#🦋ask games!
azure-bluet · 6 months
c7 i hate sand and miss tommy
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my boy, miss him too... where did she go...
[ask game]
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00fairylights00 · 9 months
I Guess You Just Don’t Love Me Anymore
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GIF from @glowing-starlight on Tumblr
I was so taken by @ash-arts-but-sinful's post which mentions P being jealous of the cat and @oldworldghost’s post which contains the idea of him becoming more mischievous and sassy as he becomes human that I just had to write a little something, I hope it’s alright that I drew on your thoughts for some inspiration!
As a disclaimer, I haven’t finished my first play-through yet so this is more of a character study based off of what I’ve experienced in-game and what I’ve been seeing on Tumblr instead of delving heavily into the world-building and established story that exists within the game. So hopefully no spoilers and it’s very likely that this won’t at all line up with the in-game timeline.
Big thanks to @cupidsredcollar beloved for proofreading <3 
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For as long you had known Pinocchio you had never known him to be a jealous individual, in fact, when you’d first met that bleak, overcast morning in Hotel Krat you had been almost unsettled by his uncanny nature. 
His features were perfectly human, aside from the metal prosthetic he’d been fitted with. He had freckles and soft hair, a face that looked fashioned from a real person instead of the smiling caricatures Krat’s puppets were usually fitted with. 
But despite his boyish features, his face barely moved, he nodded along to Sophia as she gave him the task of locating his father, Mr. Geppetto, and tilted his head in question as Lady Antonia explained the concept of lying but his brows didn’t so much as pinch, his lips didn’t quirk and his eyes looked straight through you as you had wished him safety on his travels.
So watching in real time as he came into his own was something you cherished greatly, you continued to watch him grow and change, become something new. Pinocchio chose to spend a lot of his down time with you, he said he found you interesting, that you had a way of explaining humanity that made sense to him and over the last couple of weeks something had started to shift in him.
No, Pinocchio had never been a jealous individual, for as long as you’d known him.
Until today.
Your morning had started normally, woken up by the cool feeling of P’s lips against your forehead, human hand smoothing back your hair. He mumbled something about needing to go out, you tried to convince him to come back to bed, he tried to convince you to get up (he always wins).
P drags you down to the kitchen, you eat and he watches, something that was initially a little awkward but you’ve come to really look forward to, then you farewell each other at the rear entrance of the hotel. 
He holds you close to his chest, resting his lips to your hairline and making you promise to look after yourself and your companions while he’s away, you make him promise to be careful though you know he’s not always able to, often catching glimpses of Sophia muttering blessings and incantations under her breath in the foyer.
“It’s just Ergo hunting today, I’ll be more than careful.” He whispers, human arm winding around your shoulder. You breathe him in, hands to his chest feeling the odd sensation of his heart, not quite a tick but not quite a beat. 
You lean up to kiss against the slant of his jaw, his mechanical pulse jumping in response. He looks down at you, you catch the fondness in his blue eyes without mistake, he captures your lips in his, holding on for a second longer than he knows is necessary (it’s not like you mind though).
Lounging against the doorway, watching him walk towards the entrance of Elysion Boulevard, he turns and gives a last longing look over his shoulder before stepping through the wrought iron gates and disappearing from view.
You sigh, making your way back inside to start on your usual round of chores, helping where you could to take the load off of Polendina who needed more time to focus on Lady Antonia and her illness. You had just returned to the puppet butler for more tasks when you noticed movement on the top of the shelf behind the front desk. 
Sitting tall and proud was Hotel Krat’s resident sweetheart, Spring, tail swishing steadily as she kept watch of the foyer from her perch. The white and orange cat jumped down to the desk as she noticed you, laying down across the dark wood and turning over in gesture for belly rubs; which you gave happily. 
“She’s been very noisy today,” Polendina explained, stroking the cat, “I wonder what she’s trying to tell us?”
“Probably trying to manipulate us into giving her more treats, isn’t that right?” You accused lightly, you were sure that if he could, Polendina would be smiling. 
“There is another load of laundry that needs folding, could I have a hand?” He asked politely.
“Of course Polendina.”
And it seemed you had found yourself a shadow, Spring making an unreasonable amount of noise as she followed you and Polendina around the hotel. She wound between your legs, chirruped in response to your voices and bumped her head against whatever part of your bodies were within her reach. 
It was no surprise that Spring was loved by the inhabitants of the hotel, and it was very apparent that she loved them back, well everyone except for P. Not for lack of trying of course, he followed your advice of trying to build trust between him and the animal but she wouldn’t so much as let P touch her, hissing her disapproval for all to hear.
You’d often watch as P would recoil from Spring, the feline swiping and spitting at the puppet. You couldn’t tell from his expressions if the cat’s dislike for him bummed him out but sometimes as he lay next to you in bed he would lament quietly that Spring hated him, which would award him a sound of humoured pity and a kiss for the cheek.
It wasn’t clear what it was about P that set Spring off so aggressively. In all the time you had spent at Hotel Krat she’d never behaved in such an unfriendly way, even complete strangers who would seek refuge for short periods of time were welcome to interact with Spring freely. 
She would bask in the attention. You hoped that she would eventually come around to the puppet, given it looked like he would be around for the long haul and you just knew the two would be the best of friends if she would stop being so nasty.
But P was patient, far more patient than you were and it showed as you folded and unfolded the same piece of linen for the third time without realising, Polendina placed a gloved hand over your own, silently relieving you of duty.
“Apologies, my mind seems to be elsewhere Polendina.”
“You worry for the boy, it’s only natural that your mind wanders.” You sometimes forget how long Polendina has been around, having been a close companion of Lady Antonia’s for decades. You had a feeling he knew more about human emotions than he let on, somehow he always knew what to say when it came to your thoughts surrounding Geppetto’s Puppet. 
“I just can’t help it, and with him figuring out who he is, I fear he’ll get himself hurt by being too kind.” You wring your hands in your lap, focusing hard on the lines in your skin as you try to keep yourself from thinking of anything too awful.
“He has met humans who have given him trouble before and he has a good head on his shoulders. I would wager that you have nothing to worry about, but I understand that may not put your mind at ease.” 
“It doesn’t but thank you.” Your hand went to Polendina’s shoulder with a smile. “I think I’m going to find something else to do, try and get my mind off of things.”
Polendina nodded once, going back to folding the linens, “I’ll send the boy your way when he returns.”
You smiled in earnest, appreciative of Polendina’s knowing kindness. 
Spring, who had been lounging between you and Polendina, got up, stretching herself out and scampering over to your side. She meowed frantically to grasp your attention. 
Her interruptions continued as you made your way around the kitchen. It wasn’t particularly dirty given how little it was being used now, however, the repetitive action of wiping down the countertops and sweeping the floor were just the distraction you were looking for. 
Your ears perked up at the heavy steps of boots on marble floors, the jingle of P’s belt was something you could identify in your sleep. He stood tall in the doorway, all sweet smiles and fidgeting hands. Happy to see you, always happy to see you.
He was shockingly clean as he approached, resting his forehead to yours as his hands found their place on your waist, all the scolding about tracking oil and muck through the hotel was finally paying off.
You ran your hands over the intricate designs embossed onto the lapel of his coat, smoothing the fabric down before hooking your hands behind his neck.
“Welcome home, pretty boy.” You cooed, brushing your nose against his. 
He liked the small intimacies you shared, bunny kisses you’d come to find were a favourite of his.
“You can go and relax if you want, I’m just cleaning.” You offered, but he shook his head. 
Spring had also gotten bored of waiting on you, brushing up against your legs. So there you stood, sandwiched between your two favourite beings. 
And two shadows wouldn’t be so bad if they would stop getting under foot, you laughed as Spring and P fought for your attention while you made your way around the kitchen.
P hovered close, slinging his arm around your waist as you tried to pass him. You stopped short as he pressed his face into your neck, leaning back against his chest and resting your hands over his wrist. You could feel him smile against your skin, a careful, small smile that only he could manage.
At that moment Spring took it upon herself to jump up onto the counter in front of you, hissing and swiping at P, he scowled and pulled you closer.
“Beast,” he scowled, you gaped at P, smacking the back of your hand at his chest.
“Don’t be horrible, she’s just protecting her territory,” you chided, 
“I haven’t done anything to her, yet she spits at me.” He complained, you thought your ears might be playing tricks on you at the distinct sound of a whine in his tone.
“You love her.” You reminded smugly, a truth he was unable to escape.
“Yeah, unfortunately,” he mumbled, you pushed against his hold, trying to signal your want to move and he hesitantly loosened his grip. Hand ghosting over your waist as he watched you go, you threw a smile over your shoulder which he returned in kind.
You gave Spring a kiss on the head, letting her nuzzle her face against yours before scooping her up and putting her down on the floor where she went back to curling around your legs.
“Ah, so the cat gets a kiss but I don’t?” P asked. You snorted, flinging the rag you’d been using to polish the countertops over your shoulder.
You lent your hip against the counter and crossed your arms over your chest, “you never asked for a kiss, how was I supposed to know that’s what you wanted?”
“I feel like it was obvious.” He placed both of his hands on the counter, stretching his arms out straight as he pushed against the granite. 
You rolled your eyes in jest, unable to keep the fond smile from creeping onto your face, playfully exasperated you closed the short distance between the two of you. Lifting up on your tip-toes to press a kiss to the corner of his mouth, he was quick to move his head once you’d pulled back. Hands to your waist and pulling you against him, sealing his lips to yours so quickly it pulled a sound of shock from your throat.
“What’s up with you today, you’ve been awfully touchy.” You teased, twisting the ends of his hair between your fingers. “Not that I’m complaining of course.”
“Missed you,” he murmured, pressing his lips to your forehead tenderly. 
“I missed you too, always miss you when you’re gone.” You placed a hand on his cheek, thumb rubbing gently under his eye.
He pulled the rag from your shoulder and threw it behind you unceremoniously, taking your hand from his cheek to drag you out of the kitchen, a laugh bubbled out of your throat that P was happy to mischievously return.
He led you to the library, seating you at the piano and turning away to rifle through the sheet music stacked in a crate on the floor. He’d been getting better day by day. 
His body wasn’t exactly built to do delicate actions but that never seemed to stop him, in fact, he was inexplicably drawn to all the soft parts of being human even if initially he was afraid to get it wrong. The last thing he’d ever want to do is hurt anyone close to him and for that reason he was acutely aware of the raw strength he possessed.
Though his conscious effort to be gentle made all the difference.
Spring decided she’d had enough of being ignored, jumping up onto the piano bench and brushing up against you, pressing close and then curling down next to you. P turned around, the particular book of sheet music he was searching for held up in his hand, his expression dropped almost comically as he noticed Spring’s position next to you, taking up what was going to be his spot.
“Move her,” he says simply, you throw your head back with a hearty laugh but P’s serious expression doesn’t change.
“No,” you start with a laugh, “Spring got here first, you’ll have to pull up a chair.”
P continued to stand his ground, you wondered if he hoped his very presence would annoy Spring enough that she’d disappear of her own accord, but the cat only opened one eye. She regarded P from her curled up position before nestling her chin back down into her tail. 
It was like Spring knew she was in his spot and was smugly showing off to him, purring loudly.
“P, I’m not moving the cat. Just come and sit on the other side of me.” You insisted, watching as his unappreciated love for the animal won out and he stalked off to get a chair. You chuckled under your breath and passed your fingers through Spring’s soft fur.
“You are so mean to him, you know? He’s quite fond of you and I think you two would be very good friends if you gave him the chance.” You whispered to the cat who ignored you, continuing to purr unabashedly.
Unbeknownst to you, P watched your interaction with the feline from the doorway, his chest feeling warm in a way he wasn’t quite used to yet. Touched by your words that you thought were falling on deaf ears.
He gave in to your fondness for the cat, pulling his chair up next to you, fingers gently flitting across the keys as you hummed softly, head resting comfortably on his shoulder. He decided he didn’t mind this so much.
Late in the evening, however, he decided he did mind. 
You were curled up in your bed a book in hand and Spring dozing lazily in your lap, he entered the room and his shoulders physically dropped.
“What’s the matter?” You asked, thumb placed between the pages of your book as a makeshift bookmark. 
“Nothing,” he mumbled, sitting down unceremoniously on the edge of your bed to take off his shoes.
You placed the now forgotten book on your bedside cabinet, the act of sitting up a little difficult with the cat in your lap. You reached for his shoulder but he shrugged off your hand, trying to hide the action by stripping off his coat.
He stood and draped the coat over the back of your desk chair and moved to unbutton his waistcoat, all while staring down Spring with a scowl.
It clicked.
“Are you jealous of the cat?” You wanted deeply to believe that your Pinocchio was not jealous of a cat, but you couldn’t come up with a more sound explanation.
“I don’t know what that word means.” He lied, avoiding your gaze entirely, unbuckling his belt and dumping it on the desk, Gemini didn’t say anything so you assumed he mustn’t be awake.
“Yes you do,” you rolled your eyes, “I remember very clearly the conversation we had about it.” 
He didn’t respond, turning his back to you and focusing his attention on rifling through the dresser drawer full of his clothes. The sleep clothes he was looking for were folded at the end of the bed.
“It’s okay that you’re jealous of-”
“I am not jealous.” Quick, concise and with no room for argument, he spun back on you. His snapping didn’t phase you.
“Uh huh,” you teased with a smirk, turning all your attention back to Spring who’d been ignoring your exchange.
Perhaps what you were doing was a little mean, given that before you hadn’t been ignoring him on purpose, but it was too fun an opportunity to pass up. P let out a disgruntled huff, shuffling around in your peripheral.
“I guess you just don’t love me anymore.” He offered with his arms crossed over his chest, your jaw dropped and a shocked laugh fell out of your open mouth.
“You take that back, immediately!” You snapped playfully, sitting up fully and annoying the cat enough for her to get up and move.
“Make me.” The challenge he’d levied would mean conceding to his childish behaviour but after all he’d been through, you thought it only fair. 
You pulled the sheets back and stood from the bed, crossing the room to him. He tried to act as though he was uninterested, tried to pretend that your hands on his chest didn’t affect him, tried to ignore the speed of his heart as it hammered under your palm.
Your hands travelled the beaten path they always did, from his chest to his collarbone, then hooking behind his neck. Trying to pull him down was useless, like trying to topple a brick wall with bare hands, but you caught him staring out of the corner of his eye.
“Look at me.” Your whisper was a command, and he had always been faithful to a fault. “I love you.”
He tried to hide the oncoming smile, dropping his chin to his chest, but you were quick to guide his gaze back to yours. There was no way you’d be missing that careful grin. His eyes were soft and gentle when they met your own, there was hesitance in them that you didn’t want to see, so you kissed him.
He melted against you, arms winding around your back and pulling you against his chest, you hummed and he couldn’t stop the full blown grin from forming on his lips; breaking away to look at you like a giddy school boy.
“Are you going to take it back?” You asked, brushing your nose against his in a bunny kiss. 
“Will I still get to kiss you if I do?” He joked, you rolled your eyes albeit in good nature, hands cradling his cheeks as he continued to smile.
“I think that can be arranged,” you mused, leaning in to kiss him again, the two of you falling into familiar rhythm with one another.
Spring slinked out of the partially open door, tail held high, she had seen more than enough.
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stqrgirl3 · 24 days
intro post!<3
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✯ star/rika ✯ she/her (?) ✯ slytherin ✯queer
✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆ 。°✩
mutuals list <3 ∘ moodboard acc ∘ abt me<3
✶ spotify ✶ discord (stqrgirll3) ✶ ao3 ✶ pinterest ✶
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katnissmellarkkk · 8 months
What would have happened if
1. Katniss didn't volunteer for Prim, so Prim and Peeta compete in 74th Games.
2. Gale and Katniss compete.
3. Katniss and Peeta's brother compete. Before, he volunteered for Peeta.
The Questions :
A.What strategy would Haymitch made for District 12?
B.What would Katniss do to them? Would she become an ally with those 2 boys?
C.Who would be the winner in the end?
Thank you so much :)
1. Cato would have won lololol unless Peeta made it his mission to save Prim for Katniss and still used his crush on Katniss to try and bring Prim home but that’s less compelling and wouldn’t have probably worked out
2. They would have probably butt heads or Gale would have refused to play the Capitol’s games and with Katniss still determined to get back home to Prim, I feel like Gale wouldn’t have been much benefit to her. Not with Cato and the other Careers. And even though Gale is canonically really hot, the Sponsors would have had Thresh and Cato who are bigger but exude the same “back off” attitude and so therefore Gale probably would have died earlier on in the games. Because he wouldn’t have joined the Careers or tried to play at some strategy. Gale was, at the point of the first book, too straightforward with how to deal with the Capitol, and would have probably gotten a target on his back with the other tributes and been the one they hunted down. So best case scenario, imo, Gale would have gotten killed early on and left Katniss alone in the arena. Or worst case, he would have gotten a target on Katniss’ back too. And this isn’t taking into account little Rue, who Gale probably would have had some conflict with allying with because he’s not a monster she’s a little kid he probably would have been angry she was even there but also wouldn’t have wanted Katniss to partner with her because it weakened their chances of survival and so therefore Gale probably would have gotten angry about Rue’s presence and done some small act of rebellion towards the Capitol and gotten himself killed by the Gamemakers if the tributes hadn’t done the job yet. And then maybe Katniss would have also been a target of the Gamemakers too? All in all, it would have been a very bad idea to have them both in the first arena.
3. I feel like there would have been so little contact with Katniss and Brother Mellark. Maybe she would have acknowledged what his little brother did for her years ago and tried to help Brother Mellark to pay Peeta back? Or maybe she would have just internalized it and felt even more guilty and then, after she won all by herself, gone to Peeta and apologized to him for not helping his big brother more and maybe thanked him for throwing her that bread years ago? And maybe that would have been their “this would have happened anyway” story? Well anyways I digress.
A. Haymitch’s strategy with Peeta and Prim probably would have been just straight up strength for Peeta and for little Prim… maybe sympathy? Idk, Suzanne said Haymitch waited for a tribute like Katniss all those years he was a mentor so maybe he would have sighed and said he’d try next year with different tributes and drank away his guilt and self-hate. His strategy with Katniss and Gale would have been to have them use their hunting, probably try to get them to fake a romance but with Gale not willing to play the Capitol’s games and also not wanting to perform for the Capitol’s audience, then I doubt it would have worked out well for them. So in the end Haymitch would have probably hated Gale more than he disliked Katniss at first and Gale and him would have had a contentious relationship which would have deflected also onto Katniss and Haymitch’s relationship too. Disaster on all sides. And then idk I feel like Haymitch might have used Peeta’s brother’s wrestling and strength the same way he used Peeta’s but somehow it probably wouldn’t have worked out the same way. Katniss wouldn’t have had the same connection with Peeta’s big brother or his brother wouldn’t have liked Katniss because she was too standoffish or from the Seam. And therefore it would have made it impossible for Haymitch to make them into a team. And then Haymitch probably would have just chosen Katniss alone and left Brother Mellark to do his own thing/just use his strength alone with no ploy to play up the sponsors.
B. She definitely would have allied with Gale obviously but as I said above, I’m doubtful it would have ended as well as it did with Peeta. And I doubt she would have allied with Brother Mellark unless it was out of convenience like Maysilee and Haymitch.
C. Either Katniss would have won alone or Cato would have. I can’t see Gale and her partnership starting a revolution or bringing them both home. And I definitely cannot even see Brother Mellark and Katniss making their alliance last to the end of the games lololol.
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jiminsproof · 9 months
tag game ✨️
I was tagged by my lovelies @cordiallyfuturedwight, @joon-rkive, @aprylynn, @summerwave & @epiphanytear 💗🫂 Thank you sm, I'm wishing you an amazing day (and an even more amazing year to come!!) 🥰
your colour + your bias ✨️
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decided to stick to my ult groups bias lines aka the mfs who run my life 🥰🥰🙄 also am I delusional.... or are we getting some similar vibes here besides the colour...?
tagging some of my lovely moots, no pressure: @seraphjimin, @ateezloversclub, @blueside-hobi, @hopeinthebox, @euphhorias, @userjungkook97, @kimchokejin, @chocolatnoir. 🫂💗
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calibabii21 · 9 months
15. 🍑🫧🕯🌈🍿🤠 hihi
reminder: soft asks to get to know people game
15. for every emoji you get, tag someone and describe them in one word.
@neoculturecollectives: UNSERIOUS😭🤣
@brownsugarbaybee: wifey🥰
@jenoslutie: adorkable🤭
@atinystaypixie: real🤌🏾
@ddeonghwassimp: vibey😌
@nagi3seastorm: enlightening🤔
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5 and 7 for the music ask game?
5. Favorite music genres?
indie rock :D
7. Play any instruments? If not, which would you like to play?
i dont currently play any, but i know how to play trumpet. id love to learn bass guitar though.
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daybreakthing · 9 days
🌭 - what is a term or some terms that you dont identify with but you really like?
kenochoric !!! also basically any 'experiencing (x (gay/straight/etc etc)) attraction to (y)' terms !
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00fairylights00 · 10 months
I hope this will be a healing message...... I keep thinking of making a high-humanity P laugh really hard 🥹 like doing or saying something he thinks is SO hilarious that he is literally on the floor, gasping for breath, unable to speak because he is genuinely dying with laughter.
Prolly would take some real tame shit to make him laugh like that too. Like a funny drawing.
I will keel over and die but in a happy, positive way. If you would allow me to add onto this though I’d like to think the higher the humanity the more his body reacts to touch, I think he’d be ticklish!
His head is in your lap, the usual resting place for him on sunny afternoons like this. The heat makes everyone sleepy and with Krat no longer under eminent threat P can finally just laze around and relax to his heart’s content.
The light turns his hair a chocolate brown as you run your fingers through it slowly, stopping every now and again to scratch at his scalp which earns you a happy hum and a beautiful, closed eye smile. Your other hand rests on the warm skin of his chest, visible through the opening in his shirt.
You can feel the steady beat of his heart under your palm, and the hand of his legion arm is laying on top of your own, squeezing every now and again to tell you that he’s not asleep, he promises he won’t fall asleep, he’s a liar but he’s happy and you don’t mind and he knows you don’t mind.
The heat is turning your mind syrupy but not enough that you don’t notice him flinch ever so slightly when the hand in his hair brushes against the length of his neck, his eyebrows furrow for only a moment but the idea is already in your head.
You only wish to test your theory.
As gently as you can you brush your fingers against his neck again, this time with far more intention. P jerks up, trying to escape your hold but you’re already one step ahead, having braced your arm across his front to trap him against you.
A beautiful sound falls from him, you can feel it through his back as much as you can hear it, he’s laughing! 
A proper, joyful, bordering on hysterical laugh. The sound was higher pitched than his talking voice, but was still rich and warm. You come to realise that this is the loudest he’s ever been, you don’t think you’ve ever heard P raise his voice. It’s nice to see him let loose, smiling big, broad and unabashedly.
With everything over and the state of his humanity clear, watching him navigate the ways he was taken advantage of was a careful thing. He’d become well acquainted with being angry and with being sad, so the moments when you could have him rolling on the floor, losing his mind over something silly was a blessing in every sense of the word.
You pushed him forward, the two of you wrestling against your bedsheets until you came out victorious. You sat straddled atop his stomach, digging your fingers into his neck as he squirmed and pleaded for mercy,
“Stop stop, I can’t breathe,” he laughed, throwing his head back and then pulling his chin toward his chest in hopes of trapping your hands.
You continued your assault of feather light touches, poking and prodding at other areas you thought might also be ticklish.
His chest, his armpits, his sides. It was the prod to his stomach that made him yell suddenly and almost throw you off of him entirely, as you tried to recover your balance he swept your wrists between one hand, breathing heavily as he tried to calm down.
“What… was that?” He asked breathlessly, smiling up at you dazedly.
“Tickling,” you hummed, also catching your breath.
“I thought I was gonna die,” he groaned dramatically, “do it again.”
“Catch your breath first,” you instructed, breaking your hands free of his grasp gently, “it’s nice to see you laughing, you deserve to be happy.”
His eyebrows turned upward as he soaked in your earnestness, a quiet thank you said with his eyes. His hands brushed against your outer thighs, you squirmed with a giggle and a mischievous smile took over his face.
“No,” you warned, “Pino don’t!”
He dug his fingers into your sides, copying your movements and making you squeal, he’d always been a quick learner.
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stqrgirl3 · 1 month
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⭑ intro ⭑
star, she/her¿ , slytherin!
✶ artists i listen to ✶
chappell roan, TV Girl, girl in red, taylor swift, cigarettes after sex, lana del rey, the smiths
⭒ about me! ⭒
ʚɞ likes <3
complaining abt school :(, the moon, YOU!!!, music, art, MARAUDERS OHMYGOF MY BBGS, gay stuff???, CATS/!/3@&:, uhh sharks and jellyfishes AND AND I LCOE STARS!!!!!!!!, reading (although i dont do it often)
uhhh idrk what else to put on here so feel free to dm me !!!! :) [i swear i am vry chill (i am NOT a loser i am vry cool....promise...)]
ooh also i have tagged all the tags i use !!! and btw whenver i say img gonna kms i swear im only joking!! /gen
and also uhh i dont mind spam likes and/or reblogs at all!!!!! and lmk if you dont want to be tagged for tag games coz i tag most of my moots 💗
mutuals list <3
@cosm1c-r0ckstqr -moodboard acc :)
!!also please try to donate if u can <3
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wyabbg · 1 month
ok so 2 things:
I will be inactive basically all of tomorrow, I might come back for a few hours in the morning to answer some asks, but I’ll be out all day and mostly offline
Also, my dms are now set to mutuals only for the time being, it’s been a little overwhelming recently, so this might be a temporary thing.
Asks are still open, and I’d love some more anons <3
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the-razzdazzler · 1 month
not really into dnd but 27 and 37:>>>>>>
gonna answer these for Atlas, since i'm assuming that's the only one people know about lol
27. He either buys another pet or picks up another hobby, anything to distract him. They're not super confrontational and doesn't do well trying to actually deal with their problems.
37. Foxglove, mostly cause i like them, but also cause they simultaneously symbolize healing/medicine and toxicity, which i think fits Atlas pretty well
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bratbby333 · 4 months
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1. What was your first fic and could you stand to reread it today?
my first fic was two is better than one
ive reread it maybe twice since ive posted it and i luv luv luv that people are still enjoying it, but it makes me cringe for some reason ??
i think my writing style has changed quite a bit since posting it (even tho it was only a few months ago). i’ve definitely taken a different route with what kind of content i want to put out
that being said, i’m very happy i took that first step and actually wrote and posted something. i’ve always loved writing and im so happy that people have been enjoying my work, regardless of what i put out !!
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unlucky-rose · 2 months
⌦ blog intro ⌫
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Hello! My name is Rose and I'm relatively new to tumblr. I go by she/her and I'm a minor.
I've been into danganronpa for a few years now, pretty sure I'm going to be stuck this way. However, I have not completed many of the games. Spoilers are fine though, since my introduction to the fandom was a video of all executions and deaths (no mystery for me, very sad).
I also like FNAF, Monster High, and Gravity Falls every once in a while! A lot of other fandoms come and go in my mind, I'll add them if I remember- (ᵕ—ᴗ—)
When I'm feeling up to it, I'll try to post art or other creative endeavors but I mainly started using this blog cause I didn't like being an anon when talking to rp blogs. I also made some (check down below)!
I use unique tags, so I'll just tag them all on this post if you wanna look through them. Additionally, the buds tag refers to general thoughts/convos, the brambles tag is usually for more serious(ish) stuff, and the sunshine tag is for stuff that makes me happy.
Update: I'm going to be on less because of school and extra curricular stuff. I'm gonna try to be on, but likely during later hours of the day.
Anyway, thank you for checking out my page! Have a good day!
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roleplay blogs:
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debut pls!!
also for the playlist:
after midnight (chappell roan)
pick your brain (lyn lapid)
peach eyes (wave to earth)
read your mind (sabrina carpenter)
dreamer (laufey)
omg (nwjns)
feather (sabrina again akjghdfsj)
six months since i said too much three months since it came undone
thank you thank you more people need to be adding to the playlist!!!!
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1. Why did you choose your URL?
4. Do you have a queue tag?
10. How many followers do you have?
16. Do you like tag games?
Blog Ask game
Hullo beloved <3333
1. I don’t remember well lmao. I couldn’t think of a cool pjo based name. I heard the word freakazoid somewhere so I just went with it. Also by that time I had caught up with all the three series(s) and was hyperfixated on them.
4. No💀💀 I tried making one but soon forgot. I don’t really schedule posts often. I just go crazy anytime I’m online.
10. I don’t usually check lol. I’ve reached more than 4.5k. I still have a lot of drawings pending for it OOF. Need to finish the series soon.
16. Yeah! I don’t like quizzes but I like all others. Sadly most of my tags get buried under notes 🥹🥹🥹 and by the time I check properly a few weeks already pass and then I feel awkward to respond so late 🥹🥹🥹
I sent you sm as welllll check them or else 🎀🎀✨✨✨ /j
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