#( ; but not for a happy reason ahah oops. )
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❝  you're  staring.  ❞   she  says  blatantly,  but  with  a  hint  of  tease  on  her  voice,  acting  as  if  there's  nothing  different about herself for someone to stare in pure shock.   but  there  is.   her natural hair was replaced with the dark black again,  like  it  was  before  she  even  started  working  for  tony.   it  was  time  for  a  change,  and  perhaps  a  decision  she  didn't  think  about  much.   ❝  do  you  not  like  it?  ❞
0 notes
When we are older
Day 4 :) Angst again just for you guys. This got... very very very long.. oops! I had the idea while ago when I listened to a lot of Bastille, so its all based on their song "Laughter Lines"
Team Minato Gen Fic ahah
10358 words (oops!)
warning for all canon compliant events.
Ao3 link [x]
for @teamminatoweek Day 4: (Platonic) Soulmates
“Don’t worry,” Rin said and a self assured smile painted her face, “There is nothing we can’t do as long as we are all three together.”
You took me to your favourite place on earth,
To see the tree they cut down ten years from your birth.
It was a warm and sunny day, wind lightly blowing in their faces from the east as Team Minato decided to take a rest under a big acorn tree on their way back to the village. Their last mission had just ended successfully and neither of them had been injured majorly, which always delighted Rin and when Rin was happy, all the others were also uplifted from her good mood alone. They were now half way back home and as long as the sun continued to shine like this the rest would be equally as pleasant as the journey so far.
The three children sat down and leaned against the large tree, all of them sitting side by side so close together that they could have almost held hands. Kakashi still shied away a little from physical touch, but his aversion to it had already improved quite some since he had become their teammate. Rin sat in the middle, otherwise the boys would have never agreed to sit so close together, though they both still enjoyed it.
Minato-sensei sat not far from them in the shadows, cleaning out his special kunai. He enjoyed having them fast and at hand, for him every second counted. He didn’t get his nickname for nothing. The Yellow Flash really was the fastest shinobi around. Kakashi had wondered if there was even anybody out there who could ever match him. It seemed unbelievable to him that Minato would ever be late to anything, which was partly the reason why Kakashi couldn’t understand why sensei would allow someone like Obito to delay travel plans all the time by coming in late.
“I’m just so happy”, Rin said out of the blue and into the silence, a big smile on her face “With you guys, you know? With us.” Kakashi kept his eyes closed, but he silently agreed when Obito let out a confused: “Where is this coming from?”
Rin shifted a little so that she could pull both boys into a closer hug. Kakashi’s head bumped into Obito’s and he opened his eyes to glare at the other boy for a moment before Rin spoke again: “I just think we are well matched, you know? I don’t think any mission with the three of us together could ever go wrong. It hasn’t in the past and I’m positive it won’t in the future!”
Both boys started their usual rebellious murmuring, too embarrassed to admit that what she said was true to some extent. Kakashi was always annoyed by Obito’s constant questioning and lateness and general loudmouth, but the loud mouth and questioning had gained them intel more times than he cared to admit. Plus, he knew Obito admired Kakashi’s skill and they worked well together when they were fighting in sync. They had trained with each other so often that it had become second nature.
“With him?” Obito said loudly and turned his head away. “Never! I wish we could have someone our age in the team, not such a baby.”
“Pah,” Kakashi spat back instantly, “If there is a baby here it is you. At least I don’t need glasses to not cry all the time.”
“I have sensitive eyes, alright?” Obito waved the hand that was not pressed against Rin around and frowned. 
Kakashi rolled his dark eyes: “Always the same excuses. You can’t even own up to-”
Rin for some reason was never annoyed at them bickering, in fact, it seemed to just make her laugh when they did. It was magical, they could fight about the smallest things when they were alone, spit and bite and scratch each other, but as soon as Rin turned up they buried every argument instantly. So instead of scolding them she just laughed heartily and said: “You guys can never slow down, can’t you? That is why I like being in the middle of both of you. Somehow you get along better when Minato-sensei and I are around.”
Kakashi couldn’t argue with that, as much as he wanted to throw another slight at Obito. Instead he enjoyed listening to Rins laugh. “I just think it is a one in a million chance” the girl continued, “A Team like this, you know? I know they match us up according to relative skill, but others didn’t find together as easy as us” Nice of her to ignore every issue Kakashi and Obito continued to have with each other, Kakashi thought.
“Minato-sensei is also such an excellent shinobi, heralded as a hokage candidate by many. I got so lucky, we got so lucky. It is almost like it was destiny. Like we are soulmates, you know?” Rin pressed both boys against her side again.
Kakashi and Obito exchanged a look, the older boy grumbled: “D-Don’t be sappy, Rin.” He had a slight blush on his cheeks. Kakashi almost agreed, but held back not only because agreeing with anything Obito said was against his nature, but also because Rin seemed happy and when she was happy all of them were happy. Maybe she really believed in what she said and if she really did, Kakashi felt like taking it away from her just wasn’t right.
Instead Kakashi let his eyes wander over the field in front of him, the grass moving by the wind. They found Minato-sensei still working on his kunai, a content smile on his face. The way he seemed so at peace with himself reminded Kakashi suddenly of his father in a way he couldn’t quite explain. He closed his eyes and thought of Sakumo and though the pain still stung a little it felt far away now. 
He didn’t notice how relaxed he felt here with Rin and Obito by his side until he fell asleep.
Our fingers traced in circles round its history,
We brushed our hands right back in time through centuries.
They moved on a few hours after that, Kakashi didn’t know how long it was exactly, but the sun had moved over the sky to the west slowly. Minato woke all three of them with a kind smile, explaining to them that if they left now they would all make it back to Konoha before dark. So they packed their stuff together and left the safety of their shady, comfortable acorn tree.
Obito was in a good mood now too, chatting away about whatever his mind could latch onto. Today’s topic seemed to be his personal growth as a shinobi since he had taken the chunin exams a few months ago. He neglected to mention that he had failed the first time around and just barely made it the second time too. “I’m going to be the greatest Hokage”, Obito said, banging a fist against his chest, “Everybody will know my name, they will fear me.”
Kakashi rolled his eyes and cleared his throat audibly. Obito put up a finger at him: “What do you want, bakashi?” Kakashi theatrically shrugged his shoulders like he always did when Obito started getting aggressive at him. It was sort of like a routine they were going through for the fun of it.
“You won’t ever be Hokage,” Kakashi yawned, “You’re never going to be strong enough for that, no matter how much you train.” He paused to watch the effect his words had on Obito, who’s face moved into a frown, with his finger still raised in the air. Kakashi looked away to prepare for the final blow: “You don’t even have the sharingan yet.”
That was something of an open wound for Obito. Other Uchiha had developed this innate ability already as children, but he was entering his teenage years without having it yet. Kakashi had seen him stare intensely at his own mirror image to somehow cohere the sharingan out of hiding, but to no avail. Obito took a step forward at Kakashi now, both hands pulled together in fists. “I’ll show you how strong I am, damned scarecrow”, he said.
Before he could land a punch Rin had already stepped in between them, one of her hands grabbing Obitos lifted arm and the other grabbing Kakashi’s wrist. “Guys,” she said sternly looking with furrowed brows from one boy to the other, “Enough.” 
Her voice was clear and there was no room left for arguments, just the way she always talked when Obito and Kakashi were close to using their fists to settle their arguments, but Kakashi could clearly see the corner of her mouth was raised just a little. Rin somehow got endless pleasure out of the four of them doing anything together, even if it was arguing. 
“Apologise for what you said Kakashi,” she said and pulled on Kakashi’s sleeve. He really didn’t want to. “What I said is the truth”, he murmured instead of the asked for apology. Obito’s reply came immediately: “Ha!”
“Apologise!” Rin repeated, a little more sternly this time and Kakashi gave up his fake resistance. “Sorry Obito,” he said and didn’t even try to sound sincere. “I’m sure you’ll get your sharingan someday between now and your deathbed, which, when you consider all your “skills” probably is soon.”
Obito waved the hand around in a fist that was not held down by Rin and started throwing out a tirade of reply insults, but Kakashi wasn’t listening. Rin shook her head dramatically and sighed. “Minato-sensei”, she called for him and the teacher turned around to look at all of them. “Do you think the two of them will always be like that?” 
Minato laughed at the question, a sound that always was good coming from him. He had such a sunny face that was at its best when it was either focusing on a target or smiling, or both. Kakashi admired his teacher secretly, which went all the way back to him appearing right after the funeral of Kakashi’s father. “I think the two of them will still bicker with each other when they are old and long retired,” Minato laughed and waved with his hand. “And you, Rin, will always have to be there to get them to stop.”
Rin sighed deeply at that reply, but then she grabbed both boys’ arms a little tighter still: “I wouldn’t have it any other way.” Once again Kakashi felt it impossible to disagree with her statement. Too long after Sakumo’s death had he felt nothing but emptiness inside, but since he was with this team on mission he suddenly could feel things again. He wouldn’t mind keeping this forever.
As you held me down, you said:
Minato-sensei pulled them all in a big hug once they had safely made it back home. He looked with a wide grin from one to the next and back. “I’m so proud of our work together,” he said and sounded like he meant it. Kakashi usually hated these public displays of affection his teacher forced on him, but today he was in a good mood. On the way home Rin had continued having her arms linked to him and Obito, dragging them along to force them to no longer fight. It felt homely.
“When Kakashi finally becomes Jounin and I can’t lead you guys anymore I will miss you so much,” Minato continued and let go of them to give them a moment to breathe. There had been rumours for a while now that Kakashi would be promoted quite soon, the council just wasn’t sure if they should allow a 12 year old to take the tests that were required for it. They weren’t worried about his skill, but more of how emotionally ready he was for the task.
Obito groaned and threw his hands behind his head. “Why does Bakashi, who is by the way younger than me, get promoted before me? I think that’s not fair.” He mentioned this everytime the topic of Kakashi’s promotion came up.
“You took two times to become Chuunin, what makes you think you could pass this exam easily,” Kakashi bantered back and raised a brow provocatively. “While I did it on my first try and I was only 9!” He would have probably done it earlier than that if he’d been allowed to take the exam right after his graduation, but the council had decided in this case that he needed to wait a few years.
It was once again Rin who stepped in between them, taking both their hands and making Obito blush in the process. “Minato-sensei”, she said with a smile to their teacher, “We will also miss working with you.” She pressed both boy’s hands to indicate that she was not allowing any disagreement to her words.
Minato smiled and put his hand over the top of her head: “You will have to look after yourselves.”
“Don’t worry,” Rin said and a self assured smile painted her face, “There is nothing we can’t do as long as we are all three together.”
And though Kakashi hated this public display of affection he could not deny that what she was saying was true. They worked together better than any machine. Minato-sensei was a big part of that machine, but he wasn’t all that was needed. The three of them could always get out of any situation, as long as they stuck together and relied on each other. 
Yes, Kakashi thought a little bitterly, that also included the idiot Obito.
“I’ll see you in the future when we’re older
And we are full of stories to be told.
There was so much dust everywhere. A big cloud hung low over him, and he coughed to free his lungs from it. Kakashi’s ears were ringing still from the sudden, loud noise that had encompassed him just seconds before and his head was hurting as if it was split apart. Clearly, the wound around his eye had opened up again, he could feel the blood flow out even with the bandages on. He would need to ask Rin to drape it new once he came back to his senses.
Slowly, very slowly, as if every little movement hurt more than the last, he finally opened his functioning eye and through the blur that was still laying over it he could see Rin right in front of him. That meant she had made it out in time, which was good. He scanned the crater behind her and couldn't see an enemy. Maybe they had gotten rid of them. Sounds slowly returned to his ears and he could hear shallow breathing not far from him.
What he saw was so hard to believe that he blinked two more times to take it in. Obito laid next to him, half of his body crushed under a large boulder. There was blood right under him and dripping out of his mouth. Kakashi froze as he saw this, his heartbeat loud and steady in his ear. This was not real, he thought. It had to be a genjutsu.
He jumped forward quickly and reached out to Obito’s free hand and pressed it. “Obito, no-” he whispered and pulled on the other boy, but no matter how much he did, the body would not move. This couldn’t be. Kakashi could feel hot tears in his eyes and shook them away. He was the leader of this mission! He had a responsibility to bring his entire team back home.
Just like Minato-sensei had predicted, he had been promoted to Jounin not long after their last mission. It was war time and as such young soldiers were always needed and Kakashi was seen as mature for his age so he had been given this privilege. But this mission, his first mission as leader, had gone horribly wrong as soon as Rin had been kidnapped. Obito and Kakashi had argued, gone separate ways and then found each other again anyway. But his indecision had cost Kakshi one of his eyes.
Rin had always said they were at their best when they were together and maybe she had been right and it had been Kakashi’s mistake from the beginning to break that up, maybe he deserved failing his first mission as a Jounin so hard that he lost one of his eyes in the process. But Obito did not deserve to die here, not to save Kakashi, when Kakashi had been so bad at taking care of him.
Somehow Obito seemed completely calm in his current position. He let Kakashi hold his hand without as much as a word and watched him from below. Once more Kakashi felt like his polar opposite. In his head the chaos reigned. He was going through all the jutsu he had learned in his young years and wondered if there was one that could crush a boulder as large as this one. His chaka had been depleted a lot already though, he had overdone it in the fight to free Rin. 
“If only sensei were here,” Kakashi could feel the sobs coming in, the tears choking up his throat., “If only it wasn’t me who was leading this mission. I did everything wrong, I’m so sorry Obito, I’m so sorry.” He continued apologising a few more times until Obito weakly pressed his hand and shook his head so little that it was almost invisible.
Rin let out a wince. She was standing not too far from them and looked as if she was frozen in place, unable to come closer to look at the wreckage in front of her. “Don’t worry,” Obito said and his eyes went from her to Kakashi, “I don’t feel the other side anymore. I’m actually not in pain at all.”
Kakashi felt sick at seeing him so content. He wanted to turn around and throw up. His eyes were spinning violently and he could not help the images flooding in. His father, blood everywhere, laying on the floor to his feet. No warmth, no smile, no breath, nothing. Dead. The moment Kakashi had decided to become the perfect shinobi, to never make mistakes and now? Where had that gotten him? To just another corpse.
The pain filled him up and it felt like he was going to drown in it. Obito had said the White Fang was his hero, he had put Kakashi back into his place, and showed him what really was important. From The beginning he had been the better shinobi. Kakashi with his static keeping to the rules was nothing in comparison..
Cross my heart and hope to die,
I’ll see you with your laughter lines.”
Still, Obito kept the smile on his face through his friends' helpless sobs. Rin now took his hand away from Kakashi and held it, Obito gave her a loving look. “I had so much fun with both of you guys,” he said and coughed a little. The blood was still spilling from his mouth. “If you see Minato-sensei, please tell him that he was a good teacher and that I hope he will be Hokage as they say.”
Rin leaned forward and nodded against Obito’s cheek. The boy smiled over her shoulder at Kakashi, scanning his face as if he was trying to remember it for the future. “Oh, bakashi,” he started and Kakashi could feel his heart sting at the old nickname, “I didn’t give you a present for your Jounin promotion, do you remember?”
“You don’t need to. I’m terrible at this job anyway. They should demot-” Kakashi began but Obito cut him off with a laugh. “No no, I remember you holding out your hand to me and saying “Where is my gift”, well I have a gift for you.” He paused to give Kakashi time to come a bit closer. “You shall have my sharingan.”
Kakashi stared at him and needed a second to digest the news. “I can’t accept that”, he said out right. “I do not deserve something like that Obito, this is the sacred tradition of your clan.” 
Obito chuckled: “It is not like I can use it after this, you know.” 
It was Rin who stepped in for the two of them, pulling Kakashi by the sleeve just like she had done so many times. “Come here Kakashi”, she said sternly, “I will transplant the eye for you.” All the time they’d been a team together she’d always taken charge when Obito and him had not agreed on things and this was no exception. It was extraordinary when one thought about it hard enough, that Rin could perform a complete transplant at 13 years of age, but Kakashi only really realised that when he was older.
It took them about five minutes to get the procedure done, then Kakashi blinked and could see through his new eye. His vision was back, but sharper and more draining. The sharingan burned in its new socket as if it knew that Kakashi was not the rightful owner to carry it. Rin had put a cloth over Obito’s now empty eye as if he was already a dead person waiting for burial, but Obito did not complain - when did he ever complain about something Rin had done.
“I wish I could have stayed with you guys a little longer,” he started and pressed Rin’s hand again, “I really would have loved to see how we develop next to each other into adulthood. But now, Kakashi will have to be my eyes and show me the world through him. You will do that, won’t you Kakashi?” 
Kakashi almost choked on his spit because he tried to reply so fast: “Yes, of course Obito. I’ll record it all for you to watch later.” It was naive to assume something like the afterlife existed, but that was not the point at the moment. 
Around them the earth was shaking and more and more stones from the side were rolling in over them. “It is collapsing”, Rin stated and covered her face with an arm. Kakashi looked from her to the surroundings. “We should go”, he said and hated every word of it. Letting Obito choke to death all alone and blind under a large pile of rocks was not one of his favourite ideas. More and more sides caved in and he knew they didn’t have another choice.
“Go,” Obito said weakly, “I’m almost gone. Promise to take care of Rin for me.”
Kakashi reached out for Rin as the walls kept tumbling down. She cried and held onto Obitos’s hand. He could feel the tears on his cheeks now too, but he had a promise to uphold now. “Rin!” he exclaimed and then a little softer, more pleading: “Please.”
Finally, she seperated herself from Obito and took Kakashi’s hand out of the crater. It wasn’t a moment too late, because it all fully caved about ten seconds after they had made it out. Both now stood at the top of it, completely out of breath, tears streaming down their faces. Obito was gone. The reality of it didn’t sink in until much later.
Later, when they were standing side by side at a makeshift memorial they had put up for Obito, Rin would say that it felt like a part of her soul had died with him. She had mentioned before that their team felt like soulmates that were destined to be together. Always the three of them, from now until forever and that the fact that one was taken so early meant that the others would suffer all the rest of their lives.
Minato, who had arrived just after the cave had collapsed and taken both children home, was standing right next to them, pulling them both into his arms just like he’d always done with the three of them. From now on they would take care of each other, he said. They would stay close to one another. This was, after all, what Obito had wanted them to do.
Changes on our hands and on our faces,
Memories are mapped out by the lines we’ll trace
When he was 13 his voice cracked for the first time when he spoke and Rin mentioned off handedly that he was outgrowing her easily now. Kakashi couldn’t really see it, mostly because he did not like looking at mirrors and if he did always saw either his father or Obito staring back at him and so he wasn’t used to his own image. He didn’t realise that he was changing until his voice cracked all the time. 
Rin was changing too, he could see that change much more clearly. Her hair grew out a little and her facial features became more refined, sharper in a way. The lines on her cheeks grew longer as her face grew and she started being more aware of the way she moved and the way she spoke. Teenage girls, Gai told Kakashi, were always self conscious, even though they need not be. But nobody ever needed to be self conscious if Gai were making the rules.
It was now only a matter of time until Minato-sensei would be named Hokage. The possibility had been in the air for many years, but now it seemed like the actual date would approach within the next year. Rin and Kakashi were excited to hear that and Kakashi especially knew that Minato would be a good choice. The war was still going on outside of village bounds and Kakashi had gone back to leading missions that were no failures, though the memory of that first mission laid heavy on him.
The three of them visited Obito’s grave a lot. There still wasn’t an actual, full scale grave for him. His body had not been found after Minato had returned to the cave, so he couldn’t be burned according to Uchiha rituals. The higher ups in the village promised that they would build a memorial stone with the names of all the fallen once the war was winding down, but it seemed like that would still take some time, so the team kept their makeshift shrine up.
They would always talk to Obito about their missions. Kakashi knew rationally that talking to a dead person was useless, as evident from the many conversations he had had with his father at that grave, but Rin was at ease and smiling just like she had before when she was around Obito’s grave and so he indulged her. Keeping her safe and happy was Kakashi’s only responsibility now and he took it very seriously. Obito was not to worry.
Gai joined their three man squad on missions together and that was great, because Gai had an endless amount of energy to keep them both up to spirits. Kakashi noticed that Rin always smiled a little more genuine when Gai was around to compliment her skills and her soft spoken nature and Rin noticed that Kakashi could not shut out Gai’s aggressive advances for spars or other challenges. He was good for both of them and that showed when they went on missions together. 
With Kakashi a Jounin that could technically lead the squad, Minato was often assigned more dangerous missions that he did on his own. Still, he did sometimes find time to train each of them individually. Kakashi needed more training to adapt to one of his eyes being covered and needed instruction in how the sharingan worked. Not that Minato knew this very well on his own, but books helped out. He also sometimes dropped by at the house of the clan leader of the Uchiha’s, Fugaku, whom he was friends with. This might also be the reason that Kakashi could keep his eye in the first place. Kakashi figured as much at least.
In her freetime Rin hung out with Shizune a lot, a girl her age, who never really liked talking to Kakashi much. Both of them were very fascinated by Shizune’s aunt, the legendary Sannin Tsunade and were dreaming of being taught in advanced medical ninjutsu from her. Kakashi remembered the Sannin from when he was young and connected it with his father being alive, so he really didn’t want to think of them too much. The last thing he needed was someone asking him how he was doing with pity in their eyes.
As you held me down you said:
Soon after Rin’s 14th birthday Kakashi and her found themselves back to back surrounded by enemies, while Gai was held by one of them. One of the attackers reached forward and grabbed Rin, faster than Kakashi could react. “Let’s see how well you can handle this,” he snickered and infused Rin’s arm with his own chakra. Chakra mixing wasn’t easy to take, especially to an untrained person, but Rin was unbothered. In fact, she could convert the foreign chakra to her own.
It was a gift, a skill she had been born with. Healers needed perfect chakra control to find and close injuries even in the depths of the human’s body, so it was not completely surprising that she had that gift, but it was something to be celebrated nonetheless. Eventually they fought their way out of the situation, with the opponent shinobi unfortunately being able to flee the scene, but as long as Rin was safe, that was all that mattered to Kakashi.
Now that Rin had this new speciality, so many options opened up for her, especially in the area of medical ninjutsu. Kakashi and her talked endlessly about it to Obito’s grave and discussed what the future might bring. It would now be undeniably of opportunity if she could train under Tsunade, since there was nobody out there with as much expertise. 
“Let me try!” Kakashi said one day and offered his hands to Rin. He was really curious about how foreign chakra on his own felt. 
Rin frowned a little and lifted a finger like a warning: “I don’t think that is a good idea. Normal people would just faint.”
Kakashi was adamant. He slowly had regained the confidence in his own skills both as a friend and as a leader. So Rin infused her chakra into his hands.
 He fainted.
Once Minato invited them both over for dinner and his girlfriend Kushina-sensei was also present. Kakashi liked to see them both together as their positive energy was hard not to rub off on others. It was no secret that Kushina adored Obito above the others in the team, but she doted on all of them.
“You should open a hospital when you are older, y’know,” she said, waving a lentil around that made the others duck. “Give relief to the Konoha hospital which is already so full and overworked.” With war going on there just wasn’t enough capacity for all of the patients that needed treatment. Eventually, if peace time came around, it should all go back to normal. Kakashi was hoping that it was soon. Right now the hospital was very ineffective.
Minato scratched his head and then put his hand in Rin’s hair: “Whatever you will do, you will be excellent at it.” He smiled fatherly down on his two remaining students. “This new skill you have gained is going to change the future for all of us, I really believe that.
Rin beamed from the praise. Too used to being cast aside as “only” a healer and not a “real” fighter. Only a few people knew that medical ninjutsu actually was more draining to the body than most other jutsu types. The world just prefered a flashy hero who could hit shuriken into 10 different goals without looking. People just liked Kakashi’s arrogant way of fighting more than Rin’s selfless healing.
“I think Kushina should teach you from now on,” Minato said once they had all finished their food. Rin looked up and over to Kushina-sensei and found her as surprised as she was. “Kushina has knowledge about large amounts of chakra. I’m sure she can help you better than I ever could.” For some reason he winked at Kushina after saying that. 
Kakashi hadn’t known that Kushina-sensei had large storages of chakra, but she had never directly trained him, so how could he have known. Kushina at least seemed excited at the prospect, as her three students had already moved on to other projects. 
“I’ll make you as strong as the other girls!” she exclaimed. “Nobody will call you weak anymore, because that is just wrong, y’know!” Kakashi smiled beneath his mask, but frowned immediately again when he noticed Minato was looking at him.
Their teacher laughed a little to himself at the sudden change in Kakashi’s demeanour. Instead of calling him out, he filled everybody’s glas with sweet soda again. They had added a chair to the table, for Obito, Rin had said and so Minato had also filled a glass for him. If Obito was here, he would surely be proud of their ability to slowly move on from his death.
Minato lifted his glas: “To Rin’s bright future!” He smiled.
“To the future,” they all said in unison.
“I’ll see you in the future when we’re older
When we are full of stories to be told
There was so much blood everywhere.
“Ka-kashi,” Rin could barely get a word out.
He couldn't feel his hand. It was like it was a foreign object that was currently attached to his arm. The dangerous and heavy hand that was now pierced full through Rin’s chest and heart, leaving blood all over his harness and face. Everything had happened so quickly that he hadn’t even gotten a chance to realise what had been going on. 
Rin stared at him, her eyes dead and far away as if she was looking at something in the distance. But Kakashi knew she wasn’t looking anywhere, because after the last coughed out words the last life that had been in her had left. She was only a corpse hanging on this foreign hand that was somehow attached to him. 
She had cried before she died, tears still wet on her cheeks and visible. And then there was the blood. There was so much of it coming out of the hole that was now her lower body half, running and running, as if her body had not yet caught up with the fact that her heart had stopped beating. As if her body was still trying to keep the system working that was already broken beyond repair.
After their recent string of successful missions, Kakashi had thought he was safe from death. The war was clearly dying down, slowly, but surely and soon they’d have full peace. This should have never happened. Someone, somehow, had known that Rin had better chakra control than other kunoichi her age and abducted her on the way to her usual training session with Kushina-sensei. Kakashi was sent to chase her, get her back and though Kushina had insisted she’d join, Kakashi had set out on his own.
Maybe he had been wrong to do that, but Kushina was not as fast as he was because she was taller and heavier and so he had counted his chances higher if he just went alone. After all, his skills over the passing year had improved quite a lot. On top of that, Kakashi knew that Minato-sensei was in the area not far from here and could probably jump in the second he heard about their issues.
But Rin had been easy to find, maybe a little too easy. She was under genjutsu and needed quite a while to regain her memories. She had mentioned that there was something wrong with her, but she could not explain exactly what it was and it seemed that she could not fully remember. That was when they were suddenly attacked by opponents.
He had led the way forward into the forests of Fire country from Water country, crossing the border with ease and without much issues, just holding the opponents off. But Rin had slowed down and distrubed his fighting with a pulls to his sleeve more than once. There was something she had wanted to say, Kakashi realised now, but he didn’t have the mental capacity or time to let her speak. 
Somehow, Rin seemed like she was hindering their return to Konoha, as if she didn’t want to return. Kakashi didn’t have time to ask and clarify, there were enemies in pursuit that needed defeating and while the look in her eyes was very similar to the look she usual carried when she was being stern and close to scolding him, he just didn’t have the time to listen to it right in this moment.
They reached a clearing together, out of the forest and into the open. It was worse for fighting but better for the chidori, as he could take on two or three enemies at once. Kakashi made sure through glances over his shoulder that Rin was still safe and unharmed where he had left her. Her eyes were on him whenever he looked for her and her hands were fists.
Cross my heart and hope to die
I’ll see you with your laughter lines.”
There had been so many enemies at once, it felt like they were circling him from all sides. Kakashi was jumping from one to the other, knocking them out because he couldn’t quite get the deathblow off, but they kept coming. There was dust in the air from constant movement and while he stayed in Rin’s general area, he at some point lost orientation to where he was exactly. Had he killed most of them already and new shinobi were coming in or had he missed the killing move and still the same people were fighting?
His chidori was fast and deadly, that was what he always used it for, why he liked using it so much, and he had not seen her, hadn’t noticed her body jumping in the air until his fake hand impaled her right through it, put her on a spike right in front of him. Rin must have jumped on her own somehow, there was no way he strayed from his path so much to accidentally hit her like this. No, it must have been deliberate. But, why?
Kakashi pulled his arm out of the dead girl. His head was spinning violently and he could feel his stomach turn. He felt suddenly so very tired, as if someone had completely knocked him out. He staggered backwards and held one hand to his head, smearing blood all through his silver hair, and one hand to the stomach to prevent himself from throwing up on Rin’s body. 
Rin lay still in front of him. She had fallen on her face to his feet. Kakashi looked at her through watering eyes and blurring vision. This was his fault, he thought. Another friend that he let die. He had done this - again. The pain crawled up his throat like a poison filling his mouth with a taste of iron and bitterness. He had thought they’d be safe. He had thought as long as they were together nothing bad could ever happen to them. Pain, so much pain, so much pain. 
That was when his last reserves of power left him and he fell backwards, losing consciousness immediately.
Once he woke up, he was drowning in a sea of blood. It took Kakashi a moment to realise where he was, for the memory of Rin’s death to get back into his mind, but then he sat up, kunai in his hand like he was ready to continue fighting for his life. He didn’t know how long he’d been out.
Around him was a mountain of dead bodies. Face down in the water, bled out against the rocks, or impaled into something that looked like wooden spikes in the sky. Kakashi was full of blood from top to bottom. Who had killed all of these people? He looked around in a panic, but it took him just a quick scan to realise that he was completely alone.
“Who did this?!” he said out loud, as if there was a person hiding in the nearby forest who could hear him. “Who killed all these people?” There was no reaction from the dark trees ahead or the stone cliff behind. 
Kakashi pulled himself up to his still shaking knees and took a step forward. Rin’s body was still there, though she was turned on her back now. Whoever had killed all the people here had closed her eyes and touched her face - and he had kept Kakashi alive by choice. It must have been a friend of Konoha, otherwise Kakashi could not explain it.
Rin was still when he picked her up to hold her in his arms. Her hair was stained and dirty and Kakashi went with his fingers through it to clean it out. Once she’d said that she loved him, but who could love someone like him who allowed soulmates like her to die and promises to be broken. The pain gribbed at Kakashi again and he screamed into the night.
That was when Minato arrived. Like a flash of sunlight on a rainy day he appeared in the clearing, his blue eyes wide in horror at the scene that unfolded in front of him. When he saw Kakashi with Rin’s body he took a leap towards him. “Sensei, I-” Kakashi started but Minato made “shh” and took the boy into his arms.
Minato led them back to Konoha after Rin had been sealed in a body scroll. It would take him days to get out of Kakashi what had happened that night and even more days to finally hear the truth that Rin had deliberately jumped in front of Kakashi’s lightning to kill herself. The second suicide of one of Kakashi’s loved ones. Minato remembered very well the little boy with the silver hair that had worked himself to exhaustion after his father had taken his life. The boy that had wanted no support from the village or his friends or someone like Minato and just soldiered through.
Back then Minato had decided not to force himself on the young boy. That Kakashi needed grieving time alone. But this time Minato knew he would not let that happen again. This was his last surviving student and he would protect that one all his life. This last child of his team would remain close, Minato would make sure Kakashi would no longer be sent on solo- missions. After all, they did say he’d be hokage soon.
Ashen faces in cold breeze
All the stories you will leave
After the ceremony that officially made Minato-sensei Hokage, he summoned Kakashi to the new office he had moved into. Since Rin’s death he had not been assigned any mission and was told to stay back to heal the bruises on his soul, as if a few months off really helped that. Instead it got the boy itching for something to do, left him alone with his thoughts one too many times. Kushina-sensei could only so often look after him, she had her own duties and Minato was busy getting ready for the transition in power.
“I want you to join my ANBU squad” Minato said and got no reaction from Kakashi. “You will be in the division that directly works under me and does tasks exclusively for me.” Some of ANBU worked directly for the Hokage, but most also did tasks decided by the council or elders of the village. Being an operative directly working with the Hokage had a higher kind of status. Kakashi knew he should have been grateful for the promotion, but he felt nothing. Instead he just nodded his head and left.
The ANBU compound was dark and closed off and they gave him his uniform without much question. The greys looked exactly like he felt and when he put the mask on his face he couldn’t help but feel relieved by it. He was Hound now and nothing else. Hound was nothing but one in a group of many operatives. Hatake Kakashi was no more.
He didn’t know what Minato-sensei had expected once Kakashi started going on ANBU missions, maybe he had hoped it would help him somehow to learn to rely on his strengths again, but Kakashi’s first few missions in his new squad turned out to be a disaster. It seemed like his body was functioning on auto-pilot, killing everything that was in his sight and an opponent. He had lost his rationality, one of his teammates whispered to another behind his back.
That was not the only thing he had lost. The lightning between his fingers now gave him severe panic attacks to the point that he could not control or use it anymore and even if he did, he was haunted by dreams of Rin’s dying body hanging on his arm at night. Sleep never let him rest. He walked around constantly exhausted. In those times, not even Gai could help him out of the slumb. Kakashi cut himself off from everyone.
They had finally put up a memorial stone for the people who died in the Third War. Kakashi alternated between it, to let his fingers run over Obito’s name, and Rin’s grave that was in the general graveyard. He would spend hours standing with his eyes looking at her name engraved in the white stone without saying much other than updating her on what was going on in his life. It was useless, of course, he still didn’t believe people in the afterlife could hear him, but Rin had been so happy to do this for Obito, so he needed to continue the tradition.
Sometimes when he visited her grave in the morning and returned in the evening the flowers he had left there were gone. He assumed that one of the other Noharas that wasn’t happy with the way her life had ended were taking them away after he placed them. That was only fair, after all, they did call him “Friend-Killer Kakashi” and they weren’t wrong.
“I will assign you a new task”, Minato said one day after calling Kakashi into the Hokage office again. The boy knew his ANBU squad had complained about him, about how uncooperative he apparently was, and they reminded him of the first team he had had way back when he graduated from the academy - before he was assigned to Team Minato. 
“Kushina is pregnant,” Minato smiled and put his head to the side. This got the first genuine reaction out of Kakashi since Rin had died. “Really?” the boy replied in surprise.
Minato nodded slowly, his blond hair shining in the afternoon sun streaming in from the window: “I want you to be her personal guard for the time of pregnancy. Who knows who could want to harm the mother of the hokage’s child.”  Secretly Minato hoped that Kakashi’s proximity to Kushina, her ever so warm and excited spirit, might help Kakashi find his humanity again.
The plan seemed to work for the most part. Kakashi eased into his new guardian role very quickly, enjoying the time he was spending in the sunlight of spring and then summer sitting on the window sill of their apartment. He could watch the two teachers spend time together, enjoy and celebrate every movement of their growing child and sometimes Kushina-sensei would pull him inside for a meal or so. He could get his mind off the past for a little bit.
Their child would have great parents, Kakashi thought one morning in autumn. It was almost time for the baby to come and Minato had mentioned that it would be a boy. With parents like them leading the next generation, the world would eventually become a better place. The war had ended over a year ago at this point and there had been no more fighting, even if pessimistic people had predicted so.
Kakashi calmed down, the wind in his hair did him well and soothed his soul. Maybe the future wouldn’t be too bad. Maybe.
I’ll see you in the future when we’re older
And we are full of stories to be told
The roar in the air was so loud that it made the earth beneath Kakashi’s feet shake. Gai and him were running side by side in a vain attempt to figure out what was happening. All around them people were running and screaming, a chaos of shinobi and civilians panicking as far as the eye could see. Whatever was tormenting the village was big and dangerous, the killing intent chilled Kakashi to the core.
They bumped head first into Asuma, who had been running from a different direction with Kurenai following on his trail. Asuma was the son of the former Hokage and often knew things that were going on in the village. He was breathing hard as he pulled Kakashi back onto his feet. “We need to leave the village”, he said and his voice sounded urget. “Orders from my Dad.”
“What is going on?” Kakashi asked as they started running towards the grand gates. Asuma threw a look over his shoulder as he pressed on forward. “The Kyuubi. It has somehow escaped from where it was sealed.” Another roar echoed over the rooftops of the village as if to confirm what Asuma was saying.
Kakashi suddenly remembered something and his feet slowed down on his own. “What are you doing, rival?” Gai asked in a little panic, pulling him by the arm.
“Sensei’s child will be born today - was born today. I need to make sure he and Kushina are safe”, he felt his fingers shake, his head spinning. Someone needed to do something. He turned on his heels ready to get back into the village when Asuma pulled him by the sleeve. “You can’t go”, he said and furrowed a brow. “We are not allowed to assist in the fighting. That is the order.”
Kakashi had not met Asuma as someone who would be sticking up for the rules so this change in attitude shocked him a little. Was it really that serious? He looked the other boy into the dark eyes: “Why? Why can’t I, a Jounin mind you, go back and assist in the fighting?”
It was another shinobi who replied. An older Yamanaka that Kakashi recognised as Inochi: “Because young people like you are the future of this village and we have lost too many of you in the war. Now go and make sure to evacuate all the civilians you can find that need assistance. This is not your fight.”
Asuma pulled him by the arm on one side and Gai pulled him on the other and so Kakashi turned around and left the village with them. He thought about whether it was worth it to break the rules here and go back to help out. There was so much chaos around them that it wouldn’t even be too hard to slip away and even if he would be punished later as long as he made sure everyone was safe now, then it wasn’t too bad to be yelled at the next day.
“Rival,” Gai said next to him and looked at him as if he had seen right through Kakashi’s trail of thoughts. “Don’t go back, Rival. I’m sure Lord Fourth is taking care of it. He is a strong shinobi who will protect himself and his family.” A pause, then: “I don’t want you to go on any more suicide missions.” 
Kakashi remembered now that Gai had seen him during the early days with his ANBU squad, that he had reported to the Hokage that Kakashi had trouble still with the trauma he had lived through. Gai had meant well then and meant well now, but Kakashi could not help the resentment anyway. If he were to die by saving Kushina or Minato-sensei, it would be all worth it.
Still, Gai kept pulling him, just like he always had back when Rin was still alive and so Kakashi let himself get lead out of the village with all the other shinobi under 16 and all he could do was hope that what he had said was true, that Minato was handling the situation well on his own. 
“You’re the only one left”, he thought like a pleading young child, “Please..” 
Cross my heart and hope to die
I’ll see you with your laughter lines.
It took hours before they were allowed to return to the village. Hours in which they heard nothing but screamed curses, the roar of the beast and collapsing houses. Kakashi was nervous, but Gai was the one pacing up and down in front of him. He was talking nonstop which made it impossible for Kakashi to form a cohesive thought. Maybe that was Gai’s goal in the first place, Kakashi thought much later.
As soon as they had the opportunity to return, Kakashi ran forward as fast as his feet could carry him. Sometime the Kyuubi had disappeared from the centre of the village and his roars had suddenly been audible from another place outside of it. Minato must have taken it somewhere, Kakashi deduced. Blindly he followed the destruction in the direction he thought the beast must have gone and when more and more older shinobi and ANBU also went that way he realised he was going the right way.
He knew something had gone wrong when he approached the scene more closely. There were so many people standing in a circle around three people on the ground. Kakashi slipped through bushes unseen and got to have a closer look. He saw the baby first. A blond boy, laying on his back on a little bed, was crying. Kakashi felt relief washing over him knowing that their son was safe and breathing.
Then his eyes moved over to the left because another head of blond hair caught his eye. There was Minato-sensei, laying on his back and thought Kakashi at first thought he could see him moving, he realised quickly that Minato’s body had been torn up through the middle, as if he had been impaled. Kakashi could feel his head spin and he needed to force himself to look away to not throw up. Rin appeared in front of his eyes as she hung dead and empty on his hand.
Almost inaudible, Kakashi could hear Kushina whisper to the shinobi that were around her. Lord Third was there talking and listening to her. Kakashi could not make out the words that were being exchanged but he knew that she wasn’t going to survive for much longer. He wished he hadn’t skipped all his medical ninjutsu classes, he wished Rin was here or Obito or anyone that could fix it all. Kushina’s head slumped forward and he knew that she too was gone.
The baby screamed when Lord Third picked him up and Kakashi also felt like screaming. They had told him and the other young shinobi that they had to stay out of the fighting to become the village’s future, but what future? If a baby like him, who had been so wanted and so loved before he was even born, had so much injustice happen to him on his first day in this world, what kind of world was this supposed to be? Why should a future for this world be necessary?
His head felt like it was splitting in half and he turned around to throw up.
I’ll see you in the future when we’re old.
For a long time, Kakashi did not go see the graves of all of them. After the funeral he decided to move into the shinobi apartments near the ANBU headquarters and away from his family home in the woods. He dedicated himself to the work he had to do and tried his hardest to keep away from everything else. In those times, he hardly spoke with most of his school friends or even squad colleagues. He was mostly just on his own.
It was already deep winter, snow laying in high layers over the entire village, when he finally went to see the memorial, Rin’s grave and the grave of Minato sensei. It was already dark and the streets were completely deserted. His steps left footprints behind in the fresh snow as he walked over the graveyard to see all of them. He left a single flower for Rin, another for Obito and then made his way to where Minato was buried. 
The memorial stone was larger than others and had his and Kushina’s name engraved next to the leaf and uzumaki symbol. It was tasteful and beautifully crafted and Kakashi commended whoever made that decision. He ran his fingers over Minato’s name and bit his shaking lip. It was the first time in a long time he allowed himself to feel the pain he had been harbouring since october.
Kakashi’s knees suddenly gave in and he fell forward in the snow, his hands in fists punching around him. He couldn’t stop the tears from falling down, not like he had for weeks on end now and so he just sat there and cried for hours waiting for the tears to stop, but they just kept coming. 
“How am I supposed to do this alone?” he sobbed, hands grabbing fists full of cold snow, “Sensei, I need your guidance.” But he had always known that talking to a gravestone meant nothing, that it changed nothing, and so his teacher did not reply to his pleas.
At some point he just repeated himself, his mind spinning. “We were supposed to be together. We were supposed to always always be together. We were soulmates.”  Why was the world so cruel to all of them? What made Kakashi so special that he was the only one who still had to live on?
The cries suddenly came to a stop when he was suddenly aware that there was someone not far from him, watching. He was sure he could hear someone breathing deeply and when Kakashi turned his head, someone turned a corner. He was embarrassed to have been watched this way, even when he had come in the dead of night. So he got up and pushed the snow off his clothes and went to his new home. He didn’t cry for years after that.
For a long while he only exited his apartment with his ANBU mask on, trying to disappear behind the anonymity of it. To him, Hatake Kakashi had fully ceased to exist the night Namikaze Minato died. He was dead and buried next to all of his other teammates. They were together in the world that came after death - if such a thing existed.
I’ll see you in the future when we’re old.
“I’m sorry, I’m too busy to come see you as often now,” Kakashi said apologetically and slouched with his hands in his sweats. “The kids need all the attention that I can muster and then I also need some sleep. Minato-sensei, were we also this exhausting? I can’t seem to recall.”
Kakashi was older now, he stood tall at his full grown body height (when he wasn’t crouching like he was now). The voice that had given him trouble for a few years had fully lost an octave or two and settled on a nice, dark vibrant sound that others complimented when they heard it. Eventually he had accepted Hatake Kakashi back into his consciousness and took off the mask and then eventually he had also given up the ANBU greys to let colour into his life again.
He had never stopped updating his teammates at their grave stones, though. This habit that had essentially been started by Rin now was an integral part of his daily and weekly activity. When he found some free time he would go over to the graveyard to speak to them. It was soothing. Maybe that was why Rin had liked it so much. Over ten years had passed since Minato’s death.
Lately Kakashi had gotten his own genin team. Three young shinobi who seemed to be difficult troublemakers that he had to set straight. He wasn’t sure if he was ever that bad, though he could remember arguing with Obito a lot. He liked the kids, they kept him on his toes and their carefree, naive ways made him feel carefree and naive again sometimes. At least when they weren’t accidentally stumbling into missions above their rank.
“I will make sure that they can stay by each other’s side forever,” Kakashi said and meant it. He wasn’t going to let any of his closed ones die anymore. “I’ll give them the time together that we should have gotten.”
It seemed like an easy promise to give. Since the Kyuubi attack there had been no major danger to the village. The war was long gone and the peace treaties seemed to hold up. The villages got along surprisingly well and would soon host the Chunin exams together as a joint effort too. The children nowadays were growing up in unparalleled peace time and that was a gift Kakashi was very happy they had.
“Part of you is always with me”, he said, putting his hand on the blue of the memorial stone. He could count the scars on his own fingers as he moved them over the cold material of the stone. Closing his eyes for a second he heard his heart beating against his chest, felt the air moving in his hair and the sun shine onto his neck. He felt how alive he was. “I think that is what Rin meant when she called us soulmates all those years ago.”
He took the hand off the stone and opened his eyes to put a smile into them: “I can’t wait to see you again when I am older and tell you all about it.”
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thicksimpx · 3 years
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❦ ❦ - Alexis & Saitama (late but happy birthday bitch 😂🤎 @luffysthickwaifu )
Alexis and Saitama have a lazy weekend- what better way to start the morning than to take a scroll down memory lane🌚
Warnings : as always my content is 18+ Idek why I have to say it😐 , mature content, mature language ,mentions of stalking and obsession, drunk sex , attempted breeding, established relationship
“Hey” Alexis rolls over to lay on Saitama chest. “Remember how we met?”
“Yeah” he pulls her closer.
“I never thought I would meet my crush in person- let alone be lying in bed with them every night. Maybe fate is real”
“Yeah.. fate” he trails off thinking back to that faithful day.
“Uuuuahhah- “Saitama hears a hearty gasp behind him. Ignoring it obviously, it’s someone else’s problem he was just here to get his onigiri and go home.
“Yes bitch! It is him. I know his head from anywhere oh my god” he hears the woman try to whisper behind him. “No, I’m not going to say anything, I need to get the fuck up out of her- fine fine”
“Excuse me” he sighs feeling a tap on his shoulder. “You’re the capped baldy right?”
Turning around to face the unknown woman, his eyes widen. He wasn’t expecting to see a grown woman, let alone one so beautiful. Her golden skin shinning, almost glistening in the dimly lit store from the setting Sun peeking through the glass windows.
“Uh - please call me Saitama” he says placing a hand on the back of his neck.
“Okay.. Saitama” she smiles brightly, he flinched, his heart started beating hard- was he dying?
. “I never expected to run into you here or anywhere actually, you’re so fine- I. My bad.” She pauses. “I’m Alexis, just a big fan of yours. Mind if I take a picture to show my friend it was really you?”
“I gue- “before he could fully respond she snapped the pictures and immediately went on her phone mumbling to herself. ‘Nai is going to scream- I met my man ahah bitch’
Her man? Like as in we’re dating. “Um excuse me- Alexis?”
“Oop sorry! I didn’t mean for you to hear that. Don’t take me seriously. I know you’re not my man- it’s just that’s what I call men I lik- you know what never mind. I’m sure you have better things to be doing” she waves her hands brushing past him to the self-checkout to pay for her things- headache medicine and some water.
Zoned out, Saitama just watched as she checked out and left the store, ‘she said she likes me’ he mumbles quickly throwing some coins on the counter, grabbing his bag, and carefully following her.
‘I’m a hero, a-and it’s dangerous out here. it’s okay to make sure she gets home safe right? He reasoned with himself about why there was no harm in his actions. As he follows her thick frame, he couldn’t help but admire her backside, he made up scenarios - what would happen if I saved her right now? Would she hug me? Would I get to touch her? ‘
“Saitama?” He hears her call out to him. Shit play it cool.
“Hey! Alexis right?” He asks tilting his head
“Yup! I would’ve never thought you lived around this way, maybe I’ll see you more often” she giggles entering her building “get home safe well I don’t need to tell you that right “he watches as her laugh and body fades with the closing door.
“More often?” He questions himself turning on his heals back into the direction of the store. ‘Genos must be worried.’ He sighs look up at the sky. Today was a good day for once.
He laid there listening to her talk about how they met and how fate must be real based all the moments they ran into each other. “Some higher being wanting them together” is what she called it. But - little did she know…
Every day following that, Saitama found ways to run into Alexis, whether it was at the store the met- to which he learned she visited every day after work. Or if it was on the walk home from the store where he feigned coming from a different direction. Until it came to a point where she opened to him- she talked to him like they were friends- she called him her man so he didn’t understand why he would see other men coming over he place when he hung on the roof at night.
He didn’t understand why she would need to vent and want comfort from him when they would disappear and not call after their night together. Why couldn’t she just want him? Like she said? He removed everyone that wasn’t him- what was taking so long? Did she lie?
“Remember that night you got drunk and called me?” He asks laughing lowly.
“Yes, please don’t remind me! you know I’m not a drinker.”
“Well, it was a good night for me” he shrugs
“I bet” she says sitting up and getting out of bed “come on let get something coffee”
It was a good night - even though Alexis had called him seemingly drunk out of her mind beginning for him to pick her up while also screaming “I know the capped baldy; he will fuck all of y’all up” to the people in her background.
He picked her up and took her home, she asked him to stay- promising she’ll sober up after a shower. Leaving him alone he took the chance to finally explore her apartment, slowly making his way to her bedroom.
“Sai— “Alexis calls from the doorway of her room eying his hands on the handles of her underwear draw.
“I-uh” he stumbles over his words not knowing how to escape the situation. Instead, Alexis does it for him, dropping the towel and trailing over to him. His eyes were glued to her, body still dripping wet from the shower, her curls sticking to her face and her glossy brown eyes burning a hole through his forehead.
“Shut up and get on the bed” she says seductively pushing him back until he falls over on the bed. “Oh, I forgot to tell you- no outside clothes on my bed” in stiff motions he hand his pants around his ankles and was straddling his lap tugging his hoodie over his head. Throwing it into the corner she smashed her lips onto his, “tell me if you don’t want this and I’ll stop right now”
Breathlessly, Saitama smashes his lips back together flipping them over, tugging his dick through the hole on his briefs, and sinking into her cunt.
To them, What felt like hours of him pounding into her, was only minutes. He hasn’t had sex in so long he came in 20 minutes, fill her cunt to the brim with her clenching so tight around him he thought his dick would break.
Standing to kick off his briefs, preparing for round two, he hears light snoring. Alexis fell asleep immediately after - he didn’t know if he should be insulted or proud. He threw a blanket over her and laid on the floor Next to her bed until the next morning - hopefully she doesn’t regret it
“SAITAMA!!” Alexis screams waking him to what could only be a nightmare, so he pulls the banker over him and pretends to sleep, maybe she’ll go away. “get your ass up” she yells kicking him and snatching the blanket clean off his body.
“Oh, hey good morning” he fakes a yawn and a stretch.
“Did you nut in me last night?!”
“You remember” he smiles lovingly
“Yes I remember Dumbass”
“I promise to take care of our baby” he sits up on his knees bowing.
“there's no baby dummy, I was just asking. but don’t do that shit again”
Lifting his head, he smiles and nods - watching Alexis as her ass giggles out the room knocking over a cup on the desk by the door. Knowing full and well he was going to do it again, anything to keep her by his side, she belonged to him now.
snapping out of his thoughts he realized what she said and immediately throws the covers and jumps out of bed running behind her. “No coffee isn’t good for the baby”
“What fucking baby? Why do you keep saying that? Boy come on and stop playing”
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tarotbubbletea · 3 years
Hello PJ!! Hope you are doing well❤️✨! I wanted to know about my future spouse, apperance or personlity. (Anything you can tell about him or you are comfortable in telling would actually help.)
Also, if I need to heal something before meeting him? I'm HH, Pisces sun, gemini moon. ❤️❤️😘😘
( Reason why I'm asking is I recently broke up, I'm happy I did, my previous relationship was toxic. I just wanted to feel good by knowing about someone I will marry, and also I'm curious, although I get a feeling tha he will be nice person, oops I talk to much, sending you love and light ✨✨)
Hi HH,
I got the following cards for you: 2 of Swords, 2 of Cups, The Hermit, Queen of Swords, The Emperor, and Page of Pentacles. I also got Delight and Blessings from the oracle deck.
Right off the bat, it seems like the person you'll marry will be your equal. There's this sense of naivete coming through, either in one or both of you. It feels like you're both meek and innocent, the kind of people that have really clean hearts and so tend to take things personally. However, they'll be more playful and easygoing than you, and so better at managing stress and lightening up the mood when you most need it.
Something about a shared interest or shared pursuit is also coming through. You might be students at the same uni, or have a hobby through which you meet. You might also get to know this person because of a test of some sort that you have to undergo together.
There will be a lot of opportunity for growth in this relationship, and it'll take you aback how much your person changes and matures as time goes on. At times, you might have trouble seeing eye-to-eye, because of how decisive and opinionated you both grow to be eventually. However, there is so much good to come out of this union. Stability, security, adventure, and knowledge in abundance.
The number 2 might be significant, and could allude to the day, month, the year 2022 and/or moon sign, Gemini. It could also mean twins but let's not get ahead of ourselves ahah.
The oracles again point to this playful yet mature nature of this union and your person, and affirm that there's much happiness waiting for you.
Wish you love, success, and happiness! Feedback and tips are most welcome.
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temilyrights · 4 years
in conclusion (jack sloane x reader)
Summary: In which jumping to conclusions is never a good idea. (Valentine's day fic)
Word Count: 4122
A/N: Eh I have really mixed feelings about this fic and I'm editing it with a headache which definitely is a stupid idea but I promised @jpncis09​ It’d be upload when she woke up and it's already been over a month since valentine's...oops. (Be prepared for angst btw ahah)
Read on AO3
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You weren’t bitter. Not even a little. It didn’t matter that everyone seemed to have a valentine apart from you. 
It didn’t matter one bit. 
And Valentine’s was a stupid day anyway.
But come on. The universe was being an asshole because even Gibbs had had a red rose and a card sitting on his desk when you’d arrived this morning. (It was just a gift from Abby, but still). 
Your desk remained empty of anything pink, red or fluffy. It was just kind of embarrassing, especially considering Nick had this massive teddy currently sitting next to his desk. It was facing you and you could swear it was actually smirking. 
“Y/N can you please stop glaring at Mr Lovin’.” Your eyes snap away from the teddy and to Nick who sits opposite you. 
“Mr Lovin’...” your face scrunches up in disgust. You can hear Ellie sniggering from her desk, Nick sits up straighter.
“Amanda named him,” Nick says defensively, the tips of his ears tingeing pink. You roll your eyes “Just ‘cause you’re jealous Jack hasn’t gotten you anything.” The snide comment is said quietly but you still catch it. Your face goes bright red, the smirk disappearing from your face as you shuffle in your chair and duck your head.
So...that actually might have been the main reason you weren’t in the best mood. You and Jack weren’t together, so you didn’t have a reason to be upset. It was just the way Jack had spent the week going on about being excited for valentine’s day...it had made you a little hopeful. 
You’d sent her a bouquet of flowers. You didn’t leave a card but you knew if she wanted to know who they were from it wouldn’t be hard to work out. 
“Sorry.” Nick’s sheepish voice breaks you from your thoughts. He actually looks somewhat ashamed at his comment. 
“Don’t be,” You laugh. “It’s true.”
“Gibbs isn’t here. Go see her!” You contemplate refusing but she always managed to lighten your mood, and you wanted to see her reaction to your flowers. A smile graces your features as you head up the stairs to her office.
Her office door is closed. You frown, her office door is never closed. Knocking lightly, Jack’s panicked voice quickly calls “Who is it?” from the other side. 
“It’s Y/N. Are you ok?” 
“I’m good, just in the middle of something.” You think you hear a laugh that's definitely not Jack’s and your frown deepens. The door opens slightly, Jack was wearing red lipstick (which was unusual in itself) but it was also a little messy. You gulp stepping back as dread fills your stomach. “Is this for a case?” 
“Uh..” Your head is swarming. Jack raises her eyebrows prompting you to continue. “No. I was just coming to say hi.” 
Jack smiles warmly. “Could you come back in a bit then?”  
“Yeah, yeah of course.” You step back and Jack closes the door. Your eyes water against your best efforts and you try to clear the lump in your throat. 
Closed office door.
A man’s laugh.
Messy lipstick. 
You head back down to the bullpen in a trance. Stopping suddenly when you catch sight of Gibbs’ empty desk. NO. You think you’re going to be sick. Your eyes are burning and everything is too much. Jack and Gibbs? Jack and Gibbs. You’d actually thought there had been a slight hope...You’d sent her flowers and now she was making out with Gibbs in her office. A strangled laugh escapes your throat. 
“Y/N?” A hand rests lightly on your arm causing you to jump. Your head spins round and a concerned Ellie is looking back at you. Ellie’s eyes widen and you realise you must look like a mess. “What’s happened?” 
Your head is still swarming. You couldn’t respond, every emotion was rushing through your body. Shame, anger, embarrassment,  disappointment, sadness, regret. 
“Y/N?” Ellie’s voice is slightly panicked now. She looks at Tim and Nick who are watching from their desks. 
“I told her to go see Jack.” Everyone turns back to stare at you with wide eyes. Jack had caused this? 
“Ok. We’re moving.” Ellie grabs your arm, pulling you along as Nick and Tim quickly get up from their desk and follow. You don’t pay attention to where you are going. It’s not until you’re sat down in a chair you notice you’re in one of the conference rooms.
“Y/N what has happened?” You start laughing, one of those manic laughs that would quickly turn into sobs if you didn’t control it. The others all look at you like you’ve grown a second head. 
“Can you believe I actually thought that she liked me?” You finally speak after your laughter has subsided. You shake your head, rolling your eyes at yourself.
“Jack does like you” 
You shake your head. “She’s currently in her office making out with Gibbs so I-”
“WHAT?” Three voices shout in unison and you wince. 
“There is no way! I mean the woman is pretty much in love with you!” Ellie and Tim nod along to Nick’s words.
Your laugh is a little more broken this time and you have to fight back the tears that threaten to drip from your eyes. “Did you see them?” Tim asks and you shake your head. “Then how do you know-”
“Jack’s office door was shut.  A man’s laugh. Messy lipstick. No Gibbs.”
“Maybe they’re just having lunch together?” 
“She asked me to come back later. I’ve walked in on them having lunch before - a couple of times she’s even invited me to join! Today she barely opened the door enough to poke her head through!” Tim and Nick shoot each other uneasy looks.
“This still doesn’t mean she was making out with Gibbs!” You roll your eyes at Ellie’s words and then take a deep breath in an attempt to calm your swirling emotions. It was time to return back to work. 
“It’s fine. This is good really right? I know now and Jack and I wouldn’t have worked anyway, let’s be honest. It was just a nice fantasy.” A fantasy. Imagining Jack and you wrapped up together watching tv, imaging her in your bed, messy hair and dazed smiles. Imagining kissing her and always being able to put that wide smile on her face and bringing out the adorable laugh she had. A fantasy. You didn’t need any of that, you could go back to before. 
Before what though? Before she became the one thing in your life that could always make you smile? Before she became your best friend? Before you guys started hanging out together just the two of you? Before lunch dates, Before evenings working in her office together for no reason other than you wanted too?
You’d zoned out completely, and quickly wipe away the tear rolling down your face when you notice the team's worried looks. You clear your throat. “Let’s get back to work.” You don’t wait for an answer, getting up and walking out of the room. You head back to the bullpen and to your desk. When Gibbs walks down the stairs less than 10 minutes later, a happy smirk on his face you snap your pencil. 
You try to focus back on your work but your mind won’t stop wondering. Nick actually throws a rubber at you at one point because you’d been staring at Gibbs (who only rolled his eyes before getting up and leaving the room). Your eyes bore into his back as you watch him walk the familiar route to Jack’s office. 
You spend the rest of the day avoiding her which gratefully isn’t hard as there is no case. The only time you even get close to running into her is when you head to the break room to get a snack and hear her laughing with someone. You freeze before turning the corner and quickly rush away before she can notice you, ignoring the rumble of your stomach. 
Tim’s out of the door the second the clock strikes 5. Determined to give Delilah a good valentines day while the twins stay with his sister for the night. You’re just getting ready to pack up and head home when Jack enters. You duck your head, suppressing a groan.
However, Jack either doesn’t seem to notice or doesn’t care as she walks right over to your desk and perches on the side. “Hey.” You don’t look up at her, focusing on packing your bag and steadily avoiding her gaze. 
“Hi” You offer. You see Nick shuffling uncomfortably in his chair and can tell he’s about to leg it. You glare at him and he sinks back into his chair, sighing. 
Jack’s now watching you curiously. “I wanted to thank you for my flowers.” Your hand stills and tightens around your water bottle.
You continue packing, trying to sound casual. “I’m glad you like them.” Jack’s hand reaches out to grasp your wrist lightly. Your whole body freezes as you swallow loudly and just stare at her hand. Jack frowns from beside you. 
“Are you ok?” She asks quietly, leaning in closer, her thumb rubbing soothing circles on your wrist. You have to bite your lip hard to stop yourself from whimpering. When you don’t respond, she grabs your chin turning it to face her. She looks so concerned as her eyes flutter over your face. 
You see someone move out of the corner of your eye and are reminded of where you are. Your eyes find Ellie, who's sitting at her desk subtly watching the both of you, before landing on Gibbs. He looks back at you with an unreadable expression and you instantly feel sick. 
You quickly step away from Jack’s gasp, slinging your bag on your back. “I’m fine. I’ve got to be going though.” You offer Jack a weak smile and ignore the stab of pain in your chest at her hurt expression. 
“Wait!” Jack reaches out again to grab your arm as you go to walk past her. You instantly still, your eyes going to the hand holding your arm but she doesn’t let go. “I was thinking...Did you wanna get dinner tonight?” 
“Dinner?” You choke...On Valentine’s day? Was she really trying to break your heart further? 
“Or just drinks? I don’t mind. If you don’t want to go out we-”
“I can’t,” You cut her off. You don’t understand why she’s doing this. Shouldn’t she have plans with Gibbs? You bite the inside of your mouth hard. “I uh, have plans.” 
“Plans?” Jack’s voice croaks, her hand finally flies from your arm, as if burnt. 
“Yeah. I have a date.” Your face heats up at the lie and you duck your head. Tears ghost Jack’s eye as she releases a breath. You miss it though, too busy trying to calm your own swirling emotions. “...So, I should be going.” 
 “I just didn’t know you were seeing anyone…” 
“It’s pretty new.” Your eyes go to Gibbs and you swallow roughly.
“Right...You just never mentioned anything...” 
“Yeah well, I didn’t know I needed to tell you everything.” It comes out a lot more mean and bitter than you meant and Jack rears back in surprise. You want to apologise but then the image of her and Gibbs making out pops back into your head and you involuntarily tighten your fist. You clear your throat “Well. I don’t want to be late.” You say goodnight to everyone, avoiding Jack’s eyes as you make your way out of the bullpen and to the elevator. 
Jack watches you go. “Right. Ok.” She whispers to herself, clearing her throat and blinking away tears. She quickly puts on a fake smile, pushing her emotions down as she focuses back on the people around her. Ellie and Nick are watching her, both with a mix of surprise and pity. 
“Jack?” Her head spins towards Gibbs’ concerned voice. But before he can say anything Jack’s speaking again. 
“Well, I’ll see you all tomorrow. Have a good evening.” Jack quickly turns and walks off to her office, the other three staring after her in shock. 
You cry a lot that evening. It was like you were mourning something you never had. The two of you had gotten so close, and that bright smile she had always directed your way? God, you’d really thought…Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.
When you get to work the next morning, Ellie tries to convince you to talk to Jack, but you ignore her and start work. When Gibbs arrives he glares at you. You sink into your chair and bury your head in your computer. 
“Dead Marine.” Gibbs barks and everyone quickly grabs their bags. You’re just putting yours on your back when Gibbs turns to face you. “Not you Y/N.” 
“What?” You ask in surprise. Tim, Nick and Ellie all watch Gibbs and you uneasily. He doesn’t say anything else, just turns and walks to the elevator, the other three trailing behind him. They shoot you pitying looks as you just stand still mouth blubbering like a fish.
Gibbs treats you like that the rest of the day. Barely speaks to you, only around enough to get the information you’ve collected on the case before he’s glaring at you again. It only pisses you off because how dare he. You didn’t understand what you’d done to piss him off, turned down Jack’s dinner invitation? Surely he’d appreciate that… 
You’re standing in the observation room now, watching Ellie and Nick as they interrogate the latest suspect. The door opens, and you turn expecting Tim but are surprised to see Jack. She freezes the second she sees you, looking back to the door deciding if she should just leave. She doesn’t though. Sighing, she avoids your eyes and walks over to watch the interrogation, you hate the amount of space she leaves between you. 
You both watch silently, you begin to twitch uncomfortably as the tension in the room builds. “How was your date?” You jolt in surprise, eyes swinging to hers. She’s already watching you a pained expression on her face, and you quickly look away. 
“Yeah.” You clear your throat. “It was good..” Jack just nods her head, turning back to watch the interrogation. 
“Did you do anything nice?” It’s Jack's turn to still now, chuckling hollowly.
“Nope.” There’s an odd tone to her voice and you want to ask more, why Gibbs hadn’t done anything for her? But then Tim enters and Jack’s quickly muttering something about profiles and then disappears from the room. 
“What is your problem with me?” 
Gibbs sighs, turning around to face you again. You’re both standing behind the stairs. He just directs his signature stare at you so you continue. “You’ve been glaring at me all day, begrudgingly letting me do my actual job!” You’re getting heated, your voice rising and despite how much ‘bad idea, stop!’ is running through your head you can’t seem to. “What is it because I didn’t spend the evening with Jack?” Gibbs’ jaw tightens and you rear back in surprise. “That doesn’t even make sense! You should be happy!” 
You laugh incredulously as you stare at Gibbs in shock. “Happy?” Disbelief masks his face and you’re so confused.
“What do you think I don’t know? I mean you both did pretty well at hiding it, I’ll give you credit for that. But now I’ve worked it out it makes sense! I mean everyone always said you two had a ‘thing’ or something, so really I shouldn’t have been surprised right?” Your voice cracks, as frustrated tears make their way down your face, you completely miss when understanding finally crosses Gibbs’ face. You don’t even really see him anymore as you rant. “I was the idiot who fell for her! Y’know when I first realised my feelings, I tried so hard to make them go away because I knew it would only end badly. But all she has to do is enter a room and I'm weak in the knees and now I’ve gone and fucked up our whole friendship because I’m so fucking disappointed that she chose you!”
“Agent Y/N! That’s enough!” Vance’s voice booms from the stairs above you. You jump back suddenly reminded of where you are and look around to see half the office has stopped to watch your meltdown. Your cheeks flame red, and you hastily wipe away the tears rolling down your face. Gibbs has an unreadable expression on his face and the realisation of what you've just done hits you like a ton of bricks. 
Your instincts kick in and you run. Barely pausing to grab your bag from your desk (and steadily avoiding the looks from everyone else in the room). The elevator doors are opening just as you’re rushing away and you’re about to thank your luck...when Jack exits. She gasps in shock when she sees you “Y/N?”. The concern in her voice makes it so much worse. You know you must look an absolute mess but you don’t stop, instead, you jump onto the elevator and whack the button to close the door. 
When Jack turns away from the elevator to face the room everyone is watching her. “What?” Her arms come to cross her chest and people suddenly start back to work. Vance and Gibbs are now talking on the stairs and Jack can tell something bad just happened. 
You were definitely going to get fired right? And even if you didn’t, you couldn’t return now. Your insides squirm and you frustratedly brush tears from your face. You were going to lose your job, your family...Jack. All because you’d lost control of your emotions and shouted at Gibbs! Gibbs, of all people, you really knew how to fuck everything up, didn’t you! 
You just crawl into bed when you get home, hiding under your covers and from the world. You must cry yourself to sleep because when you wake up a few hours later the sun is setting. You get out of your rumbled clothes from the day and change into pyjamas before heading to your bathroom to remove the remnants of your makeup and splash cold water against your face.
You’re making yourself a cup of tea when the doorbell rings. You’re going to ignore it but seconds later it’s rung again and then someone is loudly knocking on your door. You sigh, putting down your mug and heading to the door. 
You throw the door open, ready to tell whoever it was to politely fuck off but stop when you realise who it is.
“Jack...” You swallow roughly. She looks pissed and you feel your heart drop into your stomach. “Right...Well...Come on in.” You step back to allow her to enter.
“Now you’re worried about people hearing your conversations,” Jack snarks, as she walks past you and into your home. You don’t say anything. Just shut the door and turn around to face her.
She doesn’t say anything else just watches you as you fidget nervously. “I guess they told you…” You finally say, unable to deal with the silence. Jack rolls her eyes at that, because duh. “I uh...I’m sorry. It was super unprofessional, I don’t even really know what happened, one minute I was frustrated at Gibbs for ignoring me and the next I was screaming at him for…” You cut yourself off, clearing your throat. 
Your eyes narrow as you turn finally meet her eyes. “Really? What you want me to tell you so you can bask in the glory of how pathetic I am.” 
“I’m sorry ok? I’m the one who was obviously seeing something that wasn’t there! God, I’m such an idiot.” You groan as frustrated tears make their way down your face again. You were so bloody sick of crying. “I’m not going to be able to return to NCIS ever so really you don’t have to worry about any of this, I’ll be gone and you can live happily ever after with Gibbs.”
“Your plan is to leave?” Jack’s eyes narrow and the annoyance is back in her tone.
“Well, what else am I meant to do Jack?” You snap. “I can’t return. The pitying stares would be constant and…” You swallow roughly, your voice quieting “and I can’t watch you two together Jack...It hurts.” Your voice trembles as your eyes ghost with tears. Your hand goes to your chest in an attempt to calm your thumping heart.
You’re taking deep breaths in an attempt to ward off the breakdown you can sense coming. You wanted to escape this conversation with whatever dignity you have left. Jack starts to slowly walk towards you, hand reaching out to touch you but you jump back before she can. “Don’t” You beg, your eyes pleading with her to understand. 
She drops her hand, arms hugging around herself. “Gibbs and I aren’t together” 
Your gaze snaps up to hers, voice snapping. “Don’t toy with me...Yesterday. In your office, your door was shut, his laugh and,” Your eyes fall to her lips as you think about the way her lipstick had been smudged. You avert your gaze, taking a shaky breath. “messy lipstick.” 
Jack lets out a long sigh, her voice softening. “We had lunch. The door was shut because well, I was telling him about the evening I had planned for us. I panicked when you knocked because the dress I was planning on wearing and these chocolates I brought were sitting in plain view and I didn’t want to ruin the surprise.” 
“Surprise?” You swallow roughly, unsure of exactly what she was saying.
“The date I had planned, I didn’t want you to catch on until the last second.” Jack’s avoiding your eyes now, and your jaw drops at her confession. 
“When you asked me to dinner…” Understanding finally dawns on you.
“Yeah I didn’t take into account you’d probably have a date.” 
“I didn’t. I uh, just needed an excuse, I couldn’t, not when I thought…” You swallow roughly. 
Jack’s still standing in front of you, just out of reach and you take a step forward amazed by the way her breath catches. Her eyes flutter over your face and you’ve not sure what she’s looking for but she must find it as a small smile tugs at her lips. 
Jack takes a step closer to you, linking your hands together. Your eyes water at the softness of her touch and when your eyes meet hers you see the same watery eyes reflected back at you. “I’m really sorry.” You blow out a breath “God, I really messed everything up.” 
“I guess we know I shouldn’t try and surprise you again,” Jack smirks, her eyes lighting up as she takes another step towards you, you were centimetres apart now. You can tell she’s about to throw in another quip but you don’t let her, instead, leaning over and pressing a soft kiss against her lips. 
You pull back to gauge her reaction and she’s smiling. Her hand snakes up to your neck and she pulls you back in, the kiss is hard this time and your arms automatically go around her waist to pull her closer to you. You both stumble backwards until your back hits a wall. You stoke the exposed skin on her waist and she releases a soft moan. You struggle to hold back the smirk that tugs at your lips knowing you can pull that sound out of her.
Jack slowly pulls away from your lips. You’re both breathing deeply and you can’t open your eyes scared this is all going to disappear. 
“Y/N?” Jack soothes, wiping away a tear that rolls down your cheek. You shiver. 
“What happens now?” It comes out so breathlessly, your voice barely above a whisper. 
“Whatever we want.” Jack’s hand is still rubbing at your cheek and when you finally open your eyes again a smile fills her face. Jack’s eyes go to your lips and she leans over to kiss you again, it’s soft and sweet and almost feels like a promise. 
Your foreheads rest against each other. You’re just about to lean back in and kiss her again when a realisation of an earlier comment comes back to your brain. “Wait, did you say you brought me chocolates?” 
Jack breaks into laughter, rolling her eyes as she pulls you into a kiss, a wide smile still on her face. You don’t know what tomorrow will bring and you try not to think about it. Tonight was just about you and Jack. 
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incorrecttwoset · 4 years
Lesson time with Dani:
I think the lesson here is that... you cant destroy your self esteem if you dont have self esteem. Gosh, this is the first time im rewatching this in days and im IMMEDIATELY REMEMBERING THE TALENT.
Onto the reviews!
My little swiss roll by a 33 year old Japanese composer. If it is not yet clear, i cannot read Japanese. And Eddy, we don't make you fat you just like eating. (omg i like eating too! Soulmates confirmed?! Yeah nah my heart will always be for my brettybae) Also, fUCK now i want bubble tea. (I am smelling bubble tea right now. Even though there is no bubble tea. Am i gOING INSANE.)
1. Kitai - Anticipation. Oh, i can dEFINITELY feel the excitement in this one. Is there a word for excitedly waiting? Or is that just the word anticipation? Because let me tell you, i genuinely yEARNED for swiss rolls with that part. Its so light and joyful, like watching a baker prepare your swiss roll as a young child who's most important worry is the swiss roll he's about to eat. Yes, there are some questionable parts but overall, i think the bois conveyed the proper emotions and feelings correctly. Its either that or my stomach is asking me to eat breakfast.
2. Gochiso - Feast. I am already getting an image of putting a piece of cake in your mouth and savoring the wonderful sweetness and flavors of the cake, icings and fillings. The way your face slowly turns into a smile as the sugar dissolves and spreads onto your tongue and the way the fork just cuts the soft cake. And the strawberry topping you pop in your mouth. Thank you for that perfect pizz. Turned my heavy romance fluff fic back into a happy lil comedy.
3. Akogare - Longing. Okay, this is too sad to be felt IMMEDIATELY AFTER eating the cake. Its still fits the title of longing its just wOAH OKAY EMOTIONAL WHIPLASH EXISTS. If this was set like a story thing, i feel like this takes place after our protag has left the bakery and has lost the sweet taste of swiss roll cake from his lips. And started to yearn once again for more, the faint flavors of his tongue reminding him of a happier time. A time with swiss roll cake...
Damn now i want swiss roll.
Aviolintango by Lorezno Gutierrez. wOAH THIS ONE SOUNDS EPICCCCCCCCCCC. Dude, this sounds like something that could play in like a fight or chase scene in a fight scene. Its pretty short but its still a wonderful piece. And that soft troll ending? Perfect. Not just because of the reactions. Because youd want it to end on an even bigger grander note than the one before it right? But, the composer decided to step away and let the cheeky spy vibes flow until the end. Please do not judge my opinion, if it isnt clear yet, even though ive said thus a thousand times over, i am just a kid who likes two violin bois and classical music. I just vibe yo.
Inspiration by Vladimir Bodunov, 39 years old. Damn. The first part they played sounded to me like the desire and struggle to lift off the ground and fly. Like, the person wants to, the desire is there but its not enough. I feel like they stopped that part near the "climax" where the tension finally breaks and it takes off. The final part to me sounds like... (a dying seal) the person in focus of the piece or whatever finally reaching the sun. And having a phoenix-like rebirth. With just two chords too! The talent and skill. I kent.
Duet for two violins by Robyn, 13 years old. (Okay flex) Also pretty nice of her to leave dynamics up to interpretation. (Even though i have nO IDEA what that means) And i kNOW THAT ITS A DUET BUT- for some fUCKIN reason, its giving me quartet vibes. And i dONT. KNOW. WHY. IS THE PIECE JUST THAT GOOD. (Lol probabky just heard a quartet playing something like this and my memories were instantly. Unlocked.) I guess it gives me vague schubert or schumann vibes. I forgot which one had a lot of chamber music. BASICALLY WHAT IM TRYING TO SAY IS. It nice. Me like. (Tiny claps)
Flying Fledglings by Anastasia Loiko, 14 yrs old. (Please stop flexing. I already know im uSELESS) It sounded very smooth, in the way that the first few bars personally sounded like a strange... denial despair troubked feeling feeling, ykno? That typa tension, when youre still riled with emotion. And it transitioned over to a more uplifting feeling like yeah, it might not be with us anymore but its probably gone to a better place. It sounds like a person slowly letting go of their saddness, and even though there was some rocky parts (not just from the bois playing OOP-) they still accepted that its not there anymore and learned to live wih that saddness. Ykno? (Or I'm overthinking this too much because of too much angst fics and depression things. Personal life bABEY. IT COMPLI.)
Undicht by Jiro Yoshioka, 20 yrs old. Omg, i LOVE this. The first violin part on its own sounds like some kinda James Bond spy theme. BUT THEN THE PIZZ- OMG its sounds like sUCH a whimsical spy theme oH MY GOD AHAHAHA (i mean it kinda morphs into a more chill and serious part after that but like cMON. THE WHIMSY. I KENT-) And aCHK Eddy's lil hip shake i cANNOT. THIS IS JUST SUCH A FUN PIECE TO LISTEN TO AHAH
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riskeith · 4 years
omg hi. sorry i disappeared for a few days, been super busy with school. i missed you a lot. how have you been?
i haven’t had the need to eat any food since i got barbara and noelle on my team. if one of them can’t shield, the other comes in a clutch haha. *bows* thank you ladies for your service.
i’d pay hard earned money to see fanart with the boy scouts playing with guoba.. :( and YEAH. that would be so fitting? + it’s gonna be liyue themed which is super nice. do you know any predictions over which four stars will be in xiao’s banner? and who do /you/hope will be there?
last time i played three days ago unlocked dragonspine.. i even did albedo’s quest i can’t believe i defeat that evil place sjshdksk. meaning i got so some primogems and some intertwined fate. i’ve been itching to use some of the intertwined fates to get xiangling c rate up... should i?
october 20 is such a cute bday. you know how some dates just look nice? that’s one of them shskdhs. i want to say my birthday too but i feel like if anyone reads our messages they’ll know who i am... sorry. you’ll have to wait for that information until we privately talk some day. big promise. 🤍
ooh. you kind of wing it too, then! in some ways. if you’re not feeling it do you leave the fic for the day after or give up on it for a while? (so many question... shut up @ me) i’m the same as you! but i also write sometimes in the day time and i feel like that’s when i produce my best work. yesterday i was at a cafe studying and during a break i just started writing a fic and for some reason it just flowed so nicely? so yeah idk skdjdhsk. whenever it strikes i suppose.
i do borrow my books sadly. i kind of have to because i don’t have anymore place to put my books (we live in a small apartment) and books are kind of expensive :( i don’t mind borrowing though because i don’t really reread books unless they’re super special so it’s fine. do you buy yours? I HAVE READ LEGEND. i read it waaaay back in grade school haha, it’s been ages ago. i’ve never seen anyone say it’s their favorite but i can see why you feel that way. it’s kind of underrated in the community for sure.
dude fuck... chongyun and xingqiu live in my mind rent free. i kid you not i just can’t stop thinking about those boys... please send me all the fanart you find i’ll literally give you my life for that <3
i just listened to the g-idle song and AAA? wtf? i used to really like them while i was into kpop and this is so nostalgic to me. i haven’t listened to kpop in literally years shdkdhdk. this song is great thank you for sending it, do you like g-idle? <3
WAIT ARE YOU MAKING A SECOND ACC? I WAS LITERALLY CONSIDERING DOING ONE IN ASIA FOR YOU... shdjdhdjshsjsj our minds. and yes i’m in american server... oh god. our co-op date can happen? 🥺 but if it’s too much work for you i’ve seriously actually considered doing one in asia for me i’m totally fine with starting all over so.. 🥺
god i’ve missed talking to you so much. once again i’m sorry for not being here, but hopefully after tomorrow’s exam school will be a bit more chill and i’ll be yours again.
hope you’ve been well babe. mwah!
hi!! that’s alright ahah, i assumed that was the case. i’ve been well!! and then not so well bc we weren’t talking 🤪 needless to say i’ve missed you a lot too <333
omggg QUEENS!!! i don’t have any healers but i don’t eat food either... LMFAO unless it’s a boss fight i’ll just keep going until i’m done with whatever it is then go heal at a statue fsdhfkdjs
!!! brb just gonna go get good at art so i can draw that for u 😩 i don’t have any predictions myself, but i’ve seen people say it’ll be ningguang + beidou + barbara possibly?? but of course, i would hope that xingqiu was there <3333 he can appear twice in a row come on mhy <3333 just think about that <333 and omggg i’d wish if chongyun came as well.. i really want to get him to c6 (but he was only two banners ago?) hbu do you have any thoughts on the matter~
AHAHAH good job im proud of you 😤😤 show that nasty place who’s boss!! if you want to, I don’t see why not! it’ll get you closer to pity as well so by the time venti is near, hopefully it won’t take you much to get him! lmk how it goes!!!! manifesting c6 xiangling for you 🔥
fhskdf thank you... is it weird to say i agree? FHDSKFHSDKFKJ like. 20/10 or 10/20... nice even multiples of ten numbers.. AHAHAH. no need to apologise at all!! 🤍🤍🤍🤍 share whatever you’re comfortable with whenever you’re comfortable <33
hm it depends. (i just reaslised i said this exact phrasing last time too lmfao) i think i usually give up on it for a while? but sometimes i try to force myself through it too, just to get over that section so i can hopefully move on to a better one wait sorry i misread your question LOL. i usually leave it for the day as opposed to give up on it for a while! if i’m actively working on something i’d prefer to continue working at it slowly, even if the progress is just me opening the doc and then exiting after 5 mins fhdskj. are you the same? (NO!!! DO NOT SHUT UP @ YOU i never get to talk about writing processes pls im enjoying this a lot)
nice!! the vibes when writing during the day are sometimes better as well, bc it’s still light and stuff you’re not sitting in the dark or with a light on.. lol. it’s more ~natural~ & omg legendary... i love that for you!! on that note, do you usually study at school/cafes/libraries? i pretty much can only study at home, i hate doing it anywhere else. 
ahh that’s fair :( and yeah i agree books can get so expensive? like the authors def deserve to be compensated for all their hard work but damn lmao. oh that’s a good point! i do buy books yeah, and i don’t even necessarily reread them i just like having them on the shelf fhdskfd (there are many i haven’t even read for the first time... oops.) what ages do grade school cover? sorry i have no idea what that means fhsjfkshsdkjs the different names for education levels will never not confuse me. !! yeah i really wish legend was more popular aaaaa
here are some recent arts i’ve bookmarked!! (rip i should find one more so every word is linked but cbs hfskdhfs) i’m also considering making a genshin twitter! idk why i’m so averse to following these amazing accs on my normal account lmaoo but i’m also thinking of posting pics from the 52485 photoshoots i do with chongyun..
oh nice!!! i’m really happy you liked it 🥰🥰🥰 and yeah i do like g-idle but i don’t stan them! that’s me with most groups tbh fshkfjsd but i do watch most of their MVs when they first come out~
FSHFKJSDHFKSD wait what if.. this but it’s us surprising each other in the other’s servers <33 and if i’m telling you the truth... i kinda despise the idea of playing in am*rica server FHSDKJFHSDKFHSDKKDSHFKSDHKKJ but we could compromise and both start again in europe?? ahah let me know what you think! if you’re happy to just do one in asia tho that’s fine as well~ 
me too!! and no worries for real, school comes first!! (even if it fkn sucks... @ school i hate you. i say, when i’m still on holidays FHDSKJFJS) aaaa good luck on your exam!!! i hope you smash it 💪💪 
also um “and i’ll be yours again”??!?!?!?!? be still my beating heart 😩😩😩😩 i shall be waiting for you wifey hehe
hope you’ve been taking care of yourself!! kisses, c.r.
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shiro-0197 · 4 years
Hello Cookieeeee!!
Ah yes it went fine:)) I caught up on haikyuu and spent some time with my parents. I went on a walk too :)
Ahhh no that's so precious :( if we were classmates we'd probably get along so well, and I'd definitely annoy you 24/7 tho you might not like that 😝 Jackson hates it when I annoy him when he's trying to sleep skjdks😣 we don't do it very often too!! But yes, it is indeed nice to go out with friends once in a while. I really hope you are able to too someday!
Oh I see :( I don't live in the big city so things are affordable here, but they're expensive over there... :) Sad sad. Tho if you ever come to Malaysia istg I will take you out everywhere 😣💖 to all my favourite places and you'll get to try lots of new (and spicy) food 😝 sorry I got carried away for a sec... It was a nice thought >.<
still with you!! AHH I love it, that's Jungkook's solo song. He also has one called euphoria, which I love. And aww I'm glad you don't find it annoying.
omg Chernysh sounds so adorable I'm melting. Please say hi to him for me :> and black dogs are just so pretty, my friend's dog, Gordon, is all black too. I hope Chernysh stays by your side for a very long time. And yes I hope so too!! I'll start college by the end of next year, so maybe I'll even send you a video ^^
oh my sweet Shiro, I'm so sorry to hear that. I know you're feeling better now, but this is just a small reminder to you that you are wonderful. You're smart, and funny, and kind, and genuine, and caring, and I wouldn't trade you for the world because you're just that damn special. I hope you feel happy often too, because you deserve to. I'm really grateful to know you, and your smile is probably the prettiest thing, so i hope you smile often :> if you ever feel sad, my DM's are open too, since I'd like to reply as soon as I can to cheer you up ^^
Oops, yet again, I got carried away. And no, thank YOU, for always replying and lifting my spirits up. You're amazing, Cookie. I love you, I truly truly do.
Ahhh I'm so happy to hear that!! It sounds nice🥺🥺 I also rewatched a few episodes from season one today, I miss them a lot, haha!
Oh no, I'd love to get annoyed😭 well, specifically by you, because I do love your attention😗 ahah, yeah, sleep must be important to him:D I get it, I remember taking a nap during our break in school after a long night and it was blissful.
Ohhh I saw it, but i didn't add it yet because i got distracted yet again XD I needed to get some stuff from our store, and mom ended up telling me to buy a lot of chocolates for some reason. Probably for the new years 😋 Of course I don't find it annoying, it's endearing, really!! Ramble on about your obsessions and I will read them with a smile on my face😌
I'll surely do!! Say hi to Gordon too, from me XD he must be really gorgeous😩
Ahhhh, oh my god I'm😭😭💕💞💕💞💓 thank you so much🥺🥺 I really needed to hear that🥺😭❤💕❤💞💕 I love you too, and I hope you know that the same goes to you. Thank you so much, shortcake, I love you😭💞💞💕 I hope you sleep well tonight, honey pie
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Also, please dont apologize for getting carried away. You're really sweet, and your words mean a lot to me, and the way you talk about everything is wonderful, and you're also wonderful and😔💕💕💞💝💗💖💖💓💖💕💝💝💗💝💗💖💓💝💝💞💝💗💖💗💖 Thank you for everything ♡
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kebinwooo · 4 years
rules: answer 10 questions, tag 10 mutuals to answer 10 questions you write
getting to this a bit late but i was tagged by @theyoungflexer! i realized all my answers to this are super boring so i’m so sorry in advance OTL i’m honestly not an interesting person this is so sad LOL anyways everything’s under the cut (bc despite having boring af answers i still somehow talk a lot)
1. what’s the worst thing you’ve ever eaten?
why am i blanking on this LMAO i want to say i’ve never eaten anything super disgusting myself (like bland and would-not-order-ever-again stuff? yeah i’ve had that. but nothing impressionable enough to say it was the worst thing i’ve ever eaten) but i have definitely seen my fair share of gross creations /looks at jeonghan’s marshmallow wrapped in lettuce 
2. describe your aesthetic as pretentiously as you can!
is it bad if i say i don’t really have an aesthetic? or at least one that i know of? i’m so sorry i’m so boring LMAOOOOO like i have certain things i like but idk if any of them constitute an aesthetic... anyways moving on bc the more i write the more sad i get AHAH
3. would you marry your bias? why/why not?
depends who we’re talking about. if it’s kevin (from ukiss), that’s a maybe. he’s been slowly sliding off my bias list and lowkey already lost ultimate bias status (I’M SORRY KEVIN ;A;) and like he’s definitely a super sweet and kind dude (i know since i met him and he was so caring and attentive ;u;) but also he seems a little too perfect yknow? being with him would just make me feel like i can never live up to his image hahaha so yeah i can’t imagine marrying him (also bc he’s eight years older than me LOL)
if it’s joshua, yes. i love him a lot and he also seems sweet like kevin but also  so easygoing and thoughtful and fun to be around and just AGH. i’m gonna cut myself off before i ramble lol
now... if it was changkyun, HELL NO. I CAN BARELY STAND THE DUDE AND I’M ONLY A STAN. WOULD NOT BE ABLE TO MARRY HIM BC I’D WANT TO FIGHT ALL THE TIME (lmao i’m only (half) joking. like yes i do love him in my own way but idk if i would be willing to marry him bc i get the feeling our personalities won’t completely mesh) 
4. what’s your favorite myth?
this is a great question and one that i’m suddenly blanking on. i love greek myths a lot but for some reason i can’t remember any wtf??? i guess my favorite one that i can remember off the top of my head is when odysseus tricks the cyclops and blinds him and then the cyclops is running around going like ‘NOBODY STABBED ME’ and his cyclops friends are like wtf do you mean (does this even count as a myth? LOL well i’ll just say it does)
on another note, i DO want to say that my favorite greek goddesses are artemis and persephone (and also a lil bit of athena) but i really can’t remember any myths related to them that i particularly liked so.... oops?
5. what’s your favorite meal?
ooooof this is a hard one. i’ve had a lot of meals that i’ve eaten and loved... i’ll go with my birthday meal from last year. basically it was an omakase-type restaurant and i ate like various cuts of meat throughout the entire night and it was delicious and great. i wanted to go back for my bday this year bc i’m turning 21 and they give you free alcohol on your bday but tbh idk if i can even go anymore.... fuck covid tbh >:( 
6. what is your idea of true happiness?
honestly? i’m kinda unexpectedly graduating early next semester so right now my idea of true happiness is just a stable job and a clear path for what i want to do bc that’s what i currently DON’T have lmao. also having a s/o would be nice.... quarantine is making me feel sad and single and lonely HAHAHA. but yeah mostly just having a stable, clear life path that i enjoy while being able to afford what i want with a little leftover so i can splurge every now and then yep
7. if your life was a movie, what song would play during the opening credits?
hmmm, this is a good question and one i can’t seem to answer right off the bat LOL the undying kissme in me wants it to be a ukiss song... so i would choose ukiss’s dear my friend as like one of those fun, starting off the day songs! but also it doesn’t feel like it would start off a movie on my life. so realistically, it would be yorushika’s hitchcock! it’s a really upbeat, cute song.... and then you read the lyrics and it’s pretty depressing and existential LOL and that basically sums me up super well and would be a great song for that initial character setup
8. if you were a dinosaur, what dinosaur would you be?
i have absolutely no reasoning behind this but i would want to be a brontosaurus or a stegosaurus LOL i feel like i once had a more interesting answer to this question but i forget now oops
9. where’s your favorite place to hang out/visit?
this is gonna sound super lame of me but boba shops where they have a lot of seating and you can stay for hours playing games. my favorite summer activity is to go out with my friends for boba and then sit around playing board games in a nice air-conditioned cafe. but alas.... covid >:( 
also, this is gonna sound even lamer of me but when i’m at school in washington, my favorite place to hang out is the international district in seattle (and particularly the supermarket, uwajimaya). i’m surrounded by a lot of white people where i go to school so when i head up to seattle for a day trip, going to the international district and just seeing asians again and eating asian food is soooooo comforting. so yeah LOL 
10. what do you HAVE to have on you when you go out?
this is gonna sound super dumb of me but i like actually NEED to have my phone on me. my phone broke last year and i had to go around without it for like three days and i felt so naked, especially when i was eating by myself and had nothing to do with my hands. it was the worst tbh so yeah i’m a horrible phone-addicted person it seems OTL 
i’m not tagging anyone but if for some reason somebody read all my answers and wanted to do this as well, i’ll add some down below! just say you were tagged by me if you do them! 
1. If you could reunite any group of people, who would it be? 
2.  What’s your favorite trope?
3. What’s a song that you always recommend to somebody?
4. If you could live anywhere in the world without any restrictions (aka language barriers are nonexistent, money isn’t a problem etc.), where would you want to live?
5. If you could learn the exact time of your death, would you choose to know? 
6. What’s a superstition you have?
7. If you could give a TED talk on anything, what would it be on?
8. What’s your favorite form of potato?
9. What would you absolutely never do, not even for a million dollars?
10. Make a soundtrack of your life. What songs have to be included? 
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ramblingshit · 5 years
Persuasion 1995
The incoherent rambling commentary of a 3am viewing.
we start in a boat -- wait have i done this one before -- who cares CIARAN HINDS BBYYYY. I have sheep too just in my front yard ya know. that's just how it be. here's some boats - i can see where they pasted the fake boats in teh background i love it .calm nice piano music. dude is cutting the lawn people out here with top hats and wigs. oh dear everyone pissy SHOW ME THE MONEYYYY. lots of wigs and coats and here's a lady in a turban she's definitely the worldy kind. sailors n shit sitting drinking wine and smoking. oh god who's this. i can't hear the dialogue over my laptop fan. this ol mate's a fop i hate his voice. oh dear he's supposed to be a moron huh. oh whoops the fop is a baronet and he is poorr lol sucked in he got debtss extreme debts you musssttt retreennnnnchh. the neighbours be tryna help out and hereeee is Anne eyy. wow eatin grapes and sorbet and they're goin to Bath. he hates sailors and now he has to be ol mate's tenant. ohh Anne knows about the admiral and this fop keeps talking nonsense. a lady with no children has the best furniture. WENTWORTH she gasps. and she is dramatic and sad, puts her tea down takes a breath by the window and comes back takes up her tea and sits down damn. aww Ann---OH 'since no one will want you in bath its best you stay here!' what a fkn bitch what is happening. ITS AUNT PETUNIAA. naww anne is so cute and petite and so miserable. her sister looks cruel and stupid and her dad is just as bad honestly. damn they got Greek statues in their giant house. her sister. is. a . bitch. fuck me. give her like two lists and tells her to go visit everyone in the parish. damn all the peeps glared at him as he left like give us the money you foppish twat. Poor Anne, that is a fkn big ass house. everyone's watching em leave. ohhh cows. oop packing up the house, sheets over the furniture, she's lucky they got like a thousand servants. she's found something in teh box - it's a letter in the shape of a boat ooh i wonder who its from. she's been miserable for years; she hates Bath; her mum's dead and everything went to shit after that - her dad's a moron, her sister's a bitch, she's out here gonna fixedly avoid risking meeting him. Lady Russell - she's the one tsk tsk. oooh Annneeeee she is persuaded despite disapproval and anxiety of his prospects - she was 19 and she wanted to fuck and Lady Russell told her to fuck him off because he was a peasant damn fuck Lady Russell; she just brushes Jane off like shut up little girl I'm right you're wrong move on dumbass. And Anne's like, did you not hear me - i literally just tried to tell you I hate my fucking life and I miss him and I love him and I kinda resent you for telling me to say no. More sheep and a puppy, and close up view of sheep. dad and sister got to ride in a fancy carriage and Anne has to ride in a wagon that's a bit rough. I like her bonnet. oh my god her sister i love her. 'i am soooooooo ill' - she's searching for attention; lonely and miserable and sad and a little bitter. Mary you poor girl leave Anne alone none of that emotional manipulation. 'oh i was very well yesterday, it's just today' yeah alright. sounds like Charles isn't as rich as the Elliots and Mary's not happy about it.  ohh i know this lady and of course Anne can play piano very well and everyone knows it -- Mary tryna cut in like yes i'm as accomplished as Anne and they're awkward like ehhhh but we like watching you dance and Anne doesn't dance so there you go and she sits there with an awkward cringe 'no'. Mary goes off and sulks and Charles rolls his eyes. The Musgroves are rich and friends ohmygod Mary don't be embarrassing in your bitterness yikes and we cut and Mary was there but now Mrs Musgrove and Anne are sitting in teh same spot - I like Mrs M's dress, even the lace around her shoulders that matches the hat I don't know it just seems refined or something. There's lots of very swift conversations - good pace just like my fingers and brain can't keep up yo. Yikes Mrs M thinks Mary is a shit mum; Mary says Mrs M riles em up with lollies; Charles says Mary interferes and fancies herself ill; Mrs M tells the kids are so naughty the only way to keep em chill is to feed them cake; dunno who this girl is (Henrietta?) anyway the brown haired petite one, they're sitting in the window, Anne's finished her tea by now damn how is she so casually moving from person to person how long have they been chillin with the Musgroves? anyway she's tea-less and talking with brown-haired-possibly-Henrietta: wants Mary to stop being rude over Mrs M even though she has precedent to no one likes her for it; blondish sister now and Anne's got more tea and this one says Mrs M's not one for etiquette she just wants cake lmaooooo; Mary is superior and wants her to persuade Charles that she is very very ill. Anne and Charles sigh on the couch together. Now only Charles has got a tea. okay never mind Mary's a bit more like her sister than I thought. oh my god kids ew. it's petunia looking high as a kite ahaha i wish i was her naw petunia was like idc bout your sister I wanted to meet you btw ol mate is married and Anne's like kill me now I guess. she's horrified, shocked, wants to find an ant hill to bury herself in. god mary's a bitch i take back everything i said about her but all is well Anne has a new friend. she's got a very good memory, Anne does, naw and she's good with her nephews. what's this girls name plz tell me oh it is Henrietta. oh damn they're invited to the house tonight to 'meet Mr Frederick WEntowORTH by ALL aCOunts a most CHarMinG anD agreEable GeNtlemAn' Anne could not look more uspet. fixing her hair in the mirror - there's boys screaming ohh no a child what's happened oh god Mary's screaming for Anne the boy has broken his collarbone - she's knowledgeable chatting with the doctor - Charles marches in like wtf my dumbass kid out here falling out of trees - it's his first born the kid looks so fkn miserable that's hilarious now he's off to dinner cause -- oh damn i forgot they wear gloves. this kid's just lying there. ahah Mary doesn't give a fuck about her kids she just wants to be in on everything -- damn--"you are the properest person to sit with the boy. but you haven't a mothers feelings, have you?' like BITCH she's just offered to sit here so you can go to dinner and you're out here being a fucking cunt for no reason? gtfo. and the scene just changes with that damn savage leave Anne be she deserves better than this. oh damn i know that cheekbone. Anne's been out here watching this kid all night like literally and Mary shrugs off that Wentworth barely asked after her because they're barely acquaintances and says he and Charles are out shooting and Anne's tense like uhh they're not coming here tho right and just as Mary's like nah BAM SURPRISE BITCH o no O NO and THERE HE IS DRAMATIC ZOOM HE DOESNT EVEN LOOK AT HER SHE LOOKS TERRIFIED, HE BARELY GLANCES AT HER, doesn't talk to her, she grips the chair tight fuck he's hot. another swift glance and he's gone. dramatic zooms all around. Mary returned, didn't even look at her injured child who has a big ass cut on his face who's just sitting in the corner looking plain and miserable and wentworth - "you were so altered he would not have known you again' - scene cuts to her sitting in front of a mirror looking fucking sadddddd. they're all at dinner together fuck me he is so hot my god. the girls are all over him and he's enchanting everyone with his stories and of course the reason why he first went out comes up and he's like 'i was extremely keen... to be at sea. i was extremely keen. i badly wanted to be doing something.' the PAIn in his eyes, the tight swallow as he turned to listen to the Admiral, who sits Right next to Anne who's sorta just sitting with wide eyes staring at the salad bowl. then the admiral leans over 'when a man has no wife he wants to be afloat again' and she's like yeah wow ah ha ha ah 'yes well i had no wife - pity the essex (?? dunno what that means but I GET THE POINT)" and then he looks at her properly for the first time and i want to die and she wants to die and he wants to die and we are all quite miserable where we are BUT WE ARE ONLY A HALF HOUR IN and we move on talkin bout his ship crap just wait im eating chocolate but i have many thoughts. sorry honestly theres no time to take a breath in this movie i love it but damn it doesn't give one enough time to write and snack. RIGHT - ol mate's declared he'll never have a woman on his ship because its not pink and frilly enough and petunia's stepped in like fkn excuse me m8 wanna say that again? and also is Anne and petunia related because they are looking very similar to me right now??? they're not related. alright pulling us back yet again, I'm so sorry this is a mess I'm eating chocolate at 1 am and watching Persuasion, I think you can guess how my day has been. they keep talking about him getting married and he laughs and jokes it off and then excuses himself like yeah real smooth yeeting yourself outta here dude at that certain topic hanging around. naww the only time petunia felt scared or bad was when she was away from her husband this is adorable. ol mate's tryna play the piano to the amusement of the girls, sees Anne sneaking up to listen and immediately hurries outta there, face pale never moved so fast in his life i bet and they all follow him and she just sits down and starts playing while everyone dances. for people who were so refined they danced like crazy people --- 'no never she has quite given up dancing' Wentworth's face falls and he looks at her and she looks away from him come on guys you are hurting me. some guy has just rocked up who the heck is Henry - a cousin? who is not --- 20,000 pounds fuck me. Charles and Mary; wait we're talking about Henry. oh my god, they're planning who's gonna marry who - Henrietta and lousia and henry and wentworth 'what say you Anne, which one is the Captain in love with? she laughs slightly - I've never seen someone so depressed before in my life, at least not in a romance . this is actually a really sad story ya know, Wentworth got rejected and fled to sea; and Anne rejected him and became depressed about it for years. damn. anyway these girls can't go anywhere without Mary butting in, now they're going for a long walk or something and Mary's forcibly inserted herself and they look at each other and the poor kid is sitting with his arm in a bandage that goes round his neck? with that scratch on his face and adorable little round glasses sitting at the table with some cake and a puzzle he's doing with Anne like please don't abandon the suffering child has he even had any panadol?? Who the hell is looking after this kid if they're all going on this long walk - now Charles and Wentworth too. Charles helps two of em over, Wentworth helps Louisa over the fence, and Anne has to help herself over, which she does without hesitation good girl you do you fam. yikes Charles and that are going to Winthrop or something where Charles' aunt lives and Mary's offended to have such connections and refuses to go and assures Wentworth she's only been there twice and he half-smiles politely. louisa came running up to take Wentworth wherever and he like turned around to look at Mary and Anne and Anne fkn spun around to avoid him just generally so smooth these two so smooth. Anne's looking around at like anything and everything except him. every time he's nearby she tenses up and skitters around like she's tryna hide in plain sight but also stand tall and brave and staring straight at him like she wants him to look at her so badly. 'we all wish that charles had married anne instead' 'did charles want to marry anne' 'did you not know' 'you mean she refused him' 'yes' ... 'my parents think it was Lady Russell's doing, that my brother not being philosophical enough for her taste she persuaded Anne to refuse him.' ohhhhhh. damn. Wentworth is very quiet. Mouth tight. Brow low. Anne's freaking out down the hill. Mary's just stolen her spot. Christ. It's chaos. Anne's stumbling along she's tired she's sad she's got the depression her sister's a nightmare, WEntworth doesn't care about her, she cares about him, everything is awful and she trips over some sticks and he turned to look at her, concerned out of his thoughts. Hey petunias back with her carriage and they're offering a seat and Wentworth like rushes over and whispers for them to take Anne and she catches it like wtf confusion she goes to protest and suddenly He's AT her SIDE and he doesn't even say anything and he leans his head down to hers for a moment with a gentle look on his face, putting a hand to her back and her brain just shuts down as he leads her to the carriage and hold her hip tight as he helps her up and she looks around in shock and he's staring straight forward like everything is chill and doesn't look at her again. oh wait petunia is wentworth's sister damn awesome but she doesn't think very well of him. oh they're going to Lime and they ask if Anne can come and I think Wentworth choked on his tea a little bit. and here's some establishing shots : the ocean. Some rocks with seaweed on them. The shittest 'beach' ive ever seen there's like boulders everywhere where's the sand? is that a teepee of seaweed? what Wentworth looks pretty happy about it though like he wants to jump in. I like Charles he's a funny dude. Wow that is one helluva hat Wentworth. All these fancy people going into a sailor's home like etiquette is what but everyone is chill with it except Mary of course. is Anne supposed to have her bonnet off? o no now she's chosen to be the nice depressed girl who tries to talk to the weird depressed guy who is too into poetry about death. cute they're all shoulder to shoulder around the guy's table. she starts getting the hint that this guys a bit off 'you cannot know the depths of my despair.' damn son get a therapist. ohh shittt 'you have no conception of what i have lost' 'yes I have' she says, and Wentworth is sitting there smoking what could be a blunt who can honestly say and he heard the whole thing. Wentworth and Louisa are doing a whole lot of hanging out.  Like every time they actually speak to each other feels like a momentous occasion - they literally just said 'good morning' to each other and it feels like such a big step and her heads down and he's watching her BIG STEPS --oh shit some blonde haired guy that im sure will come up later tipped his hat to the girls and then Anne and Wentworth was coming up behind her and she looked over her shoulder to look at the BLondie but wentworth thought it was at him and he SMILED to himself nawwww. that looks like the house from Pride and Prejudice ahaha. whoop Blondie's back and she looked back at him again and now they're at breakfast ohmyGadh his eyes sparkle when he looks at her the few times he looks at her my god they're talking about Blondie who is apparently their cousin or something and he and mary and anne's father aren't on good terms and she tells Mary so and he looks over his bowl with those fkn sparklllinggg eyes and a playful smile and it doesn't even matter what he says just that look and he drinks his soup and licks his lips and looks up at her and she's just staring but like calmly not even freaking out and she lowers her eyes to her toast and just chills like all is well.  whoop i think weird depressed guy is gonna propose but before he can whats up we're helping girls down some scary stairs yikes i'd sit my ass down going down those things. Louisa is being crazy oh fuckkkk ahahaha hahaSPLAT holy shit oh fuck weird depressed guy is standing in the background with his hands over his mouth Anne is in there with Charles and Wentworth damn she'd 100% be a doctor nowadays, Louisa the dumbass has smashed herself on the cobblestones and WEntworht is just freaking out and he is looking straight to Anne who is giving straight smart orders and he is following them without hesitation - the other women are crying they're all sitting around her while the doctor does like... something and Anne's the only one like hey we have shit to do like people gotta hear about this we don't have phones and her speaking makes Wentworth speak and Charles is in shock cause its his baby sister whose hurt. Once again she's looking after the injured person and she walks out and Wentworth is talking to Charles 'I think it should be Anne - no one so capable as Anne--' he cuts off when he sees her coming in 'I-we-you'll stay, won't you?' he stammers as she enters holy fuck my heart can't handle...they're just staring into each others eyes; in any other context man. he clarifies himself but fuck if they didn't think it. ah fuck Mary is so annoying crying that she should be the one to stay with Louisa like bitch you didn't even give a shit about your injured son let alone your sister-in-law wtf she needs a slap why are they listening to her. 'If only I -- if only--' he cries in the carriage 'yes.' Anne said, looking at him sadly. 'Anne... I regret that...' he looks at her once and again and again and she lowers her eyes and holds the sleeping Henrietta close. like honestly i feel like there's no problem writing their dialogue cause there is just so little of it and when it does happen all of it means everything. but anyway she doesn't answer him and I am sad and he is sad. 'damned foolish' he sa---wait holy shit SCREAAAAAAAMINGgGg fucking hell grab your torches and pitchforks Mrs Mudahwhatver is screaming and Wentworth is riding off in the rain and once again Anne is all alone and she stays up just walking around all night and playing the piano and yay Louisa is conscious and Anne continues to be depressed poor girl and you can tell because its raining. and its still raining and they're not back-- wait now she's in Bath and her fop father and bitch sister are lounging irritatingly and he says he's happy for her to have come because it will be an advantage to have four at dinner. things are white and gold - clean and unhomely and too perfect and the fop is calling everyone ugly - they're eating sorbet again ahaha yum. god they all look bored and miserable and here's blondie come to greet them and he glances at Anne, processes and then snaps back to stare at her in astonishment he's got nice hair and he continues to stare damn and she's so confident she just smiles and stares back I'm so jealous she can do that. oh mygod they're having an intimate conversation in front of her shitty family dude i know he'll probs turn out like a wickham character but one can have hope. damn that jaw-line tho. hmmm lady russell is back. i hate her hair. metal cups are odd - they make sense but so strange. Russell's got plans man Anne's telling her about how her bitch sister is after Blondie and Russell laughs and pats her cheek. Oh yay it's petunia! aw she hears the admiral is in poor health and she's immediately like what's wrong here come get some water. damn bitch sister 'she is nothing to me' damn whats about the screaming and the random rage bursts damn. oh and here's a viscountess why are they always fucked. Blondie and Anne are in the corner flirting crazily I know he's bad but like you can't fake this chemistry no one's that good. and suddenly she's surprised?0oh my god that suit. Mrs Smith oh my god she's adorable she and Nurse Rook are gossipers hell yeah 'there are no secrets in Bath' naw this better not be a Helen situation come on guys - oh fuck Louisa is gonna marry weird depressed guy?? and Anne is freaking thrilled. damn it rains a lot here. far out hats are crazy. Here's Blondie. Anne's so used to being verbally abused by her sister she doesn't respond -----holy damn its Wentworth walking down the street. Penelope is n---- oh fuck he just walked in -- she took a breath with her back to him then spun around HOWDY he looks shocked and delighted and she hse ewihpewjihp oh my god they love each other and they're so nervous and uncertain about it oh my god so awkward and cute please trying to go through the etiquette script oh no so cute 'im already armed for Bath' he grins and she laughs ----oh no. ... oh shit. Blondie just showed up and she just accepted Wentworth's umbrella everything was going so well stop awwww nooo his face falls, her face falls everything is awful. standing all solemn and glum by the window and all dressed in white looking shiny and gorgeous her little sack bag is weird but. and who is she looking for, I wonder. The family is standing awkward---there he be. tall and commanding and hmhmmm i love a man in uniform - she steps in front of him as he tries to pass him by. asks him if he's come for the concert - 'no ive come for a lecture on navigation am i in the wrong place' damn son no he's so good at making her laugh she never laughs oohh her family have to bow to him interesting - he's asking her how she's been since Lime I love them talking he starts on about being concerned about weird depressed guy getting married to Louisa because of his depression about his dead fiance 'a man does not recover to such a devotion to such a woman - he ought not; he does not' i'm sorry was that a declaration of love m8 omg Anne knows it too 'i should like to see it again' 'would you i would've thought i mean the distress, too painful' 'but when the pain is over...' dudes DUDES guys please guys 'It was my doing solely mine - Louisa would not have been obstinate if i had not been weak - Anne, I have never--' GUYS NO the fucking viscountess wandered in ruining everything and now he's gone please come back who cares about this lady singing i mean the candles look cool and but stop honestly who cares bring back Wentworth. omg fop is asleep, Anne and Blondie are bantering and she's not realising that she's pushing into flirting, again my god silly silly innocent naive and entirely relatable lol help. but there's Wentworth standing all tall and handsome in the corner and he looks so sad and meanwhile Blondie is like tryna propose and Wentworth is tryna yeet outta there and she's sprinting over to him tryna block his way tryna convince him to stay HOW THE TURN TABLES 'the next song is beautiful its a very beautiful love song is that not worth your staying for.' 'there's nothing worth my staying for.' kill me. Blondie needs to like there's no way he couldn't tell.  Yay Charles is here! oh and Mary lol. Lol everyone is making decisions on what Louisa and Henrietta are gonna wear on their wedding day except they themselves?? And here is ol mate sweeping int eh room, smile briefly falling at the sight of Anne but everyone's happy to see them yay. mate what he just swept over to her talking softly ohmhwy god i don't think they've said anything directly to each other in their lives its all round the bend and metaphors and insinuations please kill me i love it he picks at her that she says she doesn't like the parties her family and Blondie give; 'they mean nothing to me'  she has nothing in common with them and dislikes how they are, they're smiling at each other - oh shit Mr Elliott is out there meeting with her sister's friend or whatever now fkn Russell's tryna PERSUADE (ahaha) her into marrying Elliot 'that is not what I want!' Russell is shocked. now he's here looking stiff and snappy and awkward because the admiral has told him to invite her and her newly engaged Mr Elliot to his house and oh my god poor ol mate he wants to yeet away into the sunset goodbye world fuck you all 'if you wish it all you have to do is give me a yes or a no and we are both released' 'the admiral is too kind...' 'just say it: yes or no.' fuck you jane austen. Anne is overwhelmed and stormed off Russell faces Wentworth, he sneers her name, she smiles serenely 'You have an extraordinary ability to discompose my friend sir' , he twitches ' you have an extraordinary ability to influence her ma'am for which I find it hard to forgive you.' damn and then the scene ends damn.  she's run off to Mrs Smith and Nook I love em she's ranting about everyone thinking she's gonna marry this guy and they're astonished and relieved cause he is poor and living on loans - he wants her for her money, title and lands thank god she's got her friends eyyy yasss. naw petunia and mrs musgrove are here my favs. Wentworth is writing a letter. whever they're in the room she can't help but look at him. she's talking with weird depressed gyu's fiance's brother - he's bitter that he's moved on so fast - she wouldn't have, its not in her nature, 'it would not be in the nature of any woman who truly loved.' 'do you claim that for your sex?' 'we do not forget you as soon as you forget us.' blah blah about women being stuck at home because people were shit to us back then fuck the patriarchy and all that. Fiance's brother says women and men are the same in being inconstant and forgetting those they love or have loved. Their convo gets interrupted by Wentworth knocking the whatever it is that they sprinkle over ink to dry it off the table and everyone's like dude the fuck we don't own vacuum cleaners you know. Fiance's brother says he's not read a book in his life that didn't have something to say on women's fickleness. 'but they were all written by men.' she argues. they laugh.  he's on about going off to sea and being the victim cause he has to leave his family behind and boohoo it's so hard for me to be away from them even though i'm the one choosing to go away. yikes too close to home. anyway lolol. She says that above all, women are the ones who love the longest when all hope is gone. they all left, he snuck back and put out a letter on the desk, gave her a look and then left. she pretty much threw herself at it OH MY GOD THE LETTTTTTTTERRRRRRRR dudes dudes dudes dudes deud ed dud oh ymf theihwhes 'where are you going' 'i hardly know' ihowyiqruhoijpfg0hurbj3ifjpgrn Charles just keeps on standing between them and chattering finally gets it tips his hat and trots off wringing his hands. those eyes - he offers a hand, he takes it - i tried to forget you, i thought i had. they kiss very slowly, very gently, very chastely. his hair all windswept like that is very becoming - the way she slowly ran her hands over his arm before tucking it into his --- aand now there is a very random festival procession what and they're walking down the empty street. okay cool fine. she wanders into the gaming room or whatever, the camera mans shadow spreading all over the place, her sister grabs her and tells her not to monopolise wentworth - there's another war coming? oh how romantic. 'MY PROPOSAL OF MARRIAGE TO YOUR DAUGHTER ANNE HAS BEEN ACCEPTED.’ he fucking beams. everyones shocked. 'Anne? You want to marry anne, whatever for?' he just grins at the fop. And now she's on a ship and they're sailing off to war, oh how romantic. and there you go.
ya know before this 1-3am viewing i wouldve given this a 4/5 or even 4.5/5, but now I’m gonna give it a 3/5. there’s just something about it thats a bit... idk. still really like it but also.. yeah.
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nochuuuenthusiast · 5 years
hii~ so i got tagged by @snugglemejeon thank you so much ! i think this is really cute hehe (to the people i tagged: i’m sorry if i tagged you and we haven’t talked that much... i don’t know that many people on tumblr... and also, you don’t have to do this challenge, so feel free to ignore it !) 
rules are: (1) tag the person who tagged you (2) answer the questions (3) tag 10 people (sorry i don’t know that many people here on tumblr so i’m only gonna tag one or two :( but ps! if you wanna be friends with me, don’t hold back and just talk to me hehe) 
(1) how tall are you? 
i haven’t checked in a bit but i’m about 5′2″ (ish) so that’s around 158cm (*sighs* yeah i know... i’m pretty short) 
(2) what color and style is your hair?
i actually got a haircut yesterday before my blackpink concert hehe so now my hair is layered and it goes a little past my shoulders. i didn’t start growing out my hair until late last year since i used to always cut it short (like, a little above my shoulders) so yeah... i used to dye my hair a longgg longggg time ago but now it’s its original color which is dark brown 
(3) what color are your eyes? 
a solid brown (not totally light, but not too dark) (my mom has really pretty light brown eyes but they didn’t get passed down to me so ahhaha *cries*) 
(4) do you wear glasses? 
yes, but no (?) i have glasses but i don’t wear them 24/7 since my eyesight isn’t that bad... i only wear them in class when i’m too far away from the board. i have kinda circular, brown glasses (lmao, i know no one asked but...) 
(5) do you wear braces?
i used to wear braces a couple of years ago so now i just wear my retainers once a week (you’re supposed to wear them every night but whatever,,, i’m pretty lazy and irresponsible and my teeth haven’t shifted sooo once a week will do ahah) 
(6) what’s your fashion sense? 
i care about how i dress but i don’t worry about how i look all the time soooo... i’ll sum up my style in a few words: 26 year old single korean girl walking to an aesthetic cafe on a sunday afternoon. yeah. that’s basically my style. lol i hope you guys understand what i mean... if not, i’m terribly sorry
(7) full name? 
only a few people on tumblr know my name... but i don’t want to reveal it here since i know everyone can see this, and tumblr is the only social media platform where my identity is hidden sooo... 
but if you want to get to know me and learn my name then you can definitely message me or send something to me :) i’m nice, i swear
(8) when were you born?
july 2001; i’m 17 ;) 
(9) where are you from and where do you live now? 
i was born and currently live in los angeles, california however, i am 100% korean. both of my parents were born and raised in south korea. and yes, i am fluent in korean. 
(10) what school do you go to? 
i am a highschooler. and that’s all i’m gonna say. skool sucks :P
(11) what kind of student are you?
i would like to say that i’m more of a hard worker than a naturally smart person, but i am currently getting straight As and for those of you who live in the us, i’m taking 5 APs (which totally sucks :’( but i’m handling them kinda well... i think). and i don’t really like being complimented because one of my biggest fears is of me becoming arrogant so let’s move on,,, pls. 
(12) do you like school?
hell no. but i have to deal with it since everyone does so :/// school isn’t that bad if you daydream and think about bts all day hehe. but in all seriousness, i think school is okay if you have the right friends to hang out with and talk to 
(13) favorite subject? 
history!!! i know this is really weird since not a lot of people like history, but i love ittt!!! i think it’s really fun since it’s kinda like one big story of our world (i’m sorry, i’m such a dork)... i took ap art history last year and i fell in love with it! 
(14) favorite tv shows? 
i used to watch kdramas a longgg time ago, but i kinda stopped but idk why... but my favorite tv shows are friends, the office, stranger things, jane the virgin, etc, etc... i can literally name so many tv shows that i’ve watched but then i’d go rambling on and on and on and i don’t want to bore anyone...
(15) favorite movie? 
forrest gump !!! (and also, did anyone see the two bts movies? i watched both of them at cgv and i literally exploded when i saw the members... okay, moving on (sorry... i get off topic really easily)) 
(16) favorite books? 
i read a book called “pachinko” by min jin lee over the summer and it was so! freaking! good!!! i highly recommend it everyone~ it’s a historical fiction novel about 3-4 generations of this korean family who lived in korea and then moved to japan. it takes place a little before the korean war and it talks about the discrimination that koreans faced in japan at the time. i recently went to the library to check it out since i wanted to read it again but they didn’t have an english copy of the book so i’m reading it in korean at the moment. 
(17) favorite pastime? 
rewatching and rewatching and rewatching bangtan. oh, and streaming their new album ;) oh, and stressing over the new test questions on the fan cafe that the staff upload every week (i need to level up but the test is so hard... i cry every time) 
and writing for this blog! i originally made this blog to de-stress and write some scenarios and reactions and i didn’t know that people would actually like them and respond to them,,, so hey, thank you :) you make me happy every day 
(18) do you have any regrets? 
yes. too many to count. but i’m not gonna sit here and list them all lol
(19) dream job?
i don’t really know... but something in corporate law (?)
(20) would you ever like to be married? 
yessss! have you seen my entire blog??? it’s an entire fluff kingdom!!! i mean, i know that marriage is not just one big fluff and i know that it’s tough, but i would still like to get married one day 
i have my own little fantasies about how married life would be, but that’s a little secret so i’ll save it for next time ;) 
(21) would you like to have kids? 
as much as i love kids, i’m not too sure if i would want any... i mean, obviously my answer will change in the future, but i kinda want either no kids or just one kid... the responsibility of being a parent kinda freaks me out...
(22) how many?
oops, i kinda answered this already in (21) but i’ll answer again anyway: 0-1 
(23) do you like shopping? 
no, i absolutely LOVE shopping. i think i’m addicted lmao. 
psssss: i know no one asked, but my favorite retail shop is madewell
(24) what countries have you visited? 
ahhh finally... the question i’ve been waiting for... so if you get to know me, i really really really reallyyyyy love traveling and i’m so grateful for all the opportunities i’ve been given to travel at such a young age. 
so, let me just list all the places i’ve been to (an i know not all of these are countries, or out of the us, but just hear me out,,, okay?) : france, italy, south korea, mexico, us (hawaii, nevada, utah, etc (lol, i can’t remember all of them)) 
my favorite location out of all of these places is definitely italy <3 (italy has my heart)... i stayed at rome and i also visited pompeii and positano (which were absolutely stunning and beautiful). i went to rome last spring (around april/may) and i personally, really love sightseeing and history and since rome is full of those two things i reallyyy enjoyed it there. oh, and don’t even get me started with the food <3333 
i also really loved france... i stayed at paris and my favorite thing about paris was definitely the louvre museum (once again, i love art history) as well as this place called montmarte (ahh! it’s so pretty) 
and last but not least, (as much as i love love loveee south korea) i really enjoyed mexico! i love calming, relaxing vacation spots so i got to go to cancun (twice!) and snorkel and swim and see little fishies in the clear turquoise ocean... yeah, i miss it there... :( 
(25) scariest nightmare you have ever had
i would totally tell you guys, but it was too complicated so i’m not even gonna bother. 
(26) any enemies? 
i am a lover, not a fighter (hehe)
(27) any significant other?
does jungkook count? lmaooo it’s a joke... he doesn’t even know i exist lol. 
my answer is no. 
(28) do you get along with you family?
yes, yes i do.
(29) do you believe in miracles?
i believe things happen for a reason... so does that count? 
last but not least... (30) how are you?
i’m actually doing pretty well :))) i was in this really big emotional slump that kinda felt like a roller coaster ride last year, but i’m over it now so... yeah... i doing pretty well :) 
okay, so now that i’m done, i have to tag people, and like i said, i don’t talk to that many people on tumblr since i’m a loser lol so here are the people i’ll tag (sorry, i’m not gonna tag 10 people) : 
@pjmochii @jsuga @kpopsffct @ anyone who wants to do it... 
but yea, i seriously don’t know that many people since i haven’t been on tumblr for a long time, so i’m sorry to the people who i tagged (if i haven’t talked to you a lot, i’m sorry... i’ll try to be a better person and try to talk to you more ...) 
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prism-rush · 7 years
Prism Rush Main Story Episode 3 Chapter 2
Beyond the Rainbow!! -sparkling acceleration to spring-
Episode 3: The Christmas Party brings the Scent of Danger #2
First Previous Chapter
Please check that you’ve read the previous chapters first! This is a series. (I’m really worried about y’all liking these out of order haha… really tho.) If you are new this is the original story from Prism Rush mobile app which connects the first King of Prism movie with Pride the Hero.
Translator’s notes: I had to Google what a “Dragon Flag” was for this one, and apparently it’s this. (I thought it was a Prism Jump at first, but nope ahaha.) If it’s called something different in English, let me know. 
If you noticed me calling this episode the “Taiga bondage episode”, you will very soon find out why. But that aside!! This chapter is gold for so many reasons I can’t list them all. But for one:  Leo has Aira’s clothes whispering ability. (It’s gotta be a direct reference to Aurora Dream and you won’t be able to tell me otherwise.) 
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Taiga: You bastard! Where am I.. and what is all of this?! 
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Why am I tied up?! Hey! Get this off of me!
Alexander: Chill out.
Taiga: What?!
Alexander: You’ll just have to wait patiently until the concert is finished. 
Taiga: ?! What the hell do you want from me?
Alexander: I don’t want anything. I just did what I was told. 
Taiga: WHAAAAAAT?! You can’t be serious! Are you actually trying to sabotage our performance?! LET ME GO! You dirty cheater! If you want to battle me I’ll take you on right now! Let’s do it fair and square! 
Alexander: Don’t flatter yourself. 
Taiga: ….?! 
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Alexander: I’ll say it again. I don’t give a crap about you or Edel Rose. 
Taiga: Wha….
Alexander: It’s all just business. But, well, if Kazuki Nishina happens to come to save your dumb ass….
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THEN it would make things even sweeter. HA HA HA HA! 
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Taiga: You’ve got to be kidding me! You’re underestimating Edel Rose… not just that, you’re underestimating me! You better watch your back!! 
Alexander: Oh shut up. Stop your crying. 
Taiga: …ug….
Alexander: You just sit tight there, have naptime, and stay out of my way. *huff… huff…*
Taiga: …Woah…. He’s doing dragon flags for muscle training… that easily….?! The steel 6-pack… He’s just doing some reps… but his aura is so intense… 
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Nevermind, I don’t have time for this!! If I don’t get out of here, I’m going to miss the performance… DAMMIT!!! Kazuki-san… if he were here… what would he do…. 
(Across town.)
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Yukinojo: *catching his breath* 
Kakeru: AHHH! What’s going on?! He’s not here either?! My poor little legs are going to fall off. 
Yukinojo: Is there anywhere else he could possibly be? If not, then perhaps Schwartz Rose really did…. 
Kakeru: ….take our poor Princess Taiga away to another castle? Come on, give me a break! 
Yukinojo: What now…? Maybe it’s time to call the police… 
Kakeru: Hold on. 
Yukinojo: What are you doing?
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Kakeru: Oh, just messing around with the company satellite.  ♪
Yukinojo: What?! You mean the kind of satellite… in space?! 
Kakeru: But of course. ♪ Taiga-kyun may have been captured by one of our security cameras…. *keyboard clicking* *ping!* Oh ho ho! BINGO! I’ve got him! 
Yukinojo: Really?! 
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Kakeru: We haven’t got a minute to lose! But… I’m tired from running so… HEY Limousine! 
Yukinojo: Kakeru… or should I say Kazuo Juuouin… to think that you have this frightening power bestowed upon you by the Juuouin Holdings Group… 
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I hope Shin and the others are alright. The show is about to begin. Right around now the guests should be arriving…. 
(Back at the stage.)
Shin: Yu-kun! Have you got all the wires hooked up? 
Yu: Yeah… just a bit more…. hrm… this cable… goes… uh…. 
Shin: Oh? Are you having trouble reaching? Here! Alley-oop! 
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Yu: ?! Shin! You can’t just go around picking up people whenever you feel like it! 
Shin: But you can reach now, can’t you? 
Yu: …..UGH!!!! It’s done! I plugged it in, so put me down! 
Shin: Of course!
Yu: Uff. Don’t you ever do that again. Everyone saw my belly button. Goddamn it. 
Minato: Oh Suzuno! Let it go! 
Yu: Waah!! Ahh! Minato stop squeezing me! 
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Minato: Ichijo helped you out. So. What do you say?
Yu: …um…. Thank you… 
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Shin: No problem!! 
Yu: …urg… Minato-san, how at the lights?
Minato: Oh, I think they’ll do. Since we’re just amateurs I think this is as good as it’s going to get. 
Shin: It’s gonna be OK. 
Minato: Hm?
Shin: We’re all going to light the stage with the illumination of our hearts! 
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Minato: ….
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Shin: ….Minato-san?
Minato: Ahahah! Shin, you’re great. I love you for that. Really great. 
Shin: Huh? R-really? Ahah…. 
Yu: Leo! How are the costumes? 
Leo: Almost ready! Stitch stitch…. stitch stitch…. 
Yamada: Your sewing is so clean, Leo. 
Leo: Yeah, I love sewing! To make our outfits happy, I have to be sure to fix them so they are even more glittery-wonderful than they were before! 
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Yamada: Even clothes have feelings, don’t they. Being able to hear the whispers of the performance costumes, that’s a skill only a true Prism Star can have.
Leo: Yup! 
Shin: Amazing…. as long as we all work together we can make the impossible possible…. 
Hijiri: Yes. There is a limit to what one person can do. But if we all combine our strengths we can ascend a whole new world which couldn’t be seen before by just trying to peek over the fence.
Shin: A new world..!! I’m really getting excited now! Today’s concert… will be great! 
Yu: Well good for you, but Taiga’s still not here. 
Shin: AH—! That’s right! I forgot! 
Minato: Don’t worry. He’ll be here. 
Leo: Yeah! Let’s trust in Yuki-sama! Okay?
Shin: …Did you forget about Kakeru? ….I just hope Taiga-kun hasn’t gotten hurt…?
(Back to the streets….)
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Alexander: *huff* *huff* *huff! huff! huff!* 1-2-3 Pack! X Pack! A kick to topple a wrestler back! A ticket for you to ride my 6 Pack!
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Taiga: He’s… composing some kind of a rap while doing side crunches?  …The hell…. But I can’t deny how ridiculous his aura is… I think just touching it could make me hallucinate again… I… I… I have to get to the concert… UUggh… I’m losing my strength…. 
???: Sorry to keep you waiting. 
Taiga: Huh!? Kazuki-sa–
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Kakeru: It’s your Prince Juuouin! Kakeru-kun here to save you! Didn’t mean to be late to the party! 
Taiga: KAZUO——–?!?!
Kakeru: GAH! Don’t call me that! You’re ruining my heroic, princely entrance! 
Taiga: Who are you calling princely you cocky bastard! And what are you doing here!
 Yukinojo: Settle down, Taiga. It’s because of Kakeru that we found you. 
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Taiga: Huh…? Did you put some kind of tracking device on me?! Like a Jeep-P-S?
Kakeru: No, nothing like that! UGH! Can’t you ever be grateful for once in your life! You know you’re happy to see me, my pure-hearted Taiga! 
Taiga: Well if only you would stop saying such weird things!! 
Yukinojo: We’ll have time for fighting and explanations later. Right now we have to get to the stage… 
Alexander: Hold it right there. 
Yukinojo: ?!
Kakeru: T…this aura… It’s like when we were on the banks of the River Styx… frightening and cold…. IT’S HIM! Alexander! EEEEK! 
Alexander: Although I couldn’t really care less about you all, I can’t let you take this guy.
Yukinojo: …..
Kakeru: Y… Yuki-sama? What’s come over you…
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Yukinojo: I see. If we aren’t able to talk this out, then we have no other choice. We’ll be taking him back by force. 
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Next Chapter
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ygreczed · 7 years
Question Time !
Next one is a special @linabigface​ Question Time so be ready everyone !!! ~
I’m really sorry, I have a lot of asks lately but I am busy as hell (next week will be better) so I take my time to answer ! Sorry again...
Also, it’s kinda hard to have a total sight on the asks I answered and the others, because I love to read the cheering messages on them when I’m feeling down so I don’t remove them... That’s why my askbox is a mess ahem... I should screen the messages, keep them somewhere and clean up a little... later.
So, here we go !
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> Hello ! :D Sure I will draw it ! But I am really busy with schoolwork and some projects on my blog lately (*cough* so much kdfd *cough*) so it might take some time. But yes, I will ! And thank you so much ! I know it’s not as amazing as some other artists on the fandom but I really enjoy drawing so I’m glad you like the result ~~
> Do you think so anon ? I remember I once studied a catalan song for school (La estaca by Luis Llach, if you know it ?) and I found it was pretty different from spanish ! But you’re right, there is some similarities with french, so... Maybe ? Thank you for telling me in any case ! Your remind me of the song, I used to sing it with some friends when I was working on it and it was a really beautiful language (less with my pathetic accent but anyway ahah) ~
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@linabigface​ : Good to know ! I’m sure it will interest some people around here ! 
@shawn-and-aiden-frost-9​ : Ahahah, thank you, both of you ! But this ship has a real name ?! I always said Kdfd or Fdkd so I don’t know... But I’m glad the “kdfd” expression is rubbing off on you somehow ahah ~
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@linabigface​ : Do you think so ? *-* I would love to be that reference since there isn’t much more tumblr focusing on this ship (?) but I’m sure it will bore people someday ahah... But I’m so happy you’re thinking this about my blog, it’s so kind *-* I’m putting a lot of effort in it so I can give you good content so you couldn’t say something nicer ~ Thank you so much Lina ! <3
> It’s a good question anon ! First, thank you for everything you said about my Harry Potter AU headcanons and Yuuki ; I really love the AU and I did my best for the headcanons thingy so I am really happy to know you like it ! I feel so proud actually xD Also, I didn’t thought of Yuuki in this AU, so I don’t have any headcanon for now. But if you have some please share them with us ! You can flood my askbox with HPAU!Yuuki hdcs, I will regroup them and post them. I may join you with my own hdcs ! I will try to think of something on my own with Yuuki but I really need to focus on the KdFd HPAU hdcs for now (I have too much things to do, I need to finish something ahah). Thank you again for your ask ! ~
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> What did you do anon... You know I love talking about Kidou... xD You’re absolutely right ! That’s on of the reasons I love Kidou this much. I don’t know if you saw this post and this post, where I’m talking about my love for this fabulous boy but I feel the same about him. I too was kinda dubious when I saw him for the first time but now I couldn’t imagine Inazuma Eleven without him ! Though for Haruna, I have my theory : we saw that Haruna was sorta mad at Kidou in the first episodes when she finds him spying on Raimon. During all those years, Kidou couldn’t meet her sister because his father or Kageyama (or both ?) was/were using it as a motivation to force him follow his commander’s orders. And Haruna was mad at him because of this, because he was avoiding her and because he was playing “wrong sakka”. When Haruna realised he was doing everything for her, she forgave him and Kidou finally saw that she was right about everything and decided he wouldn’t follow Kageyama’s orders anymore (so he will keep seeing Haruna no matter what !) Tbh I can’t imagine Kidou risking to lose Haruna, she’s his last family. I think that Kidou would do anything for his sister, even if it destroys him (I’m sure someone this caring and this kind would feel terrible if he was forced to do the kind of things Kageyama is making him do...) Oops, sorry I did it again... Thank you for your ask in any case ! I’m always okay when it comes to have a chat about Kidou ahah
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> Not that I don’t like Go/Cs/Galaxy... Well, I used to dislike these seasons (because I was really frustrated not to have a show focusing on my original IE boys). I was really bitter about it and I had the feeling all the Go characters were a shameful plagiarism of the original boys ; a Gryphon Trio with more or less the same personalities as the Break Trio, Kirino being a pink haired Kazemaru, etc... And one day I realised Go characters had a real personality and all. I think I really enjoyed Go. I never finished Chrono Stone because I got bored of the time travels, because I really found Wandaba unbearable and because the IE original characters didn’t have much importance in the season (unlike Go I guess).
And I tried to see Galaxy but when I realised Kageyama was back (WTF ?!) and Kidou, Fudou and Sakuma being “lololol, everything is fine” despite this man being their ultimate enemy/mentor and despite them having REALLY CONFLICTUAL FEELINGS FOR HIM. I know we need to focus on the Go kids but still, Kageyama was THE best vilain in IE, with real struggles, credible goal and good background and his relationship with the Penguin trio and Raimon is really important to me... I only watched Galaxy until episode 14 (or something like this) because Fudou was having his cameo as Resistance Japan’s coach (and he’s too sexy, I couldn’t resist him).
I hope it answers your ask, anon ! :)
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> Oh wah, thank you *-* You’re amazing too anon ! I’m glad you like this blog, really ! *-* I didn’t think so much people would ask me about Genda... I like Genda but as the anime isn’t showing him a lot I don’t know him very well... As I was saying I have a lot of projects going on lately so I can’t start something about Genda really soon, but yeah, I’ll try to do more about Lion boy ~ Don’t hesitate to send me another ask if there is some points you want me to focus on (so I will know where to begin ahaha).
Thank you again. Hope you will have good time around here in the future !
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riskeith · 4 years
hi babe ! its snowing so much here today i’ve been cold all day :( but i got some chai latte and made snow angels so i’m feeling a bit better,.. <3
i wish there was a way to trade objects or send them away!! ik it would spiral into hacking, scamming and would probably defeat the purpose of the game by making it much easier but still :( it would be nice to help out friends with some objects.. :(
actually the most annoying thing about mobile is the camera. it sometimes glitches especially during battle and i find myself stuck facing a mountain bc the camera. so i see why people might complain. also sadly NO :( i wish!! i have an old laptop i thought of using but idk if it can handle it. i think i wanna try it out though. do you use a laptop or pc?
that’s true. i wish we could like... unable easy mode and just chill LMAO hsjshdhdk. but combat does get more fun the more you progress, i’ve started to really enjoy it. now i get why you started to like dragonspine.... i think.... i’m still iffy about that place... 🤔 fuck the cold.
dude. they’re sooo good. i love how they just.. angrily reassure each other constantly. kageyama’s just ARGH *literally smacks sense into hinata’s head* and hinata’s just EEE *takes the compliments and spikes like a mf*
i actually didn’t know much about voltron when i first started watching. i only knew about shiro because an acquaintance had posted about his gay announcement but i never checked it out. i actually got into it in a funny way... i was on yt one day and i saw a video titled ‘are keith and lance gay?’ and i was like who the fuck are keith and lance? then because i’m such a gay person myself i decided to check it out and i saw keith and was like... wow that’s a cute boy... then i saw their dynamic and said WOAH. and well... i just started watching and got hooked and i thought everything was neat and fun so i watched up until season 3 without engaging in any fan activities so i had no idea what people were saying...,, then i did and i was greeted with the shit storm. and the rest is history. but i can imagine it must’ve been so fun... the excitement of not knowing where the story will go and getting new content and being in the fandom while it was alive despite everything.... ahhh how did you find out about the show?
dude YEAH!!! do you feel like university affects the way you handle your fandoms? we talked a bit about hobbies and stuff but what about fandoms?
(MAKES A SECOND REROLL ACCOUNT JUST FOR THIS.... 🥺 omgggg imagine how cute that would be wait omg i’m actually like ahhhh.. we could go on dates at liyue... or watch the sunset at cape oath.... or have picnics at any mountain top... 😳 YEAH PLS that would be so nice... help is anyway nice to have and you’re such a op now you’d just murder the villains in a second... 😳 oo. although i checked earlier and my server is in america for some reason? i really hope they do the cross-server thing life would be SO good. i’d ask you on a date in a heartbeat. 😳 which characters would we use on this co-op date?)
KOSMO!!! BEST PART OF VOLTRON???? kosmo... come back to us please.. please. ok maybe second best part after keith in the bom suit..... god keith in purple just sits so right <3333 sooo right <3333 I VOTE FOR KEITH BECAUSE HE’S HALF-GALRA SO I GUESS THAT MAKES HIM THE FUTURE *LOVE-SICK SMILE* yeah... hahaha fucking fools. ‘rewrite where lance was looking for keith to confess to him bc they were going back to space’ CRIESSSSSSSSSSSS... CLUNAAAA... 🥺👉🏽👈🏽 hi.. 🥺 now i’m just gonna think about this all night and clutch my heart. thank you for that. btw how would you feel about a voltron movie ?
(i love how our topics just jump from genshin to voltron to genshin to voltron again lmao)
lots of kisses from your m.a. <3333
(okay this ended up being very long bc i combined your second ask too and talked a lot so i hope it’s okay i put it under a read more fkdsjhfks)
omg snow!!! is it all pretty and fluffy 🥺🥺 also ‘chai latte’ and ‘snow angels’ in the same sentence when you said you were cold made me fhfksfjs but i’m happy you’re feeling better! muwah 🥰
yeah same!! i said that to my brother when i first started playing i was like ‘i wish you could trade characters’ and he just gave me a deadpan look and was like.. why would they allow that FHDSFKHD sigh but it would be fun!
ah yikes no! sometimes the camera fucks up even on pc so I can’t imagine what it’s like on mobile in the pivotal moments fhdkfjsd. and i use a laptop! i don’t have a pc ahaha. ahhh i hope you somehow manage to find a laptop/pc to try it out thoo
AHAHAH come on m.a. give dragonspine another shot 🤪🤪 but yeah the challenge is fun sometimes! tho i tried to do a domain like 3 times today and kept failing so... it’s also not fun. (i also tried to find some vids about how to build my characters and got overwhelemd fkhsdfks i feel like i’m going about it all in the wrong way ahhhhhhhhhhhh)
FSHDFKJSDHFKSDHJF THAT DESCRIPTION OF KAGEHINA YES 💯💯💯💯 the accuracy omg.. they’re such chaotic idiots i love them!!!!
!!! what a story that is ahah omg it’s like fate... icb you got that vid recommended to you lolol iconic... and i found out about it from my dash!! someone reblogged a screenshot and i was like “legend of korra?” FHSKFJHSKF so basically i thought it was a korra comic or something bc the art style was so similar fhskdfjd. and then i went searching and gave it a shot! and fell down the rabbit hole..
ooo wdym by handle my fandoms? i do know that last year when uni got overwhelming i locked my twitter and made a priv to vent and just. didn’t really go on social media if that’s what you meant FHSKJSDHKF but yeahhhhhhh uni fkn sucks. sucks out all the motivation i have for anything... i type so many words for lectures that i don’t have the energy to write fic :// FJKDSHKSDHFKSHF don’t meant to get so negative but yeahh lol. hbu?
(all those options got my heart going doki doki 😩 who needs real life dating when you can date in the gorgeous atmosphere that is genshin? AHAH. and oh? america??? maybe they just did that as default hm. as for which characters.... i don’t know that we have any that make up the popular ships fhdskjfj (xingqiu/chongyun, zhongli/childe, beidou/ningguang).. tho i see xiao/aether and xiao/venti on the rise so when the time comes ... AHAH you can be the venti to my xiao <3 LOL)
!!!!!!!!! okay i’ll list that down as the fic idea.. but no promises once again sdjfhksdf but i’m also very 👀👀👀 at the concept so! will def keep it in the back burner. 
hm. i honestly don’t know if i would even pay any attention to it hfksdhfjds like voltron left such a sour taste in my mouth i don’t even know that i could consume any canon content ever again. but it’ll also depend on what the plot would be? lol. would you be okay with it?
(lmaooo we be balancing many convos at once look at us 🤪)
ALSO!!! i’m watching spirited away rn and omg. i love haku sm. i love no face too!!! (at least in the beginning when he (?????) was helping sen <33) all the characters are really good as well tho and ofc the art and music!! i really wanna draw something for it now...... and it makes me very excited to watch howl’s moving castle!!
‘I saw the person my younger self had been enraptured by. I saw someone who took my breath away. And when I blinked, I saw the present you. A soul which, slowly but surely, I’d started to fall in love with.’
UMMMMMMMM CLUNA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! explain yourself right now.........., what is this goddamn beauty you hide ? why is that so beautiful..,,, i take it the last klance fic is a multiverse fic???? literally everything good in one????? i saw hints of royal au as well? 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 you do us so good i literally love you sm just reading those small snippets just Ahhhhhh..... i love them they sound amazing i just wanna exist in them yk... 😭😭😭😭😭😭
FHDSKJFHDSFKJ IF YOU THINK THAT IS GOOD JUST WAIT UNTIL YOU READ THE LAST SECTION!!!!!!!!! but at the same time i’m surprised by myself too... me @ past me you ain’t bad! shdfkds I legit have no recollection or writing the snippet you sent but i’m glad you like it 😩😩 and thank you for being so kind always ilysm too 😭❣💓💖💫💞💘❣💖
oh and to answer your question (oops almost forgot) yes it’s a multiverse fic!! that’s why i thought it’d be good for the last one ehehe. just shoved in everything i loved and made klance in love in them!!
hope you’re treating yourself!! loveeeeeee your c.r. <3
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park-kinkmin · 8 years
Darkiplier and Antisepticeye
Ok first of all, holy mother of fucks, @markiplier ‘s valentine’s day video was absolutely the best thing ever! (along with @therealjacksepticeye ‘s halloween video).
if you haven’t watch Mark’s video, I suggest you you go now before reading this post (if you actually even read it xD) because it might contain spoilers.
Ok so we now have physical proof of Darkiplier’s existence, just like Anti’s. I love how they both act alike with the glitches and all, but they’re still so different from each other. from what I saw with Jack and Anti, it seems like Anti fights Jack for control of the physical body. Anti was restless, he’d do anything and everything to take full control of Jack’s body, including killing Jack which is kinda what he did in the halloween video when he cut his throat. He just wanted freedom, and he has no problem in blaming us (the fans) for his actions towards Jack (“you all said my name”, “YOU” “its all your fault” “you all made this happen” “you could’ve stopped me... but you just watched as this happened” “now he’s gone forever”). He knows exactly what to say to make us feel guilty. that sounds an awful lot like a sociopath. I might be wrong but I just did some research (I wouldn’t be writing this without doing my homework ahah) and some of the traits are:
Repeated violations of the law
Pervasive lying and deception
Physical aggressiveness
Reckless disregard for safety of self or others
Consistent irresponsibility in work and family environments
Lack of remorse
you can see most of these behaviors in Anti. Antisepticeye is a sociopath.
now Darkiplier on the other hand...
from what I saw in mark’s valentine’s day video, Dark looked like he had more self control. he seemed awfully calm. he wasn’t trying to fight Mark for a chance of controling the body. he was waiting for Mark to actually let him in (”I’ve been waiting patiently” “he promised he would let me in again”) and this makes me think... Dark is strong enough to take over Mark’s body without actually attacking Mark the way Anti did with Jack. and Mark knows it. so he made a deal. he would let Dark get in from time to time, if he promised not to hurt anyone. obviously Dark wouldn’t keep that promise like we see in the 14 million subs video for example. now lets take a look at some of the psychopath traits:
Lack of guilt/remorse
Lack of empathy
Lack of deep emotional attachments
Superficial charm
Reckless risk-taking
I don’t know about you but these scream Darkiplier to me. you can see how emotionally detached he is from us. he just wants to toy with our emotions. this is all but a game to him. and he doesn’t care about the consequences (”take your pick. anything of four different choices”, “and lets see how far down this rabbit hole really goes” “so take your pick. show me what you got”, “and maybe we’ll have a good date after all”). he gives us a sense of security and happiness(?) (”if dinner is what you want, then I can provide”, “and I can take you to wherever you’d like to go”), only to be crushed by a statement that makes us fear for our own life (”I can specially take you to places where you DON’T want to go”), leaving us on the edge. he makes us think he actually cares about us (”I’ve been waiting a long time to get some personal space between us”), when he actually just wants to hurt us (”THERE’S NOTHING YOU OR HE CAN DO TO STOP ME”, “youre never, ever going to escape me”).
and if you notice, after you’ve chosen who to kill, you’ll see that if you choose the left option, Mark looks so worried and empathetic over us, trying to reassure us... after all we just killed someone and he’s worried about us (compared to the Mark we’re left with, if you choose the right option). at the end, it turns out we killed the wrong Mark, and we’re left with Dark in front of us. for a second we believed we killed the right Mark, seeing how calm and not evil M(D)ark was acting towards us. that is manipulation. Dark made us believe we were safe now, that we made the right choice, only to crush that sense of safeness right when we were starting to get confortable and at peace (”oops... looks like you made the wrong choice”, “but now we’re going to be together.... forever”)
I strongly believe Darkiplier is a psychopath and Antisepticeye is a sociopath. they both act differently towards Jack and Mark and their fans, but at the same time, in a very similar way. I believe the reason Anti is so glitchy and Dark is so “HD quality” (xD) is because Anti forced his way into Jack and obviously thats gonna leave some damage, while Dark waited (im)patiently for his turn to take over the body.
I just want to congratulate @therealjacksepticeye and @markiplier for portraying these characters, made up by the fans, so unbelievably well, and thank them for taking their time to make something, created by the community, come true like this. you guys are amazing.
this is just my theory, if you disagree or have something to say, I’d be more than happy to hear your theories, but don’t be rude or anything.
also, if you read this giant post till the end, thank you so much for taking your time to do so :) sorry if this was a bit confusing xD 
edit: if you want a bit more input on their disorders, take a look at this post
please, I would love to hear your opinions on it
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gskarth · 8 years
Everything with a 2
heyy!! thank youu ahah this may take a while oops
02. who did you last say “i love you” to?probably either my mam or mint
12. have you ever stayed up 48 hours?hmmm maybe back when i was younger and i used to stay up making jonas brothers fan vids, but i could never do it now ahhaha
20. where was the last place you snogged someone?at my front door when i said bye to my ex and then he never spoke to me again ha ha ha :)
21. what are your plans for this weekend?i’m going out for my best friend’s bday and i’m kinda nervous ahhh
22. do you want to have kids? how many?i’m not sure honestly, all depends on how my life pans out i guess
23. do you have piercings? how many?just my ears, i once got like two more piercings on each ear but they closed up lol
24. what is/are/were your best subject(s)?like at school?? english language and psychology and sociology, and i enjoyed history at school
25. do you miss anyone from your past?i miss some old friends but they’ve long changed, i wouldn’t wanna be their friend now but i do miss the memories
26. what are you craving right now?this may be the first time ever that i’m not hungry at all ahahha
27. have you ever broken someone’s heart?yes, and in some of the cases i’m really sorry about it, but in others i’m glad lol
28. have you ever been cheated on?possibly, i honestly don’t know
29. have you made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry?yeah, but only coz they felt bad coz they’d treat me like shit
32. what is your favourite color?green or purple
52. do you believe everything happens for a reason? yeah i do, even tho it’s hard to stomach sometimes
62. what makes you happy?friends (the tv show), playing sims, talking to mint, watching my fave youtubers, puppers 
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