olivers-cocoapuffs · 1 year
Barty: *giggles*
James: what’s so funny?
Barty: sorry, the voices just made a joke
James: what voices?
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Throwback Thursday 📻
Street Kings
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mrsgaryrennell · 5 months
Remember when Gary said he wasn’t the jealous type
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Gary later in the game 🤡
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i4219s · 2 years
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[🛫] : voyages et amours.
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nesrinslittleworld · 4 months
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isoobie · 4 months
happy birthday liz @junityy my cutie 🙈
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hioyourluv · 1 month
I was talking about the maze runner with my mom and she asked me if newt really has a limp in the movies and I tried to defend WITH MY LIFE he HAS A LIMP 😭
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anastcie · 1 year
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quero agradecer muito pelos 2k de seguidores, gente. sério mesmo, muito obrigada. eu sei que estou em falta com locks agora, eu sei. ultimamente eu ando passando por algumas coisas e também estou me esforçando bastante no colégio e quase não tenho tempo. mesmo assim fico feliz em saber que ainda há pessoas que gostam das locks que eu faço. por isso eu quero agradecer novamente. ❤️‍🩹
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arathergrimreaper · 2 months
Kay, so...
I'm taking a break from this Tumblr. Like, a long break. Idk when I'll return. Maybe after November, maybe sooner. Things are getting super complicated in meat space and I need to focus on that for a while so I don't end up homeless or dead in the near future. Plus, I'm doing my first real master study next month and starting a new diet so...lot of other things to focus on including recovery from seeing blood family out of state (my first flight since before 9/11. blease take us back to before these extra security measures, we'll be good, i prommy).
I fully expect this place to have hot, new memes I don't fucking get and a bunch more drama and misinformation to dodge when I return but I...need time away from all that now. To get my life in order and figure out how to run a business, essentially. Or...several, I guess? Doesn't matter. All y'all need to know is I won't be active on here for a hot minute. Likely two minutes. Idk. It doesn't really matter since only five people are going to probably see this anyway. Pretty sure the majority of blogs that follow me are bots.
Good luck, godspeed, and if we never meet again in this life?
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depths-of-misery · 4 months
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yaoified my ocs
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hwanchaesong · 4 months
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me to @park jongseong 🤧 or i can ride him, whatever he wants i obey tf i look like ? 🛐
and ni-ki's au will be up, imma just have a short rest bc i just got back home from the hospital (i fcking hate it theree. never again smh)
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spookylightwhispers · 8 months
stores here should stop selling sweaters because the temptation to buy is so strong, so strong, they look so comfy and cute and comfy, comfy and then you give in to the temptation and you buy it and then you delude yourself into thinking you can wear it and then you actually wear it and you spend the entire day internally crying because now you're just a soggy bag of sweat and you know what this isn't comfy anymore and you just want to teleport home and change into a plain, thin t-shirt because these comfy, comfy, cute little sweaters are not meant for this tropical, humid city jungle and then you go through the whole cycle once more
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7hyein · 1 year
hm, it says the moodboard is nowhere to be found! i can't find it on your page either! but thank you anyways for making it!
- stellarz ☆★
ah really? i sincerely apologize for that. i think you can scroll down for a bit then you'll see the moodboard.
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swaggypsyduck · 1 year
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the ask box for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you! get to know your mutuals and followers 🥰❤️
heyyyyyy jess!!
oohh ive done one of these so i think my answers might be the same but maybe there's changes?? idk. well at least these r the things that make me happy as of rn:
1. food. i looooove a sweet lil treat as a pick me up. i am not immune to treating myself for the smallest things. my go to is an iced capp.
2. napping. the most beautiful and amazing thing rn. like just lazing around in the sunny spot on my floor w a pillow. that hits the spot.
3. my family. rn my mom and dad have been sending pics of their trip and im so happy they remember things i like to take pics of. like they'll see a weird flower or cats lounging places and stop everyone else to take a pic bc "ray needs to see this!"
4. here's a new one! i love when ppl bounce their ideas off on me. like you, k, or karo and em coming to me like "i have an idea!" and yall just gotta imagine me looking like this every single time u do.
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5. transit. i love public transportation and people watching while i have my headphones w music on. especially w my class times it's relatively empty now so i get to people watch w out any real disturbances
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caramelcuppaccino · 2 years
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hoshanti · 2 years
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