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aglamapasam · 2 months ago
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senibiopim · 4 months ago
şunun götüne süpürgeyle vurur musun sonra da ısır tipebakakyaa
Şunun tipe bakın çıldırıyorum kdşsğzkzağağdğxğc
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cxrrodedcoffin · 6 months ago
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when i say pretty boy THIS is who i’m referring to😌🤚🏻
happy birthday thomas gibson, another year older, another year hotter💞
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inchidentalmeowmeow · 10 months ago
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Your honor they are slaying ✨😌🤚🏻
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creads · 8 months ago
⭐️ bad habit. enzo vogrincic x fem!reader x esteban kukuriczka
🪐 minha masterlist
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» cw: smut! por favor só interaja se for +18! ; infidelidade e leitora meio gaslight gatekeep girlboss (i support womens rights but mostly womens wrongs!!); band!au; leitora!guitarrista; enzo!vocalista; kuku!baterista (e☝🏻com buzzcut); threesome; fingering; oral masc e fem; face fucking; squirting; dirty talk; praise kink + degradação; p in v; sexo desprotegido; menção a creampie; sexo anal; nipple play; choking; uns tapinhas; rough sex; um pouquinho de size kink e messy sex; kuku e enzo sacanas se alfinetando de vez em quando; double penetration; chupões; masturbação masc; finger sucking; voyeurismo e cuckholding if you squint; kuku meio ciumentinho *its the silly in me ✋🏻😌🤚🏻*
» wn: [*gil do vigor’s voice* braSILLLLL!!!] eu adorei escrever essa aqui, espero muito que vocês gostem, lobinhas!! 🐺✨ sinto que isso é óbvio mas por favor não traiam na vida real ok amigas?! e nem sexo desprotegido em, vamos transar com responsabilidade sempre!! eu ouvi essa música enquanto escrevi isso, recomendo fortemente que ouçam pq ela é bemmm a vibe desse oneshot (e também é muito boa e sexy ihihiii) 💋🍒
— Ai, tá bom, tá bom. — Você disse pela décima vez ao discutir com seu namorado. Estavam no carro dele porque ele tinha feito questão de te levar no ensaio da sua banda, também fez questão de falar na sua cabeça de novo sobre o jeito que Esteban e Enzo eram muito abusadinhos para o gosto dele. Destacava a forma que o baterista te comia com os olhos durante seus solos de guitarra, e como o vocalista te abraçava enquanto cantava.
— Caralho, por que você não me ouve? É nítido o jeito que eles são doidos por você, você só tem que parar de dar moral pra eles. — Seu namorado dizia, bravo.
— Eu queria entender por que você tá tão noiado com isso, eu nunca dei moral pra eles. A gente é da mesma banda, ué, trabalhamos juntos. E agora, nós dois estamos atrasados para nossos trabalhos porque você tá de birra com eles. Já terminou?
— Já… Vai lá, tchau.
— Tchau. — Com isso, você saiu do carro, andando depressa em direção ao estúdio, carregando a bolsa pesada com a guitarra dentro e ajeitando seu vestido soltinho um pouco amassado.
Antes mesmo de entrar no studio, conseguia ouvir Kukuriczka batendo de levinho nos pratos da bateria enquanto jogava conversa fora com Enzo. Ambos olharam para a porta quando você entrou, e sorriram um para o outro quando viram que você estava do jeitinho habitual desde que começou a namorar: estressada, afobada e facilmente irritada. Seu comportamento e seu namoro era um tópico recorrente entre os homens, eles não entendiam como ou porque você namorava aquele cara careta, que não era de tudo uma pessoa ruim, só era sem sal, chatinho. Apesar de não saber da fofoquinha frequente entre seus colegas, você mesma já sabia que você e seu parceiro não combinavam tanto assim, e, mesmo com poucos meses de namoro, sentia vontade de terminar, só não tinha criado coragem ainda de admitir que o motivo era que tudo com ele é muito sem graça, não gostava de cair na rotina, coisa que ele fazia de propósito.
— Tá atrasada. — O loiro finalmente disse, ainda sentado, enquanto via você colocar os cabos na guitarra, descendo com os olhos lentamente para a sua bunda, coberta pelo vestido florido.
— Tá falando de mim mas a Vic nem chegou ainda. — Você disse enquanto terminava de preparar sua guitarra.
— A Vic não vem, Agustin passou mal e ela teve que levar ele pro hospital. — O moreno informou, deitado numa pilha de travesseiros que sempre estavam no chão, era o lugarzinho que vocês tinham para descansar.
— Tá falando sério? Porra… — Você reclamou, como que ia ensaiar sem a Victoria?
— Calma, bebita… Dá pra gente ensaiar ainda. — Esteban finalmente se levantou, chegou perto de você e te deu um abraço de lado, enquanto acariciava seu braço rapidamente, um sinal de “relaxa”.
— Sai, Esteban. Como que fica calma, cara? A gente tem um show amanhã e ainda temos que repassar duas músicas. — Você disse e se afastou dele, andando em direção a caixa de som que já estava perfeitamente configurada, então deu meia volta e sentou perto do moreno que estava deitado, o qual apenas observava seu comportamento com um dos braços atrás da cabeça. Você colocou o rosto nas mãos e bufou, era só o que faltava mesmo, depois de uma briga com o chato do seu namorado, vocês ainda marcaram um ensaio atoa. Você não viu, mas o silêncio momentâneo era porque os meninos se entreolharam e telepaticamente concordaram que sabiam o jeito de resolver seu problema.
— ‘Cê tá tão bravinha esses dias… — Enzo disse, baixinho, enquanto virava o corpo em sua direção. Kukuriczka também se sentou ao seu lado, te analisando.
— Eu tô estressada com o show. Nervosa. — Você disse, ainda de olhos fechados enquanto se deitava, ficando entre os dois homens, apoiando a cabeça em um dos travesseiros macios.
— Só isso? — O careca perguntou, ainda olhando para o amigo, sugestivo. Você não respondeu a pergunta, sabia muito bem o que eles achavam do seu namoro e do seu namorado, foram incontáveis as vezes que ouviu eles falaram que você era muita areia pro caminhãozinho dele. Sentia a mão de Kukuriczka tocar no seu joelho, fazendo carinho ali, conseguia ouvir também barulhos que indicavam que Enzo chegava mais perto de você.
— Não começa, gente. — Você alertou, sabia muito bem o que eles iam falar, pela milésima vez.
— Não, ué. A gente tá preocupado com você só… — Enzo disse, num tom de falsa preocupação, ao colocar a mão sobre a sua barriga e fazer carinho ali, enquanto Esteban também deitava ao seu lado, agora, com a boca perto do seu ouvido e a outra mão grande fazendo carinho no seu cabelo. — Desde que você começou a namorar esse cara tem andado de cabeça quente… —
As mãos de Esteban que estavam no seu joelho começaram a brincar com a barra do seu vestido, fazendo carinho com a ponta dos dedos na sua coxa. “Ele não te fode que nem a gente, bebita? Hm? Por isso que você tá tão estressadinha assim?”, Kukuriczka perguntou no pé do seu ouvido enquanto a mão apertava de levinho a carne macia, sentiu a boca secar e os pelinhos do braço levantarem ao ouvir a pergunta.
É, tem isso. Seu namorado não sabia, mas antes de você conhecê-lo, tinha transado com seus colegas de banda. Aconteceu depois de um show na cidade vizinha, no quarto de hotel que os meninos dividiam, vocês três estavam muito felizes com a performance e um pouco bêbados de champanhe, até hoje, não sabe muito bem quem tomou a iniciativa, mas lembrava perfeitamente das coisas que aconteceram naquela cama: o jeito que Enzo te lambia e dedava; as coisas sujas que Esteban falava enquanto chupava seus peitos; o jeito que o loiro passava a cabecinha na sua entradinha molhada, só para te virar e comer por trás enquanto a enquanto Enzo metia na sua buceta, fazendo questão de comentar com o amigo como você estava molhando a virilha dele toda... Desde então, não passou um dia sequer sem pensar em como era boa a sensação dos dois te usando, ou como queria ser preenchida por eles ao mesmo tempo de novo. Não tinha contado para seu parceiro porque ele já tinha muito ciúme deles, seria pior ainda se ele descobrisse que eles não queriam só te comer, e sim te comer de novo. E pra piorar: quando seu namorado ouviu a música nova e questionou os gemidos no fundo, você teve que insistir que eram obviamente falsos, mas sabia muito bem que eles tinham sido gravados nesse dia específico, devido a uma epifania de Enzo enquanto te chupava, nem precisou convencer Esteban a pegar o gravador de áudio do celular e registrar o momento que você gozou na língua do moreno.
— Claro que não, você acha que ele dá conta de uma putinha dessa? — O moreno disse antes de dar um beijo molhado no seu pescoço. Você bufou, frustrada com o tanto que precisava deles de novo, não queria trair seu namorado, mas era muito difícil tomar alguma decisão sã com as mãos grandes de Kukuriczka subindo cada vez mais pela sua coxa e Enzo beijando seu pescoço.
— Isso é errado, gente… — Você dizia, mais para você mesma do que pra eles, sabia que não deveria se entregar ao prazer, por mais que quisesse muito.
— Não é nada… Você vai terminar com ele daqui uns dias, não vai? Ele não precisa saber… — Esteban disse baixinho no seu ouvido, mordendo de levinho seu lóbulo, sorriu ao ouvir você soltar um gemidinho quando a mão de Enzo subiu da sua barriga devagarinho até seu peito, apertando ele por cima do tecido. — E outra coisa, olha como você tá molhada já… Que tipo de amigos nós somos se não te ajudarmos com isso? Hm? — Ele pontuou quando a mão finalmente tocou a sua calcinha, até impressionado com o quão rápido ela ficou encharcada, fazia círculos largos ali, aplicando um pouco de pressão enquanto espalhava a umidade pelo tecido.
— Porra… A gente… Tem que ensaiar… — Você estava ofegante, disse a frase enquanto tentava conter seus gemidos. Ficava cada vez mais difícil de não fazer barulho: não só devido ao jeito que Esteban te provocava ou que Enzo beliscava seus mamilos por cima do vestido, os dois também beijavam seu pescoço ao mesmo tempo.
— Ah, mas eu não quero ensaiar mais não… ‘Cê quer, Enzo? — Esteban só parou de beijar seu pescoço para fazer a pergunta ao amigo, até ergueu o rosto para olhar pra ele, como se não soubesse a resposta, aproveitou que a boca parou perto da sua bochecha e te deu um beijinho molhado ali, e depois outro no cantinho da sua boca. Ele era muito cínico, o tom de voz era tranquilo, nem parecia que estava arredando sua calcinha para o lado para que pudesse te masturbar sem o tecido atrapalhando, sorrindo safado ao ouvir o barulhinho molhado das suas dobrinhas sendo exploradas pelos dedos compridos. Enzo era significativamente menos atentado que o amigo, mas quando o assunto era você, jogava tão sujo quanto o loiro: também parou de beijar seu pescoço para olhar para o amigo, fingiu até pensar na resposta antes de contestar a pergunta, fingia também que não via seu rostinho observar os dois com a boca entreaberta, e os olhinhos se fechando lentamente quando Enzo finalmente abaixou o seu vestido a fim de expor seus seios, e desceu com a boca até seu mamilo, chupando ele e fazendo um estalinho quando o soltou da boca. “Não quero não… E tenho certeza que ela não quer também, né nena?”. Você não conseguia nem responder, mordia o inferior a fim de conter um gemido, mas a tentativa foi por água abaixo quando Esteban enfiou um dedo dentro de você, sua cabeça afundou nos travesseiros ao jogá-la para trás, já tonta de tanto tesão. “Por favor…”, você pediu baixinho, nem sabia o que.
Esteban tirou os dedos de dentro de você, e antes que pudesse protestar contra, percebeu que ele usava as mãos para retirar seu vestido, e logo se posicionou entre suas pernas, tirando a sua calcinha e lambendo sua buceta de baixo para cima, sem nenhuma cerimônia. Os dois garotos soltaram um gemido baixinho: Esteban por finalmente sentir seu gostinho de novo e Enzo por te ver nua. Você gemeu baixinho ao sentir a língua circular seu clitóris devagarinho e depois os lábios finos chuparem sua vulva enquanto afastava as dobrinhas com os dedos em formato de V, logo os enfiando em você, te fazendo levar as mãos até o cabelo baixinho e descer com elas até a nuca quente, enfiando levemente as unhas ali, já que os fios loirinhos não estavam mais lá para serem puxados. O moreno não perdia tempo enquanto o loiro te devorava, deixou de mamar seus peitos para se ajoelhar do seu lado, uma das mãos se encarregou de desfazer o laço da calça de moletom que usava, retirando a ereção para fora, e a outra fazia carinho no seu cabelo, tirando os fios do seu rostinho.
— Eu sei que tá gostoso nena, mas olha o que tá te esperando aqui, hm? — O moreno disse enquanto guiava o pau para tua boca, mas antes, passou a cabecinha melada de pré-gozo na bochecha quente, sorrindo ao ver o líquido clarinho na sua pele, e sorriu ainda mais quando você colocou a língua para fora, franzindo o cenho devido ao jeito que Esteban te chupava. Ele esfregou a glande na sua língua antes de dar batidinhas com o pau contra o músculo macio e molhadinho, queria te provocar mais um pouco: colocou a cabecinha na sua boca e logo tirou, deslizando o pau agora babadinho de saliva no cantinho da sua boca até sua bochecha, suspirava ao ver a cena. Esfregou o membro grosso nos seus lábios babadinhos antes de se enfiar todo na sua boca. — Isso… Você não tem nem ideia do quanto a gente ‘tava com saudade de te ter assim, nena, só pra gente… — Ele sussurrava entre gemidos, o que honestamente quase te fez explodir: já não bastava o jeito que Esteban te chupava enquanto te fodia com os dedos compridos, o Enzo ainda tem que falar putaria e gemer enquanto fode sua boca devagarinho? Puta merda. — ‘Cê é tão boazinha… Só a gente te trata do jeito que você gosta, não é? E deixa eu te contar um segredo… Eu tô morrendo de saudade do seu gostinho, só deixei ele te chupar primeiro porque depois que você gozar vai ficar mais apertadinha ainda pra mim…. — Apesar dele falar baixinho, Esteban conseguiu ouvir, sorriu sacana enquanto lambia seu clitóris para lá e para cá, falou um “Filho da puta…” baixinho contra sua buceta, enfiou mais um dedo em você, ficou com ciúmes.
Você sentia seu orgasmo chegar, Esteban não parava de te lamber e encostar os dedos no seu ponto G com força, somado a isso, Enzo apertava seu mamilo entre o indicador e o médio enquanto os quadris se movimentavam cada vez mais rápido, com um sorriso sacana no rosto sempre que te fazia engasgar no pau dele. Você soltou um gemido alto e arrastado enquanto gozava, abafado pelo membro que entrava e saía da sua boca, fazendo o moreno jogar a cabeça para trás e fechar os olhos ao sentir as vibrações ao redor do pau. Você achava que nunca tinha tido um orgasmo tão intenso assim, e quando retirou o membro da boca - mas continuou masturbando ele com a mão - e olhou para Kuku, teve certeza: o queixo e a camisa dele estavam completamente encharcadas, ele sorria enquanto balançava a cabeça, orgulhoso. “Essa é nova”, enquanto tirava a camisa e limpava o queixo molhado com ela.
Sentiu a mão de Enzo no seu cabelo e guiando sua cabeça para que sua boca envolvesse o pau dele novamente, voltando a fuder sua boca depois que você colocou logo todo o comprimento dentro da cavidade, engasgando um pouco no membro grosso quando a virilha encostava na pontinha do seu nariz arrancando alguns “Isso…” dele, mesmo assim, não conseguia deixar de notar o loiro abrindo suas pernas e se colocando no meio delas. “Só quero matar um pouco da saudade dessa bucetinha gostosa… Deixa, reina? Hm?”, a pergunta era quase retórica, ele sabia que ao dar batidinhas com a glande rosadinha na sua intimidade ainda sensível não tinha como você dizer não, consentiu com um gemido, abafado pelo moreno entrando e saindo da sua boca. Ele pincelou a cabecinha melada de pré-gozo contra sua intimidade antes de entrar em você, mas não deixou de pontuar: “Caralho, ouve isso” ao ouvir o barulhinho molhado que a ação ocasionava. Puxou um arzinho entre os dentes quando se enfiou em você enquanto observava você mamar o amigo, encostando a virilha na sua ao meter fundo, mas devagarinho. “Porra… Se eu tivesse uma bucetinha dessa pra fuder todos os dias, não ia precisar de mais nada nessa vida. Tá apertadinha demais, cara”, segurava suas pernas para conseguir meter mais forte, mais fundo, fazendo você envolver novamente o pau que chupava com as mãos, masturbando o moreno enquanto jogava a cabeça para trás, gemendo.
Esteban, com muita resistência, saiu de dentro de você, queria comer o buraquinho que só ele já tinha entrado. Subiu pelo seu corpo até ficar por cima de ti, pouco se fudendo que isso te atrapalharia a continuar masturbando Enzo, colocou as mãos nas suas bochechas e te puxou para um beijo molhado. Até ouviu o moreno protestar, mas o loiro não ligou. Ele colocou os braços por baixo das suas costas e te levantou, sem quebrar o beijo, com suas pernas ao redor dos quadris dele - te permitindo sentir o pau duro e meladinho de você - e os peitos colados, a pele na pele. Ainda com uma mão no seu rosto, a outra foi parar no seu cabelo, puxando de levinho suas mechas, arrancando mais um gemidinho de você, Enzo observava vocês se beijarem, retomando os movimentos de vai e vem no pau grosso por conta própria depois de descartar a camisa que usava. Sentiu Kukuriczka puxar seu cabelo, curvando sua cabeça para trás e expondo seu pescoço para ele, aproveitando para beijar e succionar a área tão suscetível para receber chupões, ignorando totalmente o fato de que com certeza seu namorado veria as marcas depois. “Tadinha… Tava a tanto tempo sem ser fudida direito que eu fiz sua bucetinha chorar, pobrecita… É um pecado, sabe? Uma menina tão linda ficar tão carentezinha assim…”, ele dizia enquanto segurava um dos seus peitos e guiava ele até a boca, mamando um enquanto apertava o outro.
— Ainda bem nós somos muito bonzinhos, não é? Vai levar pau nos dois buraquinhos agora… Que nem vagabunda… Do jeito que você gosta. — Ele disse com a boca pertinho da sua, deu dois tapinhas na sua buceta enquanto olhava nos seus olhos, “Aqui…”, depois, enfiou o polegar boca, e passou o dígito molhado entre sua bunda, massageando sua entradinha apertada, “E aqui…”. Te colocou em cima de Enzo, mas antes de te sentar no moreno, já latejando, passou o indicador na sua buceta sensível, se aproveitando da lubrificação e levando até o seu buraquinho de trás. Esteban levantou seus quadris enquanto Enzo firmava o pau para que você pudesse montar nele com facilidade, vocês dois soltaram um gemido quando as virilhas se encostaram, engolindo todo o comprimento dele. Sentava devagarinho para que Kukuriczka pudesse enfiar um dedo no seu cuzinho, te preparando pelo menos um pouco para levar ele atrás, te fazendo gemer ao mover os dedos, ele beijava e lambia a curva do seu pescoço. Sentia também as mãos de Enzo na sua bunda, ditando o ritmo da sua sentada, enquanto xingava e gemia baixinho.
Esteban retirou o dedo de dentro de ti para que pudesse tirar a calça e ficar de joelhos atrás de você. Seus olhinhos que antes estavam fechados devido à sensação de Vogrincic finalmente te preenchendo de novo, se abriram ao Esteban segurar seus quadris, cessando sua sentada e te imobilizando para que pudesse se enfiar em você, você gemeu em desaprovação quando teve que parar de cavalgar Enzo, mas logo puxou um arzinho quando sentiu a cabecinha melada de pré-gozo ser esfregada na sua entradinha apertada, sentiu o corpo ficar levinho quando ele finalmente entrou em você, devagarinho e com facilidade. Você instintivamente enfiou as unhas no peitoral do homem embaixo de você e levou a outra mão para trás, procurando a coxa de Esteban para segurá-lá enquanto ele te fodia, e olhou para baixo, vendo um sorriso sacana no rosto de Vogrincic.
— Olha só… Nossa garota tá de volta… Quem diria que ela só precisava de uma foda decente pra ficar mansinha de novo, hm? — Enzo disse enquanto passava as mãos pela sua bunda e quadril, logo depois apertando e chegando seu corpo para frente, fazendo você se mexer nos dois paus. Você jogou a cabeça para trás ao gemer, encostando ela no peitoral de Kukuriczka, arrancando uma risadinha sacana dele ao te olhar por cima e perceber como você já estava burrinha de tanto tesão, uma mão grande parou na base do seu cabelo e curvou sua cabeça mais para trás ainda, a outra livre subiu da sua barriga até seus peitos, apertando os dois com uma mão só, depois, até seu pescoço e enforcou ali de leve enquanto se mexia dentro de você, a palma subiu até seu rosto e deixou um tapa na sua bochecha, “perra”. Sentiu Esteban empurrar seu torso para baixo, encostando seu peito com o de Vogrincic, o qual não perdeu tempo em segurar seu queixo e te puxar para um beijo molhado. Você só conseguia gemer ao sentir os dois apertando sua bunda com força o suficiente para deixar roxa depois, os movimentos que Kukuriczka fazia causavam com que você subisse e descesse no pau de Enzo enquanto ele metia por trás, sentia os dois entrando e saindo de você ao mesmo tempo.
— É a bucetinha mais gostosa que eu já comi… Me encanta… — Enzo agarrou a base do seu cabelo, para que seu ouvido ficasse perto da boca dele, e que pudesse também ver seus peitos balançarem a cada estocada. — É a putinha mais linda também, muito boazinha… O corno do seu namorado não vai entender nada quando você chegar em casa com a buceta toda lambuzada e o cuzinho cheio de porra, né? — Ele lambia e dava mordidinhas no seu pescoço, lutando contra o sorriso sacana que se formava no rosto, levou uma das mãos até seu peito, apertando ele antes de guia-lo até a boca, chupando e mordendo seu biquinho enquanto segurava a carne macia, que balançava com cada estocada. Até o que te comia por trás riu também, ainda mais quando você não conseguiu responder nada, só gemer. “Fica até mais apertadinha depois de ter esguichado”, Enzo disse no pé do seu ouvido, mas o loiro ouviu.
— Tá cantando marra mas quem fez a bucetinha dela chorar fui eu, né nena? — Esteban disse enquanto curvava o corpo sobre o seu, deixando beijos molhados na sua escapula enquanto metia mais fundo ainda.
Enzo respondeu a provocação do amigo, usou um tom doce com fundo de sacanagem, enquanto passava a mão grande pelo seu rosto, apertando suas bochechas e ocasionando um biquinho nos seus lábios, enfiou dois dedos na sua boca enquanto levantava os quadris, metendo mais forte por baixo em você, descendo a mão pelo seu torso, deixando traços da sua própria saliva até chegar no seu pontinho sensível, esfregando ele com três dedos: “Ah, mas não tem problema… Eu pretendo fazer isso ainda, de qualquer maneira.”
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abs-2020 · 2 years ago
Dont really know if you do jake sully asks but.
Yandere! Dilf! jake sully x young Na'vi reader {not TOO young}
Where hake is already married to neytiri and has his four children but isn't satisfied with it, he didn't get to enjoy most of his time as a young Na'vi, then suddenly, a young Na'vi reader gets gis attention, following reader around like its a hobby.
Of course, the reader notices, how could they not with jake big form always around them? The reader took a liking to jake a few pandoran moons ago, but since they know Neytiri is HIS mate, reader can't stand a chance.
So when some time came jake slowly improved his relationship with the reader and they {you know 🤭}
And then one day the reader sees that he looked so happy with his family, so the reader distances themselves to him thinking he doesn't want reader anymore, and the reader thinking they were only and ONLY his plaything.
The reader follows the elders' commands and begins to find another mate.
Jake on the other hand is FURIOUS, let me tell you, volcano furious, he wants reader and reader only, he finds himself getting rid of possible mates as he is ofc, THE Toruk Macto. He gets amd at the reader and pour some angry smut there would you? And the rest us to you😫😫😫😫🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭
Girlie. 🤚🏻🤚🏻 lemme just tell you. This. Sounded. Fun. Buuuut uh, I’m scared I did your thoughts absolutely no justice and that I didn’t live up to any of your expectations. But I did my best and played around sooo I hope you enjoy. Aaassss always comments and complaints are always appreciated. <3.
Warnings: SMUT/18+/choking kink/CNC/forced breeding/oral(M) receiving/jakes an ass/ this is just pure filth/cheating on Netyiri/stalking/age gap/it’s nassstayyy.
Authors note: uuh NOBODY thank me. Because this wasn’t my idea. It was this lovely girls idea. 😌 but I feel like i did your idea no Justice.
Jake. Jake sully. Jake fucking sully. The Avatar that’s been haunting your dreams and daydreams. His hulking blue frame and roguishly attractive aroma haunted your every god damned thought. I mean how could he not? His tenacious smirk, beautiful hair, and that gorgeous gorgeous voice of his had you fawning over him like a little puppy. But it wasn’t always that way, of course not. In fact, you hadn’t really noticed Jake sully, ‘the Toruk Makto’ not until the big blue alien had started following you around like some gaurd dog a few months ago. Like it was a hobby, like it was his duty. That, that is when you noticed the blue avatar. That’s when you noticed his burning hot gaze on your behind, the gaze that sent chills down your spine. That was when you first noticed Jake sully.
Soon after his stalkerish behaviors Jake had finally started to make interactions with you. Such as asking ‘how your day was’ or telling you that ‘your hair looked nice’ even as far as sneaking up behind you and capturing you in unexpected embraces. But that was after he had started to grow on you. But oh boy, The way his arms wrapped around your form intoxicated you to the very core, made you feel a warmth you hadn’t ever felt before. A warmth that you never wanted to go away, never.
But no matter what the hulking blue alien did to make you feel at ease you always had one thought on your mind. ‘Jake was a mated man’ Jake had a mate. And that thought was the only thought that had seemed to keep you at bay. You stood absolutely no chance. But his warmth, oh his warmth. You just wished it would never leave.
And that warmth never did go away, and neither did Jake sully, because that warmth had ended up filling your core. And oh it was so hot, sticky, and passionate when it had happened to. The way his hulking form towered over yours, or the soft little whimpers of praise that left his throat with each thrust had you hooked. Hooked in a way you never thought was possible. And the thought of being so hooked to someone, Especially a mated man scared you. But what scared you even more was the fact that Jake sully never left your mind, not ever.
You should have been disgusted with yourself after it had happened. After you had brought about the cheating on Netyiri, Such a kind and beautiful Na’vi. But not only should you have felt disgusted with yourself for that, you should have felt disgusted because of the age gap. Jake was 28 for heavens sake. And you? You were 19. You were 19 well over ‘mating’ age in the words of the Tsahìk. And that had reminded you of your conversion not only a couple days ago.
A hand being placed on your shoulder had your attention being drawn to its user your brows and ears both quirked up. You’d expected it to be a friend, maybe some random boy. But no, all you were met with was the harsh, stone cold gaze of the Tsahìk.
“(Y/N), you’re well over mating age. I think it’s time you find yourself a mate. A strong man, a warrior...”blah..blah..blah…
that was all you heard coming from her mouth during the encounter. But- the Tsahìk was right, and you knew that. Deep down you knew. But even deeper down a part of you wanted to have Jake all for your self, wanted to be his mate, a part that didn’t want to let him go. mean how could you? How could you let go of a man like that? Was a thought that played in your mind on repeat.
Your mindless and aimless wandering during your thoughts had ended up bringing you to the middle of base, a couple tents away from Jake’s. And you hadn’t quite noticed until the sound of laughing children had your head and ears swiftly jerkin in the direction of the noises. Your heart sunk when your eyes met the scene before you. It was all 6 of them, Spider, Netayum, Lo’ak, Tuk, Netyiri, and Jake. Now it wouldn’t have been such a problem if they all hadn’t been laughing, smiling, teasing, and playing all together like the happiest family you’d ever seen. But they were, and it made your heart sink. You couldn’t take that from Jake, you couldn’t take Jake from that he loved his family too much for that. And you finally saw that.
“Oh Ewya, how could I have been such an idiot..”
You were so stupid, you were an idiot. How could you be such and idiot? Jake had a mate, Jake had children, ‘Jake had children’ you brought a shaky hand to your face dragging the flesh of your palm against the palm of your cheek. An exaggerated sight would leave your throat once reality finally set it. You brought about the cheating Netyiri, you helped Jake cheat on his mate. Betray his family. Betray himself. You did that. You did that.
A uneasy queasiness set into the pit your stomach as a sour and tart taste began to fill your mouth coating your taste buds. Quickly you’d rush a hand to your stomach and the other to your mouth. Your feet scurried against the smooth rocky floor as you tried to find a corner to let your body do its thing. But before you knew it a gag would fill the air as the remains of your lunch hit the floor with a noisy spat.
A light sheen of sweat would coat your forehead from the toll puking had taken on your body. You’d shake your head in annoyance at the world and situation your tail whipping furiously and ears falling back in regret.
“Maybe the Tsahìk was right..’
Laughter would fill the air your tail whipping as you sat next to Etäay a joke he had made a couple seconds ago causing laughter to rip through the both of you, a blush painting your features at the proximity of the Na’vi.
Etäay was a funny man, in his late 20s and an excellent hunter. Definitely a Na’vi you wouldn’t have expected to have a sense of humor, But he did. He was a taller Na’vi, skinner, more lean than anything else. His hair in one long thick braid, with two smaller ones hanging in the front of his angular and chiseled face. He wasn’t Jake, not in the slightest, no where near close. No not at all. But you had finally decided to take the advice of the Tsahìk and try finding yourself a mate.
‘Jake wouldn’t mind’ you told yourself ‘Jake won’t care’ he had a family for Christ sake. And a mate. What had happened between the two of you was a mistake. A huge and forgettable one at that. So forget about it you did. Or at least try…
And try you did, but sometimes things just can’t be helped. Because when Etäay decided to lay a bold hand right on the apex of your thigh the sound of a crack coming from the branches above the both of you rippled through the forest causing your ears to fall back in fear as your body stiffened.
A nervous laugh would escape Etäay’s throat. He was just as startled as you were. And you didn’t blame him. Oh no you didn’t blame him at all. How could you when the atmosphere had changed so quickly? Everything had gone dark, a suck a gloomy feeling filling the air making it thick and hard to inhale. A feeling of being watched. stalked by unwanted and familiar eyes. It had your palms going clamy and throat dry. You knew those eyes, and you knew this presence.
“Jake..” it was barley audible, barley about a whisper.
“What?” Etäay would question from the side of you his hand leaving your thigh as he shuffled up uncomfortably. He obviously didn’t catch what you said.
“N-nothing, I’m sorry Etäay but I’m off to bed.” You’d pause “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
But deep down, a part of you knew you weren’t going to be seeing him tomorrow. Because a part of you knew Jake wasn’t going to let you.
As you shuffled up from your seat on the forest floor Etäay would give you his farewells before you scurried off like a little mouse. Your heart was thumping, beating just as fast as your mind was racing. ‘Was that really Jake? Or am I just paranoid?’ You asked yourself as you dodged, weaved, jumped, and maneuvered around the forest and it’s obstacles. But after shuffling around the forest for about 10 minutes your heart and mind had finally calmed down. A laugh would leave your throat, the sound echoing around the quiet forest.
You mumbled to yourself as you looked around the trunk of a girthy tree “I was definitely paranoid-“ a choke would fill the air as a giant and roughy blue hand met your throat with a harsh jab, long and thin fingers wrapping around the nape of your neck in a tight, vice like grip. Immediately your air was cut off and your body thrown against the bark of the girthy tree. An animalistic growl echoed through the forest, and rattled every bone in your body shaking you down to your very core your thighs rubbing together subconsciously.
“Oh sweet girl I think you were paranoid just enough.”
Your eyes widened in confirmation at the sound of Jake, oh god jakes voice had your ears falling back and your tail wrapping around your own thigh. Jakes voice was almost hypnotizing a hint of anger and a promise of threat laced in his words, A cherry on top just for you.
Jakes grip on your neck only tightened, the danger of the lack of oxygen causing a sweet and sticky slick to form between your folds as your thighs rubbed together in unison. Black spots starting to cloud your vision, jakes yellow honey dew eyes never leaving yours, not even for a split second. Another aggressive growl would leave his throat as he held your body against the bark of the tree. Your hands would shoot to jakes forearms your nails digging into his blue flesh, breaking skin, drawing blood as you fought the brink of consciousness and unconsciousness. Your eyes would flutter closed as you tried to suck in a breath that wasn’t granted. Your vision getting blacker, blacker by the second. Your body and limbs weakening your hands slipping from jakes forearm as you slipped into unconsciousness. That was until a weight was finally lifted from your throat your knees hitting the forest floor with a loud thud.
Your gasps of air would fill the quiet forest as Jakes giant form loomed over your tiny one, him even taller as you sat on your knees your hand shooting to your throat in an attempt to ease the pain. There was definitely going to be a bruise you thought. A dark and very noticeable Bruise. A mark he was going to leave you with to remember him. The sounds of steps, jakes steps would have you shooting your head up to look at the man.
“You think you can just go around fucking, flirting or even looking in the direct on other guys sweet heart? …?” Jakes tone was dark, each word he spoke with a possessive snarl his canines glistening in the dark of the forest. “You think that’s okay?” Jake would quirk a brow at you.
A scoff would leave your throat as your hand continued to rub and sooth the bruising flesh.
“You don’t own me Jake. You’re a mated man.” Your words were thick, full of truth and venom. “So yes, I can go around. I can go around and find myself a mate. And he’ll be the only one allowed to touch me and make love to me.” Your ears would perk up with pride as you looked up to the man before you, still resting on your knees.
Jakes ears would twitch at your words, his whole body moving in a quick blur as his hand reached for your face his hand gripping your cheeks forcing them into an ‘o’ shape straining your neck to look up at him as he pulled you from your knees to your feet.
Jake was radiating heat and anger, his eyes boring holes into your very soul. He was fuming and oh my did it make slick run down your thigh. You liked him like this, liked him manhandling you. Like him choking you. Got you loved him choking you. He’d never done that before but now, now you were hooked. A dark look would cross jakes features as he stared at your ‘o’ shaped mouth and sinister smirk coating his beautiful face as an idea crossed his mind. Quickly Jake would shove you back down to your knees with a snarl his hands knotting into your hair the skin on the back of your scalp burning from his grip tears threatening to spill from the pain.
In a blur Jake would remove his groin cloth, an unholy groan leaving his lips as his member spring free from its confinement. Your eyes would widen when his long, blue, shaft collided with the skin of your cheek. The sight had your mouth weathering as you counted the bumps and ridges of his member saliva threatening to spill at any moment. Jakes grip on your hair would tighten, a slap to your cheek brining you back to reality causing you to look back up at the dominating Na’vi with doe eyes.
Another slap to your cheek, “open your fucking mouth.” Jakes honey dew eyes were staring right back into yours not an ounce of forgiveness in his orbs.
you wanted to resist you really wanted to, bout how could you? This man was your poison and you would do anything to get a taste even if it meant death. So, you obliged with a more than happy heart. Sticking your tongue out in the most sultry way as a pool of saliva ran from your tongue down the the forest floor. Im that moment you swear you heard jake suck in a breath and stutter. His demeanor faltering for only a second. But only for a second because before you knew it jakes member was getting shoved in and out of your throat in a ruthless and unforgiving pace, each thrust leaving you on the verge of gagging as his ridges caught onto parts of your throat only making the abuse on your throat worse. Ruthlessly Jake would fuck into your throat, small curses and growls leaving his throat as tears trickled down your blue cheeks your ears back and tail stiff.
“O-oh I’m not gonna make love to you b-baby girl, I’m gonna fuck you.” Jake would spit his words through his teeth with venom trying his best not to moan or let his demeanor fall.
A moan would fill your throat at jakes words, the vibrations from your throat brining Jake closer the the edge his thrusts getting faster and faster, quicker and sloppier. Sticky and sweet Slick was running down your thighs, the feeling of jakes member ramming into the back of your throat causing you an embarrassing amount of pleasure and ecstasy.
“Oh yeah you like that? Like the thought of me fucking you and taking you from behind huh sweet girl..?” A slap to your cheek and the tightening grip on your hair would cause another moan to leave your throat as you rubbed your thighs together in an attempt to ease some of your desire. “Yeah you do, fuck yeah you do you…” jakes thrusts we’re accentuated with his last few words as he reached his orgasm. “cause. You’re. Fucking. Mine.”
Jakes mouth would fall open when he finally reached his climax his head and ears falling back in pleasure and bliss as his hot and sticky seed coated the back of your abused throat.
Panting would fill the air as jake slowly removed his hand from your hair along with his member from your throat in a quick motion. Tears would stain your blue cheeks your skin damp and wet as you brought a shaky hand to the flesh in an attempt to dry your skin. Subconsciously you were still rubbing your thighs together as you bit your lip. Jake still standing tall in front of you.
“Oh we’re not done baby girl.” Jakes words were filled with a threat.
Roughly and forcefully jakes hands would find their way to your waist the blue Na’vi making easy work of flipping you onto your stomach, so that you were face down and ass up. Jakes hand would rub soothing Circles onto the flesh of your behind as he lined himself up with your entrance. You waited in anticipation. You knew it was going to hurt, be painful. Especially with a Na’vi of his size and girth. But you’d never expected him to do what he was just about to do, suddenly jakes hand was lifted from your arse, your hips would rut in the air in retaliation, you wanted him to touch you. To stretch you around his fingers to warm you up for him, but when the sudden sound of a slap filling the air and a quick shot of pain from between your legs came out of nowhere a mewl of pain and surprise escaped your throat.
“Y-you..” you couldn’t speak, you were in too much pain from jakes actions. From him thrusting his whole length into you in one go, without stretching you out or warming you up.
“Shhh, shhh, shhh baby girl. It’s okay. You’re okay.. fuck- fuck you’re squeezing me so good…” Jake would sit bottomed out inside of you for a few seconds before he finally decided to take his length almost all the way out just to slam right back into you. “…you deserve this, this is what you get sweet thing. D-daddy’s gotta teach you a lesson.”
A moan of pleasure and pain would leave your lips when jakes hand found it’s way to your throat for the second time of the night, the man’s large, long, and slender fingers wrapping all the way around your delicate throat as he pulled your back to his chest to he could cradle you one hand snaking to pleasure your little bundle of pleasure and nerves. Your body was on fire, jakes hand on your throat, his harsh thrusts, harsh words and harsh tone, his warmth was enough to set off every single nerve in your body.
“J-jake.. please.”
A laugh would rumble from jakes chest as he mumbled a ‘Nuh uh’ his fingers making quick and great work of your clit the action brining you closer and closer to the edge.
“Daddy’s gotta remind you who this pussy belongs to baby girl, he’s gotta remind you that you’re mine. He’s gotta show you what happens when you talk to other guys.” Jakes voice was sultry and demanding as his thrusts got faster and faster, deeper and deeper, roughy and rougher by the second.
You’d chant jakes name as he brought you closer and closer to the edge, climax, your orgasm. His grip on your neck only tightening as he pulled your back tighter against his chest, his eyes landing on the bulge that formed in your belly with each thrust. A guttural groan would leave jakes throat at the sight, his hips now pistoling into you at an unforgiving pace the sight making him chase his and your high.
A sharp moan would leave your throat as your nails dug into jakes forearm as he fucked you flush against his chest the angle causing him to hit deeper and deeper your velvety and gummy walls spasming around him, gripping onto him like a vice, suctioning, pulling him back into you with each of his thrusts.
The finally a knot would snap sending you into cloud nine, oblivion, All you saw was white as you scream jakes name and closed your eyes in pure ecstasy and pleasure your orgasm crashing into you like an ocean wave your ears falling back in triumph.
Jake would continue to piston into your weeping and swollen cunt your juices dripping down the both of your thighs as the sound of wet skin slapping skin filled the forest air. Jakes tail would wrap itself around your thigh as his ears fell back.
“Daddy’s gonna make you a mommy.”
Your eyes would shoot open at his words, but it was far too late jakes hips already sputtering as he stilled inside of you spilling his hot and sticky seed inside of you an ever so present bulge poking out from your tummy as both of your juices mixed onto the forest floor.
“That’s Daddy’s lesson.”
Authors note: ahahah, was this too much? Maybe. do I care? Maybe. But hoooopefully you enjoyed it. I tried my best to fufilll your wishes. And I’m sorry it took so long. I suck ballz. <3 ;)
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mobilesuitgudang · 17 days ago
⣿⣿⣿⠟⠋⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⢁⠈⢻⢿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⠃⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠈⡀⠭⢿⣿ ⣿⣿⡟⠄⢀⣾⣿⣿⣿⣷⣶⣿⣷⣶⣶⡆⠄⠄⠄⣿ ⣿⣿⡇⢀⣼⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣧⠄⠄⢸⣿ ⣿⣿⣇⣼⣿⣿��⠶⠙⣿⡟⠡⣴⣿⣽⣿⣧⠄⢸⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣾⣿⣿⣟⣭⣾⣿⣷⣶⣶⣴⣶⣿⣿⢄⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡟⣩⣿⣿⣿⡏⢻⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣹⡋⠘⠷⣦⣀⣠⡶⠁⠈⠁⠄⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣍⠃⣴⣶⡔⠒⠄⣠⢀⠄⠄⠄⡨⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣦⡘⠿⣷⣿⠿⠟⠃⠄⠄⣠⡇⠈⠻⣿ ⣿⣿⡿⠟⠋⢁⣷⣠⠄⠄⠄⠄⣀⣠⣾⡟⠄⠄⠄⠄ ⡿⠁⠄⠄⠄⢸⣿⣿⡯⢓⣴⣾⣿⣿⡟⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄ ⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⣿⡟⣷⠄⠹⣿⣿⣿⡿⠁⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄ ⠄⠄⠄⠄⣸⣿⡷⡇⠄⣴⣾⣿⣿⠃⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄ ⠄⠄⠄⠄⣿⣿⠃⣦⣄⣿⣿⣿⠇⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄ ⠄⠄⠄⢸⣿⠗⢈⡶⣷⣿⣿⡏⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄ 🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳TROPA DO Xi🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳
SomostodosXiJinping 🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳
🕯 🕯 🕯 🕯 🕯 🕯 Proteger a vida e a saúde do camarada Xi 🕯 🕯 🕯 🕯 🕯 Quem é o honorável líder Xi Jinping? Para o cego, é a luz. Para o faminto, é o pão. Para o sedento, é a fonte de água. Para o morto, é a vida. Para o enfermo, é a cura. Para o prisioneiro, é a liberdade. Para o solitário, é o companheiro. Para o viajante, é o caminho. Para mim, é tudo. Se Xi Jinping acha, eu concordo. Se Xi Jinping fala, eu escuto. Se Xi Jinping erra, eu perdoo. Se Xi Jinping pensa, eu admiro. Se Xi Jinping tem 100 fãs, eu sou um deles. Se Xi Jinping tem 10 fãs, eu sou um deles. Se Xi Jinping tem 1 fã, eu sou esse fã. Se Xi Jinping não tem fãs, eu não existo. 📂Documentos📂 └📂Revoluções socialistas └📂China └📂Mao Zedong └📂Deng Xiaoping └📂Xi Jinping └📂Defeitos └🚫Pasta Vazia Mano 😎😎 só vou falar 🗣🗣 uma vez 1️⃣1️⃣ insulta o Xi 🇨🇳🇨🇳 e eu irei incendiar 🔥🔥 sua residência 🏠🏠 com sua família inteira 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 dentro, e depois vou enterrar ⚰️⚰️ os corpos deles, mas deixarei você vivo 😨😨, com a dor 😖😖 da perda 😔😔, pra refletir 🤔🤔 se realmente valeu a pena 🧐🧐 insultar o camarada Xi 🇨🇳🤫, é só um aviso ok ⚠️⚠️ ┏┓ ┃┃╱╲ AQUI ┃╱╱╲╲ NESTA CASA ╱╱╭╮╲╲ EU E A MINHA ▔▏┗┛▕▔ FAMÍLIA ╱▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔╲ SERVIMOS À ╱╱┏┳┓╭╮┏┳┓╲╲ GLORIOSA REPÚBLICA ▔▏┗┻┛┃┃┗┻┛▕▔ POPULAR DA CHINA ║\ ║▒\ ║▒▒\ ║░▒║ ║░▒║ ║░▒║ ║░▒║ ║░▒║Com esta espada ║░▒║cortarei todos ║░▒║que odeiam o ║░▒║o camarada Xi ║░▒║ ║░▒║ ║░▒║ ║░▒║ ║░▒║ ║░▒║ ║░▒║ ║░▒║ ║░▒║ ║░▒║ ▓▓▓▓ [█▓] [█▓] [█▓] [█▓] ATENÇÃO ATENÇÃO ❗❗❗❗❗❗ POST ANTI-CHINA🤬🤬🤬😡😡😡😡😡😡🖐️🖐️🖐️ POST DESCONSIDERADO AUTOMATICAMENTE 🖐️🖐️❗❗❗🤬🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫❌❌❌❌❌❌ Dono do post: Xi Jinping Este perfil 👤 não aceita NENHUMA crítica 😤😤 ao honorável camarada Xi. Aqui vivemos uma DITADURA DO PROLETARIADO. Ele fala 👅, eu escuto👂. Ele pede 🗣️, eu faço 😳. Ele manda 😎, eu obedeço💪. Aqui a palavra dele é lei 😌📃 e não há democracia liberal burguesa. 😈 Por favor amigo😳🤬não brinque com isso👌🏻🤚🏻tem pai de família aqui✊🏻🙏queremos o bem da humanidade🥺🥰por favor não faça mais esse tipo de post😒😒🙁não brinque com o socialismo 😔😔🙁🥺🤚🏻🤚🏻👎🏻em nome de todos os camaradas peço 😎que não brinque mais com o nosso poderoso líder Xi Jinping🥺✊🏻👏🏻🙌🏻🥰😳🤚🏻🤚🏻🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳💕💕
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dandysnob · 4 months ago
They say a drummer is a rear of the band. From that us ass pictures i see that Rammstein rear is powerful af
I received this ask a few weeks/months ago! Sorry it took me so long to respond, but instead of making the usual butt collage to emphasize how powerful the band's rear is, I decided to collect a few moments from this 2024 tour where the guys were slapping, pinching, stabbing or patting each other's butts. 🍑👋🏻👀
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Bonus: Till patting his own 😌🤚🏻🍑
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ripempezardexerox · 4 months ago
Believe me when I tell you:
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marimayscarlett · 6 months ago
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😌🤚🏻 Confusion during Puppe 🤨❓// 27.07.2024, Gelsenkirchen // 📽️ by kerttumolder
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Being Shiratorizawa’s Manager:
Trip to the Beach 🏖️
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Shiratorizawa x female! Manager (she/her pronouns)
Warnings: fluff, reader has a breasts and is wearing a swimsuit, Oikawa makes an appearance because it’s me 😌
AN: this is a request from 🦢 anon!
Remember when I said this team was like super serious and stoic 😃
Well jokes on you because when you go on ANY outing, these boys are just as feral as the rest
Literally, I can tell you exactly how this will go
Semi and Reon are the only adults
Yep, even Ushijima doesn’t count and I’ll tell you why
Man’s will just wander off, like he sees something and is like “hey that looks cool” and then just walks away 🚶
Tendou is riling everyone up constantly
Shirabu and Kawanishi are the actual worst to get excited about anything
Goshiki and Yamagata are just like super hyped about everything
Liberos are all hyper, prove me wrong 🤚🏻
Anyways, it’s literally so much work it’s exhausted
But never fear because our magnificent, wonderful and perfect manager, YN, is here to deal with everything!
And with summer break approaching, you get the bestest idea ever 🥰
So you bring it up at practice
“Hey guys! I think we should go to the beach this weekend!” You say, all cute and excited
Shirabu 👉🏻 Y tho?
You 👉🏻😐 I give all and get nothing back-
“A beach trip? Hey that actually sounds so fun!” Tendou cheers, backing you up
“Shouldn’t we spend the time practicing?” Ushijima adds
“Yeah, I can’t beat Ushiwaka at the beach Yn?” Goshiki screams
You 👉🏻🙄
“I mean, it would be nice to do a team bonding activity,” Semi, our team mom chimes in
You 👉🏻 *nodding vigorously* : D
“Also, we could play beach volleyball. That’s a what kind of workout,” Reon adds
The guys 👉🏻🔥👄🔥 Did you say Beach Volleyball??
These boys are sold 🙌🏻
So you began preparing, you made lunches, snacks and made sure to pack plenty water
You arrived early at school, so freaking excited for your day at the beach with your boys!
When you first arrive, you are wearing a coverup so the boys don’t really think much of anything
Please, they all have a crush on you and god are you pretty, but they also adore you as their manager
That is 👀 until you take the coverup off
Like it happens so casually too that it throws them all off 😂
Like you are just talking with Semi and Reon like, “I packed snacks and lunches, we should be good for a few hours *takes off coverup* also we have to make sure we do sunscreen on everyone because coach will not be happy if you guys can spike or receive with sunburns.”
Semi and Reon just stare 😳😳
“What’s wrong?” You say, completely oblivious as to why these idiots are staring
The rest of the team, well they are surely malfunctioning at this very moment
Goshiki definitely has a nose bleed
Remember when Daichi broke Hinata? Yeah you did that to Goshiki 😌
Yamagata, Shirabu and Kawanishi are all just like “thank you god amen 🙏🏻”
Tendou is actually speechless
Like Tendou knows you’re a girl and he knows you’re pretty but like it sunk a level deeper today
And Ushiwaka, well he…
“YN please make sure you wear sunscreen, you have a lot of skin showing. Would you like me to help you?” Ushijima says, completely oblivious
Like Ushijima thinks your pretty too don’t get me wrong but man’s isn’t thinking beyond sun protection right now
“Wakatoshi that would be so helpful thank you!” You say, handing him the cream
Suddenly, everyone is willing to lend a helping hand 😐🙄
“Don’t you think this is a job for the vice captain?” Reon says
“Are you kidding me?” Semi says as Tendou sneaks in
“I have big hands so like covering surface area is definitely easier for me!” Tendou shouts
“THIS IS A JOB FOR THE FUTURE ACE!” Goshiki interrupts
You 👉🏻🤨 guys I literally just need help getting my back
“I don’t really think they care YN,” Shirabu interjects as you hand him the sunscreen and he helps you
The guys all watch and of course, brood because they are jealous bbys
“Alright it’s time for volleyball,” Ushijima announces as all the guys run towards the court leaving you to your own devices
You 👉🏻🙄 silly boys
But it’s ok because you can finish setting up and hopefully start catching up on getting some much needed vitamin D
Even if you don’t tan, sunshine is great as a mood booster 😁
However, what you don’t realize is that you’ve attracted quite the spectator crowd
Because your team isn’t the only one at the beach 👀
You guessed it, our besties at Seijoh decided to take a team beach vacay too
What a coincidence 🙃
Anyways, you’ve seemed to attract the attention of Seijoh’s #1 pain in the butt
“Hey isn’t that Shiratorizawa’s hot manager?” Yahaba points out
Because, of course he does 🙄
“What? Where??” Oikawa says, eyes alert at Yahaba points you out
“Yeah that’s her, damn Shiratorizawa is so freaking lucky!” Hanamaki says, glaring at Oikawa
All the third years, and the other years, know that Oikawa is the reason they can’t have nice things 😅
“I think we should go and greet her! She looks like she could use some help,” Oikawa says walking towards you
“Should we stop him?” Matsukawa asks as Kunimi pulls out his phone and hits record
“Nah, let Ushiwaka take care of him this time, I came here to relax,” Iwa says, getting a front row to the show
“Yoo-hoo YN!” Oikawa says as you turn to find the source of the agitating voice
“Oh hello Oikawa!” You say, pleasantly
Please, our angel is so nice
I could never 😂
“I just happened to notice you over here, looking absolutely gorgeous and was wondering if you needed any help?” He says as you stare at him
“I’m actually good but thanks anyways!” You beam as Oikawa dies at your cuteness
“You know Yn, I always knew you were gorgeous but I will say, that swimsuit looks incredible on you,” Oikawa says
You blush, “thanks Oikawa! I got it especially for our team trip.”
You turn and show him the suit because that’s what we do, we show off 👏🏻
Suddenly out of nowhere, a volleyball SLAMS into the back of Oikawa’s head
You 👉🏻���
Oikawa 👉🏻 💀
Kunimi and Seijoh 👉🏻 📱
“Iwa what the hell-��� oikawa says, turning to see whose actually responsible for the ball
Ushiwaka and Shiratorizawa LOOM over Oikawa and just glare right thought him
Literally it’s hot out but the cold radiating off the guys right now could cure global warming 😅
“Hey guys! Are you hungry?” You say, completely ignoring Oikawa’s obvious concussion
“Ahh yeah YN we are just taking a little break,” Kawanishi says, coming up next to you and guiding you away from the scene
“Stay away from OUR manager Oikawa!” Semi growls as Reon nods
“Like she’d ever go for you anyways, she obviously has better taste,” Tendou adds
Meanwhile, Ushijima is just glaring, his arms crossed over his chest
“I’d maybe leave before Ushiwaka throws another ball at you,” Yamagata adds
Oikawa rubs his head, standing tall as a smirk appears on his face
“I was just helping your beautiful manager out,” he said as Ushiwaka glared
You 👉🏻 I’m fine but thanks Oikawa 😁✌🏻
Oikawa 👉🏻👁️👄👁️ oh ok…
He walks away as Ushiwaka continues to glare
“YN are you ok?” Goshiki asks in a panic as you prepare lunches
You 👉🏻 I’m fine 😐
“Are you sure you’re ok?” Shirabu asks
You 👉🏻 it’s Oikawa guys, he’s literally harmless
Then, suddenly Ushiwaka comes next to you, giving you an approving head pat
“Thanks for being the best manager YN,” he says as you beam
“Well that went well didn’t it?” Watari said as Oikawa made his way back to the team
“You should have know better loserkawa,” Iwa said, rolling his eyes
“I wouldn’t have expected you to know what it’s like to ask a girl like that out Iwa!” Oikawa spat back before quickly covering his mouth
“What did you say to me?!?” Iwa 🔥👄🔥
Oikawa 👉🏻🥲
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flowery-laser-blasts · 2 months ago
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After years of struggling with my hair I finally know how to manage it LOL.
Turns out all I needed was a good styling tips from my barber and after shower a satinbonnet... Mostly the satinbonnet 😳.
I don't know what kind of magic it holds, but my hair is super shiny and curly since that thing.
I feel like I've transformed from a disorientated bat into a classy vampire 😌🤚🏻💖
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hasello · 4 months ago
I CANT FIND IT but i saw this one tiktok (the ones where they voice over tumblr/reddit stories) about this guy who tripped over these 2 girls were laying on the beach at night
Basically it went like this:
Guy: im so sorry for interrupting your date
Girl 1: oh this isnt a date we are just friends, thanks for assumeing tho cause we are both gay
Guy, turns to girl 2: whats your name?
2: heather
Guy: heather, im sorry shes too much of an idiot to realize you asked her on a date
2: what? Heather what does he mean!? Is this a date!? Heather!?!?!
Anyways your part 2 sketch to the leosagi comic made me think of that. Poor Usagi had to have someone spell it out for him 😔
AHAHAHA YEAH, this is exactly their dynamic 😭🤚🏻 Usagi might be confused but he’s got the spirit!
also I guess - even if by accident, he’s very romantic 😌 the flowers didn’t become a present on their own after all! it’s like his brain knows what to do, even tho he himself doesn’t 💀
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sweettu1ips · 1 year ago
honest question..
If I were to create/write a whole series about super actress!reader who has practically starred in a bunch of AMAZING cinematic films(tv shows)…
However, her main focus right now is “HG: The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes”, and “Saltburn”…
Who exactly would you guys want to be end game??
-Tom Blyth: (Best friends to Lover trope/ slow burn-ish) best friends through out filming, becomes official throughout press tours. Has a sense of insecurity when reader begins filming alongside Jacob Elordi (her known ex-partner) for Saltburn— however she is quick to assure her lover with an infinity of promises.
-Jacob Elordi: (Second chance lovers/ slow burn) dated for a whole year while filming euphoria, but mutually ended their relationship. Remained good friends. Rumors begin to stir between reader and Tom Blyth, leading to a nasty truth(and a breakup)— Jacob Elordi jumps at the chance to win her heart back and mend what’s never been broken.
personally, I’m team Blyth. but I love Jacob just as equally. 😌🤚🏻
……. Also I’d imagine this to be a fairly long series considering the timeline of each film— as well as the chemistry build between the two dynamics.
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slowestlap · 2 years ago
The evil has been defeated! 🛑🤚🏻 Today, July 8th 2023 marks a one year anniversary of the last time Max Verstappen was seen wearing a cap with a flat brim [x] [x]
The era (1997-2022) will be remembered fondly but not greatly missed. Here's hoping we will get to see another fashion choice change in about next two decades 😌🤞🏻
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fortheturnstiles · 8 months ago
Little red rider, 🚂 ride on the railroad 🛤️There she goes ➡️ Little red rider, ride on the railroad 🚂🛤️ Wave goodbye 👋🏻 So long sunshine, ☀️😢 ride away I know you'll come back 🤚🏻 someday And relax my mind 🧘🏻😌 Little Miss Red's asleep 😴🛏️ on the railroad 🚞 There she goes 😿 Little Miss Red's 💋 asleep 🥱💤 on the railroad 🛤️ No one knows 🤷🏻‍♂️ That little Miss Red 💃🏻 is little Miss Blue 😨🌀 And she looks 👀 a lot like you 🫵 around the eyes 👁️ Nobody was home ❌🏠 in time ⏰ Oh, nobody 🫥 was home 🏠 in time ⏱️ Nobody was home in the time 🤷🏻‍♂️🏡 I called home ☎️ Somebody said they all had drowned 🌊😣🪦 Bye bye, sweet miss, give me one kiss💏 And then I'll go 👉🚶🏻‍♂️‍➡️ Bye bye, 👋🏻 sweet miss, 👩 give me one kiss 💋 Don't let it show 🙂‍↔️✋🏻 Then turn ↪️ your brown eyes 👁️ to the wall Was that message there before? 📝🤔You were so wise 😇 Bye bye, sweet miss, 👋🏻❤️👩 give me one kiss 😚💋 And then I'll go 🚶🏻‍♂️‍➡️ Bye bye, sweet miss, give me one kiss 😘 Don't let it show 🙈 Then turn your brown eyes 👁️👁️ to the wall Was that message there before? 🤨❔You were so wise 😌🧠
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