#''you are the light that is blinding me'' + ''you're the song i sing again and again'' ouughghghgh
whimsicalcotton · 19 days
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tardis--dreams · 2 months
Why do i cry listening to bastille's the anchor thinking about one specific person. Stop that at once. I don't like it
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oraclesandomens · 1 year
“You were the light that is blinding me
You're the anchor that I tie to my brain
'Cause when it feels when I'm lost at sea
You're the song that I sing again and again.”
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lizzaneia-elizalde · 2 months
Yandere! Male! idol x manager! gn! reader
WOOOH finally able to update. I got busy due to working for a summer reading camp. Woop tee doo... At least I got money for a new phone LMAO
And we finally, FINALLY finished the second set of yans! For now, no new yans will be done, and will be focusing on the boys!
Song featured: Too Sweet by Hozier
Yan! Idol name: Raven/Tae-Joon
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The deafening lights and cheers of the people in the gigantic stadium rang around the building. They kept cheering, almost shaking the whole place from their energy.
As the band started playing the intro song, the cheers suddenly amped up in intensity with the focus going back on the stage. Each and every lightstick glowed red, flooding the whole area with a scarlet hue.
The bass pumped, the music riffed, the vibe electric.
The stage fogged up, covering the whole place before the cheering got louder when a appeared in the fog.
Then, there he is.
"HOW'S IT GOING CITY OF [redacted]!"
A charismatic, boyish smile, with pearly white teeth that blinded the secret paparazzi in the crowd, with a tall and lean stature that encompasses talent and discipline in one body, and facial features that make people swoon even in just his photocards.
The man, the idol named Raven, started to sing. His voice was smooth and low as the romantic yet also sensual lyrics pour out of his pink lips.
It can't be said I'm an early bird
It's ten o'clock before I say a word
Baby, I can never tell
How do you sleep so well?
He goes up to the edge, swinging around the mic stand as if it was a dance partner. One can hear the passion going off in his tone as his messy hair got flipped upward.
Don't you just wanna wake up, dark as a lake?
Smelling like a bonfire, lost in a haze?
If you're drunk on life, babe, I think it's great
But while in this world
He gets on the middle of the stage, and the pedestal raised as the spotlight went to him.
I think I'll take my whiskey neat
My coffee black and my bed at three
You're too sweet for me
You're too sweet for me
Everyone was seduced, everyone was mesmerized. Raven gave off seductive energy that they held their breath every time his gaze penetrates them. And some even assumed his gaze was on theirs, making them squeal.
It was truly a night for everyone in the stadium.
After almost two hours of performing, Raven, with sweat pouring out of him but still managed to look amazing, descended down on the stage hatch.
But the once shining star back in the stage suddenly threw his beret on the ground.
"FUCK! What was that buzzing sound in the dance break?!" Raven yelled. "Are you serious?! I thought we went over this!"
The people in the back started to groan inwardly. There he goes again.
"Ah... Tae-Joon..." The director said, "We made sure to reprimand the lights and sounds..."
Raven, or rather Tae-Joon off stage, clicked his tongue in anger. "Whatever. Bring me my coffee! I need a break."
"But you can just go home after the cleanup. Do you still want coffee?"
A naive voice said, obviously new to the scene as she juggle with her box of wires.
She's a big fan of Raven and pulled a lot of strings just to be there. A bit bold, she decided to be the concerned type of staff and berate him of his beverage choice.
Yet she absolutely cannot see the pale faces and the dread sticking on the visages of the people around her. She's in too deep in her tunnel vision of Raven to notice his microphone cracking. Another thing to add to the casualties.
"You... What's your name?" Raven glowered. The fan can feel her heart rate pick up as she told her name. "Oh. You're new. All i could say is..."
Raven got up to her and glared at her much smaller form "You're fired. Get out! Nobody gets to dictate what I damn drink!"
The woman was too stunned to speak as she got dragged out of the venue.
This is Raven. Or in real life, Tae-Joon. A charming man in his own right, in front of the public, he's a gentleman with a seductive touch. Talented, with a handsome visage, he's an international idol.
But in reality, he's one hell of a spoiled brat.
Somehow, because of his sheer dumb luck and his reputation, nobody from his staff decided to expose him for what he really is.
He's full of himself and loves to gloat about his own achievements. And one thing he makes sure to take advantage of is his looks.
He brushes his hair back, shaking off sweat (ew) yet somehow looks so ethereal as he clicked his tongue in annoyance, mesmerizing his staff.
He even went as far as to feed his delusional fans and stans.
He's that far gone.
"Where the hell is my coffee!"
He's awful to everyone.
"Tsk. Tae-Joon... If I hear you yell one more time!"
Raven cowers a bit, pouting as he slithers towards his manager.
"But manager~!"
As if he's a new person, Raven clung to you. His head on your shoulder as he played with your left hand.
"I want my coffee and none of these incompetent people are giving me my coffee!" He whined like a child complaining to his parent. "Scold them for me pwease!"
The staff, used to it, sighed in relief as your deadpan look didn't tolerate Raven's rudeness. On your right hand is his coffee that you handed to him.
"Manager! Thank you so much!" His eyes wide and appreciative, he sips on it and sighs in relief. "Ah... So good... This is why I love you, manager."
Goodness. He's putty in your hands.
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Tae-Joon was once a trainee. He's naturally good looking already so he's being pulled left and right by companies to be in their side. He's an uncut gem, a diamond in the rough waiting to be polished. They saw his potential and wanted a slice of his being.
The once sweet boy, hardened by the harsh training, became a gloating hardhead from the way these people fight for him. After all, he was just a quiet, ambitious guy in highschool. He wanted more, and he got it through hard work and natural charm. And now, years later, he's about to reach his dreams.
Yet once he got in the company of his choice, his demands were... Too much.
"I need to share a dorm with others? No way!"
"Ugh the mattress is too stiff."
"Seriously?! You want me to train for five hours a day?! Two hours! Just two hours!"
"What are these clothes?! These are not branded!"
"No way that I'm performing in that small stage. I don't care if I'm pre-debut, that is ass!"
"Trash beats. Next."
The company was exhausted. He's not even raking money in, yet he's too demanding for his own good.
Desperate, the company opened their doors for a babysitter manager that has a "calm and pleasing personality", "trait that can work in high stress situations", "adaptability", "great leadership skills and authoritative", and can "teach those who are under them". Aka: someone who can tame the damn bird.
That's where you came in.
You were just a fresh graduate in desperate need of a job. Nobody was hiring you since you're new, and needed more experience.
The hiring process was intense, to say the least. You had to herd rowdy children and change them to upright good kids in 10 days. You somehow did it and even got gifts from the grateful parents. Next, you had to juggle schedules and ridiculous demands. Then, you had to endure being yelled and insulted at.
Your mind, heart, and body are now made of steel from that hiring process and you're the only one who rose to the top.
"Congratulations. Here's your care. His name is Tae-Joon, stage name Raven." The head said, nervous and hopeful that you with Tae-Joon will change his attitude.
Tae-Joon raised an eyebrow and sneered. "Ugly."
You were flabbergasted. This is a supposed to be future idol?
But you can only manage a twitch on your lips.
It was hell with him. You thought the hiring process/training regimen was bad, but this was something else.
A explosive personality, he's sassy and mean to a point of wanting to face palm through your head. You had to physically reel him in at some point just because of a hater.
But unlike the others who cowered and tolerated his behavior, you were stern with his behavior and lectured him most of the time.
"You can't just yell at miss Park just because she messed up your order!"
"Get the hell up! You're going to be late to your training!"
"Who the heck do you think you are, ripping up clothes like that huh?!"
You were feisty in your own right and constantly butt heads with him.
But even then, even just with you around, he's just a growling beast cowering from your lectures as you yelled at him.
Yet, even if as you yell at him, your caring hands wiped his sweat off and gave him his water. If somebody actually messed with him, you would lecture that guy. And there are some times that you laugh at his antics and shake your head.
You treated him like an actual human with feelings, rather than a ticking time bomb.
Slowly but surely, Tae-Joon clung to you. You were his only ally in this godforsaken industry and the only one who understood him. You also didn't tolerate his personality and shaped him to be somehow decent.
And, as his manager, you cared for him like nobody did.
Your lectures became less frequent, and he had more instances to see where you smile at him proudly as he finally had his solo debut. More time to talk to him normally, and had small, intimate moments that fuels his social needs.
And as his fame skyrocket, you were always there, waving his lightstick and being his number one fan.
Understandably, he fell for you.
He started to be openly affectionate with you, constantly confessing his love to the point that management had to tell him off to stop being so open with his affection since paparazzi can take a video or picture and ruin his reputation.
He honestly doesn't care. But with you raising an eyebrow at him, he pouts and only becomes clingy in private.
He'd rather hold it in than nothing at all.
And hell be damned if someone took you away from him. Because he may be somehow tolerable now, but that's only because you're there with him.
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Raven just got back from practicing for his new song, and was totally exhausted. He dragged his feet, clearly irritable especially that you weren't there with him.
The staff knew he's not in a good mood so they steer clear of his way.
"Have you seen my manager?" Raven asked a staff who only shook their head. "'kay..."
He looks so depressed that the people around him took pity on the guy as he trudged towards the head.
He passed a meeting room and he heard your voice.
"Another Tae-Joon?"
Another him? What?
He decided to listen in and he heard the managerial head clear his throat.
"Yes. Since Raven is calmer now, we think he needs to move on to another manager. You, on the other hand, will be training another... Hothead."
You held your head, feeling a headache incoming.
"No way. I'm not going through that again. I went through hell with Tae-Joon before. I'm not repeating that."
Ouch. Tae-Joon held his chest, a bit saddened by your words. Well, it was true but it didn't mean it didn't hurt.
Yet... You're not going to be his manager anymore?
Strangely, he felt the numbness creeping up his nape.
"No buts, y/n. You're going to be transfered."
"Did you ask Tae-Joon about this?"
"... Yes, Raven gave the thumbs up."
Liar. LIAR!
Tae-Joon wanted to rush in the room and shake the managerial head until he faints. He didn't give the thumbs up at all!
But he's strangely rooted in place as he heard you sigh.
"Okay. Where's this guy?"
"His name is [redacted]. He'll be here by Monday so be prepared."
When you finally finished the meeting, you went out of the room yet felt a lingering warmth by the wall.
Meanwhile, Tae-Joon rushed towards the trainee building. Eyes cold yet body tense. He wanted to see who the hell is this [redacted]. Nobody, as in nobody will be yours. Only he can be yours.
The trainees were flabbergasted as they saw Raven in the flesh, gawking at his presence and bowing in respect.
Tae-Joon didn't care. He wanted to see where this [redacted] is.
Room 5, and he bursts open through the door.
"What the hell- Raven?" The guy was slack jawed, starstruck. "I'm- I'm a big fan--"
Tae-Joon grabbed his collar and looked him in the eye. It was filled with unbridled rage yet at the same time, bone chilling coldness.
"Fix your fucking attitude." Tae-Joon warned. "Don't be over your head, worm. You better be goddamn nice or else I'll lob your head off."
[redacted] felt like it wasn't just a baseless joke, so he swallowed his saliva and nodded.
"Now. I better see you demand a transfer to the group idol department. You hear me? You aren't debuting solo." Tae-Joon tightened his grip. "Understood?"
It reached the ears of the head that Tae-Joon threatened [redacted]. But don't know what. All they know is that [redacted] pleaded to debut in a group and was suddenly meek and quiet when he transfered departments.
Yet, they somehow knew it had to do something with you, as he clung to you desperately for a week after that.
Then and there, they knew to never, ever try to separate you from him. If they don't want to let go of their greatest asset and set him off.
So, despite how dangerous Raven has become, they forced [redacted] to be quiet by... Not so savorable means.
"You're not leaving me, right?" Tae-Joon whispered, looking exhausted yet satisfied as he hugged your waist.
You, who just realized how deep Tae-Joon is in his affection, sighed and rubbed his head. "I'm not."
And it better stay that way.
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aphroditeinthesea · 3 months
can i please request a percy jackson x reader where the reader is a daughter of aphrodite to the song i can do it with a broken heart by taylor swift
“ i can do it with a broken heart ”
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percy jackson x daughter of aphrodite 🌊
⚠️ percy is an ass to the reader but that’s kinda a given + percabeth inclusion woop woop
⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆
i can read ur mind
she’s having the time of her life
there in her glittering prime the lights reflect
sequin stars off her silhouette every night
i can show you lies
“I’m so happy you're finally getting over him,” her sister smiled, hand on her back.
She forced a grin as she continued to sing along to the campfire song. She nodded and waited for her sister to turn her attention away. When she finally saw the girl from the corner of her eye turn towards her boyfriend.
Y/N looked down to the grass. If she looked up she knew what she would see. Just the thought was nauseating. The boy who she claimed to all her friends she would marry, who she already had best laid plans to move to New Rome with and go to college together.
Everything that came to a crumble when he decided he did want those things. Just with his best friend instead.
She watched from across the way how his arm was wrapped around the blonde. They weren't even talking, just looking into each other’s eyes. It was as though they were having an entire conversation without saying anything. She recalled how when she first started going out with Percy and her friends tried to warn her. Everyone knew that the two were soulmates, except for three people.
She wondered if on some level she always knew, too. Maybe she was just denying it to stay with him for just a little bit longer. Even if she screamed all night the day she he broke up with her.
If you were ever so inclined to wonder what really truly happened, here’s the deal:
It was like any other Friday. Perseus Jackson waltzed into her cabin, head low almost as though he cared. He told her he wanted to talk to her privately in cabin three. Her heart sank. She knew. She just knew.
Soon enough, while she sat on his bed and he stood in front of her, he spoke in his softest voice.
“We need to break up.”
She felt her head get dizzy while she looked up at him, “what?”
“I’m so sorry,” he sat next to her, “I hate having to do this to you.”
“Why?” was all she could say.
His eyebrows creased, while tears welled up in his sea green eyes. She felt like she was looking into one of the clear seas of Greece. “I dont feel about you the way that I should.”
She sighed, “Annabeth.” Although because of the weakness in her voice, all that came out was, “Eth.”
He understood her. Slowly nodding, he began once again, “I realized I feel more about her than I should,” he took a breath, “but I wouldn't do anything before ending this with you. I couldn't hurt you like that.”
That damn loyalty of his.
“I get it.”
i’m a real tough kid
i can handle my shit
they said “babe, you gotta fake it til you make it”
and i did
The next morning, it was like it never happened. Afterall, a girl’s gotta have a reputation to upkeep. Everyone’s favorite daughter of Aphrodite. Who could hate a girl so bubbly and peppy and outgoing and happy and has never once had a bad hair day?
Everyone tried to get her to talk about it, but the only thing she said was “I’m helping at arts and crafts today, tee-tee-why-ell!”
With a smile on her face and the taste of vomit on her lips, she pranced around helping campers make vases and false confidence.
“You need to guide your hands up more, like this-”
She looked up to lock eyes with the daughter of Athena. “Annabeth.”
“I really wanted to talk to you.”
She flashed her blinding smile and raised eyebrows, “I would love to talk, but I’m right now,” even though her blood boiled at the sight of the blonde curls, “see you later, though.”
“I’m staying.”
“Oh!” She squeaked, “grab a seat.”
lights, camera, bitch smile
even when you wanna die
he said he’s love me all his life
but that life was too short
As soon as y/n was alone she broke down, hitting the floor. She felt all the pieces of her shatter. She had spent hours grinning like a winner before she finally crashed.
She let out every emotion she had felt that day. The anger, the sadness, the betrayal, the heartbreak, all of it. She let out a scream for every glance she shared with either Percy or Annabeth.
But just before dinner, she dolled up her makeup and curled her hair to perfection. Then brushed it out. Then straightened it.
She knew she was overthinking it, but how damn stupid would she look walking out to dinner with hair that mirrored the girl she was just left for? Of course, the meal went as it always would. Her cracking jokes with her siblings, giving out advice that not a soul asked for, all was normal except for the table across the way.
The Poseidon table, which was currently being shared by a certain blonde. This had to be a joke. She watched their conversation flow so easily. The laughs, the smiles, whispers, before Annabeth snuck back off to her own table.
She thought to herself that maybe she should have done that. I mean, if little miss perfect could bend the rules a little, why couldn't she? Maybe that’s why he left?
Over the next few weeks, she tried to block out everything about him. Maybe it was just a dream. But occasionally she’d find something of his in a drawer. Crucial evidence she didn't just imagine the whole thing.
She was sure she could pass this test. The test being the ability to not spend her days crying. And although she did cry a whole lot, she was so damn productive. It was honestly an art. She knew for the rest of her life that this time really proved how good she was at faking. You know? ‘Cause she’s miserable and nobody even knows.
Try and come for her job.
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zer0wzs · 5 months
wherein jason becomes the rockstar's gf jason todd x gn!rockstar!reader wc: 1432
AN :: there is an mcr and a fob reference here and both keep staring at me like a sore thumb
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For a split second, your mind wanders off. Suddenly, you’re thinking about how you didn’t have a clue as to how Jason puts up with you.
Between the late-night practices and you cooping yourself in the studio all day, You feel like you don’t give him enough of your time. Somehow, though, he pushes through, and he makes it work. He meets you halfway. He said he wouldn’t trade you and your dreams for the world. 
He’s funny. You love him.
Your mind snaps back to where you once were—on the stage. You feel a ringing in your head as you feel heat radiating off your body. The colorful lights blind you. Your shoulders hurt like hell from the weight of the guitar, and you feel winded as your lack of breath control and the previous song had knocked all the air out of you.
Despite all your qualms, though, you love doing this. The adrenaline courses through your blood and comes a rush you find for almost every night. 
“Alright! You guys having fun so far?” The crowd cheers, buzzing with energy and alcohol in their veins. 
You skim over through the faces in front of you. Some are ones you’ve seen before. They tend to attend your sets regularly, but many, though, were faces you didn’t recognize. 
Most of all, however, you see Jason with a friend by his side, quickly catching your brief gaze on him. He stands right beside the platform of the tiny performing venue. He gives you a nod with a straight face. 
You feel a surge of excitement just from his gaze on you, and you feel that energy course through your blood.
“Keep that energy up! We’re not finished just yet!” 
As your bandmates adjust their effects, retune their instruments, and do one last mixing of sound for your closer, you regain your sense of clarity amongst the smell of booze that lingers throughout the venue. You shortly shot Jason a smile and a nod before readjusting your mic and redirecting your focus to the crowd.
“Now, before we sign off, I wanna thank you all for seeing us tonight. I really hope you guys enjoyed our set.” The crowd quiets down, almost dead. You take it as a sign to get it going again. “But come on now—let’s get this on!”
You breathe in once, breathe once out. It’s the first time you’re debuting this song. You rehearsed for this, but you doubt it's enough. You're scared you’ll blank out in the middle of the song, then fill it with random riffs. You’re scared you’ll sing the demo version and forget your final. You’re scared you might just not do the song any justice.
It’s the final song of the final night of your tour. You were not in the mood to mess this up.
Yet you pause for a moment. How much more in love could you be? Because suddenly, your thoughts are filled with him to calm yourself.
You catch him in the corner of your eyes once more, and you faintly hear a ‘Woo!’ from his direction.
Hell, this final song is about him.
He’s heard it, but he has no idea that you’re playing it tonight.
“Do you want to live forever?” You ask the crowd as the instruments start to set themselves up. “Sing this with me then.”
The song gradually swells, with the drums and bass starting out the song, looping the intro for a few rounds before the guitars join in. You harmonize with the main melody of the song, making up riffs as you go.
You feel yourself building the song, getting into the zone, and even doing a call and response because why the hell not? 
Before you let the performance take over, you quickly slip in a “This one’s for him. Hi, Jay.” You look in his direction and wave.
He’s awestruck, enchanted.
You see him quickly follow your gaze and smile. You seem to have caught him off-guard. You’re sure he’s picked up on the instruments and the vocals. He’s smart, far smarter than you. You’re sure he knows what you’re about to play.
The song ends as fast as it starts. You forget that sometimes when you perform on stage, it’s like you’re on autopilot. This was precisely that, but in the best way possible. You feel your body carry the work while your mind can sit back and watch the scene. For a split second, you even ran closer to the crowd during the final break to hold them, grab on your arm.
Everything had passed by so quickly that you couldn’t even register that it was over. Not until the crowd began to mellow down, but not without an applause.
“Thank you all so much!” You smiled and waved goodbye before your roadies rushed to the stage to gather your equipment.
You look over to the side to find Jason. He’s gone, but that’s more than alright. You figured he rushed to help with fixing the equipment, seeing his size and all. It’s something he often does when he watches your shows.
You feel your throat run dry. Maybe it’s time to steep some tea.
You high-five your bandmates before exiting the stage.
You didn’t quite grapple with the reality of just how exhausted and thirsty you were until you stepped off the stage. The world felt more than just shaky, so you found yourself leaning over some table in the back, chugging as much water as you could. The tea can wait.
You could faintly hear your bandmates hyping each other up and giving each other even more high fives. You stood by the sidelines, watching them and laughing at their antics. God knew you were too drained to even think about joining them.
Still, by the corner of your eye, you see a tall figure standing next to you. 
You’re always more than happy to talk to him.
“Well, hi, you.” You greeted, happy to see him.
In great contrast to your bubbly self, your boyfriend was more… frozen. He was silent, just looking at you with the biggest smile on his face. It wasn’t the first time he’d watched you play live, so you figured that the debut of the song was what made him so giddy at this moment.
As he stood there before you, you saw him in better lighting for the first time tonight after your show. You saw the sweat perspiring from his forehead to his neck and the sweat collected on his shirt. You basked in the light that framed his face from the side, but it accentuated those bright eyes of his. You take note of that smile that he’d been wearing even before your show. It only seemed to grow bigger as the night passed by. 
Fuck, he really is beautiful. You think you may not ever get enough of him.
Finally, after a few moments of radio silence, he spoke. “Shit, babe.”
“Uhuuuh?” You found yourself giggling at him.
He’s really cute. You’re in love with him.
“You guys were amazing. I can’t believe my partner is a rockstar.” Practically stars in his eyes.
“Why, thank you.” You felt yourself warming up to the hand that finds your cheek.
“You also played the song!” The hand holding your head up gently tenses with his excitement. You can’t help but laugh at him.
“Yes, we did.”
“Your closer’s always Saturday. Why’d you guys change it?”
That’s for many reasons. For one, you wanted this final night to be special. It was the last date of your best-selling tour yet. You had to do something else.
Then again, you could’ve chosen any other song that hasn’t or even rarely gets played live.
“Well, it’s not always you watch my shows—with your whole thing and our usual tour dates and locations—so I really wanted to do something special.” You hummed, leaning further into his touch. ”It’s almost your birthday anyway.”
“My birthday is still in, like, three months.” 
You shrug. “It’s never too early to celebrate.”
“That’s the length of an entire season, quierde. I think it’s still early.”
“That means there’s only more gifts to come, yeah?” He half-heartedly murmurs something in agreement. 
There's a comfortable silence between the two of you.
“Love?” You called.
You got on your tiptoes, balancing your weight on his shoulders, and gave him a peck on the lips, yet as you set yourself down, you felt him sweep you off your feet to return the kiss.
Your tea can wait a little longer.
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niki-phoria · 1 year
hello, i hope you're well and taking care of yourself 💗 if it's not too much to ask for i want to request enha reacting to their 8th member bf being shipped/paired with another member? not exactly angst but them being jealous and petty, i read your rules before requesting and i don't think it's against them, but i understand if you decline for whatever reason! hope you have a good week <3
⋆。°✩ enha reaction - their bf being shipped with another member
includes: established relationship, 8th member reader, these are less petty and more the boys needing reassurance lol, mentions of insecure enha
a/n: thank you for requesting !! this isn't against my rules at all, but thank you for checking. i hope you like it :))
feedback is always appreciated <33
male 8th member reader (he/him pronouns)
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⋆。°✩ heeseung
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(word count 221)
heeseung furrows his eyebrows as jake shifts slightly closer to you. your shoulders brush against each other as you raise a hand up to complete a hand-heart with the other boy, causing a new wave of cheers to erupt from the audience below.
the stage lights are nearly blinding as they shine down on you. heeseung can feel stares from the audience below. he’s hyper aware of the cameras following his every move as he takes a small breath in an attempt to hide his growing jealousy. 
“unfortunately this is our last song for tonight,” jungwon begins apologetically. 
“it’s been an honor to preform for you all. we hope to see you again sometime soon,” you say. heeseung smiles softly at the way you brighten up at the second wave of cheers through the crowd.
you wander over to sit beside him on the stairs, leaning your head against his shoulder. heeseung’s arm finds a familiar place around your waist, tugging you even closer to him. he leans over to press a kiss against your forehead as the first few notes of shout out begin to play. 
“my life without you is a misery,” you bring a hand up to cup heeseung’s cheek, turning to face him as you finish singing your line. “my heart is racing like it’s gonna explode.”
⋆。°✩ jay
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(word count 214)
you tiredly rub the last remnants of sleep out of your eyes as you quietly enter the kitchen. jay stands with his back towards you, scrolling through something on his phone. even from behind you can see tension in his shoulders. 
“jay?” you walk closer to him, hesitantly resting a hand against his waist before you pull him into a back hug. he startles slightly at the contact but doesn’t move away. your arms rest gingerly wrapped around him as you peer over his shoulder to see what he was reading on his phone. “what’s wrong?”
“nothing,” he whispers. 
you bring a hand up to rest against his shoulder, gently massaging the tension out of his muscles. you softly smile when he relaxes against you. “jay,” you sigh. “you know you can tell me anything.”
he twists around in your hold so he’s facing you; his back is now leaning against the counter. “it’s just a dumb article from dispatch.” 
“...you. and sunoo. people think you’re dating.” he glances down at the floor, almost ashamed. “i just don’t like the idea of my boy dating someone else.”
“you have nothing to worry about,” you whisper. you bring a hand up to cup jay’s cheek, quickly pulling you into a sweet kiss. “i promise.”
⋆。°✩ jake
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(word count 223)
you adjust the thin, black mask on your face as you sleepily watch the cashier continue scanning the miscellaneous items the other members had asked you to pick up from a nearby convenience store. another yawn escapes you as sunghoon brushes against your side, sliding yet another bag of chips towards the worker. her long, black hair has been messily tied back into a low ponytail. a thin pair of glasses frame her features. 
sunghoon’s arm gently brushes against your waist as he stands beside you at the register. the woman smiles softly at both of you as she finishes scanning the last of your items. “you two are cute together,” she says. 
“oh, we’re not-”
you’re cut off by a gentle but stern voice from beside you. jake’s arm wraps around your waist as he pulls you away from sunghoon and against his chest. “he’s mine, actually.” 
sunghoon stifles a small chuckle at your embarrassment as he takes the bag from her, handing her a few bills in return. “thank you,” you murmur as you turn to leave the store. 
“so, jake-hyung,” sunghoon teases as you begin walking back towards the dorms. “are you perhaps… jealous?”
jake remains silent, though you notice the way his grip around you tightens slightly. “shut up,” he mumbles, hiding his reddened cheeks behind his own mask.
⋆。°✩ sunghoon
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(word count 220)
sunghoon softly smiles as you step closer to the crowd as you reach down to pick up a small penguin plush laying at the edge of the stage. you hold the plush up to your cheek, playfully posing for the cameras. 
heeseung chuckles softly, stepping closer as he reaches up to adjust the cat ears a fan had carefully placed on your head a few minutes before. you lean down slightly to give him better access as he adjusts your hair around the faux ears on your head. 
a small wave of cheers echoes through the crowd at the interaction. despite sunghoon knowing it was completely platonic from both you and heeseung, he can’t help the jealousy that immediately spreads throughout him. it curls around his heart and constricts in his chest as a small frown tugs at the edge of his mouth. 
you step back away from heeseung after he finishes adjusting your hair, wandering back over to sunghoon’s side. you gently uncross his arms from over his chest - something he had done unconsciously - before leaning back against his chest. his arm finds its familiar place around your waist as he holds you against him. 
“don’t be jealous, hoon,” you whisper. sunghoon simply playfully rolls his eyes in response; though you can tell he’s silently grateful for the reassurance.
⋆。°✩ sunoo
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(word count 218)
sunoo furrows his eyebrows slightly as he continues scrolling through the comments on a recent dispatch article. you can’t help the way your own eyebrows furrow in concern as you quietly close your bedroom door and set your things down before joining him on your shared bed. “what are you reading?”
he sighs slightly as he hands his phone to you. you scroll to the top of the article, reading the headline: enhypen’s y/n and niki are seen holding hands on a possible late night date.
“it’s stupid, i know,” sunoo begins. “but it’s been bothering me for the past few days.”
“it’s not stupid,” you whisper. you set his phone aside, reaching over to brush a stray strand of hair out of his eyes. your hand falls to cup his cheek as you gently tilt his face up so he’s looking into your eyes. “sunoo, you’re incredible. you’re sweet, and kind, and handsome,” he chuckles softly, playfully pushing your hand away as he denies your compliments. you lean over him with a small smile. “and everything i could’ve asked for in a lover.”
a small blush spreads across sunoo’s face as you lean down to press a kiss against his forehead. then his cheek. nose. and finally, his lips. “you mean everything to me, kim seonwoo.”
⋆。°✩ jungwon
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(word count 223)
jungwon curiously pushes his still-damp fringe back as he steps out of the bathroom, tugging your t-shirt over his shoulders. you stifle a small grunt when he walks over to you and lays down with his head resting against your back. 
he laughs as he rolls off of your body to lay next to you. “what are you doing?”
“searching my name.” jungwon furrows his eyebrows slightly in concern as you hand him your phone. “it’s nothing bad. just more dating rumors with jay.”
“more?” the word sounds akin to a whine as it leaves his lips. you stifle a chuckle at the small pout threatening to tug at his lips. he tosses your phone aside, relishing in the feeling of curling up beside you. your arm rests gingerly around jungwon’s waist as you pull him even closer. “why don’t you ever get dating rumors with me?”
“sorry wonie,” you murmur. “you know i would stop them if i could.”
jungwon lets out a soft sigh. you bring your hand up, slowly beginning to rake your fingers through his hair. you twist the soft strands in an attempt to soothe the boy laying in your arms. “i know,” he whispers. he softly smiles as he leans up just enough to press a kiss against your jawline. “i love you.”
“i love you too.”
⋆。°✩ niki
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(word count 204)
niki’s eyebrows furrow slightly as he continues scrolling through his weverse feed. there are hundreds of posts, each of them about a recent interaction between you and jungwon. he had simply brushed some of the hair out of your face - a common interaction you often shared with the other members; himself included. though seeing so many posts about his boyfriend with someone else made an unfamiliar feeling of jealousy cloud his mind. 
niki jumps slightly when you enter your shared bedroom, closing the door behind yourself. he shuts his phone off, setting it on your bedside table. 
“is everything okay?” you ask, moving to sit on the bed beside him. niki remains silent. he lets you reach over to coax him closer to you until his head rests in your lap. you rake your hand through his hair, twisting the strands between your fingers. 
“‘m fine,” he finally hums. he lets his eyes slowly flutter closed, exhaustion slowly beginning to catch up with him as he nuzzles his body even closer against you. 
a comfortable silence falls over the room for a few minutes as you keep playing with his hair. “are you sure?” you finally whisper.
“i’m just… glad you’re mine,” he smiles.
892 notes · View notes
doscharolastras · 3 months
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Title: A Fine Romance (Marcus Pike x f!Reader)
Rating: Explicit
Word count: 2735
Warnings: Established, long-term relationship; no age gap; strong language; semi-public sex; oral sex (female-receiving); unprotected PiV sex; Reader identifies as female and has female anatomy but is undescribed otherwise; Reader has no name — Marcus and others call her by pet names (i.e.: “Songbird”, “my girl”); gratuitous use of Bruce Springsteen lyrics.
Notes: Part of the @pedgito / @chaotic-mystery / @amanitacowboy Summer Of Love challenge! I was given Marcus Pike at a concert and the moodboard above. This was not anywhere near the story I set out to write, but it’s the story that wanted to be told. I hope everyone enjoys.
Dedicated to @ladamedusoif, my beta, my lifeline (sometimes literally), and one of the best friends a girl could ask for… Thank you. 💜
(Dividers by @saradika-graphics)
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You’re nervous.
You’re used to the feeling, and usually, it passes pretty fast. Once the lights hit your face and the mic’s in your grasp, it all fades and there’s nothing but you and the music and the crowd singing your lyrics back.
Maybe it’s because it’s a festival — your first one ever. You’re far more accustomed to dark little bars or the smaller concert venues you’ve recently graduated to. So this? This wide-open field with its hundreds of thousands of faces and unknowable reach thanks to a free online livestream?
This makes you nervous.
“Hey.” Marcus’ voice is clear even over the din of the crowd. “You alright?”
You turn to meet his deep brown eyes, shining with excitement for you. “Just a little shaky.”
His smile widens and his broad hand falls to your lower back. “You’re gonna be amazing, Songbird.” Just the sound of your nickname slows your heart rate a little. “And,” he leans in and kisses you softly, his lips dragging on yours a little longer than necessary. “I can’t wait to celebrate your success afterward.”
You feel the heat in your face though you’re sure no one heard Marcus’ entendre. Swatting gently at his arm even as you wink, you pull back. “Where will you be?”
“There’s a little family section in the pit. On your left from centerstage. I’ll be right there.” He presses another kiss to your cheek as one of the stagehands waves to you, your signal that you’re about to go on. “Love you,” he murmurs, catching your fingers and squeezing them. “Go kick some ass.”
“I love you, too,” you reply as he hurries away.
“You ready?” Dante Robbins has been your guitarist since the days of playing on the street outside the bars.
“Mm. Let’s do it.”
Your traditional pre-show handclaps are half-hearted, and you wonder if maybe Dante is just as nervous as you. But when the MC announces your set and you bounce onto the stage, things start to feel much more familiar.
“Thank you, New York!”
Dante’s nimble fingers slip into your über-popular cover of Bruce Springsteen’s “Rosalita”, the festival’s backing band picking up immediately, and your gaze surreptitiously slips down to find Marcus in the exact spot he’d said.
“Spread out now, Rosie, doctor come cut loose her mama’s reins You know playin’ blind man's bluff is a little baby’s game You pick up Little Dynamite, I’m gonna pick up Little Gun And together we’re gonna go out tonight and make that highway run You don’t have to call me lieutenant, Rosie, and I don’t want to be your son The only lover I’m ever gonna need’s your soft sweet little girl’s tongue Ah, Rosie, you’re the one…”
As you dance and sing across the stage, your nerves all but abated, you catch Marcus again, bouncing and clapping like your very own Courteney Cox. He’s got such a smile on his face you can’t help but grin back, almost wishing you could pull him up to dance beside you.
“Rosalita, jump a little lighter Señorita, come sit by my fire I just want to be your lover, ain't no liar Rosalita, you're my stone desire…”
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Your set consists of six songs, and you close it out with your first single, “Stone Desire” (which calls right back to “Rosalita” and, you think, is a perfect circle). The roar of the crowd is beyond deafening as you hurry off stage, and in the excitement, you realize — Dante isn’t with you. In fact, he’s been more than absent since you first got up on stage.
“Dante?” you call. You try to think — nothing unusual had happened since that morning. You’d done your little rehearsal in your hotel room while Marcus showered; you’d driven over together in the trailer bus…
And yet, since you’d gotten to the festival grounds, he’d been distant. The cold way he started the gig. The enthusiastic high-fives that had been your signature since the early days had been lacking. He didn’t even respond normally to the way you chatted and introduced him between songs.
What did I do? you think. Our biggest chance yet and he’s…
You step past the little curtains that separate the wings of the stage from the outside world, and stop dead in your tracks.
Dante is standing right there, acoustic guitar now strapped over his shoulder. You recognize the song he’s playing — Peter Frampton’s quintessential “Show Me The Way” — but it’s truly just background noise to the other thing happening…
Marcus, on one knee, holding up a simple diamond solitaire.
“I know you probably think I’m insane,” he says, his voice soft but strong. “But I’ve wanted to do this for so long and I just… Today felt like the right day. This feels like the right moment.” His eyes hold yours as you take slow, tentative steps towards him. “I want to be there for you every single time you sing, sweetheart. Your own personal fanclub — on and off that stage.” He reaches out and takes your fingers lightly in his free hand. “Will you marry me?”
You feel the grass under your knees before you even realize you’ve dropped down to meet him. “Oh, Marcus,” you murmur, your fingers grazing up over his stubbled cheek. You feel tears on your face and your smile doesn’t feel like it will ever falter. “Yes. Of course, yes.”
Dante’s soft guitar is all you hear as Marcus slips the little band over your finger and pulls you in for a kiss, his tongue parting your lips as his hand curls around the back of your neck. “Oh, I love you,” he whispers into your mouth.
“I love you,” you reply, the salt of your tears and his delicious taste mixing between you. You’re sure people can see you, that your little moment isn’t private in any way, but you just don’t care. The only thing that matters is the beautiful man wrapped in your arms.
The kisses are only broken when a thought hits you. “Wait, wait.” You push back, your palms pressed against Marcus’ shoulders. Marcus holds you, his face colored with concern. “Dante?”
You look up at him, and he smiles a little, shrugging, his long hair bunching against his shoulders. “Sorry.”
“Marcus,” you say slowly. “Dante knew this whole time?”
“I didn’t know who else to trust,” he replies, grinning. “Figured he was a good choice.”
“Wish it was anyone else,” Dante interjects. “I can’t keep a secret for shit.”
“I thought you were mad at me!” you cry. “You were so out of it!”
“Tell your fiancé not to make me lie to you!”
“A secret is not a lie, Dante.”
Guitar long since swung around his back, Dante folded his arms over his chest. “And that’s why you’re a government agent and I’m a damn musician,” he laughs. Leaning over, he presses a kiss to the top of your head. “Congratulations, babe. And you.” He points a finger in Marcus’ face. “Be good to my girl.”
Marcus salutes. “I will. I promise.”
With that, Dante is gone, and you and Marcus are alone — still kneeling in the grass, your new ring glinting against his shoulder in the sunlight. “C’mon, let’s get out of here.”
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After a quick food truck meal and a couple of beers — interspersed with a handful of folks coming up to you for photos and autographs — Marcus holds your hand as you make your way back to the trailer. There’s a DJ on stage now, filling time between the late afternoon sets and the big time evening performers, and you hear your “Rosalita” remixed into an upbeat Mexican cumbia rhythm.
You laugh, but Marcus takes a different approach, pulling you in to dance with him. You’ve never been particularly good, but he is, and you fall into step with him as his hands curl around you and his body sways against yours.
“So hold tight, baby, cause don't you know daddy's comin’...”
His voice fills your ear, his breath hot on your cheek, and you press back against him, your hands wrapping over his where they rest on your belly.
Without another word, you turn and take his fingers in yours, pulling him to the trailer. You’re barely inside before your lips are on his.
“Easy, easy,” he whispers, but you fumble behind him to lock the door as you kiss him deeper.
“I want” — your teeth scrape over his full lower lip — “my fiancé” — your nose along the line of his beard — “to fuck me” — your tongue down the column of his throat — “right now.”
You know Marcus. He’s soft, gentle, romantic. Just the way you love him.
And yet, inspired by the song lyrics he’d purred in your ear and your proclamation of desire, a switch seems to have been flipped.
He grabs you, swinging you around so the backs of your thighs are pressed against the little table against the other wall. You take the hint, sitting back on it as he devours your mouth. “You’re going to have to be very quiet,” he whispers. “Even with the music outside.”
You nod, whimpering already as his fingers slip under the hem of your shirt and brush against your bare skin. He moves slowly, but soon the t-shirt is gone and so is the bra beneath it, and his lips have taken their place.
Carding your fingers through his hair, you toss your head back as his tongue circles over one of your nipples. “Oh, Marcus…”
“Shhh, love,” he whispers into your skin. He continues his path, pushing you carefully back to rest on your elbows as he dips into your belly button. His deft fingers work at your jeans, and he only pulls his mouth from your body long enough to release you from them.
He meets your eyes, wordlessly awaiting your agreement, and when you mouth, “I love you”, he grins and disappears between your legs.
It’s hard to be any kind of quiet when Marcus Pike is eating you out. In fact, it’s damn near impossible, and the only way you can control yourself is to grab the t-shirt you’d been wearing and stuff it between your lips.
Marcus isn’t all that quiet, either. His little groans and moans as he strokes himself through his jeans and as his lips and tongue probe your most sensitive areas are enough to make you come then and there. His hands are holding your legs apart even as every instinct inside you is telling you to close them; his nose is nudging your clit in the most delicious way possible as his tongue darts inside you.
You remove the material from your mouth to whisper, “Marcus, baby, I’m close.”
“I know,” he replies, looking up at you, his face shimmering with your slick. “Let go.”
And as he disappears again, you do.
You’re still shaking slightly, your breath in raspy gasps, when he — rather unceremoniously — pushes into you. The feeling is overwhelming and you can’t help but cry out louder than you’d intended, but he captures the sound in another bruising kiss as he lets you adjust around him. You tighten your muscles, relishing the fullness and weight of him inside you and on top of you, and he groans, taking the t-shirt from where it now rests over your chest and tucking it carefully behind your head.
As Marcus begins a slow but sharp rhythm against you, you discover that the little table is far sturdier than you’d have expected. His thighs slap hard against the bottom of your ass, and as he begins to speed up, you have the sudden image of the whole trailer shaking with the force of his thrusts.
It makes you laugh.
“What… What’s funny?” he pants, stuttering a little in his movements.
“N-no, don’t stop,” you breathe. “Just… If the trailer’s a-rockin’...”
“Oh, Jesus, sweetheart.” Marcus’ grin is real, even as sweat begins to bead on his forehead. “I must not be doing my job if you’re making jokes right now.”
As if rising to a challenge, he slips his thumb into your mouth and presses it to your tongue. After a moment, he pulls it free and uses it — wet with your saliva — to draw lazy circles around your clit as he fucks into you.
“That’s better,” he smiles. “C’mere.”
He slows a bit to allow you to push upright, your arms wrapping around his neck as he kisses you hard. “Can you carry me?”
“Mm, I think I can manage.”
He lifts you carefully, but he stumbles, and you both nearly collapse in giggles.
“Oh, Marcus, put me down.” You pinch lightly at his hip and he lets your feet hit the floor, his eyes taking in your whole body. “Like what you see?”
You smile and take his hand, leading him back to the little bed, only slipping away from him to push him onto his back. You stroke his cock a few times before repositioning yourself over him, angling yourself to take him in as deep as possible.
Your groans mix together in the heavy air, and when he’s fully seated inside you, you lean forward to shove his shirt up, encouraging him to remove it. When he does, you press heavy, hard kisses to his chest, slowly rolling your hips against his as you do.
“Ah, fuck, keep that up and I won’t last,” he hisses.
You grin. “That’s my plan, Mr. Pike.” You nip at a little cluster of freckles on the front of his shoulder. “At least, the first time.”
Marcus’ hands come to rest on your waist, gripping you just enough to give the impression that he’s in control despite you making all the moves on top of him. You hold onto his elbows, using him as leverage as you bounce and grind on him, keeping your rhythm steady as you watch his face redden, his freckles popping against the flush.
“Come on, Marcus,” you murmur. “Come inside me. Claim me; claim your wife.”
There’s a moment’s hesitation in his eyes, but just a moment, until he realizes you mean it completely. His fingers press so tightly into your skin you know you’ll feel the bruises for days but you don’t care, not one bit as you feel him shudder and arch beneath you. His body trembles and it’s enough to bring you over the edge with him, all pretense of quiet gone as you cry out and fall forward, your hand slamming into the wall over his head as he buries his face in the hollow of your throat.
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You’re not entirely sure how much time has passed since you rolled off of Marcus and curled up under his arm. The music outside is less electronic, so you figure the DJ has finished and one of the bands is officially playing, but that could be minutes or hours, really.
Rolling onto your side, you slip your left hand over Marcus’ stomach and wiggle your finger so the little diamond glitters in the dim amber light of the trailer. “Marcus?”
“Mm?” He sounds sleepy, dazed, but he tightens his grip on you and you feel his lips brush over your forehead.
“When did you know you wanted to marry me?”
He’s quiet, just the sound of his steady breathing for a few moments. “Do you remember the first time I came to see you sing?”
Our fifth date. “Yes.”
“It was then.”
You furrow your brow, trying to remember the exact details of the night. “Because of my voice?”
“No.” He shifts against you now, shuffling down on the bed so your faces are aligned. “It was because you walked off that stage, right up to me, and said, ‘Let’s go get Chinese food, I’m starving.’”
“...you can’t be serious.”
He grins, his whole face lighting up. “As a heart attack. I knew right then.”
You laugh, loud and happy. “Oh, I fucking love you.”
Marcus pulls you in, and you wrap your legs around him, lining him up with your entrance. “Again, sweetheart?”
You nod, shifting your hips just slightly. “I said that was just the first time,” you reply, lifting your chin for a kiss. “Gotta celebrate tonight just right.”
As he slips inside you again, gentle and easy, you cuddle your face into his throat.
“I just wanna be your lover, ain’t no liar…”
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saudriel · 5 days
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a haladriel brainrot playlist for all your haladriel brainrot needs. i swear there is a narrative thread going on here if you squint. legend has it that if you listen to this playlist in order then you too will be plagued by the Visions that haunt me 👁
alt/metal. 2hrs 40mins right now (to be continued). starts out chill and then gets heavier. there's screaming but nothing too wild. propaganda (lyrics that make me go absolutely apeshit) below the cut. not for every song because the playlist is too long, but there is still a lot so brace yourself lmao
listen on Spotify here ♥️
chokehold // sleep token
When we were made, it was no accident We were tangled up like branches in a flood I come as a blade, a sacred guardian So you keep me sharp and test my worth in blood You've got me in a chokehold
alkaline // sleep token
Every once in a while something changes And she's changing me It's too late for me now, I am altered There is something beneath She's not acid nor alkaline Caught between black and white Not quite either day or night She's perfectly misaligned I'm caught up in her design And how it connects to mine I see in a different light The objects of my desire
sun killer // spiritbox
I was born to break, shallow paradise Consumed, I ignore meteoric rise If the blade is dull, there is consequence You displace the host, there is no defense Tell me the waves won't rise And monsters will fade with time To temper the blaze with the twist of a knife A sun killer lullaby
mine // sleep token
We balance fire in the earth we walk Will never stop me reaching forth To see you again With colors over all the wasted years Eternity will bring you near I know you can see I know you can see That you will be mine
abysm // unprocessed
You showed me the world, our planet You talked to me when I was fragile You gave me back my will to focus I don't know anything, but to be with you Until we're gone to waste, I'll be there Dive into the world that we share When I hear your voice, I still know Everything is well until you're gone
everything starts and ends with you // in this moment
Nothing, nowhere, no one ever measures up No sun, no moon, no sky blinds me like you do No place, no storm, no oceans in between us Could keep me away from you Everything starts and ends with you The earth stood still, we burst alive The universe and stars align, as we collide
and the snakes start to sing // bring me the horizon
Don't say I'm better off dead 'Cause heaven's full and hell won't have me Won't you make some room in your bed Well, you could lock me up in your heart And throw away the key Won't you take me out of my head?
abandon // andromida feat. daedric
I conjure the phantom of another hollow you Then drag it to the bottom Pretending in a cycle I find sacred But I mean nothing to you Just a piece of the pattern in your ruse I spiral into chaos riptides
sanctify me // in this moment
Feel the wrath, your doom, these flames I know why you feel so empty like me Feel the force, the chaos, engage Don't you forget we are the same Go ahead, set me free Wash away this dirt in me I wanna feel more holy Take away this hurt in me Show me who I am inside your light Give me just what I need Baptize and sanctify me
antimatter // silent planet
We are broken bodies bound for each other In the impact we become antimatter The dust hasn't settled but we feel the decay Torn limb from limb I am swearing your name Our hands collide, we brace together In the impact we become antimatter
parasite // red handed denial
I know your name, so show me your face And I won't give in to your malevolence When the parasite inside my mind remains alive Left paralyzed and victimized, frozen in time Because I'm not your puppet, not your prey You won't take control of me again The parasite I'll exorcise This body's mine Cast it out, watch it die
collider // silent planet
Does it kill you to see me Under the same unfolding sky? Believe me, I have tried to search the stars for compromise But none of us are innocent, my scars are witnesses So feast your eyes and spring the trap I can still feel the daggers staring into my back Break me down to entropy Till you find the lie inside belief
hurt you // spiritbox
We are failing in crisis mode Mutually assured destruction Love the proxy and burn the bones So I smile in the snare of devotion I hope you find what you're fighting for I am happier when I hurt you Your medicine is the coldest war I am happier when I hurt you
blood // in this moment
apparition // sleep token
I hate you for the sacrifices you made for me I hate you for every time you ever bled for me I hate you for the way you smile when you look at me I hate you for never taking control of me I hate you for always saving me from myself I hate you for always choosing me and not someone else I hate you for always pulling me back from the edge I hate you for every kind word you ever said
So let's make trouble in the dream world Hijack heaven with another memory now I make the most of the turning tide It just split what's left of the burning silence Don't wait, 'cause this could be the last time You turn up in the reveries of my mind I wake up to a suicide frenzy Loaded dreams still leave me empty
coldharbour // daedric
Keep my soul in your possession I'm afraid to lose my faith If I hold on till the morning Would you claim it for me? If you kill my flesh tomorrow Then I’ll take my final breath It'll turn into a last laugh And I'll lay in a silent death
vore // sleep token
You have become the voice in my head Only recourse we're left after death Your viscera welcome me in, welcome me in My life is torn, my bones, they bleed My metaphors fall short in the end Your flesh and bone welcome me in, welcome me in Are you in pain like I am? Will we remain stuck in the throat of gods? Will the pain stop if we go deeper?
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kzlatkova · 15 days
I love you in the coffee circles on the inside of my books.  
I love you in the ripping of my socks, worn-out by the inside of your shoes.  
I love you in the clumsy dances, between the fresh produce aisles and the dairy fridges.  
I love you in the restless turning, that rumples up my covers and steals away my sleep.  
I love you in the unrisen sourdoughs and burnt nut roasts, that will never see the light of Christmas day. 
I love you in how I look at the sky and only see your face.  
I love you in the overwatered fern that I had to throw away.  
I love you in the cat's tiny sweaters, which you stay up to crochet.  
I love you in the tickets for the first film we saw, from that indie fest we went to ten years ago.  
I love you in the sushi course you took to make it vegan specially for me. 
I love you in the scent of the wind, as the first spring blossoms open on the trees.  
I love you in the chewing gum wrappers you leave in the ashtray of my car.  
I love you in the way everything sings when you’re around.  
I love you in the way you linger at the door when I’m on teams.  
I love you in the way you cut my sandwiches, so nothing ever falls out.
I love you in the way you leave your things with me just so you can come back later, and we can share another kiss as you retreat again. 
I love you in the flavours of the earth, as the first summer rain hugs the ground.  
I love you in the way you do all the putting away because you know I hate it.  
I love you in the receipt for jet black dahlias you had made for my birthday five years ago. 
I love you in the way I can cook but you can do the dishes and take out the garbage.  
I love you in the way you too get my favourite ice cream on the hottest days, just in case I want some more.  
I love you in the way I say my name and hear your voice. 
I love you in the fiery petals of autumn, as they gently lay to rest beneath our feet.  
I love you in the way we still chase each other through gardens and orchards.  
I love you in the way songs come out at the top of your lungs, broken and joyful.  
I love you in the way you pick up bugs and move them to the leafiest branch nearby. 
I love you in the way sunflowers worship the sun.  
I love you in how even in the vastness you are never hopeless. 
I love you in the way I kiss your hand and feel it on my own. 
I love you in the way you laugh, and cry, and stay true beside your friends.  
I love you in the way you shimmy your shoulders when we have a nice meal.  
I love you in the way you make foam horns of our hair in the shower, and we giggle. 
I love you in the way you remind me to drink water. 
I love you in the blazing cold of winter, and as its frosty fingers pinch my cheeks.  
I love you in the way you keep my heart beating.  
I love you in the way your lashes graze my forehead when you hold me.
I love you in the way time stretches endlessly between us.  
I love you in the way you are my best friend and my lover, and in how even if we weren’t in love, we’d still be the forever kind of friends.  
I love you in the way you look at small children and smile at small animals.  
I love you in the way you choose me.  
I love you in the way you hold a fullness at your centre, and spread it around in the name of the universe.  
I love you in the way you crack up at my jokes, but swear I'm terribly annoying.  
I love you in the way you accept all the calls, and let me deal with the letters. 
I love you in the way you do the math, and I can have the moral arguments.  
I love you in the way you accept me after every change.  
I love you when you're angry that my phone is forever set on silent. 
I love you in the way you take me, tearing at the seams or calmly healing.  
I love you in the way we can love slow even when we have to live fast.
I love you in the way we can build forts and put up fairy lights.  
I love you in the blind faith you have for me, for us.  
I love you in the way we can skate in the park, and blow bubbles for kids that will never be our own.  
I love you in the way you place your fingers at my temple, before the migraine has even landed.  
I love you in the way you see my soul and make me the richest person in existence.  
I love you in the way you palm my face and mix your breath with mine.
I love you in the way you can share unbridled joy, anywhere, with complete and utter strangers. 
I love you in the way you bring me cups of tea when I’m tired, but still painting.  
I love you in the way your fingerprints remind me of the veins on roses.
I love you in the way your age lines wrinkle up as your mouth stretches in a grin. 
I love you in the way you brush back my white hairs, and don’t point out the ones growing in my eyebrows.  
I love you in the way you bring me pebbles or pinecones, whenever you go for a walk.  
I love you in the way you know to order me an orange soda even without asking.  
I love you in the way that every now and then we can share a smoke without remorse or judgement.  
I love you in the way you know to calm me down when my family upsets me.  
I love you in the way you let me listen to chitchat about your job, when I don’t like to speak of mine.  
I love you in the way you gave up alcohol and meat because you know I cannot take them.  
I love you in the way all my life is yours, and in the way I’m allowed to let you take it.  
And when you say, “I love you,” the reply is always, “I love you more.” 
More than you love me, more than I love the world, and even more than I love myself.  
This is how I love you.  
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whimsicalcotton · 4 months
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
Yandere Death Song with Darling Slithersong(Romantic)
Decided to put some of the requests I have in a randomizer again until I stop having writer's block for the old ones I'm doing rn. So, have this :)
Keep in mind this is Dragon/Dragon content, so you're both a type of dragon. Short as Dragon/Dragon content is odd for me to write in some cases?
Yandere! Death Song with Slithersong! Darling
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Dragon/Dragon pairing, Stalking, Just dragon courting, Dubious relationship, Trapping, Brainwashing through song.
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As I am doing research on the dragon types let's talk about them before we start.
The Death Song is a tropical dragon that mimics butterflies in beauty.
The Death Song, like in its name, also has a siren cry that lures other dragons to it. This is usually to attract food.
These dragons are usually solitary in nature and hunt other dragons by trapping them in an amber-like substance.
These dragons can mimic and sing but struggle to use stealth. Despite this their slender bodies make them somewhat agile.
Their solitary attitude is because any dragon that gets too close is usually made a meal.
Now let's talk Slithersong, the dragon you are in this concept.
Slithersong are a close relative species to the Death Song.
Slithersong also use siren calls to lure in prey and use the same amber-like substance to trap said prey.
There's even some cases where Slithersong can blind prey.
Slithersong are smaller than Death Songs, which makes them faster and more agile.
This would give the Slithersong an advantage over a Death Song.
Slithersong are also solitary dragons due to eating other dragons.
Both dragons are very similar and difficult to train.
It would be... interesting if one tried to court the other.
Imagine if the Death Song thought you were trying to court it with your song which results in the larger dragon trying to court you.
You were just trying to hunt.
Your species is very similar to each other but it would take awhile before an obsession could happen.
Both types are solitary so it would take a long time.
Although I can see the dynamic of this as a Slithersong minding their own business while a Death Song tries to court them.
You just want to hunt and may even try to hunt the Death Song itself but the Death Song always seems to know when to back off.
At some point you may begin to tolerate the other dragon if fighting with it won't work.
The two species could theoretically be compatible with each other due to the similarities they share.
It would be a relationship similar to Night Furies and Light Furies.
The Death Song would no doubt try to hunt for you in an attempt to impress and feed you.
Why hunt for yourself? They can hunt for you...
They even brought dragons coated in amber for you!
Honestly, the fact your song makes prey delusional doesn't help.
The Death Song is only encouraged by your song and loves to hear it.
This situation is probably the only case of two dragons of your species being seen with each other.
It's even stranger that that the Death Song is sharing desperate courting behavior towards you.
Honestly, if the Death Song wanted to keep their Slitherwing! darling in place they may just use amber to trap you, too.
The Death Song would make sure their darling couldn't escape and would trap them in a makeshift nest.
You'd be fed and taken care of by the Death Song... even if you try to nip at them and growl.
If you got too worked up the Death Song would simply sing you a song.
The Death Song trills many songs towards you.
They're mostly calming songs and courting songs.
At night the larger dragon curls around you, amber coating your feet and wings.
To others it may seem like you're prey.
You feel like prey...
But not in the way you think.
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stumped-on-bennington · 2 months
Better Off as Lovers
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Summary: your best friend has something he needs to get off hus chest, but he's had a little too much to drink.
Pairing: Patrick Stump x best friend!reader
Reader's pronous used: none!
Word count: 903
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You were a little sloshed at the time. Your best friend's band had just played a big show and now you were out at the after party, drinking like it was nobody's business. You made your way through the crowded room to where Patrick was.
He was a bright shade of red from drinking. He was humming and singing as he swayed in his seat, his eye opening slightly as you got closer. Patrick nearly fell out of his seat at the sight of you, catching himself on your shoulders.
“Y/N!” Patrick said, slurring his words slightly. He pulled you closer to him, smushing your face against his chest. “Ooohhh, Y/N. You are so precious. Look at you, so cuuuteee!”
You pull yourself up a little so you can look at Patrick and let out a laugh from how he was acting.
“Trick, you're getting flirty, I think you've had enough.” You say, still laughing.
“Noooo, I'm just telling you how cute you are and how much I love you. You're the best thing that has ever happened to me, Y/N.” Patrick said, clumsily leaning in the chair.
“I love you too, Trick.” You tell him, plopping down in the chair next to him.
“No you don’t. Not like I love you. You're just so cute and smart and amazing. I want to just give you everything in the world and call you mine.” Patrick says, his eyes closed and a smile plastered on his face.
You suddenly sobered up a bit, heat rushing to your face as you realized that your best friend had just confessed to you.
“Trick, I think you should really stop drinking now. You're starting to not make any sense.” You say, standing up and helping Patrick out of his seat.
You began to move him towards the door so you could get him back to his apartment. You walked out the door and down the street with Patrick's arm slung over your shoulder for support. The entire walk Patrick kept humming songs and stumbling at every step. After a long and cold walk, you arrive at the front door of Patrick's apartment. You use your spare key to open the door and struggle getting Patrick up the stairs.
Once inside, you drop Patrick down on the couch and turn back to close the door. You take off your coat and shoes and go into the kitchen and retrieve a glass of water and bring it to Patrick.
“Here, Trick. You need to drink some water.” You tell him, trying to put the glass in his hands.
“You're so cute when you worry about me.” Patrick hums. He lifts the glass towards his mouth and ends up dumping most of the contents onto himself.
You let out a sigh, helping Patrick back up and bringing him towards his room.
“Alright, you're probably better off just going to sleep. Go ahead and get that wet shirt off and get in bed.” You tell Patrick.
Patrick begins taking off his shirt, but gets the collar stuck on his head. You let out a sigh once again and begin helping Patrick get his shirt off. Once he gets his head through the collar, Patrick looks down at you and smiles.
“Y/N?” He says.
“Yes?” You answer back.
“Hi.” Patrick says, the biggest grin on his face as he giggles like a kid.
You begin to lead him to his bed, but before you know it, Patrick has wrapped his arms around you and is now pulling you onto the bed with him.
“Stay with me tonight, please?” Patrick says, his face now nuzzled into your shirt.
“Trick..” you begin to say.
“Just for one night, let me pretend that you're mine.” Patrick says, his voice no louder than a whisper.
“You don't have to pretend, Trick.” You say as you return the favor and wrap your arms around Patrick.
Soon, both of you are lost in sleep.
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The next morning you wake up, still in Patrick's arms. The light of the day gently peaking through the gaps in the blinds and dancing across Patrick's shirtless body.
Your heart drops for a second before you recall the events of the previous night. Once you have the situation settled in your mind, you fall back into ease. Soon Patrick starts to wake up as well, peaking one eye open to look down at you.
“Oh God, what did I do last night?” Patrick says, his voice hushed and husky with sleep.
“Well, you got really drunk, I brought you home, you spilled water all over yourself, and then said you wanted me to be yours.” You tell him, matching the hushed tone that he had.
Patrick began to blush and tried to bury his face into his pillow.
“And I've decided that I'd like that.” You say, somehow even quieter than your last sentence.
Patrick's head slowly rises back up to face you, “y-you.. what?” He says.
A warm smile spreads across your face as you see the shocked look he has.
“I said I would like to be yours. I think we'd be better off as lovers anyway.” You say as you bring your head closer to Patrick's chest, nuzzling into him. Patrick's shock slowly fades as he slowly pulls you closer to him, an equally warm smile growing on his face and he holds you closer.
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Since most people here don’t have TikTok (and honestly, I don’t blame them) they haven’t heard all the dps musical snippets, so I figured I’ll transcript them
(None of the songs are in any specific order) (when there are several snippets, they also aren’t in any specific order)
"Another New First Day"
From the lyrics and title, I figured this would be the first song. It’s possible I’m incorrect.
Sang by: all the poets simultaneously (except Todd)
But l'm still hopeful that it might just get better / Some senior fun 'til my acceptance letter / Nothing really grows, despite how I wish it would / I've got friends enough to know this place brings some good / No use combatting destiny, the history that's bound to be / Sit back, settle down, and give in / It's set in stone, you're set for life / This is your life, now live in it / Predictable in its way, you know how it all goes / You'll feel it in your bones / The feeling you can't shake / Everything that you should want is waiting for you at the top / Another fresh start, another pathway, another new year, another first day / Another new first day
“Desk Set”
Sang by: Neil and Todd
Snippet 1:
(Todd) How do l know this is really the truth? My lines get blurred when it comes to you / And I don't wanna play the madman in this mad show made for two
(Neil) I wouldn't hurt you Toddy. I couldn't if l tried / l've never met somebody who makes me feel half as alive as you do / Half as alive as you do / Beyond my mind
(Todd) Outside my head
(Both of them) I've kissed you once lets kiss one thousand times again / One thousand times again.
Snippet 2:
(Neil) I can't make sense of sleep-talk / I can't declutter the strangeness / I'll always be weary of wishing and its dangers / I twist and turn in panic / I think ‘til I come to / I've held it back, but damn it, I'm thinking about you / Clouds pass and bring sunshine through our window / Waking, blinding me, but setting you aglow
(Both of them) I tend to imagine and get lost in that space
(Neil) I can't help but sleeping because I determine my fate / Determine my fate at the sound of turning pages, at the sight of your face / I could spend days in the worlds I create in my head
(Both of them) Let's kiss one thousand times again and again and again and again and again / One thousand times again
"Choking On The Bone"
Sang by: Charlie
Spare me the tough love, this just can't be how the kid grows up / Is this now my epilogue? ls letting go really growing up? / Will growing ever be enough? Or is it worth just giving up? / Head first into the ebb and flow, having no say in how l go / Drowning in the shallow, sucking out the marrow, and choking on the bone
"I Can Hear It Now"
Sang by: Chris and Ginny
(Both of them) There is nothing I can do to make myself feel relevant next to him / 'Cause it's his world and we're all just living in it / My potential can be fatal / It's my living breathing downfall / Haunting moments / Stuck in corners / Keeping me cut from the picture / It's his portrait / It's his moment / And I'm here as a silent accessory
(Ginny) But silence can feel more like death to me. Fade in into the background / The black behind fluorescent lights / There's music ringing through the room, but I’m counting on silence tonight
(Chris) A moment of deep recollection / Make me feel / Make me seen / But this is the way things oughta be, for this is how they’ve always been
(Ginny) There is nothing I can do to make myself feel relevant next to him
(Both of them) Cause it's his world and we’re all just living in it
(Both of them) (in a round) My potential can be fatal / It’s my living breathing downfall / Haunting moments / Stuck in corners / Keeping me cut from the picture
(Both of them) It's his portrait / It's his moment / And I’m here as a silent accessory / But silence can feel more like death to me
"At Your Will / Choking On The Bone"
Sang by: Charlie and Cameron (they both sing at the same time, not after the other)
(Both of them) They throw me into the fire and I don't feel a thing
(Charlie) The blizzard has burnt me more than the flames / They want all of my innocence wapped up like presents / But you can’t cover up neatly what ended in ruins
(Cameron) For the first time, I don't get it / For the first time, I doubt I ever will / For the first time, I’m giving up on getting it / So crucify me at your will
"Father Made It Clear (Reprise)"
Sang by: Neil
Father made it clear / He leaves no room for hoping / I stare out of the window / The ground beneath me frozen / Snow white and pure, the pearly gates of heaven / Maybe I'll arrive to find the curtains open / Or maybe I'll arrive to find out he was right / *pause* / But father made it clear / There's no room for me here
“God Of The Cave”
Sang by: the poets (snippet 1, 2, and 4) + Chris and Ginny (snippet 3 and 4)
Snippet 1:
(Neil, spoken) Alright, alright, quiet, gentlemen. We must behave ourselves in the presence of a guest.
(Pitts, spoken) What guest?
(Neil) Who is this, that enters our sacred ground? / It's a guest, a visitor, and one of great renown! / Do we have any guesses? / C'mon give it a go, champ
(Pitts, spoken) God, Neil, I don't know, it just looks like a lamp.
(Cameron, spoken) That’s ‘cause it is just a lamp.
(Neil) See, that's where you're wrong / Gentleman, friends, men paving the way / There's a divine force here today meet: / the God of the Caaaaave!
(The poets) …
(Neil) God of the Cave, brotherhood incarnate / We follow your lead as as you set the path straight / Get on our knees, bow in faith, light and shade, praising you / God of the Cave
Snippet 2:
(Neil, spoken) Take it away Todd!
(Todd, visibly struggling) …
(Todd, spoken, to Charlie) Will you read it with me?
(Todd) We are dreaming of tomorrow when tomorrow isn't coming / There's today and there's the end / And everything is sudden
(Charlie) And still we sleep
(Charlie) We are dreaming of a glory that we don't really want / We keep it up our sleeves to preserve what we are taught.
(Todd) And still we sleep
(Both of them) We are dreaming of a new day when the new day's here already / Exalt, sob, live, take your time, and keep it steady
(All the poets) And still we sleep
Snippet 3:
(Ginny) I know exactly what I'm grateful for / I'm out on my own / Exploring the outdoors / A girl in the wild, how crazy, how vile! / Nobody by my side to babysit all night / Or compare myself to ‘til my heart's black and blue / Not scared of being in second place
(Chris) Being allowed to take up space
(Both of them) And finding home inside a cave!
(Chris) Being wanted for who I am alone / And for once not only who l know / So thank you again for inviting us / Tonight you've all provided us / A new reason to smile / And all the while / Let's be true to the people we knew we could be
(Ginny) More than a sister / More than a shadow
(Chris) More than a girlfriend / More than a sideshow / So, thank you for today / And, thank you, God of the-
(Ginny) Out on my own
(Knox) Under her spell
(Charlie and Todd) And still we sleep
(Chris) Who l am alone
(Cameron) Use of my skills
(Meeks) No more blues
(Pitts) Living in my prime
(Neil) Paving the way
(All) Caveeeee!
Snippet 4:
(All) God of the Cave / brotherhood incarnate / We follow your lead as you set the path straight / Get on our knees, bow in faith, light and shade, praising you / God of the Cave
(Knox) I think you’ve got the right idea / Praising God for friends / I've got new and old beside me / And truth be told tonight reminds me / How I feel sitting here / Every time one is near / She's smart / She's kind / Funny and stunning / Warm like sunshine / Beautiful inside / And out just as well / One word from her lips / And I’m under her spell / Heat that expels and won't let the cold in—
(Chris, spoken) Well who is it?
(Knox, panicked, spoken) Uh Nolan!
(Chris, spoken) Nolan?
(All) Nolan?!
"Paper Ripping Song"
Sang by: the poets
(Neil) A hum from outside the window / A consistent buzz and pound / Whispers of desire ring low / I feel what I hear in that sound / I wanna be the train in the distance when it races
(Neil and Cameron) I wanna feel the gain as I'm put through the paces
(Neil, Cameron, and Todd) There's a light in the shadows of doubt / Nothing leaves you without a mark / If you haven't grown up by now / You'll be forever, forever in the dark / Who will I be...
(All the poets) Now it's all up to me, and l'm clueless / Been told what to do / But not how to do it
(Background, spoken) Rip, shred, thread!
(All the poets) My life is a maze, I can't cut the corners / Maybe today I might move forward / I'll be what I am, whoever that may be / And when I meet them l'Il see with utmost clarity
“Phone Call From God”
Sang by: Charlie
Snippet 1:
(Mr Nolan, spoken) Whoever the guilty persons are, this is your only chance to avoid expulsion from the academy
*phone rings*
When a phone rings, we're taught it's rude to hold off / So l hear a … and figure it's polite to respond
(Spoken) Mr. Nolan, it's for you. It’s God. She says we should have girls at Welton
I know it might sound crazy, but I know God when I hear her / That voice rings, booms, and stuns. She’s offering us the answer! / She's gifted us advice to repent us from all sin. There's a way to avoid all hell, yes! / lf you let girls into Welton / God herself is begging, pleading with a crackling voice / How are we to see the world if it's only seen by boys?
Snippet 2:
Now I can’t help / That I was born the chosen one / Hand-picked by the father, the holy spirit, and the son / So when they call me a prophet / What can I do but agree? / I guess the blessing of a goddess has forced a spotlight on me / And yes, there's pressure, handling it all on my own
(Ensemble, aka unnamed students) He talks to God!
But I take it in my stride and I take it over the phone
(Ensemble) God has a rotary - it makes sense if you don’t think about it too hard
Are we?
(Ensemble) Yes!
I wasn’t finished yet
(Ensemble) Sorry!
Are we ready to be the reason that God's plan falls through?
(Ensemble) No!
Then what should we do?
(Ensemble) We'll listen to you!
"Party Of Seven"
Sang by: Knox and Chris
*telephone sounds*
(Chris, on the phone, spoken) Hello?
(Knox, nervous) *hangs the phone abruptly*
(Charlie, spoken) What was that pussy-move about, Knoxious?
(Knox, spoken) She's gonna hate me! The Danburry's are gonna hate me! My parents are gonna kill me!
(The poets) …
(Knox, spoken) Alright, jeez. Carpe diem, even if it kills me.
(Chris, spoken) Hello?
(Knox, spoken) Hello, Chris?
(Chris) Yes, who am I speaking with?
(Knox, spoken) Hi! This is Overstreet! Well, no, it's Knox. I mean Overstreet is a part of my name but not all of it. It's Knox Overstreet in full, but I just go by Knox.
(Chris) …
(Knox, in a lower voice, spoken) Hey, it's Knox.
(Chris) Hi, Knox. I'm glad you called.
(Knox) She’s glad I called!
(Chris) I was actually gonna call you about Ginny's party to promote the play / I was hoping I could count on seeing you Friday.
(Knox, accusing, towards Neil, spoken) Ginny's having a party … and she didn't invite Neil … because if she DID he would've told us about it, right?
(Chris, spoken) Well, if you can't come Knox, that's totally okay.
(Knox, spoken) We'll be there!
(Chris, spoken) We'll?
(Knox) Of course! / What kind of party would it be / Without the hell-raisers of the academy? / We are going to that party / We'll do what the cool kids do / Like smoke and drink and talk to you
(Chris, spoken) What?
(Knox) Nothing! / The Dead Poets will be in attendance / That much you can count on / We've been waiting for something like this / Something to…. / Get our groove on
(Chris, spoken) All of you? That is … great!
(Knox) That is great / Just you and me / And six of my closest friends
(Chris) Well, it's this Friday at seven / So I'll see all seven of you then
(Knox) The Danburry's house / Friday at seven / I'll be there / All seven of us will be there
"Puck's Celebration"
Sang by: Neil
Snippet 1:
Years of waiting and pining have finally lead to this feeling / Happiness that's mine to keep / Nobody else I've gotta be
(Spoken) But that shrewd and knavish sprite called Robin Goodfellow. I’m Puck! I'm playing Puck!
(Background, spoken) Puck you!
Just a bed of bliss / Just to lay my head in / Just one thing that's really mine / Just one thing, just one time / God, I’m happy / Really happy / Don't think I’ve felt this kind of happy before now / Not even when I was barely ten, and my dad got me that toy train and / I played with it for days on end / I would sit and play with it / Well, play with it ‘till I broke the back engine / I guess I never did have steady hands / So much for being a surgeon then! / I still loved that train and, yes, I was happy / Happy despite the broken back engine / But this happy is different from back-engine-happy / This time I'm happy and it's just for me / With no despites and no tiny print / No more back-engine happy and no more restrict…ions
Snippet 2:
If father could see me now he'd see this smile on my face / and maybe he'd be proud of the happy boy he raised / I'd hug him and weep and say / "I love you, thank you for seeing me through" / And he'd say, "son, if you're happy, then l am too" / And he'd mean it / Each show I'm in, he'd see it / He'll buy flowers and stand in the aisle / Shouting "that's my boy!" with a genuine smile / I'd jump in his arms, he'd cradle my head, just like I'm a younger child again
“Starlit Smile”
Sang by: Chris
What is it about / His smile, his words, his gift — no, his curse / He beams, he shines / It seems he's mine if I want him to be / So, what's stopping me? / God, what's wrong with me? / But how can I know what's wrong or what's right / If I'm always running without giving a try / To the bright, warm joy of the moonlit boy
“Desk Set (Reprise)”
Sang by: Todd (talking to Neil)
Here, now I find you, abstaining from dejection / But know you don't have to be locked down by perception / The world will seek joy to crash upon, a light to bash until it's gone / But I've seen your unclouded days, your unlighted nights / I'm here for you always / I'm here now by your side, by your side
(Spoken) You’ll be alright
“At Your Will”
Sang by: Cameron
(Cameron’s villain song)
Drag my name through muddy waters / Make my face rough with blood / At least I'll know I took a stand / I followed through a steady plan / I faced it head on like a man / I did it once, l'Il do it again / They kiss the ground of this "great poet" / They sit here and leave me for dead / They weep and sob over teachings / And learn to abandon a friend
(Mr. McAllister, off stage, spoken) Gerard Pitts
My apologies for being neglected, unfair / Make me the enemy / And see if I care / Bully me, silence me, mock and ignore / They tried to brainwash me, but not anymore! / My apologies for winning, living right inside the grey / Success in dignity, morality in vain / For the first time, I don't get it / For the first time, I doubt I ever will / For the first time, l'm giving up on getting it! / So crucify me at your will
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dontyoufinditstrange · 4 months
From Under The Cork Tree Lyrics That Alter My Brain Chemistry
Our Lawyer Made Us Change The Name Of This Song So We Wouldn't Get Sued
"the ribbon on my wrist says 'do not open before christmas'" "we're only liars, but we're the best" "its just past 8 and i'm feeling young and reckless"
Of All The Gin Joints In All The World
"i used to waste my time dreaming of being alive, now i only waste it dreaming of you" "we're sleeping through all the memories"
Dance, Dance
"tonight it's 'it can't get much worse' versus ' no one should ever feel like'" "i'm two quarters and a heart down" "and i don't wanna forget how your voice sounds" "these words are all i have so i'll write them so you need them just to get by" "this is the way they'd love if they knew how misery loves me"
Sugar, We're Going Down
"i'm just a notch in your bedpost, but you're just a line in a song" "a loaded god complex, cock it and pull it" "isn't it messed up how i'm just dying to be him?"
Nobody Puts Baby In The Corner
"i keep my jealousy close cause its all mine" "hand behind this pen relives a failure every day" "so wear me like a locket around your throat, i'll wear you down, i'll watch you choke"
I've Got A Dark Alley And A Bad Idea That Says You Should Shut Your Mouth (Summer Song)
"we're the kids who feel like dead ends" "and the poets are just kids who didnt make it and never had it at all" "force our smiles, baby, half dead, from comparing myself to everyone else around me" "please put the doctor on the phone cause i'm not making any sense" "blame everyone but me for this mess" "and my back has been breaking from this heavy heart" "i'm hopelessly hopeful you're just hopeless enough"
7 Minutes In Heaven (Atavan Halen)
"i keep tellin myself, i keep tellin myself i'm not the desperate type, but you've got me looking through blinds" "trying to forget everything that isn't you" "i'm not going home alone, cause i dont do too well on my own"
Sophomore Slump Or Comeback Of The Year
"cause i swear i'd burn the city down to show you the light" "no matter what they say, don't believe a word" "cause i'll keep singing this lie if you keep believing it" "take our tears, put em on ice" "ashamed of the way the songs and the words own the beating of our hearts" "got a sunset in my veins" "i need to take a pill to make this town feel okay" "i need to keep you like this in my mind"
Champagne For My Real Friends, Real Pain For My Sham Friends
"you are a getaway car, rush of blood to the head" "we only do it for the scars and stories, but not the fame" "at least everyone is trying, everyone is shining, everyone deserves the flames, but its such a shame" "the sounds of this small town make my ears hurt" "the tide's out, the ship's run aground, we drown traitors in shallow water"
I Slept With Someone In Fall Out Boy And All I Got Was This Stupid Song Written About Me
"you're the only place that feels like home" "i'm the first kid to write of hearts, lies, and friends" "i am sorry my conscience called in sick again" "i've got arrogance down to a science" "they call kids like us vicious and carved out of stone" "but for what we've become we just feel more alone" "so progress report: i am missing you to death"
A Little Less Sixteen Candles, A Little More "Touch Me"
"you're just the girl all the boys wanna dance with and i'm just the boy who's had too many chances" "i don't blame you for being you, but you can't blame me for hating it" "write me off, give up on me, cause darling what did you expect?"
Get Busy Living Or Get Busy Dying (Do Your Part To Save The Scene And Stop Going To Shows)
"we never stood a chance and i'm not sure if it matters" "i'm mailing letters to addresses in a ghost town" "i know this hurts, it was meant to" "it's mind over you don't, don't matter" "it must be said again that all us boys are just screaming into microphones for attention because we're just so bored" "we never knew that you would pick it apart" "i'm falling apart to songs about hips and hearts"
"i left my conscience pressed between the pages of the bible in the drawer" "love never wanted me, but i took it anyway" "choose love or sympathy" "loose lips sink ships"
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odditycircus-2002 · 8 months
Since your requests are open: could you do a fic about MK11 Fujin hearing the reader sing and he thinks it’s absolutely beautiful, so the reader does a mini concert with just him watching?
If you need certain songs to put into this, I got you:
A/N: Thank you for the songs and for my first fic request that doesn't involve my usual Mortal Kombat men! I hope I do Fujinn justice, as he seems like a chill dude. Oh! And for the song in this fic, I went with "The Voice" by Celtic Woman. I'd thought it would be fitting with its elemental lyrics. I'll also try to keep these requests as gender-neutral as possible unless specified otherwise.
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The Voice
Being the god of the Wind came with many perks. Not only is Fujin granted with divine power, but also the ability to fly and ride on the winds to wherever he desires. Currently, the wind god has no specific location where he desires to reach. Fujin is currently content with riding the winds on a rare peaceful day in Earthrealm, with no sign of an upcoming attack from Outworld's inhabitants. That is until the demi-god caught wisps of a melody within his breeze. The melody carried soft notes with an almost haunting quality to it. Fujin eases his winds to a halt within a forest, waiting to hear more of the melody.
His patience is rewarded when he hears it dancing on the breeze again. Fujin judges by the volume of the music, its source isn't too far from him. With footsteps light as the wind he commands, the demi-god treks through the woods, the music becoming louder and clearer with each step he takes. Eventually, his search takes him to a clearing with some mostly smooth boulders in the center. On top of those boulders sat a young adult Earthrealmer plucking at the strings off a worn but loved fiddle. They occasionally would play some notes before following them by singing in possibly the most beautiful voice he's ever heard in all of his existence.
"I am the voice in the wind and the pouring rain. I am the voice of your hunger and..."
The earthrealmer trails off before letting a huff of frustration which is when Fujin decided to make his presence known.
"Why did you stop?"
You let out a shout in surprise, fumbling with your fiddle and bow as they almost fell from your arms. Fujin holds up his hands in a placating manner as he takes another step into the clearing with a soft expression on his face.
"Forgive me, I didn't mean to startle you,"
"Are you blind?"
You cut off the strange looking newcomer, taking in his bright pale eyes and long silver braid.
"Your eyes. They're really white as if you're blind. Are you?"
Fujin gives an amused grin.
"No and I am glad. Otherwise, I'd never get to see you sing err..."
"Y/N, the name's Y/N. Do you have one too stranger?"
You are quick to ask as you turn your head away from the tall and handsome newcomer, hoping he doesn't see your flustered expression.
"My name is Fujin."
The demi-godd decides to leave it at that, for now, not wanting to further surprise you and possibly drive you away by revealing his role as one of Earthrealm's divine protectors and god of the wind.
"So Fujin, you caught me at a bit of a bad time,"
"And why is that?"
Fujin gently asks. You look around at anything but the newcomer, while running your fingers along your bow.
"Well, I'm supposed to be composing a song. I have the notes but I don't quite have all the words."
"If it helps, your singing is very beautiful."
"Oh uhhh, thank you."
You blush as you start to absentmindedly pluck a few notes of your fiddle. Fujin is now just a few feet away from you, close but with respectable distance between you.
"I would like to listen to more of your work, if you'll allow it."
"Sure! Uh- I mean- I mean, sure. That would be wonderful. I could use a muse anyways."
You then stand up on your feet, realizing how you're only just slightly taller than Fujin with the platform beneath you. You dust yourself off, you then hop onto a higher boulder. After making a few adjustments with your fiddle's strings, you start to sing.
Fujin was fortunate enough to snatch snippets of your singing while he was riding the winds, but those pale in comparison to hearing you right in front of him. Your voice is strong and proud. It is ethereal and eerie. It is as if listening to the Elder gods sing themselves.
When you start to play your fiddle for the musical segment of your song, you jump down from your boulder to start skipping around the clearing. You almost appear to be floating on air, and actually do at one point, but you hardly notice as you're too engulfed by the music. Around you and Fujin, the wind starts to blow and picking up the fallen leaves, filling the clearing with a myriad of warm colors.
"I am the Voice of the past that will always be filled with my sorrows and blood in my fields!
I am the Voice of the future! Bring me your peace... Bring me your peace and my wounds... They will heal."
Throughout your mini concert, Fujin's gaze never wavered from your form as if trying to commit every move and gesture to memory. As you paint a rhapsody with your body but write a requiem with your song. At last, it comes to a stop and so the Demi-god does the only thing he could think to do and claps.
You give a beaming smile at Fujin before taking a pantomime bow.
"Thank you, thanks for being such a great audience and muse."
You then blow him a kiss.
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