#'no one wants to work' my fucking ass
crystaloregarden · 7 months
I am not going to make rent this month. Mid-November I was laid off early from my main source of income while I attempted to work at another office, and then said office dumped me on my ass for another, "better" new hire, screwing me over and leaving me with only my second (now only) job, a grocery store position that only gives me 30 hours a week and doesn't pay enough even if I WERE to work full time.
I've been scrambling to find another second job to replace my main income, but to be frank, no one is hiring. I've put in at LEAST 30 applications in the past week and a half, only three of them have reached out for interviews, and ALL THREE of them fucking ghosted me after the interview. No rejection notice, no call, just radio silence. I don't know what I'm going to do. At this point I'm filling out every single job application I can see out of sheer desperation that one out of a hundred of them will even bother to respond to me.
Until then, I'm asking for help to keep a roof under my head until someone hires me and I can work two jobs again. Please donate anything you can IF you can because there's no hope in sight for me until someone fucking hires me and the stress of it is making me sick.
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artkaninchenbau · 4 months
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A h-heartfelt reunion..?
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sapsolace · 5 months
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obsessed w these boneheads as of late :]
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stefisdoingthings · 28 days
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also this is from Wolfwood's POV (in case it isn't clear) i have 0 normal thoughts (every song ever is VW)
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theonewhowails · 7 months
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Golden Fleece
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bacchuschucklefuck · 2 months
okay unironically I love so much that porter is like this world SUCKS its BAD here and it HURTS you why do you care abt it!!! and literally every single bad kid is like ngl we just hate ur ass it does not matter what ur philosophy is
#dimension 20#fantasy high junior year#not art#fhjy spoilers#its!!! gods I will Be My Ass in the tags rn. but thats so like. deliciously setting typical#like porter's desire is to transcend and his contempt for the world he's in feels. idk Real#like he plays the game bc he wants to win and be done with it. how do I word this#yknow. being a god would like. be his win state. when he gets that happening thats it his story is done he checks out#meanwhile the bad kids do actually just like playing the game lmao. like they love adventuring!#theyre so solidly Of This World. they carry the values that can only be born of it and they like having mastery over it#its a meta angle that I think is very fun specifically for d20 being in such a unique position in the zeitgeist when it first started#the rat grinders are from DnD Writ Large. porter wants to escape. but this is the bad kids' home its Their Actual Play Show#which makes it so fucking excellent to me that porter's question is somewhat of merit! its their show and it tries very hard to punish them#and they just straight up dont listen to him here lmao bc they hate him but! since the moment the academic track ended its been clear#that they save the world bc they Like Playing. With Each Others#thats what riz thinks the core of adventuring is! thats why fig stayed! and I also think thats why this hovers over elmville now and#a dead god is coming back in the school gym. porter is a shit evangelist but even if hes a good one I dont think it wouldve worked like he#wants it to. the only way he couldve escaped is if he'd not involved elmville at all. thats where the bad kids met dude#its a shitty place that fucks with them but they all come back here bc they wanna play with each others#and in that regard I think thats what the stress tokens ultimately means. Is This Game Still Fun To Play. ITS A RAGEQUIT LIMIT#Im literally running from one end to another of this conspiracy board Ive pulled out of nowhere#Ill draw after this I just wanna get this out. gods this episode has done nothing but furthering my delusion of grandeur actually#Im the hottest smartest manthing on earth Im king fucking midas over here. anyways uh! great ep!
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onnoffwrites · 3 months
After recent events, I ended up going back to the beginning to check things, because my first reaction will always be "wtf, this is shit, why would you do this" and my second reaction will always be "okay maybe that was a bit much, maybe he's not THAT bad, maybe has a good reason-
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Okay.. that doesn't rly mean anything, maybe she's just worried kaito found something he shouldn't-
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Okay.. okay this looks, well maybe he's just leaving some recordings in case kaito found something he shouldn't! It's not like they can hide it forever! The room is part of the house! Kaito lives in the house-
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Excuse me... What did .. what did you say...? Wha
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What do you mean "designed"?
What??? What do you MEAN "designed to open after 8 years"???
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I have been angry since April 12th and I've reached a point where I don't even know what to feel anymore I don't even know what to tell y'all.
Like, wow, omg, movie reveals. Other than family relations, the other thing isn't exactly anything new. We've all read Midnight Crow. We saw Kaitou Corbaeu. We've been in denial until finally reaching acceptance. For me at least. And then we spend a few years bargaining, bc surely there's a good reason kaitos not in the know. That kaito has to be KID. Surely there's a reason? Right?
At this point we don't even truly know if Jii is in the know and was acting as planned out by the parents or not. Or if he's just like kaito. Tricked, lied to, played for fools. At the very least ginzo doesn't know, so there's that. Not sure how much that would help kaito when he inevitably finds out. Because he will. The fact remains that it's quite suspicious that Jii just so happen to choose to don the KID outfit and become KID to draw out toichis murderers exactly 8 years after toichis death. EXACTLY the same amount of time that was set for that trap door portrait to open to kaito.
There's a lot of implications to think about
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phykoha · 1 month
I hate hate HATE when people say I'm "having an attitude" with them, bc I'm literally not until AFTER they say that. And thats not even "an attitude", it's me being annoyed and frustrated bc youre saying im having an attitude when im NOT.
Like what does that even mean. I'm just autistic.
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front-facing-pokemon · 5 months
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electricpurrs · 6 months
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youredreamingofroo · 1 month
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The Sheep in Wolf's Clothing Onia Dhithos - -
"I will pull at my horns and bruise my flesh until I am born anew, my chest is too warm, I spew warm honey where I want muck. tar. I want to bear the teeth that my father and mother bore. These teeth are not sufficient. I want a bite, and I want it to be more than my words. I want to bite. I want to be the Wolf."
- -
[ Alt. ver. under the cut ] B/As
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thelaurenshippen · 2 months
I just think that if you pay a subscription for a service it should be illegal to then have pop-ups asking you to pay for more stuff. I want to kill intuit with hammers
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fluffypotatey · 2 years
A Thought:
As Emrys, Merlin is a very powerful sorcerer.
However, his utter lack of any formal training means Merlin is not a very good sorcerer.
The magic he does should be theoretically impossible, but he's got enough raw fucking power to just make it work. Infant demigod smashing blocks together and creating a Lego Death Star.
Merlin: *does magic that Should Not Work*
Other sorcerers:
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like, bro, you meet him, you're apprehensive of him bc 'shit that's emrys'. the emrys. the dude that's said to be the greatest sorcerer to ever walk the earth. you meet him. you can feel his magic and like holy shit, what the fuck was that??? you ask him how the fuck he gained so much power by the age of 21????
merlin: you mean....y'all don't also just have magic doing shit when you're a toddler
you, the sorcerer who has had to spend years getting control to fucking heat up a teapot: .........no.......no our magic doesn't do that
goddamn do you wanna just chuck this adult child into the lake and be done with it. better yet, you wish for the sprites to just pick you up and use your body as a sacrifice for entrance into Avalon.
and then, and then
you see how this motherfucker fights against bandits and "WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU JUST PUSHING THEM AWAY??? WHERE'S THE SHOWMANSHIP??? THE PIZZAZZ??? HOW MANY SPELLS DO YOU KNOW???"
merlin, who forgot he can freeze time and space and can launch lightning bolts at people: uh....3???
it takes the triple goddess to restrain you from murking the prophesized warlock right then and there.
"NO, NO, FUCK THAT, FUCK THIS, FUCK ALL O' Y'ALL!" you scream as you jump on a ship and move to a place that doesn't have op young adult children who didn't study shit and yet still get an A+
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shukruut · 3 months
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ssruis · 24 days
Hi hi i think youre completely right about characterization so I wanted to ask if you have any pjsk fic recs? Thank you :3
Oh god you know not what you have done
Primary ruikasa/emunene focus as is expected on ssruis dot tumblr dot com so keep that in mind but there’s a few gen fics on here.
The world offers itself - thrillingwhiteday (In progress) (ruikasa)
Super underrated… the characterization is so good… saki + rui interactions (I cheered). Lives in my head rent free.
You and a Skull’s Flower - Revelry_in_serenity (In progress) (no relationship focus but there are bg relationships)
Pandemonium gang experiences The Horrors. Recommend the author’s other works as well - Supporting Roles/Lasting Embraces/Overwritten are some other ones I really enjoyed - but I’m Very Intrigued by the plot in this one.
Warm - pyrotechpuffs (One shot) (ruikasa)
Also recommend the authors other works but this is a fave.
Soul to Wreck - sleepieash (In progress) (ruikasa)
Literally anything by helloitsaiza or calculatrice. The characterization/writing… chefs kiss… their brains are so massive. Best stuff in the tag. Rewired my brain. However this is a list of fic recs and not author recs so I’ll link some of my favorites:
Roles - helloitsaiza (one shot) (ruikasa)
Eternal sunshine - helloitsaiza (One shot) (emunene)
Special shout-out because Peak Emunene I’m actually obsessed with it.
Confess, Confess - helloitsaiza (In progress) (ruikasa)
Yours - helloitsaiza and calculatrice (one shot) (ruikasa)
Backstage after the curtain call - calculatrice (One shot) (ruikasa)
To sear the sky - calculatrice (One shot) (ruikasa)
A study in performance - calculatrice (One shot) (ruikasa)
Funhouse mirror - calculatrice (in progress) (no relationship focus, wxs & niigo)
Special shout-out because tsukasa + mafuyu body swap is such a galaxy brained idea
Rui’s doki-doki seishun school life - calculatrice (one shot) (ruikasa)
^ read all of these they go so hard 10/10
Because it’s you - sleepy_macchi (one shot) (ruikasa)
Act I of our story - Asteromeda (one shot) (ruikasa)
The show must go on - literallyjustsomeguy (in progress but it’s been like 2 years so it might be abandoned) (ruikasa)
I don’t like recommending stuff that may remain unfinished but I’ll make an exception for very funny tsukasa tenma stupidity moments
X marks the spot - seatrix (in progress) (ruikasa)
Underrated… love the characterization & plot.
Voted most likely to run away with you - eightyeightstars (one shot) (ruikasa)
Sharing is caring - underwaternature (one shot) (ruikasa)
Tête-à-tête - kuiperbelts (one shot) (ruikasa)
Also recommend the authors other works I just really like the tsukasa characterization in this one
All I want (is you) - sorasekai (one shot) (emunene)
Recommend their other works as well for good emunene
Ikanaide - gummysaur (finished) (tsukasa focus, gen wxs)
Also recommend their other works but (chefs kiss) tsukasa characterization
Closeness - lyriablackfrost (one shot) (ruikasa)
Find out who you are, and then do it on purpose - weepingstars (transfem rui focus, gen wxs)
And I will still live here - utayoru (one shot) (ruikasa)
Their other works are good as well but this is a fave for the early pjsk days rui characterization
With me all along - jeiseny (one shot) (saki focus, gen)
SAKI… (ugly crying) beautiful exploration of chronic illness. And it doesn’t focus on her fucking brother (staring with homicidal intent @ wider pjsk fanbase). Made me go ouuggh relatable several times.
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skellagirl · 11 months
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