#'what should i do dear warden?' 'kill darkspawn and look pretty. also here is a gift' 'ok'
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If Awakening was longer, would we get more of Justice's confusion with sudden change of the realm? How different is it of an experience for him to go all physical compared to that one spirit in Inquisition complaining that nothing is listening to it when it tries to bend them to its will? If he felt the same, would he do an awkward war cry before doing some weird movement that would work as an attack in fade terms but is just funny here? Would he randomly try to hand you stuff expecting them to form out of nowhere so he would end up just giving you the palm, out of habit?
Warden: [makes a rhetorical comment about having a useful item] Justice: [hands them nothing] here.
#on a more serious note how does the tainted blood reach him?#i just want to have more Justice talking about how he feeelssss i love his natural curiosity a lot#and certain spirit interactions always makes me think he was quite collected about the whole thing for someone in his position#'what should i do dear warden?' 'kill darkspawn and look pretty. also here is a gift' 'ok'#all of these things and he has at least three scenes about aura instead and i find that beautiful#dragon age#da awakening#justice dragon age#me own#silly thoughts tag
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Party banter with Inquisitor Essek
(Because this ridiculous crossover has taken over my life. A brief explanation, as much as explanation is possible: a mis-cast spell has yote a post-campaign Essek through a planar rift and into Thedas, and he happened to land in the Temple of Sacred Ashes. These banters go up to the destruction of Haven, which is why Cole isn’t here - but he will be in later instalments!)
Cassandra: Leliana has found no information about you. Not a thing. Essek: Considering that most mages are met with disgust and imprisonment, it would be... imprudent of me to advertise my presence. Cassandra: Living in secrecy is one thing. Leaving no mark on the world at all is another. Essek: And you would prefer, I think, for all my secrets to be at your disposal. Cassandra: Are you surprised that I suspect you have something to hide? Essek: Is hostile intent the only possible reason for secrecy, Seeker?
Solas: It would appear that your mark is affecting you physically, Herald. Essek: My hand was not green before, no. Solas: Aside from the obvious. While I tended to you after the conclave, you did not always seem to be asleep. At times, you lapsed into true unconsciousness. At other times, you seemed to trance, half-sleeping. Essek: Ah. Yes. I suppose... the connection to the Fade has altered the way I sleep. I find I can enter these trances at will, as a substitute for sleep. Solas: That is fascinating. The ancient elves could enter an endless dream called uthenera. Perhaps this is a related phenomenon. Essek: So one would assume.
Essek: So, Sera. I was going through my research notes - Sera: [Sniggering] Essek: And I found that they had been expertly illustrated. Sera: That's what your weird rifty timey magic shite needs. All the butts. Essek: They certainly add interest. Although... that drawing of me closing a rift full of demon butts? You should have shaped my cloak so that it looked like a dick. Sera: [laughs] Like a dick! You're all right, Herald Weirdyhand. Essek: And you are quite the jester.
Varric: How is it you can just walk around pitch-black caves without a problem? Don’t tell me you're part-dwarf and it's stone-sense. Essek: Ah, no. I would assume it is yet another change from the mark. Varric: So this thing lets you fix the sky, and it's a free torch? Who knew that being Andraste's chosen came with a multi-purpose toolkit? Essek: There is no evidence for my being chosen by anything other than political convenience. Varric: You’re not crazy about the whole Herald business, are you? Essek: About people deciding that I am the mouthpiece of an unproven god who does not speak to anyone, and yet whose name and teachings people use as an excuse for war and conquest, without investigating the truth behind those teachings? No. I am not.
Blackwall: So what does an apostate do, if he's on his own for... I don't know, how many years? Essek: Arcane research, mostly. Why, what does a Grey Warden do when he's on his own for however many years? Blackwall: Kill darkspawn. Recruit for the Wardens. Kill more darkspawn. Essek: And your fellow Wardens do not accompany you? Blackwall: You don't need more than one person to say 'how do you feel about fighting darkspawn for the rest of your life?' Essek: Did you... ever find yourself becoming lonely, in your solitude? Blackwall: I... sometimes, I suppose. Never gave much thought to it. Easier that way. Essek: Mm. I know the feeling.
Dorian: So you think Alexius’s perception of time was fundamentally flawed? Essek: I do. Time is not a straight line, through which one can jump ahead, skip back and rub bits out. Dorian: How would you have done it differently? Aside from the whole ‘conjure a world infested with red lyrium and catastrophe’ part. Essek: Imagine time as a branching thing. Every choice we make causes potential timelines to fade into non-existence. Essek: But their potential remains, waiting to be tapped. Alexius should have attempted to manifest a timeline in which I was never here, rather than removing me from this one. Dorian: Well, don’t tell everybody how to make it work. Wouldn’t want them to get ideas. Though perhaps you’d like to compare notes, later? Essek: I... would like that.
Vivienne: You carry yourself remarkably well, Herald. Almost like nobility. Essek: Only 'almost'? I shall have to try harder. Vivienne: And despite your youth, you deflect personal inquiries with the deftness of a seasoned player of the Game. Quite remarkable, from a hedge mage. Essek: I'm mildly curious: 'hedge mage'? Vivienne: A self-taught mage, dear. One who has gone without the instruction of a Circle, or even a Dalish clan. If you ever require tuition, I am at your disposal. Essek: I’m sure you are. But I am not especially interested in whatever you think you have to teach.
Sera: You’re proper weird, you are. You go all swanny around the noble piss-bags, all smiles and pretty words like Lady Josie, but you put teeth in it, like Vivvy. Essek: Like Vivienne? I should hope not. Sera: And then you screw the nobs over like Josie does, ‘cept she makes them love her for it and you make them scared. Leliana kind of scared. Essek: When people don’t know you, or what to make of you, they fear you. It makes them... malleable. It’s something I’ve learned to use. As has Leliana, it would seem.
Varric: You doing all right, Smiles? Essek: 'Smiles'? An intriguing choice. Varric: Same reasoning as Iron Lady and Sparkler. Meet as many messes as I have, and you get good at spotting masks. Essek: Indeed? Varric: You fell out of the sky, got attacked by a shit ton of demons and put in charge of an army, and never once stopped smiling. Kind of impressive, actually. Essek: Thank you. Varric: Also, creepy as shit.
Solas: I'm curious about your name, Herald. Essek: My name? It's Essek. Sera: [laughs] Solas: I meant that it isn't elven, though your family name sounds very like it. Solas: ‘Thelyss’. I wonder if it is is a result of syllables from the name 'Lethallas' being lost and altered over the years. It means, 'a gift to one's kin.' Essek: Ha. Solas: You don't find that likely? Essek: Me being a gift to my kin? Highly unlikely.
Iron Bull: So, boss, what do you make of my guys? Essek: They clearly have an array of talents. Iron Bull: Oh, come on. I didn't ask for what the Herald thought of his new recruits, I asked what you make of my guys. Essek: Very well. They are... unusual. Enthusiastic. I think that some would underestimate them, some would be thrown off-balance by them, and many would do both. Iron Bull: Ha. Yeah, we like to keep people guessing. Essek: I like them. They are... lively.
Sera: I don’t get it. You can screw over noble shite-faces without being scary. And you’re not scary! I know you and you’re not scary, so why be scary? Essek: Well, I don’t find you scary either, Sera. But I’m sure our enemies do, when they’re on the wrong end of your arrows. Sera: That’s different things, though. I learned arrows because arrows mean nobs are dead and I’m not. Essek: Exactly. Like you, I have had to fight for survival in my own ways. And unlike you, for a long time, I was without friends. Sera: So... you learned how to do scary because you’re scared? Essek: I would say more... aware of potential dangers. Sera: So, scared.
Solas: As for your first name, the final syllable is not even a sound that occurs in elven. Is it Qunlat? One of your parents is Qunari, I assume? Essek: Ah. Yes, of course. Solas: So it is Qunlat? Iron Bull: Nah, that’s not Qunlat, whatever it is. Almost sounds like it, though. Kinda like ‘isskari’. Name for Ben-Hassrath who get hold of weird magic crap. Essek: Oddly appropriate. But since I'm not in contact with my family, the truth shall have to remain a mystery.
Blackwall: Are you all right, Herald? Essek: Fine, thank you. I simply have somewhat sensitive eyes and skin, and it is a very bright day. Blackwall: If you need to stop, I could... I don’t know. Hold a shield over your head? Essek: I appreciate it, but no, thank you. It is tolerable. Blackwall: Didn’t meant to offend. Essek: It is all right. I - [sighs] I apologise. That would help, if you could. Years of solitude have made me... reliant on my own self-reliance, I suppose. Blackwall: I know what you mean. Shield parasol it is, then.
Sera: Don’t need to be scared, right? Anyone gives you shit, I give ‘em arrows. Or just pies. Or worms in their shoes. Essek: [chuckles] Thank you, Sera. Please do. Sera: Did think you were scary at first, you know. Essek: What changed your mind? Sera: Scary wouldn’t grin when I drew butts on things. Essek: ... Are you at all fond of cupcakes, Sera?
#dragon age#dragon age inquisition#critical role#inquisitor!essek#essek thelyss#is a lying liar who lies. but he's trying his best#his relationship with vivienne will improve i swear#sky's writing
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ZevWarden Week 2020 Prompt Day 1 : Eye of the beholder
Identity || Admiration @zevraholics
Also on AO3
It’s refreshing to see fluid grace of a warrior, when he makes a noise on purpose and Alistair leaps from his spot, book forgotten, hand reflexively closing on the sword leaning on table beside armchair. He suspected the king had grown soft when all the fighting ended, the battles changing from physical to intellectual games.
“Show yourself!”
He lets out a chuckle, stepping out of shadows, heavy curtain falling behind him with soft thud.
“Ah, it’s you.” Alistair’s shoulders relax slightly, and though he watches him warily, his sword lowers. “Here to stick poisoned knife into someone? Just so you know, I won’t go down without fight.” The hand on sword’s handle grips it a bit tighter before his fingers uncurl to deceptively lazy hold. Easy to change with right speed and momentum.
Zevran’s eyebrow goes up. “It’s private visit. Besides,” he grins, spreading his arms with palms open, “I’m out of Crows’ business, I don’t kill kings anymore. Unless, you have someone in mind, I could try to find a spot in my schedule. I’d even give you a discount.” He winks, glancing around the room. Alistair rolls his eyes and puts the sword on the table in reachable distance. He crosses his arms over his chest.
“And what is the point of your visit, if not assassination attempt?”
Sharp golden eyes narrow slightly. “Had many so far? Fresh lines are always so fragile and easy to uproot, many would leap for a chance.” Zevran drawls lightly, watching Alistair shift and trying to keep neutral face. He has to work on that more if he wants to be successful.
“All my tips for upping the security not used. You tempt fate, my friend.” Zevran tuts.
“Are you my friend, Zevran?”
“Oh, I hope so. After all, saving the world from horrible monsters brings people together, or so I’ve heard.”
Alistair snorts, his unfriendly composure falling. “I guess,” he murmurs and rubs the back of his neck, looking down for a moment and Zevran uses it to look him up and down properly, noticing how very nicely shirt stretches over his chest. He hums softly in his throat. Still in shape it seems. Alistair shoots him a look, “Not that I don’t appreciate the thought, but why are you here? And how did you even get here? It’s second floor.”
Zevran shrugs, undoing clasps of his cloak, draping it over the back of second armchair and casually sitting down.
“On my way to Keep. I’ve been in the area, thought I’ll see how king is faring. And wanted to test attention of your guards. It was this or pose as a servant and I wasn’t exactly in mood to dress up. You should think about replacing them, by the way.” He glances up at Alistair, still standing and gestures for the armchair he sat before. “In king’s palace not a mouse should be able to pass and here you can carry entire sheep and no one would bat an eye.” Zevran leans back, making himself comfortable. “Or I’m just that good.” He purrs and Alistair shakes his head, going for heavy wooden cabinet and sitting down with two goblets and bottle of wine.
“It’s good to see your manners didn’t stay in woods, dear Alistair.” Zevran teases, watching him closely. “Did you offer the same courtesy to Vergil last you’ve seen him?”
He stiffens immediately, grip on his goblet making his knuckles whiten. “He ordered city to burn.”
“And did you talk about it with him? Surely there was a reason to do so.”
“Because he’s always about reason and logic.” Alistair snaps through gritted teeth. Rich brown eyes squint at him, “You really don’t know anything?”
“Only bits and pieces.” The wine in his goblet swirls with flick of his wrist close to spilling, but not a drop leaves it. “It’s hard to keep regular correspondence when one tries to avoid being tracked down. Besides, he’s careful with what he says in his letters.”
“There was a hearing.”
Zevran tilts his head, keeping quiet.
Alistair takes a long gulp of his wine, putting down the goblet with more force than necessary and reaching for the bottle. “Few of my advisors were there as well to hear Arl’s reasoning of taking down entire city, when it was his duty to protect it. As well as break important trade route,” he stresses the words, grimacing when the wine almost sloshes out of his goblet, “crippling one of Ferelden’s most crucial ports for years to come.” He stares into the goblet before he brings it to his lips, sipping it more carefully. Zevran drinks as well, keeping his gaze on Alistair when their eyes meet. “There were voices to strip the arling from him before he even came to the hearing.”
“Did you have a hand in it too?”
“With how many rumors and conspiracy theories spreading about him and Wardens? I wanted to.” Alistair huffs, “I wanted to take it away and let him see consequences of his actions. Show him he’s not always right and he’s able to fuck up.” He nearly growls and drinks again.
Zevran leans forward, both of his elbows digging on his thighs as he staples his fingers. “But you didn’t.” He watches Alistair closely, noticing the slight slump on lines of his shoulders.
“I didn’t, even if I really wanted to.” The bitterness carries in his voice. “I shouldn’t hold grudges as a king, should I. Even for backstabbing brothers in arms.”
“I think backstabbing is important part of any friendships.” Zevran smiles briefly. “Why didn’t you do it then?”
Alistair sighs, “Amaranthine is a mess and he’s sitting right there. It’s his mess and he should sort it out. And Order needs its own land.” He’s silent for a moment, brows furrowed. Short beard rasps under his hand when he rubs at his jaw. “He brought Howe with him, apparently made him Warden. We talked a bit,” slight smile plays on his lips, “Nathaniel’s nowhere as his father, it seems.”
“So I’ve heard. Have you talked with Vergil as well?”
Alistair’s jaw works upon hearing his name. “Commander Surana hasn’t requested for an audience.” He says flatly, fingers drumming on low table.
“You haven’t talked at all for over a year? Somehow it’s hard to believe.”
“Official correspondence sorts most of what we have to talk about.” Zevran hums at the curt tone and decides to let it go, for now. He leans back again.
“What was this hearing about then?”
“Questioning reports, considering petitions, some petty power plays and looking down at the one you’re talking with. The usual.”
Zevran rests his cheek on his fist. “I suppose it didn’t go so bad, as I haven’t heard about Warden Commander enjoying hospitality of Drakon again.”
Alistair scoffs. “Don’t be absurd, I wouldn’t put him in dungeon and risk another bloodbath. I have a reputation to keep and he’d only embarrass me more. Maker only knows who’d come after me then.” Corners of his lips twitch as he fights down a smile, gaze wary and Zevran nods.
“Wise decision, my friend. As much as I like you it’d be a real shame if I’d have to choose.” He says and Alistair shudders like he’d been doused with cold water.
“See, you’re saying you’re out of business, but that glint in your eye says otherwise. Assassins.”
Zevran’s smile has too much teeth to be called entirely friendly.
“You don’t have to worry though. No one put him behind bars, no one touched him in any way. I think most of them were secretly intimidated by how calm he was when they hurled accusations at him. He had answer to almost every question. Brought full reports not only on Wardens’ past actions about darkspawn activity, but few important documents about situation in Amaranthine before he razed it down to the ground. It seems few decisive nobles did the city good,” the sarcasm nearly drips on the words, “some not so openly working with smugglers, most evading taxes or taking money from crown for investments that didn’t happen or were mysteriously postponed.” There’s a reluctant regard in Alistair’s tone. “Of course there are voices saying those documents are false and these voices are loud, I tell you.”
“The lady doth protest too much.”
“Exactly.” Alistair sighs and slowly swallows a mouthful of wine.
“You wanted to see him on his knees, no?” Alistair coughs at the sudden question and narrows his eyes at him. Zevran’s smile stays playful but sharpens with his next words, “To punish prideful man like him and see how he reacts, knowing he’s dependent on you.”
“He had to answer for what he did. Crown contemplates helping with rebuild, but won’t give money just because someone asks.”
“Oh? But you watched others pick at him without remorse because they could. What you did was to humiliate him for your own satisfaction.”
“He traded honor for murderer in his ranks.” Alistair spits, though Zevran sees it doesn’t carry the same fire it did a year ago.
Zevran tsks, “That’s talk you should have with him after sharing few bottles of good vintage, I think. And how honorable is your own court, I wonder? Vergil’s elven mage in power, Chantry can’t touch him because he’s Warden and one of saviors of this country, but it’ll always be a struggle for him to stay that way. And they’ll keep biting at him from every angle, with or without your help. Including few failed assassinations attempt.”
“Someone wanted to kill him? Who?”
Zevran rolls his shoulders to shake off the tension creeping up his nape. “My guess is as good as yours, but I’m sure it’s nobles who disagreed with Arl’s politics on their turf. It got handled, pretty well, I’ve been told. One of his Wardens tried to kill him before he was conscripted.”
Alistair almost chokes on his own spit, “And he got him through joining?” Disbelief paints his words, as he looks Zevran up and down. “It’s a pattern, I swear. Does he sleep with him as well?”
He barks a laugh and Alistair smiles at his own joke too. “I hope I’d have been told if he’s doing so. Wouldn’t mind bit of fun with fellow professional.” Zevran waggles his brows meaningfully and Alistair shakes his head with small smirk, “You’re impossible.”
“Well, you already know him, I believe. It’s Howe.”
His eyes widen, “Nathaniel?! Really?” Alistair’s silent for a moment, “He seemed silent, serious… intense eyes though. Completely different from you.”
“Your flavour of a man?” Zevran snickers at baffled expression on Alistair’s face.
“I have a wife, you know.” He says flatly, though a bit of blush darkens his cheeks.
“How is it going with your wife then? I can give you few tips for performance in-”
Alistair interrupts him, purposely raising his voice, “Oh no, we are not talking about any performance, not now, not ever.”
Zevran sighs, hand going to his chest in mock display of hurt. “You wound me my friend, I only want to be helpful in case your wife finds you lacking-”
“Shut up Zevran.” The tips of Alistair’s ears are a wonderful shade of red and he can’t help but chuckle at his expression. Alistair busies himself with drinking rest of his wine, “Not a word.” He points at him and Zevran rolls his lips with murmured “Fereldens”.
“Thank the Maker Vergil’s far from being such prude.”
“I have no idea what you see in him,” Alistair quips in between sips.
Zevran’s eyes lock with his. “Oh I think you do, after all he’s marvellous to look at. And this thing he does with his fingers when he uses magic to-”
“I’ve heard enough of you two during Blight, thanks. I really don’t need to hear it again.”
“Have you?” His smile is impish, eyes narrowed playfully. “But I could swear there was always some spell in motion preventing others from hearing… though you’ve got templar training, no? I guess it’d be easy to dispel if you’d wanted to spy on us.”
He watches how Alistair’s throat works when he swallows. “I’ve never dispelled a thing he casted and definitely not on purpose of spying you two having… your time alone. Can we drop it now, I have no idea how you’ve even come to this idea.”
“Easily, if you do it right.” He laughs when Alistair’s mouth thins.
“I should kick you out for making fun of king.”
“I think you miss people joking with you. Being so serious all the time, how do you manage that?”
Alistair groans, rubbing his face, “Barely. But it amuses me greatly knowing he has as much paperwork as I do.”
“Hmm yes. Remember our little meeting during last fight? You probably haven’t seen it, but he was very glad to see you there. King out in the field, fighting monsters that plague his people. Equal to his soldiers. Inspiring.”
“I couldn’t exactly stay and take a nap in palace when Denerim was overrun with darkspawn. Too much noise.”
“Outside or in your head?” Zevran asks and tilts his head to the side when Alistair’s gaze sharpens.
“He told you about it?”
“Didn’t have to. I’ve noticed both of you had this particular scowl just before darkspawn would spring at us. Nearing end of battles the look was almost permanent on Vergil’s face.”
Alistair bites the inside of his cheek and shakes his head. “All of it feels like yesterday.” He mumbles and they stay quiet for rest of the bottle.
“You could stay here for a night, you know.” Alistair says, standing up and stretching after they finished their drinks. The shirt rides up a bit and it’s a fine sight for someone who can appreciate one’s body.
“Are you ready to risk being seen with man walking out from your bedroom in the morning? And so early in your reign, bold, Alistair. Just imagine the scandal.” He gets up as well, working out few kinks before he tries himself with walls again. Alistair scoffs at his words, more amused than offended and Zevran suspects alcohol helped him relax.
“I’ll stay in Pearl. It’s a wonder how half of city was raided by darkspawns and brothel stayed in one piece. It’s a sign, don’t you think my friend?” He winks.
“For what, investment? Can’t see it going well.”
“At least it’s steady source of income.” Zevran puts on his cloak, securing the hood over his head and pulling on mask covering half of his face. “By the way, wine wasn’t poisoned.”
Alistair isn’t surprised, scratching at his nose. “Yeah I’ve noticed. No burning tongue or sudden choking. Just some sour fermented grapes.” He makes a face, “Still prefer good ale better.”
Zevran’s smile is pleased, even if hidden behind dark thin fabric. “I see you took my advice to heart with sampling poisons. Good.”
“Yours have run out some time ago. Leliana sent fresh set. I checked if it’s from her, don’t worry.” He adds hurriedly when Zevran’s eyes narrow.
“I guess she has her ways too.” He strides towards window, gracefully hopping onto windowsill, crouching on it. Zevran turns to Alistair, seeing how he came closer to peer out of the window. “See you soon, my friend. Maybe even in different company.”
Alistair crosses his arms and rocks on his heels, “Maybe.” He lengthens the word and Zevran laughs quietly under his breath as he opens the window, glancing around for threats.
“Fereldens. Stubborn as their dogs.”
Faint offended “Hey!” behind him makes his smile stretch. Then he notices a spot he’s been looking for, free falling a bit and gripping it in time to avoid flattening himself on cobblestone. It’s a quick way after that and he’s out of premises faster than it took him to get in. Alistair really should do something about guards, he thinks, walking through Denerim's streets, shadows easily swallowing him up as they belong to him.
#ZevWarden Week 2020#Zevran x Surana#Zevran x m!Warden#Alistair#Vergil x Zevran#Vergil Surana#Zevran#WardenTxt#Vergil's only mentioned here#Zevran and Alistair have a little talk xD
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fill out & repost ♥ This meme definitely favors canons more, but I hope OC’s still can make it somehow work with their own lore, and lil’ fandom of friends & mutuals. Multi-Muses pick the muse you are the most invested in atm. tagged by: @theharellan ty so much! tagging: if you read this entire post I’m tagging you
My muse is: canon / oc / au / canon-divergent / fandomless / complicated
Is your character popular in the fandom? YES / NO. Velanna is minor enough there isn’t a lot of talk about her either way (and I get it, given she’s a dlc character from Origins it’s understandable not as many people even know her), but I definitely see more dislike towards her than appreciation.
Is your character considered hot™ in the fandom? YES / NO / IDK. Honestly do not know! I have seen Debates about her personality and actions, but I don’t recall seeing people comment on her looks.
Is your character considered strong in the fandom? YES / NO / IDK. Not particularly as far as I’ve seen, though I haven’t seen people say she’s weak either. Tbf given her introduction has you investigating murders that no one seems to think were caused by a single person and she literally turns a forest against those who pass through it, I think it’s hard to deny she is strong, though.
Are they underrated? YES! / NO / IDK. Like I said, there’s very little talk about her at all, and very little appreciation. Velanna deserves more love c’:
Were they relevant for the main story? YES / NO. She isn’t relevant for the story of any of the main games, given she isn’t even in any of them askdjfnskndf She is relevant to Awakening’s story, given she causes some trouble on the road to Amaranthine, and that’s how you meet her. You can kill her on that encounter, though, so for the rest of it she’s not essential (but killing her is boring guys why would you)
Were they relevant for the main character? YES / NO / THEY’RE THE PROTAG. In a way, since she’s causing some of the problems the Warden-Commander has to solve. Other than that, it truly depends on how you play it.
Are they widely known in their world? YES / NO. Nope. Just a Dalish gal who became a Grey Warden.
How’s their reputation? GOOD / BAD / NEUTRAL. I lean towards neutral because Velanna isn’t a widely discussed character either way, but I would say it leans towards bad. Many people dislike her actions, and many more dislike her for her harsh ways towards the PC in the beginning (a non-dalish PC, that is). Velanna is very opinionated and angry and a lot of people seem to think that makes her annoying. A bad take imo but I think that’s pretty obvious dkfasndkfjanskdfjn
How strictly do you follow canon? — For the most part I follow it, only expanding it for what we haven’t seen and filling the blanks.
SELL YOUR MUSE! Aka try to list everything, which makes your muse interesting in your opinion to make them spicy for your mutuals. — I don’t know how to sell her to others so I will just talk a bit about what made her interesting to me. When you meet her, she’s so angry she’s been terrorizing the road and nearby villages so much people don’t even know what (what, not who) is responsible for the bloodshed. If you don’t bother to get to know her, it’s easy to think she’s just the anger, but if you do, eventually you learn a lot that might not justify her actions but makes them understandable, and that she’s so much more than Angry™. Velanna cares so much! For the Dalish, and preserving their magic and culture; for her clan, in spite of the fact her sister was the only friend she ever had; for her Keeper, even though they parted on bad terms; for Seranni, even after she chooses to leave with the Darkspawn instead of leaving with her. She’s outspoken and a great defender of her people, but not in a blind or arrogant way, and not in a way that causes her to inherently resent humans (it’s not history that causes that, but her own experience with having humans act violent against her clan and prefer to destroy the land to drive them away than attempt peaceful coexistence). She’s not driven by personal retribution, but by a relentless pursuit of justice that indeed is twisted into something more akin to vengeance. She acts on anger but she learns to be better. She’s been an outcast all her life, well before becoming the only Dalish in her group of Wardens, and she learned to be harsh to defend herself. She’s not easy to love, but she’s capable of loving deeply, and her loyalty to those dear to her is unwavering. She can be harsh because she’s so used to keeping people away in self defense, even if she’s lonely, even if it’s clear all it takes to get past that is treating her with kindness and respect. Velanna has a good heart, but that doesn’t mean she’s only capable of good.
In game, her growth depends on the PC of course, but the way I see it (and write her) there is no reason why her connections to other characters, such as Sigrun and Nathaniel, wouldn’t be just as important for it. They allow her to see beyond her anger, to move past her resent, and to stop judging people as if they were all equally bad. She goes from someone terrorizing humans in a forest and nearby road to someone who selflessly stands to defend them, even should it cost her own life. She goes from joining the Wardens as a means to finding her sister to actually taking on the role and its duties, not just as in fighting the darkspawn, but in being a protector.
And the way she values history, but not just the actual facts, the tales and legends and culture, how she understands their place as something of great importance definitely helped a lot in endearing her to me. According to Velanna, "Stories connect us to our past. They shape a people in profound ways. Without them, we are lost.” and I think about that a lot you know? It really gets to me c’:
Also she’s an awesome powerful mage who could and has killed a man (uh many men actually) but who blushes and stutters if you call her pretty because what are compliments she is not prepared to deal with those
Now the OPPOSITE, list everything why your muse could not be so interesting (even if you may not agree, what does the fandom perhaps think?). — Velanna killed people so she’s evil and deserves no forgiveness ever (which isn’t always similarly applied to other characters BUT ANYWAYS). She’s angry and mean towards the protagonist and because of that she’s not cool. She’s whining about the Dalish all the time too so she’s just annoying. Also I never tried to talk to her and often don’t even leave her alive after the Wending Wood. aidsnfkajsdnfkjn seriously though, I can see why people might not like her, as she isn’t made to be likable initially and you gotta get past that to get to the more interesting bits. Velanna is indeed very much tied to her Dalish background, as it is not only her culture and origin, but also a great motivator for her actions, and often even the means through which you get to know her, so if you’re not interested in the Dalish I guess she wouldn’t be an interesting character (but imo, it’s only natural her culture is so important to who she is, given her background and her own feelings about her people. she’s so proud of her heritage, even if being part of that people makes her a target for no other reason than prejudice. even then, she’s so proud of it and so ready to fight for and defend her people and speak and stand for them! I just love her a lot but ok I realize I should be talking about why people might not like her so let’s get back to that). She’s not funny, she’s not friendly, and she’s actually rather angry and outspoken, and I feel like that ends up pushing her to the more ‘controversial’ side instead of being part of the popular or likable characters.
What inspired you to rp your muse? — Literally just played Awakening and ended up like OH I WANNA WRITE ONE OF THEM and I wasn’t sure about who. It wasn’t clear to me, at least, so I ended up thinking about them and at first I was like hm maybe Nathaniel, but it didn’t feel right even though he was the first one I thought I wanted to write. So I thought about Velanna, and the more I thought about her the more invested I became so I was like yeah that’s the one and added her here aksjdnfkjasndf
The first thing that got me really invested in her while playing was the conversation you have with her when you gift her the diary. I just really love her talking about the Dalish and preserving what they have and how important and meaningful stories are. That said, the moment I met her in the Wending Wood I immediately wanted to get to know her.
I’m just a big fan of elves in case you guys haven’t noticed yet asksjnfsjkdnfkdjfn
What keeps your inspiration going? — replaying DA, but specially Awakening, Dragon Age content in general, discussing her with others (talking about my muses is always very helpful to me in that sense), and honestly, others being interested on her too. Discussions about the Dalish or headcanons or other people discussing Dragon Age and their respective characters also help my motivation too tbh! I’m always the slowest to answer to anything, but that’s just how I always am. Those are all things that keep my love for her alive, and thus great part of my inspiration for her.
Some more personal questions for the mun.
Give your mutuals some insight about the way you are in some matters, which could lead them to get more comfortable with you or perhaps not.
Do you think you give your character justice? YES / NO / I TRY!
Do you frequently write headcanons? YES / NO / SORT OF? when the inspiration hits I literally cannot shut up
Do you sometimes write drabbles? YES / NO. I’m usually more about them 5 page headcanons and threads and ask answers than drabbles
Do you think a lot about your Muse during the day? YES / NO. she lives in my head rent free (as do most if not all of my muses tbh askdfnaksdf)
Are you confident in your portrayal? YES / NO / SORT OF?
Are you confident in your writing? YES / NO / SOMETIMES. Depends but not usually askndfkajs
Are you a sensitive person? YES / NO / SORTA.
Do you accept criticism well about your portrayal? — Depends on what that criticism is and if I asked for it? aksjdfnkjfn I do ask about my portrayals sometimes, and in that case I’m open to constructive criticism --- if there’s something you think I could do better and you can explain why in a nice way, I’ll definitely listen (though I may disagree, so there’s that). But if it comes down to rudeness or ‘you’re not writing her like I think she is’ then well that’s not my problem, I write her how I understand and interpret her.
Do you like questions, which help you explore your character? — I LOVE THEM! Send me questions about my muses literally any time I absolutely love them!!
If someone disagrees to a headcanon of yours, do you want to know why? — Depends, again. I’m not against discussing it, hearing what other people have to say and why they disagree (and if they say they disagree, I’d probably want to know why), but ultimately, again, it’s my portrayal so it might just be a case of seeing things differently. Like I said, I don’t mind discussing it, though.
If someone disagrees with your portrayal, how would you take it? — As to this, I just honestly expect people to act the same way I act when I disagree with someone’s portrayal, which is just moving on with my life and not interacting kasjafksdnfjk
If someone really hates your character, how do you take it? — Depends. They don’t have to like the character, but if it influences IC interactions or if it’s just people who hate a character getting off of bashing them through IC interactions even if it doesn’t make sense that’s a no for me. I don’t like seeing people hating on characters I love, but people are free to do post what they will. If there’s a tag and I can block it that’s fine by me, if it isn’t tagged I’m likely to unfollow.
Are you okay with people pointing out your grammatical errors? — If it’s done politely I don’t mind. English is not my first language and learning about errors is a way to improve, to me.
Do you think you are easy going as a mun? — I think? For the most part? I do tend to get defensive over characters I love and asks that aren’t clear in tone and come across not so nicely (OOC asks, I mean), but other than that I think I’m pretty chill? Idk though you guys tell me aksnkajdsfnkjan
#* muse: velanna / STORYTELLER.#* out of character: the mun / THAT GLOOMY GIRL WHO SIGHS A LOT?#dash games tag tbd.#this was very fun tbh#thanks for tagging <3#sorry for taking forever aksjndfkjasdnf
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The Calling (Zevran)
Suppose this is sort of a second part to [Nightmares]
Years had passed now since the blight and the architect. Ferelden had been rescued twice by you and now it was safe. The hardest part of it all was being apart from Zevran for so long, but you had your gray warden stuff, and he had to deal with the crows. Of course, you two had seen each other during the years. They were short. Now that there was peace the two of you decided to make it a more of a permanent thing.
You were on your way to meet up with him in Orlais, a little cabin near Val Royeaux. Zevrans idea, he had come across it whilst hiding for a while. According to him, it was the perfect place to settle down, as committed as Zevran was, you had never expected him to be the one to suggest it. Now you had no intention of giving up on being a gray warden completely, and should they ever need you, you wouldn’t hesitate but after everything you have done, you were entitled to a break and some happiness. The more you thought about it the faster your feet carried you. You had never in your life thought that this would be possible after spending the first years of your life in the circle, then your time as a gray warden. The more you thought about it, the quicker your feet carried you.
The night was falling by the time you spotted the cabin, it was run down, needing some TLC. It was clear no one had lived there for a good while. Except for a small flicker from a candle. Just in case you approached with caution, entering the slightly of centered doorway. The floorboards creaked under your feet, it was unavoidable.
“Amour” the voice was coming from behind you. Zevran grabbed your hand, gently pulling you round to face him. There was a softness in his eyes that would normally seem so out of character had anyone else seen it.
“You weren’t joking about this being in need of some TLC” you joked, stepping a little closer.
“It’s going to take a long time fix her up”
“Well, I’ve made a good start in the bedroom” Zevran smirked. He took your hand, leading you to the bedroom. Sure enough, he had managed to make it cozy, pillows and blanks were strewn around in a make-shift bed, the actual bed was being used for kindling, there was a bottle of Antivan wine, two glasses and a tray of food. Little candles were the only source of light. It was pretty romantic.
“Come, My Love, let's get that armour of you,” Zevran said. He didn’t say ‘love’ in your native tongue very often, but when he did it always seemed a little more special.
Zevran helped you with most of your armour, but while you were taking care of the rest, he suddenly pulled out a comfortable looking nightgown hidden amongst the pillows. It looked expensive and rather Antivan. It was also pretty sheer and sexy. You would expect no less from Zevran, but not that you were complaining of course. You were happy to slip it on. When you lifted your arms up the hem barely covered anything. So you decided to tease Zevran a little lifting arm your arms, pretend stretching.
“What do you think?” you asked innocently. Zevran said something in his native tongue, you didn’t understand it clearly, but you could tell it was working.
“It pales in comparison to you” he finally said. Causing you to blush.
Zevrans lifted his hand up to your cheek, brushing loose hair out of the way.
“Nothing compares to your beauty my dear warden” he continued.
“Zevran, you flatter” you smiled. The smooth-tongued elf always had a compliment for you and no matter what you would always blush.
Zevran led you to the pile of pillows, wrapped a few blankets around you both, then handed you the glass of wine.
“I’ve missed you” you pipped up, after a while of simply watching the fire crackle.
“I’ve missed you too, but we finally have time to ourselves, I’m not going anywhere” Zevran assured.
“No, the world can sort itself from now on” you jested.
With the glass of wine empty, the heat from the fire and comfort of being in Zevrans arms you fell asleep pretty quickly, not waking again until the morning.
The next morning. Neither of you decided to get up, staying in bed for as long as you could. You both talked about your most recent adventures. Today was nothing but relaxing together. The following day, however, was when you both got to work on the little cabin. You were up on the roof, while Zevran helped you from the ground. Admittedly you hadn’t expected him to be so ‘handy’
A week later of constant working, the outside was secure from the weather. It was much nice sleeping with a secure roof, even though you were still sleeping on the floor.
Months passed now since you started renovating your little cabin and it was perfect. There were a few little projects to deal with, but it was home. It had been a long time since you had a real bed, even is Zevran was a bit of a blanket hog sometimes.
Everything was perfect, nothing could go wrong. Right?. It hadn’t occurred to you, but you were getting on, in years now. You wouldn’t be able to grow old with Zevran, not with the calling coming for you. What would happen then? what would happen when you were losing your mind when you would be forced to travel the deep roads until the darkspawn kill you or the calling takes you?. You hadn’t told Zevran about this yet. That your time together was so limited, you wanted to pretend that everything was fine, that you would be okay, but now that the two of you had settled down, you had to tell him. You decided to break the news to him gently as possible, dinner, wine the whole ‘9 yards’ you wanted to get it over with, so the next morning you headed of to Val Royouxe to pick up the necessities.
In your casual clothes, no one knew who you were, and you kept your name to yourself.
You had overheard a few conversations about your cabin, nothing of note though. In fact, for a place famous for the ‘game’ no one said anything interesting, you had secretly hoped to hear some juicy gossip.
When you returned home you spotted Zevran out on the little porch, he was sharpening his daggers.
“My dear mage, how was your shopping trip?” he asked when you were in earshot
“I did, and you have to wait here until a call you in” you chirped, kissed him on the cheek then headed into the start cooking.
It was already getting late when you had gotten back from the city, so by the time you had finished cooking it was dark. You lit just enough candles to see, set the table then headed out to get Zevran, he was beginning to look a little bored.
“You can come in now!” you smiled, a little amused at his pouting face.
Zevran stood following you in.
“What is all this for?” he asked sitting down ready for you to bring the food over.
“Do I need a reason to treat the man I love?” you asked. The two of you had become rather domestic, like in those cheesy romance novels the woman of Orlais read but you didn’t care.
The dinner and wine went down well, considering you hadn’t cooked a proper meal ever. Afterward, the two of you settled by the fire with the rest of the wine.
“So, my dear mage, is there something on your mind?” Zevran asked. He had noticed your silence. Now was the time. You had to tell him.
“Well, you know how the gray warden initiation is well there's no escaping the whole thing, not really?” you started. You didn’t want to give too much away, after all, you were sworn to secrecy. Zevran waited patiently for you, and with his encouraging expression, you started again.
“Well, it during the initiation, you are to drink a glass of, stuff, well it connects us to the darkspawn, its how we sense them, well there is a downside. It will kill me, eventually, its’ called the calling” though you could see Zevrans expression change, you didn’t give him the chance to speak. “There will come a time where I will, either I will succumb to it and lose my mind, or I can head to the deep roads and die fighting off the darkspawn I’m sure you can tell most choose the deep roads”
Silence fell between you. You could see the concentrating in Zevrans eyes. He was in deep thought.
“There must be something we can do to stop it” Zevran spoke, his voice broke.
“I don’t know, and I am sorry I never said anything sooner” you noted.
Zevran pulled you tightly into an embrace.
“We can figure this out” he continued. He sounded sure of himself this time. Maybe he was right, maybe there was a way to stop the calling. You would just have to do some research, and you have Zevran to help.
“Okay, I’ll contact some friends tomorrow” you smiled.
Maybe this was going to be okay.
#Zevran#zevran arainai#zevran x you#zevran x reader#zevran x warden#zevran x mage#zevran arainai x you#zevran Arainai x reader#Zevran x#Zevran Arainai x warden#Zevran arainai x mage#zevran arainai x#dragon age#dragon age origins#DAO#romance#one-shot
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