#'ᵈᵃ ᵖʳᵃʸᶤᶰ' ᵐᵃᶰᵗᶤˢ ;; verse.
despairforme · 3 years
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     To his embarrassment, Nnoitra enjoys the scent of flowers. He loves that shit. He’ll give 0 fucks and face-plant his nose into a field of daffodils. Nice.
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despairforme · 3 years
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     Thinks about his latest life choices.
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despairforme · 3 years
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     Sup bitches?
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despairforme · 4 years
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     ❝ Damn, ya some kinda idiot or wha’? ❞ There was absolutely zero concern in his voice. WHY WOULD HE CARE if some stupid woman had almost gotten her eye clawed out by a... What the fuck did she call it again? A Kravyāda? Apparently the same as a Hollow. He hated foreign languages. As if learning ONE language wasn’t hard enough! A skinny finger tapped against his eyepatch in thought. Naturally she would assume he too carried some sort of injury, seeing as he was covering his eye. That wasn’t the case though. Nnoitra just didn’t like showing off his Hollow hole because it was very sensitive to touch. ❝ Mah, ‘s my Hollow hole. ❞ he explained with an obvious shrug. It really was BAD LUCK for him to have his Hollow hole located in his eye. He had never known anything different so it wasn’t THAT big of a deal, but yeah. It was just another thing to add to his long list of misfortunes that had befallen him. ❝ What ‘da fuck made ya think ya could become friends with a Hollow. We’re MONSTERS, ya know? ❞ / @nirgama​ ,, continued .
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despairforme · 3 years
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     ❝ Women are weak, just sayin’. ❞
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despairforme · 3 years
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     Everyone thinks he’s funny? SHIT--- Maybe he actually does have some charm after all? 
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despairforme · 3 years
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     I have decided I fuckin’ hate coffee ‘n that hot chocolate is superior. 
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despairforme · 3 years
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     ❝ Weak. ❞
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despairforme · 3 years
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     ❝ ‘Da fact that ya’ll think sex is indecent is so fuckin’ pathetic. ❞
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despairforme · 3 years
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     So, is there gonna be a birthday party? And - is there cake?
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despairforme · 3 years
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     Since everyone is so disgusted by him and his tongue, he’s going to lick all the cutlery in the kitchen!!!!!!! and all the doorhandles in the castle!!!!!! VIVA LA REVOLUTION !!
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despairforme · 3 years
The only reason Aizen made you 5 is because he knew you could beat him
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     ❝ ‘Daz right. If I wanted ‘ta, I could make Aizen my bitch. ❞
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despairforme · 3 years
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     See this? This is HIS best friend!!!!!!!!!!!!
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despairforme · 3 years
What’s your love language nnoi
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     He wasn't one hundred percent sure if he knew what ' love language ' meant. After all - HE WAS A HOLLOW. The concept of love was not really meant for monsters like him. If someone had asked him about anything like this a couple of years back, he would’ve laughed. A lot had happened since then. As it turned out, even HE could learn how to love somebody.
     It hadn’t started out as love. Just sex. Then attraction. Then? Little by little he and Grimmjow had grown closer and closer, until they were connected. Now, it was difficult for Nnoitra to imagine how things would be without him. How HE would be without him. Grimmjow was like an extension of himself. The GOOD part of himself ( weird to think about such a concept ). Yeah, Grimmjow was pretty fucked up in a lot of ways, but his flaws didn’t bother Nnoitra. He just loved him.
     If ‘ love language ‘ meant what he thought, then it was the way you expressed love. Nnoitra had to think about it for a long moment. He tapped his fingers against the handle of Santa Teresa, trying to think of the times when he had tried to get Grimmjow to understand how he felt about him. Nnoitra definitely wasn’t verbal about his feelings. He rarely said things like: I love you. He was pretty sure he could count on one hand the amount of times he had SAID it to him. Nnoitra’s affections were more physical. The way he touched Grimmjow wasn’t just sexual. It was that too, of course. Who the hell wouldn’t enjoy fucking Grimmjow? His touches were also affectionate. How he kissed him, held him... Brushed his fingers through his hair. That was out of love. It was affection shown because he WANTED to be close to him. NEEDED to be close to him. Nnoitra’s feelings especially came across when they slept next to each other. Grimmjow snuggled up against him for the sake of his bodyheat, and Nnoitra’s arms ( and legs? ) wrapped around the smaller frame. Keeping him close. Keeping him safe. 
     Nnoitra also showed his love in the form of respect. He respected Grimmjow’s strength, his decisions, his opinions. He didn’t do that with anyone else. In that regard, Nnoitra treated him the way HE wished to be treated by others. 
     ❝ Dunno. ❞ He finally said, shoulders shrugging. ❝ If Grimmjow doesn’t understand how I feel ‘bout him, then he’s even more stupid than me. ❞
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despairforme · 3 years
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despairforme · 3 years
Oh these? Her boobies? Her massive fucking tiddies? Her super stuffed up milkies? Her honker wonker doinky boinkies? Her fucking fabric-stretching wind-flapping gravity-welling sex mounds? You mean these super duper ultra hyper goddamn motherfucking tits?
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     ❝ ‘Daz right. She might be ugly as FUCK, but at least she’s got a pair ‘a tits. ❞
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