#'can't stop thinking abt that stupid human - oh no.'
tsuutarr · 2 days
I am actually so in love with all ur yandere ocs!!! putting their designs in the back of my mind for future reference :] who knows, maybe I'll draw them someday tehee :333 I am especially a sucker for yandere angels so ur doing gods work here fr (no pun intended) Anyways I am kinda curious as to how the guys would feel abt a non-binary MC considering so far you've only described them using "she/her" pronouns ^^'' no need to answer if ur not up to it. I won't think of u or the characters any less<3 I'm also curious how they would react to mc having a very close childhood friend. I mean.. Those type of friendships are very likely to lead to more after all uwu~
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Tysm for liking my yandere OCs!! I'm very very pleased to hear that you enjoy them <3 I'd be flattered if you drew them!
Yandere angels are so fun b/c they're supposed to be the pinnacle of purity, but what if they get corrupted by their desires? Then they have to grapple with their morals and desires, though their desires eventually win over because they love love love you so much!
Also, I am totally okay with a gender-neutral reader! I try to write mostly gn!reader, but I'm sorry if she/her slips in sometimes since I'm most familiar with an afab!reader's perspective.
As for the guys, they'd all be okay with a non-binary MC~ though, I think Jiu's story would probably work best with a female leaning MC since his whole thing is that he dresses up as a woman to chase guys away from MC. Otherwise, I can visualize any gender for any of my yanderes!
Now, what if MC had a childhood friend? Well, here's how my yanderes would react:
Jiu IS your childhood friend, so he's already chased anyone else away from being too close with you since you were both kids. He's super smart in that he lets you interact with people (and even have "friends"), but he manipulates the situation so that you're mostly spending time with him. When someone gets too close to you, though, he'll chase them away, either through anonymous blackmail, some "accident," or something else.
Finley would be so so so sad if you had a childhood friend that was super close to you. He's not really allowed to harm any human but... it's not his fault that your friend is so so so clumsy and fell into a manhole!
Tynan would just kill the guy honestly. Nothing's stopping him from killing your childhood friend, after all. BUT, he's not stupid enough to make it obvious he did it. After all, how else will he console you over your stupid childhood friend's death?
The abandoned water god just kidnaps you so he could care less, frankly speaking. It's not like you can leave him, so why should he worry about some powerless human? Though, talk about your childhood friend too much and your friend may meet an untimely death related to water.
As for the farmer... oh, he'd hate your childhood friend. You're his sugarcube, you know? You're just so cute and defenseless, he has to protect you! So, well, whenever you try to call your childhood friend, the signals all wonky. When you want to drive to visit your friend, your tires are all punctured. And when your friend wants to visit? Oh! Well, your friend can't visit because the area's suddenly super dangerous and there's like fifty bears that might maul your friend!
So, long story short, your childhood friend isn't safe and probably never will be (except Jiu, who is your childhood friend)!
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miniagula · 4 months
lumiter would've gone sooooo insane. something abt the sweetheart of gold befriending and loving and helping two people who were just so unhappy
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wgshdwgd im sorry if youre not accepting snippet reqs </333
but could i req you write abt a villain who *everyone* is genuinely terrified of. and then the hero just politely tells them to shut the fuck up. like, villain could be monologuing or smth and hero would cut them off saying that they would really appreciate it if villain could finish up in the next hour or so because they dont want to miss bargain day at the supermarket.
uwah im sorry if i broke any rules </33 stay safe its a crazy world out there <333
"-Could you please just shut up?"
There was a moment of absolute, horrified silence. One man promptly fainted. Nobody seemed to breathe for a few seconds.
The villain turned, slowly, towards the protagonist.
They were on their knees on the floor, surrounded by armed guards ready to execute the various staff still in their building. Their expression was one of exhausted long-suffering, one hand pinching the bridge of their nose as if to stave off a headache.
"Excuse me?" the villain asked, oh so softly.
"Will you please stop talking?" The protagonist dropped their hand, levelling the villain with a look. "Like, if you're going to slaughter the lot of us, just do it, don't make us listen to the spiel first. It's been forty five minutes."
"Are you so eager to die?"
"No. But if I'm going to die, I think I'd like to get it over with. Otherwise, I'd like to just go about my day. I need to buy food before the shop closes and takeaway costs a fortune. I mean, bloody hell. Forty five minutes. Do you really think anyone here is listening?"
The villain stared.
"Like, not to be rude," the protagonist said. "But they're all scared out their minds. They are not processing the finer points of your monologue. It's just so unnecessary."
"I could cut out your tongue and feed it to you."
"You don't have anything better to do?"
"I could cut out their tongues," the villain swept a hand around the room, "and feed them to you. That sorts out dinner, doesn't it?"
"I mean, I'm vegan, and not a cannibal, but I appreciate you're more concerned with being menacing than actually addressing the issue."
The villain stared some more.
The protagonist stared back.
"The data I need is still downloading," the villain said, after a long moment. "If I let you leave, someone will do something stupid like try and call the police."
"Sure, sure. But the monologue."
"You don't enjoy the sound of my voice?"
"I wouldn't take it too personally. It's been a week. Bit overstimulated, to be honest. Anyone's voice right now feels a bit like a cheese grater on my nerve endings."
"A bit like a cheese grater."
"No offense."
The villain blinked at them, slow and somewhat incredulous. "A cheese grater."
The protagonist shrugged.
"I'm assuming you didn't miss who I am in the last forty five minutes," the villain said.
"And yet."
"It's not that you're not terrifying," the protagonist said. "I just - forty five minutes. Humans aren't set up to be this stressed for forty minutes. My head is killing me. Processing all this - if you don't kill us - is going to be hard enough without having to fit in all the life admin I'm not currently getting done."
"Come here."
The villain crooked a finger to beckon the protagonist forward.
The protagonist swallowed, eyeing the villain warily, but didn't make them ask again. With a glance at the armed henchmen, they shuffled forwards to the spot the villain had gestured at their feet.
"You know," the villain said, "it's been a very long time since anyone has talked back to me."
"Sorry. I'm really not trying to be rude."
"No," the villain mused, head tilting with something alarmingly like curiosity as the protagonist came to a stop. "You're really not, are you? Turn."
The villain gestured again, to indicate that the protagonist should face away from them.
"...You can't just give me all the orders at once? I get this is more dramatic, but I probably wouldn't be trying your patience as much if-"
The villain seized the nape of the protagonist's neck, like scruffing a kitten, making their breath catch.
Everyone watched for the inevitable torment. The punishment. The kill.
The villain's fingers dug into the knots of tension in the protagonist's neck, power sparking up the touch.
The protagonist sagged. "Holy shit," they breathed.
"Um. I mean - yes - but -"
"Good." The villain glanced up to the henchmen. "Shoot everyone else."
"What? Wait - no -"
The sound was deafening.
Then the silence was, once again, absolute.
"You didn't have to do that," the protagonist whispered. "I didn't mean - if I offended you -"
"Oh, you didn't, don't worry. That's why you're still alive. Tell me about yourself."
The villain's grip stayed unrelenting on the back of the protagonist's neck, holding them securely in place.
"We still have ten minutes," the villain said, in a tone of great patience, "before the download completes. Tell me about yourself. I shouldn't be the one doing all the talking, after all. It's very rude of me, isn't it?"
Hesitantly, the protagonist talked, watching the blood pool on the floor. What else was there to do?
The computer finally gave a quiet beep to indicate that the download was complete.
"Good. Very good." The villain gave the protagonist's neck another gentle enough squeeze. "Now. Let's go grocery shopping," the villain said cheerfully. "Up you get. Dinner's on me."
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sadbenedict · 8 months
I think abt this a lot but would Suguru try and off himself w the chain? You said it was super long so like what's stopping him from strangling himself when he's eventually had enough? 🐴
oh.....omg... i didn't think of it....
maybe. I imagine Gojo caught him doing this and could have threatened him that if he did something to himself, he'd do something to the twins? So Suguru wouldn't do it again It might even give Suguru a scar on neck or something like that
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from: @melly0990
Since gojo is basically a yandere in your basement au what would he do when yuij tries to free geto? Would he hurt him?
I don't think he would actually hurt his students((( I think he's confident in his plan and doesn't believe that Yuji can actually free Geto.
from: /omg I forgot to tag and deleted it I'm stupid, sorry/
Humans need sunlight to literally survive without getting all sickly and right now I'm just imagining Gojo buying those plant UV-light things and placing them all over the room because, "it's basically sunlight right??"
OMG I'm crying he is smart and stupid at the same time I can't-
just imagine Geto's face....
from: @kfmcykdy
Will we get more basement AU fics in the future
I don't know... if someone want to write more, I will be happy :D
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cloudysonder · 7 months
15! mafia! soukoku getting together before 5 years of tension challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)
ok so I don't think I need another WIP on my plate but i can't stop thinking about them so I'm gonna write a hella long fic outline for a hypothetical fic I might've written in a different timeline
This is a half canon compliant half Chuuya leaves the mafia with Dazai AU, with a focus on their powers + how it affects them
Chuuya struggles with his identity and his agency bc of Arahabaki sharing his body, and combats it by trying to be as kind and giving as possible-- it's a way of proving to himself that these decisions are his, not Arahabaki's, because Arahabaki would never choose to be kind. As a result, he gives himself to others too easily, creating a tension of giving up agency/identity in order to prove that he has agency/identity
he does this with the sheep and then with the port mafia, where he eventually meets dazai
dead apple happens
Chuuya thinks the guy is actually the biggest asshole maybe in the universe, but begrudgingly accepts that his power is very useful and they make a good team (you would have to actually waterboard this out of him)
Dazai deems Chuuya his dog, and when Chuuya gets pissed and keeps pestering him abt how patronizing it is, Dazai responds lightly, as if he's saying that the sky is blue,
"Oh please. You were a dog long before I called you one--" Dazai doesn't even bother having the decency to look at Chuuya before ripping his life apart. "--eager to be on a leash and be taken on walks if it meant that it pissed off the wolf inside you. I just have the manners to actually call it a leash."
it isn't the first nor the last time that chuuya wants to kill him, but he can't deny Dazai's right (he usually is, infuriatingly)
He still hits him with a boulder
they build up trust over multiple months-- Dazai begins to believe in Chuuya's competence and skill (enough to relax on missions, because chuuya will take care of things, chuuya will catch the things I miss, and chuuya will catch me if I fall), and Chuuya will follow whatever order Dazai gives, no questions asked (He never steers chuuya wrong, never betrays him in a way that matters, never hurts him in a way that lasts-- usually people would've by now, but not Dazai-- he just annoys him and pranks him and thrashes him in video games, casually saying things about chuuya that are so on the nose that chuuya doesn't feel seen through, but seen)
chuuya goes on a mission that he's supposed to lead himself, and dazai tags along bc he's "on vacation" (healing from broken bones) and bored and knows that chuuya wouldn't let him get more hurt
there's a critical point in the mission where chuuya has to make a decision-- either to jump into the battle and hurt himself to save his subordinates, even if it means the mission wouldn't be completed successfully, or to let them die, guaranteeing success
He doesn't know what Arahabaki would choose, and he's terrified of choosing the same option it would-- he doesn't want to think that he's slowly turning into Arahabaki, that Chuuya one day will be no longer--
Dazai knows. Dazai always knows.
A warm hand envelops his.
The familiar shiver of No Longer Human blankets over him.
"It's your choice, Chuuya." Dazai is looking directly at him, serious for once. "No one else is here now."
And Chuuya, simple, stupid Chuuya, feels the tension he's known his whole life leave him completely-- and what was left?
The sun catches on Dazai's brown hair, beautiful even dusted with concrete powder and dried blood--
His hand is warm, his body is still, so trusting, his eyes are unblinking, so knowing--
And Chuuya falls irreversibly in love.
There's no real hiding it from Dazai (nor is there really a "normal" way that Chuuya can act anymore, knowing that he had the capacity, the capability for love)-- Chuuya tries for a while, but Dazai keeps staring at him with calculating eyes, suspicious and uncomfortable with whatever Chuuya is hiding from him
He pesters Chuuya constantly, making infuriating guesses about crushes (fucking Mori??? Chuuya wanted to kill Dazai for even suggesting it) and Chuuya's had enough of trying to escape who he is (which his feelings are tied to, unfortunately)
So, slowly, he lets himself show the affection he wants to-- a brush of hands, a hold on Dazai that's a little too tight when they lean on each other, a patching up of wounds that's a little gentler, a dinner of crab soup and rice that he took hours to learn how to cook---
Dazai stops pestering Chuuya pretty quickly after that
(He also never pulls away when Chuuya presses in, never comments on it, acts as if he doesn't know and doesn't care, and Chuuya finds some twisted sort of relief in that)
He's also become fiercely protective of Dazai, working thrice as hard so that he never sustains a single injury bigger than a scratch
"Wow---, why's my dog so easily riled up recently?" (they both know why)
Dazai is his to protect, but his in no other way. Chuuya knows that. He turns away when he flirts with pretty girls and gives them his number, and still admonishes him with the same tone he always does when he fucks around with women instead of doing his job
Chuuya genuinely shrugs it off— he doesn't love Dazai for it to be returned— it's just a fact in his life— his hair is red, his eyes are blue, he loves Dazai. Fin. He doesn't need to be in a relationship with him, he doesn't need to own him, he just wants to keep Dazai safe, and make him happy where he can
Dazai, meanwhile, is actually having a conniption— He figured out that Chuuya had a crush on him pretty quickly, but he's the most lost he's ever been in his life
He's never been loved so gently before, so carefully, as if he's a unique existence and intrinsically worthy of love-- Chuuya doesn't use him, doesn't expect anything of him, just keeps giving giving giving giving
Fact: Dazai has always been useful. Fact: Dazai has always been desirable, but in a way that seems dangerous. Fact: Every person who's ever held desire for him seemed to want something in return, as payment for the chore of liking him.
He annoys Chuuya more than anyone he's ever met, and yet Chuuya never treats taking care of him as a chore. He looks into Chuuya's eyes, sees a strange sort of pride, of gratefulness for relying on him, of joy just from the act of indulging him--
He asks nothing of Dazai, nothing, content to hold his hand firmly while Dazai's remains limp, asking nothing nothing nothing, backing off the second Dazai starts to squirm (though, sometimes, Dazai was just adjusting his posture on the couch, he wasn't pulling away— but he'd rather die before he asked the dumb little garden gnome to put his head on his shoulder again)
Dazai has never been more confused in his life. He's only sure of three things: 1) that Chuuya’s affection is genuine, 2) that it is far too good for him, which is a shame because 3) he'll never be able to return it.
Months pass in this limbo state— Chuuya backs off the second Dazai shows Any sign of being uncomfortable (he isn’t, he never was, but he’s confused by the frustration that wells up inside whenever Chuuya mistakes one of his random movements as resistance, pulling away, leaving Dazai oddly lonel—)
They usually don’t get hurt on missions— in all visible aspects, they’re perfect partners; Dazai’s plans don’t fail, and Chuuya never disappoints
But Mori thinks they’ve been a little too full of themselves recently, that they might benefit from a little humility, so he sends them straight into a trap
Chuuya drinks water from a safehouse that Mori arranged to have drugged
His vision goes blurry, fast
He tugs at Dazai, who’s keeping guard, blinking rapidly
“What, slug? Have you forgotten how sleeping works—“
“Dazai,” he chokes out.
Dazai snaps into focus, scanning Chuuya immediately.
“What happened?” Dazai doesn’t understand why panic is rushing through his veins, watching his partner struggle for breath. “Chuuya, breathe—“
“Don’t,” he strangles out, the word barely a whisper. “Don’t drink the water, something’s—“ Chuuya’s body seizes.
“Chuuya!” Dazai grabs him by the shoulders, and he’s surprised by how terribly his own hands are shaking— he can’t lose him, he can’t lose him, not him, not him, he’s never felt this strongly about the possibility of loss before, but he can’t lose Chuuya, he Can’t lose Chuuya, not the warm hands that hold his own, not the soft hair that buries into his neck, not the way his body always seems to fall into his, utterly trusting, not him, please god, not him, not the boy who loves him— he knows he doesn’t love Chuuya back, but he can’t lose Chuuya—
He brings Chuuya to his chest, preparing to make him throw up—
A bullet tears through Dazai’s arm.
Another one, seconds later, through his leg.
Dazai hisses in pain, grabbing his gun from his pocket
He’s not the best sharpshooter in the mafia for nothing— he shoots into the distance and hears both bullets hit their marks— he’s listening for the sound of two bodies falling—
A third gunshot rings from behind, and Dazai isn’t going to be fast enough to dodge it in time, fuck, but he can shift so it hits some non critical part of his body—
Shaking arms shove him to the ground
Dazai thinks the sound of the bullet burying itself into Chuuya’s body is going to haunt him for the rest of his life.
Chuuya’s warm blood is soaking into his lap, and Dazai’s vision begins to turn red at the edges
He uses more bullets than necessary to kill the last sniper, shooting his hands first, then his legs, his arms, his shoulders— he doesn’t get the mercy of a quick death— he hopes he bleeds, just like Chuuya is now—
The helicopter would come to pick them up at the meeting point in a few hours— he just needed to last until then—
He treats Chuuya’s injuries the best he can, murmuring his name like a prayer, begging begging begging
He ignores his own pain— or, that’s not quite right— he doesn’t even register his own pain— his own wounds are nothing in the face of the possibility of Chuuya’s death, and adrenaline keeps his limp arms moving, his wobbly legs walking
The helicopter picks them up
On board, a doctor patches Chuuya up and assures Dazai the poison wasn’t lethal and that the shot didn’t hit any major organs
Upon hearing (his) Chuuya would be ok, all of Dazai’s muscles relax at once, and he passes out
Chuuya wakes up in the hospital first
Dazai is in a comatose state, recovering— he’d be fine, but it’s the worst he’s been injured since Chuuya was assigned to be his partner
Chuuya waits by his side, holding his hand, running his fingers through his hair, caressing his cheek with his hand
He heard from the doctors that Dazai insisted, hysterically, that the doctors treated Chuuya first, despite his own injuries worsening by the minute
“Fucking asshole,” Chuuya pinches Dazai’s cheek.
He doesn’t wake up
He wakes up a week later, blinking slowly into consciousness
Chuuya is sleeping beside him, resting his cheek in the palm of Dazai’s hand
His eye bags look horrendous, and his face is pale
He nudges him without meaning to
Chuuya wakes up immediately
“Dazai?” He rubs his eyes a few times, as if he was checking he was awake. A few blinks later, Chuuya’s entire face melts. “Fuck, Dazai.”
Dazai isn’t prepared for the armful of Chuuya that barrels into his chest, burying into his neck— oh, Chuuya is warm—
Chuuya begins pressing small kisses into his hair, into the skin between his ears and his neck, eventually moving to kissing him on the apples of his cheeks
Dazai’s heart is doing a weird flop in his chest— he sees Chuuya’s sapphire blue eyes shining with tears, feels his chapped lips against his face, and god, is it pathetic that this feels like the first time he’s ever really been alive?
“You scared the shit out of me—“ Chuuya’s voice is trembling. “Why the fuck would you make them treat me first— I was literally fine, you fucking dumbass bitch, and I heal fast, you know that, you’re the lanky brittle stick— you were in a fucking coma for like a week, do you even know how, how worried I was?”
Frozen as he is, Dazai stumbles out a “why?”
Chuuya glares at him.
“You know why.”
He does. He still doesn’t know why. But Chuuya is peppering kisses all over his face and murmuring reminders to himself about gauze changes and medicine and antibiotics, so Dazai just lets himself stop thinking for once—
He catches Chuuya glancing at his lips, and he waits for a kiss there, but it never comes.
“You missed a spot.”
Chuuya turns bright red (cute cute cute), and looks toward the wall, clearing his throat.
“You should save that kiss for someone you love, mackerel.” Chuuya sighs, the red beginning to leave his cheeks. His eyes lose a bit of light, and Dazai wants to shove his words back in his throat. “I wouldn’t— you’ve already, uh, let me do this much.” He rubs the back of his neck, uncomfortable, as he untangles himself from Dazai.
Dazai wants to throw something (when did he ask Chuuya to stop, why is Chuuya sitting back in the chair, why is Chuuya holding his own hands instead of his, come back come back come back).
But Dazai doesn’t say anything, and Chuuya starts milling around the hospital room, collecting his medication
Chuuya nurses him back to health
He doesn’t kiss Dazai again
More months pass
Chuuya still asks for nothing from Dazai, and Dazai is weirdly frustrated by it (Oda and Ango are tired of hearing about it— they insist that Dazai has, ew, Feelings for him, to which he responds, like a mature adult, “The only feelings I have for the amoeba are pity and disgust— he’s stupid, it’s all stupid! And I’m a genius, obviously, so this is all below me!” He mutters, under his breath, “Dumb Odasaku, stupid ango, thinking they know better than me”)
They’re at a high end mafia party
Chuuya looks absolutely dashing, as always
Dazai cleaned himself up just to watch Chuuya’s face turn red
Dazai’s fooling around with some girls, playing the games he always plays, and glances out of the corner of his eye
Dazai freezes.
A Port Mafia man is on his knees, his hand cradling Chuuya’s, his lips planted firmly on Chuuya’s knuckles
And Dazai feels like he’s boiling alive— he hasn’t even kissed Chuuya, and this, this GRUNT is DIRTYING his— Chuuya with his fucking disgusting mouth, and Chuuya’s skin is so soft and warm and smooth and Dazai should be the only one in the world who knows how it feels
Dazai storms up to him and snatches Chuuya’s hand away, replacing it with his own. He introduces himself, but his tone and his eyes are deadly.
They sit in a rare moment of silence on the way back
Chuuya looks weirdly happy
Dazai doesn’t want to wipe the look off his face, so he keeps his mouth shut for once, watching the moonlight catch in his partner’s red hair and blue eyes— he’s so beautiful, Dazai thinks, and he tries to burn the image of Chuuya’s smug smile into his retinas
Dazai follows Chuuya home
They fall back into their old childish teasing the second they collapse on the couch, wrestling and yelling between delirious laughter— that’s the thing about Chuuya, Dazai thinks, he makes Dazai feel like the kid he never got to be.
Chuuya wins a round, and Dazai wins a round, and though they hadn’t agreed on a bet or a reward, Dazai chirps, unable to stop himself, “Guess that means that I have to do something for you, and you have to do something for me! You know, to be fair!”
“Ok…” Chuuya is staring at him suspiciously, checking behind him for a hidden pillow or another similar weapon (which, rude! he would never cheat! Scout’s honor.)
Dazai’s eyes seem to be darting everywhere but Chuuya. “For Chuuya, hmm… I’ll stop flirting around with girls!”
Chuuya blinks at him, bewildered. “I don’t really mind— it’s not like—“
Dazai cuts him off (he doesn’t want to hear the end of the sentence, for some reason?), the next words rapidly stuttering from his mouth—“And in exchange, Chuuya’s not allowed to flirt with anyone, ok?”
A light seems to dawn in Chuuya’s eyes, and he bites his bottom lip, trying to keep down a laugh. “Ok, mackerel. Deal.”
“Good slug.”
Chuuya actually does laugh, this time. “Fuck off.”
Things are a little different, after that. Chuuya gets more confident— he invites Dazai over for movie nights where he falls asleep on his shoulder, he occasionally presses a chaste kiss atop Dazai’s bandages (as if he’s something worth loving, somehow), and they still wrestle and fight and prank each other, but it’s euphoric— it’s their communication, their reminder that the other is thinking of them.
Dazai is still the one on the receiving end of things, and he realizes Chuuya’s never gonna kiss him on the lips because of his stupid moral code that kisses should be loving and romantic from both sides, and well, Dazai doesn’t know about love or any of that other dumb stuff, but he wants to kiss Chuuya
Dazai stays over at Chuuya’s apartment more often than not, and one day, as Chuuya’s leaving for work (he always shows up a couple hours earlier than Dazai), Dazai gathers up the blankets and waddles over to him, still sleepy
“Fuck off,” he replies out of habit more than anything else.
“What?” He finally turns to Dazai, who seizes the opportunity to give him a kiss, licking Chuuya’s lips as he pulls away.
“Have a good day at work!” Dazai smiles against Chuuya’s lips.
Chuuya works through a couple of phases— shock, joy, all encompassing bigger than the universe giddiness, shock, hope, hope, hope
He watches Dazai waddle back to his bed and collapse in the middle of it, taking up both his side and Chuuya’s
Chuuya smiles all day
After Oda’s death, Chuuya is the first one to grab Dazai’s hand before he can drown.
Dazai has never doubted that Chuuya cared for him, that Chuuya loved him, and it’s so fucking affirming to be believed— to know that someone believes you’re human, through and through
So he hopes that Dazai would trust him to take the initiative here, to make a choice that would truly be a middle finger to Arahabaki, to let Dazai be the savior he already was to Chuuya
“Dazai,” He says, knowing what happened before Dazai says a word, seeing it in his grieving eyes, his miserable form (how dare people think he has no emotions, how dare them, how dare them). He grabs both of Dazai’s hands and pushes their foreheads together with enough force to be a headbutt. His smile is sharp, a little scared, but he’s sincere. “Let’s run away together.”
and they run away and never define their relationship completely, but they are partners, through and through
Chuuya wants agency and to be seen as human and to be trusted and believed, Dazai wants to trust someone to take care of him and to believe in someone’s care for him and sees Chuuya as utterly human
They complete each other, they trust each other unconditionally
Chuuya wakes up with a ring on his finger one day, and Dazai shrugs and says that it might make Chuuya’s side of the deal they made 4 years ago a little easier
Chuuya thinks this is very funny
Dazai wakes up the next morning with a matching ring on his finger
They never have a wedding— they don’t need to prove their partnership to anyone— and they can count the amount of times they’ve said “I love you” on one hand— that’s private, that’s theirs and no one else’s
They’re both part timers at the ADA (the ADA insisted; if they were both full timers, there’d be no work for anyone else to do— Chuuya plows through paperwork, and they’re still soukoku— they never fail a single mission)
In their free time, they play games, write some shitty novels and some not so shitty novels, they try painting, they both become polyglots, read all the books they can in all the languages they can read, and it is all so mundane and so, so human
they no longer have to prove it to anyone
They are home
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teddybeartoji · 5 months
mickey !!! mickey !!!!! bonking my head against yours so gently <3333 i’m here with more selfship questions…… the train never stops
first of all!!! mickeyshoko…… i neeeed to know the Lore pls. ALSOOOO what are some ways you express your love for one another??? :3 since it’s not an established relationship exactly (from what i understand!!) i was also wondering how either of you would respond if someone asked if you were dating LMAO… i’m just imagining stsg making bets with each other over it. they’re silly.
AND THEN. mickzai. the kitties of all time. i’d love to know more abt the general dynamic!!! and how you got together!!!!! and also what petnames you call each other :3 bc i feel like dazai would be….. insufferable. genuinely. you need to muzzle him i think.
OK THAT’S ALL here r flowers for you 💐💐 i hope you’re having a cozy day so far!!! and that you’re resting lots and eating lots :3 ilyily <3
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misho oh misho..... i still don't have a proper name for us (how ironic lmao)(it's almost like i don't really know what we are huh). anwayyy i like to show my love through acts of service!!!!!! she works so hard so i try to make her life a little easier yk? i spend a lot of time at her place (we're practicaly roomies at this point) and i like to make her coffee in the mornings!!!!!! and at night when she comes home after a long, tiring day i draw her a bath and i was her hair!!!!!!!!! she can just soak and relax while i sit on the edge of the tub and scratch her scalp i'm pretty sure i've heard her purr actually. she usually just peeks at me very lazily with the tiniest little smirks. mm she kinda makes me feel dizzy i won't even lie. she's so effortlessly charming in her own way you know? also to add to the "no lines to cross" thing - nudity is also just very normal. as in there's no shame and no embarrassment, i literally sometimes help to dry her off bc she likes to be a little dramatic and act even more tired (she IS actually that tired but she's trying to make a joke out of it).
and she shows it through physical touch!!!!! hugging from behind as i make the coffee, playing with my hair, sitting on my lap, hands on the waist, kisses on the corners of my lips (???????????????i'm so unwell). and then she always laughs at the little lipstick smudge before wiping it off. anyway all of those things could come off as very relationship-like right???? but no. we're friends. definitely just friends. we both want to dissect each other. as friends.
the dating thing!!!!!! what a good question lmao i think we'd just laugh it off really easily actually. i just go "hmmmm i don't know... are we?" and then we stare at each other and then she just squeezes my thigh with a smile????????????? nothing normal is happening here honestly i think even stsg are a little weirded out hahahshasha even they (by they i mean suguru bc satoru is genuinely stupid sometimes<3) can't figure us out
and not to make myself lose it even more but..... utahime.............. she's not safe from us either lmao. we both have pretty strong gazes i think and we simply can't keep our hands to ourselves. fleeting touches and keen eyes... we like to tease utahime a little. but only in a good FRIENDLY way. we love her she's sooooooo cute.
btw can you tell i'm typing this out just as it comes like the lore is just writing itself at this point. it also seems that i'm making mickeyshoko sound like some predators:333 like yea so what if we're kind of freaks ok it's fun don't judge. blood is cool. humans are cool. we just wanna learn more.
(=◑ᆽ◑=)ฅ(ටᆽට=) this is mizai hehehe. also yes. i rebranded. hehehehehhee anyway. two kitties!!!!!!! two dysfunctional kitties lmao
ok but mizai feels like a we-knew-each-other-when-we-were-kids-but-then-we-didn't-see-each-other-for-years-and-now-we-met-again-but-it's-not-weird-ok-it-is-but-only-a-litte-it's-just-that-the-surpressed-feelings-are-threatening-to-spill-and-that's-a-little-scary
and we have another No Label relationship on our hands fuuuuckk.... anywho. he's coping with this better than i am. no matter how much i shove him around and tease and joke, he flusters me way too easily. it's annoying. and i wanna hate it. but i can't bc it feels so good to link pinkies with him. he's super clingy - he's constantly resting his head on my shoulder, loosely wrapping his arms around my waist, tugging on my sleeves when he wants attention. he boops my nose and pretends to count my freckles.
the tender moments aside, this is still very much a partners-in-crime thing too!!!!!! and i mean that quite literally lmao. we both have authority issues so good luck to anyone who's trying to boss us around; we've definitely also done some schenanigans - stolen some things here and there bc why not, broken into places, trespassing etcetc. it's not even necessarily for the thrill of it, most of the times he's just showing me quiet places where we can just sit with each other. he likes to rest his head on my lap and then talk my ears off. sometimes he falls asleep and i refuse to wake him bc he needs the rest. i kiss his forehead and hope (me when i lie) that he didn't feel it (he did). but yeah the overall dynamic is pretty much just skk i won't even lie. bickering and teasing, petty fights over nothing just bc he likes to rile me up - it's all way too familiar.
he doesn't bring it up though bc he doesn't really know how. he wants more of it but he doesn't know how to ask for it. how to really ask for it. so he'll take whatever he can get and he'll try to push me to give him more because he's greedy!!!! and i will fold and i will, in fact, give him everything soon enough.
he fucking breaks into my apartment all the time btw. and when i offer to idk... give him a key he just goes "eeh, no need." ?????????? idk he's weird. (i like it when he comes over but i won't tell him that)(he'd be way too smug i can't allow that)
when i first got into bsd i didn't really like the bella nickname but honestly... it has grown on me. but yeah overall he uses literallllyyyy every possible nickname that pops into his head i kinda hate him (me when my pants are on fire)(yk bc.. liar liar pants on fire)(whatever). now that i'm thinking abt it i feel like another name he'd call me is just Kitty ????? not in a discord kitten kind of way though he just genuinely sees me as a cat. and he thinks it's funny. and cute (i like the name smhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh)
o wait i didn't even finish the meeting story. he disappeared into thin air at the ripe age of 15 hmmmmmm but he found his way back into my life three years later and then we were inseparable again yayy (there is definitely some angst hidden away in here lmaoo pls i'm scared of angst i don't wanna think abt it)(i wouldn't know how to ask about the missing years)(it sucks)
OKEEEEEEE THIS WAS A BIG RAMBLEEE I HOPE YOU CAN UNDERSTAND EVERYTHING HEHEHEHEHE it really is so fucking fun to delve into these holy fucking shit. like i'm learning things abt myself too lmaoo
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yourlocalpickle · 8 months
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New oc! And a relatively wholesome one too! *she's a victim of the "I don't want to put clothes on this sketch" phenomenon*, but also she does wear heart shaped bikini. for work.
Philadelphia from Tommy Wiseau's The Neighbors was a big inspo ngl.
She's not a stripper. She's actually paid by the king, and responsible for maintaing a sort of day-night cycle in one part of their land! just wanted to draw big chunky heels.
So say hi to Jubie! And imma hide more info abt her and an infodump about swimsuit fish people down here.
Jubie is a monster, one employed by the King to work as a Lightbringer (WIP name). There's a specific type of monsters with a mutation, which leaves them with glowing hair and blood. (their hair's literally transparent veins with blood flowing through)
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(A drawing of different Lightbringers, in digital and with their hair out, so we 'get' the vibes. The yellow one is Inkie, one of Jubie's *besties!!1!*, the pink one tho is Morty, and she was made by a friend of mine @firefries !)
They glow so much actually, that yeah, they can light up entire streets. And there's an entire part of the City, placed in the old sewer system. They can't get any light down there. So these Lightbringers are paid to hang out and roam these areas, to simulate a sense of light. Pretty sweet job! Almost all Lightbringers are 'fish people' too, so they love hanging out in murky freezing waters! They wear fun or convienent swimwear 'at work', and to them, it's like getting paid for lazing around on a depressing beach. They also roam the streets, look for any lost or drowning citizens, and guide them to their destination. These fellas have not only glowing hair, but souls too, as they're some of the cheeriest and most excitable people to be around! Who wouldn't be tho, when they stop by an ice cream stand, that still counts as work for them!
Before though, these guys were hunted, to be used as lanterns for humans. For that, they started covering their hair with intricate scarves and 'socks', wrapped all around. These coverings were also used as bonus storage for items. Nowadays, even tho relatively safe, the Lightbringers kept the scarves. They're almost a part of their small culture, and took on a more fashionable direction - with many patterns, pins and bands, the customization and personalization options are truly endless! And these scarves aren't for fashion only. In my world, most people aren't born with the conditions they 'recieve', and so it was for the fish folk who's hair now glows. They were used to darker or 'normal' light, and their hair glows so brightly, it makes seeing in small places with them impossible. And they can't even sleep in so much brightness, it tricks their brains into thinking it's still day. So they wear the scarves essentially everywhere outaside of work. On sunny streets, in stores, at home, ESPECIALLY in bed! And they're quite proud of them!
So Jubie, obviously she LOVES hearts! and the color pink.
She's a very sweet and upbeat girl. A bit absent-minded and loud, but well meaning. She's convinced everybody around her LOVES shopping, getting bubble tea and makeovers! She's got that one way of saying "OH MY GOSHHHHH!" and is the girl who says "HIIIII!!!"
She actually doesn't have fingernails! so she just paints her fingers pink. she makes of it what she can.
She smells like bubblegum and artificail strawberry, all mixed with a hint of fish and mud stank. And oh! Originally, she's got remains of a carp rooted deep down (she was supposed to have a 'moustache' too, but it was messing with the head shape too much) And she's as stupid and indestructible as they are. She's an invasive species on her own. not in a mean way, she just wants everyone to be happy over things she loves and cares about! And once you let her in, she's impossible to get rid of. Also she's an omnivore and will devour literally anything (but mostly bugs and worms. she loves them when they still squirm the most, and she puts marmalade and sprinkles over top!)
Jubie's full and real name is Jubilee Giggles, and whilst everybody gives her weird looks for it, girlie simply used her right and picked a name, which in her eyes sparks hapiness and makes everybody smile.
Jubie also survived The War. She feels for all her brothers and sisters, and comes to mourn them every 6 months. She has lost her own sister and parents. Being left alone and orphaned were another reason for her switching to such a stupid name. She does not want to be reminded of the family she's lost, and in this new world, everybody is grieving for their own loss so much, they won't ever care for her relatives and what they meant.
Jubie has 2 besties so far!! Inkie, a fellow Lightbringer, and Pogo, an actually succesful actress who's on a path to stardom! Together they meet up all around the sewers, and when they're not shopping and enjoying life, they play beach sports, like volleyball! Jubie's also constantly looking for a new gf/bf (nobody can keep up with her!) so those 2 are her cheerleaders in this journey.
Jubie also has an apartment! This queen can provide for herself, and she shares it with another Lightbringer! (He has yet to be designed, but I am SO tempted to name him Chad...) The Chad guy? Just like Jubie looks suitable for pole dancing, Chad flat out looks like a stripper. He works on fixing the electricity and pipes all around the sewers as additional income besides lightbringing. And he's well known for looking like a handyman stripper. Bro's pants keep falling off all the time. And just like Jubie, there's not much in his brain left. Those 2 share a braincell, and they always leave it at home too. Their household is visited often, and all the neighbors know them, for their unmissable glow and appearance. Jubie's friends love to come over to look at Chad, and Chad's friends love to see Jubie too. And through all this, Chad and Jubie's relationship is as asexual as it gets. They see each other as very good friends (besides the fact they both can't clean up their clothes and they always argue over who's the messier one. It's a tie every time.) And they help each other with fixing their scarves every time - because you can never see if the top part is covered well enough! And mutual haircare is actually seen as a very comforting and sweet activity for the fish folk!
Also I said she wasn't a stripper? The heels were drawn before when i was convinced I wanted to draw her in a jean miniskirt. Times change. The shoes were too funny to be erased. But honestly, Jubie knows how to do striptease. So does Chad. They don't mind earning money on the side. And they can order the fanciest fish food in the town when it works out! So it's a steal! And thanks to Pogo's connections, both of them acted in *adult* movies. They thought it'd be fun (also tbf the genre and culture around these things in my world is...different. Half the time there are flamethrowers and mlg effects edited in) and also aren't capable of remembering more than a4 page worth of text/lines.
They stupid, but mean well.
Fish people.
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inkedmyths · 2 years
S1: E22 "Devil's Trap"
Brought to you by hey so each and every one of you who made me watch this. You all suck. This is the worst. I hate it here. What sort of BULLSHIT was that—
This episode featuring: Odd interrogation techniques, family dynamics, bodysnatching, and one deeply upset Ink
Banging opening music
I will not fall doooown... when push comes to shove I will rise above... jammin
Here we fuckin go the boys are off to save or avenge their dad
[ Kayla asks if one of the opening montages has used Carry On My Wayward Son. I said no, because I would definitely remember that. ]
Where are we
What the dog doin
Holy water and whiskey. Mood.
Oh this be Bobby
[ Kayla and Crepe cheer. They love Bobby. ]
SCREAMS. JOHN JUST HAS THAT AFFECT ON PEOPLE (referring to when he threatened to shoot John) oh I like him already
Satanic Roach Hotel
Ohh. Bad year. Most years 4 possessions, but this one had at least 27...... well thats rough
Fuck off Meg
"Chuckleheads" GREAT word use Meg
Okaaaay interrogation time
"Where's our father, Meg"
"You didn’t ask very nice"
"Where's our father, bitch"
Goddammit whys he so funny
Oh shes posessed
I dunno about innocent
Oh good news bc it means they can yeet the demon, yea?
"Hit it Sam" (begins praying)
[ Winchesters latest hit single in Christian Rap sweeps midwestern protestant congregations as a big hit! ]
Dean buddyyyy
Uh getting spookyyyyy
This is wild. Interrogation via exorcism
What the fuck are u gonna do here like what do u do
Shes dead but not but whats up
Hello ma'am
That sucks ass. Being exorcised certainly doesn't seem fun, esp when you got dropped from a building
A year............ bro.......
Poor gal...
As I went down to the river....
Oh she gone.............
"You guys think you invented lying to the cops?" lmao thanks bobby
"I won't even try to shoot him this time"
[ Crepe asks Kayla if Meg is the woman Bobby has buried in his garden or if that's someone else. Concerning. ]
SCREAMS hes making the car safe and Dean is like MY CAR
Dean just wants his family to stop being self sacrificing. Hypocrite
Sunrise Apartments!
Building full of human shields... thats a problem
Pull the fire alarm lol
Oh those people are SO posessed
Yep there he is, tied u— hm. I don't. Like that actually
"I've got a Yorkie upstairs, and he pees when he's nervous—" Dean for funniest liar
Demon? Demön?
Holy water!!
Hes still breathing hes not dead yet
But he might be posessed
Oh just had to check
Uh oh someone else just got posessed
And another....
Aha... the colt
[ Kayla: Uhhh I'm here for the colt stuff - the Winchesters]
2 bullets left!
Alright. Now what
Dean can and will kill for his family huh
Uh oh zappy lights
The demon's here!
Uh oh
Something is wrong
Sam going AAA
Bullshit bullshit
Kayla: and why was he right :)
Me: Bc he would have been pissed :(
Kayla: and never proud :)
Kayla: (therapy voice) and how did that make you feel
Me: I hate it here
Kayla: elaborate on that
Me: I haaaate it here
Kayla: mhm mhm (writing stuff down)
"What are you and God going to do?" dammmn
Justice for WHAT
Oh so a demon cares about its family
Good for him but also you were already trying to kill them before??
Yeah? Why?
What's your angle here
Huhhhhh. What the fuck do you want with Sam
"I really can't stand all your monologuing"
Oooough hitting him where it hurts damn
How are u guys goimg to get out of this
Oh shit oh SHIT
Oh fuck man
Bro it fucking leaving
Well this is an Awkward Family Ride
Kayla: awkward family ride abt to
What the fuck what the fuck
My so-called friends then proceeded to point, laugh, and heckle me for the next 10 minutes. This is bullshit I hope you know. Stupid goddamn cliffhangers stupid Winchesters and their STUPID FAMILY NONSENSE—
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izzy-b-hands · 2 years
I was thinking abt the occasionally fun but mostly frustrating tradition(in the states at least idk for sure if anywhere else does this?)of valentine's day boxes made for school.
That led me here. steddyhands and the dilemma of the valentines day box assignment for louis and alma, special feature on izzy and his rising blood pressure (sorry izzy bby akdnfjgn), which I'll be real i talk more abt in my tags on this since this probably isn't gonna be written out any further, so yeah. More plot talky izzy stuff in my tags.
Noting this in my tags too, but a moment to specify that ed and stede aren't trying to have like. a shitty parenting moment in this, they're just human and excited abt the situation and sorta fuck up a bit.
"The point is that they make the box themselves," Izzy says, for what feels like the hundredth time. "The only grade they get is 'did they do it or not'. Their teachers bolded that part of the email, remember? Said to mind getting too competitive about it?"
"Now I think Frenchie would happily take on the commission," Stede continues, thumbs tapping at his phone keyboard. "He'll reply quickly; he always does for me."
"It's a cardboard box," Izzy says. "To hold paper and cardboard valentines and cheap candy. That's it!"
"Money will help, but the overall design needs to be good," Ed says to Stede, as if Izzy and the kids aren't still standing there. "Money can buy resources, but it can't buy pretty, no matter how nice those resources might be."
"Oh that's good! Applies to other things too, I like it!"
"We bought them new shoes last week," Izzy sighs. Why does he keep trying? He couldn't say. "They each have a box already. We just need to help them decorate the boxes. That's it. That is all the teacher means with this project. I even asked Mary and Doug how they read it, and they agreed with me!"
"Ooh Frenchie has mock ups!" Stede cheers softly. "I knew he'd come through."
"It's okay," Alma pats Izzy's hand. "You tried really hard to make them understand. They're just excited."
"Can we go to the art stuff store now?" Louis whines, tugging at Izzy's other hand. "They won't even notice if we leave!"
"We should leave a note at least," Izzy says.
"Dad does love well written notes and random acts of abandonment," Alma sighs. "You dictate and I'll write. I want to practice my cursive."
"Dad can't read my cursive well yet."
"That makes more sense," Izzy says. "Louis, what are you-"
He watches as Louis tugs Stede's wallet from the countertop, and bolts outside, prize held up over his head with both hands.
"He won't notice," Alma reassures him. "You shouldn't have to pay for our stuff for this anyway."
"You've done this before."
"We'd be stupid if we hadn't," Alma tears a page from her notebook. "Here, I wrote it myself. I'm gonna get Louis in the car."
She's out the door after Louis, hands clapping to get his attention just like Mary did with them both.
"Either of you want to help me address that?" Izzy asks Ed and Stede, who he realises have indeed not stopped talking to each other the entire time. "She's a bit young to be acting like that, yeah?"
They're in their own world. Normally, he wouldn't care, but he's Guardian Five out of many and it feels like Parent/Guardians 1-4 could and should have already noticed it ahead of him.
"Fine," Izzy drops Alma's note by Stede's hand, deciding not to read it. That she actually went through with writing it is kindness enough. "I'm going to let her rack up a ridiculous bill on one of your seven credit cards, and they'll make those stupid fucking valentine boxes so fucking ornate..."
His anger fizzes out mid-sentence. Stede isn't listening. Ed isn't listening. Alma keeps honking the horn in the car and how did she get the fucking keys?!
"You know what? Fast food and ice cream for dinner too," Izzy adds. "On your dime. We'll bring you something back."
He turns his attention to Alma and the frank abuse of the car's horn. "Alma! The neighbours already don't like us, let's not make it worse! Not unless you've got something worse than this planned for later-"
The door thunks shut.
"Oh," Stede looks over to it. "Didn't Izzy just say something?"
"No idea," Ed replies, looking through design ideas on his phone. "Why?"
"They were just here," Stede continues. "Him and the kids. Right?"
"Maybe they went out for an after school snack," Ed shrugs. "To get inspired for this big art box project thing."
"Is that what this is? What was this for again?"
"Dunno for sure, but look at this," Ed turns the phone to show Stede the screen. "For Louis?"
Stede lets his concerns drop again. Izzy will mention if they're missing any key details about the kids' projects and what needs to be done. "I think he'd love it! Save that."
The house is getting dark around them, and he wonders if Izzy and the kids will be home for dinner.
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mostotherthings · 8 months
I... like The Sign. A lot.
And maybe I'm the only person who doesn't think that Episode 11 has that amount of plot holes and Episode 11 does not make Tharn stupid (if he's stupid, ALL the characters are stupid- OK maybe that's a decent point too)
There are comments out there that I thought about that seem a bit harsh to the characters in the show.
Not all characters know what's going on (even our main characters)
maybe some personal points to note about me - I am Asian and live in an Asian country (but not Thai), and my religion involves icons (lots of Gods that take care of different things in our lives), similar to Thai Buddhism. Someone close to me was once part of the uniformed services in an Asian country
For Phaya's grandma, Paranee and Dujdao to say things like, "maybe he shouldn't be a policeman, maybe he should quit", these are conversations I heard every single day previously. In our society where your choice of a job affects you and your family's status/pov of other's towards you (in good or bad ways), your relatives are always going to have opinions of what you do, period. Even if you turn 50, 60. Your sibling is going to be the one with beef. Oh, and your friends judge you too, especially those who see you like family. (A good partner is a lawyer, doctor. Your partner is a policeman/fireman? Isn't that dangerous?)
A death of a family member at young age changes everything about you. Tharn has a loving grandmother, but he made complaints to his dad before they died, and this sticks with you. "Our last conversation ended badly and after that he died". Some people's natural response is to stop talking much or stop expressing opinions. I've heard it many times at funerals, "I should have been better to him before he died- I should have listened - We should have been nicer and more understanding- I should have been here in time to see him for one last time". Hindsight is always 20/20, no? I would think that Tharn's singular desire to be part of elite police forces is to solve his parents' mystery and right the "wrong" he did before they died. He really cannot believe that doing this let him meet Phaya.
Tharn meets Chalothon at a young age. This guy, whatever kind of doctor he is, has placed himself into Tharn's life from young and made himself the "perfect big brother". There's no reason for Tharn to be suspicious until he overhears the conversation the Abbot and Phaya have at the grave. I'm sure his mind has been trying to justify Chalothon's behaviour, but at this point, he doesn't know the seriousness of Chalothon's desire until the fall off the cliff and Chalothon's real face. You can't underestimate how sly people are, and how they're able to keep a benevolent presence in front of others while actually they are just, bad people. (ok but a psy doctor, doing drug tests is ???? but i take it on the logic that Tharn knows Chalothon who will know a good doctors, who can take care of these for him. This is basically how I found the person who installed air conditioners in my house- someone i knew, knows someone reliable who does that kind of work)
Grandma and the Abbot, in not telling Tharn abt Chalothon, did it to protect him. So yes, you can say, that's not protecting him. in context, Gods can do whatever they want. We have Gods that protect our household, our health, wealth, etc etc. Our is a system of good karma means a continued good and smooth life. God don't always come in to solve our problems or show the way- Gods can punish us if we do the wrong thing. When I was young my school arranged a trip to a "theme park" that had laid out the punishments you would receive if you break precepts or disobey your parents/elders. There's 18 stages of hell, each for the level of "crime" that you did. It was 3D to me, suddenly. And let's not forget about reincarnation too! After we get punished, our souls renew and what we become (an animal, what kind of animal, a human, a rich or poor human), depends on the karma we achieve in this lifetime. When we say, "in my next life, I hope to see you again"- we mean it. When we have a bad relationship with someone, we often say offhand "that person's so bad to me because I owe him a debt from a previous lifetime"
So our fear of Gods, our fear of breaking the precepts, especially if you grew up in households like Phaya's or Tharns, or you are an Abbot like Luang Por, is there. So if I were Grandma, terrified seeing this snake God in the house looking to take away the only family member I have left in my life, I will try to keep him away, but I won't say anything to Tharn. The Gods are listening. If my Tharn knew about this, would Chalothon not even give me the time I have now, to be with this person I love?
Since Episode 3, when they established the Naga lore, I had a feeling that this is not going to be easy for international fans to understand. But I didn't expect the amount of "stupid Phaya" and "stupid Tharn" to come out of the last few episodes. (I mean, by all means, the police procedure is the part we HAVE to be making fun of, but generally I've grown up with television series that sort of ignore real life to "create plot points" so I've grown a tolerance). Coupled with how generally "being gay" is still something that we don't always share with people, even if they are family, that's what the show has kind of built itself on.
Phaya and Tharn are not communicating well because they believe their silence will save the other. The Abbot and Grandma are both keeping quiet because they understand the power of the Gods, and how if they slip up, Tharn can be taken away from them. There's also an urgency in Wawisa's warning "if Tharn is taken away this time, there will be no return" (this has no Lore that I know if, but i go along with it coz it is a "PLOT POINT"). Even Akk, almost sworn brother of Tharn, has decided to keep silent- losing Tharn, means letting Tharn's father down. He's already lost people to this investigation (Tharn's Dad, that Lt in the beginning sorry forgot his name, and now maybe even Chart). To lose his almost adoptive's father's son- that's unimaginable to him too.
The key to a good relationship is communication, but the fear of losing someone may also cause you to hide things from them. This is human nature, so in this aspect, I feel the drama is very real.
In Episode 11, Phaya asked Tharn to let go because he doesn't want Tharn to die. In the next, Tharn will let go (leave), because he doesn't want Phaya (and everyone else) to die. A God's threat cannot be ignored easily. We want him to fight, but Tharn is already frightened. What if he fights, and everyone dies? He can't ask everyone to make that sacrifice for him. Someone (his parents) have already died.
For a first time director, A has been amazing to me. It also shows that he was/still is an acting teacher on set- every choice, every expression, every movement he has asked the actors to do, has been done with great thought and deliberation. And Babe- he still needs work, but so far, he has been very good. and Billy as Phaya, he fights with Tharn, he complains and whines, he makes some laughs, and I personally feel he's improved a lot since SCOY.
So even if they bomb the last episode (lol, yeah that threat is still there), I have found the Sign enjoyable and a series that's becoming close to my heart because it aligns with me and my personal beliefs.
Lol, I don't even know why I'm saying all this and even if I'm making sense but I have just got to let it out. Maybe I just wanted to share my opinion, that Episode 11 isn't really all that bad.
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cdroloisms · 3 years
i think that although the theories/aus of puffy's son dream and wil's brother dream are interesting to think about, especially the implications, the (probably) canon statement that he really has no family to me hits the hardest. because it's just dream, you know. his friends hate him, he has none (p relatable), but i can't really imagine,, both not having friends and not having a family. that's kind of what keeps a lot of us sane and okay ( - quill anon (same anon from the c!tubbo c!wil ask) )
ouch quill anon ,, this ask Hurt. it’s true - usually, it’s our family and friends that keep us going, that are the ones that we fight for and live for and love for. c!dream’s “family” was his reasoning behind ,, a lot of the stuff he did, good or bad, and even now you can hear his desperation in getting someone, anyone to visit sometimes, in wanting to know how people are doing outside the cell. 
at the same time, he’s a character very much defined by his solitude, by his isolation, by all of the time he has spent,, alone. by the alliances that had been broken, betrayed, forgotten. by how- at the end of the day - he sits for hours on end in an obsidian box with nothing but his thoughts to accompany him. it’s awfully ,, sad, despite everything he’s done. through it all, he’s alone. he survives the horrors of the vault (until this current arc) alone. nobody’s there to hear his thoughts. nobody knows his mindset, or feelings, or wants, or anything that really makes him human. for someone so driven by people, he spends so much time completely isolated - and it’s. honestly really, really tragic. 
anyway, this is a sad little drabble set pre-roommates arc abt c!dream in the prison, alone, bc he makes me Sad. 
tw: mentioned torture, abuse, violence, broken bones, blood, injuries, mental deterioration, isolation, panic attacks, self-deprecation, trauma, memory loss, death, contemplations of death, dark content, dark imagery
The blank book in his hand stares at him stubbornly, the stark white of the untouched pages nearly burning his eyes, used to the dark walls and floor of the cell. Dream’s hand shakes around his quill, ink splotches marring the pages from where his too-unsteady hand had let the nib brush against the paper and left freckles of black spots behind. He pulls his thumb back from the bottom left corner, hissing slightly when it leaves a dull red fingerprint behind, a smudge of half-dried blood further dirtying the paper.
He’d pulled out one of the books for some reason, probably on a whim, letting his hands run over the leather spine and along the thread of the binding absentmindedly after Quackity left for the day. He hadn’t touched them in a while - he liked to save them, at the beginning, just in case visitors came and he wanted to thank them or if he needed to communicate (though he hadn’t gone silent since Sapnap left, ‘cause Sapnap wanted him to talk and he doesn’t know why he still clings to that visit when it’s been months and he still hasn’t come back, but he promised that if Dream behaved he’d visit again and - it’s stupid to hope, but Dream can’t give up, not yet) and then he kept them because he would need them for the revive book and the Warden would confiscate them, anyway, so it was better not to get attached. Regardless, he’d stubbornly ignored the chest of books for a long time, let the remain closed and the clasp go unlatched as he wasted his days away watching the walls drip bright purple and pretend he didn’t miss his clock.
Until now.
He runs his fingers along the surface of the paper again, ignoring the red and black smudges they leave in their wakes, ruining the previously unblemished pages. The paper is smooth, bearing a very slight grain, and smells clean and woody - this book must’ve been a newer one the Warden replaced into the chest. He’d counted the pages a few times, front and back - there are fifty sheets, so a hundred pages to use as he sees fit, completely empty and untouched. The quill shakes in his hand, the tip pressed against the paper, unmoving.
What is there to write?
He’s forgotten why he pulled out the book in the first place, already - his head keeps getting fuzzier, memory impossibly fragmented and seemingly worsening with every passing day. He knows he had a reason because he’d been very determined about it, had spent what must have been hours dragging himself along the obsidian floor with a broken shinbone jutting out of his right leg and a dislocated left shoulder that he’d taken an extra few minutes to jam back in place by pressing it against the floor. Something had come into his head, probably in the middle of Quackity’s daily session, and he’d found himself desperate to write it down before he forgot despite the throbbing of his head and the pain in his chest making it impossible to take a full breath.
(He must have talked back, or acted defiant, or something - he doesn’t remember much besides the look Quackity had given him after, dark and angry and tight with rage. There had been a hand tangled in his hair, a blade jammed right up against his throat, curses and screams in his ears dying into a singular ringing echo as the blade was pushed deeper and deeper. It wasn’t until a few minutes later when Quackity realized that he’d gone too deep and that Dream was choking on his own blood - his memories shatter, and there’s nothing but more screaming, red and black and blood everywhere, warm against his skin, the sweet-sour taste of glistening melon on his tongue, a healing pot desperately stitching his skin together and bringing him back from the darkness that he’d swelled in the corners of his vision - mostly, he remembers everything going cold and numb and he’d realized, halfway into the Void, that he would never leave the Vault alive.)
His hands tighten on the book as he breathes a shallow, harsh breath through his teeth, because - oh. Oh. He looks back at the trembling white plume in his hand, at his shaking fingers clenched tightly near the end, and he swallows the thick, heavy feeling in his throat. Quackity had- and he had- and then-
He forces air into his lungs steadily, counting the seconds off in his head. He’d learned how to stave off panic attacks on his own ages ago, and the knowledge had come to full use in the Vault - the struggle to stay calm seems harder with every passing day, but he can’t exactly risk himself passing out every three seconds when he’s inevitably set off by the smell of blood or a twinge of pain or any of the million other triggers crammed into this tiny box that’s been the source of all of his torment for months. He keeps up the slow, steady breathing for another few minutes, just enough time to pull back the darkness creeping in from the edges of his vision, and looks back down at the blank paper.
It stares back at him, almost judgmental of his hesitancy. You opened me up, it seems to challenge him, why aren’t you writing? The quill still shakes in his hand. He doesn’t know if it’ll ever stop shaking again.
Dear, he begins, almost in defiance, proof that he Is Going To Write Something, thank you very much, he isn’t just going to chicken out and leave it a blank book (like you have before?) but the quill tip digs into the paper as he grinds to a sudden halt, the empty space next to the first word nearly taunting. He feels his mouth dry, heat rising behind his eyes - the book, silent and blank as ever, stays imprinted in his vision even as he squeezes them shut.
Dear, what a stupid, sentimental way to start a letter. He can’t even fool himself into thinking of it as a business venture, turn it into an elaborate plan to escape and address it to either Techno or Wilbur (who would never receive his message anyway), not without admitting his regard for the two edged past his pretense of professional interested and owed favors. He can hardly write it to Ranboo, not without compromising their already fragile alliance (if it even exists, anymore. The enderman hybrid had yet to visit for months - and sure, it was probably for the best, who knows how Quackity would react if he found out about the nature of their relationship, but that didn’t make it sting any less.)
In the back of his minds, name rise from where he’d kept them carefully buried despite his best efforts. Punz. Bad. Puffy. Sapnap. George. He shakes his head, trying to wave away them from his thoughts, but the effort is as fruitless as it has always been - he stares at the first word angrily, like it has betrayed him, and receives no response. The words are messy, shaking, his script overly looping and rounded like a child’s. He hates it, hates how cheery it looks, even on the bloodstained page - it looks like the beginning of a birthday card, or a perhaps a particularly dedicated Halloween party invite. Like he’s some sort of lovesick teen, writing letters to crushes that would never pay him a second glance. He laughed a little, without any real humor - minus the romance, that description isn’t all that far off.
Because- well. His memories might be shot to all hell, but he doubts he’ll ever forget the hatred on Sapnap’s face, a loaded crossbow pointed between his eyes, George’s expression set in disinterested apathy - “George, you can give the word.” Bad’s face, twisted in pity and resignation, voice carefully measured as he looks away and gestures at the cell, “you did do some pretty bad stuff to get put in here though, Dream,” the hidden “you deserve it” that he’d heard, just as clearly behind the words. Punz - “you should’ve paid me more” - jaw set stiffly as people poured through the portal, watching, wordless, as Dream bled out twice on that blackstone floor. Puffy, poorly hidden disgust flickering over her face as she looks away from him being dragged away in chains, sword held steady in her hands. Sapnap, that same fiercely determined expression on his face so familiar that thinking of it aches, even now, “it’s gonna be me, who takes your final life.” Months and months and months and months, alone.
Always, always, alone.
The page makes a quiet, complaining groan under his pen - he looks down to see it torn under the tip of his quill, the word completely unreadable under line after line of black ink scratched over it, each one deeper than the last. He stares blankly at it for a few minutes longer, the brief flash of anger that had seared through his body settling into numbness once more.
To whoever may find this: he scratches the words on the page slowly, keeping his print deliberately blocky and neat. The heavy feeling in his throat returns, stronger than ever, and he ignores it as he pushes on.
He pauses for a moment, wondering what more to write. Apologies? Accusations? He could detail every second that he remembers from Quackity’s visits, describe every inch of pain that had been pulled from his aching lungs, every line etched into his skin. He could apologize for every act of cruelty that had ever been caused by his hands, every bridge he’d ever torched to light the path to a better future. He could explain - everything, every tortured thought that had circled his head for hours on end and every night that had passed without any sleep and every time he’d pushed on without complaint or hesitancy because it would be worth it, even if he was the only one who saw it, it would be worth it because he’d sacrifice too much for it to be anything but. He could- he could, he could write and write until he’d filled every page of every book back and front, and would they even believe him? Would it even matter?
Goodbye, he writes at last. It feels strangely final. (He won’t be leaving this Vault alive. He knows this as surely as he knows that he will leave this world uncared for, unheard. As surely as he knows that he’ll always be alone.) With a quick snap of magic following the signing of his name, the book is preserved, shining slightly with a purple glow as he sets it back down in the chest. He looks around, the cell once again stiflingly quiet without the book to busy him, Dream once again completely alone as he’s been for - well.
(Pandas, eyebrows drawn in uncharacteristic seriousness from the usually painfully spirited eight-year-old, pinkie raised between the two of them, solemnity belied by the gap in his front teeth poking out between his lips.
“We’ll be together forever,” he whispered with the volume control you’d expect from a kid that age, which is to say that it wasn’t much of a whisper at all, but Dream, newly ten years old, remembers being particularly moved by the gesture anyway, moving to hesitantly hook his own pinkie in the other’s.
“And we’ll never be alone ever again,” he’d replied, voice faraway with a disbelieving sort of awe.”
“Never,” Pandas’ voice had been just as firm as his first statement, twisting his wrist to tighten the grip of their linked fingers further. “Best friends for ever and ever, right?”
“For ever and ever.”)
“For ever and ever,” he whispers, eyes fluttering shut as he slumps down against the floor, and only the lava bubbles in reply.
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just-a-creep-babe · 4 years
I'm back?? Creeps with a really go with the flow, devil-may-care, Not afraid of death, Chill SO? [EX: *meets creeps* Wow, okay, this is my life now I guess. || Same stuff as always! *helps hide body* || You wanna fly into the Bermuda triangle and live to stream it? Heck yeah, she'll bring spicy sour patch kids. || Don't worry! I'm still in shock! Can't feel a thing! || '*does something stupid* we survived? Brilliant. Love it when that happens. ] Thanks!♡
~Requests are closed but commissions are open~
Masterlist: x
He’s already worried about litcherally everyone else in the mansion, now you too?
He is Quite Concerned™️
Lowkey more concerned for you over the others but that’s a given tbh
Honestly questions how tf you’ve manage to make it this far without dying
He makes it his personal mission to keep you safe at all costs—no matter what
So on the bright side, you sort of inherit this ancient eldritch being as a personal bodyguard!
But on the not-so bright side, said being just doesn’t let ya have any fun around here >:/
Will physically restrain you from doing something stupid so you don’t get caught up in anything dangerous
Starts considering giving you a curfew or smthg because even he can’t keep up with the stuff you get pulled into
But he respects you too much for that, ofc, so he just begrudgingly accepts that you’ll keep doing you—no matter how irresponsible or dangerous it might be :”)
Still loves you despite the heart attacks you nearly put him through every other day :)
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Jeff the Killer
This 👏mans 👏will 👏love 👏you 👏forever 👏
At first, admittedly, he’s a teensy bit put off by your nonchalance because how can someone actually be that laid back all the time??
But once he adjusts to it & realizes that you aren’t, in fact, faking it for whatever reason, he’ll be completely & utterly enamored with you
Like,, he can do a bunch of stupid shit & drag you along into it & you won’t freak out??
Sign 👏him 👏up 👏
Loves not having to worry about you sanity tbh—there’s no need to hide all the dangerous crap he does because he knows you won’t worry ^^
And homeboy most definitely will take advantage of your go-with-the-flow nature
He’s got a taste for danger & doing stupid shit—how could he not bring you along with him?
If/when y’all get caught & put in trouble tho, he’ll take the blame so that you don’t suffer for something that was most likely his idea
Jeff? Doing the right thing? It may be more likely than you think 🤔
It still sometimes unnerves him just how chill you are with everything, but hey, he can’t let you outdo him in badass-ness, so he’s guaranteed to incite plenty of chaos to prove himself; it’s bound to be an exciting time uwu
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BEN Drowned
Oh he is sO down
One of the perks of being dead? He probably can’t die again
So there are absolutely no limits to the insane shenanigans he’s willing to pull off
The fact that you’re just as down to clown makes thing so much better
It gets to the point where someone constantly needs to keep an eye on the both of you so you don’t accidentally end up dying
Cause BEN (and bless his soggy soul) as much as he loves you, tends to forget how fragile human beings can be
So it’s up to the others to make sure your lack of self-preservation doesn’t get you killed
But your fearlessness & nonchalance is like a breath of fresh air!
Things can get a teensy bit boring when you’re immortal, so he’s more than happy to have a badass s/o by his side who’s down for pretty much anything uwu
Y’all get into a bunch of stupid, dangerous & probably illegal shit—but he wouldn’t want it any other way 😘
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Eyeless Jack
Similar to Slendaddy, this mans is Concerned™️
He will constantly check you over to see if you need to get patched up because he knows you’re a danger magnet
But at the same time, he doesn’t wanna be too overbearing
Like he definitely has this live & let live mentally (prolly in part due to his diet) so he‘ll try not to bring up too often how nervous he is about your safety & well-being
You’ve accepted him as he is, part demon and all, so he feels like he owes you the same
Even if it does scare the shit out of him because my god what have you gotten yourself into this time??
He’s kinda like a worried mom tbh—he’ll pack you up a lunch & send you off with a “be safe, don’t do anything dangerous, say no to drugs,” and stuff, even despite knowing you probably won’t listen
Homeboy just wants you to grow & experience the world for yourself :”)
Still, he’ll ask the others to keep an eye out for you & to not put you in too much danger
And he’ll totally sometimes follow you from the shadows just to make sure you’re staying safe skdjsjdlsjl
He’s a protective demon boi, what can I say? :)
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He’s,,,, pretty impressed actually
Thinks your nonchalant attitude is kinda badass
Of course he still gets worried, but he’s also prone to forgetting how fragile most people are
His pain tolerance is pretty dang high, so he doesn’t always realize certain things can hurt normal people. Badly
He’ll feel super bad if you get injured with him, but at least homeboy will try to make it up by giving you plenty of sweets & cuddles uwu
He might try to give you a stern talking-to so that you’re more careful, but he knows it won’t stop you from being you
Still, overall, he thinks it’s pretty sweet that you’re down for, like, anything
Will probably wanna take you with him for jobs sometimes—just cause he can & it probably won’t traumatize you too bad :>
Just don’t tell slender
Thinks his bold little s/o is damn cool & lowkey brags abt you all the time uwu
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He thinks it’s pretty funny lmfaoo
Is torn between being worried & wanting you safe while also desperately wanting to just be like “fuck it” and do a bunch of stupid shit with you :”)
Will probably take advantage of how you don’t worry much to tag you along in his shenanigans
But at least he’ll make your safety & comfort his utmost top priority uwu
Honestly, he admires how chill you are with shit that’s pretty traumatizing—it’s almost funny that you’re just as brave as he is, considering his line of work and all
It’s,, kinda intriguing to him; homeboy will maybe wanna psychoanalyze you a lil 👀👉👈
You’re just so interesting, he can’t help but be a smidge fascinated 👁👄👁
Really wants to be able to make some good, wild memories with you <3
He’s honestly the perfect balance of protective & adventurous at the same time
Just wants to please his little s/o and keep them safe & happy while fulfilling their need for wild shenanigans :>
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Ticci Toby
Oh boy
He is the same
Together, y’all are chaotic af
The creeps know not to leave you unsupervised because shit will go down
The utmost chaotic duo in need of constant watching over & patching up ngl 😅
Seriously, the others are damn near always worried about babysitting you two because you’re both danger magnets
And it doesn’t help that Toby has no concept of danger and/or pain
He’ll try to be super sympathetic if/when you do get injured, but poor boy will be clueless af as to how to help
So more often than not, he’ll end up using himself as a human shield to protect you from danger to make up for it
Either way, y’all get into so much shit, it’s unbelievable
Kinda perfect together but like,, in the worst of ways lmfaooo
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mansions-maiden · 4 years
Helloww, I'm here for 3rd request xD
Don't know you like it or not but hw abt MC is sweet, ladylike, polite, never complained, and lovely girl but someday...when comte hold a banquet and yeps mc has low tolerance alcohol and got drunk so herself became 180° 😂😂😂
She started laughing like maniac, shouting and scold the residents like asian mom 😂.
Etc 😂😂 you can make what kind of screaming+scolding she will throw at them 😂😂😂 The residents ? OH I WANT TO SEE THEIR STUPID SHOCKED FACES AHAHAHA. Take your time writing it xD and thank you so much before my darlingzzz 😘😘😘❤️❤️
This is gonna be a fun one to write! Sorry this took so much time to write! I have been busy with school works. But I’ve been writing it slowly. here you go!  The words in the brackets (..) indicate that she missed saying these words.  I had to write the words in a weird way to show that the words were being slurred by mc. 
I tried writing it to your ask .Hope you like it! 
Everyone was still wearing surprised Pikachu faces as they were staring at sleeping MC. For never had they expected to see the completely hidden side of her.
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Previously, that evening~  
MC is sweet and  perfect lady, as described in the ask. But little did the vampires know what they would be witnessing that night. 
The lord of the mansion decided to throw another banquet that night for the second time in the month being the hedonistic man he is. And all the residents were invited, including MC. 
All of them reached the venue that evening and in the banquet halls, many fancy dishes were there, waiting to be eaten by  people. There were finest of the wines brought from the  far away land and the exotic dishes that were never seen before. 
All of the mansion residents gathered in a room(kinda VIP room). All have helped themselves with a drink or two and were chatting away. MC stood against the walls of the room, swirling her champagne glass as she spoke to Sebastian.
All of them continued talking to each other.
After some more time:
MC was still speaking when she began giggling to herself continuously. 
All the residents:  “???????⁇?”
MC:” if only people knew how crazy these idiots are!! bwahahaha!” 
Napoleon: “Who are you talking about MC?”  
MC: “ Who am I ... talkin bout? I talk about the grreeat ‘men’ in history.." mc continued giggling as her words began to slur.
Arthur: "And why exactly are we 'idiots'? "
MC: "who in the world knew that all of these men would have crazy sides no one ever knows!" She began laughing again.
All of them looked at each other and then at MC. They noticed her flushed cheeks and understood the situation. 
“MC, you are quite drunk. You should stop drinking now..” 
“ N-no no no no.. I’m not drunk at all.. see,I only drank 1,2,... 4 glasses of champagne! I want to talk! “ 
MC: “comte! do you know..? arthot went into the town again yesterday even after you shun himm.. But he didn’t let me tell you...! teach him a lesson comte!” MC told as she pretended  that she was holding a gun against Arthotur’s head. 
“What in the world is mademoiselle doing?” Jean asked with a confused stare as Sebastian replied, “In our time period, we show guns with our hands in that way.. it’s a type of pretend play..”. 
“And..wait  what? From when did my name change to Arthot?? Did she misspell it??” Arthur asked looking at her. 
“ Lemme think.. nope.. You’re ..definitely Art..Thot! yup! That’s it!” 
  “Arthur.. come to my room later. I should ‘gently’ remind you the rules of the mansion. “ Arthur gulped audibly as comte stared at him with ‘nothing-is-wrong’ smile.
“Arthur, Dazai-san!! Can (you) come here once??” She suddenly asked them with  puppy eyes as they came forward. She tried to reach their faces but couldn’t. She pouted a little and climbed onto the couch behind her. 
“OWW!! “ Both of them cried in pain as MC twisted each of Arthur’s and Dazai’s ears.  “ how.. how dare youu...!  How dare you tease.. Is..Isaac?! the only baby of this mansion! Poor boy! He’s traumatized because of you!” 
Isaac having the time of his life: “That’s right mc! How dare they tease a bab- wait! Who do you think you’re calling BABY!??! “ Isaac frowned at his yet another new nick name. 
Her feet began wobbling and she fell from the couch onto Mozart.  “Aww man!! I fell off the couch!!! Bu..but.. this pillow is soo smoooth and silkyy.. yayy! A nice pillow for me..! “ She said as she snuggled her face into her’pillow’, aka Mozart’s chest. 
“What do you think you’re doing?! Get her off me! mmph!! “ Mozart began yelling but felt a hand clamped over his mouth. “Shh.. doon’t shout.. and you should.. smile like this. Say CHEEEESE! “ MC said, forcing his lips into a smile with her hands. 
MC kept giggling even when Napoleon and Leonardo helped Mozart and sat her on the couch.
(I'm sorry I know that her giggling is too much but I don't know how drunk person acts exactly ^^;)
Leonardo: "How much did she even drink? Why didn't you stop her Sebas?"
Sebastian: "I'm sorry master Leonardo.. I didn't expect her to drink these many. I thought she had high alcohol tolerance.."
Leonardo (stretching hand towards mc): "Cara mia, you had enough fun, c'mon you need to rest up in the mansion.
MC shook her head vigorously . "Noooo! I don't want to rest! I want to talk to all of you~! Why don't you go to sleep ...? Da Vinci~. You've got your bed AKA them... (Pointing finger towards floor and wall) . I'll sing a lullaby to youu.. "
She began humming the tone of the lullaby as she dragged Leonardo with her.
" Rock-a-bye, baby, in the tree top
When the wind blows the cradle will rock
When the bough breaks the cradle will fall
Down will come baby, cradle and all"
"Go to bed renaissance man! And ! Your cigarillos are confiscated by me! Hmph! " She took the cigarillos from his pockets and threw them into the dustbin.
"MC! You sing so good! It's as if the angel herself has sung the lullaby.. what song is it?" Vincent asked with an excited and curious gaze.
" the lullaby..? T'is from my own time.. god! I miss my old days in college! " Everybody heard small sniffles in the room then. 
They felt helpless seeing her cry. “What’s the matter cherie? Why are you crying? Is something hurting you? “ comte asked approaching her. 
“*sniffle* everything is *hic* alright comte *sniffle, hic*. I just remembered *sniffle* my own time and my friends.. I miss them *sniffle* a lot..” Tears began rolling down her soft cheeks.  Everyone looked at each other.. 
“ A-and.. *sniffle* I also remember the days I used to cry and struggle due to math in college. Especially calculus.. And I’ve heard that Isaac was the one wh- *sniffle* who invented it.. Isn’t it Isaac?”  She asked Isaac through the glassy eyes. 
Isaac: “Y-yeah... it was me..” He lowered his eyes as if he had done a mistake. 
MC grabs Isaac’s lapels weakly and shouted, “Why? Why did you invent calculus?! I remember.. I remember the days I used to stay awakee... until late night, scratching my head and struggling to... to solve them!!    I... hatee.. you !!” She suddenly released him and pushed him back, making him wobble a little. 
Theo: “what the heck hondje?! how much drunk are you!? your mood swings are faster than Arthur’s snarky comments! “ 
MC: “ Hey Theo! Don’t you dare call me Hondje.. You’re the hondje... Who doesn’t allow anyone to come near your darling brother like a guard dog!” 
Theo was very taken back at the sudden backfiring of the nickname. 
MC: “Coming to Vincent and Jean! you both are so adorable.  You’re the epitome of purity. I love you both so much. muah!” She sent a flying kiss to both and both the men’s cheeks flushed a little. 
Napoleon: “Do you have something to say about me MC?” He asked her with curiosity and a little amusement dancing in his eyes. 
MC: “ Well, All I can say ..is.. DON’T GO AROUND KISSING PEOPLE! I can’t.. beliieeve that ‘nightmare of Europe’ went around kissing people.. poor soldiers must have been traumatized..! “ 
“ I can’t believe the nerve of you all to send me to Napoleon’s room early in the morningg!  *gasp* Wait !!This means that all of you have been kissed by him.. didn’t you? Hahahaaa!!”   she continued laughing clutching her stomach hard. 
“Do you know?! There’s a stalker in the mansion who stalks you all 24/7. And he notes it down in his ‘oh no! they didn’t ‘ notebook! It’s none other than our Seba- mmph! “ her voice suddenly came out  muffled as Sebas quickly clamped a hand over her mouth. 
“Wait-who is that stalker??” Dazai asked in confusion. 
“It’s no one Dazai san. She’s just blabbering.”  Sebas quickly replied in a stoic expression. 
“Wow.. she speaks truth when she’s drunk Will..” Vincent told Shakespeare. “ She is.. After all, a drunk mind speaks a sober heart..” Shakespeare told him. 
“Cherie, you must really go back to mansion now. Come, I shall escort you back home..” Comte said worriedly as he approached her. 
“ NO! no comte ~ . See, I-I’m perfectly fine~. And you should stop being a mother comte. For the god’s sake, you’re a man! See, look at your reflection! You’re a handsome man! not a beautiful woman! Ditch all these.. motherly duties and enjoy yourself.~! “  She exclaimed as she turned him towards the mirror. 
“And you all~! stop being such a child and stressing out poor comte! Okay?! repeat after mee! from this day forth, I shall look after myself and never stress out  mama comte!” 
“Do you even like us luv?” Arthur asked her with a knowing smile. 
“Well, yes.. of course! Even though you all are handful.. I love you all a lot! I love you all this..much (spreading her hands on both sides)..I want to.. stay here..for..ever..” 
Suddenly, she felt the world spinning and lost consciousness. But Sebastian caught her by the waist in the nick of time. 
The room suddenly fell silent as the blabbering of a drunk resident stopped. 
“Well well- tonight’s play was rather very interesting.. But the curtains have fallen in a very unexpected way..” Shakespeare said laughing and breaking the silence. 
Sebastian gently laid her on the couch as she slept soundly. “never expected to see this side of cara.. not that I dislike it though..” Leonardo said as he laughed breezily. 
“It felt so entertaining to see her talking her like this.. Though it’s not gentlemanly, I would love to invite her to drinks and make her drunk.. I want to hear those words and keep them to myself..” comte said looking at her. 
“Let’s take her home and call it a day.. And let’s keep it a secret among ouselves...” Napoleon added. Everyone nodded in agreement and started towards mansion, still laughing at her words. That’s how they came to know the completely hidden side of mc that eventful night.  
                  -------------------- THE END   --------------------
 i also wanted to ask you guys if my plots up until now were different or if it feels like I’m writing cliché things..how does it feel? 
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luvhrs · 3 years
shadow and bone — ep 3 thoughts:
(might have to stop here and continue tmrw after i finish this stupid stats hw 😤)
rapunzel!alina with all the light imagery in that dream
suddenly i'm watching bridgerton
i like this ginger lady miss safin can they be besties
whoaaa a tailor??? how many kinds of grisha are there :o
kaz seems pretty adamant on the sun summoner not existing 👀 i wonder why
pretty nina~ yo now that i think abt it the extent of heartrenders' powers must be p wide tho couldn't they also just. stop someone's heart from beating in a snap
cool cinematography again!! (is that even what it's called) why is jesper eating the random biscuit(?) 😭😭😭
money money money. ain't it funny. in a rich man's world
god i'm sorry there's gonna be a lot of jester loving on here he is just. So Very Attractive and i am So Very Weak
andddd he took a detour to gamble 💀
kirigan appearing out of nowhere bcs ~shadow~ also this silhouette shot is very nice
oh my i wonder how she'll show her power. let's go exalted council
me to kirigan if i were in alina's place: [rihanna voice] what's wrong with me? why do i feel like this?
how did alina do that??? did kirigan cause that somehow??? bcs shadow needing light or vice versa or whatever but either way i'm excited to see her fight and awaken more of her power aaAAA
"you were perfect" silco haunts me. anw kirigan is very sus to me rn this feels like his plan wASN'T THAT TOO EASY
uhhhh ok sudden hostility from zoya 😐
ooh look man of progress poster (i'm just making arcane and DA references now lmao sorry)
"hope is dangerous. it clouds your judgment." sounding a lot like "emotions always screw everything up." kaz and hank ik y'all are just 2 big softies
oh no nina's still in trouble!!
convenient ominous giant train!!
ok zoya has the hots for kirigan the "she's in good hands" thing /was/ in jealousy (also yeah nadya(?) me too ngl hahsjdjdd)
stag again??? what if these are her memories coming back to her 😳
bet kirigan's lurking (haha get it) in this library somewhere. oh wait that's the spiritual adviser. he's a bit creepy 😭
i absolutely love how many kinds of grisha there are!!!!! feels like pokemon. i gotta know them all
as a burnt out gifted child with nothing left of my gift now but a desire for academic validation, i like baghra bcs if she were my mentor she's the type i'd want to impress. and she's pretty
oh i just noticed the grisha's uniform design depending on their power i'm BLIND
are these all the grisha existing rn or no? there are less than i expected
bro go easy on alina can i order an adjustment period 😭😭😭
he's so fucking cool ohmygod you guys and if i repeat this scene all night
but also he shifted his weight fuck what's gonna happen???
he is forming a lifelong bond with that goat i bet that being said i would like your hand in marriage sir
also jesper's actor giving us everything??? (also everyone else rly goddamn i hope the other charas get cool solo sequences like this too!!!) wHEW that GAZE at the beginning and then after everything seamlessly transitioning back into the funny clever persona 🤌🤌🤌
yo i rly love alina's letter to mal tho... idk there's smth so human abt it. it's abt the perpetual "i can go anywhere i want, just not home" feeling!!! it's abt the self-discovery and finding your place in this world!!! how it's a universal experience and yet every person goes thru it uniquely, not to mention blindly. smth hopeful in knowing that even the most powerful person in the world probably struggles with their identity
"you have always been my true north, mal." BITCH I'M 😭😭😭😭😭 that is the sweetest thing ever girlie dON'T U DARE CHOOSE KIRIGAN OVER MAL I SWEAR TO THE SAINTS
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miioouu · 3 years
I would neeevvvvveeerrr be with someone else fishy love! I'm here with you! Right now! I can't leave your sight most of the time and now it's even worse after you saw that...uh… totally random dude with “me”.
Wait, so I have competition for my yandere 👀 this is need and I'm totally gonna lose because in that dream I was only supposed to spy on her to see which potions she was making, I was also a yandere hunter. Not a witch hunter!
Lets just say I will die if the witch confronts me.
F, we both can't find stories 😔
I can see boiboi living for it the most, that kinky bastard- fishy would love it the most like, after something bad happened, maybe a break down or after he saw “you” with boiboi, just to make sure you're real and you have a reflection like a normal person lmao
Man we should really expand on my god boi, we only have his looks but what abt personality, he seems pretty lax with sexual stuff and if it's not a real physical thing. He also doesn't understand shit about normal human things.
I'm cursed by two yanderes 😔 sad
You know, sometimes I do remember my dreams but they're so long I don't even bother trying to remember them so I end up forgetting, if it was juicy or interesting I will tell but if it's only mildly interesting I don't even bother, like I swear my dream today, people had enough time to move houses and there were like 5 plot points with different people at the same time, none was that interesting, there was one count that was most interesting but of course I forgot that part 😔
Rika, like, they went HARD with trying to redeem her. TOO hard. It was basically forced and it made me hate her more, just from the fact that Cheritz is trying this hard. It's stupid honestly and it shows how hard they try :/ it's so hard that I swear a wattpad story about baldi x reader had better redeeming qualities for baldi. Like bro. Stop.
I don't hate V as much because they don't try to redeem him as hard. It's like normal you know, you can choose whether you forgive him or not, it's not something like you have to forgive him or else some 5 year old guilt trip shit happens.
I also just like V more because he's actually nice. Like genuinely a nice person. He tries to help Rika, she refuses, they get into an argument, she go pokey pokey V’s eyes now brokey, he helped us escape (I vaguely know what happens in V’s route but I played Saeran’s route three times now, Jumin 4 (doing 5 rn), so I know what happens in saerans route a lot, and i also played his after ending twice.) but in saerans route he decided he can't live without Rika because of this soulmate shit they got going on and Rika in the end is like “i'm gonna turn my sun into ashes” or some shit like that. Emphasis on “my”.
I swear V’s after ending judge route. It's a mess. I could tell you if you want, you probably don't want to get that damn ending yourself anyway. It's worse than most wattpad guilt trip stories like skdbk please why???
Also i think yoosung just has a MAJOR hero worship for her, basically obsession where it can seem like he's in love, but he just looks up to her A LOT. Anyway Rika is adopted :0
Oh man, maybe he's like, a planner or something, like, that's where well get married, I'm thinking of names for our children, that's where we'll have a date-
You get the idea.
Our local horny and sometimes romantic loner boiboi.
Long hair can be smexy, I've only seen fictional characters and some select few (I've only seen markiplier and Keanu reeves, everyone else I've seen are kind of ugli, probably because most I've seen also have that ugly teenage moustache. Pls shave. I don't really see many celebrities, so yeah)
Anyway, the day Aizawa gets short hair is the day I gauge my eyes out, stab my eyeballs and eye sockets, pour bleach in the wounds and wait until I die of blood loss or the bleach.
Especially a nicely designed cape that fits the character somewhat and isn't just plastered on there because yes.
I actually wanted to get Zen’s route first but I got yoosung, didn't really flirt with Zen after that unless the other option was a mean one. Then ill flirt, though yoosung did become jealous at one point 👀
It seems common that people would get yoosung when going for Zen. You just can't be mean to yoosung, but you have to at least onceif you want Zen. It's too easy to get yoosung hearts.
Boiboi would totally jump on that.
-🐱nonny “you can decide if you want to take that literally or sexually��
Ok that's a beeg one! Let's start!!!
Fishy is just being stupid... If you think nommy is with someone else, maybe that's because you're not doing your job properly hmm?? Think about that 👀
Well... It's not really a competition. Ghost man wants to be with you, so you already know you're his. Though the witch, i feel like if he's been a ghost for waaaay too long, maybe she lost interest, lost hope. Mayne she could reverse the curse, but she's also sad and lonely... Maybe she'll curse you too👀
Your dreams are very complex and action filled. So yeah, remembering them must be so difficult. My dreams are very boring, so even if i tried to remember, it's basically just wasting my time.
I feel like that was chritz goal. They dont want us to like her, they want us to hate her. So they made her super duper annoying.
V is a nive person, a bit too nice to the point its annoying. He's naive. I understand that he tried helping her and all that. That's amazing. But after all the things she did to him, he still tried to help her?! Why bro! I understand you're in love, but that's obsession! Also, if i remember correctly, the way V talked, it didn't feel genuine. Like the "pick me guy". A bit too manipulative, yk? Like ooouh its ok if you dont forgive me, i understand uwu.... No shut up.
Yes! Yoosung was weird, a bit too baby like! It's not my fav type of characters (obv i love jumin, total opposites!) And same, i wanted to get zen but I got yoosung. And i also tried jaehee, but i got yoosung :(
Affection = sexy timez with boiboi sooo... Have fuuuun
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indigopurple · 5 years
Basically a review of OP episode 503 ig
Currently rewatching post-war arc (in the dub so I don't have any screenshots for u guys sry) and theres a few things id like to point out.
During a conversation Dadan once had with Garp, they were talking about Roger. Garp said that even if they were facing powerful enemies, he would never run away because he wouldnt dare leaving his comrads behind; it wasnt an option for him. Obviously we see this in Ace. But ALSO, isnt this what he did with Katakuri? It was a little different cuz of the setting mostly, but he separated himself from his crew to fight off katakuri, and lied to them about being okay so they didn't worry (he was already getting his ass kicked by then, so he just made that stupid smile and told them not to worry (or smth like that, I can remember the exact line) (that smile was so gross and fake cuz he fucking sucks at lying). Also he said roger destroyed a buncha soldiers cuz they mouthed off his men. That's what Ace tried to do but instead he died. :(
"The pain he went through just made him hold on tighter to the ones he loved" -Garp, about Roger. "Despite his flaws and his bad reputation, his crew still trusted him completely." -also Garp, about Roger. These both sound a lot like Luffy AND Ace.
When Dogra got home and told everyone about Sabo's ship being shit down and him dying (which we all know didnt happen, thank fuck), (by the way the absolutely lost looks on Ace's and Luffy's faces with the sudden silence hurt like a bitch), Luffy started crying and said "WE SHOULDNT'A LET HIM GO, IT'S ALL OUR FAULT". Which fucking says something about him (thinking of episodes 913-915 when he goes fucking berserk, but before that he learns that Kaido probably killed Tama and he says "I should've escorted them..!" (*ugly cries*)). Ace also reacted pretty similarly-- "Sabo...why didn't we go back into town and bring him back here?! We're so stupid!" And he gets mad and asks where he could find the bastard that killed him (obviously not getting a good answer since it was a fucking celestial dragon ugh). That is what Luffy does, in present time. He results to anger first, not sadness. Not sure when he learned to do that but I'm 99 percent sure it was from Ace. Also the blaming himself thing? High chance thats ALSO from Ace. Who else would teach him that self hating behaviour?!
Dadan pins Ace down to stop him from going after the Celestial Dragon to calm him down, telling him he cant do anything, he's not big or strong enough to do anything and he'll be killed as soon as he tries anything, especially since it was the whole country -the whole WORLD- that killed Sabo. He can't do anything. And then they tied him to a tree outside to let him cool off. Oh yeah then he also told luffy to stop crying like a little girl or else he'll- (and he didn't finish the sentence). ...Ok maybe thats why luffy started being more angry than sad.
This is where things get a little more :( . Ace reads the letter Sabo sent them before he died. As he reads, he walks to the end of the forest, to a cliff overlooking the ocean. And starts fucking bawling (btw the voice actor who had Ace's childhood part did not do a very good job, no where near as in character and real as Coleen Clickenberg did with all of Luffy's crying scenes. She was spot on.) ...do you see where im going with that? He isolated himself before letting himself feel sad. It was all rage and then calm beforehand. Y-you see where im going with that. Dont make me say it.
"How's Luffy doing, is he any better?" "Well...he hasnt been eating much, but he still eats twice as much as we do". Oh look, That's what happened after Ace died too. There's a behavioral pattern that hasnt gone away. Not sure why it wouldve tho.
Luffy is mopeing, lying on the ground in a similar setting ace was at when he cried. Hes thinking about some of the things Sabo said, like how theyre gonna sail the seas together, and he clenches his hands into tight, shaking fists. After Ace shows up and hits him, and talking abt some other stuff I don't feel like relaying, Luffy tightens his grip on the straw hat and tells ace, whimpering, he wants to get stronger (and stronger, and stronger, and stronger and stronger and....) And he wants to be the strongest in the world. "And then, I'll protect everyone. I won't lose anyone I care about". He gets stronger mainly to protect the people he loves. And then he asks ace to promise he won't die. To which he hits Luffy again and tells him he should be more worried about himself dying first. And then the famous line that hurts like a bitch- "I'm NEVER going to DIE!" And then this hopeful music comes on (fucking damnit funimation, u gotta do this? Really??) Also he says he wont die as long as he has a wussy little brother to protect. ...FUCK. Ok, the fist clenching is a thing he does all the fucking time, usually when he gets mad. This was different because he wasnt mad, he was sad. He clenched his fist because thinking about it hurt. Which, huh, sounds a lot like his whole episode after waking up from his 2 week coma on the polar tang. To try and stop the mental pain of those horrendous memories, he resulted to physically pain. He hurt himself. So, He clenches his fists in times like these to fight off the mental pain and the urge to cause himself physical pain. Guys, our boy is bad at emotions, help him. ....ok this paragraph is longer than I anticipated so ill dumb down the rest of it ig. Next part, him asking ace to promise he wont die. The music, the body language, the over change in mood- this comforts him. He stopped hiding his face and silently sobbing after ace said this. OH YEAH! didn't he tell jinbe not to die when they parted ways in Totto Land? And then, hes missing still in Wano and we see Luffy is worried....but convinced Jinbe will show up. Again, this comforts him. Hes nervous cuz someone KOFF KOFF ACE broke that promise once. But jinbe is his crew mate so he trusts him, thank god.
"-But whoever did it, they must be opposed to freedom." The whole freedom thing? That runs through Luffy's blood and spirit.His brothers fought for it, his dad is the man who strives to give everyone freedom basically, and Luffy himself has seen enough of the OPPOSITE of freedom to be so, so much more than just against it. Hence why he of course was so eager to free the slaves in Sabaody, the kids in punk hazard, the toys in dressrosa, the country of Wano from Kaido's tyrany. The apple doesnt fall far from the tree huh.
I dont think Luffy would remember his promise with Shanks if it werent for his brothers putting feul to his dream. It was a stupid bet at first; he just wanted to beat Shanks, right then. But after meeting Sabo and Ace, he found the opposite of freedom and human rights. And then he wanted, REALLY wanted, to become the free-est man in the world; the pirate king.
Last one i promise ok? This one is less connected to whats going on in the episode at this point, but something I noticed (its so obvious everyone has seen this ok) was when luffy cries, his posture is always open. He doesn't curl in on himself like many people would do (I know I would, lol). He doesnt hug himself, protect himself. He's just, opened up to whoever is watching, literally. This has a little more to do with something I haven't talked about much in this post yet; his self-destruction issues. I said he tried to hurt himself when he felt mental pain, which is definitely similar. But he cries and doesnt try to protect or comfort himself, like he doesn't have that programmed into his mind. Reminder that he only wants to live because of his dream, and if he doesnt have his dream, he wants to die. (Whoa.). Ok, so no self preservation mechanism at all rlly. Hes basically ride or die. So, when things hurt so much that he cries, he has no hope left. He just kinda...dies inside. So this was mildly different after sabo died. Yes we saw him just standing there, sobbing. But the next day he's still crying, and instead he's laying on the ground. I saw that and the voice in the back of my head told me he wanted to be a part of that lifeless dirt beneath him. Then, Ace walked over. And his words made him feel the hope that I told you about earlier, and he sat up into a sitting position. And HUGGED HIS LEGS TO HIS CHEST. There's some self preservation! Some hope! Some will to exist, to live! Something we saw none of as he sat in front of his brothers corpse, shutting down. He sat there, open to his enemies, incapable of protecting himself. Practically anyone couldve killed him right then and there. I think he mightve liked that, at that moment. Like thank god he has that stupidly good luck cuz if he didn't I swear someone couldve thrown and axe or FUCKING ANYTHING AT THAT MOMENT and hed be dead becuase he never physically or mentally prepared himself. On purpose.
Our poor boy needs some fucking attention and therapists. (Insert my rant post about how jinbe is on the crew primarily for anger management and therapy, not just being a helmsman.) Ugh, smh ugly cries
Aaaaand thats about the end of the episode. Theres so many little tics and peesonality traits that you notive thru this episode, and I only noticed them cuz im rewatching this part of the show for like the third time. I don't react as much as the first time of course but some things are definitely sadder after knowing what's going on and what will happen later on.
Moral of the story (post)? I think luffy is almost equally as alike -if not, more similar to roger as ace is. Also, high key genuinely think Luffy met like NO ONE but Garp before he met Shanks and his crew. What the fuck was his first like 5 years of being alive like? (He wantd to be a pirate cuz Garp didnt want that. Rebellious baby asshole. And then shanks made things worse, in a good way for luffy. And then ace and sabo made that worse thing worse for a good reason. Luffy lives...for those influences. And that is fucking it. Why.
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Oh thanks tumblr for moving my picture to the bottom of the post u fucking idiot
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