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literatureloverx · 24 days ago
What is the most important lesson you’ve learned in life so far?
No one will save you if you don’t save yourself.
Alright, that was a bit dark—let me try something warmer, 🛵🌻-anon.♥
There is a fantastic quote by Socrates: “I know that I know nothing.”
It reminds us that, no matter how much we learn, we can never truly know everything. We may seem wise or knowledgeable in our areas of interest, but that is only because we have devoted time to mastering them.
However, just because someone cannot follow another person’s reasoning doesn’t make the “knowing” person superior or the “unknowing” one inferior. Everyone has their own perspective, and understanding often depends on how we approach things. Through logic and open-mindedness, people can find common ground and gain a clearer understanding from each other.
And that is the beauty of self-improvement—it never ends. Each step forward offers an opportunity to grow, learn, and refine yourself. Embracing what you don’t know is the first step toward wisdom, and the journey itself is as rewarding as the destination.
In short: I’m not weird, and other people are not as shallow or ignorant as the 16/17-year-old me thought they were.
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crazylittlejester · 4 months ago
YOOO ITS MEWING ANON AND YOU POSTED MANDERIN WARS ANON FIC COOL DUDE THAT IS SO SIGMA (I can’t fucking spell) when I saw that the fic took 5 months it reminded me of that super sigma fic rq I sent you (the one that’s gonna take like four whole Zelda game development cycles to make but YOU ARE AWSOME FOR SAYING YOU WILL. anyways I am glad that ask is between you me and GOD if literally anyone else had seen that I’d be like 😀😃😄😁😆🥹😅😂🀣🥲☺😊😇🙂🙃😉😌😍🥰😘😗😙😚😋😛😝😜🀪🀚🧐🀓😎🥞🀩🥳🙂‍↕😏😒🙂‍↔😞😔😟😕🙁☹😣😖😫😩🥺😢😭😀😠😡🀬🀯😳🥵🥶😶‍🌫😱😚😰😥😓🀗🀔🫣🀭🫢🫡🀫🫠🀥😶🫥😐🫀😑🫚😬🙄😯😊😧😮😲🥱😎🀀😪😮‍💚😵😵‍💫🀐🥎🀢🀮🀧😷🀒🀕🀑🀠😈👿👹👺🀡💩👻💀☠👜👟🀖🎃😺😞😹😻😌😜🙀😿😟🫶🀲👐🙌👏🀝👍👎👊✊🏻🀛🀜🫷🏻🫞🀞✌🫰🀟🀘👌🀌🀏🫳🫎👈👉👆👇☝✋🀚🖐🖖👋🀙🫲🫱💪🊟🖕✍🙏🫵🊶🊵🊿💄💋👄🫊🊷👅👂🊻👃👣👁👀🫀🫁🧠🗣👀👥🫂👶👧🧒👊👩🧑👚👩🏻‍🊱🧑‍🊱👚‍🊱👩‍🊰🧑‍🊰👚‍🊰👱‍♀👱👱‍♂👩‍🊳🧑‍🊳👚‍🊳👩‍🊲🧑‍🊲👚‍🊲🧔‍♀🧔🧔‍♂👵🧓👎👲👳‍♀👳👳‍♂🧕👮‍♀👮👮‍♂👷‍♀👷👷‍♂💂‍♀💂💂‍♂🕵‍♀🕵🕵‍♂👩‍⚕🧑‍⚕👚‍⚕👩‍🌟🧑‍🌟👚‍🌟👩‍🍳🧑‍🍳👚‍🍳👩‍🎓🧑‍🎓👚‍🎓👩🏻‍🎀🧑‍🎀👚‍🎀👩‍🏫🧑‍🏫👚‍🏫👩‍🏭🧑‍🏭👚‍🏭👩‍💻🧑‍💻👚‍💻👩‍💌🧑‍💌👚‍💌👩‍🔧🧑‍🔧👚‍🔧👩‍🔬🧑‍🔬👚‍🔬👩‍🎚🧑‍🔧👚‍🔧👩‍🔬🧑‍🔬👚‍🔬👩‍🎚🧑‍🎚👚‍🎚🧑‍🚒👩‍🚒👚‍🚒👩‍✈🧑‍✈👚‍✈👩‍🚀👚‍🚒👩‍✈🧑‍✈👚‍✈👩‍🚀🧑‍🚀👩‍⚖👚‍🚀🧑‍⚖👚‍⚖👰‍♀👰👰‍♂🀵‍♀🀵🀵‍♂👞🫅🀎🥷🊞‍♀🊞🊞‍♂🊹‍♀🊹🊹‍♂🀶🧑‍🎄🎅🧙‍♀🧙🧙‍♂🧝‍♀🧝🧝‍♂🧌🧛‍♀🧛🧛‍♂🧟‍♀🧟🧟‍♂🧞‍♀🧞🧞‍♂🧜‍♀🧜🧜‍♂🧚‍♀🧚🧚‍♂👌🀰🫄🫃🀱👩‍🍌🧑‍🍌👚‍🍌🙇‍♀🙇🙇‍♂💁‍♀💁🏻💁‍♂🙇🙅‍♀🙅🙅‍♂🙆‍♀🙆🙆‍♂🙋‍♀🙋🙋‍♂🧏‍♀🧏🧏‍♂🀊‍♀🀊🀊‍♂🀷‍♀🀷🀷‍♂🙎‍♀🙎🙎‍♂🙍‍♀🙍🙍‍♂💇‍♀💇💇‍♂💆‍♀💆💆‍♂🧖‍♀🧖🧖‍♂💅🀳💃🕺👯‍♀👯👯‍♂🕎👩‍🊜🧑‍🊜👚‍🊜👩‍🊜‍➡🧑‍🊜‍➡👚‍🊜‍➡👩‍🊌🧑‍🊌👚‍🊌👩‍🊌‍➡🧑‍🊌‍➡👚‍🊌‍➡🚶‍♀🚶🚶‍♂🚶‍♀‍➡🚶‍➡🚶‍♂‍➡👩‍🊯🧑‍🊯👚‍🊯👩‍🊯‍➡🧑‍🊯‍➡👚‍🊯‍➡🧎‍♀🧎🧎‍♂🏃‍♀🏃🏃‍♂🏃‍♀‍➡🏃‍➡🏃‍➡🏃‍♂‍➡🧎‍♀‍➡🧎‍➡🧎‍♂‍➡🧍‍♀🧍🧍‍♂👫👭👬👩‍❀‍👚👩‍❀‍👩💑👚‍❀‍👚👩‍❀‍💋‍👚👩‍❀‍💋‍👩💏👚‍❀‍💋‍👚🪢🧶🧵🪡🧥🥌🊺👚👕👖🩲🩳👔👗👙🩱👘🥻🩎🥿👠👡👢👞👟🥟🧊🧀🧣👟🥟🧊🧀🧣🎩🧢👒🎓⛑🪖👑💍👝👛👜💌🎒🧳👓🕶🥜🌂🐶🐱🐭🐹🐰🊊🐻🐌🐻‍❄🐚🐯🊁🐮🐷🐜🐞🐵🙈🙉🙊🐒🐔🐧🐊🐀🐣🐥🪿🊆🐊‍⬛🊅🊉🊇🐺🐗🐎🊄🫎🐝🪱🐛🊋🐌🐞🐜🪰🪲🪳🊟🊗🕷🕞🊂🐢🐍🊎🊖🊕🐙🊑🪌🊐🊞🊀🐡🐠🐟ᅵᅵ🐳🐋🊈🊭🐊🐅🐆🊓🊍🊧🊣🐘🊛🊏🐪🐫🊒🊘🊬🐃🐂🐄🫏🐎🐖🐏🐑🊙🐐🊌🐕🐩🊮🐕‍🊺🐈🐈‍⬛🪶🪜🐓🊃🊀🊚🊜🊢🊩🕊🐇🊝🊚🊫🊡🊊🊫🊥🐁🐀🐿🊔🐟🐉🐲🐊‍🔥🌵🎄🌲🌳🌎🪵🌱🌿☘🍀🎍🪎🎋🍃🍂🍁🪺🪹🍄🍄‍🟫🐚🪞🪚🌟💐🌷🌹🥀🪻🪷🌺🌞🌌🌻🌞🌝🌛🌜🌚🌕🌖🌗🌘🌑🌓🌒🌔🌙🌎🌍🌏🪐💫⭐🌟✚⚡☄💥🔥🌪🌈☀🌀⛅🌥☁🌊🌧⛈🌩🌚❄☃⛄🌬💚💧💊🫧☔☂🌊🌫🍏🍎🍐🍊🍋🍋‍🟩🍌🍉🍇🍓🫐🍈🍒🍑🥭🍍🥥🥝🍅🍆🥑🫛🥊🥬🥒🌶🫑🌜🥕🫒🧄🧅🥔🍠🫚🥐🥯🍞🥖🥚🧀🥚🍳🧈🥞🧇🥓🥩🍗🍖🊎🌭🍔🍟🍕🫓🥪🥙🧆🌮🌯🫔🥗🥘🫕🥫🫙🍝🍜🍲🍛🍣🍱🥟🊪🍀🍙🍚🍘🍥🥠🥮🍢🍡🍧🍚🍊🥧🧁🍰🎂🍮🍭🍬🍫🍿🍩🍪🌰🥜🫘🍯🥛🫗🍌🫖☕🍵🧃🥀🧋🍶🍺🍻🥂🍷🥃🍞🍹🧉🍟🧊🥄🍎🍜🥣🥡🥢🧂⚜🏀🏈⚟🥎🎟🏐🏉🥏🎱🪀🏓🏞🏒🏑🥍🪃🏏🥅⛳🪁🛝🏹🎣🀿🥊🥋🎜🛹🛌🛷⛞🥌🎿⛷🏂🪂🏋‍♀🏋🏋‍♂🀌‍♀🀌🀌‍♂🀞‍♀🀞🀞‍♂⛹‍♀⛹⛹‍♂🀺🀟‍♀🀟🀟‍♂🏌‍♀🏌🏌‍♂🏇🧘‍♀🧘🧘‍♂🏄‍♀🏄🏄‍♂🏊‍♀🏊🏊‍♂🀜‍♀🀜🀜‍♂🚣‍♀🚣🚣‍♂🧗‍♀🧗🧗‍♂🚵‍♀🚵🚵‍♂🚎‍♀🚎🚎‍♂🏆🥇🥈🥉🏅🎖🏵🎗🎫🎟🎪🀹‍♀🀹🀹‍♂🎭🩰🎚🎬🎀🥁🪇🎹🎌🎧🪘🎷🎺🪗🎞♟🎲🪈🎻🪕🧩🎰🎮🎳🎯🚗🚕🚙🚌🚎🏎🚓🚑🚒🚐🛻🚚🚛🚜🊯🚲🛎🩌🊌🊜🛵🏍🛺🛞🚚🚔🚍🚘🚖🚡🚠🚟🚃🚋🚞🚝🚄🚅🚈🚂🚆🚇🚊🚉✈🛫🛬🛩💺🛰🚀🛞🚁🛶⛵🚀🛥🛳⛎🚢🛟⚓🪝⛜🚧🚊🚥🚏🗺🗿🗿🗿🗿🗜🗌🏰🏯🏟🎡🎢🎠⛲⛱🏖🏝🏜🌋⛰🏔🗻🏕⛺🛖🏠🏡🏘🏚🏗🏭🏢🏬🏣🏀🏥🏊🏚🏪🏫🏩💒🏛⛪🕌🕍🛕🕋⛩🛀🛣🗟🎑🏞🌅🌄🌠🎇🎆🌇🌆🏙🌃🌌🌉🌁⌚📱📲💻⌚🖥🖚🖱🖲🕹🗜💜💟💿📀📌📷📞📹🎥📜🎞📞☎📟📠📺📻🎙🎚🎛🧭⏱⏲⏰🕰⌛⏳📡🔋🪫🔌💡🔊🕯🪔🧯🛢💞💵💎💶ᅵᅵ🪙💰💳🪪💎⚖🪜🧰🪛🔧🔚⚒🛠⛏🪚🔩⚙🪀🧱⛓⛓‍💥🧲🔫💣🧚🪓🔪🗡⚔🛡🚬⚰🪊⚱🏺🔮📿🧿🪬💈⚗🔭💊💉🩞🧬🊠🧫🧪🌡🧹🪠🧺🧻🚜🚰🚿🛁🛀🧌🪥🪒🪮🧜🪣🧎🛎🔑🗝🚪🪑🛋🖌🪆🧞🛌🛏🪞🪟🛍🛒🎁🎈🎏🎀🪄🪅🎊🎉🎎🪭🏮🎐🪩✉✉🧧📩📚📧💌📥📀📊🏷🪧📪📫📬📭📮📯📜📃📄📑🧟📊📈📉🗒🗓📆📅🗑📇🗃🗳🗄📋📁📂🗂🗞📰📓📔📔📒📕📗📘📙📚📖🔖🧷🔗📎🖇📐📏🧮📌📍✂🖊🖋✒🖌🖍📝✏🔍🔓🔒🔐🔏🔎🩷❀🧡💛💚🩵💙💜🖀🩶🀍🀎💔❀‍🔥❀‍🩹💗💓💞💕❣💖💘💝💟☮✝☪🕉☞🪯✡🔯🕎☯☊🛐⛎♈♉♊♋♌♍♎♏♐♑♒♓🆔⚛🉑☢☣📎📳🈶🈚🈞🈺🈷✎🆚💮🉐㊙㊗🈎🈵🈹🈲🅰🅱🆎🆑🅟🆘❌⭕🛑⛔📛🚫💯💢♚🚷🚯🚳🚱🔞📵🚭❗❕❓❔‌⁉🔅🔆〜⚠🚞🔱⚜🔰♻✅🈯💹❇✳❎💠🌐Ⓜ🌀💀🏧🚟♿🅿🛗🈳🈂🛂🛃🛄🛅🛜🚹🚺🚌🧑‍🧑‍🧒🧑‍🧑‍🧒‍🧒🧑‍🧒🧑‍🧒‍🧒⚧🚻🚮🎊📶🈁🔣ℹ🔀🔡🔠🆖🆗🆙🆒🆕🆓0⃣1⃣2⃣3⃣4⃣5⃣6⃣7⃣8⃣9⃣🔟🔢#⃣*⃣⏏▶⏞⏯⏹⏺⏭⏮⏩⏪⏫⏬◀🔌◀🔜➡⬅⬆⬇↗↘↩↙↖↕↔↪↩‎‵🔀🔁🔂🔄🔃🎵🎶➕➖➗✖🟰💲♟💲💱™©🔝👁‍🗚®🔚🔙🔛🔝🔜〰➰➿✔☑🔘🔎🟠🟡🟢🔵🟣⚫⚪🟀🔺🔻🔞🔹🔶🔷🔳🔲▪▫◟◜◌◻🟥🟧🟚🟩🟊🟪⬛⬜🟫🔈🔇🔉🔊🔔🔕📣📢💬💭🗯♠♣♥♊🃏🎎🀄🕐🕑🕒🕓🕔🕕🕖🕗🕘🕙🕚🕚🕛🕜🕝🕞🕟🕠🕡🕢🕣🕀🕥🕊🕧🏳🏎🏎‍☠🏁🚩🏳‍🌈🏳‍⚧🇺🇳🇊🇫🇊🇜🇊🇱🇩ᅵᅵ🇊🇞🇊🇩🇊🇎🇊🇮🇊🇶🇊🇬🇊🇷🇊🇲🇊🇌🇊🇺🇊🇹🇊🇿🇧🇞🇧🇭🇧🇩🇧🇧🇧🇟🇧🇪🇧🇿🇧🇯🇧🇲🇧🇹🇧🇎🇧🇊🇧🇌🇧🇷🇻🇬🇧🇳🇧🇬🇧🇫🇧🇮🇰🇭🇚🇲🇚🇊🇮🇚🇚🇻🇧🇶🇰🇟🇚🇫🇹🇩🇮🇎🇚🇱🇚🇳🇚🇜🇚🇚🇚🇎🇰🇲🇚🇬🇚🇩🇚🇰🇚🇷🇚🇮🇭🇷🇚🇺🇚🇌🇚ᅵᅵ🇚🇿🇩🇰🇩🇯🇩🇲🇩🇎🇪🇚🇪🇬🇞🇻🇬🇶🇪🇷🇪🇪🇞🇿🇪🇹🇪🇺🇫🇰🇫🇎🇫🇯🇫🇮🇫🇷🇬🇫🇵🇫🇹🇫🇬🇊🇬🇲🇬🇪🇩🇪🇬🇭🇬🇮🇬🇷🇬🇱🇬🇩🇬🇵🇬🇺🇬🇹🇬🇬🇬🇳🇬🇌🇬🇟🇭🇹🇭🇳🇭🇰🇭🇺🇮🇞🇮🇳🇮🇩🇮🇷🇮🇶🇮🇪🇮🇲🇮🇱🇮🇹🇯🇲🇯🇵🎌🇯🇪🇯🇎🇰🇿🇰🇪🇰🇮🇜🇰🇰🇌🇰🇬🇱🇊🇱🇻🇱🇧🇱🇞🇱🇷🇱🇟🇱🇮🇱🇹🇱🇺🇲🇎🇲🇬🇲🇌🇲🇟🇲🇻🇲🇱🇲🇹🇲🇭🇲🇶🇲🇷🇲🇺🇟🇹🇲🇜🇫🇲🇲🇩🇲🇚🇲🇳🇲🇪🇲🇞🇲🇊🇲🇿🇲🇲🇳🇊🇳🇷🇳🇵🇳🇱🇳🇚🇳🇿🇳🇮🇳🇪🇳🇬🇳🇺🇳🇫🇰🇵🇲🇰🇲🇵🇳🇎🇎🇲🇵🇰🇵🇌🇵🇞🇵🇊🇵🇬🇵🇟🇵🇪🇵🇭🇵🇳🇵🇱🇵🇹🇵🇷🇶🇊🇷🇪🇷🇎🇷🇺🇷🇌🇌🇞🇞🇲🇞🇹🇞🇊🇞🇳🇷🇞🇞🇚🇞🇱🇞🇬🇞🇜🇞🇰🇞🇮🇬🇞🇞🇧🇞🇎🇿🇊🇰🇷🇞🇞🇪🇞🇱🇰🇧🇱🇞🇭🇰🇳🇱🇚🇵🇲🇻🇚🇞🇩🇞🇷🇞🇪🇚🇭🇞🇟🇹🇌🇹🇯🇹🇿🇹🇭🇹🇱🇹🇬🇹🇰🇹🇎🇹🇹🇹🇳🇹🇷🇹🇲🇹🇚🇹🇻🇻🇮🇺🇬🇺🇊🇊🇪🇬🇧🏎󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏎󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁎󠁿🏎󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿🇺🇞🇺🇟🇺🇿🇻🇺🇻🇊🇻🇪🇻🇳🇌🇫🇪🇭🇟🇪🇿🇲🇿🇌 grr yknow?
stay sigma!
i DID post mandarin wars anons fic!! well
 the first chapter at least 😭 I REALLY HOPE THEY’RE ABLE TO SEE IT
and i’ll get to yours at some point don’t worry man, it just may not be a while i have school starting up soon (boooo)
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literatureloverx · 5 days ago
The Fairest One of All, our dear Snow White,
I saw you suddenly answering a lot of questions at once, including mine. I found what you wrote in your last post to be very well-written and adequate. It wasn't a question that needed such a lengthy explanation anyway, so you don't have to apologize to me or anyone else for that matter. Also, you shouldn't have to write back to anyone until you feel 100% well. You know, if you think you need to take a longer break, none of us would have any problems with that. We love you. Just let us know in advance so we don't worry about you. And even then, we'll probably be still worried about our mother. Please rest and get well. But if you will be persistent about posting stuff, at least try not to stress yourself out, okay? ( ˶˘ ³˘(⋆❛ ہ ❛⋆)!♡
Sincerely yours,
This is a few days old, but you’re adorable. 🥺 Thank you so much for looking out for me! ♥
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literatureloverx · 8 days ago
The Fairest One of All, our dear Snow White,
How are you, really? I hope you are bundling up warmly as it's already begun to snow where you live. Try not to stay out in the cold for too long, you fall ill often!
My question for today is: I'm wondering what kind of accessories you prefer to wear. I could be wrong because I've only seen your face one time in your birthday post, but you seem to be the kind of girl who would prefer wearing pearls or white gold instead of yellow or rose. I also believe diamonds would look absolutely stunning on you, and perhaps sapphires?
What kind of jewelry do you think would compliment you the most? ♥(˃͈ ˂͈ )
Yours sincerely,
Dear 🛵🌻-anon, you always come up with such thoughtful questions, and you’re absolutely right. ♥ I do prefer silver accessories over gold, though I don’t dislike gold either. In fact, my favorite necklace has some gold accents (the pearl necklace you saw in my birthday post). So yes, you’re spot on about the pearls too—I truly love them because they are so elegant and feminine.
In addition to that, I have two silver rings that I alternate between—one in a heart shape, and the other a simple one-stone ring. Both of them resemble engagement rings, which I consciously chose because I wanted to avoid being approached by random men on the streets. (Although, I can’t say it’s 100% effective.) I also match my earrings with the accessories I wear, if that’s an important detail to note.
I find your guesses about which stones would look good on me incredibly flattering—I agree with you! I love diamonds, and I think sapphires would look lovely against pale skin in general. Honestly, you’ve already made the perfect choices; I have nothing to add. ♥
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literatureloverx · 8 days ago
Thank you for your answer. ☆ I assume you are not a very cold-tolerant person. Hopefully, you are wearing clothes that will keep you warm and not going outdoors unless you have to. In my country, it has started to get quite cold, but in my city, it doesn't snow, unfortunately. I have always found snowy weather to be very comforting and romantic. 😔 Anyway please take good care of yourself. It is heartbreaking to read that you are suffering more than you are. I wish you all the strength for your studies. 🫵 (๑˘˘๑)
I am doing well too, I just finished my exams now I am pretty worn out, though probably that's nothing compared to you. I had no idea you lived in Germany, have you ever visited the Cologne Cathedral? One day I would love to travel to Germany and see it for myself, („• ᮗ •„) it's truly mesmerizing, it looks surreal. No wonder it took 500 years to build. I wonder why we humans have stopped building such magnificent structures.
With gratitude,
Your consistency in my inbox is very apparent, and I truly appreciate it. You’re incredibly cute with your expressions and sweet words. I’m so sorry for being so slow to answer them. ♥
I’m glad to hear you’re doing well. And I love snowy weather too! As you already know, I’m not very tolerant of the cold, but I’d still much prefer living in a winter wonderland over an endless summer. I’m not a fan of warm weather.
Unfortunately, I’ve never visited the Cologne Cathedral. A train ride from my city to Cologne takes about 3.5 hours, and sadly, I don’t have the time, energy, or money for that. Besides, I wouldn’t enjoy going alone, and no one I know has the time to come along, haha.♥
It’s truly a shame that people have stopped building such magnificent structures. Despite having technology that didn’t exist back then, we’re stuck constructing soulless boxes with giant, lifeless windows. It’s very pathetic, if you ask me.
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literatureloverx · 14 days ago
The Fairest One of All, our dear Snow White,
What is one thing that you wish others knew about you?
Sincerely yours,
Nothing, really. I’m not one to talk about myself unless asked. If you’d like to know anything specific, feel free to ask, my dear. ♥ But there’s nothing I particularly want others to know about me.♥
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literatureloverx · 14 days ago
Magic mirror on the wall! Is there a song that Snow White seems to can't stop listening, to that has been stuck inside her pretty mind lately? Tell me, tell me

You’re flattering me.🥺♥ And there is! It’s very Yandere-esque, and I love it. What’s particularly interesting is that it’s not directly tied to my personal taste. You can listen to it HERE.
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literatureloverx · 21 days ago
SNOW WHITEEE !! I hope you’re feeling good as usual
It is the day of our beloved husband's birth. I know you said you don't have time to write something, but instead can you share with us your favorite fanarts or accounts of people who draw mainly Fyodor? Honestly I have so many I probably couldn't fit them in here hahahah
Anyways, love u <33
I don’t know if you’ll believe me, but I’m not really focused on any fan artists right now
 plcma is really good, and I’ve seen some amazing artwork here on Tumblr too, but I’m not following them, so I’m not sure of their usernames. 🥹 I’m really sorry—I know that’s not very helpful. ♥
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literatureloverx · 24 days ago
Hey Snow, how are u?? How have things been?
I suppose I’m living, haha. I’m feeling some soreness in my throat, and I’m afraid it might be a sign that I’ll be ill soon. This is very unfortunate because I really need to study, and I don’t have time to rest or take a couple of days off. Guess who will power through it no matter what because I dislike giving up? That’s right, it’s me, my dear. I’ll study no matter what.
How about you? Are you feeling healthy? It’s been cold here in Germany lately. I hope you’re doing well wherever you are! ♥
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literatureloverx · 24 days ago
How would you describe your ideal day?
I hope you're having a good one. ♡
A peaceful and quiet day where I can pursue my indoor passions without being interrupted by anything—no thoughts or emerging duties—and without anyone bothering me. ♥ (It’s practically impossible for the next 6-8 years. 🥲)
How about you, my dear?
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literatureloverx · 1 month ago
I didn't know it was your birthday today, happy birthday Snow White! I hope you had a wonderful day with your loved ones. I'm so glad that you're here with us. ♡
Hello, dear 🛵🌻-anon!♥ Thank you very much. I appreciate your sweet words. I’m also very happy to be here with you.♥
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literatureloverx · 1 month ago
I wasn't expecting you to answer me so soon! Thank you so much for your genuinely helpful reply, Snow White. I will be reading from the places you mentioned and will keep your advices in mind. Once I'm confident that I've found my MBTI type, I’ll be reporting back. Thank you honestly. It's very admirable that you answer people as well as you can, even when you're sick. You are precious. I really do appreciate it. After I finish my research on MBTI stuff, if I can understand the Ennegrams, I might try to explain it to you or give you advice for your study as well to show my gratitude.
Love you! àŽŠàµàŽŠàŽ¿ ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ )✧
Love you too, I’m glad that it helps!♥
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literatureloverx · 1 month ago
Hello, our dear Snow White,
I know everyone has asked you numerous times today but I'd still like to politely start by asking you how you have been. 😅 I really hope you are doing well like you said you are and that you are not facing any issues in life. If you do, that is okay too, no matter how you are, we, your followers, love you through thick and thin.
I eagerly await the upcoming post you have planned for Halloween, whichever one it will be, I'm so excited! I simply can't get enough of reading your writing. Keep it up.
Yours sincerely,
Hello, dear 🛵🌻-anon! ♥ Thank you for asking, and yes, I’m doing very well. I really appreciate your support—it means a lot to me. You’re all very important to me, and I love every single one of you. ♥
I’m also super excited to write the Halloween content! I’m planning the Kitsune post along with an extra Halloween post featuring the BSD men in general, which has me so excited. I’m aiming to finish the requests I’ve gathered so far and write a few fanfics in time, but things could change—so I’m not giving too many details just yet.
(Also, the way you express yourself is so lovely. You’re one of my anons whose asks I always enjoy reading. And don’t worry, I’m not ignoring any BSD-related requests—I’m just really slow, lmao.) Love you, take care! ♥
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literatureloverx · 2 months ago
Hello Snow White! I hope everything is going well for you. I love reading your blog posts. I was wondering, do you like watching horror movies or reading horror books? Do you have any favorites?
Hello, dear 🛵🌻-anon!♥ Welcome to the family!♥
To answer your question: no, I’m actually not into the horror genre at all. I scare easily, lmao. I’m also affected by certain scenes quite a bit. However, my mom is a big horror movie/book enthusiast! Her favorite author is Stephen King, and she reads every book he publishes.♥
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literatureloverx · 4 days ago
The Fairest One of All, our dear Snow White,
We know some of your fictional crushes. I mean, your biggest ones. But I was wondering if you could share with us all the fictional crushes you've ever had, all the ones you can remember? Is there a pattern between them? Well, there certainly is a pattern with mine. I don't know if that's a good thing though. But the real reason why I'm asking you this question is I'd like to see if maybe we have other shared favorite characters from different shows/movies/books etc. I relate to you, I feel like we are so opposite yet so similar at the same time, you are better than me at putting my thoughts into words. That probably would explain why you're my favorite blogger. Anyway, without prolonging this message any longer, please be safe and take care of yourself - keep up your great work. You’re unique and I find your passionate personality to be very inspiring.
Sincerely yours,
My dear 🛵🌻-anon, always coming up with the most thought-provoking questions
 ♥ I’m truly honoured to be your favourite blogger, thank you very much.🥺 (and you’re always welcome to share more thoughts!).
I’ll approach this chronologically, as I think it’ll give you a clearer understanding of my development over the years.
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The first-ever anime crush: Zero Kiryu from Vampire Knight
I know
 it’s a questionable anime/manga. But I was around 12, so bear with me, haha. I liked his seemingly cold exterior and, of course, his design. I was drawn to his inner turmoil—hating vampires with every fibre of his being while still being so deeply, pathetically in love with the vampire princess (who, by the way, I found utterly insufferable. Her stupidity was nerve-wracking, even for the 12-year-old me).
MBTI type: Definitely a Fi user. I would type him as an ISTJ, but I’m not entirely sure. It’s been way too long. *cries in 21*
Shin Se Gi from the K-drama Kill Me, Heal Me
The male lead of this drama has dissociative identity disorder, and Shin Se Gi is one of his personalities—if I’m correct, the first one to manifest. I didn’t watch this show to learn about the disorder (it was portrayed more as a supernatural phenomenon than an actual identity disorder), but purely for enjoyment because Kwak Tae-geun (Ji Seong) is an actor I deeply respect and love. I’m not sure if I would love the character as much if I watched it now, but my 14/15-year-old self certainly adored this undercover, soft-hearted bad boy. The comedic timing was spot on, and the actor perfectly brought out his charm.
MBTI type: This one is tricky. ESTP seems fitting, but I could also see him as a Fi user. I’d need to rewatch the show to conduct a proper analysis. However, ESTP makes sense, as I recall typing the core identity of the male lead as INFJ. ESTP is the subconscious counterpart of the INFJ personality type, meaning they share the same cognitive functions but in reversed order.
Lelouch Lamperouge from Code Geass
The mastermind with the goal of the greater good for humanity. Most ardently, my type. The many girlfriends aspect didn’t sit well with me, though. I believe I was around 14 here as well.
MBTI type: INTJ.♥
Levi Ackerman from Attack on Titan
I was forced to watch Attack on Titan by my friends. Initially, I didn’t want to because it was so brutal, and I dislike excessive blood. However, I’m not as sensitive anymore (or at all), and AoT plays a huge role in that. Levi struck me as this beautiful man carrying more burdens than anyone should. The strongest yet the most unfortunate, sad one. He has such a big heart despite never fully showing it. He isn’t just a father figure but an incredibly dimensional character. I loved him for quite some time—it even bordered on obsession. I remember this era very clearly: I was 16, and it lasted until I was about 18.
(Seriously, his A Slap on Titan version will NEVER stop being funny to me. PAHAHAHA PURE GOLD. “Petra
 please don’t cry. You’re so ugly when you cry.” “JAEGER BOMB.” “This was a great tea party
 I just sat here and insulted all of you, and nobody talked back.”)
MBTI type: I think ISTP fits, as many type him that way anyway.
Isaac Foster from Angels of Death
Looking back, I realise I’ve always had a soft spot for people who are pure—not in the traditional sense, but in a spiritual and childlike way. Despite being a serial killer, he didn’t have much choice but to become who he was. He was aware of his own shortcomings, like his illiteracy, and he appreciated help, even if he didn’t express it positively or openly. He’s a deeply tragic figure, but I loved him in a pure, untainted way. I saw immense potential for him to become a good person because all the necessary traits were there. If only his chance for a better life hadn’t been taken from him
 He was, and always will be, worth saving. And worth loving. I believe I was 16 or 17 at the time.
MBTI type: People type him as both an ISTP and ESTP. Where exactly is the strong Ti? I would type him as an ESFP.
Dabi (Touya Todoroki) from My Hero Academia
This might sound absurd, but I’ve cried over this man. I know he’s a fictional character, but there are real children out there like him, and it’s heartbreaking to see them failed by incompetent adults. They lose their chance at a better life. Seriously, he was just a child—what else could he have done? His desire to establish a new world order without the pretense of heroism resonated with me, though I don’t think he was entirely right. He was spot-on about some of them, like his father, for sure, but generalising wasn’t okay. The moral dilemmas that pushed and pulled the Todoroki family intrigued me. Honestly, I started reading/watching MHA solely because of him after seeing a random edit, skipping straight to his debut—lmao.
I’m not entirely sure why I liked him, but it must’ve been the saviour complex. My fixation with him lasted about a year.
MBTI type: People type him as an ISFP, but I don’t see him as a Fi-dom. He’s certainly too traumatised for accurate typing, but I’d say he’s an ISTP.
Malleus Draconia from Twisted Wonderland
The ancient dragon boy with a feverish need to connect, love, and cherish, yet also the need to isolate himself. To be alone but not lonely. I found his psyche fascinating. Knowing he’ll outlive his friends and family is heartbreaking, and it’s intriguing to see how that fact shapes him. His slow descent into madness—humming that lullaby and all—hooked me briefly when I was about 18. Maleficent is one of my favourite Disney villains, and I liked that he’s her descendant. Note: I’ve never played this game; to my knowledge, it’s not accessible in Europe.
MBTI type: Many type him as an INTJ
 but where is the Te? I only see an INFJ with unhealthy Fe and obsessive Ni.
Scaramouche/Wanderer from Genshin Impact (Never played the game, lmao.)
One day, I saw a video of him on Youtube. It explained how his character was inspired by Queen’s song Bohemian Rhapsody. Naturally, it piqued my interest because it’s a song I already knew and liked. That led me down the rabbit hole—I researched his character and stumbled upon official videos where he spoke about his life, humanity, and the gods in such a deeply pessimistic and existential way. His dread and detachment intrigued me, and I couldn’t help but want to understand him better.
MBTI type: Fight me if you want, but I firmly believe he’s an unhealthy INFP. No way this man is a strong Te user.
Fyodor Dostoevsky from Bungo Stray Dogs
Hereby, as a picky eater, I solemnly swear: if my excessive, gut-wrenching crush on this man ever fades, I will eat one of the dishes I despise (though, let’s be honest, that’s never going to happen). I’ve been obsessed with him for three years now. I “met” him when I was 18, and it’s been downhill (or uphill?) ever since.
MBTI type: INTJ.♥
William James Moriarty from Moriarty the Patriot
Here we are again—another man with the dream of creating a better world. In his case, he wants to build a better society and future. He’s brave, strategic, and intelligent. It goes without saying that I’m a sucker for masterminds, right? I believe I was 18 or 19 when I encountered him.
MBTI type: he could be an INFJ, but I’m not sure. I need to analyse him throughly someday.
Griffith from Berserk
I even wrote an analysis on him, which captures exactly why I find him so intriguing. His ambition, charisma, and overwhelming drive to achieve his dream fascinated me. My interest didn’t last particularly long, though—I believe I was around 19 at the time.
MBTI type: ENTJ.
Sauron/Halbrand from The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power
An ancient evil mastermind with good looks? Say less—my type through and through.
MBTI type: INTJ.♥
Aragorn from The Lord of the Rings trilogy
I wasn’t sure where to include this because, technically, I’ve known about Aragorn since childhood. I grew up with the LOTR movies since my parents loved them, but my realisation of how perfect he is only hit me recently. Honourable, brave, intelligent, and trustworthy—he is everything one could want in a man. That being said, nobody’s perfect. His moments with Eowyn? I didn’t like those. (I mean, come on, I’m basically Arwen, children.)
MBTI type: INFJ.
Anakin Skywalker from Star Wars
This is another character I’ve been familiar with since childhood. I love his “fallen angel” storyline—it makes him such a tragic character. I had a crush on him even as a 9-year-old, though it was obviously just a childhood crush—nothing too serious (although none of them are serious because they’re all fictional characters, but you know what I mean). The reason he isn’t included earlier in chronological order is that, like Aragorn, I’ve known him for so long, but my moments of admiration came much later. My fascination with him would always fade after a few weeks of obsessing, only to resurface repeatedly over the years.
MBTI Type: This is by far the trickiest one. In his childhood, I might have typed him as a Te-dom, specifically an ESTJ. However, his adult version seems more like an Fi-dom to me, particularly an ISFP. The other types I considered but ultimately found didn’t fit as well were ENTJ and ESFP. Despite spending far too long analysing him, I’m still unsure about his exact type.
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In conclusion:
I have noticed a clear trend in my preferences. I love pure characters with immense potential for redemption, but I’m equally drawn to unhinged masterminds who thrive on calculated corruption for the greater good. It seems complex. I probably need someone else to psychoanalyse me (you know who you are) because while I may excel at analysing others, I’m hopeless at analysing myself.
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literatureloverx · 14 days ago
Would BSD men sacrifice their true love for the sake of the world, or would they let the world burn?
I know you are on a break for a while, so feel free to reply any time you feel like replying. However, I do sincerely wish you are resting properly and eating well. You are being missed and appreciated, our dearest Snow White, who is as beautiful and graceful as her name!
Awww, you’re flattering me, 🛵🌻-anon! Thank you so much. ♥ Please forgive me for keeping some of these brief without much explanation—I’m still unwell. 🥺♥
Please keep in mind that my requests are actually closed! I made an exception because this one intrigued me.♥
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Would BSD men sacrifice their true love for the sake of the world, or would they let the world burn?
Featured characters: Fyodor Dostoevsky, Dazai Osamu, Nakahara Chuuya, Nikolai Gogol, Akutagawa Ryuunosuke.
BSD MEN x fem!reader
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I know this might surprise many of you, but I believe FYODOR might actually be capable of sacrificing the world for his darling. While we don’t know much about him, we do know he is intensely focused on his singular goal and unwaveringly confident in it. However, love is unpredictable—it can make even the most logical person act irrationally. Fyodor, being a semi-canon yandere and canonically willing to gift his darling an entire country as a Valentine’s Day present, shows that he could prioritise his darling in unexpected ways.
Though he is detached and calculative, this doesn’t necessarily mean his obsession lies solely with his ideal world and not his darling. His perception of love likely wouldn’t be romantic or warm—after all, this is Fyodor we’re talking about—but that doesn’t make it any less consuming. If he were to sacrifice the world, it would likely appear to be a practical, impersonal decision on the surface, though it would stem from deeply personal feelings.
Of course, his darling would have to bear the burden of being his weakness, paying the price for making him burn the world down for her.
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DAZAI doesn't see a reason to live and has a complicated inner moral compass —if he even has one at all. If he were to find another reason to live beyond his darling, he might let the world burn to protect that purpose. Otherwise, he would likely choose to sacrifice his darling along with himself, as he would want to die together with them.
In doing so, he would simultaneously honour Odasaku's dying wish to save innocent people and do good, while also fulfilling his own desire for a double suicide—albeit in a twisted and tragic way.
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 my beloved Chuuya. He would sacrifice you for the sake of the world, but not without crying his heart out in the process. He’s someone who carries his heart on his sleeve, no matter how much he tries to mask it with his tough exterior. This decision wouldn’t just break him—it would shatter him. He’d be haunted by the memory of what he’d done, the sound of your voice, your smile, and the warmth you brought into his life.
After that, he would never be the same. Chuuya, with all his passion and fire, would lose a part of himself—his joy, his light, and perhaps even his will to keep going. Though he wouldn’t let the world burn for you, his sacrifice would scorch his soul in ways no one else could see. He would shoulder the weight of the decision, carrying it like an eternal wound, always hidden beneath his bravado.
I don’t believe he has it in him to let the entire world burn just to keep you. Chuuya’s sense of duty, his unwavering commitment to the people he cares for, and his understanding of the bigger picture wouldn’t allow him to prioritise one life over billions. But that doesn’t mean it wouldn’t destroy him. Deep down, he’s just a man with a heart far too big for the world he lives in.
Yet, in his own way (or maybe even literally), he would die the day you did. Perhaps he would let himself waste away, quietly fading from the world as he lost the only person who made it feel like home. Or perhaps he would go out in a blaze of fury, throwing himself into battles he knew he wouldn’t return from. Either way, the Chuuya you knew—the one who loved you with all his being—would be gone, leaving only a shadow of the man who once was.
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NIKOLAI is an obsessive individual, deeply scarred by trauma, pain, and mental instability. He would undoubtedly let the world burn for his darling. Despite his philosophical outlook, which claims to encompass all of humanity, his approach is ultimately rooted in his own personal experiences and inner struggles. At the end of the day, everything is about him.
His so-called friendship with Fyodor is a prime example of this—he clings to it not because Fyodor is a fascinating person in his own right, but because he believes Fyodor is the only one who truly understands him. Not once have we seen Nikolai genuinely reflect on Fyodor’s goals or thoughts. Similarly, his darling would need to be someone who both understands and cherishes him, which would inevitably drive his romantic obsession with her.
There’s no chance Nikolai would sacrifice his darling for anything. However, after letting the world burn for her, would he ultimately kill her because she understands him better than even Fyodor? The possibility is disturbingly high.
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Before meeting the ADA Dazai and Atsushi, AKUTAGAWA would likely have let the world burn for his darling without hesitation. His overwhelming need for validation, coupled with his devotion to those he holds dear, would drive him to extreme lengths, prioritising his personal attachments above all else. His harsh upbringing and struggles for survival have made him fiercely protective of those who matter to him, making it plausible that he would abandon the world for his darling’s sake.
However, after his experiences with Atsushi, Akutagawa would find himself in a moral dilemma. These encounters push him to question his black-and-white worldview, challenging him to consider the value of broader ideals like justice, compassion, and sacrifice for the greater good. His budding respect for Atsushi and his complex, unresolved feelings toward Dazai would weigh heavily on his conscience, creating an internal struggle.
While he may still feel a deep, almost obsessive desire to protect his darling at any cost, the lessons he’s learned would make him pause.
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