#'never bite something that can't bite you back'
lxvebun · 2 days
kiss it better!
synopsis: you know better than to try and hide your wounds from them, however small it may be know that they are more than ready to take care of you. Aka jjk boys caring for your injuries
buns notes: I had a part for Gojo and Nanami as well but found myself getting stuck on it. Perhaps they'll come later but for now enjoy Geto and Sukuna♡.
content:Geto/Sukuna x gender neutral reader. fluff/hurt comfort. Soft Defect/cultish!geto (idk what to call it jejjd just canon suguru) canon violence. Blood. Lovesick/soft ish sukuna as always🤭. Not entirely proofread I am sleepy. Eng is not my first language so i'm sorry for any mistakes!!
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"Did you really think you could hide that from me, my darling?" Suguru coos. His voice deep and honeyed, overly thick and sweet as he tries to swallow down the urge to demand, to interrogate the cause of the gash on the side of your forehead.
It would do you no good to see that side of him, especially in this state you're in. Trying to hide the tiny rivers of blood trickling down your face, droplets sinking into the wooden floors beneath your feet. He doesn't want you to feel a sliver of fear anywhere near him.
And he's good usually at maintaining his composure. Even if his mind is already twisting into something darker and cruel. but God, the thought of someone, whether Human, Sorcerer, or curse hurting you makes him physically sick. The blood pooling in his mouth from biting his tongue does not help either.
"I'm okay, Suguru." you breathe out, a little labored, not necessarily from the dull ache on the side of your head.
You're not afraid of him, could never be, he's good to you and you see how hard he tries. Fragments of a younger, more carefree suguru slipping through at times. But something twists in your gut as the sparkle fades from his eyes and his gaze zeroes in on your injury. You know what goes on in his head. Thoughts as black and dark as spilled ink swallowing up all the light that left unless he pulls back quick enough. It's a venomous spiderweb that's hard to get out of
Fortunately, he does. Your voice luring him back almost like a Siren's whisper, from what's going on inside his head.
It takes him a few seconds to orientate himself. A few deep breaths and fluttering of eyelashes before he can tear his gaze away from the cut and look into your eyes.
Gentle and careful hands slide under your jaw. His tumb wiping away some of the blood. Rough hands still feeling light and safe. As if he were cradling a bird with a broken wing in his hands. 
(it makes you melt a little more into him.)
It's not a deep cut, not deep enough for stitches at least. It may leave a light scar unless he gets someone to heal it for you. Then again, you have refused that option in the past, trying to maintain somewhat of normality in your life
He can't blame you for that, but he's also not sure what to do..
"Tell me what you need, my darling." It comes out a little desperate
(As if he might succumb if you don't tell him what you desire right now)
"Help me clean up," you begin, knowing he wants to be with it every step of the way. To nurse you back to health "and then you can kiss it better for me while we watch some movies, hmm? :)"
He closes his eyes for a second, your head still cradled in his hands, his touch a bit more relaxed, a little less delicate but still comforting. And then he opens them again, a gentle smile playing on his lips, and the sparkle in his eyes reignited.
He's back
(If he notices the way your shoulders relax, he doesn't comment on it.)
"Of course, my love"
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You know better than to hide your injuries from him. It would be foolish of you to even attempt to deceive him. You're part of him now, intertwined into his soul. He's mapped out every little detail of you. He picks up on the slightest shifts in your mood and tone. Hears the hitch in your breath if something surprises you, knows exactly how you achieved the seemingly random bruises on your legs and has memorized the healthy beating pattern of your heart. So even before you pushed open the heavy wooden doors to his chambers, he could hear your labored breathing and smell the blood staining your skin..
His voice booms around the chamber, as you finally open the door. It's loud and aggrivated. Shaking the walls. Dripping in venom and laced in a desperation only you'd be able to pick up on as he calls out Uraume's name. The sight of you bloodied and teary eyed is almost enough to make him fall to his knees. You don't know that his heart has molded into the shape of a chapel dedicated to you. Filled with every little detail of you. brimming with gold and laced with utter adoration and devotion. He'll kneel until his spine breaks and his knees crack against the floor below him if you'd just tell him who could possibly dare to do this to you
He lifts you up and carries you to his bed before his knees give out under him. His grip a little too tight, a little too bruising even for those few seconds. Afraid you'd slip right out of his arms if he doesn't hold you close enough. You can basically feel the blood boiling in his veins, turning into rivers of lava under his skin.
He doesn't make eye contact as he gently lays you down on the bed.
(Perhaps because you've always been good at reading him, perhaps because he'll fear what he'll do if he catches sight of anymore blood)
The gash on your side is healing nicely, thank Uraume for their steady hands. Sukuna would have done it, but all his eyes would have focused on would be the blood staining your robes, trickling out of the wound in steady flows and your teary eyes. He wouldn't have been able to keep his touch delicate enough to heal you properly. To engrossed in the thoughts of punishment and cruelty to keep the violence from bleeding into his touch. He's never forgive himself if he'd hurt you. Even accidentally.
(He lost control once in the heat of passion. Kissed you a bit to roughly with sharpened teeth. It's nothing compared to what he can do. He is the king of curses after all. God to some, an abomination of nature to most. Still, He filed them down ever since.)
He made sure to stay and watch before he goes out and track down the filth that did this. He trusts Uraume, undoubtely so, but he wants to see Your wounds disappear and the blood wash off of your skin with his own eyes
Healing someone with a curse technique feels similar to getting stitches as the skin gets closed back together. He knows it's normal but Hells, every flinch, every little twitch you make as the skin heals make his hands itch to dig into the chest of whoever did this to you, ears already ringing at the begs and pleas for mercy and he personally deals with the parasite that dared to put their hands on someone even the king of curses himself bows down to.
How incredibly foolish of them.
"Well, that should be it" Uraume's voice snaps him out of his trance. He watches as they bow down to you, even after many many times of you telling them they don't have to and turn to him. "I'll go get some clean robes" bowing down once more, and leave the chambers.
The room falls silent again. He's becoming a little restless. Eyes trailing over your form before glancing at the door, going back and forth between you. Trying to decide what his next move should be
"Stay, please". You whisper. The adrenaline gone from your body
You make up his mind for him.
He's on you the second those words left your lips. His anger leaving him...for now. He keeps it at the back of his mind. Your wishes are more important than seeking revenge. Revenge can wait. You don't have to
He asks you how you're feeling as he wraps his arms around you, cradling your head to his chest as he lays down on the bed next to you. You make the mistake of being truthful
"Its a little sore-"
he's up again before you can even finish your sentence, ignoring the whine falling from your lips as he removes his arms from around you
"There should be some freshly gathered herbs in the kitchen today" he begins as lines it to the door
"I can concoct something that should dull the soreness in a heartbeat-" his hand already on the door handle
He stops abruptly. Turning to look at you over his shoulder. Keeping his hand against the door. Waiting for you to finish your sentence
"I don't want a herbal concotion"
His brows furrow together, surprisingly cute for a being like him. He turns to you fully, slowly pacing back to the bed
"What is it that you desire then, my love?"
He almost sounds nervous, eyes wide and eager to hear of your demands so he can fullfill them. "Is there another potion you'd like, do you-" he begins to ramble again. You cut him off
"I think a kiss would be sufficient enough actually, my lord~♡"
His words die in his throat. Worry melting into a more stoic expression as he looks at you with what you can only describe as 'are you serious' Your laugh at the shift in his expression, gods that beautiful angelic sound, quickly breaks his into a gentle smile. Heart calming down.
"If thats what you need who am I to refuse?"
You look more than content, a state he wants to keep you in forever, as he leans over you on the bed. Matress bending under his weight as he places one hand next to your head, the other slowly cuping your face as he dips down to lock your lips with his
(He could kiss you forever, if you'd let him)
He doesn't bother to pull away, instead choosing to speak against your lips. Eyes soft and breath hot against you.
"I think I need a higher dosage actually~♡"
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RAAAA thank you for reading angels!!♡
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acid-ixx · 2 days
why now? (again &. again chapter excerpt)
ft. yandere! damian wayne x kidnapped! reader
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read until the end for an author's note. slight spoilers below.
"damian, tell me, why now?"
why now? you question that to yourself more often than you would want to. why now, instead of the past 15 years when you were a nobody to the family? why now, when you had finally learned to love yourself and let go? why now, when you were finally out of their arms.
your youngest brother snaps out of his focus on painting a canvas of you, body turning to your direction, curiousity peeping in his eyes. he acts like whatever you had said was bewildering, but you know he knows what you question meant, he doesn't need a repeat of your statement because damian is a no-bullshit brother— he simply wants to hear your voice.
his eyes used to look at you with contempt and disgust. you'd rather that than the current gaze of adoration from your brother, who now stares at your form seated on a papasan chair, now his muse for his current painting.
"why now, damian? why is it now that all of you guys are suddenly interested in me?" you repeat; exasperation, disdain, apprehension, all an amalgation of emotions in your tone. if he wants to play stupid, then fine, as long as you get what you want in the end.
you continued mumbling, voice echoing inside the room-turned-atelier. "last i checked, you were intent on *murdering me just 'cause you hated me."
it was a quip, truly, a mere tease to his past actions. you didn't know just how much your statement offends him, eyebrowns furrowing as his gaze seems to harden.
it took him seconds to fully register what you had said. you wished you were quick enough to take those seconds to your advantage to bolt out of the room, to run away, but you can't.
"(name)," he sighs, standing up from his chair and easing his way to your seated form. you stand, too, not wanting to back out of what seems to be a forming argument.
he may be shorter than you by an inch or five, but you didn't want to admit just how much smaller he makes you feel.
"i have never told you i hated you." he says, as if it is a matter of fact, but you couldn't bring yourself to believe him, to believe what he wants you to hear. the wringing in your ears provides you the slightest bit of solace, but it wasn't enough to distract you from the words that come out of his mouth, words that contradict his past actions towards you.
"i may have injured you in multiple occasions, said hurtful things beyond redemption— for that i am deeply sorry for treating you, my older sibling, that way. but my intent to hurt you in the past never stemmed from hatred. i have never hated you, (name), and i do not have any reason to hate you."
you didn't know whether he was trying to convince you, or himself. you don't know how to feel, you don't want to feel anymore. fuck, you regret even talking to him in the first place. you feel so trapped, like you were in a dead end of a maze. you want to get out but you can't.
you didn't even know just how much you were heaving, tears welling in your eyes as you shiver; all the lies you had fed to yourself now biting you back in the ass.
you expected him to shift the conversation to something else, anything else, or even tell you to sit the fuck down so he could return to painting you.
what you didn't expect was, was his sudden turn of actions as his arms locked you in an embrace, his head nuzzling your chest as he pouts, head turning up, eyes gazing at you fondly like you meant the world. like he never once hurt you with his words and with his actions.
'push him away,' your mind tells you, but your heart clenches, beating erratically as if it was screaming at you to not let go.
you hate this. you hate that you feel conflicted, appalled at yourself for even fucking reciprocating his hug. it scorches you, you hate everything, you hate that you had always wanted this. you hate yourself for tearing up, hand shakily finding itself on his head, running through his hair.
you hate how warm you feel, how your chest aches at his affection, how both your grip on each other were strong as iron. how damian nuzzles deeper into the embrace, how he feels so vulnerable in your arms.
"why now, you ask? you always wanted this, right, (name)?" his words were muffled by your clothes, but you couldn't drown his voice out even if you want to. god, you wish you never asked him anything.
he continued, pretending as if you weren't choking on your own predicament, "dick was always the most experienced, tim the smartest even if i do not wish to admit it..."
he drawls on, listing every traits of your family, relishing in the thumps of your heart.
"—but you..." he stares at you deeply, fingers dig deep into your skin. but it doesn't scar you, not anymore.
"you are the most emotional... my older sibling, the one who got away. you're finally back..."
damian makes a show of tightening his grip, the space between the two of you near to nonexistent.
you had every strength to push him away, to send him tumbling to the floor unexpectedly. but he was always stronger than you, damian was always one step ahead of you. you're too tired to fight back, you want more. you need for him to let go but—
he has you in his arms.
you don't know how much time has passed.
"... i miss you and i love you, (name)."
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reblogs and interactions are encouraged and appreciated.
a/n: 974 words. inspired by this panel. sorry for the delay for the new chapter so i'm giving you guys this erm, i was experiencing massive writer's block and mood swings (and a bit of imposter syndrome when it came to my writing). this is a drabble for a future chapter (not the next one) where they had already kidnapped you. damian is one manipulative fucker and writing contradicting feelings hurts my brain lmao !!
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inkdrinkerworld · 2 days
Omg dad Remus with that one trend from tt where the mom ask the dad to babysit their kid 😭 he would be so confused and a little bit amused.
"Can you babysit the kids while I run to the store?" Remus stops dead in his tracks, Charlotte grumbling unhappily in his arms as he turns to you with a frown.
"Daddy the digestive." she whines, Remus kisses her forehead and sets her down. He rifles through the cupboard, getting her two from the sleeve.
"Share with Bekha, and no sticky hands on the sofa." She skips off, yelling for Rebekha.
"Daddy said no sticky fingers on the sofa but we can sneak, Bekha." You chuckle and so does Remus, already resigning himself to the fact that he's going to need the spot remover tonight.
Remus turns to you, closing the distance between you both with his hands on your hips. "One more time, dove?" His voice is full of amusement, eyes bright with something that you can't place.
You flush a little under his gaze, you know this is Remus' best, 'say that again' face, but you've been immune to it since forever. Well mostly forever.
"I have to go to the store, to get a couple bits for dinner," Remus nods. "Can you babysit the kids while I go or do you need me to take them."
"No I can't babysit them," he says the word like it's acrid and sour in his mouth. "I will stay with them, keep them entertained."
You nod, ready to kiss him and be off. Remus doesn't let you get away that easily. "Why would you ask if I'd babysit them? They're my kids too." Remus isn't upset, he just doesn't understand. He never minds one on one time with the girls, he doesn't think he'll ever mind it.
You bite your lip, wondering how long you can drag this out. In the end, you decide to rid Remus of his confusion. "It's a thing online, where you ask dads if they'll babysit their kids to see their response."
He shakes his head, fully amused now. His lips curl into a little smile, "And do they agree or do they say what I said?"
You rub your hands over his shoulders and down his back. "You're one of a kind, Lupin. Most of them just agree." you shrug like it's no big deal, but Remus finds it a very big deal.
"Well, you'll never have to worry about me wanting to look after the girls alone. Now go before they figure out you're leaving." he gives you a kiss and a pat to your bum before you walk out the door, planning to tidy up a bit while the girls are occupied with the tv.
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dronebiscuitbat · 2 days
Oil is Thicker Then Blood (Part 31)
Today was the day that Tera got her toddler body, complete with arms, legs, and a real mouth, not just a speaker. It was also the day they would find out her hair color, and if she would need oil for the rest of her life or not.
Yeah, that last one had N on edge.
Either way, he'd be there for her, for Uzi too, who was looking equally worried as Tera sat in his lap, babbling up at him, testing out words and sounds that she'd heard. She'd be able to make much more with a proper mouth, it would probably never be quiet around the house ever again.
He was fine with that, he wanted to hear every noise out of his daughters mouth, even if it was repetitive or annoying, he didn't want to miss a single detail of her life.
He thought, still sometimes thought. That he wasn't a good parent, he was sometimes forgetful, spacey, not knowing what to do or how to proceed.
But after so long, he didn't worry as much, Uzi would pre-fill bottles whenever her body allowed it, and he was now an expert at feeding her, not a single drop of oil being wasted. He knew how to plug her in, how to hold her, how to calm her down and get her excited, and play, now that he was an expert at.
He looked down at her as she rolled around in anticipation, freshly woken up and ready to cause mischief, it had almost been a surprise that she'd taken after Uzi in that way, infants were supposed to take after their parents after all. She laughed as loudly and as often as he did, she purred when happy, and was ready and willing to love (almost) anyone instantly. And she was mischievous. She growled, she stuck her tongue out when trying to figure things out. And she was cute, so cute.
Despite sharing none of either of thier code, somehow she was like the both of them.
His eyes drifted over the the seat next to him, Uzi looking down as she bounced her leg absent-mindedly, he could hear her core from here, well, he could always hear it, his hearing was freakish, but right now he was paying a lot of attention to it.
It was thrummimg as hard as it would go, as if she was running for her life, or something equally as physically stressful.
“You good Zi?” He asked, placing a hand on the leg that was bouncing, it stopped under his touch, and she looked up at him, concern laced over all her features.
“About Tera's new body?” He assumed, and she nodded, he took her hand in his own, thumb pressing into the tiny purple light there, but she quickly snatched it away, preoccupied with using her hand to gesture wildly.
“There's… there's always a chance something goes wrong in a body transfer. She's still so young- what if she doesn't wake back up?”
She's overthinking again He thought to himself, watching as she was visibly making herself upset, biting into one of her fingers so hard it almost looked like she was going to break the hard-silicone caps.
“That's the worst case, and she can't stay a pill forever.” He replied, voice even toned, he was nervous as well, incredibly. But he also trusted Uzi's previous judgement (one not made while stuck in ‘worry’ mode.) If Tera would fare better in a toddler body, then that's what she needed.
“You don't even know the percent chance!” She yelped, the solver symbol flashed in her eye for a moment, and N witnessed as her entire body sprung out at once. Going from a normal sitting position to crouching on the seat of the chair, tail suddenly swishing around, clearly irate.
That had been happening more often, her tail springing out when under duress, he'd found it cute if not also a little concerning, he took both of her hands again, guiding her to sit back down normally, her tail wrapped around one of his arms.
“Is it less then 1 percent?” He asked, trying to show her the odds of what she was worrying over.
“… point 3” She replied with a mumble, not meeting his eyes, pouting, although trying to hide it.
“That's less then half a percent… that is right? right?” He started confidently but then realized he wasn't all that great at math.
“Yes, b-but-” She confirmed, clearly not wanting to give the discussion to him just yet.
“Uzi...” He stressed, and she sighed in response, releasing his hands and putting away her tail before leaning into his shoulder, trying to calm herself down.
“Yeah. Yeah. Okay, you're right, I'm overthinking.” She relented, leaning down to tickle the little droneling in his lap, Tera squealing in response, trying to roll away but still laughing at the contact.
Watching her relax made him relax, and he slipped an arm behind her back, leaving them the tiniest bit closer even though they were already pressed together with Uzi leaning on him.
He wasn't sure how he ever lived in a world where he couldn't have her close like this, he needed this almost as much as he needed to breathe, he just kept wanting her closer, even if it was physically impossible.
Touch for such a long time had been associated with pain, if Mr or Mrs Elliot has touched him it meant he'd done something wrong, that he was about to be punished.
If Tessa touched him more often than not it was to try and fix what her parents had broken, plugging up holes, replacing fingers, his visor… and while she was as gentle as she could be she had been a young teen, and not professionally trained at all when it came to maintainince…
V… had been nice. At the manor her touch meant it was okay, that she was fine and that he was fine. And that she wanted him to stay… usually it was her pressed up against him in some way, into his shoulder or his chest. But then… after the gala…
She'd not ever touched him, aside from light hits that never truly hurt, she'd just been distant, in fact she was rarely around at all, either hiding out in her nest or finding some way to avoid him entirely.
Then there was J.
He didn't even want to think about J.
But against his own wishes both the casing around his core and the vial on his tail both lit up in phantom pain. Sending a wince through his systems he was only able to barely hide. A shudder went through him.
Punishment was J’s favorite activity. And him her favorite toy…
“Is everyone ready?” Mrs. Rayn’s voice brought him out of it, and he was blessing her internally, he did not need to be thinking along those lines on his daughters big day, this was about her. Not about him.
“Y-yeah, as we'll ever be.” He locked his fingers with his girlfriends hand, shaking off the last of his thoughts as they both stood up, Tera tucked in his arm, squirming as per usual.
“Good, her body has been printed, and it's waiting in the back. Come on then.” She waved her hand for them to follow and Uzi led him along by the hand, her grip was firm but tender, as if she was trying to say “I love you.” Through her hand alone.
He liked her touch much better.
They arrived in a small room, with two waiting chairs and very little else aside from a stainless steel table in the middle of the room, laid atop it was the smallest worker drone body he'd ever seen.
It was still quite a bit larger than Tera was now, but he could probably still hold the body in a single one of his hands comfortably, on the top of the bodies head was a swatch of short, thick black synthetic hair.
The body was lifeless, the lights on the hands and feet absent of any light, right now, it was no different than a corpse.
“Yeah, her coding read her hair color as black, so that's what I printed, cute right?” Mrs. Rayn, was smiling, watching the couple as they took in the room.
“It's… It's perfect. Thank you.” N replied, running a hand through the synthetic black hair, soft, it would suit her.
“Uzi, would you like to help me plug her in?” Rayn asked, gesturing to the giant machine next to her.
N could feel her shaking, eyes shifting between the body on the table and the baby in his arms, He smiled at her, and gently laid Tera in her arms, before his hand found the side of her face.
“You got this.”
She closed her eyes and gulped, before nodding, a determined look behind her eyelights, she turned to the machine next to the table, which was the largest thing in the room, and laid Tera down next to the body she would soon inhabit.
Mrs. Rayn was at the machines console, and it whirred to life, a loud clunk signified it's activation, and it spit out a small cord that she plugged into the freshly printed body.
The screen flickered with the phrase [Downloading Libraries] before that too faded into a white loading bar.
“Once the initial setup is complete, the body will be ready to accept whatever program you put into it, in this case, the program is a whole person.” Mrs. Rayn explained, inputting several more keys into the console.
Setup Complete. Please import desired data.
The body ‘spoke’, it's voice extremely robotic, something leftover from their time of being workers for humans. Tera looked over at the body, curiosity displayed on her eyelights.
“Whenever you're ready, plug her into the machine.” Rayn handed her a second cord and backed away, leaving Uzi hovering over Tera, the cord shaking in her hand and she tried to stabilize her breathing.
She hadn't ever done this before. She'd watched her mom do it, and she often did it seamlessly, without worry. She partly wondered if she'd been just as fearless when Uzi had transferred the first time. Because this was… nerve-wracking.
The chance was low, sure. But this was her kid, it wasn't just a kid. If she plugged her in, and Tera never found her way to her new body, or her data got lost in the machine, she'd be gone, and there would be very little she could do about it.
“Mama!” Tera laughed at her, nuzzling into her hand that was resting on the table as if she knew she needed the support, Uzi cracked a smile, only just now noticing the tears in her eyes. She looked over at N, who looked back with a smile.
“Can you… can we do this together?”
His smile got wider and he made his way to stand behind her, awaiting to do whatever she needed him to.
“Okay, just… hold her, and uh, help keep my hand from shaking.”
“Okay.” He only nodded, trying to keep her calm as well as himself.
He leaned down to hold Tera in place, she giggled at his touch, clearly thinking he was trying to play, his other hand came to steady hers, holding onto her trembling hand and the cable in it.
“I… I love you, Jellybean.” Uzi said quietly, those three little words heavy on her tongue, N smiled and kissed her cheek, he heard Rayn chuckle somewhere behind him, but he paid it little mind.
“We both do.”
And with that, and a final little giggle from Tera, they opened up her front panel… and plugged her in.
Instantly, her eyelights disappeared and the baby went silent, leaving only the egg shaped husk in it's place.
“How long does this normally take?” N asked, feeling his core drop into his stomach.
“Should see her in her new body in about five minutes.” She replied, no hint of worry in her voice at all.
“R-right.” Uzi responded with a trembling voice.
They removed both their hands and stood now over the new body, which had blinked off as well, leaving the room painfully silent. The only sound being the large machine whirring and the low electronic buzzing of the lights.
The seconds ticked by, both N and Uzi keeping perfect track of time.
A minute
Two minutes
Three minutes
He felt Uzi squeeze his hand at three-and-a-half, and he squeezed back, feeling his core speed up and fall at strange intervals, a deep dread filling him that he didn't know what to do with, all he could do was wait.
“Shhh, she's fine.” He convinced himself.
Five minutes
The room was still eerily quiet, every second over five minutes counted, logged and memorized.
His daughter was okay, she was just finding her way. He had faith. He had to.
Six minutes
Seven minutes
Each second dragged on for millenia, Uzi's grip only kept getting tighter, her trembles got worse. N felt it getting harder and harder for him to breathe, his grip on Uzi's have was just as if not more tight than hers.
N's gaze was transfixed on the bodies visor, it was still staring blankly at the ceiling, still lifeless.
Until it wasn't. Two lavender eyelights suddenly popped into the visor, lavender lights on her hands and feet accompanying them, her eyes roamed around the room for a moment, as if she was slightly confused.
“Tera!” Uzi quite literally lunged forward and captured her in her arms, bringing the small body up to her chest, the toddler's eyelights scrunched happily, although the rest of her limbs hung awkwardly, and her mouth remained closed.
N felt himself be able to breathe again. His arms wrapping around the both of them and holding them tightly, Tera was still silent however, and strangly still.
After a moment of letting their emotions release, paired with both of them sniffling and letting out worried tears, N slowly stood up, turning to Rayn, who was smiling softly at the family in front of her.
She'd never tell them that 8 minutes was on the upper limit, one of the slowest uptakes she'd ever seen, they didn't need that stress.
“She's really still. Is that normal?”
“Yes, she didn't have limbs before, or a mouth. She'll be speaking again soon, don't worry.” Rayn explained, making her way towards them from the corner of the room.
“Tera, how are you feeling?” Uzi asked her, perhaps forgetting for a moment that she likely couldn't understand her.
Tera blinked in response, probably having quite the out-of-body experience, she closed her eyes as if she was straining, and she managed to twitch her fingers slightly.
“I think “weird” is probably the answer.” N replied with a small smile, looking back and gripping her shoulder, laughing lightly.
“You're free to go, but here.” She placed a small purple onesie in his hands, so small and with plastic soles, likely full body to protect the new limbs.
He held it up to himself, making the size of the outfit look even more comicly small.
“Thank you so much…”
Next ->
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s1aywalker · 3 days
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꒰ა ♱ ໒꒱ just fake it through the day and the night is your god. ꨄ
↷ ✩ —— video store clerk sam monroe headcanons. (sfw)
warnings: brief mention of weed, profane language (sorry i can't help it).
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𝜗𝜚˚⋆ sam monroe who is admittedly terrible at his job. he lives by the philosophy of the customer is always wrong. but what he lacks in customer service skills, he makes up for in love of movies... especially horror.
𝜗𝜚˚⋆ sam monroe who gets fired from the store what seems like every other week. whether it's because his drawer was suspiciously short, because he didn't show up, or because too many customers have called complaining about his poor attitude and how he smells like a skunk.
𝜗𝜚˚⋆ sam monroe who rolls out of bed in the late afternoon to show up for his closing shift ten minutes late with his boots unlaced, still wearing his smeared eyeliner from the night before.
𝜗𝜚˚⋆ sam monroe who soccer moms can't stand because he always has some splatter gore flick playing on the display television behind the counter. the snot nosed kids hug mommy's legs and hide their face in her back while they're checking out. meanwhile, she's shooting sam death glares and he seems oblivious. when really, he just doesn't give a fuck. she goes home with her bambi and spy kids tapes, and immediately makes a phone call to his manager... another tally on his shit list.
"all those bitchy moms are lucky," he mumbles to you while his fingers absentmindedly toy with the silver labret stabbed through his skin. but there's something playful, amused tugging crookedly on his lips as his gaze remains focused on the flickering television, while screams of terror crackled from speakers. "this isn't shit. if i wanted to traumatize their little brats, i'd put on maniac... i left my nametag at home, anyway." but, of course, it isn't difficult for the higher ups to piece together the puzzle.
𝜗𝜚˚⋆ sam monroe who thinks it's fucking hilarious to recommend the worst selections imaginable to customers that won't know what hit 'em. another reason for him to be fired, honestly. he sees a teen lingering a little too long in the horror section and when they ask for something that'll scare their friends this weekend... according to his manager, faces of death was not the correct answer.
𝜗𝜚˚⋆ sam monroe whose favorite customer is you.
𝜗𝜚˚⋆ sam monroe who always makes it a point to come out from behind his throne that is the checkout counter every time you come in. he wants to bug you, to breathe down your neck to see what you're going to rent because he's nosey and too impatient to find out what it'll be whenever you decide to bring your handful of selections to the front. and he wants to throw out his own recommendations, too, while he straightens out a nearby shelf.
𝜗𝜚˚⋆ sam monroe who can go on for hours about movies when he's talking to you. he's very strongly opinionated... to a fault, honestly. because he won't bite his tongue when you examine a tape he's seen and didn't like, or when you bring up enjoying some new horror flick that, in his mind, has nothing compared to a good gory classic. he'll argue with you on it, and remain firm on his stance, with a mouth that seems and sounds mean, but it's never really directed towards you.
"the grudge fucking sucked, don't you dare get that." he snorted, snatching the new release out of your hands with more aggression than necessary. it's shoved back into its slot as he begins scanning over the neatly organized shelf labeled horror, a black painted nail dragging along spines for something specific. "they americanized it for no goddamn reason... here." the search was over as he pulled out the haunting japanese cover of ju-on. "watch the original... and call me if you piss your pants."
𝜗𝜚˚⋆ sam monroe who only pretends to be annoyed when you come in ten til close with no reason other than to keep him company during the deserted hour. he says you should have just called him to hang after he clocked out, but really, he's glad you're there, because he's seen the movie he has on at least six times.
𝜗𝜚˚⋆ sam monroe who stands behind the counter while you're propped up on the surface during a lull, security cameras be damned. he was supposed to have mopped the bathroom and locked the doors by now... but mouths keep running and laughter becomes louder than the shitty movie that has now been forgotten and reduced to background noise with a chilling soundtrack.
𝜗𝜚˚⋆ sam monroe who is inching closer to your perched position and closing the gap with a bag of sour gummy worms in his hands that he says the store won't notice missing. the plastic corner is ripped open with his teeth to share and it's a bribe, a ploy to get you to stay longer.
𝜗𝜚˚⋆ sam monroe who finally convinces you to rent the evil dead trilogy. it's one of his favorites, and of course he's going to suggest you make a marathon out of it, with him tagging along for the blood soaked journey. he promises to bring your favorite candies and the popcorn with extra butter, and he promises to not talk through them... but he accidentally grabs the regular popcorn instead, and he can't help but go on and on about every single fun fact about the series that pops into his head while he gradually scoots closer.
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bonny-kookoo · 3 days
ooh bonny I'm a sucker for angst 🤧 I gotta know (if you please) how things went for snowball princess before jin came back and/or while she was away from yoongi for basic training?
The clock ticking is an odd sound now.
It mixes with the low buzzing of the fridge starting and stopping occasionally, as you sit alone in Yoongis kitchen. There's a plastic container of leftovers from last night in front of you- reheated all by yourself, the microwave no longer scary after having taught yourself how to use it. Earlier, there was a staff member here, checking if you needed anything.
But now, you're alone. Truly so.
Yoongi won't come back like he did before- you'll sleep alone tonight, and somehow, it's not sad to you. Just.. odd. It feels strange to just not know what the guys are doing right now- whether or not they might think of you even. Probably not, since they're all distracted with training, new friends, and making sure they do well.
Will they be changed when they return? Will that new version still like you the same?
The first night alone passes by in a blur. You didn't eat the leftovers Yoongi made sure to pack up for you, instead you watch staff dump the contents out into the appropriate trash since they're now unsafe to eat for you. You feel oddly guilty watching it happen. Like it's your fault it spoiled.
It's obvious staff doesn't know what to really do with you.
You don't need anything, don't request anything- you eat standard instant noodles since they're easy to prepare, having watched the guys make them time and time again. And yet, even though you swear you did all the steps the exact same as Jungkook does-
It doesn't taste the same. Instead, it just makes you sad, salty tears quietly dripping into the bowl of noodles and broth you got in front of you.
You know you're just lonely. Your instincts just overreact to the unusual situation you're now in, none of your comfort people around anymore to give you any sense of security. It reminds you that you're not the same as them- that you'll never be the same, that there's always be some things you can't understand, and others they can't understand either.
You hide in bed the next day. Only come out when the staff member checks up on you.
When Yoongi returns, it's strange again- he comments on your low energy here and there, but after many answers of reassurance from your side, and even a doctor's appointment, it's clear that nothing is physically wrong with you. Nothing to worry.
It's just an inevitable change that's bound to happen at your age, or so the specialist had told Yoongi.
He refuses to really accept that- pushes it aside, and tries to take care of you the same way he did before. And it seems to work, at least in his eyes; you spend time again together, eat together, sleep together. Sometimes you spend your day at someone else's house, other times you stay inside the whole day. Yoongi takes you with him to visit his parents even, where you play with the family dog for a little and converse with his brother who'd visited coincidentally at the same time, before you go back home and get back into routine.
It's only when Jin returns, that Yoongi has to face reality.
"She's.. very quiet." Seokjin comments, as he sits on the couch, your head on his thigh as you sleep after dinner, lavishly cooked by him. "Have you maybe asked her to get-"
"We've been there already. They say it's 'normal considering her age'." Yoongi mumbles quietly, picking at his last bites on his plate before he abandons any further attempt at finishing his portion of the dinner, leaning back in the sofa as well, away from the table. "But it's so sudden. Maybe.. I don't know. Could it be something else?" He asks, and Jin looks at him.
"You mean mentally?" He asks, and the rapper nods. "Maybe. This has to be stressful for her, after all. Let's hope that maybe with one by one coming back, she'll come around as well." He sighs, running a hand over your head before he lets his palm settle on your shoulder. "I trust her that she'll tell us if she needs help."
"I hope she does." Yoongi worries, watching you sleep on his friend's lap-
Looking awfully troubled, even while dreaming.
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metalomagnetic · 1 day
Hei, I love your IRITB and Canis major so much. I keep going back to it.
Since V seemed to be okay with lending Sirius to have a child, how did he feel when Sirius give him the letter about Albus and Gellert and openly admired Grindelwald? And when the Vampire drunk from Sirius? Really I just want to see possessive Voldemort ;)
Also by the end, Voldemort got angry simply when Sirius wasn't home. How would he actually react if he had let Sirius marry and Sirius had a child? (Let's pretend he didn't murder Harry)
Here's a small part that didn't make it into the last chapter of Canis Major (I had to cut about 10k words):
This wasn't one of my brightest ideas, Voldemort considers, when all the vampires in the room stare at Sirius.
It's not just the usual admiration Sirius gets; there's something predatory in their eyes that sets Voldemort on edge. It makes his fingers reach for his wand.
He has to remind himself nothing will happen to Sirius; in fact, he's quite certain Sirius will enjoy it greatly. It's why he volunteered him for it, after all.
Yet even that bothers him. As the woman stalks closer to Sirius, and Sirius' pupils dilate when facing her, Voldemort is bothered, tendrils of anger licking at his brain.
Apparently, it's one thing to know Sirius is whoring around, and quite another to witness it.
He can't stand the way he looks at her, with arousal, the same way he looks at Voldemort, when they're in private.
It infuriates him. The amusement from before, when Sirius was all offended to be offered as a 'snack', withers and dies. He wants to murder the woman.
Rodolphus coughs, and Voldemort snaps out of it, only to realise he'd taken a step forward, and that he's holding his wand.
Get it together, he tells himself, just as Rodolphus sends him a pointed look.
The next few moments are uncomfortable bordering on unbearable. When she bites into Sirius, his Sirius, Voldemort envisions several ways to obliterate her.
He doesn't need vampires on his side that much, does he?
You do, a more rational side of his informs him.
No, I really don't.
"Enough," he orders, after just a few seconds.
She doesn't stop, and he raises his wand-
Nathaniel orders her to stop, and she does.
Voldemort is seething, something ugly and raw twisting inside him when he sees the fang marks on Sirius' throat- a throat that belongs to Voldemort.
And then he has to endure seeing Sirius feeding from the pest, a blissful look in his eyes, between lazy blinks.
It's especially infuriating, because Voldemort cannot feed him this way. This is not something he can offer to Sirius, and he feels lesser because of it. It's all illogical, mad, and it only serves to stoke his anger further.
Finally, it stops.
"How do vampires get erections?"
It's such a Sirius thing to ask, curious, reckless, lustful thing that he is. It would have made Voldemort laugh, but the tension in the room is high, all the vampires are aroused, and Voldemort wants to kill them all.
Nathaniel glides closer to Sirius. "I would be happy to explain."
Voldemort places himself between them. "The deal is sealed," he says, pointing to the door. "You will hear from me soon."
"You'll be able to find me for the next hours," the woman whispers to Sirius. "My blood will lead you to me-"
"Out," Voldemort orders, at the end of his patience.
Horrible images assault him, of Sirius and her naked, in some bed, bodies interwind.
It has never happened before- even when he knew Sirius was out with a woman or another, Voldemort did not think of it, did not care too much, because those women are nothing compared to him, insignificant entertainments that can only hold Sirius' attention for a moment.
But now he imagines it, and it makes him want to destroy something; preferably the vampire woman.
He calms, slightly, once he's alone with Sirius, back home. He's still irritated, because Sirius is hard, and it wasn't caused by Voldemort, but he can keep his anger in check.
And then he makes sure to redirect Sirius' lust, to make it about Voldemort.
As they fuck, Voldemort plans ways to kill the vampire.
When Sirius leaves, close to dawn, Voldemort goes on the hunt.
He brings back a bracelet the woman wore, an ancient thing, now splattered with blood and ashes.
He puts it away in a box, with a smile.
Only then he can sleep in peace.
As for your last question, Voldemort *thinks* he will be alright with a marriage, but he won't be. Deep down, even he knows he won't be able to share Sirius, but he doesn't think about it too much, in typical Voldemort fashion. In his delusion, he pretended that Sirius would only have a wife for a night or two, get her pregnant and then she'll just disappear; that the baby wouldn't change Sirius. It's beyond delusional, of course. Marriages don't work quite like that, and neither do children.
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cxrsed-angel · 1 day
Bathroom Break (Jordan Li x Fem!reader smut)
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rating: 18+
summary: Jordan is pissed off at their ranking and trying to win people over to improve it and decided the two of you need a break in the bathroom.
warnings: Smut, fingering, p in v (unprotected sex), semi-public, oral(Jordan receiving).
a/n: For pride I decided to edit and post this fic from when I was obsessed with Jordan Li from Gen V <3. (both of their forms are in the in fic and they/them pronouns are used.) Also so behind bc I just started the boys and im still on S1.
Jordan's hands grab your ass the second the two of you enter the bathroom. The music from the main event fades in the distance as you close the door behind you. They kiss your lips impatiently,  pushing you against the bathroom sink in Gala. You moan against their lips, and you grab their hair lightly, knowing you’re fucking up their straightened bob that took them forever to get to lay right. They move their hands, sliding them up the bottom of the black dress you wore to match their suit. You feel their hands travel further up your thigh but pull away a bit hesitant.
“Wait…wait. We’re in the bathroom. What if someone comes in?” You ask, holding them back a bit before looking cautiously at the door. 
Jordan pushes your dress up onto your hips, exposing your legs. They hold you up against the sink and spread your legs apart for them, giving them a clear view of your pink lace underwear. Your head goes back, biting your lip to suppress your moan as they slide two fingers along your wet and achy folds through your panties. Disregarding your previous concern about being caught, you try again. 
“Jordan! We-shit-we aren’t fucking in the bathroom of this gala thing that’s for your dead professor that died like 2 days ago. Don't you think thats a bit fucked up?” You look at them as they’re in their female form, their short black bob framing their face. They don't share the same concerned look, staring at you with one thing on their mind. 
Jordan sighs, shaking their head as they hold your waist, still looking at you, full of lust. Their fingers rub slowly along your pussy against the fabric. You relax against the sink, closing your eyes and biting back a moan.  
 “It's not for him. They were gonna have this anyway. It’s just so they get donations from rich people and for students to kiss asses to raise our ranks. I’m never getting above rank 5 at this rate, so I don’t really don't give a fuck anymore.”
You nod while listening to them, but you’re still not sure it’s a good idea. You knew this had been a hard and strange week for them, and you knew they took being ranked #5 hard.
“Okay, but what if someone walks in or hears or something.” 
They look at you unphased. Clearly, they didn’t give a shit about that either. They move their hand down your sides, and you cave, not caring either.  
You nod as they kiss down your neck, and you move some hair out of their face behind their eye in place with the rest of their bob. “Okay. But this is your college, not mine, so don’t blame me if you get expelled or something.”
Jordan smiles as they impatiently kiss you again, holding your face softly. You feel their cold rings on your cheeks as you kiss them back, closing your eyes and relaxing against their lips. You pull them closer to you, grabbing onto their black suit jacket.  
You open your eyes, seeing their dimples as they grin slightly into the kiss. The grin turns into a slight smirk as they move their fingers down against your underwear, pulling aside, slowly rubbing their fingers along your dripping cunt. You shiver from the sensation of their cold sliver rings touching your sensitive clit. You gasp, leaning back against the bathroom sink, gripping onto their wrist as they continue circling your clit. 
“Oh my god, shit Jordan, that feels so good.” You mutter under your breath but still loud enough for them to hear. They can't stop smiling as they look at your flushed face, enjoying how you melt against their touch. 
“Fuck baby, you’re already this wet. I’ve barely touched you.” They tease you, making fun of how fast they turned you on, but you had them feeling the same way. They feel their cunt starting to ache at the sight of you coming undone for them.
They slowly slide two fingers inside you, watching as your eyes roll back as you clench around their fingers. 
“Fuck! Jordan, don’t stop, don't stop please-” Your moans are muffled as they place one hand over your mouth to quiet them. They continue moving their fingers inside your wet cunt fucking you with their finger as you sit on the bathroom sink. 
“Shhh. As much I love hearing your pretty moans, but you need to shut the fuck up unless you want a whole room of rich assholes to hear us.” 
They look at you as they speed up their pace, their fingers curling up, reaching that spot inside you. You continue moaning, feeling the arousal build more. You try to keep your voice down, but you can't help it. Their fingers felt too good. “Jordan, Jordan, Jordan,” you moan again, whispering their name, leaning your head against their shoulder as they continue pumping their fingers faster, making it nearly impossible for you to not be loud, and they know it. 
“Unless you want them to hear, huh? Want them all to hear how much of a whore you are for me, huh. How much you fall apart just using my fingers?”
You shake your head no, but you can’t deny it. Their finger feels good, stretching your pussy, pumping their fingers in and out of your dripping folds, their cold rings adding to the stimulation. 
They look at you, removing the hand they place over your mouth and removing their fingers from your wet cunt, and put them in their mouth, making you taste your wetness. You whine from the loss of pleasure and your orgasm coming to a halt. You look like Jordan, disappointed. A slight pout falls on your lip, but the only response you get is a laugh. 
“Don't look at me like that,” they whisper softly before passionately putting their lips on yours again. Your hands go up the chest, grabbing their tits through their black wife pleaser tank top, rubbing their nipples. Their head goes back in, moaning your name. You lift their shirt, instantly putting your mouth on their nipple, swirling your tongue, sucking on it while you squeeze their other tit.
“F-fuck baby, god, I need you,” they hiss as they press their bodies against yours, rubbing their cunt against yours, desperately grinding against where you needed them most. 
You nod, moving your lips down to their neck, leaving marks down their neck, but push your lips off of them gently, looking at you. You look back at them and watch them change into their male form. They’re taller, their hands are bigger, and you can't miss the growing bulge forming in their dress pants. They grab your hand, moving it down, rubbing their bulge. 
“You're making me so fucking hard right now. God, I need to be inside you,” they groan, looking at you full of desire. 
They pull their pants down, showing their hard cock leaking and twitching through their boxers. You move your hand up their shaft, you move off the sink, and lower yourself onto your knees, feeling the cold tile. Jordan looks down at you, breathing deeply at the sight of you on your knees for them. “Jesus baby, you're killing me, seeing you on your knees for me, such a fucking slut wanting me in your mouth, knowing anyone can just walk in.” You waste no time pulling their boxers down and licking their shift before slowly putting them in between your lips and taking them down your throat. Your head moves up and down their length, as they hold their hips, not wanting to choke you or be too rough.
“Fuck. God, your mouth feels so fucking good. But I know your pussy feels even better. Fucckk” They bite their lip, their hands hovering over your head, trying to have self-control as you take them further in your mouth, feeling their cock hitting the back of your throat as they accidentally thrust into your mouth. You gag, choking slightly, and they immediately take their dick out from between your swollen lips. 
“Are you okay?” They ask softly holding your face, you look up at them, and you nod catching your breath for a second. 
“Yea. I'm fine.” you going to but them back in your mouth but they stop you shaking your head. 
“No, no, no, I need to fuck you. God, I need to fuck so badly.”  
They grab your hands, helping you stand as you lean back against the bathroom sink, spreading your legs for them, admiring your wet pussy before they slowly slide the tip of the dick inside you. You both let out a gasp as they push further inside you. You grip on the bathroom sink you were sitting on as they started moving, thrusting their cock inside you deeper. 
“Fuuck! Baby, don't stop…please don't stop.” you moan, begging as they fuck your wet and aching pussy.
The chain side of their necklace hangs in front of you as they lean over you and continue thrusting into your aching pussy. You grab onto their shoulders digging your nail into their probably expensive suit suits knowing youre probably ruining it but you dont care, you tug them close to you throwing your head back biting down on your lip to quiet your moans. They groan as their move their hips fucking your faster. You feel your arousal building, lean your head down into their shoulder you eyes squeeze shut wrapping your legs around their waist.
“Shit, shit i’m close!…Jordan im-” You feel their hand cover your mouth as you cum on their cock. 
They slowly pull out of you, you whine a bit as they look at you breathless and smiling. Your chest heaves, coming down from your orgasm you look at them for a minute.
“Feeling better?” you ask as you fix your dress, trying to look more presentable and like you haven’t been fucked. Jordan nods, kissing your neck before they readjust their suit.
“Yea…I’m good.” they confirm, smiling, content as you look in the mirror, fixing your makeup one last time before they put a hand on your waist as you two walk out to your seats. 
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Maybe sfw/nsfw headcanons with Cal and a gender neutral tiefling?
I love that you asked this because it means I can talk about Cal more!!! I love Cal so much! Sorry for the wait, I really had to think about this one!!
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Tail holding. He LOVES tail holding! Any physical touch with their tiefling traits he absolutely melts.
Rubbing horns together, nuzzling, feeling along their infernal ridges with his fingers. It's only one of the many ways he shows his love.
If his partner is ticklish around their ridges he 100% teases them. He's ticklish himself so this often ends in a massive tickle fight that he ends up losing every time.
Even when they lay together in bed, his tail is always on theirs, winding them together when possible. If they don't want their tail held for whatever reason, he'll wind it around their thigh or calf.
He's the big spoon! It would definitely rock his world if he's suddenly the little spoon at any point. His brain gets that windows error screen, but he loves it.
He likes to tease with his tail as well! Never as far as tripping them up, he'll definitely smack them playfully. He loves when he gets the same treatment back, it's a form of play fighting!
If he needs to blunt his sharp nails for any reason, he'll offer the same to his tiefling partner! If they like painting theirs he's totally down to do that as well.
If his partner is big on horn jewelry, he's happy to buy some for them! Cuffs, jewels, horn caps, anything! If he can't find something to but, he'll go straight to Dammon to commission him.
He would be attentive to EVERY detail in the jewelry, wanting to compliment what they like subtly. If they're the type to enjoy flower themes, he'll ask for vine patterns along the trim. Stars? Can you make their favorite constellation the center piece?
He would LOVE to wax his partners horns if they like doing that for themselves. Horn care is important to him now that he's off the road, and it's a nice pass time!
He would be more comfortable with biting his partner since tieflings have thicker skin! He's also totally okay with being bitten back.
I see him as a service top no matter the partner but is happy to bottom if that's his partner's preference. Honestly bottoming for the first time would bring a whole new world of possibilities for him.
He loves to use his tail during these kinds of activities too. He'll use it to spread their thighs, the spade to tease their sex, and even will try tail-play if his partner is interested.
Just like how he usually play fights, he takes that to the bedroom as well when feeling playful! Usually he lets his partner win and takes the opportunity to flips them over and pin them.
While prepping his partner, he loves to tease the underside of their tail near the base. That area is known for being very sensitive, and usually it's not touched unless during intimacy.
If his partner's ridges are particularly sensitive, he'll tease those as well with feather light touched. He absolutely loves how it makes them squirm.
His partner raking their sharp nails along his shoulder blades and back would drive him crazy in the best way. It makes him feel incredible that they're feeling so good they have to hang onto him for support.
Cal can be pretty clumsy! Unfortunately, it's not an uncommon occurrence for one of his horns to get stuck with his partners, but it's easily laughed off! It personally doesn't ruin the mood for him, so he'll unhook them and then continue.
He personally doesn't like to choke his partner, but if they wrap their tail around his neck while he's giving oral, he only gets more enthusiastic.
He would also love it if his partner held onto his horns and lead him where they want him. It definitely does things to him. He would also grab their horns if overwhelmed if they gave oral (and would immediately apologize after, even if they liked it)
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deanscherrypie420 · 18 hours
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A/N: Hi guys! I promised another Sam fic so HERE WE ARE! This idea was originally for Dean, but I figured it would work for Sammy too. I tweaked it a little bit once I saw this GIF because OMG idk its just so cute. ENJOY <3
Characters: Sam Winchester, Reader Y/N, Dean Winchester, Crowley
Pairing: Sam Winchester X Reader
Warnings: Demon!Reader, arguing, mild violence, guns, alcohol, biting, fluff, supernatural stuff, nerds, physical affection.
Summary: After the Winchester brothers barge into Crowley's lair, they meet you. You're already in a bad mood and they don't help. You can't help but notice the taller one, how attractive he is. After going to the bunker with them, you find yourself in an unexpected situation.
"I have never once gotten myself in danger! Why won't you let me do this?" Y/N screamed at the man in front of her. Crowley was like a father to her. He took her in from the depths of hell when she was little, turning her into the little princess of hell.
"Hunters get hurt. They die, all the time. Is that really something you want for yourself?" He questioned, crossing his hands in his lap. He was staring down at her from his throne and this irked her. She didn't like being talked down to, especially not by Crowley. She was not going to be treated like one of his servants.
"You are ridiculous. I am more than capable of killing a few monsters. I'm a mini you, for hell's sake!" He just shook his head and sighed. "I said no, Y/N. Do not make me repeat myself."
Y/N felt her jaw tick, her eyes quickly flicking to black, a low red glow illuminating from the corners. She wasn't a normal demon. After being with Crowley, she evolved into a different being.
Her arm stuck out and she flung him across the room, earning a loud groan from not only him but two new men. She snapped her head around and walked backwards towards the throne, claiming her rightful seat upon it.
"Did we interrupt something?" The shorter one chuckled as he nudged Crowley with his foot. The older man grunted and pushed himself off the ground. "Get out, Winchesters. We are having a family discussion."
The taller one glanced over at you, and his brother hooted. "Wow, a new wife? This one's a little young, don't ya think?" Her eyes widened and she instinctively slammed him against the wall. "He is like my father, you indolent pig!"
"Right, my bad." He choked out and the giant stepped forward. "Let him go." He said as he pulled out a blade. She just laughed, looking over at Crowley. He gave her a nod and she huffed, releasing the man from her hold.
"Well, aren't you a bundle of sunshine." He scoffed as he brushed himself off. She glared at him and he put his hands up in defense, making the taller one laugh quietly.
"Look, Crowley, we need your help. Difficult demon hunt." He explained as his brother still tried to compose himself. Crowley shook his head, an amused look on his face. "Very funny, Sam. Run along, you two aren't getting help here."
"Actually, Sam, you might. What do you need help with?" Y/N announced quickly, rising from the seat and stepping forward. "Uh... Just with some research, I really don't think you-" Sam started but Crowley cut him off. "You aren't helping, Y/N. Go to the back room, now."
"What's your name?" She asked the shorter man, ignoring the king completely. "Dean. This is my brother." He grinned, growing a liking to the young woman. Sam cleared his throat and looked down at her, "I would listen to your, uh, dad."
The older man nodded and gestured towards the doorway behind her. She shook her head and smiled up at him, an innocent look in her beautiful Y/E/C eyes. "I'm a big girl, Sam. He can't control me." She moved closer to him, standing nearly a foot away.
"He's the king of hell, the hell you mean he doesn't control you?" Dean questioned, disbelief mounting his features. She glanced over at him, her eyes morphing into dark pits enclosed by a ruby glow. "I'm the princess of hell. I have more power than you think, Winchester."
Sam stepped back, his brows furrowing as he lips flattened into a line. "Don't worry, I don't bite. I want to help." She blinked her eyes back to normal and grinned at the brothers.
"Y/N! What did I tell you!" Crowley shouted, using his powers to throw her to the floor. She hissed and got up, her eyes glowing brighter than they had before. "I swear to God, I will carve out your fucking eyes." She spat as she tossed him against a wall, her fingers closing tighter, slowly crushing his internal organs.
Sam rushed to her side and tried pulling her back, but she just kept going, slowly walking towards the king. When she reached him, her hand wrapped around his throat, a low growl escaping her. "I'm becoming a hunter, whether you like it or not."
Sam gripped her shoulder, leaning down to whisper in her ear. "He's not stopping you, let's go. You're alright." He soothed, giving her a gentle squeeze.
Her brain stuttered, her force relaxing as her eyes shifted. "Fine." She stated simply before letting go of Crowley completely and storming out of the building.
They had stopped at a diner before heading home to the bunker, all of them chatting and story-telling. The waitress came by to take their orders and she looked Y/N up and down, a look of distaste forming across her face.
"Well, you have an interesting fashion choice." The older woman spoke. Y/N bit her tongue, trying to remind herself that this was a conservative town and her outfit was very provocative. "Thanks, Hun. Anyway, I'd like-" The woman cut her off and put a hand on her hip.
"I'm just saying, young lady. That is a very immodest outfit. If I didn't know better, I'd think you work on the streets." Her southern drawl only made Y/N more irritated. Dean tried holding back a laugh, his beer nearly shooting out of his mouth.
"And I think you belong in a nursing home. Don't worry, hell has great hosts. I'd like some fries, please." She punctuated her statement with a flash of her eyes, the action earning a quiet gasp from Sam and roar of laughter from his brother.
"C-coming right up." The waitress murmured before skittishly running off, retreating to the back of the diner. "Damn, little lady. Didn't know you were that feisty!" Dean teased and she rolled her eyes. "Didn't know you were that reckless." Sam muttered and she sighed.
"Sammy, we're fine. What is she gonna do, call a priest on me?" Dean snickered some more. "You should really be more careful - for your safety." Sam warned, his brows knitted together.
"Awh, you care about me!" She cooed, a sarcastic undertone lacing her words. "We only just met, Sammy. We aren't that committed yet."
He shook his head and stared her down, his eyes so full and bright. "Those are the cutest puppy dog eyes ever." She added before kissing his cheek and excusing herself to the bathroom.
"Sammy's got a girlfriend..." Dean whispered in a sing-song voice, causing Sam to kick him under the table.
Sam was researching in the library, books sprawled out on the desk in front of him. He was fiddling with a pen in his hands, a concentrated look on his face as he jotted down a few things on a notepad.
"Whatcha writing, Sammy?" Y/N asked. She was sitting on a bar above him, the ceiling only a few feet away from her head. Her legs dangled mindlessly in the air as she studied him.
He raised a brow and looked up at her. "What are you doing up there, Princess?" He questioned back, slouching back a bit in his chair. "Watching you." She responded with a huge smile, her eyes glistening in the bunker light.
"Why don't you come down from there, yeah?" He offered, patting his thigh gently as an invitation. She giggled and bit her lip, leaning forward. Her hands slid beneath the cool metal and grasped the edge behind her.
She swung downwards, hanging there for a minute before dropping to the ground. "If you insist." She danced her way over, her hands meeting his shoulders as she crawled into his lap.
He chuckled and his hand began rubbing her back. She nestled her head underneath his chin and skimmed over the pages he was reviewing. Her legs were hunched up, knees level with his upper chest and feet planted on his other thigh.
His free hand gently wrapped around her ankle, his digits resting on the hem of her sock as his thumb traced random patterns on her skin.
She reached over and grabbed his beer bottle, taking a long drag and twirling it between her fingers. "That's mine." He mumbled into her hair, his hand moving from her leg, covering hers as he tried to reclaim the bottle.
"No. I want it." She retorted, trying to move the bottle away. He plugged the top of the bottle with his thumb so it didn't spill, tugging it away from her. "Well, you don't always get what you want."
She huffed and crossed her arms, her elbow digging into his stomach. "I got you." She bickered and he smiled. He set the bottle down on the table and pulled her closer, one arm hooked around her belly.
"I guess you're right, Princess."
A/N: I hope you guys enjoyed! This one was super fun to write <3 If you liked it, please follow, reblog and comment! All feedback is LOVED.
Send in requests if you have any! :)
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loveydoveymonsters · 3 hours
this isnt a specific monster but like a sort of humanoid praying mantis x reader?? I tried finding something similar to what I have in mind but I could only find aliens not actual mantis people, and I really want that forest-cryptid kinda vibe not sci-fi space. do with this what you will :)
Well my sweet dove lets see what I can do for you, I hope you enjoy!.
Praying For A Miracle
Hybrid!Praying Mantis x reader
You have strayed too far from your path. A little forest nymph that's wandered too far away from their God. The night is harsh and unforgiving as you stumble through the thick bramble and bushes, desperately searching for shelter in this magical forest. Creatures of all different shapes and sizes reside here. Creatures who are seeking refuge from warmongers and poachers who would rather see their heads on spikes than on their bodies. Most of them are friendly, but there are some strays that sneak in under your God's eye, corrupted creatures that go unnoticed until it's too late. Usually, they target little nymphs like you, defenseless, weak, and delicate, you have no way of defending yourself against an attacker should you face one. That's why you shakily wander the woods searching for a tree trunk you could reside in or perhaps a friendly creature that could bring you back to your home. 
It was your own fault, you realize that you shouldn't have wandered off but you saw flowers, beautiful flowers that never bloom. You foolishly got distracted and now you're in the perilous clutches of a corrupted creature that had gotten the jump on you while you were lost in your terrified thoughts. You can't even tell what it is, it's large, and snarling, and its fangs look like they would hurt if they pierced your soft skin. You shake and tremble quietly. It's not in your nature to scream or fight. Nymphs are supposed to show kindness and love to all creatures including the ones that intend to harm them. That's why you lay there, shaking uncontrollably ready to accept your fate, your brutal death at this evil beings’ claws. Your God is nowhere to be found, probably drowning in the wine that was gifted to them during the last festival of the forest. You're afraid, yet weirdly you're at peace. You've had a very peaceful life, while your death may be violent, at least you know you've never had to worry about anything. Not predators, not starving, not becoming so dehydrated you could barely move. You've been taken care of so you guess this is the end…
The creature cries out in pain when something bites its nape. It reels back and tries to swipe at the thing currently attaching itself to its spine. You catch the sight of something green before it's gone just as quickly, the creature spinning trying to whip the hybrid off of him. You can see human legs and roughly a human body but you also see antennae, wings, and large raptorial legs that act as its hands. You honestly don't know what you're looking at but regardless of that, you're thankful for the creature's aid. As the violent creature finally shakes off the hybrid and runs off completely terrified you shakily stand and make your way over to your savior. He stands as well rushing over to check on you. Nymphs are treasured amongst non-corrupt creatures so it wasn't surprising when he immediately started fussing over you and using his raptorial arms to check you over.
“What…are you my savior? You're a hybrid of some sort but I can't seem to place the creature you're mixed with. Please do enlighten me, my hero.”
You stare as his greenish-tinted skin becomes a few shades darker as he blushes. Evidently he's not used to receiving such praise from nymphs, being called a hero and a savior is new. He doesn't dislike it but he's certainly not used to it either, it takes him a moment to recover before he can speak to you without stuttering. While he is recovering you just stare at him, wide-eyed, curious, like a child staring at a brand new toy. 
“I-I'm a praying mantis hybrid…Your God created me this way when they were first experimenting with creation. I am the result of a few failed hybrids…My name is Bleez. No need to introduce yourself little nymph I've been watching you for a while. I'm well aware of who you are although I'm not a hundred percent sure why you're wandering the woods alone.”
“Oh, I strayed from my usual path and stopped to smell some flowers. I guess I walked too far away and couldn't find my path again so I guess I was just looking for a guide to help me find my way home! Or somewhere to stay for the night. I'm sure I'd have better luck if I could actually see where I was going.”
“You're welcome to stay with me, I don't live far from here, come. There are far worse creatures than that one in this part of the woods.”
Before you can respond he lifts you up and slings you over his shoulder, stumbling slightly at how light you are to him. All nymphs are light though regardless of their body type, they're essentially made of pure air and the spirit of the God themselves. You look back at him, turning your body and just sitting on his shoulder noticing how his wings stretch out and cover his body. You tilt your head, analyzing his features once again. It's rare to see a hybrid, let alone a hybrid insect yet here you are, riding on the shoulder of one, one that risked his life to save you when he did not need to. 
“So Bleez, you say my God created you? How come I've never seen you before? I've been alive for quite a long time you know.”
“I've kept myself hidden, I'm not exactly confident in my appearance. Other creatures run from me even though I'm not a predator, it started to hurt after a while so I just sheltered myself away. Plus there was no way a beautiful nymph like you was ever going to notice me.”
You stare at his face for a minute, just now noticing the extra long mouth parts coming from the corner of his lips. It must help him eat meat and prey if he does decide to become a predator. You don't see anything wrong with him though, you don't understand why other creatures are afraid of him. Then again you don't understand why creatures are afraid of predators either. You're designed to love all creatures equally and you find them all equally beautiful, equally handsome, yet there was something about this one, perhaps it's the fact that he saved you. That made you just a little bit more loving.
“What are you talking about? You look amazing. My hero is the handsomest hybrid in the world!”
He nearly drops you when you say that but thankfully he arrived at his home in a tree trunk, the tree is as wide as a small cabin. He opens the side of the trunk and sets you down on the soft padding that he uses as his bed before shutting the trunk behind him and lighting a lantern as well as a fire to keep you warm. The magic of your forest amazes you sometimes, the fact that a small home can fit into the trunk of a tree without any worry of the tree being set ablaze by the fireplace makes you stare at it in awe. He awkwardly stands beside you, before sitting on the floor and pulling out a cast iron cauldron to make you some soup. He's taking care of you, nymphs are precious, nymphs are everything, that's what he's been taught since he was little. He sees why, you're so innocent, so pure, you must be protected at all costs and he wants to make sure you're fed and kept warm and you enjoy your stay for however long you reside with him.
The soup is good and healthy, and you remain nice and warm throughout the night. He slept on the floor and gave you a ton of wool blankets to keep you comfortable while he slept with a small sheet that you could almost see through because of how thin it was. About halfway through the night, you woke up to his teeth chattering, looking over the makeshift bed to see him shaking and trembling. You weren't having that at all, you were a guest in his house but that didn't mean you had to be treated like royalty. You knew he would argue if you tried to get him to climb into bed with you so instead you joined him on the floor. Wrapping all of the large wool blankets around both of you before curling into his back, hoping your body heat would be enough to comfort him, the human in him must be ice cold. You flinched when you brushed against his arm and felt the true temperature of his body. Regardless of how uncomfortable you were you went back to sleep and you slept well, especially when he stopped shivering which reassured you that he was finally sleeping peacefully himself.
The next morning came soon enough, you awoke to the smell of eggs as he once again cooked for you. You realized you were back in bed and you looked out of his window in the trunk only to see chickens, cows, a bunch of barn animals outside. He does absolutely everything he can not to go into civilization which means raising these animals to get the ingredients he needs for food and nourishment. You find that impressive, he's built his own little world just outside of the outskirts of the center of the forest where most of the creatures live. You turn to him taking note of his abdomen and the scars over it and you watch as his antennae twitch before he turns to you having sensed your movement. 
“Good morning little nymph! I've made you food and here’s some milk to drink. I figured we could start heading back to your home as soon as you're done eating. People are probably worried about you.”
You eat your food, staring at him in awe. He's so caring, so kind. 
“Oh, no one's worried about me. Nymphs go missing all the time eventually we all wind up getting replaced. Hey, how'd you get those scars? Have you fought very many predators out here?”
“I would rather not discuss that with you nymph. Doesn't that bother you? That nobody would miss you if you were gone? I'd be so concerned I'd search the entire forest before even thinking about “replacing” you.”
“Aw that's sweet, are you starting to like me yet? Sounds like it.”
“H-Hardly…let's get going, you certainly did stray far because we're not exactly close to any nymph nests. Would you like to ride on my shoulder again? You were quite light so I don't mind.”
“Actually I think I'd rather stay here so that's what I'm going to do okay?”
He stares at you for a little while, a strange smile on his face as if he didn't really register what you said. When it did click though he looked at you completely shocked, he's dead quiet as he tried to ponder what to say next, he's got nothing, this was such a strange situation for him, no creature had ever flat-out told him they were going to stay with him before. This little nymph just pushed him straight over the edge into a massive pit of anxiety and confusion. 
“I want to stay with you! You have such a beautiful home and I'm sure I could be of use to you and helping to tend to your creatures! Plus you said you'd miss me if I was gone.”
“No no no no no. I said I would be worried if you randomly went missing. There's a difference there. Why would you want to stay here?...No it's absolutely out of the question I'm bringing you home now.”
“You absolutely are not. I'm not going with you willingly so you'd be forced to hurt me if you're trying to transport me. I will scream Bleez don't test me.”
“You are absolutely infuriating, if you insist on staying here then stay here! I highly doubt you'll last more than a day without any type of socialization. Nymphs are social creatures, I know all about them you need to be around people. You'll be begging to go home within a day.”
“Why would I need to be around people when I have you?”
He groans in frustration before storming off, leaving the small home in the tree trunk to go tend to his barn animals. Yet he did not argue with you after that, in the coming days, he found himself enjoying your company, willing you to stay longer even if you started getting bored. You didn't start getting bored, like you said before you don't need other people when you have him. As long as you can socialize with one person you won't become lonely, you won't start craving that social attention that most nymphs need. You thought eventually he would get tired of you and force you to leave yet he didn't. He in fact encouraged you to stay and cheered you on whenever you helped him reign in his sheep and cattle. He was proud of you, of how far you came in such a short amount of time. Little did he know you would only continue to grow, no longer weak and defenseless. You wanted to protect your new home so he started teaching you how to defend yourself, how to defend your creatures. Eventually, he found himself wanting to sleep with you more, wanting to be by you, craving you more than anything. His antennae twitch whenever you're around, and his wings stretch and hug you tightly whenever you're close enough. He's falling for you, and he's falling fast, his large eyes stay locked on you whenever you're out in the fields that surround his tree. His long mouth parts rub against each other in an attempt to stimulate him at least a little bit…This is starting to be quite the problem. 
It all comes to a head six months after you started living with him. He climbed into bed with you and for the first time in his life, he felt, hard, insanely hard. Painfully erect as he pressed against you. There's no way you didn't feel it either, the way your eyes widened and you turned to stare at him. It was obvious he had no experience, he'd been isolated since the day he was born. He had no interest in ever acting on whatever urges he had so eventually he just didn't feel them anymore. But now that he had the potential to have a lover, someone to mate with it was driving him insane. The mantis in him was also worried, aware that females tend to eat the heads of the male once they finish their mating ritual however he's aware you aren't a mantis so he should be just fine. He doesn't even know if you want him though, he's not exactly attractive to most people, to most beings that is. However, you never once shied away from him, you always treated him like he was special and yet also normal. You've seen so many creatures that you probably are attracted to him in the way he's attracted to you, he shouldn't be afraid but he is. He can barely stutter out the next words that leave his mouth. 
“H-Help me…P-Please.”
You smile, gently kissing one of the mouthparts. This beautiful nymph couldn't possibly be trying to comfort him yet you are. You shift between his legs rubbing your thighs against his slacks, knowing that he's hurting. You kiss his lips gently, reaching behind him to stroke his wings, your other hand moving to his antennae. You're stimulating every single part of him, he's losing his mind in pleasure, his hips moving erratically. He can't control it, he's sorry but before he can stop he finds himself spilling all over your thighs making them sticky as you continue to stroke his most sensitive spots. You don't stop until he's hard again until he's needy and aching for you. Begging for you to touch him, begging you for more and more until he can't take it anymore. Then without you having to even do anything he cums again completely untouched. Just a thought of being inside you was enough to stimulate him to the point that he was a panting, blubbering mess. 
“F-Fuck…Fuck more, give me more please I need it. I'll be good I promise. Please please please-”
He moans desperately when you lift your leg, keeping him on his side and letting him slide between your thighs. You don't want him to roll over and crush his wings. You traced the patterns on his wings as you took his hard cock and positioned him at your slick entrance…He moved on instinct, shoving himself inside of you, nearly finishing right then and there but not wanting to disappoint you. He forces himself to stop moving, panting into your neck, licking up the column of your throat before using his long mouth parts to bite down on you remarkably hard, making you bleed. You cried out in pain and he apologized but he bit you again. He needed to do something to anchor himself or he was going to lose his mind, he started moving. Slow grinding thrusts that had you feeling every single inch of him. His wings flapped and slapped his back, the sound distracting you but you're brought right back into the moment when he suddenly starts moving fast, hard, he once again can't control his hips.
“I'm sorry, fuck I'm sorry. You feel so fucking good so good I'm gonna-”
He spills inside you, his raptorial arms wrapped around you tightly as he prods at you, that's his way of checking on you, trying to show that he cares. He pulled out of your slick a mix of your juices falling out of you. The both of you lay there panting, it was quick, it was needy, it was absolutely perfect. He stares at you for a long while before suddenly breaking the silence, wanting to talk to you, wanting to hear your voice, wanting to know if you enjoyed him even though he was fairly new at this. 
“Are you…okay? Did you enjoy it?”
Your giggling was music to his ears. Your smile is his sun.
“Yes I enjoyed myself thoroughly…who knew your antennae would be so sensitive.”
You caress his head right around the base of his antennae and he shutters.
“D-Don't do that.”
You pull your hand away and kiss him softly, caressing his cheeks and then reaching down to caress his scars. 
“Do you still want to know what happened? How I got these scars?”
“Only if you're comfortable with telling me.”
He hesitates for a moment before sighing, caressing your hair, and finally speaking.
“I told you how your God created me right?”
“Yes, although you didn't seem too happy about it.”
“I was a nymph once. I used to be just like you until I stole from your God so they turned me human and kept me imprisoned until they decided to fuse me with a creature. I had a choice but I didn't choose the creature they wanted so they fused me with the mantis. It was painful, agonizing. I suppose I deserved it. I knew what would come if I got caught stealing from a god. The torture I endured is something I would never wish on anyone little nymph.”
“...I'm so sorry Bleez I don't know what else to say.”
“There's nothing else to say, my love. I simply wanted you to know because you were curious. Rest now when you wake in the morning I'll make you some breakfast and we'll go for a walk on the same trail we met. How does that sound?”
“That sounds nice…Goodnight, my love”
From that moment on everything changed, you were his and he was yours. All the trauma, all the agony, all the abandonment you worked through it together, and eventually he was able to overcome the fear he had of your God and rejoined society long enough to get officially wed to you. That was all he needed you. A little nymph that got lost in the woods, a little nymph that was praying for a miracle. He just so happened to answer.
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freyaphoria · 2 hours
hi hi hope you have a good day! can you do ateez’s reaction when you dug your nail too deep, leaving marks all over their back? i feel like some of them would tease and take it as challenge 😆
Hi! You mentioned their backs, but I didn't want to make every member the same. I hope you don't mind. Have a good day to you too♡
Ateez Reactions: When You Dug Your Nail Too Deep (Hyung Line)
tw: SMUT!! scars, blood, oral, choking, cockwarming, kinda public (idk is it considered as public??), overstimulation, slapping, ahem yeo is harddom so he calls you ✨️bitch✨️, Yuyu calls you ✨️brat✨️
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Sex with Hongjoong was always so deep and intense. Slapping, spitting, bondage, choking... Hongjoong always made love at the extreme.
"Huh? I couldn't hear what you said." Your nose touched his pelvis as he pushed his cock further down your throat. Of course you can't hear it. Every part of my mouth is filled with you you thought.
You began to gag as Hongjoong twitched in your mouth, grabbing your hair and starting to use your mouth. "Bad girl. Stop gagging like a newbie. I taught you better." He grabbed your throat and started squeezing it, and you couldn't take it anymore and dug your nails into his thigh. Your eyes were watering and you didn't know how deep dug, but when Hongjoong cummed in your mouth, you knew you dug deep enough.
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"Hwa slow down you will tear me apart." His fast and powerful thrust forced you to hold on to something. So you put one hand on his shoulder and the other hand holding on to his hair. "You are so beautiful and I am so close. I can't stop, doll." His movements started to become sloppy and you were close to coming. You wanted to hold back and cum when he came, but he was hitting all your sweet spots so well that you scratched his shoulder to try not to come. Seonghwa groaned, "Is my beautiful doll trying not to come? You are so cute, wait let me help you." On the contrary, he increased his speed and went deeper. "Hwa! I will-" Your legs began to tremble, white dots appearing in your vision, and you came as your hand on his shoulder dug deeper into him, drawing a line towards his chest. He came a little after you and looked at the new red scratch wound on his chest. "Wow, that was hot."
The next day, when he came out of the shower and looked at himself in the mirror, he realized how much he liked his new scars. He would definitely ask you to do this more often.
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While Yunho was playing Valorant, you were cockwarming him. It was something you always did. What was different was that Yunho wasn't paying any attention to you and was focusing all his attention on the game, and you were digging your nails into his scalp to attract his attention. "Stop being a brat and stand still until my game is over." He spoke without taking his eyes off the monitor and turned his microphone back on. It was very difficult to stand still because of Yunho's size, so you tugged on his hair again with all your strength. You were trying so hard not to make a sound that your lip started bleeding from biting it.
To warn you, Yunho took his hand away from the mouse and brought it to your thigh and pinched you, but this only made you squirm more. To stay more still, you hugged him with your whole body and put your hands through his shirt and onto his back. Your insides were tightening so much that if you didn't move any more, your walls would start to burn. That's why you didn't listen to Yunho and started to move slightly.
Yunho wanted to warn you again, so this time he suddenly pushed his dick inside you with all his strength, you were left breathless and dug his back with your nail very deeply. “Yunh- Yunho!” as you moaned, Yunho groaned as pain shot through his back. "This is what happens if you don't listen to me." You felt some fluid running down his back and when you looked at your hand you saw that it was bleeding a little. "If you're going to do this if I don't listen to you, then I'll never listen to you again." Yunho grinned at you and was about to turn on his microphone to tell the people in the game that he had work to do and will come to the game later, but when he saw that the microphone was already on and he forgot to turn it off, his eyes widened.
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"Is that all you can give me? Come on bitch, you can do better." Yeosang was pushing you to your 4th orgasm but you had no more strength left. Every muscle ached and there was no part of your body that wasn't spanked. "I- I can't- Agh!!!" You were interrupted by Yeosang hitting your tits. You were so sensitive that even the slightest touch left flames in your body.
Yeosang changed position, laid you on your side and started fucking you from behind. You made a small sound of pain as your legs came together. You wanted to hold on to something so you wouldn't lose yourself as he thrust inside you again and again, so you threw your arm back and grabbed Yeosang's bicep. "How close are you?" You had forgotten how to talk so you were just moaning his name. "I asked you how close you are. I didn't ask who fucks you so well." When he spank your exposed thigh hard, you dug your nail into his arm and made it bleed. "Fuck, are you going to leave a mark on me? So everyone else will know I'm yours?" Your heart pounded at the word yours and your orgasm began to build. "Then everyone else should see that you are mine too." He buried his head in your neck and started biting and sucking hard. Absolutely everyone will see it.
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a/n: It's hard not being able to write smut in my own language. Please read it considering that English is not my first language because I wrote it very badly :(
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lockedtombmemes · 1 year
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buckttommy · 9 months
married firstprince au set 10ish years in the future where alex is a victim of an assassination attempt while him and henry are apart and the absolutely heartstopping, bone crushing fear when henry gets the call........ bonus points if they were in the middle of a fight at the time............. hold on. i'm throwing up on myself....
#GOD. Everyone shut up okay just shut up#Henry just doing his thing minding his business#fighting the everlooming stress of the fact that it's been six days since he's seen his husband#and the last time he saw him they were hurling biting words and insults at each other#(something they agreed to never do since they got married)#and he's already not sleeping because he can't sleep without Alex#so he's a bit miserable.#But then Shaan comes to him one morning and he KNOWS#The minute he looks at his face he feels his heart fucking drop down to his stomach#and he's just like 'tell me he's not dead. tell me'#and Shaan is like 'he's not but it's bad. We need to go'#So the whole flight Henry's just sat there torturing himself over every horrible word he's ever said to ALEX#of all people. It's stupid. The whole fight was stupid and none of it matters because the love of his life might be fucking#dead by the time he gets to the hospital. Anyways. Alex is in surgery again when he gets there#and he has to wait another EIGHT hours just for a doctor to come out and tell him Alex is fine it was touch and go for a minute there#but he really doesn't hear anything beyond 'Alex is fine.'#Anyways when Henry sees his husband he crawls into bed beside him (careful not to hurt him of course) and just holds him#(and cries softly because he's just had the worst twenty-four hours of his life)#and he's still holding him when Alex wakes up and the first words out of his mouth are 'hey baby' and that's when Henry really loses it#Alex drifts back off to sleep (not without mumbling a sleepy apology and an I love you)#but when he wakes up#they talk and Alex is just like 'I was so fucking scared I would hurt you the way your dad did' and Henry is like#'what do you mean sweetheart?' and Alex is like 'i don't want you to know the pain of losing me i don't want to do that to you'#which nearly sends them BOTH over the edge and it's all very tender and sweet.#Anyways then they make out and fall asleep together in the hospital bed#and it's the best sleep Henry has had in days.#the end#future wips#fandom: rwrb
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monty-glasses-roxy · 4 months
I dunno how long ago it was I was talking about it or if I ever did, but I was just thinking about the way some of the animatronics have unique ways of recharging separate to a recharge station.
Like I've had DJ and Roxy using special lamps for recharging for a while with recharge stations being a big risk to the systems, and this has developed a bit since then. Mostly just the reasoning behind why Roxy has it, and it's being given to a few other animatronics in Plex History stuff too. Then there's Chica with a biofuel stomach that converts all food consumed into a power source, and can be used with a recharge station (thanks @/phroggslayer!!) which is neat, even if I keep forgetting about it. Those were the only unique ones I had (I had something for the Minis but I don't remember it) but I've just had a thought.
Now, I don't have the game so I can't just wander around and have a look, but there's water in Gator Golf, right? What if the water has a current and Monty can charge via a fucking water wheel in his chest? Like a stomach hatch where it pops open while he's floating on his stomach like the gator he is and this wheel drops down so the current can turn it and generate power? Seems really inefficient ngl so maybe multiple wheels or something? I dunno I think that would be kinda cool but also kinda goofy???
An alternative could be that the water is electrified and whenever he goes in it, his body absorbs the power through the water. I feel like that would give him the side effect of slowly power draining some animatronics if he hugs them or something though which honestly could still be pretty fun?
Like, he can lie under the restoring lights with Roxy and DJ and cuddle with them (I'm thinking platonically but it doesn't really matter) to charge himself through them. They get to take an extra long nap because he's draining their power while they're getting it from the lights and they like their naps so they like this arrangement actually.
And then you could have Monty hugging Chica to drain from her while she eats, biofuel speed at maximum and they're testing whether or not Chica can eat faster than he can charge. That could be pretty funny. Some fun emotional stuff to look at too with him being unable to touch his friends without draining their energy, but if it's slow enough then it's probably not too big a deal. Even less of a big deal if he can turn it on and off at will.
The waterwheel thing is just so funny to me though??? It's like those cartoons where the robot opens their chest and there's a little hamster running on a wheel in there to power them lmao
But if he can drain power from electronics then he can grab your phone and drain it dry within a few seconds out of spite and I think he deserves that actually. Of course I'd let him be able to use the recharge station as well, but why would he choose to use that over floating around the Gator Golf water features?
#fnaf security breach#montgomery gator#i just think that could be so funny if his chest opens and theres wheels in there#just sits there spinning the wheels himself to stim or something#you put a Mini in the wheel and its the Fazbear version if a hamster wheel lmao#but then the electrified water thing would be so cool for him#he has the hug of Eepy Sleepy and he's not afraid to use it#sees roxy stressing and just picks her up in a bear hug to make her power fall even faster than it already is with her stressing#and she's so mad about it making her sleepy let go of her right the fuck now!!#..... no don't put her under the lights in her comfy hammock!!! put her down somewhere else!!!#jokes on him she's not THAT tired- /falls out of the hammock/#picks her up off the floor and puts her back in all smug cause he knows he's won#HAHAAAA GET EEPY SLEEPIED IDIOT!!!#gets him back by biting his arm and not giving it back even after she's dozed off#now he's fucking STUCK god DAMN it#takes her an hour or two to charge like this depending on how low she is so he's just sat there on the floor#grumpy as all fuck like >:(#cause the Law of the Plex clearly states never to disturb a recharge cycle#ESPECIALLY if its DJ or Roxy's cause they EEPY you can't wake them up!!! that's mean!!! cruel!!! unjust!!!#he is stuck there and no one is going to help him. he brought this on himself.#and if COURSE she's still touching him so he's unintentionally draining from her so she's gonna be sleeping even LONGER#once again the score board remains tied lmao#it also means that after every fight night they have with eachother ends in Roxy going to sleep#so it'd be funny if that were their version of a bedtime routine lmao#but the water wheel is so fucking goofy...#i dunno man anyone have any thoughts?#oh my god if he's floating around with the water wheel while someone's playing golf#they hit it a bit too hard and it goes in the water#but on it's way there it bounced off his snoot lmao#or he grabs it and puts it on his nose and has a kid stand on him to take the shot from there
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torchickentacos · 2 days
taylor idk who chappell roan is i think that makes me disqualified from being queer forever (←sapphic girl)
She's a musical artist! She's pretty up-and-coming right now and is seen as a wlw queer icon in the music industry, but I've never been able to get into her music even though tons of other sapphics love it. I probably just haven't given it enough of a chance. Casual is a good song though!
#big ol' personal opinions disclaimer down here in the tags. also lisia this is soooo unrelated to your question sorry lol#i also kind of hate a very specific subset of chapelle fans and i can't listen to her without thinking of them dkjfsdkjfnkdsf#which is a really stupid reason to not listen to her music and i know it but alas brains work in weird ways#i don't judge her by her fans! but i just have that tainted association. like how sometimes you feel ill after eating something#and even if that didn't cause you to be sick- you still refuse to eat it afterwards? it's like that#it's not her. she did literally nothing wrong. it's just an unfortunate little brain link that i can't get rid of#saw a couple of fans talking about toxic bisexuals and their 'inferiority complex' and that put me off of her music as a whole tbh#in regards to debates about her sexuality#one was talking about how bisexuals 'marry the patriarchy'.#quote-'bisexuals have freddy mercury. that alone is all you need' :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) i'm going to bite someone.#it's like these few specific fans were tailor made to put me off of her#unfortunately i have not gotten past that yet but if i ever can undo that brain association and enjoy her music i will let yall know ksdjks#unfortunately as of right now i am programmed to see her name and think of the (probably very few) jackasses in her fandom#just kinda made me feel unwelcome when i was trying out her music a bit more sadly#it was never her as an artist or a person. just a few idiots but it was enough#idk. i should try again though. chapelle fans. which songs should i try to start again with?#anyways i should probably stop swinging the bat at the biphobia nest lest it come back to bite me but dkjfdksjf yeah tldr she's a musician#a very talented one! just one that i cannot enjoy quite yet. i hope i can kinda defrost about it though
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