#🪝 [Harry Hook]
advcnturewithin · 9 months
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@3katanas asked: did they touch you? For his love From || Dramatic and Protective Relationship Prompts
'Did they touch you?'
That was a loaded question really, one that Harry didn't really want to answer truthfully about, not to the man he had fallen head over heels for.
It hadn't taken long for his father's enemies to learn that Harry and Gil had left the small sanctuary that they had grown up in, and the threats had only grown bigger once they reached Lougetown, the last stop before the Grand Line. Unfortunately, it was Harry who was the first one to be caught unawares while Gil stuck by Nami's side.
Originally, the plan was to stick by Zoro, but one moment they were together and the next moment, his green-haired lover was elsewhere and they'd been split.
The already forming bruises on his ribs and the cuts that will become new additions to his scar collection were beginning to ache and cause him to lag, but Harry just shook his head a little and gave a small, hopefully reassuring, smile. "I'm fine"
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It was just lucky that Zoro had found him before the sickos had gotten around to what they originally wanted to do.
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Hi Taylor Swift - Haylor community!
I've posted a few times on here and have loved reading your thoughts and comments!
Ive been posting on TT, but just keep feeling like the community on here is where I'd rather keep these thoughts.
I have so many thoughts to share and chat about!
I cannot take credit for all these finds though!! My good friend, Minnow.88 on TT basically shared every find! Her mind is brilliant 🤌🏼
Long Story short...HA HA HA, I'm an OG Swiftie, who feels like my life has paralleled TS's own "musical" life. My relationships and I grew up with Ms. Swift. I am so thankful for her lifting me up and carrying me through the hard times.
From the very start I knew she was a sneaky girl when she hid the "random" capitals letters in the Debut CD 💿 booklet. What a genius!...I was hooked 🪝
Fast forward to today, June 4th 2024, and I've got a full-blown Haylor TT and was losing sleep dreaming about the DAMN KARMA COFFEE CUP ☕️
in the most magical synchronistic of ways, my path one day crossed "Minnow.88's" on TT. We bonded immediately, and she started filling me in on what she had discovered. She found Taylor by way of Harry, and the rest is history. I would say she taught me HOW TO CODE Harry.
Like I said, I have so many notes on this and TT is a great place to share but the time & effort of creating a detailed post that doesn't get lost on someone's short attention span...well idk, I like to write and read, so the OG social site (well almost)...haha I guess you could say MySpace was the "OG", but tumbr was more convenient.
Oh also, this "blog" was original started in 2010 lol ... I felt like this place was meant to be - I'm back to where i originally began searching for wisdom
My only rule here is :
Treat People With Kindness ✌🏼🤗
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bugsshipping · 2 months
Bug’s F/Os :]
(Proship dni!!)
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My main main F/Os are :
Harry Hook (Descendants) (Romantic) #🏴‍☠️🪝
Stu Macher (Scream) (Familial) #🔪🧸
Stevo Levy (SLC Punk) (Romantic) #👊🔒
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My other f/os are :
🌟 = Main
⭐️ = Semi-Main
🌟Uma (Descendants) #🐙🔱
🌟Pearl (Pearl) #🪓🩸
🌟Tim LaFlour (Senseless) #🏒💎
🌟The Lost Boys (The Lost Boys) #🩸☀️
🌟Jake Peralta (Brooklyn 99) #🚨🎥
🌟Clint Briggs (Spirited) #💵🎄
🌟 Calvin (IF) #🎭🎪
🌟Brad Bakshi (Mythic Quest) #🖇️👾
⭐️Rodrick Heffly (Diary of a Wimpy Kid movies) #🎸🛹
⭐️Jesse Pinkman (Breaking Bad) #👾⚗️
⭐️ Ray Manchester (Henry Danger) #🦸🎖️
⭐️ Matthew Patel (Scott Pilgrim vs the World) #😈💿
⭐️The Music Meister (DC comics) #🎶🎧
Cedric (Home Alone 2) #🏨🎁
Sammy Lawrence (BATIM) #🖋️🙏
🌟Billy Loomis (Scream) #🔪⭐️
🌟Mickey Altieri (Scream) #🔪🎭
🌟Peter Parker (Marvel) #🕷️🕸️
⭐️Fish Mooney (Gotham) #🐟💜
9th doctor (Doctor Who) #⏱️🔍
🌟Oswald Cobblepot (Gotham) (Big Brother) #🐧☂️
🌟Kronk (The Emperor’s New Groove) (Father) #💪🧁
🌟Evan Hansen (Dear Evan Hansen) (Big Brother) #✉️💿
⭐️Loki Laufeyson (Marvel) (Big Brother) #💚🪄
⭐️Charles and Ruth Condomine (Blithe Spirit) (Parents) #👻📺
Edward Nygma (Batman Forever) (Dad) #🧪🥼
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My s/i s are pretty similar (they’re mostly just me but a little Mary Sue-) and I’ll post bios and stuff eventually but plz feel free to ask questions!! I’m always open to them to help build my lore and stuff :]
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realpopinterest · 1 year
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❤️‍🔥😏Isis Naija Gaston😏❤️‍🔥 known by the stage name “Ice Spice” 🧊🔥has one of the most unique and foretelling fun facts I’ve ever seen from a breakthrough artist. Being born on January 1st of 2000 👩🏽‍🍼she truly was born to be the first iconic rapper born in this century. Her humble attitude and passion for the rap game and catchy hooks 🪝has anyone with her name in their mouth choking ☠️
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ohbambix · 7 months
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❝ Fork It Over, Ye Runt. ❞
welcome to london, HARRY HOOK! did anyone ever tell you that you look just like THOMAS DOHERTY? well, no matter, we hear that you are TWENTY-THREE and working as a SELF-DEFENSE INSTRUCTOR (at FLEX). we also hear that you currently DON’T HAVE your memories from DISNEY’S DESCENDANTS and have a tendency to be LOYAL as well as IMPULSIVE.
tw ; violence, murder, death, nsfw
🪝― Due to his loss of his previous memories, he doesn't know that he woke up in London after the barrier over the Isle of the Lost came down officially. He has no memories of Uma, Gil, or even his two sisters. The only thing he does know that connects with his past is his name and knowing he has sisters somewhere.
🪝― All he drinks is tap water from the faucet in his run down apartment, which continues messing with his memories. But he does have an occasional dream about his old life if he goes a day without water consumption - whether it be from illness, injury, or sleeping too long.
🪝― Although he doesn't fully remember his past, he does get occasional dreams when he's sick of his past life. Usually involves all the times he brought havoc and unalived people on the Isle. It's either forgotten by the time he recovers or is brushed off as a weird dream, nothing more.
🪝― He works as a self-defense instructor as there comes a natural instinct deep down about knowing how to defend himself, with or without weapons, due to the violent nature on the Isle of the Lost.
🪝― In his old life, he pursued many partners despite only being in love with his Captain, Uma the daughter of Ursula. While in London, he hasn't been able to retrain any feelings past hook-ups (heh, get it). This leaves plenty of room for connection discussion. Gender does not matter.
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m0srael · 2 years
First Lines
Thanks @pennygalleon, @isamijoo, @softlystarstruck, and @cavendishbutterfly <3 I loved reading your first lines here, here, here, and here!!! List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have fewer than 20, just list them all!). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favourite opening line. Then tag some people to take part.
🏔 The Death Zone [5k | E]
Draco removes the worn parchment from the inside pocket of his parka and dismantles the delicate protection charms woven around it.
🐱 Lovingly Named [12k | E]
For her entire life, Minerva’s mother called her Mimi and nothing else.
🐉 show me how to be your boy [14k | E]
Draco cherishes mornings at the Children’s Museum of Magical Discovery before the doors open to the public and the place fills with screaming kids.
🌹 To Vanish Into Something Better [35k | E]
The fluorescent lights blink down from the Tesco ceiling, over-bright. Harry squints his eyes against the glare as their halogen whine modulates to match the pulsing tempo of the headache that has settled behind his left eye.
🎻 Grace Note [1.7k | E]
Harry had gotten the idea from Slughorn.
🛹 He Was a Skater Boy [19k | E]
Harry can feel them burning holes into his skin like sunshine through a magnifying glass.
🛀 Casefile: Operation MoD [13k | M]
Department of Mysteries, Fate Division Official Document: Transcript of Audio or Memory Evidence Case Number: 67877 Date: February 25, 2005 Investigator: G. Greengrass Details Participants: Harry J. Potter (HP), Gareth Greengrass (GG), Alfonse Pettit (AP) Context: Intake Interview, History Acquisition *recording begins* GG: Okay. Tell me, son—
🐛 Slimy, Yet Satisfying [2.5 K| T]
The first time Harry caught him at it, Draco was crouched over the kitchen counter in the dead of night in only his pants.
🥐 Written Proof [34k | E]
There’s a lot that Draco loves about the little bakery, in addition to the pastries.
🧟‍♂️ Making a Family Makes a Home [2.4k | T]
“Happy anniversary, love,” Harry pants into Draco’s wet, open mouth.
🥱 A Very Abbreviated List of the Ludicrous Places That I, Draco Lucius Malfoy-Potter, Have Found You, Harry “Bloody Saviour” Malfoy-Potter, Asleep [462 | G]
1. The couch in the eighth year common room. Oh, for Merlin’s sake, Draco, that’s not even weird! Couches are meant to be slept on! Everyone fell asleep on that couch!
🔥 No Fall but Preceded by a Declination [5.3k | E]
At first, Scorpius attributed the gradual increase in ambient temperature to the changing season.
✈️ Flight Patterns [8.6k | E]
Draco doesn’t know how he got himself into this position.
👻 Chasing Strange Ghosts (A Choose-Your-Own-Adventure) [7.8k | T]
“What was that?” Draco hissed, head whipping up toward the dripping ceiling.
🪝 The Man With a Hook for a Hand or: Scorpius Malfoy Starts a Fire [1.8k | G]
You’re clearing up after dinner when the lights start to flicker.
🍆 Torch Your Inhibitions [2.1k | E]
“Malfoy, are you sure the invitation says no pants allowed?” Harry says to the mirror as he grimaces and tightens the rope holding his robe closed around his hips.
👃🏻 To Brew Paradise [4.4k | E]
The thick summer air thrums with the droning buzz of cicadas as Harry slowly approaches the crowd gathered around the door to the small, dusty apartment.
🗞 Boy Wonder seeks Wonderful Boy [4.3k | M]
“Here, how about this one--” “‘Mione, I know you think I need to get out more but do you think this is really the way to go about it? I mean, any one of these people could be a serial killer.”
🧪 Live to Remember, Remember to Live [19k | E]
Simpson, Head Potions Analyst for the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, stood at the front of the briefing room.
🥃 Be Better Than You Were [4.5k | M]
The party has been waning for a while as Harry, only slightly tipsy now since he’d set his firewhiskey down...somewhere, ambles into the kitchen with a vague inclination to make himself some tea. He stops short on the threshold at the sight of Draco standing stock still in front of the large sink, their back to Harry, staring out the window.
If any of these first lines got you curious enough to read more...um...let me know, please? 🥺 💜@softlystarstruck, @ronbinary, @romaine2424, @jalesidor, @hogwartsfirebolt, @cluelesspigeons, @moonstruckwytch, @justthingsfromsarah, @kryptidfoxwrites, @nv-md💜
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advcnturewithin · 9 months
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@3katanas asked: have you been carrying me this whole time? From || Being Carried/Carrying Prompts
Harry gave a small grin over his shoulder to where he had Zoro perched and shrugged a little in response to the question, while Zoro wasn't exactly as light as a feather due to the amount of muscles the swordsman had gained from all his training; he wasn't too heavy for Harry to carry either.
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"We needed to get out of there, and there was no way in hell that we were leaving you... even the penguin agreed that we weren't risking you and were bringing you with us straight away rather than returning when it was safer..." Harry explained lightly as the small crew trudged quietly through the small forest around them, staying on guard for any other threats surrounding them. Gil and Ussop were behind him, taking up the rear while Luffy and Nami were up ahead, Sanji was at the front since he was one of the fastest fighters they had with Zoro out of commission, and Harry and Gil focused on keeping the swordsman safe "I figured you'd prefer me carrying you than the blonde idiot... How's the head?"
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advcnturewithin · 9 months
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@3katanas asked: ❛  i’ve been thinking about bending you over that table and just having my way with you.  ❜ (for Harry)
Harry shivered in response to the words whispered in his ear, a small noise of desire slipping past his lips as the images began to invade his mind, a heat flushing up the back of his neck and cheeks.
Ever since sparring with Zoro had turned into something more, the two of them couldn't seem to be apart for very long, it had even come to a point where Luffy usually requested that Harry and Zoro work together; the two of them protecting their crew and their captain to the best of their abilities while the others did their own things.
However, today was different. Luffy had gone with Sanji, something about wanting to find a specific kind of meat while Nami and Ussop went shopping; Gil following behind them as he usually did when he thought he might need to protect the other two, Chopped had also decided to go with them to stock up his own supplies since Gil always offered to carry them back too.
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"What's stopping you?" Harry taunted quietly as he leaned back against his partner, he knew that Sanji would beat the living shit out of them if he found out they christened his kitchen, but there was a thrill there that made Harry eager.
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advcnturewithin · 9 months
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@3katanas asked: [ FORMAL ]  ―  for sender to tie receiver’s wrists together with their tie. (for Harry)
Harry was overwhelmingly bored, while he loved the little missions that the crew had been going on as they sailed, he hated when they were required to dress up like the penguin did every day. He felt uncomfortable in a suit and tie, all he wanted to do was take the bastard thing off but they were stuck in the gathering until they had the information needed.
The only good thing that had come from wearing the suits is that he had a feeling that Zoro may like how tight the suit pants were for Harry, especially since that was definitely something that Harry was happy about when he noticed that the fabric framed his partner's ass perfectly.
Feeling a hand tugging him into a restricted part of the building made him tense, until he caught the glint of the three swords that dangled from his partner's ear; he stayed still with a confused look as his tie was removed before he stiffened, heat building through him as his hands were tied behind his back with the fabric.
"mo ghràidh?" Harry questioned in breathless amusement
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advcnturewithin · 10 months
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@3katanas liked for Harry
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"So... was the green hair on purpose, ya lose a dare? or ya just tha' goddamn unlucky ta be born wif' it?" Harry taunted the other swordsman teasingly, a smirk stretching across his lips as he watched the other boy.
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advcnturewithin · 9 months
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@clownedpirate asked: “If that’s a veiled criticism about me, I won’t hear it and I won’t respond.” (for harry)
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"Oh no, if I was making a criticism, it wouldn't be veiled" Harry responded with an amused laugh, "and you kinda did respond to it by bringing it up. C'mon now, nose-body would really make veiled criticisms about you Captain"
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advcnturewithin · 9 months
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@denydefeat asked: “How did you get here?” / mal @ harry
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"There's something called a door, lass" Harry drawled sarcastically as he leaned against the doorframe watching the young woman, his hook looped onto his belt and his sword safely strapped to his hip so that he didn't give any threatening vibes. "Don' tell me yer actually worried about little ol' me, ain't ya the big thing here? Dontcha just need ta shout and ya'll have everyone running?"
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advcnturewithin · 9 months
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@clownedpirate asked: “If you were waiting for the opportune moment, that was it.” (for harry)
Harry hummed lightly in response to the comment from the clown pirate before him, his hook hanging from his hip as he played with the dagger that was in his hand; flicking it up and catching it as it spun back down.
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"Opportune moment for what exactly?" Harry inquired, he wasn't sure if the clown pirate Captain thought that he was going to attack him or not, although, Harry was not the kind of person to attack someone when their backs were turned or they weren't entirely paying attention. It was just bad sportsmanship
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