#'look he changed his name to omega and he's leading chaos's armies'
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I “love” the betrayal fics where the entire camp suddenly believes that this new guy has actually accomplished all of Percy’s achievements and Percy lied to all of them, like camp didn’t literally witness half of those accomplishments and like Percy actually outright says “I did X.” Percy says almost nothing about what he does, Camp hears about most of his achievements from others
oh, we've all seen those fics. new guy shows up, he's actually Percy's half-brother. Annabeth suddenly only has eyes for him, everyone suddenly hates Percy because new guy does too, Poseidon may or may not disown Percy, and then Percy runs away and joins Chaos.
it's been copied and pasted thousands of times in hundreds of ways.
not a single one of those fics has Percy's departure from Camp happen realistically. it's not even impossible to grow resentment between Percy and the campers, which is what these writers seem to want. but the way they go about it? a cookie cutter asshole pied piper OC who steals the spotlight and turns Camp into a hostile mob of angry demigods? Unrealistic. 0/10 trope, literally 50% of why i will not read fanfictions with OCs.
have some realistic ways of turning Camp against Percy or vice versa:
- Percy could be captured. The area he was taken from is drenched in blood. no one could survive that, Percy's gotta be dead, so Camp doesn't look for him. after [x amount of time] of captivity and probably torture, Percy gives up hoping for a rescue. he discovers darker uses for his powers, frees himself, and doesn't go back to camp, because they abandoned him. opens the road for angst and emotion and tearful reunions etc.
- Camp is attacked. maybe it was a lazy beach day. no one is ready, only a few campers have their weapons. they're outnumbered and maybe surrounded and definitely out of options. Percy won't let anyone die. two ways to go about this one:
A) percy destroys the attackers single-handedly, using every tool in his arsenal, every fucked up thing he can think of to make sure his people survive. he controls poison and blood and drowns monsters and, i don't know, freezes them into ice cubes or boils their skin or stops their hearts. Camp is terrified of him now. he leaves. or B) the armed campers fight back, but percy isn't fighting. he's busy keeping the injured from dying. how? he's controlling their blood. he won't let it deviate from its normal path. Camp is terrified of him now. he leaves.
- [x god] sends Percy on a quest. but, surprise! it's not a quest! it's a trick, to lead Percy to his death! Percy survives, but can't go back or he'll be revealing he's still alive before he figures out why [x god] tried to have him killed and if there's anyone else behind it. fun conspiracy vibes.
- percy adopts a new pet, except this time it's a drakon. "Percy," Chiron says very patiently and not-at-all exasperated, "you can't keep a drakon as a pet. it will eat your friends and we don't have the space." Percy flips authority the bird and strikes out with his new pet to find somewhere they can settle. kinda cracky but written right it could be funny.
- Percy pisses Zeus off. not surprising. Zeus wants to kill Percy. not surprising. for his own good, Chiron sends Percy on a roadtrip/changes his name and sends him to mexico along with multiple witness protection agents/quest to keep Percy out of sight for a while to allow the king of olympus time to cool down, because we like when percy is alive and also the war poseidon would wage at his death would kill us all.
are all of them 100% realistic? no, but neither is Percy leaving Camp. Hera had to literally kidnap him and erase his memory to keep him away. the point is that they're different and plausible, and not the same exact trope repeated over and over again until i can tell you the plot of hundreds of betrayal works in one sentence.
#mav.ask#agree those fics are like 'oh woo hoo it's dark percy!'#no it's not its you butchering the books to make him into a poorly disguised OC#'look he changed his name to omega and he's leading chaos's armies'#percy jackson#percy jackson headcanon#pjo#heroes of olympus#dark percy jackson
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Infinite is connected to Solaris
This is gonna be a long one, strap in.
Infinite, Infinite, Infinite. The most recent in-game villain, and the most powerful in recent history as well. Despite being only around 3 years old, he’s become extremely popular. and half of that is because of the song.
Mephiles, Iblis, and Solaris. Villains over 10 years old that haven’t been used since their original game appearance in Sonic the Hedgehog (2006)
Or... have they?
Now I want to say before all of this, this all could be coincidences, me being delusional, or something otherwise. It is ONLY a theory, but for something as crazy as I’m claiming I need to preface with this for my own sanity.
But i’m gonna cut the bullshit. You’re here to see how I am going to bs my way to saying that Infinite the Jackal is connected to a dead god from what is regarded as the worst Sonic game.
And, like most of these, I need to start with some house cleaning, some things you need to understand.
1. Time Eater is Mephiles
You might have seen me meme about this before...
...But yeah that’s exactly the situation.
I had theorized this before I knew Ian Flynn thought the same thing. Their identical color-schemes, almost identical aesthetic, and completely identical power-set.
Even the name Time-Eater, that was Mephiles, and Solaris’s goal. To eat time.
2. Ifrit is Iblis
Now i’m going to assume you have two questions
If Time Eater is Mephiles, than where’s his counterpart, Iblis?
Who the fuck is Ifrit
Long and Short,
But, more importantly,
Ifrit is what caused Silver’s Future post Sonic 06.
Ifirit was their retcon for keeping Silver’s future the way it is (even though they defeat it at the end of sonic rivals 2, causing the future to not be that way, hence why Silver was 3 conflicting backstories. Thanks guys.)
So, when it comes to fire demon that destroys the world and causes the future that Silver the hedgehog lives in, that’s a good amount of evidence already, especially with the preface that Mephiles is alive in the form of Time-Eater. If Mephiles was reborn, why wouldn’t also Iblis? and Ifirit is so uncannily similar theres no other candidate.
also, might I add:
(thanks @zorloser)
For you who don’t know, Ifrit’s story ended being re-trapped in it’s pocket dimension with Eggman Nega.
3. The Phantom Ruby
The Phantom Ruby... Oh, the Phantom Ruby.
A very new addition to Sonic, and yet very important. It was the leading mcguffin of two games, and is made out to be very powerful.
yes I know that’s a lot up there, but you need to understand the Phantom Ruby to fully understand this theory.
It’s also very important that Eggman didn’t create the Phantom Ruby as he claims. He created Infinite, not the stone attached to him. Despite there being prototypes, which does confuse me, but from what info we’re given from the wiki the Phantom Ruby seems to have come from Classic Sonic’s universe, even retreating there after the events of Forces. This is also confirmed in Episode Shadow:
Although, Eggman did name it, seemingly on a whim.
~Tangent Time~
Despite being CALLED a Ruby by Eggman, the Phantom Ruby doesn't LOOK like a ruby, despite being magenta.
Rubies CAN be dark even to the point of being Black, but never connected. They’re usually just one shade.
(And don’t you dare say “The chaos emeralds don’t look like emeralds bc they’re not green. They’re all TECHNICALLY emeralds, they’re part of the beryl family, and even if only green beryls are called emeralds, they are all the exact shades of beryl.)
But what the Phantom Ruby DOES look like, is obsidian.
note this for later.
4. Infinite
For those who don’t fully know Infinite’s backstory, it’s expanded upon on the wiki and Rise of Infinite
Now that we’re all on the same page, lets continue to him now.
Lovingly referred to as the “Masked Clown.” Infinite goes about the entirety of Sonic Forces revealing nothing of himself, the only things we know about him are from Episode Shadow and Rise of Infinite. We don’t even see his real face in-game.
Although we have enough to know that his personality changed post Phantom Ruby, it’s even mentioned on the Wiki. Although how much of that change was spurred on by being beat up by a 15 year old, we’ll probably never know.
Although his goal has always been the same. Starting the planet over as a desolate wasteland. What a fun dude to be around. Probably the life of the party.
5. Connections
(i’m using Mephiles and Time-Eater intermittently, same with Iblis and Ifrit.)
Alright, now we’re all on the same page. Let’s move on.
I’m going to play a game we’ve played before. I’m going to name something about Infinite or the Phantom Ruby, and add something that’s eerily simmilar to Solaris (Mephiles + Iblis)
All of this Info can be found on the Sonic Wiki
Phantom Ruby: -It is an interdimensional gemstone of incredible power- Ifrit: It is an interdimensional, demonic fire-creature of incredible power- (wow those are, the same description huh)
Infinite: -After Infinite's fusion with the finalized Phantom Ruby prototype, he acquired the ability to generate, destroy, and manipulate virtual realities, which he could turn into virtual reality projections to interact with reality.[32] Said virtual realities are illusions, which Infinite creates by exercising control of one's visual and depth perception by feeding the brain false information- Ifrit: -Described as capable of binding one's soul, the Ifrit can enslave others with powerful mind control powers.- -Ifrit, which manages to use some kind of mind control on Sonic and/or Tails (or Knuckles and/or Rouge, depending on which team the player is controlling), but is defeated by the other teams, and is destroyed.-
Infinite: -Infinite's newfound strength proved so great that he was able to effortlessly defeat figures like E-123 Omega and Silver the Hedgehog, and ultimately best even Sonic the Hedgehog twice. He was even able to single-handedly overwhelm the entire Resistance army during Operation Big Wave. His power was such that not even the Miles Electric was able to give an accurate reading of his capabilities.[31] Time Eater: -the Time Eater has demonstrated immense super strength; even in its incomplete form, it easily knocked Modern Sonic and Classic Sonic unconscious with a single hit. After being completed, the Time Eater was able to effortlessly repel both Classic and Modern Sonic's and knock them out using brute force alone-
Phantom Ruby: Its powers can also warp the fabric of space-time,[1] allowing it to create pocket dimensions such as Egg Reverie Zone and Null Space, as well as teleport entities from place to place. When used alongside the Chaos Emeralds' time-space powers, it transported Classic Sonic and itself to another dimension, and later sucked Dr. Eggman into a rift- Time Eater: Its signature skill however, is creating "Time Holes",[8] spacial rifts that lead to any point across time and space, including alternate timelines and across different dimensions.
Infinite: When everything you know has come and gone (You are at your lowest, I am rising higher) Only scars remain of who I was (What I find in the ashes, you lose in the fire) When there's no one left to carry on (This is an illusion, open up your eyes and...) This pain persists, I can't resist But that's what it takes to be infinite Solaris: -Much like his two halves, Iblis and Mephiles, Solaris is immortal and virtually indestructible.- -As a transcendent life form, Solaris possesses a unique state of existence that lets him exist in the past, present and future simultaneously, making him omnipresent throughout time and virtually impossible to defeat unless he is attacked simultaneously in all eras-
Possible reach:
Phantom Ruby:
(I’m refering to the odd red-stone in the middle, also that the wings somewhat resemble Infinite’s sword.)
~Tangent Time~
remember the first tangent? Where I meantioned that the Phantom “Ruby” looked more like obsidian than a ruby?
Well someone else looks like a certain type of obsidian, Snowflake Obsidian to be exact:
Alright Reaching time over.
Now you might have noticed that the Ifrit-Infinite connections seemed to fit just a bit more-Maybe it was just me- even down to the Phantom Ruby and Ifrit’s OPENING DESCRIPTION being almost copy/paste, which i’m still amazed at.
This get’s to the next part of my theory.
6. Where are they (Mephiles/Iblis) now?
Welcome to~ where are they now!
Mephiles, or Time-Eater, So far is undocumented. It’s said they were “Destoryed” at the end of Sonic Generations, but for all we know it was just the machine additions, and Mephiles was “destoryed” over 10 years ago and he started kicking again.
Iblis, or Ifrit, was locked in it’s own pocket dimention along with Nega, and hasn’t been seen since...or have they?
haha that’s a callback! Do you remember the beginning of this post or is it too mindbogglingly long for your brain to comprehend in one sitting?
7. The Phantom Ruby is Iblis/Ifrit
let’s talk about the power set of the Phantom Ruby. Interdimentional, very powerful, capable of some kind of mind fuckery.
Ifrit is, Interdimentional, very powerful, capable of some kind of mind fuckery, immortal and is constantly on fire,
You may be wondering about this “Fire” thing. “Solaris was a sun god and infinite has no connection-” WRONG!
sorry that was forceful.
Infinite used a very specific and strange method to destroy the planet. He made an illusion of the sun, and set it on the planet. Out of all the methods, and interesting choice to be sure. But not for a sun god.
also: “What I find in the ashes, you lose in the fire”
“What are you saying you dumb bitch?” You might be thinking. First of all, rude, second of all, I’m saying that the power inside the Phantom Ruby IS Iblis/Ifrit, hence their connection.
Before I get to timeline and other stuff, some minor things:
The decision to have Infinite take on specifically Silver, and showing Silver being able to withstand a fight against him for a good amount of time, as well as giving them a minor repertoire, which no other seemingly “unconnected” Resistance Fighters get.
the name “Infinite” fitting the naming scheme if “Iblis and Ifrit” and you know how this franchise is about naming schemes.
Now, where we last left Ifrit he was trapped in a pocket dimension with Nega.
Where we first find the Phantom Ruby is “In Sonic Mania, the Phantom Ruby appeared on Angel Island after a dimensional breach occurred in the atmosphere.” (via sonic wiki)
Now, it is kinda hard to connect those two lines, but the dimensional causation is there.
(I could add an ENTIRE subsection of me trying to connected Mephiles to the time-traveling nature of Little Planet, therefore connecting Solaris to Classic Sonic’s world ((and “fun is infinite)) but this theory doesn’t need to be any longer and I cannot physically do any more research.)
it’s possible Ifrit would be trapped, Mephiles was trapped in the Scepter of Darkness, so it’s more possible than impossible.
But, Imma be fully honest with you guys, Most of this is because of the song.
If you haven’t heard “Infinite”, What is wrong with you. Go listen to it. Oh my god.
But, some of the lyrics, don’t totally make sense knowing Infinite’s backstory. But it makes more sense seeing through the lens of the added Ifrit influence.
“And after all this time you're back for more“ (If talking about Shadow, it wasn’t a “long time” inbetween Infinite’s defeat and his rise. And Infinite has no stated relationship with Sonic. However, Solaris and subsequently, Iblis, do.) “When everything you know has come and gone“ “But that's what it takes to be infinite“
Even the name “Infinite.”
He chose that name after fusing to the Phantom Ruby and “ABAndoNiNg hIS pAsT SeLf”
But, the Phantom Ruby has no connotations of immortality. None specified. it’s possible it’s power could be used to trick the user into immortality, but it’s never specified. You’d think he’d be called “Phantom” or, even, “Zero” (his working-and possibly true-name) But no. Infinite.
Now, think back to the connections earlier, and the info I took from Solaris’s wiki.
“Omnipresent throughout time and space”
Sounds pretty “Infinite” to me.
Am I saying Infinite is the new Iblis Trigger? Yes.
Ok my fingers hurt from writing this sorry it’s so long
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2017 Drarry Fics that Changed the World
This is not a 2017 “best-of” or “favorites” list, but rather a list to highlight some of the amazing ways that the Drarry fandom has been tackling important issues this year. It’s been exciting to watch and I’m so eager to see what everyone will come up with next. (Many of these fics fit more than one category, so the categorization is a bit random in places.)
Race/Ethnicity and PoC Representation
Changing Tides by @carpemermaidtales for HD-Erised: Draco has spent half of his life spouting the things his father has taught him without much thought about how he feels about what he says. When he unexpectedly comes face to face with the Dark Lord, he grapples with the harsh realities of the world and struggles with his changing views on life. Instead of doing what’s expected of him fifth year, he joins Dumbledore’s Army and learns how to defend himself, how to make his own choices, and how he can be something greater than his father’s example as he grows into his own man rather than his father’s shadow. The choices he makes change both his and Harry’s fates, intertwining their paths until they converge. Through tackling the cultural implications of PoC Harry, MA explores Harry coming to terms with his identity as an orphan without connection to his family.
Dear Enemy by @gingertodgers: An anonymous benefactor makes a generous donation to Harry Potter's School for Squibs in exchange for a weekly letter from the Boy Who Lived. What begins as a chore soon becomes the only outlet Harry has to talk about the war, love, life, hope, redemption, his renewed obsession with a certain blonde nemesis and how he really, honestly, believes that this will be the year Puddlemere United reclaim the Quidditch League Cup. Dear Enemy features diversity in every sense of the word and PoC that don't feel tokenised. And Draco, whose whiteness is always highlighted, having a mixed-race son whom he adores is especially exciting.
Hogwarts Crammer by @waspabi: 'You're a wizard, Harry' is easier to hear from a half-giant when you're eleven, rather than from some kids on a tube platform when you're seventeen and late for work. Waspabi’s Hogwarts Crammer is compelling from start to finish, and features PoC Harry and Hermione.
Tales from the Special Branch by @femmequixotic: When Gawain Robards asks him to form Special Branch seven-four-alpha, Harry Potter knows they'll have to work outside the confines of the law--even though they are the law. Tales from the Special Branch is amazing for lots of reasons, including PoC representation and Jewish Pansy!
Wild by @seefin: “No,” Harry said, by way of greeting. Malfoy’s blonde head rose slowly, carelessly. “Get out.” “I feel as though we’ve already established this, Potter,” Malfoy responded. “And I feel that what we established was that you telling me to get out of places really doesn’t make me more likely to vacate them.” Wild is a great story with lots of non-standard magic and PoC Harry.
Body Diversity and Fat Positivity
A Matter of Opinion by @goldentruth813: Harry and Draco have been together for over a decade with a life of happiness and memories to look back upon, but when one story in the Prophet questions their relationship, Draco finds the insecurity it weaves threatening to destroy everything they've built. GoldenTruth tells an amazing story of Draco coming to terms with his changing body as he learns to move past his insecurities.
The Words We Say by @agentmoppet: Harry knows with certainty that he and Draco Malfoy are in love. Until one day, he doesn't, and then the only thing he knows is that he is losing him. A companion piece to A Matter of Opinion, and another great look at the story.
The Things We Did and Didn’t Do by @gingertodgers: Harry is due back from visiting Hermione and Ron in Australia, 3 months after finally spending the night with Draco. It's time to DTR. Chubby!Harry and discussion of how body changes can cause anxieties about a relationship.
Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy, 75 Years of the Golden Couple by @gingertodgers: The epic love story of Harry Potter & Draco Malfoy, narrated for the Daily Prophet (Or the Quibbler) from their rocky start at Hogwarts, to the fighting in opposite sides during the War, to the rebuilding, to the marriage/partnership until their old age. I would love something about the "big picture" of Harry/Draco's relationship, from 11 years old to 110 years old! Another great one from GingerTodgers looking at the long-run of a relationship.
Night Changes by @writcraft: Draco and Harry have spent years dancing around one another, but Potter’s straight and married. Until one day he isn’t. This lovely fic has older, well-rounded characters who are still figuring life out.
Balance, Imperfect by @bixgirl1: When Harry sustains an injury in the line of work, he no longer knows how to navigate the life he loved, and finds help and solace from the most unexpected source. Balance is great because it consciously and tactfully tackles the mental health aspects of a disability and allows Harry to finally work through his trauma.
Mental Health
What We Pretend We Can’t See by gyzym: Seven years out from the war, Harry learns the hard truth of old history: it’s never quite as far behind you as you thought. My love for this fic knows no bounds, and anxious and obsessive Draco is one of the reasons. “You do understand that it’s not — that I’ll always be this person, don’t you? That you’re not going to calm me down with sex?”
Quiet by @silveredglass: Draco is alone in the Slytherin dorms until Harry starts coming to visit. Silv’s fic is amazingly sweet and atmospheric, tackling healing from war trauma.
The Malfoy Conudrum by Omi_Ohmy for HD-Erised: Harry’s miserable living with his memories at Grimmauld Place, so after a chance meeting he takes the opportunity to move somewhere new. His housemates, though, are rather unexpected. Especially the blond, pointy one… A great fic that deals well with depressed Harry.
Heartache by @bixgirl1: "Harry doesn't think about Malfoy anymore. Not really. Not intentionally. What if the one person you least expect is the only one who really understands what you've gone through? This 8th year fic deals with PTSD.
Queer and LGBT Issues
Adventures in Solitude (Are You There, Sirius? It’s Me, Draco) by @oceaxereturns for HD-Erised: Draco is grateful to have had Sirius’ portrait to confide in all those years ago, about his sexuality and unwanted feelings for a classmate named Harry. But when he gets the portrait out of storage after twenty years, the secrets he has kept from Sirius all along come out. Secrets about Draco’s role in the war... and secrets about Harry Potter. This fic does an incredible job of capturing teenage sexuality crisis and putting it into perspective later in life.
Out and the Open by @henrymercury: The war is over, and Draco finally has the courage to decide who she is. The war is over, and Harry finally has the freedom to decide what she likes. Trans!Draco and poly dynamics.
The Light that is Blinding Me by Leontina for HD-Erised: After Flourish and Blotts stop stocking the books of Harry’s favourite author, he is directed to a queer bookshop and discovers it’s owned by none other than Draco Malfoy, who has more in common with Harry than either of them realise. MA wrote this incredible, heartwarming fic that uses queer spaces and queer life as a setting; it is completely fluffy and romantic and 100% a love story with a happy ending; AND YET it also addresses all the nastiness in the political world—hate crimes, homophobia—and has the characters in the world, in public, engaging in it all.
The Only True Goal of the Universe by punk_rock_yuppie: It comes up, as most juvenile things do, in a game of Truth or Dare. An 8th year fic featuring trans!Draco.
Gender, Consent, and Sex
Embers by @shiftylinguini: Werewolf Alphas aren't meant to be alone, or to suppress their ruts indefinitely like Draco has been since he was bitten eight years ago. He needs company, companionship, to knot ― he needs an Omega Heat Companion. At least, that’s what the Healers say, and even Draco can admit contacting the person they’ve referred him to might be nice. Of course it turns out to be bloody Potter. Groundbreaking AOB that subverts standard power dynamics and trope-standard ideas about consent and restraint.
Cauldron Full of Hot, Strong Love by @aibidil: A group of wizards' rights activists retaliate against the Ministry after Hermione Granger wages a campaign to outlaw love potions. The group invents a sexual assault potion that throws the Ministry into chaos and starts a debate about the horror of magic’s role in sexual assault. Auror Harry Potter, Potions expert Draco Malfoy, Senior Undersecretary Hermione Granger, and Wheezes’ love potion expert Ron Weasley are assigned to the case. As they pursue the attackers and navigate the murky legal nature of consent, Harry and Draco are forced to confront their own desires. I feel like an ass reccing my own fic, but I was told to include it. Consent! Love potions! Feminism! Political debates!
Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood by @agentmoppet and @decanthrope: Harry's used to finding distractions to avoid studying, but propositioning Malfoy to get rid of the pesky problem of their virginity is on a whole new level, even for him. This story is incredible for realistic sex, safe sex, awkward sex!
You and Me by @bixgirl1: When Harry sits down with Malfoy, he's really only looking for a reprieve from the constant stares and whispers. (Mostly.) What he gets instead are a series of strange events that lead to a friendship that is something else, questions that nobody knows how to answer, and the realisation that the person that Harry doesn't know how to hate, anymore, seems to be the person who knows exactly what he needs. A story in which everything is complicated. And yet, somehow, none of it is. A really fantastic story involving serious kink negotiation.
Family Dynamics
Shibboleths by @lol-zeitgeistic for HD-Erised: Muggle Immersion co-Professor Harry Potter spends his days hanging with his son, reading to his "dog," teaching magical kids about the internet with his cousin Dudley, and irritating Snape’s portrait. He’s understandably annoyed when his cosy life is interrupted by the Headmistress hiring on Draco Malfoy to be Hogwarts’ new Ancient Magical Cultures and Spellcasting professor. But then the explosion happens, and it turns out they'll all need Malfoy's knowledge if they want the magical world to survive. Shibboleths is awesome for one million reasons, but one thing I love about it is the family dynamics: seriously enviable group parenting of children (Mum Three!), deep exploration of Dursley family issues, etc.
Walking on the Air by @frnklymrshnkly: In which Molly won't stop themeing Christmas Eve and Harry has a rebellious streak. I can’t get over the family that frnkly paints here. Harry/Draco live in a townhouse with Astoria/Ginny/Luna to raise their children together. I want to live in this fic.
Poly Dynamics
Electric Light by @seefin His gloves are from last year and the left one has a small tear in the charmed leather that he has to keep out of sight of Professor Sprout, who would go into a whole lecture on health and safety if she saw it, and then insist he wore a pair from the lost and found bucket in the corner of her mouldy old office. Seefin writes this gorgeous little story that brings out the H/D/N relationship so incredibly well.
Electric Violet by @henrymercury: "If I could go back and tell my past self," Draco says, as he hasn't stopped saying yet and presumably never will, "that one day Harry Potter would present me with a large purple dildo..." He trails off, apparently unable to describe quite what the outcome of this hypothetical interaction would be. "Harry wins," Neville wheezes, "it's too good. It's just," Nev stops because he's laughing too hard again, "Harry, did you think we didn't have enough dicks between us already, or something?" I rec this fic constantly because it is so incredibly funny, but it’s also a wonderful exploration of a three-person relationship and henrymercury really highlights the way they each offer the other something unique.
Claiming of Grimmauld Place by @bixgirl1 for HD-Erised: When Grimmauld Place begins fighting against Harry’s ownership of it, he decides he needs help to train the historic home — but little does he expect that it’ll be Malfoy who’s most suitable for the challenge. However, as Malfoy and Harry get closer, Harry comes to understand that expectations aren’t always the best path by which to guide his heart — and in the process learns just what is needed to make a house a home. This fic is mostly great for other reasons, but it has a really lovely development of Luna/Pansy/Ginny as a side relationship, poly side ships being a trend in a lot of recent Drarry fic.
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The cast [so far]
It’s been a while since I talked about why I’m doing all this , what these blogs are really for and just what got me started . For those who are following me I hope you enjoy this . For any not yet or who don’t want to read there will be a TLDR at the bottom so skip there now. Metal Knux , The start of this entire crazy idea starts with metal Knux . I got into sonic because of metal knuckles in sonic R and angel island , metal knuckles design I enjoyed greatly and the idea of a living island was also something I enjoyed . Now while the two were never in the same scene is any cannon case I made ‘Metal Knux’ my version into a avatar on secondlife where I built the sim and was ‘guardian’ of the island. Metal Knux is a kid , He’s as mature as his organic counterpart and a bit less dense , but all in all metal knux loves questioning things , exploring and sometimes meeting people . But will guard the island and all the emeralds as hard as he can. He’s a lead player in the series I’m making and I’m using him here to really help flesh him out. E-102 Gamma , Ok so ... Look I just love this character he’s just a big freaking teddy bear . Trying to understand life , trying to learn right from wrong . I mean even in cannon it’s easy to see a robot with a big heart . I stick true to his character as best I can . though i’ll admit in terms of his speech pattern I tend to slip a bit from time to time . In my series “Metal Mayhem Documented Disaster Recovery “ Gamma is reactivated / rebuilt , By Kono , Upon reactivation Gamma has some memory but from damage and degradation has lost a good chunk of it. It’s online systems tell him ‘unit e-123 Omega’ is active and we start off with Gamma going to find Omega to fill in it’s memory. Gamma sees how well Omega works with G.U.N And decides to join the freedom fighters wanting to help without running the risk of humans taking control of him again. Metal Sonic 0.3 , Metal Sonic 0.3 is one of the main villains , named 0.3 in it’s own coding , 0.3 was a prototype Metal Sonic Made out of a hard and heavy metal meant to allow it to beat up sonic . The problem being it was to heavy and therefor to slow. 0.3 is self aware and when it’s reactivated , it remembers being deactivated . He betrays Doctor Ivo Robotnik on the spot rather then attempting to kill the doctor directly it destroys his base around him as it leaves. 0.3 goes missing for years , sitting in the shadows watching the freedom fighters , learning , planning , and rebuilds it’s own legs with turbines allowing it better speed. 0.3 Also learns of old tech the doctor created when it finds a abandon robot factory on the edges of robotropolis deep under ground. It’s find the properly named ‘E.M Shield’ and re-purposes it to protect it’s core. He uses the factory to copy himself stealing materials from robotropolis and in the process creates a hive mind that is superior to the attempts of it’s creator . The Copies recognize each other as themselves. To establish itself , 0.3 self-destructs and it’s core takes over a copy. No in-fighting occurs and it is a full success. This allows 0.3 to become almost omnipresent. However While they will not fight each other. 0.3 is egotistical believing it is perfection and life forms below it must be destroyed making it and all copies over confident . Metal Sonic: This Robot sonic had the worst luck when it undermined the abilities of the small South Island Freedom Fighters group. It was taken down by two of the SIFF’s members, Kono and Rosa, in the woods and left there. Shortly before leaving the SIFF’s Kono retrieves the downed robian and begins working on it. Using his memories of the worlds hero ‘sonic’ He slowly reprograms and fixes the robian , To act as a hero , it’s given sonic’s attitude and minor character aspects but is left with open programming to learn and create it’s own identity . Metal Sonic is aware it is not the real sonic but has no idea what to name itself . It aligns it’self with Kono and helps him try to locate the long lost ‘Floating island’ . Metal Sonic becomes a self-reliant unit always rushing to help where it can of it’s own choosing , and vanishing as quickly as it appeared not allowing those it has saved to even get a good look at it. Unfortunately it’s vast uncertainty of purpose leads it develop a rather standoff-ish attitude. Never turning evil but not yet willing to play the part of the good guy. G.U.N Soldier Solace : Solace is the last mobian to have been roboticized , After joining G.U.N in the belief that the freedom fighters would be given more support from G.U.N the more mobians in it , Solace sustained life threatening injuries during a raid on Robotropolis . The process of robotization was the only option to save his life , a few memories lost and slight attitude change , Solace came through mostly unchanged. Solace’s actions and bravery convinced even General Shepard to be more open with the mobians on the planet , No alliances were formed but G.U.N’s force slowly began protecting even the Tribal Mobians Villages from Robotnik’s attacks. Back out on the front line in his new body Solace made a name for himself quickly and gained through the ranks in a mad dash. However Solace did not prefer titles and continued to refer to himself as ‘G.U.N Soldier’ leaving his current actual rank unknown. G.U.N cmd.Tolsir [toll-sear] Tolsir is known for being the head of every G.U.N operation he can get involved in. He is also a very public figure to both the human and Mobian populations. He has lead the talks on unifying G.U.N forces and the Freedom Fighters against the ever growing threat of Robotnik’s army. Following the disaster of Robotropolis’s core failing and due to G.U.N’s quick reactions to the situation under his command , Tolsir contained the nuclear meltdown to the central city of robotropolis. the casualties are still being counted. Tolsir took no down time , confirming the blast radius , finding his surviving units , sending support to all near by civilians . The man spread his forces thin to rescue those who escaped and protect those who had lost their protection in the chaos. Tolsir plays a very big role over all and I don’t think I could fit it all here. [Keep a eye out for his page. coming soon] Snivley: Prisoner , Traitor , Villain , Hero Known to most as the late Doctor’s nephew , Snivley is twice the brilliant mind of his uncle. Captured at the end of the great war he is held in G.U.N’s custody . As the years go by and with the passing of Doctor Ivo Robotnik . Snivley is put on a leash in order to gian his freedom he must helpt dismantle his uncle’s creations , safely. Including Robotropolis it’self . Tired of being torn from one cage to be tossed into another , under his uncle’s boots or under G.U.N’s heel . He becomes a stand up member of G.U.N helping take apart weapons , robots , all sorts of creations. Until finally they make it to Robotropolis’s central nuclear core. The snake makes a plan and acts it out perfectly . To all it would seem he was dead . To all it would seem a accident. To all who could not see in his mind , Snivley would simply be another casualty of the worst catastrophe planet Mobius had ever seen. The meltdown of the main core. [A lot to say but he’s on his way to say it all himself]
#metal mayhem documented disaster recovery#story#sonic the hedgehog#sonic#sonic oc#story telling#story writing#wip#read and enjoy
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