Ezi’s a true Gen Z. She’s all jokes.”
Aunt Beatrice said nothing else. She shot a glare at a smiling Ezili and lifted her cup to take a sip.
“Oh, there’s my new cook!” said Harry’s mother as she waved at the door. “This is Dolores' first day at work. Come say hello, Dolores dear.”
“Good morning. I hope everyone’s having a wonderful time.”
Ezili’s entire body went stiff. Her eyes almost popped out of her head and dropped onto the plate in front of her. She knew that voice. Her heart was slamming against her ribcage as she held her breath. She felt the person’s presence beside her heavy like a weight ready to crush her bones into dust. Out of the corner of her eyes, she looked up.
Her sister Koa was grinning down at her.
“Ezili, are you okay?” Dawson asked, snapping Ezili out of her numbness.
Koa’s devilish grin remained as she circled the table after wishing everyone a pleasant meal, then disappeared out of the entrance.
Why was she here? Why did she have legs? How had she found Ezili?
“Okay, let's get straight to the point,” Aunt Beatrice started again, and everyone groaned at once. “How much did he pay you?”
“Mum!” cried Dawson.
“Excuse me?” Harry arched an eyebrow.
“It’s PR, isn’t it?” Aunt Beatrice said to him. Ezili was having a hard time paying attention to the argument while her heart was still pounding in her head. Her sister was here, either for her, or after her.
“You can’t do that to your mother, Harry,” Dawson’s mother went on. “She might be easily fooled but I’m not.”
“We should’ve gone for mini-golf,” Mikasa muttered to Niall, who exhaled into his hand.
Harry turned to his mother. “You’re just gonna let her disrespect my girlfriend like that?”
His mother opened her mouth to speak, but his aunt was faster. “If she’s your girlfriend then kiss her.”
“Are you fucking kidding me?” Harry scoffed and threw his hands in the air.
Ezili immediately stood up. All eyes fell on her.
“Excuse me,” she said, her voice trembling. “I must go to the bathroom.”
“I’ll take you--”
“No, Harry, you stay.”
Harry slowly sat back down as Ezili pushed her chair out and headed straight for the door. Thankfully, he didn’t follow her.
She crossed the garden and asked one of the employees where the kitchen was. As it turned out, they had a separate kitchen for when they served food in the glasshouse. Ezili couldn’t see the point of having more than one kitchen, but this was no time to question it.
When she found Koa, no one else was there but them. It seemed as if Koa had known Ezili would follow her here, so she’d asked everyone else to leave.
Ezili stood at the door while her sister stood by the counter with her back turned to Ezili. The first thing Ezili noticed was the knives within Koa’s reach. Ezili must be wise when confronting her sister.
“What are you doing here?” she asked Koa in Séren.
Koa slowly turned and leaned against the counter, arms crossed. “I’m a cook. Can't you see?”
“How did you find me?”
The corner of Koa’s lips curled as she unbuttoned the collar of her white shirt and revealed a gold necklace. Ezili sucked in a breath when she saw the shiny trident-shaped medallion on her sister’s chest.
“Is that--”
“Mother’s trident,” Koa sneered. “Yes, it is.” Then she buttoned up her shirt to cover it. “Now we can see who mother trusts more.”
“Aunt Nerissa came for a visit last week,” Koa said. Ezili knew that name could never be associated with anything good. “Mother doesn’t trust her, so she asked me to go on land to find you, but also to keep the trident away from Nerissa’s clutches.”
Ezili swallowed hard, her fists tightly glued to her sides. “What happened to the cook?”
Koa clicked her tongue. “She’s swimming with fishes now. Like the ones swimming in her pot just then.”
“You drowned her?!”
“In the lake.”
Ezili gripped her head and advanced towards Koa. “How many humans have you killed?”
Koa chuckled and took a few steps forward until she was dangerously close enough to hurt Ezili. She stood with her back straight and arms folded, her silver eyes flickering in the sunlight. “The important question is…” She stared Ezili down. “How many have you killed?” Ezili bit her lip when Koa poked her chest with her long nail. “Or are you too busy dating now? People are talking about it everywhere.” Ezili said nothing, so Koa went on, “It’s a fake relationship, isn’t it?” She leaned in, taunting. “Come on, Sister. Admit that you’ve failed. That you can’t make the human fall in love with you. Why so quiet? Is it because if you admit it, you’re an embarrassment and you lose the trident to me, and if you deny it, then it means you’re becoming way too human to kill him.”
At that, Ezili shoved Koa away and stabbed a finger at her. “Leave me alone. Mother gave me a year for this mission.”
“We won’t have that much time, stupid,” Koa snorted. “Narissa is onto something. The queendom is already in danger as we’re speaking. And you’re here having...brunch?” She clicked her tongue, shaking her head. “Pathetic.”
Both of them whipped their heads around and saw Harry, who stiffened in the doorway.
“Ezi?” Koa cackled, hugging her stomach. “Is that your human name? Are you his pet now?”
Though confused, Harry stepped into the kitchen anyway. “Ezi, you’re alright?”
“Harry, watch out!” Ezili shouted, but Koa was already on top of Harry on the floor. She sank her fangs into Harry’s arm with the rolled-up sleeve. Harry yelped in pain as Ezili dragged her sister off of him and slammed Koa’s head against the table. Hissing, Koa grabbed a knife on the counter and aimed it at Ezili, but Ezili was fast enough to kick it out of her sister’s grip and sent one more kick into Koa’s stomach. Koa was stronger than Ezili had thought as she plunged at Ezili again.
“Harry, run!”
But Harry didn’t run. He was back on his feet, grabbed a vase and smashed it onto Koa’s back. “Do not hurt my fake girlfriend!”
Koa rolled off of Ezili. The last thing Ezili could see was her sister’s bloodied face as she stumbled towards the door and ran off into the light.
Ezili lay there until her vision cleared again, and Harry helped her back to her feet.
“What the fuck?!” he yelled. “Who the fuck was she?!”
“My sister,” Ezili said, still holding her aching head.
“The one who tried to drown me? Why is she here?”
“To kill me, I think.”
But Harry wasn’t listening. He was pacing back and forth like a mad man. “This isn’t good, Ezi. This is bad! Your crazy sister is gonna expose us!”
“Expose us?” Ezili grabbed him by the arm and spun him around. “She almost killed you.”
It seemed as if Harry had forgotten that his arm was bleeding until Ezili had brought it up. He suddenly winced and fell into a chair.
Ezili scanned her eyes around the messy kitchen, panting as she tried to make sure that Koa had escaped. Then, she got down on her knees beside Harry and reached for his wounded arm.
He stared down at her in confusion, then his expression turned horrified when she leaned in.
“What the fuck?!” he hissed and yanked his arm away.
She glared up at him in annoyance. “Let me help!”
“Hell no! You’re not gonna lick my blood.”
“You need to clean the wound!”
“With water! Not by sucking it!”
Ezili huffed and aggressively got up while silently cursing Harry in Séren.
“There’s a--” His voice cut off when she tore off a piece of her dress “--towel over there,” he trailed off. She ignored him and went to the sink to soak the piece of fabric in water. He shook his head and blew up his cheeks. “Nevermind. You do you.”
Still glaring at him when she returned, Ezili got back down on her knees and started cleaning Harry’s arm. The place her sister had sunk her fangs into had turned dark red. It would definitely leave a huge bruise tomorrow.
“Lucky for you Koa was distracted and didn’t aim to bite your whole arm off,” Ezili whispered and glanced up, meeting Harry’s gaze. “You sure you don’t want me to lick your wound?”
“Well, now that you’re already in this position, you could just lick something else,” he chuckled.
Ezili’s eyes narrowed. “Like what?”
To her confusion, Harry covered his face and shook with laughter. “Sorry, that was a dumb joke. I just couldn’t help it.”
“I didn’t get it.”
“Yeah, that’s how a joke loses its funny,” he sighed then snapped his fingers. “Ooh, maybe I should just pretend that I don’t understand whenever someone tells me a joke, so that they gradually lose their funny.”
“That’s the most absurd thing I’ve ever heard,” Ezili remarked.
“What do you mean?” Harry pouted. “I don’t get it, babe.”
Ezili rolled her eyes at his childishness, still, she couldn’t help but smile a little.
Once she had wrapped the piece of her dress securely around his arm, Harry pulled down the sleeve to cover it as he got to his feet. “That should do. Let’s hope my mother won’t suspect that we just got attacked in her kitchen by her cook, who was your evil siren sister in disguise. Damn, that sounds crazy even for me.”
Ezili stood with her arms crossed. “Do you think your mother can tell we’re not really dating?”
“Nah, my mother totally believes it.” Harry shrugged. “Honestly, I think we’re doing a great job pretending we’re in love when we can’t even have a conversation without insulting each other.”
“I don’t get paid enough to call you babe so many times.”
“Neither do I. This PR relationship is harder than I tho--”
Harry’s sentence got cut off by a sound at the door. When they both turned to it, Dawson was standing there, his eyes wide with shock.
Ezili was hoping that was the reaction to the messy kitchen and not to what she and Harry had said. However, luck wasn’t smiling at her tonight. Dawson’s appalled gaze jumped from Harry to Ezili. “What do you mean by ‘PR relationship’?”
“I can explain,” Ezi said, reaching for Dawson, but he backed away while staring at both her and Harry in disbelief. Harry believed Dawson wasn’t shocked that Harry could pull something like this, because Harry hadn’t been exactly the good kid growing up. What Dawson hadn’t expected was Ezi being part of this plan. Ezi must be an angel in Dawson’s eyes.
“So my mother was right,” Dawson said, flicking his finger between Harry and Ezi. “You were lying to everyone.”
“Dawson--” Ezi began, but Harry pulled her back by her wrist.
“Please don’t tell my mother,” he told Dawson and received stunned looks from both Dawson and Ezi. They probably hadn’t expected that coming from him. “This means a lot to her, and I don’t want her to be any more let down,” Harry continued. “Also, Ezi needs money, and I’m just trying to help. She’s also writing the next album with me, so it’s all good business.”
Dawson peered at both their faces for a long moment as if he was psychoanalysing each of them. Then, he breathed, “So you two don't have feelings for each other?”
“No.” Ezi shook her head fast and tugged at Harry’s sleeve. “Harry, tell him.”
Harry opened his mouth. Suddenly, he thought about how frightened he’d been when he’d thought Ezi’s sister was going to kill her. He could’ve run off and let her deal with it alone since he hadn’t asked to be part of her family drama, and he wasn’t brave, either. Nevertheless, he’d jumped in to help her.
“No,” he said, only to realise he shouldn’t have taken such a long pause to say only one word.
“See?” Ezi smiled at Dawson, who seemed less sceptical now.
“Okay,” Dawson said, his face relaxed as he put his hands on his hips. “Who else knows? Niall and Mikasa?”
“Mikasa doesn’t know,” Harry said. “Only Niall.”
“Alright.” Dawson nodded and rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “But you guys are really bad at pretending to be in love,” he told them after another moment. “I’ll try to tell my mum to stop being rude to you. But just to be safe, you should make it more convincing.”
Ezi heaved a sigh of relief and placed her hand on Dawson’s arm. Harry swore he saw Dawson hold his breath as if Ezi had the Midas touch, and Harry had to fight the urge to roll his eyes.
“Thank you, Dawson,” Ezi said in the softest tone Harry had ever heard.
“Your dress,” Dawson pointed out while eyeing her and then the kitchen. “What...what happened here?”
“There was a rat,” Harry blurted.
Ezi joined in, “Harry tried to kill it then it knocked over the vase, and I fell and pulled him down with me and ripped my dress on the glass.”
Dawson furrowed his brows as he nodded at the piece of Ezi’s dress in her fist. “That’s your blood?”
Ezi shook her head. “It’s the rat’s.” Then, she looked over at Harry, suppressing a grin. He stayed quiet and glared at her.
“Oh, God. That’s disgusting,” Dawson made a face. “Need me to help you clean up?”
“No, I’ll take care of it,” Harry said. “I’ll take Ezi upstairs to clean up. Could you distract everyone for a while?”
“Yeah, sure,” Dawson nodded, gave Ezi a tight-lipped smile and turned to the door. “Now, where the hell is the cook?”
Harry could hear every single word of the Jonas Brothers song playing downstairs. It seemed like everyone had finished brunch without him and Ezi, and now Niall was turning the manor into a concert. Niall and Mikasa had met at a Jonas Brothers’ concert years ago, and they would not let people forget about it. What they had was cute, but Harry could not imagine being with someone for that long. A PR relationship was tiring enough; he didn’t think he could ever handle a real one.
Back against the wall, he stared at his watch and tapped his foot impatiently before he came to knock on the door to his mother’s walk-in closet. “Ezi, are you done?”
“I don’t know how to put this on!”
Harry tossed his head back and groaned. “Do you need help?”
“Goddamn it,” he muttered under his breath. “Cover yourself. I’m coming in.”
Just to be safe, he had his hand over his eyes when he opened the door.
You'll say my name like it's been on your lips
Familiar in ways I can't explain
You got a heart that I know I can miss
Hold me like that and pull me right back again
The music outside became muffled. Harry peeked through the gap between his fingers, and nearly had a heart attack when he saw Ezi standing there topless with only jeans on. “I told you to cover yourself!”
“Oh, please, there’s nothing you haven’t seen.”
“It’s different every time.”
“How? I’ve only got one body.”
“No, seeing you feels different every time. It’s weird.”
Time stands still and it's only us
What we feel started way before we ever touched
Just imagine only us
Yeah, you found me right before I'd given up
Ezi said nothing, and Harry lowered his hand, feeling glad that she was facing away from him now. She looked over her shoulder, frowning. “Help me with this shirt!”
He ruffled his hair and padded over to take the shirt from her hand. “You got the button stuck?! This is my mother’s favourite Chanel shirt!”
“It was like that when I found it.”
“Liar.” Harry shook his head and started examining the stuck button. Ezi turned around, hugging her chest so her breasts weren’t exposed to him. He was trying his best not to look. Maybe he shouldn’t have put her in a dress that didn’t require a bra. He guessed he’d played himself.
“Damn, maybe I should get you another shirt and buy a new one for my mum. I don't know how to fix this.”
“Harry,” Ezi repeated and tapped Harry on the arm. He looked up, face heating when he saw her.
I just saw the lightning strike
Knew it right then when I looked in your eyes
And I said to myself, "It's no surprise we ain't strangers"
Strangers tonight
Still, he acted indifferent. “What?”
“I think we should kiss,” she said, making him flinch.
“Why?” He was already sweating through his palms. His mother’s shirt could no longer be saved now.
“To make it more convincing,” Ezi said as if them kissing wasn’t a big deal to her. “Maybe if there’s a picture of us kissing--”
“Have you ever kissed anyone before?”
She froze at the question and blinked at him.
I came here looking for another excuse
To run away from something beautiful
It's like it's driving me closer to you
Every step back pulls me right back
At this question, Ezi’s whole life up until that point flashed before her eyes. She had lost count of all the times she’d kissed sailors before drowning them. But she wasn’t going to kiss Harry to kill him. Not yet at least. He would still be there, alive, when she opened her eyes. He would still be aware of her lips against his. And she would, too.
“No,” she lied.
And he believed it. He cleared his throat. Suddenly, her standing there topless wasn’t weird anymore. “Okay, it’s pretty easy.” He put the shirt aside. His fingers were shaking so he opened and closed his fists a few times before beckoning her over. “Come here.”
She took a step forward.
Another step.
Harry’s face reddened with a small smile. “Ezi, closer.”
He’d never talked to her in that tone before. It was soft and firm at the same time, and she completely forgot having sworn to herself that she would never let him tell her what to do. She came so close she could not tell his breath from her own. His eyelids fluttered, and his pink lips parted, yet no word escaped. Then, he leaned in.
Must be from a different life
Been here before and it just feels right
No, this ain't the first time for you and I, we ain't strangers
Strangers tonight
But it was her who took his face between her hands and kissed him first. He froze for a second, then started kissing her back, his arms circled around her waist, pressing her against him.
Harry’s entire body grew hot. The voice inside his head told him to stop, but it only made him bolder. He liked that she’d taken charge. Her hands were under his shirt as his roamed across her naked back. His eyes went wide when she unconsciously let out a moan.
Strangers tonight
“Ezi,” he breathed against her lips. But before he could say anything else, there was a knock on the door.
“Harry, are you in there?”
Ezi pulled away as Harry threw his head back and exhaled harshly. “Yes, Niall?”
“Is Ezili there with you?”
“Yes,” Harry answered in a croaked voice and quickly cleared his throat. “Yes,” he repeated, sounding more stable. “Why?”
“You missed all the fun stuff. Your mother scolded your aunt for what she’d said to you and Ezi, and Dawson had to take his mother’s home.”
Harry looked over at Ezi, expecting her to be thrilled by the good news, but she only gave a small smile, her arms still tightly wrapped around herself to cover her breasts. Was she...shy?
Yes, yes she was. Ezi didn’t think she could ever be shy. But here she stood, blushing all over from a stupid kiss.
“Are they in there?” Harry’s mother’s voice outside the door made Harry and Ezi jump.
They looked at each other, scared when Niall told Harry’s mum that they were in the closet together.
“Not in my closet, Harry!”
“I’m just helping Ezi get changed, Mum!”
“You better!”
And then their footsteps faded down the hallway, along with his mother’s laughter.
Ezi and Harry made eye contact with each other and looked away at the same time as silence ensued. Suddenly, Harry started sniffing.
“What is it?” Ezi asked, worried.
Harry leaned in and started sniffing her neck, and she pushed him away. “What the hell?!”
“You smell.”
“Excuse me?!”
“No.” Harry shook his head fast. “You smell good. But..you didn’t have a smell before.”
Ezi quickly lifted her arm to smell herself. “I smell nothing.”
“That’s because it’s your own smell, so you don't recognise it. But--” Harry cut off midsentence and picked up a strand of her hair and brought his nose to it. Then, his lips curled. “Aww, my kiss turned you a little more human.”
“Shut up!” Ezi shoved at his chest. “I’m not turning more human! That’s not true!”
“It is true! Kiss me again. I’ll prove it.”
She said nothing, only glared at him as he burst out laughing and tossed her a t-shirt.
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That was depressing. :'( Maybe a fixer-upper? Companions react to Sole coming back? Maybe they apologize to their friends and wanna try again?
Here is some healing and a peace offering for you guys 💙💛 After that last post, I think we all needed it, lol. I hope you enjoy!
Cait - Hardly believes her eyes when F!Sole comes heading down the stairs of the Third Rail. She almost thinks that it's some twist of cruel fate and F!Sole is just back to yell at her and kick her more for something that she already berates and destroys herself for every day. But when F!Sole softly cups the side of her face, questioning softly and heartbrokenly about what had happened to Cait, the redhead launches herself out of her stupor and snatches F!Sole in one of those infamous bone-crushing hugs that she's so well-known for. Even though she is drunk off of her rear end, she knows that this is real. It feels, smells, and sounds too much like F!Sole not to be. She is blubbering all manners of apologies and explanations and anything she can think of to make F!Sole stay. It takes her a considerable amount of time to realize that F!Sole has guided them both to the back room on a couch and is carefully yet firmly explaining that Cait has nothing to be sorry for and that it is entirely F!Sole's own fault. For a while after that, she takes deep, shaking breaths as she just squeezes the woman as tightly as she can in an attempt to assure herself that she's still there with her. Eventually she falls asleep against F!Sole, finding herself the most comfortable she has been in days.
Piper - Almost can't believe the sight before her. When she answers the door, she most certainly did not expect to come face to face with the last person who wanted to see her. There was a deep regret and sadness shining in F!Sole's eyes, but before she could speak, Piper had launched herself onto her, clinging tightly and whispering constant apologies amidst lots of tears. When F!Sole wraps her arms around her, replying in that smooth, calming tone that all was forgiven and not to worry and that she should be the one apologizing instead, Piper only cries harder. She squeezes the life out of her Blue, vowing never to let her go again. In fact, she drags her into her house and forces her to just sit on the couch with her for a long time and they just hold each other until Piper calms down enough to talk.
Curie - When she sees F!Sole, she feels her heart clench and she almost cannot even move as she completely collapses into tears, and F!Sole has to head over to her and hold the poor, sniveling girl in her arms as she just cries it all out, pitifully sobbing about how sorry she is for whatever she said or did, and F!Sole just whispers comforting words, apologizing for breaking her promise and leaving Curie all alone in the world. Curie eventually gets ahold of herself well enough to control her arms again and wrap them around F!Sole's waist tightly. She is so, so thankful to have Madame back with her again, and she already feels so much safer and happier. F!Sole is crying a little, too, and Curie feels her heart squeezing again as she readjusts and holds on even tighter.
MacCready - Almost falls off of his chair when he sees her approach his house in the Capital Wasteland. She is standing there with a group of Minutemen behind her who obviously helped escort her there. She tells them something and they all take a moment to have a break. She then heads over to MacCready. He takes a look around, seeing that Duncan is playing in the yard at a safe enough distance away for the two of them to talk privately. As soon as she has stepped up on his front porch, he stands up and apologizes to her somewhat awkwardly. F!Sole explains that she is sorry instead and they spend a lot of time discussing things. He eventually introduces her to Duncan and they begin to make plans to head back to the Commonwealth together. Only two days later, they head home with Duncan in tow.
Deacon - Is very, very surprised when she approaches him when he is undercover spying on her. Those kind eyes are filled with love and care, and he is honestly not sure whether he is slightly skeptical or if he is just endlessly grateful for the fact that she is not yelling and angry still. She sits next to him and he tries to keep up the act in whatever role he has taken up. That is, until she snatches off the phony wig or hat and the sunglasses, dropping them on his lap as she looks into his eyes. He sighs deeply and apologizes for acting the way he did and upsetting her so horribly. She shakes her head, expressing that he is not the one that needs to apologize. In the end, she hugs him tightly, despite his uncomfortableness, but this time, it actually feels a lot nicer than usual. If it means she's back and won't leave again, he can suffer through as many hugs as he has to.
Codsworth - As he lives and breathes, he cannot believe that he is actually looking at F!Sole. He wastes no time in hovering over to her as fast as he can. She gently places her hands on his metal sides and steadies him as he begins to stumble over himself as quickly as he can, apologizing for his awful behavior. She just shakes her head, looking into one of his eyes and explaining that she was the one with the awful behavior. She wastes no time in hugging him the best she can considering all of his many appendages. He happily sighs and pats her back gently with a pincer. He is so relieved to have his mistress back and to finally have the one person that cares about him back into his life.
Hancock - Thinks he must be on either the best or worst trip of his life as F!Sole walks in through the door of his office, those beautiful eyes staring him down with none of the fire that they held in them when he last saw her. He raises up a bit from his place on the couch, but she comes to him, taking a hand and sweeping away all of the remainders of jet, psycho, whatever other chems he has been stuffing himself with. He immediately feels a great amount of guilt about not only the situation between them but also the fact that he has so unashamedly let himself fall apart like this. F!Sole, however, does not judge, and she simply starts to apologize for getting mad and leaving. He shakes his head and tries to apologize instead, but she stops him, insisting that it is she who should be sorry. After a moment of looking at her, he opens his arms and she happily falls into them, hugging him tightly. He just holds her for a long time, and they wait for his most recent high to disappear so he can truly converse with her for the first time in what feels like forever.
Danse - Is completely shocked when he hears her voice behind him. He carefully stands up, staring at her and he swallows hard, looking down at the ground and anywhere but her face. She comes closer to him, and he apologizes to her quickly. She shakes her head and negates his apology instead uttering her own as she stands just before him, trying to catch his gaze. Finally, she gently touches his chin and he immediately looks into her eyes. She stares at him for a long time, and he knows that she sees all of his pain, guilt, and sadness. He is not even trying to hide them at this point. However, she just shakes her head after a moment and embraces him carefully. He freezes for only a moment before slouching down to her level, allowing her to hold some of his weight as he presses his forehead to her shoulder. He just breathes her in carefully as she gently runs her fingers through his hair and reassures him quietly. He soon realizes that he is crying as a few tears slide down his cheeks silently. He just hugs her gently yet firmly, and they stand there for a long time, just hugging it out as she whispers how much he means to her and refills him with his lost sense of self-worth.
Preston - Is so thankful and shocked to see her that he almost does not know what to do. However, he quickly makes his way over to her as Minutemen are greeting their true general. He asks her if they can speak somewhere more privately. When they are alone, he proceeds to apologize for his actions and explain how inexcusable they were and how he should not have ever done it. She places a hand on his, and shakes her head, explaining how she is truly at fault. He just sighs and shakes his head before hugging her carefully. When he finally pulls away, he removes the general hat he has started wearing and he offers it to her, asking if she will be the general of the Minutemen once again. When she agrees, he feels all of the weight lifting from his chest and he feels happier than he has in weeks.
Valentine - Is just sitting in his agency when she walks through the door. As soon as she does, he drops his pen, looking at her as if she had sprouted two extra heads. She quietly asks if the seat in front of him is taken, and he gestures to it easily, encouraging her to sit. Ellie wastes no time in excusing herself to allow them to speak. After a few beats of silence, they both start to apologize at the same time. They both chuckle at that, and F!Sole explains how she is the one in the wrong. He shakes his head wordlessly, knowing the truth, and she reaches across the table, taking his hands and squeezing them before standing up and heading over to hug him. He feels all of the pieces mending themselves as he holds her in his arms, just enjoying her closeness. He will never mess this up again.
X6-88 - Is exceedingly surprised to see her as she teleports into the Institute just before he reports his failure to maintain her trust. She greets him somewhat breathlessly and apologizes to him before he has a chance to express his own regret. He blinks and stares at her before proceeding to apologize anyway despite her protests. She gently places her hands on his shoulders, and he felt something strange bubble in his stomach as she looked at him with such affection and kindness. He found that he liked this feeling much better than the one he got while thinking of that same face contorted with anger.
Dogmeat - Raises his head up, looking at the sunrise. He looks a bit harder, staring intently since he is sure he saw something moving on the horizon. Sure enough, he starts to make out the form of a person running. His ears perk up and he sniffs the air. Before she even gets to him, he smells that comforting scent. He wiggles a bit in place, but he is scared to hope. What if she gets mad at him again and yells at him some more? However, when she finally reaches the truck stop, she pauses, looking at him carefully. He wags his tail reluctantly but hopefully, not coming to her just yet. After a moment, she hesitantly and carefully approaches him, holding out her hand gently. He wants to sniff it and lick it so badly, but he waits. He does not shy away from it, though, when it gently meets the side of his head. After only a moment, she is stroking him with both hands and crying for some reason, saying the same two words over and over. She does not smell angry, and he actually smells shame and love coming off of her in waves. So he happily forgives his favorite person in the world, licking her tears away and snuggling into her grasp as he always did before.
Strong - As soon as he sees her, he starts to try to attack. However, she quickly raises her arms up in a placating gesture and apologizes repeatedly, trying to get him to listen. He pauses, but he is still angry. He finally decides not to smash her. However, he does not forgive her until she hands him a specially-modified board with razor wire, barbed wire, and nails coating the end. He then begrudgingly forgives her, and it does not take him long to return to his usual self around her.
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xxreader-writerxx · 3 years
Already Won
Word count: 2.1k
Fred Weasley x Fem Reader
Warnings: Cursing, angsty, Cheating Mentioned, Blood Mentioned, Knife Kink Mentioned, Reader nearly cuts finger off, Panic Attack-ish (Fred), Poor Plot, Snogging at the end, and Abandonment Issues
A/n: This isn't amazing it was just to kick my arse into writing again lol, fighting writers block atm
Y/N= Your Name L/N= Your Last Name Y/H= Your House
I'm cutting vegetables in the kitchen for dinner when I hear the door unlock. I smile to myself and grab the coffee I made, reheating it with a quick spell. "Baby! Did you get the creamer while you were out?" I ask, turning the corner. "I was supposed to?" I hear a different voice than what I was expecting respond. "Oh its you." I say plainly, annoyed by the sight of my ex boyfriend Draco. "Hey darling. I missed you." He says, walking to try to give me a hug but I push him away disgusted. "Didn't I dump you like what five months ago? After you cheated on me with Pansy?" I ask, turning to go into the kitchen. "Your still on that? I'm back so everything can go back to normal!" He says and I scoff. "Nope." I say when I hear the door open.
"Baby, the witch down the street ran out of creamer but, I got coffees down the street. Then I dropped them on myself trying to get inside." I hear Fred ramble. I walk out chuckling and see him stripping as he walks into our room. "The coffee burns." He says, still distracted by getting clean clothes on. I walk over with Draco tailing behind me. "Honey, someone's here." I tell him and he whips his head around, grabbing his shirt to cover himself. "Shit. Sorry sorry.... Not sorry what the hell is he doing here?" He asks, seeing Draco. "Figuring it out myself- Oh my god Freddie, how hot were those coffees?!" I ask, seeing a burn mark forming on his shoulder.
"I wanted them to be hot enough to make it home." He says sheepishly. I walk over, grabbing the burn medication I conjured after discovering having Fred Weasley as a boyfriend means a lot of burns to heal. I pull down the sleeve and rub the ointment on. "Ow..." He moans and I nod sadly.
When I finish I put a bandage on him and take his hand. I bring him to the fridge and grab a lolly. "Suck on this while it heals, it'll cool your body." I say and he winks, placing the lolly on his tongue. "While I suck on this why don't you- Why are you still here." He says, breaking his flirty behavior to look at Draco who is glaring at Fred. "Name's on the lease." He says with a smirk. "You're kidding. He's kidding." He says looking at me upset. I freeze trying to think of a solution when I finally sigh. "He's right..." I say, I shove my face in his chest and he glares at Draco angrily. "You are going to leave." He says through gritted teeth. "Where would I go huh?" He asks, still cocky. "Do I give a shit? No. Now your things are in the hall closet, take those bags and leave." He repeats, keeping me against him.
"I don't remember your name on the lease." He says with a smirk and Fred nods. "Yeah but I have my initials on-" He says as he start to raise my shirt trying to reveal the initials he cut during an exciting night two days ago. I slap his hand and he looks at me cheekily. "Anyways, I guess you can stay in the guest room and I'll go unpack." He says and I grab his jacket before he can leave the kitchen. "Fix it." I say sternly and he groans. "I'll stay in the guest room." He mumbles and I nod promptly.
I wake up next to Fred and look for whatever woke me. I get up realizing its 5:37 and shake Fred softly. "Baby we need to get ready for work. I'll go make breakfast." I whisper and he nods into the pillow, golden ginger hair surrounding his freckled face softly. "Baby, if we told George what happened he'd understand, let's sleep in." He offers and I sigh. "If I had another owner to take care of my shop then I would jump in your arms but..." I say and he groans nodding.
I make my way into the kitchen to make us omelets when a figure makes me jump. "Fuck." I mutter as Draco takes a sip of his coffee. "Honey?" I hear from behind me and I turn to see Fred fiddling with his tie. I walk over smiling to myself at his loose tie and messy hair. "Stupid Blood Traitor can't even tie his own tie." I hear Malfoy mumble as I tied Fred's tie, getting angry I nearly behead Fred on accident but he stops me with a soft hold on my hips. "Here's the thing, Malfoy, I'm doing this... To do this." Fred says smirking pulling me in for his signature kiss. I sigh into the kiss almost forgetting about my troubles until they cough to signify they're still there.
"I'll make our breakfast, you work on tea?" I ask and he salutes cutely. I start chopping up onions when I feel myself get enveloped in a hug, Fred's face snug in my neck. His lips threateningly close to my neck, butterfly kisses every now and then. "What are you up to?" I giggle as his hands tickle my sides. "I just love you..." He whispers and I smile. "I love you more." I whisper and he kisses my cheek. "I'll cook the omelet, you go watch your program. It's on." He whispers and I turn, placing my hands on the counter behind me. "I can take care of the food. Don't worry about me." I whisper back and he kisses my lips softly. "Please? When else will your show be on this early?" He asks and I smile. "If you insist. But at least let me cut the peppers." I say and he nods.
I'm cutting dough in my café when I hear the door open. I smile warmly, keeping my eyes to the counter. "Hello! I'll be with you in a moment." I say when someone pushes my chin up softly. "Hey darling." Draco says and I groan. "Malfoy, I'm not your darling anymore. I'm dating Fred." I state, my entire body growing warm with anger. "I know, I know... But I wanted to try and win you back." He states, holding up a gold necklace. "You think I can be bought?" I ask, seething with anger. His face looses color as he shakes his head. "N-no! I meant this as a sorry-" He begins but I slam my knife down. "Get out."
I walk into the twin's shop, unusually tired, I see George and walk over lazily. "Hey- What the hell!?" He asks and he grabs my arm, tugging me to Fred's office. "Where are we going?" I ask lazily. "FRED." He yells banging on the door. Fred opens the door angrily but the anger turns to worry when he lays his eyes on me, or to be specific my finger. I cut it, deep. "Oh look at that..." I say and he scoops me up. "Oh god oh god..." He mumbles as I lay my head on his shoulder. "You smell nice." I whisper and he shakes his head. "What the hell happened?" He asks and I frown. "Draco came to my shop and gave me this." I say and I show him the necklace and he looks at it upset as he buckles me into the car. "You've lost a lot of blood..." He whispers, tearing up a bit. "I'm fineeee." I tell him and he kisses my forehead softly. "Just stay awake..." He whispers and I nod softly.
I wake up in a hospital bed and Fred is holding my hand. "Baby?" I ask roughly, my throat burning from sleep. "Thank god." He exclaims, holding me close to his chest. "Are you alright? Do you need anything?! You don't understand how happy I am to see your eyes open." He tells me, clutching my shirt tightly.
Ever since the accident Fred kicked Malfoy out and I got someone to take over the shop while I heal. Fred's been clingy since because he says he nearly lost me and every time I remind him it was only a bit of blood loss but he always responds with "same thing". Malfoy has been sending flowers, expensive gifts, and baskets each with a note begging me to take him back. I laugh at every package because they come from Pansy's apartment. Now its two months later both me and Fred going strong, and Malfoy hasn't given up.
I walk into the house back from groceries with Fred nowhere to be found. I hear shaky breathing from our room. I walk in and see Fred in the corner crying silently. "Freddie?" I ask and he hides his face in his arms. "I'll be out in a minute." He whispers and I sit next to him on the floor. "What's wrong?" I ask and he cries again. "Nothing, don't worry about it." He whispers and I tug his hand to wrap around it. "Tell me..." I whisper back and place my free hand on his cheek. He leans into my hand, closing his eyes happily. "I love you..." I tell him and he sighs. "I'm sorry." He tells me and I furrow my eyebrows.
"Did you break something?" I ask and he laughs, wiping his nose. "No... I'm sorry I can't provide for you." He tells me and I finally am able to sit on his lap, his hands resting on my hips as he places his forehead in the crane of my neck. "What?" I ask and he digs his head further. "Malfoy gets you all these fancy gifts and I know I'm not enough. I don't have diamond necklaces, my flowers are always picked, and he has so much to offer... And I'm here being the idiot who has a joke shop instead of a stable job. Its a matter of time before he finally wins you back and I would understand, who'd want me over Malfoy..." He cries into my neck and I run my hands through his hair softly.
"No... Baby I don't care about jewels or money. I love your flowers, how you tell me why each one reminded you of me... I love you Freddie.... I could never be won by Malfoy wanna know why?" I coo into his ear softly. "Why?" He asks, looking up at me with his soft hazel eyes. "Because you've already won. A million times, you've won. When we became best friends at 8, when I saw you on the bus, when you left school, when you moved in with me after my break-up, not letting me ignore help by saying you needed a place to stay because George and Angelina were moving in when we both knew you could live at the burrow... Every day you have won me. How can I prove that?" I ask and he smiles sweetly. "You just did... I love you so so much." He whispers and I smile, kissing his nose.
I hear the doorbell ring and he looks towards the door upset. I groan getting up and open the door. Draco is there crying holding flowers. "Please." He whispers and I go to slam the door but he stops me. "I know I don't deserve it but please give me another chance. Weaslebee could never care for you, not like I can. So please take me back." He says and I get angered by those words. I grab his collar and shove him back. "Do not talk of Fred that way." I say and he scoffs. "You know he won't. I have money we can land on, he doesn't. So cut the bullshit and take me back." He spits and I punch him right in the nose. "Leave. And I don't mean my door, I mean my life Malfoy." I tell him as he doubles over, flicking him off.
I walk back into my house and find Fred smiling at me, eyes still puffy but I couldn't care less, he's beautiful. "I love-" Is all he can say before I grab his collar, pulling him into a long kiss. He leans into it after recovering from the shock. I wrap my arms around his neck as he pulls me to wrap my legs around his torso. He sits on the couch, pulling me flush against his body. "I love you so much..." He mumbles as we take a second to get air. "I love you more." I say, diving to attach my lips to his. He pulls away after a while and smiles, moving hair from my face softly. I smile back, a giggle escaping my lips. "What?" I ask and he kisses me softly. "I guess I did win." He whispers and I kiss him again.
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shorkbrian · 4 years
can you do like a part 2 to the aizawa dad scenario?? like i know it’s weird but i’m a hornee biatch smh
lol yes ofc! 
TW - pseudo-incest, NSFW, noncon, abuse of trust, everything bad. Seriously. Aizawa is not a good dude in this. once again, pseudo-incest. Do not read if that makes you uncomfy.
He tries not to let it bother him too much anymore; how what he’s doing to you is wrong.
You come home after school, get dropped off by one of your few friends who has a car. Aizawa doesn’t like that he can smell a boy when he gives you a hug in greeting. You aren’t supposed to smell spicy, heady; it makes him wrinkle his nose and takes him back to his younger days, when the men around him used far too much cologne or aftershave. You were supposed to smell sweet, flowery, fresh, familiar.
Aizawa knows your scent. When you sweat on hot days, when you fall asleep leaning against him on the couch, when you press your whole body against his for a hug - you smell divine, exactly as he expects, exactly as he wants you to.
The man notices how you shy away from his touch now. You know that fathers shouldn’t touch their daughters the way he does. Fathers don’t take their little girl’s virginity, growling and reprimanding them for hanging out with boys as they pound into a tight pussy. Aizawa knows you know. He just doesn’t care.
He’s gentle, kind.... he never hurts you, even in your punishments. At least, that’s what he tells you, cooing into your ear about how you need him as he fucks you from behind. “You do what daddy says, got it? I’m all you need.”
After greeting you, Aizawa insists that you shower, get that stink off you. It was only surprising the first few times when the man joined you - now it’s just routine. You try not to flinch when his naked body presses against yours, you let him wash your hair and rub your shoulders. Sometimes he asks you to wash his body, handing you a wash cloth and the soap, dark eyes expectant, waiting.
“No.” wasn’t an option.
He was supposed to be your rock, the man who supported you and held you if you cried. Instead, he was the man making you cry, tears falling as he made you soap up his dick, incidentally jerking him off in the process.
You hated showers.
Everything that you ever enjoyed was getting ruined, and Aizawa wasn’t concerned. 
You couldn’t stomach ice cream anymore. The last few times you had eaten some, your stepfather had been home. You didn’t know what even set him off, you were literally just eating ice cream. But before you could finish the bowl, the man was gripping your arm, dragging you out of the seat and pushing you to bend over the table. “You’re so precious. My little girl likes teasing daddy, does she?”. He was touching you everywhere, calloused, experienced hands playing you like a fiddle. You hadn’t been trying to tease him
Movie nights were awful. He’d let you pick out a movie, but not your seat. Aizawa wanted you perched on his lap, warming his fat cock as he cuddled you. “Watch the movie little girl, stay still for daddy.” he’d growl hands tight on your hips. It was torture. He’d get tired of waiting, thrust into you and get faster and faster until he came, rubbing at your clit so you could do the same. But then he’d just sit there, cock still buried deep within, hot cum warming your insides and making you nauseous. The two of you would stay like that until he got hard again, and then the process would repeat.
 Sneaking out to go hang out with your friends? Aizawa could always tell, see the makeup you used to cover up the hickeys on your collarbone. Your stepfather would pull you aside, force you to your knees as he shushed your cries. “Daddy’s just making sure you’ll remember who takes care of you.” and then he’d shove his dick down your throat. The sight of your lipstick staining the base of his cock excited him to no end, made him impossibly harder as the older man fucked into your mouth.
It was the worst, most humiliating thing when your stepdad would emerge from his home office, talking to someone on the phone. He never had good intentions when he did, especially since you could clearly see the bulge in his pants as he walked towards you. Homework would get pulled out of your hands, you’d get pulled to your feet. Aizawa would push you in front of him, until the two of you were in his office, and he’d shut the door. You never understood why, it’s not like anyone else lived in the house.
You would stay still, as rigid as possible as Aizawa worked on pulling off your clothes, phone held to his ear by his shoulder, dark eyes watching your face. If you made a sound when he started groping you, a finger would rise to your lips,  encouraging you to be quiet. You didn’t want to find out what would happen if you weren’t. 
Aizawa would fuck you right in his office, would sit down and lean against the wall and make you ride him. He kept his conversation going over the phone, his tone level and breath even - although his face was red and you could see the slight shake of his hand. You hated riding him. It made it seem like you were willing to do this, move your hips against his and let his cock rut inside you. 
You were scared to say no, refuse your father. Would he throw you out? Would he get even worse? Would anyone believe you if you told them?
It hurt.
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amourfae · 2 years
i should be doing math hw but i’m bored so here’s descriptions of a few random dreams i’ve had that featured kpop idols 🙈😋
i was lost in a parking garage (they genuinely terrify me for some reason) & mark, haechan, yuta and taeyong were just sitting at a table that looked like a lemonade stand. i remember that they were dressed head to toe in pink and the table was hot pink too… but anyways like they were recruiting people for something, i have no clue what for but the people lined up were really intimidating and scary looking. i assumed that they were part of like a gang or smtg but i remember when i came, they all turned to look at me & were confused 😐 conclusion: made no sense!!
it took place in like what looked like my house but had a slightly different layout & anyways mark, winwin and taeyong were sitting in my dad’s office wearing tracksuits and playing some sort of racing game?? the other members of 127 were crowded behind them, cheering them on for wtv reason & i think i was their manager (maybe for a gaming team) or smtg bc i handed taeyong a water bottle and towel 🤕 in concision, this dream kind of made sense but was weird… help wait i just saw i have 127 followers rn while writing this & realized most of my dreams were abt 127 or just nct in general lol
i was at like a park & all of a sudden, the dreamies ambushed me with water balloons and i broke down crying (not sure why dream me cried but wtv) so jaemin bought me ice cream but he made me get vanilla,, ice cream is ice cream though so i didn’t mind much 😋
oh this one’s kind of recent but only haechan was in it. haechan and seungkwan were my student teachers i think for english and basically the whole dream was abt how wonyoung transferred to my school & was like the pretty new girl that i immediately fell in love with but then she became friends with the girl that despised me 🥲
i had a crush on niki & he knew, so he would basically use me for candy (idk why candy lol) and help with his hw (not a good decision on his part bc i got a 55 on my most recent math test 🤕) 💔 but then jungwon felt bad ig and he met me in the library. he handed me back hershey kisses (that i’d given to riki who gave it to him) and he basically told me to ignore the enha boys altogether bc they’d only hurt me ☹️ (very ominous help) but then liz walked in to the library and started singing eleven while walking towards me & won somehow disappeared :( the dream ended there lol 🥲
so like ig niki and heeseung were in my history class and we were waiting for our projects to get graded, so in the time that we were waiting they decided to do one of those ear cleanings (like the asmr videos) on me & then afterwards we ate frozen grapes (i was craving them earlier so ig that’s why 😓) … it was so random 😭 but then at the end, my teacher gave me a 199 on my project 😳
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withpeopleinperson · 3 years
quick hand over all your meddison firsts (first hug, first kiss, first time, etc) headcanons
Yessss I am so fucking soft for firsts 🥺 this is set in Derek-is-d*ad-verse where Meredith goes to LA where Addie is at. ALSO I’m so sorry I thought I posted this but it was hanging out in my drafts LOL
You know the drill, under the read more for NSFW & because it’s LONG
- The first time Meredith hugs Addison, they’re in LA and she’s pregnant with Ellis. She doesn’t know who to call when she realizes she’s pregnant, but she knows Addie will understand. She steps off the plane and suddenly she’s speed walking until she’s throwing her arms around Addison and all of that pent up emotion, all of that heartache, all of the loss just comes pouring out in the middle of the airport. They’re both crying and breathless and their limbs are slightly shaky and damn, it doesn’t even matter if onlookers think they’re crazy.
- Addison kisses Meredith on the forehead immediately after Ellis is born. It’s just the two of them and they’re both in tears, Meredith with the baby on her chest and Addison cleaning her up, and then she’s suddenly up by Meredith’s head and kissing her forehead so tenderly that it makes her heart ache. It’s like she comes full circle in that moment, with so much love knocking at her chest that it scares her, but the little sound Meredith makes lets Addison know that it’s entirely worth it.
- Their first real kiss is in the middle of a one-sided argument. They’re living together in LA, Meredith and her kids invading Addison’s beach house in the best way, and it’s Addison’s second day back to work after Ellis is born. She takes a few personal days to help Meredith settle into a routine and recover, but eventually she does have to go back to work and leave Meredith home with the kids. Addison is already running late and Meredith is angry and ranting — fueled by a mixture of postpartum hormones and anxiety — rocking baby Ellis who won’t stop crying and trying to console Bailey who won’t stop crying for his daddy. Addison plants a purposeful yet chaste kiss to Meredith’s lips and says something to the effect of “It’s okay. I’ll be home for lunch.” It’s enough to get Meredith through the rest of the morning.
- Their (first, failed) first time is frenzied and rushed, nothing near the tender sweetness they expected to have. Addison’s hands are shoved down the waist of Meredith’s yoga pants and god, it’s weeks of waiting for Meredith to be healed enough — and not bleeding from having had Ellis — and when Meredith is finally cleared it’s a night of anticipation and nervousness until the kids go to bed. When the dishes are loaded into the dishwasher, Addison backs Meredith against the counter and her lips are immediately attached to the column of Mer’s neck. Meredith is almost fucking there when Ellis cries out, and Addison presses a gentle kiss to the corner of her lips before telling Meredith to collect herself, that she’ll get the baby.
- Their (second, also failed) first time is in Addison’s office, Ellis and Bailey in the other room with Charlotte and Naomi while Zola is at school. Addison has Meredith laid down on the couch across from her desk — yes she seats patients there for consults and right now that fact really doesn’t fucking matter — and her pants are barely unzipped when Charlotte flings the door open with a crying Bailey on her hip, his nose bloodied from having fallen in the hallway. They both sigh loudly and Addison straightens up, takes hold of the little boy and kisses his face in an effort to stop the crying.
- Their (third, finally successful) first time is carefully planned now, with all three children respectively sent off to spend the night with Amelia, Charlotte, and Violet. The doors are locked, blinds are drawn, and for an added measure Addison even locks her bedroom door just in case because god, she’s been waiting so long and if she doesn’t fuck Meredith she’s positive she may actually die. She plans well, with candles and wine and soft music and sheets that are entirely too soft and fancy to destroy while fucking, and for once things between them are blissfully slow. They sit in silk robes and sip on wine, kiss and touch casually, because this night is theirs and god, they can finally do something right. When they’re finally to the stage of giggly and tipsy, the wine making them a little looser and more free than they’d ever be, Addison unties Meredith’s robe and spends the next hour slowly eating her out, relishing in every gasp and hitched breath. It’s quiet and lovely and so fucking erotic and god, it makes them both realize that maybe this was a cosmic thing, to end up together, because nothing else had ever felt that right.
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