circusgoth-dotcom · 5 months
The Handsome Stranger (1/3)
Ship: David x Buck Snowe
Word Count: 783
Summary: How David and Buck "met," though it's not necessarily the first time. David suggests Buck should go out on the town with him, and Buck, despite knowing nothing about him- not even his name -obliges. Is it David's natural charm, or is it vampiric in nature? Who's to say. CWs for stalking mentions/implications.
Tag List: @canongf @futurewife
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“There’s that guy again,” Buck mentioned to his coworker as they left the food court. She followed his gaze to a pale man clad in all-black, from his boots to his sunglasses. The neon lights made a kaleidoscope of his frosty-blonde mullet as he leaned casually against a column, looking away from them.
“Who, the one dressed in a leather jacket in the middle of the Santa Carla summer?” Gina asked. He nodded.
“He’s come into the shop a couple of times… never buys anything, though.”
“Maybe he’s stalking you. Only a crazy person would wear that many layers in 90° weather.”
Buck laughed and gently smacked her arm. “Not so loud, he might hear you!” He shook his head as they returned to the second-hand clothing store where they worked. “I don’t think he’s crazy. Maybe he’s just lonely.”
“So, what does he do when he’s in here if he’s not buying anything?”
Buck went to stand at the cash register and Gina began sorting through items that needed to be hung up. “We’ve talked a little, and sometimes he just looks around…”
“He’s probably planning to shoplift.”
“Oh please, who shoplifts from a thrift store? He’s been nothing but polite to me.”
Gina looked up with a grin. “Maybe he’s got a crush on you.”
Buck blushed and scoffed. “No…”
“Wait, think about it! He’s only coming in to talk to you. I’ve never seen him around, he’s probably working up the courage to ask you out, get to know you better. Obviously he doesn’t want to interrupt you at work but he doesn’t know where else you hang out!” She trailed off into a giggle behind her hand.
“What’s so funny?”
“Well, if he doesn’t have a crush on you, then you must be the one with the crush, based on that hot pink glow in your cheeks.”
Buck placed his hands on his cheeks, feeling the heat in them. “So he’s a good-looking guy! Doesn’t mean I want anything more than to admire him from a safe distance.”
Gina laughed again and wandered into the dressing rooms, leaving Buck alone. He sighed and rested his elbows on the counter, hanging his head and lacing his fingers over the back of his neck. The speakers overhead played a familiar tune.
You keep saying you’ve got something for me… Something you call love, but confess…
You’ve been a-messin’ where you shouldn’t have been a-messin’… Now someone new is gettin’ all your best…
“These boots are made for walkin’, that’s just what they’ll do…” Buck muttered, lifting his head and brushing his hair out of his eyes.
“One of these days these boots are gonna walk all over you.” A familiar, low voice responded. Buck straightened up, taking in the mysterious man as he approached. He didn’t want to admit his charming smile made him weak in the knees.
“Hi,” Buck greeted shyly.
“Hi. Are you doing anything after work?”
Buck’s jaw hung open slightly before he quickly closed it, raising a brow. “Oh-uh- nothing, I-I don’t have any plans currently.” He cleared his throat, regaining his composure. “Why do you want to know, stranger?”
The man lowered his sunglasses, revealing sparkling blue eyes. “I’d like to take you out tonight, of course.”
Buck leaned back, a surprised expression still plastered on his warm face as he looked the man up and down. “I don’t even know your name.”
“Well, if you’d care to accept my offer, you’ll learn it eventually. When do you get off your shift?”
“... You’ve gotta be shittin’ me.”
He pushed his glasses back up, sucking his teeth. “I suppose I can’t say I didn’t try… I really thought we had something going here, chickadee.” He turned and started walking back toward the store’s entrance. Buck softly scoffed. This mother…
“I get off at four.”
The man paused in the doorway and looked over his shoulder. “Well alright. I’ll be waiting for you out back.” He whistled as he walked away. Buck shoved his fingers under his glasses, pressing them into his eyes.
“Oh my God…” He then jumped when Gina popped back into the room.
“I knew it! Look at you, acting like a silly little schoolboy around him!” She teased.
“Jesus, Gina,” he lightly chastised. “Don’t eavesdrop on my conversations.”
“I wasn’t trying to, these walls aren’t exactly made of metal, you know.” She then gasped. “We can’t have you going on a date in your uniform, c’mon, let’s find you something class to wear…!” She grabbed his hand and began leading him out of the store.
“Gina, we can’t leave, we just finished our lunch break! And it’s not a date!”
“It so obviously is!!”
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circusgoth-dotcom · 5 months
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It's international Bat Appreciation Day (04/17) so here I am, appreciating my bat! Meant to get this done earlier but at least I got it done today 🫶 also first time drawing David, I think he looks okay but I can probably improve on him ^_^"
🦇Reblogs Highly Appreciated!🎡
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circusgoth-dotcom · 2 days
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circusgoth-dotcom · 5 months
Drink, and Be Scary (3/3)
Ship: David x Buck Snowe
Word Count: 463
Summary: David brings Buck back to the lair to entice him with the vampiric lifestyle. CWs for food mentions, implied consumption of blood, mentioned implied stalking. | (part 2)
Tag List: @canongf @futurewife
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Buck couldn’t remember leaving the boardwalk or riding into the night with David, nor much of the drive itself, but he now found himself being led into the cave-like ruins of a sunken hotel lobby. The other boys had joined them, Dwayne was carrying a pair of large paper bags that had a heavenly smell coming from them.
“Why don’t you take a seat, Buck?” David directed him to a moth-eaten loveseat and Buck sat. “What’d you bring for dinner, Dwayne?”
He set the bags down and began handing out thick burgers wrapped in white parchment paper. Buck’s mouth watered.
“I’m starving… are those from Happy Hog?”
David smirked and handed him one of the sandwiches. It was warm and familiar in his hands.
“Eat up. I always serve guests first.”
Eagerly, Buck discarded the wrapper and began tearing off chunks of the fatty burger, slurping down pieces of thick-cut bacon and green apple slaw. David watched him with a similarly hungry gaze. “Buck.”
He slowly raised his head, lowering the sandwich from his sauce-stained lips. He swallowed and colour warmed his cheeks. “Er… thank you,” he spoke awkwardly, regaining some sense of himself.
“I’ve been watching you for some time.” Somehow, this did not surprise nor frighten him. David went on, “I like you, but you and I… we’re from different creeds. I must live my life in the shadows while you wander freely in the daylight, and yet, I think you yearn for more.” He reached around the side of his chair and opened the cap of an ornate bottle. “You crave the nightlife you can’t balance with your day job. Don’t you, Buck?”
Buck grabbed a fistful of napkins and haphazardly wiped his face. “Yeah… I’d like to do more than just hang around the roller-rink on Friday nights… but I can’t be like you, David.”
David leaned forward, cocking his head to the side. “What do you mean?”
“I don’t have a parent’s money to fall back on, I can’t just quit my job and run off with you—”
“Drink this. It might change your mind.” David offered him the dusty bottle, draped in gold and gems. “And you won’t have to quit your job.”
Slowly, Buck took it from him. He placed the rim against his lips and tilted the bottle until the liquid inside passed over his teeth. It was room-temperature and metallic, and he almost gagged as it slunk down his throat, chasing the once delicious sandwich he had just consumed. David appeared at his side, holding him steady until he had swallowed a decent amount. He could hear the other boys laughing as he cringed away from the bottle.
David pet his hair soothingly before screwing the cap back on. “Welcome to the pack, Buck.”
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circusgoth-dotcom · 5 months
David the Charming (2/3)
Ship: David x Buck Snowe
Word Count: 1052
Summary: David and Buck's first date. David takes Buck to the boardwalk, Buck meets three of the other five vampires and learns David's name. CWs for brief food mentions, vehicle accident mention. | (part 1)
Tag List: @canongf @futurewife
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Four o’clock rolled around and Buck was glad to clock out. Gina had insisted on buying him a new outfit for this “date” with the mysterious blond who seemed so interested in him. It consisted of a maroon muscle top, a silver chain necklace, and jeans with most of the thigh fabric ripped out. It wasn’t his usual look, but he had to take what he could get. Folding his uniform into his backpack, he went to the employee exit that opened into a trashy alleyway. The man was waiting for him, leaning against a jet-black Triumph motorcycle. He had done away with his sunglasses, letting Buck take in his features without obstruction.
“Look at that, you came.”
“What, did you think I wouldn’t?” Buck asked as he let the door slowly close behind him. He subtly eyed the bike but tried to keep his focus on the stranger. “Can I have your name, now?”
He chuckled. “You’re an eager one. I like that, it’s cute. Do you go down to the boardwalk a lot?”
Though disappointed by his avoidance of the question, Buck played along. “Occasionally. I kind of grew out of it by the time I was eighteen. I prefer the roller-rink, or that restaurant on the water with the jukebox.”
“I can show you a side of the boardwalk you’ve never thought of.” He gestured to his motorcycle. Buck shrugged, glancing up at the orange glow on the tops of the buildings as the sun slowly descended across the white-blue sky.
“I’m sure you could, mystery man. You could probably show me the unthought-of-side of a lot of things, even in a town as surface-level as this.”
The man smirked and climbed into the seat of the motorcycle, patting the back half and beckoning Buck to sit. “You ever ridden a motorcycle, Buck?”
Buck shook his head and sat behind him. “That’s the first time you’ve called me by my name.”
“Just hold on tight.” The warning came at the last second, for as soon as Buck’s rear had connected with the leather, the man had turned the vehicle on and revved its engine. Buck swiftly wrapped his arms around the man’s middle as they bolted out of the alley with a reverberating rumble. Hesitantly, he hunched against him, pressing his cheek to the warm leather of the back of his coat, his buttercream waves tickling his nose. About halfway to the boardwalk, he noticed that they were suddenly flanked by other motorcycles and other men with hair as long or longer than the man he rode with. They all looked younger but within the same age group as him.
The one closest to the blond’s presumed age was sturdily built with dark, straight hair. The next closest was scruffy, his dirty blond hair like a bird’s nest on his brow. The one who appeared to be the youngest was slight compared to the rest and another brunet, though his curls were dashed with gold. Buck wondered if they knew each other and if he had made a mistake accepting the mysterious man’s offer. Eventually the motorcycle began to slow, then stopped completely, its motor thumping rhythmically for a moment before the driver turned it off. Buck got off, running his hands through his windswept hair.
“Nice, David, you finally bagged him.” The other motorists had come to a halt beside them. It was the middle blond who spoke. Buck looked at his driver.
“So, that’s your name.”
David looked at him with a heart-melting smile. “I told you that you’d learn it if you stuck around. Boys, this is Buck. Buck, this is Dwayne, Paul, and Marko, my… brothers, shall we say.”
“Oh,” Buck was slightly caught off guard but politely traded greetings with them.
“Don’t worry, they’re not going to stick around all night. We just tend to travel together as one unit because the old man wants us home at a certain time. It’s easier to keep track of each other that way.” The other boys chuckled in agreement. “Stay out of trouble.”
“Yes sir,” Marko gave a mocking salute and they dispersed, once again leaving Buck with David.
“That must be fun, three brothers,” Buck commented casually as he and David walked down the boardwalk. The sun was beginning to set against the horizon, now, and this seemed to relax David more and more as darkness slowly crept up around them.
“Four, actually, but he’s too young to be out and about without supervision. I’ve got a sister, too, and she usually tends to him.”
“Wow. Full house,” Buck chuckled light-heartedly.
“What about you, any siblings?”
Buck shook his head. “No, only child. I’ve got a cousin I was pretty close to as a kid, but we haven’t spoken in a while… it got harder to stay in contact since I ended up here.” They stopped and Buck bought himself an ice cream sandwich from a vendor.
“How did you end up here?”
“I moved to be with my long-distance partner. It didn’t work out, and now I’m stranded.” David frowned and something flickered in his eyes, but he did not comment. Buck continued, raising his frozen treat in toast, “But hey, he’s dead now. Vehicle accident. Live and let die.”
David couldn’t help but let out a barking laugh, caught off guard. “That’s good… live and let die.”
They walked on, passing by a live music performance.
“So, where’s this ‘side of the boardwalk I’ve never thought of’ you were talking up earlier?”
David nodded and led him down to the beach, then underneath the boardwalk itself. Buck followed him curiously as he scanned the sand beneath their feet, clearly looking for something. Suddenly, he stooped down, swiftly ran his hand through the dirt, and came back up with something shiny. He dusted it off and handed it to Buck, who gasped as he examined it.
“Holy shit, that’s a pearl necklace.” He was mesmerised for a moment. “Do you think it’s real?”
David shrugged. “It looks real. You find all kinds of junk people drop down here. You just have to know where to look.” He winked and Buck excitedly followed him to look for more by the faint carnival lights above. The sun was almost completely gone behind the ocean, now.
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circusgoth-dotcom · 7 months
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Buck Matthew Snowe - The Lost Boys s/i
Buck is a half-vampire who works at Santa Carla's quickly disintegrating mall, despite living during the peak of mall culture. He is David's mate, though Max disapproves of their relationship. He hasn't become a full vampire yet (aka made his first kill) because David is insistent on finding him the perfect victim.
He's fond of music, fashion, rollerskating, hanging out with the other vampires, and generally messing with/scaring the shit out of the general population.
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circusgoth-dotcom · 6 months
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