#'watch me get killed lolol' IF ONLY
teslathelame · 2 months
why the FUCK would you put that in the main tag
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queenie-avenue · 1 month
Live fast, die young, bad boys do it well.
—> he's loved the ice since he was a kid, but maybe he can love you too.
⤻ reader is female, yandere behaviour, possessive behaviour, thoughts of killing, small gore, obsessive behaviour, suggestive themes, mentions of alcohol, set in a university (all 18+), identity crisis moment lolol, [h/n] is hobby name
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The first time he met you was at a party. He couldn't exactly remember what you were doing, you were one of those people that were irrelevant to him. Whether you were dancing with your friends and screaming to the music of the party or slumped in a corner, restless and alone, he didn't know. All he knew was that some people talked about you and he registered your name into one of those in his mind.
He was an asshole like that, he supposed. Or maybe he didn't care. He didn't care because his only care in the world, should be Hockey.
His Father was a hockey player and he wanted to live up to that expectation. He wanted to surpass him in both fame and skill and that was his whole identity. His identity was tied to this sport.
His friends? People from his hockey team.
His girlfriends? Didn't really have any, but his requirement for being his girlfriend was that she needed to always come to watch his games.
Even his popularity was all intrinsically tied to his sport. Everyone knew him as the guy who became Captain of the Hockey team in just one year of joining.
The guy who everyone knew would be in the big leagues, up there with Nathan MacKinnon and Seth Jones.
He was so close to being signed on with a team.
Everything was about hockey, before everything became about you.
✧ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ✧
Sure, Clarke Meadows knew about you. But he didn't know about you.
Not until that day you stumbled on him inside one of the rooms of the frat house he was in. You had simply wanted to take a piss somewhere and since the toilets not connected to the bedrooms were all taken, probably from pent-up teenagers and people who were vomiting from all the alcohol and decided to take your luck and pray no one was inside blowing each other's backs out.
Even if they were, you honestly could overlook it for the sake of being able to finally relieve yourself.
That's when you stumbled upon his sad self.
He sprawled onto the bed, a spilled bottle of beer falling from his hands with a soft clink before rolling to the other bottles of miscellaneous alcohol strewn all over the floor. Your first instinct was to be worried because with the amount this dude was drinking, he could be suffering from food poisoning.
You made your way towards him and sat on the bed. "Hey, hey!" You called out, trying to wake him up by shaking him, worried that he had passed out or even worst, died.
He groaned and swatted your hands away like a baby being disturbed. "What the hell do you want?" He growled out, surprisingly hostile when he had always been somewhat polite to everyone around him. Just as he didn't know you, you didn't know him.
"Are you okay?" You asked, irregardless of his tone.
"Fuck... yes, I'm fine!" He snapped at you, covering his face as you noticed something sparkling in the dim lighting of the room. Tears? "Just quit being so loud." He told you. He must have drunk a lot for your whispers to be considered loud in his ears.
"No one drinks that much or starts crying when they're drunk because they're fine." You retorted as you watched him wipe away the tears on his face before sitting up. His drunk eyes focused on you, on your blurry figure and body. But your face seemed to be the clearest of them all. Your eyes, your lips, your eyebrows and cheekbones, everything shone as bright as the sun.
"You wouldn't get it." He said.
"Try me." You didn't know why you said that.
And perhaps out of drunken vulnerability, he replied, even when he didn't know why he did it. "Just... what am I supposed to do with my life?" He murmured.
You raised an eyebrow at his words. Wasn't he like some popular hockey dude? "Your hockey, I guess? I heard you like it." You said, completely forgetting about your need to pee.
"No, I don't- I don't know what I want. Besides my hockey, what else do I have?" He asked and your eyes widened at his words. What else did you know about Clarke Meadows beside his hockey skills? You tried to think. He liked hockey... he was popular and... yeah, you couldn't think, especially with all that alcohol stocked up in your mind.
"You have free will, you know." You reminded him.
"But then, my hockey." He slurred, like a baby.
"Is anyone holding you at gunpoint to only play hockey?" You asked.
"N-no." He murmured, as if his eyes have been opened.
"Then try new things, see where it takes you." You said as you dusted your skirt off and sighed. "No one can force you to do things you don't want to do."
"But I do like hockey." Oh my God, you wanted to just smack him over the head right now, he was acting like such a baby. "I love it. It's my whole life." You almost felt jealous of the sport. No one had ever said 'I love you' in such a way to you before.
"You can love different hobbies. We aren't like robots tuned into one thing. I like [h/n], but I also like [h/n]." You informed him. His dark blue eyes pierced into your [e/c] ones and you paused just to admire him. Gods, was he pretty. He was such a pretty boy it almost made you feel jealous that his face wasn't yours. "An- anyway," you felt embarrassed for imparting advice when you weren't even that smart, "just think about it. I'm not forcing you to try new stuff either. Ultimately, it's your choice." You flustered and eventually went to the bathroom after remembering your urges.
When you came out, he was already gone.
✧ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ✧
For the next few days, you felt eyes on you. Dark blues one, but you didn't know that. You stopped going home alone every night after your later classes and you started carrying pepper spray with you as an extra precaution. Yet, every time you turned around, you couldn't see anyone following you.
You even felt it when you were resting in the university's courtyard.
Of course, as the readers of this fic knows, it was Clarke Meadows.
Sure, your words were cheesy and kind of cringe but you made him feel seen, outside of his talents. Maybe it was by accident, but in the world, there were no accidents, just fate. And he decided that it was fate to have met you and be comforted by you. You didn't need to do this but you did anyway, and he had grown completely smitten for you.
He collected a pen that fell from your bag, he bought perfumes, shampoos, body wash, conditioners that smelled like you just so he could wash himself with them and convince himself the scent was from his dreams of cuddling next to you. He collected the trash that you threw, putting them in a ziplog bag like a complete freak and dumpster diver. He followed you home to ensure no unsavoury people were stalking you... which was ironic. He even kept watch for you whenever he could during your lunch times.
When you talked to another person, he thought of all the different ways he could slam his hockey stick into their head or shins. He imagined how it would be like to be bloody and have you wipe away the red. He wanted to kiss you while he enveloped you in the blood of his rivals.
But for now, he'd be a silent protector, by your side.
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"Don't worry, my saviour, I'll keep you safe."
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kpop---scenarios · 19 days
It's You
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Pairing: Choi San x Reader
Warning: Violence, Smut, Unprotected Smut [18+ ONLY. MINORS DO NOT READ]
Word Count: 1.2k
A/N: This sucks, and I know that, plz don't hate on me too much. Trying to get my groove back lolol
“You're not going.” San says, crossing his arms, standing in front of your front door.
You laugh as you grab your purse from your table, slipping on your heels. “San, it's just a date. We're only going to get a drink.” You say, rolling your eyes.
“Y/N. Mingi is in a frat.” San sighs. “Those guys are douchebags.”
“Aren't you also in a frat?” You giggle. San scoffs. “Yeah, that's how I know. Anyways it's besides the point. I'm not a douchebag. And I had something I wanted to tell you tonight…” he trails off.
“Stay here. I'll be back in a bit and then we can talk.” You say, giving him a small peck on his cheek. He groans as he moves out of the way, watching the girl he was so fucking in love with, walk out the door to a man he knows is only going out with her for one reason.
You smile and laugh to yourself as you walk to the bar, thinking about how San was acting. The only reason you were going out with Mingi tonight was because you were tired of waiting for San to make a move on you. You have had a crush on him for at least the last year, and you knew he liked you too but he never did anything. While you could make a move on him, you wanted him to be the one to do it, and honestly Mingi was the perfect way for this to happen.
“Hey, gorgeous.” Mingi smiles as you walk up to the table. He's already got a couple drinks on the table in front of him. He must have gotten here early and started drinking right away. You were beginning to second guess your decision to go out with him, especially after 5 minutes, he moved seats to sit beside you, his hand resting on your knee. You had barely finished one drink, while Mingi was on his fourth and with every sentence, every sip, his hand inched up your bare leg a little more. You made a poor choice in wearing a skirt today.
“Can you move your hand please?” You ask, looking down at it now half way up your leg.
“Move it up? Yeah I can.” He chuckles, doing just that.
“No, move it off.” You say through gritted teeth.
“Oh, c'mon, don't be like that.” He chuckles, leaving his hand on your leg.
You roll your eyes, grabbing your class to take another sip of your drink. The second the glass touches the table, Mingi leans in, trying to kiss you.
“What the fuck. Get off of me.” You yell, pushing him away. “You're out of your fucking mind.” You snap.
“Don't be a fucking prude.” He spits, trying to kiss you again.
“Do your fucking ears not work?” You hear from behind you, when suddenly Mingi is ripped off of you. You look up, shocked, seeing San hovering over Mingi.
“No, means fucking no! Or were you not taught fucking manners.” San yells, landing another punch onto Mingi's face.
“San! San, stop. Stop, please.” You say, grabbing his arm. He instantly relaxes, letting you pull him back.
“You ever go near her again, I'll fucking kill you.” San spits, turning around to look at you. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah… yeah I'm fine. Are you okay?” You ask, looking over his body to make sure he's not injured.
He just stares at you before he squats down, quickly and swiftly, throwing you over his shoulder. “San!” You giggle, playfully trying to fight to have him put you down. He takes you out of the bar, walking down the street until he turns into the alley. San sets you down, pushing you against the brick wall.
“What's going on?” You whisper, looking him in the eyes.
“I'm so fucking in love with you, Y/N.” He sighs, smacking his hand against the brick, leaning in closer to you. You smile widely, biting your lip as San breathes heavily, inching closer.
“Finally.” You breathe, just before San crashes his lips onto yours, pressing his body against you. You move your hand between you and San, moving it to his stomach, inching your way down to his crotch. You feel the bulge in his pants growing with each desperate pant, as he slides his tongue into your mouth. San doesn't say anything as he pulls away. He turns you around, pressing your face against the brick wall as he hikes up your skirt. He kneels down, gently and slowly pulling your panties down your legs, making you step out of them before he shoves them in his pocket. You hear the jingle of his belt being unbuckled as you gasp against the wall, desperately waiting for whatever San was going to do with you. You feel San press up against you once more, his lips brushing against your ear.
“Spread your legs.” He whispers, sending shivers down your spine. You do as you're told, spreading your legs as you feel San's fingers lightly graze against your cunt before he pushes his fingers deep inside of you.
“Fuck.” You gasp. San presses up against you again, breathing heavily into your ear as he thrusts his fingers deeper inside of you. He groans as he feels you clenching around his fingers. His cock twitches in his pants, urgently wanting to be buried in you.
As quickly as it began it ended, San pulls his fingers out of you, pulling his cock out, using your juices to lube himself up. He lines himself up with you, pushing his cock into you. You let out a small squeak, trying to stifle your moans. San wraps his arm around your head, covering your mouth with his hand as he thrusts faster and harder. You move your hand between your lips, rubbing your clit fast.
“Such a good girl.” He groans. “You take my cock so fucking well.” He moans into your ear, pushing himself inside of you deeper.
“Mhmmm.” You moan, his hand pressing harder against your mouth.
“Quiet down, baby.” He grunts.
Your hand moves faster on your clit, your orgasm building with each thrust of San. He releases your mouth, grabbing a clump of hair, pulling your head back. You can't stay quiet any longer, pant loudly, screaming out as you cum, hard. “Oh…my fucking… god.” You scream out, clenching around his cock. San’s pace increases, ramming himself into you, his orgasm right behind yours.
“Shit.” He cries out, cumming, shooting his load deep inside you.
He thrusts gently, milking himself for everything he has. He pulls out of you, cum seeping down your leg as he pulls your skirt down before he tucks his cock back into his underwear and pants. He pulls you from against the wall and into his arms.
“I'm so happy.” He murmurs, nuzzling his face into your neck.
“Me too.” You whisper, holding him tightly.
“Come on, let's get you home.” He says, pulling away from you, but you hold onto him.
“Yes please… but I'm gonna need you to carry me again.” You whisper, your knees buckling. “I can't walk.”
San laughs as he throws you over his shoulder again, smacking your ass as he makes his way to his car.
“I can't wait to make you not walk again, later.”
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danieyells · 4 months
Rui mizuki’s lines from Tokyo debunker if you haven’t yet PLEASE I will love you for all eternity
They’re edging me with the rui crumbs every chapter I can’t take it anymore
One flirty reaper coming right up!! And by right up i mean almost a week after you asked hhahaha
BUT YEAH WE DO GET A LITTLE OF HIM HERE AND THERE i wonder why he pops up so much. Especially for someone who allegedly tries not to be around other people much due to his deadly touch? Kinda sus--
also this is the first time i've posted all of someone's lines! not that i don't always end up posting 95% of them anyway, but for some reason some of Rui's were ordered weird(they're normally not entirely in order but they're usually sectioned properly, but for some reason one of his affinity chats was way in the wrong place) and I ended up closely paying attention to which one i was looking at and before i knew it i posted all of them lmao. . . .
Hello: (the first time the game is opened after that character is set as home screen NPC. Only happens once per day, unless the character is switched out and back.)
"{PC}, hey! Here's to another day vibing our way through curse twin life!"
You've Got Mail: (whenever there's something in the inbox, usually Arena rewards)
"Huh? Did you know you've got unread messages? Oh, that's why you've been leaving me on delivered! Ahaha!"
no that's just because my adhd makes me hyperfocus on things and it refuses to allow me to attempt to allot attention or energy to things it deems me not having enough attention span or energy or time for and i'm sorry--
Default: (requires no affinity, has no time constraints)
"Aw c'mon Ed, again? Why does he always leave his socks on the floor... It's actually exhausting picking up after him all the time..."
lazy sloppy vampire lol
"You look kind of tired {PC}, you doing okay? Why don't you stop by the bar later? I can be your shoulder to cry on."
"Hey! You on break now? If you're super nice and you're gonna come chill with me now, put your hands up!"
"{PC}...were you just checking me out? Hey, it's all good, don't be embarrassed!"
"Oof, Ed popped out of nowhere so I accidentally touched him and he died again. Now I have to carry him all the way back to the dorm..."
i love the face he makes when he says this lmao like he is so tired of Ed's carelessness!
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Affinity 1: (between 5am and 11am)
"{PC}! Did you come here to see me first thing? No way! You just made my day!"
Affinity 2: (between 11am and 4pm)
"Aw c'mon, Ed, what are you doing sleeping out here? Didn't you just take a nap, old man? You're gonna catch a cold!"
Affinity 3: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"Oh hey, it's {PC}! Can't believe I ran into you here, so random! Guess we've gotta go on a date now, huh? It's like, written in the stars!"
i love flirty characters like rui lolol just. there's always More Going On there. and Rui starts off with More right off the bat.
Affinity 4: (between 8pm and 5am)
"I can touch the plants as long as I have gloves on! I mean yeah, I'm pretty sure the same goes for people, but don't you think it'd be scary to test it out?"
Affinity 5: (between 8pm and 5am)
"Come swing by the bar later! I'd rather watch a pretty face like yours while I work instead of a bunch of drunk guys."
Affinity 6: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"What? Ed was praising my good looks? I mean he's right, right? People always tell me my face is my only redeeming feature!"
but rui works so hard!? who's saying that!!
Affinity 7: (between 11am and 4pm)
"Oh sorry, I don't do the whole class thing! You go, I'm all good here!"
Affinity 8: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"Ouch! Aw man, that rose thorn just scratched my arm... Wait, nooo! My rose bushes are wilting!!"
it's so easy for him to accidentally kill anything lmaoooo
Affinity 9: (between 8pm and 5am)
"Are you out here by yourself, {PC}? Isn't that like not super dangerous? ...Wait, did that make sense? Whatever, let me walk you back!"
Affinity 10: (between 10pm and midnight)
"Sorry! A drunk customer broke a glass, so I'm cleaning it up! Everyone's a little pent-up lately, I guess."
Affinity 11: (between 5am and 11am)
"Watering plants in the AM is such a mood lift, right? Whoa, everything's blooming like crazy out here! Better get my pruning shears."
it's a testament to how well he takes care of these plants that they grow super well in permanently-night Obscuary, i think. 8'D
Affinity 12: (between 11am and 4pm)
"Huh? Look, you've got loose threads on your uniform. Give it to me, I'll fix it for you!"
Affinity 13: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"Hey, {PC}, did you eat yet? My door's always open! You can just stay the night after!"
damn already inviting you to stay over at affinity 13--just don't share the bed, you'll wake up super dead
Affinity 14: (between 5am and 11am)
"(yawn) Wow, I am dead tired... but I've gotta take a shower, make breakfast, and do the laundry before those two sleepyheads get up."
it takes a real man to be a single mother. . . .
Affinity 15: (between 5am and 11am)
"Oh hey, what's your poison? Wait, I mean, morning! Man, I tried to take my friend's drink order when we were hanging out yesterday too, occupational hazard I guess."
Affinity 16: (between 11am and 4pm)
"A mission? I'm good, thanks though! Oh hey, you should invite Lyca! He'd totally be into that!"
Lyca also probably needs them to pass the grade lol
Affinity 17: (between 10pm and midnight)
"No way, look at the time! Wish I could keep listening to you talk... Wanna stay over?"
Affinity 18: (between 8pm and 5am)
"Oh man, I'm sorry! I'm closing early, I've got plans with a friend tonight. It'd be awesome if you could come by tomorrow!"
Affinity 19: (between 10pm and midnight)
"Congrats on making it through another day, {PC}! I seriously admire you for working so hard. You're not doing this all for me, are you?"
Affinity 20: (between 5am and 11am)
"Morning! Whoa, you wanna help me with the housework, {PC}? It's all good, thanks though! The thought's more than enough for me."
c'mon, refusing help at affinity 20? let the pc be your little helper at least!
Affinity 21: (between 11am and 4pm)
"Obscuary looks like it'd be full of downers, but it's actually pretty lively in there, right? Not gonna lie, I def prefer it that way."
Affinity 22: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"Lyca's an open book, but the flip side is he says the darndest things... I feel like watching him is bad for my heart..."
he talks so much about his teammates, he really is such a mom. . . .
Affinity 23: (between 8pm and 5am)
"My eyes are red? Huh, that's weird... Oh yeah, I was cutting onions just now when I was preparing the appetizers for the bar!"
. . .idk this is pretty high affinity. . .you were crying about something weren't you rui. . .or romeo paid you in weed and you were getting tweaked up in the back of the bar
Affinity 24: (between 10pm and midnight)
"Oh, don't worry about me, I always sleep late! I'm down to chat till you drift off to dreamland."
Affinity 25(max): (no time constraints)
"Sometimes I wish I could've met you as a regular guy. I guess you wouldn't have given me the time of day if I had though, ahaha."
is it just me or. . .does it feel like he gets a little more distant as his affinity gets higher? like after affinity 17 it feels like he gets a little less flirty and a little more at arms length. . .like he knows his feelings are getting so strong that he might not be able to resist touching you, but he's too scared to do it even with the gloves on. . .so he tries to keep you a little further away. . .and then he admits it, he wishes he could be with you like a normal person, but if he were just some flirt in the street none of this would have ever happened. Poor Rui, he's cursed to be beloved but unable to give love how he wants in return.
Spring: (March-May) (between 5am and 11am)
"Oh man, so nice... The weather's like perfect this time of year, right? Wish we could just chill like this forever."
(between 11am and 4pm)
"Man, you wouldn't even know it was spring with how bleak it is in Obscuary! Aren't there any cuter anomalous plants out there?"
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"I feel like Ed's getting more senile every day... Maybe I should confiscate his tablet."
(between 8pm and 5am)
"So, what do you think of my spring-inspired cocktail? Almost as cute as you, right? I'm gonna add it to the menu!"
Summer: (June-August) (between 5am and 11am)
"C'mon! It's summer, how can the sun never rise in Obscuary!? I wanna get a tan!"
(between 11am and 4pm)
"It's not summer if you don't hit the beach! I used to go all the time back when I surfed. And then I'd pick up girls on my way home... Just kidding, I promise!"
why 'just kidding' lolol you're not together! this relationship is not monogamous even if you were!
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"Ta-da! I've got sparklers! Fireworks are fun and all, but there's something special about holding a light that only sparkles for a hot moment."
(between 8pm and 5am)
"It's so hot out, I bet the bar's gonna be a ghost town... Guess I'll send Harurin and Romi a PR message!"
reaching out to the local population of alcoholic ghouls to remind them to give him business lol
Autumn: (September-November) (between 5am and 11am)
"There's so many dead leaves this time of year, it's a nightmare keeping on top of them! But you can use them to make a fire and roast stuff. Gotta look on the brights!"
(between 11am and 4pm)
"Hey {PC}, when are you free? I have a date idea for us—a romantic walk to admire the fall leaves! I'll pack us a lunch!"
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"Oh damn! You look so cute all bundled up like that, {PC}! We've gotta take a selfie together!"
direct contrast to romeo who sees you in winterwear and calls you a fat slug kekw
(between 8pm and 5am)
"That piano anomaly makes the soundtrack for the bar! The song picks really tug at the heartstrings, right?"
Winter: (December-February) (between 5am and 11am)
"You're a little late today, huh? If you can't get up in the cold, I could be your alarm!"
just gotta be really loud since he'd be too afraid to touch you awake, since he actually wants you to y'know wake up--
(between 11am and 4pm)
"Oh man, how is Lyca so full of energy when it's this cold? You should take him to Frostheim and see if he runs around in the snow like a puppy."
rui pointing at lyca: that dog is my son please take care of him
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"Nothing like winter to make you miss the warmth of human touch... Oh, I'm good! Just getting to talk like this is all I need!"
(between 8pm and 5am)
"Here, this Rui-original hot cocktail will warm you up! I'll blow on it for you, free of charge!"
is this the next step after gamer bathwater. host club host breath.
His birthday: (March 14th)
"Yeah, it's my birthday today! Oh damn, you're gonna celebrate it with me!? No way, I'm like, super touched right now!!"
Your birthday:
"{PC}... Happy birthday!! C'mon, birthday girl, sit down and chill out! This is your day, you should take it easy!"
New Years: (January 1st)
"Happy New Year! Want to start the year off on a high and come on a shrine date with me?"
Valentine's Day: (February 14th)
"Oh damn, are these for me? My heart! Is this your way of professing your love to me? Do I have a shot here?"
White Day: (March 13th)
"Ta-da! Happy White Day! This is for you! What's inside? You've gotta open it and find out!"
April Fool's Day: (April 1st)
"Guess what!? I finally broke my curse! Let's hold hands... just kidding! April Fools!"
this feels more like a joke on him than on you. . .a mean one at that lol
Halloween: (October 31st)
"Happy happy happy Halloween!! Trick or treat! Obviously I'm picking trick, ahaha!"
Christmas: (December 25th)
"Merry Christmas, {PC}! Oh man, I must be like, super blessed to get to spend it with you!"
Idle: (about 20 seconds without interacting with the game) (below 13 affinity)
"Hey, hey, hey! We finally get to spend some time together, it's illegal to take your eyes off me!"
(13 affinity and above)
"{PC}? You seem kind of busy, guess I'll take this chance to get some work done…"
Absent: (logging in for the first time in 2 or more days?)
"{PC}, you're back! I was worried you'd forgotten about me!!"
he's so flirty and clingy, but also he can't be clingy because he's scared you'll die if he touches you, even if he's wearing gloves. . .also surely your curse would cancel out his? Then again I'm sure a reaper i stronger than any other [living] anomaly out there. . . .
but. yeah. rui's a darling haha he just. he's another one of the 'i just wanna be a regular person, i wanna go back to normal' characters whose desire to just be a guy makes him special in a more fantastical world. i'm really looking forward to seeing the Obscuary chapter--probably like a month away, right? 'u'
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bebe-writes-stuff · 8 months
Tokyo Revengers x Reader (I might just turn this idea into a reverse harem lolol)
Your legs moved on their own just as you spotted the glint of the switchblade Kazutora aimed at Baji's unsuspecting back. Without a second thought, you jumped between them, feeling the dagger penetrate your stomach. Time seemed to stop. Kazutora took a step back, petrified. "Y-Y/n," his voice quivered, while you sensed the metallic taste slowly dripping from your lips.
A smile overtook your blood-stained lips. "Tora... come back to Toman, please. Your place is with us." Those were your last words before Takemichi tumbled with Kazutora after tackling him with full force.
Baji's voice echoed, "Y/N!" as you sensed his firm grip embracing you.
As if an entire war had come to an end, both Toman and Valhalla stood still. Your chest heaved, and each breath was a struggle. Who knew if your next breath would come back out.
Baji's shout made Mikey glance down from his position atop the car wreck. His heart stopped at the sight of the knife sticking out of your abdomen, the blood staining your shirt, even staining Baji's hands as he tried to wrap your wound. But it was no use. The sight of your precious blood made him want to rage. He wanted to kill Kazutora.
Stepping down, making his way methodically, each step filled with malice and bloodlust, Mikey had fallen into his darkness. No one could bring him back to his rational mind now.
"Mikey..." You heard Baji whisper as he watched Mikey walk past them, his eyes never once leaving Kazutora's position on the floor where Takemichi had run into him. Turning to see where Mikey was heading, you were horrified when you saw him executing a forceful and vigorous kick, sending Kazutora flying back.
"No, Mikey... stop," you whispered to yourself as you struggled to get out of Baji's hold.
"Wait, don't move! You're hurt badly!" Despite his stern voice, Baji was shaking.
"Get off me! I have to stop him!" You finally said before pushing Baji, placing both hands on the handle of the switchblade before pulling it out.
"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" You've never heard Baji yell like this, ever.
You took off; you felt your muscles tighten, more blood gushing out with every step, ignoring the sharp stinging pain extending to your entire body.
"MIKEY!" You shouted, but there was no response. You were the only brave one to approach Mikey in this state — a state of blind rage. Would Mikey even recognize you? Suddenly,
Your intention was to snap him out of his dark impulses as your fist met his face full force, knocking him a few steps back.
"I told you to stop..." It was the same tone you used with enemy gangs. Cold and dark.
Everyone collectively had the same thought — you were done for. But no one knew the secret you had hidden away from the rest of the world. You and Mikey shared the same curse since you were kids. Being the closest to Mikey, you both had the same haunting impulses. Turning to face you, his eyes were lost in darkness, while yours were lost in light.
"We're not gonna end like this. We're not gonna kill each other." The same harsh tone. Mikey stared at you, then at Kazutora. You rocked before crashing to the floor; you could no longer hold yourself up straight. You felt cold and distant.
"Y/n!" No longer interested in Kazutora, Mikey rushed to your side, helping you sit up. Your eyes seemed to lose their light.
"Y/n..." Tears threatened to pour out of his eyes; he couldn't handle losing anyone anymore, especially not you, not now, not ever.
Everyone heard the police sirens dangerously closing in; frantically, people started running.
"Go..." You muttered. He looked at you shocked.
"Are you crazy? There's no way I'm leaving you here!" He shouted as you felt him start to carry you before you shoved him.
You glanced at Draken and nodded, a shared agreement between the two of you, you could always depend on him for these moments. Draken didn't waste any time, picking up Mikey and running with the rest of the Tokyo Manji Gang.
"KENNY, STOP! NO! Y/N!" Mikey screamed, reaching out for you.
"The ambulance will take her to the hospital; we have to go!" Draken said, tightening his grip immensely on Mikey as he ran as fast as his legs could possibly take him. From the outside, Draken might have seemed heartless in this moment, leaving you for dead. But no one saw the tears streaming down his face non-stop.
The car wreck fell silent; you were lying on the floor. A few steps away from you was Kazutora, crawling to his unconscious body from Mikey's kick. With whatever strength you had left, you tried waking him up.
"Kazutora, wake up. You have to go; the police are coming. C'mon, wake up."
No use. Mikey knocked his lights out. If the police came, Kazutora would get arrested again. No, you couldn't let that happen. Sometimes you even shocked yourself with your inhuman strength, despite the uncontrollable amount of blood you lost. You got up and managed to pick up Kazutora. You scanned the car wreck; where could you hide him until he woke up and the police were gone? You could only think of one place—the cars themselves. You struggled to open the busted-up car door, but when you did, you gently put him down in the backseat. You pulled out your phone and typed away, a message for Kazutora when he wakes up,
Change Kazutora, we are all here by your side, you're not alone
You left your phone beside him,
I doubt I have any use for that now. I'm sorry Mikey, but I think I lied.
You returned to your original spot, falling with a hard thud on the ground. Everything felt like it was slowing down for you, each one of your breaths, your heart beat, the world. Everything slowly faded as your eyes slowly shut, your last sight the cops running towards your freezing body.
The hospital echoed with frantic urgency of medical professionals, with doctors and nurses moving quickly. Doctors were around the stretcher, your body laid on as doctors exchanged hasty words and gestures in an attempt to help you. You stirred, your eyelids fluttering as consciousness reluctantly began to claw its way back. The harsh lighting above blurs your vision. Confusion clouded your gaze, and the sensation of being on a moving surface only added to your disorientation, like you were on a moving ride. You couldn't fathom the severity of your injuries. Unaware of the thin line between life and death that you teetered upon, as doctors did their best in an attempt to save your fragile existence.
As you tried to make sense of the chaos around you, a wave of exhaustion swept over, pulling you back into unconsciousness. Your eyelids grow heavy, and the sounds of the hospital faded into a distant murmur. The struggle for awareness was lost, and once again, you succumbed to the darkness, leaving the frantic efforts of the medical team echoing in the background.
As you regained consciousness, for the second time, the sterile hospital environment had given way to a disconcerting darkness. Instead of the beeping machines and frantic medical staff, you found yourself being carried through a dimly lit alley. Confusion gripped you as you tried to make sense of your surroundings, but the lingering effects of your injuries overwhelmed you, and once again, you slipped into unconsciousness.
When you awoke for the third time, you found yourself on a bed, disoriented and groggy. A man sat in front of you, his features obscured by shadows. Before either of you could utter a word, he pulled out a newspaper article, read in big bold letters,
High-school girl succumbs to fatal injuries in the aftermath of a gang altercation...and later dies in the hospital she was transferred to.
Shocked and bewildered, you struggled to comprehend the situation.
"W-what?" you managed to stammer, your voice weak.
The man sighed, revealing a mix of anguish and resentment in his eyes. "I had to find someone who looked like you, stage her death, and put her in your place. You're essentially nothing but a ghost now," he explained, his words sending a shiver down your spine, shock seized you, a chilling realization sinking in.
-- You guys want this to be a series? let me know --
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ambrosialdesire · 1 year
what are your thoughts on yandere levi 😩
my thoughts are: HELL YES
assuming that this is captain levi you're talking about, he's an already pretty terrifying force to be messing with in the first place, whether you are part of the corps or the enemy. to add on the yandere trope onto his character, you're in deep trouble LOL
ngl for me, it really varies on what kind of yandere he is depending on who he's interested in. for now, i'm only going to be explaining the instances and scenarios of reader either being a survey corps low-ranked soldier, marleyan captain enemy, and civilian.
i didn't mean for this to be so long but levi's been one of my favorites since middle school (literally was insane for him back then before reiner's s4 glowup lolol)
this is written as a gender-neutral reader sorta, no pronouns are used but it's slightly implied that this is a fem reader.
tw: manipulation, abuse of power, inappropriate touching, possessive behavior, implied non-con, implied mind-breaking
if you're part of the survey corps but serving as a low ranked soldier compared to levi, he constantly abuses his power over you. it doesn't show at all that he likes you, it's him mostly making you do things for him like you were his personal secretary. he takes you out of training to clean his office instead (he'd make you do it over and over again if it's not up to his standards), takes you away from your lunch group so you can boil his tea for him, sometimes just pulling you out of anything you're doing just to hang around him. at first, you were excited to take any job from him, after all, levi's one of the top soldiers in the corps. it was completely out of respect for the man until you begun to realize that he's just using you to only do "desk-jobs". you start getting sick of doing meaningless jobs for him but you're terrified of even saying anything about it to humanity's strongest soldier. levi's never going to be the really touchy type in any of my renditions of him being a yandere, but you've occasionally felt his faint touches around certain parts of your body as if a ghost had brushed past you; other times, he sternly grips your forearm or shoulder whenever he's in a not-so-pleasant mood. since him and erwin are buddy-buddy, he turns an eye with his behavior towards you, telling you that he would report the mistreatment to the higher-ups but really just throw away the files. he doesn't want his best soldier to falter anytime soon and you being a little special treat to satiate his appetite is nothing short of a itty bitty loss in the ranks. he's manipulative, wavering the threat of forcibly having you dishonorably discharged when you don't do as you're told. you wouldn't want your family to know that you're a shameful excuse of a soldier, would you? so be a good little pet, get down on your knees and beg for his forgiveness by any means necessary.
if you're a marleyan enemy soldier, especially a captain like him, FUCK there's so much tension between the two of you. his paradisian devil soldiers made a complete mess that night, killing many of the underlings and your coworkers, incapacitating the warriors as if they were nothing short of pests. you saw the absolute speed of that man who tore through one of the hinges of galliard's jaw and completely cut down jaeger's beast titan form, swearing nothing but completely hatred for that demon. levi thought you were interesting the moment he spotted you witnessing his attacks, eyes wide with admiration but stewing with disgust at the same time. there was a certain kind of fear that he's never seen before and the two of you shared a long stare before you took a shot, barely missing your intended target: him. a frustrated scream ripped out of you as you had to powerlessly watch them leave through one of the many blimps in the air. you didn't realize that he soon shot his ODM spears towards you, zipping in your direction and kicking you down to the ground. it was like he teleported in front of you as he stood over your body but you were soon knocked out with the butt of your own rifle. you woke up tied to a chair, hair being pulled back and gaze focused on the blinding light above you. he started asking questions, hitting you around like a training dummy but you refused to budge no matter how much pain you were in, spitting and laughing at his face. one of his comrades told him that it was useless trying to make you spill out anything, that they already knew everything that they needed to know from the marleyan defectors and zeke. part of his motivation for this (at that point in the anime) is because he's so sick of losing everyone important in his life so having someone to control, knowing what the outcome is because their future is strung by his own hands, it made the pain easier to deal with. on your side, for some godforsaken reason, he refused to let you go or kill you. oh no, no, no. he wants you to break. he wants that terrified, but idolized look in your eyes again. levi wants you to completely forget the person you are and who you served, only becoming his sweet and obedient marleyan prisoner.
if you're just an average citizen, it's a slow build-up of when levi began to take an interest with you. it was on accident but he starts to occasionally spot you whenever the scouts come back from outside expeditions, eyes wandering over the injured with a sullen expression. he couldn't decipher whether you felt simply ashamed of their loss again or that you felt bad that they had to keep doing this to themselves. that's usually only the few times where he sees you, usually trying to keep to himself and ignore the other bystanders. you were always there however, as if his eyes were automatically always darting to the same spot when he looked over into the crowd. when hange forced him to get out of the stuffy corps building and out into the city, he found himself staring at you while you serve drinks out to customers. it's filthy the way you brush your hand against theirs, winking at them to rub it even more. it was reminiscent, as if he was back watching an underground whore working for better tips. it felt strange seeing you outside of something he was used to, especially if it's something as deprecating as this back-alley bar. levi couldn't stop himself from standing up and trudging over to you when some pig put his hands on you, more so from what you're obviously comfortable with. it felt like he was back in the underground, the way he dug his fists into that sorry son of a bitch's face, fighting the group of men that he was with as well. hange eventually joined in as well, cheering in joy as they threw a beer glass into some guy who was sneaking up behind him. as the fight started to get more insane, he snatched you away from the scene when the moment was right (he may have left hange behind but they're more than capable of handling themselves in a fight). you thanked him profusely and offhandedly mentioned that you were definitely not working back there again after what happened. it could've been the traces of alcohol in his system or the adrenaline, but he kissed you right there. you pushed him away of course, completely shocked that the humanity's strongest had literally just kissed you unwarrantedly. he wanted to take his time to get to know you, he really did. yet levi realizes that he's no different from the disgusting man that he had just beat his face in, his grip around your arm tightening as he forces you against the grating wall in the dark alleyway.
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erinwantstowrite · 1 month
hi! hope your having a good day/night/timezone/etc.! u got any writing tips (like how to not lose motivation/use up as much of it as u can while u have it, any ways to get the words flowing/“get in the writing mood” that have worked for u) for any of ur fellow fic writers? (idk if this’s been asked b4 (it seems like a common question lmao), but if it has, ‘pologies, lolol ^^)
i have a few that i've been thinking up to try and post!!
remember that you aren't on a deadline to write, and to take the time you need. no one wants to read something you rushed, let alone do YOU want to read it. and it REALLY matters if you love what you're writing. you'll kill your motivation trying to keep up with something like that!! if you only had time to write 300 or you had a great day and wrote like 3000, you're doing great either way!!!
there's a lot to keep up with when you're writing, and you have to remember and understand all of it. if you're trying to write while you're tired/upset/etc, you'll likely end up with something you're not that proud of. (granted, art is art, and sometimes these emotions can create something beautiful or meaningful). take metal breaks so you can come back to your work with a fresh mind, and don't overexert yourself. you'll remember and understand more if you treat your writing time like you would when you're studying. sometimes i make flashcards to remember characters, places, events, etc.
sometimes i can get too analytical with my writing, or it starts to become flat? if that makes sense? meaning, like... i'm putting words on paper rather than delving into the story. too many "they felt this way" and not enough "Character A turns to face the man that had changed their entire life with the single shot of a bullet, careless to what damage he could have caused. It's haunting to see that the man is simply that: a man. Not a monster as they had imagined, laying awake at night and wondering what their father had seen in his final moments. He's just a man." what helps with this is putting myself into the shoes of a narrator, remembering that i am telling the story as if i already know what's happening (even if I don't know where I'm going with a scene yet). i imagine that my reader is right there next to me and i'm telling them the story in real time like we're sitting around a campfire telling ghost stories, or that i'm the quirky narrator of a book they just picked up.
During times where i'm losing inspiration or feel like i'm in a loop, i like to go back to my favorite medias and spend some time with them. i recently rewatched Gravity Falls, the Sea Beast, and the Adam Project, and it was a fun mental break that got me into the writing mood. i try to find similar media to what i'm writing at that time. if i want a scene focused on funny banter or a comedic effect, i read or watch comedy. if i want to write a scary scene, i'll watch a horror movie. etc etc. "studying" your favorite media and putting yourself into your fav writer's writing shoes is a great way to improve your own writing. think about why that joke was funny, what the set up was that made it that way, and if it would have been a different joke if another character said it (Gravity Falls is one of the best media you can use for this, but really, reading mysteries in general can help)
physical exercise, if you can. getting your blood flowing and treating your body well!! when i was in band, we used to do "body warm ups" set to music, and i still do them to this day. it gets me awake and alert while also letting me listen to fun music before i write
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Hello! May I make another request?
Can I request a Frederick x fem reader. Ya know the scene where he pulled out the gun and pushed orphy with it and pointed it on the ground when he told Alice to place the box on the ground? (Him with a gun is so hot) can it be like a similar situation, for example reader and Alice are close friends and they went to the manor together. nsfw
I was just talking to @turbulentscrawl about the THAT scene, buddy only had one round and if he shot it then his glass jaw was done for lolol also based it off this post
Rated Mature | Warnings: Reader has a past (tm)
Alice deserves to be called 'good girl' (listen!)
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“A single barrel pistol,” Cold, “Meaning you have exactly one bullet.” The Composer's eyes narrow at your words, “Once that bullet is gone, you will have only maybe that cane of yours as a weapon or you better start running.” Laying out his choices.
Alice stands behind you, rather you place yourself in front of Alice who looks at you surprised. Back at the orphanage, you always were the defender the children flocked to; Alice too back then looked up to you.
Still does as she knew for this investigation she will need an ally. Someone to watch her back.
“Better make that shot count, Frederick.” This is not your first time being held at gunpoint, sadly as a kid, you were the fighter. It was your only way to survive, none of the adults helped— Whether they cared or not, it didn't matter, you had to fight. As you got older, you got involved with the wrong side of the law. A driver, the type that helps with getaway driving and deliveries– No questions asked, no identification shared on your side.
Frederick looks at you, you know desperation when you see it.
The roar of thunder echoes, blood spills, and Frederick stands there in shock.
You grunt in pain but strike him with a right hook, he stumbled backward holding his face, hand dropping the cane in his hand.
“(False Name)!” Alice catches you before you fall to your knee, blood slipping out of your shoulder from the bullet wound. “Are you crazy!?”
You laugh as Frederick doesn't get up as Orpheus, who so happens to show up after the showdown, restrains him with a rope he found at the stables.
“Is the bullet out?” Alice nods at your question and points to the ground where it landed, “Good. Remember what I showed you?”
Alice does first aid, not her first time patching you up after a firefight.
“Good girl.” A low voice to have only for her to hear you as she makes a sling using your jacket.
“Gonna dump him in the same spot as his great-grandmother's favorite horse?” You ask Orpheus who gives you an inquisitive look.
“She is not my great-grandmother.” Frederick corrects you.
“Whatever, we can just say he went missing.” Shrugging then hissing at the pain.
All of them look at you like you said something horrible.
“He almost killed me, remember!”
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You once told Alice, as a joke, that you would stay with her like the Cheshire cat as she makes her way down this rabbit hole. You are loyal to her, always have been since the orphanage. And even as the world turned to a new nightmare, as the truth about the manor became murky yet clear, you remained steadfast to your word. 
Driver, this is the title given to you upon the first match.
The game is akin to a story you have read once during your late shifts of being the getaway driver. Something about man being the greatest beast to hunt. This game is just like that.
A single hunter versus five survivors. Only, the twist is that everyone has strange abilities that can make or break a game.
Ciphers. Exit gates. Dungeons to escape. Chairs, the fucked roller-coaster ride seats with loads of fireworks under it with a timer attached.
It's a sick game you are forced to play with others.
You try to put science to all this but none of it makes sense. Maybe… You hate having to accept this is outside the realm of science you know or logic that is well, logic.
Alice is not safe, and you aren't either, but she is your priority.
Two ciphers down, fuck this game, the hunter is tailing you like a wolf hungry for meat. You stumble as you climb through a window after using a pair of gloves that boost your speed.
The hunter loses you thanks to a person titled Batter.
You limp over to a toolbox looking for hopefully some form of first aid— That miracle syringe Doctor has.
The people in your group are Journalist, Batter, and Composer.
Yeah, strange seeing— much less being in a group with a guy who nearly killed you run over, after priming the cipher, to you and patching you up the best he can. His hands are steady, nibble, and quick as they all had to learn how to patch each other up. This isn’t a game one can win by playing lone wolf, in order to survive everyone has to work as a team. Even if that means working with someone who tried to kill you.
Now, to say you hang that over his head is not true. In the line of work you had been in, you sometimes had to work under pressure with people who may have threatened you with any form of physical violence. You rolled with the punches, often literally, but you lived. Life hardened you, and you moved on (though moving on does not mean you forgive them). Guilt bites at the Composer in a way that you had not expected.
Relationships are not unheard of but rare. One-night stands are not rare but not as common because most do not want to deal with drama while trying to get through a match.
You were open to having sex, it is a destresser and you can do it with no strings attached. Luca was one you had bedded a few times, fun guy. Norton too but he is a messy one, the mood swings had ended the arrangement fast (though you did let him have it when you both got into a fight in the duo match).
Past adventures, the present adventure is the man now kiting with you against Naiad.
The gate currently opened (thanks to Alice), is blocked by the mer-bitch (you… dislike her or rather going against her).
Composer takes a hit to distract as he hasn’t taken any damage during the match. You follow up by shooting the hunter with the flare gun then dashing to follow out.
The match ends in a victory for the survivors.
“See you tonight.” Upon entering the manor you pat his shoulder before leaving off to check on Alice.
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Frederick Kreiburg could be considered boring.
There are not always nights with that raw passion that would make the Gods blush sort of thing. Nothing like romance novels with the life-altering sex the protagonists have.
It is… Well, it is like making love honestly.
With Luca, you had fun. Playful and a lot of teasing. With Norton, it was like a fight, rough and hard that left you swore for days. Even the time you slept with Demi after a long of partying, it was fun and sweet.
With Frederick, this love. He is the composer and you are the orchestra. Each symphony played with care, practice, and with love.
You never made love before. Sex is one thing, fucking around is another, but love is different. It is just as consuming as lust but lingers longer than lust. It has you biting your lip as Frederick removes your slippers from when you bathed, his lips kissing the top of your foot, his hand massaging the soreness under your foot.
It is like being worshiped and adored in a way lust cannot give you.
He travels upward slowly, his gloves tossed to the floor, your leg brought up to rest on his shoulder and the other leg guided to open you up to him.
Like a flower, or something poetic.
“Frederick.” You don't realize how pent-up you are until he kisses the inside of your exposed thigh. The bathrobe opened and slumped around your waist. “Fuck.” Moaned out.
He enjoys making you sing, enjoys seeing that hardened exterior crumble to expose that you are just as starved just as him. He takes his time preparing you. Every action is blessed by a tune he knows you ask later what song he is singing. You enjoy hearing him talk about his music.
When he finally lets you cum, you nearly jump him in your eagerness to get him naked. The Composer is different from you, you like that.
“I love you.”
To think he pulled out a gun and had shot you during the struggle.
“Say it again.” Between his legs.
“I ah l-love you.”
The hum of an old song, Clair de Lune, sounds pretty, as you blow him is fun. He has to guess the song before he cums.
The fun part is after when you let him gather himself before the union. The crescendo (you told him and found it amusing that you tried learning musical terms to flirt with him), the part that you both have to fight to not be so loud. Even if his room is free of neighbors (a few less than other sections), you more than once had to tell Naib to shut up with the teasing about Frederick moaning.
Yes, you possess those moans and the Mercenary does not need to be an ass.
The low, yet comforting part, is the post-orgasm part.
Lying there basking in the glow. You are clingy and praising him endlessly, it is something you enjoy doing with your partners. He falls asleep fast when you ‘overwork’ him, the man needs the sleep and you need to let out some post-match steam.
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sooinluvz · 2 months
ꨄ 𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐩𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐲
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pairing : muzan x mreader
summary : after being kidnapped by the demon king himself, he's had use for them
tw : slight gore, kidnapping, pet play, smut
note : an intro from a muzan bot i made on poe lolol
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its tough to say which fate is a worse one; getting ripped apart by the fangs and teeth of the demons killing their family and friends, burnt to death by the flames consuming their village, or stumbling at the very same muzan kibutsuji's feet as they managed to escape the first two.
everything had happened in a blurr. the smoke had come from nowhere during the dead of night, houses were burning while people were still asleep inside them. it was already over before anyone realized it was a trap, corpses began to fallinh to the ground with a hard thud like flies.
those screams, crying in agony as their eyes grew dimmer by the moment. how could they watch friends be consumed by hungry demons? how could they watch their own mother burning to a cinder mere feet away from their hiding spot? fear is a strange and powerful thing, it can make one a hero or a coward, no two ways about it.
for them, they were no hero. even if they saw that gleaming axe that just needed them to stretch their hand out and reach for it, their hand would've never stopped shaking. firmly planted on the floor, hidden under the floorboards of a house that hadn't been touched by the fire yet, they waited, barely able to cover their ears to drown out the horrible noises.
heavy footsteps came nearer and nearer the harder they listened, three, no four demons were coming for them, and to make matters worse, the only other village to call for help, or at best a hashira, was miles away. run and get killed on the way or stay and die a most undoubtedly painful death; the choice was theirs to make.
feet aching from the hard ground they ran on, probably covered in cuts and soon to be filled with blisters, they couldn't care less. lungs burning, a stitch in their wide, body not used to such activity, they ran for their life, not even turning to look back as their childhood home burned to a crisp.
they didn't know how long they had been running for, and stumbling over their own feet was normal, but getting back up was something they could count on, even if they were mentally exhausted. eyes tearful, cheeks stained, mouth agape to let cold air in, their face met the ground before they even realized.
their nose throbbed, the pain buzzing through their skull before eyes lifted to see plum red ones staring down at them. was this friend or foe? before they could even get a word out, a feeble 'help me' dying on their tongue as they were hoisted from the ground by their throat. choking noises filled the quiet forest, and they believed death was standing before them.
they welcomed him.
but death had other plans for this human.
"seems i've found my next experiment."
before they lost consciousness from lack of oxygen to their brain, they saw the figure smirk, clearly pleased with the discovery, and a final tear fell from their tear duct.
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many summers had passed since that fateful day, and instead of being another corpse among the dead, they were alive and well—as well as they could be while being poked and proded and tortured. they weren't sure if this was a fate worse than death, that was their mentality at first.
but now, with master muzan gazing down at them as his shoe pressed painfully against their leaking member, it's different. they may have complained about the pain and the nausea after the latest onslaught of experimentation, but muzan has a way of keeping their lips sealed.
sealed around his throbbing length that is.
he never imagined the scrawny little thing he picked up after leaving to watch his demons destroy yet another village would lead him into finding himself a man. and not just any man, but one of marechi blood. a rare find indeed for him, and instead of just tossing them to his demons, muzan had other uses for them.
pulling back on the chains around their neck harshly, knowing bruises would be left, muzan leans his cheek against his palm. "i believe i thought you better than that. maybe i should just crush these pitiful bags of seed, they'll go to waste in any case." his threat was empty—partially—but seeing the fear and desperation in their eyes was more than satisfactory.
"what's this? you have so much motivation now, i wonder where that came from."
a groan leaves his lips as he feels his length slide down their throat, tight and warm around him, the urge to grab the back of their head and use them as a personal fuck doll strong. he remains calm, and with a few bobs of their head his seed is spurting out to paint the inside of their throat wait.
pulling them off of him, muzan gazes down at them, and smirks. "should you get rewarded?" he asks, taking his shoe off of their crotch and hums in thought. "what do you think, puppy?"
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l3viat8an · 6 months
All I can offer are more silly crumbs ‘n my usual dumb rambling about the ‘behind the scenes of lessons 16’ -IN THE OG GAME BTW- because I haven’t had time to finish anything else yet helpsjsk
While ‘filming’ lesson 16 everybody was laughing. On ‘n off camera it was so ridiculous!!! I mean getting hugged to death sounds ridiculous on it’s own lolol tho getting your ribs crushed isn’t a joke ‘n it would hurt like hell-
Belphie kept making it worse by grinning and running after any / everybody yelling ‘HUG ME!!’ in his full demon outfit.
At the end of the day after finally getting a successful shot the Director goes to give MC a ‘good job’ hug, MC gasps dramatically, says “You’ve killed me again!” and goes limp in his arms.
(^^side note: I’m still not sure if the Director is going to be one of the cast or somebody else maybe an OC? idk…. so you can imagine whoever you like as the Director for now jsksjs)
Another fun fact about ‘filming’ lesson 16 is that the only thing that got everybody to sober up and act serious for the shot was Mammon while he held MC’s ‘dying’ body- the heartbreak in his voice while begging MC not to die and leave him, to the pure rage he leveled at Belphie was scary to watch. (Then as soon as the Director yelled ‘cut’ Mammon was back to being goofy- jsksj)
Lucifer actually said in a later interview that:“Mammon’s acting was honestly too good in that scene and it gave everybody chills.”
Ahhh again that’s kinda all I have for now!!
Oh!!!- actually one more thing-
Simeon + Solomon are the script writers!! I thought that would be really funny to add cuz Simeon wrote TSL ‘n Solomon writes TSL fan-fiction!!
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strangerscallmegray · 5 months
Are we the same?
Hello guys, I hope you like this. I was out looking for Joel Miller x son!reader fics and I could find very little male reader or GN reader fics and so I impulsively decided to create this series. I hope you will like it. The first chapter is going to be exploring Joel's PoV. I'm new here so I don't understand much, hopefully I'll learn along with you.
So, the thing is I have not seen the last of us, it is just recently that I discovered the fanfics and I really liked them, I'm going to watch it soon. So, I apologize for any timeline discrepancy as well as factual errors that might be there in the story lolol.
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Joel had a difficult relationship with his son. It was not that Joel did not love him, no, he did, he immensely loved the kid, how could he not? He was his son. You were the last remaining person from his family. The life and family he had had before everything went to shit. But there was a distance between you and Joel, one that Joel deeply lamented. It started after Sarah died. Joel felt like you blamed him for what had happened. You had always been a loving older brother to Sarah and losing her broke you too, you were never quite the same and he couldn’t say he was either.
Joel watched as you went outside the house after the latest argument you had had. Arguments were not uncommon between the two of you. It was simple, Joel still felt you were too young to be going on patrols with him. Whereas you felt you had never been more ready and to see Tess take your side had been heartbreaking for Joel. Tess would not forget the look of betrayal that had etched onto his face when she had done that. Tess had later given him a lecture saying if he wanted his son then he’d have to let him do what he wants to do even if that included danger. Joel had cried out in anger then saying that he’d rather have his son alive and hate him than dead. He and Tess had needed a lot of time to recover from that. He had already lost one child and he was not planning to lose another any time soon. Now, since Joel did not have a say in what you wanted to do, he put his everything into training you. He wanted to teach you everything he knew so that you could survive even if he is not there. He was very proud of you and how far you had come. You never complained when it came to training, even if you had arguments with your dad, sparring sessions were a must, even if it just helped in releasing pent-up frustration.
Joel was sometimes very harsh with you and he knows that. It was because maybe he got so lost when he lost Sarah that he forgot he had another person depending on him. Some days the guilt consumes him and the others he feels like you need the rigidity to make yourself better, that it is what you seek from him. Tess had told him many times that his harshness might reflect negatively on you since you were only 16. Sometimes he thought that surely Sasha must be rolling in the grave over what kind of a father he had become. A memory flashed through this head.
“This is a waste of time, they’ll have finished turning you by the time you get back up from the ground.” He said.
You were panting having fallen on the ground. “I am…..trying.” you said in between of breaths.
“Not like that you are not, the only thing you are trying to do right now is getting yourself killed, if that was your mission, congratulations, you succeeded.”
You had glared at him, still not getting up, “What the hell is your damn problem with me!?” you had shouted and stood up walking up to your dad. “You can see I’m trying, we only started practicing a week back and Tess says I’m doing good, why do you always have to be so critical of me as if I can never be any good?”
“I don’t know what Tess has been seeing, all I am seeing is that it was a mistake allowing a 14-year-old out on patrols.” Joel had said. He couldn’t understand why he was being so unnecessarily harsh.
Tears stung your eyes as you said, “I will prove you wrong Dad, I will be the best hunter you’ve ever seen.” You had said and walked away.
And you were most definitely the best that Joel had seen, he just failed to communicate it to you. He wished he had been more understanding back then.
Then, then came Ellie, the kid who reminded him too much of Sarah, the kid full of life and so opposite from both him and you. In the beginning he didn’t know how to act around her but slowly he warmed up to her. She was not replacing Sarah, nobody could replace his Sarah ever but Ellie was not Sarah, Ellie was Ellie and that was why he had grown to care for her and he knew he had grown paternal towards her. He had seen the way you interacted with Ellie too, you had never held something she didn’t even know against her. You had even taught her a couple of things and his heart swelled with happiness whenever he saw that. An emotion he was sure he would never feel again.
“Is he your son?” She had asked pointing towards you who was standing with the group explaining something to them.
“Yes.” He had said, short and crisp, he didn’t want to discuss it and he hoped she’d get the hint. She did not.
“Then why is he on patrols? He doesn’t seem that much older.” She looked curiously.
He had looked at her and glared “Why don’t you ask him the same then maybe even I will know.”
And after that, it felt the most normal than ever in Jackson, but he just wished he could mend his relationship with his son. He wished you would stop looking at everything he did for you in negative light and stop seeing him as the enemy.
Soo, I hope you liked that, let me know what you think. The next chapter will be your PoV.
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iguessiwritenow · 2 months
To Cease or Not to Cease
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Summary: A Reader/OC fix-it because I just finished season 4 and wtf was that. Also this may be unhinged as its 1am and I haven't slept yet lolol.
“We cease to exist.”
Thalia let out a deep sigh and closed her eyes for a moment of peace. The confirmation of the end of the world and her existence weighed heavy on her. As it did for all of her siblings based on the silence that settled over the rest of them.
“Old Klaus might have been down for some recreational hara-kiri,” Klaus started, “But it turns out, I’m really not into killing myself. So, uh, count me out.”
“Actually, it’s not killing ourselves. It’s worse than that. We’ll be erased from history. None of the the timelines will have ever existed. No one will have any memory of this… or us” Five corrected. 
Diego turned towards Five suddenly.
“But if we cease to exist, what’ll happen to our families?”
“I’m not sure.”
And Thalia couldn’t help but get angry at that response. The uncertainty of it all left a pit in her stomach. After everything didn’t her family deserve to be happy, to be at peace.
“No.” She stated to the room.
“Thalia, please, this is the only wa-“
“No!” She exclaimed again tears starting to fall, “I am not just going to sit here and die. To let any of us die!”
Luther put his arm around her in a half hug to comfort her as she cried. But Thalia, in her upset and anger, found conviction and once again addressed Five.
“You said it just has to be there marigold right?”
“Well, yes but-“ Thalia cut him off now glancing in Viktor’s direction.
“And you can extract the marigold?” 
Viktor gave his affirmative with a brief nod as Thalia moved over to him. Putting her hand on his shoulder she activated her powers and pulled until a copy appeared.
“Here’s what’s going to happen.” Thalia started to make her way towards Five. “Viktor’s double will extract the marigold from us and the double I make of Five will take us to the subway.”
Thalia pulled at Five so his doubled appeared and then at herself. Once done she spun to face her family and took them each in. While there was still despair and uncertainty, Thalia saw hope on their faces and it brought a small smile to hers.
“Who’s with me?” A chorus of cheers went around the group in affirmation. “Then let’s get started!”
Experiencing the marigold get extracted was strange, there was a pain to it, but the sight was strange as well. Thalia thought it looked like hundreds of fireflies conjoining around her family. If it weren’t for the situation Thalia may even venture to call it beautiful.
To think that power that changed the timelines, if not the universe as a whole looked like glowing Fanta when contained.
Thalia watched as the double she had created of Five vanished with Diego and Lila’s family and Claire with a sense of accomplishment. Facing her family she let herself relax a little. Her family would live a hopefully peaceful life from here on out.
Thalia glanced at the double of Viktor and dismissed it. Then Thalia was face to face with herself. Until this moment Thalia hadn’t realized how much older she looked. Gone was the grief of her childhood and regrets as a young adult. In her place stood a woman at peace with herself. A pat oh her shoulder interrupted her thoughts.
“Let’s go sis, before we miss the train.” Diego said as he guided her towards the rest of the family. And with a final glance at herself and the jar full of marigold Thalia allowed the double of Five to jump them away.
Watching the reunions as everyone bored the train brought tears to her eyes. To see Allison hug Claire and cry, while Diego and Lila tried to fit all of their children in their arms. Yes, Thalia thought to herself this made everything worth it.
Sitting on one of the empty seats Thalia closed her eyes and leaned her head back until it hit the window of the train. The motion of the train starting to move almost putting you to sleep.
“You okay there sis, you’re looking a little… glowy.” Luther asked you after a while. A chuckle escaped you at the wording but you gave a nod.
“It’s here.” You whisper.
“What’s here?” 
“The Cleanse.” With that answer Thalia felt her siblings gather around her. In an attempt to understand they all started to ask question, everyone speaking over each other.
“Please tell me you didn’t.” Thalia heard Five over the rest.
“What did she do, what’s going on Five” Diego demanded.
“She stayed back. The Thalia here, with us, isn’t the real one. She’s a double.”
“Please tell me that’s not true Thalia! Why would you do that.” Sobbed Allison 
“Without the marigold, Thalias doubles wouldn’t be able to exist, so we wouldn’t have been able to get to the subway if she gave hers up. But she also couldn’t come with us otherwise the cycle would just restart.”
Thalia gave a hum and a nod to Five’s explanation. 
The dim glow that had surrounded Thalia before grew stronger and as if feeling her originals pain, a tingling sensation began to fill her body.
“It tingles.” Thalia commented as a tears started to stream down her cheeks. Thalias feet started to dissolve into dust and the rest of her slowly followed.
“I love you guys so much.” Thalia sobbed, “I just want us to be happy together, a family.”
Diego and Five shared a glance.
“Promise me you’ll fix things.” Thalia begged, “Please.”
“I promise Tally.” Diego stated eyeing Five.
Sighing in relief Thalia smiled and let let out one last breath before dusting all together and ceasing to exist.
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world0fmadness · 11 days
bård “ faust ” eithun x reader
♡ nsfw headcanons for faust!
୨୧ anon didn’t request anything specific so i just made general, assorted nsfw headcanon for him hehe! i don’t know why or how this turned out to be so long, guess i was just horny for some faust lolol <3
♡ requested by anon | related hc available here and here | view my metal masterlist here
reading music recommendations: torn apart by blood tsunami - der goldene schnitt by vobiscum
* 18 + content, please do not read if you’re a minor *
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♡ as mentioned in supersoaker, faust cannot get enough of making you squirt!
୨୧ after he discovers your vibrator in the drawer next to your bed and finds out just how easily this piece of plastic makes you desperate and overstimulated? it very quickly becomes his new best friend…
♡ he rarely fucks you without making you cum at least once with the vibrator first and even after that, when his cock is slamming into you at a brutal pace, he still uses the vibrator on your clit, gently running it up and down as your cunt spasms around his cock
୨୧ he loves when you squirt around his cock, the feeling of your soaking cunt gushing and spasming around his unprotected cock as your arch your back, he moans so loudly as he reaches his high that was brought on by your own orgasm and only continues to hold the plastic against your clit as more liquid gushes out onto the bedsheets
♡ faust just really likes overstimulating you… he really really really likes it… it makes him feel so good to give you pleasure, to make you cry out and call his name
୨୧ this kind of only goes for older faust, specifically how he looked on the cover of horde of the eclipse, but he loves taking you from behind and wrapping his bicep around your throat as he slams into you, tightening his bicep around your wind pipe just slightly as he leans your head back to shove his tongue into your mouth, mumbling into your mouth in between grunts and deep moans
“ ‘m so deep in you, baby… can you feel me? yeah, you can feel me, can’t you? fuck! so fucking tight… ” ( he always buries his head into the crook of your neck when dirty talking or moaning, he’s still just that little bit shy )
♡ listen, that picture of him just seriously does things to me… i adore skinny twig faust but big and beefy faust just makes me feel something crazy in my cunt, i’ll tell you that straight up…
୨୧ and i mean, we know he got like that from boxing and stuff in prison, taking his anger and violence out, whatever! but you’re telling me slightly older and beefy faust wouldn’t love to manhandle you a bit with that newfound strength? shut up… the tattoo on his bicep too? argh, it kills me, it really does! if you ever kissed it as he had his bicep wrapped around your throat? he would just melt, looking down at you with soft eyes before smirking and leaning down to slam his lips against yours, thrusting his cock into you harsher and faster as you whine into his mouth… slightly older and beefy faust is just different and i mourn the insanely short era everyday…
♡ you and faust probably have little quickies in his resting spot at helvete quite a bit, usually it starts off innocent with the two of you cuddling and watching some obscure horror movie on the tv pushed up against the wall but it doesn’t remain innocent for all that long before one of you makes a move
୨୧ usually, you! well, usually you after being a little spurred on by his hand drifting down to your ass and groping at the fat and maybe it was meant in an innocent way but you can’t help getting a little hot and bothered by it so you take the lead of looking up at him, watching as his eyes remain on the tv in front of you guys before you sit up and swing your leg over him, straddling his lap as his eyes widen slightly and his hands go to steady your hips
♡ he might be a little nervous and shy as you slam your lips down onto his, your hands going to unbutton his leather pants, mumbling against your lips as you laugh slightly, moving away from his mouth to kiss his dusty pink cheek as he breaths heavily
“ baby… here? are you sure? what if… shit… what if someone comes in? or euronymous? ” ( but all it takes is you whispering softly into his ear that you guys will be fine for him to nod and bring his hands down to help you pull his hard cock out of his leather pants )
୨୧ after sliding your panties to the side and slipping his hard cock into you, faust bring his hand up to grab at your hair before bringing your face down to slam his lips against yours, muffling your shared moans as he helps you bounce atop him, the sounds of faux screams and cries still coming from the tv, helping to silence your moans for euronymous who sits blissfully unaware in the office
♡ it never takes faust long to cum during these quickies, the risk and desperation getting to him as he brings his hands to your hips, slamming you down onto him harder and faster as the wood beneath the thin mattress begins to creak, both of you moaning louder into each other’s mouth as you reach your highs, his hands holding you down on his cock as he empties himself into you and your cum coats his cock, pulling away from your mouth to bury his head into your neck and breathing heavy, hot breaths against the skin
୨୧ neither of you make any attempt to move as you brush your fingers through his hair and only when both of you have finally caught your breath is when you slide off of him, his eyes coming down to watch his soft cock slide out of your cunt as you ooze his warm cum
♡ have you guys been caught having sex like this before? kind of… i mean, not entirely but also yes… usually by euronymous who walks out of his office and sets his eyes on you sitting atop of faust, though you remain completely still as you look over at euronymous whose eyes are now slanted as he stares at the two of you suspiciously, asking just what exactly you’re doing because whilst you’re both still fully clothed… he can just kind of sense there is something more happening here… faust usually goes to stutter out a response but you spit one out before he can accidentally spill the beans, telling euronymous that you guys were just making out, nothing more!
୨୧ does euronymous believe it? no, not really! but he kind of just can’t be fucked to fight the two of you, simply sighing heavily before shaking his head and walking back into his office or down to the basement, leaving you and faust to laugh quietly before you grind your hips down onto his cock which is seethed deep inside of you, covered and hidden by the fabric of your skirt
♡ when it comes to knife play with faust, he is very very very careful! he’s likely the most nervous person i write about because he is just terrified of actually hurting you…
୨୧ so whilst he absolutely loves the feeling of strength and power that overcomes him whilst holding a knife to your throat whilst fucking into you from behind, he always uses a pretty dull knife and holds his thumb down on the blade to make sure he has no chance of actually slitting your throat! he probably doesn’t like to do knife play too often, he sees it as something special to do once a week, he isn’t always in the mood for it and he just doesn’t want the novelty to wear off
♡ faust has a major thing for filming you! not even just during sex, he likes filming you as you undress, chucking softly from behind the camera as you purposely remove your underwear slower than usual and throw him a wink over your shoulder, bending over to give him and the camera the perfect view of your naked, wet and glistening cunt as you pick your underwear up off the floor, placing them atop a dresser before kneeling on the bed and crawling towards him
୨୧ he seriously loves when you put on little shows like this for him, it makes him feel like the only man in the world, the only man you’ve ever and will ever love… it makes him feel special and he cannot get enough of it, always zooming in on the sultry look in your eyes as you unbutton his pants for him, smirking down at you as a blush paints his cheeks
♡ he literally keeps a camera in the drawer beside your shared bed just for filming your strip teased and sex together, he wants it to be as easy access as it can be for whenever he wants to pull it out and capture your essence to watch back later
୨୧ one night, you had ihsahn and samoth over, only planning to hang out and watch a movie together since you were all pretty close friends with them being your boyfriends band mates and all
♡ and you guys would definitely end up watching a movie together… just not the one that was originally planned
୨୧ it’s likely ihsahn who finds the tape, sitting atop a stack of others, all some gory and grisly title labelled with black marker on the white strip sides, as soon as he sets eyes on one though, the name hastily scribbled and almost unintelligible, he decides he wants to watch that one! most likely just some super obscure horror or snuff he’s never seen before, right?
♡ as soon as he pushes the tape into the vcr player, he’s sitting himself back down on the couch next to you, faust and samoth! looking over at you and faust as you cuddle into each other and cooing before yelling loudly as samoth pinches his arm
୨୧ the quiet conversation and laughs you guys were sharing on the couch is very quickly broken by a grainy sound coming from the tv, causing all of you to look towards the tv in confusion before your eyes widen and your mouths drop open slightly
♡ on the screen was no horror nor snuff, just the sight of you, stark naked and crawling towards the camera which is being held in a slightly shaky and obviously excited hand before a familiar voice rings out from the tv
“ so beautiful, baby… mhm… look up at the camera again, that’s it… fuck, you’re so beautiful ” ( the breathy and shaky words only reveal more about your sex life together, only reveal more about how excited faust gets )
୨୧ all of you are so in shock and surprised that only after the video tape shows you straddling faust and sliding down onto his hard cock, only after your shared moans loudly echo through the room, only after your nude tits bounce softly in front of the camera and only after your boyfriends band mates have gotten much more than they were planning on seeing tonight is when faust quickly jumps from his spot on the couch and rips the tape out, effectively destroying it in the process
♡ the silence in the room is astounding, none of you really knowing what to say as you all look at each other, faust awkwardly picking at the end of his sweater before ihsahn clearly his throat and speaks up
“ well… that was nice! worse has happened, right? and i mean, it’s not like i haven’t fucked you before… forgot how great your tits are though, fuck! ” ( ihsahn forgets for a second that samoth is in the room too but oh well, he’ll explain to him later if he didn’t already know )
୨୧ yeah, like i’ve previously mentioned, faust is super into threesomes with you and ihsahn and being cucked by ihsahn!
♡ ihsahn is just about the only person he’ll ever share you with on the regular, simply because he’s the only person faust thinks could ever treat you anywhere near as well as he does
୨୧ the two of you are always inviting ihsahn back to your apartment after a concert, sloppily making out and getting handsy right in front of him, knowing exactly what it’ll lead to… and ihsahn can really never say no to you!
♡ they love spit roasting you or doing double penetration and whilst faust may let himself nail you raw, he does make ihsahn wear a condom because no matter how much he loves ihsahn and sees him as damn near a brother, he will not raise his kid
୨୧ and i mean, the two of them fuck you into the early hours of the morning! it is non stop with them, both of them have so much pent up energy and other emotions that they get out through sex with you, when doing double penetration? good luck to your cunt and asshole because they are like jackhammers and you absolutely will be limping for a few days…
♡ when it comes to being cucked, faust can’t exactly explain why he likes it! he probably tried to explain himself a lot when first bringing it up to you but just always fell short of an actual explanation and ended up landing on why it just gets him off for reasons unknown
୨୧ faust will usually sit at the end of the bed or on a chair in the corner of the room as he watches his best friend fuck you, his own cock rock hard in his pants as he rubs himself through the leather but doesn’t take himself out, wanting to save himself for you
♡ faust especially likes watching you take it doggy style, watching with glazed over eyes as ihsahn gently pushes your head down into the blankets and makes you look your boyfriend right in the eyes as you take his best friends cock, making you whimper out how much you love his cock, how much you love their cocks
୨୧ and once ihsahn has finished with you, leaning over your back to press a kiss to your head before pulling out slowly and walking off to the bathroom to clean himself up, that’s when faust will come over to you and stroke your hair as you pant, looking up at him with a beyond fucked out expression on your blushing face before bringing your hands up to unbutton his pants for him, freeing his beyond hard and leaking cock and taking it into your warm mouth as he throws his head back with a deep groan, his hands coming to hold the back of your head and help you take his cock deeper into your throat, only moaning louder when you hum around his sensitive cock
♡ it won’t be long before ihsahn is re-emerging from your bathroom, now fully clothed and leaning against the doorframe as he watches you suck faust off with a smirk on his face, waiting for faust to finish in your mouth, watching as he holds your head down on his cock as you swallow, before he speaks up
“ well… thank you for having me once again, ‘s always a pleasure, you know that, hm? anyways, faust, remember we have practice tomorrow, don’t miss it, yeah? ” ( ihsahn will come over to plant a gentle kiss on your head before he leaves, fist bumping faust on the way out too, throwing you a smirk as you laugh quietly )
୨୧ faust is dirty and kinky but he loves watching you get spoiled, watching you be loved up on so much by someone you both think so highly of and faust himself loves spoiling you, it’s one of the reasons he overstimulates you so much! he just wants you to have the most pleasure possible…
♡ after all, you took his virginity and remain to be the only person he’s ever done anything sexual with and he always wants to repay you for that, repay you for giving him a chance after he spend so long fawning over you, wanting you… and now he finally has you <3
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thewulf · 1 year
Okay so hear me out cause this idea is stuck in my head and i can not move on
Hotch x Bau!reader where readers boyfriend turns out to be the unsub. Maybe like a case where the bau gets attacked and threatened personally and the unsub generally knows alot abt them. And then reader comes to the conclusion it has to be someone they know, but never thought it would be their boyfriend. Untill reader picks up on some minor detail that only reader could have figured out. And the case ends with a dramatic scene where reader has to kill their boyfriend, but gets hurt in the process. And its just very sweet Hotch taking reader to the hospital. And its a very *intimate* moment between the two, like obviously more than “coworkers” should be. And hotch says something like “let me show you what real love is like” and “i wont hurt you” and just hotch being aaron and being very sweet and comforting🤍🤍
Are you joking?? This is SO GOOD??? What the heck you guys have the BEST ideas. I already think I have a good plot in mind lolol I've been watching criminal minds so this is too good!
Yes you got it!! Hoping to get it out this weekend :)
I lied. I posted it. Inspo struck!
Read It Here
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amrass · 1 month
8 films that inspire my RDR2 fanfics
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So this is for the kind and patient anon who asked me for some movie recs relevant to my writing, and for anyone else who might be interested.
This list has genres like western, drama, crime and horror. Most of the films have darker themes, half are non-English, and some have that surrealistic edge that I try to emulate as a nod towards Rockstar games. I consider fanfics closer to screenplays than literary fiction, and so it feels natural that this list has an emphasis on fun!!!
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1. Il Grande Silenzio / The Great Silence (1968)
I've said it before and I'll say it again, this is my favorite western film of all time. It is a classic, a spaghetti (Italian) western made by Sergio Carbucci ("the second greatest spaghetti western director"), and it has a Morricone score - buuut it is set in snowy mountains as opposed to deserts, have anti-fascist themes and is revisionist and dark.
The main character Silence, who is an outlaw who kills bounty hunters, reminds me of Arthur Morgan, and the main villain, the evil bounty hunter Loco, of Micah Bell. I think it served as an inspiration for them. It's great if you want to get that western atmosphere seen through a colder lense.
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2. Utvandrarna & Nybyggarna / The Emmigrants & The New Land (1971 and 1972)
These two movies are best seen as one imo, as they follow the same Swedish family of farmer immigrants through the 1800s, as they travel across the sea to settle in the USA. These films are great for getting into the history at the time, as they are quite accurate, and might give you a realistic portrait to "lawful" human beings lived and died, such as Abigail and John in RDR1-2. To say it's a harsh life puts it mildly, but there is also joy, and I love how unflinching this film is in showing the life at the time. Great for seeing why it isn't easy for the Van der Linde Gang to settle down.
The last one might be the most relevant since it's set wholly in the USA, but personally I adore the shift from the Scandinavian landscape to the American one, a contrast that helps me describe it better. It has great actors you might associate with Ingmar Bergman films (no one is as good at dying as Liv Ullmann lol, kudos).
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3. The Thing (1982)
AHHH I couldn't not put it here, and not only because the main character wears a cowboy hat, or it being my favorite horror film. No, this one is just great for learning how to write tension. The whole movie is super tense, and made more so by the characters being smart, the stakes being high, and the whole setting being used. It’s also gory and FUN.
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4. Le Cercle Rouge / The Red Circle (1970)
Lolol when I first wanted to watch this I got the German one made many years prior, which was pretty meh. Afterwards I watched the correct version, and MAN, truly a great heist film. It really gives young Dutch & Hosea vibes. This one is great how at showing how much planning and carefulness one has to do if one wishes to lead a life of crime, and how it might not save you. It’s also just a cool movie. Old school cool.
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5. Le Trou (1960)
More tension ... And god, the sound picture in this movie is something else. This is a French prison escape film, and can help you if you want to see just how important loyalty is among criminals. It really has that harsh, high testerone vibe to it lololol, and I'm sorry, but the French butts in tight and sexy prison uniforms are a sight to behold.
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6. Sin City (2005)
Okay this is the sort of film I can't watch with just everyone because it's so exploitative and over-the-top, but it's my favorite comic book style movie. It has extreme violence, very sexy men and women in nice coats or underwear, and it's just so much fun. The character Marv reminds me of low honor Arthur Morgan, and Dwight, of high honor John Marston. I love the comics too. Just know that this isn't for everyone, but it is very me.
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7. Female Trouble (1974)
LOLOL another film that isn't for everyone, but it's kind of considered mandatory viewing if you're queer. I know this is an odd choice to inspire RDR2 fics, but I write crack fics, and believe it or not they require work as humor requires a degree of form, seriousness and precision.
I love also John Waters so much, I remember watching this exact movie with my first queer friend at sixteen and we were like, hugging and kissing each other in sheer joy. I am inspired by this type of surralist, over-the-top, dark humor across all my stories. Tbh if Divine showed up in the Rockstar universe, probably toned down for Rockstar due to marketing reasons, would you be surprised? I'd love to see her on a horse spray painted with glitter.
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8. The Hateful Eight (2015)
I almost translated this movie title into Italian just for fun, but ... Yeah, I guess I had to kind of end this list with a circle composition, what with The Hateful Eight being inspired by Il Grande Silenzio and all, and those two GIFS before the list being from the film.
I grew up with Tarantino movies, and when I watched this in the cinema I liked it but was underwhelmed. It's only after rewatching it a couple of times that I started to really, really like it. I like and understand the references, I love the atmosphere, it just helps remind me how fun a movie can be. It's also great for giving characters the necessary degree of coolness. I reference this one a lot in all my works, and would love to do write a fic directly inspired by this.
That was it! I can mention some more movies I like that are kind of relevant to this list: Army of Shadows, Django, Man Without a Past, Werckmeister Harmonies, Jackie Brown, Diary of a Country Priest, The Price of Fear (French one!), Event Horizon, Hellraiser, Braindead, Green Room, Rec, Withnail and I, Ravenous …
I always welcome movie recs! Just know that I got specific tastes lol.
Thanks for reading!
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via-l0ve · 1 year
Thank you so much for doing my request. I loved it. Could please write abt the Spn boy when they like the reader but reader is dating someone else who they are very happy with. I'm in the mood for angst.
I Love You, So (Please, let me go) {SPN pref!} ❤️‍🩹
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a/n: i love angst. unrequited love is so great but i hate it but i love it lolol. hope you enjoy babes!! (title is a song lyric from ‘I Love You So’ by The Walters!) (also i didn’t include crowley bc all i could think about was him killing the s/o LMFAOOO so i decided to not)
warnings: angst, overall sadness lol, drinking/alcohol
i think it would be hard for him to accept and grasp
he’d try and distract himself with one night stands with other women, knowing he’d leave them in the morning or in the dead of night
every time he’d see your s/o and you he’d die a little inside
he really thinks he could treat you so much better
he’d flirt with you but you’d shrug it off as just playful interaction and it would be really sad for him to see
but he dosent want to ruin your relationship
if anyone knows how hard the hunter life can be - it’s dean
he’d give anything to have a ‘normal’ life
it just sucks that he can’t have it with you </3
sam tries to be unbothered
he gets jealous though
he sees your partner touch you so innocently and his blood boils
but he tries to keep his cool
for your sake
if your partner ever made you upset he would get so protective
always taking your side fr
even if it’s over something dumb or even if you’re CLEARLY in the wrong
sammy will side with you
it really does break his heart though
i think deep down he’d think it’s a good thing bc he’s definitely got some deep rooted trauma from all of his past lovers dying so gruesome
so even though he’s literally heartbroken he’ll deal with it bc he sees that you’re happy
but he daydreams about you and what it would be like to grow old together </3
i don’t think cas would totally get it
but i think he’d understand that he couldn’t make any moves on you
he’d be frustrated
it’s not only bad that he’s feeling this way for a human, let alone a human who can’t even feel the same way about him :(
he wishes he could’ve met you before your partner
you’ll catch him staring at you
he talks about you
too much for it to be normal
just simple things
“did you know how much y/n likes *insert thing*?”
“i watched this television clip and it reminded me of y/n.”
everything reminds him of you
he just wants to be close to you and as important to you as you are to him :(
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