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chemicalconspiracy · 2 years ago
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I adore him ❤️
Version with jewelry:
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gardensofbabilon · 9 months ago
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✦ ۰ —ᣞ ⊹ ݁ ﹙ 🧿 ﹚: como seria sua galeria se você namorasse o pipe?
Caminhadas ao redor da cidade às dez da noite, cozinha caseira em aniversários de namoro, eventos cheios e conversas longas com muitas garotas, cartas escritas a mão, vídeos em câmeras analógicas, fotos em 35mm, cinemas XD com o melhor som, ''Hanz Zimmerman é um gênio do som'', a vida da cidade e barulhos de buzina, gatos miando, serenata de ocean eyes da billie eilish que ele não aguenta mais ouvir, beijos na testa e sono da tarde. Pipe te leva para um karaokê e vocês cantam juntos a música tema do relacionamento ''love never felt so good'' do michael jackson. Palavras de afirmação todos os dias e banhos juntos no calor enquanto os corpos grudados pioram a sensação térmica (e vocês amam).
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pupsmailbox · 1 year ago
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NAMES︰ ace. adonis. agate. amber. ambrose. amethyst. anders. aqua. aquamarine. arion. arthur. ashlin. asriel. astra. astrid. astro. athena. atlas. aurora. blaise. bran. briar. bruxo. bunnie. bunny. calamity. callisto. callum. calypso. cantasyia. caspian. cassian. cassiopeia. cedar. cedric. celeste. celestine. cherish. circe. clem. clemet. cosmo. coven. crystalesse. crystalette. cullen. cynthia. draco. drake. dreerie. duske. eerene. elphias. elysia. ember. emil. espen. etherial. fay. felix. finn. finnley. florian. fredrich. fyre. galatea. galen. garnet. glyra. griffin. haven. hazoire. hera. hypnyra. indigo. jade. jasper. jinx. juno. jynx. kara. kian. kimble. krystal. krystalle. lapis. lennix. leo. link. lucien. lumen. lumiere. luna. lune. lunesse. lunette. luz. lyra. mabel. mac. mackenzie. maddie. maddy. madelyn. madison. maggi. maggie. magia. magique. magnus. maria. max. maxwell. melanie. melodie. melody. mercy. mia. milena. miles. milo. minerva. moonesse. moonette. myrror. mystique. nova. onyx. opal. orion. oscar. oswald. pandora. pearl. pearlesse. pearlette. pearlle. phineas. phoebe. phoenix. pinkie. pinky. ruby. rune. sage. salem. sapphire. selene. seraphina. sereia. silouet. sirus. skye. sol. sora. sorcyrie. soren. spella. twyla. twyllusia. vince. zephyr.
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PRONOUNS︰ amu/amulet. an/angel. arc/arcane. bad/bad. bless/bless. bo/bone. brew/brew. ca/cast. can/candle. cha/charm. cla/clash. con/conjure. cr/crystal. cur/curse. de/demon. di/dim. du/dusk. en/enchantment. en/entity. eon/eon. eternity/eternity. ev/evil. fan/fantasy. fea/feared. fi/fight. fla/flame. fu/future. go/golden. go/good. h?/h?m. hae/haze. hex/hex. hx/hxm. hy/hym. ill/illusion. ix/ix. jar/jar. know/knowledge. ma/mage. ma/magic. mag/magic. mag/magical. mag/magician. magic/magic. mi/mist. mis/misfortune. mys/mysterious. myth/myth. myth/mythical. obs/obscure. pe/peril. po/potion. po/power. poi/poison. potion/potion. pu/purge. pur/pure. pur/purity. rit/ritual. sh?/h?r. sha/dow. shae/shade. shx/hxr. shy/hyr. si/sigil. sini/ster. soc/sorcery. som/somber. sor/sorcery. spe/spell. spell/spell. spi/spirit. sup/supernatural. th?y/th?m. thxy/thxm. thy/thym. vae/vaer. wa/wand. wand/wand. wi/wise. wi/witch. wit/witchcraft. witch/witch. wiz/wizard. ✨. 🍀. 🐀. 🔮. 🕯️. 🕷️. 🥀. 🦴. 🦷. 🧙🏻. 🧙🏻‍♀️. 🧿.
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kisabesworld · 2 years ago
Thou request
Yakuza!Street Racer!Kirishima x afab!fem! reader who’s owns a carshop
quirkless au, dom/som themes, powerplay, choking, a bit of some mean kiri 😪, Im up to see what other suggestions you have in mind.
— 🧿
yakuza!streetracer!kirishima x fem reader
cw: smut, mean kiri, dirty talk, use of mean words, (slut bitch etc.) dub con?? idk i feel like it’s pretty consensual, mentions of cum
you’d been dragged to a lousy street race by your friends. they’d always loved going to them, though they’ve always been more outgoing than you. you just thought it was boring more than anything. the sound of revving engines and cheers from the crowd woke you from your daze. you looked up, seeing the race was about to start.
cars were in rows, getting ready to take off. all of them were expensive, with rowdy men in the drivers seat that looked too cocky for their own good. against your better judgment, one man caught your eye. he had bright red hair, spiked up in a way that definitely fit him. he had a smug smile on his face, his sharp teeth showing. they made you shiver.
his eyes grazed over where you were standing before landing on you. you wouldn’t let this man intimidate you, despite his demeanor. he grinned wider, revving up his hellcats engine and giving you a wink. you tried to push the blush rising to your face away, but to no avail. his eyes only narrowed, his tongue coming out to wet his lips before turning frontwards again. then the race started.
you could feel your heart beating out of your chest. you’d never really been interested in men, much more interested in staying to yourself. but this man, his dangerous demeanor, his sharp toothed smile, it drew you in.
you should’ve listened to your gut.
the race ended fast, the cocky redhead coming in first place. it suited him. you watched for a few minutes, your friends fawning over some of the guys. the red headed man noticed you again, and a sly smile rose to his cheeks. you quickly decided it was time to go. saying goodbye to your friends, you began to walk to your car which was parked not too far away.
just as you unlock your car, a loud engine made you almost jump out of your skin. as you caught your breath, you looked around to see where it was. to your surprise, it was the same black hellcat that held the handsome redhead inside. you rolled your eyes before turning back around.
“hey! babe. c’mere.” he said, his voice deep and the slightest bit raspy. shivers went down your body straight to your toes at his words. you turned, cocking your head at the man.
“why? how do i know you’re not some creep.”
“im the creep?” he says, letting out a loud chuckle that had heat rising to your cheeks in embarrassment. “you’re the one who was eyeing me up at the race, doll. you’re the real creep, aintcha?”
you sighed, walking towards his car. “fine. whatever. what do you want?” you say, annoyance in your tone.
“you need to learn some manners, baby. lemme teach ya, yeah?” he says, a toothy grin on his face. he looked as cocky as ever. you inwardly wondered if he could back all of that up.
“no thank you. if you wanna do business with me though, here’s my card.” you say, handing him the card for your shop. he eyed it before sucking his teeth in annoyance.
“maybe if you stop by though, i’ll consider it.” you continue, walking away from him.
a few days later, you were busy in your shop. same old same old, looking at random guys cars with minor problems that they were too stupid to fix. you sighed, already tired from how boring the day had been. that’s when you heard a familiar engine rev in your parking lot. you grinned wide, though quickly stopped yourself once you realized what you were doing.
you sat up, wiping some of the grime from your face before turning to the redhead.
“hey, doll. you miss me?” he asks, the same toothy grin from before plastered on his face.
“not at all, actually.” you answer back in a matter of fact, sweet as honey tone. he clicks his tongue.
“again with the lack of manners? you’re gonna need more training than i thought, babe.” and with that he pinned you to the side of the bmw you’d been working on. his jean clad knee rested snugly between your thighs.
“woah woah woah— i don’t even know your name!” you say, gripping his t-shirt roughly.
“you tell me yours first, babe.” he responds, waiting for an answer.
“goddamnit- fine! my name is y/n. now what’s yours?”
“say please, doll.” he says, his head leaning down to let his lips ghost your neck. you shivered, swallowing your pride.
“please.” you say, heat rising to your cheeks.
he grins, teeth practically gleaming in the light. they were like razors. “good girl. you learn quick dontcha?” he says, his tone cruel. “my names eijirou.” he says, leaning down yet again to ghost kisses down your neck.
“fuck— feels nice.” you say, squirming at his touch. he chuckled at this, before grabbing your neck and squeezing lightly at the sides. “watch that goddamn filthy mouth, slut.” he says, watching as your eyes widened.
you nodded, suddenly feeling much more willing to comply. his eyes darkened, his hands never leaving your neck.
you could feel yourself slipping into submission at his words. you wanted to fight it— needed to. you knew he was trouble. could feel it in your very bones. but he was just too tempting.
“ah- yes, sir.”
his eyes widen, and suddenly he’s on you, ripping off your t-shirt to suck hickies on the exposed parts of your breast through your bra. “so sweet.. you’re gonna be sweet for me, right sugar?” he asks through kisses trailed down your chest to your belly button.
“yeah—“ he smacks your thigh, hard enough to hurt but soft enough you knew it was only a warning. “manners. yes what?”
you racked your brain, a dumb look on your face as you tried to decipher what he’d said. fuck, you’re already submitting to a man you barely knew. and he knew it all to well.
“already getting fucking dumb? i haven’t even stuck my dick in ya yet, sugar.” he says, crude words sending heat straight to your cunt. god, this man was dangerous and you loved it.
you shifted your thighs together, practically begging him to fuck you with how needy you looked. he just chuckled, man handling you over his shoulder and walking you both into your office. he laid you on your tummy on the desk, a hand pinning both of yours to the small of your back.
“needy little thing aintcha. just need a big strong man like me to dick you down right?” he spits, pulling your pants down to your ankles.
“goddamn, you’ve soaked through your panties! must really like this, huh? dirty fucking bitch.” he says, his voice sweet but words the opposite. you squirmed at his teasing, and in response he left a harsh slap on your ass.
“stay still, babe.” he says, pulling your panties down your ankles and proceeding to blow cold air on your cunt. you let out a whimper at the sensation, but tried your hardest not to move as he asked of you. “awh, good girl. my good girl. you’re learning awful quick for a dumb slut, ya know?”
“i’ll just have to reward you by dicking you down real good, won’t i?” he says, placing a hand on your neck. you moaned loud in response, too far gone too form actual words. you could hear him unzipping his jeans and sliding them down his thighs, anticipation making you shake.
he rubbed his tip through your folds, and you could already tell this man was huge. you could practically feel the veins on his shaft, and it wasn’t even in you yet. your desperate pussy clenched around nothing, ready to be stuffed full.
“all right baby, i’ll take care of you. don’t worry.” he says, his change in demeanor a surprise for you. well, it changed for a moment. after he’d finished bullying his fat cock inside you, he’d just went right back to how he was before. fucking mean.
fucking into you at a pace so rough pencils and papers began to fall from your desk. you moaned loudly, unable to stabilize yourself on anything with him holding your hands behind your back.
“fuckkk— your cunt is so tight- all for me yeah?” he says, fucking into you harder if it was even possible. his balls slapped loudly against your clit, only furthering your pleasure. you’d never felt anything like this before. especially the building pleasure and the feeling you needed to.. pee?
“no— nonono eijirou- need to peeee!” you whined, he only laughed cruelly, pinching your clit harshly and continuing his pace. “ah- eijirou!” you moan, suddenly soaking his dick with squirt. it ran down your thighs and further served to soak your pants and panties. he moaned lightly before pulling out and cumming on your ass with a slight whimper.
“god- that was amazing. let’s do it again sometime, yeah, sugar?” he asks, already grabbing a nearby rag to clean you and himself up.
an: sorryyy if this is rushed i just got off work🫡 hope you enjoy lovelies.
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chemicalconspiracy · 2 years ago
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spider crew
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awdelina · 2 years ago
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Låten som jag helst springer till 🧿
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timurbdavletov · 2 years ago
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Bu yılın ilk gününde kızım Yula ile birlikte💕🧿 Pu cylnyñ tun künínde xyzym Yulanañ xada💕🧿 Foto/som: Nükhet Okutan Davletov ↘️↘️↘️ https://twitter.com/aronberk/status/1609674620780662786?t=_5tWbze6nKoc3icaCh4Dug&s=19 @ndavletovart @TimurBDavletov @shamansociology @samandoganinsifasiuyaninca @samanmasallari @bilgekam #şaman #şamanizm #kamlık #shaman #shamanism #turkish #turkic #turkiye #turkey #altay #sibirya #siberia #mitoloji #mythology #anadolu #anatolia #hakas #khakassian #khakas #khakasia #xakas #khakasland #uygarlık #medeniyet #civilization https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm46-Ldoyhg/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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chemicalconspiracy · 2 years ago
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it's funny (not really) because imperial measurement system hahahha
also, i tried some moon girl colouring style for miles and gwen!!!! i love moon girl sm omg, so i'm probably gonna draw miles' hair like this from now on
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jessminera · 3 years ago
Buss It - Erica Banks
Um tag me when yall do my challenge - Tik Toker
som original - David Fernandes®
Yonaguni - Bad Bunny
TKN - ROSALÍA & Travis Scott
wanna getcha home vegas
original sound - Naia Hamilton
sonido original - djdarzu  ---- touch it  - (done scrolling)
Batman - LPB Poody
Ajena (with Myke Towers & Dayme y El High) - Dylan Fuentes & Myke Towers & Dayme y El High
sonido original - Albagdiazzz
Aintshit - benjibear
Ocean Prime (feat. Coi Leray) - Coi Leray & Bfb Da Packman
SLOWMOchallenge - Ara Asirot
Send My Love - 👻
original sound - Shianne Sio
оригинальный звук - boyechik
SG - MEGAN - DJ Snake, Ozuna, Megan Thee Stallion, LISA
original sound - Arii🦋🧿
original sound - Angel-Sheridan
original sound - Didy
follow me song too much FYOTP Insert nick name  ---- search
Follow me yourdaddymasonward - Mason Ward
original sound - Mei Baybey
original sound - Big Revo
Woah  -  KRYPTO9095   / arch levels
original sound - 🖤
original sound - Sweet tea!
KALEB DI MASI | DJ TAO Turreo Sessions #5 - Kaleb Di Masi & DJ Tao
original sound - Austin
оригинальный звук - ✨мʏзыкᴀ🤤✨  --- russian bugsbuny
original sound - Emily Martin
UNIT - Chris O
Gaga (I Got Your Milkies) - Dramatello
Stupid Hoe - Nicki Minaj  --- next 2 down
original sound - Oliviabess     ---- big bank
original sound - keamsmith
original sound - iwannatrypercs💊
original sound - Jei
original sound - RubiRoseOfficial   --- buss it
yeah hot people use this sound - cxaluv
original sound - Slamuri
original sound - lil nas x
Too Much by FYOTP - Likk boogie 🖤
 original sound - Justicechimel
original sound - Bianca Blakney   --- touch it
Touch It (remix) - Wisdom Kaye
Touch It (TikTok Remix) - Dj Viral TikToker
original sound - sierraleonebeautyx       -- touch it
Originalton - Janis_danner    --- touch it
som original - Thalisson Eduardo   ---- touch it
WOAH remix - LA VICKY🍑  --- throw it back
Da Ya Think I'm Sexy? - Rod Stewart
original sound - guido_gainz
RICH BOY - payton
Vmesh Beats Tell Em x Yeah Yeah - Varoon Ramesh
Clap For 'Em (feat. Flo Milli & Sada Baby) - YungManny
original sound - Nasia bae😘
sonido original - KUMAEDITS
Ses tutmuş takip edin bari - Tik Toker  --- touch it 
This is justuniplease audio - Hi I’m Dave    ---- touch it
Touch It (remix) - Merayad     - touch it, search
Touch It (TikTok Remix) - Dj Viral TikToker
original sound - emm.
original sound - 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
ur hot if u use this - lyla
original sound - ✨Keeds✨   --- from the side, still may not look like much 
dumpy  ---- search
som original - 𝒻
Touch It (Busta Rhymes) Tiktok - Dj dembow   ---- search
Buss It X Saki Saki DJ Amsal - Amsal Valliani
X.O.X.O. (feat. Rvfv & Chiki El De La Vaina) (Remix) - D' La Crem  -- twerk
original sound - Caramel Express   --- did dance went viral
Own Brand Freestyle - FelixThe1st & Dreya Mac   --- various
sonido original - Johnny🎧    --- touch it
Switch A Nigga Out - Summer Walker   -- headstand  wall
original sound - Dave
  som original - Duda Astassie
Con el Pompi Pa' 'Rriba - Mala Fe
  original sound - 𝚏𝚛𝚊𝚜𝚎𝚜♫︎
  sonido original - fio
  sonido original - Ramses De La Cruz
  sonido original - braianvega79
  megabaile do areias - Megabaile do Areias
  sonido original - Elmer Canchi
  Have Mercy - Chlöe
  sonido original - Young Stian
  Trakatá - Ptazeta & Farina & Juacko
  sonido original - My Bolivia🇧🇴😜
  Taste - Tyga
  original sound - Heatherrr
  Eat your protein - Tevvez
  Goldi Buena - B.OG
  Anything for clout - 🖤Tess🖤
original sound - 𝑁❤︎
Bananza (Belly Dancer) - puhrplehqze💜
  original sound - fuck you want a high five
  whyisthisaudiofamous - molly 💛
  Shaky Shaky - Daddy Yankee
  original sound - woodburytrevon
  sonido original - Alan
  kitty kat by megan - wnohyuk
  dicen que este audio te hace viral sera - Vale
  original sound - $🧸❤️
  original sound - 𝔹𝕦𝕣��𝕥🍗𝗻𝘂𝗴𝗴𝗲𝘁   -- too loud clap
Cash App - Louie Ray  ---  2
original sound - Thafmvous_lay   --- 3
original sound - Taylor - 4
original sound - nataysia😍😍😍   ---  5
original sound - mavleen
  original sound - Jon Trussell
  sonido original - Chicas Bellas Del Tiktok😍🥵
sonido original - Alta Gama RD
  original sound - J
batmannnn - g_bessey11    ---- search it
Original sound - Jozu
  Rompe - Daddy Yankee
  River - Bishop Briggs
0 notes
gardensofbabilon · 9 months ago
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✦ ۰ —ᣞ ⊹ ݁ ﹙ 🧿 ﹚: como seria sua galeria se você namorasse o enzo?
Bolando um cigarro de tabaco a cada 15 minutos, fumando e tomando sol na varanda mesmo no inverno, cadeira de praia e um som tocando mac miller. Taças de vinho após xícaras de café moído na hora, olhar a movimentação pela janela e passear pela orla às 16 da tarde. Pedalar para fazer compras e sempre carregar a câmera de vocês. Enzo te entrega café na cama em seu aniversário e acaba queimando a torrada. São 3 viagens por mês que ele faz questão de te levar, desfiles da semana de moda que te deixam encantada com esse estilo de vida, como é bom se sentir sempre de férias. ''você não paga nada quando está comigo''. Proteção constante e bilhetes no espelho recitando poemas românticos. Enzo chora ouvindo MPB e se acolhe em seus braços antes de dormir enquanto vocês conversam sobre algum assunto político. Sessões de filmes clássicos: montevideu é uma cidade cheia de cultura!
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chemicalconspiracy · 2 years ago
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super very really important spider-woman duties involve completing the national dex
60K notes · View notes
chemicalconspiracy · 2 years ago
@en-somniac TOAST
a lovely creecher
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chemicalconspiracy · 2 years ago
Thats because we used to have a multiship rp tumblr that will never be spoken about on here again we H A D to use the tagging system or we’d never find anything LMAO
Love our partner making a tumblr n using a tagging system
Couldnt be me
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jurassicblake · 5 years ago
This feels so uncanny ...
Like don’t get me wrong but this feels like some kind of ghost that was left after capitalism, this whole nostalgic look and aesthetic
It brings you memory’s of capitalism uncanny better days when you where a child
It evokes This Nintendo 64 aesthetic
It feels like something you would see on the Mr Robot tv broadcasting universe
Like can we al be inside on som broke reality? 👀🧿🌿
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