#( &. gwynera )
multi-lefaiye · 1 year
oh yeah wait let me talk about my harpy oc's
dr maddock (they/it) is a doctor and scientist who studied at a prestigious university and has dedicated their life to scientific progress and disease research, specifically related to the mysterious disease that wiped out their family. it has no wings and only a small inferiority complex about that.
solaris (they/them) is a magical healer and former priest who still has their deeply held religious convictions, even if they're not practicing as a religious leader anymore. they're almost entirely mute due to trauma, instead using a mix of sign and magical telepathy to speak.
seraphine (he/him) is a runaway prince trying to make his way in the world, as well as escape the domineering matriarchy he grew up in. generally he's very sweet and gentle but super conflict avoidant, to the point of never facing his problems head-on if he can help it.
the challenger (he/him) is a warrior from the army of seraphine's mother, whose career as a soldier ended early due to injury. he later was appointed seraphine's personal guard and is now trying to get him back, chasing him all around the world to do so.
calliope (she/it) is an oracle from the mountains who foresaw her home's destruction and did nothing to stop it, letting her petty grudge against her ex take precedence over others' safety. as penance, she has sent herself into exile and is seeking redemption.
gwynera (she/her) is an explorer from humble origins who wants to rise above her station and make a mark on the world, at any cost. she's a big picture thinker who puts long-term goals over short-term concerns, for better and for worse.
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//don't wanna talk too much here about these ocs since they're not related in Any way to salvatore, but since i first mentioned them here. the harpies, continued.
dr maddock (they/it) is a doctor and scientist who studied at a prestigious university and has dedicated their life to scientific progress and disease research, specifically related to the mysterious disease that wiped out their family. has no wings and only a small inferiority complex about it.
solaris (they/them) is a magical healer and former priest who still has their deeply held religious convictions, even if they're not practicing as a religious leader anymore. they're almost entirely mute due to trauma, instead using a mix of sign and magical telepathy to speak.
seraphine (he/him) is a runaway prince trying to make his way in the world, as well as escape the domineering matriarchy he grew up in. generally he's very sweet and gentle but super conflict avoidant, to the point of never facing his problems head-on if he can help it.
the challenger (he/him) is a warrior from the army of seraphine's mother, whose career as a soldier ended early due to injury. he later was appointed seraphine's personal guard and is now trying to get him back, chasing him all around the world to do so.
calliope (she/it) is an oracle from the mountains who foresaw her home's destruction and did nothing to stop it, letting her petty grudge against her ex take precedence over others' safety. as penance, she has sent herself into exile and is seeking redemption.
gwynera (she/her) is an explorer from humble origins who wants to rise above her station and make a mark on the world, at any cost. she's a big picture thinker who puts long-term goals over short-term concerns, for better and for worse.
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tatsuokon · 3 years
a few days into the Carnival      just off the main square, Fahyrst ( @gwyncrafven​ )
The man at the bar—who had introduced himself rather grandiosely as Adarius Contravere, mixologist extraordinaire—had told Tatsuo it would be the perfect drink, the drink to beat every other colorful, elaborate cocktail he’d sampled over the course of the past few days. Which, really, was a tall order: he’s sampled quite a few already, and many of them pretty memorable. But Tatsuo is curious, so curious, curious enough that, without really realizing he’s done it, he’s promised the man he’ll fetch a giant’s tear stone, made note of the directions ( up just past the line of the permafrost, there’s an outcropping of rock that looks like an eagle, and below that, a cave, filled to the brim with crystals... ), and left the tavern in search of someone to drag with him to find the stone.
It feels like fate—good fate or bad, he’s not entirely sure—that he comes across Gwynera first. If you’d asked him which member of the Gabmit he’d trust most with a vague sort of venture off into the wilderness and find something rare kind of quest, she would have been his very first answer. If you’d asked him which member he’d want to go with on one of them, his answer would not have been quite so fast. He doesn’t deal well with coldness; oh, he can stand when people don’t like him, but he’d much rather they be upfront and angry about it, heated. Gwyn, he can never get a read on, can never bring himself to understand what it is that makes her distrust him.
Still: there she is. Certainly, she’d have no problem finding this cave that looks like an eagle or whatever Contravere had said. And there was tal to be made.
     “Gwyn,” he calls, racing a few steps to catch up to her ahead of him in the road, falling into step beside her before she has a chance to stop him.
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     “Are you busy, right now? Or have you got time for a quick jaunt into the permafrost?” And then, because he already senses she’s about to tell him no and he can’t bear the rejection, adds: “I’ll let you keep the reward money. If you help.” 
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gwyncrafven · 3 years
gwyn had only been around these .. strangers for a short while. not enough of an introduction given on her part for them to know much about her beyond the bare minimum, despite the passing weeks between them all, and they had mimicked her in return. she knew the comings and goings of a few, here and there, some distinguishing markers and tendencies in the mess of them. the hunter knew they wouldn’t come for her in the night either, most likely, and honestly — that was enough. she’d venture a guess it mattered less so long as she pulled her weight, paid her dues. they were a means to an end, people she’d fall away from just as quickly and as simply as she’d arrived — and yet.
and yet, there was one in particular that drew her focus that evening. that seemed to draw her gaze every once in a while, in fact, holding the sort of sly look in their own eyes that seemed to know more than she liked. that made her wonder, perhaps even to her detriment. still, there was an impulse to follow, to figure them out. and that’s exactly what she’d chosen this late evening.
gwynera snuck away in the same instance they eventually had, trailed them to a thicket of brush and dark, angular wood nearest their camp, rather light of foot as always. appearances aside, her caution was innate, something easily gained in her time, and perhaps even more to do with how little she knew of the one she’d tracked. despite the glimpse of familiarity. their manner and make eluded her, what they might be capable of was even less apparent. it was all too likely she’d find herself walking right into a trap, frankly, as things stood. that said, it was a pleasant enough surprise to find them waiting quietly in the grove, as if anticipating her instinct to follow their offered lead. the pair is isolated enough now to allow them privacy, yet not so far removed that it’d draw immediate concern from any party. it is at this moment the longstanding question finally finds its voice, breaking from its tidy trappings.
“.. who are you?”
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gambithq · 3 years
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the hunter
name: gwynera faen gender, pronouns: cis woman, she/her race: elf ( avariel & shadar kai ) alignment: chaotic neutral age: 87 faceclaim: im jinah
STR (11)    DEX (15)    CON (10)   INT (12)   WIS (13)   CHA (10)
once known by another name, gwynera is born of an illicit, ill-advised affair some many years ago. one of bloodied fists and warring words, the depths of passion bubbling and brewing amid threats to skin, to shatter bone, to batter veiled hearth and home. when the dam broke, as it were, her mother was mere moments from death, her wings tattered, her body worn. and yet, she was more alive than she ever might feel again, even at the shame of near defeat. she’ll claim it again on any occasion gwyn may ask of her, rarely repentant of her torrid embrace, even considering its costs. it’s the only occasion gwyn gleans any details at all, minor as they seem, regarding her would-be kin — of the man who left them both behind to appease his own. and so she’s desperate enough for it, grasps at it angrily, greedily. her mother calls gwyn her pride despite this. her greatest joy. and the woman treats her as a general would their prized soldier. a true heir of the skies. gwyn’s inability to rip her mother from the jaws of imminent despair, then, haunts her in a visceral way — she can still remember the smell of burning. her nightmares repeat the sight of flesh mauled by sharp claw and bones snapped by jagged teeth. and the very sign of near divinity, feathers once pale and pristine, were torn from wounded skin that day, their intricate threading charred and severed. gwyn’s back bears its scarring like a canvas now, stained and now inked. it is a reminder of weakness. it shall never be repeated.
she is alone, after. miserably so. lost in useless, despairing moments and dragging, desperate years. she is abandoned by remnants of her own kind, without a proper home and making use of surrounding wood, bearing little to her name. she’s soon stolen away despite this, barely giving the fight she should in the midst of her capture. snatched up by slavers who couldn’t care or know less of what she is, their only wish is to use what little she’s worth for their immediate gain. before they can sell gwyn off to someone as equally tragic, however, she’s saved by a man rather strange. and seemingly just as miserable. he is her liberator, though he’d state he was merely passing through. her second teacher, though he never claims it. through him she is renewed. through him, capable again. she can atone. she returns to her enemy of scale and flame and renders them no more. she does the same of other beasts .. even of men who prey on the broken and hopeless — a life she’s known as well. she does this for a price. for gold, for personal safety. for the thrill of the hunt. this is what keeps her useful, keeps her less dead, less meaningless. and she is driven in this, mostly solitary in her work. a shadow. a scavenger. the makings of near greatness again. yet, these things still aren’t enough to keep what’s loved protected.
she stumbles on a scene of broken things. shreds of clothing, various tells. her teacher’s home is ravaged and made to sell something in particular, it seems. a sign of a panicked exit, the implication of a dead man’s last breath — and she realizes this is to bury secrets. the scene is too clean. too easy to read, as if staged. she’s certain of his life still, despite the picture painted. despite the trail nearly running cold. on a gamble of a chance, her travels lead her to wandering men. men with supposed connections she might need. and so, gwyn’s hunt continues, though she’s no longer quite so alone.
played by Eva
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kishera · 9 years
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Commission for : Gwynera by Kishera
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gambithq · 3 years
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below the cut you will find the accepted characters, along with a brief checklist of what to do next if you have been accepted. before that, however, two brief notes:
one. you may notice, reading through, that there has been some slight shuffling of skeletons to accommodate this round of acceptances. any necessary changes (new titles, etc.) will be discussed with the players as I get the main sorted out over the next few days.
two. if any other applications come in between now and Saturday night, I will hold a second round of acceptances Saturday 5/1 at 10pm EST, which will hopefully give players accepted during the second round enough time to begin plotting before the roleplay opens on Sunday evening. if you have any questions about your application between now and then, please do let me know.
-- THE ACOLYTE. congratulations, CHAR! you have been accepted as Gavril Leontidis (Alec Secăreanu FC). -- THE GLADIATOR. congratulations, ANNA! you have been accepted as Ze’ev of Razorfang (Oscar Isaac FC).  -- THE HUNTER. congratulations, EVA! you have been accepted as Gwynera Faen (Im Jinah FC). -- THE WILDCARD. congratulations, GRAY! you have been accepted as Syvashka Strilko (Oliver Jackson-Cohen FC). we will discuss a new skeleton title for Vashka once you submit your blog!
create a new blog (not a sideblog) for your character, with a recognizable url (character’s name, etc.) -- I’d love to have these within the next 24 hours but if you need more time, let me know
ensure that your askbox is open, and then send an ask or a DM to the main from your character blog
you will be sent a link to join the OOC discord chat; once you are, join the chat and introduce yourself!
more information about characters, plotting, and the first adventure will be posted tonight and tomorrow, but in the mean time, be sure to re-read the rules page and check the trigger page, and ensure that your blog’s theme meets the standards on the rules page
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gambithq · 3 years
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     Adrik Odol      Calliope of Valmyar       Gavril Leontidis       Gwynera Faen       Ovid of Pouthená      Syvashka Strilko      Tatsuo Kon      Ze’ev of Razorfang
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