#'all that stuff can happen like normally though' i also want her to suck their spiky face
beneathsilverstars · 3 months
i don't post about it as much over here but i have been thinking about loopdile for several weeks straight at this point. i'm afraid it's terminal
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risenwrites · 10 months
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Ace When He's Drunk
(Reader is referred to as she/her)
When Ace is drunk, he gets really giggly
Like... super giggly
And he wants you to be too!
He'll do anything to make you laugh along with him
Especially if he thinks you're upset or you have a frown
And it's anyone's guess if he'll just tickle you or do something dumb
9 times out of 10, he'll be tickling you
There have been tickle fights between you two, and you both lost count of the score of wins against each other
The 1 time will be him trying to show off with his devil fruit powers or something
He almost burned a building down once... we don't talk about that
Ace also likes to squeeze your cheeks!
He loves how soft they feel, and he just wants to take a bite of your cute, squishy face!
One time he actually latched onto your cheek and sucked and pulled on it for a bit, saying you tasted sweet
When that happened, you worried he thought you were mochi or something
Boy will also kiss and nip your skin anywhere he can reach
You always have a bunch of little red spots on your body after he's gotten a bit too drunk
He gets clingy when he's drunk
Like if you try to leave him for any reason he'll start whining and pouting about he doesn't want you to leave him alone
How he'll die if you leave him for even a second
You know he'll be fine, but his puppy dog eyes always make you cave in and stay
The entire time he's drunk, he'll be stuck to you like honey
By the way, You thought Ace was a horny monster already?
He gets worse when he's drunk
So, so much worse
He'll say the most down bad things about you during those rare moments he isn't with you 💀
Like how he wants to rail you from literally just hugging him (this only happens when he's drunk, normally hugging is just comforting I promise)
Or how he wants you to ride him until he can't talk and he's a mess
Any and all sexual fantasies he's had about you are known to anyone willing to listen
Marco has to reign him in when it comes to talk about you
Even with things that aren't sexual
The first thing he says to anyone while drunk is:
"Have ya seen ma pretty girlfriend? Ain't she the hottest you've ever seen?"
Then he'll add something down bad like:
"That's probably because she's got ma cum running down her legs and on her lips~ hehehehehe~"
At the point Marco drags him back to you
Thankfully it doesn't take long for him to pass out from being super drunk
But when that happens, he normally passes out on top of you, making it so you can't do much
You still love him though
You wouldn't want him any other way
Later when you and Marco tell him about the stuff he did while drunk he gets low-ley embarrassed lol
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©following works belongs to risenwrites, do not repost, modify, plagiarize, translate, or share on other platforms. comments, likes, and reblogs appreciated!
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phinkslave · 2 months
haii , may I request yandere!sukuna X gender-neutral reader with the prompt 30 and 34 ? :3 -🎀
No Where to go
30. “I’m bigger, faster, stronger, do you really wanna do this right now?”
34. “Watch your tone.”
Okay guys i think im getting the hang of tumblr, once again any feedback is appreciated 💞. btw requests like this is fine ofcc, but i hope that in future requests, if you guys could please be a bit more specific, like idk if you want smut in this fic or not n so on so forgive me 😓💔. but anyway enjoyyy. (this writing stuff is lwk so hard)
warnings: detailed violence, described gore, implied oral sex, (yandere?) sukuna, degrading, language
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Sukuna, The King of Curses, was also known as a heartless king. Mainly known for showing no mercy, killing without a second thought, no remorse or regret ever seen in his eyes. Choosing people to be his slave, choosing people to work for him, to slave around for him. Everyday these people would be killed, no one would be spared. Though y/n changed that.
Today was the day. Today was the selection. Shibuya has been taken over by King Sukuna for about 3 months now, all hope lost. Each week he picks around 50 more people to serve him as he kills them so often. It seems to never be enough, and whatever he wants he gets. The only person to ever be tolerated by him was his loyal dog, Uraume, mainly known to be cooking Sukuna all his meals. She’s also the only one who calls King Sukuna, Master Sukuna. The only one he’ll ever truly trust.
“Do you wish for your death?.” It’s Uraume.
Her voice bringing me out of my thoughts, i quickly look around me seeing everyone in my single filed line has been bowed down as I remain standing. If looks could kill…i’d be dead.
“Forgive me Lady Uraume! I wasn’t thinking.” Quickly getting on the floor to pay my respects. My life is on the line.
“Hmph. You weaklings never do. If it was up to me, I would already have killed you. You’d clearly be of no use.” She continued to walk down your line, carefully observing everyone. Creating different piles, specified of either people of old age or ones who have disabilities. Who knew such a calm tone could make you tremble more than any angry voice could. Oh how I wish I was strong. I hate being weak…. .
After around 10 more minutes, with someone even being yelled at for apparently looking up for only 5 seconds, everyone was ordered to stand and we were being led to a huge building. As we walked, the groups of old people were pleading for their lives as everyone knew what was about to happen to them, i couldn’t help but shut out their depressing cries. This was all too much, we need help. Walking, everyone’s shackles connected to the person in front and the person behind. Controlling our pace, controlling our movement. Surely for how much longer can we really continue without dying? The closer you got to the building, the more you felt the amount of cursed energy pile up. I can’t do this. I would rather die than even enter the cursed energy fully. Not everyone could feel it since most of them are normal people, but us sorcerers, we couldn’t help but tremble. Knowing what was awaiting us.
Approaching a large Hikone, giant double doors opened at once, energy flooding out, as I felt mine somewhat fade. This power? This amount?? How is this possible???
“Attention insects!” Uraumes voice boomed. Sucks she has a hideous personality, she’s actually really pretty. “You are now entering the presence of your Lord. King Sukuna. From here on out, you have no purpose in life. Your only purpose is to serve him, to accommodate all his needs. If he says to bring him an item, you will! If he says to end your life, whether with your bare hands or with a sword provided to you, you will! And with no hesitation. Now, pay your respects!” By the time Uraume was done, i along with everyone else was already on the floor, ‘paying their respects’.
“Look at me.” His voice, caused every single nerve that ran down ur back twitch. Everyone looked up, though no one dared to look into his eyes, some immediately crying and begging for their lives.
I look up. There he is. Some stupid smug grin on his face. He enjoys killing. He enjoys being a monster. He enjoys tormenting the weak.
“All of those who just spoke without my permission. Step up. Now.” Four people slowly stood up, their knees almost giving in. “Are u trying to fool me? Do you think I am some idiot? I have many eyes for fucks sake. Stand up.” Two more people stood, but as much as they tried to stay up, they kept falling.
Before you could even blink, all of their heads popped, their bodies falling on top of the still bowing people. Their blood splattered on your face. No one dared to move, no one dared to speak. I kept my position, wide eyed, feeling the blood droplets going down my cheek. I didn’t dare to lift my hand and wipe it from dripping down my lips.
“Disgusting brats, ruined my scarf. Uraume.”
“Yes Master Sukuna.”
“Get me a new scarf, and..” this time he spoke to us, “…take that side of the room. All you pathetic people. Stand up and follow her now.” They stood up, trembling, lining up behind Uraume. The shackles that once connected you all was suddenly just gone.
A man accidentally fell while standing up.
His head……
Everyone stayed bowing, no one dared to move. it’s been atleast 15 minutes since uraume has left and you just assumed that he was waiting on her to come back. Your back was aching. your wouldn’t risk your life just cuz of some back pain though, your stronger then that.
“Did it go smoothly Uraume?” Sukuna said with no care in his voice. Like he didn’t just murder 6 people in a heartbeat.
In total you would say there was about 37 people. Originally there was around 60 but canceling the elders, and the disabled….as well as the just killed people. Your numbers were going down.
“Yes Master Sukuna. We are checking for every health condition. For only the best possible is worthy to be at your service.” She said bowing to him.
“Good.” and for the first time in what felt forever, he turned his attention back towards you guys. “Stand up.” Everyone doing so as quickly as possible.
“Uruame. My scarf?”
“My apologies Master Sukuna. For i haven’t forgotten but they are making you one as we speak. I couldn’t have just given you an ordinary one, you deserve only the one of a kinds.”
“alright alright….now. Shall we begin.”
“As you wish dear Master.” As she said this, she blew into her hand, forming a long sharp rod of thick ice. Sort of like a katana. “As well known, your lord deserves only the best. We cannot have any of you weak species that aren’t physically appealing, at his service. For those of you who don’t please my master. Your death is awaiting you. Master Sukuna, I await your orders.”
“Everyone stand up straight and look at me.” After not even a few seconds he already pointed at someone, and in the same second his throat was pierced. His gasps for air terrified you all. “Hideous one he was.”
A girl spoke up, “Please, any mercy we beg—!”
Her throat was slit.
“Master Sukuna didn’t give you permission to speak.” Uraume said, venom lacing her tone.
Sukuna chuckled, “it’s a shame, she would have lived.”
The next few minutes were torture. Each second felt like my death was next. For some reason I wasn’t as scared as the other people. Maybe because I had experience with this curse stuff, but it still didn’t make sense. Down to only 6 people now. Geez……he’s picky for someone who can quite literally have anyone he wants.
“Uruame. That’s all. Take them out of my sight and put them to work.” As he said this I looked up, accidentally meeting one of his four eyes, I looked down as soon as I realized. Praying he didn’t notice. “Take them all….and leave them.”
Now. Now you had some fear kicking in. Taking all his cursed energy in again, coming to the understanding of what his true power is once again.
“As you wish. Follow along.” She exited the room. Leaving you and Sukuna alone.
The room was dark, had some bright red ominous glow everywhere. The blood of the now dead bodies making everything darker. You were beneath a set of around 25 stairs, as Sukuna was in a huge throne at the top. Resting comfortably with his head in one of his four arms. You were standing there awkwardly. Standing in silence looking down, unsure of what to do. Dreading each coming second, each coming second facing the possibility of joining your once fellow friends on the floor.
“Why don’t your eyes meet mine as they did before?” He said, trying to imitate a voice of someone who’s actually interested. He’s toying with you. What a pathetic jerk. You immediately remembered, ‘when spoken to answer’, you had about 20 seconds to respond or he’d get upset. You immediately began to think.
“Forgive me my King. For I was not thinking.” Fuck. I just risked my life saying that. Geez i’m so stupid. If Uraume said that made her wanna kill me, why wouldn’t he..
“Well. You better start. This is the only warning you’ll get. Do i make myself clear? What is your name?”
“I understand my King. I am forever grateful. I am only known as the lords slave from here on out my king.” you tested your luck, bowing down.
“Pathetic. Don’t humiliate yourself. it’s pretty obvious you are trying to kiss my ass. i don’t appreciate it. hmmm. If you weren’t so amusing, i would have snapped your neck by now. Look at me.”
You looked up, he had a crazy look in his eyes.
“come up these stairs.”
You had half a minute to think. You could run, and be killed, or you can go up the stairs and be killed. What to do what to do what to do. Fuck, there was no right answer. Even if you ran right now, where would you go? He would catch you before you could even turn around fully……you slowly made your way up the stairs. Finally reaching him, staying a few steps below to stay humbled.
“If you do not listen to my exact orders next time. I will kill you. I said to come up these stairs, or do you have some sort of hearing issue?”
“My apologies…” you mumbled.
“Now tell me, do you feel the fullness of my energy?” He said all proud and cocky.
“I….I do my King.”
“Yet. You still dared to look me in the eyes. Out of the three months I have taken over. You are the only person who has yet to do that. How dare you?” His voice becoming dangerous in his last sentence.
“M-….My king….I am afraid i do not unders-“
He slapped you. He slapped your right cheek. The hit was so hard you felt your right ear begin to ring. You were shocked.
“Hmm..no tears? Tough one huh. The average human specie would have had been knocked out by now.”
Feeling encouraged by his words you stood up, still holding your now red cheek though….”Thank you sincerely my lord. Your words mean a lot.”
“what made you think you could speak?”
Next thing you know, he lifted his index finger and tapped your belly. That simple act causing so much force throughout your body, you fell at the bottom of the stairs. This time, your wrist broke. Sukuna stood up.
“You dare not answer me. You little brat, speak only when spoken to! How do you not know that much. Maybe I should end you. Worthless piece of crap.” Sukuna made his way down the stairs. A little confused himself but he didn’t show it. If you were anyone else by now he would have had them gone, but you. The constant fluctuation of fear and confidence in your eyes made him want to know more about you.
He was making his way down. Fuck! I hate being weak so much. I have no time to think. This is it, i’ll be damned if my last words were me kissing ass to this monster.
“….fuck you…” you said almost non-audible. But of course if anyone could hear that, it would be Sukuna.
He stopped in his tracks. “excuse me..?”
“I said fuck you!” His pace to you became faster, “Your just a sick son of a bi—!”
His hands wrapped around your neck, not letting the full word come out. “Watch your tone. Do you not fear for your life?” He started laughing. “Maybe I will just watch the life leave your body, hmm?” he said smiling, his face extremely close to yours. He then let out an exaggerated sigh, “relax, I’m bigger, faster, stronger, do you really wanna do this right now? For your pathetic state can’t fight me right now. you don’t ever seem to use that tiny brain of yours do you?”
Your hands scratching and slapping any bit of skin it could come in contact with, clearly showing your resistance being futile.
“Though, i can’t kill you yet.” His lands leaving your neck, allowing you to drop and gasp for air like a fish out of water. He looked down at you, “To bad, deal with me longer. I enjoy this. Been a while since someone had the guts to face me.”
He sighed, “I will give you a couple of minutes to rest. Then after that we will spar. If you land one hit on me, i shall let you leave and live as u please. If you can not….lets just say i’ll give you pain. For i don’t know why you think you are so worthy of speaking to me however you like.”
You were just listening as you tried to control your breath. “I refuse to be your play thing. Kill me now.”
He scratched his head, “Well now that that you said that, i don’t wanna kill you.” He boomed laughter, “I really like you, your a few hierarchies below Uraume, but that’s still a lot.” His expression became one of a cold killers all of a sudden. “Now, stand.”
You thought for a second. “My king…if i may….”
“Hmm, all quiet now are we? just a second ago you were using such filthy language. For such a beautiful face like yours, your mouth should know nothing but decency. What is it you please to say?”
“King Sukuna…my wrist is in immense pain, i am at a big enough disadvantage already. For i don’t think it will do me any good sparring with a broken wrist, i need more then a few minutes my king.”
“Fine. As you wish. Heal or don’t, my order of our fight has been decided.”
He stared at you a little longer. He stared at you, making you feel nasty, making you feel gross. He walked up to you and started pushing you down on your knees by your shoulders. You felt his eyes roam your body.
“I will heal your wrist. But first, you need to be punished for that naughty little mouth of yours…”
“Let’s make this quick. Gonna teach you a lesson yeah?”
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rosiesmuts · 2 years
Paris, je t'aime
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BLACKPINK Rosé & Lisa Words: 1,750
A/N: Surprise! Felt inspired so this is actually the last fic of the year. No I’m not currently obsessed with Chaelisa, you are. Also felt right to end the year with a Rosé fic. Quickie, no edits
Sequel to the snippet ‘Rambunctious’
Lisa moans loudly as you thrust deep into her tight ass. She can feel her body trembling with pleasure with each thrust, her hands gripping the balcony railing as she tries to steady herself. She moans and screams out into the distance, making no attempt to stifle the sounds even though she’s outdoors. A wave of deja vu flashes over your body, you and Lisa were caught in this exact same position six months prior.
The pace of your thrusts become fevered, hoping for Lisa to make even more noise on the off chance that same situation repeats itself. Almost as if on cue, you hear the doors swing open, Rosé comes stomping in still wearing the dress she had worn to the YSL party. 
"Seriously you two? Didn’t we do this already?! I can hear you guys from the hallway! What are you guys doing in here?"
"What's it look like, Chaeyoung? I'm getting fucked in the ass."
Normally being interrupted by a surprise visitor would stop anyone in their tracks, but you paid no mind to Rosé’s presence and kept thrusting into Lisa’s ass.
"As you can see I'm a little busy, what do you want, Chaeyoung?" Lisa's voice filled with annoyance.
Rosé walks out to the balcony until she's right beside Lisa without saying a word. "What do I want? I wanted to rest, but now that you two have interrupted me…" Rosé starts licking her neck, Lisa shuddering from the first touch. Rosé moves down a little further, making a stop to suck, pinch, and nibble on Lisa’s dark, tiny nipples. She makes her way down to knees–just inches away from Lisa’s pussy, breathing hot air. Lisa gasps at the huge contrast of Rosé's warm breath compared to the cool night breeze. "...I want in." 
Rosé takes Lisa's clit into her mouth and sucks harshly, adding two fingers into Lisa’s leaking wet core. Lisa is now over the moon, making more noise than she had at any point in the night. Rosé continues to lick and finger fuck Lisa while you simultaneously stuff her ass. 
With both sides being filled to the brim, the multi point attack of stimulation completely rocks Lisa’s world and she cums in almost record time, leaking her juices onto Rosé's beautiful face. Feeling her powerful orgasm makes you quick to follow, Lisa's asshole pushing you out as it clenches. Without warning, Rosé yelps when she feels another stream of hot liquid hitting her face.
"Sorry Rosie, it was an accident." you say, trying to stifle your laughter as Rosé remains on her knees, shocked at what had just happened.
Lisa opens her eyes after hearing Rosé scream, immediately pointing and laughing at Rosé’s cum covered face. Both you and Lisa had accidentally came all over her face just minutes after she joined in.
"You think this is funny, Lalisa?" Rosé tried to sound serious, but couldn't help from giggling at her series of unfortunate events. She stands up and pulls Lisa into her. "You're gonna lick me clean."
Lisa has no obligations, licking every inch of Rosé's face, tasting and cleaning every drop of the sexual concoction that the two of you had helped create. Lisa can feel you getting harder by the second as you watch Lisa lick Rosé clean.
"You want a turn, Chaeyoung? Oppa's getting turned on watching us and I already came 4 times." Lisa unzips Rosé and her luxurious designer gown falls to the ground.
Your eyes are stuck like a deer in headlights, the sight of Rosé's slim physique always leaves you breathless no matter how many times you've seen it.
The expression in her face changes, you can see the switch flick in her head. The cute Rosie is gone and out comes your master. Rosé glances in your direction, "Come here my dear pet." She turns around and assumes the same position as Lisa: bent over and grabbing the railing. 
Feeling emboldened, the tip of your cock presses against Rosé's puckered hole, but she glares back at you, reaching behind to lower you to the correct position. "You know better than that…" 
Lisa laughs at your attempt and shrugs, "It was worth a shot." Your pace starts off slow, appreciating every moment you get to be inside of her silky wet walls as you glide in and out. Her warmth hugs you tight, feeling even better against the bite of the cold winter air. Rosé's honey moans echo out into the crisp Paris night as you slowly work up your speed. "Just like that. Just like that!" Rosé screams out when you reach her optimal pace. 
Your hands are wrapped around her ant sized waist–she's so slim your fingertips are almost able to touch. Lisa lightly strokes her fingertips up and down Rosé's spine while whispering dirty words into her ear.
"You're happy you caught us again aren't you? …Do you like feeling Oppa rearrange your insides?" Rosé can only silently nod, the increasing pressure in her core almost bursting out. Lisa has moved on from her back, using two fingers to massage her inflamed nub while you thrust away. "Hold it in Chaeyoung, hold it in for as long as you can."
Rosé grits her teeth listening to Lisa's instructions. Her moans have become silent, so wrapped up in pent up pleasure, she can no longer produce sounds. Then like a dam opening its gates, she is no longer able to hold out against the pressure building inside of her. The pinnacle of pleasure washes over Rosé, her entire body quivering, finally able to scream out in ecstasy, the sounds get carried away with the wind. She falls down to her knees, her breath heavy, her pent up orgasm still coursing through her from head to toe. 
"Bring her inside Oppa." Lisa flush red from arousal. "We've been too loud for too long."
You carry in Rosé's listless body, laying her carefully on the bed. "Let's give her time to rest." Lisa says before pouncing back on you. She shoves her tongue down your throat while aggressively stroking you up and down. Her lips move down further and further down along your body until she's face to face with your throbbing cock.  Starting at your base, she slowly glides her tongue along the whole length until she reaches the top–your fingers tangle in her hair once she takes you in.
Lisa takes you deeper and deeper into her mouth, her tongue swirling around at every step. She moves her head up and down, faster and faster, until you're physically trembling with pleasure. Then she suddenly stops. Time seemed to stand still when she painfully squeezed your balls. "You can't cum yet, Oppa."
Rosé stirs back up and joins in, starting it off by taking your length in her mouth. She works her tongue around the base, teasing and tantalizing you. Rosé can feel your body tense up as she moves up and down your shaft.
Lisa moves in next, her mouth replacing Rose's. Lisa is in full control of your orgasm, speeding up and slowing down at a whim. She licks and sucks while Rosé's soft tender hands rub up and down your thighs. 
"Does your cock feel good in Lisa's throat? Just feeling your eyes on me makes me so wet." The way Rosé uses her sweet Australian accent to say such dirty words should be considered illegal. 
The two idols are relentless, taking turns on your cock. They work in tandem, their mouths and hands moving in perfect synchrony. Feeling yourself getting close, your breathing becomes more and more labored.
Once again just as you're about to release, they stop their movements and Lisa painfully squeezes your balls to stop any accidental spillage. They both look at each other with mischievous grins on their faces.
"What do you say Chaeyoung? Should we let him cum?"
"Hmmmmmm," she draws out her thought long and exaggerated. "I think he's been through enough."
Each girl has taken up their respective position, Rosé is the first to jump to action, taking your head into her mouth. Lisa moves in behind Rosé and uses both her hands to stroke you into Rosé's chipmunk cheeks. If the edging session wasn’t enough, they secretly had you in their finishing move causing you to finish in mere seconds. Exploding into Rosé’s mouth would be an understatement, the amount of cum that filled her mouth makes her eyes grow wide as she struggles to contain everything in before Lisa dives in for her fair share. They look at each other then break into a laughter, proud at themselves for being able to coordinate that attack without any words. You wonder to yourself how you’ve gotten this lucky, but you also know this night has just began.
The rest of the night is a frenzy, three people focused solely on exploring each other's body. There are times with you and Lisa. Other times with you and Rosé. The most common is all three together, discovering more ways to have sex than you thought was even possible. Even when you needed to rest, the two best friends found ways to keep themselves in an endless cycle of bliss. This rest is often short lived, seeing Rosé and Lisa all over each other 'sprung' you back into action.
All good things must come to an end, every party now fully exhausted, three sweat and cum soaked bodies sprawled across the bed, limbs intertwined with each other. If there's one thing for sure, Paris, je t'aime.
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butchsunbear · 5 months
Full Moon Heat (Butch4Butch sub Werewolfx dom human)
Slight tw: Pretty graphic descriptions of a werewolf transformation
Kinks: Monsterfucking (obviously), Furry stuff (Also obvious), slight petplay? (Idk the werewolf gets talked to like a dog), dumbification, transformation.
Sylvia scrolled aimlessly on her phone, sitting in the waiting room of the doctor's office while she waited for her girlfriend, Hannah, to be done with her checkup. Every month, at least a day before the full Moon, Hannah had to have exams done to check that her lycanthropy is mostly under control. They were cutting it close though, the full moon is tonight. Eventually, Hannah came out of the room. She looked uncomfortable, like way more uncomfortable than normal after one of these appointments. Sylvia stood up from her seat, placing an arm around her girlfriend's shoulders.
"Hey...what's up? You look upset." She asked softly, pushing some of Hannah's long, black hair from her face. Her girlfriend was pale, with pronounced eye bags, and big brown eyes that always looked kind of sad. Hannah looked down at her nails, and her voice went barely above a whisper.
"I'll tell you in the car. It's embarrassing." Hannah gripped her partner's hand, and Sylvia felt her stomach turn. Embarrassing how? Is she gonna be like a xoloitzcuintli dog and lose all her hair? Does she have rabies? No, she had her rabies shot last month...
It's not like Hannah hadn't been transformed in front of her. They'd been living together for three months. Her mind ran a mile a second as the two walked across the parking lot. Once they were in the car, Hannah gripped the steering wheel and looked at her feet for a moment with a giant sigh.
"Alright, so there's this thing that can happen with my transformations and stuff. If you know like how a lot of mammals go into heat? That kinda happens to me..." Hannah laid her head on the steering wheel, and Sylvia could hear the click of her eyebrow piercing as she made contact with the wheel.
Sylvia breathed a sigh of relief. She was worried it was something huge. Hannah continued,
"It's likely gonna happen tonight. I'll transform, and even though I basically lose all my IQ points, I'll still know you're my partner. The thing with this is that I'll be pretty convinced we're gonna have pups. I might be a lot more clingy, try and make a 'den' for us out of like blankets and stuff, and...well, you can kinda pick up on other stuff." The poor butch was pink in the face and looked like she wanted to be sucked into the ground, "Look, I don't expect you to do anything different. If you wanna go stay with your parents or something for tonight, I get it. Just make sure the door is locked so I don't run out and get ran over by a car or something." She sounded almost sad, she had that quality to her voice but Sylvia could tell she was embarrassed.
Sylvia smiled a little at Hannah, "That's it? I don't mind staying at all. Why didn't you tell me about this, though? We've been together for nearly four years." She tried her best not to upset Hannah, but she did feel a little hurt that she was never told. Hannah had seen her in much worse states, and she didn't even get a cool wolf form!
Hannah sighed, sitting back up and playing with her hoodie strings. "It hasn't happened since we moved in together, and usually I'd be at home and just make a little den in my closet. My mom said I'd get really antsy after we'd gotten together and tried looking for you. It's just really embarrassing."
Sylvia placed a little kiss on her cheek, tipping up Hannah's head so she'd look at her. "You have nothing to be embarrassed about babe, and I'm staying with you tonight." She gave her girlfriend a hug, letting Hannah start the car and drive them home. "Also, that bit about you looking for me is really fucking cute."
Long after they arrived home, the two were hanging out in their bedroom. Sylvia had Hannah laying on her lap but noticed her squirming. She looked up from her fanfiction and found Hannah pulling at the hoodie she was wearing.
"You okay darling?" She asked, running a hand over Hannah's hair, and she looked up at her with an uneasy expression.
"I-I need to get up. Is it getting dark out?" Hannah stood up, pulling off her hoodie. Sylvia looked at the scarred, pale, gangly butch in front of her.
Hannah's ribs easily poked from her skin, the lycanthropy burns off fat fast, and the constant shift in muscle mass didn't help. She had massive scars down her sides, Sylvia remembered the day Hannah got them. She had been trapped in her clothes mid transformation and ended up clawing off her shirt. Hannah's jagged top surgery scars were on display too, a transformation had burst the stitches, causing them to heal strangely. Her legs were covered in bruises, but those could barely be seen past her body hair.
"It is, fuck!" She saw the moon coming into view out of the window. She pulled off her shorts, afraid of her clothes being destroyed or trapped on her. The first patches of black fur coming in up her spine. Sylvia got up, placing a hand on Hannah's back. 
"Baby, baby it's okay. I've got you." She said quietly, her lover's mouth and nose elongating and her teeth growing large and sharp. Hannah's muscles thickened as she keeled over onto the floor, Sylvia getting down to her level. There were groans that escaped her mouth like a wounded animal as her muscles tore and replaced themselves. Hannah's nails grew large, turning thick, black, and sharp. Her height increased to around seven feet, her now pointed ears would brush the ceiling if she stood at her full height, each new inch accompanied by pops from her joints as nearly two feet were added. "That's it, good girl, you're doing so good." Sylvia kept cuddling her love, Hannah groaning and howling as her legs stretched out, knees twisting and popping as her hands and feet grew paw pads as they morphed into paws.
"H-hurts..." She groaned, hiding her face in her girlfriend's shoulder. A tail inched itself out of her back, covering itself in black fur.  Her back hunched and cracked, the rest of her body covered in thick fur. It was done, and Hannah looked like she was on the verge of fainting. She looked up at her girlfriend with big brown eyes, her tongue poking from her mouth. 
"There we go, it's all done. You did so good Hannah." Sylvia cooed at the wolfified Hannah. The wolf butch started pressing her snout to Sylvia's lips, as if trying to kiss her. "Aww, you want kisses pup?"
"K-kiss..kiss!" Hannah's voice was scratchy and groaning, and her words were unnatural sounding. Sylvia kissed her deeply, Hannah's tail wagged like crazy,  her nails scraping down Sylvia's back and tearing her shirt.
"Ahh, careful with those claws baby~" She cooed, gently pushing the werewolf back a little. Hannah looked at her with big puppy eyes, clinging onto Sylvia and licking at her torn shirt and the exposed skin. She then rubbed her big ol head on the shaved parts of Sylvia's head. Sylvia chuckled a little, petting her head and standing up out of her girlfriend's grasp, "Now, I'm gonna grab a new shirt from the laundry room okay, can you be good for me?" She explained in a soft voice, scratching behind Hannah's ears. Hannah nodded, climbing up on the bed and stretching out. "Oooh biig stretch!" Sylvia praised as she stepped out of the room. 
Sylvia sorted through some clean laundry, grabbing and putting on a new thick shirt, then pulling on a leather jacket. "That should stay in one piece!" She thought out loud, though she may be thinking of leather armor from minecraft. Upon returning to the bedroom, one thing was wrong, she couldn't see Hannah. "Shit! Hannah?!" She called out, the blanket was off  the bed, along with a few stuffed animals and a pillow. She turned to the closet, and there was a big ol wolf head poking out. 
"Made...made nest!" Hannah grabbed Sylvia's sleeve with her teeth, pulling her in the closet, "Keep Syl-Sylvia safe!" Sylvia went inside, sitting between her girlfriend's legs. Hannah sat with her back against the wall, her tail thumping against it. 
"Thank you sweetie, you're such a good girl." Sylvia gave Hannah a little kiss on her neck, which caused her to grab Sylvia tightly. "Oh my, someone got a bit excited from that~ Do you need me baby?" She asked teasingly, Hannah grabbed Sylvia's arm and put it between her thighs. "Someone's forward~ Poor baby, can't take care of yourself huh? Big sharp claws~" She cooed, petting her lover's head. Hannah hid her face with one of her big handpaws. 
Hannah whined, trying to rub herself on Sylvia's hand. "Need Sylvia.." Sylvia's heart nearly melted at that, and how could she say no to that sweet little face? She slowly starting running her fingers up Hannah's warm slit. Hannah's maw opened, revealing two rows of impossibly sharp teeth and a long, dripping tongue. A small yip and whines coming out of her as she was rubbed. "Rrrgh~ Need. Need~" 
"Shhh, it's okay. Just let me take care of you darling." Sylvia whispered, her fingers tracing circles around Hannah's clit, feeling her shake and twitch in her arms. "Good girl, such a good girl for me~" She slowly moved her middle finger down, pushing it inside. Hannah gripped her tighter, luckily she wasn't shredded due to the jacket and big shirt. "Oh dear, you really need me bad huh?"
Hannah's tail was wagging up a storm, and she shoved her snout into Sylvia's neck, her nose cold and wet against her skin. "Love...you, love Sylvia!~" She started licking her neck, her sharp teeth rubbing against Sylvia's skin.
Sylvia slowly curled her finger inside, focusing on her girlfriend's special spot. Hannah let out a loud whine when she found the right spot. Using her free hand, Sylvia scratched behind her ears. "Oh, you're such a sweet puppy, taking me so well~ You're so cute~" She couldn't help but praise her.
Hannah whined louder, as though she was trying to speak, but her transformed state and Sylvia's fingers inside her made it hard to say words.
"It's okay baby, no more thoughts~ You're just a cute, dumb puppy♡" Sylvia slowly slipped in a second finger, laying kisses on her girlfriend's snout. "Poor baby, you just want me in you forever, huh? Just full of my fingers like the dumb puppy you are?" She teased, scratching just the right spot behind Hannah's ears to cause her jaw to drop open and any thoughts to drain from her head.
"Haah~" Hannah could only make noises at this point. Her brain turned to mush as she got closer and closer to orgasm. She kept wagging her tail, tongue hanging from her mouth as she was talked at, barely processing a thing said to her.
"You close baby? You gonna make a mess of yourself?" Sylvia teased her. The big, strong werewolf a whining mess in her arms. "You gonna cum for me darling?"
Hannah tensed up, her tail going stiff and straight as she came all over Sylvia's hand, howling and moaning as her claws nearly pierced her girlfriend's jacket. She started drooling a little, letting out a low growl. "Haah~ Feel good~" She groaned, her tail wagging weakly. 
Sylvia laid a little kiss on Hannah's nose, then spread her fingers to show how wet they are. "How about you clean up your mess sweetie?" She cooed, Hannah leaning forward and licking Sylvia's fingers clean. "Good puppy, thank you baby." She cooed, scratching under Hannah's chin.
Hannah pulled Sylvia in, holding her to her chest. Sylvia snuggled into her fur, sighing contently. "You're so soft honey." She could hear Hannah's heartbeat, she nearly fell asleep it was so relaxing. 
Hannah hugged Sylvia tightly, her tail beating off the floor. "Happy..." she cooed, licking her girlfriend's neck and head. 
"I love you baby~" Sylvia said, and Hannah's tail could bore a hole in the wall with the speed it was hitting.
I'm copying this and later another story from my wattpad, if you got monster requests let me know.
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mera-k1 · 8 months
I like the topic of sex when they are jealous :0, I would like to ask about that just for Yohei, Kanata and hajun with a very pretty mc who easily attracts the attention of those around her ksjsk that would be all, thanks in advance, take care ^-^ )/
i like that topic too, anon.. hope you enjoy♡
Jealous Sex
Yohei, Kanata, Hajun x afab!reader
-smut, marking (yohei, kanata), little bit sadism (hajun) & mockery? (also, hajun..)
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-yohei can be a pretty jealous guy when it comes to other guys checking you out a little too much. it's one thing when a guy compliments your looks but it's another thing to him when a guy decides he's going to make a move on you.
-as for when it does lead to jealous sex, he tends to get more rough with you. thrusting into you faster and rougher than he normally would, even bringing his thumb down to rub circles onto your clit as he listens to your pretty moans.
-he will mark up your neck and chest a lot more than he would when he's not jealous. they'll be in more noticeable spots that you can't hide as well. instead of sticking to spots that you normally could hide, he picks spots that'll be difficult to hide because well, you're his!
-spends a long while on just marking up your pretty body when he's jealous. biting, sucking, and kissing every mark he makes to be sure it'll last in case that guy tries to make moves on you again.
-yohei holds a little bit of a grudge against whoever did try to make a move on you... he knows you're pretty and that anyone would be lucky to have you but he has you and he doesn't plan on sharing.
-kanata is the most jealous out of the three. he hates it when another guy even talks to you for too long, thinking that you're going to leave him for the other guy just because the conversations gone on too long for his liking.
-he's so mean when he gets jealous, making you say that you only want to be his as he fucks into you, not giving you an ounce of mercy. he's too focused on 'reclaiming' you after that guy seemed to be checking you out.
-lots and lots of biting, making sure they're all visible. he doesn't like how that guy thought you were single when he was standing right there! the new marks he'll give you will certainly solve that problem though.
-he's possessive over those he loves and you can't change that. kanata is going to be possessive over you, making you tell him over and over that you're his as he hovers over you with narrowed eyes as if he's trying to tell if you're lying to him.
-hajun get's silently jealous, often times you won't even realize he's jealous unless the guy really pushes it to which he'll then respond with some physical affection such as grabbing your waist and pulling you closer to him.
-the only way i can see having jealous sex with him would happen is if he got insanely jealous and couldn't do anything about it in the moment. ex. a guy getting too close and touchy with you when he's not able to do anything about it for whatever reason.
-he gets a bit more mocking when you have jealous sex with him. he's rubbing circles on your clit and making you look at him while he asks you stuff that he already knows the answer to.
-"hmm? you're not thinking about that guy right now, are you? you're not imagining that i'm him, right?"
-it's honestly a little humiliating to have your boyfriend ask if you're thinking about another guy just because you seemed to be enjoying yourself with another guy who probably just hugged you!
-he doesn't like to admit he gets jealous but hajun really does and he almost makes it seem like it's your fault for making him jealous! he just loves seeing your whiny reactions when he asks you those things, assuring him over and over it really meant nothing.
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quinn-joseph · 1 year
"Not just Ken" - Ken x Reader
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I read some cute stuff yesterday with Ken x Reader and I thought about writing something because my head was all over the place. I like to write but I'm not sure this sucks. Let me know if you like the story and I can manage to write about their story 🥹🥰
Word count: 1.6k
You're a lawyer and you've met Ken about two months ago, but the guy - the doll - decided he would live better in Barbieland. But what if he wanted to actually live in real world and give a chance to be normal?
You were in your office finishing another appointment with a client after a rough long day of work, not enough coffee cups could make you feel less stressed and you were still going to see two more of them. As you sat in your chair you take the few free minutes you have to check your social media and texts, letting a loud sigh fill the ambiance. A knock on your door gets your attention off the mobile and you look your assistant's head getting in the office, she was a little confused and kinda annoyed, which sometimes wasn't new for you considering the amount of work you were doing during the week. Shelby cleared her throat, looked behind her and looked at you again.
- There's a weird blond man who wants to see you, he says it's important and doesn't wanna wait for another 2 hours. - She emphasized the "2 hours". Holy shit, two hours? What kind of person waits that long to talk to you and doesn't have anything else to do? You realize the weird blond man is nobody but Ken himself. Jesus, Ken, you never learn.
- Let him in, thank you Shelby. - You let a small grin as she gives space for the man-doll to enter and he looks at you like he depends on whatever he wanted to say to you, even though it makes you worried because he's always smiling and spreading joy around him.
- Hey, Ken. What is it you want? - He looked concerned, a bit stressful to say the least. He tried not to keep making eye contact for too long, and he also tries really hard to find the right words.
- I, uh.. I think I'm going back to Barbieland. - His words sounded way too long in your ears and you actually froze for a few seconds, trying to digest the news. You've spent the last two months trying to make him feel comfortable around real people, taught him how to do real people things and made him feel like he could actually give a chance living like a man, not a doll. Boy, did that hurt. And you thought after all this time together he would've enjoyed everything. He sat down on the chair and looked straight at you, a different spark in his blue eyes.
- I'm not sure I'm ready to live in this world, most of the time I like being around and doing different stuff I never did there, but it's too hard to have feelings, you know? I really cherish you, a lot to be honest, but I don't think I can be someone who has real feelings, I try too hard and I fail and it's just not good.
You sat on another chair next to him, slowly holding his cheeks with both hands, bringing him closer to you.
- You look sad, Ken. And that's a feeling, when you feel that way it means you care about other people. - You smiled and saw his lips raising a little.
- That's a feeling? But how can I tell when I have a feeling? Does it just happen? - His genuine question made your heart explode, you know how he's managed to learn all the things you wanted to teach him.
- Most of the time it does, but if it helps you can say whenever you get that. Right now, when you look at me, what is it you think?
It took 15 long seconds for him to say anything, but the way he held your hands that were still in his face you felt a different vibration in your body you couldn't explain. Ken looked down and up straight at you, blue eyes sparkling and transmitting something unusual. A few streak of hair falling in his forehead made him look like he came straight out of a magazine, the same feeling you had the very first time you met him
- I think.... I wanna kiss you, but.. - You acted out of yourself for that moment and stick your lips together as if it was the right thing to do. Obviously, he didn't react like you expected and of course he wouldn't know what a kiss was. That's why you just left your lips pressed for a while, until he realized it was something good he was feeling.
You didn't want to end it, but as soon as you opened your eyes you saw he still had his closed. You held his perfect big hand with your right hand, and with the other one you fixed his bang, leaving a trace with your thumb through his perfect jawline.
- So? - You asked, feeling a little numb, expecting him to finally open his eyes and look at you. Took him way too long to do that, but when he did he opened the biggest smile, showing all of his perfect teeth.
- That was amazing, can we do it again? - He asked, still looking like he had a shot of serotonin in his body. Ken held your hand and your face and gave you another kiss, this time he tried to open his mouth and you gave him permission, trying to find his tongue. The man let out a groan you weren't expecting and it made you tremble between your legs, but forced to stay sane because he was still someone different.
When you parted ways he kissed the back of your hand and smiled at you.
- I've never done that before, but I've watched some movies and saw people kissing all the time. How did I do?
You laughed softly and cherished his face with one of your hands, still feeling numb from the kiss.
- It was really good, Ken. But you still wanna leave, and we can't keep doing that if you're not staying. - You sighed between the words and the realization of him not being there anymore opened a hole in your heart. Never in a million years would you think feeling something for a man-doll would hurt like hell, but he made his presence more than just comfortable and wonderful.
- I don't know what to say now. I guess I wanna go back, I'm afraid I won't be a good person here. - He looked down and rubbed his face like he was starting to have all the emotions at the same time. It must be pain. He was sad when he came in, felt happy when he kissed you and now he was distressed. - Do you think I can try? I really like you, I know that. But what if I don't act like you all?
- Look, you don't have to fight against it, just take your time. What you're getting now is a mix of emotions and it means you have feelings. You know I'm always gonna be by your side if you decide to stay, but I can't choose for you.
- If you could, would you like me to stay? - He asked, looking at you like a lost puppy. Of course he would do that, even if it wasn't intentional. "In a fucking heartbeat, yes".
- I would love if you stayed. I told you before, I would always help you get through all this. - You smiled at him, giving him the comfort he needed. You were always there for him, you made him make friends with people you trusted and know would never hurt him. You made him realize real world isn't so bad, even though you prepared him to the madness and evilness that could happen along the way.
- I just don't know if I would be good enough for you. I wasn't good enough for Barbie, she didn't care about me like I cared about her. And now I understand what a feeling is, because when she turned me down I felt sad. I wrote her a song, talked about how she only saw me as a friend.
His words sounded really hurt, and you weren't sure it was a good option to make him stay and he clearly wasn't over her. It was all fucked up for you at that moment, but you just wanted to live the present, the future can wait.
- Hey, I'm not sure I told you before, but you're enough okay? You're something any woman, or even a doll, would love to have as company. If she didn't see you as a boyfriend that's too bad for her, she's losing one of the best things in that world. - You gave him a genuine hug and he tightened his grip around you. Ken let out a sigh and you realized he was definitely having his feelings all over the place and it wasn't something new, he just couldn't see through it.
- If I stay, can we make this thing work? I wanna become better. - The blond man asked in a muffled way as his face was still resting on your shoulder. - I wanna be Kenough for you.
You couldn't resist but to smile and laugh a little at the sweet pun he made. After a few seconds hugging him, you bit your lip and agreed with him. He gave you another hug, this time he made sure he wouldn't let go of you so soon and you could hear Ken say "thank you". You have no idea what's the next step as you were still lost in everything that happened in such short time. He would never hurt you, and you knew you would never hurt him either. He was willing to give a new life a chance, and you made sure you'd be there with him. Maybe you could make this work, maybe you could live in your own "Barbieland".
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timkontheunsure · 4 months
Now that full moon has come out, how do you think apology tour will play out, with clips from the trailer that seem to be from that episode? We know now how their conversation went after the crystal which was about 75% what most fans thought. Whether stolas was invited by verosika or not, he will sing a song about Blitz, at a concert called Blitzo Sucks. For me, after this episode, stolas singing a song bashing blitz seems unfair. And I’d hate for it to be seen as character development for stolas to feel empowered by saying he’s better off without blitz.
Hum ok so here's the trailer without full moon.
(sorry it makes the sound a bit garbled)
So yer we can assume all stuff with Verosika, or them in the same outfits is going to be apology tour. 🙂
Wait didn't we see Stolas calendar.
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This half of the season has been fairly close together.
Humm ok going to guess that whatever gets Stolas to Voroskia's show is the scary thing with 2 !!
Heh he also put a dick on the calendar, these two are so alike. 😆
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Hang on, I'm about to fall down a rabbit hole. So Western Energy and Oops are a week apart, with Mammon's Magnificent Musical Mid-Season Special shortly after.
Going to guess Western Energy is on the 4th with the 5th and 6th blacked out with Blitz's freekout to find Barbie.
Can see the 5th says 'kill all!!' and 'check the van!!'
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Humm can see why it'd need checking after that.
Could be Oops was on the 15th with 'Call Fizzarolli" being the day after?
Not sure where Mammon's Magnificent Musical Mid-Season Special would be though. Maybe 21st if 'kill that fucking guy's is about the creepy stalker?
Ok, back on track.
Going guess that Blitz goes to talk to Stolas in his garden.
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Trying to pretend nothing happened, that they can just go on as normal like they did in seeing stars.
And gets snarked at because Stolas isn't having it. Something he says makes Blitz need to talk with Voroskia.
Possibly the "any kind of remorse for what you do?" bit. (Honestly still sounds like a line to Stella, but they played the other bits straight so now less sure).
Think Blitz sneaks in, looks like he might have hidden under a drop cloth from backstage. Gets into a fight with Verosika before the show " the everyone in hell is shity" bit. Possibly mentioning the breakup with Stolas.
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He ends up ticking around for the show when he sees Stolas there.
Voroskia does her normal Blitz sucks song (effigy cake cutting in it);
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then invites Stolas to also dump on him because of what Blitz says.
Stolas song starts off about how his life was crap before Blitz (parles with You will be ok),
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that he loved this guy who made him happy, but who never wanted him back,
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that their relationship was just coursing them both pain, that Blitz was never happy with him,
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and that the image in his head of them has been shattered.
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Looks like Voroskia comes to twist the knife at how badly Blitz screwed up a really good thing.
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Hopefully with them talking and her getting real closure? While Blitz finally come to see Stolas.
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Blitz breaks into Stolas' bedroom after the show and they both talk. (Can see they're on his bedroom sofa).
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With them agreeing to give it a shot but not really defining what that is. (What can I say I still think they'll be dummies).
(Sorry this tuck a bit to get back to you. My draft got eaten by save errors grumble).
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yandere-fics · 7 months
♡ How They Take Their Darling's Virginity ♡
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♡ Miriel is never going to notice what you want unless you outright say it to her. Sure you guys could be making out and doing everything but sex every single day and night but she won't think to escalate it until you ask her to take it further. The first time you ask regardless of being a virgin or not she breaks into happy tears and starts rushing around to get candles and fancy wines and chocolates to make it very special. If you tell her it's your first time ever, she's going to shut down for a few hours as she thinks about what she needs to do to make it extremely special for you. ♡
♡ She books a very nice hotel for your first time with her, you'll get couples massages and she'll get a hot tub in the suite as well to make sure you're completely untensed because she would literally jump over the railing if she heard you cry in pain while you're making love for the first time. She doesn't last very long that first time but she makes up for it with so much foreplay beforehand. ♡
♡ It depends on the activity you're doing with her on your first time, I imagine you probably don't go straight to pegging with her though if you do good for you. She tried really hard to stay on top with she's inside you for the first time because she wants to please you really bad but her legs collapse very quickly since this is also her first time
♡ I imagine she thinks of it as a one and done situation the first time, not that she didn't love it but she feels like you already made her this happy how she can expect you to do that for her again so the next time you do initiate she's going to cry again because it means she gets to experience this love all over again. It's a great delight to her. She really couldn't be happier, he life is so great.(except for the times you're being a meanie to her but she'll pretend those didn't happen.) ♡
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♡ Eliza surprisingly does not bring it up first, sure she knows couples do that but she was happy with the dry humping and making out so you telling her you want to do more with her is just so exciting. Excuse her she has to go shift and run around in circles for a couple hours, maybe take down a deer for dinner and bring it back to cook it for you since you can't do it on an empty stomach. She doesn't really seem to grasp the whole virginity aspect, of course you're one, who would you have slept with before her? That's just so silly to think about. ♡
♡ You'll want to make out with her a lot building up to it and just do a significant amount of foreplay and maybe suck her dick a bit before you do it so that way she lasts a bit longer though really no matter what you're doing she's gone the moment she slips in. Like mentioned before though she's going to try to stuff your face before you have sex because she doesn't want you to get too tired, you need the energy for what she wants to do. ♡
♡ She's going to want to knot on the first time but since she's so excited the knot lasts much longer than it should normally since she just can't stop being hard but since she's so excited she wants to keep going so she's still going to rock her knot back and forth inside, be careful not to squirm cause her knot might pop out since it's thinner and then she'd let out a loud whimper like you literally kicked her. Also be warned she might pull out completely and try to hide from you because she cums instantly when she first slips in, luckily she gets hard again likely instantly but you'll want to prevent her from pulling out and soother her. ♡
♡ She's so annoying after you do it, her tail is constantly wagging and she's all over you, making you eat excessively for the baby. When you explain you probably won't get pregnant just from that one time she's going to be on you again for another round and if you tell her you're on birth control she'll act like you kicked her and ask if you can just get off it, will sulk until you tell that that just means she can cum inside as much as she wants with no issues, she still would prefer her cum actually do something but she'll take what she can get! ♡
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♡ She's extremely tense before you tell her that you want her to take your virginity, she tries to avoid coming off as pushy but she's just very bothered you've made out and even moved in with her and you sleep next to each other but you haven't had this conversation yet. She doesn't want to bring it up and break her facade because she knows if she starts the conversation you'll be able to see how angry she is about this but she was about to break. She knows virginity is important to people but she's your girlfriend so shouldn't you trust her, she's only hurt you on accident occasionally damnit! Anyways when you finally give her the green light she has to fight not to have a huge smug smile on her face.
♡ She's going to push on as many boundaries as she can once she gets you into bed but first she needs to wine and dine you so you'll give in when she pushes you past your limits, beyond that she does really enjoy spoiling you and she wants a very good memory of this night as you finally becoming her good obedient mate who allows her to spoil you, now hopefully you'll stay that way and allow her to take the lead fully tonight or she might get a bit mad. ♡
♡ She doesn't go edging tonight, edging doesn't have as much as an effect if you don't first get to know the overwhelming pleasure she can give you when you're good. It doesn't matter if you start squirming or even say the safeword(she let you have it but never planned on responding to it), you're walking out of there boneless, she using one of her smallest straps on you first but if she thinks you're not making enough noise for her she'll up the size while fingering you just to keep you warmed up for her while she switches it out. ♡
♡ She's less patient afterwards because you two have finally been together in all ways which means any brattiness or things that cause her jealousy far less tolerated. She's still going to try to keep the act up and she's going to be spoiling you so much from now on but when you don't just instantly accept her gifts because they feel like too much, she'll dig her claws into you a little bit and grit her teeth as she urges you to just go on and accept it. ♡
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♡ Nikki is the first to bring it up, every time she forced you to nap with her and you struggle to sleep sex is her first suggestion, it makes logical sense, she hears it can make humans sleepy and it's very easy for the both of you to do as mates so why do you not readily accept her suggestion. She's just not grasping virginity as a concept really cause why would you ever sleep with someone who isn't your mate, that sounds highly efficient since only a mate could know your body best and anything less than that is pointless. ♡
♡ When you finally do give in you're going to have to get ready for a long nap because she is taking you down with her. Not a whole lot of prepwork until you explain that you need it and even then it's just very lazy on the whole, you may want to make sure you buy lubes and stuff before you tell her you want to have sex because she is not prepared in the slightest. ♡
♡ She's very tender despite how lazy this all seems, she did look up just a little bit like how kissing you as she fingers you might help and you can somewhat tell she's enjoying this though she's enjoying it far much more than you can see, she's just not showing it enough. It's just fingering for that first time since she hasn't really looked up any other ways and even if you explain to her she'll want to go basic just to test and see if the orgasm does make you any sleepier or not, spoiler alert it makes you very fucking tired. ♡
♡ After you do it for the first time you'll realize every time you're going to nap her hands are down your pants in order to help you fall into a deeper sleep with her. She also just seems a lot less tense in general and a lot more confused when this experience doesn't automatically make you begin to listen to her and only want to be around her. ♡
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♡ You would think she finds you repelling with the way she reacts with you first ask her to take your virginity but really she is just so turned on that she needs to walk around a bit so she can find it in her to be gentle with you. She wants to tie you up so badly, oh god she wants it so much but this is your first time, she can't make it her weird thing, and then when she thinks about the whole virginity aspect of it she feels like her mind might explode. She never really thought about it before but it's all just hitting her that no other bastard can have this, it's all for her, her reason for live with only ever know her touch and that is doing wild things to her. ♡
♡ She probably stops pacing hours later and dives on you enthusiastically because while she is worried she's going to show a bad side of herself, she also would hate herself if she missed out on this wonderful opportunity to be with her reason to live just because she couldn't force herself to be normal. She'll just have to brute force herself to be completely normal about this. ♡
♡ All of that goes out the window the moment you're about to do the do and she starts panting in your ear begging for you to allow her to tie you up, just please this is very important but she's worried she's going to fuck it up if you aren't tied up, tying you up with alleviate her stress, if you don't allow it though that's fine, she's just very shaky the whole time.
♡ After you do it you often catch her mumbling to herself, likely about how happy you've made her and how she's even more determined to not allow anyone to come in between this happiness, including herself, she wants to be an extra perfect girlfriend for you since you've shown her this. She also just keeps staring at you hoping you'll initiate again sometime soon. She's too shy to initiate until you've done it at least 5 times. ♡
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♡ Runa acts so smug when you first bring it up as if she has not been fondling you daily and humping against you at night as you sleep. You literally caught her with the handle of her knife up her pussy the other day moaning your name but now she's acting like you're the freak for wanting to bang her and now she's not going to let you back out, you said it, you might as well follow through with it since you want to fuck a freak like her that badly, hehe. ♡
♡ There's a lot of prep work that she has to do, the blades have to be perfectly polished and sharp, if you're allowing her to use them on you the first time, if you're not she will be just a bit sad but she'll put up with it as long as you let it happen next time. She'll love if you sit down next to her as she prepares and ask her to explain everything's she's doing, she really wants to explain why she has to do all the things she's doing and why the sharpness of the knife is very important to make sure she cuts exactly where she needs to without accidentally cutting too deep because she had to use extra force due to it being dull or it being unsmooth and her cutting an area that she's not supposed to because it slips. ♡
♡ She's very aggressive in taking the lead that first time, sure she'll let you take the lead on occasion however this time she has to be the one to take the lead, that way she can act like she knows more than you and embarrass you about being a virgin even though you know she would have gone crazy if she found out you weren't a virgin and then she would have fucked you in front of whoever you had previously had sex with. ♡
♡ Afterwards she's going to be fondling you like crazy every single day now that she knows you want her that much(even though it's very obvious she probably wants you more.) but she won't initiate again, she'll just suggest and if you say no she'll pout and keep fondling you but any sign of you potentially wanting it again and she will jump at the chance. Even hesitation or thinking about it will be taken as a yes so if you don't want to then you need to be firmer about it. ♡
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♡ Sawyer was ready even before she introduced herself to you, she's like a guy carrying a condom around in his wallet just in case but instead of a condom she has reservations constantly at the ready and in case you don't want to wait for her to spoil you first then there's always a crap ton of lube hidden literally everywhere she frequents because her mate might have been a supernatural who wants to jump her bones immediately. That does change when she discovers you're a virgin though because while she does want to just jump straight into it, now she knows she can't and so she'll have to put all those ideas on pause, even if you do want to jump straight into sex, how could she allow your first time ever to not be memorable. ♡
♡ She doesn't take you to a hotel unlike Miriel, she just gets the penthouse set up very complexly while you're out at a very nice dinner with her, a dinner that has several aphrodisiac foods on the menu just in case you want it to soothe your nerves or ready your body. She wants it to happen in the penthouse so the penthouse is associated with a good memory and she does so much foreplay, you'd be bored if this was anyone else but even with the foreplay and not getting to the point she's still completely blowing your mind so you can forgive her. ♡
♡ She's worried to penetrate you for the first time, she might even suggest she use a smaller toy on you for tonight until you're used to bigger sizes and can finally take her but ultimately she gives into your insistence and just goes straight for it. She has to clutched the bedsheets next to you hard to stop herself from cumming too quickly this first time but once she gets settled and gets into the rhythm of things cumming too quickly is less of a threat now. She wouldn't dare ask to knot the first time but if you ask she won't think twice about doing it. She can't look a gift horse in the mouth can she? ♡
♡ She's very happy afterwards, everyone is scared at work because usually when she's happy it means she has trapped a leader into a heavy debt and this is the happiest they have ever seen her so she must have trapped someone big in her debt, luckily this is resolved when she asks all the supernaturals in the office what is the ideal gift to get your mate after you've mated for the first time. She gets a necklace in every gem and every gem color to ensure you have one for all of the occasions in your lives together. ♡
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been a long while since I've been back, so here's something before i disappear again ✌️
so here and now, i would like to introduce to you all,
The Levels Of Self Awareness in SAGAU
(aka, the ones I've seen so far)
Warning(s): Cursing(probs), possible misinformation?, not really accurate?, my opinions, my humour and experience, and more.
Not proofread, we die like Guizhong in the Archon War.
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1. None. Just- Just none.
As the name suggests, none. Just your average game.
No, literally, there's nothing to worry about here.
No worrying about getting sucked in while you're sleeping or anything of the like.
Nothing strange happens (for now) while you're playing, nothing like that.
No extra items, no extra friendship exp, no extra anything.
It's best to savour it while you still can.
2. "Since when did i get that??"
This is when the "getting extra stuff" and/or "extra luck" happens.
Either your characters have been doing some offcam grinding themselves, or you've just been collecting stuff for a while now and haven't really looked into your bag other than to switch gadgets.
Normally, you probably just caught one crystalfly, and yea it shows that, but either 1. it shows you got multiple, or 2. you have a tiny bit/alot more crystalflies in ur bag the last time you checked.
Maybe that's what they want you to think, who knows.
You'd also probably get lucky with a pull or more - usually nothing more than ten or so.
Your characters would also glitch a lil. Things like the sudden cancelling of idle animations, not switching onto the character you want/need, accidental skill/burst activation, and more.
Though, those only happen on occasion. It's not common enough for you to notice and just interpret as misclicks, but also rare enough to set off a raised eyebrow or red flag inside of you.
Nothing happens out of the ordinary outside of your phone.
Apps like Youtube, Google, Chrome, Photos/Gallery, etc. aren't tampered with.
You're good ... As long as the characters don't break through the 636f6465, that is.
3. "Yo," - Kaeya, 2022
It's probably time to delete and redownload Genshin at this point.
You might see hints of you - i.e statues, your favorite color/thing appearing here and there, characters mentioning someone by "Their/His/Her Grace" or some other title, etc.
Your Gallery might be affected, a few photos of a character and/or a view from Genshin.
Getting extra stuff also (probably) gets more frequent
Either you get them through mail or it just gets sent to your storage/bag directly.
The character glitches also happen a lil more frequently.
Oh, you wanted [thing] but didn't have the chance to do so? Don't worry, we'll get it for you, Your Grace. Just occupy yourself with some other miscellaneous tasks and you'll have it in no time.
Your luck also increases a lil more.
The character you've wanted for some time now but didn't get the chance to get them before? Yep, you guessed it, you lost your 50/50 atleast 4 times now.
Lmao I'm kidding
But seriously, if it's what you've been wanting for some time now, you're at least bound for one or a few 50/50 losses (unless you're guaranteed)
It's also why you (probably) get that one unwanted 5* because you wanted to try your luck/build pity.
Jealousy runs in the family, as they say. It's almost unavoidable, really. (looks at my lost 50/50s)
Hey, don't blame them! They were just... excited that you wanted to even pull on their banner, y'know?
Level them up and ascend them to level 20. I dare you.
I mean hey, atleast you'll get a free acquiant fate after you ascended them.
It only takes 7 Hero's Wit, 1 Wanderer's Advice, and their ascension mats.
It's basically a win/win, is it not?
You get a free fate, they get strength. It's fair for everyone.
You don't even have to give them a new weapon or any artifacts! Just leveling them up will do the job, will it not?
4. Caught You Slippin'
Oh, and if the Barbatos statue at Mondstadt actually changed into you, it's best if you just, yk, just look at the first • on this #.
It's too late to turn back now.
This is the "isekai" part of SAGAU, aka, where most fics take place.
This might be a major jump from the previous #, but hey, i started making this at 5AM.
But besides that, what AU you end up is all based on chance.
I'm sure you get the gist of this #. If you don't, i don't blame you.
Remember that one machine in Albedo's cave? That big rectangle/oval one? You don't? Good cuz neither do i.
Either you got sucked in and woke up somewhere in Teyvat, or you woke up to a bunch of hot people staring at you.
This part of the post is very sensitive to change, so I can't really say much here.
Just know that if you manage to find yourself at this point, you probably don't have a chance in getting back to your normal life without getting atleast a tiny bit of trauma.
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C/N: Yea, it's me Your broy, chips ahoy, Cake.
Didn't expect me to post, did you? Well, you probably did, but hey, i like imagining nonexistent things
Anyways, have this while u still can cause i'm going back to nap again
Oh wait right i just remembered i haven't done my commissions
Nevertheless, thank you for all of your patience.
Peace — ★
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rainybraindays · 9 months
I don't like making posts like this, I don't like opening my blog up for people to come and harrass me but oh my god, why does the fandom allow posts like this to get away unscathed?
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You don’t have to like Marina. I'll never claim that. You can like or dislike whoever you want.
But I do wonder, if Marina was played by a white woman would we get nearly as many posts like this? Would everyone be as okay with it? Would we have been so quiet about the fact that Ruby Barker was harrassed for this role? Or would there be way more people defending her? Would she suddenly be sympathetic when now shes not?
Why are we all so okay with taking this character with a nuanced story, put in a horrible situation with almost no options and turning her into a villian?
Like did we watch the same show? Did you miss the bit where she doesn't want to find a husband at all and only starts when she thinks shes been abandoned, which she only believes because she gets a forged letter saying she was? Did you not see Portia slap her? Did you not also watch a man old enough to be her grandfather being forced on her?
Lying to Colin wasn't okay, I'm not defending that, but literally tell me what her options were?
The man she loves is dead, but she doesn't even know that she thinks he abandoned her, so she can't reasonably assume Phillip will take responsibility when his brother won't. The only people Portias interested in introducing to her are those she wouldn't introduce to her own daughters. She can't reasonably think Colin will be open to her as a wife since shes pregnant becausethats not the norm. But Colin is, he says he would have married her even knowing. And Colin also doesn't view Marina as a villian, in season two hes sad yeah, but he’s also guilty because he doesn't think she deserved what happened.
This is a nuanced messy situation but no one wants to look at that.
Like you all make it very clear you view her as a whore, because she did a very normal thing and had sex. You all view her as a manipulative snake of a person, when if she was even the Whistledown article wouldn't have been a stop for her because she would have tried to get out of it. You conveniently forget that she almost killed herself in an attempt to abort her children because of her mistreatment post Whistledown article because that takes away from the idea you've concocted that shes some villainous bitch.
But then you turn around and want Penelope to have sexual knowledge that she realistically wouldn't and canonically doesn’t. You praise her for her Whistledown work even though it keeps hurting people she loves and shes lying about doing it.
This is weird, posting about how you can't wait for a character to die, and how you hope the death is - lets be honest here- humiliating, is a bizarre thing to do.
Its even more bizarre to do that, tag the character, and then also tag two ships that really the post really isn't about.
Like why is Polin tagged? Because they're both mentioned? This isn't a polin moment. You don’t talk about them at all in the meat of the post. Why is Philoise tagged? Because she's an 'obstacle' for them? They haven't even met, they aren't mentioned at all, they have nothing to do with this.
And on top of tagging these things you say "don't try and defend her to me" which why would we you clearly wouldn't listen. You follow that with saying "If you like her you probably suck" and claim to have tagged this as anti marina when you didn't. You put this in her main tag and then added "death to marina".
Theres no respect to your peers in the fandom, and clear disrespect to people who do like this character and are actually willing to engage with the character beyond fanon portrayal. Because thats what this is its not even taking her at face value anymore.
You wonder why people dislike this fandom, specifically the polin side of it, and do things like this. We as a community need to improve because stuff like this isn't uncommon, this is just one of the most blatant I've seen.
I'm going to be entirely honest if you follow quotegirl19, or don't see the issues with Marinas portrayal and treatment by the fandom this is not the blog for you.
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cactus-cass · 10 months
do you have any headcanons for the ggy trio?
Tysm for asking this aughhhh
I'm only gonna go over Greg in relation to the other two because Gregory alone I talk about headcanons for a lot, and he's included in the post about the 3 star fam headcanons. So yeah
I just made a separate post for my sorta headcanons for GGY specifically, which you can find here.
Greg was a really good friend before being glitchtrapped. He was during it, too, but that was Rab playing an act. He's a super sweet kid, despite everything
Greg would give Tony his own pocket money sometimes. "I get a lot of it, and you need it more than me." Tony didn't like to accept it, but Gregory is a persistent person.
Greg would always help Ellis with the arcades he wasn't very good at. "I learned this strat, actually...."
Gregory would get them both snacks and sneak them under the desks in class, the trio eating them when the teacher wasn't watching. This was especially the case if Ellis seemed less hyper in class or Tony was particularly quiet.
Gregory was extremely helpful and kind with Tony when his dad got locked up. He was there for him. Ellis is better at lightening the mood, but Gregory is good at real comfort and supportive words
They're all there for each other. Gregory fights when people pick on his friends, which is rare-ish-- they don't really get bullied-- but it still happens, and Greg gets hurt. He gets anxious. But then Ellis and Tony are there. Tony's awful attempts at comfort make Gregory laugh, while Ellis is naturally good at making people smile
The trio balances each other out perfectly, and it makes things easier in school! Sometimes, Tony needs to lighten up and see the bigger picture. Sometimes, Gregory needs to relax and take things slower. Sometimes, Ellis needs to be brought back to earth a little.
Ellis has a pretty normal life. He doesn't have any particular bad shit going on, only the losing his two besties thing in the case of canon. His home life is okay, though; he has a caring mother and a little sister he enjoys taking care of, despite her attitude sometimes-- It's small, and it's nice. His dad is usually away at work, but he finds time for his family.
Ellis has as much monty merch as he can possibly get, but he insists on winning it himself at the Plex instead of just finding it on amazon or whatever.
Tony's secret opinion on Ellis would be so heartbreaking for him. Ellis would be devastated to find Tony doesn't like his silly side. It'd drive him away, "Wow, man. Okay. I'll find new friends, you can have Greg all to yourself. Enjoy it."
If Gregory knew about it, he would side with Ellis. He'd be angry, but also try to help Tony loosen up. "Hey, you don't have to be super mature yet. You're so young. Trust me, you should enjoy being a kid before you force yourself to grow up. Being forced into growing up sucks, I promise." Tony would hate the fact that it sounds like he's talking from experience.
Tony loves music! His dad liked music, and he could play guitar, so Tony likes music and wants to learn to play. He also wants to learn piano. He learned like 2 meme songs on piano to impress people in music class and almost got detention (tryhard)
Tony listens to music mainly at the moment. He wants to learn to write songs. He doesn't wanna be a songwriter-- He's still set on investigative journalism. It's just a hobby
He'd write lemon demon type shit mixed with like uhhh. Idk. Less silly, more serious stuff. Imagine Cabinet Man, but it's about an arcade controlling a person, and it's slower and more ominous sounding (the GGY song)
He listens to songs his dad likes, often. Reminds him of him. He misses him every day, and it's a way of escaping. He usually listens to music late at night, and he thinks... just thinks.
Gregory is the one who got Tony into cheesy 80s music instead of mf. The Clash and The Cure, which his dad likes. "Should I stay or should I.... Nah. Listen to this." He hands the phone back and it's playing Material Girl
Speaking of, Gregory loves 80s music! Ellis loves hard rock and punk music. They really do reflect their glamrock faves in terms of favourite music genre!
They'd have a collab playlist that they can all add music to, and Gregory always quietly adds things he thinks are funny. Tony got 'How Bad Can I Be' blasting in his ears one day and turned to see Gregory and Ellis giggling away nearby.
Gregory adds real songs. Some really good ones. But then he also adds it's raining tacos 60 times. They played it on a speaker once, and when it's raining tacos started playing, Gregory turned it up so it blasted through the cafeteria. All 3 of them got detention
The trio definitely snuck into a show at the Pizzaplex. Yeah, two of them can afford it, but what's the fun in paying? And it's from there that Tony was obsessed with Bonnie. It's the one thing at the Plex he can't pretend he doesn't find childish
Tony has been trying to forget it. He's too old for all that. But he just loves the characters despite everything. He'd start going into how he can like the glamrocks because he researched glam rock, while Gregory and Ellis don't really care-- "Yeah I looked into Glam Rock. It's like. A part of queer history. It's important haha. and I can look into its influence. Okay? It's normal and fine and mature." And they're just like "??? Okay???"
Greg's favourite is Freddy, Tony's is Bonnie, and the duo are super close. Ellis isn't stupid. He definitely thought they were gonna end up together or something; even if they weren't gonna end up like that or anything, Ellis is a huge tease
They all tried cooking once! Tried. Tony isn't a bad cook at 14, but he's an awful, terrible cook at 12. Ellis can't cook at all, and Gregory can only bake (at age 12, also badly).
No matter what they're making, Ellis manages to make slime every time. His favourite to cook is spaghetti and the pasta is always mushy, the sauce always thick as hell with not enough meat... It's slime. Tastes nice, with the worst texture of all time. Despite that, the boys like it anyway. When Tony's sad Ellis is like right. Dude. I'm making you my slimy spaghetti surprise rn
Greg would bake them all cookies at the weekends they work on school projects! They're usually slightly too hard or too soft, but they taste okay.
Ellis helped one time and the cookies became slime. "Oh my God Greg. Who made these, Ellis?" "Uhmmmm excuse me you're doubting the master chef of the three musketeers?" "He helped."
Greg got extremely, scarily good at baking that one September before he and Tony went missing (Afton/the Mimic can really cook apparently!)
The trio has a Minecraft server, owned by Gregory. Tony builds actual houses and stores, Ellis builds really huge complex things like farms and redstone contraptions + traps, and Gregory builds sometimes like Tony, but is shockingly good at it. He builds megabases. But he also starts a million things he never finishes, accidentally breaks things, causes chaos (usually along with Ellis), buries Tony or moves him while he's AFK, and /kills everything.
Ellis and Gregory built a dangerous labyrinth, and Greg teleported Tony to the centre of it. He's in spectator mode with Ellis, watching Tony struggle and constantly respawn in the maze while he complains. "MF GIVE BACK MY CREATIVE PERMS???" "Seek the exit, and your desires will be met." (leaves vc)
If Tony ever gets genuinely annoyed by their antics, Greg usually builds him something as an apology because he feels really bad about it.
And uhh that's all for now! I could probably come up with more eventually, but these ones have been on my mind abkshduhdjd
Thanks for the ask!
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7nsomnia · 1 month
can i ask, what’s wrong with dcc? i always hear that they kinda suck as a company, but from the vlogs i’ve seen, they’re one of the better companies. i’m not really as into dreamcatcher as some of the blogs on here even though i consider myself a stan, so i might not have the right information
okay. I feel like this is like opening my personal pandora box so this might be long. I'm pretty tired today so apologies in advance if this isn't very coherent asdkjh
dcc are a pretty decent company on a surface level, they treat the members well (which should be like the bare minimum for any company but I know that in this industry that's something to genuinely praise) and they actually change according/respond to negative feedback from the fandom etc when they or the members mess up (or they used to anyway).
for me it started in 2020 and how they handled handong's return. like the way they handled her absence was fine (good even, I would say), but the lack of hype for her actual return made things feel so underwhelming even though it was supposed to feel like a relief that she was finally back. I can't remember all the details anymore, but I do remember that the first time I felt like things were actually alright with dc was when they did the online concert crossroads in march of 2021. on that note I think most ppl were expecting ttol and dlm to be repackaged with ot7 versions and yet it's 2024 and they still haven't released them.
the handong stuff atp is water under the bridge tho, the group is fine, the members are fine, etc, I'm only mentioning it because that's when things started to feel really off for me.
so now we get into the actual things that happened that have left the fandom feeling burned out/frustrated/disconnected etc etc, whereas this happened to me at the end of 2022, I'm seeing more people now going through what I did back then:
I think the most pressing thing was that dcc didn't capitalize at all on dc's first win. they got their first win in april 2022 and didn't even do anything special in korea to commemorate it. it was a HUGE moment and they did nothing with it. usually after a group gets a first win you'll see them getting more promotions in korea, magazine photoshoots, mc deals, etc but dc just went on ahead to do festivals in europe and have a usa tour, these things are not bad but it was the lack of promotion in korea that in turn just made it all feel useless. that year dc also weren't invited to any end of year awards if I'm not mistaken so it all felt really disappointing and like all of the work we had as a fandom had been for nothing. I have to reiterate, dc/insomnias had been getting screwed over on music shows since 2019 with deja vu to get that first win, like I don't want to talk about the injustices the group and this fandom suffered through the years but it was a true story of resilience, so getting that first win in 2022 was a huge relief. to see it all going to waste was just... heartbreaking honestly.
when it comes to tours...... god I don't wanna get too much into it, but 4 tours in the usa in the span of 2 years is not normal. specially when they're prioritizing that over having a proper asia tour and the likes (AND promoting in korea??). latam tour is practically sold out rn and they're getting no merch or m&g benefits like the usa tour. I don't think doing exclusive things for a specific tour is bad per say, but you have to treat all your fans semi equally at least, specially for a group whose fanbase is majorly international (this will be important later), or it will happen what is happening rn which is ppl will leave the fandom. This is the first latam tour since 2019 (2017 for brazil!)... they've waited a really long time so personally (even tho this doesn't affect me bc I'm european) I feel like it's really disrespectful but wtv, onto other things.
now, speaking of the fanbase being majorly international, if this is the case, you'd think the company would make an effort to stream important events to their fans, like hmm the 7th anniversary concert perhaps? but nop, that didn't get streamed. a repetition of the dumbassery they did in 2022 where they split the concert and the members' solos in 2 days and only streamed one and so intl fans couldn't watch half the solo stages? and don't get me wrong, I think it's important that they have events that are korea only like they have the fansigns etc, but something as major as their 7th anniversary? when they've gotten here thanks to their international fans? that stings a little.
and lastly (maybe), we have dcc's usual lack of promotion during comebacks. fans always paying for ads, intl fans always doing the most for digitals even when it's Not their place (because this is smth that the korean fandom and dcc should be responsible for), fans having to reach out for vendors etc... Justice cb truly has been the culmination of the very worst promotions dcc has done tho and there have been some really bad promotions before... no radio shows, minimum interviews, barely any variety... were there even any ads? usually it's always fans paying out of pocket for ads. it just feels like throwing the members' and the company's work out the window for no good reason? Virtuous is one of their best albums and yet it feels like they just dumped it to go on tour again. I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing btw, having short promotions in korea is fine but like... promote for real? give your fandom content that they can watch and rewatch for however long it takes your group to have another cb? specially now that it seems that they're shifting to one album per year (not sure this is their wisest decision tho all things considered), you have to make sure that you promote that album properly? which kinda also goes with like, giving your fandom enough time to save for what you release and put out, specially if you're not trying to grow the fandom anymore. if they're dropping an album then don't announce a tour on top of that, and if they're announcing a tour then don't announce a photobook on top of that, and if they've just released an album then wait longer than a month to announce a photobook, and if they've just dropped a photobook then wait a bit longer until announcing the re print of albums the fans have been begging you for 6 years to re print LOL bc all this does is frustrate fans who can't make that much money in such a short time and it's stupid. like. in 2018 I dropped like 200 euros for like their very first photobook BECAUSE I had time to save that amount from their you and I cb (may) to whenever it was announced (I think it was august), and that was the highest tier (so you could get it for much cheaper) and bc back then it was like. well they barely release anything other than albums, so it's fine (also shipping was sooooooo much cheaper I miss it everyday, ofc this is not their fault tho but anyways).
lastly actually, oh my god. that stupid ass app where fans pay a subscription to message the members privately? has been the fucking worst thing to happen to this fandom and the members imo. if fans weren't respecting their boundaries before, it's even worse now. but it's also like. yeah the members should be reinforcing those boundaries, and I get wanting to at least make a buck of those problematic type of fans but I just don't think it has been good for the members at all. I won't elaborate too much on this because it will genuinely piss me the hell off but bottom line: that app has been hell for everyone genuinely there is no bright side to it other than dcc makes money out of it. and there's better ways to make money :))))))))
anyway this is over 1k words atp and somehow I feel like this all just the tip of the iceberg and I probably have forgotten many things bc tbh in the past year I've just. been trying to make peace with it all and just accept things for what they are because dc have been really special to me for such a long time and I just don't want dcc's decisions to make me throw all of that away (like I almost did). I love their music, I love the members, and so I will continue to celebrate wtv right decisions dcc makes but I'm not going to pretend that they're a good company when it comes to business decisions bc they're really not
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five-rivers · 1 year
For @echoghost1 and @kawaiijohn
(Also, I would love to have a better name for this fic if anyone can think of one.)
It sounded ridiculous in retrospect, but the shoes were the first sign.  
"Danny, please, we've been here for over an hour.  Pick a pair."
"I'm trying," said Danny, staring across his empire of discarded shoe boxes (he was thinking about calling it Shoelandia).  "None of them feel right."
"Of course none of them feel right," said Maddie.  "They're brand new.  You'll break them in as you wear them.  Just get the pair that feels the least off."
Danny grumbled to himself as he tried to remember which one that was.  There had been a wide one near the beginning, before the salespeople gave up on them…  There!  He lunged across a heap of boxes to secure the sadly orange shoes.  
"Great," said Maddie, clearly relieved.  "Let's go check out and you can put them on before we go out to the car."
"If I let you wear those any longer, people will wonder if I'm neglecting you."
Danny followed her pointed finger to his reliable red shoes, which weren't that bad.
Okay, they were that bad.  Ghost hunting plus teenage growth spurts were not friendly to footwear, it seemed.  
The next sign was his skin.  As in, there was something wrong with it.  Danny didn’t like to brag, but he had pretty good skin.  It wasn’t perfect - whose was? - but he didn’t get a lot of acne and he definitely didn’t get chapped hands or whatever this was.  
Disgusted and fascinated all at once, he peeled off another thin layer of skin from the back of his hand.  
“What is this?”
“I don’t know, man,” said Tucker.  “Did you get sunburned or something?”
“No,” grumbled Danny, peeling more skin from his arm.  “I haven’t even seen the sun this week.”
“A ghost sunburn?”
“I don’t even know what that’s supposed to mean,” whined Danny, rubbing the back of his hand.  The skin there felt weird.  
“No, it’s probably normal,” said Sam. “Stuff like that sometimes happens to me if I, like, get really sweaty in the pool.”  She wrinkled her nose.  “Not quite that much, though.  Please tell me you aren’t going to just leave that on the floor.”
“You know, most household dust is dead skin cells, so it’s not like-”
Sam snatched the tissue box from Danny’s bedside table and threw it at him.  “You’re disgusting.”
Danny sighed and stood up, mincing his way to the corner of the room his dustpan lived in.  
“You know, most people take their shoes off inside,” said Tucker.  
“Most people don’t live with two mad scientists.  Going barefoot is dangerous.”
“Three,” corrected Sam.  “Jazz is going into STEM, too, right?”
“My point is, if your shoes are bothering you that much, you don’t have to wear them.”
“I know, I know, but I’m trying to break them in.”  He swept up the sheets of peeled skin.  “Happy?”
Danny threw the tissue box back at her.  
The third sign… Well.  It wasn’t so much a sign as an avalanche of signs.  
Danny woke up sore.  Not unusual, considering his extracurriculars, but annoying.  Had he even fought a ghost yesterday?  Things had been calming down, lately.  He’d even been able to keep up with homework…  
There had been Boxy… Boxy didn't count unless he showed up more than three times.  So.  No.  He was just aching for no reason.  
Puberty sucked.  
Why couldn’t he have gotten it over with in middle school like Dash and the other meatheads?
He untangled himself from his bedsheets and forced his aching feet into his house slippers.  Not the safest choice, but he didn’t want to deal with his still-new, still-orange shoes.  Eyes still half closed (it was too early to be this bright) he made his way down to the kitchen.  
"Danny!  Your hand!"
“Hwuh?  Wha?”
“Did you break a pen or something?” asked Maddie, pulling his hand up and turning it over.  
“No?” said Danny, deciding he should try to be at least slightly more awake.  He forced his eyes open and looked at his hand.  
The tips of his fingers, from his first knuckle halfway down to his second, were black, the color shading to blue and then peach before it reached his palms.  It was hard to tell with the color change, but the shape of his nails was also subtly off.  
He pulled his hand back, then raised his other one.  It was the same.  
This was some crazy ghost thing, wasn’t it?  And he’d just walked straight to his trigger-happy ghost hunting parents like someone with a death wish–
“Danny,” said Maddie, “Danny, don’t panic.  Jack, dear, can you go down to the lab and get the quarantine protocol ready?  Okay.  Danny, have you noticed any other changes?  Do you feel anything else strange?”
Danny shook his head.  He’d just woken up.  He hadn’t even noticed this.
“Really?  Nothing?  Not even body pains, soreness, that kind of thing?”
“Maybe a little,” admitted Danny.  “I thought it was just growing pains…  I don’t know what this is.”
“We might,” said Maddie, lowering her goggles.  
“Really?  You know what this is?” asked Jazz.  Danny hadn’t even noticed her in the room.  “Please tell me this isn’t because of one of your inventions.”
"Well, not exactly, but… last week, we were working with an ecto-irritant in the lab," explained Maddie.
"A what?" asked Jazz, suspicion still lacing her tone.  
"It's supposed to cause transformations in ghosts," said Maddie.  "Unexpected ones.  Hijack their shapeshifting abilities.  But it does have some impact on highly ectocontaminated people as well…"
"Ectocontaminated people?" repeated Jazz.  "Should I be worried?"
"No, you aren't nearly contaminated enough."
"Isn't that what you thought about Danny, too?"
Maddie rubbed her face.  "We'll run some tests."
"Where did you even get this, anyway?" asked Danny, hoping that would explain at least some of… everything.  
"Vladdie!" said Jack, coming back up the stairs.  “We were testing it for him!”
Wow.  That really did explain everything.  Screw Vlad.  
"Well, one of his R&D labs developed it.  They wanted to use it as a ghost repellant.  He asked us to do some independent tests, first, but if it does this to regular people like Danny…"
Yes, that was totally what Danny was.  Absolutely regular.  No ghost powers here.  
Maddie shook her head and turned to Jack.  “Do you have the quarantine set up?”
“Sure do!” said Jack.  “Come on down, Danno, we’ll get you fixed up in a jiffy!”
“It… might be a little longer than that,” said Maddie, putting her hand on Danny’s back and steering him towards the door down into the lab.  
“But you do know how to undo this, right?” asked Danny.  
“Well, in theory,” said Maddie.  “It wasn’t something we were really interested in when we were testing it on ghosts.”
Of course it wasn’t.
“Do you at least know what it’s transforming him into?” asked Jazz, following them down into the lab, her breakfast thoroughly abandoned.  
“That’d be the other reason we were going to advise Vladdie against it!”
“What, you don’t know?” asked Jazz, aghast.
“Nope!  Seemed pretty random!  Half the time, we got these fluffy little blobs, and the rest of the time they turned into real monsters!  Not good for a repellant at all!”
“Great,” said Danny.  “Love knowing that I’ll either turn into a blob or a monster.  Really love that for me.”
Maddie squeezed Danny’s shoulder.  “Don’t worry, we’ll figure it out before then.”
Danny had doubts.
Beyond the persistent ache, whatever was happening to Danny didn’t really hurt.  Which was good!  Don’t get him wrong, he didn’t want it to hurt.  But if it did hurt, it might have been easier to tell what was changing.  
Right now, it was mostly his family members noticing things, not him.  Jack had gotten the full length mirror from the master bathroom, so he could, in theory, help that way.  Just staring at himself in a mirror looking for problems seemed kind of messed up, though, and he was, maybe just a little, still in denial.  
The stain on his fingers was also on his toes, creeping halfway up his foot.  His parents were still looking at x-rays of them, arguing about whether or not their structure had been changed.  Danny wasn’t sure, but he felt like both his fingers and toes were longer.  
The blackened skin was also hardening into something almost chitinous and fusing to his nails at the tips.  It made him feel like he should put a toothpick under his nails to clean them out.  
But it also felt weirdly satisfying to drum his newly-hardened fingers against things.  
“Time for the blood test!” exclaimed Jack, making Danny flinch.  “Gotta see how much of the irritant is in you!”
“Right,” said Danny, smiling nervously.  “Gotta see that.”
Jack faltered.  “Oh, Danno, your teeth…”
Danny raised his hand to his mouth.  Yep.  He had teeth.  Specifically, he had canines that were almost twice as long as usual and felt sharp even through his toughened skin.  
“Let’s… let’s get that blood draw done, okay, sport?”
“Yeah,” said Danny, also shaken.  He hadn’t noticed. That was in his mouth and he hadn’t noticed.  
Jack carefully cleaned a spot inside Danne’s elbow with an alcohol wipe and slid in the slender needle.  “Don’t feel lightheaded or anything, do you?”
“Nope,” said Danny.  It would take a lot more than that to make him feel lightheaded.  
“That’s good.”  He withdrew the needle.  “Okay!  Half for the centrifuge, half for the microscope!”
“Don’t forget the test strips!” said Maddie.  
“Oh, yeah!”
Danny returned to angstily zoning out, this time tapping his fingers against his teeth.  Then the centrifuge started up.  
It sounded like an ice pick driven through his brain.  He shrieked and covered his ears.  
“It’s too loud!”
Someone shut off the centrifuge.  Cautiously, he removed his hands from his ears.  
“Okay,” said Maddie.  “Okay.  Let’s… take a look at your ears.  Jazz, can you get the noise canceling headphones?  The ones you got me for Christmas last year?”
“Sure,” said Jazz.  
As Maddie went through a number of hearing tests that Danny did his best to cooperate with, the brightness of the lab’s overhead lights rapidly climbed to ‘unbearable.’
“Your eyes, too?” asked Maddie.  
Danny moaned in response.  
“Oh, sweetie,” she said, brushing some of his hair back behind his ear.  It tickled.  His ear flicked.  He decided not to think too deeply about that.  “Here, Jazz has the headphones… Why don’t you take a nap for now?  We’ll wake you up if anything else big changes, or if we find anything out, okay?”
“Okay,” said Danny.  “Not much else to do if I’m sitting with my eyes closed and my ears plugged, I guess.”
“It’s going to be alright,” said Maddie.  “We’ll probably have everything worked out before you know it.”
Danny woke up to the vague sense of someone moving around near him.  
“Hm?” he said, sleepily.
“Don’t worry, Danno!” said Jack in an exaggerated whisper.  “I’m just bunking down here with you tonight!  Jazzy thought that, eh, we needed a break.”
“Mm,” said Danny, opening his eyes just a sliver to see Jack setting up one of the Fenton Folda-Cots nearby.  He sat up and stretched.  His spine felt… different.  Good.  Like it fit together different, better.  
“Oh, you don’t need to get up, Danny, I’ve got this handled,” said Jack, rearranging his bedding.  
“Mm,” said Danny again.  He opened his mouth to ask what had happened while he’d been asleep and got distracted by how long his canines felt now.  
Concerned, he raised his hands to feel out his face.  There were two hard little bumps right at his hairline that curved upward.  Was he growing horns?  He put the question to the side and brought his hands sideways to his ears, questing under the noise canceling headphones.  They were long, droopy, pointed and fuzzy.  
Somehow, Danny didn’t think this was what Tucker meant when he said that someday he’d turn Danny into a furry.  
He started patting himself down.  Were those scales on his shoulders?  No, no, don’t think about it.  Further…
That was a tail.  A long tail.  It was fluffy.  It was… the change he had felt with his spine, darn it.  
So much for waking him up for big changes.  
“Danny?  Are you okay?”
“No, I’m not,” Danny said.  Tried to say.  His mouth went through the motions, but all that came out of his throat was a series of chirps.  He started to shake, but before he could work himself up too much, Jack pulled him into a hug.  
“It’s going to be okay, Danno,” he said, patting Danny’s back.  “Just take a deep breath.  Everything will be better in the morning.”
Danny snuggled closer, taking in the warmth.  Something in his chest that had not been there that morning began to purr.  
If this ecto-irritant thing was turning him into some kind of messed up cat, Danny was going to murder Vlad.  
Things were not better in the morning.  In fact, they were worse.  Not in that his body had changed more in the night (which it had.  He’d woken up with patchy black and white markings all over his body, ears too large to fit under the noise canceling headphones, and the beginnings of extra limbs growing under his arms), but in that Vlad had decided to show up.  After Jazz had already gone to school, too.  
“When I heard what had happened to young Daniel I just had to come,” said Vlad.  “I’ve brought all the research from the development team, of course, and I want to offer my own expertise.”
“Great!” said Jack.  “With your help, we should fix this in record time!”
Somehow, Danny doubted that.  He was tempted to flip Vlad off while Jack’s back was turned and Maddie was focused on the research, but that would require moving and growing extra limbs was exhausting.
“I certainly hope so.  I would hate to have this progress any further.”
Translation: Vlad would love to have it progress further and he knew exactly what it was progressing to.  
“But I believe that between the three of us and Daniel’s cooperation, we can overcome this.”
Translation: Vlad wanted something from Danny.  
A siren went off upstairs.
“Oh, my,” said Vlad.  “Is that the mayoral ghost alert hotline?  You’d better go answer it.”
What the heck?  They still had that?
“But Danny–”
“I can keep an eye on him and compare my research to what you’ve already done,” said Vlad.  “You should go.  There may be lives at stake with an evil ghost running loose.”
“This is the first time they’ve called, Mads,” said Jack.  “We should at least see what kind of ghost it is.”
“Oh, alright,” said Maddie.  “But call us if anything - and I do mean anything! - changes.”
“Of course, Maddie,” said Vlad, smoothly.
Danny watched nervously as his parents both ran upstairs, leaving him alone with his archnemesis.  
“So,” said Vlad, “you’re probably wondering what I want.”
Danny turned away.  
“I understand that you think your parents will find a solution,” said Vlad, conversationally.  “So.  You could listen to me… or I could stage a ghost attack that will destroy every last bit of research they have on your transformation and the ‘ecto-irritant.’”
Danny jumped to his feet - and was immediately knocked down by one of Vlad’s duplicates and held there, too weak to do anything else.  He tried to call up his ghost form, but he just didn’t have the energy.  
“It would be easy.  So you could listen.  Or not.”
Danny glared up at him.  
“Good.  It seems like you’re listening.  As you might imagine, I know how to fix your little problem.  In exchange, I only want one thing.”
Danny made the best questioning sound he could, under the circumstances.  Vlad smirked.  
“I wish for you to accompany me to an event I’ve been invited to, as an attendant.”
He could not be serious.  
“Oh, I’m quite serious.  This isn’t a human event, after all, and your appearance is part of the dress code.”  Vlad hummed.  “You’re confused.  I can see it on your face.”
No duh.  Because everything Vlad said was mental.
“Don’t tell me you’ve never heard of the Fey?  Fairies?  The Fair Folk?  Hm?  Don’t give me that look.  I know that you’ve personally fought unicorns.”
Yeah, and they were bloodthirsty monsters.  What was Vlad’s point?
“The Infinite Realms are infinite, Daniel.  I would quote the Shakespere, but you’re no Horatio, and I know you’re failing English.”
Screw him.  Danny had met Shakespere, and he’d seen Hamlet performed by ghosts.
“The Fey are quite real, in any case, and they have certain social standards.  Persons of high rank are expected to have appropriate garb, weaponry, servants…”  He trailed off, looking significantly at Danny.  
He had to be kidding.  
But Vlad wasn’t looking at him, and therefore was not given the benefit of the full force of the most incredulous expression he could muster.  Instead, Vlad was opening his briefcase and pulling out a tablet.  He turned it on and showed it to Danny.  
There was a picture on the screen of a roughly humanoid creature with bright pink skin, large dark eyes, four arms, a furry, fluffy tail longer than it was tall, fuzzy moth-like wings, fern-shaped antennae, and long, soft-looking ears.  The image didn’t give any scale, but it felt small, with disproportionately large head, feet, and hands.  Their hands and feet were covered in black.  
“This is what the higher-class servants look like.  Look familiar?” 
Vlad’s stupid face was so smug Danny would bet that there was a smugness shortage somewhere else in the world.  
“You wouldn’t have to do much beyond follow my instructions and remain at my side while there.  The event is only a few nights long.  I’ll be back in a few days to pick you up - in a way that will keep your parents from guessing anything, of course - once you’re done getting ready.”  Another, smugger, grin spread over Vlad’s face.  “You can decide whether or not to cooperate then, but I urge you to do so.  After all, I doubt you want to be stuck like this forever.”  He stood up and two more duplicates materialized behind him.  “Now, I have a ghost attack to stage.”
Danny’s parents completely bought Vlad’s ghost attack story because, well, it had been a ghost attack.  Technically.  The ghost was just Vlad.  And they were terrible at charades.  
Okay, maybe Danny was terrible at charades, too, but come on.  He deserved a break.  It wasn’t like he was getting one in anything else.  
The scales on his shoulders were developing into wings.  His tail was getting longer and fluffier.  The hard, black, nail-like substance on his fingers and feet was creeping upward to his wrists and ankles.  His second set of arms was getting bigger, longer.  His teeth were getting sharper.  What was left of his voice was gone, replaced by something that quietly chirped and purred deep in his chest.  The ‘horns’ on his head were growing into fuzzy antennae.  His hearing and sight were so oversensitive he wanted to just burrow into a pile of blankets and stay there.  He was shrinking.  
His parents were beside themselves.  And they kept having to go take care of minor ghost attacks.  
He wrapped his tail around him and curled deeper into his blankets.  This transformation business was exhausting.  Or maybe it was just that what he was getting turned into that was exhausting.  
He looked at the mirror.  He looked awful.  Sick.  The domino-mask black streak across his eyes didn’t help with that impression.
He was going to have to take Vlad up on his offer.
“It’s really quite remarkable, the system the Fey have,” pontificated Vlad after he had ‘extracted’ Danny from the lab.  “Their various castes are perfectly suited for their assigned tasks.  They’re designed that way.  Born that way, usually.  For example, the form that you yourself are taking at the moment?  A perfect servant for the High Fey.  Many hands to work and hold and serve, wings, to ensure they can follow everywhere, sharp eyes the better to see things that need to be cleaned or repaired, sharp ears the better to hear orders, attractive enough to be decorative, but not distracting.”
First off: Ew.  Secondly: Vlad really liked to hear the sound of his own voice, didn’t he?
“Antennae,” continued Vlad, “to ensure harmonious movement with other servants.  Now, the High Fey, who I most resemble…”
Danny tuned him out, instead choosing to watch the green clouds of the Ghost Zone roll by.  The way they were traveling was actually pretty interesting.  Vlad had gotten a chariot somewhere and hooked it up to his flying goon squad, AKA the inexplicably yiddish vultures.  
They were flying in a direction Danny had never been in before.  The islands and doors they were passing were new, strange.  Floating trees and strange stone circles dominated the ecto-scape.  As they continued, they tended to floating forests and island-hills with formations of standing stones.  
Vlad, meanwhile, continued talking.  
“... of course, animal servants are considered gauche - too human, too mortal.  And the farmer caste is entirely different…”
Danny tuned him out again.  
A great mountain was rising up out of the trees around them, its sides gray and silvery.  There was a circular hole in its face, the edges of it studded with slabs like the ones he’d seen earlier in the standing-stone circles.
They looked like teeth.
The chariot flew right through them.  
On the other side was light - but this light didn’t hurt his eyes.  There was no sun in the sky, only a moon floating over a twilight purple-blue backdrop.  Green lawns stretched in all directions, stopping against tall, green trees and the glittering walls of a literal fairy-tale castle.  
Other chariots were sweeping down to the drive of the castle, tall, colorful beings fluttering out of them, escorted by shorter fluttering beings.  
Like Danny.  
There was a buzzing– No, not quite a buzzing, but what else could he call it? – in… in Danny’s antennae.  He rubbed their bases, wary of directly touching the delicate fronds.  
“Don’t fight it,” said Vlad, jovially.  “After all, you aren’t trained as a servant.  You’ll need all the help you can get.”
Danny glared at him, but the expression was unusually hard to form.  
“See?  At this point, you would usually be calling me names.  Lovely, isn’t it, that you can’t?  No way for careless servants to make unwise deals or spread secrets with loose lips - their loyalty is reserved for their High Fey lords.”
Vlad really, really liked the sound of his own voice.  
If this worked on fairytale rules like Vlad was suggesting, he was screwed.  
His head felt really weird.  
The chariot landed, and Danny jumped out, not even quite thinking about what he was doing, and swung around to Vlad’s door, opening it so Vlad could step out, his even-flashier-than-usual cape billowing behind him.  
“Very good, Daniel.  See?  Keep things up, and I’ll make sure you get back to your… admittedly less-useful regular body.”
Danny padded behind Vlad, hating how tall everything here was and how short he himself was like this.  He’d earned his five-foot-five stature with a lot of hard work!  Right now, he wasn’t sure how tall he was, but he felt that it was closer to four feet than five.  
It was not a great feeling.  
He really didn’t like this.  
He stayed close.  Rather, he stayed at the distance the little itch in the back of his head told him was appropriate.  Meanwhile, Vlad smarmed about with literally sparkling people.  They were all so tall, with inhumanly sharp features and wings far more colorful and varied than Danny’s or those of his fellow servants.  
Fellow servants.  
He folded his hands behind him as well as he could, given his wings.  This was temporary.  It was.  
And then one of the tall people was right in front of him, fingers under his chin, tipping his head up, examining him with many-colored eyes, tilting his head back and forth.  He took a step back.  
The person - the fey? - turned to say something to Vlad.  Their voice sounded like it was underwater.  Meanwhile, a small servant with the same coloration as the person talking to Vlad stepped forward and regarded Danny curiously.  
They were a solid two inches taller than Danny right now.  He turned his head away.  The other servant stepped into his field of view again, and the feeling of being observed redoubled.  
“Daniel,” said Vlad sharply.  
Danny hurried to follow him.  
“Now, you see,” said Vlad, to the small group of fey he had gathered around himself, “I am more than capable, and I can serve as your link to the human world.  We can bring in materials, performers, art, artists… anything you can think of.”
Some of the fey nodded.  Others looked dubious.  
“And at whose discretion would you direct these imports?” asked one.  
Danny blinked, somehow surprised he could understand this fey when he… when he couldn’t understand any of the others.  
He really didn’t like this.  
He liked it even less when the fey made eye contact with him.  
“At the discretion of whoever secured my services,” said Vlad, “and the high king, of course.  With, perhaps, a few scruples for myself.”  He raised his glass.  
“Very well,” said the fey.  “I shall sponsor you, as you say.  But one gift must be exchanged for another.”
“Anything in my possession that I can– Daniel, stop that at once!”  Danny dropped Vlad’s cape and shook his head vehemently.  That was a bad kind of promise to make.  Especially when it could be argued that Danny was in his possession.  
“Perhaps I could take that unruly servant off your hands.”
“Ah,” said Vlad, getting a clue.  “Perhaps not.  Might the gift be your first delivery instead?”
The fey hummed.  “Perhaps.  We have much to discuss.”  
“I suppose you were not a terrible servant tonight,” said Vlad as they flew away in the chariot.  “Are you sure you don’t want to practice a little longer?”
Danny tried to scowl at him, but it was becoming harder and harder to make any expression that wasn’t neutral and pleasant.  Apparently, his transformation hadn’t quite been finished yet.  
“I suppose I should tell you how to reverse your transformation,” said Vlad.  “But it will be so much more fun to show you.”
What did that mean?
A duplicate appeared behind Danny, grabbed the wings he was only just beginning to get used to, and severed them with a sharp-edged ecto-construct.  
Danny shrieked.  
Because he could shriek.  The transformation that had taken days, gone in a moment.
“See?” said Vlad.  “Easy.”
“What the heck, you jerk!”
“Tut tut tut–”
“Who even says that–”
“If you want to get home safely, you should reconsider attacking me.  I am the one who knows how to get back.”
Danny sat down in a huff.  
“Now, let’s start discussing the cover story we will tell your parents about our adventures, hm?”
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cophene · 1 year
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04 || * • ° catching hints of gold
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pairing : ohshc x gn reader summary : perhaps no one at ouran is more qualified to deal with a broken heart than the host club. with a student’s heartbreak painfully obvious to everyone but themself, the host club takes it upon themselves to remedy that. all against that student’s better judgement. notes : multi-chapter fic, sfw, doesn’t follow canon plot word count : 2.5k+
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While students began trickling inside the music room to meet with the other hosts, Haruhi found the two of you a table away from the rest of the Host Club’s hubbub to talk. You were grateful for their consideration and told them as much while they expertly poured out two cups of fragrant tea.
“Of course. I can tell you’re not keen on everyone knowing your business.”
You smiled. Then, because you had been wondering about it since yesterday, you asked, “If you don’t mind me asking, what are your pronouns?”
Haruhi blinked. “Oh, feminine pronouns are fine, although I don't really mind either way. I’ve gotten so used to moonlighting as a boy that sometimes it doesn’t even occur to me.”
“I have to know how that happened,” you said. “How did someone like you get lumped into a club like this? I mean, you’re so—so—”
“Normal?” Haruhi said blandly.
“I was going to say down-to-earth, but yeah, that too.”
Haruhi took a sip from her teacup. She had a natural grace to her movements that she didn’t seem to be aware of. “It’s a long story. But the short of it is that I accidentally broke a vase and had to become a host to pay off the debt.”
“Must have been some vase.”
Haruhi closed her eyes as though it pained her to remember it. “Eight million yen,” she said through gritted teeth.
You sucked in a breath. “That’s obscene.”
“You’re telling me.” Haruhi crossed one leg over the other. “But we’re here to talk about you. Why don’t you tell me a bit about yourself?”
“You mean besides what’s on the file?”
“I never look at those,” Haruhi said dismissively. “They’re an invasion of privacy, and they’re creepy. You’re a person. Not a test subject.”
“I’m so glad I’m spending time with you. You make me feel like my fears are actually warranted.”
“The Host Club means well, but that doesn’t mean they always do well. If you spend more time with them, you’ll find out that they get just as many things wrong as they do right.”
You didn’t miss the note of fondness in Haruhi’s tone. Despite how at odds her sensible nature seemed with the Host Club, she liked the club. Liked the hosts. That had to count for something, didn’t it?
“Alright, I’ll bite. What do you want to know?”
“What’s your family like? If you’re like everyone else at Ouran, you must come from money.”
“My parents are art investors,” you said. “They like to sponsor local talent and act as patrons for artists they like. They’re also interested in purchasing and restoring antique pieces. Don’t—” you added, seeing the look on Haruhi’s face, “—ask me about art stuff. I don’t know anything about it.”
“No? You’re not in the business?”
You shrugged. “I know what looks pretty and what doesn’t. And as far as I’m concerned, that’s all I need to know.”
“Fair enough. Fair enough.” Haruhi began to ask another question, but she trailed off, looking at something over your shoulder. Feeling self-conscious, you turned around to see what she was looking at. Immediately, Hikaru and Kaoru whipped around in their seats, returning to the conversations they’d been having too quickly for it to be natural.
“Am I going to have to worry about those two?” you said.
You narrowed your eyes in the twins’ direction. You scooted a little closer to Haruhi in an attempt to keep the conversation between the two of you.
“So what about you? Do you come from money?”
“No, actually. I’m here on scholarship.”
Your eyes widened. “No kidding? You must be a bona fide genius. Ouran has ridiculously high standards for scholarship students.”
“It’s not too bad. I’m used to working for what I want. If you put in the time and effort, the course work isn’t all that bad.”
You found Haruhi’s humility refreshing. It seemed like everyone at Ouran was bragging about one thing or other nowadays. You probably wouldn’t have shut up about how smart you were if you had managed to get into Ouran on scholarship.
“So is this all there is to the Host Club?” You leaned back in your seat. “You get tea and biscuits. You talk. You look pretty?”
“If only. You’ve only been exposed to a small fraction of what this club is capable of.” With the way Haruhi said it, it didn’t seem like a good thing.
As if on cue, a great gasp went up in the middle of the room. A gaggle of girls had clustered around Hikaru and Kaoru, one of the twins sprawled on the ground while the other tenderly supported his head.
“Oh, Hikaru, are you alright? You really have to be more careful. You’re always so clumsy,” Karou said in a strangely breathless voice.
Hikaru brought up Kaoru’s hand and pressed it weakly against his cheek. “I can’t help it. I wish there was some way to change my character.”
“But you don’t need to change it. Not when I’m here to protect you.”
The twins stared deeply into each other’s eyes like there was no one else in the room. The girls gasped and broke into applause, blubbering among themselves about how sweet and pure brotherly affection was, whatever that was.
Haruhi burst out laughing at the disgusted look on your face. “I take it you’re not a fan of the forbidden brotherly love trope, then?” “Is that what that is? Yeah, no, you can count me out.” You watched the girls freak out over the twins for a few more seconds. If you didn’t know better, you’d say the twins were trying to bite back laughter.
“Are people really into this stuff?”
“They sure are. The Host Club is all about providing genuine, heartfelt romance.”
You scoffed. “This isn’t romance. It isn’t anywhere near it.”
“And how would you know?”
“I know because I—”
You cut yourself off. How did you know? Because you had fallen in love over the break? Because you were still reeling from the breakup? 
Because you still weren’t over him?
“I know because I know,” you finished lamely. “Obviously no real-life romance isn’t like this.”
Haruhi gave you a strange look. It felt like she was prying you apart and could see your words for exactly what they were. You felt your face heating up. 
“What happened?” she asked quietly. “Every time anyone brings up anything about love you seem to close up. I can tell you’re trying to go for the cynical route, but is that really what you’re all about?”
Haruhi’s brown eyes were wide and guileless. She was asking out of pure curiosity, not to belittle you or mock you. For a second, you almost answered her, until you realized dimly that the music room had gone eerily silent.
You looked up, shocked to find a single spotlight beaming down on you. All of the guests had turned in their seats to listen to you, and the hosts were all but leaning over your shoulder, holding their breaths in anticipation.
“You can’t be serious,” you snapped, shooting to your feet. “Where is my guest confidentiality supposed to be in this?”
“You can get that later,” Honey said, leaning forward from his seat on Mori’s shoulder. “Just finish answering the question first. What are you really all about?”
You gaped at him for a second, then looked at the other hosts. Despite the varying degrees of amusement in their faces, they did genuinely seem curious to hear your answer. 
Well. That was too bad.
“Let’s go,” you said, grabbing Haruhi’s hand. “Obviously we can’t have a private conversation here.”
“But where are you going?” Tamaki cried. “There’s no better place to pour your heart out than here!”
“I can think of an infinite number of places,” you retorted. You dragged Haruhi out of the music room, glaring at Kyoya as you left. He only shrugged, as though having everyone in the Host Club and their mother listening in on your conversation was to be expected.
“Paragons of manner and class, my ass.”
“We’re sorry,” the twins called after you. “How were we supposed to know you liked privacy?”
You would’ve thrown them an obscene gesture, but there were ladies present and you did actually have a reputation. 
Haruhi let you take her all the way out of the academy to one of the many fountains gushing around outside. It was your favourite one, the one with the little kid pissing into the water. It never failed to make you snicker.
“I’m sorry about them,” Haruhi said when you finally stopped. She was faintly breathless and you couldn’t help but find it a little cute as she drew up a hand to swipe her hair out of her face. “I keep forgetting you have to build up a tolerance to their obnoxiousness.”
“I can tell they’re harmless. That was just a bit much.” You took a seat on one of the steps overlooking the fountain and patted the spot beside you for Haruhi to join you. For a while, you were both quiet as you watched clouds drift by in the fountain’s reflection.
“Are you going to answer my question?” Haruhi said. There was no pressure behind it. 
You leaned back on your hands. “I’m not really that cynical about love. I believe in it. Just … maybe not as much as I used to. I’m wary, I guess.”
Haruhi didn’t pry any further than that and you liked her all the more for it. You both started talking about whatever crossed your minds, plucking subjects out of the air. You learned about Haruhi’s dad and his fierce dedication to her. You learned about her crazy time in the Host Club. If the anecdotes had come from anyone but Haruhi, you wouldn’t have believed them. 
The little tidbits she gave you about each of the hosts was fascinating. You thought you knew Honey and Mori relatively well, but it seemed that they were completely different people in the context of the club. Kyoya having his own personal guard only made you trust him less, and Tamaki being the son of Ouran’s chairman was probably something you should have seen coming. Haruhi only succeeded in giving you a headache when she tried to explain how it was possible to tell the difference between Hikaru and Kaoru. You were convinced that short of permanently tattooing their names on their foreheads, you would never be able to tell the two twins apart.
What you got out of your conversation with Haruhi was that she was very close with all of the hosts. Her pragmatism occupied its own special nook in the club, and it, along with all of the quirks and ticks of the other hosts, somehow kept the outlandish club going. Even if it wasn’t love or romance, there was genuine feeling in the club. If nothing else, you could appreciate that the Host Club was doing all of this not for any malicious intent, but for the wellbeing of Ouran. In the stifling, uptight academy, there needed to be something this overwhelmingly ludicrous to take students’ minds off of things.
Eventually, Haruhi stretched out her legs.
“I think it’s time we start heading home. We’ve been here for a while.” 
“I think you’re right. My tolerance for bullshit has been all used up.”
Haruhi laughed. She had a light, surprisingly girlish laugh. You liked it. A lot. 
Impulsively, you said, “Hey, if you’re free tomorrow night, my parents are hosting a little art gathering tomorrow. It’s nothing formal. Just a little get-together. I’d love it if you could come.”
Haruhi thought for a moment. “I probably could. Are you sure your parents wouldn’t mind? I’m not—I mean, I’m not really part of the ritzy crowd, you could say.”
You waved a hand. “They couldn’t care less about that. You don’t have to be rich to appreciate art, they’d say, or something sappy like that.”
“In that case, I’d love to go.”
You grinned. “Great. You can come by anytime after seven.” You took out your phone and asked for Haruhi’s number. You then texted over your address, feeling a little giddy that you had her number.
Even though there was nothing to be giddy about. Nothing at all.
You and Haruhi made your way to the front gate. There was an awkward moment when Haruhi turned to face you and you scrambled for some eloquent way to say goodbye. She looked pretty in the fading light. You could make all kinds of poetic comparisons. The simplest thing to say was that the light glimmered, catching hints of gold in her hair and eyes.
Haruhi blushed. You blinked, then swore internally, wondering if you’d said that crap out loud.
“I’ll see you tomorrow,” she said, smiling.
“Yeah, see you then.”
You waved, and kept waving until she was out of sight. Why couldn’t everyone in the Host Club be like Haruhi? You might actually look forward to going instead of—
“I hope you know you still have several other trial appointments,” Kyoya said from behind you.
You side-eyed him. “And why would I go to any of them? Haruhi’s a great host. I don’t need to try out anyone else.”
Kyoya looked to where Haruhi had just left. He slipped his hands into his pockets. “I suppose you and Haruhi did hit it off quite well.”
“Yeah. We did.”
“Regardless, it’s important to have an idea of all of your tastes. It doesn’t hurt to have a second choice. There may be times when Haruhi is unavailable as a host and you have to pick someone else.”
“Okay, well then I guess I would just go with Honey or Mori—”
“You can’t know until you go to the trials,” Kyoya interrupted. “We’ll put down a definitive second choice for you after you’ve gone through everyone tomorrow.”
You groaned. “You’re telling me I have to go again?”
“Most people would see that as a good thing. Besides, a broken heart can’t be healed in a day. You’ll have to return to the club multiple times if you want to have a chance of healing anything. We’ll need to monitor your progress.”
“What are you, a doctor?”
“No, although I don’t doubt that the Ootori Group would be interested in any research I might be able to contribute.”
It really was impressive how seriously Kyoya was able to take all of this. If he was playing a character, he was doing it scarily well.
“I’ll stop by if I have the time,” you said. “Later, Kyoya.”
He called your name as you were leaving. He had an odd expression on his face.
“There’s nothing wrong with being wary. Particularly about romance. One might say it’s to be expected.”
Your stomach dropped. “What? How did—”
“I expect to see you at the Host Club tomorrow. I’ll send someone to collect you.”
Kyoya turned curtly on his heel. You thought about going after him, but then you decided you didn’t want to know. You went off to find your chauffeur instead.
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tex-now · 3 months
Can you tell us about the miraculous AU 👁️👁️ because I haven't seen the show in 4 years but thinking about Mafuyu as adrien is. Mhm. I am totally normal about this.
Also I think Mafuyu is the only one who can get behind Plaggs weird cheese addiction (she lacks sense of taste might as well lack smell too)
OH FUCK YEAH!!!!! Okay so I'm still in the early planning phase for it, aka trying to nail down all of the miraculous holders and stuff before I even plan the story lmao.
So for miraculous so far:
Ichika: ladybug obviously
Saki: I have no idea man. She might get either the pig or the fox or the bee. The bee is most likely rn
Shiho: The turtle!! Pretty easy choice but I was also considering the ox at one point. Or the bunny but shh
Honami: undecided but probably the dog or the pig. She's fighting emu for it though
Mafuyu: black cat. She would have gotten the dragon but. I wanted her to be the Adrien of this au
Mizuki: the fox but I REALLY need to come up with a more unique design
Kanade: the peacock. No further elaboration
Ena: the goat. Come on it was made for her
Tsukasa: currently fighting rui for the horse. I'm not sure who I want to give it to.... I have a design for tsukasa but rui would do really well with it. He might get the dragon or the rooster
Rui: probably gonna get the horse....
Nene: the snake because she's not a fighter AND I have an idea for her design
Emu: the pig obviously or surprisingly the monkey! Idk she would be awesome with the monkey I just know it. I also considered giving her the peacock or the butterfly but I need a villain so. Neither of those are available rn
Shizuku: um.. the bunny is the best choice design wise but would shizuku be good with the bunny? Would she really? I'm not sure
Airi: ox. I considered the tiger but there were complications
Minori: rooster or mouse minori im not sure. Probably the mouse. Maybe the dog
Haruka: the dragon probably. She, other than shizuku and mafuyu is a "perfect" girlie, so she's the second choice for the dragon. Maybe. OOO or the bunny
Kohane: ummm... maybe the rooster or the mouse.... idk...
An: the tiger the tiger the tiger i knew from the moment I made this that an was getting the tiger
Oh there are some other things
Leoni break up is still a Thing
Mafuyu and saki are besties
Mafuyu is NOT a sentimonster her mom just sucks ass
A Remixed umbrella scene happens and it's with a different part of the love square
Saki Mizuki and kohane all work together to run this au's Ladyblog
Ichika and Mizuki are seatmates and so are mafuyu and saki
Tsukasa and rui still go to different schools but im not sure if the others do too
Akito and Toya don't get miraculous. Because I said so
Umm that's it so far. Yeagh I'm not far into it at all hsshhash
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