#'how daaare you!'
gctchell · 6 months
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marriage in a little black chapel is on the mind.
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soubidou · 10 months
Warren Peace
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hood-ex · 5 months
Gasp wait I didn't realize they changed Thomas Wayne Jr.'s backstory how could they do this to me 😭.
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diego: suprised luther is the first one to get hitched" they don't show five. for good reason. he is just giving the biggest death glare. i was married for 30 years diego. how dare he. he met her when i was drunk the first time. how daaare he forget my love my wif my world
can you tell watching five get wasted makes me drunk by proxy? kinning is weird.
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wilyserpentofeden · 1 year
Laughing abt the difference between the scenes in the book vs the show when Aziraphale is telling Crowley that deep down he's nice bc in the book Crowley doesn't even let him say the word "nice" and is basically like "don't even think abt it bitch." and they keep going with barely a disturbance in the conversation. But in the show Crowley is like "HOW DAAARE YOU. IM SO FUCKING MAD THAT IM GOING TO HOMOEROTICALLY PIN YOU AGAINST A WALL AND PRESS OUR NOSES TOGETHER. THIS IS DEFINITELY NORMAL TO DO."
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siverwrites · 4 months
Little Star
Ghost Swap time! With the prompt, "Pre-game Jowd introducing baby Kamila to Cabanela"
Read here or AO3 https://archiveofourown.org/works/56598496
Wrong kind of white coat, Jowd thought idly to himself as Cabanela entered the hospital room. He wasn't awkward exactly because Cabanela didn't do awkward, but Jowd knew he knew his friend well enough by now to spot the unease under the flow.
And yes, under that ridiculously deep bow and giant bouquet of flowers, too.
"Alma's asleep, but I'm sure she'll appreciate these when she wakes up," Jowd said as he took the flowers. "We'll be home tomorrow. We could have waited." He added as Cabanela’s gaze wandered the room taking it all in.
Cabanela’s gaze snapped back to him with a grin. "You can’t expect me to miss the chance to save Alma from hospital food. Have sooome faith, baby."
Where Cabanela stored anything in that slim coat was a mystery Jowd had yet to solve, but sure enough, with a flourish as elaborate as his previous bow, out came a bag filled with snacks. Jowd took that, too, and placed both it and the flowers on the bedside table for Alma to see when she awoke.
Jowd smiled down at the bassinet and the little figure within. Worry had turned to relief and joy and now some amusement joined the throng as Cabanela continued to stand back. No, of course he wasn't nervous at all. Nice try, my friend.
"Ready to meet Kamila?"
"She is the little star of this show!"
Jowd picked Kamila up, holding her close and the nerves he thought were gone crept back in. She was so small, felt so delicate in his arms, and relied entirely on them. He let out a slow breath and approached Cabanela.
“Here she is. And here’s Cabanela. You should probably get used to him.”
"Weeelcome to the world, little one. Showin’ good taste already, I see," he said with a nod toward the tuft of lavender hair.
Jowd snorted. "Want to hold her?"
"And remove her from such a comfy lookin' spot? I wouldn't daaare."
Jowd couldn't argue as he found he didn't really want to let her go either. Though, he couldn't deny the mental image of Cabanela holding a baby might just be worth it.
“No need to scare him, Jowd,” Alma spoke sleepily from the bed.
“No scarin’ about it.” Cabanela shot back brightly, and with a shift in his balance and far too much spring in his step for a hospital in Jowd’s opinion, he was at Alma’s bedside.
“How are you feelin’, baby?”
“Like I’d rather still be asleep.” She smiled at him. “But there are compensations.”
Jowd joined them at the other side of Alma’s bed, still cradling Kamila close. Alma turned her smile to them, her gaze softening with a pure warmth as she stared at Kamila who looked as sleepy as she did. Jowd swallowed past the odd tightening in his throat. They were doing it, the start of their little family. He caught Cabanela’s eye, his own gaze softer than he was used to seeing in him, and knew, certain disinclinations aside, they couldn’t ask for a better friend along the way.
‘Uncle Cabs’ did have a certain ring to it.
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thefloraartist · 1 year
half of the month is over and you haven't checked out my page yet ?!? how daaare you!!!
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corishadowfang · 1 year
Dark Road writing prompt: An interaction between Vor and Vidar?
(For this)
You and @blazernot are apparently on the same wavelength, haha, so here's a slightly happier one than the last.
            He tried hard not to sigh.  “Yes, Vor?”
            “Are we there yet?”
            Vidar shifted her a little; she’d gotten tired of walking at some point, and he’d ended up letting her piggy-back.  He was starting to regret that decision a little.  “Not yet, Vor.”
            “It’s been forever.”
            “You aren’t the one walking,” he reminded her, and then bit back his frustration with a sigh.  “We’ll track it down eventually.  You just need to be patient.”
            Vor made a frustrated noise and slumped against his back.
            Vidar jolted a little, but readjusted her and chuckled lightly.  “Not used to that, I take it?”
            “I am.  But I don’t like it.”  He could just about see her pout in his mind’s eye.  “I wish there was a way we could go faster.”
            “Not unless you have a better way of finding things.”
            Vor was silent for several moments.  When she spoke again, it came with a mischievousness that Vidar wasn’t sure he liked.  “I don’t think I can find things quicker—but maybe I can get us to places quicker.”
            Vidar’s eyebrows furrowed, his confusion only increasing when Vor slid off his back.  “Vor…?”
            He barely had time to brace himself, yelping in surprise when their positions were very abruptly reversed, Vor scooping him into her arms like he weighed nothing.  How in the world…?
            Vor’s grin was mischievous.  “You’ve been carrying me this whole time!  I bet if I run, I’ll be faster than you.”
            Vidar was…more than a little skeptical about that.  “Vor—”
            Vor took off running, and Vidar really didn’t have much choice but to hang on after that.
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robinoakapple · 23 days
Why do so many people dislike The Louvre? I can't count how many times I've shaken the walls of my house with "LEEEEEEEET'S SEEEEE YOU LIIIIIIIIIIFT MEEEE, I DAAARE YOOOOOUUU TO TRYYYYYYY"
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alatismeni-theitsa · 10 months
So, non-Greek learning Greek culture anon here :) I actually agree with what you said. Another thing I noticed is the use of rape in these modern retellings, too. I hope I can make sense here. Like, don't get me wrong. Rape is horrible and was seen as the norm in Ancient Greece. But the thing is, even if it was normalized, weren't there some men who didn't commit rape while there were some women who DID commit rape, not just men? The fact that it says in these retellings that all men are rapists while all women are not... I CAN'T. Besides, we also have that tragedy, The Trojan Women, that talks about their trauma and imprisonment from the war. I just think these retellings should look more into it than slap such a thing there. Hope that makes sense of what I'm trying to say.
100% ! These (often female) writers throw rape left and right - while pointing out that writers like J.R.R. Martin use it too much. Which one is it, then? Is too much rape and violence against women "realistic" or not?
These writers live in quite privileged societies and don't know how to depict patriarchal societies of that degree well. That's why, no matter how horrid the trauma they inflict in the female protagonists is, the narrative still comes out as pretentious and cuddled. Writing from a safe distance, they are.
In their mind the situation is all black and white because they ignore the nuances of being a woman in such a system. They ignore that in that system a woman raping her husband or a man in general (after slipping something on his drink for example) wasn't even a notion society had back then. So yes, the system of patriarchy is harmful to all but there are some unspoken perks for women that they don't even want to consider - because they can't, and because it would ruin the black and white narrative they have in their minds. Because how daaare anyone assume that a lot of women lived relatively happy and normal lives before 1980! We should all focus on their trauma and ignore their life's work and how hard each woman worked for her house and family.
I repeat, I don't believe the patriarchy to be a good system. I say that women - although being the disadvantaged class - had certain privileges and sometimes they were helped by those. They didn't have to go to war, they weren't called to court if they failed to provide for their family, they weren't exposed to battle and potential of slavery as much as men who were mostly Out There. They could obtain status and wealth just by marrying a man from another social class without having a business on their own (although they could have a business + their husband's money + the dowry they brought from home), they didn't have to learn a trade and get a job to be proved worthy of marriage, in the higher classes their male offspring enhanced their influence, etc etc. Western writers often fail to capture these nuances - how a woman's skills in running a household's finances and personnel as well as her talent in keeping people fed and clothed were highly valued, and how a woman could benefit from such a system or use it to harm someone. Our ancient ancestors knew in what society they lived in, and of course they showed this in their art - like in the Trojan Women play.
But, well, I suppose Sarah from Illinois knows best 😂
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akilice · 3 months
I hope in the new game Max destroys another town because I don't care anymore she'll use her powers again and then the game's moral will be something like 'oh you messed with time again to save someone! You should just let people die'
You shouldn't save someone you should totally let a girl get shot and bleed to death how daaare you use your time powers to save people and do acts of kindness
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missjessefantastico · 7 months
how daaare you bring compassion up?! he has trauma about it!
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witchnordemon · 1 year
[goldenbeastkeeper] "I bet my palisman can fly faster."
To that, Collie dropped the packet of star-shaped crackers he had been idly snacking on into his lap with a barely-stifled snort. No way. Was he being challenged?
And while poor, sweet Laika was inactive - sound asleep, snug as a bug in a rug in his backpack, unable to defend herself... oh, this could not stand.
With a (very fake) mock gasp, they turned to face Valor more directly.
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❝ How daaare you? ❞ They cried, putting on a one-witch show of false outrage, ❝ I'll have you know Laika's traveled the world with me, and then some. She's so super sonic fast. ❞
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wolfclaire · 1 year
I have a confession to make, I ignored the fic for the longest time, because it didn't really called my attention, until I caved in, and I don't regret it, because I was then able to read 30+ chapters in one read-through, instead of having to wait 😅
Oh, how daaare you ;)
No but, I got to say, my summary of the story is not the greatest and eye-catching for those that have no idea what kind of rabbit hole this story likes to go into...
Which makes me think I should probably re-do it?........eh, maybe later when I figure it out/remember I wanted to do that XD
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i forgot to say hi to you 😔
hiii how are you :) - @wonderland-coining
ldksajflajkkld how daaare you, I saw you sending hello to mailman! /silly /j
Anyway, I'm very okay, I'm drawing (aka being cool as fuck with my abilities) tho I need to sleep it's like 3AM wtf
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kimmycup · 2 years
Hello I would like to file a FORMAL COMPLAINT HERE. How daaare you only get into DareDevil NOW? I was so deep into this bitch I kept desperately refreshing the AO3 page and it gave me NOTHING NEW and here you are, my bestest friend, posting Foggy/Matt DAILY, YEARS AFTER I DROPPED OUT OF THE FANDOM ;-;
Come back, I'm just watching season 1.
ANYWAY GIRL HOW DID THIS HAPPEN? WHY DIDN'T YOU DRAG ME IN WHEN I FIRST STARTED? Although you were probably already way past it.
I started watching DD in 2019 and stopped after three episodes because Healy traumatized me first with a fucking bowling ball and then with a head on a pike.
Although admittedly idk if I believe that cause Fisk literally beheaded a guy with car door in ep4.
He's still pretty adorable though. Diversity win! Even socially awkward people can be crime lords!
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