#'what was that chile'
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mywitchyblog · 4 months ago
Message to @alphaltrainreflection
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First of all, bitch, where did I ever say anything about "eroticizing inferiority"? Like, be fucking for real. Show me the receipts. Because unless you’re reading between lines that don’t exist, nothing in my post said anything about power dynamics, submission, or ��inferiority.” It sounds like you’re projecting some judgmental bullshit that I didn’t even invite into the conversation. So let’s start there—check yourself before you come into my space twisting my words to fit your weird little agenda.
Second of all, and I mean this with every ounce of sincerity, shut the fuck up. Genuinely, if you don’t like what you see, don’t interact. It’s that simple. Not everyone has to match your narrow idea of what shifting is “supposed” to be. Shifting isn’t some gated community where you get to play security guard and decide who’s allowed in. So do us all a favor, take that rigid-ass energy, and keep it to yourself, bitch.
Let’s be real for a second. You said, “sex freaks who insist on eroticizing inferiority are ruining shifting.” Bitch, nobody’s ruining anything—especially not me. All I said was that I want to get fucked. Plain and simple. If my desire to shift for a good time offends you, you’re free to move along. Shifting means different things to different people, and if sex is part of that, it’s totally valid. If I want to shift to a reality for some damn good dick, who the fuck are you to get all sanctimonious about it? Newsflash: your opinion on what’s “appropriate” doesn’t apply here, darling.
And let’s get one thing fucking clear, because clearly, you need this spelled out: even if someone did want to shift to a reality where they take on a more passive, submissive role, what of it? Why the fuck does that bother you so much? Some people spend their whole lives having to be strong, holding shit together, constantly defending themselves, and staying in control just to survive. Maybe, just maybe, they want to create a reality where they can finally let go, surrender, and trust someone who respects them and won’t take advantage of them. Imagine that—feeling safe enough to let down your guard and explore a side of yourself you don’t get to express in this life. For some people, that’s healing. For others, it’s fun. Either way, it’s their choice, not yours. So back the fuck off.
So let’s talk about this “ruining shifting” nonsense you pulled out of nowhere. Bitch, the only thing “ruining” anything is people like you, stomping into conversations uninvited and acting like you’re the gatekeeper of how others should experience their desires. You’re clinging to this imaginary rulebook about what’s “appropriate” for shifting as if that makes you morally superior, but all it does is make you look insecure, judgmental, and way too invested in other people’s business. Spoiler alert: nobody gives a fuck about your approval or needs it to validate their experience.
Here’s the truth, since you seem to need a wake-up call: shifting is deeply personal. It’s about self-determination and freedom, not conforming to some rigid-ass code of conduct set by random bitches on the internet. If someone wants to shift for spiritual growth, self-discovery, sexual exploration, or all of the above, that’s their fucking prerogative. Shaming them because it doesn’t align with your limited, vanilla-ass view of what’s “appropriate” is straight-up pathetic.
And by the way, bitch, sex is a natural, beautiful, and completely valid part of life. If I want to shift for sex, or if someone else wants to shift to feel cherished, adored, or, yes, even submissive, that’s nobody’s fucking business but ours. Maybe instead of trying to drag others down to your level of insecurity, you could take a hard look in the mirror and figure out why other people’s sexual autonomy bothers you so damn much. Because this isn’t about “ruining shifting”; it’s about you being uncomfortable with the idea of someone enjoying themselves in a way that’s different from what you deem acceptable. Maybe some self-reflection would do you some good.
To every other shifter out there who’s ever been made to feel guilty or “lesser” for shifting for your own reasons, listen up: you don’t owe anyone an explanation, and you don’t need anyone’s approval. Your DR, your fucking rules. If shifting for you is about finding love, intimacy, exploration, or yes, even some good dick, that’s your choice. Don’t let some insecure bitch shame you or make you feel like you’re somehow ruining the experience just because it doesn’t fit into their narrow little box. Shifting is about creating the life and reality you want to live—whatever the fuck that looks like for you.
So, here’s a suggestion: take your unsolicited, holier-than-thou attitude and keep it to yourself. If you can’t handle seeing people talk openly about their desires and goals for shifting, then bitch, scroll past and save yourself the outrage. Because at the end of the day, I’m not here to please you, and neither is anyone else. We’re here to live our best lives, however we see fit, and if that’s too much for you, the door’s right over there.
To everyone who’s out here shifting for what they want, keep going. Own your desires, own your reality, and don’t let anyone’s outdated judgment make you feel like you’re doing it wrong. Shifting is your journey, and if that includes exploring intimacy, vulnerability, or sexuality, you’re not alone. You’re valid, and your experience is just as real and important as anyone else’s.
Consider this your reminder that no one’s begging for your approval. I’ll be over here, unbothered, shifting for exactly what I want, and loving every fucking second of it. ✨
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sudaca-swag · 6 months ago
I only recognize Chilean 9/11, happy death to usamerica day to everyone else
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vniallazcano · 6 months ago
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mukoda · 6 months ago
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chicago miku waiting for her delayed train
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carm3n-carm3n · 1 day ago
tbh whenever my hair is straight, parted down the middle and tucked behind my ears i feel like i’m serving ethel cain preacher’s daughter album cover
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givecigstobinu · 10 months ago
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batolusa · 1 year ago
I can finally use my Spanish for something good and funny. Jack Walten is the Latino icon.
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mazojo · 2 years ago
Vanessa giving this speech she took straight out of her ass about how she is connecting with Mal because she is jealous her ex is going with Mal’s ex who she dislikes and the girl she was dating also picked Mal while Mal is out there like I’ve never seen this woman in my LIFE is the type of drama I expect from all reality tv from now on
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head---ache · 3 months ago
sigh i originally lowered the price of my comms because i felt like they were too pricey but now im wondering if theyre too cheap euuuuuuugghh putting a price on my drawings is hard!!!!!!
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clonerightsagenda · 2 months ago
I did the IB in high school and appreciate that the curriculum made a real effort to expose us to world literature. However they mostly exposed us to it in a vacuum, the most dramatic example of this being the class reading Pedro Páramo with a cliffnotes explanation of magical realism and absolutely no knowledge of Mexican history, which to this date remains the most confused I have ever been reading a book. Needless to say I have got to watch the Netflix movie
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lynnesgalaxy · 1 year ago
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Hey gamers!
I've been trying to give my little grain of salt on my own, but I decided it was time to take things a step further, so... I'm offering sketch commissions to help out!
For those unaware, Palestinians in Gaza have been suffering greatly for years, but even more so in the last few months. And while I was already planning on making this post, my country had to face some awful fires that have left tons and tons of people without homes.
So, I'm combining both efforts to help into one! All the help I get to gather through this will 100% go to these two causes one way or another, and just by donating to them yourself you can get a cool sketch of your own choice! How cool is that! While there are mostly grumpuses here in the examples, I can do a great variety of things, so feel free to ask!
For DMs, feel free to contact me at emeiandstuff, as this is a sideblog, or simply send an ask! We can coordinate wherever works best for you :D
Sharing this around would also be greatly appreciated!
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elbiotipo · 1 year ago
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Imagínate que el mandatario de un país te cierre el orto por Twitter. yo me mato.
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vniallazcano · 6 months ago
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bushwskq · 2 months ago
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@/hwasatanas on twitter ✨
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starboysbrainrot · 2 years ago
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(fallen) leaders.
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tinylittlecosmos · 5 months ago
the amount of cold fury i feel for anyone that goes against wei wuxian?? like first of all, don't you see how sexy he is?
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