#'I mean. it’s not like trolls can harm her at this time of the day.
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I was rewatching The Stone Forest and I really like to think that Hilda had to pass by the Bell Keeper’s outpost on her way out of the city limits. I like to think that idiot looked at what was happening, shrugged, and said ‘eh, she’s the scariest thing out there’
#“‘the scariest thing out there’?”the girl sends him a look that isn't quite a glare for once; it still conveys her opinion just as clearly#Edmund shrugs. Hilda is still within sight of his binoculars. he watches her run and can’t be sure whether she’s running *towards* or *from#*.He doesn’t think she knows either.#'I mean. it’s not like trolls can harm her at this time of the day.#Don’t tell me you believe in fairies kid.'#And there it is at last: the glare. Meiri looks up from her art project - her new therapist had reccomended it as a way to express herself#and since he'd been helping so much so far she'd decided to grudgingly give it a shot -#“*No*” she states pointedly; to anyone who knew her it was an affirmation. And Edmund knew her better than she cared for#'What I believe in is wolves and recluse spiders and ticks and nettle. And I believe that someone with the spine#to sabotage the Patrol wouldn't have the self control to not lick a pretty mushroom'#“Hey!” Edmund protested putting down his binoculars. “I sabotaged the Patrol! For *you* I might add!”#Meiri's smile turned mean; it was a regular expression for her yet it never conveyed any malice. Just the thrill of a game that never tired#her. “And would you?” she lifted one thick eyebrow; signaling to her dad that it was his move now#The dad in question was unfortunately thinking back to a time in his young teenage years when he figured he could eat anything animals bit#and gave himself a poisoning that had him taken to the ER. But she didn't need to know that. *ever* in fact.#“Obviously I would. Like I'd let a mushroom ruin my perfect sandwich diet”#Meiri groaned loudly. Some games were worth playing. But some wars she'd already accepted she'd never win#“Anyway�� he turned back to staring at the outside of the wall as if it was of any interest to him (it wasn't)#“kid'll be fine is my point. And even if she isn't ya know what's the best think about this situation?”#They looked at each other with matching smirks. “none of our flipping business” he said at the same time as she echoed#“None of our fucking business”#He gasped immediatelly. “*Meiri!*”#The chastening was useless. She just shrugged innocently.#He'd really have to limit her library visits#the bell keeper hilda#meirdom#hilda the series#hilda netflix
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thewertsearch · 3 months ago
AG: I'll leave you alone soon enough. AG: I was just feeling pretty pleased with myself, a8out all the 8rilliant plans I made for you and your friends. AG: Stopping 8y in your past to mess with your head is really just a courtesy, 8ecause I like to think we're pretty good friends 8y the time I get around to killing you. ::::D
It's interesting that Vriska's taking the time to gloat about this murder. Sure, she's normally happy to bask in the suffering she's caused - but the difference here is, John didn't really suffer. He simply fell asleep, and woke up a god.
Vriska's clearly ecstatic here, but it's not because of the pain she caused; for once, she didn't cause any. No, I think what she's actually high on is she sheer satisfaction of tricking John into doing what she wanted. She just really likes manipulating people, even if she's not meaningfully harming them.
This is actually a pretty important insight - because if this is what Vriska gets out of screwing with people, then it might be possible, over time, to channel her desire for control into something more constructive. After all, murder isn't the only possible outlet for this desire - she'd be a hell of an attorney, for example. Terezi who?
GT: ok, you got me! GT: my feathers are all ruffled, and i can no longer tell my ass apart from a big orange earth vegetable!
I know this is a reference to the pumpkin seeds on his desk, but I don’t really understand what joke John’s making, here. He's sarcastically saying that Vriska's trolling is turning him orange, for some reason? Maybe it’s a Hussie meme I’m unfamiliar with.
GT: weren't you leaving? […] AG: […] I was going to. AG: 8ut now I guess I'm not. […] AG: 8ecause this isn't really happening.
We're visiting her ghost's Dream Bubble already? I mean, I always assumed that Vriska would be back some day, but I didn’t think she’d be back this quickly.
The girl can’t handle being benched for even a second, even when she’s dead. Good for her!
AG: I guess I must 8e dead.
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vixendoesstuff · 1 year ago
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Final part of this convoluted saga I came up with at like, 3 am one day. Last time we were left on a cliffhanger (because I'm evil like that) but now y'all (the maybe 4 people who's paying attention to this AU) get to see what happens next.
Let's just get right into it!
So, the quartet (Poppy, Cooper, Branch and Hickory), after hearing who had beamed them up into the giant UFO, was equally shocked and overjoyed, mostly on Poppy and Cooper's part. Immediately Cooper got up and started asking questions, like how is this possible, how Prince D. looked just like him, and if he's his twin, that means he's also royalty, and such things. It was here when King Quincy and Queen Essence entered the fray, which just excites Cooper further.
The two parents are obviously overjoyed at finally seeing their long lost son. They were kinda miffed at Prince D. for using the bubble without their supervision, but seeing who he had beamed, they let it slide for now.
The same stuff then happened as it is in the movie, with some dialouge changes, like Cooper telling the Funk Family how he got with the Pop Trolls as an egg. They noticed Branch in the group, and was pleasently surprised how a Techno Troll is with the Pop Trolls, since they're an isolated bunch. Branch said that he doesn't really know what made his egg be with the Pop Trolls, just that his adoptive family found him one day and took him in. The Funk Family then tells him the brief history of the Techno Trolls since they can kinda tell he's clueless and they felt bad. Then the history of the Strings came along.
Same thing there, explaining how every tribe once lived in harmony until Pop got greedy and stole all the strings, so everybody else took back their strings and ran, living in isolation from eachother ever since.
Cooper and Branch is clearly disturbed. Maybe because of their respective tribe of origin before they settled in Pop Village they feel more unsettled by the news, but they felt horrified by the implication nonetheless. Poppy even more so, desperate to prove that the Pop Trolls are not like that anymore, look at Cooper and Branch! They're fine! (Enter worried side eyes from the two). Then everything goes as it is in the movie, the Funk Family softly rejecting her offer to combine their music together, and Rock invading and everyone preparing for battle, with Cooper deciding to stay behind to help his family by bubbling everyone to safety back to the ground below.
The same argument Branch and Poppy has happens, with a little change in the dialouge. It's something along the lines of Poppy not listening to others when they offer advice that might work in her favour, and instead goes off to do her own thing; about how she doesn't listen when her way does more harm than good; about how, in a way, she's doing the same thing Barb is doing. The two split off, with Branch having the intention of going back to Pop Village to warn the others. It may not be his tribe of origin, but it is his home for all his life, and he'd protect it in whatever way he can.
We cut to Poppy sulking to herself before being spotted by Hickory, who manages to find her. Same dialouge happens, with Poppy revealing the string to him, Dickory splitting from Hickory's... behind and revealing their true identities as Bounty Hunters, and squabbling with her for possession of the string. In here, perhaps due to talking with Cooper and Branch, who are different genre Trolls but holds love for Pop, empowered his hidden desire to see harmony between different genres and tribes, and decided to fight back against his partner (brother? Brother). Of course, this doesn't go unpunished by Barb, who suddenly appears with her lackeys and apprehended both Poppy and Hickory, saying that this is what they deserve for trying to delay her plans (she lets Dickory go, but not without a warning to control his brother). Poppy claimed she'll stop her, but Barb revealed that she has invaded Pop Village and destroyed most things there, so all Poppy can do is sit tight and watch the show.
Turning back to Branch, when he finished his 2014's sad boy song, he then got ambushed by the K-Pop gang and the Reggaeton Trolls, who demands the location of Queen Poppy. Obviously he refuses 'cause while he still has beef with her, she's the most important person in his life, so you bet he'll try to protect her at all costs. The dance off still commences the same way (you have to admit, dancing with fins for legs is hella impressive), with thw two groups complimenting eachother on their dances before interrogating Branch again.
The convo here is changed slightly because I wanna see Branch and the two Bounty Hunter groups to interact some more 'cause their dynamic is interesting. Basically it's the lines of,
"Why does Barb decides which music is safe to listen to? All music is worth listening to. Liking different genres doesn't matter."
"Ugh, what do you know, Techno Troll? You don't know how it feels to be regarded as lesser for liking a different music."
"[Pop Troll profanity], I'm literally a living example of that, who do you think I've been living with all my life? And besides, who's to say Barb won't turn tail on her side of the deal and destroy you, too?"
With the power of persuasion, he managed to stop the two groups from continuing their plans and starts a temporary truce between them. His first initial plan was to get back to Pop Village to confirm everyone's safety and maybe stop Barb from destroying it. But Chaz (the guy that made him trip balls) suddenly appeared and steps in their conversation to say that Barb has gained all the strings and is making her way to Volcano Rock City, home of the Rock Trolls. This completely changes the course of his plan, but Branch is determined to follow through.
So he, the K-Pop gang, the Reggaeton Trolls and Chaz (who only came along for the thrill of it) all decide to work together to stop Barb from achieving whatever it is she's planned to use the strings for. They found the sentient hot air balloon Branch had ridden before chillin' in the outskirts of Lonesome Flats, and hopped in to make an impromptu trip to Volcano Rock City.
The scene with Poppy and Barb chatting is the same because other than it being a first face to face convo with the two, it changes nothing in the long run.
We go to the scene where Barb does a wardrobe change and presents the other tribe leaders to put her Power Chord thing to the test, to make everyone Skillet enjoyers. But before she could fire at Poppy (who she chose as the first target), a book came flying at her face. She looked up, only to see a Techno Troll along with the rest of the Bounty Hunters she hired coming in flying from a hot air balloon. (He also said the same catchphrase, "I guess a comprehensive manual does come in handy!") This shocked her since she made sure every Techno Troll was accounted for when she first invaded Techno Reef. So what the heck is this guy doing here?!
The other leaders was surprised and concerned by his arrival, but none of them rivaled the feeling of shock and horror coming from Poppy, and Trollex respectively.
Before they could think any further, and before Barb can even do anything, Branch suddenly leaps from the balloon straight down to where Barb is. And, in the most simplest term I can use, he Falcon Punched her. In the face. The guy's not afraid to play dirty.
Soon enough the two of them got into a nasty brawl, with both giving everything they got to beat the other. One is trying to take the guitar away, and one is trying to keep the guitar from the other. Million pairs of eyes is watching them play it out on stage.
While everyone else was shocked and frozen in place, Poppy began working to get her cage door open while she's distraced. Just as she's about halfway through that the victor of the scuffle is decided. While most of the Rock Trolls on the front seat were too stunned to protect their Queen, a few managed to step in and hold Branch in place. Barb waste no time using the Power Chord on him, to Poppy and the leaders' horror.
When the stone cracked and revealed Branch as a rock zombie, new colours, clothing and all, something in Trollex snapped.
It seems there's a pattern with Techno Trolls being violent when pushed to the brink, as when Barb had finished transforming Quincy and Essence and moved to him and Trollzart, no joke, he flew from his platform, and speeds straight onto Barb to give her a good beatdown like his subject the other Techno Troll did. It sorta worked, since Barb soon fell from her cable straight to the crowd below (man Trollex packs a punch). Before the Rock Trolls in the crowd could get any ideas, Trollex took the guitar from her hands and threw it back on stage, where it's out of her reach for now. He would've followed suit, if Barb hadn't got a good grip on Trollex's fins and dragged him down to her.
But it seems that Trollex's little distraction worked against her favour, as Poppy managed to get out of her cage amidst the scuffle and dashes straight to the guitar, but not before being blocked by rock zombie Branch (I got a design in mind for him, just wait and see winky face). She's horrified at seeing her best friend boyfriend being like this, but she's determined to make things right, to make sure Barb doesn't fall to the wrong path any further and hurt many more innocent Trolls. She does her speech on how everything being the same is hella boring (character development!) and how she can't force someone to be the same as her because differences do matter.
Then she proceeds to smash the guitar to bits, and the strings followed suit.
Suddenly the entire city turned grey, with no colours in sight. The zombified Trolls (ie Branch, Quincy, Essence and Trollzart, who Barb managed to hit when Trollex one punched her) were turned back to normal. But that's not really important when everyone's turned Grey with the loss of the strings.
But the same scene in the movie happened here also, with them singing by themselves bringing their colours and music back. Nothing much changed in that regard.
Branch and Poppy reunited with a hug and Poppy then went full on her apologies, saying that she's sorry for being dismissive on his suggestions and that she should've listened to him more, that her desire to be a good Queen overshadowed what she actually needed to be one; patience and a willingness to listen. Before she could go overboard, Branch stopped her. And then said on how he's also sorry for how angry he got at her, and that he knew she has only done the things she did out of a genuine desire to do good. They finished with another hug, and the infamous dialouge,
"Branch... I love being different."
"And I love you, Queen Poppy."
[Cue the Snack Pack handing eachother money in the background].
After they did that high-five that makes glitter appear out of nowhere, the two are then approached by the Troll of the hour; King Trollex. For the first time in his life, Branch gets to see the tribe he originated from, the tribe he was born to. And Trollex gets to see the Techno Troll born from the egg that was lost to him all those years ago, grew up into a strong and independent soul.
The atmosphere was tense, with no one speaking a word for a while. Branch and Trollex continued to stare at eachother, taking the other in full detail. Poppy was starting to get nervous and decides to cut in, but not before Trollex pulled Branch into a tight hug, fins and all. Branch is justifiably freaked out and froze, but he then heard the words spoken from the Techno Troll monarch,
"I know I mean nothing to you. That you value and love Pop more than Techno, for they are your entire world. And I get it. I respect it. I'd offer you to come home with me, but I know that's useless. But, if you're willing, I'd like for us to get to know eachother, regardless of differences. I failed you then, but please, let me make up for it now. I want to know your trials, your tribulations. Your achievements. Perhaps not as king and subject, but... as friends."
Branch, despite freaking out about the close contact with his king this stranger he just met 30 seconds ago, felt oddly... relieved. And lighter than he was for a long time. Make no mistake, for all that Trollex is supposed to be to him, he's a stranger in his eyes. A person he'll instinctively distance at first. But then again,
What is a stranger if not a person to befriend?
Man, the amount of rewriting I did to make this as coherent as possible is staggering. But I'm glad I persevered, since now the World Tour saga of this AU is finally finished! While yeah, Branch doesn't get to hang around his tribe as much here, but that's what Trollstopia will be about! Oh boy, can't wait to get to that.
But in all cases, thank you for the maybe 6 people now that's been following me through with this, I hope you enjoy what I have to offer. Do not be fooled, for I have much, much more to offer for this AU. Until then, take care!
Band Together awaits :)
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nrilliree · 1 year ago
I don't feel like writing ten comments, so I'll write it here: @monbebe-monstax @darklinaforever
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What you write and the way you write means that you are either a troll or you are not smart. I was kind enough to acknowledge the first thing. Because what else can you call someone who comes to a blog that is clearly pro TB, with posts correctly tagged pro TB/anti TG and writes nonsense that is unrelated to the truth in order to cause arguments and mess? By presenting an untruth? This isn't frist time when TG stans have done this. On many blogs. Clear posts, clear tags - block them and that's it.
Read on the wiki, because you probably haven't read the books (which I assume from the content of your statements), who the messenger is in the world of ASOIAF. He is assumed to be someone who stands above the war. He cannot fight and cannot be fought. Rhaenyra sending her son as a messenger was based on the laws and customs of Westeros that: a) he is protected by the law of the messenger; b) he is protected by the law of hospitality; c) he should be protected by the law of the oath taken by the Baratheons, who pledged allegiance to Rhaenyra before the king and other lords d) he should be harmed by the assumption that no one on the Green side would be such an idiot that he would kill the messenger and start a war, wasting any chance of resolving the matter with as little bloodshed as possible. But it was Aemond who was stupid enough to attack the messenger and kill him.
It's Aemond's fault that Luke was murdered. If we think that Luke's death is Rhaenyra's fault, not Aemond's, then we should also think that B&C is Aemond's and Aegon's fault, not Daemon's. Would you agree with that? After all, B&C happened through their actions just as you claim Rhaenyra's actions led to Lucerys' death.
And no, Aemond did not kill Daemon, nor did Daemon die because of Aemond. He died beacause Vhagar. I will paste my post: Daemon plunged his sword into Aemond's skull -> Aemond died -> Daemon won. Gravity and the fall killed him, not Aemond. It can be considered that Caraxes and Vhagar killed each other, even if Caraxes lived longer, but Daemon died to kill Aemond and especially Vhagar. And Daemon and Caraxes died primarily because they had to kill Vhagar. The truth is that Aemond without Vhagar wasn't much of a threat in combat, Vhagar without Aemond was still a great threat. If Vhagar died, what would Aemond do? He couldn't burn the Riverlands anymore, and that's all he did. The Green troops were beginning to fall apart. He would die like Daeron if he joined him. And at Tumbelton, dragons showed that even after the death of their rider, they could fight, so Vhagar left to her own devices would be a threat. Aemond would never face Daemon one-on-one in a sword fight. He flew to him after fourteen days and was convinced that he would defeat him because he had a bigger dragon, because Alys said him that.
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albentelisa · 1 year ago
Hello!!! Jim here from the @theonceandfuturetrollhunter blog, but I'm making this text anonymous because Clotpole (who owns my blog) doesn't want the reply back- I'll have to search for it instead 😂😒
Anyway, we love your headcanons and the AUs you create with adks back here in Arcadia- Claire is obsessed with reading them- and we wanted to know how you wpould take to this AU...
What if mine and Claire's roles were swapped over (me being the wizard and Claire being the Trollhunter) but we found out about our respective roles at the times we did in the show (me first, then Claire)?
Can't wait for the reply!!!!
Hi, Jim:)
This ask is something I really like, so I've put it up my queue of asks (there are more than thirty of those in my inbox, holy trolls!).
Anyway, to the AU.
So, in this AU Kanjigar manages to escape during his battle with Bular, so Jim and Toby pass through the canals as usual, with nothing happening. Toby sees that his bro is slightly disappointed that it's just a regular day and suggests investigating the stone monsters Eli mentioned. Obviously, Toby doesn't believe in any supernatural creatures, thinking those are just another one of Eli's delusions, but he thinks Jim needs some fun (and a minor adventure is better than no adventure at all).
It turns out to be a horrible mistake as Bular is pissed because of his failure and is actively looking for a consolation snack. Jim and Toby look like a wonderful meal for him. Bular nearly catches Toby - and it's when Jim awakes his shadow magic, firstly blasting and injuring Bular and then teleporting Toby and himself to the safe location. Jim collapses afterward as he has pushed past his limits.
The next morning, Toby is excited, but Jim is conflicted as he isn't sure it's the kind of adventure he wants. Besides, his newfound magic keeps acting on its own, complicating his life.
Jim comes to Strickler to talk about his issue, but chickens at the last second and tells some lie. Strickler initially believes that it's something trivial, but later notices Jim falling through the shadow portal, and everything clicks. After all, last night, Bular came back enraged, cursing some fleshbag wizard who injured him and swearing to kill that bastard. Strickler deduces that the wizard in question could be Jim. Unlike Bular, he wonders if he can use Jim's talent (after all, all the changelings are connected to shadow magic) and decides to get even closer to his student.
Meanwhile, Douxie visits Jim (as he learned about him from Archie who witnessed the encounter with Bular). Douxie wouldn't get involved in most cases, but apparently, Jim's magic is too strong for someone born during this age, and Jim lacks control, which could easily lead to a lot of damage. So Douxie decides to teach him a bit.
Because Bular has a personal vendetta against Jim, soon enough Kanjigar contacts him as well. Jim learns about the Trollhunter and his mission and proposes to help him (after some initial shock, Jim starts to wonder if there is some meaning to the fact that he got magic). Kanjigar is against it - he has worked alone since the very beginning, and well, Jim is a kid. Jim and Toby still sneak to the Trollmarket, and meet Blinky and Aaarrrgghh there. Blinky believes that having a trollhunting team might not be such a bad idea, so now there are four of them trying to help Kanjigar. Draal eventually joins too, becoming the fifth member. Jim keeps this fact from Douxie because Douxie forbids him to risk his life needlessly (out of concern that there might be another spike in Jim's developing magic which can be harmful to his soul). As for Toby, he gets his Warhammer early on.
Meanwhile, Strickler gets close to Barbara, wondering if she knows her son's secret. He discovers rather fast that she is in the dark about everything and uses it for his own profit.
Much like in the canon, Jim is in the school play, but he skips less because his outings are more controlled (be it magic lessons with Douxie or visits to the Trollmarket), so he has less friction with Claire. Claire still senses that Jim hides something and tries to talk to him about it.
Jim and Toby are the ones who discover the hideout at the museum and basically trigger all the changeling-related events, including Enrique's kidnapping. Enrique is picked because Jim is a regular guest at Claire's house by this point, and Strickler feels that he can use another pair of eyes.
Jim is the one who goes to the concert with Claire in this AU, while Toby babysits Enrique. Claire is initially upset with Jim afterward as she thinks that Toby and Jim decided to prank her together, but after giving it some thought, tries to investigate what is wrong.
Jim still gets Grit-shaka from Draal and ends up exposing his connection to trolls before Douxie before running to fight Bular. Much like in the canon, Bular exposes Strickler.
Claire catches her fake brother herself and encounters Jim, asking if he knows too. Jim decides to tell her everything.
Kanjigar decides to face Bular head-on together with his team (plus Douxie, who joins at the last second). Together they slay him and recover the Killahead.
Now that everything is more or less safe, Claire comes to Kanjigar and asks him to save her brother. Jim and Toby join her pleas, and Jim says that he'll travel to the Darklands himself if Kanjigar disagrees. Kanjigar agrees after some consideration (the previous Trollhunters are against it, but Kanjigar reminds them that his team has slain Bular).
Strickler frees Angor Rot, much like in the canon. Angor, however, disobeys the first command to attack the Trollhunter and judge his skill and goes for Jim instead (he senses his shadow magic and decides to get rid of someone who can possibly become a second Morgana). In this fight, Jim manages to wrestle out the shadow staff. After some examination, Douxie allows him to use it - as the shadow staff, apparently, stabilizes Jim's rather chaotic magic.
The Trollhunters recover the first triumbric stone, but during the quest at the Quagawumps' swamp, the tragedy happens - Kanjigar dies, taking the hit from Angor meant for Claire (it's something that will haunt her for a while). The amulet chooses her as the next champion, but she is conflicted wondering if she can be a good one. After all, she couldn't protect her brother, and Kanjigar died because of her. Draal also doesn't help as he questions her worth (he isn't as bad as he was with Jim in the canon, but his words are still mean).
Jim, however, believes in Claire and says that she can be the best (after all, she is a quick learner, brave, and loyal). Claire starts training, hoping to be able to catch up quickly. Draal warms up eventually and comes to help her.
Angor doesn't make any deal with the Trollhunters in this AU, as he doesn't trust Jim by default. Douxie is the one who suggests stealing Inferna Copula from Strickler, but much like in the canon it ends destroyed, and Angor unleashes his anger at Strickler, Jim, and everyone else. Barbara walks in amid the fight and gets wounded. In this AU she learns everything without losing her memories. Obviously, she is mad at Strickler for using her to get to Jim.
Angor Rot is the first Claire's major opponent, but she manages to defeat him with the help of Jim, Toby, and Draal. Draal feels that his father is avenged and thanks Claire.
However, for Claire, it's not enough. She doesn't want to lose another team member, so goes to the Darklands alone (besides, she was the one who requested that mission to start with). She saves Enrique but ends up trapped.
And here's the problem - only the Trollhunter can open the portal to the Darklands. Jim tries to find an alternative solution and finds a book in Douxie's library about summoning spirits and letting them possess the body. There is a risk, however, as the one who performs it is more vulnerable to possession later, but Jim is willing to risk. He summons Kanjigar's spirit and the team heads into the Darklands to save Claire.
Gunmar getting out isn't the only consequence of that venture. Morgana senses Jim's mind's vulnerability and starts to take over. She resurrects Angor first, then contacts Gunmar.
No one realizes that something is off with Jim at first, chalking most of the stuff to the shadow magic acting up. Claire gets suspicious first and goes to Douxie, demanding if all of that is actually shadow magic. Douxie admits that his fellow student Morgana was odd at times too. After hearing that, Claire is even more worried, and she and Douxie encounter Jim - only to realize that Morgana already fully possesses him.
Claire and Douxie restrain possessed Jim and decide to travel inside his mind to free him. They also bring Toby and Barbara with them, as more meaningful people should make it more likely to succeed. Jim is free, and fighting Morgana gives him a better understanding of his own magic.
With Gunmar and Morgana around the team decides to wake up Merlin (per Douxie's suggestion). And, well, Merlin isn't excited to learn that Douxie got involved and even took a shadowmancer as an apprentice (he is pretty much convinced that Jim will end the same as Morgana if not worse).
Merlin also plans to turn Claire into a half-troll, but as Douxie is around, he investigates the ingredients and discovers what they might do. The team encounters Merlin, and he admits his intentions but tells everyone there is no other choice. Strickler, however, intervenes and makes a guess that there might be some alternative in the Janus Order's records, which turns out to be true. The alternative just requires some blood from a shadowmancer, which Jim gladly provides. Claire becomes a shapeshifter with the ability to change forms at will.
However, Merlin also comes to Jim regarding Morgana. It's possible to seal her inside the Shadow Realm, but all the links between it and the outside world should be cut, meaning that Jim should stay inside the Shadow Realm for good. Merlin appeals to Jim's insecurities and reminds him that the shadow magic is evil, convincing Jim that it'll be better for everyone.
However, Claire overhears this conversation and confronts Jim about it. She also reminds him that Merlin's solutions have already proved to be not the only answer and that their team has already found an alternative once, so it's possible to find another one.
The encouragement from Claire prompts Jim to craft his own spell for the first time to use against Morgana. So, once the Eternal Night comes, both Claire and Jim defeat Gunmar and Morgana respectfully.
@theonceandfuturetrollhunter, I know that you feel down now, so hopefully, this one cheers you up a bit:)
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aditublog · 10 months ago
Rhasta took the kids outside with him to the garden. He knew he’d not get much work done with the three of them running around but the night had been difficult and Medusa had been awake during most of it. She deserved some rest now.
Besides, it was fun to have the kids with him, just not productive. The smaller of the twins was tied to Rhasta’s back with a wide cloth and sleeping.
The eldest rushed towards the garden, not bothering to wait while her sibling toddled along, clutching onto Rhasta’s hand. The skirt of her dark blue dress fluttered around her tail, a speck of colour in the otherwise plain steppes.
It was hot, though it was still early in the morning and the troll carried several flasks filled with water in his free hand. They’d need it.
The sand was warm underneath his feet, it had stored the heat from the previous weeks. The troll shaman smiled as he turned his face into the sunshine, he was sure it would be a wonderful day.
As soon as he had opened the gate to the garden, his two kids vanished between some of the taller plants. He could hear them laughing as he put the flasks down in a shady spot. He’d get to work immediately, as long as he could. The kids would want to play with him sooner rather than later.
To keep animals out, the garden was completely fenced in. The kids were able to climb over the fence if they put their mind to it, but since there was nothing of interest in the steppes, they wouldn’t. They also knew that it was dangerous out there, it was one of the first things they had learned in their young lives.
Rhasta began to pull weeds, listening for his kids to be sure they were close by. Just because they knew the rules didn’t mean they would stick to them. At least he didn’t have to worry about them eating poisonous plants in the garden, he had taken care of that after the first kid had began to crawl and to eat everything in reach.
If they wanted to, they could munch on every leaf and flower here. Some wouldn’t taste very good but nothing would harm them.
With the sleeping twin on his back, Rhasta was sweating almost immediately. It couldn’t be comfortable for his kid, either, but he knew that as soon as he put the little one down, sleep-time would be over. No matter how warm or sweaty, Rhasta’s back was obviously the best place to take a nap. Or his stomach. It didn’t matter, as long as it was on him.
After a while, the two others reappeared. Both were laughing and the smaller was already covered by a thin layer of dust and sand. His slightly green skin and hair was rather brown now, the two small snakes he had inherited as hair from his mother dangling next to his face the only clean spot on his body because the dirt didn’t stick to the smooth scales.
“Da, we are thirsty.” The hair of his eldest kid, long wavy strands so unlike her mother’s, bounced around her face.
“Honey, the bottles are over there.” It could’ve been that easy, the two got the flasks, drank and then played again. It wasn’t and that was fine. Rhasta needed a break from pulling weeds anyway, with a kid on his back it was straining.
So he sat down in an open patch. He took one of the sticks lying nearby and started to draw into the sand. “Now, look at this raptor. Who wants to draw a baby raptor?”
Small hands grabbed sticks and within seconds the formerly even sand was a chaos of lines. Rhasta’s raptor hadn’t particularly looked like a raptor but now there was nothing of it left. The game was over, there was no discernible drawing on the sand and two sets of eyes looked at the shaman expectantly.
“Okay. Should I tell you a story?”
“Can we cuddle while you tell it?”
“Of course. Just let me get your little sibling from my back.” A few minutes of shuffling around, and then the three kids were cuddled against the shaman. A bit of wind had picked up and Rhasta’s sweat dried quickly.
For a few seconds, it was quiet. Then Rhasta began, his voice carrying over the steppes.
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whatiwillsay · 2 years ago
Tea Time Anon
note: in this post i refer to tumblr user Spade-Riddles as "ttb" the whole time (her suspected old blog's nickname was ttb). wherever you see me say "ttb" i mean tumblr user Spade-Riddles.
alright, guys, i got the ok from the original tea time anon who found me and told me about how they tricked ttb into thinking they were an insider.
i'm sharing now because the damage she's done to queer people in this community is insurmountable and the idea that little baby kaylors are thinking about missing out on the show of a lifetime because they want to skip eras tour because they're sad about karlie having another baby with josh is just breaking my heart. ttb has been leading people to believe that kaylor is still together and saying her "insiders" have proved it to her and every time karlie does anything with josh all those people get upset. it's not fair for this woman to mislead people and ruin their taylor/gaylor experience by getting their hopes up that karlie and taylor are just around the corner from coming out when obviously that couldn't be further from the truth. i mean it's insanely obvious to me that karlie and taylor have long gone their separate ways and are no longer involved at all but i digress.
i held back on sharing this for a while because while ttb is kind of humorous to watch she IS dangerous and i just didn't want the heat from her. her (or her followers) have harassed, stalked, and outed multiple gaylors in retaliation for speaking out against her:
but i think it's time i get over that. i don't think they'll find my identity and even if they do whatever i'll be alright.
so long story short- someone reached out to me to tell me they were tea time anon and that they did it to see if they could get ttb to believe them as an insider source. i got the code they used to verify themselves to her and to prove to myself they weren't pulling my leg sent in a message about the coney island bridge because cara's birthday was coming up and the bridge says "happy birthday". i capitalized ISLA in the word because cara likes that name. it was a bit of a laugh but mostly i just had to send something to prove they weren't just pretending to be tea time anon.
here's some of our convo (make note of the dates):
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so those are all from april 6th and as you can see here's the anon i sent in posing as tea time anon that was posted on april 7th:
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and here's a message from the next day- tea time's reaction to it and me mentioning why i capitalized isla:
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and at some point, one of us (idk who) went back and told them yes the baby is named isla:
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so yeah... if you're reading this and you've ever thought ttb had legitimate info from her myriad of insiders from Spade to Tea Time Anon to that flag person who's sending in stuff these days now you know... she just doesn't. it's people making stuff up or fanfic-ing or trolling.
let me just say i do think all of this is childish and i don't encourage this kind of thing but sometimes childish stuff is gonna go down in fandom spaces. it's just the name of the game. i've had my childish moments and i'm not exactly proud of that, but ttb misleads and harms so many innocent people, especially so many innocent young queer people it's time someone shined the light on just how misinformed she is and provided hard proof that yes coincidences happen. just because a fake insider mentions "isla" and taylor wore isla boots or an isla ring 3 years before that doesn't mean they are legit.
i encourage everyone reading this to try and learn how to enjoy gaylor without plummeting into complete conspiracy theories. there are a lot of healthier and more realistic ways to appreciate taylor's music from a queer perspective than what they get up to over on spade-riddles.
and another reminder that ttb is dangerous. she (or her minions) harasses and outs people who disagree with her. if you're a fan of hers, please be careful. never share your identity or personal details about your life with her or her henchmen.
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cerealkiller866 · 2 months ago
ramble bc im pissed abt this lol
ignore any bad grammar and run on sentences 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
also cw for some mentions of cp/child abuse! also swearing
have yall seen that guy (im assuming hes on tt/yt, on ig his account is the_internet_sweetheart)? the one with all the face tattoos and such? his whole page is dedicated to calling out people who say mean shit to him? i dont follow him but he pops up in my feed sometimes; normally i think his stuff is pretty funny and i like seeing him be petty, but today i saw a video of him reacting to a comment a woman left on his video where he got a child tattooed on his body. im pretty sure i saw the original video that the comment was left on—basically, a woman left a comment on one of his posts, so he got a picture of her and her child tattooed on him as a ‘gotcha.’ a lot of the time, he digs up dirt on his haters (like being abusive, getting arrested, etc) and roasts them for it, and since theyre all adults (from what ive seen) ive never had an issue with it, but i personally think that this is way too far. if he got a tattoo of just her, i dont really think itd be that big of a deal—sure, its weird and insanely petty, but at the end of the day, an adult consensually putting their pictures online can understand the potential consequences (its also something hes done multiple times before; im not sure exactly how many). a child, however, cannot. if you wanna be petty and troll the trolls, go ahead. be my guest. especially if theyre bad people outside of the internet—if anything, it draws more attention to their harmful behavior. but dragging kids into it is unacceptable, and having a kids face PERMANENTLY TATTOOED ON YOUR BODY is weirdo behavior. like REALLY fucking weird. to be clear, im not accusing this dude of being a pdf/child abuser. i think thats a really awful thing to accuse someone of without evidence or to use as an insult, (partially because youre essentially suggesting that they committed one of the most heinous acts a person can commit and partially because it undermines the seriousness of those actions and genuine accusations), but still. those kids did nothing wrong, and dragging them into the situation to get back at their parents is wicked fucked up. at the end of the day, they did not consent to having their faces on the internet and punishing them for the actions of their parents is just wrong. like imagine growing up and finding out that a random guy on the internet has your baby pictures tattooed on him. thats W E I R D. anyways, this other woman left a comment saying basically “this is really fucked up,” and he basically did the same thing to her (pulled up a picture of her and her kid and got it tattooed). the interesting thing is, he replaced her with art the clown—(as a HUGE terrifier fan i kinda love that lol)—so really, the only person whose face he had was the kid’s (he did that with the first woman too; i forgot who the character was that he replaced her with). the whole point the video was trying to make was ‘dont post your kids on the internet bc people on there will be weird abt it!’ i definitely agree with the message—kids who are too young to consent to having their faces on the internet and under the potential consequences should not be posted (its a bit different if its your personal page with just friends/family; thats usually fine as long as the pictures arent overly embarrassing or things that the kids would reasonably be upset abt later on). still though, i think proving this point by…doing weird stuff with pictures of children wrong? like yeah, sure, its definitely not the worst thing someone could do—especially with advancements in ai/editing technology, making inappropriate images/videos of kids isnt impossible, and the internet is full of creeps who LOVE that shit. even though on the scale of Worst Things You Could Do With Pictures of Kids on the Internet this might be objectively less harmful than making/selling cp of them or putting them in pdf spaces, its still wrong. you just dragged an innocent kid into a situation that they should have no involvement in and, if anything, made their pictures more public by posting them on your platform. to be cont.
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queenilyrian · 2 months ago
Kylie Jenner has almost 400 million followers. Henry Cavill has 27. That’s 14 times less followers than Kylie. Average likes per Kylie’s post (and she posts almost every week if not every day) is around 5million. Average likes per Henry’s post( and he posts every 3/4 months) is around 1.6 million. Kylie has 395 million followers. (Social Blade)
Average comments per Kylie’s post is around 5,9k. Average comments per Henry’s post is staggering 14.9k. One of these has actual followers and one of these probably buys likes. Doesn’t it matter? No. Why? Kylie has a business to run. She is a billionaire. She is gorgeous.I’d do it so why wouldn’t she?
Now that we talked numbers, do you really think in a decade that Henry has been on social media ,he would be buying 4 trolls per month 😂 to help him with “fame”? You guys are not even trying to be serious.
New trailer for Superman- Henry Cavill is trending cuz he is loved. He takes a run and talks about amino acids-he is trending cuz he is loved. He posts about warhammer which not a lot of people have heard about he is trending cuz he is loved.
With that being said what makes anyone think Henry or anyone he knows will read some BS on the internet about his partner and think “Gosh this person I don’t know thinks my partner is bad for me- I should break up with her” or “I’m losing followers because now I have a family? Goodness I should better disown them,proclaim my solitude and hope a random person that I never asked to be my fan would follow me on Instagram”because social media is the only thing that matters in life 😂.
Yes there will be a butt hurt Karen that got scammed by some dude pretending to be Henry on Facebook and she will hate on the real Henry and Natalie cuz it should have been her. I mean if Amy finally broke up with her imaginary Henry I’m sure others will be just fine.
The rest of the world 🌎 will maybe read a thing or two,realise there’s no receipts,it’s good old bitterness,hate and lots of misogyny,they will laugh at trolls,tell them to touch some grass and go watch Henry’s movies.
Like a wiseman one said “ it has come to such a point , that I need to say something,which in itself, is a bad thing….. “ I know it can be fun to speculate, to gossip, and to dive into our own personal echo chambers on the internet, but your “passion” is misplaced, and it causes harm to the people I CARE ABOUT THE MOST.”
If someone told ME this,I would pray for Earth to open and swallow me from shame, you however… 4 years later still praying he will chose you.
L o L
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katyspersonal · 1 year ago
(Asks from this ( x ) meme)
(Yeah, this ask meme is originally for OCs x) I just mentioned in the original reblog that sending asks for canon characters, especially very obscure ones was okay too!)
For Izzy:
🤥 LYING - are they good liars? do they have tells to show they're lying?
Izzy can lie, but doesn't want to! People mostly can't tell she's lying unless she lets them know, and she will snap and admit bullshit because of the pure discomfort. She just prefers to be direct! The one successful lie she committed to was pretending to join the League on their own terms, hiding that her true motivation was to study whatever weird "filth" Valtr was raving about and hopefully benefit from it!
☀️ SUN - are they a morning person? what is the first thing they do in the morning?
Izzy's mornings are normally long and idle, she takes her sweet time to "properly" wake up always chilling for some more time in bed, combing her hair, thinking about her dreams, then napping some more but in another spot.. After her waking up add 1-2 hours until she actually wake up for the day (unless there is emergency). When that happens, she washes her face with a cold water. She also stretches the same way cats do xD
🕷️ SPIDER - what is their biggest fear? do they have any irrational / mundane fears?
Izzy is, in fact, scared OF irrational people! Not something most people expect from someone so beasthood-affiliated, but Izzy has plenty of logic and reason. Dangerous people that can yet provide her a coherent idea of their reasoning and motivation like Laurence (or Micolash before his 'fanatic' era) don't bother her beyond being ideological enemies. People like Logarius, Ludwig or the Choirlings, on the other hand, put a pit in her stomach...
She conquered her fears to the point of being reasonably careful to not get herself harmed and killed and will turn tail if being shot at or threatened by a much stronger enemy without a damage for her pride. What counts as 'worst nightmare' is being bewitched by a Great One to the point of losing freedom and self, similarly to how Ludwig, Micolash and many Choirlings got charmed by their guy (well, girl). Thankfully, she is associated with Fauna the Great One beast that is more cooperative and on the contrary honours autonomy; even speaking or fighting in sync with him feels for her like it makes her more, not less.
🙉 HEAR-NO-EVIL - what is the worse thing your oc could hear from someone?
You should NEVER let her be aware that she is not as different from Laurence as she thinks she is. At some point Izzy does become aware and both him and Laurence are very far gone, but do NOT tell her this before she is 'ready' :')
🎭 MASKS - do they act differently around certain people? what's different between the way they act around friends, family, strangers, etc.?
Izzy is rather insolent around his 'ideological enemies' and likes to troll them for a good measure when he isn't busy trying to make them THINK, very on-edge and aggressive around 'fanatic' type of enemies that scare her, both friendly and pulling the over-familiar rudeness with strangers. With friends she is very caring and understanding, even if she might be rude or abrasive without meaning to hurt them (simply very open, honest and emotional). She could not bring herself to hurt a friend even if they ditch her or straight up betray her, the worst she will do is to have a kicked puppy attitude... But her friendship is hard to earn.
He tends to give a thought to societal rejects and straight up "bad" people, not in Djura's 'we all might end up like this tho :(' kind way but in 'I believe what we hate is natural for humans' way.. This trait of his strongly accelerated ever since Healing Church started propaganda and amount of declared "heretics" increased. When Izzy crushes on someone she doesn't know what to 'do' about it and simply shows more affection to this person... She doesn't even bother with confession, let alone understanding how relationship and dating works! But when someone attracts her sexually, she will be open with her.. uhhh, compliments, let's call it that. 98% of his family memories and interactions are his father and Izzy really resents him.
☁️ CLOUD - a soft headcanon
Izzy was the second person that accepted Garlan (Suspicious Beggar) for who he really is, a rare person with Loran descent that was born with beastly traits lurking. First was his father, lurking as kind of a Loran Cleric but electric-leaning rather than fire. Izzy and Garlan liked having friendly fights with scratching and biting, like kittens xD Also, when Garlan devolved into a beast form, Izzy enjoyed scratching his belly :3
For Archibald:
💢 ANGER - what are some habits they have that will take some getting used to?
He is a very pragmatic, often cynical man, taking calculated risks and only bothering investing emotions and time in "worthy" people. This can make people, even his friends, develop very negative impression of him and think he is an adaptable rat with no morals that just joins the winning side or the one useful for him. It would take time to internalise that he is more complex than this and does have a heart. People need quite a heart-to-heart, or to see him beat the shit out of someone that hurt his friend, to lessen the negative opinion unless they're basically mind-readers hahah. He also might be a bit snappy and rude when he is strongly focused on something, which is unbearable when you NEED to tell him something!
😨 FEARFUL - when scared, do they go into "flight" or "fight"?
He tends to retreat to calm down his senses and figure an efficient way to eliminate the threat. 'Fight or flight' refers to state of anxiety transcending rational thinking and it is extremely hard to get him be like this! But if it happens, he will rather flight.
🙈 SEE-NO-EVIL - whats a side of your oc that they don't want to show other people?
He doesn't like to show his emotional side, that he is not always so collected and pragmatic and still has weaknesses. It is one thing to need to communicate that he does have morals and heart despite using what opportunities he has, and will cheat his principles when someone genuinely needs to be punished. But it is another thing to admit that these seized, hidden emotions can be STRONG, and that he struggles all the time.
🌱 SEEDLING - what is their most vivid memory from childhood?
He witnessed a person getting struck by lightning. And not only he was fascinated, but also afterwards was a bit too eager to see the corpse with fascinating scars. He remembers both the event itself, and the reaction he received from others telling him what callous, cruel, crazy child he was. Plenty of children develop curiosity before they developed compassion and morals, and he was one of them. He still sometimes thinks back on how little he cared about that person dying before his eyes, especially since he knew him.. But at least, his interest in physics and specifically electricity got into him that day! He knew what he wanted to study since childhood, even if by such a "striking" event haha
👑 CROWN - what does your oc want to be remembered as? why?
He always wanted to be of help for humanity and simply be credited as progenitor of many follow-up inventions and inspiration for follow-up scientists! He knew his name would be in every book about physics... Well, due to circumstances, most of his inventions were weapons or otherwise helpful in military. He has some regrets, becoming the 'guy that invented more ways to kill' more than someone known for his inventions that would turn useful whenever Eldrich Nightmare ends. As a person, he wanted to be remembered as someone with the heart and morals despite how many deals with coincidence he HAD to make to proceed, and that can come true since he not only conducted research that was "heretical" amongst Healing Church hunters but died taking down a Vicar that was somehow even more evil than Laurence. Depends on what the descendants will think of the Healing Church!
☁️ CLOUD - a soft headcanon
Paarl didn't eat or otherwise kill the guy! Archibald gave Paarl his badge because he just gave it to all his friends, and even though he never knew Paarl before beasthood he counted him as a friend as well!
Thank you for the asks! o: Sorry I don't have new doodles of these two, just old drawings. This ask meme is extremely handy to use though wtf
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yaeggravate · 1 year ago
Kaeya, The Snow Queen and The Boar Princess
i believe kaeya is partly based on kai from the fairy tale the snow queen.
this is a theory that has been floating around for a while, but after recent events i would like to revisit and expand on it.
the thing is, the book the boar pincess that you can collect in the game is inspired by the snow queen. this book, aside from being quite disturbing, is potentially very important to the lore, as it was written by a member from the hexenzirkel, andersdotter, whose name is a nod to the author of the snow queen, hans christian anderson.
since kaeya is potentially a character from the snow queen, that would mean he might be connected to the other characters from the boar princess. i thought it would be fun to try and figure out the hows and whys.
please note that this will contain spoilers for every archon and world quest up until 4.1.
i'll start by giving a brief summary of what the snow queen is about.
an evil troll created a magic mirror that would distort every beautiful thing reflected in it. this mirror shattered upon the earth, scattering its shards everywhere.
one day, a shard would lodge itself into the eye and heart of a young boy named kai. kai suddenly became very mean and cold towards everyone, even his childhood friend gerda, who was like a sister to him.
the snow queen whisked kai away, so gerda went on a long journey to save him. eventually, the shards melted because of gerda's compassion and love for him.
most obvious similarities are their names. not much to say here, really. they just added a "ya" after "kai"
凯 = Kai 凯亚 = Kǎi yà
the story of the snow queen is a metaphor about losing your childhood innocence as you grow up.
in recent patches, it's been emphasized quite a few times that kaeya wants to protect klee's childhood and shield her from the cruelty of life. kaeya has also mentioned that he wished people could stay young forever and not deal with the troubles of adulthood.
kaeya and kai both changed drastically after their eyes were damaged.
kaeya's kit has some possible references to the snow queen: his fourth constellation frozen kiss could refer to the (platonic!!) kiss the snow queen gives kai.
极寒的轻吻 = Gentle Kiss of Extreme Cold
"Are you still cold?" she asked, and she kissed him on the forehead. Ugh! it was colder than ice, it went to his very heart, which was already more than half ice; he felt as if he were dying, but only for a moment, and then it seemed to have done him good; he no longer felt the cold.
his ultimate, which is a couple of a icicles spinning around him, has this voiceline when cast:
 …这刹那,将是你的永恒。= …This moment will be your eternity.
this could refer to kai having to spell out "eternity" with shards of ice.
[…] made many patterns forming words, but he never could find out the right way to place them for one particular word, a word he was most anxious to make. It was "Eternity."
we even get prince baited 💀 as gerda mistakenly believed kai became a prince by marrying a princess.
if you've played the melusines quest, you probably know where this is going.
we learn that, like durin, elynas and the melusines perceive things differently from regular humans. elynas and durin were abyssal beings brought to life by rhinedottir. elynas and durin both believed they were having fun on the surface, but they did not realize they were harmful to the humans and the environment around them.
melusines claim to see the "truth" of the world, or at least something close to it.
in the book of estoric revelations quest, we are dragged into a ruined post-apocalyptic world. however, the melusine canotila does not see destruction when she enters, but a beautiful serene garden. she does not see terrifying rifthounds but regular dogs.
Canotila: Perhaps you've heard that we Melusines can see things that humans cannot see… But for some reason, I see things differently, even when compared to other Melusines. I can always find things that have been hidden. I have read that the "nature" of things is hidden beneath them, and this "nature" decides their "future." Not that I know what that means…
why this is the case is unclear, but it might have something to do with the melusines being born from elynas.
anyway, back to the snow queen, all of this is very reminiscent of the troll's magic mirror that would distort every beautiful thing reflected in it…
Some of these bits were not as big as a grain of sand, and these flew about all over the world, getting into people's eyes, and, once in, they stuck there, and distorted everything they looked at, or made them see everything that was amiss.
the question is, who is actually seeing reality, us or the melusines? and does this have something to do with kaeya and pierro both covering their right eye?
remember how kaeya has a voiceline comparing himself to an owl that can see through things... a bit similar to what canotila said before.
Interesting Things: Have you ever seen the owl of Dragonspine? If you look directly at it, it seems to see right through you, while letting go of none of its own secrets... Quite fascinating, don't you think?
the goddess of flowers, nabu malikata also has something interesting to say about illusions breaking through the shackles of the land.
"And though the invaders (second who came) brought war to my former kin (seelies), they also brought about illusions that could break through shackles to the land. But the master of the heavens (heavenly principles), consumed by fear for the rising tide of delusion and breakthroughs, sent down the divine nails to mend the land, laying waste to the mortal realm…"
and last but not least, an abandoned letter to knight marshal anfortas mentions khaenri'ah throwing off the shackles of the world...
Of course, I am keenly aware that the four pillars of our kingdom have achieved the prosperity they have today precisely thanks to us spying upon secrets from beyond the skies, and thus have our mechanisms been able to throw off the shackles imposed by this world's laws...
it's unclear what the nature of this power is, exactly, but it's speculated to be forbidden knowledge.
brief summary of the boar princess: once, there was a wolf pup who was cursed by an evil sorcerer. the wolf pup swallowed the sorcerer but by doing so his heart was pierced by an icicle and he became cold and mean.
upon hearing what happened, the boar princess felt great sympathy for the wolf pup and set out on a journey to save him… she accomplished this by sacrificing her two friends to him.
…i don't think i need to explain the similarities to the snow queen here.
it's highly likely the boar princess is an analogy of real events in the history of teyvat. this has happened before with nahida and scara, when she turned his backstory into a fairytale to keep it safe from irminsul alterations.
they've also referenced the book quite a few times this year, even going as far as to show alhaitham reading it in official art. this might mean they want us to remember this book or the book is simply being memed on because of its disturbing ending.
so, who are the boar princess and the wolf pup? to start with, they are meant to represent gerda and kai. notably, there is no snow queen equivalent in the story, instead it's the boar princess or gerda who is the titular character. this could mean the boar princess IS the snow queen or would become her later on…
the following is pure speculation but personally, i have long suspected the boar princess is the tsaritsa for a number of reasons, not just because the boar princess could be the snow queen.
The Snow Queen (Russian: Снежн��я королева, romanized: Snezhnaya Koroleva).
it is heavily implied the tsaritsa is or was the god of love.
Dainsleif: She is a god whom no one will love ever again. She is a god who will never love anyone again.
the snow queen tries to make kai forget about his love for gerda. even so, the most important message of both books is that love is an all-encompassing force that conquers all.
the boar princess is described as a generous soul. likewise we are told multiple times of the tsaritsa's benevolence.
About Tsaritsa: Her Royal Highness the Tsaritsa is actually a gentle soul. Too gentle, in fact, and that's why she had to harden herself.
tartaglia's voiceline reveals that the tsaritsa is a gentle person, maybe a bit too gentle. this matches the boar princess sympathizing with the wolf pup, almost to the point of insanity, as she sacrifices her friends to save him.
"No one deserves this fate." The good princess sheds a tear of compassion.
Friendship demands sacrifice. No friendships come without sacrifices.
perhaps these two friends were venti and zhongli, specifically, their gnoses. or perhaps it's meant to represent god remains that the tsaritsa is possibly using to create delusions.
Venti: Five hundred years ago, I knew her well. But I can't say the same is true now. You see, a certain catastrophe happened five hundred years ago, and after that, she cut off all ties with me.
with all that being said, i should mention that according to the story, the boar princess might be from mondstadt, so that could put a dent in this theory. however, it's not impossible that the tsaritsa was originally from mondstadt.
the identity of the wolf pup is a bit harder to figure out as there are several characters refererred to as wolf pup. namely rostam, who was signora's lover, and the first knight of boreas. it could also be andrius himself.
but since this theory hinges on this assumption that the boar princess is the tsaritsa, the wolf pup must be someone she was willing to make great sacrifices for.
this line from pierro implies that both the tsaritsa and pierro know what the gnoses are, as neuvilette also refers to his stolen powers as authority.
Pierro: In the name of Her Majesty, the Tsaritsa, we will seize authority from the gods.
one possibility is that the tsaritsa is working with a dragon to get their powers back.
but how can a wolf pup be a dragon? wolf pup is merely an analogy. he might have nothing to do with wolves at all. just like how scaramouche has no cat motives or association with cats, yet he was portrayed as a cat in the fairy tale. and we know dragons don't all look the same. azhdaha is a giant…bull thing and apep is a worm.
still, it wouldn't be too far-fetched if the wolf pup was a wolf. in norse mythology, for example, there exists the mythical wolf fenrir who was destined to kill odin.
...as you know, khaenri'ah borrows a lot from scandanavian mythology. if this wolf pup is a dragon, they could be one of the sovereigns, specifically the cryo sovereign.
the second possible identity of the pup is pierro because of this line which might hint at visual similarities
The pup was a carefree child who had bright blue eyes and slick gray fur.
pierro has one visible bright blue eye and long gray hair with one blue streak in it.
pierro has one eye covered (like kaeya) which might reference the shard of ice piercing kai's eye and the wolf pup's heart.
pierro is from khaenri'ah so it is likely he is or was cursed like the wolf pup.
oh, and i want to clear up a common misconception about pierro: he does NOT have the same open gem pupils as dainsleif and clothar. it's hard to tell but if you zoom in, they're actually closed like kaeya's. what the meaning behind this is, is unknown. but visual similarities between kaeya and pierro DO exist.
pierro has also mentioned that the tsaritsa knows his pain well just like how the boar princess sympathizes with the wolf pup's predicament.
Pierro: Then I shall become instead a fool, a Fatuus, and devote myself to Her Majesty, who understands my pain...
the third possibility is the first knight of boreas. the new weapon wolf-fang gives us more information about him. the story seems to have taken place a 1000 years ago, back when venessa was the grand master of the knights of favonius.
what's interesting is that this nameless knight used coins with strange symbols as payment indicating that he might have been from a place free from the rule of the seven. this could've been the dark sea which includes places like enkanomiya and possibly khaenri'ah.
Some noticed the exquisitely crafted yet battle-worn armor beneath the cape. But that didn't mean anything. Perhaps the armor's bearer was just another lost soul who had lost their prestigious position with the changes wrought by revolution. The tavern's owner noticed that the man paid with real gold and silver coins, though none recognized the symbols on them.
not much is known about him, as he only stayed in mondstadt for a few years.
this brings me to the matter of what exactly happened to the wolf pup. it seems he was corrupted by an evil that changed his personality and possibly the way he perceived the world. his friends ended up shunning him leaving him all alone.
perhaps this is an analogy for being corrupted by the abyss or it has something to do with the Curse (tm).
after that, the boar princess came along and presumably cured him by way of sacrificing lives.
okay, so what does this have to do with kaeya? good question!
i have no idea.
here's the thing, i am reasonably certain kaeya is at least partly inspired by kai. and i am a 100% certain the boar princess is inspired by the snow queen.
if kaeya is kai and the wolf pup is also kai, then that could hint at a connection between them. but in what manner i can't say.
they could also have absolutely nothing to do with each other, like how fischl has no known connection to the real "princess fischl". (though it would be cool if there was.) in that case, kaeya might just be a narrative parallel to the wolf pup.
either way, it's something to think about.
Kaeya: History always repeats itself. When you keep this in mind and watch out for the echoes of past events in the present, things that appear unfathomable at first glance become much easier to comprehend.
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loominggaia · 1 year ago
AlyssaCarol asks: Hey! I've noticed that you haven't done a description for these kiddos like you have for both the Commoner & Fae kids. I think it would be interesting to see a description in the same style as the other ones!
Hey you're right! I think I meant to but I must have forgot. I'll just update all of them here...
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Humans are known as the "beast tamers". They have a gift for taming animals, using them as tools, weapons, and companions. They're most famous for their close relationship with dogs. This human girl got a puppy for her birthday, sure to be her best friend for many years.
Roshava are the "athletes". The finest athletes in the world are historically roshavan, and while they are very capable in battle, they historically have used their talents for sports instead. This roshavan boy shows off his muscles, hoping to be a wrestler some day.
Dworfs are the "engineers". They are half the size of humans but twice as strong. Their understanding of engineering and natural resistance to pollution has made their civilizations the most impressive in the world, but at the detriment of nature. This dworfen girl is proud of the flower she found, for it was the last living plant on her street.
Trolls are the "tunnelers". Their claws are powerful digging tools and their immune systems are tough, so they like to call the dark, damp, underground their home. This troll boy just emerged from the underground for the first time, and he's ready to terrorize some topsiders.
Ogres are the "heavyweights". With their massive size and unmatched strength, they are feared by other peoples. This ogre girl often gets scolded, for she plays too rough with her little elven friends.
Elves are the "craftsmen". Their sharp vision and long, dextrous fingers allow them to craft all kinds of fine-quality things from shoes, to jewelry, to toys. This elven girl shows off a dress made by her mother and boots made by her father.
Goblins are the "slaves". This species is magically bound by their names. If a non-goblin addresses one with all three parts of their name, the goblin is magically compelled to obey the next order given. This young goblin is watching his back, for his school bully just learned his full name.
Gnomes are the "wee folk". They are the shortest of all peoples, standing only a few inches tall. Despite their doll-like size, this species boasts powerful magic. This young gnome skips merrily through the forest without fear, for she has enchanted a mighty tiger to protect her.
Sirenes are the "beauties of the sea". Their soft, androgynous appearance and vivid colors makes this species a sight for sore eyes. This sirene boy waves to a group of girls on shore, confident that they will fall in love with him at first sight.
Cecaelia are the "ancient ones". This Aquarian species has an impressive lifespan of up to 1,500 years! Their age gives them plenty of time to hone their magic powers, though their alien appearance can be off-putting to others. This cecaelian girl looks like she's smiling, but she is actually baring her teeth in aggression.
Satyrs are the "revelers". They were born for a lifestyle full of drink, dance, and romance. Though some people find their behavior too rowdy and rambunctious, satyrs rarely mean any harm and just want to have fun. This satyr girl is having a great time dancing to music.
Fauns are the "musicians". Though they are the physically weakest of all gaians, fauns are also the most graceful movers, the second-fastest runners, and have the greatest potential for spellcasting. Their sensitive ears also give them a natural gift for music. This faun boy is upset because his parents took his flute away.
Minotaurs are the "barbarians". This large, powerful species may be the slowest-moving of all gaians, but they are also the strongest. Minotaurs have trouble communicating with other species due to the beast-like shape of their mouths. This young minotaur is learning sign language as an alternative.
Centaurs are the "racers". They are the fastest-moving of all peoples and they are quite strong too, making them top-notch soldiers and athletes. Though they are fast and powerful, their legs are prone to breaking easily. This centaur boy is in time-out for throwing his weight around the schoolyard.
Gorgons are the "venomous ones". Male gorgons have a venomous barb on their tails which can poison their enemies, while females instead have a loud and intimidating rattle, which they also use for musical purposes. Gorgons can't jump very well and they struggle to climb stairs, but they do move surprisingly fast. This gorgon girl is wearing jewelry made from the scaly skin of her ancestors.
Lore Masterpost
Read the Series
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apocalypticavolition · 1 year ago
Let's (re)Read The Great Hunt! Chapter 28: A New Thread in the Pattern
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If I were one of those Net Troll Aiel, you'd never see my spoilers coming unless I wanted you to. Perhaps I am one and do want that, or maybe I'm an incompetent, but either way. There are spoilers for the whole Wheel of Time series under the cut.
Perrin watched the mountains of Kinslayer’s Dagger uncomfortably as he rode.
Hey, Perrin's back! And we've got a wolf icon. Because it's a Perrin chapter! It's not complicated.
The wolves said there were people in the mountains. Perrin wondered if they were some of Fain’s Darkfriends.
Not everyone is a Darkfriend, Perrin. You of all three boys have least reason to be this universally paranoid since you didn't actually run into any Darkfriends on your journey except maybe a couple of the Children.
Mat, his bow slung across his back, rode with seeming unconcern, juggling three colored balls, yet he looked paler than he had. Verin examined him two and three times a day now, frowning, and Perrin was sure she had even tried Healing at least once, but it made no difference Perrin could see.
Verin already being just a good person by trying to help Mat since she's here.
“Tell me again! Anything I may have missed, anything that will help me find the Horn. . . .” Ingtar drew a breath and let it out slowly.
Rand must not be able to think about the glory of the horn because Lanfear and Ingtar are hogging it all. Dude is getting a bit monomaniacal.
The wolves call him—or it—Shadowkiller; I think it was a man, but they wouldn’t go close enough to see clearly.
Ingtar's immediate leap to shadowspawn under the circumstances only enforces how corrupted his time made him.
“He flaming wanted me to see him, or I likely wouldn’t have.” Uno sounded disgusted at admitting it.
Uno, you're a great guy. I don't know that you're Horn great exactly, but you're a great guy.
He was a tall man, with skin dark from the sun and red hair cut short except for a tail in the back that hung to his shoulders.
Someone please tell the Aiel that the 80s are long gone and that their hairstyles didn't look good when they were contemporary, let alone thousands of years after the fact.
“Maybe Ingtar’s right,” Mat added quietly. “Maybe Rand is an Aiel.”
Perrin nodded. “But it doesn’t change anything.”
“No, it doesn’t.” Mat sounded as if he were talking about something beside what Perrin meant.
What are either of you talking about? Mat, are you planning on betraying Rand or something? It feels like what you'd be considering that now since the Portal Stones push you off that path for good.
But you have the look of those who have made the journey to Rhuidean and survived.
Urien must be suffering from excessive hydration and hallucinating as a result, since Verin very much does not have this look.
“You call it the Waste,” Urien said. “To us it is the Three-fold Land. A shaping stone, to make us; a testing ground, to prove our worth; and a punishment for the sin.”
Oh hey, here's another mention of sin - though of course this particular sin was really more an offense against Aes Sedai than the universe.
I . . . can tell you only what is known to all. Rhuidean lies in the lands of the Jenn Aiel, the thirteenth clan.
Since there apparently still are some Jenn (How? Why? Etc?), one wonders if perhaps they really do live there. Maybe underground? They've got to be somewhere, and Aiels are quite good at finding people, so...
“What would I not give,” Verin murmured, gazing up at Urien, “to have you in the White Tower. Or just willing to talk. Oh, be still, man. I won’t harm you. Unless you mean to harm me, with your talk of dancing.”
I like to think that Verin's whole life has been a series of events like this one where she almost gets to learn something astounding by the standards of the Tower but doesn't really get to focus on it because of the gravity of her real mission.
“He Who Comes With the Dawn. It is said there will be great signs and portents of his coming. I saw that you were from Shienar by your escort’s armor, and you had the look of a Wise One, so I thought you might have word of great events, the events that might herald him.”
“I cannot tell you where he is, Urien,” she said, “and I have heard of no signs or portents to guide you to him.”
Urien had a good instinct since these people absolutely could tell him about Rand.
They won't though. This is another great Aes Sedai tier lie. She can't tell him where Rand is at the moment and she doesn't know of any particular omens that would be relevant to Urien's quest. She knows plenty about the subject of course. She's just not sharing.
Of course, as much as I love Verin, I must admit that even she has her blindspots and biases, being willing to consider the possibility that the Aiel are nothing more than a Shadow's corruption of prophecy. Dang girl, that's cold and wrong.
Softly, as to herself, Verin spoke, still staring at the ground. “It must be a part, and yet how? Does the Wheel of Time weave threads into the Pattern of which we know nothing? Or does the Dark One touch the Pattern again?”
Speaking of, next time: It's bigger! It's badder! It's Texas!
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weebsinstash · 1 year ago
Wow the "conclusion" to this is wild. Lmao @ her saying that she'll look at your blog in the future to feel better about herself. Hobbyless behavior. Sorry you got all of that shit for months, it's just so fucking bizarre. I really love your writing and your blog and I hope despite all of that shit that you're having a good day 💕
I'm just like. Kind of sitting here wondering what the point even was.
Like literally at the core of this argument was i posted about a family event and a complete stranger got so extremely upset that they. Literally started a fight on anon, and then after I told them to get fucked, then proceeded to pretend to be an underage rape survivor and said I made them attempt suicide, and then messaged TONS of people saying "weebsinstash is a rape apologist who bullied cjfjfj" and it was literally all a fucking lie. They want to say they bullied me for entertainment but what was rhe point of like. Harassing dozens of other people who weren't even involved. That's obviously not when anything to do with me. That's acting like a freak because you think it's Cute And Quirky
Like. I cannot emphasize enough that the hypothetical child who harmed themselves was the literal only single aspect of this entire thing that could even mildly make me feel bad and this actually stupid fucking cunt gave themselves up, "oh by the way that person was never real" like, damn if you were an actual good troll you never would've revealed that, so you can't even be a little basement dweller correctly
Imagine being like "yeah you know the literal only thing about this that might actually cause you some sort of guilt and was the crux of my whole crusade against you lol yeah it was just a lie and the friends who apologized on my behalf were also me and the people who were nice to you were also me" like wow you were OBSESSED OBSESSED
But there's also so many more layers to that? They made blogs and maintained them to talk to me pretending to be people who were also harassed. They literally gave me emotional support as a "gotcha"? Like how is that a gag. Do you not realize repeatedly popping out of the woodwork saying "hey every mean thing that was said to you over xyz amount of months was me all along" has literally just trained me to automatically blame you for any bad feedback and thus you have granted me the ability to be insulted and not care. Like literally any time I get an ask about anything and it's rude I just assume it's this one single person now. And I don't get hate mail so it was always kind of obvious anyways. But like they literallt actually gave me a gift because I won't really ever believe anything nasty I get ever again :)
But like. The sheer. Actual literal disconnect from reality for this person to fully say with their whole chest, "ha ha yeah I really showed YOU and made YOU look stupid, the way I pretended to be a child, lied about rape, publicly harassed complete strangers, tried to doxx you, made a fake dating profile for you, uploaded your photos in multiple places, sent you stuff on anon to take credit for it later, and maintained disguises for most of a year, haha wow don't YOU look dumb!"
Bro after like one month of this shit I literally just started thinking, "oh it's that one moron again" and nothing was ever hurtful ever again. You have to realize there's a point where someone has made themselves look so stupid and unlikeable you don't care what they think so it's sort of like. Oh woo hoo you called me ugly and fat, got any new material? Like I don't even have to think "oh gosh I'm so ugly and gross and I feel bad cause they said that" I just think "oh wow potshots at my appearance, yeah that's what I would expect someone of your intelligence to say"
I just. Can I just be blunt and say this wasn't even good trolling. It was annoying but they were so blatantly bad at it literally everyone just looked at the kind of shit they posted and immediately called them unhinged. There wasn't a coherent enough effort here to ever actually do any real damage, not to my personal life or my social reputation. I'm literally coming out of this just as clean as I went in. Like shit you really could have tried to dig in on that "look what she said to this poor widdle baby" angle but you just went full retard sending me literal actual paragraphs saying the most basic of insults. Yeah wow there was really ever a chance people were going to seriously believe you, sure
It's just kinda. Yeah. I know I already said this but I can't get over, my end of this is opening my inbox and deleting shit and nothing more, i may answer stuff and discuss it but nothing is happening to me and im not "doing anything back". Meanwhile they were literally making blogs, maintaining covers, trying to stalk me, stalking my mutuals, found pictures of my family, were sending pictures of my family to other people.... but claim THEY made ME look stupid, that I'M entertaining for THEM. OK. I guess that's the level of genuine delusion you have to operate on to even start this shit to begin with
But uh yeah to finish your point I actually had a great day at work and got a good raise recently so I'm doing OK :) I've been uh, you know, working on drafts and maybe someday one of them will see the light haha. If I ever need a pick me up I can always tell myself, "at least I never did anything as stupid as THIS"
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deviantartdramahub · 1 year ago
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Ugh no, I dislike Marian bc she manipulated my friend Tam. She kept blocking then unblocking him, putting them in some kind of sick cat-and-mouse game. She always tried manipulating him away from me and Club, and her behavior was intolerable. Ik you're all for innocents getting manipulated, but I ain't dealing with it, dear.
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Honey what's so hard to understand that what was said was an OBVIOUS TYPO? That's why I paid no mind to it at first, BC I USED MY GODDAMN BRAINS! YOU WERE CLEARLY JUST USING IT AS AN OPPORTUNITY TO FURTHER HARASS CLUB! HE HID THE COMMENT BC YOU WERE FALSELY ACCUSING HIM OVER IT! Club isn't a groomer, and the people saying he is are either ableist trolls like you wanting a "good" excuse to harass someone, or they're misinformed people who were manipulated by said trolls. How many times will we have to explain it, smh. I would never support actual groomers (such as you lmao), but Club ISN"T ONE.
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Uhhh prettyyyy suree Loveless is the one stalking Club, lol. Wouldn't you be as paranoid as he was if you were getting endlessly slandered and harassed like that? Ugh. You do WAY worse to your enemies.
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Uh okay and you're just as bad as Sam. Only you're a whole group of people doing this shit. So in a way ig you're worse LMAO...also what happened wasn't Club or Tam's fault so quit making it up as it is.
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No Tam probably just wanted to defend their friend, why do you assume everything is Club's fault? I swear, one day they'll blame him for the birth of Hitler. And you know what's fucked up? Seeing Tam as nothing but a minion bc of his age. Oh and for the record, you DO lash out and attack them. All the damn time lmao. Do I even have to link the examples???
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Bro stop acting like Club's manipulating me when YOU'RE the ones clearly doing it! And just bc I'm a kid doesn't mean I can't say no! Saying children can't stand up for themselves is just wrong. But the reason I don't is bc I GENUINELY APPRECIATE AND CARE ABOUT CLUB! I HAVE NOTHING AGAINST HIM! And if you did think this was true, why did you harass me later on for "not saying no" then? Tsk tsk tsk. And he supports all minorities. But when he made those cute little pride flag drawings YOU MADE FUN OF HIM FOR IT!
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Sweetheart if you're so sorry for us then stop contributing to our harassers and also quit accusing us of being future pedophiles. Just ew. Be ashamed of yourself now 7-7
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Not all of the hub attacked me, it was probably only Sam. Tri has always been friendly towards me and the whole group shouldn't be blamed for this. Keep in mind this is a place where ANYONE and EVERYONE is allowed to talk! Both good and bad people! Bc unlike you, Tri's actually fair. And unlike this group, YOUR ENTIRE GROUP WANTS TO HARASS ME!
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"why do this? is it cuz he gives you crappily drawn art? Is it cuz he tells you stupid shit like 'happy april hurr de durr’ is it cuz he gives you points and core which is WORTHLESS in the grander scheme of things?" Nah it's bc he's our friend and ya'll just salty you don't have any real ones 7w7
"If you continue to ignore this then sorry we are not going to protect you anymore if you are that brainwashed by that shit stained loser Club." Sweetie please you saying you were EVER protecting me is just gross. Kindly fuck off, if you really want me to be safe <3 (Which btw you don't, you're just disgusting manipulators.)
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Smh I'm his friend, and listening to a friend's problems IS THE LEAST YOU CAN DO FOR THEM! Club was NEVER trying to harm me! I'm completely fine with being there for him! BC HE'S MY FUCKING FRIEND! Is this how you would react to a friend of yours if they asked if they could vent to you? Just pitiful. If you don't have the emotional energy to listen to someone at the moment, politely tell them so like a normal person jfc.
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The only reason why he felt the need to seek validation from his friends is BECAUSE OF YOUR GOD-AWFUL TREATMENT OF HIM! You think you can do all the things you did and expect him to still be in a good mental health-state and have good self-thoughts? You think you can gang up on him and tell him he's a terrible person and expect him to not be insecure, scared, self-conscious, OR ANY OF THAT? You need to grow up and learn that your actions HAVE FUCKING CONSEQUENCES, YOU GODDAMN SELFISH 6-YEAR-OLDS! But then again, you would never in your life care if you ever hurt a person, now would you?
Sighhhhh I think that's enough for now lol -w-
Bye, see you tomorrow evening, and sorry for this big one, hehe.
That’s alright. Some people like them have explaining to do, more than they ever can or will.
Regarding the eighth point, admittedly things have improved a lot ever since that was a problem. I can guarantee these days Sam is a non-issue, he may come around but would have his hands tied by better paradigms when he does.
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sleepymothposts · 8 days ago
I just saw a Tiktok about a woman's personal experience with her boyfriend who had a severe porn addiction and she was saying some things that were fair point and then some ableist stuff and then some almost misogynistic shit and it was just a really odd take. And then I looked at the comments and all the comments were like "Yeah!! Haha men are so pathetic! They always have an addiction to something, porn/sex addictions are so pathetic and stupid. You're scum of the earth if you struggle with an addiction to sex/porn. Men are so stupid, just get coping skills!!" And I was like??? Bro these comments are all oddly specific and it's weird to me that no one pointed out some flaws in these takes. And then I went to comment and I realized she was limiting and censoring the comments on her post, and I was like. Oh it all makes sense now.
Objectively, at least in Western society, men are not encouraged to identify, feel, and process their emotions. Feeling anything other than anger, horny, or bored is pushed as "feminine" or "gay" or "emasculating". It's a very serious problem and indicative of men's mental health epidemic and why men's mental health is not taken seriously. If your only options to be "allowed" to feel are horny or angry, of course there's going to be a correlation with anger issues and maladaptive sexual habits. Developing an addiction to bury the "bad" emotions so you never have to process or even identify what you're feeling or the trauma you've experienced is extremely common. Watch any hoarding show and they'll talk about how the addition helps them push down all the bad things so they never have to look at it or self reflect. To say that men (or in general) struggling with an addiction/mental health is pathetic, is just incredibly reductive and dismissive.
And yeah, yada yada it's not women's jobs to fix men or whatever, but in that post the op says something that really irks me.
She mentions that he comes to her and says he doesn't know what to do or how to deal with his frustrations and emotions from the day, and is reaching out to her, his partner, for support. He's asking her to help him because he has no other coping skills or support system in this issue and doesn't know what to do. And she tells him if he can't quit his addiction for her, that he clearly doesn't value their relationship and he needs to grow up.
Not to mention, she clearly stated how bad she knew his addiction was and didn't offer any advice or help, just gave him an ultimatum to quit cold turkey and just "fix himself" for 2 or 3 weeks. She wasn't just saying no masturbating- he wasn't supposed to even look at """adult content""" at all (idek what that's supposed to mean or where the line is or what she considered a relapse or what , it was a very broad term.) Which is insane to me because can you imagine telling a heavy cigarette smoker to just stop cold turkey for 3 weeks, no nicotine patches or meds or vapes or the gum thing or nothing? And if they can't they don't care about you?
Like idk bro, yeah man was definitely down bad and definitely needs therapy and to curb his addiction for sure. And no, it's not your partner's job to fix you or your mental health.
But like, an addiction is an addiction is an addiction. Hoarding is an addiction. Gambling is an addiction. Alcohol. Nicotine. Self harm. But because it's a porn/sex addiction suddenly it's "stupid go touch grass internet troll" "just turn your electronics off" etc etc and "it's just so easy just don't do it?"
If you don't want to be with a partner with poor mental health or an addiction, that's totally fine, normal, a-okay! You are not required to be anyone's support system through a hard time! But why are you mocking them for struggling? Why are you mocking them for asking for your help? Especially when you *know* why they're struggling or are predisposed to a certain struggle. Idk it rubbed the wrong way really badly and then creating her own little confirmation bias echo chamber in the comments upset me more
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