#( && threads || faith )
ganondoodle · 2 years
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there goes my favorite drawing software ...
i defended their plans for the version2 and all, bc i didnt see much wrong with it and liked csp alot, but i guess i should have become a hater back then already
after that one big mistake that sparked so much outrage they really said but how can we actually lose EVERYONE, they saw deviantart doing it and thought BET I CAN DO IT FASTER
(they say they dont use user data but are basing it on stable diffusion of all things, they literally only ask people to think morally/ethically when using it to not use stolen stuff like thats ever worked with anything ever, plus "we cant guarantee that there will be no copyright infringement" OH YOU DONT SAY)
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rookflower · 2 months
thinking about the character again (cinderpelt) and it's likely unintentional and a result of either her shifting narrative role from young go getter to wise mentor or a shift in how the books display their own politics but i find something really tragic in-universe in how she develops from a character who will actively and willingly break the warrior code when it conflicts with her own morals (immediately lying to cover for graystripe and silverstream, acting in direct defiance of her leadership to nurse littlecloud and whitethroat back to health) but overtime through her role she gradually grows more god-fearing and pious and embodies somewhat of a "starclan is always right, even when they are cruel, and we need to accept that" position
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genericpuff · 8 months
LO stan brain rot is vehemently defending a comic that you're swiping through so fast that you miss and forget crucial plot points, like thinking Demophoon was the reason for Demeter being a helicopter parent despite him being born during the 10 year time skip while Demeter was mortal.
LO anti/critic/hater brain rot is being able to look at an out-of-context panel of a character with same face syndrome turned greyscale and name exactly which character, scene, and episode it's from.
We are not the same.
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cephalosaur · 1 month
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"It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter God's kingdom!" Mark 10:25
Or in this case, a fox.
According to Grace For You, "Christ wasn’t referring to the eye of a literal needle—that would be preposterous. Instead, He was talking about a narrow entrance into the city of Jerusalem, a gate known locally as “the eye of the needle.” This gate was so small that a camel could only be brought through with great difficulty, squeezed through on its knees—which depicts how we humbly need to come to the Lord." (link)
I quite like the literal image, though. It paints something impossible and absurd---impossible by man, but possible through God.
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buckera · 5 months
Fuck It Friday 🧇
Heyooo. I am still riding the canon bi Buck high and can't wait to see the mess that is the madney wedding lmao — and to watch Tommy be the hero of the day and his reward to be a dance with Buck at the hospital, in their tethered clothes. (hey, I can dream, alright?)
Anyway, I decided to give you a bit more of the jealous eddie fic, which, listen... I am turning it inside and outside in my head, trying to figure out how to go forward with it, but so far all I could come up with is; rewrite most of it. welp, c'est la vie.
This comes directly after this snippet.
The gun went off and Buck just stood there, frozen with Eddie’s blood splattered all over his face, until he got pushed to the ground.
It felt like a million years before his brain finally caught up with the events around him, kicking his instincts into gear and making him crawl under the truck and get to Eddie.
After that it was a blur of desperation and undivided focus.
Stay alive please stay alive don’t leave me don’t leave me don’t leave me god I can’t live without you please don’t leave me—
After Eddie’s gurney left his sight, everything went silent, as if someone had hit the mute button on Buck’s life. His mind was empty, his eyes unfocused, his body numb. He was completely out of it.
That’s when Taylor arrived and took him home, so he could clean himself up before seeing Christopher.
And fuck, he had to be strong, he knew that, but it was too hard and heavy, he couldn’t hold out for long. Bobby’s text was the last drop to break the dam, the relief of being out of the woods, the hope of not losing Eddie made his chest impossibly tight and there was no more holding back.
Of course, Christopher took it in stride like always. God, he loved that kid so much, he was the strongest, the sweetest and smartest kid he’s ever known — his own person, yet a perfect extension of his dad — and Buck has loved him like his own from the start. That was probably the first sign of many that he missed.
And then it hit him. When he first went to see Eddie after he woke up, running down the corridors to his room; Buck’s heart was beating out of his chest, but it still skipped an entire beat when Eddie smiled at him as he walked into the room.
It came over him in waves, like he was watching the tsunami close in on him again, his emotions like water, pushed his body from side to side, constricted his lungs and made him feel like death was just around the corner.
The funny thing was… he knew it right there and then. He had no idea about how he felt before any of it and yet he knew; Eddie was it.
It was too much and too soon, overwhelming in a way he couldn’t qualify as good or bad, but suddenly breathing was hard around Eddie.
So when Taylor made a move, Buck clinged to it desperately, hoping against hope that it would be enough to shake the realisation. He knew better of course, but it seemed like the perfect hiding place at the time.
tags under the cut 💛
✨I have been tagged by and am tagging the ever so lovely
@sunshinediaz @spagheddiediaz @goforkinard
@exhuastedpigeon @nmcggg @bidisasterbuckdiaz
@daffi-990 @diazsdimples @honestlydarkprincess
@watchyourbuck @actualalligator @bucksbignaturals mwuahhh 💛
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raayllum · 8 months
rayla's "is this a guessing game? just do it!" to "what are you talking about? that's impossible" to "callum! but how did you—?" to "humans could do anything, they could be anything, they could take their own fates and change them—" to "then take a different path, dummy!"
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troythecatfish · 2 months
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Guardian bingo prompt: Revelations.
值得。zhi de. worth it.
Brought to you thanks to the discovery of fandoestrans' thread breaking down translations from various scenes.
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ludinusdaleth · 18 days
i said i wont speculate on how c3 will end but can i just say im not that worried it would end neoliberally primarily bc matt has been winding up the punch of "your actions esp aligned with vasselheim will have insane consequences no matter what you do" and it's obvious an ending where the status quo is saved is the ending where things will get worse. they literally cant save all the gods with no reflection without vasselheim genociding ruidians. they literally cant save all the gods with no reflection without a second calamity unfolding bc of the pantheons alliance like an aeor mirror. matt set it up really well i think that even if the cast try to maintain normalcy it means the world is going to be hurt by it. which can make an incredibly juicy and perhaps inevitable narrative about how the bells have been corrupted by what hurt them which tbh has felt foreshadowed since like. the solstice
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dblairlaw · 10 months
An extremely awkward and silent breakfast later, Ambrose meanders around the attic and shop. Draped in clothes that have to be held up by knots and string otherwise they’d fall off of him and he’d be naked every step of the day. The priest knew how to dote upon his..host/companion. Whatever he could consider Dex to be after his short interaction as a human and much fuzzier series of events as a beast. A few hours of light hang in the sky, the priest kneeling beside the bed as he watches the sun slowly set. If he was lucky, the moon would be just out of phase enough that he could walk to the temple safely.
“Are you feeling better? Would you like me to make dinner?” In the morning, he hadn’t gone to the bakers, attempting to make the same treats in the shops kitchen. Somehow, they hadn’t been poisoned.
Ambrose had been good company for the time he'd been here. It was still taking Dex some time to come around completely. For his mind to recover from... everything he'd experienced. But he'd be okay by the next morning.
He'd spent most of his day taking care of the shop, brewing what he needed of his stock in the kitchen. Or spending time with Ambrose, taking the time to actually know the man a bit more. Oh, and giving Lucky a very skewed recap of the events that had taken place. The lizard had been so concerned for his safety. But, after giving him some false recounts, he seemed satisfied
Dex felt his stomach grumble at him. He didn't know if he was properly recovered from breakfast. "Uhm... you can if you want... But keep it light, please. I have work tonight."
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anoetics · 3 months
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“   you have serious anger management issues. do you know that?!   " / @soulwounded
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bookwyrminspiration · 3 months
quil, any thoughts on the debate over manipulative fitz and his narcissistic tendencies in his relationship with sophie? (in the notes of the post from @/sophitz from 5 days ago)
Hi, Nonsie. I'll share a few thoughts, but I have absolutely zero desire to get wrapped into active discourse/arguments about this. This is non-exhaustive since I can't address every possible point/consideration in one post, but it covers more the heart of it I think.
I may or may not answer any follow-ups/reblogs about this, unsure yet. I really hope my answering this does not put it on a pedestal from which it catches fire, so everyone be cool please
I think it's ridiculous, unfounded, and frustrating. The original term used and debated was "narcissistic pervert." From what I can tell, that term originated with Paul-Claude Racamier in the 1980s-90s, and the only academic source I could find/access on the topic was his "On narcissistic perversion", which was a synthesis published in 2017 of a 1985 and 1991 paper + lecture. I can't link this because I could only access it through my uni, and I can't find basically any trustworthy sources (or any more recent sources) talking about it outside of him--at least in English. There may be other papers/professionals in untranslated French
From that, I'm highly skeptical of any use of the term colloquially, especially since it involves narcissism, which has an extremely misunderstood, negatively biased rep currently. Practically the only things you find when looking into perverted narcissism are informal blogs perpetuating stigma (e.g.: "If you’ve been in contact with a narcissistic pervert, remember that if he’s chosen you, it’s because you represent to him what he’ll never be able to be: a whole person!" <- real quote)
When reading Racamier's paper, I kept Fitz in mind--and specifically Fitz with Sophie, as that was a distinction made in the argument. That Fitz has perverted narcissist tendencies when it comes to Sophie specifically. I don't find that, based on my reading, to be true.
A few features of narcissistic perversion Racamier notes are (verbatim): it is vital to them not to owe anything to anyone, the inability to apologize and the rejection of remorse, the inability to express thanks, subjects impose a heavy burden on anyone who comes close to and concerns himself or herself with them, expresses his (narcissistic) perversion by his enjoyment of asserting himself at the expense of others, etc.
I don't find any of these traits to be true to Fitz, with Sophie or otherwise. Not wanting to be in others' debt is normal, and I can't think of an instance he reacted to the idea disproportionately (I suppose directly after Alden broke could count, but one instance does not a narcissist make), he's demonstrated a clear ability to apologize/be remorseful sincerely (including with Sophie specifically), to express genuine gratitude, doesn't consciously or intentionally impose on those close to him (it isn't his fault if others don't communicate any burden they experience so he can alter his actions, e.g. the stress of matching), and doesn't enjoy tearing others down around him to lift himself up (unless in a joke environment).
The paper goes on to talk about predation on a specific object (in this case Sophie). This object is "bearable only if it is dominated, ill‐treated, and sadistically attacked – and above all mastered." I find none of these words to be accurate to Fitz and Sophie's relationship--he does not dominate or master her, nor does he want to. He does struggle with being so rapidly unseated as the best, and wants to be someone others look to and trust, someone capable. But an instance of understandable jealousy that he doesn't want to feel/give in to (evidenced during the Inquisition as he fought the feeling) does not make him a narcissist. He simultaneously enthusiastically supports and compliments Sophie's prowess.
I know I referenced this one specific paper near entirely, but it appears to be the only thing to reference. And I am not a professional in any regard. This is my understanding of the term based on Racamier's explanation, which I've referenced against Fitz. The behaviors and mindset associated with narcissistic perversion (summarized as "the predominant need to assert, and the pleasure of asserting, oneself at someone else's expense") do not widely align with Fitz's (as a whole or just with Sophie)--and the instances in which they do aren't demonstrative of a pattern on which a claim like this can hold ground. I wish I could find the exact quote from another source I was looking at, but it's essentially: there are traits/tendencies of disorders in everyone, what makes them disordered is when they're abnormally extreme.
This is longer than I intended it to be so I'll try to wrap this up. This is in direct response to the idea of Fitz as a narcissistic pervert, which is what the discourse in the post you referenced discussed/started from. This doesn't talk about NPD or every point referenced by the individuals discoursing, as this isn't intending to respond to them. I am not an expert.
Based on my understanding and limited research, I think it inaccurate and callous. I think it misrepresents Fitz's actions and motivations, and while I am biased, I think this holds outside of my bias.
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i-eat-slimedotcom · 1 year
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Am I a hater or is this one of the most pathetic images crafted by a human. 
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ravenspeakmuses · 3 months
As always, being in a new town, Faith wanted to go around, explore and creat some chaos, whatever she could find to have some fun was good! Sometimes messing with people at a little bit was enough to amuse the demon, and so she decided to make her way to the  psychic shop, mess with whoever was there, maybe see if they were the real deal. "Hello?" Faith calls out as she made her way in, "Oh, hey!" she grins as she noticed the person who seemed to work there, "This is a fun shop," the demon says putting on her best smile, "Are you the owner?"
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Faith sighed in relief at seeing her uncle. She ran to him and hugged him tight. "Uncle Adam! Please tell me you're okay?" She doesn't know what would happen if he forgot her. "You remember me right? You're not forgetting anything?"
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ashesrebirthed-a · 8 months
It was just another average day at Angel Investigations. That was, if you counted 'average' as Cordelia coming back from her nice, paid vacation away from the psycho slayer that knocked her out and kidnapped Wesley on some homicidal trip-out, only to discover that said psycho slayer was not only still hanging around, but living with her boss. In their office's basement! And then, to add insult to injury, being left behind while Angel and Wes were off playing hero to babysit her. Alone.
Not that she'd been very around to do much babysitting of. The sun was beyond high in the sky already, and there hadn't been a peep from Faith all day. Honestly, Cordelia wouldn't have minded if she'd just stayed holed away down there until Angel got back. At least then she'd be left to read her magazines in peace - which, practically a continuation of her paid vacation, couldn't complain about that part - but eventually the sound of footsteps did come, and, well. Nothing good ever did last forever, did it?
"Well, look who finally rises from Angel’s crypt.” Flipping to another page of her magazine, Cordelia didn't even bother to glance up. She might trust Faith about as far as she could throw her - which was to say, not at all - but she also knew she wasn't stupid enough to hurt her in plain sight. Not again, anyway. “Not really much with the shining, though, are you? If you're trying to beat out my boss for biggest creature of the night, I hate to break it to you, but that guy pretty much has it down to an art form already.” // @wickedlehane + plotted starter!
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