#'all you need to track the position are these very obvious trackers with high contrast track points' wow innovative
zvaigzdelasas · 1 year
Fucking hate tech people turned vfx people..."this $20000 hardware gadget allows us to export (inferred) camera movement to a 3d scene" yeah you could do that with a pirated version of Mocha in After Effects like 15 years ago wtf are you talking about
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jupiterlightning · 7 years
Faust for the OC thingie because I love this bitch eue
>w> I have a few others to do that I was sent before Faust but he’s right at the front of my brain atm. God, even irl he’s being selfish and taking up my time. 100% bitch ewe
OC meme! (this is gonna be a long one ewe)
Full Name: Arden FaustGender and Sexuality: Male, bisexualPronouns: He/HimEthnicity/Species: Human, Mexican heritage and a mix of other things most likely (hard to tell in these post apocalyptic settings innit. Maybe some Italian too).Birthplace and Birthdate: Mohave desert, within the Legion. Guilty Pleasures: He is a man free of morals and empathy, though he’s rather good at pretending, but has a sadistic streak a mile wide when not undercover and trying to conceal himself within his role as a frumentarius. He’ll gladly apply any number of horrible things to people, and possibly animals too if he’s pissed enough, to make himself feel better. What’s a person worth any way? Jack shit if it’s not him (or Caesar). Proving you’re better than someone by breaking them is rather restorative. 
He liked being given things by others back in the Legion though, and laying about with his varying treasures wasn’t exactly above him, gladly trading sexual favours (though obv. this is punishable by death in the Legion >> if it wasn’t so common) for material wealth and objects from higher ranking individuals and enjoying showing off said things to all the other lame, poor people he was surrounded by outside of the frumentarii
Years after leaving the Legion to track down the traitor, Magnus, he got into a rut of sorts and ended up taking chems to keep himself going. Pathetically addictive personality aside, it became a habit but allowed a little high in a fucking terrible set of circumstances for him. He currently needs to not be seen as an addict, really, and has managed to wean himself off them and onto cigarettes instead, not that trading one addiction for another is much better.
Phobias: The fear of losing his looks was a big one, a little less so now but a lot when he was younger. As his appearance gained him so much, he was secretly afraid of losing it, be it by being wounded on a mission or something. Probably a little too over the top about losing it. Who knows, Faust, maybe a scar or two would have looked rugged? >_> 
These days he’s a fraction less worried, having had to concentrate on chasing Magnus and not dying, over a lot else, as well as securing himself food and shelter and such for so long. He had to give up on being quite so paranoid about it after a while, as he didn’t have any choice but to continue on, regardless of what happened.
He also fears what awaits him back with the Legion once he slays Magnus and returns to Caesar. He hasn’t been that way for a long time. What’s even happened over there? What’s happened to all his stuff?
What They Would Be Famous For: He was well known in the Legion as a highly considered frumentarius, possibly second only to Vulpes Inculta within the frumentarii ranks. His unusually beautiful appearance was well known about among a lot of the Legion, as was his ability to track down and brutally murder deserters and run away slaves. His cruelty and efficiency were commendable, and if something particularly troublesome came up, it was clear to a lot of people who to ask to go after someone. His favour with Caesar was well noted by those of rank.
In the Brotherhood he is considered a respectable drill sergeant who doesn’t allow for nonsense, other than that, he’s fairly unknown, by his own choosing as he doesn’t want to draw too much attention to himself. 
What They Would Get Arrested For: Depends entirely on who’s doing the arresting honestly. Any normal society would have him gone faster than you can say ‘murder-happy’.
OC You Ship Them With: None. Too self involved for any kind of actual, meaningful relationship beyond sex (again, unless pretending for the sake of a mission. He’d be fine with pretending to care for someone, only to cast them aside once the mission was complete). 
OC Most Likely To Murder Them: Well, hi there Magnus… If anyone is going to end up killing Faust, it’s Magnus and who can blame him? He’s known well from the start that Faust didn’t have to really earn much of what he had other than being a pretty face, and now he’s cross the entire country after years upon years to track him down and kill him, perfect excuse to take him out first, right?
Favorite Movie/Book Genre: Can read, chooses not to.Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: Probably just hates goodie-two-shoes types.Talents and/or Powers: He’s incredibly good at manipulating people and using his appearance to win people over or sway them. He’s not afraid to bribe, and as mentioned before, use his body to win favour with others, especially back in the Legion. That, after all, got him the position he had, and the comfortable life he enjoyed.
Not to say he’s entirely without other merits. He’s a good close combat fighter, and favours fighting with blades and short swords, but also handy unarmed. Though not a big man, he’s tightly muscled and speedy. He’s not so keen on shooting but is adequate.
He’s a skilled tracker, and gatherer of information, finally catching up to his mark after many, many years of tracing him across the US, and finally finding him with the Brotherhood of Steel aboard the Prydwen on the East Coast. His tracking skills are perfectly good for following trails of all kinds, and he’s good at looking after himself out in the wasteland.
Why Someone Might Love Them: He was considered beautiful when he was younger and favoured highly for his looks. Over a decade later, he’s still attractive as heck (though a bit more lined from the years), something he knows damn well and uses to his advantage. Someone might love him because he’s made them love him, manipulated them into thinking they do. He had no use for love or attachment, only going through the motions to make people give him what he wants, or do as he pleases.
Why Someone Might Hate Them: Mainly because he’s an arrogant, selfish bitch who doesn’t care about anyone except himself and Caesar (and maybe respects Vulpes Inculta), and even then Caesar because he’d put his head on a spike or flay him alive or something if he didn’t. He is cruel and merciless, narcissistic beyond measure. Really, really hard to like this guy if you’re not shallow and judge him only by his appearance. 
How They Change: Physically, he’s aged over his long chase of Magnus and that seriously pisses him off. He’s become incredibly bitter and angry at the hand he’s been dealt and his initial elation at being asked to chase down the big time traitor has turned into resentment and hatred of Magnus, far beyond the dislike he felt before, at having his comfortable life taken away in place of this shit show he’s having to wade through to keep track of him. He’s very on edge these days and things piss him off a lot more quickly.
Equally though, he’s better at controlling said rage when it occurs. He’s had to adapt and learn to channel it away from anything suspicious, exchanging the brutal torture and killing of the Legion in front of all that wished to bare witness, to taking his anger out in less vicious and obvious ways. If he feels so much anger he needs to physically lash out, he’ll control himself until he’s next off duty and disappear for a while into the Wasteland. Self control is a trait he dislikes, but appreciates the use of.
Why You Love Them: Sometimes you just gotta love a bad guy. Sometimes you just gotta love a whiny, self-centered lil’ bitch who thinks he’s the best thing since sliced bread and wants everyone to appreciate how wonderful he is. He’s a nice contrast to some of my other OCs and has gotten so much damn character development the last week or so. xD
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