#🧁————ship: neo24 (viorin)
orbitaldeathwoomy · 9 months
@ourple-octoling (cont'd from here)
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"Haha, you caught me."
Cerrin smiled as he sat down at the table across from Vio, placing his own bowl of cream stew down in front of him. He'd spent a little longer than he'd like to admit cutting the vegetables into those cute shapes... But, Vio seemed to like it, and that made the extra time it took worth it.
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"I guess I just wanted to make it a little special for you." he said, before taking a bite of his stew. Even that little bit was enough to start warming his body up, and even though he wasn't as adverse to the cold as his boyfriend was, he still appreciated the warmth the food brought. "We haven't seen each other in a while, after all..."
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orbitaldeathwoomy-a · 2 years
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Anonymous said: I am... Jealous of what you have. It's something I could never have myself.  And yet, here am I trying to get rid of these feelings for you. I hate that I like you so much, Cerrin. || Anonymously tell my muse something you wouldn’t say to their face!
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Widened blue eyes scanned the anonymous note left to him. Everything it said... Somehow, it felt familiar. Somehow, Cerrin felt like he knew who wrote this.
(He wouldn’t say anything about that, though.)
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“Never say never, anon. You can have anything you want, if you’re willing to fight for it.” he said, a small laugh escaping him. “I mean, I went through hell to get what I have now, and it was more than worth the fight I had to put up for it. So, I’m sure what you want isn’t so far out of reach as you think.”
Cue a pause, the faintest of pink blushes coloring his cheeks before he continued.
“And it can start with me, if you want.”
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orbitaldeathwoomy · 1 year
@ourple-octoling ❤️️ for a short starter!
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"It's so hot..." Cerrin almost whined as he fanned himself with his hand. Maybe visiting Vio during a heat wave wasn't such a good idea... "How do you live like this?"
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‖ ♥︎ 》 how do i good backgrounds
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@ourple-octoling said: "You should try drinkin' with me. Just once-- I'll make you an easy drink for you so you won't feel like shit..!" for cerrin... he just wants him to drink with him at least once...
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"I appreciate the offer, Vio, I really do, but... I'm a total lightweight. It's actually almost hilarious, how badly I tolerate alcohol."
Was he afraid of embarrassing himself? Absolutely! He wasn't lying when he said he was a lightweight -- He could barely handle a few drinks without turning into a giggly, goofy mess! Or a sad, sobbing mess. Depended on his mood going into it.
But he didn't want Vio to see him like that! It would be completely mortifying, and he'd probably never live it down...
"I don't think you'd want to deal with my stupid, giggly, drunk self, haha..."
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@ourple-octoling (from here)
Cerrin's eyes widened when Vio moved his hair to reveal a scar, streaking across his back. It looked like, at one point, it had been bad, painful being a understatement to its severity. He could tell the taller Octoling didn't want him to know the story behind it, but Cerrin couldn't help himself when he saw Vio flinch -- His fingers instinctively touched it again, a concerned look washing over his features as his voice came out on a soft whisper,
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"Who hurt you...?"
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orbitaldeathwoomy-a · 2 years
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@ourple-octoling​ said: [ WARM ] for Cerrin!!! || Soft action prompts!
[ WARM ] sender finds the receiver has fallen asleep somewhere and places a blanket or jacket over them.
Cerrin had gone to visit Vio, and after they spent the day together in Splatsville he was tired. More tired than he’d realized, actually, since he’d fallen asleep curled up on Vio’s couch during the few minutes the taller Octoling had left the room.
“Mmmf...” He shifted a little as Vio covered him with his jacket. It was way oversized, and fell over him almost like a blanket would... But, that didn’t stop Cerrin from unconsciously pulling it up to his chin in his not-quite-awake daze, a content smile forming on his face as he soon fell back asleep.
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Anonymous asked: Viorel? He's kinda scary looking. And does some pretty questionable gang activity. Are you sure you want to date a guy like that Cerrin?
"Short answer: Yes."
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"Long answer: Yes. Absolutely. Without a doubt."
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Anonymous asked: hey, Cerrin, what's your thoughts on that Viorel guy? || Ask my muse about their relationships!
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"Isn't it obvious? I'm head over heels for him... He might be a delinquent, but he's strong and reliable, and he can be really sweet in the right circumstances. I just feel... safe, when I'm with him. And happy. So, so happy..."
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orbitaldeathwoomy-a · 2 years
@ourple-octoling (cont’d from here)
Cerrin had joined Vio in the spring a bit later, only to find the other Octoling practically asleep. It was endearing, in a way, for him to be so off-guard -- Such was a rare sight to begin with, and seeing him dozing in the heated waters was almost enough to make the pink Octoling laugh a little.
He slowly sat down next to Vio, a smile on his face.
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“Vio...” he whispered as he gently poked Vio’s cheek. “You awake?”
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orbitaldeathwoomy · 29 days
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@ourple-octoling said: "Aaaaugh-- You call this summer in Inkopolis? It's fricken cold, Cer!!" It was actually decent weather-- But for A splatsville native like Vio it was cold. A bit dramatic but only a guy like him could tell the slight differences in weather.
"Really? I thought it was kind of warm..."
Cerrin couldn't help but smile a little at Vio's remark. Today wasn't nearly as hot in Inkopolis as it was in Splatsville, but it was still pretty warm. Or, at least he thought it was, having worn a tank top out instead of his usual t-shirt. He'd even styled his tentacles differently today because of the heat that was forecast for later in the day -- The two he normally kept tucked away on the back of his head were up in a ponytail with the third that normally hung down against his neck, with the last hanging down over his face like usual. Anything to keep him from sweating...
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"Are you really that cold?" Cerrin asked, his head slightly tilted to the side as a small chuckle escaped him. "I can buy you a warm drink if you want..."
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orbitaldeathwoomy · 4 months
@ourple-octoling (from here)
"Sorry, sorry, I'm just so excited!"
Cerrin was bouncing a bit as he stood in line, his urge to scream again barely held back by an excited squeak. This cafe was one of his favorites, and a branch opening in Inkopolis was so awesome!
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"The desserts here are some of the best I've ever had! And they're finally opening in Inkopolis! Just the idea of being able to get here quickly when I don't feel like making my own desserts is like a dream come true!"
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@ourple-octoling said: Don't touch him ! for Cerrin :> || In need of some defense...
All Cerrin wanted was to see Vio. They hadn't seen each other outside the NSS for a while, and if Cerrin was to be honest, he'd say it had been too long since they last met up. So, he called Vio to let him know he was coming and took a train ride to Splatsville early in the evening, in hopes of meeting him at the station.
When he stepped off the train, however, he was met not with Vio, but a few unfamiliar people. And they didn't exactly seem friendly.
"Uh, can I help you?" he asked. He got no answer, instead the three that stood in front of him giving him some rather threatening looks. Were they part of a gang that rivaled Vio's? Cerrin didn't know, but immediately went into defensive mode, his expression somewhere between afraid and ready for a fight.
And a fight he got. He held his own against the three for a good amount of time, mostly dodging and deflecting their attacks, but eventually they got him with his back against a wall...
Then, he heard it.
"Don't touch him!"
That familiar voice rang through his ears, a sudden crack signaling the sudden meeting of Vio's fist with one of the others' jaw. The assailant stumbled back, allowing Vio to push himself between Cerrin and the others.
"Vio!" The pink Octoling sounded relieved, to say the least, as he gripped the strap of his messenger bag. "Thank cod, I thought I was done for..."
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@ourple-octoling said: “If I had a flower for every time I thought of you… I could walk through my garden forever.” vio to cerrin--- brain full of cute and loving boyfriend !!! || Valentine's sentence starters
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Cerrin gives a small laugh, a cute blush coloring his cheeks. "Y'know, I could say the same about you."
A content hum escaping him, he moves to wrap his arms around Vio's waist. The taller Octoling's companionship alone is enough to make him happy, his warmth and strength a comforting presence.
"You're always on my mind, Vio..."
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@ourple-octoling said: [ snap ] — sender snaps a picture of receiver when they’re not looking / he's admiring how pretty his boyfriend is. || Softer shippy prompts
Visiting Vio in Splatsville was always sort of an adventure for Cerrin. The city was so different from Inkopolis, and though some things were familiar -- a Turf War lobby, gear shops, and even a Grizzco building -- there was always something that made the place feel fresh and new to him.
Even the sunset, which he was watching from one of the windows in Vio's apartment, felt a little different. Maybe it was because he was with him?
"Wow..." he murmured. He'd been on the surface for years now, yet sunsets always managed to leave him speechless. The way the light that made it through the city's tall buildings bathed everything in a soft orange glow, the cool of the night slowly creeping in... In his awe, he didn't notice the telltale sound of Vio snapping a picture of him with his phone.
Cerrin turned to him after a moment, a small smile on his face.
"I know you've seen it a million times before..." he began, his voice soft and sweet. "But there's just something about the sunset here that I really like. Y'know?"
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@ourple-octoling said: ‘ i didn’t mean to wake you. ’ for cerrin!!!! he sleeps.... very late || Only one bed meme
Cerrin stirred from his sleep just a bit when Vio laid next to him, his body instinctively scooting over to be as close to his boyfriend as possible. The taller Octoling always went to bed late, but being woken up for a brief moment didn't bother Cerrin in the slightest -- It just meant that Vio was here now, and that was all he really wanted.
"No worries..." His words came out soft, his arms finding their way around Vio's waist as he dozed off once more.
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