#'cause I might just retell this story in that AU
gwiyeounsonyeon · 5 months
Growing Pains End (MWC 13, 14!)
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Pairing: RE2 Leon Kennedy x Male(Intended) Reader Summary: College AU! Leon takes you out. Words: 2,282/200 Warnings: I think the reader was referred to as a guy but I might have deleted it, I'm throwing this in here just in case Notes: I really wanted this to go on longer, originally I had it planned out for a few more chapters, at least five extra but I didn't want to overwhelm myself. Maybe if I get better at writing longer-form stories without getting exhausted I'll write five more chapters with Leon and Reader after college.
Navigation | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5
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The beginning of the movie was pretty decent but very quickly you were snoozing for the rest of it and only came to when the end credits rolled. Thankfully Leon didn’t seem to notice you’d fallen asleep and as you walked out of the theater side by side you listened intently to the retelling of his favorite parts, unable to stop yourself from thinking he was really cute with the way he was so animated as talked. The way he waved his hands around to emphasize what he was saying, the big smile on his face as he talked, and if you looked close enough at him you could see little dimples in his right cheek. Your stomach exploded uncomfortably in butterflies and your heartbeat quickened, you avert your eyes from his face and dump the empty bag of popcorn in the trash, and fidget with your, now empty hands. You both stop so he can grab his bike from the rack and once he’s got it, he starts walking while talking about what you assume to be the end of the movie, leaving you no choice but to follow after him. 
Throughout the conversation you zone out, the softness in his voice making you sleepy again but soon he stops to rack his bike once more, “I just wish they gave the guy a better ending…” He pouts and you zone back into the conversation just now realizing you were standing in front of some diner, “Hm?” Your brows raise as he leads you inside, greeting the hostess who seats you at his usual table. “You come here a lot?” You follow the hostess to a booth by the front window and sit down opposite to Leon, “Sometimes, yeah–and since exams are starting soon this is a great place to study.” You nod and look around, the waitress hadn’t come by yet and the hostess had disappeared somewhere into the kitchen. “You nervous about exams?” You fidget with your menu, not really hungry enough to get anything. Leon shrugs and nods “A little, I mean… I think I'm more nervous about becoming a sophomore.” You nod in turn feeling a little sympathy for him, “It's not too bad, do you know what you wanna major in?” You push your packaged straw around the table starting to feel a little nervous, this all seemed too much like a date. Leon perks up immediately and nods “I came here ‘cause of the STARS criminal justice courses.” You furrow your brows feeling a little confused, “I thought STARS only donated the football team.” Leon smiles and shakes his head, “The football stuff was only done this year, STARS was originally the first big donator for classes and stuff, they help fund the whole left wing.” You nod, not having a good idea of what he's talking about but you’ve been in the left wing once or twice, it's full of a bunch of law stuff that you’re not interested in at all. 
“So, you’re gonna be a cop.” He nods enthusiastically “I’ve known my whole life that I wanted to be a police officer, it's always been my dream to save people.” You watch his hands as he plays with his napkin, you can't help feeling really small next to him. He's got all these great plans and here you were studying for a major you had no idea if you wanted to keep or not. “What about you? What are you majoring in?” You open your mouth to say something but the waitress comes out first, “Sorry about that.” She smiles and sets two glasses of water on your table, “What can I get for the two of you today?” She pulls out a little notepad and pauses, waiting for either of you two to speak up first. Thankfully Leon takes the lead “Can I have my regular?” He turns to you with a big excited look on his face, “You have to try that one, it's just a burger but it's so good.” He points to the menu and you nod, “Uh… Yeah, sure. I’ll have that.” You don't really feel hungry, your stomach feels fluttery and nervous, the waitress smiles and takes your menus. Before she leaves she winks at Leon, “He’s cute, kid.” 
You don't get it but Leon goes bright red and sputters awkwardly, “What’s that mean?” His face goes a darker red and he hides behind his hands, now you’re even more confused. You go to speak but he beats you to it, mumbling from behind his hands, “I… um…” He drops his hands so he can take a long sip of his water, “You have to promise you won't laugh, okay?” He looks at you, the flush had died down a little but his cheeks were still bright pink. You nod and he takes a deep breath, “For… I dunno, like, a few weeks… maybe a month um…” He clears his throat, you put your hands in your lap and fidget under the table, your heart rate picking up slightly. “I uh… i've really liked you––a- and um… i've wanted to ask you out but…” It feels like your heart is going to beat out of your chest, your hands feel a little sweaty and there's a lump forming in your throat. “I- I’ve talked to her about how to ask you f- um forever a- and when I did, she was right. Uh- it wasn't as hard as I thought.” When he finishes he looks relieved but you feel like you’re about to have a heart attack. 
“Wha- um.” You stop to clear your throat and gather your thoughts, you have no idea what to think, all of this feels like it's happening so suddenly. You see Leon lose a little confidence and your stomach does this weird flop, you have no idea what to say, you don't even know what to feel. Does he want to be your boyfriend? Does he just want sex? Is this all an elaborate prank? Is this even real, are you dreaming? You have to be dreaming, you pinch yourself under the table but you dont wake up in your bed. “W- s- so… uh… it’s just- j- just a date?” You stutter lamely, starting to feel very conscious about how weird you're acting “-I mean… you’re not… like, asking to be my boyfriend, are you?” He looks a little upset and your palms grow sweatier, you lean back against the plush booth and rub the sweat from your palms. You feel like you might have a heart attack, your heart beating wildly against your ribcage, you press your hand to your chest hoping to quell the feeling.
Leon’s eyes follow your hand and his expression falls into an off sort of look like he’s deep in thought; “I want to, uh––e- eventually, I mean..” He finishes anxiously, looking back up at you to see your expression. He must've seen something in the way your looking at him because he relaxes a fraction and moves his hands from his lap to the table as your hand drops from your chest. “B- but we obviously don't have to do anything like that, if you don't want to I mean, it was just. I just didn't want to wait any longer to tell you and I had no idea how to tell you-” He’s rushing things out like he's starting to get anxious, fidgeting with his glass of water, but you stop him with a sigh. “I- Leon….” Your hand moves up to rub at your forehead, the ache from earlier coming back full force as you try to figure out how to navigate this situation. He seems to take your actions as rejection, wilting in his seat like a forgotten flower. 
“It's fine just…” You let out a wry chuckle, “Why me? Like, of all people?” He perks up a little, sitting up straighter when you ask the question. “Why?” You nod, he doesn't give your heart any time to rest as his expression is taken over by something bashful and sweet, your heart skips as a shy smile works onto his lips. “Why not?” He asks shakily, trying to work up his confidence, “I- I… You’re so…” He fumbles nervously. “I’m not sure how to…” He huffs, starting to get frustrated with his lack of eloquence. “I just do, okay? Y- you’re like, really hot a- and you're funny…” He takes a deep breath as the words tumble out, “And I can't stop thinking about you, like––when you laugh i- it makes my heart beat really fast a- and when you smile a- at me–and just when you smile in general, it makes my stomach feel fuzzy” His cheeks go pink as he talks, gesturing wildly with his hands. 
You feel like you might cry out in shock or awe, or like you might have a heart attack for real this time because your heart rate would put anyone else up into a hospital, But you don't keel over and die. Because Leon is right in front of you, and he's confessing to you that he thinks you're hot and these things that you worry over constantly gives him butterflies. Your fingers feel a little chill from the adrenalin that zips through your nervous system, your hands shake slightly as you look around the diner, no one seems very interested in your conversation but you can't help feeling a little paranoid. Your brain screams at you that this is a bad idea, that you shouldn't be doing this but you can't help yourself. You stand from the booth, for a split second Leon looks dejected but that shifts to confusion as you make your way around the table to sit directly next to him. 
“... I… This…” You make an aborted gesture between the two of you, unable to get your thoughts straight, and not really sure why you came to sit next to him. You take a deep breath and look around the diner again, all of these faces, so many more important things happening, some probably happening before your eyes, and here you are getting all choked up over a little crush. With that in mind you sober up slightly, you will your heart rate to slow and your hands to stop shaking while you straighten your back, “Im not… good at this kind of stuff.” You start, your anxiety leaves a chill within your chest and makes the hairs on your arms stand on end but you push through, not wanting to feel like a scared baby anymore. “But that… I dont think that means I dont want to try…” Leon perks up a little from beside you, and you feel like you might cry from relief. You had no idea how good it feels to get these things off your chest, “I…” You take a deep breath and clear your throat. “I like you, obviously-” You see Leon shift beside you but you keep your gaze firmly on the table in front of you both. 
“But it doesn't mean that e-…” You take a sip of your water, your throat feeling a little dry, “I have a lot of flaws and a lot of insecurities a- and I dont…” You pause as Leon’s hand envelops yours, “I dont care.” He says stopping to chew on his lip anxiously. “I- I mean, me too obviously. Everyone has to be like that, I think…” He's trying to comfort you and it works, your chest feels warmer and you feel a sting behind your eyes that could be tears or joy that someone is finally saying this to you, too many awful exes, too many nights alone. You swallow down the lump in your throat and turn to him, finally looking at his face; The look he has is so painfully sincere, his eyes are raw and open and pleading, like he's begging you to read his mind, to feel what he's feeling. “But I don’t uh… I- I don’t think you should keep worrying about that stuff…” He trails off. 
A spike of warmth floods your face as his eyes glance down at your lips, you lick your lips self-consciously and his eyes follow the movement. “‘Cause–” His voice comes out scratchy and he cuts himself off to clear his throat, “Because, I’m still going to like you anyway.” You forget about the diner, the other people in the building, everyone else in the world, it all gets pushed to the back of your head. Your breath catches in your throat, the world seems a little fuzzy and you feel like you’re on a merry-go-round, spinning as fast as you can and watching the world pass by you in a blur. You dont know who leans in first, but it doesn't matter. Leon kisses you like he looks at you; soft and hesitant but determined, it makes you feel dizzy, and when you pull back you aren't sure how to catch your breath.
“Okay…” You whisper shakily, your thoughts feel skewed. You hear the bell to the diner ring and Claire and Luis enter grinning like kids getting candy, they sit in front of you and Luis chuckles, “I didn’t think it would take you this long.” Your face goes red and you hide in your hands, suddenly very embarrassed. Claire laughs loudly, drawing the attention of other customers. “God, you guys are something else, you know that?” She says grinning, you feel her kick your shin lightly under the table, glad to see you come so far from the hell you were in almost a year ago now.
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A/N - I really enjoyed this chapter and writing more long-form stuff, it made me feel so good seeing it finished. The only thing I wish I'd done was plan it out more and go about it differently, when do this again I probably won't do it for a writing challenge, or do it all in a few days consecutively
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yakichoufd · 4 months
hi!! I absolutely ADORE how you draw and characterize scott, it's so refreshing from the usual depiction of him in media *cough cough*, movies, certain comics. I was wondering if you've ever read this fic---To Rebuild a Life?
Its my all time FAVORITE scott summers fic, it's basically a retelling of his origin story based loosely on info from the films and comics (i read it before watching/reading any and really enjoyed it, might be a biiit confusing in some areas but it didn't affect the overal story tbh). It's pretty much a found family, lab rat au. You get to see this KICK ASS scott summers as he quite literally fights to survive, he's incredibly cunning, persistent, and fiercely loyal here and it's just. So good. I can't even properly explain it LMAO. But the relationships, characterization, world building, references, and most importantly the angst here are so good, I 100% recommend that you read it!!
thank you so much! I am really pleased that so many of you enjoy how I draw him! I am having a lot of fun! I find it sad that he was not that well written in some official materials but I think we all love him for specific reasons! I am super happy the fandom give him the love he deserves <3 I am not familiar with that fic! I usually do not read uncompleted fics cause my little gremlin mind can't stop thinking about the potential follow up without being satisfied, but you made me super curious about this story! It sounds like it is my jam, so I'll most definitly read it! :D So thank you so much! I am happy we are all recommending fics to each other! I joined tumblr (many many years ago, before the purge and on a different account) for the fic recommandations (and also fandom analysis and discussion)! It was always so nice! That reminds me, I should leave some comments on all the fics I enjoyed. Writing comments is hard! My english is kind of poor and never expresses the love and emotions I had while reading, so I'm kind of frustrated but I am always happy when i get positive comments on my own work. We shall all let our favourite creators known how much we appreciate their work! <3
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spacedustmantis · 5 months
*cough cough* *pulling up notes* *squinting at notes* *realising i don't have bad vision* *unsquinting at the notes* *reading the notes*
how does the life series work in the FUCK I FORGOT THE AU NAME THIS WAS ALLL FOR NAUGHT
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i am so glad you asked!!
alright so. the series of events goes like this:
one day grian, as he so often does, gets bored
in his defense immortality gets boring quick and he's been doing this for a While
so, he descends onto a random planet, one that in grian's opinion could do with a little entertainment. he draws up the rules of this game he's planning, pays a carefully selected bunch of cold-hearted, skilled, desperate-for-money workers and has them build a huge fucking arena, kidnap the planet's best fighters, and work on this project full time once it gets rolling
amongst the workers are a few incredibly talented medics, people who, with the right tech, could bring you back from death's door
grian personally installs chips into every contestant's brain that activate as soon as the person is not yet dead, but good as, and then put the body in a temporary stasis, so that it may be transported beneath the arena and the medics can do their work to send them back up fully restored so they can join the fray once more
the whole event is recorded via multiple cameras following around every contestant, edited down into a thrilling reality tv show, and broadcasted weekly for a good few years, which is how long it takes for the game to come to its conclusion
naturally there are a few quirks to this game
every contestant originally gets three lives, three times they get to enjoy the experience of dying, but soon enough a few of them figure out how to hack the chips. they can't seem to alter their function whatsoever, but they do figure out how to change the number of lives the chip grants you, and they also figure out that if the system clocks too many (or too few) lives granted overall in comparison to how many deaths there have been in total, it sends alarm bells ringing. and so there is an underground life trading ring that forms about seven months into the fight
somewhere in the arena there is whispered to be a strange stone statue that, if you play your cards right, bestows gifts to those who complete the tasks it gives them
there is an illness spreading through the arena, like a common cold, just much more destructive. it is known as "red fever" to some, to others it's simply "the bloodlust"
occasionally, caused by apparently nothing at all except coincidence, or some weird glitch in the system, or what certain people might call fate, two contestants get bound together on a metaphysical level. they share pain and wounds and death. they share all the bad, and none of the good
the overarching story roughly follows 3rd life (mostly bc that season works best as a mechs style retelling), with monopoly mountain and dogwarts as the two main factions that crystallize after a few months, but small story elements of each season are dotted around the plot, like one man who managed to defeat all his enemies by taking advantage of the secret keepers boons and playing dirty, or a woman who ran in solitude with only the company of her wolves and who against all odds was the last one standing - until the man she was bound to blew himself up, and her with it.
ultimately two people survive (these people are not grian and scar, but are played by them on stage). and then one person survives. and then the winner of the life game throws himself off of a cliff
of course, grian is not the biggest fan of watching as other people slaughter each other while he sits and does nothing, so naturally he joins the fight. no one knows or would even guess that the scrawny guy who maybe likes explosions a touch too much could be the same individual as The Spectator, the mysterious figure who is behind running the Life Game, not even the staff that has been hired to set it all up. grian, alongside committing murder, also keeps an eye on the game's development as well as the numbers the show gets online.
after a few months he runs into joel, whom he knows is one of the fan favorites, and sticks with him for a while. after joel dies his final death - shot through the heart by scott - he mechanizes him, and, after discovering that mechanizing joel also mechanized the man he was bound to, takes him and etho back to the xisuma to join the crew.
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eponastory · 6 months
Heya! Me again! XD I might need some writing advice.
First of all, I'm trying to get back to writing something, but I want to write an ATLA AU retelling where the characters are older and it's Zutara/Sukka/and Taang-based! :) Problem is, I have like 23 unfinished stories on AO3(four more on FF.Net), and I don't want to like, make another story to add it onto the pile, but...well, in your expertise (I mean, I hear that you write really well), should I just focus on the ones I've written now?
Secondly, how do I get back in the groove of writing? I feel like when I get myself going back to it, it just makes my head feel heavy or something, or I'm just tired. ^^; I don't know, maybe I'm writing too much. I just got other stories to update that I haven't for a while and I want to like...not let everybody wait for the next update on those stories, and...well, I just need some advice on procrastination, I guess. ^^;
I hope I'm making sense. I want to write, but I can't seem to get it going. Maybe I'm distracted too much. What do you do when this happens? What should I do? :O
(Also, no worries about the crossovers! I have two one-shot fics of ATLA, but they're both Taang-centric. ^^; They also have Zutara and Sukka in them, but they're only minor. XD I also did some Taang Week stories that I did in 2020. :) Either way, if you don't do crossovers, there are those to read! :D )
I will definitely check them out!
When I can. Because I've got like... four papers to edit for these people in college that are too lazy to edit their own. That's okay, I get paid for it.
And then there is my current fic I'm obsessed (it's unhealthy, I know) with and then I have to start planning for ZKBB...
Please have mercy on me.
I'm also pretty hungry for Chicken Shawarma for some reason and I really need some ice cream. And chocolate. Lots of chocolate.
@omegansamurai *edited because I am a dingus*
I totally missed the middle part of this ask. I apologize for that... I feel like such an idiot for missing that.
So, a neat little trick I like to do is a word avalanche. It helps get the thoughts going and keeps you on track. You just start with one word, and then you find the words, emotions, or senses that go with that word. It helps with creating scenes and prompts, you name it. I've been doing it for years, and sometimes, it ends up being a whole outline for an epic adventure.
If you have the opposite problem of too many projects at once, cut back on the stories that you feel aren't cutting it. Don't try to force something if you get stuck. Let it sit. Think about it while working on another project. Then go back. I like to keep a journal of all my thoughts that randomly pop up when I'm having a difficult time with a story. I write down those thoughts so I can go back to them later. Most of the time, especially with some of my original works, I get really stuck, and they sit for months. With fan fiction, it can be years before I go back to them. But when I do decide to pick them back up again, I have a journal with everything written down on where I wanted to go with it.
Prompts are also a good thing to practice getting better at introspective and character analysis if you are having issues with that. Putting characters in sticky situations tends to develop them more.
Also, it's totally okay to let go of stories you don't feel connected to anymore. You can always go back to them later on if you ever get the drive for it.
But rule number one is always do what you can make the time for. Overwhelming yourself will cause burnout. One idea at a time. Develop it, write it down. Make it work. But don't try to do too much at one time.
Again, I'm sorry for totally missing the point of your ask... I think I had just finished up that chapter and was posting on both my phone and computer.
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rosanna-writer · 7 months
So…what about an ACOTAR Regency!AU? Maybe something a la Pride and Prejudice with Feysand?
There's a post I saw on my dash a while ago (I wanna say it was from @temperedink?) about P&P and ACOTAR that came to the conclusion that a true P&P retelling is hard to make work for ACOTAR without more or less twisting the characters into something unrecognizable, which tbh I broadly agree with. At least for Feysand, Rhys is too suave to be a Darcy, you know?
Also A Rake By Any Other Name and As The River Flows are top-notch regency (or regency-with-magic) feysand fics that I highly recommend!
But anyway putting this under a cut because....the thoughts are long.
I DO love the idea of exploring a regency-adjacent setting with fae nobility within the realm of ACOTAR fic. Mating bonds add a ton of interesting wrinkles to the typical storylines you see in a regency setting (Is it less of a scandal if the person you run off and elope with is your mate? Marrying for money vs being with your mate??? In a world where the mating bond is revered above everything else??? The DRAMA!!!)
So I really think to do the concept justice, the fic would HAVE to be, at its heart, three interlocking stories, one for each of the Archeron sisters. Because in a setting like regency, a world where women don't have a lot of economic independence and family reputation has such tangible effects, there are so many difficult situations you can put the sisters in where their choices affect each other. For example, if Nesta follows her heart and runs off with Cassian, she might be happy, but is a bastard-born Illyrian foot soldier going to be able to support her sisters, too? Or will that choice just heighten Elain and Feyre's sense of duty to marry for money? Elain and Lucien might be mates, but since he's Tamlin's emissary and exiled from Autumn, does that mean if Papa Archeron dies, Feyre and Nesta will need to pack up and move to Spring until they're married off?
And then of course.....if Nesta and Elain both follow their hearts, that leaves known awkward wild-child Feyre to "save the day" (assuming this is a scenario like P&P where the sisters can't inherit). There's plenty of potential for Rhys's parents to still be alive (and disapprove or be openly skeptical of Feyre as future Lady of the Night Court, potential shenanigans with his sister causing problems....) OR for Rhys to be more worried about coming into his own as a new, grief-stricken High Lord than finding a wife (and maybe getting pressure to find one anyway).
You could easily wind up in a situation where each sister is simultaneously embroiled in a love triangle of her own (probably something like Neris vs Nessian, Feylin vs Feysand, and Elriel vs Elucien), which sounds INCREDIBLE to read but my god the outlining that would require!!!
AND there's the whole question of if the Archerons are fae nobility in this AU.....where are they from? Velaris? The Court of Nightmares? A different Court entirely????
There is SO MUCH POTENTIAL with this concept, and I may return to it when I feel like I have the bandwidth to write something with like....ten million things going on in the same fic.
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Always an Angel | Casanova AU
Part 1: Helpless/Satisfied
Word Count: 2 k
Warning: Strong language, mild sexual content, mention of blood
a/n: Hey you guys! So as promised some more David Tennant content for you. Casanova is one of my fave roles he ever played and it always hurts me to see how he ends. So in this story, you get to pick the ending! My retelling will include my OC and at one point of the story, you will be able to choose what happens to her and Casanova. Thank you so much for your support and enjoy (also more Good Omens coming soon hehe)
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"This dress is itchy, Henriette!" Angela grumbled. She had complained about every single aspect of her look. The hair was too tight, the shoes hurt her feet, the dress was too itchy, and the jewelry was too heavy. 
Angela was still learning to navigate girlhood, she was only a few months short of turning sixteen and her older sister, Henriette had been dragging her along to parties and gatherings so she could prepare to enter high society... or at least infiltrate it. 
"You're beautiful, Angela, once you look in the mirror you'll be happy I dressed you up in the way I did," Henriette chuckled. "Besides, it was a present from Grimani, the best way to thank him and show your appreciation is to wear it."
"I don't know anybody here, I want to go home!" The girl whined, looking around at all those new faces was very intimidating. 
"That is precisely why we're here, so you can know these people and find yourself a good husband in the future." 
That's when Angela saw him, a tall gentleman wearing the most beautiful teal jacket that matched his blue eyes. His smile was contagious and his charm poured out of his mouth with every word he said. His features were sharp, but he wasn't intimidating, he looked like the most approachable person in the vicinity. 
"He has dimples too..." she breathed to herself.
"Who?" Henriette asked, immediately spotting the man her sister had her eye on. "Angela, he's much too old for you!" 
Just as the older sister scolded the younger, the man in question caused a stir, getting himself punched in the face within five minutes of the first conversation he was able to start. 
"Grimani! Bugger off!" Angela screamed, not caring how unpolished that made her seem. She rushed to help the gentleman that captured her attention. "Oh dear, you're bleeding! Come here, let me help. What is your name?"
"Giacomo Casanova, may I ask what is yours?" He groaned, accepting her hand. His eyes already traveled around her figure which definitely did not reflect her age. Anyone who laid eyes on her would think she was at least eighteen or twenty. 
"Angela D'alvitas, it is a pleasure to meet you," she took him away to a water fountain where she could wash the blood from his face. 
"The pleasure is all mine, my lady," Giacomo smirked, trying to look brave despite hurting. "Hope you at least enjoyed the show."
"Oh, I loved it, next time you should punch Grimani back, that would make it even better. He certainly deserves it for squeezing me into this hideous itchy gown." 
"Glad to be of service, at least I amuse you." 
"Your jacket, that is Chinese silk? It is gorgeous." 
"Yes, it is, good eye! And good lips, and good hands, and good..." 
"Careful with your words, sir!" Henriette rushed towards them. "My sister might look like a grown woman, but she's only fifteen." 
"Sixteen in sixty-eight days!" Angela yelped. 
"Jesus Christ! You are fifteen?" Casanova's eyes grew. "I apologize, my lady, I did not mean any disrespect. You just look... more mature than you turn out to be." 
Angela gave her sister a death glare. How could she ruin their perfect moment like that? There was nothing the girl desired more at that point than to be disrespected by Casanova. 
"He's not even a real gentleman, sister," Henriette quirked an eyebrow knowingly at him. "He might look like one, but it is all pretending."
"I admit it, it's an act," Giacomo sighed, now setting his sights on the older sister, who looked very much like Angela. Same dark hair, same big doll eyes, same tempting cherry lips.
"You must remember that everyone else is also pretending, you just need to lie with conviction," Henriette smiled, fixing his jacket to get her hands under it. "Stand tall, chin up, act better and you will become better. See? Quite the gentleman." 
"Quite the lady, your mother is sure to be congratulated for her ability to create beautiful daughters," Giacomo smirked again. 
"That is quite enough, goodbye now," Henriette left, dragging her sister along. "Oh, and one more thing... trust no one." 
She waved the money she stole from him in the air, it was an old trick she had performed multiple times, being a very skilled pickpocket in her youth. 
"That's my purse!" Giacomo shouted.
"Henriette! Give it back! We don't need it!" Angela ran after her sister angrily. "Well thank you for ruining my chances with him!"
"You are a child still," the older sister laughed once they were far away. "When I said you should find a husband, I meant a rich one!" 
"I would much rather get a loving one."
"Then you are looking in the wrong place. Did you notice how he looked at us? How he talked? His heart falls in love with a different woman every single day, he is incapable of being loyal to only one."
"I don't believe it... I saw it in his eyes, despite his armor, he is a good and honest man."
"A good, honest, and unwealthy man who can't give you the future you deserve."
"The future I deserve is up to me, sister," Angela said firmly, snatching Giacomo's purse back. "Now I need to find him and give this back."
Angela took every opportunity to leave the house. Before, she would much rather stay in and read books, but now all she wanted was to catch a glimpse of Casanova. Even her mother was starting to find her behavior odd.
She went to every party, every dinner, soirée, and social event she could. And in every single one, she simply ignored everyone else, discreetly watching and admiring Giacomo from afar. He barely noticed, busy making his connections. 
His popularity was growing, he was gaining more money with his scams that always ended up being more legitimate than he originally planned. 
He posed as a lawyer, a doctor, an astrologist, and many other things... the outcome was always the best possible for both parties. 
"You know, the Viscount has a son about your age, Angela," Henriette said, gesturing to the boy who sat in the corner looking bored. "He is quite handsome, isn't he?"
"He looks as dull as a butter knife, sister. Besides I am no longer a child, I'm nearly an adult," she smirked, having turned sixteen the week prior. 
"Every boy is dull at that age, but he will grow up and if you win over his affection now... maybe your future is secure," Henriette said. 
"I bet he wasn't dull at that age," Angela turned to look at Casanova, who was playing violin for a small crowd. "Now if you'll excuse me..." 
The young lady made her way to watch more closely and clapped once he was done. 
"Good evening, Angela," he smiled when she caught his eye. "Happy birthday, sorry I could not attend your party, I was studying a case." 
"That is not a problem, you have been working so hard. That is the mark of a true gentleman," she grinned. 
"About that, I caught wind that you have been giving my name to every single person you hear needs any sort of expert," Giacomo chuckled. "Is that true?"
"May be true..." 
"You are truly an angel, you know that?" He gently kissed her forehead. "Thank you." 
"It's the least I can do after my sister so rudely stole from you... I do apologize on her behalf once again." 
"Oh, no apology necessary." 
"You are quite amazing with the violin." 
"This old thing? I just picked it up, how does it even work?" He joked. "Do you play anything? It's good to start learning when you are still young." 
"I am not that young, Giac, I am not a little girl anymore," Angela rolled her eyes. "And yes, I actually play the harp." 
"That is a lovely instrument! Very hard to play as well, consider me impressed..." 
"You're impressed? You're the one who made your way to the top lying so well that everything you touch turns to gold." 
"Not my fault I was born clever. Show me a book, a map, a language, a libretto... I will not just learn it, I'll use it," he smirked.
"That must be how you win over the ladies, I have heard that many of them find themselves gravitating towards you. I do not assume that they only like your looks and cheap innuendos."
"My lines seem to work on them. Besides some other attributes that I might be inclined to tell you about in a year or two." 
"You are filthy!" She gaped.
"Ladies seem to like that too!" He laughed.
"Angela! There you are, you keep escaping whenever I try to ask about your dress for the wedding," Grimani called, followed by his bride. "Oh, it's that man again." 
Grimani looked at Casanova with such disgust, that one would think he was staring at a pile of rubbish or a full chamber pot. 
"Are you following me? People will talk," Giacomo teased. 
"You are not that unlucky, this knobhead has been following me all day..." Angela grimaced.
"And here you are, Casanova, flirting with a girl who is barely out of leading strings?" Grimani sneered. "Shame on you."
"No, he isn't. We were only talking and I am old enough to get married if I want to." 
"No one treats Miss Angela with more respect than me, I am utterly afraid that my purse might be stolen again if I ever lay a finger on her," Giacomo winked at Henriette, who seemed terrified of her fiancée finding out about her tricks.
"You should surround yourself with better company. This man has the look of a manual worker about him. What is your profession, Casanova?" Grimani asked. 
"I am a... Spy," he said and Angela chuckled. 
"A spy?" 
"Yes, a spy, that's me, the spy. Being a spy I should not announce that I'm a spy, but..." 
"But I suppose you can prove it?" 
"What? You want me to spy on something?" Giacomo joked, looking intently ahead. "Look there's a canal, there I spied it... look, still there... oh, and again!" 
Angela laughed even harder at that and Henriette also could not resist, which filled Giacomo with pride.
"I take it you're laughing at him?" Grimani huffed angrily.
"Absolutely," Henriette nodded sarcastically. 
"I did not know the lady was engaged," Giacomo tilted his head. 
"Unfortunately," Angela groaned.
"Now that I have your attention, let us talk of the dress," Grimani took both ladies by the hand. "My mother had questions about the colors."
Angela looked back over her shoulder at Giacomo, her heart racing more than it ever has. She was a woman, but the entire world didn't see her as such.
Later that night, when getting herself a glass of champagne while her sister wasn't looking, she heard the most interesting conversation:
"I heard he's courting Angela like a fool," one lady in a blue gown said. 
"Casanova? Courting Angela?" her friend in the purple gown seemed amused by the idea.
"Yes, no amount of dedication or wit can help him this time, I fear. From what I heard, he is playing the long game. He's been moving slowly, but it seems every single time they talk, there's the matter of the sister. Her older sister is like a hunting hound, isn't she? Always keeping the girl locked up, she is never allowed to be alone with him."
"I did hear about that... I imagine he will get what he wants one time or another, it is Casanova, after all. He always gets the lady in the end, but I hear this time he's quite persistent. He thinks of nothing else, he is being consumed in desire, can't sleep, can't eat. All because of this lady."
"All because of this lady," Angela repeated to herself with the biggest smile on her face, already planning the next step.
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hearts401 · 10 months
ykw fuck it. werewolf au rambles be upon ye. a retelling of how the werewolf bite of 83 went:
First of all, William saw lots of potential in Michael when he was young. he was the biggest and much stronger than his siblings, and he could transform more easily. however, he had less... impulse control.
He didn't remember everything he did as a wolf, and didn't have as much control over his instincts. Pair that with his uncontrolled loathing of his little brother and... well...
lets just say that when you leave three little mentally ill young freaked out dogs in a room locked up alone together after witnessing something horrific and traumatic (specificall mike saw smth awful. idk if i wanna reveal it yet but. mlem. he saw smth scary) it doesnt end well. and William egging him on didnt help. he insisted that if michael hated evan, he should get rid of him. only the strong survive. he egged him on and on and michael reacted based on instinct
Michael hardly remembers what happened, but he knows he woke up covered in blood and his father asked him where his little brother was. and he didnt know, but he could assume. he never knew william was the cause.
he was never nice to evan btw he was still abusive. and a lot of that bled onto liz after evans death, so he ended up isolated a lot. william didnt care what happened to evan, but he knew michael was useful adn elizabeth could prove to be. he didnt want his precious daughter getting hurt.
william takes michael out to help him under the reasoning that hes already a murderer, he might as well help out his dear old dad. its not awful, you're a wolf, you do wolf things, this is in your blood and cannot be changed!
one day mike does get away from will for a second. he gets hurt and turns back and meets charlie, who helps him out. she doesnt ask where hes from, he insists on not telling henry about it. he doesnt trust him.
but he goes back to william because thats his dad. and he has to, yk? but charlie thinks about him a lot. And vanessa later stumbles across them in the basement, telling herself thats normal, wills probably putting them there so theyre safe from him. before henry tells her williams never had kids. His wife died in a crash before they could
so it must have been fake, right? but the children in front of her are very real, and so are the claw marks on the walls and the little girl's cuts and scraps clearly given to her by her brother, who is also scratched up.
and suddenly William's stories aren't adding up.
and of course everything gets more complicated when michael is missing.
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merp-blerp · 10 months
Some Tincrow Moments From The Wiz Production I Just Saw While It’s Fresh In My Mind
Note: I had never seen the stage version of The Wiz before last night, so I could be missing things and points. Also, my memory might be just a bit fuzzy on exact details, but I know this stuff mention did indeed happen at some point.
Avery Wilson was Scarecrow and Phillip Johnson Richardson was Tinman. They absolutely killed it. Everyone did. I’m going to need a cast album and pro-shot please!
Scarecrow is a dance God once they get him off the poll in time for “You Can’t Win”. Why they kept Michael Jackson on a damn poll in the movie despite the fact that his dance moves would've been really cool for Scarecrow, I’ll never know.
This is the first direct Oz retelling I’ve seen to give Scarecrow a human backstory (Wicked is more of/better off seen as it’s own thing in my opinion). He was once a scientist who got his brain taken by one of the witches and turned into a Scarecrow. I don’t remember if it’s mentioned if he had a family in this show—it might’ve not been—but if he did I guess he would’ve completely forgotten because he “has no brain”. And I might be wrong, but I think it was mentioned he had a name too, but if so I don’t remember it. I find that interesting and fun to play with, especially if one would be able to compare and contrast that with Nick Chopper’s backstory (and/or whatever the Tinman’s name might be in this version of Oz; guy collects names like candy). I would have to see The Wiz again in order to do that myself, but you know, I like the idea.
Tinman’s backstory is slightly different. He was too gay and sassy for his own good, saying one of the witches was a “rusty” singer, causing her to turn him from a lumberjack into a “heartless” Tinman who gradually lost almost all of his memories outside of the mere fact that he once had a family due to this curse. He thinks he doesn’t have a heart because he can’t remember the ones he loved, just that he used to. Nimmie Amee isn’t a part of his story in this show. That’s about as tragic as the backstory Baum gave him, if not worse.
Give me an angst with a happy ending AU where Tinman and Scarecrow knew each other as humans but both forgot due to their curses, only to rediscover each other through their found families. Imagine Scarecrow having Nimmie Amee’s original role in a way—noooo—
Scarecrow mimicking Tinman’s rusty dance moves while they oil him (he mimicked a lot of people throughout the show—Dorothy, the wizard’s announcers calling his name, maybe etc., so I guess it was just his cute little thing).
When Dorothy’s trying to convince the gang to bring Lion along Tinman says “Are you sure? We already have to bring Captain Brainless?” (or something a lot like that, I'm paraphrasing), thinking they had too many already as if his husband wasn't first in line on the journey before him, only for Scarecrow to say, “I’m captain?!?!” *Insert cute happy head waggles* (Hits different when you know Scarecrow becomes the ruler of Oz after the first book till Ozma’s found, but his leadership wasn't mentioned in The Wiz so maybe that's not on purpose) I adore Avery Wilson’s take on Scarecrow. Tinman has always been my favorite of Dorothy’s friends if I had to pick one, but Wilson’s performance really made Scarecrow stand out even more than usual. I don’t know if I can explain it, it might just have to be seen; pray there’s a slime tutorial out there.
Lion’s kinda gay too, but in solo. And I know Ozma’s not here, so there’s not really any evidence for Dorothy’s queerness… but she is—I can feel it in my lesbian soul, okay!?!?
All of Dorothy’s friends not only want their gifts, but don't see the point in their existences without them. It made me sad for them.
I don’t know where to mention it, but Toto’s not in this show at all—poor guy. EDIT: I just learned that in the original production, Toto was played by a white dog as a joke that there was an all-black cast as opposed to him traditionally being a black/brown dog with a white cast. That is hilarious—why didn't they recreate that???
Tincrow’s only straight-feeling moment is with them both being distracted by the poppies (which caught me off guard in this show because traditionally Scarecrow and Tinman are the only ones not affected by the poppies because they’re not flesh and blood like Dorothy, Lion, and Toto; in this Dorothy was the one to break everyone free from them. I’ve been trying to understand the purpose of this change. Maybe to give Dorothy a bit more agency). The poppies were these sensual flower ladies trying to convince the gang to be lazy, which on it’s own is a fun twist on the flowers that put Dorothy and Lion to sleep. But hey, maybe that makes it not straight, just lazy. I'm all for Bi4Bi Tincrow too.
After the Kalidahs attack they comfort and hype each other and Dorothy up (Dorothy’s their sapphic adopted daughter, in this essay, I will—).
I forget when exactly this happens, maybe during the Kalidahs scene, but at one point they casually cling to each other's arms for no(?) reason. They just met and they’re already married.
Scarecrow backup-singing a little before everyone else joins Tinman during “What Would I Do If I Could Feel” (at least at my showing, I don’t know if this is a regular occurrence as a part of the show or just something that happened to happen at mine).
Making fun of the Wicked Witch together, calling her smelly, and having Lion join in. Bros, that’s what got you in trouble to begin with—messing with a dang witch!
Interestingly, the idea of Dorothy’s friends having they’re gifts all along isn’t here. Instead, it’s implied that after they kill the last wicked witch the curse is mostly lifted, with Tincrow’s gifts returning to them, but they stay a scarecrow and tin-man for some reason. I like to think they still had them all along though, that idea’s too cute and sweet for me to let go of.
The last time we see them they leave the stage together, Lion going ahead of them to reunite with his mom. I can’t explain why this feels important to me. I guess because usually characters exit the stage individually as like a goodbye queue to the audience, knowing that that last step off the stage will detemand the last impression of the characters. So the fact that the last impression of both of them is them together feels special. Or maybe it’s just me.
They both had such sassy black queer vibes the whole time. The show itself already has such sass, but both of them, Scarecrow especially, were oozing it in different fonts. They were giving off bear x twink—or maybe otter couple vibes.
Gay or not, The Wiz is so great! I recommend it so much!
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wetcatspellcaster · 3 months
A few questions, which obviously can be answered at your convenience because I don't want to add to the burn-out you're experiencing (I hope you get some rest and relaxation soon!).
1. Do I need to know anything about Dragon Age to read your other fics? I'm desperate to read anything you've written because you're so talented, but I haven't played and don't know much about it.
2. I just reread Pieces again, and am so curious to know what Rosalie's dad is like and what he thought of Astarion! Also, "Rosie" 🥰
3. I'm American, and my attempts to write English/British characters make me cringe a bit because my American-ness seems glaringly obvious. I suppose this is a bit of weird question, but I've read my share of fics where I'VE thought, "Oh, this author is DEFINITELY American" so I would imagine you have, too. Do you have any advice for writing more... authentically, I guess?
Thanks, in advance!
hey anon! sorry for the delayed reply - i was sick and trying to leave the asks with more complex answers until a time when i had more than one unhappy braincell!
honestly, a mix? my dragon age fic was the first fic I ever wrote, so it was more reliant on existing plots and I also retell a bunch of stuff, particularly in my longfic? which means that it's actually more accessible than my current fic, which tries to avoid too much replay of canon dialogue and canon scenes and so expects the audience to know them, I suppose? But I'm not good at gauging how easy they would be to read with no knowledge of say, the concept of Grey Wardens. I do have one dragon age modern AU though, which is entirely independent of canon :)
Ahhhhhh, you're the first person to ask this!! To be honest, I chose to show Rosalie's mother rather than her father bc the aim of the final scene was to give this timeline's Astarion a chance to use the Charm My Ascension Turned Evil for an utterly harmless use, as a wholesome resolution to the story! Rosalie's father is a handyman (he met her mother doing repair work for the store she worked in at the time) and so he's slightly taller/stockier than you would perhaps expect (of course, in Pieces, he's now more of a wiry and lean old man). he's soft spoken and stoic, the kind of man who deliberately wouldn't raise his voice for being seen as intimidating (particularly with the canonical treatment of tieflings by WotC) but who's opinion is often valued and taken seriously when it is offered, because it's rare for him to speak up. To be honest, I think a meeting with him and Astarion would be hilarious for different reasons, I think both parties would mostly be befuddled on first meeting bc Astarion is very performative and her father is the opposite of that. If Astarion found canon timeline Rose's 'no ulterior motives' infuriariting, I think 'no front whatsoever but also no clear indication of his opinion of me' would also cause him to have a minor meltdown.
This question is difficult for me to answer, because I unfortunately have the Posh British Accent Download and additional DLC due to certain things that happened to me in life. But to be honest, my advice here would maybe be the following: 1. try to fact check any idioms or speech quirks with either a UK friend or something like reddit, or lift them directly from British TV/film dialogue. just bc I have seen certain turns of phrase used a little off-centre and that's what tends to give it away for me? not the 'oh you're clearly american' but the 'oh, you've clearly never heard this used in an actual conversation' 2. Read authors that have a 'British' voice (I cringed, but it is true!) I'm not Neil Gaiman's biggest fan, but authors like Gaiman and Terry Pratchett have a little bit more British English in their writing and so immersing yourself in one of their novels for a bit might help you emulate the stuff I do subconsciously (others might be Sarah Rees Brennan, Kieron Gillen's comic book The Wicked and the Divine, Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell, the Skulduggery Pleasant series... this all depends on what kind of British you're aiming for!!) 3. The way I still get into 'character voice' to this day is just by listening to youtube clips on loop. I can't do impressions but I can try to imagine the voice saying the line i've written!
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mysunfreckle · 1 year
First Ten Lines game
Rules: Share the first line of ten of your most recent fanfics (edit: or original fiction) and then tag ten people. Don't have ten? Not to worry, just share what you have.
@starkey tagged me, quoting the beginnings of 10 original works I have not all read and am very curious about, but I've been writing a mix, so here is some fanfic, some un-fanned fic, and some purely original stuff:
1) "It had been his intention, whatever foolishness he might have been led to commit afterward, to dance with her only once."
From: "The Vampires of Northanger", a vampire AU for Northanger Abbey.
2) "When Mr. Charles Bingley rode into Hertfordshire to acquaint himself with Netherfield Park it was on a purely accidental recommendation."
From: "Conceit and Concilliation", a retelling of Pride and Prejudice from the perspective of Bingley and Darcy.
3) "As the [REDACTED] crept closer, the [REDACTED] and REDACTED] every door."
From: "On the [REDACTED]", a retelling of [REDACTED], for the Once Upon a Fic Exchange.
4) "Two voices, rapid and impulsive in the comfort of familiarity, bounced off the stone walls of the otherwise empty cellar."
From: "Accidental Harlequin Romance" (working title, alternatively: Runaway Noble/Smirking Smuggler), a multi chapter original work that is going to cause me trouble.
5) "It was late, well past two in the morning, and Rebecca sat on the fire escape of her building."
From: "Vampires of Amsterdam", an urban fantasy novella/triptych that started out as fanfic.
6) "In a land so far away that the names of places and people were all forgotten on the way here, a kind and responsible merchant once lived in a fine country house with large windows."
From: "The Fox at the Window", the latest original fairy tale for @patchworkfairytales podcast.
7) "For someone who had, in a span of one hour, managed to do their first magical fire spell and acquire their first serious magical injury, Violet thought little Hümeyra was doing extremely well."
From: "Magical Accidents", an urban fantasy piece I wish I could finish.
8) "As far as assignments went, keeping an eye on the boss’ spendthrift son was very tolerable."
From: "Bodyguard", a setup for an abandoned story that was polished to an open-ended ficlet.
9) "It was peculiar how names stuck."
From: "Or Iron Heinrich", a polyamorous take on the Grimm's "The Frog King or Iron Heinrich".
10) “Why a temple? Why now?”
From an unnamed ficlet about a forgotten goddess.
I tag @burntblackfeathers, @feyland, @williamvapespeare, @adorablecrab , @fishandchipsandvinegar and @theblazeofmemory, and double down on the tags for @rosesutherlandwrites and @desperadore , for any kind of writing, including poetry~
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tallemy · 11 months
If you don't mind. who's your not cup of tea IDV ships? What's your thoughts of them? You can say anything the platonic about your not cup of tea IDV ships.
Oh no, I do not mind! I tend to not mention them publicly because I do not want people to believe that I am hating on their ships, sadly, but I do have a fair number of them. orz
I think the only strictly notp that roots from lore reasons is jokermargie and I even tend to avoid people who try to make it cute and fluffy, because it's actively denying their shared lore and the mutual abuse they push on each other to the point it results with Margie's death. Margie went to Joker, because she knew that he already had negative feelings towards Sergi after he had taken his spot in the circus, and used this initial bad impression to get his help. Joker was nothing but a nameless clown in her life, far too easy to control in order to get her freedom. On the other hand, Joker completely misunderstood her reasons and thought that Margie has genuine feelings for him, hence why he went completely mad and started paradeing around like her ex-husband/abuser when he realized this was not the case. His mental health only plummetting further when Margie tried to set him up against Mike using the same method she had in the circus.
Afterwards, the bitterness he had kept bottled up over the years shattered the moment he was forced to face reality and refused to accept that a woman who is nice to him might not have any feelings towards him.
The general theme of their meeting is that Margie turns Joker into a monster and then dies as a result, because she falls victim to the monster she had created for her own survival. COA3 is basically the retelling of this through the Museum and the Netherwalker who got corrupted by the woman he fell for, while the woman only wanted to spread Abyss in the world. Even the recent event has her using Moonlit Shoal's willingness to help and then this causes the death of an entire group. 👀 I think it's an interesting topic to study in the psychological horror way, but definitely not something that should be presented as a fluffy love-love relationship and Netease repeatedly makes this clear in their AUs and in their canon game. :') tl;dr I like both characters but I think they should be happy with someone else or even be alone for their own sake and because what Joker did was selfish and wrong to begin with. Even if Margie did bad things, at the end of the day she was a woman abused by her husband but she never even GOT the chance to mentally heal from that trauma. (+ the fact that Joker wanted to be the hero of the story so bad, that he had went up to someone's abusive husband after Margie had spent the night at his tent? That's just turns the victim's life a living hell. He never even took Margie's side into consideration. Not in the circus and not in their game) The rest are just "I mute these ships and do not seek interaction due to past experiences with shippers." But I do not really have thoughts about them. Maybe I would have enjoyed them, but due to the behaviour of their fans, the ship sailed without me.
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dalekaiken · 1 year
how did u come up with the initial ideas for ur fics ?? :3
I'll reply with my current multichapter fics bc my oneshots are mostly... Sudden ideas I get, such as Keeping Promises being a fic I wrote in one sitting after finishing Unleashed bc I was inspired. XD (Or I wrote the first draft in one sitting but you know-)
DNA Collision: I absolutely adore when people draw Shadow with more alien-like features, such as giving him yellow scleras, tiny scales, or a third eye! But the fanart made me think... What if there was a reason Shadow looked like that/more alien, especially considering that he didn't originally even know he's half alien. My original idea was that Eggman would do something that would make him mutate, but then I thought it might be a bit of a lazy choice, plus then fixing it would be a lot easier because they'd already know the cause. My bestie came up with the idea that it would happen suddenly while Shadow was racing/using Chaos Control, and I liked that idea. (I can't tell how/why it happens since that's a spoiler, but you'll find out eventually ehehe). I like aliens, sci-fi, and body horror (although I don't wanna make the body horror parts too graphic in the fic but still. It's a part of it), but there's also metaphors etc. in it. I'll probably talk more about those once I finish the fic, because for now I want readers to make their own interpretations and speculations >:3
Prophecy of Chaos: The ship I was super obsessed with before Sonadow was Catradora, and since I tend to like certain types of dynamics, I kinda noticed lots of similarities between them XDD (I mean, they're a snarky hero with a heart of gold and their former enemy with a traumatic backstory) I think I also saw a tumblr post where someone pointed out that the way Boom!Shadow acts is like a bitter ex/former childhood best friend, and that made me think... What would Sonic and Shadow be like if they had been childhood best friends who had a falling out? I think I jokingly told my friends like "what if I made an AU that's kinda like the premise of She-Ra but with Sonadow" but then I actually got invested in it. It just works so well with Sonic characters and Sonic lore, with the whole chosen one thing and friendship being a big theme in both series. My bestie @tillytilli had lots of suggestions for the AU, and then I asked if they'd like to be a co-creator. Plus with two people working on it made it possible for us to make several illustrations for each chapter; usually three art pieces for each chapter, one by me, one by Tilli and one being a collab between us. So yeah, the premise and some elements are inspired by She-Ra, but the plot will differ a lot since we didn't want it to just be a retelling of that story, we wanted to also make it our own story. Plus we haven't really assigned the characters certain roles (except the obvious ones, like Sonic having Adora's role, Shadow Catra's, Infinite Shadow Weaver's, and Eggman Hordak's. But even some of those are a bit mixed, especially between Sonic and Shadow) because we felt like it would limit the characters too much, and we wanted them to be themselves first and foremost if that makes sense? (So like. You don't need any knowledge of She-Ra to read the fic. Sonic knowledge is more important since there's lore and references XD)
Impactful Skip: I came up with the idea around the time the sneak peek of Sonic and Nine in Sonic Prime came out. Since Nine was a traumatized child because he never met Sonic, it made me think... How would Tails turn out if he had had Sonic, and then lost him? Because he would know what he was missing. Sonic and Tails are so close that I feel like neither of them would be the same if they lost each other. I think I was also subconsciously inspired by that one episode of Futurama where Fry has to test the time machine with Bender and the Professor so he's late from his date with Leela, but the time travel goes wrong and Leela thinks he's dead. (This scene especially always BREAKS me) I didn't like... Actively think about that episode while thinking about the premise, but then I remembered it after a while and was like OH. Another inspiration for it was that one tumblr post I can't find sadly but it was like... "Why would you tell a post-apocalyptic story if not to show the kindness of humanity?" And it's a big part of Impactful Skip, because while Tails has turned against all his friends, his friends still stick together and try to find hope and kindness towards one another even in a world with barely any hope left.
Thank you for asking! I'm really enthusiactic about these stories so I'm always happy to explain about them! ✨✨
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bookofmirth · 1 year
Do you think that gwynriel will be The Little Mermaid retelling? I saw someone say they think it will be a love triangle and Elain will see Gywn and Az getting along and she sees the necklace that was supposed to be hers. The sea witch tricks Prince Eric into thinking she is the girl he's in love with. So, Elain will use her seer powers (we don't know much about them yet) to trick Az into thinking they are mates. I saw another theory say what if Elain falls in love with Azriel despite the mating bond with Lucien, but he ends up choosing Gwyn and it causes Elain to turn bad. I think it might be Little Mermaid retelling, but I’m not so sure on Elain being a villain. I don’t like the idea of her being bad unless it’s done very, very well. I was surprised to see there are quite a few theories on Elain being bad/evil, but I guess it kind of makes sense. People underestimate/least expect since she’s off in her garden and keeping to herself.
Not really, mainly because sjm has stepped away from doing straight up retellings. Even in acotar, she took the bare outline of Beauty and the Beast and made it her own thing - if Tamlin was the beast, then they don't even end up together and the irony is that he did have something dark to him that prevented their HEA. Cassian and Nesta weren't a retelling of anything. ToG was supposed to be Cinderella but it bares such little resemblance to Cinderella that by the end of the first book it's its own thing.
Sarah takes bits and pieces of stories, fables, religion, other cultures, and uses what she wants. She's never faithful to the original story, she just takes the vibes and aesthetics that she likes and then goes on her own journey with the characters. That's part of the reason why I don't think that most super-detailed theories are going to pan out. Sarah does research into other stories and cultures and religions, but she's rarely faithful to them to the point that we can follow the bouncing ball all the way from point A to point Z. She's more like, here's point A, and now I'm going to forget the rest of the alphabet.
I'm not super into the idea of Elain being bad or evil, first off because it's so unlike anything that sjm would write, and second because it would go against who Elain is as a character. I think she could get tricked into something or even tempted, and then have to repair the damage - hence my idea for an elucien Legend AU - but intentionally? I don't think she would do anything to hurt her family. I understand why people have those ideas too, because it would be an interesting subversion of what we know about her character, and it would be one way for Elain to take agency over her life! I guess I just don't see it happening in canon.
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AU - Knights/Medieval Masterlist
Battle For Dominance (ao3) - troyiesivanie
Summary: Phil has just his job acting acting as a Jester at the Medieval Fair, today they picked him for handing swords to the jousters. There he meets The Black Knight.
Criminal - botanistlester
Summary: Medieval AU. Daniel Howell is a nonviolent sweetheart who adores his mother and sister, living peacefully until the day the Marcella Kingdom guards show up in his home, telling him he has murdered a citizen. His penalty? Death. But that is interrupted by a supposedly extinct
Dragon's Breath (ao3) - rainydipandpip
Summary: Two young mages caught between a fire, a prophecy, and a quest for power.
Fit For a King (ao3) - TortiTabby
Summary: The second part of the Ebony Crest series Daniel is the Bastard of a King & ex-Knight Philip is his love he's trying to make a life with
Forbidden (ao3) - ohhowellno
Summary: Prince Daniel is preparing to become the king it all changes when he meets a kitchen servant named Phil. As they fall in love they realize that it may not be as easy for them to be together as they thought.
Forgivable Sins (BETA) (ao3) - PhantasticFiction
Summary: Not gonna write too much here right now cause im not sure whats going on with this, i just need to know how its sounding so far, Its gonna be about a master falling in love with his servent, they are gonna get older then they are in this first chapter
Gods, Men, Kings. (ao3) - metal_arm_metal_shield
Summary: Prince Daniel had grown up in a palace; surrounded by wealth, with a life of glory laid before him He had never known want. Until his eyes beheld Philip. He could have everything he ever wanted, except for him.
i fall for the same face every time (ao3) - zsunsetz
Summary: In every universe, in every lifetime, in every world, he promises that he will love him.
In Fair Verona - A Dan & Phil retelling of Romeo + Juliet (ao3) - Art3misPlayerOne
Summary: This is my take on the first two acts of Romeo + Juliet, with Phil as Romeo and Dan as Juliet. As I'm sure you've already figured out, this isn't the traditional telling! It's inspired by the Leo/Claire version of the movie, but with a few twists of my own!
lead me astray (lead me your way) (ao3) - dykejaskiers
Summary: It's a normal Sunday evening when Dan disappears.
One minute he's there, sitting on the grass in front of Phil who's leaning closer and tilting his head, shooting Dan a questioning look – is this okay? Can we? Do you want me to?
One minute he's there, and then as suddenly as the sun disappears, so does Dan.
of damsels, knights, and fairytale endings (ao3) - artbabe
Summary: Phil is a shy baker's apprentice in a little village that is quartering knights on their way to a great battle. He catches the eye of Sir Howell, a handsome knight whom he may never see again.
Outlawed (ao3) - aphroditegf
Summary: Desperate to prove himself as a knight, Sir Phil Lester captures a criminal he finds at the scene of a burning village, and tasks himself with taking this mysterious outlaw Dan to the capital.
Something Entirely New (ao3) - xoPrincessKayxo
Summary: Written for Prompt #12- Fairytale Phil, a prince whose overprotective parents keep him locked in the castle, longs for adventure. He finally gets a chance when news of a sleeping princess reaches their kingdom. He sets off with his knight and best friend Dan to rescue her. True love saves the day, of course, but not in the way you might think
The Involuntary Time Traveller (ao3) - Pantless
Summary: Dan can't sleep, so Phil tells him a bedtime story.
thought of you often (ao3) - jestbee
Summary: On Daniel’s twenty first birthday, a man walks into his banquet hall that he hasn’t seen in years.
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msm-tsotmw · 1 year
(also tagging @paidexp heehee)
So, yesterday we finally got to meet Edin. And, uh…
they were around fucking
100 feet tall or something like that
He almost stepped on me.
Uh, Sorry! Ah Just… Didn’t Notice Ye There Coz You’re So Small.
well its not their fault for being so short
(Sprigg rolls their eyes.)
Ah Didn’t Mean It, Really!
So , Is It Okay If You Retell The Story You Told Us Yesterday ?
The Story ? You Know …
Sorry, Ah Forgot Abit That One. I’m Kin' Ay Forgetful, Miss… What’s Yer Name Again?
Aw , That’s Alright ! My Name’s Toorie , By The Way .
Ah. Toorie. Thanks!
No Problem !
…Wait, What Were We Talkin’ Abit?
Um .
Why are you so forgetful?
You know, how you forget things really easily.
Er… Problem Wi’ My Core, Apparently. That’s What Others Say, Anyway…
…Ooh, One Of Those Ladybugs Jeeo’s Always Talking Abit!
Careful ! You Might-
(The ladybug lands on one of Edin’s hands, and they are surprisingly gentle for a 107 foot tall robot with a castle for a body.)
Oh .
wait uhhh whos jeeo
Awdajeeo Derchattenn? You Know, That Ladybug-Spider Fella.
oh yea right
and his weird fucking stogg
Wait, how come you’ve never sang in Faerie Island’s song?
Well, Ah Am Taller Than Th’ Average Wubbox, Plus Ah’m Kind Of Loud If I’m Not Careful Enough. Ah Think Ah Caused An Earthquake The Last Time Ah Sang.
Oh. That explains it.
…Wait, how did a Wubbox like you get onto Faerie in the first place?
Uh , Sprigg , I Think That’s Too Much Questio-
Nae, They Can Ask All They Want!
An', Well, Ah Dunno How Ah Got Here, Either…
All I Remember Is Wakin' Up Here On Faerie, An' Boom! New Friends!
Kind of like how all Jeeo remembers is arriving here…
Nothing, just something Jeeo told me.
Ah, Jeeo! He’s A Nice Fella.
Wait, What Were We Talkin’ Abit?
Oh, Look! It’s Jeeo, Avani, And That Bird He Hangs Out With! Hi!
(The 107-almost-110-foot-tall Faerie Wubbox waves to the 2 Monsters and 1 big critter far below him.)
huh? oh, hello!
bark bark!
oh shit avani
Uh… Ye Got Somethin’ Against Her?
she bit me once and it HURT
Well, She’s Not Pure ‘At Open To Visitors, But She’s A Friendly Stogg Once You Get On Her Good Side!
if you say so
Anyways , Do You Guys Wanna Get Some More Pizza ? There’s Leftovers From Yesterday !
no thanks
What? What’s A Pizza?
Ah , Just Like Mauna .
One Of Our Friends ! She Doesn’t Remember A Lot Of Things Due To Having Been Trapped In Amber For A LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG Time , But She Really Liked The Pizza When She Got To Trying It !
Ah, Alright! I’d Try Too, But Ah’m Probably WAY Too Big To Get A Seat At Th' Bakery.
Maybe We Can Bring Some ?
That’d Be Brilliant, Thanks!
Alright , The Others And I’ll Be Going There Now ! Bye !
See Ya, Toorie!
(Mondo tries to avoid getting bitten by Avani AGAIN. Sprigg spots something in a bush… is that a piece of paper?)
…Yeah. See you.
yeah um uhhhh new AU fact just dropped!! so instead of being actual Monsters, Stoggs are just REALLY big critters that are able to join into an Island’s song. the same goes for Reedlings, since those 2 are basically the dogs of the Monster World!!
-Mod Jimmy 🗣️
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angstmongertina · 1 year
WIP Wednesday Results/Sentences
Aaand the poll is over! Thank you to everyone who voted! I adore you and my muse hates you. :P
Accountability sentences (and copied/new fic premises) under the cut! Since not everything got a vote this time, I'll be skipping the ones that didn't get any votes.
Letters to Nadia – From a shared 7KPP ‘verse with @teaandinanity’s Valya where our characters’ kids decided they were in love with each other. (Supposed to be 1 sentence but shhhh it's fine.)
He shakes his head, regretting it a moment later when the world swirls precariously around him, but the image of Nadia, her face set in that perfectly polite smile he knows hides disapproval and genuine hurt, continues to swim before his eyes. Genuine hurt caused by him. Then again, that’s still better than the alternative. He can handle hurt. Hurt is better than fear. Or, at least, that’s what he’ll have to convince himself of.
forever i’m yours, forever i do – A retelling of Artem’s second anniversary card that started as just an attempt to write out the smut and that VERY MUCH grew out of control HELP (3 sentences, but I added an extra just 'cause.)
To distract himself, he glances to the side, where Jeremy is fidgeting with his cufflinks, but before he can do anything more than offer a sympathetic look, the music swells with the familiar strain of Pachelbel, and he stiffens, straightening as a sudden hush falls over the audience. He’s supposed to be watching Celestine. He knows this. He hears the crowd murmur as she steps into view, feels the sharp inhale from the man beside him as he lays eyes on his bride, and yet he barely even notices, because all he can see, all he knows, is her.
Homecoming – For the CoG story Teahouse of the Gods, because the A'Li romance was right up my alley. Continuing the angstier version. (1 sentence)
She’s the first one to break the sudden stillness, words falling out of her mouth before she can even think about them: “You haven’t changed.”
Oh Brother – Again from the shared 7KPP 'verse mentioned above, Thomas’ little sister’s version of what happened. (3 sentences turned into three paragraphs OH WELL)
“Doesn’t know everything about her either.” His voice is unusually soft, one might even say hesitant, and Iris turns to find him with an odd expression in his eyes, though the next moment, it’s hidden under his typical teasing grin. “Sorry, you’ll have to find another source of information for your gossip.” “Ugh, what good are you, then?” Aster grumbles, but there’s a satisfaction in their mannerism that means they’ve already achieved what they intended to. Though the jury is still out on whether or not it’s actually helpful.
Spiral Point – More 7KPP because the brainrot is real, but this time for Camyon’s childhood friends AU. Here is more of their first interaction at the Summit, when neither of them actually recognize the other. :D (1 sentence)
Those sharp dark eyes were still fixed on her, however, and she realized belatedly that she was staring. “My apologies, Your Grace.”
Dinghun Zhou – CinderLia! In an alternate universe in which there is no Summit, but there’s still an event to try and find a wife for the perpetually single Duke Lyon. (2 sentences)
She raised an eyebrow and the man gave a sheepish smile. “He did inform me I was not to return until I was certain I could bring back an acceptance from you.”
King's Gambit – Fic for Gilded Shadow I started ages ago and never finished. Because Lance's route sniped me REALLY hard. Ari? Saw that coming. Caissa? Not terribly surprising. But LANCE????? (3 sentences)
She was, as he had already identified, a star student, and her focus on her exam, her little oasis in the chaos swirling just outside of her visual range, made it relatively easy to monitor her well-being. Until suddenly it wasn’t. It all happened so quickly, he nearly missed it.
That Which Binds Us – Also an ooooold old fic, this time for Fire Emblem Awakening and Chrobin. Because I had Ideas about what was happening in the background of the first half of the game, but I am terrible at multichapter things. (2 sentences but I cheated one more time.)
The concern softened into faint amusement, though she kept her thoughts to herself as she smiled. “I was just wondering if that was all, but maybe we should just say it is. We need our leader focused and alert, after all.” He shook his head with a rueful grin.
Much cheating was done in terms of making things longer than requested, but hey, better that than shorter! Thank you if you read them all!
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