#🛑fog of war
softfuzzyships · 2 months
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it’s like trying to love poison. just let me have it
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biwritesfics · 1 year
Constellations of us
Part 2: Leo
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🛑 warnings 🛑
Toxic family
AN: This was written while I was sleep deprived I apologize. 1,926 words
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Hogwarts was beautiful even in the fog. The others were amused at my amazement but I didn't care. I was too busy soaking it all in. It was like a hazy dreamland and I couldn't take my eyes off of it. I was to call this stone fortress home for the next 111 days. We slowly pull to a stop and I nervously assess the line of first years that I'm sure I'm meant to join. We file out and I receive hugs from Marlene, Mary, and James. Plus smiles and well wishes from Sirius and Dorcas.
A house elf takes Bonbon with the luggage and I’m forced to stop stalling and join the 1st years. I stand behind a little boy with flaming red hair and freckles. “I'm Percival Weasley but everyone calls me Val, you're the new 5th year right,” he asks me as he shakes my hand excitedly. “That I am, I’m Arabella Canis,” I reply, smiling at the energetic little boy. “I’m definitely gonna be a Gryffindor my Da was one my brother Arthur was one and my brother Lance is one. How about you?”
I pause “I want Gryffindor but I think I’ll get Hufflepuff because of my Beauxbatons house but I’m trying for Gryffindor.” “Neat! What was your Bow-bat-uns house?” “Papillonlisse it’s similar to the word butterfly it’s for people who show kindness, maturity and enjoy socialization and the arts. It also tends to attract passionate people who believe the best for the world” “That does sound like Hufflepuff but my Mum always says your house is about what you value not who you are” He says trying to reassure me. “Thank you Val that’s very sweet.”
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As we were talking the line moved forwards rather quickly. It seemed each child only took a few moments to be sorted. The hat was an interesting method but then again we shot exploding arrows across the hall. I still remember when mine burst releasing Purple smoke and butterflies. I cheer Val on as he walks up to be sorted. As a Weasley he was last alphabetically. I had been chosen to go last due to my age. It’s only three anxious heartbeats before the hat cry’s out “Gryffindor!” The section goes wild and someone shouts “We got the third Weasley!” as if they’re popular collectibles.
“I’d like to be in Gryffindor I feel as if they are my family already” “Ahh your going to be one of the one that argues aren’t you?” the hat asks disdainfully. “Not arguing just requesting, bravery doesn’t mean you have to be pushy” Hmm. still feeling Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff. I suppose you are brave for asking and you’ve faced some rather nasty things I see” He goes silent for a long time only the occasional huff or grumble.
“What makes you think you can be a Gryffindor?” I pause and think wordlessly for a minute . “ I’m a Gryffindor because I’m petrified and lonely, yet I’m here advocating for myself. I live every day in spite off the massive things against me. I am kind, loyal, and smart, maybe a bit ambitious but that is not what I value most. I will not quarrel with you over it but if you place me in another house I will not be content.”
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“Better be Gryffindor!!” “Thankyou” I whisper quickly before running to join Mary and the others. There’s lots of cheering and hugs but it dies down eventually. “You were quite the hatstall,” Mary exclaims. “Yeah you beat Pete and he took four minutes,” James says nudging the mousy blond boy next to him. “How long did I take? “Seven minutes, it’s probably a record” remarks Remus checking his watch
“Is that a bad thing?” I ask as the infamous Hogwarts feast materializes in front of us. It’s even better than the descriptions I’ve heard. We begin filling our plates and Lily answers my question. “No it’s just rare, Professor McGonogall was a hat stall and she’s an excellent witch.” I mostly listen to the others talk, occasionally passing a dish or serving it.
James eats more mashed potatoes and gravy than any living being I’ve ever encountered. I’m savoring the roast. It's seasoned with rosemary or something of the sort. Remus has a bit of everything, somehow managing to keep each food item from touching. Lily’s plate is perfectly balanced, and Marlene has her plate split in half one hers and the other Dorcas’s. Mary’s is strictly veg while Sirius is relishing in every fried food he can grab. I guess the noble house of black didn't approve of fish and chips. Alice, a sweet girl who the others already know, has each savory item paired with a sweet one.
Peter mixes everything together in a way that's slightly nauseating but I'm happily distracted by dessert or pudding as they called it. I take a page out of Remus’s book and grab small portions from a variety. Mary explains the sweets I don't recognize. I end up with an assortment of biscuits and a bit of jelly roll. I savor every bite but I find myself eyeing the chocolate trifle. “It's nice you should try it,” Remus says motioning his spoon from me to the trifle he's currently eating.
I cave and grab one. It was futile to fight my desire for chocolate. I take the first bite and groan “Merlin that's good” Remus smiles or rather smirks victoriously. Sirius starts coughing and James smacks him on the back. “Juice go down the wrong pipe mate?” Sirius just nods in response. He wheeze's a bit more but seems okay. “Students, silence please!” Professor McGonagall calls out. The room quiets quicker than I thought possible.
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A white haired man in red robes approaches the podium. Dumbledore, I recognize the well known wizard and headmaster. “Greetings Students, I am pleased to lead hogwarts into its 1975-76 school year. We are all aware of the current unrest in our community.” My heart clenched I had been following the news of the violence even in France. My father had moved me into a war zone.
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“I do not believe in protecting students from truths that pertain to them . Outside these walls Muggles, Muggleborns, and other magical species are being targeted by Voldemort and his so called death eaters” I would not be surprised if my father admired the man. We had always disagreed in politics. If he wanted me to hate muggles and other “lower creatures” he should have raised me himself instead of leaving it to the houselves.
“Within these walls there will be zero tolerance for acts of hatred and dark magic. Anyone caught committing these atrocities will be severely punished and in some cases expelled.” He gives a pointed look to the far left table where the slytherins reside. Lily has been gripping me tight since the beginning of the speach. She had mentioned she was a muggleborn. She had nothing to worry about. If anyone wanted to harm her they would have to go through me along with pretty much everyone at this table, and that was based on first impressions alone.
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“I would like to list the names of a few victims that have hit us close to home, if the family of the lost would stand “ Timothy Longbottom” A brunette boy the next table over stands up looking solemn. “Ernest and Miriam Bones” Three students stand in the Hufflepuff section An older boy and two younger girls. The youngest girl is crying. “ “Marcus Shacklebolt” A ravenclaw boy stands. “Donnovan Corcoran” An older and younger woman stand at the teacher’s table.
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“Our hearts go out to each and every one of you and we assure you that you are safe and welcome here at hogwarts” The families of the victims sit again. “The school year will continue on as normal. Quidditch tryouts are tomorrow at 7:30. See your team leaders if you have questions. That would be James Potter for Gryffindor, they are in need of a chaser. Amos Diggory for Hufflepuff they need a keeper and two beaters. Kingsley Shacklebolt for Ravenclaw they are in need of a seeker. Alexander Wilkes for Slytherin they need a seeker and a beater.
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Schedule changes will only be allowed within the first month of the term so please do make up your minds until then. Third through seventh years, the first hogsmeade trip will be on the fourteenth. Harris has asked me to remind you that the Dark Forrest is off limits to all students. I would also like to remind students that unauthorized use of the potions lab is strictly prohibited. We don’t want a repeat of last year. James, Sirius, and Peter go crimson and Remus stifles a laugh.
Professor Marzana is holding a self defense club to meet at two o’clock on Saturdays. Please see her if you are interested. Lastly two reminders There will be no spellcasting in the hallways and curfew is from 9pm to 6am. During that time you are restricted to your dorms and common rooms. That is all I hope that each and every one of you have a wonderful start to the term. There’s a small round of applause before the first years are released to the dorms.
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We linger at the table the mood dampened by the sad news. “The Bones were so terribly sweet, do you think Edgar has guardianship of Amelia and Becca?” Mary asks her voice concerned “Yes he does my mum and Peter’s have been sending meals all August.” James replies. “I won’t be able to look at my family knowing one of them probably had a hand in it. Andy and I seem to be the only sane ones.” Sirius says. I can’t tell if he’s more angry or sad. “
I think half the reason my Father moved us here is to join up.” I whisper Sirius gives me a knowing and sympathetic look. “Im worried for my parents the death toll for muggles is in the thousands at this point, they just don’t connect them. I can’t help but worry that I’ll get an owl from Tuney telling me that they’re dead.” Lily laments. My parent and my brothers are vocal about their disapproval. My brother Angus and his wife Elspeth have been receiving requests to join. They just keep ignoring them but..” her voice falters but we all know what she means.
“My Aunt was killed in a muggle attack nearly a year ago but my Mother still hardly leaves her room.” Alice admits choking up a bit. “My mother thinks they’re going to kill my father. She has nightmares every night. She doesn’t think we hear but we do. Tina slept in my bed all summer.A five year old shouldn’t have to worry about stuff like that. Dorcas’s affection for her little sister is clear. We shouldn’t have to worry about stuff like this either.” Remus says softy.
A white haired man in red robes approaches the podium. Dumbledore, I recognize the well known wizard and headmaster. “Greetings Students, I am pleased to lead hogwarts into its 1975-76 school year. We are all aware of the current unrest in our community.” My heart clenched I had been following the news of the violence even in France. My father had moved me into a war zone.
“I do not believe in protecting students from truths that pertain to them . Outside these walls Muggles, Muggleborns, and other magical species are being targeted by Voldemort and his so called death eaters” I would not be surprised if my father admired the man. We had always disagreed in politics. If he wanted me to hate muggles and other “lower creatures” he should have raised me himself instead of leaving it to the houselves.
“Within these walls there will be zero tolerance for acts of hatred and dark magic. Anyone caught committing these atrocities will be severely punished and in some cases expelled.” He gives a pointed look to the far left table where the slytherins reside. Lily has been gripping me tight since the beginning of the speach. She had mentioned she was a muggleborn. She had nothing to worry about. If anyone wanted to harm her they would have to go through me along with pretty much everyone at this table, and that was based on first impressions alone.
“I would like to list the names of a few victims that have hit us close to home, if the family of the lost would stand “ Timothy Longbottom” A brunette boy the next table over stands up looking solemn. “Ernest and Miriam Bones” Three students stand in the Hufflepuff section An older boy and two younger girls. The youngest girl is crying. “ “Marcus Shacklebolt” A ravenclaw boy stands. “Donnovan Corcoran” An older and younger woman stand at the teacher’s table.
“Our hearts go out to each and every one of you and we assure you that you are safe and welcome here at hogwarts” The families of the victims sit again. “The school year will continue on as normal. Quidditch tryouts are tomorrow at 7:30. See your team leaders if you have questions. That would be James Potter for Gryffindor, they are in need of a chaser. Amos Diggory for Hufflepuff they need a keeper and two beaters. Kingsley Shacklebolt for Ravenclaw they are in need of a seeker. Alexander Wilkes for Slytherin they need a seeker and a beater.
Schedule changes will only be allowed within the first month of the term so please do make up your minds until then. Third through seventh years, the first hogsmeade trip will be on the fourteenth. Harris has asked me to remind you that the Dark Forrest is off limits to all students. I would also like to remind students that unauthorized use of the potions lab is strictly prohibited. We don’t want a repeat of last year. James, Sirius, and Peter go crimson and Remus stifles a laugh.
Professor Marzana is holding a self defense club to meet at two o’clock on Saturdays. Please see her if you are interested. Lastly two reminders There will be no spellcasting in the hallways and curfew is from 9pm to 6am. During that time you are restricted to your dorms and common rooms. That is all I hope that each and every one of you have a wonderful start to the term. There’s a small round of applause before the first years are released to the dorms.
We linger at the table the mood dampened by the sad news. “The Bones were so terribly sweet, do you think Edgar has guardianship of Amelia and Becca?” Mary asks her voice concerned “Yes he does my mum and Peter’s have been sending meals all August.” James replies. “I won’t be able to look at my family knowing one of them probably had a hand in it. Andy and I seem to be the only sane ones.” Sirius says. I can’t tell if he’s more angry or sad. “
I think half the reason my Father moved us here is to join up.” I whisper Sirius gives me a knowing and sympathetic look. “Im worried for my parents the death toll for muggles is in the thousands at this point, they just don’t connect them. I can’t help but worry that I’ll get an owl from Tuney telling me that they’re dead.” Lily laments. My parent and my brothers are vocal about their disapproval. My brother Angus and his wife Elspeth have been receiving requests to join. They just keep ignoring them but..” her voice falters but we all know what she means.
“My Aunt was killed in a muggle attack nearly a year ago but my Mother still hardly leaves her room.” Alice admits choking up a bit. “My mother thinks they’re going to kill my father. She has nightmares every night. She doesn’t think we hear but we do. Tina slept in my bed all summer.A five year old shouldn’t have to worry about stuff like that. Dorcas’s affection for her little sister is clear. We shouldn’t have to worry about stuff like this either.” Remus says softy.
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astrapure-a · 2 years
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@affcgato​ sent: 🛑 (from Bucky?) || cleaning blood
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     Back leans against the aged brick, cerulean glow beneath newest scars slowly dimming down to a faint coloration, gaze returning to mundane chestnut as it focuses upon open palms before her. Light tremble is far from something foreign, but the actual crimson ichor that stains them is new entirely. Death around her she knows of quite well, memory flashing to the events of Manhattan so long ago, to the war, to thanos and the blip - but to have it on her physically? It felt. . .just as horrid, if not even more so.
     This was directly from her. She was the one who harmed these men; but Bucky - they were going to hurt him! She wanted - no, she needed to keep him safe. She wasn’t going to let them hurt him, as much as he could take care of himself, surely, & yet - a flash of spiked energy and fear mingling with a pinch of rage had been enough to ignite power within. 
     His touch to her hands has her tensing under the touch, attention tugged out of the fog to focus on him, noticing material akin to a jacket in his grasp, sleeve brushing against her palms to obtain the crimson stained there.
     “I - I’m sorry, I thought - I was just trying to - I’m sorry.”
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softfuzzyships · 2 months
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My gf has been telling to draw this forever so here honey
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softfuzzyships · 6 months
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i want you so bad it’s stupid. like a hapless pet cat.
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softfuzzyships · 10 months
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please don’t desert me
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softfuzzyships · 10 months
Psst Adachi, 💐?
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softfuzzyships · 1 year
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oh no old adachi art. Yes that’s his raincoat
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softfuzzyships · 1 year
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You're a clown, whispering love You're "Loveit" in human form Have you lost your mind? No. Love is blind. You want to. I'll do it for you.
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softfuzzyships · 1 year
Ok fine and I know I've said this before but it's the dan line that haunts me: "Fine, I'll give you a show. Don't blink now." Do u know how many times I've been subjected to this torment. And I will keep walking over the coals cause I WANT MY KING CRAZY I am frothing at the mouth I'm going to bite and maim him
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softfuzzyships · 2 years
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i told you to stay still, didnt i?
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softfuzzyships · 2 years
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ill take what i can get, ill take what i am given, but we both know that ill need more
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softfuzzyships · 3 years
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So that nobody can conquer your heart, So nobody can tear us apart You should trust yours in these hands of mine Lean on me and you'll be alright
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softfuzzyships · 2 years
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i wanted to be like you i mumbled to myself before i knew it, i got fed up with my regrets and everything else
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softfuzzyships · 2 years
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no seriously i hate you SO DAMN MUCH!!!!
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softfuzzyships · 3 years
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wow 5 years? crazy
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