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snow-white-sanctuary · 13 days ago
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I'm so in love with the new Rainy Day skins in Overwatch 💙 Everyone of them is so lovely, and the best thing is that I will be able to get the three of them :D I did a little Rainy Day Mei doodle because I love her sm, maybe I'll do one drawing of the three of them someday
Also... Froggy 🐸
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Dividers by: @/saradika-graphics
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lunarbun-ships · 1 year ago
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hopping on this trend because i couldn't resist drawing all my fools together <3
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defensepunk · 1 year ago
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Help I can't stop making these
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f-o-and-selfship-club · 3 months ago
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selfship-confession-box · 7 months ago
My main F/Os aren't even romantic, they're platonic, and OCs. THEY'RE SO COOL!!! We've been friends for about 3 years already (even though I knew them for 7). I wouldn't have it any other way.
- 🧊🧊
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infectedhusband · 5 months ago
I'm so normal about my f/os and ships that ship some of them together. Like hehehe yes, they're boyfriends, but they also love me and I'm also their boyfriend and we're all so happy together hehehe. (Yes this is about Icemav/Roosmav/Hangster. They're all so good.)
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selfshipgushing · 5 months ago
Abbachio and Ghiaccio anon again, hi!
I return with more rambling about the ice fursuit man
occasionally I go back to watch his episodes and omigosh, his voice is sooo adorbs!!!! whenever I think of Ghiaccio's voice it's like I'm shot with a laser beam of just pure dopamine, his voice gets whinier in JJBA: All-Star Battle and it's just....perfect, I can't formulate the proper words for this without just devolving into caveman sounds, JUST AUGHGISDMFWLPSFPFL!!!!
Also while I'm still at least semi-coherent, while I wasn't expecting to return to this askbox so just in case I appear again, I figure I just send in one of those emoji combos to save the time of saying "Abbachio and Ghiaccio anon" -> ◀️🧊
idk anything about jjba except for that one guy with the bad bob and the boob window in his shirt you can see his bra through. sticky fingers or something.
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lars-n-drix · 4 months ago
Q; To Ice Bear, is Hendrix an iPad kid?
Ice Bear; Ice Bear has parental mode installed on the technology that Drix uses when regressed. Hendrix can't become an iPad kid because of this monitoring.
Ice Bear has also noticed that Hendrix tends to watch a lot of stimboard type content. Those videos where it's someone telling a story and then something unrelated on the side, like Subway Surfer. Ice Bear knows he hates it when it's someone making slime as Hendrix doesn't like sticky surfaces. And the process of making slime looks sticky to Drix. Ice Bear doesn't pair pancakes with maple syrup because of this.
Recently, he's discovered the decora aesthetic. Ice Bear has seen him watching videos where someone is 'shedding their decora skin.' It seems to be akin to the kidcore aesthetic.
Ice Bear has become intrigued by them as well.
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canon-can-fight-me · 1 year ago
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Paris!!!!! Oh my gosh 😭😭😭😭
The way this made me smile 🥰💕 Thank you so much!
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botanists-little-cookie · 1 year ago
Their plan is in motion >:3
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[Image ID: A drawing of Bennett and Diona. Bennett is looking off to the side and saying "She BIT me!". Diona is looking up at him and protesting, "I said SORRY!". The background is lilac. A signature, a stylized A_G, is between them. End ID]
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[Image ID: A drawing of Chongyun and Beidou. Beidou is ruffling Chongyun's hair and saying, "Glad to be invited!". Chongyun looks to the side awkwardly and is replying, "Of course, Captain...". The background is lilac. A signature, a stylized A_G, is between them. End ID]
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[Image ID: A drawing of Lumine and Paimon. Lumine is looking forward with a neutral expression and saying, "That was a lot...". She is holding a dark red bowl with a spoon sticking out of it. Paimon is floating next to it, shrugging. They are saying "Paimon thought she had some good ideas!". The background is lilac. A signature, a stylized A_G, is between them. End ID]
One week!!!
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snow-white-sanctuary · 9 days ago
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Well I tried to make a Mei drawing and while I think I got the body shape pretty well, I don't think it looks too much like her (I was lazy about drawing her glasses so that may be it). But anyway, here it is, because I feel like I haven't been posting too much lately.
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Dividers by: @/strangergraphics
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defensepunk · 1 year ago
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f-o-and-selfship-club · 1 month ago
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Created the design of my Teen Titans sona; Avalanche!
She's a snow demon who traveled to Jump City and an new recruited member for the Teen Titans. And she is like an older sister for them.
Avalanche has many abilities from creating weapons out of ice to gaining an demonic form whenever she feels extremely mad.
However she appears to be an secret apprentice for someone who she gained an interest to...
Crush: Slade Wilson
Friends: Jinx(neutral to), Terra(Neutral to), Brother Blood(frenemy), Red X(frenemy)
Familial: Robin(brotherly), Starfire(sisterly), Beast Boy(brotherly), Cyborg(brotherly) and Raven(sisterly)
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selfship-confession-box · 8 months ago
Cursed with crushing on characters I would be absolutely terrified of IRL. Like I'm so fascinated by them, but at the same time they could easily kill me. It makes thinking about whether or not to F/O them a pain because my heart says "YES!" but my mind says "NO DON'T." It's happened multiple times now... 😔
- 🧊🧊 (Ice Cubes anon, if it's not taken by the time I write this of course.)
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infectedhusband · 5 months ago
About your Top Gun/Top Gun: Maverick f/os...
🌧️: What's your favorite/ideal way to spend a rainy day together?
🕯: Who’s more likely to stay up later at night while the other's fast asleep?
🥧: What are you and your F/O's favorite Fall sweet treats? (Bonus: if homemade, do you make them together?)
🔥: Who gets colder easier? And who warms them up?
EEEEK I'm so excited to talk about them!!
Long post under the cut
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🌧️: What's your favorite/ideal way to spend a rainy day together?
With Mav, if he's home, it's normally just a cuddle day. We get cozy and cuddle with each other, and read a book together or something of the sort. If he's not home, and he's out partaking in whatever he could possibly be up to on a rainy day, I like to bake him little treats, clean up around the house, and do other little miscellaneous chores, that way he doesn't have to do them when he gets home.
When it comes to Ice, we just have a nice day at home together, doing whatever comes to mind. Whether that's cuddling, playing little games, or whatever else we can think of. We always have a nice time, and I love spending rainy days with him.
With Rooster, we like to just sit back and watch television. Basic, I know, but we'll throw on some old movie and cuddle together, and it usually ends up with me taking a nap in his arms.
With Hangman, we have a day planned out ahead of time, just for when it rains. Last time, it started off with sleeping in and sleepy cuddles, and then we went and baked an apple pie. We then did some painting, which ended up in both of us getting a little more messy than first anticipated, and then we went and danced outside together in the rain. It was honestly so romantic, 10/10.
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🕯: Who’s more likely to stay up later at night while the other's fast asleep?
This is a difficult question to answer because sometimes I get possessed by an old man and go to bed at 7:30 pm, but other times I stay up until 4 am. So it really depends on when I go to bed. Sometimes I'll be the first to fall asleep, other times I simply won't go to sleep.
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🥧: What are you and your F/O's favorite Fall sweet treats? (Bonus: if homemade, do you make them together?)
My favorite fall sweet treat is pumpkin cake, and its so good!! I make it all the time during fall!! I generally make it by myself, but occasionally one of them will come help me with it (usually Hangman)!!
It's hard to say any of their favorites, but I think I have a list. I believe Mav's favorite is my pumpkin pie, while Hangman and Ice both enjoy my caramel apple cake. Rooster likes my cinnamon rolls, even though those aren't really fall-exclusive (shhh).
Normally I make them by myself while they're out doing their shenanigans, but sometimes, whenever they're home with me, we'll bake together.
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🔥: Who gets colder easier? And who warms them up?
Normally I'm like a mini heater, and Mav, Ice, and Rooster all love it when they cuddle up to me on a cold day. Snuggling up to me under the covers is like snuggling up to a heater.
However, when it comes to Hangman, this man is somehow warmer than me all the time, so whenever I get cold (which is more often than you'd expect since I just described myself as a mini heater) I cuddle with him, and he warms me up.
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selfshipgushing · 4 months ago
Being annoying in your asks again about my wives
Both Abbacchio and Ghiaccio are basically the physically strongest in their respective teams and I think thats funny since I didnt know that til after I started shipping with them (least in Abba’s case) so its like when someone is dating a weak-lookin person but then the person nearly break someone’s jaw in one swing to protect their partner ^-^
Royalty AU where they to carry me with one of them fancy chairs that royalty used to traverse before eventually purposely tipping me over to the floor cause I kept flirting with them >~<
-sincerely, the one who doesn’t know if this counts as gushing! (◀️🧊)
PS, Hope your week is going good!
meh idrc you're still talking about your f/os so it counts in my book
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